HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-01-20 Board Packet1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING BY TELECONFERENCE 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY July 1, 2020 3:30 P.M. AGENDA 1.ROLL CALL 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4.APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETINGS OF MAY 6, 2020 AND THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETINGS OF MARCH 20, 2020, MARCH 23, 2020, MARCH 25, 2020, AND APRIL 29, 2020 5.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURIS- DICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA In lieu of in-person attendance, members of the public may submit their comments on agendized and non-agendized items via email at boardsecretary@otaywater.gov. Public comments submitted will be read into the record at the Board Meeting and the public may continue to watch and listen to meetings. The information on how to watch and listen to the District’s live streaming can be found at this link: https://otay- water.gov/board-of-directors/agenda-and-minutes/board-agenda/ CONSENT CALENDAR 6.ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICU- LAR ITEM: a)APPROVE THE CONTINUATION OF THE MORATORIUM ON ANY CHANGES TO ALL DISTRICT CAPACITY AND ANNEXATION FEES TO OCTOBER 31, 2020 2 ACTION ITEMS 7.ENGINEERING AND WATER OPERATIONS a)CONSIDER THE MAY 26, 2020 PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR $180,000 FOR THE BUENA VISTA AVENUE PROPERTY IN SPRING VALLEY AND THE SECOND OFFER TO PURCHASE SAID PROPERTY (KENNEDY) 8.BOARD a)DISCUSS THE 2020 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR REPORTS 9.GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT a)UPDATE ON DISTRICT’S RESPONSE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC 10.SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE 11.DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS 12.PRESIDENT’S REPORT/REQUESTS RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 13.CLOSED SESSION a)DISCUSSION RELATING TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) AND PUBLIC SER- VICES [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957] b)LIABILITY CLAIMS [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.95] CLAIMANT: THAIR MIKAIL AGENCY CLAIMED AGAINST: OTAY WATER DISTRICT c)CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS pursuant to California Government Code section 54956.8 Property:SALT CREEK GOLF COURSE 525 HUNTE PARKWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 Agency negotiator: General Counsel Under negotiation: Disposition of Property 3 d)CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERN- MENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. RAINBOW MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT; CASE NO. 37-2020-00001510-CU-WM-CTL e)CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERN- MENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. FALLBROOK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; CASE NO. 37-2017-00019348-CU-WM-CTL RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 14.REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION. OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 15.NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS 16.ADJOURNMENT All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the District’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available through the District Secretary by contacting her at (619) 670-2280. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to partici- pate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at (619) 670-2280 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on June 26, 2020 I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 72 hours in advance of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section§54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on June 26, 2020. /s/ Susan Cruz, District Secretary 1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY May 6, 2020 1.The meeting was called to order by General Manager Martinez at 3:31 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present: Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Staff Present: General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, General Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by President Croucher, and seconded by Director Gastelum and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the agenda. 5.APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETINGS OF JANUARY 8, 2020 AND FEBRUARY 5, 2020; AND THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETINGS OF JANUARY 27, 2020, JANUARY 29, 2020, AND FEBRUARY 3, 2020 A motion was made by President Croucher, and seconded by Director Smith. Prior to the vote, Director Smith indicated he wished to request a change to the minutes of January 8, 2002, page 2, item 6, the title for the director who seconded the motion to approve the election of vice president should be Director Smith rather that President Smith. President Croucher indicated he would amend his motion to accept Director Smith’s change. The motion and second carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Agenda Item 4 2 Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the minutes of the regular board meetings of January 8, 2020, with the change noted above, and February 5, 2020; and the special board meetings of January 27, 2020, January 29, 2020 and February 3, 2020. 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. CONSENT CALENDAR 7. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Thompson, and seconded by Director Gastelum and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the following consent calendar item: a) RECEIVE THE DISTRICT’S INVESTMENT POLICY, POLICY NO. 27, OF THE DISTRICT’S CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR REVIEW AND RE- DELEGATE AUTHORITY FOR ALL INVESTMENT RELATED ACTIVITIES TO THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 53607 ACTION ITEMS 8. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION a) PRESENT THE RESULTS OF THE CURRENT SEWER COST OF SERVICE STUDY PREPARED BY HDR ENGINEERING, INC. AND REQUEST THAT THE BOARD DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE THE FISCAL YEAR 2021 BUDGET USING THE COST OF SERVICE STUDY RESULTS Assistant Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen indicated that staff would be presenting the results of the Sewer Cost of Service Study (COSS) prepared by Mr. Sean Koorn, Association Vice President of HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR). Please 3 reference Attachment A (Committee Action) to the staff report for the details of Mssrs. Koeppen and Koorn’s presentations. Staff and Mr. Koorn responded to questions and comments from the board. A motion was made by Director Robak, and seconded by Director Thompson and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve staffs’ recommendation: 9. BOARD a) DISCUSS OF 2020 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR There was discussion because the COVID-19 situation has stabilized, the District could move from convening weekly special board meetings to one special board meeting a month. It was suggested that the meeting be held on the third Wednesday of the month at 12:00 p.m. Additionally, the COVID-19 updates could be included at the regular monthly board meetings scheduled on the first Wednesday of each month. There was further discussion that the District also has the option to convene an emergency or special board meeting whenever necessary. A motion was made by Director Thompson, and seconded by President Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to move from weekly to monthly special board meetings for COVID-19 updates to be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 12:00 p.m. REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT General Manager Martinez presented information from his report that included an update on the District’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and preparation of plans for staff to return to work onsite, the boardroom audio/video upgrade, the requirement for face coverings when outside of the home and within 6 feet of a non- household member, the District changing its insurance provider to ACWA-JPIA, the Otay Lakes Road main break claim, collections and bad debt related to the COVID- 19 pandemic, the status of construction projects, and a request by the City of San 4 Diego for the District to be on standby to possibly provide water supply from the Temporary Lower Otay Pumps Station. Staff responded to comments and questions from the board. 11. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE Director Smith reported that CWA discussed at their mid-year budget update ways to minimize their rate increase. They discussed reducing administrative costs, utilizing reserves to smooth rate increases, and utilizing debt financing. He stated that CWA had allocated $38 million of reserves to smooth rates before the COVID- 19 pandemic. CWA is currently above their “high” reserve target level and they plan to reduce the reserve down to its minimum target level in order to do everything they can to minimize the rate increase to their customers. He also shared with regard to MWD’s Member Agency Administered Program (MAAP), that after CWA filed their lawsuit, MWD reinstated two years of funding totaling $1.6 million in the MAAP conservation program for CWA. Starting July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022, CWA member agencies can submit conservation projects to be considered for funding by the MAAP program through CWA. Director Smith stated he hoped that staff will find/develop conservation projects that can be submitted to the program for funding. He indicated that ornamental plants, drinking fountains and water station projects have been submitted for funding. He lastly commented that the food drive CWA is coordinating with its member agencies seems to be effective. President Croucher additionally reported that CWA is continuing to work on different storage options at Lake Mead. He stated that they are still moving forward with the review of the Regional Conveyance Project and should have a report at the June 2020 board meeting. He shared with regard to Fallbrook PUD and Rainbow MWD’s request for detachment from CWA, that LAFCO had a meeting on Monday and will report on their findings in 30 days. He stated that MWD, through outreach with agency general managers, has set up a committee that will discuss water issues and areas where the agencies can work together. He also indicated that Governor Newsome issued an order today for Workers Compensation benefits for essential workers who must continue to work in the field during the social distancing orders. Director Thompson suggested that the District discuss, through the task force implemented between Otay and Sweetwater Authority, if Sweetwater might have interest in taking recycled water from Otay to be utilized within their service area. Additionally, if there is interest by Sweetwater, that we explore if it can be submitted to MWD’s MAAP program for funding. Director Smith indicated that he felt it was a good idea and would pursue a discussion with Sweetwater once the task force starts meeting. President Croucher indicated that the funds for the MAAP program is already being allocated and that there is only about $30,000 to $70,000 left to be funded in FY 2021. He suggested that staff submit their projects as soon as possible if they are wishing to pursue funding through the program. 12. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS 5 Director Smith reported that he has submitted a written report to District Secretary Cruz, which will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. Director Thompson also indicated that he had provided his written report to District Secretary Cruz and his report will be included with the minutes for today’s meeting as well. Director Gastelum reported that he attended an ACWA webinar and the Water Conservation Garden JPIA’s board meeting. 13. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Croucher’s report is attached. He also indicated that the District is continuing to work to respond to issues related to COVID-19, both long and short term. He shared that he and General Manager Martinez met with the Otay Employee Association and received good feedback and they will continue to keep the line of communications open with the Association to allow for timely responses to any impacts to employees or the District. 14. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 4:59 p.m. to discuss the following matters: a) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL 15. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION The board reconvened from closed session at 5:43 p.m. and General Counsel Dan Shinoff reported that the board took no reportable actions in closed session. OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 16. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS There were no items scheduled for discussion for the Otay Water District Financing Authority board. 17. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Croucher adjourned the meeting at 5:43 p.m. 6 ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary 7 Board of Directors Meetings Attended Form Director Name: Gary Croucher Period Covered: From: 4/1/20 To: 4/30/20 Item No. Date Meeting Attended Description 1. 4/1/20 OWD Board Meeting OWD Regular Board Meeting 2. 4/7/20 TARGET Solutions Training SDRMA Training: Risk Assessment Analysis 3. 4/8/20 OWD Special Board Meeting Update on impacts of COVID-19 to District operations 4. 4/9/20 TARGET Solutions Training SDRMA Training: Emergency Action Plans & Disaster Preparedness 5. 4/10/20 TARGET Solutions Training SDRMA Training: Introduction to OSHA 6. 4/15/20 OWD Special Board Meeting Update on impacts of COVID-19 to District operations 7. 4/17/20 Committee Agenda Briefing Met w/ GM Martinez to review items that will be presented at the April committee meeting 8. 4/20/20 CWA Matters Meeting Met with Dir Smith and GM Martinez to discuss CWA matters 9. 4/22/20 OWD Special Board Meeting Update on impacts of COVID-19 to District operations 10. 4/28/20 Meeting w/ GM and Gen Counsel Discussion and review of email 11. 4/29/20 OWD Special Board Meeting Budget Workshop I for Development of FY 2021 Budget: Discuss Key Figures and Assumptions EXHIBIT B (Director’s Signature) GM Approval: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Hector Gastelum Period Covered: Employee Number: 1860 From: 4/1/2020 To: 4/30/2020 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 4/1 OWD BOARD MEETING 2 4/8 Emergency Teleconference Meeting of the Board of Directors 3 4/9 ACWA WEBINAR COVID-19 RESPONSE: RISING TO MEETNEW CHALLENGES 4 4/15 Emergency Teleconference Meeting of the Board of Directors 5 4/16 ACWA WEBINAR COVID19 RESPONSE: UNDERSTANDING THE FINANCIAL ASPECTS 6 4/22 Emergency Teleconference Meeting of the Board of Directors 7 4/28 Water Conservation Garden jpa board meeting 8 4/29 Emergency Teleconference Meeting of the Board of Directors Budget workshop 9 10 11 12 13 Total Meeting Per Diem: $1,216 ($152 per meeting) Total Mileage Claimed: miles Mark Robak 7014 From:4/1/2020 4/30/2020 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 4/1/2020 OWD Board Meeting OWD Monthly Board Meeting 0 0 2 4/2/2020 SD Chamber Sustainability & Industry Committee Monthly meeting 0 0 3 4/8/2020 OWD Board Meeting Special Board Meeting to Discuss Coronavirus response 0 0 4 4/9/2020 SCEDC Meet new CEO, Jim O'Callaghan 0 0 5 4/15/2020 OWD Board Meeting Special Board Meeting to Discuss Coronavirus response 0 0 6 4/21/2020 Finance & Administration Committee Discussed District finance and administration items 0 0 7 4/22/2020 OWD Board Meeting Special Board Meeting to Discuss Coronavirus response 0 0 8 4/23/2020 SDCWA Board Meeting Monthly Meeting 0 0 9 4/29/2020 OWD Board Meeting Budget Workshop 0 0 0 0 $ 1,368 0 Miles GM Receipt: Date: ___________________ FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $_____________ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($152 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: Board of Directors Meetings Attended Form Director Name: Tim Smith Period Covered: From: 4/1/20 To: 4/30/20 Item No. Date Meeting Attended Description 1. 4/1/20 OWD Regular Board Meeting Monthly Board Meeting (video conf.) 2. 4/8/20 OWD Special Board Meeting Special Board Meeting – COVID-19 Update (video conf.) 3. 4/15/20 OWD Special Board Meeting Special Board Meeting – COVID-19 Update (video conf.) 4. 4/20/20 CWA Matters Meeting Discuss CWA Matters (video conf.) 5. 4/22/20 East County Caucus Meeting Discuss East County issues with agencies and CWA (video conf.) 6. 4/22/20 OWD Special Board Meeting Special Board Meeting – COVID-19 Update (video conf.) 7. 4/29/20 OWD Budget Board Meeting Board Meeting to discuss preliminary Budget considerations (video conf.) 8. 9. 10. -Instructions on Reverse - Board of Directors Meetings Attended Form Director Name:Mitchell Thompson Period Covered: From: 4/1/20 To: 4/30/20 Item No. Date Meeting Attended Description 1. 4/1/20 OWD Board Mtg*See agenda 2. 4/8/20 Emergency Teleconference Board meeting*Agenda 3. 4/9/20 So County EDC Board Mtg*Teleconference Meeting to meet new CEO of SCEDC 4.4/15/20 Emergency Teleconference Board meeting*Agenda-update Covid-19 5.4/22/20 Emergency Teleconference Board meeting*Agenda-update Covid-19 6.4/21/20 F&A Committee meeting*Agenda 7. 4/29/20 Emergency Teleconference Board meeting*Agenda update Covid-19 8. 4/9/20 Mtg with Jennifer Pillsbury, ED of SD Conserv Garden* Discuss SDWC JPA Board Meeting agenda for 4-28-2020 9. 4/28/20 SD Water Conservation JPA Board Mtg*JPA Agenda 10.4/16/20 So County EDC Public Policy Committee Mtg*SCEDC Committee Agenda 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OTAY WATER DISTRICT March 20, 2020 1.At the request of President Croucher, General Manager Jose Martinez called the meeting to order at 12:04 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present:Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith (arrived 12:05 p.m.) and Thompson Staff Present: General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, General Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief of Administration and Information Technology Adolfo Segura, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, Asst. Chief of Engineering, Dan Martin, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, GasteIum, Robak and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Smith to approve the agenda. 5.