HomeMy WebLinkAbout1. Temporary Water Meter - Application (Form A)https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engpublicservices/Shared Documents/Public Services New/Webpage/TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION METERS/FORM A Temporary Meter Request Application 2024.docx TEMPORARY METER REQUEST APPLICATION APPLICATION PACKAGE: DEPOSIT REQUIRED: 1. Application - Form A 2. Owner Authorization - Form B  Must be signed by property owner 3. Uses & Procedures – Form C or C1  Must be signed by financially responsible party 4. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO FIVE BUSINESS DAYS FOR METER SET. 5. Submit Application to pscounter@otaywater.gov  Standard Temp Meter w/backflow $2,685  Not for use with drop tanks  The “standard size” meter provided by the District is a 3” meter that is reduced down to 2 ½ inches and includes a backflow device. This unrestricted meter configuration provides flow at the low end of a standard 4 inch potable meter.  Standard Temp Meter for Tank Truck Use $1,000  Not for earth grading purposes  4” Temp Meter $1,986  6” Temp Meter $2,465  Project to provide backflow if required No temporary meter shall be hard plumbed without a District approved and certified backflow device OWNER INFORMATION Company Name: Contact Name: Contact E-Mail Address: Company Address: City: State: ZIP Code: Phone: Fax: Cellular: *Who is financially responsible for payment of the monthly water bill? (check one) OWNER APPLICANT *ALL REFUNDS SHALL BE SENT TO THE RESPONSIBLE BILLING PARTY AFTER TEMPORARY METER HAS BEEN PULLED AND BILLING ACCOUNT CLOSED INITIALS *A Temporary water meter billing account will be opened and refunded to the responsible billing party as it appears on the Temporary Water Meter Request Application (Form A). The temporary water meter billing account will be applied the following billing rates and charges for 4” or greater; MONTHLY MWD & CWA FIXED SYSTEM CHARGES, ENERGY CHARGES, POTABLE TEMPORARY AND CONSTRUCTION WATER RATES OR RECYCLED TEMPORARY AND CONSTRUCTION WATER RATES, TEMPORARY METER INSTALL & REMOVAL. Code Of Ordinances - Section(s): 25, 31, Appendix A Meter Purpose: Meter Size: APPLICANT INFORMATION Company Name: Contact Name: Contact E-Mail Address: Company Address: City: State: ZIP Code: Phone: Fax: Cellular: PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Project Number: Project Address: Meter Rating Information Size GPM Standard 300-350 4" 800 6" 1,600 City: State: ZIP Code: Assessor Parcel Number (APN): Signature of Applicant: Date: Otay Water District, Public Services Division 2554 Sweetwater Springs Blvd Spring Valley, CA 91978-2004 pscounter@otaywater.gov