HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-18-21 EO&WR Committee Packet 1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT ENGINEERING, OPERATIONS & WATER RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING and SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS BY TELECONFERENCE 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA Board Room WEDNESDAY August 18, 2021 12:00 P.M. This is a District Committee meeting. This meeting is being posted as a special meeting in order to comply with the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54954.2) in the event that a quorum of the Board is present. Items will be deliberated, however, no formal board actions will be taken at this meeting. The committee makes recommendations to the full board for its consideration and formal action. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE COMMITTEE ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE COMMITTEE'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA This meeting is being held via teleconference. Members of the public may submit their comments on agendized and non-agendized items by either of the following two meth- ods: a) No later than a half hour before the start of the meeting, complete and submit a Request to Speak Form. Your request to speak will be acknowledged during the “Public Participation” portion of the meeting when the committee will hear your public comment. When called to speak, please state your Name and the City in which you reside. You will be provided three minutes to speak. OR b) No later than a half hour before the start of the meeting, email your comment to BoardSecretary@otaywater.gov and it will be read aloud during the “Public Par- ticipation” portion of the meeting. Please provide your Name and the City in which you reside, with your comment. Your comment must not take more than three minutes to read. The District’s meeting is live streamed. Information on how to watch and listen to the District’s meeting can be found at this link: https://otaywater.gov/board-of- directors/agenda-and-minutes/committee-meetings/ 2 DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. AWARD A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT TO HAZEN & SAWYER, INC. FOR THE 2022 WATER FACILITIES MASTER PLAN AND PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT UPDATE IN AN AMOUNT NOT- TO-EXCEED $569,785.00 (MARCHIORO) [5 minutes] 4. FOURTH QUARTER OF FISCAL YEAR 2021 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT (LONG) [5 minutes] 5. ADJOURNMENT BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING: Tim Smith, Chair Gary Croucher All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be delib- erated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the Dis- trict’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available by contacting the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to par- ticipate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at 619-670-2253 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on August 13, 2021, I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on August 13, 2021. /s/ Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 1, 2021 SUBMITTED BY: Jeff Marchioro Senior Civil Engineer PROJECT: P1210-021000 DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Bob Kennedy, Engineering Manager Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of a Professional Engineering Services Agreement for the 2022 Water Facilities Master Plan and Program Environmental Impact Report Update to Hazen & Sawyer, Inc. GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award a professional engineering services agreement to Hazen & Sawyer, Inc. (Hazen) and authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with Hazen for the 2022 Water Facilities Master Plan and Program Environmental Impact Report Update in an amount not-to-exceed $569,785. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a professional engineering services agreement with Hazen for the 2022 Water Facilities Master Plan (WFMP) and Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) Update in an amount not-to-exceed $569,785. AGENDA ITEM 3 2 ANALYSIS: The District requires the services of a planning and environmental firm (Consultant) to provide professional engineering and environmental services as part of the District’s 2022 WFMP and PEIR Update (Capital Improvement Plan Number P1210). The previous 2015 WFMP and associated PEIR was approved by the District’s Board of Directors (Board) on January 4, 2017. The purpose of the 2022 WFMP Update is to identify and provide planning and design data for future potable and recycled water capital improvement projects. Planning and design data must include, but not be limited to, population projections, analysis of historical data, land use categorization, hydraulic model construction, facilities sizing criteria, and associated probable cost estimates. Facilities will include supply source, pump stations, storage reservoirs, transmission mains, and distribution piping to meet the projected potable and recycled water market demands of existing and future customers within the jurisdiction and the identified area of influence of the District. The 2022 WFMP and PEIR Update must develop a phased approach to outline the general Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects necessary to meet the projected customer demands at 5-year intervals to the year 2055. In addition, the 2022 WFMP Update requires updating the previous Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) to address environmental impacts for each future CIP project. Pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, the District must prepare a PEIR to obtain approval and formal adoption of the WFMP. The PEIR is an informational document that provides an overview of the projects identified in the WFMP, and their impacts in terms of air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, landform alteration and visual aesthetics, land use and planning, noise, and any other impacts deemed necessary for study. The 2022 WFMP Update scope of work also includes integrating asset management practices to updating the WFMP that will result in a robust, systematic, data driven process. Asset management work may include condition assessment and probability of failure, risk assessment, cost estimates and prioritization of improvements, and other as-needed asset management related tasks. A maximum of $100,000 is projected to be expended for as-needed asset management services. 