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. AGENDA ITEM 4 2 6. DISCUSS OTAY WATER DISTRICT’S CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) RESPONSE General Manager Jose Martinez reported that there are no issues with the District’s water supply and indicated that approximately 25% of staff (i.e. Field Operators, IT, critical operations, etc.) are working at the District while remaining staff work from home. Additional status updates were provided to the board. Mr. Martinez stated that at next week’s special board meeting, he plans to ask the board to ratify the General Manager’s decision to temporarily suspend disconnection of water service and late payment charges on customer accounts. Director Thompson left the meeting at 12:14 p.m. to attend another meeting. Mr. Martinez indicated that staff plans to reassess the CIP budget and consider delaying capacity fees because of economic impacts related to the COVID-19 emergency. He also indicated that the Associated General Contractors (AGC) plans to proceed with housing construction in compliance with the State of California’s Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers List. It was noted that the District continues to support AGC and is discussing this matter with Legal Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld. Staff responded to comments and questions from the board. Mr. Martinez stated that at the April 1, 2020 board meeting, staff will provide an update on budget considerations related to the COVID-19 emergency. 7. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the board, General Manager Jose Martinez adjourned the meeting at 12:45 p.m. ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary SC:TRK 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OTAY WATER DISTRICT March 23, 2020 1.At the request of President Croucher, General Manager Jose Martinez called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present:Croucher, Gastelum (arrived at 12:06 p.m.), Robak, Smith (arrived at 12:05 p.m.), and Thompson Staff Present: General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, General Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief of Administration and Information Technology Adolfo Segura, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, Asst. Chief of Engineering, Dan Martin, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. 5.DISCUSS OTAY WATER DISTRICT’S CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) RESPONSE General Manager Jose Martinez reported that there are no issues with the District’s water supply and provided additional status updates to the board. He indicated that the Governor signed an Executive Order that included a Memorandum on Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During COVID-19 Response dated March 19, 2020. The Order provides clarification for the District’s continued support to help maintain the continuity of operations of federal critical infrastructure sectors, as outlined at https://www.cisa.gov/identifying-critical- infrastructure-during-covid-19. Staff is monitoring revised CDC guidelines for employees who provide support for critical infrastructure and industries. Incurred costs and staff time dedicated to the COVID-19 Emergency is also being monitored and tracked. Mr. Martinez stated that at the April 1, 2020 board meeting, staff will provide an update on budget considerations related to the COVID-19 emergency and the board can take action on the item. AGENDA ITEM 4 2 Mr. Martinez stated that at the March 25, 2020 Special Board Meeting, he plans to ask the board to ratify the General Manager’s decision to temporarily suspend disconnection of water service and late payment charges on customer accounts. Staff responded to comments and questions from the board. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 6. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 12:20 p.m. to discuss the following matter: a) EMERGENCY DISCUSSION RELATING TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) AND PUBLIC SERVICES [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957] RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 7. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION The board reconvened from closed session at 12:55 p.m. and General Counsel Dan Shinoff reported that the board took no reportable actions in closed session. 8. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the board, General Manager Jose Martinez adjourned the meeting at 12:55 p.m. ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary SC:TRK 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OTAY WATER DISTRICT March 25, 2020 1. President Croucher called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present: Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Staff Present:General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, General Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief of Administration and Information Technology Adolfo Segura, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, Asst. Chief of Engineering, Dan Martin, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. 5.DISCUSS OTAY WATER DISTRICT’S CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) RESPONSE General Manager Jose Martinez reported that there are no issues with the District’s water supply and provided additional status updates to the board. He proposed that special board meetings be held once a week on Wednesday, to discuss matters related to the COVID-19 Emergency. A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by President Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes:Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to schedule special board meetings weekly on Wednesday at 12:00 p.m., except for the Wednesday when regular board meetings are held, to discuss Otay Water District’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) response. AGENDA ITEM 4 2 6. RATIFY THE GENERAL MANAGER’S DECISION TO TEMPORARILY SUSPEND DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE AND LATE PAYMENT CHARGES ON CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS Customer Service Manager Andrea Carey provided the staff report to the board and stated that the District’s decision to suspend disconnection and late penalty charges is in line with other San Diego County water agencies. In response to a question from Director Smith, Legal Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld stated that when the District is ready to reinstate penalty fees and procedures, it would be consistent for the General Manager to bring this action to the board for ratification. Staff responded to comments and questions from the board. A motion was made by President Croucher, seconded by Director Thompson and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to ratify the General Manager’s decision to temporarily suspend disconnection of water service and late payment charges on customer accounts. 7. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the board, General Manager Jose Martinez adjourned the meeting at 12:41 p.m. ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary SC:TRK 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OTAY WATER DISTRICT April 29, 2020 1.The meeting was called to order by General Manager Martinez at 12:01 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present:Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Staff Present:General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief of Administration and Information Technology Adolfo Segura, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Gastelum, seconded by Director Smith and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, GasteIum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the agenda. 5.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. 6.DISCUSS OTAY WATER DISTRICT’S CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) RESPONSE General Manager Jose Martinez provided an update on impacts COVID-19 may have on District operations. He shared that there were no known issues to water supplies, fuel or to the District’s suppliers. Status was also provided on impacts to CIP and developer construction projects, collections, and bad debt. Staff responded to comments and questions from the board. AGENDA ITEM 4 2 WORKSHOP 7. DISCUSSION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2021 BUDGET KEY FIGURES AND ASSUMPTIONS Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem indicated that the board has received the annual economic outlook presentation from economist, Mr. Alan Nevin, Director of Economic and Market Research of Xpera Group, at the April 1, 2020 regular board meeting. He stated that staff is presenting a budget that has be reviewed and modified to include COVID-19 impacts, while still maintaining the District’s normal financial targets. Staff felt it was important to develop a budget that would meaningfully respond to the District’s customers’ hardships during the pandemic, but would not damage the District’s ability to provide water services. He indicated that this is the first of two workshops to discuss the fiscal year 2021 (FY 2021) budget with the second to be held during the June 3, 2020 regular board meeting. Mr. Beachem indicated at this workshop staff will be presenting: • Political Initiatives, Challenges and Strengths • Strategic Plan Initiatives • Capital Improvement Budget • Key Assumptions • Financing Plan He presented the District’s six-year rate model wherein staff enters, with reference to the District’s Strategic Plan, the year-end balances, operating budget, the six- year CIP budget, MWD/CWA and City of San Diego sewer rates, along with various assumptions that include interest rates, inflation, growth sales, etc., that then determines the District’s required Operating and CIP budgets for the upcoming fiscal year and the water and sewer rates that would support that budget. Mr. Beachem indicated that due to the uncertainties that the pandemic presents to revenues and collections and to CWA’s rates, staff is presenting a: • Two-step budget process o In June, multiple rate options will be presented to the Board o In the fall, when there is more certainty, staff will bring the budget back to the Board with any needed revisions He reviewed the budget objectives: • Appropriate response to COVID challenges • Support the Strategic Plan Objectives • Support the essential operations of the District • Maintain reserves at or above minimum and return to target levels in the sixth year of the budget planning period • Debt coverage target, excluding growth, of 150%, for both water and sewer in the sixth year of the budget planning period 3 • Fund the six-year capital budget • Establish rates that are compliant with Proposition 218 He noted that CWA’s cost represents 50% of the District’s budget. Thus, for every 1% increase in cost to the District, it represents a 1% rate increase to the District’s customers. He stated that in proposing rates for the upcoming fiscal year, staff’s strategy is to smooth the rate to avoid rate spikes, consider the customers’ monthly bills, and maintain the District’s reserve levels and low rate ranking compared to the other District’s in the County. Presentations were then provided by staff that included political initiatives, challenges and strengths for the upcoming fiscal year, the Strategic Plan strategies and objectives, the key assumptions staff utilized to develop the budget, and the development of the Capital Improvement Program for FY 2020 and for the next six (6) years. During the presentations there were questions asked by members of the board and responses were provided by staff. It was suggested that staff consider adding a new metric for response to emergencies. Staff indicated that they would evaluate and propose a metric to be included in the discussion at the next Strategic Plan update for the Board. President Croucher requested that staff provide to the Board the list of shovel ready projects that was included with CWA’s list to the California legislature to request grant funding. General Manager Martinez indicated that he would share the list with the members of the Board. Staff indicated that on June 3, 2020 they will be presenting the consolidated budget and multiple rate recommendations to the board for their consideration. 8. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Croucher adjourned the meeting at 2:35 p.m. ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: July 1, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Kevin Koeppen, Assistant Chief of Finance PROJECT: DIV. NO.All APPROVED BY: Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Approve the Continuation of the Moratorium on Any Changes to All District Capacity and Annexation Fees to September 30, 2020. GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the continuation of the moratorium on any changes to all District capacity and annexation fees to September 30, 2020. PURPOSE: To request that the Board continue the moratorium on any changes to all District capacity and annexation fees to September 30, 2020. BACKGROUND: Staff is recommending that the capacity fee moratorium be continued to September 30, 2020. As a continuation of the April 1st moratorium, this action would be retro-active to July 1, 2020. The continuation of the moratorium will allow additional time for the District to gain a further understanding regarding the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 and the recently identified recession on development within the District. Prior to the unprecedented pandemic, which began in March, the District was in the process of evaluating the water and sewer capacity and annexation fees. This reevaluation of the fees was well on its way to being presented to the Board in April when the crisis was projected to change the economic reality for the development community and our customers. AGENDA ITEM 6a In response to the pandemic, the Board placed a 90-day moratorium on any changes to these fees to allow events to develop and provide staff with additional clarity on the impacts. The 90-day moratorium began on April 1, 2020 and expired on June 30, 2020. The April 1st moratorium impacted three aspects of the capacity fees. •Deferred the standard quarterly inflationary adjustments based on the ENR index. •Deferred the implementation of changes in the capacity fees based on the results of a Capacity Fee Study. •Deferred plans to meet with the BIA, SCEDC, local governments, local Chambers of Commerce, and local developers. Over recent weeks the region has progressed with businesses reopening and development continuing at levels consistent with January through March averages. Based on recent development information published by the U.S. Census Bureau, April building permit activity exceeded January and February levels. In addition, the May pending new home sale activity within the Otay Water District region returned to a level consistent with January to March 2020 average levels. Also, during this period home prices have remained flat. While this data suggests the adverse impacts of COVID-19 are subsiding, there are some unknowns that remain regarding the impact of the now evident recession on the economy and construction costs. Construction costs are important as they are a significant component used to determine capacity fees. The recently completed Capacity Fee Study was based on costs and data as of June 30, 2019. The results of this study projected a 30% increase in capacity fees, which is primarily due to increases in pipeline replacement costs. While the timeline for presenting the capacity fee to the Board may be affected by data gathered over the next sixty to ninety days, staff is currently planning to meet with the impacted parties late in the first quarter of FY F2021 and present the results of the Capacity Fee Study to the Board in October or November of 2020. The timing for implementing the results from the Capacity Fee Study will be determined as data regarding the impacts of the pandemic, and newly identified recession, on the economy and construction costs become available. By continuing the moratorium through September 30th, the District would avoid decreasing the capacity fee slightly based on the ENR index at this time and then increasing the fee substantially based on the Capacity Fee Study results. The net result of the ENR adjustment and Capacity Fee Study is projected to remain as an increase in the capacity fee. Further discussion regarding the ENR adjustment percentages and amounts is included in the Fiscal Impact section of this report. Considering the most recent actions taken to reopen businesses in the County of San Diego, staff is recommending that the District proceed with scheduling meetings with the interested parties late in the first quarter of FY 2021 to discuss the results of the Capacity Fee Study. FISCAL IMPACT: Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The financial impact of this moratorium would be the lost revenues equal to the meters sold times the deferred increase in fees. The ENR adjustment for Q4 of FY 2020 was an increase of 0.14%, while the projected ENR adjustment for Q1 of FY 2021 is a decrease of 0.50%. The projected total net impact of the moratorium based on the actual and projected ENR adjustments is a benefit to the District of $1,200. The lost revenue related to deferring the implementation of the Capacity Fee Study results during Q4 of FY 2020 is approximately $500,000. The projected additional lost revenue related to extending the deferment period to September 30, 2020, is approximately $212,000. These figures are based on the current Capacity Fee Study results. If construction costs were to change from the levels used in the study, the projected impact would be adjusted proportionately. STRATEGIC GOAL: To ensure that the costs of service are born by responsible parties. This revenue source will help the District meet its fiscal responsibility to its ratepayers. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachments: None ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P1210-018000 Approve the Continuation of the Moratorium on Any Changes to All District Capacity and Annexation Fees to September 30, 2020 COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee reviewed this item at a meeting held on June 15, 2020 and the following comments were made: •Staff is requesting that the Board approve the continuation of the moratorium on any changes to all District capacity and annexation fees to September 30, 2020. •Staff presented information from the staff report. •Staff indicated that they are proposing to meet with impacted parties (local developers, Building Industry Association, local Chambers of Commerce, etc.) to discuss the Capacity Fee Study late in the first quarter of FY 2021 (around September 2020) and present the results of the study to the Board in October or November of 2020. •The Committee suggested that since these meeting will be ongoing through September 2020, that the moratorium be extended instead to 120 days to October 31, 2020. This extension will ensure staff has enough time to meet with interested parties prior to the moratorium expiring. •Staff concurred with the Committee’s recommendation to extend the moratorium from 90 days to 120 days, through October 31, 2020. •Staff projects the lost revenue due to continuing to defer the implementation of the capacity fee study 120 days will be $280,000. This amount will become a cost to the ratepayer. 