HomeMy WebLinkAboutPipeline 03 - Summer 2014T H E O T A Y WA TER DISTRICT • P R OUDLY SERVING E A ST C OUNT Y A ND TH E S OUTH B A Y SINC E 1956 A NE W SLE T T E R FOR CUS T O M E R S OF T HE OTAY W A TER DISTRICT FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT CALL 619.670.2222 OR GO TO WWW.OTAYWATER.GOV The Pipeline Newsletter is published quarterly by the Otay Water District and can also be found online at www.otaywater.gov. Copyright © 2014 Otay Water District. All rights reserved. SUMMER 2014 FOLLOW OTAY WATER ON... / SIGA AL DISTRITO DE AGUA DE OTAY EN... WHEN IN DROUGHT: Save Water Every Day, Every Way With the continuing drought and warm summertime temperatures, it is more important now than ever for residents and businesses to take additional steps to conserve the region’s most precious natural resource. This is the goal behind the campaign “When in Drought: Save Every Day, Every Way,” launched by the water agencies serving San Diego County. Most residents are aware of the statewide drought and have taken some action to reduce their water use, according to public opinion polling. The research also shows that many people think they can do more to save water in light of the drought. Otay Water District customers have already made large gains to boost water-use efficiency in recent years, but as water supplies are stretched thin across California, it is important for each of us to conserve more in case dry conditions continue into 2015. When in drought, we need to look for every way to save. In response to calls from the governor and the State Water Resources Control Board, Otay and other Southern California water agencies have declared a Level II Supply Alert for our region and mandatory conservation measures are now in effect. These include: • Irrigate no more than 3 days per week, 15 minutes per station (does not apply to landscape irrigation systems using water-efficient devices, or recycled water) • Repair all leaks within 48 hours • No washing of paved surfaces except when necessary to alleviate health and safety hazards • Use hoses with automatic shut-off valves to wash cars San Diego County is not expected to experience water supply shortages this year because of regional investments of more than $2 billion in large scale water supply infrastructure, local water supply development projects and regional water conservation efforts. For instance, the widespread adoption of water-use efficiency practices has helped Otay customers reduce their per capita water use by 30 percent between 2007 and 2013, exceeding state-mandated water- use efficiency targets of 20 percent by 2020. Despite these efforts, additional conservation measures are now being required because water saved this year will be available and could help avert potential shortages in 2015. Otay wants to thank its customers for their support of water conservation. We also encourage you to take advantage of the rebates, incentives and resources we have available to help you save water every day and in every way. For details, go to WaterSmartSD.org ¡ESTAMOS EN SEQUÍA, AHORRE AGUA CADA DÍA! Ante la persistente sequía y las altas temperaturas veraniegas, es importante más que nunca que los residentes y los negocios adopten medidas adicionales para conservar el recurso natural más precioso de la región. Esta es la meta de la campaña “Estamos en sequía, ahorre cada día” que lanzaron las diversas agencias de agua que dan servicio al Condado de San Diego. De acuerdo con una encuesta de opinión pública, la mayoría de los residentes tienen conocimiento de la sequía por la que atraviesa el estado por lo que adoptaron medidas para reducir su propio consumo de agua. La encuesta también arrojó que muchas personas piensan que pueden hacer un esfuerzo adicional para ahorrar más agua a raíz de la sequía. En los últimos años, los clientes del Distrito de Agua de Otay han tenido grandes logros en el uso eficiente del agua, sin embargo, debido a la reducción de las reservas de este vital líquido a lo largo del Estado de California, es muy importante que cada uno de nosotros conservemos más en caso de que continúe la sequía en el año 2015. Cuando hay sequía, necesitamos buscar todas las alternativas que nos permitan ahorrar más agua. En respuesta a la solicitud del gobernador y del Consejo Estatal para el Control de Recursos Hidraúlicos, Otay y otras agencias de agua del sureste de California han declarado para nuestra región Condición de Alerta de Sequía Nivel 2 por escasez en el suministro de Agua por lo que las medidas de conservación obligatorias entran en vigor de inmediato. Estas