HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-15-22 EO&WR Committee Packet 1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT ENGINEERING, OPERATIONS & WATER RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING and SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS BY TELECONFERENCE 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA Board Room TUESDAY February 15, 2022 12:00 P.M. This is a District Committee meeting. This meeting is being posted as a special meeting in order to comply with the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54954.2) in the event that a quorum of the Board is present. Items will be deliberated, however, no formal board actions will be taken at this meeting. The committee makes recommendations to the full Board for its consideration and formal action. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURIS-DICTION INCLUDING AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA This meeting is being held via teleconference. Members of the public may submit their comments on agendized and non-agendized items by either of the following two meth-ods: a) If you wish to provide public comment directly - that is, live during the “Public Participation” portion of the meeting - please complete and submit a Request to Speak Form via email to BoardSecretary@otaywater.gov before the start of the meeting. Your request to speak will be acknowledged during the “Public Partic- ipation” portion of the meeting when the Board will hear your comment. When called to speak, please state your Name and the City in which you reside. You will be provided three minutes to speak. The Board is not permitted to enter in-to a dialogue with the speaker during this time. OR b) If you wish to have your comment read to the Board during the “Public Partici-pation” portion of the meeting, please email your comment to BoardSecre- tary@otaywater.gov at least thirty minutes prior to the start of the meeting, and it will be read aloud during the “Public Participation” portion of the meeting. Please provide your Name and the City in which you reside, with your com- 2 ment. Your comment must not take more than three minutes to read. The Board is not permitted to respond to written public comment during this time. The District’s meeting is live streamed. Information on how to watch and listen to the District’s meeting can be found at this link: https://otaywater.gov/board-of- directors/agenda-and-minutes/committee-meetings/ DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER TO INLAND KENWORTH IN THE AMOUNT OF $255,702.60 FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE KENWORTH T380 UTILITY CREW TRUCK AND TO DECLARE UNIT #136 UTILITY CREW TRUCK AS A SURPLUS (MEDEROS) [5 MINUTES] 4. SECOND QUARTER OF FISCAL YEAR 2022 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT (LONG) [5 MINUTES] 5. FISCAL YEAR 2022 MID-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE (KERR) [10 MINUTES] 6. ADJOURNMENT BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING: Tim Smith, Chair Ryan Keyes 3 All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be delib- erated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the Dis-trict’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available by contacting the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to par- ticipate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at 619-670-2253 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on February 11, 2022, I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on February 11, 2022. /s/ Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: March 2, 2022 SUBMITTED BY: Charles Mederos, Utility Services Manager PROJECT: P2282 DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Andrew Jackson, Chief Water Operations Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER TO INLAND KENWORTH IN THE AMOUNT OF $255,702.60 FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE KENWORTH T380 UTILITY CREW TRUCK AND TO DECLARE UNIT #136 UTILITY CREW TRUCK AS A SURPLUS. GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board authorize the General Manager to issue a purchase order to Inland Kenworth in the amount of $255,702.60 for the purchase of one Kenworth T380 utility crew truck and to declare Unit #136 utility crew truck as a surplus. COMMITTEE ACTION: See “Attachment A.” PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization to purchase a utility crew truck. ANALYSIS: Included in the approved FY 2022 budget is one new utility crew truck. The utility crew truck is a replacement vehicle for existing Unit #136 and will be utilized by the Utility Maintenance Staff. The crew truck shown on “Attachment B,” provides the Utility Maintenance crews with job site access to equipment, such as tools, parts, cranes, generators, air compressors, and the safety AGENDA ITEM 3 equipment needed to perform repairs in a timely manner. Additionally, the crew truck is used to transport the District’s heavy construction equipment, including backhoes, skid steers, shoring trailers, among other large equipment. The utility crew truck is the most utilized vehicle by Utility Maintenance Staff when performing maintenance and repairs to the District’s infrastructure. This vehicle will also be used in the valve replacement program. Unit #136 is a 2002 Kenworth L-8500 class 8 utility crew truck and will be declared as surplus since this unit is 20 years old and has 70,827 chassis miles. Due to the nature of the vehicle’s work, the useful in-service life of this truck has ended. Funding for this purchase is included in CIP P2282 Vehicle Replacement. Based on system operation evaluations of workflow by the Construction/Maintenance supervision and management, it is recommended to purchase one new utility crew truck and have Unit #136, utility truck, be declared as surplus. Quotes were solicited via Periscope, the District’s purchasing solicitation system, for one new class 7 commercial truck with utility body and crane. Multiple quotes were received and are shown below: Dealer Truck Manufacturer Quote Price Summit Truck Equipment Mack MD6 Truck with Utility Body and Crane $242,747.44 Velocity Truck Center Freightliner Truck with Utility Body and Crane $252,716.85 Inland Kenworth Kenworth Truck with Utility Body and Crane $255,702.60 Rush Truck Centers Peterbilt Truck with Utility Body and Crane $327,528.04 Staff reviewed the quotes and specifications, and noted the following factors: •2022 models were not quoted, but the quotes received are for2023 and potential 2024 models. The reason for this is due to a shortage of commercial trucks and supply-chain constraints. •The quoted truck from Summit Truck Equipment does not meetDistrict’s required specifications for the type of chassisneeded. •Velocity Truck Center’s (Velocity) quoted truck meetsspecifications, however, their lead times are estimated to be500 to 580 days. In addition, Velocity indicated that there could be potential surcharges from both the truck and bodymanufacturers after the purchase is awarded thus not guaranteeing their quoted price. •Inland Kenworth has the potential ability to secure theavailability and purchase of the utility truck in anticipation of high demand, higher price increases, possibleunavailability, and greater lead times. The price quoted isfor the allocation of a 2023 model with no price increase andpossible delivery during calendar year 2022, as indicated byInland Kenworth. Staff is requesting that the Board authorize to issue a purchase order to Inland Kenworth as they met therequired specifications. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Projected purchase budget for this vehicle was $175,000.00 for FY 2022. The Finance Department has determined that 100 percent of the funds are available in the replacement and reserve funds to cover the cost and $80,702.60 overage. Due to receipt of the vehicle occurring in FY 2023, this item will be carried forward from the FY 2022 to the FY 2023 CIP Vehicle Replacement budget at the full purchase amount of $255,702.60. The total FY 2022 project budget for Vehicle Replacement is $364,000.00. Existing expenditures and current encumbrances for the CIP are $203,443.97, including $14,443.97 that was an overage from the previous purchase of six fleet vehicles as presented to the Board of Directors on November 3, 2021. This will complete the purchases for vehicle replacements for this fiscal year. Expenditure Summary FY22 Vehicle Replacement Budget:$364,000.00 FY22 Expenditures and Encumbrances for Vehicle Replacement of existing fleet including this commercial truck purchase: $459,146.57 Budgeted for Commercial Vehicle FY22:$175,000.00 Projected amount over budget for FY22 CIP 2282 Budget:$95,146.57 STRATEGIC GOAL: Operate the system to meet demand twenty-four-hours a day, seven days a week. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachments: Attachment A - Committee Action Attachment B - Photos ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER TO INLAND KENWORTH IN THE AMOUNT OF $255,702.60 FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE KENWORTH T380 UTILITY CREW TRUCK AND TO DECLARE UNIT #136 UTILITY CREW TRUCK AS A SURPLUS. COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee reviewed this item at a meeting held on February 15, 2022, and the following comments were made: NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a committee approved item, or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the committee prior to presentation to the full board. ATTACHMENT B STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: March 2, 2022 SUBMITTED BY: Michael J. Long Engineering Manager PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Informational Item – Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Improvement Program Report GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To update the Board about the status of all Capital Improvement Program (CIP) expenditures and to highlight significant issues, progress, and milestones on major active construction projects. ANALYSIS: To keep up with growth and to meet our ratepayers' expectations to adequately deliver safe, reliable, cost-effective, and quality water, each year the District staff prepares a Six-Year CIP Plan that identifies the District’s infrastructure needs. The CIP is comprised of four categories consisting of backbone capital facilities, replacement/renewal projects, capital purchases, and developer reimbursement projects. The Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2022 update is intended to provide a detailed analysis of progress in completing these projects within the allotted time and budget of $8.742 million. Expenditures through the AGENDA ITEM 4 2 Second Quarter totaled approximately $3.341 million. Approximately 38% of the Fiscal Year 2022 expenditure budget was spent (see Attachment B). FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer No fiscal impact as this is an informational item only. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Program supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." LEGAL IMPACT: None. MJL/RP:jf https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engoperating/Shared Documents/Forms_New/D-Construction/CIP Quarterly Reports/CIP Qtr Reports/FY 2022/Q1/Staff Report/BD 03-02-2022 Staff Report Second Quarter FY 2022 CIP Update.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B - Fiscal Year 2022 Second Quarter CIP Expenditure Report Attachment C – Presentation ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: VARIOUS Informational Item – Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2022 Capital Improvement Program Report COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on February 15, 2022. The Committee supported staff's recommendation. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item, or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board. FISCAL YEAR 2022 2ND QUARTER REPORT(Expenditures through 12/31/21)($000) ATTACHMENT B 2022 12/31/21 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2022 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %CommentsCAPITAL FACILITY PROJECTS - P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir 0.5 MG Cameron 275$ 93$ 182$ 34%5,750$ 799$ 4,951$ 14%30% Design to be completed in Q3 FY 2022. Project is on schedule.P2405 PL - 624/340 PRS, Paseo Ranchero and Otay Valley Road Cameron 150 - 150 0%1,500 - 1,500 0%Design beginning in Q3 FY2022. P2451 Otay Mesa Desalination Conveyance and Disinfection System Kennedy 1 - 1 0%3,940 3,823 117 97% If the project moves forward, the District’s project has completed the environmental review as required by CEQA and NEPA and a Presidential permit was issued. P2453 SR-11 Utility Relocations Marchioro 75 48 27 64%3,000 2,291 709 76% Expenditures and schedule driven by Caltrans. Caltrans issued construction contract notice to proceed Q1 FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated for Q3 FY 2022. P2460 I.D. 7 Trestle and Pipeline Demolition Beppler 50 29 21 58%750 135 615 18% Environmental documentation preparation continued in Q2 and is expected to be completed by Q4 FY 2022. Outreach to City of Chula Vista and County of San Diego continued on access issues, with preliminary agreement on staging areas reached. Contract drawings in progress.P2485 SCADA - Infrastructure and Communications Replacement Kerr 80 64 16 80%2,450 2,374 76 97%On target; will close out project this fiscal year. P2516 PL - 12-Inch, 640 Zone, Jamacha Road - Darby/Osage Marchioro 5 - 5 0%1,000 - 1,000 0%No expenditures anticipated in FY 2022. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2027. P2521 Large Meter Vault Upgrade Program Carey 50 - 50 0%620 454 166 73%Currently reviewing possible locations; will begin work in Q3 FY 2022. P2553 Heritage Road Bridge Replacement and Utility Relocation Cameron 50 32 18 64%5,050 197 4,853 4%This project is 90% designed. Waiting for City to provide the Reimbursement AgreementP2584Res - 657-1 and 657-2 Reservoir Demolitions Marchioro - - - 0%50 - 50 0%No expenditures in FY 2022. P2608 PL - 8-inch, 850 Zone, Coronado Avenue, Chestnut/Apple Cameron 50 - 50 0%1,820 387 1,433 21%Phase I of project accepted by the District FY 2021; Phase II starts after 3 year paving moratorium. P2611 Quarry Road Bridge Replacement and Utility Relocation Cameron 10 - 10 0%374 124 250 33%This is a County of SD driven project, and the County has put this on hold. P2612 PL - 12-inch, 711 Zone, Paso de Luz/Telegraph Canyon Road Beppler 500 51 449 10%1,250 206 1,044 16% Project design completed in Q2, bidding and award of construction contract to occur in Q3. Construction to be completed in FY 2023.P2614 485-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron - - - 0%1,150 - 1,150 0%No expenditures in FY 2022. P2617 Lobby Security Enhancements Payne 20 - 20 0%225 179 46 80%Further needs assessment pending COVID resolution. P2619 PS - Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station Redundancy Marchioro 25 115 (90) 460%3,300 3,279 21 99%Construction completed Q1 FY 2022. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete Q1 FY 2023. P2623 Central Area to Otay Mesa Interconnection Pipelines Combination Air/Vacuum Valve Replacements Marchioro 5 - 5 0%600 219 381 37% Easement offer sent to property owner Q4 FY 2019. Design phase for valve relocations commenced Q4 FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2024. P2626 803-4 Reservoir Water Quality Improvements – PAX System Purchase Coburn-Boyd 5 - 5 0%325 303 22 93%This budget will not be used, project is complete.P2630 624-3 Reservoir Automation of Chemical Feed System Cameron 50 3 47 6%675 16 659 2%Design to start Q3 FY 2022. P2638 Buildings and Grounds Refurbishments Payne 50 3 47 6%186 48 138 26% Admin Landscape 100% plans with estimate at $177K; additional $39 to be requested; solicitation 1QT 2023; install in 2nd and 3rd. P2639 Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement Marchioro 150 28 122 19%2,900 164 2,736 6% Design consultant progress and spending resumed Q3 FY 2022 since amendment was negotiated for a separate CIP project (P2680) to replace distribution piping in Vista Diego Road. Majority of design consultant effort anticipated during Q3 and Q4 FY 2022. Fiscal Year spending on track. P2640 Portable Trailer Mounted VFD Pumps Marchioro 1 - 1 0%600 587 13 98%Vendor's purchase order closed out Q4 FY 2021. CIP P2640 will be closed for FY 2023. P2642 Rancho Jamul Pump Station Replacement Marchioro 5 28 (23) 560%2,500 64 2,436 3% Project will be coordinated with 1655-1 Reservoir (P2040). Completion of construction currently scheduled for FY 2025. P2646 North District Area Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro 25 - 25 0%1,200 - 1,200 0%No expenditures anticipated in FY 2022. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2025. P2647 Central Area Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro 5 - 5 0%1,300 2 1,298 0%Advance planning work commenced FY 2021. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2027. P2648 Otay Mesa Area Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro 5 - 5 0%700 649 51 93% Construction completed Q3 FY 2021. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete Q3 FY 2022. CIP P2648 will be closed for FY 2023. P2649 HVAC Equipment Purchase Payne 25 - 25 0%149 64 85 43%Work scheduled 4th Quarter FY 2022.P2652 520 to 640 Pressure Zone Conversion Cameron 55 - 55 0%250 37 213 15%Planning to start in Q4 FY 2022.P2654 Heritage Road Interconnection Improvements Marchioro 25 1 24 4%200 40 160 20%Completion of construction anticipated FY 2023. P2658 832-1 Pump Station Modifications Marchioro 5 - 5 0%200 10 190 5%No expenditures anticipated in FY 2022. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2027. FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 12/31/21 LIFE-TO-DATE, 12/31/21 https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/gmboard/Shared Documents/CurBdPkg/ENGRPLAN/2022/03-02-3022/FY2022 2nd qtr exp.xlsx Page 1 of 5 2/8/2022 FISCAL YEAR 2022 2ND QUARTER REPORT(Expenditures through 12/31/21)($000) ATTACHMENT B 2022 12/31/21 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2022 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 12/31/21 LIFE-TO-DATE, 12/31/21 P2659 District Boardroom Improvements Kerr 25 - 25 0%300 185 115 62% Project has been approved for a budget increase to cover additional non-technical upgrades; extended through FY 2023. P2663 Potable Water Pressure Vessel Program Marchioro 70 52 18 74%1,961 273 1,688 14% Construction to replace Rancho Jamul Hydropneumatic Pump Station pressure vessel completed by in-house forces Q1 FY 2022. P2664 Otay Mesa Dual Piping Modification Program Beppler 10 5 5 50%350 36 314 10% Project requires coordination with Finance on implementation due to potential financial implications. P2665 PL - 12-inch Pipeline Replacement, 870 Zone, Cactus Road Marchioro - - - 0%200 - 200 0% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2022. Completion of construction scheduled beyond six-year planning budget. P2666 Low Head and High Head Pump Stations Demolition Marchioro 5 - 5 0%205 - 205 0% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2022. Completion of construction scheduled beyond six-year planning budget. P2667 Small Meter Testing Bench Carey 100 - 100 0%100 - 100 0%Bids were requested in Q2; Board approval in Q3. P2669 Fuel Tank Safety and Integrity Rahders 35 - 35 0%100 3 97 3%Anticipate $28K expensed by end of Q3 FY 2022. P2674 System Pressure Reducing Program Beppler 10 7 3 70%100 16 84 16% Updates to hydraulic modeling of hydropneumatic zones has corrected several potential high pressure areas. Additional areas will be researched as time and budget allows. P2676 980-2 PS Miscellaneous Replacements Marchioro 100 115 (15) 115%375 115 260 31% Pump #1 work (rebuild electric motor, rebuild control ball valve, and replace actuator) completed. Pump #2 and #3 work expedited and commenced ahead of schedule. P2683 Pump Station Safety, Monitoring and Automation Improvements Marchioro 25 - 25 0%500 - 500 0%No expenditures anticipated in FY 2022. Completion of construction scheduled FY 2027. R2117 RWCWRF Disinfection System Improvements Beppler 200 76 124 38%1,500 309 1,191 21% Shortlisting of UV equipment for preselection was completed in Q2. Collection of data and preliminary design continued in Q2. PDR and a pre-purchase agreement will be completed in Q3. Under a pre-purchase agreement the District will not be outright buying the UV equipment at that time, so expenditures for FY 2022 are projected to be less than originally estimated. R2120 RWCWRF Filtered Water Storage Tank Improvements Cameron 5 3 2 60%700 594 106 85%This project is in the warranty period. R2146 Recycled Pipeline Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro 25 48 (23) 192%700 167 533 24% Outside agency approvals obtained Q3 FY 2022 such that design will be completed and the project bid Q4 FY 2022 will be ahead of schedule.R2153 Recycled Water Pressure Vessel Program Marchioro 30 - 30 0%100 - 100 0%No expenditures anticipated in FY 2022. S2012 San Diego County Sanitation District Outfall and RSD Outfall Replacement Beppler 5 - 5 0%1,791 1,111 680 62%County invoicing typically occurs in Q4, no activities in Q2. S2043 RWCWRF Sludge Handling System Beppler 1 - 1 0%184 129 55 70%No activities occurred during Q1; limited planning work anticipated. S2061 RWCWRF Aeration Controls Consolidation & Optimization Upgrades (S)Beppler 25 3 22 12%220 11 209 5%Programming activities continued in Q2 FY 2022, work to be completed by Q4 FY 2022. S2071 San Diego Metro Wastewater Capital Improvements Kennedy 50 25 25 50%648 193 455 30%Annual City of S.D. invoicing covers this project. No District involvement in design and construction. Total Capital Facility Projects Total:2,473 829 1,644 34%54,049 19,593 34,456 36% REPLACEMENT/RENEWAL PROJECTS P2058 PL - 20-Inch, 1296 Zone, Proctor Valley Road from Melody Road to Highway 94 Cameron 20 - 20 0%1,250 - 1,250 0%This project will start the planning process in Q3 FY 2022. P2083 PS - 870-2 Pump Station Replacement Marchioro 25 47 (22) 188%19,850 19,839 11 100% Construction completed Q1 FY 2022. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete Q1 FY 2023. Expenditures within overall CIP budget. P2171 PL - 20-Inch, 1296 Zone, Proctor Valley Road from Pioneer Way to Melody Road Cameron 20 - 20 0%2,500 - 2,500 0%This project will start the planning process in Q3 FY 2022. P2174 PS - 1090-1 Pump Station Upgrade Beppler 400 489 (89) 122%1,100 804 296 73% Construction is close to being substantially complete in Q2, will be finished in Q3. FY budget is over that set due to project delays not spending money in FY 2022 but overall budget is adequate. P2195 PL - 24 - Inch, 640 Zone, Campo Road - Regulatory Site/Millar Ranch Cameron 20 - 20 0%680 - 680 0%This project will start the planning process in Q3 FY 2022. P2196 PL - 24 - Inch, 640 Zone, Millar Ranch Road to 832-1 Pump Station Cameron 20 - 20 0%430 - 430 0%This project will start the planning process in Q3 FY 2022. P2533 1200-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 90 726 (636) 807%636 1,088 (452) 171% This project was delayed due to the availability of the VFD trailer pump, and expenditures that were supposed to be completed last fiscal year were paid in FY 2022.P2539 South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Utility Relocations Cameron 10 17 (7) 170%1,090 1,036 54 95%This project is driven by the City of Chula Vista. https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/gmboard/Shared Documents/CurBdPkg/ENGRPLAN/2022/03-02-3022/FY2022 2nd qtr exp.xlsx Page 2 of 5 2/8/2022 FISCAL YEAR 2022 2ND QUARTER REPORT(Expenditures through 12/31/21)($000) ATTACHMENT B 2022 12/31/21 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2022 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 12/31/21 LIFE-TO-DATE, 12/31/21 P2543 850-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 5 49 (44) 980%1,270 1,041 229 82%This project is in the closeout phase.P2546 980-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 5 - 5 0%1,705 1,690 15 99%This project is in the warranty period. P2562 Res - 571-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 1 12 (11) 1200%2,900 2,790 110 96% As part of the larger CIP P2083 870-2 Pump Station project, the 571-1 Reservoir was placed back into service April 2018. P2563 Res - 870-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 100 78 22 78%3,500 129 3,371 4% Confirmation of a replacement alternative, with assistance from engineering consultant (Carollo), anticipated Q3 FY 2022. Design of replacement floating cover/liner commenced ahead of schedule.P2565 803-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron 40 5 35 13%1,100 991 109 90%This project is in the warranty period.P2567 1004-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron 20 13 7 65%1,150 13 1,137 1%Project is in the early planning stages. P2574 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 978 Zone, Vista Vereda Beppler 5 - 5 0%1,785 1,766 19 99%Construction is complete and warranty period concluded in Q4 FY 2021. P2578 PS - 711-2 (PS 711-1 Replacement and Expansion) - 14,000 GPM Marchioro 140 33 107 24%8,000 35 7,965 0% FY 2022 expenditures will be reduced since a cost savings solution will be vetted Q3 FY 2022. If so, the cost savings solution would reduce the current CIP $8M budget to approximately $2M. P2593 458-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron 895 33 862 4%1,050 33 1,017 3%Construction to start January 2022. Project is on schedule. P2594 Large Meter Replacement Carey 10 - 10 0%690 495 195 72%Large meter on order for replacement in Q3.P2604 AMR Change-Out Carey 150 36 114 24%6,290 6,061 229 96%On track. P2605 458/340 PRS Replacement, 1571 Melrose Ave Beppler 350 43 307 12%750 159 591 21% Project in construction during Q2 FY 2022, completion scheduled for Q3, likely to extend to Q4 FY 2022. P2609 PL - 8-inch, 1004 Zone, Eucalyptus Street, Coronado/Date/La Mesa Cameron 25 (3) 28 -12%2,100 1,128 972 54%Phase I of project accepted by the District FY2021; Phase II starts after 3 year paving moratorium. P2610 Valve Replacement Program - Phase 1 Cameron 175 223 (48) 127%2,000 629 1,371 31% This project is proceeding faster than expected, this project will go over the fiscal year budget, but not the overall budget. P2615 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 PZ, Vista Grande Beppler 260 - 260 0%2,600 37 2,563 1%No activities occurred during Q2 FY 2022. Planning work to start in Q3 FY 2022. P2616 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 978 Zone, Pence Drive/Vista Sierra Drive Beppler 500 26 474 5%2,328 255 2,073 11% Project design completed in Q2, bidding and award of construction contract to occur in Q3. Construction to be completed in FY 2023. P2627 458/340 PRS Replacement, 1505 Oleander Avenue Beppler 350 46 304 13%750 199 551 