5 Following the discussion, the Committee recommended presentation to the full board on the consent calendar. STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING:Regular Board MEETING DATE: July 1, 2020 SUBMITTED BY:Bob Kennedy Engineering Manager PROJECT: P1210-018000 DIV. NO.5 APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT:Approval of the May 26, 2020 Purchase Agreement for $180,000.00 for the Buena Vista Avenue Property in Spring Valley GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) approve the May 26, 2020 Purchase Agreement for $180,000.00 for the Buena Vista Avenue property in Spring Valley and to authorize the General Manager to enter into escrow to complete the sale of the property (see Exhibit A for District property location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To request the Board to approve the May 26, 2020 Purchase Agreement for $180,000.00 for the Buena Vista Avenue property in Spring Valley and to authorize the General Manager to enter into escrow to complete the sale of the property. AGENDA ITEM 7a 2 ANALYSIS: As a regular course of business, the District periodically reviews the need and use of real estate (property) it owns. This is done to ensure that the District’s current and future property needs are provided for, and that property that is no longer required is disposed of in order to minimize costs and associated liabilities of property ownership. The retention of real property that is surplus to the District’s needs increases the operating expense by increasing the requirement to maintain and manage the property. After an evaluation of District-owned properties, staff identified the Buena Vista Avenue property in Spring Valley as not required for District use and on January 2, 2019 the Board adopted Resolution No. 4355 declaring this surplus property and directed staff to solicit offers for the surplus property. On February 22, 2019, staff solicited offers for the lease or sale of the surplus properties from Preferred Entities of the opportunity to purchase or lease the properties for specified priority uses, as required by Government Code § 54222 et seq. On May 31, 2019, the District received an appraisal of the Buena Vista Avenue property in Spring Valley from Hendrickson Appraisal Company, Inc. (see Exhibit B) that valued the property at $200,000. This appraisal was performed to assist the District in determining the market value of the subject property. Staff did not receive any offers for the Buena Vista Avenue property in Spring Valley from any Preferred Entities, and on May 21, 2019, staff advertised for the service of a real estate broker (Broker) with experience in dealing in commercial and residential real estate. On August 14, 2019, the District signed a Sales Listing Agreement with Pacific Coast Commercial (PCC) to provide Broker services for the District (see Exhibit C). PCC prepared a broker’s opinion and recommended a listing price of $220,000.00. PCC prepared the property’s marketing program and listed the property on August 26, 2019 (see Exhibit D). The District received an offer on the property on September 20, 2019. The District submitted a counteroffer on November 21, 2019 modifying the terms of the original offer; however, the buyer cancelled the agreement before it was scheduled to go to the January Board meeting for approval. The District received several other offers since that time, but the buyers have backed out before staff could bring a signed purchase agreement to the Board. 3 The District received this offer on the property on May 22, 2020. The District submitted a counteroffer on May 26, 2020, modifying the terms of the original offer, which was approved by the prospective buyer, B AVE LLC, for $180,000.00, subject to the terms of the Purchase Agreement and the approval by the Board (see Exhibit E). FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Acceptance of this offer will result in revenue of approximately $180,000.00, less escrow and closing costs. This property was used for potable purposes and the proceeds will be credited back to the potable general fund. The Engineering Outside Services budget covered the cost of appraisal services and environmental services. Currently, Engineering’s expenses have not exceeded anticipated expenses and it is expected that there will be sufficient funds available to offset the expected costs. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsive manner” and the District’s Vision, “To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices.” LEGAL IMPACT: None. BK/RP:jf P:\Public-s\Real Estate Services\4 Surplus Properties - Jan 2019\Staff Reports\Staff Report 07-01-20\BD 07-01-20 Approve PA for Buena Vista Ave - Staff Report.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Exhibit A – Buena Vista Ave. Property Location Map Exhibit B – Buena Vista Ave. Property Appraisal Exhibit C – Sales Listing Agreement Exhibit D – Buena Vista Ave. Property Marketing Program Exhibit E – Buena Vista Ave. Property Purchase Agreement ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P1210-018000 Approval of the May 26, 2020 Purchase Agreement for $180,000.00 for the Buena Vista Avenue Property in Spring Valley COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee reviewed this item at a meeting held on June 15, 2020 and the following comments were made: •Staff is requesting that the Board approve the May 26, 2020 Purchase Agreement for $180,000 for the Buena Vista Avenue property in Spring Valley and to authorize the General Manager to enter into escrow to complete the sale of the property. •Staff presented information from the staff report. •It was indicated that the buyer is B Avenue LLC and the form titled, “Representative Capacity Signature Disclosure,” lists the buyer representative as Ms. Sandra Guerrero. Staff requested that the broker provide proof the buyer has the funds to purchase the property. The broker forwarded a screen shot of B Avenue LLC’s US Bank account, via a mobile app, which shows the buyer has a balance of just under $500,000 in their account. •The Committee inquired about the date of acceptance of the buyer’s offer. The buyer accepted the offer on May 29, 2020. The District and buyer have considered the acceptance date as the date the District’s board accepts the offer. The Committee suggested that staff provide the buyer the requested escrow documents and start the 17-day due diligence period as soon as possible. On June 23, 2020 staff forwarded all requested escrow documents to First American Title. Staff also forwarded to the broker and the buyer, for their inspection, all drawings, reports and studies related to the District’s prior use of the property. Staff will work with the buyer and broker to close escrow as soon as possible. •The Committee stated they supported the property’s selling price due to current market conditions and because the property has been on the market for some months. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staff’s recommendation and presentation to the full board on the consent calendar. OTAY WATER DISTRICTOWD PARCEL 579-364-17-00LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT A November 2018F C:\OneDrive\Otay Water District\ENG OPERATING - Documents\Technician\Info for Others\OWD\Bob K\District Owned Parcel Research\Exhibit B, Buena Vista Ave Property.mxd "` "` "` "` "` "` "` "` "` "` "` "` "` "`"` "`"` "` "`"` "` "`"` "` "` "` "` "` "` "`"`"` "`"` "` "` 33 33 $R ¹r ¹r $R $R $R ¹r ¹rl? l?l? l? l?l?l? l? l? l? l?l? l? l? 1004-2PUMP STATION Maria Ave Chestnut St Buena Vista Ave ROW 5793641700 5793580900 5793640800 5793640700 5793581800 5793640100 5793641900 5793641800 5793640600 5793641600 5793642000 5793640300 5793640500 5793640400 5793640200 5793641500 5793810800 5793810700 5793810600 5793810500 5793810400 5793810300 5793582100 5793810200 5793810100 5793750100 5793750200 5793810900 5793570900 5793632300 5 7 9 3 6 3 2 4 0 0 5 7 9 3 6 3 2 5 0 0 579 36 32 600 579 36 32000 5793631900 5793640900 5793631800 5793631700 5793572300 VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE DIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ÃÅ54 !\ ÃÅ125 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ905 §¨¦805 FNTS Legend SURPLUS PROPERTY: 0.29 ACRES (approx) PARCEL LINES 0 10050 Feet 100' (approx) 127' (approx) HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants HAC File No. 2019116 9665 Campo Road, Spring Valley, CA APPRAISAL OF Two Legal Lots located On the West Side of Buena Vista Avenue South of Chestnut Street Spring Valley, California 91977 Owner: Otay Municipal Water District EFFECTIVE DATE OF APPRAISAL: May 28, 2019 DATE OF REPORT: May 31, 2019 APPRAISED FOR Otay Municipal Water District 2554 Sweetwater Springs Boulevard Spring Valley, CA 91978 APPRAISED BY Hendrickson Appraisal Company, Inc 3530 Camino del Rio North, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 282-0800 May 31, 2019 Mr. Bob Kennedy 2554 Sweetwater Springs Boulevard Spring Valley, CA 91978 Reference: Two 6,375± Vacant Residential Lots Ownership: Otay Municipal Water District 2554 Sweetwater Springs Boulevard, Spring Valley, CA 91978 Our File No. 2019116 Dear Mr. Kennedy, At your request and authorization, the above referenced properties and their environs have been inspected and analyzed for the purpose of formulating an opinion of the market value of the fee-simple interest in the subject properties. The purpose of the appraisal is for use by the Otay Municipal Water District for potential disposition purposes. The intended user of this appraisal is the Otay Municipal Water District, the property owner. This appraisal report describes the facts and reasoning upon which our opinions are based. The analysis and final report have been prepared in compliance with, and subject to the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as published by the Appraisal Foundation. The report satisfies the requirements of USPAP Standard 2-2(b) for appraisal reports. The report contains abbreviated discussions relating to the subject property and the appraisal analysis performed, but is sufficient to meet the needs of the client. The appraisal addresses the market value of only the two southerly legal lots which make up the southern half of the entire Otay Municipal Water District ownership. Based upon our investigations and analysis, and by virtue of our experience as real estate analysts and appraisers, it is our opinion that the market value of the subject properties as of May 28, 2019 was: Lot 18 - $100,000 Lot 19 - $100,000 This appraisal is subject to certain additional assumptions and limiting conditions that are made a part of this report. Acceptance and use of this report by the client or any other party constitutes acceptance of these assumptions and limiting conditions. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions regarding this appraisal, please contact us at (619) 282-0800. Respectfully submitted, Edward A. Beaver Ted G. Hendrickson, MAI California Certified General Appraiser California Certified General Appraiser License No: AG009555 License No: AG004974 3 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................ 3 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS .................................................................................. 4 CERTIFICATION ...................................................................................................................................... 6 SUMMARY OF SALIENT FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................................... 7 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH .......................................................................................................................... 8 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 9 AREA MAP .............................................................................................................................................. 13 NEIGHBORHOOD MAP ......................................................................................................................... 14 AREA DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 15 PLAT MAP ............................................................................................................................................... 17 SITE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................... 18 SUBJECT PHOTOGRAPHS.................................................................................................................... 20 HIGHEST AND BEST USE .................................................................................................................... 24 VALUATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY.............................................................................................. 25 SALES COMPARISON APPROACH ..................................................................................................... 26 MARKET DATA ADDENDUM ............................................................................................................. 35 4 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS This appraisal report is prepared subject to the following conditions and stipulations: Hypothetical Condition: A hypothetical condition is defined as that which is contrary to what exists but is supposed for the purpose of analysis. Hypothetical conditions assume conditions contrary to known facts about physical, legal, or economic characteristics of the subject property. By definition the use of a hypothetical condition might affect the assignment results. The opinion of the market value of the two legal lots making up the southerly half of the current ownership is based on the hypothetical condition that the property owner has completed the necessary steps with the San Diego County Assessor’s office to have those lots identified with an individual Assessor Parcel Number for each lot. General Assumptions: (1) The appraisers were provided a copy of a preliminary title report for review. (2) No responsibility is assumed for matters legal in character or nature. No opinion is rendered as to title, which is assumed to be good and marketable. All existing liens, encumbrances, and assessments have been disregarded, unless otherwise noted, and the property is appraised as though free and clear, having responsible ownership and competent management. It is assumed that the property is readily marketable and free of all liens and encumbrances except any specifically discussed in this report (3) Information, estimates and opinions furnished by others, and contained in this report are assumed to be true, correct and reliable. A reasonable effort has been made to verify such information, however, no responsibility for its accuracy is assumed by the appraisers. Should any of this information prove to be incorrect, we reserve the right to amend our appraisal accordingly. Photographs, plats and maps furnished in this report are intended to assist the reader in visualizing the property. (4) No soils or geotechnical investigation report was provided by the client. It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil or structures which would render it more or less valuable than otherwise comparable properties. No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for engineering which might be required to discover such factors. The appraisers are not qualified to analyze said conditions, and urge the client to retain an expert in this field if desired. No visible evidence of soils subsidence was observed during our inspection of the property. (5) No opinion is rendered as to the value of sub-surface gas, oil or mineral rights, or whether the property is subject to surface entry for the exploration of removal of such materials, except as is expressly stated in this appraisal report. 5 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants (6) All opinions of value are presented as the appraisers’ considered opinion based upon the facts and data set forth in this report. The appraisers assume no responsibility for changes in the market conditions or the inability of the owner to locate a purchaser within a reasonable time at the appraised market value. (7) It is assumed that there are no legitimate environmental or ecological issues that would prevent orderly development of the land to its highest and best use under economically feasible conditions. (8) Testimony or attendance in court or other hearing by reason of this appraisal, with reference to the property in question, shall not be required unless arrangements have previously been made with the client a reasonable amount of time in advance relative to such additional employment. Additional pre-trial and court testimony is beyond the scope of this appraisal assignment and will be compensated for at the appraiser’s standard hourly rate. (9) By acceptance and use of this report, the user agrees that any liability for error, omissions or judgment of the appraisers is limited of the amount of the fee charged for this appraisal. Anyone acting in reliance upon the opinions, judgments, conclusions or data contained herein, who has the potential for monetary loss due to this reliance is advised to secure an independent review and verification of all such conclusions and/or facts. The user agrees to notify the appraiser, prior to any irrevocable investment decision, of any error which could reasonably be determined from a thorough and knowledgeable review. (10) The date of value to which the opinions expressed in this report apply is set forth in the letter of transmittal. The appraisers assume no responsibility for economic or physical factors occurring at some later date which may affect the opinions herein stated. The appraisers reserve the right to make such adjustments to the analyses, opinions and conclusions set forth in this report as may be required by consideration of additional or more reliable data that may become available. (11) The projections included in this report are used to assist in the valuation process and are based on current market conditions and anticipated short term supply and demand factors. Therefore, the projections are subject to changes in future conditions that cannot be accurately predicted by the appraisers and could affect the future income or value projections. (12) The possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication, nor may it be used for any purpose other than described in this report, without the previous written consent of Hendrickson Appraisal Company, Incorporated. 