medidas incluyen: • El riego de jardines queda limitado a 3 días a la semana, 15 minutos por estación (esto no aplica a los sistemas de irrigación que utilizan equipos de uso eficiente de agua o agua reciclada). • La reparación de todas las fugas de agua se tienen que realizar en un tiempo máximo de 48 horas. • No lave las áreas pavimentadas a menos que sea necesario para prevenir riesgos relacionados con la salud y la seguridad. • Utilice mangueras con válvulas de cierre automático para lavar los carros. Este año no se prevé que el Condado de San Diego va a padecer escasez de agua debido a inversiones que se han realizado por más de 2 mil millones de dólares a nivel regional tanto en infraestructura de suministro de agua a gran escala como en proyectos de desarrollo de suministro de agua a nivel local y otros esfuerzos regionales de conservación del vital líquido. Por ejemplo, la implementación generalizada de prácticas de uso eficiente del agua ha ayudado a los clientes de Otay a reducir su consumo de agua per cápita hasta en un 30 por ciento entre el 2007 y 2013 excediendo las metas de uso eficiente del agua del 20 por ciento para el 2020 que fueron impuestas por el estado. A pesar de estos esfuerzos, en este momento se requieren medidas adicionales de conservación que ayudarán a prevenir su escasez en el futuro, es decir, el agua que ahorremos este año la tendremos disponible en el 2015. Otay quiere agradecer a sus clientes el apoyo que han dado a los programas de conservación de agua. También queremos invitarlo a aprovechar los reembolsos, incentivos y recursos que tenemos disponibles para ayudarle a ahorrar agua cada día. Para mayor información, ingrese en WaterSmartSD.org LEVEL 4 - SUPPLYEMERGENCY LEVEL 2 - SUPPLYALERT LEVEL 1 - SUPPLYWATCH LEVEL 3 - SUPPLYCRITICAL Voluntary measures to stop waste. Repair leaks promptly. Wash cars with a bucket and shut-off nozzle. Mandatory water use restrictions.Irrigate no more than 3 days per week, 15 minutes per station. No washing of paved surfaces. No new construction, annexations or development. Strict limits on water used for irrigation and non-public health purposes. Stop all landscape irrigation. No new construction, annexations or development. Otay Water District SUPPLY STATUS SEQUIA – NIVEL 4ESTADO DE EMERGENCIA SEQUIA – NIVEL 2ESTADO DE ALERTA SEQUIA – NIVEL 1ESTADO DE VIGILANCIA SEQUIA – NIVEL 3ESTADO CRITICO Medidas voluntarias para detener los residuos. Reparar las fugas rapidamente. Lavar su auto con una cubeta y una manguera con boquilla de cierre automático. Restricciones obligatorias del uso del agua. El riego de jardines queda limitado a 3 días a la semana, 15 minutos por estación. No se permit e lavar las áreas pavimentadas. Ninguna construccion de anexos o desarrollos nuevos. Limites estrictos de la cantidad de agua utilizada para el riego y otros usos que no incluyen proyectos de salud pública. Alto al riego de jardines Ninguna construccion de anexos o desarrollos nuevos. Distrito de agua de OtayEstado del Suministro de Agua Otay Water District has Declared a Level 2 Supply Alert for its Service Area Otay Water District thanks its customers for conserving water, reducing waste, and their support for investments in new water supplies. DESPITE THESE EFFORTS, CONSERVATION MEASURES ARE NOW MANDATORY. El Distrito de Agua de Otay declaró en su área de servicio, Condición de Alerta de Sequía Nivel 2 por escasez en el suministro de agua. El Distrito de Agua de Otay agradece a sus clientes por conservar agua, reducir el desperdicio y apoyar inversiones enfocadas en nuevos suministros de agua. A PESAR DE ESTOS ESFUERZOS, LAS MEDIDAS DE CONSERVACIÓN DE AGUA SON OBLIGATORIAS. OTAY WATER DISTRICT – Board of Directors The Board of Directors meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 3:30 pm in the Board meeting room. The public is encouraged to attend at 2554 Sweetwater Spring Bvd., Spring Valley, CA. PresidentJose Lopez, Division 4jlopez@otaywater.gov Vice PresidentDavid Gonzalez, Division 1dgonzalez@otaywater.gov Treasurer Mitch Thompson, Division 2mthompson@otaywater.gov Board MemberGary Croucher, Division 3gcroucher@otaywater.gov Board MemberMark Robak, Division 5OtayWater@cox.net For more class information and prices visit www.thegarden.org Saturday, Sept. 13th, 10:00am - 12 noon Hillside Gardening Yes, you can have a lovely garden on a hillside! Professional landscape designer Connie Beck teaches you the tricks of planting on a slope. Members FREE, $10 Non-Members Saturday, Sept. 20th, 10:00am - 12 noon Firescaping with Native Plants Learn fire-wise landscaping