27% Project in construction during Q2 FY 2022, completion scheduled for Q3, likely to extend to Q4 FY 2022.P2631 1485-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%1,250 - 1,250 0%No expenditures in FY 2022. P2653 1200 Pressure Zone Improvements Marchioro 350 44 306 13%850 317 533 37% Construction of Phase 1 completed Q4 FY 2020. Design of Phase 2 completed Q1 FY 2022. Phase 2 construction scheduled to complete Q1 FY 2023. P2655 La Presa Pipeline Improvements Cameron 75 3 72 4%1,750 278 1,472 16%Expenditures are expected in Q4 FY 2022. P2656 Regulatory Site Desilting Basin Improvements Beppler 10 - 10 0%150 7 143 5% No activities occurred during Q2 FY 2022. Operations to implement improvements as time allows.P2657 1485-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%950 - 950 0%No expenditures in FY 2022. P2661 Replacement of Backflow Prevention Devices on Pipeline Interconnections on Otay Mesa Beppler 50 1 49 2%375 8 367 2% No activities occurred during Q2 FY 2022. Operations to implement improvements as time allows.P2662 Potable Water Meter Change Out Carey - - - 0%5,950 - 5,950 0%No expenditures in FY 2022. P2670 Administration and Operations Roof Repairs and Replacement Payne 5 - 5 0%325 - 325 0% Repairs and maintenance during FY 2022; Admin replacement FY 2024; Operations Replacement FY 2025. P2671 980 Reservoirs Altitude Valve Vaults Renovation Beppler 450 66 384 15%650 135 515 21% Project in construction during Q2 FY 2022, completion scheduled for Q3, likely to extend to Q4 FY 2022. P2672 District Roof Repairs and Replacement Program Payne 25 - 25 0%375 - 375 0%Regulatory site replacement Q4 FY 2024 at $128K.P2673 803-4 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron - - - 0%905 - 905 0%No expenditures in FY 2022. P2675 458-1 and 458-2 Reservoirs Site Pavement Refurbishment Cameron 55 - 55 0%450 - 450 0%This will be done in Q4 FY 2022 after project P2593 is completed. P2677 PL - 16-Inch, 870 Zone, La Media Road and Airway Road Utility Relocations Beppler 50 12 38 24%1,500 12 1,488 1% Project design completed in Q2 FY 2022. Reimbursement agreement with City is in progress. Project construction contract expected to be awarded by City in Q4 FY 2022.P2678 Jamacha Boulevard Utility Relocation Cameron 25 - 25 0%250 - 250 0%This is a County of San Diego driven project. P2679 520-3 Reservoir Recirculation Static Mixer Replacement Project Beppler 25 65 (40) 260%200 65 135 33% Design completed, contractor selection and material procurement occurred in Q2. Construction will occur in Q3. Project schedule accelerated due to mixer failure resulting in spending faster than originally planned. https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/gmboard/Shared Documents/CurBdPkg/ENGRPLAN/2022/03-02-3022/FY2022 2nd qtr exp.xlsx Page 3 of 5 2/8/2022 FISCAL YEAR 2022 2ND QUARTER REPORT(Expenditures through 12/31/21)($000) ATTACHMENT B 2022 12/31/21 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2022 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 12/31/21 LIFE-TO-DATE, 12/31/21 P2680 PL - 12-inch Pipeline Replacement, 1530 Zone, Vista Diego Road Marchioro 30 14 16 47%375 14 361 4% Project will be designed as part of the larger Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement Project (CIP P2639). An amendment was issued to the P2639 design consultant to design P2680 Vista Diego Road distribution system pipeline replacements Q2 FY 2022. P2681 PL-12-Inch, 1655 Zone, Presilla Drive Pipeline Replacement Cameron 10 36 (26) 360%1,240 36 1,204 3%30% Design to be completed in Q3 FY 2022. Project is on schedule. Related to P2040. P2682 AMI Pilot Project Carey 200 29 171 15%300 29 271 10% A grant has been submitted to USBR. Engineering to work on detailed drawings in anticipation for solicitations in Q4 FY 2022. R2121 Res - 944-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 5 - 5 0%2,400 25 2,375 1% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2022. Replacement scheduled for FY 2025 since existing cover/liner testing completed in FY 2020 suggested four to six years remaining life.R2143 AMR Change-Out Carey 35 2 33 6%525 387 138 74%On track.R2144 RWCWRF Roofing Replacement and Natural Light Enhancement (R)Payne 40 1 39 3%175 103 72 59%Completed.R2148 Large Meter Replacement - Recycled Carey 9 7 2 78%58 35 23 60%On track.R2152 Recycled Water Meter Change-Out Carey - - - 0%220 - 220 0%No expenditures in FY 2022. R2156 RecPL - 14-inch RWCWRF Effluent Force Main Improvements Marchioro 10 2 8 20%645 247 398 38%Construction completed Q3 FY 2021. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete Q3 FY 2022. R2157 RWCWRF Backwash Supply Pumps Upgrade Beppler 150 10 140 7%300 11 289 4%Preliminary design in progress during Q2 FY 2022. R2158 RWCWRF Stormwater Pond Improvements (R)Beppler 10 - 10 0%175 - 175 0% No activities occurred during Q2 FY 2022. Planning to be coordinated with R2117 to determine impacts. R2159 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Olympic Parkway Recycled Pipeline Rehabilitation Beppler 100 115 (15) 115%6,250 149 6,101 2% Preliminary design completed in Q2. Final design to begin in Q3. Project schedule is quicker than was originally expected when CIP was established, resulting in spending exceeding the planned FY budget.R2161 450-1R Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%15 - 15 0%No expenditures in FY 2022. S2024 Campo Road Sewer Main Replacement Beppler 5 17 (12) 340%11,080 11,017 63 99% Maintenance of restoration work in Caltrans ROW performed, need for continuation of maintenance to be determined in Q3 by Caltrans. S2049 Calavo Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Beppler 25 - 25 0%1,050 67 983 6%No activities in Q2 FY 2022, limited design to be performed this FY. S2050 Rancho San Diego Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Beppler 5 - 5 0%1,100 7 1,093 1%No activities in Q2 FY 2022, limited planning to be performed this FY.S2054 Calavo Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 3 Beppler - - - 0%160 - 160 0%No activities planned in FY 2022. S2060 Steele Canyon Pump Station Replacement Beppler - - - 0%800 - 800 0%No activities planned in FY 2022. S2066 Rancho San Diego Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 3 Beppler - - - 0%40 - 40 0%No activities planned in FY 2022. S2067 RWCWRF Roofing Replacement and Natural Light Enhancement (S)Payne 75 1 74 1%190 102 88 54%Completed. S2069 Cottonwood Sewer Pump Station Renovation Beppler 25 57 (32) 228%2,500 155 2,345 6%No activities in Q2 FY 2022. Limited planning to be performed this fiscal year. S2072 RWCWRF Rotary Screen Replacement Beppler 1 - 1 0%314 - 314 0% No activities occurred during Q2 FY 2022. Planning to be coordinated with R2117 to determine impacts. S2074 RWCWRF Stormwater Pond Improvements (S)Beppler 10 - 10 0%175 - 175 0%No activities in Q2 FY 2022. Limited planning to be performed this fiscal year. S2076 RWCWRF Grit Chamber Improvements Beppler 20 - 20 0%250 - 250 0%No activities in Q2 FY 2022. Limited planning to be performed this fiscal year. S2077 RWCWRF Blowers Renovation Beppler 10 - 10 0%350 - 350 0%No activities in Q2 FY 2022. Limited planning to be performed this fiscal year. Total Replacement/Renewal Projects Total:5,531 2,355 3,176 43%114,122 53,424 60,698 47% CAPITAL PURCHASE PROJECTS P2282 Vehicle Capital Purchases Rahders 303 - 303 0%7,000 5,274 1,726 75%$203,444 encumbered against this account. Anticipate delivery May of 2022.P2286 Field Equipment Capital Purchases Rahders 74 28 46 38%2,500 2,197 303 88%$28K expensed; $64K encumbered. P2571 Data Center Network Data Storage and Infrastructure Enhancements Kerr 100 63 37 63%450 372 78 83%Will be requesting additional funds for project in March 2022. P2572 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Replacement Kerr 80 - 80 0%130 - 130 0%Based on project timeline we will be adjusting the CIP budget accordingly (future years). R2160 Recycled Water Field Equipment Capital Purchases Rahders 50 66 (16) 132%200 66 134 33%Anticipate $20K to be expensed in Q3 FY 2022. R2162 Vehicle Capital Purchases - Recycled Rahders 62 - 62 0%142 - 142 0%Once vehicles are received they will be broken out and expensed in the appropriate categories. S2075 Field Equipment Capital Purchases Rahders 67 - 67 0%439 22 417 5%$67,685 encumbered. Anticipate delivery May of 2022. S2078 Vehicle Capital Purchases - Sewer Rahders - - - 0%80 - 80 0%No activities planned in FY 2022. Total Capital Purchase Projects Total:736 157 579 21%10,941 7,931 3,010 72% DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT PROJECTS https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/gmboard/Shared Documents/CurBdPkg/ENGRPLAN/2022/03-02-3022/FY2022 2nd qtr exp.xlsx Page 4 of 5 2/8/2022 FISCAL YEAR 2022 2ND QUARTER REPORT(Expenditures through 12/31/21)($000) ATTACHMENT B 2022 12/31/21 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2022 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 12/31/21 LIFE-TO-DATE, 12/31/21 P2595 PL - 16-inch, 624 Zone, Village 3N - Heritage Road, Main St/Energy Way Beppler 1 - 1 0%150 - 150 0%Project under construction; awaiting developer submission for reimbursement. R2084 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Village 2 - Heritage/La Media Beppler 1 - 1 0%365 1 364 0%Project under construction; awaiting developer submission for reimbursement. Total Developer Reimbursement Projects Total:2 - 2 0%515 1 514 0% 123 GRAND TOTAL 8,742$ 3,341$ 5,401$ 38%179,626$ 80,949$ 98,677$ 45% https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/gmboard/Shared Documents/CurBdPkg/ENGRPLAN/2022/03-02-3022/FY2022 2nd qtr exp.xlsx Page 5 of 5 2/8/2022 Otay Water District Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2022 Second Quarter (through December 31, 2021) 1200 Pressure Zone Pump Station –Pre-Phase II Improvements 12/1/21 ATTACHMENT C Background The approved CIP Budget for Fiscal Year 2022 consists of 123 projects that total $8.74 million. These projects are broken down into four categories. 1.Capital Facilities $ 2.47 million 2.Replacement/Renewal $ 5.53 million 3.Capital Purchases $ 0.74 million 4.Developer Reimbursement $ 2.0 thousand Overall expenditures through the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022 totaled approximately $3.34 million, which is 38% of the Fiscal Year budget. 2 Fiscal Year 2022 Second Quarter Update ($000) CIP CAT Description FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 Expenditures % FY 2022 Budget Spent Total Life-to-Date Budget TotalLife-to-Date Expenditures % Life-to-Date Budget Spent 1 Capital Facilities $2,473 $829 34%$54,049 $19,593 36% 2 Replacement/Renewal $5,531 $2,355 43%$114,122 $53,424 47% 3 Capital Purchases $736 $157 21%$10,941 $7,931 72% 4 Developer Reimbursement $2 $0 0%$515 $1 0% Total: $8,742 $3,341 38%$179,626 $80,949 45% 3 Fiscal Year 2022 Second Quarter CIP Budget Forecast vs. Expenditures 4 5 CIP Projects in Construction 1090-1 Pump Station Renovation Project (P2174) Renovation of existing Pump Station, including demolition, installation of centrifugal pumps, piping, fittings, valves, controls, electrical, concrete work, pavement restoration, fencing and security improvements. $2.0M Budget NTP: Jan 2021 Est. Completion: February 2022 6 Division No. 5 Location: 1090-1 is located south of SR-94/Campo Road in Jamul CIP Projects in Construction 7 12/17/21 12/17/21 1090-1 Pump Station Piping, Fittings, Valves Installed and Coated CIP Projects in Construction Melrose Avenue & Oleander Avenue 458/340 PRSs Replacement/980 Reservoirs Altitude Valve Vaults Renovation Projects (P2605, P2627 & P2671) Project includes replacement of two pressure reducing stations and the renovation of two altitude valve vaults and all associated work and appurtenances $2.15M Combined Budgets Start: July 2021 Estimated Completion: March 2022 Division No. 2 & 5 8 Location: East Chula Vista/Otay Valley and Mount San Miguel CIP Projects in Construction 1200 Pressure Zone Improvements – Phase II (P2653) Replacement of existing pump station discharge header, pressure relief, suction manifold, and yard piping improvements. $850K Budget NTP Issued: November 2021 Estimated Completion: July 2022 Division No. 5 Location: Pence Drive - Hillsdale area 9 Construction Contract Status 10 PRIOR YEARS Q1 Q2 %YTD %PROJECT TOTAL % P2174 1090-1 Pump Station Renovation Cora Constructors $626,001 $696,001 $0 $0 $7,578 1.2% $7,578 1.2% $7,578 1.2% $633,579 $472,895 -9.0% 74.6% February 2022 P2533 & P2543 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Capital Industrial Coatings, LLC $1,329,210 $1,443,000 $0 $28,207 $0 0.0% $28,207 2.1% $28,207 2.1% $1,357,417 $1,173,781 -5.9% 86.5% February 2023 P2605, P2627 & P2671 Melrose Ave & Oleander Ave 458/340 PRSs Replacement/980 Reservoir Altitude Valve Vaults Renovation CCL Contracting, Inc.$1,331,523 $1,361,523 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 0.0% $0 0.0% $1,331,523 $87,221 -2.2% 6.6%March 2022 P2653 1200 Pressure Zone Improvements - Phase II Jennette Company, Inc.$281,840 $296,990 $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 0.0% $0 0.0% $281,840 $0 -5.1% 0.0%July 2022 TOTALS:$3,568,574 $3,797,514 $0 $28,207 $7,578 0.2% $35,785 1.0%$35,785 1.0%$3,604,359 $1,733,897 -5.1% FY 2022 CIP CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS as of December 31, 2021 CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT TOTAL EARNED TO DATECIP NO.PROJECT TITLE CONTRACTOR BASE BID AMOUNT CONTRACT AMOUNT W/ ALLOWANCES **THIS CHANGE ORDER RATE INCLUDES THE CREDIT FOR UNUSED ALLOWANCES NET CHANGE ORDERS FY 2021* *NET CHANGE ORDERS DO NOT INCLUDE ALLOWANCE ITEM CREDITS. IT'S A TRUE CHANGE ORDER PERCENTAGE FOR THE PROJECT % CHANGE ORDERS W/ ALLOWANCE CREDIT** % COMPLETE EST. COMP. DATE NET CHANGE ORDERS LTD* Consultant Contract Status 11 Consultant Contract Status 12 Consultant Contract Status 13 QUESTIONS? 14 1 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: March 2, 2022 PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. ALL SUBMITTED BY: Michael Kerr, Information Technology Manager APPROVED BY: Adolfo Segura, Chief of Administrative Services Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: FY22 MID-YEAR REPORT FOR THE DISTRICT’S FY19-22 STRATEGIC PLAN GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see “Attachment A”. PURPOSE: To provide a mid-year report of the District’s FY19-22 Strategic Performance Plan for FY22. ANALYSIS: Summary The current Otay Water District Strategic Plan is a four-year plan ranging from the start of FY19 through the end of FY22. This report details the mid-year results for the last year of the four-year plan. Objectives – Target 90% Strategic Plan objectives are designed to ensure the District executes mission-developed strategies and makes appropriate changes necessary to guide the agency, meet new challenges, and positively adapt to change. FY22 mid-year results are above target at 94%, with 49 of 52 active items completed or on schedule, one (1) objective is behind, and two (2) objectives are on hold. AGENDA ITEM 5 2 Objective Behind (1) INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS Strategy #9: Enhancement of Confined Space Program. Objective: Automate confined space regulatory and work forms (electric conversion), add confined space data layer in the District’s enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS), and use data to electronically automate the District’s confined space inventory. This objective is behind due to the Safety & Security Specialist’s unforeseen involvement (facilitator) in the District’s joint hazard mitigation plan. In quarter two, staff focused on completing sensitive milestones to catch up with San Diego County’s project timeline. It is expected that this objective will be back on track in quarter three. Objectives on Hold (2): CUSTOMER Strategy #1: Enhance and build awareness and engagement among the District’s customers and stakeholders, and within the San Diego Region, of the District’s strategies, policies, projects, programs, and legislative/regulatory issues. Objective: Ensure consistency of branding and representation across the District, using consistent logos, colors, messaging, communications 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 49 1 2 0 On Schedule/Completed Behind On Hold Not Started 49 of 52 Active Objectives are On Target (94%) 3 tools, and other collaterals through enhancement of internal and external marketing materials. Due to budget cuts, the objective was placed on hold; assuming budget availability, this objective will resume in the new FY23 plan. Staff will continue to ensure the District is using essential branding consistently, wherever possible. FINANCIAL Strategy #3: Enhancement of business systems. Objective: Evaluate enhancements to, or replacement, of the rate model program. Due to the District's current litigation, this objective has been put on hold. This project will be incorporated into the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) replacement project. Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) – Target 75% KPI’s are designed to track the District’s day-to-day performance. These indicators measure the effectiveness and efficiency of essential operational services. The District’s overall KPI goal of 75% is considered “on target”. For FY22, mid-year results are above target at 86%, with 30 of 35 items achieving the desired level or better. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 30 5 On Target Not on Target 30 of 35 Key Performance Indicators are On Target (86%) 4 KPI’s are based on established AWWA performance benchmarks, water agency standards, and historical trends. Seven (7) measures are reported at year’s end: • Water Debt Coverage • Sewer Debt Coverage • Reserve Level • Accounts Per FTE • Leak Detection Program • Injury Incident Rate • Enterprise Technology Services KPI’s Not on Target (5): Overtime Percentage Target: Less than 100% of the budgeted overtime per quarter. Year-to-date overtime amounted to $94,819 vs. the budgeted amount of $85,700. Multiple water main failures primarily drove the year-to-date overtime variance in quarter one. In quarter two, overtime was only $27 over budget (actual $39,327 vs. budget $39,300). Planned Recycled Water Maintenance Ratio in $ Target: 70% of all labor dollars spent on preventative maintenance per quarter. Year-to-date, 55% of labor dollars were spent on preventative maintenance. The target was not met due to a repair of the six-inch recycled main on Clubhouse Drive in Chula Vista, which occurred during quarter one, and staff providing traffic control for the final paving in quarter two. Easement Evaluation and Field Inspection Target: 100% assigned easements evaluated via desktop tools and inspected annually. Year-to-date, 6% of scheduled easement inspections were completed (6 of 100). The target was not met due a Construction Inspector vacancy. The position was filled in December 2021 and is expected to meet the target by the end of the fiscal year. Percent of Preventative Maintenance Completed – Pump/Electric Section Target: 90% of scheduled preventative maintenance completed. 5 Year-to-date, 40% of preventative maintenance activities were completed (233 of 585). Quarter two results were below target due to a Pump Mechanic vacancy. The position was filled in January 2022 and is expected to meet the target by the end of the fiscal year. Sewer Overflow Rate (AWWA) Target & AWWA: Zero (0) overflows per quarter. The year-to-date target was not met due to two sewage overflows in quarter one: 1. Category 2 Sewer Spill Overflow (SSO) event on July 26, 2021. This overflow was due to a hole in a one-inch copper air vac service line on the force main, located on Steele Canyon Road. This main pumps sewage from Par Four Drive to Willow Glen Drive in El Cajon. A total of 1,500 gallons of sewage were recovered. 2. Category 3 SSO event on September 15, 2021. This overflow was due to a blockage at manhole MM-331-039 located on Singer Lane in Spring Valley. A total of 200 gallons of sewage were recovered. Next Steps Staff will continue to execute the plan’s objectives and key performance indicators and track emerging trends. Committee Reports – Slideshow The Strategic Plan results are presented to both the Finance & Administration, and the Engineering, Operations, & Water Resources Committee with a specific focus on the most relevant information for each Committee (see “Attachment B”). Strategic Plan is available on the Board VPN The Strategic Plan results and associated details are provided in a real- time, interactive web-based application available to the Board via secured remote access, VPN (Virtual Private Network). The District Secretary can facilitate any password or access issues. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Informational item only; no fiscal impact. STRATEGIC GOAL: Strategic Plan and Performance Measure reporting is a critical element 6 in providing performance reporting to the Board and staff. LEGAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Committee Action Report Attachment B – PowerPoint Presentation 7 ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: FY22 MID-YEAR REPORT FOR THE DISTRICT’S FY19-22 STRATEGIC PLAN COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations & Water Resources and Finance & Administration Committees reviewed this item at a meeting held on February 15 and 16, 2022, respectively. The Committees support presentation to the full Board for their consideration. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a committee approved item or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the committee prior to presentation to the full Board. FY22 Mid-Year Report OTAY WATER DISTRICT FY19-22 STRATEGIC PLAN Attachment B Contoso Pharmaceuticals Employee growth/ RetentionFinancial Results and GrowthIncrease Customer Satisfaction/Engagement Improve Operational Efficiency CUSTOMER FINANCIAL INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS LEARNING & GROWTH 2 94% 49 Objectives TRENDS ON TARGET/COMPLETED OVERALL TARGET 90% TOTAL OBJECTIVES52 NOT ON TARGET OBJECTIVES ON HOLD 2% 1 Objectives 4% 2 Objectives 75% 85% 95% FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 NOT STARTED0 RESULT TARGET ACTIVE LEARNING AND GROWTH CUSTOMER FINANCIAL INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESSES 52 49/52 = 94%2/52 = 4% 3 1/52 = 2% C01. Enhance and build awareness and engagement among the District’s customers and stakeholders and within the San Diego Region of the District’s strategies, policies, projects, programs, and legislative/regulatory issues Continue implementation of and enhance the District’s community and business outreach, media, and government relations programs Ensure consistency of branding and representation across the District, using consistent logos, colors, messaging, communications tools, and other collaterals through enhancement of internal and external marketing materials Evaluate and enhance the District’s water conservation programs CUSTOMER | 4 C02. Assess and enhance communications tools and increase online presence and social media exposure Assess communication tools (social media presence) 4 Tenille OteroCommunications Officer ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON HOLD COMPLETED NOT STARTED F01. Integrated resource planning and facility optimization Recycled water long-term business plan South District Potable Water Supply Alternatives to San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) Pipeline 4 Supply Interruption (catastrophic event) Treatment Plant long-term business plan (sewer portion) F02. Evaluation of key system alternatives and financial impact Conduct desalination (Rosarito) financial analysis In support of the Engineering Department, conduct recycled water and sewer business financial analysis FINANCIAL | 19 5 Laura YorkLab Analyst ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON HOLD COMPLETED NOT STARTED F03. Enhancement of business systems Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) validation and replacement evaluation Evaluate, and if beneficial, implement cloud-based payroll service Evaluate enhancements to, or replacement, of the rate model program Implement Paperless Account Payable (AP) solution Re-evaluate prior payroll solutions and identify any new cloud-based payroll solutions Complete a sewer cost of service study and recommend a rate structure that will provide for more stable sewer revenues Evaluate the Capacity and New Water Supply Fees, including an update of applicable costs, and, if possible, recommend a fee structure that is more efficient and effective than the current structure FINANCIAL | 19(cont’d) 6 ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON HOLD COMPLETED NOT STARTED Shiela DilayreSr. Accountant F04. Enhancement of the Asset Management (AM) and Capital Improvement Programs (CIP) Enhancement of the framework for systematic development, validation, and implementation of new CIPs Enhancements of the AM Program Financial activity-based cost cross-training In support of the Engineering Department, enhance financial impact forecasting and analysis of future CIPs F05. Develop alternative Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) financing strategy to fund ahead of PERS schedule Optimize funding and liability schedule FINANCIAL | 19(cont’d) F06. Negotiate and implement a new labor agreement and optimize employee benefit programs Negotiate and implement new labor agreement Review Deferred Compensation Program for reduced fees and streamlined approach and ensure offerings are fully utilized 7 ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON HOLD COMPLETED NOT STARTED Bernardo Separa Engineering Design Technician I01. Optimize meter activity operations Evaluation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology Explore web-based options for meter reading and backflow test entry Optimize Global Positioning System (GPS) fleet assignment and routing operation I02. Enhance customer experience (collaboration between Customer Service and Communications) Customer electronic communication and outreach Customer Information System (CIS)/ Customer Relationship Management (CRM) validation and replacement evaluation 8 Allan RaymundoLead Customer Service Field Rep ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON HOLD COMPLETED NOT STARTED INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS | 27 (cont’d) I03. Evaluate and leverage the use of available Human Resources self-service and capital management technology solutions Evaluate on-boarding programs and implement, if determined necessary Implement Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in coordination with payroll conversion Pilot cloud-based human capital performance management system and implement, if determined necessary I04. Maintain a reliable, scalable, secure, and high-performing technology infrastructure to support current and future service needsAdopt National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cyber security framework and enhance disaster recovery planning Advance business processes and operational efficiencies through effective implementation of information technologyCreate framework to evaluate cost efficiency of new technology services and cloud vs. on-premise selection Deploy next generation storage services and communication architecture 9 ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON HOLD COMPLETED NOT STARTED Michael ChristensenNetwork Engineer INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS | 27 (cont’d) I05. Enhance SCADA system services via SCADA roadmap project Prioritize fourteen strategic project/initiatives, recently developed I06. Enhancement of enterprise geographic data Deploy ArcGIS Pro for 3D analysis Evaluate the use of Drone2Map technology for asset, field inspections, and condition assessment Migrate Geographic Information System (GIS) data structure from geometric network to utility dashboard Standardization of District asset data and collection processINTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS | 27 (cont’d) 10 Alex SchultzGIS Technician ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON HOLD COMPLETED NOT STARTED I07. Enhancement of maintenance and program standards Analyze electric energy-saving programs as they become available Evaluate the effectiveness of various methods to reduce nitrification events Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the District’s valve exercise preventative maintenance including proposed recommendations Evaluate the impacts as a result of recent and upcoming regulatory changes including, but not limited to, Air Pollution Control District (APCD), State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB), and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), etc. Establish an access and defensible space vegetation mitigation program with maintenance schedules for District remote facilities, access roads, and off-road appurtenances I08. Enhancement of contracting and facility services Enhance Customer and Public Service security in public lobby areas Evaluate feasibility of incorporating electric and hybrid vehicles into District fleet Streamline contract and purchase order (contract) management and lifecycle 11 Raisa AriasPermit Technician ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON HOLD COMPLETED NOT STARTED INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS | 27 (cont’d) I09. Enhancement of the Confined Space Program Automate confined space regulatory and work forms (electronic conversion), add confined space data layer in the District’s enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS), and use data to electronically automate the District’s confined space inventory I10. Optimize District’s Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Confined Space Rescue Team Certify program at Industry State Level and under the Incident Command System, streamline chlorine gas and confined space rescue training, operations, and response and convert inventory lists and equipment logs to electronic form 12 Leonel TorresGIS Analyst ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON HOLD COMPLETED NOT STARTED INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS | 27 (cont’d) L01. Enhance Leadership and employee training programs, and knowledge transfer process Continue development of leadership and District-wide training programs Review and enhance knowledge transfer process to ensure retention of District knowledge LEARNING AND GROWTH | 2 13 ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET ON HOLD COMPLETED NOT STARTED Juan Tamayo Recycled Program Supervisor 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 LEARNING AND GROWTH CUSTOMERTRENDS ON TARGET KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FINANCIAL OVERALL TARGET INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESSES 75% TOTAL KPIs42 REPORTED QUARTERLY35 REPORTED ANNUALLY7 14% 5 KPIs NOT ON TARGET 86%30 KPIs RESULT TARGET 5/35 = 14%30/35= 86% 14 98.48%98.66% 90% 91% 92% 93% 94% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ANSWER RATE Target: 97% average answer rate per quarter annually Calculation: Number of all calls answered/Number of all calls received 15 TARGET Kris Holden, Customer Service Rep II, answering a customer call. 0.91 0.84 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TECHNICAL QUALITY COMPLAINT (AWWA) (Customer Service) Target & AWWA: No more than 7.1 complaints per 1000 customer accounts annually 75th Percentile for population served between 100,001-500,000 (combined utilities) Calculation: Number of technical quality complaints per year/Number of active customer accounts per reporting period Peter Grable, Water Systems Operator I,at the 850-2 Pump Station testing water for chlorine and calibrating analyzers based on the result. 16 TARGET & AWWA BENCHMARK 100%100% 90% 95% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 POTABLE WATER COMPLIANCE RATE (AWWA) (Water Operations) Target & AWWA: 100% of all health-related drinking water standards per quarter annually 75th Percentile for population served between 100,001-500,000 (water) Calculation: Number of days the primary health regulations are met/Number of days in the reporting period 17 TARGET & AWWA BENCHMARK 18% 38% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 CIP PROJECT EXPENDITURES VS. BUDGET Target: 95% of budget but not to exceed 100% annually Calculation: Actual Expenditures/Annual budget 18 Filling the completed 850-1 Reservoir 0.9%0.8% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER INCIDENCE Target: No more than 5% annually Calculation: Total cost of Change Orders (not including allowances)/Total original construction contract amount (not including allowances) 1200-1 Reservoir Exterior Scaffolding 19 TARGET $150.00 $127.00 $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 $160 $180 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 O&M COST PER ACCOUNT Target: Less than $592.00 per account annually (based on Annual Operating budget) Calculation: Total operations O&M costs/Number of accounts Allan Raymundo, Lead Customer Service Field Representative, manually reading a residential meter in Spring Valley. 20 BILLING ACCURACY (Customer Service) Target: 99.8% billing accuracy per quarter annually Calculation: Number of correct bills/Total number of bills during the reporting period 21 Dana Gutierrez, Customer Service Rep II, reviewing integrity checks to ensure billing accuracy. 99.99%99.99% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% 101% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TARGET 120% 100% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 105% 110% 115% 120% 125% 130% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 OVERTIME PERCENTAGE Target: Less than 100% of budgeted overtime per quarter annually (based on Operating budget and historical trends; FY22 Overtime budget is $173,700) Calculation: Actual overtime costs (including comp time)/Budgeted overtime costs Utility Maintenance staff completing a service replacement (left to right: German Garcia and Silas Hess). 22 TARGET SEWER RATE RANKING Calculation: Ranking for the average monthly sewer bill Amy Pinion,Accountant,reviewing sewer rate ranking information. Target: Bottom 50th percentile for the 28 sewer service providers in San Diego 23 $142.30 $89.02 $83.61 $83.02 $81.26 $80.85 $79.91 $75.83 $74.66 $68.46 $66.08 $65.17 $64.20 $60.94 $60.70 $58.67 $57.83 $56.86 $55.25 $55.10 $54.60 $48.75 $46.61 $44.86 $43.08 $38.99 $31.50 $30.96 Del Mar Fallbrook Olivenhain Rancho Santa Fe Oceanside Encinitas Padre Dam Imperial Beach El Cajon Ramona Rainbow Poway San Diego, City La Mesa Escondido Valley Center - MG Vista Solana Beach Buena Chula Vista Lemon Grove Coronado, City National City Otay Water District San Diego, County Vallecitos Leucadia Carlsbad Otay ranks 5th out of 28 sewer service providers Projected sewer bill for FY 2022 Based on 10.3 units of water use and 3/4-inch residential meter size WATER RATE RANKING Calculation: Ranking for the average monthly water bill among CWA member agencies Target: Bottom 50th percentile for the 22 member agencies in San Diego Hannah Tamjidi, Finance Department Assistant, preparing the budget book. 24 $129.91 $128.18 $121.41 $120.76 $114.67 $111.42 $109.20 $107.31 $105.33 $97.60 $96.82 $91.87 $91.21 $86.54 $83.39 $83.38 $82.93 $80.99 $77.38 $76.83 $73.68 $66.93 Fallbrook Padre Dam Ramona Rainbow Valley Center Escondido Del Mar Rincon Yuima Vista Olivenhain Poway San Diego Helix Vallecitos Carlsbad Oceanside Otay Water District San Dieguito Santa Fe Sweetwater Lakeside Projected water bill for FY 2022 Based on 11 Units of water Use and 3/4-inch meter size Otay ranks 5th out of 22 member agencies 83.55%83.61% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PERCENT OF CUSTOMERS PAYING BILLS ELECTRONICALLY Target: No less than 75% per quarter annually Calculation: Number of customers paying bills electronically/Total number of customers District customer making an online bill payment. 25 TARGET 3.2% 3.7% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LOSS Target: Less than 5%of unaccounted water annually 26 TARGET Calculation: Volume purchased from CWA, City of San Diego & RWCTP Production –volume sold to customers + volume used by District/Volume purchased from CWA, City of San Diego & RWCTP Production 832-2 Reservoir 75% 69% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PLANNED POTABLE WATER MAINTENANCE RATIO IN $ Target: 66% of all labor costs spent on preventative maintenance per quarter annually Calculation: Total Planned Maintenance Cost/Total Maintenance Cost 27 TARGET Silas Hess, Sr. Utility Worker/Equipment Operator,connecting a customer’s meter after pulling a new copper service. 48% 63% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PLANNED RECYCLED WATER MAINTENANCE RATIO IN $ Target: 70% of all labor costs spent on preventative maintenance per quarter annually 28 TARGET Calculation: Total Planned Maintenance Cost/Total Maintenance Cost 680/944 Recycled Pump Station 92% 84% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PLANNED WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE RATIO IN $ Target: 77% of all labor costs spent on preventative maintenance per quarter annually Calculation: Total Planned Maintenance Cost/Total Maintenance Cost Aerial view of the Ralph W. Chapman Recycling Plant 29 TARGET $942.32 $773.50 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 DIRECT COST OF TREATMENT PER MGD Calculation: Total O&M costs directly attributable to sewer treatment/Total volume in MG for one quarter 30 Target: No more than $1,050 per MGD spent on wastewater treatment annually Rob Leigh, Lead Reclamation Plant Operator, turning a pump on, which pushes microorganisms that float in the clarifier back to the aeration basins to be treated again. 100%100% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 MARK-OUT ACCURACY Target: 100% mark-out accuracy per quarter annually Calculation: Number of mark-outs performed without an at-fault hit, which is damage to a District facility that results from a missing or erroneous mark-out/Total number of mark-outs Israel Bojorquez, Utility Locator, conducting a mark-out. 31 TARGET 29.0 7.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PROJECT CLOSEOUT TIME Target: 45-day average annually Calculation: Number of days between NOSC and NOC for all construction projects within the quarter/ Number of construction projects within the quarter 32 TARGET 1090-1 Pump and Motor #1 Replacement 34% 59% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 ANNUAL RECYCLED WATER SITE INSPECTIONS Target: 100% of recycled sites inspected annually (172 recycled water sites scheduled for FY22) Calculation: Cumulative percentage of recycled water sites inspected per quarter of those required by DEH 33 Larry Cannon, Recycled Water Specialist, at a recycled water site in Chula Vista. 41% 59% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Calculation: Cumulative percentage of recycled site shutdown tests performed per year compared to those scheduled RECYCLED WATER SHUTDOWN TESTING Target: 90% of recycled site shutdown tests performed annually (29 recycled water sites scheduled for shutdown in FY22, 90% = 26 sites) 34 Tanya Ayala-Mason, Recycled Water Specialist, conducting a shutdown test at Veterans Elementary in Chula Vista. 0% 6% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 EASEMENT EVALUATION AND FIELD INSPECTION Target: 100% assigned easements, evaluated via desktop tools, and inspected annually (100 easements were assigned for FY22) 35 Calculation: Number of easements evaluated and inspected/Total easements assigned for the period Aaron Hazard, Construction Inspector II, conducting an easement evaluation. 100%100% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PERCENT OF PM’S COMPLETED –FLEET MAINTENANCE Target: 90% of scheduled preventative maintenance completed per quarter annually 36 TARGET Calculation: Number of PM’s completed/Number of PM’s scheduled Abraham Yanez, Equipment Mechanic II, performing maintenance on an air relief valve for a vactor truck. 100%100% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PERCENT OF PM’S COMPLETED –RECLAMATION PLANT Target: 90% of scheduled preventative maintenance completed each quarter annually Calculation: Number of PM’s completed/Number of PM’s scheduled 37 TARGET Tyrese Powell-Slotterbeck, Reclamation Plant Operator II, moving chlorine gas containers after a delivery. 100% 54% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 PERCENT OF PM’S COMPLETED –PUMP/ELECTRIC SECTION Target: 90% of scheduled preventative maintenance completed per quarter annually Calculation: Number of PM’s completed/Number of PM’s scheduled Automatic Transfer Switch at the 803-1 Pump Station 38 TARGET 1305 790 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 SYSTEM VALVE EXERCISING PROGRAM Target: 3,080 valves exercised annually Calculation: Total number of valves exercised per year 39 TARGET The District’s valve exercising truck 5.41 4.27 01234567891011121314151617181920 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 AWWA BENCHMARK POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INTEGRITY (Water Operations) Target: No more than 16 leaks and breaks per 100 miles of distribution system annually AWWA: 16.1 leaks and breaks per 100 miles of distribution system (50th percentile Potable Water System Integrity: Leaks and Breaks for population served between 100,000-500,000) Calculation: [100 (annual total number of leaks + annual total number of breaks)] /total miles of distribution piping Lawrence Garcia, Water Systems Operator III, at the 850-2 Pump Station. 40 TARGET 1.90 0.000 1 2 3 4 5 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM INTEGRITY Target: No more than 6.6 leaks and breaks per 100 miles of recycled distribution system annually 41 TARGET Calculation: (100 x Number of leaks and breaks)/Number of miles of recycled distribution system 680/944 Recycled Pump Station 2.27 00 1 2 3 4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 SEWER OVERFLOW RATE (AWWA) (Wastewater Operations) Target & AWWA: 0 overflows per quarter 75th Percentile for Sewer Overflow rate for population served between 0-50,000 Calculation: 100 x Total number of sewer overflows during the reporting period/Total miles of pipe in the sewage collection system Brandon Perry, Senior Utility Worker/Equipment Operator,operating and documenting the condition of the collection system. 42 TARGET & AWWA BENCHMARK is 0 100%100% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 EMERGENCY FACILITY POWER TESTING Target: Test 100% of all facilities scheduled per quarter to have all emergency facilities tested annually (38 powered ready facilities) Calculation: Number of facilities tested/Total number of facilities Emergency standby genset at the Cottonwood Sewer Lift Station 43 TARGET 0 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 POTABLE TANK INSPECTION AND CLEANING Target: 8 potable water storage tanks and/or reservoirs cleaned annually Calculation: Total number of tanks cleaned and inspected annually 520-3 Reservoir 44 ANNUAL TARGET 151 176 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 MAIN FLUSHING AND HYDRANT MAINTENANCE Target: 215 mains flushed and fire hydrants maintained annually Calculation: Total number of mains flushed and fire hydrants maintained per year Vince Brown, Utility Worker II, exercising a hydrant valve and flushing a hydrant at the same time. 45 TARGET 712 00 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 CRITICAL VALVE EXERCISING Target: 712 critical valves exercised annually Calculation: Total number of critical valves exercised in a year Luis Zavala, Utility Worker I, exercising a District valve. 46 ANNUAL TARGET 0.71% 3.68% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 EMPLOYEE VOLUNTARY TURNOVER RATE (Organizational Development) 47 TARGET Target: Less than 5% turnover annually Calculation: Number of voluntary terminations (not including retirements)/Average number of employees Admin Services staff attending a virtual Employee Information Meeting (left to right: Kelli Williamson and Jenny Diaz). 3.92 5.46 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TRAINING HOURS PER EMPLOYEE (Organizational Development) Calculation: Total qualified training hours for all employees/Average number of FTEs 48 TARGET Target: 12 hours per employee annually Eileen Salmeron, Communications Assistant, completing an online cybersecurity awareness training. 5.45 12.96 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM Target: 24 hours per field employee annually Calculation: Total qualified safety training hours for field employees/Average number of field employees 49 TARGET Steven Farr, Equipment Mechanic II, at a CPR training held at the District. QUESTIONS? https://otaywater.gov/about-otay/news-and-documents/strategic-plan/