6 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants CERTIFICATION The undersigned certify that, to the best of our knowledge and belief: (1) The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. (2) The reported analyses, opinions and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions and are our personal, impartial and unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions. (3) We have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. (4) We have not performed any services, as appraisers or in any other capacity, regarding the property that is the subject of this report within the three-year period immediately preceding acceptance of this assignment. (5) We have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. (6) Our engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. (7) Our compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal. (8) The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute. (9) The undersigned have both made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report. (10) The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representative. (11) As of the date of this report, Ted G. Hendrickson, MAI, has completed the continuing education program for Designated Members of the Appraisal Institute. Edward A. Beaver had completed continuing education requirements for California General Appraiser Certification. Edward A. Beaver Ted G. Hendrickson, MAI California Certified General Appraiser California Certified General Appraiser AG009555 AG004974 7 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants SUMMARY OF SALIENT FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS Property Type The subject is a municipal property owned by the Otay Municipal Water District. Location The subjects are located on the west side of Buena Vista Avenue approximately 160 lineal feet south of Chestnut Street in the Spring Valley community of unincorporated San Diego County. Assessor’s Parcel Number Portion of 579-364-17 Owner(s) of Record Otay Municipal Water District Site Size/shape Per the Assessor’s Plat Map the entire holding is 200’ by 127.5’, or 25,500± square feet (0.59 Acre) comprising four identical legal lots of 6,375± square feet each. Both the entire holding and each of the individual legal lots are rectangular in shape. Improvements The northerly two legal lots comprising the entire Assessor Parcel are improved with a small, Otay Municipal Water District pump station which is not being appraised as part of this assignment. Zoning RS, Residential Suburban, County of San Diego. Minimum lot size is 6,000 square feet. Land Use VR-7.3, Village Residential, 7.3 dwelling units per acre. Highest & Best Use The Highest and Best Use of the subject legal lots was determined to be to develop each lot with a single family residence comparable to numerous surrounding properties. Property Rights Appraised Fee Simple Interest Effective Date of Value May 28, 2019 Value Conclusion $100,000 per lot, $200,000 total. 8 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Aerial view of subject looking generally north. Indicated property boundaries are approximate. The portion being appraised is the two legal lots at the south end of the property, identified in blue in the photo above.. 9 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants INTRODUCTION Executive Summary The purpose of this appraisal is to develop an opinion of the market value of the two legal lots making up the southern half of a four lot parcel of land owned by the Otay Municipal Water District. The subject lots are located on the west side of Buena Vista Avenue a short distance south of Chestnut Street in the La Presa section of Spring Valley, an unincorporated community in San Diego County. This appraisal is the result of a thorough analysis and the findings are reported in an Appraisal Report format which is intended to comply with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2-2(a) of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. As such, it presents discussions of the data, reasoning, and analyses that were used in the appraisal process to develop the appraisers’ opinion of value. Factual market data sheets are included in the addenda to this report, and additional supporting documentation concerning the data, reasoning, and analyses is retained in the appraisers’ files. The depth of discussion contained in this report is specific to the needs of the client and for the intended use stated below. The appraisers are not responsible for unauthorized use of this report. The client and intended user of this appraisal is the Otay Municipal Water District. The intended use of this appraisal report is to assist the client in making decisions relating to potential disposition of a portion of their property. The entire holding is an approximately 25,500 square foot parcel of residential zoned land. It is identified with a single Assessor Parcel Number, but actually comprises four individual legal lots, each 6,375± square feet in size. The northerly two lots are improved with a small, 1,150± pump station. The southerly two lots are vacant. Our assignment is to develop an opinion of the market value of the two southerly lots for potential disposition by the client. They were appraised using the Sales Comparison Approach to value. We have appraised the two lots under the Hypothetical Condition that the Otay Municipal Water District has completed the necessary steps to secure individual Assessor Parcel Numbers for the two individual lots. According to Raul Cortes of the San Diego County Assessor’s Mapping Division, since no lot lines need to be adjusted, all that is required is to go to the downtown Assessor’s Office and fill out the necessary paperwork. He noted that there is no charge for the service. Valuation and Inspection Dates The effective date of appraisal is May 28, 2019. 10 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants Scope of Work This appraisal assignment requires us to develop an opinion of the market value of the fee simple interest in two lots of a four lot parcel identified with a single Assessor Parcel Number. The following discussion summarizes the methodology applied in developing our opinion of the value. The subject property was inspected and photographed on May 28, 2019. The surrounding environs were also toured and analyzed. The appraisers contacted representatives of the San Diego County Planning Department to determine current zoning and land use designations for the subject property, as well as any proposed changes to land use under the County’s General Plan Update. Information gleaned there was used in conjunction with analysis of the current market for residential real estate in the subject area in developing our opinion of the subject property’s highest and best use. We also contacted representatives of the San Diego County Assessor’s Mapping division to determine what steps would be necessary to secure individual Assessor Parcel Numbers for the two southerly vacant lots. In the valuation process, the subject property's physical characteristics and economic potential were analyzed in order to develop an opinion of market value. Typically when developing this value, there are three approaches used to develop an opinion of market value: the Cost Approach, the Sales Comparison Approach, and the Income Approach. In this case since only land is being valued, the appraisers used only the Sales Comparison Approach. The appraisers searched for sales of properties similar to the subject which were then verified through conversations with parties to the transactions. The final opinion of subject value is supported with the best available data from the marketplace. Purpose and Intended Use of the Appraisal The purpose of this appraisal is to provide an opinion of market value for the subject properties, as of the effective date of value. It is our understanding that this appraisal will be used in the decision making process regarding potential disposition of the property. Definition of Market Value Market value is the most probable price that a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: 11 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants 1. Buyer and seller are typically motivated; 2. Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their best interests; 3. A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market; 4. Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of financial arrangements comparable thereto; and 5. The price represents normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale.1 Property Rights Appraised The property rights appraised are those of the fee simple interest which is defined as: Absolute ownership unencumbered by any other interest or estate, subject only to the limitations imposed by the governmental powers of taxation, eminent domain, police power, and escheat.2 Exposure Time Exposure time is defined in The Dictionary of Real Estate as: [The] estimated length of time that the property interest being appraised would have been offered on the market prior to the hypothetical consummation of a sale at market value on the effective date of the appraisal. Comment: Exposure time is a retrospective opinion based on an analysis of past events assuming a competitive and open market.3 The following opinion regarding marketing period for the subject property is based on information obtained during our market research for this assignment. Based upon numerous discussions with knowledgeable brokers specializing in the residential market, as well as buyers and sellers of similar property, it is our view that the marketing period for the subject property would likely be in the range of six months, assuming the property is marketed at its market value. Function of the Appraisal 1 Appraisal Institute, The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 6th ed. (Chicago: Appraisal Institute, 2015) PDF e-book. 2 Ibid 3 Ibid. 12 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants The function of the appraisal is to assist the client in decision making regarding possible disposition of a portion of their property. Intended Users of this Report This appraisal is intended for the sole use of the client for the stated function and use. The use of the appraisal by anyone other than the stated intended user and for any other use than the stated intended use is prohibited. The appraisers are not responsible for unauthorized distribution or use of the report. 13 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants AREA MAP 14 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants NEIGHBORHOOD MAP ` 15 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants AREA DESCRIPTION San Diego County is located in the extreme southwest corner of the continental United States, adjacent to the international boundary with Mexico. The Pacific Ocean forms the western boundary, the Orange and Riverside County lines form the northern boundary and the Imperial County line forms the eastern boundary, approximately 85 miles inland from the ocean. The subject property is located in the La Presa section of the Spring Valley community of unincorporated San Diego County. The Spring Valley Community Planning Area is a relatively heavily populated suburban environment that covers approximately eleven square miles. The predominant land use in the area is single family residential, but since the 1970’s denser housing areas have been developed. The highest densities are currently on Kenwood Dr., Jamacha Rd., and Canyon Rd. There are over 1,000 businesses in the community from small, family-owned enterprises to heavy industry in Spring Valley. Some areas of the community were developed prior to implementation of current zoning and land use regulations which resulted in some intermingling of industrial and single family residential development. The area has seen a recent increase in the number of higher density properties intended for lower income individuals. The largest portion of the Spring Valley Planning Area is single-family residential homes. There are two primary business areas. First is the former downtown area on Bancroft Dr. from SR-94 south to Sweetwater Rd. The other is in the area known as La Presa in the south eastern portion of the CPA from approximately Omega St. south to Sweetwater Rd. Other specific neighborhoods include Bancroft, Brookside, Spring Valley, Lakeside, Dictionary Hill, Sweetwater Village, Rancho San Diego and La Presa. The Spring Valley Community is served by two existing freeways: State Route 94 which is a major east- west artery in the northern portion of the community, and State Route 125 which runs generally north- south along the western side of the community. Other four lane roads in the community include Sweetwater Road, Paradise Valley Road, Elkelton Boulevard and Jamacha Boulevard. Public transportation is provided by the Metropolitan Transit System which has several bus routes serving the community. The San Diego Trolley also has convenient stops in La Mesa and Lemon Grove, a short distance to the north and west. There are currently four developed public parks in the Spring Valley Community. Utility services are provided as follows: water in the subject portion of Spring Valley is provided by the Otay Water District; sewer service is primarily provided by the County with small pockets, mainly in hilly areas, requiring septic systems; gas and electricity are provided by SDG&E; telephone and cable television services are 16 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants available from a variety of carriers. Police protection is provided by the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department with the California Highway Patrol providing enforcement on state highways and County public roads; fire protection is the responsibility of the San Miguel Consolidated Fire Protection District. As of January 1, 2017 the population of the Spring Valley/Casa de Oro community was 97,138, or approximately 2.7% of the total County population. As of February 2019, the unemployment rate in Spring Valley was 5.0%, higher than the 4.2% for the State of California, 3.5% for San Diego County and 3.8% for the nation as a whole. The subject's immediate location is on the west side of Buena Vista Avenue a short distance south of its intersection with Chestnut Street. It is in the La Presa section of Spring Valley, a primarily residential area known as Dictionary Hill. The entire surrounding area is built out with residential development of varying ages. The high concentration of residential properties in the immediate area benefits both retail and office properties in the area. The market for residential properties in the Spring Valley Area has been improving for the last several years. The appraisers reviewed sales of single family residences in the subjects’ zip code from May 2017 to present as reported in the San Diego County Multiple Listing Service. Only sales of homes between 1,000 SF and 2,000 SF were included in the sample as that is the size range most prevalent in the area. The sales were analyzed on the basis of dollars per square foot of living area in order to minimize the effect of homes of different sizes. The data sample was slightly under 300 sales in size, sufficient to yield credible results. Analysis of those sales indicated that single family residence selling prices have increased at a rate of approximately 3.5% per year since the beginning of May 2917. 17 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants PLAT MAP Only the two lots being appraised are highlighted above. 18 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants SITE DESCRIPTION Location – The subject lots are located on the west side of Buena Vista Avenue approximately 260 feet south of Chestnut Street in the La Presa section of the Spring Valley community of unincorporated San Diego County. Owner – Otay Municipal Water District APN – Currently a portion of 579-364-17. We are appraising the subject lots under the hypothetical condition that the owner has completed the necessary process with the San Diego County Assessor’s Office to have individual Assessor Parcel Numbers assigned to the two subject lots. Legal Description – The following legal description for the entire subject holding was extracted from a Preliminary Title Report provided by the client. The subject properties are Lots 18 and 19 identified below. Real property in the City of (unincorporated area), County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19 in Block 23 of East San Diego Villa Heights, according to Map Thereof No. 1317 filed in the Office of the Recorder of San Diego County. Together with that portion of the alley adjoining said property on the west, vacated and abandoned by Instruments Recorded November 13, 1980 as Instrument No. 80-382405 and 80-382406, both of Official Records. Access – The properties are accessible from either direction on Buena Vista Avenue. Size and Shape – County Assessor’s data and other public records indicate that the two subject lots are both 50’ x 127.5’, or 6,375 square feet in size. They are both rectangular in shape. Please refer to the plat map. Zoning and Land Use – Both lots are zoned RS, Residential Suburban, by the County of San Diego and are in an area of 6,000 square foot minimum lot size. The County land use designation is VR-7.3, Village Residential with a maximum density of 7.3 dwelling units per acre. Both lots are legal and conforming. Topography – The lots are somewhat sloping with up banks on their west sides. There is sufficient level area on each of them to permit development with a residence similar to those on surrounding sites. Drainage – Based on our site inspection, the properties appear to have adequate drainage. Development Status – The two subject lots are currently vacant. 19 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants Utilities – All typical utilities are available and operating in the subject area. Street Improvements – Buena Vista Avenue is a two lane asphalt paved residential street in the area of the subjects. There are concrete curbs and gutters on both sides of the street but no sidewalks along the subject frontage. Easements/Encumbrances – The appraisers were provided a title report to review. The report identified only two easements which encumber portions of the two subject lots, both for utilities and both at the extreme western end of the lots. These easements are not considered to limit development of the subject to its highest and best use. Soil Conditions - No soils and geotechnical investigation report was provided by the client. Our site inspection revealed no visible evidence of soils subsidence or other adverse soil conditions. It is assumed as a limiting condition of this report that the load bearing capacity of the site is similar to other developed properties in the vicinity and adequate to support any legal improvements that might be proposed for the property. Flood Hazard – Flood Insurance Rate Map 06073C1930G (map not printed), dated May 16, 2012, indicates that the subject property is in White Zone X. White Zone X is identified as areas outside the 500 year flood plain. Environmental Issues – Both subject lots are vacant, mapped residential lots surrounded by improved residential properties. There are no known environmental issues. 20 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants SUBJECT PHOTOGRAPHS Lot 18 viewed from across Buena Vista Drive. Lot 18 viewed from the fence line. 21 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants SUBJECT PHOTOGRAPHS Lot 19 viewed from across Buena Vista Drive. Lot 19 viewed from the fence line. 22 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants SUBJECT PHOTOGRAPHS Looking north on Buena Vista Drive. The subjects are to the left. Looking south on Buena Vista Drive. The subjects are to the right. 23 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants Property Data Use History – The entire holding was formerly the site of a large water storage tank. Review of historic aerial photos using Google Earth indicates that at some point between September 1996 and June 2002 the tank was removed and the existing pump station was constructed. The tank had occupied portions of both of the subject lots, but the lots appear to have been vacant since it was removed. Sales History – Information provided by the client states that the four lot holding was acquired by the current owner on December 31, 1959. There have been no known vesting changes since that date. Property Taxes/Assessed Values The subject lots are owned by a municipal water district and are not taxed. 24 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants HIGHEST AND BEST USE As used in this report, Highest and Best Use is defined as: That reasonable and probable use which will support the highest present value as of the date of the appraisal, and That use from among reasonably probable and legal alternative uses, found to be physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and which results in the highest land value. There are two distinct analyses in the highest and best use process; the highest and best use analysis of the site as if it were vacant, and the highest and best use analysis of the site as improved. Following is a brief summary of the subject’s highest and best use as vacant and improved. The determination of the highest and best use of a property either improved or vacant, must consider the following four criteria. Is the potential use: (1) legally permissible, (2) physically possible, (3) financially feasible, and (4) maximally productive. These criteria should be considered in the above order, as qualification under the latter criteria would be irrelevant if a use is physically or legally prohibited. As If Vacant: The subject properties are two legal lots that make up the southern half of a single Assessor’s Parcel comprising four identical legal lots. Per the Assessor Plat Map, each lot is 50’ x 127.5’, or 6,375 square feet in size, and both are rectangular in shape offering good utility. They are interior parcels on the west side of Buena Vista Avenue a short distance south of its intersection with Chestnut Street in the La Presa area of Spring Valley. Both lots have somewhat sloping topography and are slightly above the grade of Buena Vista Avenue. The entire area is zoned RS, Residential Suburban, by the County of San Diego and are in an area requiring 6,000 square foot minimum lot sizes. The zoning is in conformance with the Village Residential 7.3 land use designation. The lots are in a large, well established residential subdivision in the La Presa portion of Spring Valley. The entire surrounding area comprises generally older single family residences on 6,000 square foot minimum lots. Developing each of the lots with a single family residence would be legally permissible, physically possible, financially feasible, maximally productive and is considered to be the highest and best use of the two subject properties. As Improved: The two subject lots are vacant. 25 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants VALUATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Typically when developing an opinion of the market value of a property, three approaches to value are used - the Cost Approach, the Sales Comparison Approach and the Income Approach. The Cost Approach is useful in valuing new or proposed improvements which represent the Highest and Best Use of the site, or special use properties that are not frequently exchanged in the market. This valuation method relates the value of the subject property to the cost of a similar site and the reproduction cost of the improvements. However, the subject properties are vacant residential lots and the Cost Approach is not relevant. The Sales Comparison Approach compares the subject property with similar properties which have sold recently. Comparison of the similarities and dissimilarities of comparable properties to the subject provides an indication of value that is derived directly from the actions of buyers and sellers in the marketplace. In this analysis, the Sales Comparison Approach will be used to develop an opinion of the market value of the subject properties. The Income Approach analyzes the economic characteristics of a property through its ability to produce income. This approach generally involves Direct Capitalization of a property’s one year stabilized net operating income using a market derived overall capitalization rate. As with the Cost Approach, the subject properties are vacant lots and the Income Approach is not relevant. The appraisers searched for recent sales, escrows and listings of similar properties in the subject area. Data sources included the San Diego County Multiple Listing Service, public records, and conversations with brokers active in the subject market. Detailed write-ups of each of the comparables used are contained in the addendum to this appraisal report. 26 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants SALES COMPARISON APPROACH The Sales Comparison Approach is based on the principal of substitution, which implies that a prudent buyer would pay no more to purchase a particular property than it would cost to obtain a comparable substitute property. A common unit of comparison used in this approach for vacant residential lots is the total selling price per lot. The Sales Comparison Approach is a typical method of analysis that a potential investor or owner/user purchaser in a property of this type would use in the decision process. The subject properties are vacant, conforming legal residential lots. They are both 6,375± square feet in size. They are somewhat sloping lots with up banks at the back of each lot, but have ample developable area to be improved with single family residences similar to many other lots in the immediate area. The appraisers conducted a search for listings, pending sales, and recent sales of similar residential lots. The market data research included the use of published sales information services, public records, and interviews with buyers, sellers, and other real estate professionals active in the commercial retail segment of the real estate market. Our search focused on sales of vacant residential lots in the subject area. Since the subject area was built out many years age, there were only limited recent sales of vacant lots in the vicinity. We located a total of five sales considered suitable for developing an opinion of the market value of the subject properties. All are located within approximately three miles of the subject, four are in Spring Valley and one is in neighboring La Mesa. One sale occurred in May 2017, the other four in 2019. They bracket the subject somewhat widely in selling price and physical characteristics and are considered to be the most reliable available indicators of subject market value. COMPARABILITY FACTORS The following discussion identifies the comparability factors that were considered by the appraisers in the valuation process of the subject property. Market Conditions There were insufficient sales of vacant land parcels in the subject area to do meaningful selling price trend analysis. As an alternative, since land prices generally tend to follow trends in selling prices of improved residential properties, we reviewed sales of single family homes in the subject zip code for the period from May 2017 to present. We limited the search to homes built since 1975 and between 1,000 SF and 2,000 SF as these are considered most representative of the type of home expected to be constructed on the subject properties. Nearly 300 sales were analyzed on a dollars per square foot basis in order to minimize the effect of differing home sizes. The date range includes the recording dates of all five comparable sales. Analysis of the data indicated that the trend in selling price increased approximately 6.95% for the two 27 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants years of the analysis, or approximately 3.5% per year. These trends were discussed with brokers and other market participants during confirmation of data used in this and other appraisal reports. While individual opinions varied to some extent, the overall consensus of these individuals tends to support the results of our sales data analysis. Based on our analysis of improved residential sales reported by the San Diego County MLS, in conjunction with numerous conversations with brokers, buyers and/or sellers involved with sales of residential land properties, we have concluded that 3.5% per year, or 0.29% per month, is an appropriate rate at which to adjust sales for differing market conditions as of the date of sale. Location The subject property is located in the La Presa area of Spring Valley. The subject property’s immediate area located on Buena Vista Drive north of Apple Street is a long established residential neighborhood with basic quality housing. Two of the sales are also in the La Presa area and are considered similar in location to the subject. The other three are all considered superior in varying degrees to the subject in terms of their location. Consideration was given to the comparables’ locations as they compare to the subject property’s location. Property Size When considering properties of differing size on a per lot basis, larger lots are superior to smaller lots. Four of the sale properties are larger than the subjects and are considered superior to the subject in that regard. Site Utility The subject properties are rectangular in shape and somewhat sloping, considered to be average in site utility. Two of the sales are considered similar in utility. The other three are considered inferior to the subject in utility, two due to steep terrain and one due to a drainage ditch on the property. View Due to the topography in the area the subject property offers some view of the area and hills to the east. Two of the sales are considered to have inferior view potential, one is generally similar, and two are superior in varying degrees due to steep topography of the sites. Access The subject is accessible from either direction on Buena Vista Drive. Two of the subjects are accessible only via a long, narrow easement road. The other three comparable sales are considered generally similar to the subject in access. 28 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ● Consultants Zoning/Land Use The subject properties have zoning and land use classifications intended for single family development. Four of the sales are similar in this regard. The fifth is zoned for multiple residential use but could accommodate a maximum of only two units, or one SFR. Offsite Improvements The subject street has partial offsites including concrete curbs and gutters, but no sidewalks at the subject location. Three of the sales are on easement roads with no county offsite improvements. The other two have partial offsites. Development Potential/Status The subject properties are vacant, individual residential lots with the potential for development with one single family residence each. All five comparable sales are considered similar to the subjects in this regard. The table on the following page summarizes the land sales, and the considerations and adjustments that were made. A detailed discussion follows regarding the comparability of each sale to the subject with respect to property rights, financing, conditions of sale, market conditions on the date of sale, geographic location, site utility, view potential, access, zoning, offsites and development potential. . 29 SUBJECT SALE NO. 1 SALE NO. 2 SALE NO. 3 SALE NO. 4 SALE NO. 5 Property Location Buena Vista Avenue West of Gillespie Drive West of Gillespie Drive 8657 Golf Drive 9360 Hollyhock Road High Street S of Chestnub Street South of Jamacha Road South of Jamacha Road at Waite Drive Spring Valley Spring Valley (La Presa)Spring Valley (La Presa)Spring Valley Spring Valley (Casa de Oro)La Mesa Owner/Seller Otay Water District Jackson Family Trust Jackson Family Trust M&M Clint Cable Deutsche Bank Socal Metro Holdings Buyer N/A Aaron Leavitt Aaron Leavitt Christopher Welton Murphy/Pechacek Rehouse LLC Assessor Parcel Number(s)Por 579-364-17 584-510-20 584-510-19 499-361-19 500-160-14 475-352-14 Recording Date 03/12/19 03/07/19 03/06/19 01/25/19 04/28/17 Document No.0088562 0081756 0080628 0028612 0192134 Land Area (SF)6,375 13,454 14,037 18,000 18,146 6,098 Site Utility (Shape & Topo)Rectangular/sloping Rectangular/level Rectangular/level Steep slope w/tiers Rectangular/gentle slope Steep slope View Some distant hills None None Panoramic Some Area Good area to S and W Zoning/Land Use RS/VR-7.3 RS/VR-7.3, SD County RS/VR-7.3, SD County RS/VR-2.9, SD County RS/VR-4.3, SD County R3/Multi Res, La Mesa Minimum lot size 6,000 6,000 6,000 15,000 10,000 6,098 Access 1 Street Easement road Easement road 1 Street End of private road 1 Street Offsites Curbs/gutters only.Partial on Gillespie Partial on Gillespie Paved road only Paved road only Partial offsites Devel Status Vacant legal lot Pomegranite orchard Pomegranite orchard Vacant land Vacant land Vacant land Devel Potential/Status 1 SFR 1 SFR 1 SFR 1 SFR 1 SFR 1 SFR or 2 Apartment Proposed Use 1 SFR 1 SFR 1 SFR 1 SFR Not disclosed Highest & Best Use SFR development.Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Comments The subjects are two adjacent, identical legal lots which are currently portions of APN 579-364- 17. This is a generally rectangular, essentially level lot partially improved with a pomegranite orchard. Lot cannot be split due to narrow easement access road. This is a generally rectangular, essentially level lot improved with a pomegranite orchard. Lot cannot be split due to narrow easement access road. This is a steeply sloping residential lot in the La Mesa Country Club section of Spring Valley. Sold with plans for a 3,300± SF house. This is a generally rectangular, sloping site at the end of a private road. There is no private road maintenance agreement. This is an irregular shaped, steeply sloping lot a short distance from SR- 94. Permitted uses include 1 SFR or 2 apartments. Topo limits site utility. Price $80,000 $50,000 $161,000 $155,000 $94,000 Conditions of Sale/Market: Property Rights Fee Simple Subtotal $80,000 $50,000 $161,000 $155,000 $94,000 Financing Cash Equivalent Subtotal $80,000 $50,000 $161,000 $155,000 $94,000 Condition of Sale Market Subtotal $80,000 $50,000 $161,000 $155,000 $94,000 Market Conditions Stable/Improving $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Market Condition Adj. Price/SF $80,800 $50,500 $162,610 $156,550 $100,580 Location Spring Valley Similar Similar Superior Consid Superior Superior Site Size (Ac)6,375 Superior Superior Superior Superior Similar Site Utility (Shape & Topo)Rectangular/sloping Similar Consid Inferior Inferior Similar Inferior View Some distant hills Inferior Inferior Consid Superior Similar Superior Access 1 Street Inferior Inferior Similar Similar Similar Zoning/Land Use RS/VR-7.3 Similar Similar Similar Similar Similar Offsites Full Offsites Slgt Inferior Slgt Inferior Similar Slgt Inferior Similar Devel Potential/Status SFR development.Similar Similar Superior Similar Similar OVERALL COMPARABILITY Inferior Substantially Inferior Substantially Superior Substantially Superior Sim to Slgt Superior COMPARABLE LAND SALES SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS COMPARABILITY ANALYSIS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 30 Land Sale No. 1 W of Gillespie Drive S of Jamacha Road, Spring Valley, CA This is the March 2019 sale of an approximately 13,454 square foot vacant residential zoned lot located in the La Presa area of Spring Valley. The selling price was $80,000. It was a cash to seller transaction. It is a generally level, rectangular lot situated at the west end of a narrow easement road extending west from Gillespie Drive. It is accessible only from the east on the easement road across three other properties in the area. It is zoned RS (Residential Suburban) by the County of San Diego with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. It has a Land Use classification of VR-7.3 (Village Residential, 7.3 units per acre). The zoning and land use classifications suggest that this property could be split into two legal lots, however, the confirming source stated that the County will not permit it to be split because the easement access road is too narrow. As of the date of sale the southern half of this sale was improved with a pomegranate grove. The buyer of this property reportedly plans to build an SFR. This sale was adjusted slightly upward to $80,800 to account for differing market conditions as of the date of sale. This sale comparable is considered superior to the subject relative to its larger lot size. It is inferior to the subject in terms of its lack of view amenity, its easement road access and slightly inferior as to offsite improvements. It is considered generally similar to the subject in other respects including its La Presa location, site utility, zoning and development potential. Overall, this comparable sale is considered inferior to the subject and indicates a price greater than $80,800 for the subject property. Land Sale No. 2 W of Gillespie Drive S of Jamacha Road, Spring Valley, CA This is the March 2019 sale of an approximately 14,037 square foot vacant residential zoned lot located in the La Presa area of Spring Valley. The selling price was $50,000. It was a cash to seller transaction. It is adjacent to Sale 1 above and was purchased by the same buyer at approximately the same time. The selling price of this property was reduced by $30,000 due to anticipated remediation costs of a drainage ditch which crosses the property. The confirming source noted that, absent the ditch it would have sold for $80,000. It is a generally level, rectangular lot situated at the west end of a narrow HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 31 easement road extending west from Gillespie Drive. It is accessible only from the east on the easement road across three other properties in the area. It is zoned RS (Residential Suburban) by the County of San Diego with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. It has a Land Use classification of VR-7.3 (Village Residential, 7.3 units per acre). The zoning and land use classifications suggest that this property could be split into two legal lots, however, the confirming source stated that the County will not permit it to be split because the easement access road is too narrow. As of the date of sale this property was improved with a pomegranate grove. The buyer reportedly plans to build an SFR. This sale was adjusted slightly upward to $50,500 to account for differing market conditions as of the date of sale. This sale comparable is considered superior to the subject relative to its larger lot size. It is considerably inferior to the subject in terms of its site utility (remedial cost of curing the drainage ditch), inferior as to lack of view amenity, its easement road access and slightly inferior as to offsite improvements. It is considered generally similar to the subject in other respects including its La Presa location and zoning.. Overall, this comparable sale is considered substantially inferior to the subject and indicates a price substantially more than $50,500 for the subject property. Land Sale No. 3 8657 Golf Drive, Spring Valley, CA This is the March 2019 sale of an approximately 18,000 square foot vacant residential zoned lot located in the La Mesa Country Club neighborhood of northern Spring Valley. The selling price was $161,000 in a cash to seller transaction. The lot slopes steeply upward from Golf Drive and has a level pad area near the top of the site. It is generally rectangular in shape. It is an interior lot which is accessible from either direction on Golf Drive, a two lane, asphalt paved road with asphalt curbs but no other offsites. The property is zoned RS (Residential Suburban) by the County of San Diego with a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet. It has a Land Use designation of VR-2.9 (Village Residential, 2.9 dwelling units per acre). The confirming source noted that the seller had some preliminary work toward development and that water was in, sewer was connected and electricity and gas were present. He also noted that there were plans available for an approximately 3,300 SF residence, but that the buyer opted not to use them. This sale was adjusted slightly upward to $162,610 to account for differing market conditions as of the date of sale. This sale comparable is considered superior to the subject in terms of its location in northern Spring Valley and its development status with utility connections. It is superior in overall lot size and HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 32 considerably superior as a result of its panoramic view potential. It is inferior to the subject relative to its steeply sloping site utility. It is considered generally similar to the subject in other respects including, access, zoning and offsites. Overall, this sale is considered substantially superior to the subject and indicates a subject value of substantially less than $162,610. Land Sale No. 4 9360 Hollyhock Road, Spring Valley, CA This is the January 2019 sale of an approximately 18,146 square foot vacant residential zoned lot located in the Casa de Oro neighborhood of northern Spring Valley. The selling price was $155,000 in a cash to seller transaction. This was an REO sale that was originally listed for $117,000, but the confirming source stated that they received multiple offers for the property and it eventually sold for the $155,000 noted above. The broker indicated that $155,000 was generally representative of its market value. The lot slopes gently upward from Hollyhock Lane, a private road extending east from Hollyhock Road. It is generally rectangular in shape. It is an interior lot which is accessible only from the west on Hollyhock Lane, an unmaintained road with no road maintenance agreement between neighbors. The property is zoned RS (Residential Suburban) by the County of San Diego with a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. It has a Land Use designation of VR-4.3 (Village Residential, 4.3 dwelling units per acre). This sale was adjusted slightly upward to $156,550 to account for differing market conditions as of the date of sale. This sale comparable is considerably superior to the subject in terms of its location in the Casa de Oro section of Spring Valley and slightly superior in overall lot size. It is slightly inferior to the subject relative to its offsites. It is considered generally similar to the subject in other respects including site utility, view potential, access and zoning. Overall, this sale is considered substantially superior to the subject and indicates a subject value of substantially less than $156,550. HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 33 Land Sale No. 5 High Street at Waite Drive, La Mesa, CA This is the April 2017 sale of an approximately 6,098 square foot vacant residential zoned lot located at the corner of High Street and Waite Drive in the City of La Mesa. The selling price was $94,000 in a cash to seller transaction. The lot slopes steeply upward from High Street and is irregular in shape. There is an approximately 3,700 square foot generally level pad area at the east side of the property. It is a corner lot but is accessible only from High Street, a two lane, asphalt paved road with concrete curbs and gutters but sidewalks only on one side of the street. The property is zoned R3 (Multiple Unit Residential) by the City of La Mesa with a minimum net lot size of 2,420 square feet per dwelling unit. It has a Land Use designation of Multi-Residential. Development standards would permit development of this property with either single family or multi family improvements. However, given that substantial grading would be required to provide the 4,840 net square feet needed for two multi-family units, it is considered more likely that the property will eventually be improved with a single family dwelling. This sale was adjusted upward to $100,580 to account for differing market conditions as of the date of sale. This sale comparable is considered superior to the subject in terms of its location in La Mesa and superior relative to its view potential. It is inferior to the subject relative to its steeply sloping site utility. It is considered generally similar to the subject in other respects including site size, access, zoning, offsites and development potential. Overall, this sale is considered similar to slightly superior to the subject and indicates a subject value in the range of $100,580. HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 34 The following table summarizes the comparability of the five comparable sales to the subject property, from the most inferior to the most superior. LAND SALE COMPARABLES Comp # Address Sale Date Size (SF) Sale Price* Comparability 2 W of Gillespie Drive, Spring Valley 03/07/19 14,037 $50,500 Substantially Inferior 1 W of Gillespie Drive, Spring Valley 03/12/19 13,454 $80,800 Inferior Subj Buena Vista Dr S of Chestnut, SV $100,000 5 High Street @ Waite Drive, La Mesa 04/28/17 6,098 $100,580 Similar to Slightly Superior 4 9360 Hollyhock Road, Casa de Oro 01/25/19 18,146 $156,550 Substantially Superior 3 8657 Golf Drive, Spring Valley 03/06/19 18,000 $162,610 Substantially Superior * Market Conditions adjusted price per square foot After consideration of economic, physical, and locational differences which have an influence on value, the comparable sale properties bracket the subjects’ market value, albeit widely, due to a lack of similar lot sales in the area. Comparables 1 and 5 were considered most similar and given greatest weight in our analysis. These sales bracket the subject value in the range of approximately $80,800 to $100,580 with Sale 5 requiring the fewest considerations for differing physical characteristics. Based on the bracketing effect of Sales 1 and 5, with support from the other sales and discussions with knowledgeable sources in the area, it is our opinion that the value of the subject properties is $100,000 per lot. Indicated Value 2 Lots x $100,000/Lot = $200,000 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 35 MARKET DATA ADDENDUM HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 36 LAND SALES MAP HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 37 Land Sale 1 Location: West of Gillespie Drive South of Jamacha Road, Spring Valley, CA. APN: 584-510-20 Size & Shape: 13,454 square feet, rectangular in shape. Topography: Generally level. View: None. Zoning: RS (Residential Suburban) San Diego County, 6,000 square foot minimum lots. Utilities: Typical utilities are available in the area. Access/Offsites: Accessible via an easement access road extending west from Gillespie Drive. Improvements: None at the time of sale. Sale Price: $80,000 Terms: Cash to seller. Transaction: Document Number: 2019-0088562 Recording Date: March 12, 2019 Transfer Tax: $88.00, Full Value Buyer: Aaron Leavitt Seller: Jackson Family Trust Confirmed by: Brian Turner, selling agent. Comments: At the time of sale, the southern half of this property was used as a pomegranate orchard and the northern half was vacant. Despite being large enough to be split into two residential lots, the County will not permit the split because the easement access road is too narrow. The buyer reportedly intends to construct a single family residence on the lot. As of our inspection, no work had commenced. HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 38 Land Sale 1 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 39 Land Sale 2 Location: West of Gillespie Drive South of Jamacha Road, Spring Valley, CA. APN: 584-510-19 Size & Shape: 14,037 square feet, rectangular in shape. Topography: Generally level. View: None. Zoning: RS (Residential Suburban) San Diego County, 6,000 square foot minimum lots. Utilities: Typical utilities are available in the area. Access/Offsites: Accessible via an easement access road extending west from Gillespie Drive. Improvements: None at the time of sale. Sale Price: $50,000 Terms: Cash to seller. Transaction: Document Number: 2019-0081756 Recording Date: March 7, 2019 Transfer Tax: $55.00, Full Value Buyer: Aaron Leavitt Seller: Jackson Family Trust Confirmed by: Brian Turner, selling agent. Comments: At the time of sale, this property was used as a pomegranate orchard. Despite being large enough to be split into two residential lots, the County will not permit the split because the easement access road is too narrow. This sale is adjacent to Sale 1 above. Its selling price was discounted $30,000 to offset anticipated costs of remediating a drainage ditch that crosses the property. The selling agent stated that, absent the ditch, it would have sold for $80,000. The buyer reportedly intends to construct a single family residence on the lot. As of our inspection, no work had commenced. HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 40 Land Sale 2 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 41 Land Sale 3 Location: 8657 Golf Drive, Spring Valley, CA APN: 499-361-19 Size & Shape: Approximately 18,000 square feet, generally rectangular in shape. Topography: Steeply sloping site with a generally level pad area at the top. View: Panoramic view to north and west. Zoning: RS (Residential Suburban), County of San Diego, 15,000 SF minimum lot size. Utilities: Typical utilities are operating to the site. Access/Offsites: This property is accessible from either direction on Golf Drive, a two lane, asphalt paved road. Improvements: None, the site was vacant as of the date of sale. Sale Price: $161,000 Terms: Cash to seller. Transaction: Document Number: 2019-0080628 Recording Date: March 6, 2019 Transfer Tax: $177.10, full value. Buyer: Christopher Welton Seller: Clint & Laurie Cable Confirmed by: Adam Stone, selling agent. Comments: This sale property is located in the La Mesa Country Club neighborhood of Spring Valley. It is a steeply sloping site with a generally level pad area at the top. Since the building pad area is at the top of the site, the property offers a sweeping view to the north and west. According to the selling agent, the seller had completed some preliminary development steps including utility connections. The buyer reportedly intends to construct a single family residence on the property. HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 42 Land Sale 3 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 43 Land Sale 4 Location: 9360 Hollyhock Road, Spring Valley, CA APN: 500-160-14 Size & Shape: Approximately 18,146 square feet, generally rectangular in shape. Topography: Gently sloping. Zoning: RS (Residential Suburban), County of San Diego, 10,000 SF minimum lot size. Utilities: Typical utilities are available. Access/Offsites: This property is accessible via Hollyhock Lane, an unmaintained private road with no road maintenance agreement between neighbors. Improvements: None, this property was vacant as of the date of sale. Sale Price: $155,000 Terms: Cash to seller. Transaction: Document Number: 2019-0028612 Recording Date: January 25, 2019 Transfer Tax: $170.50, full value. Buyer: Patrick Murphy Seller: Deutsche Bank Confirmed by: Scott Varley, selling agent. Comments: This was a previously developed property from which the improvements were removed in early 2014. It is a gently sloping property situated at the end of a poorly maintained private road extending generally east from Hollyhock Road. It was also an REO sale, originally listed for $117,000, but the selling agent noted that they received multiple offers which drove the price up to $155,000. The agent noted that the final price was generally representative of his opinion of market value of the property. The buyer reportedly intends to construct a residence on the site. As of our inspection no work had commenced. HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 44 Land Sale 4 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 45 Land Sale 5 Location: High Street at Waite Drive, La Mesa, CA APN: 475-352-14 Size & Shape: Approximately 6,098 square feet, irregular in shape. Topography: Steeply sloping up from the street with a generally level pad area at the top. Zoning: R3 (Multi Unit Residential), City of La Mesa. Utilities: Typical utilities are available. Access/Offsites: This property is at the corner of High Street and Waite Drive but is accessible only from High Street. Improvements: None, this property was vacant as of the date of sale. Sale Price: $94,000 Terms: Cash to seller. Transaction: Document Number: 2017-0192134 Recording Date: April 28, 2017 Transfer Tax: $103.40, full value. Buyer: Rehouse LLC Seller: Socal Metro Holdings LLC Confirmed by: Public records. Comments: This is a small, steeply sloping lot at the intersection of High Street and Waite Drive in La Mesa. There is an approximately 3,700 square foot generally level pad area at the top of the lot. The R3 zoning requires 2,420 net square feet per dwelling unit for multiple units. Thus, significant grading would be required to develop two dwelling units on the property. It is considered more likely that one single family residence will be developed. We were unable to contact the buyer to determine his intentions for the property. HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 46 Land Sale 5 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 47 TITLE REPORT HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 48 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 49 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 50 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 51 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 52 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 53 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 54 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 55 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 56 GENERAL ADDENDA HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 57 HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Hendrickson Appraisal Company, Inc. is a midsized appraisal firm that was incorporated in 1986 to provide professional consultation on matters relating to valuation of real estate and real property. The firm specializes in valuation of commercial, industrial, entitled and unentitled vacant land, and subdivision property. Appraisers within the firm provide valuation consultation and expert witness testimony relating to several legal matters involving: eminent domain property acquisitions, estate matters, real property misrepresentation matters and partnership disputes, bankruptcy and foreclosure matters, and diminution of value matters involving construction defects, soils subsidence and hazardous waste issues. In addition to court testimony, arbitration and mediation services are provided to facilitate settlement on valuation issues, as appropriate. The firm specializes in appraisal of office buildings, retail centers, industrial property, restaurants, marinas, multi-use property, special use property, large entitled and unentitled vacant land holdings, many of which involve sensitive habitat issues, and residential subdivision and golf course oriented planned residential developments. Detailed sensitivity analysis, including discounted cash flow analysis on income producing property (offices, retail and industrial) and multi-phased residential subdivision cash flow analysis, is a specialty area of the firm. In addition to valuation of property based upon their highest and best use as developed from market analysis, Hendrickson Appraisal Company, Inc. provides consulting services relating to alternative uses for various property, under differing use scenarios. Following is a brief summary of the organization of the company. Ted G. Hendrickson, MAI, the principal valuation expert within the firm has over 30 years of appraisal experience, primarily oriented toward commercial and subdivision appraising. He has extensive expert witness experience having testified many times in arbitration and court proceedings. Associate appraisers in the company are either MAI designated or advanced candidates for the MAI designation and are State of California Certified General appraisers. The average experience level of the firm's staff appraisers is 15 years, with primary emphasis on appraisal of all types of commercial property, large land holdings and residential subdivisions at various densities. HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 58 TED G. HENDRICKSON, MAI PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Ted G. Hendrickson, MAI is the president and principal valuation expert of Hendrickson Appraisal Company, Inc., a midsized appraisal firm specializing in valuation of commercial, industrial, large vacant land holdings and land subdivision property. Mr. Hendrickson has over 30 years of experience as a real estate appraiser and consultant, primarily specializing in valuation of commercial property. Mr. Hendrickson is a qualified expert witness, having given testimony on several occasions in Superior Court and in the Federal Court system. Mr. Hendrickson has testified in several cases involving: eminent domain property acquisitions, estate matters, real property misrepresentation matters and partnership disputes, bankruptcy and foreclosure matters, and diminution of value matters involving construction defects, soils subsidence and hazardous waste issues. Mr. Hendrickson has also served as valuation expert and arbitrator in arbitration hearings involving property valuation and lease negotiations with the Port of San Diego and in other public and private corporate real estate matters. Mr. Hendrickson's appraisal experience includes valuation of the following property types: commercial, retail, office, industrial, multi-residential, special use property such as food processing facilities, tidelands property including marinas, hotels and restaurants, vacant unentitled land with sensitive habitat issues, and subdivision land with detailed highest and best use analysis. He has extensive experience in valuing large office buildings and other income producing property, as well as land subdivisions (residential and industrial) using discounted cash flow sensitivity analysis. Mr. Hendrickson holds the highest designation in the appraisal field, the MAI designation. He is past President of the San Diego Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and has served on several regional committees. HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 59 QUALIFICATIONS TED G. HENDRICKSON, MAI APPRAISAL EXPERIENCE: 1986-Present: Hendrickson Appraisal Company, Inc. President; Real estate appraiser, reviewer, consultant, analyst, and expert witness Full range of Appraisal/Consulting services, including mediation and arbitration services Right of Way Eminent Domain Valuation Specialist 1984-1986: Independent Appraiser specializing in appraisal and feasibility analysis of commercial, industrial, offices, multi-phased subdivisions and income property. 1973-1983: Home Federal: 1973-1979: Appraiser Analyst specializing in appraisals of subdivisions, commercial, retail centers, office and industrial property. 1979-1983: Appraisal Dept. Manager, Vice President. Responsible for reviewing and appraising commercial, residential, and industrial property. 1970-1973: California Department of Transportation. Staff appraiser specializing in valuation of residential and commercial property for right of way eminent domain purposes. EDUCATION: Undergraduate and post graduate professional studies California State University, Northridge - B.S. degree in Real Estate Finance University of Southern California (Graduate School of Business) University of Washington (Graduate School of Business) Appraisal Institute Courses and Seminars: (Courses taken at various universities throughout the U.S.) ▪ Industrial Appraising ▪ Appraisal of Income Property ▪ Investment Analysis ▪ Capitalization Theory ▪ Litigation Testimony ▪ Skills of Expert Testimony ▪ Real Estate Risk and Analysis ▪ Discounted Cash Flow Analysis ▪ Valuation of Partial Interests ▪ Subdivision Analysis and Feasibility ▪ Analysis of Money Market Rates ▪ Standards of Professional Practice ▪ Valuation of Easements ▪ Impact of Hazardous Substances on Real Estate ▪ Highest and Best Use Analysis ▪ Market Land Use Analysis ▪ Financial Forecasting ▪ Environmental and Biological Issues ▪ Cost Analysis ▪ Master Planned Communities/Land Planning ▪ Mitigation Land Analysis ▪ Standards for Federal Lands Acquisitions (USFLA) ▪ Valuation of Lease Interests ▪ Eminent Domain Law PROFESSIONAL: Membership and Service MAI Designation (#6603) with the Appraisal Institute California Certified General Appraiser (AG004974) California Real Estate Broker’s License (#530471) Member of the International Right of Way Association (#1148112) Chairman and member of several Appraisal Institute committees Past President of the San Diego Chapter of the Appraisal Institute COURT EXPERIENCE: Qualified Expert Witness Testified in California State Superior Court and U.S. Federal Court Testified in Arbitration and Mediation Proceedings - government agencies and private corporations HENDRICKSON APPRAISAL COMPANY, INC. Real Estate Appraisers ▪ Consultants 60 QUALIFICATIONS EDWARD A. BEAVER APPRAISAL EXPERIENCE: 1987-Present Associate Appraiser, Hendrickson Appraisal Company, Inc. Residential: Appraisal of all types of residential properties ranging from senior citizen condominiums to large custom estate properties, both existing and proposed. Appraisal of all types of residential properties for public acquisition under eminent domain law including full and partial fee acquisitions, permanent and temporary easement acquisitions and analysis of just compensation for severance damages and benefits. Income property: Appraisal of large residential income properties, multi-phased planned industrial park properties, vacant land intended for multi-unit residential properties, improved industrial properties, commercial/retail properties, proposed residential subdivision properties and appraisal of leasehold interests. Appraisal of complex commercial and residential income properties for public acquisition under eminent domain law including full and partial fee acquisitions, permanent and temporary easement acquisitions and analysis of just compensation for severance damages and benefits. Experience includes giving sworn testimony during arbitration proceedings. PROFESSIONAL: Practicing Affiliate in the Appraisal Institute. State of California Certified General Appraiser #AG009555. EDUCATION: Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Illinois – B.S. degree in Mathematics. National University, San Diego, California – MBA degree with emphasis in Computer Management. Appraisal Institute Courses/Seminars Basic Valuation Procedures Standards of Professional Practice A Standards of Professional Practice B Capitalization Theory and Techniques A Capitalization Theory and Techniques B Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation Appraising from Blueprints and Specs Planning and Land Use Apartment Valuations Appraisal Regulations of Federal Banking Agencies OREA Laws and Regulations Applying Economic Forecasts Environmental Risk and Analysis Property Profile of Operating Expenses Master Planned Communities Easement Valuation Expert Witness Testimony Leasehold Analysis Eminent Domain Law Litigation Valuation 7 Hour National USPAP Update Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acq. RE Finance Statistics and Valuation Modeling Operating Expense Seminar Supporting Capitalization Rates Appraisal Applications of Regression Analysis Stats and Graphs 1 Review Theory – General EXHIBIT C Two Vacant Residential Lots Lot 18 ±6,375 SF | $125,000 Lot 19 ±6,375 SF | $125,000 Both Lots ± 12,750 SF | $220,000 Option to Purchase Together or Separate Vince Provenzano President of Brokerage Vince@PacificCoastCommercial.com Lic. 00780182 (619) 469-3600 | 10721 Treena St., Ste 200 | San Diego, CA 92131 | www.PacificCoastCommercial.com | Lic. 01209930 Tyler McKee Sales & Leasing Associate Tyler@PacificCoastCommercial.com Lic. 02082617 The information contained herein has been given to us by the owner of the property or other sources we deem reliable, we have no reason to doubt its accuracy, but we do not guarantee it. All information including zoning and use should be verified prior to purchase. FOR SALE Property Overview Development Opportunity Two +/- 6,375 SF Vacant Residential Lots Parcel Size: +/- 12,750 SF Lot APN # 579-364-17-00 Sale Price: $220,000 ($125,000 Per Lot) • Situated in Spring Valley • Zoned: RS, Residential Suburban, County of San Diego • Land Use: VR-7.3, Village Residential, 7.3 Dwelling Units Per Acre • Minimum Lot Size is 6,000 SF EXISTING LAYOUT Immediate Access to Hwy 125 with Easy Access to Hwy 54, & 94 Heavily Populated Suburban Area Covering Approx. 11 Miles Property Offers Views of the Area & Hills to the East with Some Lake Views Average Household Income: $86,139 within a 5 Mile Radius (2019) Information Source: CoStar The predominant land use in the area is single family residential, but since the 1970’s denser housing areas have been developed. The market for residential properties in the Spring Valley Area has been improving for the last several years. The high concentration of residential properties has benefited both retail and office properties. Public transportation is provided by the Metropolitan Transit System which has several bus routes serving the community. 354,361 full time population 74,958 day time population 365,403 population growth (2024) $86,139 avg. household income 3.00 avg. household size 68,339 owner occupied population 9,026 businesses 4 public parks * demographics source: costar, based upon a 5 mile radius 48,084 renter occupied population Spring Valley | Market Snapshot SURROUNDING AREA AERIAL 19,565 VPD JAMACHA ROAD & COUSHATTA LANE J"� C A L I f O R N J A '-� ASSOCIATION .. OF REAi.TORS SELLER COUNTER OFFER No. 1 May not be used •� a multlpJe count.r offor. iC.A.11. FQlll' SCO. Revl11N1 11114} Date May Z§. � __ _ Thl6 e a ooonter 04Tor lo the: daleO _ May"· 202D berwoon and ----- PurctlsM Pqeemeot, l I Buyer Counter Offer No._ • or C Olhsr --,---___ ("Offer"), . on prqieny lulown as � Vhlfit Averrue Lot !6•191 Sprlna Vltlhly, � 919'11 f Propeft)I"), 8 Ave, LLC 7:-------------, ('Bu),af°)Ouy WaJer °"trf£t I Jo.a Martinez, GMPOII t,lr111ager _____ C-�Jer"). 1. TERMS; Tho t81'11\5 and coodllions of th• above referenced tloe1-1rnent are scceptoo subject to the followmg: A. Paragraph• In the Offer that raqulre 11\JU�lt by 111 pilrtlaa. bul •• not lnlttaled ny all pattlH, •re flelluded from lhe flnal IIG"""'•nt 1,1,..a ■peolRc■lty 'ffi,..nced kw lncluston In P'"'Qf<1ph 1C of thl• or onothar Qounter Orte, or an lldd■ndum,B. UnlH• otilofwlH ag,eed ln writing, down payment and loan unount(a) wt.II be adju11ed In the same proponlon as In the cirig nal Offar, but depo11t •mounJ(a) anal retnaln undl.-.911d from lh.e ortglnal Offer.C. OTHER TERMS: f, B41l9!:toDlacloH Qwoo q,f,,,Bc.te:.:�:.:.c..:LL=C=-------------------------- 2. $Hier Will"°' JIJstall W•ter Melen 3. Th• Sw lf Sut,Jec:t to Ohl)! Wa(!tr Qf!trfot Bow Approval D.The fo41owtng attiiched addenda ue lncorporatad Into thl• S.lltr Counter olfer: 0 Addendum No. ______ _r1_______ _ _____ [ I ________ _ 2, EXPIRATION: TIii$ S r Coumer Ol'la, 811811 bo doomed rovokad and Ille oeposl�, if any, $hall be returned: A.Union by S:00i:-,i on ltle third owv After the daie u is signed In paragraph 4 (If more man one sq,elllfe thon, tho last signaturedac&)(cr by I AM rJ PM Ofl -:-,-=-:-:-(dalo)) (i} 11 ls signed 1r1 paregrsph 5 by Scl)'ff' lttW:I (ii) 9 copy of the signed SellarCounte, Offer i$ portonaty re<aYed by Seller or -="'=----=-,.,..,,..=----___ , who � aU1hof1Z8d to recel\le IL B. OR II Sele, wllhdrn-Ns 11 anytime poor 10 ACO&ptafloe (CAR Form woo may I>& U!led� C.OR II Sol!tr .i,ocepts eoother ofief prior lo Buyor't Aa:eptlance of this CO!JflU!f offer. &. f44'RKETING TO OTHER BUYERS: Soller ha& lhs "'ijhl to conunue to ortet lhe Property for sale. Saler h85 the right to accept 111'1)1 otnor otter reoetveO. pnor 10 AeccptMoe of tJll& Coonter Otter by Buyer N tpocifiad 11 2A and !. In suctt event, SoJlor Is odvlaad to w.lll(t,ew this seuar CCuntor Offer before aocaptlng another offer. 4.OFFeR: SELL!R MAKES TtilS COUNTER OFFER ON THE TERMS ABOVE AND ACKNOWU:OGES RECEIPT OF A COPY. Seier ____ �·� OnvWatwD�tt-lot Dato Seier ---"'=-¢=-=-_I;�=-=--=_,._--_ JonM• Gtu1etf(� Oate firiozo 5.ACCEPTANCE: llW -� Countsr Ofter (If ctwlcllctd LJ SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED COUNTER OFFeR) 811da�nowledgarece4ptofaCopy &lyw ______ _ &!'1'9' _______ _ CONFIRMATION OF ACCEPTANCE; ------------=-'-'-"-' .... Ll.C �Iii Tme __ BAMllJPM_ _____________ �0----Time__ AM'l0PM (_ I _) (lflo1Jal9) Confirmallon of Ac<:eptmce: A Copy of Signed AC0flf)CMC9 was pen;onelty reoa:rved by Sellet. or Seller'$ autnortzed agonl as specified i11 paragraph 2A oo (dala) _ _ ::--.,...,.---::::-;st __ UAM/ [JPM. A blndlr\g Agraem•nt I•creaJed wtien , Copy of Signed Acceptance le pe,aonally r9c.ived by Seller or Setler'& authorized qtnt Wl'ltlhtr or not oomlnnad In this document. SELLER COVNTER OFFER SCO PAGE 1 Of 1 EXHIBIT E OocuSl;ln !me� 10. 1oa1vs:;,.c�l8-80f'Mll:l3211lllllllfli � c A L r Po RN I A otSCLO&URE REG.ARDING � � ASS o c I AT I u REAL ESTATE AGENCY RELATIONSHIP � OF li4..8 A I.TO ll � llNY_..IMIINl8IAnrllO� T tAa qqulmd.., u. 01v1 eo•1 (C.A.R. ,_NJ,� UNII LJ (It cmcqd) flu earm • blllng provided In oonnecllon '411th a tranuctlol\ for I teueok1 111ter•1t exCNdlnii 0114 y11r n Ptr CMI Co41 •ctlo" J07i.13(1>, 00 ""d (I� Wllen you lnfllr ala I cl■c:uulon with a real flllte lg9Jll i:age�lng • ,ut ellue tranulilol\, )'OU illcud Item illl OlJ!IM und1t111rld wti.l tr1>11 of IIUlftC/ lllf.eil)n!IHp or rapNIMll&IUon }'OIi wllh Ill h� wlh tl1' agent 11'1 1110 lfllRHiCIIOII. SELU:R"t AG�T A Sdlu's •�u undet a llll)IG �teefflenl wilh ,11. 8altt ICCI H Ula •�nl lbr the 6elllr only, A S.IJll'.1 agarll C/f I 1Ub1gienl ot lh.11 •Ulfll hll Iha follow� � ao�ations. To the Belllr A Fkhl<ll,Y duty QI UVflOlt Olro, ln'-Ul(J. hOPClty .-id "7/f//t'/ 1n o••ngs Wdn Iha Seiler.To th■ Bl(tef and ltlt Seller Ca> Dilgent eardM ol ru,ol\lllla .iu ■Ad cat9 111 ptrfotmilnca ol lhe 1ii,enr1 dl.nlaa. (b) A duty of bor'teil lflCI fu dHAng and uooo flNh. (o) A duty ID dimoN all r.cta known to Ille ag.il ffllllltliltt •cung IN val\le or dt1lr.il!llity of the p,opaty tlal •re not tna.n ta, cwwithin IN diliget'II 111111n1J011 ard obMrvalon Cf, lhe p1r1J11. An IIQli,I • no1 ot,lpt.-1 1D ,_, to llilhar paitv •nr amfloe:nlllll tnfoR'NIIQfl lltllainld ·-1M Q4t1e, Plil1Y thlll IIOtl IICll ln.vct.le \110 a.eflmuiuv. dulll:I Mt 101111 lltlD'I&. BUYeR"a A.OEHT A Bt.,yel'I aglt'11 can, 111llh II Elllyefe oon,..i, 1!J1119 to act • agent to, Ill• Buyer on!),. In thei.e 1tulllion1, tit• tgffl1 • nae the a.iw'I ,v'"1, IMln It by agn,em,t:!fll the agent m,y _..,. con,p11m•lion rOI' ..,..,1o1, ren-.cl, 0th• In tul or In part mim the Sealr. hi � � onty ro, a 8uye, l\a• Ille fllllowintJ •ffimlllbnl oblQatlonll To L1lt 8u)'lr A l'l:tue411)' dutr ol l,llmOst an, �egnty, hDIIIHIY ffid loyally In dllllnlJI � file el/YSf. To trio Buyer Ind the S.fBf. (I)o•uant u.ro1e of,.� lliil •nd Cllfl! In pelfCfllWflCI cl th• auenr. dUUII. (b)A duly of hone-tt Ind lllr de■llno Ind good �Ith.(c) A d.uly to dladoM 11 fKtl known IO lh• -awn mPllllty ■ltlillting lne nlue or deal,.blii,Y or � prCl9tf!Y ni.i ua AO! MQ'lffl to, a, wlm the di9ef'II lllllntion end OllttfYMOII of, "1• paitlaL An agent 19 r.at obllf,lted lO f4Wtil to altller P8"-Y ■n," confidmliallrTll>rm,ation obtained from tile ohtr pllltJ' 1na, dON nClf lm,ol\.lt the al'llrmatlwi dutle1 ut bib abow.�f MJIREIOfflNO ltOltt IEIJ.ER ANO BU�II A ,..., CIIIU� agen� e•her ICI� d eco, or lllrougll on.i or more ulmpel'Rlna and tirour uaodW1, can legaltf ba Ille -u•rs ol l>otll u.6111111, and tlw Bll)'Cr lri t nnll&CtiOl'I, b.it 0111, -..i lhe kna.lrled!la and OOIIIIN of both tr. Selis end (lie Buyw. In e duel ege-ncy IIIUIIUofl. the aa-i,I h .. CII• Ila� affinnlUIIII OblgallOM t.o bolh 1n11 Sttllor and Iha 8u�r: (a) A fidllD� du� ot Wl!Olt ctr1, 1�. honetlfV and IOyallY In ltHI dllalll\g!I W11n INh1r Ille &slier Of It. su,et. (cl) ·Olhc, duliea lo the Selm IOlf 1111 Bu�r a1111Ced -1;1ow In lllillir tetpecatr. HCIIOl'IL 111 flP'"'� boll\ Scfer ond Buyer. a dwtl 191111 may no� WilbQuC th■ •llJl'NI OemitllDft of the rupectl\• �rty, dlldou lo the ot/11!11 011t1y conlldend■I lntormauon, ind.tdlng. 11111 nal limhlld II>. r.ctf flllMi'U IO eltha lbe Su)ie,.. or Seller't &\atteill poelkln. ll'IOllvlllJona, ba,g•rq poaltlon or or:tllf peraomil lnfalmllklfl 11\11 may � l)licll, ll'UU!ln9 tile 81U1f1 willr�- ID aCCIIJll e prlcl 1111 Lti■n tho I� prb o, Iba 8uywn W1"'1gn1M W pay I plicll 9111llllr 11\itTI 1111 pnai O'fl'and. i.ELLER AND l!IUVY RE.IPONllBIUTEI Elh!r ll'le PIIIG'lll .. au,-MmOnl or 1 ..,.._ doa.fflefll wit � • axrllll'llatlon ot ""1lctl IJ!illffl I■ re�esm,tlr19 you I/Id MIICher lhal IU"11 is ,wpresena,g you ncluaNlly In Oltl lnl,1qqion o, � u du-al 1gllll, � �Y � IO tNt cgnfirmttiuri to mue ■ure 1t 1ccurltalY Allecu YOI.S inl••tandl'CI o1 )'(Ill'"""°' ra111. 1h11 il&>ow dulln of fil• ag1llll l.n • r•III llJ\IIIII tnnu«rtlan· do 11ot lllllllt • Seller o, 8")181 !tom It,. ra.-pOOU1lty 110 pr<lted h/1 or h■r own 11'.fitfeltl. You ltlOllld c.,re� read al agrNllllntl fl> ... Unt th.a tt-,ey IOlql,ll� oxpnsa you, undlra■nr.1111g af lh• transaction. A ,.., Mall q.rt le a plfllDn qll1lllliecl IO ■ct.tM 1bout rul ff&l1e tr lqll Of IP .scMm ii dMireel.. co!IIUI a wmpel:anl profHlll>n1'. If yoij are a Buyer, you lwve the dill) to enrtiM ro-..onll:ill can IO pmelll ygurMlf, lneullng a■ kl Vl°'8 fac1S ltlOIA l"8 PfVP'rtr wt.:h .,_.knolWI Ill )IOIJ or� yOrllr dlgi■nt •11:enUCWI and GtltWllalion. 8olh S.llan 1rtd euyan ■houkl stlvf191Y c:cr11111u owlninii taK ed�lcl ft0m a comJMM,. profMl!Onal btCoiMl111 the 1&d1r11 li/\CI Jtae tllll Olf1NQUWICN ol • b"an..ctlall can 111 oo,,.iieK and MlbjlCt to�"""· Thrcugllout yout real propeny ltalmctlo" � may race!\/e more '1111> a,w dlld-.ire lorm, ltlJlendlng upon mt numb.-!If ■gtn.es .-Ung 111tt111ranlld!:oo. The lllw r11QUlrH � 911einl •1111 ""'om '/VfJ ha\111 more tNn 1 1:8S1Ual rth11X>n1� lD pruv,t you Will 1h11 dlalioJ\lra torm, You1holM r■-Q OQnlallta uell Ume I r, p<-ll!ld to you, c.oruae� fh• r■11Jcrishlp betweerl v�" end lbtt real ealale lt»IN In yoljr specfflc:lrwlnc:tlon Ttw. dhaiam-form Ind� tha�.ladiaM ,ora. u � H'71U4, IM!Ullve, al It!• Cil/11 Codi Ht lorih on SIIG• 2. R4a&d 11 candt, I/WE ACKNOWI.EOGa: R ,t(JPY Of= THIS DISCLOSURE AND TH! PORTIONI Of' THI! avL CODEPfiJNTeD OM THE BACK (OR A SEPARATE P S/7.7./2020 i a,,., 0 SIIIII' LJ l..rdafd0 T8fli111.,,...,,...-�-eJOo7 � Out 0 � )( Sdlr D urdald0 T1fl8111 UM>LlC ;:z; �-----Dia �/v;,/io 'lO � �Ft,u=� � �322::::s���Qr�Ja=·�m�---���- Q 1111.JOtl, C.,l'olM � d REAL 'IOIIM. tnc. •...,,.i\:=:;:;�=:-� AD ReVlll!D 1 Z/11 (PAOI! 1 OF ZI � DlSCt-()$UREREOA��N8RE!A 000J9ign &MIIDpe tn 1081G5C7-CCCMl238-80FA-0832'1S1t16F9 •� C A I. I PO RN I A'-.._ � AS:.. O C I AT ION POSSIBLE REPRESENTATION OF MORE THAN ONE BUYER ...... o F 11. 1; 11 1-·r o 11. s ,. OR SELLER -DISCLOSURE ANO CONSENT (C..A.R. Forni PR88, RlivtNd t2111) A reoJ emate broker (l:lrokar), wti■lher a COfl)Ofalion.. pa,mor-,.p Of .-proptletoftlNp, may raprenm fl10f9 than on■ buyer or Nier. Thll ml.Atlpie represontadon can oau throuilh an lndMduri IIOffllOd N • tlfokor or �son or lhrough dff9r■nt lndl¥idual brokn or 511feaperaona (aa10Ciate iicen5ee•) � und.tr the ewokor'I ticen.e, The aNOdate licensee1 may b6 woricing ouC or the � Of' dllfetenl offlc.e toelllQM. MUft_lptt Buye,.; 8roker (incllvldually or through ita anodate dcanHH) m■y be wonll"9 wl� many proepeettve bu)le,. 81 tho &amo Umo.. ThoM proepct0tilHI bu'fCJ' may have ■n lntenillt In, end tRllke orr... Ofl, the ■111me prep9r1i.., Som. r;/ fh ... propenta may be lllted with 8roker and some may nol Brolter will nol llmit or nntric:A any pert)CIJl11r bu� fnlm making an offe, on any parth;dar PfCPtrtv Whether or rtOI Elf()jkef repretenta o1her buyers lntere&ted In the Arno p,cperty. llultJple Salera.: Broker {lndi!tlidually or lfwolVl Ila au.oaate lcensces) may hive Hltings on many propertlaa at !he sameIJme. A.a a rault., Bro'lc« WIil atkn"P1 eo find bvyera tor eac:ti ol tt1011e liated propertlea. Some ltsted poponles may appeal to the 511me proapecilve buyors. Somo p,operues All)' ettract more pro'f)leCIJYe bl.l)"El'II than alhBfll. Some of these prospective buyers may be represented by 8rotu,r and �e may not. �er wJ1 matk.llt al lilted pt,)ptrllH to • p,Oif)eClthfe buyers IMle'lher or not Brobr hu ■nothlJr or oehclr 11'1ed properties lhllll may appeal to the same proe� bl.lyors. OU1t A9eney: tr Seller is repreeented by Broltar, Seller acknO'Medgea lhot broker may reprue� proapeothle buyor1 Of Seller's property and conMn� to Broker� 11 e dual 1:19ent for both &ell.er and buyer In tti.t trtnte01lon. If Buyeria rep,nentad by Brok.et, buyet �• that Broker may r&fll'618fll .. 