essentials using native plants with landscape designer and gardening book author, Greg Rubin. This important presentation explores native plant choices, proper plant placement, and native plant care. Members FREE, $10 Non-Members Every Saturday at 10:30am FREE Garden Tours Tour the lush, charming, and water-wise Garden with a knowledgeable docent to hear what makes the garden special. Be inspired to create a water-wise landscape of your own. Every Third Sunday at 10:30am FREE Special Access Tour Have trouble navigating the terrain of The Garden? Explore The Garden from the comfortable Verbeck Shuttle with a Garden Docent. This tour seats only 4-5 people. Advanced reservations required. Call 619-660-0614 x16. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN CONSULTATIONS Spend 45 minutes one-on-one with a professional landscape designer and leave with a basic design plan and list of suggested plants for your own drought tolerant landscape. Bring a photo of your house, a list of areas you want to re-design, the dimensions of the space, and photos of design styles you love. Call 619-660-0614 x10 for appointment availability, designer information and reservations. Members $60, Non-Members $75 TURF REBATES AVAILABLE Are you looking for ways to reduce your water bill by replacing irrigated turf grass? Turf replacement rebates are available when replacing live irrigated turf with water smart, non-invasive plants. Artificial turf and other permeable surfaces can also qualify. The rebate programs are being offered by the wholesale water agencies serving San Diego County. These programs include: Water Smart Plants • The San Diego County Water Authority’s (SDCWA) Turf Replacement Rebate Program gives a $1.50 per square-foot rebate when replacing live irrigated grass in front yards with low water use, non-invasive plants. Call (866)685-2322 for other qualifying standards or visit turfreplacement.watersmartsd.org for an application. Artificial Turf, Permeable Surfaces & Water Smart Plants • The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s (MWD) Turf Removal Program gives rebate amounts starting at $2.00 per square-foot when converting existing live turf to a low water use alternative. This includes artificial or synthetic turf and other permeable surfaces. Rebates from SDCWA and MWD may even be combined increasing the amount of the rebate up to $3.50 per square-foot. Please review each wholesale water agency’s qualifying standards. The rebates listed are subject to change or termination by the wholesale water agencies at any time, please call (888)376-3314 or visit www.SoCalWaterSmart.com for confirmation of available rebates. TO A P P L Y FREE WATERSMART CHECKUPS Control Your Irrigation Costs to Save More Water and Money! Otay Water District is offering a limited number of free WaterSmart Checkups to customers. The WaterSmart Checkup is an opportunity to receive site-specific water saving recommendations from a professional, certified irrigation specialist. step 1 Complete an easy application at watersmartcheckup.org step 2 Mission Resource Conservation District will schedule a site walk-through inspection for approved applicants You will then receive written observations, recommendations, and if applicable, test results as well as tips to help you prepare for seasonal irrigation changes. You choose what actions to implement and when. There’s no obligation. Although water-savings vary by property, you may save up to 20 percent or more. Start saving more water today! WaterSmart Checkups are available for commercial, multifamily, industrial, public and single- family properties. Single-family home checkups also include recommendations to increase indoor water-use efficiency. The FREE WaterSmart Checkups are limited so don’t delay. To apply, visit watersmartcheckup.org or call (866) 883-1332. SAVE MORE WATER & MONEY Are you concerned about the statewide drought, looking for ways to reduce your water bill or more ways to use water wisely? Rebates are available for many homes or businesses to help you use water more efficiently. Rebates include: • $165 for high efficiency clothes washers • $95 for high efficiency toilets • Up to $140 for a “Smart” or weather-based irrigation controllers (less than one irrigated acre) or $25 per irrigation station (for residential sites of 1+ acres) • $4 per head for rotating sprinkler nozzles • $75 for rain barrels (up to 4) • $80 for rain sensor attachments to irrigation controllers The rebates listed are subject to change or termination at any time, please call (888)376-3314 or visit www.SoCalWaterSmart.com