3 In accordance with the Board of Directors Policy Number 21, a Request for Proposal (RFP) was advertised on May 13, 2021 using Periscope (formerly BidSync), the San Diego Daily Transcript, and the Otay Water District’s website. The advertisements attracted Letters of Interest and Statements of Qualifications from seven (7) consulting firms. A Pre-Proposal Meeting was held on June 3, 2021 via Zoom video online conference, which was attended by six (6) prime consultants. On July 1, 2021, proposals were received from the following two (2) consulting firms: 1. Hazen & Sawyer, Inc. (San Diego, CA) 2. Water Systems Consulting, Inc. (San Diego, CA) Staff contacted firms that submitted letters of interest to inquire as to why they did not propose the Project. A variety of reasons are shown in the table below: CONSULTANT REASON 1. Carollo Engineers, Inc. (San Diego, CA) Uncertain if Carollo could allocate the necessary resources due to possible changes in key staff availability. 2. HDR, Inc. (San Diego, CA) HDR submitted via subconsultant under Water Systems Consulting (WSC) as prime. 3. Jacobs Engineering Group (San Diego, CA) Too busy. Marketing and engineering resources are in extremely high demand regionally. District scoring of fees can be unattractive, especially when busy, since fee score can swing selection process to more of a low bid award than quals based. 4. Murraysmith, Inc. (San Diego, CA) Too busy to keep up with other project work including the District’s Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement Project. 5. Wood Rodgers (San Diego, CA) Too busy and were unable to team with a firm with strong asset management capability. In accordance with the District’s Policy 21, a five-member review panel consisting of District Engineering, IT, and Operations staff evaluated and scored the two (2) written proposals and interviewed both firms via Zoom video online conference on July 27, 2021. The 4 fee scores were added after the written proposal and interviews were scored, and the total score concluded that Hazen had the best approach to the project and provided the best overall value to the District. Hazen has provided similar services to the District in the past as well as to other local agencies and are readily available to provide the services required. A summary of the complete evaluation is shown in Exhibit B. Hazen submitted the Company Background Questionnaire, as required by the RFP, and staff did not find any significant issues. In addition, staff checked their references and performed an internet search on the company. Staff found the references to be excellent and did not find any outstanding issues with the internet search. Hazen currently holds the District’s as-needed asset management and hydraulic modeling professional services agreements. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer As a part of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 operating budget development process, the estimated FY 2022 annual budget for the WFMP Project and as-needed asset management was projected by staff to be a combined $220,000 expenditure ($140,000 for 2022 WFMP Update plus $80,000 for as-needed asset management). The engineering and planning fees for the work is $569,785. Staff expects a $220,000 expenditure for FY 2022. The District’s six-year rate model, as part of the FY 2022 budget, includes the anticipated future years’ expenditures associated with this project through its completion in FY 2024. Based on a review of the budget, staff has determined that the approved FY 2022 and planned FY 2023 combined budgets, it is anticipated to be sufficient to support the WFMP Project. GRANTS/LOANS: Engineering staff researched and explored grants and loans and found none are available for this Project. Staff will continue to pursue alternative funding for this project. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." 5 LEGAL IMPACT: None. JM/BK:jf https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engoperating/Shared Documents/Engineering/P1210 WFMP-PEIR, UWMP & IRP/Water Facilities Master Plan/2022 WFMP Update/Staff Report/09-01-21 Staff Report Consultant Selection for 2022 WFMP Update-BK.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Exhibit B – Summary of Proposal Rankings ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P1210-021000 Award of a Professional Engineering Services Agreement for the 2022 Water Facilities Master Plan and Program Environmental Impact Report Update to Hazen & Sawyer, Inc. COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on August 18, 2021. The Committee supported staff's recommendation. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board. Qualifications of Team Responsiveness and Project Understanding Technical and Management Approach INDIVIDUAL SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN AVERAGE SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN Proposed Fee* Consultant's Commitment to DBE TOTAL - WRITTEN Additional Creativity and Insight Strength of Project Manager Presentation and Communication Skills Responses to Questions INDIVIDUAL TOTAL - ORAL AVERAGE TOTAL ORAL TOTAL SCORE 30 25 30 85 85 15 Y/N 100 15 15 10 10 50 50 150 Poor/Good/ Excellent Jeff Marchioro 24 22 25 71 12 12 7 7 38 Charles Mederos 23 22 25 70 10 12 8 8 38 Michael Long 24 21 26 71 12 13 9 9 43 Lisa Coburn-Boyd 26 21 25 72 11 12 8 7 38 Michael Kerr 24 22 25 71 12 13 8 7 40 Jeff Marchioro 28 24 28 80 13 14 7 8 42 Charles Mederos 26 24 26 76 12 12 9 8 41 Michael Long 27 23 27 77 13 11 8 8 40 Lisa Coburn-Boyd 29 24 29 82 13 13 7 8 41 Michael Kerr 28 24 28 80 14 13 9 8 44 Firm Hazen-Sawyer WSC *Note: Project Manager does not see or consider proposed fee when scoring other categories. The proposed fee is scored by Engineering staff, who is not on Review Panel. Fee $569,785 $604,615 Score 15 1 EXHIBIT B WRITTEN ORAL REFERENCES 15 Hazen-Sawyer/ Harris & Associates 71 80 MAXIMUM POINTS RATES SCORING CHART Summary of Proposal Rankings for 2022 Water Facilities Master Plan and Program Environmental Impact Report Updates 86 39Y Y 42 125 Excellent WSC /HDR / ICF 79 1 122 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 1, 2021 SUBMITTED BY: Michael J. Long Engineering Manager PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Informational Item – Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2021 Capital Improvement Program Report GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To update the Board about the status of all Capital Improvement Program (CIP) expenditures and to highlight significant issues, progress, and milestones on major active construction projects. ANALYSIS: To keep up with growth and to meet our ratepayers' expectations to adequately deliver safe, reliable, cost-effective, and quality water, each year the District staff prepares a Six-Year CIP Plan that identifies the District’s infrastructure needs. The CIP is comprised of four categories consisting of backbone capital facilities, replacement/renewal projects, capital purchases, and developer reimbursement projects. The Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2021 update is intended to provide a detailed analysis of progress in completing these projects within the allotted time and budget of $8.5 million. Expenditures through the AGENDA ITEM 4 2 Fourth Quarter totaled approximately $9.485 million. Approximately 111% of the Fiscal Year 2021 expenditure budget was spent (see Attachment B). FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer No fiscal impact as this is an informational item only. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Program supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." LEGAL IMPACT: None. MJL/RP:jf https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engoperating/Shared Documents/Forms_New/D-Construction/CIP Quarterly Reports/CIP Qtr Reports/FY 2021/Q4/Staff Report/BD 09-01-2021 Staff Report Fourth Quarter FY 2021 CIP Update.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B - Fiscal Year 2021 Fourth Quarter CIP Expenditure Report Attachment C – Presentation ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: VARIOUS Informational Item – Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2021 Capital Improvement Program Report COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on August 18, 2021. The Committee supported staff's recommendation. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item, or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board. FISCAL YEAR 2021 4TH QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 6/30/21) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2021 06/30/21 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2021 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments CAPITAL FACILITY PROJECTS - P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir 0.5 MG Cameron 25$ 64$ (39)$ 256%5,750$ 705$ 5,045$ 12%Preliminary Design started. Construction planned for 2022. P2405 PL - 624/340 PRS, Paseo Ranchero and Otay Valley Road Cameron 25 - 25 0%1,500 - 1,500 0% Design to begin in FY 2022 once final grading is provided by the City of Chula Vista. P2451 Otay Mesa Desalination Conveyance and Disinfection System Kennedy 5 - 5 0%3,968 3,823 145 96% If the project moves forward, the District’s project has completed the environmental review as required by CEQA and NEPA and a Presidential permit was issued. P2453 SR-11 Utility Relocations Marchioro 50 251 (201) 502%3,000 2,243 757 75% Expenditures and schedule driven by Caltrans. Caltrans issued construction contract notice to proceed Q1 FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated for Q2 FY 2022. P2460 I.D. 7 Trestle and Pipeline Demolition Beppler 50 63 (13) 126%750 106 644 14% Environmental documentation preparation continued in Q4 and is expected to be completed in FY 2022. Outreach to City of Chula Vista and County of San Diego continued on access issues. Design drawings initiated in Q4. Spending was slightly over projection. P2485 SCADA - Infrastructure and Communications Replacement Kerr 100 81 19 81%2,450 2,311 139 94%On target. P2494 Multiple Species Conservation Plan Coburn-Boyd 25 7 18 28%1,000 940 60 94%Project closed. P2516 PL - 12-Inch, 640 Zone, Jamacha Road - Darby/Osage Marchioro - - - 0%1,000 - 1,000 0%No expenditures anticipated in FY 2021. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2027. P2521 Large Meter Vault Upgrade Program Carey 75 81 (6) 108%620 454 166 73%Installation of the Cuyamaca College vault top occurred in Q1 FY 2021. P2553 Heritage Road Bridge Replacement and Utility Relocation Cameron 25 102 (77) 408%3,613 165 3,448 5% Project is driven by the City of Chula Vista's schedule for replacement; the City has delayed the design. Design began in Q4 FY 2020. Received 90% Drawings from the City. Design is 50% complete. P2584 Res - 657-1 and 657-2 Reservoir Demolitions Marchioro - - - 0%720 - 720 0% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2021. These Reservoirs are scheduled to be removed at the end of their useful life. P2608 PL - 8-inch, 850 Zone, Coronado Ave, Chestnut/Apple Cameron 200 149 51 75%1,820 387 1,433 21% Project accepted by the District and Recorded by the County of San Diego on February 23, 2021. P2611 Quarry Road Bridge Replacement and Utility Relocation Cameron 25 - 25 0%399 124 275 31% Project is driven by the County of San Diego. The County has put the project on hold. P2612 PL - 12-inch, 711 Zone, Paso de Luz/Telegraph Canyon Rd Cameron 75 44 31 59%1,250 155 1,095 12% Project design started in Q2, expected to continue through the remainder of FY 2021. Project expected to start construction in FY 2022. P2614 485-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron - - - 0%1,150 - 1,150 0%No expenditures in FY 2021. P2617 Lobby Security Enhancements Payne 20 1 19 5%225 179 46 80% Pending completion of security study with final recommendations. TBD. P2619 PS - Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station Redundancy Marchioro 500 1,291 (791) 258%3,300 3,164 136 96% Contractor delays reduced FY 2020 spending which increased FY 2021 spending for this project. Approximately $0.5M of FY 2020 project budget shifted to FY 2021. Construction completed Q1 FY 2022. P2623 Central Area to Otay Mesa Interconnection Pipelines Combination Air/Vacuum Valve Replacements Marchioro 30 1 29 3%600 219 381 37% Easement offer sent to property owner Q4 FY 2019. Design phase for valve relocations commenced Q4 FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2024. P2626 803-4 Reservoir Water Quality Improvements – PAX System Purchase Coburn-Boyd 25 43 (18) 172%325 303 22 93%Project is complete. P2630 624-3 Reservoir Automation of Chemical Feed System Cameron 25 12 13 48%625 12 613 2% The project is in the planning phase. Evaluating different design options. Design to start in FY 2022. P2638 Buildings and Grounds Refurbishments Payne 25 8 17 32%114 45 69 39% Design Development Plans & specifications - 8/21; Review period for design development plans - 9/21; Construction Documents Plans & Specifications - 10/21; Review period for construction plans - 11/21; Bid documents - 12/21; Bid Phase - 1-3/22; Anticipated Notice to Proceed - 5/22 P2639 Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement Marchioro 50 112 (62) 224%2,800 136 2,664 5% Design consultant's draft preliminary design report completed Q4 FY 2021. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2024. P2640 Portable Trailer Mounted VFD Pumps Marchioro 30 184 (154) 613%600 587 13 98% Approximately $110K of FY 2020 project budget shifted to FY 2021 since Portable Trailer Mounted Pumps delivered Q4 FY 2020 with defects. Trailer defects corrected Q3 FY 2021. Vendor's purchase order closed out Q4 FY 2021. P2642 Rancho Jamul Pump Station Replacement Marchioro 5 34 (29) 680%2,500 36 2,464 1% Project will be coordinated with 1655-1 Reservoir (P2040). Completion of construction currently scheduled for FY 2025. P2646 North District Area Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro 25 - 25 0%1,200 - 1,200 0% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2021. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2025. P2647 Central Area Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro 5 2 3 40%1,300 2 1,298 0% Advance planning work commenced FY 2021. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2026. FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/21 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/21 https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engoperating/Shared Documents/Forms_New/D-Construction/CIP Quarterly Reports/CIP Qtr Reports/FY 2021/Q4/Expenditures/Copy of FY2021 4th Qtr Exp Final.xlsx Page 1 of 5 8/10/2021 FISCAL YEAR 2021 4TH QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 6/30/21) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2021 06/30/21 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2021 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/21 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/21 P2648 Otay Mesa Area Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro 200 467 (267) 234%700 649 51 93% This project was expected to be built over two fiscal years but was accelerated by advertising for construction and completing it earlier in FY 2021. Construction completed Q3 FY 2021. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete Q3 FY 2022. P2649 HVAC Equipment Purchase Payne 20 46 (26) 230%130 64 66 49%FY 2022 AC-2 Accounting and AC-4 Finance P2652 520 to 640 Pressure Zone Conversion Cameron 60 5 55 8%250 37 213 15% This project will be packaged with other similar projects and a PDR will be created to replace the 60 year old pipelines. This is planned for FY 2022. P2654 Heritage Road Interconnection Improvements Marchioro 10 11 (1) 110%200 39 161 20% Project scope will change pending City preference. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2023. P2658 832-1 Pump Station Modifications Marchioro 50 - 50 0%600 10 590 2% Advance planning work commenced FY 2020. Other projects prioritized since completion of construction scheduled beyond six-year planning budget. P2659 District Boardroom Improvements Kerr 20 11 9 55%300 185 115 62% Project has been approved for a budget increase to cover additional non-technical upgrades; extended through FY 2023. P2663 Potable Water Pressure Vessel Program Marchioro 25 201 (176) 804%1,696 221 1,475 13% Construction to replace Rancho Jamul Hydropneumatic Pump Station pressure vessel was expected to be built over two fiscal years but was mostly completed in FY 2021. Completion of construction scheduled for Q1 FY 2022. P2664 Otay Mesa Dual Piping Modification Program Beppler 55 10 45 18%350 31 319 9% Project requires coordination with Finance on implementation due to potential financial implications. P2665 PL - 12-inch Pipeline Replacement, 870 Zone, Cactus Road Marchioro 5 - 5 0%110 - 110 0% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2021. Completion of construction scheduled beyond six-year planning budget. P2666 Low Head and High Head Pump Stations Demolition Marchioro 25 - 25 0%200 - 200 0% Other projects prioritized since completion of construction scheduled beyond six-year planning budget. P2667 Small Meter Testing Bench Carey 150 - 150 0%250 - 250 0%This project has been postponed until late FY 2022. P2669 Fuel Tank Safety and Integrity Rahders 26 3 23 12%100 3 97 3% $23K savings due to refined method of inspection. P2674 System Pressure Reducing Program Beppler 50 8 42 16%100 8 92 8% Updates in Q4 to hydraulic modeling of hydropnuematic zones has corrected several potential high pressure areas. R2117 RWCWRF Disinfection System Improvements Beppler 240 121 119 50%1,500 234 1,266 16% Consultant selection awarded in Q4 FY 2021. PDR to start in Q1 FY 2022. Delay in consultant selection resulted in reduced spending this FY. R2120 RWCWRF Filtered Water Storage Tank Improvements Cameron 400 540 (140) 135%700 591 109 84% The Filter Storage Tank was recoated and returned to service on March 1, 2021. The new floating cover delivery was delayed due to supply issues in Texas and installed on April 23, 2021. R2146 Recycled Pipeline Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro 25 97 (72) 388%700 118 582 17% Design phase accelerated with 60% design completed Q4 FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated in FY 2024. R2153 Recycled Water Pressure Vessel Program Marchioro 1 - 1 0%50 - 50 0%No expenditures anticipated in FY 2021. S2012 San Diego County Sanitation District Outfall and RSD Outfall Replacement Beppler 5 - 5 0%1,646 1,111 535 67% County provided billing projects for the next few fiscal years in Q3 FY 2021, no activities in Q4. S2043 RWCWRF Sludge Handling System Beppler 1 - 1 0%184 129 55 70% No activities occurred during Q4 FY 2021; limited planning work anticipated next fiscal year. S2047 Asset Management - Info Master Sewer Implementation Zhao 5 - 5 0%58 38 20 66% No activity planned until completion of potable asset management. S2061 RWCWRF Aeration Controls Consolidation & Optimization Upgrades (S)Beppler 50 3 47 6%220 9 211 4% Obtained updated proposal from one programmer in Q3 FY 2021, a second programmer provided a quote in Q4 FY 2021. Work to be perfomed in FY 2022. Delays in selecting a consultant has delayed project spending.S2067 RWCWRF Roofing Replacement and Natural Light Enhancement (S)Payne 75 94 (19) 125%190 109 81 57%Substantially completed 4th Qtr 2021. S2071 San Diego Metro Wastewater Capital Improvements Kennedy 40 35 5 88%553 168 385 30%Annual City of San Diego invoicing covers this project. No District involvement in design and construction. Total Capital Facility Projects Total:2,958 4,182 (1,224) 141%53,366 19,850 33,516 37% REPLACEMENT/RENEWAL PROJECTS P2083 PS - 870-2 Pump Station Replacement Long 46 569 (523) 1237%19,850 19,792 58 100% All four pumping systems reinstalled and 7-day testing resumed on June 17, 2021. Mechanical issues to P104 resulted in the station not passing the 7-day testing prior to fiscal year end. P2174 PS - 1090-1 Pump Station Upgrade Beppler 375 154 221 41%2,000 315 1,685 16% Construction began in Q4 after materials ordered; completion anticipated on schedule in Sept 2021 P2508 Pipeline Cathodic Protection Replacement Program Marchioro 10 2 8 20%1,250 1,247 3 100% Construction completed Q1 FY 2020. Project one year warranty ended Q1 FY 2021. P2533 1200-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 400 316 84 79%1,275 361 914 28% Construction began in April and is scheduled to be completed in October 2021. P2539 South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Utility Relocations Cameron 40 20 20 50%1,090 1,019 71 93% Project is driven by SANDAG. Expenditures within overall project budget. P2543 850-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 375 941 (566) 251%1,270 993 277 78% Construction began in Q2 FY 2021. Expected completion in October 2021. https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engoperating/Shared Documents/Forms_New/D-Construction/CIP Quarterly Reports/CIP Qtr Reports/FY 2021/Q4/Expenditures/Copy of FY2021 4th Qtr Exp Final.xlsx Page 2 of 5 8/10/2021 FISCAL YEAR 2021 4TH QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 6/30/21) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2021 06/30/21 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2021 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/21 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/21 P2546 980-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 15 5 10 33%1,705 1,690 15 99% This project is in the 2 yr. warranty period. Warranty dive inspection performed in Q2 FY 2021. Warranty Repairs to be done during winter months of FY 2022. P2555 Administration and Operations Parking Lot Improvements Cameron 30 - 30 0%935 905 30 97%This project is complete. P2561 Res - 711-3 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 30 7 23 23%2,450 2,448 2 100% Construction completed Q3 FY 2021. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete Q4 FY 2021. Special two-year special geomembrane warranty scheduled to complete Q2 FY 2022. P2562 Res - 571-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 10 72 (62) 720%2,900 2,778 122 96%As part of the larger 870-2 Pump Station project, the 571-1 Reservoir was placed back into service April 2018. P2563 Res - 870-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 5 38 (33) 760%188 51 137 27% Advanced planning work accelerated since existing cover/liner material testing completed Q4 FY 2020 suggests 1-3 years remaining useful life. Confirmation of a replacement alternative, with assistance from engineering consultant (Carollo), anticipated Q2 FY 2022. P2565 803-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron 10 - 10 0%1,200 986 214 82% This project is in the 2 yr. warranty period. Warranty dive inspection scheduled for Q1 FY 2022. P2567 1004-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%1,150 - 1,150 0%No expenditures in FY 2021. P2573 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 Zone, Hillsdale Road Beppler 4 - 4 0%2,580 2,572 8 100%Warranty period is over and CIP to be closed. P2574 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 978 Zone, Vista Vereda Beppler 5 2 3 40%1,785 1,766 19 99% Construction is complete and warranty period concluded in Q4 FY 2021. P2578 PS - 711-2 (PS 711-1 Replacement and Expansion) - 14,000 gpm Beppler 25 3 22 12%13,775 3 13,772 0% Planning continued in Q4 FY 2021, scope of project is under review. P2593 458-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron 10 - 10 0%1,050 - 1,050 0%Planning to begin in Q1 FY 2022. P2594 Large Meter Replacement Carey 1 23 (22) 2300%650 495 155 76% A couple of change-outs carried over from FY 2020 and three large meters failed that were not repairable during testing. P2604 AMR Change-Out Carey 250 286 (36) 114%6,290 6,025 265 96% All material purchased to complete change-outs was purchased in FY21, work will be completed in FY 2022 overall project is on track. P2605 458/340 PRS Replacement, 1571 Melrose Ave Beppler 60 19 41 32%750 116 634 15% Project awarded in Q4 2021. Construction to be completed in Q3 FY 2022. Minimal construction activity occurred in this FY, resulting in spending below that originally estimated. P2607 Douglas Ave SWA and OWD Interconnection Upgrade Beppler 45 2 43 4%50 6 44 12% SWA construction substantially completed in Q4 FY 2021. OWD costs minimal due to SWA only benefitting from the project. P2609 PL - 8-inch, 1004 Zone, Eucalyptus St, Coronado/Date/La Mesa Cameron 900 927 (27) 103%2,100 1,131 969 54% Project accepted by the District and Recorded by the County of San Diego on February 23, 2021. P2610 Valve Replacement Program - Phase 1 Cameron 100 384 (284) 384%2,000 407 1,593 20% Operations has begun replacement in critical areas. Operations was able to replace more than expected during this Fiscal Year. P2615 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 PZ, Vista Grande Beppler 10 1 9 10%2,600 36 2,564 1%No activities occurred during Q4 FY 2021. Planning work to be performed in FY 2022. P2616 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 978 Zone, Pence Dr/Vista Sierra Dr Cameron 425 64 361 15%4,200 228 3,972 5% Project design started in Q2; expected to continue through the remainder of FY 2021. Project expected to start construction in FY 2022. P2625 PL - 12-inch, 978 Zone, Hidden Mesa Road Beppler 10 1 9 10%2,210 2,205 5 100% Construction is complete and warranty period concluded in Q4 FY 2021. P2627 458/340 PRS Replacement, 1505 Oleander Avenue Beppler 60 29 31 48%750 153 597 20% Project awarded in Q4 2021. Construction to be completed in Q3 FY 2022. Minimal construction activity occurred in this fiscal year, resulting in spending below that originally estimated.P2631 1485-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%1,250 - 1,250 0%No expenditures in FY 2021. P2653 1200 Pressure Zone Improvements Marchioro 150 47 103 31%650 273 377 42% FY 2021 consruction phase expenditures shifted to FY 2022 due to delays associated with P2640 (Portable Trailer Mounted VFD Pumps). Construction of Phase 1 completed Q4 FY 2020. Design of Phase 2 mostly completed FY 2021. Phase 2 construction scheduled to complete Q1 FY 2023. P2655 La Presa Pipeline Improvements Cameron 180 87 93 48%1,750 275 1,475 16%Project Accepted by the District and Recorded by the Couty of San Diego on February 23, 2021. P2656 Regulatory Site Desilting Basin Improvements Beppler 30 - 30 0%150 7 143 5%No activities occurred during FY 2021. Operations to implement improvements as time allows. P2657 1485-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%950 - 950 0%No expenditures in FY 2021. P2661 Replacement of Backflow Prevention Devices on Pipeline Interconnections on Otay Mesa Beppler 75 2 73 3%375 7 368 2% Minimal activities occurred during FY 2021. Operations to implement improvements as time allows. P2662 Potable Water Meter Change Out Carey - - - 0%16,500 - 16,500 0%No expenditures planned in FY 2021. P2670 Administration and Operations Roof Repairs and Replacement Payne 5 - 5 0%325 - 325 0%Future multi-year projects. P2671 980 Reservoirs Altitude Valve Vaults Renovation Beppler 120 69 51 58%500 69 431 14% Project awarded in Q4 2021. Construction to be completed in Q3 FY 2022. Minimal construction activity occurred in this FY, resulting in spending below that originally estimated. https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engoperating/Shared Documents/Forms_New/D-Construction/CIP Quarterly Reports/CIP Qtr Reports/FY 2021/Q4/Expenditures/Copy of FY2021 4th Qtr Exp Final.xlsx Page 3 of 5 8/10/2021 FISCAL YEAR 2021 4TH QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 6/30/21) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2021 06/30/21 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2021 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/21 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/21 P2672 District Roof Repairs and Replacement Program Payne 25 - 25 0%375 - 375 0%Future multi-year projects.P2673 803-4 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron - - - 0%2,100 - 2,100 0%No expenditures in FY 2021. P2675 458-1 and 458-2 Reservoirs Site Pavement Refurbishment Cameron 5 - 5 0%450 - 450 0%Planning to coincide with 458-1 Reservoir Coating (P2593). R2121 Res - 944-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 5 - 5 0%2,400 25 2,375 1% Replacement scheduled for FY 2025 since existing cover/liner testing completed in FY 2020 suggested four to six years remaining life. R2143 AMR Change-Out Carey 130 51 79 39%525 385 140 73% Overall recycle change out less