HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnexations - Inside and Outside District Boundary Otay Water District Annexation Process Page | 1 of 3 https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engpublicservices/Shared Documents/Public Services New/Webpage/Annexations_De- Annexations/OWD Annexation Process - 2024.docx Otay Water District, Public Services 2554 Sweetwater Springs Blvd Spring Valley, CA 91978-2004 Phone: 619) 670-2241 pscounter@otaywater.gov 1. Outside District Boundary a. The owner must verify with the Otay Water District regarding the proposed annexation. b. The owner of the proposed project must contact San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO); 9335 Hazard Way, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: (858) 614-7755 FAX: (858) 614-7766 http://www.sdlafco.org/ c. After LAFCO approves the Change of Organization for Annexation to the District, the owner of the proposed project may then proceed as outlined below. 2. Inside District Boundary a. The owner of the proposed project must submit in letter a request for annexation of the parcels into the Otay Water District and/or Improvement District. The written request and map must be digitally submitted to pscounter@otaywater.gov or addressed to: Attention: Engineering Public Services Otay Water District 2554 Sweetwater Springs Blvd. Spring Valley, CA 91978-2004 b. The request must include the following information:  Name of project & project number  Developer name or property owner’s address & phone number.  Assessor Parcel Number(s) (APN) of project  Total Acreage of project  A San Diego County Assessor recordable map described in Assessor Recorder County Clerk instruction via their webpage: https://arcc.sdcounty.ca.gov/Pages/document-format.aspx Maps shall bear the signature and seal or stamp of a land surveyor or civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying and the date of signing and sealing or stamping.  A digital map shall also be included and shall conform to the digital map requirements described in California Government Code Sections 54900 through 54903  A written geographic description of the area to be annexed according to the requirements described in California Government Code Sections 54900 through 54903 Otay Water District Annexation Process Page | 2 of 3 https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engpublicservices/Shared Documents/Public Services New/Webpage/Annexations_De- Annexations/OWD Annexation Process - 2024.docx Otay Water District, Public Services 2554 Sweetwater Springs Blvd Spring Valley, CA 91978-2004 Phone: 619) 670-2241 pscounter@otaywater.gov The written geographic description of the area to be annexed shall bear the signature and seal or stamp of a land surveyor or civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying and the date of signing and sealing or stamping.  Proof of Ownership The written request and map will be reviewed for completeness by the Engineering Public Services Department and then forwarded to various departments for processing including the following Departments: Engineering, Surveying, Finance and General Manager. 3. All necessary fees and completed paperwork should be returned by the owner to the Engineering Public Services Department for approval and processing of the annexation request. Public Services can be contacted at (619) 670-2241 or visit the website at www.otaywater.gov for the current District Processing Fee due at the time of petition and for current fees due at the time of connection. a. Current Administrative fees are due at petition:  District Processing Fee b. Current fees due at permitting:  Sewer Annexation Fee  One of the Capacity Fees accordingly:  Sewer Capacity Fee (Within Sewer ID)  Sewer Capacity Fee (Outside Sewer ID)  All Fees for wet taps and Capacity will be quoted prior to payment.  See current fees & deposits via the Otay Water District webpage, https://otaywater.gov/engineering-services/public-services/ c. Current links for Annexation fees for member organizations:  California State Board of Equalization: Change of Jurisdictional Boundary Requirements for Statements, Geographic Descriptions, Maps and Fees Sections 54900 through 54903, Government Code August 1, 2005 BOE-400-TA, Statement of Boundary Change  San Diego LAFCO: Change of Organization Form  San Diego County Water Authority: Annexation Packet provided by Otay Water District upon request  Metropolitan Water District: The Metropolitan Water District Administrative Code Otay Water District Annexation Process Page | 3 of 3 https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engpublicservices/Shared Documents/Public Services New/Webpage/Annexations_De- Annexations/OWD Annexation Process - 2024.docx Otay Water District, Public Services 2554 Sweetwater Springs Blvd Spring Valley, CA 91978-2004 Phone: 619) 670-2241 pscounter@otaywater.gov  County Of San Diego Assessor Recorder County Clerk https://arcc.sdcounty.ca.gov/Pages/document-format.aspx 4. The request for annexation is scheduled for review by a Committee of the Board of Directors and for consideration for approval at a Board of Directors meeting. 5. The District Secretary will notify the applicant in writing upon the approval of the annexation request by the District’s Board of Directors.