for confirmation of available rebates. Please visit www.socalwatersmart.com to download an application to receive rebates for high efficiency clothes washers, high efficiency toilets, rain barrels, rain sensors, rotating sprinkler nozzles and “smart” controllers. STATE WATER BOARD APPROVES EMERGENCY REGULATION TO ENSURE URBAN AREAS INCREASE WATER CONSERVATION In response to the ongoing drought, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) recently approved an emergency regulation to ensure water agencies, their customers and all state residents increase water conservation in urban areas. The SWRCB also adopted regulations allowing local suppliers to impose fines or conduct other enforcement actions. The SWRCB conservation requirement is intended to reduce urban water use and includes mandated minimum actions to stretch water supplies for both this year and into 2015. The SWRCB notes that most urban water customers use more water outdoors than indoors. Typically, 50 percent or more of daily water use is for lawns and outdoor landscaping. As a result, the emergency regulations are primarily targeted at conserving this water. With this regulation, all Californians will be expected to stop: washing down driveways and sidewalks; watering of outdoor landscapes that cause excess runoff; using a hose to wash a motor vehicle, unless the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle, and using potable water in a fountain or decorative water feature, unless the water is recirculated. The regulation makes an exception for health and safety circumstances. SWRCB also authorized local agencies to fine water users up to $500 a day for failure to implement conservation measures. Otay is not contemplating imposing fines on its customers at this time. Otay customers have responded to earlier calls for water conservation and have reduced usage by 30 percent between 2007 and 2013. For more information on the proposals leading to this SWRBC action, please visit the Emergency Water Conservation website. To learn more about Governor Brown’s call on all Californians to reduce their water use by 20 percent, prevent water waste or to learn more about how California is dealing with the effects of the drought visit Drought.CA.Gov. Find out how everyone can do their part by visiting SaveOurH2O.org. OTAY WATER DISTRICT – Board of Directors The Board of Directors meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 3:30 pm in the Board meeting room. The public is encouraged to attend at 2554 Sweetwater Spring Bvd., Spring Valley, CA. PresidentJose Lopez, Division 4jlopez@otaywater.gov Vice PresidentDavid Gonzalez, Division 1dgonzalez@otaywater.gov Treasurer Mitch Thompson, Division 2mthompson@otaywater.gov Board MemberGary Croucher, Division 3gcroucher@otaywater.gov Board MemberMark Robak, Division 5OtayWater@cox.net For more class information and prices visit www.thegarden.org Saturday, Sept. 13th, 10:00am - 12 noon Hillside Gardening Yes, you can have a lovely garden on a hillside! Professional landscape designer Connie Beck teaches you the tricks of planting on a slope. Members FREE, $10 Non-Members Saturday, Sept. 20th, 10:00am - 12 noon Firescaping with Native Plants Learn fire-wise landscaping essentials using native plants with landscape designer and gardening book author, Greg Rubin. This important presentation explores native plant choices, proper plant placement, and native plant care. Members FREE, $10 Non-Members Every Saturday at 10:30am FREE Garden Tours Tour the lush, charming, and water-wise Garden with a knowledgeable docent to hear what makes the garden special. Be inspired to create a water-wise landscape of your own. Every Third Sunday at 10:30am FREE Special Access Tour Have trouble navigating the terrain of The Garden? Explore The Garden from the comfortable Verbeck Shuttle with a Garden Docent. This tour seats only 4-5 people. Advanced reservations required. Call 619-660-0614 x16. PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN CONSULTATIONS Spend 45 minutes one-on-one with a professional landscape designer and leave with a basic design plan and list of suggested plants for your own drought tolerant landscape. Bring a photo of your house, a list of areas you want to re-design, the dimensions of the space, and photos of design styles you love. Call 619-660-0614 x10 for appointment availability, designer information and reservations. Members $60, Non-Members $75 TURF REBATES AVAILABLE Are you looking for ways to reduce your water bill by replacing irrigated turf grass? Turf replacement rebates are available when