than anticipated but additional work to continue into FY 2022.R2144 RWCWRF Roofing Replacement and Natural Light Enhancement (R)Payne 100 94 6 94%175 94 81 54%Substantially completed 4th Qtr 2021. R2147 RWCWRF Fuel Lines Replacement Marchioro 2 - 2 0%230 223 7 97% Construction completed Q1 FY 2020. Project one year warranty ended Q1 FY 2021. Project closed for FY 2022.R2148 Large Meter Replacement - Recycled Carey 10 13 (3) 130%58 28 30 48%On track. R2152 Recycled Water Meter Change-Out Carey - - - 0%550 - 550 0%No expenditures planned in FY 2021. R2154 RWCWRF Entrance Storm Water Improvements (R)Beppler 115 34 81 30%125 34 91 27% Project finalized in Q4 FY 2021. Scope of work change resulted in spending less than originally expected. R2156 RecPL - 14-inch RWCWRF Effluent Force Main Improvements Marchioro 250 245 5 98%500 245 255 49% Expenditures on target. Construction completed Q3 FY 2021. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete Q3 FY 2022. R2157 RWCWRF Backwash Supply Pumps Upgrade Beppler 100 1 99 1%300 1 299 0% Consultant selection awarded in Q4 FY 2021. PDR to start in Q1 FY 2022. Design included with CIP R2117. Delay in consultant selection resulted in minimal spending this fiscal year. R2158 RWCWRF Stormwater Pond Improvements (R)Beppler 40 - 40 0%175 - 175 0% No activities occurred during Q4. Planning to be coordinated with R2117 to determine impacts. R2159 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Olympic Parkway Recycled Pipeline Rehabilitation Beppler 100 34 66 34%6,250 34 6,216 1%Consultant selection made in Q4 FY 2021, PDR started. S2024 Campo Road Sewer Main Replacement Beppler 10 19 (9) 190%11,000 11,000 - 100% Construction is complete and warranty period concluded in Q4 FY 2021. Rerestoration of Caltrans RW resulted in higher expenditures. S2049 Calavo Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Beppler 25 3 22 12%1,050 67 983 6% Limited design was completed in Fiscal Year 2021 to offset other sewer expenditures. Surveying to be performed in FY 2022. S2050 Rancho San Diego Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Beppler 5 - 5 0%1,100 7 1,093 1% No activities occurred in FY 2021. Planning will be done in FY 2022. S2054 Calavo Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 3 Beppler - - - 0%1,150 - 1,150 0% No activities occurred in FY 2021. Planning may begin in FY 2022. S2060 Steele Canyon Pump Station Replacement Beppler - - - 0%1,700 - 1,700 0% No activities occurred in FY 2021. Planning may begin in FY 2022. S2066 Rancho San Diego Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 3 Beppler - - - 0%950 - 950 0% No activities occurred in FY 2021. Planning may begin in FY 2022. S2069 Cottonwood Sewer Pump Station Renovation Beppler 75 78 (3) 104%2,500 98 2,402 4% Purchase offer for property acquisition written in Q4 FY 2021. S2070 Hidden Mountain Sewer Pump Station Wet Well Renovation Beppler 5 7 (2) 140%215 215 - 100% Construction is complete and warranty period concluded in Q4 FY 2021. S2072 RWCWRF Rotary Screen Replacement Beppler 1 - 1 0%115 - 115 0% No activities occurred in FY 2021. Planning may begin in FY 2022. S2073 RWCWRF Entrance Storm Water Improvements (S)Beppler 115 41 74 36%125 41 84 33% Project finalized in Q4 FY 2021. Scope of work change resulted in spending less than originally expected. S2074 RWCWRF Stormwater Pond Improvements (S)Beppler 40 - 40 0%175 - 175 0% No activities occurred during Q4. Planning to be coordinated with R2117 to determine impacts. Total Replacement/Renewal Projects Total:4,969 4,690 279 94%134,796 60,856 73,940 45% CAPITAL PURCHASE PROJECTS P2282 Vehicle Capital Purchases Rahders 315 284 31 90%6,500 5,274 1,226 81%$31K savings due to bid and build process. P2286 Field Equipment Capital Purchases Rahders 57 143 (86) 251%2,500 2,169 331 87% $57,038.36 for field equipment; $70,449.98 for the repair of Pump 4 at 927-1 RPS and Pump 1 at 680 RPS putting this CIP over budget in FY 2021. P2571 Data Center Network Data Storage and Infrastructure Enhancements Kerr 130 164 (34) 126%450 309 141 69%Multi-Year project. Project will commence in FY 2022. P2572 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Replacement Kerr 80 - 80 0%130 - 130 0% Project on hold for FY 2021. Meeting scheduled in September 2021 to discuss progress with stakeholders.p2668 Implementation of PSIcapture Software for Accounts Payable Invoice Kerr 25 - 25 0%25 - 25 0%Project was cancelled. s2075 Field Equipment Capital Purchases Rahders 25 22 3 88%300 22 278 7%All purchases complete. Total Capital Purchase Projects Total:632 613 19 97%9,905 7,774 2,131 78% DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT PROJECTS P2595 PL - 16-inch, 624 Zone, Village 3N - Heritage Road, Main St/Energy Way Beppler 1 - 1 0%150 - 150 0% Project under construction; awaiting developer submission for reimbursement. R2084 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Village 2 - Heritage/La Media Beppler 1 - 1 0%365 1 364 0% Project under construction; awaiting developer submission for reimbursement. https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engoperating/Shared Documents/Forms_New/D-Construction/CIP Quarterly Reports/CIP Qtr Reports/FY 2021/Q4/Expenditures/Copy of FY2021 4th Qtr Exp Final.xlsx Page 4 of 5 8/10/2021 FISCAL YEAR 2021 4TH QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 6/30/21) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2021 06/30/21 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2021 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/21 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/21 Total Developer Reimbursement Projects Total:2 - 2 0%515 1 514 0% 118 GRAND TOTAL 8,561$ 9,485$ (924)$ 111%198,582$ 88,481$ 110,101$ 45% https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engoperating/Shared Documents/Forms_New/D-Construction/CIP Quarterly Reports/CIP Qtr Reports/FY 2021/Q4/Expenditures/Copy of FY2021 4th Qtr Exp Final.xlsx Page 5 of 5 8/10/2021 Otay Water District Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2021 Fourth Quarter (through June 30, 2021) Ralph W. Chapman Recycled Water Storage Tank Coating Project 5/5/21 ATTACHMENT C Background The approved CIP Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 consists of 105 projects that total $8.5 million. These projects are broken down into four categories. 