HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Recycled Water - Plan Review Application https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engpublicservices/Shared Documents/Public Services New/Webpage/PLAN CHECKS/RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS, ONSITE RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM/Recycled Water Plan Review Application - 2024.docx Otay Water District | Public Services Division | (619) 670-2241 | 2554 Sweetwater Springs Blvd | Spring Valley, CA 91978-2004 pscounter@otaywater.gov RECYCLED WATER PLAN REVIEW REQUEST APPLICATION APPLICATION PACKAGE: 1. $5,295 Deposit made payable to Otay Water District (includes $2,295 for County Of San Diego Plan Review Services at 5 Hours) 2. Full Electronic Plan Review submittal package to pscounter@otaywater.gov a. County Of San Diego DEH Plan Check Application b. Completed Plan Review Check List c. Proposed recycled water plan d. First submittal drawings e. Grading Plan REQUIREMENTS FOR PLAN APPROVAL: Plan Approval: Prior to plan approval, the District must collect an inspection deposit for the project. The District may invoice the inspection deposit at the time of second plan review. Title 22 Engineering Report fee: shall be determined during plan review or may be requested by the County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health OWNER INFORMATION Parcel Owner Name: Contact Name: Contact E-Mail Address: Company Address: City: State: ZIP Code: Phone: Fax: Cellular: *ADDITIONAL SERVICES BILL TO (check one): OWNER APPLICANT *ALL REFUNDS SHALL BE SENT TO THE PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT INFORMATION Company Name: Contact Name: Contact E-Mail Address: Company Address: City: State: ZIP Code: Phone: Fax: Cellular: PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Assessor Parcel Number (APN): Project Address: City: State: ZIP Code: Project Value: $ Please provide your architects estimate for the complete irrigation system installation. Signature of Applicant: Date: