HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-18-20 F&A Committee Packet 1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING and SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS BY TELECONFERENCE 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY August 18, 2020 12:00 P.M. This is a District Committee meeting. This meeting is being posted as a special meeting in order to comply with the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54954.2) in the event that a quorum of the Board is present. Items will be deliberated, however, no formal board actions will be taken at this meeting. The committee makes recommendations to the full board for its consideration and formal action. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JU- RISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA In lieu of in-person attendance, members of the public may submit their comments on agendized and non-agendized items via email at boardsecretary@otaywater.gov. Public comments submitted will be read into the record at the Committee Meeting and the public may continue to watch and listen to meetings. The information on how to watch and listen to the District’s live streaming can be found at this link: https://otaywater.gov/board-of-directors/agenda-and-minutes/committee-meetings/ DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. APPROVE A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION WITH TEAMAN, RAMIREZ, AND SMITH, INC., FOR AUDIT SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 (FAKHOURI) [5 minutes] 4. APPROVE THE ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO DELLEMC IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $140,421.61 FOR NEW ENTERPRISE DATA STORAGE, BUSINESS SERVER HARDWARE, AND SERVICES TO REPLACE EXISTING LEGACY EQUIPMENT (KERR) [5 mins] 5. ADJOURNMENT 2 BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING: Mitch Thompson, Chair Mark Robak All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be delib- erated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the Dis- trict’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available through the District Secretary by contacting her at (619) 670-2280. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to par- ticipate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at 670-2280 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on August 14, 2020 I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the reg- ular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on August 14, 2020. /s/ Susan Cruz, District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board Meeting MEETING DATE: September 2, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Eid Fakhouri Finance Manager PROJECT: DIV. NO. All APPROVED BY: Kevin Koeppen, Assistant Chief of Finance Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: To Obtain Approval for a One-Year Extension of Audit Services for Fiscal Year 2021 with Teaman, Ramirez and Smith, Inc. GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve a one-year extension for audit services for Fiscal Year 2021 with Teaman, Ramirez and Smith, Inc. COMMITTEE ACTION: See Attachment A. PURPOSE: To request the Board approve a one-year extension for audit services for Fiscal Year 2021 with Teaman, Ramirez and Smith, Inc. ANALYSIS: The District is required to retain the services of an independent auditing firm each fiscal year to perform an audit of the District’s financial statements. The District has had the long standing practice of rotating audit firms every five years. This practice ensures a fresh perspective and yet allows for the benefits of a fair amount of continuity. It AGENDA ITEM 3 2 is common practice in the public sector to retain auditors for a minimum of a five-year period. This practice is a long standing recommendation of the Governmental Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Audit Procurement Best Practice Guide. “Governmental entities should enter into multi-year agreements of at least five years in duration when obtaining the services of independent auditors. Such agreements allow for greater continuity and help to minimize the potential for disruption in connection with the independent audit. Multi-year agreements can also help to reduce audit costs by allowing auditors to recover certain "startup" costs over several years, rather than over a single year.” The District’s current auditors, Teaman, Ramirez & Smith, Inc.(TRS), reached the end of the five-year term in 2018. On November 7, 2018, the Board of Directors discussed the benefits of issuing an RFP versus extending the audit services contract with TRS. The Board weighed the benefit of greater continuity more heavily and extended the contract with TRS for one (1) year with an option to extend the contract for one (1) additional year. Retaining TRS in 2018 eliminated the level of effort needed to ramp up and transition to a new audit firm and kept audit fees stable. A condition of the extension was that TRS rotate their audit team in order to bring a certain level of fresh perspective to the audit. In response to the District’s request, TRS rotated the audit partner, manager, and audit staff. Ordinarily, staff would be issuing an RFP this year for audit services to cover the upcoming five-year period from Fiscal Year 2021 to Fiscal Year 2025. However, due to the extraordinary impact of COVID-19, staff is recommending a one (1) year additional extension with TRS for the Fiscal Year 2021 audit. COVID-19 During this year’s audit, the work performed by TRS and the District was executed remotely and without face to face contact. Meetings and interviews were held on-line and documents were submitted through a secured web-portal while staff avoided unnecessary contact as directed by state and federal guidelines. Due to the unknown duration of the pandemic, it’s impact on human interaction, and the inefficient nature of switching auditors during a pandemic, staff is recommending that the audit contract be extended for one (1) additional year. 3 When transitioning to new auditors, there is an increase level of effort to ensure a smooth transition of knowledge and information to the new auditors. Staff usually spend an additional week assisting the new auditors with understanding the internal controls, business processes, contracts, financial systems, and the chart of accounts. The duration of the pandemic is still unknown and transitioning auditors during the pandemic would be less efficient and more costly. Estimating the cost savings between extending the current contract with TRS versus issuing an RFP for new auditors is difficult. However, when we compared the 2014 audit RFP responses, TRS’s current bid remains 28% less than the District’s 2013 audit fees and 9.2% less than the second lowest bid received for the 2014 audit. Therefore, staff is recommending the District retain TRS for one (1) additional year to provide audit services. FISCAL IMPACT: TRS proposed a fee quote of $30,250 (attachment A)for Fiscal Year 2021 audit services. This fee is a 2.54% increase from the $29,500 fee for Fiscal Year 2020. STRATEGIC GOAL: The District ensures its continued financial health through long-term financial planning and debt planning. LEGAL IMPACT: Compliance with the laws governing the District. Attachments: A) Committee Action B) TRS Audit Cost Proposal ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: To Obtain Approval for a One-Year Extension of Audit Services for Fiscal Year 2021 with Teaman, Ramirez and Smith, Inc. COMMITTEE ACTION: That the Finance and Administration Committee recommend that the Board approve a one-year extension for audit services for Fiscal Year 2021 with Teaman, Ramirez and Smith, Inc. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board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±QRZ DQGLQWKHIXWXUH±LQDGHGLFDWHGDQGUHVSRQVLYHPDQQHU  7KHIROORZLQJDOOLQFOXVLYHPD[LPXPIHHVLQFOXGHWKHDXGLWRIWKH'LVWULFW¶VILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV SUHSDUDWLRQRIWKH'LVWULFW¶V6WDWH&RQWUROOHU¶V5HSRUWDVVLVWDQFHZLWKSUHSDUDWLRQRIWKH'LVWULFW¶V &$)5DQG$JUHHGXSRQ3URFHGXUHVRQWKH'LVWULFW¶V,QYHVWPHQWV  6HUYLFH $XGLWRI'LVWULFW¶VILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 6WDWH&RQWUROOHU¶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ichard A. Teaman, CPA David M. Ramirez, CPA Javier H. Carrillo, CPA Bryan W͘Daugherty, CPA Joshua :͘Calhoun, CPA 4201 Brockton AveŶƵĞ Suite 100Riverside CA 92501 951.274.9500d> 951.274.7828 FAX www.trscpas.com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egular Board MEETING DATE: September 2, 2020 PROJECT: P2571 DIV. NO.: ALL SUBMITTED BY: Michael Kerr, Information Technology Manager APPROVED BY: Adolfo Segura, Chief, Administrative Services Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: REPLACEMENT OF ENTERPRISE DATA STORAGE AND BUSINESS SERVER EQUIPMENT GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the issuance of a purchase order to DellEMC in an amount not-to-exceed $140,241.61 for new enterprise data storage and business server hardware and services to replace existing legacy equipment. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see “Attachment A”. PURPOSE: To authorize the purchase of data storage and business server hardware and deployment services necessary to support essential District enterprise business applications. ANALYSIS: The District’s existing enterprise data storage and business server computing hardware is over six (6) years old and has reached the end of its manufactured useful life. This hardware combination is essential to District enterprise computing operations as they are the platform for applications and services, including Eden financial and customer information system, Laserfiche document management system, Cityworks work order system, geographic information system (GIS), SQL databases, video and data archives, AGENDA ITEM 4 data recovery, and day-to-day user network connectivity. Industry best practices recommend storage and server hardware upgrade or replacement every three to five (3-5) years. Although third-party support does exist, it is limited, and annual costs will be higher and replacement parts are not guaranteed to be readily available. Also, given the lifecycle stage of our hardware, the risk or likelihood of hardware failure tends to increase. Replacement of this hardware will continue to support and improve essential enterprise application performance, reliability, sustain data growth needs, and leverage the District’s current technology landscape. In addition, the current data storage hardware lacks mainstream functionalities and features that would make the system more efficient and reliable. Operational and functional improvements of the proposed data storage hardware include performance monitoring and reporting; administration features; server operating system and virtualization interoperability; data cloning, mirroring, and snapshot features. The latter mentioned feature allows for point- in-time recovery in the event of a ransomware attack. Other features include instant backup and recovery; ability to quickly create virtual operating server environments to test, validate, and minimize potential issues prior to go-live or production state; preservation lifecycle or retention cycle policies; real-time mirroring from storage-to-storage device; and cloud storage services for additional disaster recovery redundancies. Finally, the new data storage and server computing hardware will be centrally managed from one console instead of the classic two consoles, which is another key efficiency feature to be gained. The requested data storage and server computing hardware will be operated and maintained by District staff. The 2019 – 2022 Strategic Plan identified the need to “Maintain a reliable, scalable, secure, and high-performing technology infrastructure to support current and future service needs”; to achieve this objective, staff conducted an extensive analysis of current and future storage requirements and developed a list of specifications. In addition, staff evaluated similar technologies from other vendors including Cisco, HP, and VMware. However, DellEMC offered the best fit, unified features, and lowest cost of ownership. As a CIP-budgeted planned purchase, staff solicited quotes from three (3) vendors for the required hardware and services. Based on functional and network requirements, demonstrations, research, and cost, staff recommends selecting DellEMC as the overall best fit and value for the District’s enterprise storage and server replacement. Vendor Item Product Specification/ Description Total Price DellEMC Direct Hyper- Converged Infrastructure (HCI) DELL EMC PowerEdge 740XD (4) $140,241.61 vCore Technology Partners Direct Hyper- Converged Infrastructure (HCI) DELL EMC PowerEdge 740XD (4) $165,120.02 SIDEPATH, Inc. Direct Hyper- Converged Infrastructure (HCI) DELL EMC PowerEdge 740XD (4) $177,917.19 FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Projected purchase is $140,241.61, which will be charged against the Data Center Network Data Storage and Infrastructure Enhancements project, CIP P2571. The Project Manager anticipates, based on financial analysis, that the budget will be sufficient to support this project. The Finance department has determined that 100 percent of the funding is available from the Replacement Fund. STRATEGIC GOAL: These items are in support of the District’s required services and Strategic Plan, which specifically improve the overall operating cost. LEGAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Committee Action Report ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: REPLACEMENT OF ENTERPRISE DATA STORAGE AND BUSINESS SERVER EQUIPMENT COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee reviewed this item at a meeting held on August 18, 2020. The Committee supports presentation to the full Board for their consideration. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a committee approved item or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the committee prior to presentation to the full Board.