replacing live irrigated turf with water smart, non-invasive plants. Artificial turf and other permeable surfaces can also qualify. The rebate programs are being offered by the wholesale water agencies serving San Diego County. These programs include: Water Smart Plants • The San Diego County Water Authority’s (SDCWA) Turf Replacement Rebate Program gives a $1.50 per square-foot rebate when replacing live irrigated grass in front yards with low water use, non-invasive plants. Call (866)685-2322 for other qualifying standards or visit turfreplacement.watersmartsd.org for an application. Artificial Turf, Permeable Surfaces & Water Smart Plants • The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s (MWD) Turf Removal Program gives rebate amounts starting at $2.00 per square-foot when converting existing live turf to a low water use alternative. This includes artificial or synthetic turf and other permeable surfaces. Rebates from SDCWA and MWD may even be combined increasing the amount of the rebate up to $3.50 per square-foot. Please review each wholesale water agency’s qualifying standards. The rebates listed are subject to change or termination by the wholesale water agencies at any time, please call (888)376-3314 or visit www.SoCalWaterSmart.com for confirmation of available rebates. TO A P P L Y FREE WATERSMART CHECKUPS Control Your Irrigation Costs to Save More Water and Money! Otay Water District is offering a limited number of free WaterSmart Checkups to customers. The WaterSmart Checkup is an opportunity to receive site-specific water saving recommendations from a professional, certified irrigation specialist. step 1 Complete an easy application at watersmartcheckup.org step 2 Mission Resource Conservation District will schedule a site walk-through inspection for approved applicants You will then receive written observations, recommendations, and if applicable, test results as well as tips to help you prepare for seasonal irrigation changes. You choose what actions to implement and when. There’s no obligation. Although water-savings vary by property, you may save up to 20 percent or more. Start saving more water today! WaterSmart Checkups are available for commercial, multifamily, industrial, public and single- family properties. Single-family home checkups also include recommendations to increase indoor water-use efficiency. The FREE WaterSmart Checkups are limited so don’t delay. To apply, visit watersmartcheckup.org or call (866) 883-1332. SAVE MORE WATER & MONEY Are you concerned about the statewide drought, looking for ways to reduce your water bill or more ways to use water wisely? Rebates are available for many homes or businesses to help you use water more efficiently. Rebates include: • $165 for high efficiency clothes washers • $95 for high efficiency toilets • Up to $140 for a “Smart” or weather-based irrigation controllers (less than one irrigated acre) or $25 per irrigation station (for residential sites of 1+ acres) • $4 per head for rotating sprinkler nozzles • $75 for rain barrels (up to 4) • $80 for rain sensor attachments to irrigation controllers The rebates listed are subject to change or termination at any time, please call (888)376-3314 or visit www.SoCalWaterSmart.com for confirmation of available rebates. Please visit www.socalwatersmart.com to download an application to receive rebates for high efficiency clothes washers, high efficiency toilets, rain barrels, rain sensors, rotating sprinkler nozzles and “smart” controllers. STATE WATER BOARD APPROVES EMERGENCY REGULATION TO ENSURE URBAN AREAS INCREASE WATER CONSERVATION In response to the ongoing drought, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) recently approved an emergency regulation to ensure water agencies, their customers and all state residents increase water conservation in urban areas. The SWRCB also adopted regulations allowing local suppliers to impose fines or conduct other enforcement actions. The SWRCB conservation requirement is intended to reduce urban water use and includes mandated minimum actions to stretch water supplies for both this year and into 2015. The SWRCB notes that most urban water customers use more water outdoors than indoors. Typically, 50 percent or more of daily water use is for lawns and outdoor landscaping. As a result, the emergency regulations are primarily targeted at conserving this water. With this regulation, all Californians will be expected to stop: washing down driveways and sidewalks; watering of outdoor landscapes that cause excess runoff; using a hose to wash a motor vehicle, unless