1.Capital Facilities $ 3.0 million 2.Replacement/Renewal $ 4.9 million 3.Capital Purchases $ 0.6 million 4.Developer Reimbursement $ 2.0 thousand Overall expenditures through the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 totaled approximately $9.5 million, which is 111% of the Fiscal Year budget. 2 Fiscal Year 2021 Fourth Quarter Update ($000) CIP CAT Description FY 2021 Budget FY 2021 Expenditures % FY 2021 Budget Spent Total Life-to-Date Budget TotalLife-to-Date Expenditures % Life-to-Date Budget Spent 1 Capital Facilities $2,958 $4,182 141%$53,366 $19,850 37% 2 Replacement/Renewal $4,969 $4,690 94%$134,796 $60,856 45% 3 Capital Purchases $632 $613 97%$9,905 $7,774 78% 4 Developer Reimbursement $2 $0 0%$515 $1 0% Total: $8,561 $9,485 111%$198,582 $88,481 45% 3 Fiscal Year 2021 Fourth Quarter CIP Budget Forecast vs. Expenditures 4 5 CIP Projects in Construction 850-1 and 1200-1 Reservoir Coatings and Upgrades Project (P2543 & P2533) Removing and replacing the interior and exterior coatings of the 850-1 (1.15 MG) and 1200-1 (1.00 MG) Reservoirs including structural modifications and upgrades. $2.55M Combined Budget Construction Began: November 2020 Estimated Completion: October 2021 Reservoir Coatings and Upgrades Project Completed Exterior Topcoat on 850-1 Shell Division No. 3 & 5 Locations: Sweetwater Springs/Jamacha (850-1) and Hillsdale (1200-1) areas 6 5/7/21 CIP Projects in Construction 7 850-1 Reservoir Completed Interior Coating 5/7/21 850-1 Reservoir Exterior Topcoat Application 6/18/21 CIP Projects in Construction 1090-1 Pump Station Renovation Project (P2174) Renovation of existing Pump Station, including demolition, installation of centrifugal pumps, piping, fittings, valves, controls, electrical, concrete work, pavement restoration, fencing and security improvements. $2.0M Budget NTP: Jan 2021 Est. Completion: Sept 2021 8 Division No. 5 Location: 1090-1 is located south of SR-94/Campo Road in Jamul CIP Projects in Construction 9 1091-1 Trench and Pad Construction (Before/After) for Undergrounding of Electrical Service 6/5/21 6/30/21 CIP Projects in Construction Ralph W. Chapman Reclamation Water Facility (RWCRWF) 0.43 MG Tank Coating and Repair Project (R2120) Provide and install interior/exterior coating and upgrades to the storage reservoir including removal and replacement of deteriorating reservoir coatings and providing upgrades to increase the service life and maintain compliance with recycled water standards. $700K Budget Construction Began: November 2020 Completion: April 2021 Division No. 3 Location: Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility (RWCWRF) 10 4/30/21 4/30/21 RWCWRF – Resin Ball Floating Cover System Construction Contract Status 11 PRIOR YEARS Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 %YTD %PROJECT TOTAL % P2608 P2609 P2655 Dictionary Hill Waterline Replacement - 2019 LB Civil Construction, Inc.$1,125,315 $1,345,315 $0 $24,067 $47,752 $27,108 $0 0.0%$98,927 8.8%$98,927 8.8%$1,242,892 $1,242,892 -7.6%100.0%February 2021 P2648 Otay Mesa Pipeline CP Improvements Kay Construction $368,740 $379,115 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0%$0 0.0%$0 0.0%$368,740 $368,740 -2.7%100.0%April 2021 R2156 14-Inch Force Main Air-Vac Replacements Burtech Pipeline, Inc.$147,000 $212,100 $0 $0 $0 $7,607 $0 0.0%$7,607 5.2%$7,607 5.2%$157,107 $157,107 -25.9%100.0%May 2021 P2619 P1320*** Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station Redundancy Tharsos, Inc.$1,600,500 $1,647,000 $57,133 $0 $0 $0 ($67,425)-4.2%($67,425)-4.2%($10,292)-0.6%$1,598,401 $1,598,401 -3.0%100.0%June 2021 R2120 Recycled Water Storage Tank Coating Unified Field Service Corporation $364,242 $506,252 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0%$0 0.0%$0 0.0%$425,140 $425,140 -16.0%100.0%June 2021 P2083 P2562 870-2 Pump Station Replacement/ 571-1 Reservoir Liner and Cover Replacement Pacific Hydrotech Corporation $16,500,900 $16,925,900 $674,797 $88,922 $0 $0 $117,046 0.7%$205,968 1.2%$880,764 5.3%$17,488,257 $17,488,257 3.3%100.0%August 2021 P2174 1090-1 Pump Station Renovation Cora Constructors $626,001 $696,001 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0%$0 0.0%$0 0.0%$626,001 $12,960 -10.1%2.1%September 2021 P2533/ P2543 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Capital Industrial Coatings, LLC $1,329,210 $1,443,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.0%$0 0.0%$0 0.0%$1,329,210 $271,115 -7.9%20.4%October 2021 TOTALS:$22,061,908 $23,154,683 $731,930 $112,989 $47,752 $34,715 $49,621 0.2%$245,077 1.1%$977,006 4.4%$23,235,747 $21,564,611 0.4% NET CHANGE ORDERS FY 2021* ***ADDITIONAL SCOPE WAS ADDED TO THIS CONTRACT VIA CHANGE ORDER TO PERFORM FUEL LEAK REMEDIATION AT THE 1485 PUMP STATION**THIS CHANGE ORDER RATE INCLUDES THE CREDIT FOR UNUSED ALLOWANCES*NET CHANGE ORDERS DO NOT INCLUDE ALLOWANCE ITEM CREDITS. IT'S A TRUE CHANGE ORDER PERCENTAGE FOR THE PROJECT % CHANGE ORDERS W/ ALLOWANCE CREDIT** % COMPLETE EST. COMP. DATE NET CHANGE ORDERS LTD* Only two projects that will move to FY 2022 for change order FY 2021 CIP CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS as of June 30, 2021 CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT TOTAL EARNED TO DATECIP NO.PROJECT TITLE CONTRACTOR BASE BID AMOUNT CONTRACT AMOUNT W/ ALLOWANCES Consultant Contract Status 12 Consultant Contract Status 13 Consultant Contract Status 14 QUESTIONS? 15