the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle, and using potable water in a fountain or decorative water feature, unless the water is recirculated. The regulation makes an exception for health and safety circumstances. SWRCB also authorized local agencies to fine water users up to $500 a day for failure to implement conservation measures. Otay is not contemplating imposing fines on its customers at this time. Otay customers have responded to earlier calls for water conservation and have reduced usage by 30 percent between 2007 and 2013. For more information on the proposals leading to this SWRBC action, please visit the Emergency Water Conservation website. To learn more about Governor Brown’s call on all Californians to reduce their water use by 20 percent, prevent water waste or to learn more about how California is dealing with the effects of the drought visit Drought.CA.Gov. Find out how everyone can do their part by visiting SaveOurH2O.org. T H E O T AY W A TER DISTRICT • P R OUDL Y SERVING E A ST C OUNT Y A ND TH E S OUTH B AY SINC E 1956 A NE W SLE T T E R FOR CUS T O M E R S OF T HE O TAY WATER DISTRICT FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT CALL 619.670.2222 OR GO TO WWW.OTAYWATER.GOV The Pipeline Newsletter is published quarterly by the Otay Water District and can also be found online at www.otaywater.gov. Copyright © 2014 Otay Water District. All rights reserved. SUMMER 2014 FOLLOW OTAY WATER ON... / SIGA AL DISTRITO DE AGUA DE OTAY EN... WHEN IN DROUGHT: Save Water Every Day, Every Way With the continuing drought and warm summertime temperatures, it is more important now than ever for residents and businesses to take additional steps to conserve the region’s most precious natural resource. This is the goal behind the campaign “When in Drought: Save Every Day, Every Way,” launched by the water agencies serving San Diego County. Most residents are aware of the statewide drought and have taken some action to reduce their water use, according to public opinion polling. The research also shows that many people think they can do more to save water in light of the drought. Otay Water District customers have already made large gains to boost water-use efficiency in recent years, but as water supplies are stretched thin across California, it is important for each of us to conserve more in case dry conditions continue into 2015. When in drought, we need to look for every way to save. In response to calls from the governor and the State Water Resources Control Board, Otay and other Southern California water agencies have declared a Level II Supply Alert for our region and mandatory conservation measures are now in effect. These include: • Irrigate no more than 3 days per week, 15 minutes per station (does not apply to landscape irrigation systems using water-efficient devices, or recycled water) • Repair all leaks within 48 hours • No washing of paved surfaces except when necessary to alleviate health and safety hazards • Use hoses with automatic shut-off valves to wash cars San Diego County is not expected to experience water supply shortages this year because of regional investments of more than $2 billion in large scale water supply infrastructure, local water supply development projects and regional water conservation efforts. For instance, the widespread adoption of water-use efficiency practices has helped Otay customers reduce their per capita water use by 30 percent between 2007 and 2013, exceeding state-mandated water- use efficiency targets of 20 percent by 2020. Despite these efforts, additional conservation measures are now being required because water saved this year will be available and could help avert potential shortages in 2015. Otay wants to thank its customers for their support of water conservation. We also encourage you to take advantage of the rebates, incentives and resources we have available to help you save water every day and in every way. For details, go to WaterSmartSD.org ¡ESTAMOS EN SEQUÍA, AHORRE AGUA CADA DÍA! Ante la persistente sequía y las altas temperaturas veraniegas, es importante más que nunca que los residentes y los negocios adopten medidas adicionales para conservar el recurso natural más precioso de la región. Esta es la meta de la campaña “Estamos en sequía, ahorre cada día” que lanzaron las diversas agencias de agua que dan servicio al Condado de San Diego. De acuerdo con una encuesta de opinión pública, la mayoría de los residentes tienen conocimiento de la sequía por la que atraviesa el estado por lo que adoptaron medidas para reducir su propio consumo de agua. La encuesta también arrojó que muchas personas piensan que pueden hacer un esfuerzo adicional para ahorrar más agua a raíz de la sequía. En los últimos años, los clientes del Distrito de Agua de Otay han tenido grandes logros en el uso eficiente del agua, sin embargo, debido a la reducción de las reservas de este vital líquido a lo largo del Estado de California, es muy importante que cada uno de nosotros conservemos más en caso de que continúe la sequía en el año 2015. Cuando hay sequía, necesitamos buscar todas las alternativas que nos permitan ahorrar más agua. En respuesta a la solicitud del gobernador y del Consejo Estatal para el Control de Recursos Hidraúlicos, Otay y otras agencias de agua del sureste de California han declarado para nuestra región Condición de Alerta de Sequía Nivel 2 por escasez en el suministro de Agua por lo que las medidas de conservación obligatorias entran en vigor de inmediato. Estas medidas incluyen: • El riego de jardines queda limitado a 3 días a la semana, 15 minutos por estación (esto no aplica a los sistemas de irrigación que utilizan equipos de uso eficiente de agua o agua reciclada). • La reparación de todas las fugas de agua se tienen que realizar en un tiempo máximo de 48 horas. • No lave las áreas pavimentadas a menos que sea necesario para prevenir riesgos relacionados con la salud y la seguridad. • Utilice mangueras con válvulas de cierre automático para lavar los carros. Este año no se prevé que el Condado de San Diego va a padecer escasez de agua debido a inversiones que se han realizado por más de 2 mil millones de dólares a nivel regional tanto en infraestructura de suministro de agua a gran escala como en proyectos de desarrollo de suministro de agua a nivel local y otros esfuerzos regionales de conservación del vital líquido. Por ejemplo, la implementación generalizada de prácticas de uso eficiente del agua ha ayudado a los clientes de Otay a reducir su consumo de agua per cápita hasta en un 30 por ciento entre el 2007 y 2013 excediendo las metas de uso eficiente del agua del 20 por ciento para el 2020 que fueron impuestas por el estado. A pesar de estos esfuerzos, en este momento se requieren medidas adicionales de conservación que ayudarán a prevenir su escasez en el futuro, es decir, el agua que ahorremos este año la tendremos disponible en el 2015. Otay quiere agradecer a sus clientes el apoyo que han dado a los programas de conservación de agua. También queremos invitarlo a aprovechar los reembolsos, incentivos y recursos que tenemos disponibles para ayudarle a ahorrar agua cada día. Para mayor información, ingrese en WaterSmartSD.org LEVEL 4 - SUPPLYEMERGENCY LEVEL 2 - SUPPLYALERT LEVEL 1 - SUPPLYWATCH LEVEL 3 - SUPPLYCRITICAL Voluntary measures to stop waste. Repair leaks promptly. Wash cars with a bucket and shut-off nozzle. Mandatory water use restrictions.Irrigate no more than 3 days per week, 15 minutes per station. No washing of paved surfaces. No new construction, annexations or development. Strict limits on water used for irrigation and non-public health purposes. Stop all landscape irrigation. No new construction, annexations or development. Otay Water District SUPPLY STATUS SEQUIA – NIVEL 4ESTADO DE EMERGENCIA SEQUIA – NIVEL 2ESTADO DE ALERTA SEQUIA – NIVEL 1ESTADO DE VIGILANCIA SEQUIA – NIVEL 3ESTADO CRITICO Medidas voluntarias para detener los residuos. Reparar las fugas rapidamente. Lavar su auto con una cubeta y una manguera con boquilla de cierre automático. Restricciones obligatorias del uso del agua. El riego de jardines queda limitado a 3 días a la semana, 15 minutos por estación. No se permit e lavar las áreas pavimentadas. Ninguna construccion de anexos o desarrollos nuevos. Limites estrictos de la cantidad de agua utilizada para el riego y otros usos que no incluyen proyectos de salud pública. Alto al riego de jardines Ninguna construccion de anexos o desarrollos nuevos. Distrito de agua de OtayEstado del Suministro de Agua Otay Water District has Declared a Level 2 Supply Alert for its Service Area Otay Water District thanks its customers for conserving water, reducing waste, and their support for investments in new water supplies. DESPITE THESE EFFORTS, CONSERVATION MEASURES ARE NOW MANDATORY. El Distrito de Agua de Otay declaró en su área de servicio, Condición de Alerta de Sequía Nivel 2 por escasez en el suministro de agua. El Distrito de Agua de Otay agradece a sus clientes por conservar agua, reducir el desperdicio y apoyar inversiones enfocadas en nuevos suministros de agua. A PESAR DE ESTOS ESFUERZOS, LAS MEDIDAS DE CONSERVACIÓN DE AGUA SON OBLIGATORIAS.