11,,. of �erty that Buyer la intere&� In acquiring and conHnt& to Stoker dng n • dual agent to, both b0y8f' and 11ll er 'Mlh regard to that prq,erty. In the tMlnl of duel BQ8nCY. sell• and buyet agree that· a dual agant may not, without the e>qnM penninion of the reapecilvc pllty, dlldOlie to the other party confidentlaJ informalion,, WldUd�, bUt nol llmlled to, fad11'9'atln9 to dhtr lhl buyet'6 or selllar'& finaoolal politlon, mol1V1Pon1, barganing po&aion, or other personal lnfomlallon thal may impact price,incl,ding the l8len w11Ungnass to accept a pnoe lei.a than Che ll&1ing pl1ca Of the buyen wtlllf'9l855 to pay a pnoe greater than the price ofleled, and except 1111 set ronn above, a <Jua1 agent II obll� to dllCtOSe known tacta mlllarially efteotlng the value or dollhbllity ot the Property to boeh p.arlie&. Offera not ne,ceuartty confld•nHel: Hu\ttr IS adlllted that ■eller or 11.q agant may dlldole lhe axlebmce, terms, or oondl\lon1 of bllyere offer ulllen all pal'tles Ind � agent hiM! lilgned a wri111n confldenliehty agreemart. � any such lntillmaliDn ea actually dildOle<t <1epend1 on many faCltonl, IIUCh -■ wrrerc m811cet condltlona. Iha pnMling pf1ICtfoe In lhe ,eel e&tate community, the Ii� aganl'1 martcetlng 11rategr and Ole in&tructlons of the eeltet. Buyer aoo 11ller underatand 1hat Brow may rec,teaenl mare lhan one bur• or more man one seller and a•en bo1h buyer and 1tllet on the same tranaactiOn and conienta to IUCh ll'llal.lonahlpl. 5e11sr _________________________ ����z;=--::f;;f-"-seuer ________ -;:::;.;;.;;;;----------,:��u:,o:;��':":": ORE Lie I 013t2n1 0.te OSQ212P20 By DRf Uc;I aum� Date ___ _ e "'" :;iler'1 Srolterage Fi'm !::Pa!!.!· C:!,!11!!:'lc:...!i:!l!!f\��.!!U:l!!!.L-:;:;pf]Mf===-----�� � �-0-12--09-,--�-,--�'!-s--a,...J-:._...2:}boo � Vincent Provt'fllano CALIPOP..NIA ASSOCIATION OP I\.BALTOR.S8 WlR.E FRAUD AND ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER ADVISORY IQ.A.It. l'cwm Wl'A, .._. Ut17'1 Property Addrau: Bum! v,a,. Ave L-OU 11·19, Spnna v..ney. CA 91177 WIRE FRAUD ANO 1;1,,ECTRQNtc fUNQ8 IBAHlf'EBS AQVISQBY: ("Pfopa ,ty). The alli!ity to commllfQt• and conduct bwlneu electronlcaly 11 • cmwenienoe and reality In nearly ell part& ol our Ives.. At the same til'le, it hu provided hackM■ end ■cammera new oppo,tunitim for their criminal actMty. Many bu1IMSM8 have bean victll'nfhd end lhe real e■tate bua1net11 l1 no excapllon. 'Mlle wtmg or e!Ktr� tranafemng fund• la a Wllikome ao�ae. wo elf need to exllfClle exueme cal.Iden. Emlll .UOmp!Jng to rldur;e freudulanJ wire tran'11r1 ri.vo l)Oe:n reioetved •nd 111YO eope� to be legltlmalll .. �olfil tndlcala that &eme ha.ell-. have been able to Inlet'(� emailed trllfflfer in&trur:nona, ob4ain account WOrmallol'l .no, � ebfinsi 5ame of lhe data. redfrec:a the funds to a different account. It alao ap� that .omo t\Mkor, were able to prnvldefalae phone n.umbera for ver1tylng the wd,-g or funda tramf• irwtructiona. In thoM ca...._ tho viCl'llm called the number p,ovfdad to con&m the Instructions. and then unwitllnily auttionz_ed a trtni,;itr 10 torTUMhere or aomeone other than lhe Intended ra�l•nl ACCORDtNOL Y, YOU ARE AOVISEO: 1.Obtain phone nu:mbera and account numbe,a onfy from E9crow Offk:era, Property llanagen, o.rLandlords a1 lM bepmtng of the tr1n1ac;tlon.Z.DO NOT EVER WIR& OR ELECTRONICALLY TRANSFER FUNDS PRIOR TO CALUNG TOCONFIRM TH.E TRANSFl:R INSTRUCTION$. ONl y use A PHONE NUMBF:A YOU we"I!!PROVtDED PREVIOUSLY. Do not uu any different phon• number or acc;ount number Included In any emailed tnrwftlr lnetructJorm,,. Orally confirm the tranlfer lnl'tnlctlon I• lagltlmate and conff,m the bank routing num�r, account numbe,. and 01her code• bdore tirldng at..-t.o tnmafer the fUnda. 4.Avoid aendlng peraona1 Information In emalla or te:xta. Provld• •uch lntorm11Jon In penaon � over the telephone directly to the &crow Otftcer, Property Manager, or L1ndlord.S.Tau ateps to aecure the ayaum y-0u ■re ustng wtth your em.all account. Thu• •tlpl lncaudecnatlng 1ctrong panworda, u:alng Hcure WIFl,. and not uelng free awvicea. If yoo believe you have ,eoei11"8d qunltoolbll or 11.11plclou5 wire Of find$ 1l"ans1er .tnSlruCdons. inmedlillelV notll'Y YoUr bank, ind the other party, and tt. e� Office, Landlord, ot Property Manoger. The e,ou�a below, •• wel II mhera, un also prO'V!Ge lnk>mla1Jon; F■dlnl Ekntu ol ln11ea.tlgation: https:/twww.ft>1.9cw/, the FBl'a IC3 at www.tc3.goY; or 310-4n-8586 National 'Mil• Coll8r Crime Center. hlflX'/\WIW nw3c.org/ On &ard Onllno: h1lp1:/Jwww.onguStdonHne.pl NOTE: ThCf'C are exlttlng altomll1fv .. to electronlc and wtred fun:d tranafelw auch u cahter"■ en.cu. By algnJ� below, the unde,.tgned acknowledOf that uch ha rad, undef'ltlnda and has recalved acopy of thla � Elec1ronfc funda Tranafet Advtto,y. Buyerffanant � B Ave. LL«; dJJJ._/2_0_2_0 __ _ Buyertrenan1 � Date Soller/l..llndlofd = Otg watarDJstrlctDlle �/t$/2ozo r-----r, Sdlerll.andlons ___________________________ oete ____ _ o� !iwekipe 1>: t0&1eoc,-00e�eDF�,m6Fe CALlfOllNIA ASSOC I AT ION VACANT LAND PURCHASE AGRE6ME:NT 01• 11. 1;"' 1. r o 11.s • AND JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS fC,/UI. FOl'BI VLPA, ,_..,.. 111111 Data Pnparet1: Htr 11, 11191. OfFER: A.THIS IS AH OFFl!JI FROM O Ar,1 LLC r•&yel"),B.THI! R!AL PflOP@ltlY IO be acquired is .A!!NIOl&loD ... Y�lf�a�A,�v•�4:R�e,s..&.ttir;.i.:1fr.,... ____________ ' llltual:8d In J.Mrur Vart,L (Cly). S.,,, 0t99 {Oounly),Caifonva, i'.!@77 (ZipCodlt),Awm:nParcalNo. fflJU1700 �fllP!IIY'l-F■rtlw DNcrlbtd At C.THI!! PURCHASE PRICE Offllred II .a9m;u;a.wfflffldfflla:..ar;;;,g11o1f:1o1:Wttw-�1'}Jo11-11:1t,gdWK _____ --::--.,,.---:--:-=--:-:-::-:-::------ i r ..,__, . OolilU'I I tl9i000.90 , D.CLO E uF -™ ■ruiir occw on□-------------{OilttHOI' (A1 _ JO Dap Allz!r �lllnca). !. 81.ry• 11ld S&Jllor ate ro� to hcl'efll 11t Ifie "Pertld.. • Btoket11 are 1101 PaRJ11 to � Agreement l.AGEJil.CY: A.DISCU>8URE: Th• Pll,tliu Heh Hknowtedg• .. c,lpl of• lil "Dl•doa-Ln Ra,Jltcflng Reau E111rt11 Aofflcy Rft&doPIIHIJI"(CAR. Fomi ADI,•. CONPIIIMA TJON: Thi falow)lg .nq, ,....tlorllhlp,1 .,.. coofrmod for ltlla tran.actimi: 111-.,.. l!lro�ge Plrm e,,a. � cammerc.w Llcen1e Nunar 1, me blakar ol (dieck one� f,ii:J iii, ■ell,; o,'[fboifia.. tiv,c, sod •hr. (dllll •e-nO ------ Slier'• Aoent��-------'Ylnr.tr.ll�R Ucon• Number 4.1.ltaJQ 11 (check ooat � Che Sellor'I Ag.em. {ta_,,.,.onci,'lircL, a11C1C:l•) 0 ba1h ii• BllY'!r"5 and Soll,.. Aaait. tduificiinij Buytn Btollilrat• Flffll ......,.,.,..,..---,--....!!!!!�����!!!!.ml�lqlL.,..,..__.-,.... Ucen11e Nurrt>er_--i:;O�f3uf;s;flulw.7 __ b the� OI (d\tdl one.� r. !JI IOef1I 8uywr'1 Agtrtt E ewn.ro Llcerise Number ou•.1111 b (check CAI!}( tt,e B.Jyer'll AG9nl ( IPl(IOll e>r brck.tr �lite) bclftl lhe Bll)'ef'a Md S.1111'9 �on4. (dual •110nl) c.POTUITIAU. Y COMPETING BUYERI ANO aEU.!IUl: Th• P--. 0 ldlrMM1edg,e teceip( or I � ·Poaallle Ref,nNlltllliooof Mar; dlan One &�or 01 Sdlr • Dl1doain and CGrwent· (CAR Form PR8S). !. FIINM4CE TERMI: Buyer repruerrtl that fl#'lejt \11111 be gooct �1'en lil!pollled "1th Elc:row tiot;le,, A.INrTlAL D£POlfT': 0lp01A an• be in I/le tl'TIOI.Wll of ...• , •. , • , , , , , , , , , , . , . , . , •........... · $ ___ .....u!O..,,OOCll=:.:OOc=-(11 Buyer O.RtCI. Oepoait: B�e,, ahall dMtter depollt dlracll)' 1r:i Etc:r'l1W Holctor by eltldronlc tund1 wannir, n ,.,to: ... check, LJpereOfllll Ched{, Oe11t1oir _______ oMlflln 3 bUlllNI ...,. allllr ,A.aleplAnC& (or -=---, ��c---:-..----,,-c-c-=i:::-:-::-:-c:--c=......,--,l'"'T"------'t OR (210 l!uyer Otpolll iiili AQant: Buyar • glllcn !he ttepoll by peraonil i:tiid ior --,----)to the 1ge,,1 IIUbm.ltl"i tlM Off�r (or to _____________ ). made payable to llle depot/I alliil be hlld ur,c:uncd IMIU Acceflblftee end lhlf1 �posil9d with Ewow Holder W s bulineaa d.,-a � Aoceplance (or ___________ ).. 0,;po•� diecka glW!n to 1!9•111 111111 bo en or\glnlll algnecl did .,.-, AOt • �-(No(e: lnil!llt and 1ncrA1CO cflllPoll'tl chedta ,._._.d by 151cn1 •ah.alt be recorded In 8rok.tr'a trust t\JAd 1109-) 8. INC� DEPOSIT: Btlyw 111111 dq!olit widl EBC/VW Holdlr ill lricniMd depcd in fie amaun& al. . $ ______ _wltlm Day. AJ\f.f �nco (or .....,.,.,.....--,----.-.....,...--------c,----,---._ 11 � Pa a agN!e to IJqUl!da.Dcd dwnage11 ii lhta ,¼rvemen'-ltloy _, agi-ee to $ic:o,pora1e I.ht 11ic1Hsad dlpollt 11110 the llqlllllllld darNges •rnounl "1 a fil!IJ&rwhl li(rui!iltod d;ltmii,t& QIIIH (C,A,ft Form RIO)11 tt1e time the inaee.Md del!Cllll I& dell\llntd to i;�w ttolder. C, Ii.AU. CASH Ofl'Eft! No lo•n la nNded to purdl_. the Prope,ty 11111 offlW II NOT colO\gllnt on Duysr otulnlng • 10111. wntten w:rific:.-tlan or 111fflC1lllll lllld1 to doiia 1h11 tranaac:tlOfl IS ATTAOHEO ID "1it Dlfel o, O 81,l)'Cf ttian, wlltlln J {or __ ) Daya Alter Aoc■pance, Oeliwr to Beller audl wrfflCllclon. D.LOAH(&): (1) flRST LOAN: In Iha .amo1111t of. . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . .•...•.•....•..•.•• , • , .........•• , . , 1 _____ _ Tmi lollll 1o1oill be corw.1ntlofllll fina1'Cilg 0A O FHA, n VA, 0 Seier flnllld!lil (CAR. Form SFA), 0NIUffltd 6nancilg (CAR Form AFA), D dljcd '° �. U Olhl( �r--.....,,,....,...,,,,....,--. TN• I� ahall be at a bad rato not to aJCCNd 'ti. or, 0 an acllumble rata loan with lllHial rwte not tlo ••ceed --� Rc,glrdlllll ct Iha� .... a� lfid pay paint! noc lO eKOCcd --"" of Iha loan amounL Ill QIS!COHD L_OAH In !hi •mount ol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • , ......•.. 1 ______ _ Thia loan 1MII bl cio,weMional lnw,cloQ Oft O Safar �g (CAR. F1lnn SFA), D uaumlld ll\fl'018(C.AR fCllfflAfA}. 0�10-.ndna nou�r ______ . lhil lolln llhlll 1:111 OCa 1118d ma no1 rx, eJU:l!lld "leor, O an lldi!Allbli' ra111 ioen wlh 1n1&1I ra111 not 11o ciotmed __ "'­ Ragardlea M u. type o1 iiiiii:Bu� 1h11 pay� nae m exc.eed __ % of the 10111 amount. ISi FMANA: Fer 1111y FHA o, VA bin tl)edted. In 3)(1), Buyer ha 17 (or _ ) °"W'I Alw �m lo �tter III S.llll'\li1111sl nota (CAA Folm fW,) or frl'I lllnelllr� ,_,. or oom tt.t au,.� ot (Jllwrwllll oon-.t. Sellar Im no obllgabcn 10 pay c, 8lllllfr llnde, reqW&nllf!IJ \lnietla A F'rWJA amtl'dlllOIY dai.u R. Fclrm FVAC) W1 be a pall ot NI-�/ . l:!u)lCl'a..__ ( �-�-' •to� SeWI lnllllll ( �I __ ___, II a1119, � l;M.� N, • VU' A REVl&l:D 1111 I (f'A.QI: 1 OP 11) tosu" VA.CMff !.,AHO PURCH I! ft£&ENT P G& t Of' 11 Prop«ty Addres.11· BfH!at Y!Jta Ar,Lglf ,,_,,, lpdnq vvi,,.. CA 11177 !, ADDITJONAL flHANaNG TEAMS; , . iIDHei 01' DOWN PA YMl!HT OR PURQHAB! PRICE In lhumount Of.. . . . . . . .. .. ......... S 119,oop,oo ID be dt90Mld W11'1 Eaaow Hdde1 pum,1r1I to EIO'OW Holde.r t1ltrvc:boftt. G.PVACHAS� �ICE (TOTA.1..)1: . . • . . . . . . . . . • • . • . • . . • .•..... , ...•.•.••••• , •..• S 18000,,00 H.Vl!RINCATION OF DOWN PAYMililT AHD CLOIING COITS; BIJ)'llf' (or Bu)'et'a lander o, loan bnlbr lllJIIIU_,t to�3J(1)) tl\aU, 'Mltlln l (Of' _).Daya Aller Accllptai�. 0.IN'lr ID Sdlr wnllll9n tte� of Bupr'a down pa)'l'Nnl 111d doa1ng COit& (n\111rfflcll:lon IUJr.ned.) I, AN'RA'etAL CONTINGENCY AHO REMOVAL; Thia AQreemenc • (or Iii ii NOT) COflU11"nt upon • wrttlan IPPfliNI of the Property by a llc9fl1ed or oaoUI� 11PPf11lUr ac no le•• Uun 1111 pUR:1\-pnc9. 81/yer ., .. _ .. .-ic:i6ed In p.-.gtaph 188(3), � Wtfling, remove Che •�I CM1bt1gency « c:anc&I ltlil AarNment wlllwl 1 f (ot ) Dira A/J« �ce. J.LOANTEAMS:- 41)LOAN APPUCATIONI; Wlllwl I (or _) D.ye Aflar Ao:zpblnc:e, 81179r ahaM Da¥W to Seller a lllllr fi1>m 8UJ'91'1 lend11ror loen broker m191g llwlt. baaed on • re� af l!luyars Wlihen eppUc:•Jon and c:r9dh rapon, Buyer: II piwqu .. "-d orPf'NPSll"OYad for 1ny H6W loan apec:lflecf 11'1 P••a,1p11 30. II .,Y loin 1Pedlld 11 para� SD • en e$1� r.i. loe UteJll'llq1111lfflllil1lon or pruppn,va, ■aer 11111 be bued on lie q1111ity,ng l'8ltl. I\O( the -,ll!al u, rn, ( 0 l..etlier �Iti) I.D,Vj CONTINGblC� &� .,, .. aa Cllget1d� and In good ,..,, to ctnaln "-deflg.-ed lean(•). eu,.ra ql.d\cttkln tor thelaan(a) itPOclllecl above Is • c:onttngM1c.y ot this AQlllffllnl u"'-a otNI\IIIM egniad In wr!UJ1� If thero la no� IXIIIIIOg9ncy o,the IAlf'liUI ocn6netn� hu been �d or l'l!lnU7lled, lherl ,.,IUNI of atlO � 110 � •• the piftNN pricie � DOI�Buyer k> •lCtlfdle the e1llllllllaon �hi plnU8A1 1o lhe ban oontngenq 1r BuYtF II ofllNIU quallfted kif flll .lpdlld Ivel\. � a:rinctllll � � det:IOII� o.iance OfdO;M'I P•Yf'llnt end d01.l'll CIR.,. not cion11ngaftdN of u.. AQrwwl II)LOAN COHllNOafOY ADIOVAl.!Wltlln 11 (or _ I O.re Aftar Accepu,1011, Buyer •hat. ,. 1119clfled ln ptl'IIQrws,tl 18, In loW!tlng. ,.move 11111 toan c.ontingaru:yor e.ancol lhla Ai,eemenl If then! ca an IIIOPl'Mal 00Allng111C)', ,.tnoval ot 1h11 loan COIOl�ncv •h· not be cf� ,.rnowl offie �,..i ... COflbhi,oncy. '4) LJ NO LOAN CIONTINOiEH0V: Oblanilg Ill� loan apGdlad above la NOT a canUngerq al lhla Agreemffll. Ir l!u)'llf dQet not c:ctanlle l1a1 A'1d Ill I ..... � dclel nutpu/dlMlthe � &tll!!r may be Gfl� lo BuycQ oel)Olto, oGl!!tkigal ,,m,cllll ,,, UiNDER UMfT1I ON BUYl!ft Cltl!!DfTI: Aft'/ cndil IO Buyer, from Ill¥ aoun:e, for do1ing Of olhat Cl)S1I Chit II agreed 110 by "'' P.utsea ("ColllJ.alHll Cledll") "11U tie dlldased lo 8u)ltl"w lendel. If the IOCal eredl anowed O)' Ouye,.. lo.ndlr ('t.andlll' MO'ffbll Cf'9dllj It le:11 than the Conttadual Clwdl, then (I) Ul4 COflhCWIJ Credit lhajl be recklced to Ile Lande, Allowtla Clelll, Ind (n) ao 1t11 abaer,c,a or 1 1111era.1e �n eg,Mmant be� the Partle1, lhof'I "1■11 be no iw1xuna11o •�1ment wlhe PurdlDI pnca to rnllka up for the diference lMrlwMA the ConnctlJIII er.cftt 111d 1h6 Ll!rlder Allowable C1ll(fil K.BUYliR STAT!!> FINANCING; Sllfter II ref)'l'IIJ on ik11'9''1 rapqNr1ll1ICfl of 1111 type or .,,niClng lfllelld �cludino tnA rMJtllmiled 10, u eppllcatllll, lf1 c:altl, 11moun1 of down paym1nt, or C0""11J111\ or non.c:onl111Q1nl lean).. Sellar I\M .ur1ed to aapecinc �II dlo■, pirct,ue pnoo and to IOI to Bi.I� in n:llwi011 on 8uyci(1 aoMfllnt ooe,oorra,11 firwnclnQ. B�r 1h11,it.l(MIII tho malTIOtlg ap,eclfted In tltb AQrNmlHIL Seller hu no ollli51■1i0fl to eoot)enle ....,.,.. BuyeJ'a a1'rci11 bi) o*ln anyfr11J11:lriv othef lhllfl lhlll ,peatled In lllo AQ111G1Mtlt and Che avlillilility ol any al/di llllmale llntncir,s doe, not ftQIN Biuyortom Iha obl11auon 10 l)UrchallO the f>rw,el1y lltld c:looe � • ll)eclfted"' ltlll Aa,eemef1'.L.81!1.Uft rlNAHCINO: Tho tollaW1� lmml (ot 01t1e tarml tpecllled in the att.ldlld Sdlr FllwldnQ .Addenlilm) (CAil FonnSFA) 1ppty OH\. V 10 lln.,,ci� Plalldeo by Seller und� 1h11 �reement.(11 IIU't'l!""S CREDIT-WORTHINl!U: Bi.Iyer aultloribl Sellw and/ot Bmlmra to oblaln. 11 Bu� a,cpe,,M, a copy af Bl.l)W'1aieolt 111pon Wlllllft 7 (or ___ I Daya Aft!r �nee. Buyer ah.all provide any a&JAJortilg dl>CUllanution r•11101111bl� rwqUNled by Stfl.,, � T!IIMS: �l'IA p,omlleory rnM■, doed ot lNBI and othi:w docmlenla • llf:.1JrqNIII &llal lnc:apo,a, 1111d mpWllll/lt tie fml�g tddlllllnal 1Dnn1; fl) Ille m&llffl_Uffl ltlllm:111 1111P IJJecffled h pel'llfj.raph 30 llal bl the a«l1Ullfl lbG■d nar■lt tMe b' Soter ftnanca,g. (li)dncf ot lrutt ltllll 00l'llaln I REQUEST FOR NOTICE OF OEfAUl.T Oil •ra lotlllli (11) Bu,er 1h11 llgn Ind PIY for •REQUEST FOR NOTICE Of DELINQUENCY PflO( ID Clou Of &crow 111d It 111Y 11.ua line If l'IQUaad 117 Seller (tv) no1.I anddNd of lnlll -,,11 con!M'I _, a:zala,uan � n1llldng lhe ID.an di.II, � permllllld bl/ law .-nc, ti Salel'e apdor\ upon e,,. 11Mer ltlnMlr ot Iha � or •f'ff '*'"' 1ft rt; M Mia .,.. oonllin a IUe dlava °' 61', or the lnllldnenl dlll (o, ---) ltut N18lmenl It not ,_.1w9o wlll!n 10 dllp of Iha elate due. lvt) WI, lllal!WlC8 CXJ¥8111Qi!I in -.o fafJn o1 a ,Olnl protedlon policyltlil bit J)l'OllidDd WllU'log Sltla(I dNd ol Wit 1r111l'll1 " Ill Prop.rty (111y inc:nt918Cf 0tlll Qllllf' IMNA poar:y 1h11 be pu;I OJBu)'f!f). and 1�1 CD HM0111MI be CIJqWlecl and p1id ro, t,y &.I� ID notift Seier� fJ'CPertY tma hMI nd been paid.(1J AOOEO_ DEUiTllO QA SUMTTTUTED 81JYDS, Tho aefdltlOII, d•tioo or ■........,.liio,\ of any penon or MIity \Ollciar 1h19 Aare•m•11 or to 1111 p,ior 11:1 CloN Ot EI0'0W dill ,..qui,. S.llr'a wl'1ttlln QOnllflt Sellar may grant or v,,iihold CClflHllt In s•ra ecle dil�on. /Vly ldttilorl• or •ubstlb.ltacl pweon or � --. I reciueelecl bf &ctor. slDTIII IO 8ellet tie Ame documentatiOl'I H req\llred tor the ongi111l nam■d &uy«. Seltr 11/ld/gr" BrdkeR may obCD1 a aeclit repo,t, 11 auy.i-. �nee, on 1111y 1""1 pel'IOn o, er,t1ty, II.All4 Nl!D OR .._UBJ�CT TO" FINAIIICING: seller rep111Hfl1a f\61 SIiier la nOC delnquenl on any 11•�t■ � on .,-iy lolrlL 5ellet llhlll, ••11\11 Ille lmll 1ped� In Plrl�pll 19, provide Copa, or Ill eppllCll>le notn 800 aedll � In/It loan b• � nt ....... �•• ID e.,... 8 � , H-� p-1"'<3i _,.,. ,........, ""' .... �,,/ �nWllll• I ) C __J ._. · &diet'-. Wtllll ( y,A ) ( @ Yl.l'A "evtlE AGE l Ofl 111 • VACANT LANO ,UltQiAS EIIENT (VI.PA PAGE I OF HI �-a.p'of .. ..,'"""'. IIWDNNI lllial.f'fw«,lacHf,•<!Ca WJCJt!e:Pcm _..,...4,, Pl"DJl■rty AddreH: !£eN k'fttt A.Y! u,a t.Ht §RCIM V�� t11U. Oita: Ma), 2l. 1.929 04Vltd lrllt • .,IIIIAl □ifla�noeabitween utma"iedaiicF 1<tuh&11 balances iii. 6ii aiiilmBd at Cla.e Of Et(rOoii � oaaFi do"Ml p,11ymW1t �un\1 ■llCIOUlltli, II any, a!UII be .. �gnOd and ctta,ved 110 Buyer end aeclted 10 Seller. Seier hi lidvl■ad INI 811)'el"I aae�wn of an ui1trn9 10811 mey oot rdcala Seiter from Hlll>lllly on that 10illl. Ir 11111 11 111 u1�0 of I VA Lean, tn11 Hie • c:onlu11en1 upon Slbr tw!lng �Od • r■tua ol labillty end IIJOIMulllln 0( ellgib�r. u•a othef¥riea agreed In wrltlng. If Illa Pro_party 16 acq� '1111:iject IO an ewl111r1Q loan, Buy.ir and Selle, are adWNd to con1Utt with 18911 oountlf 111g&ldllg the 1biiy of 11n nwtllllQ lenoer to ea, 111• loal'I due, 1,-l die couequo11c11 1haA10f. 4, IA!.£ Of IRJYEJl'& PROPl;RTY: A.Thi■ Ag,ument and Bl,ywr'1i ablhty to octaln flnanang .. NOT CQflU�em upon the Al� ol -,iy PfllP41rty OWMd by BuyerOR 8, D Thia �n, •net Buyer"S ab ty r.o otJtJm ftAaftC!.ing are c;ont,i!18f11 upon the &ate o1 propo,ty awned &/ 8u)1u &1 �Jd In tne auc,,11111 add•ndum (CAR. Farm COP) S.. 0MAHtJrACTURm tfOMi PUftettAII!; 'Tha pl.Wdlaee or lho ProJ>ertv 11 co�nt yeon Bu1191 ac:qliri"II' pe,11onat pnlfla,ty man!lfldured home ID ba plamd an !tie Propltl1), dew-Close or e-uw. 811)11r LJ hu LJtia. not omel'O(f •11J:1 1 coiunti:t for ttle IJlln:Nl■e of • Pll'50ll■I P,QPerty manu&ac:.tured hamo. -w.hin the bmc •dftad In PWIIIJrilpll 19, Buyer llh■N ,.mow U. COflti,gancy ot cannef tits AQrNme,,._ (ot O rhlt aontlngD11oy tile" 111ma1n lfl e"9d un1a lh• CloM Of eacn,w or Ille Property). I.0 CONSTtlUQ1lO .. LOAN ANANCINO: The pCJl'dlae or lhe Property .. CXJ"'9111tnt upon Buyer ootalrwig a conaaJ\lc;ion IG■n, Adraw lfom 1t1e co.nstl\l�on loan Ow111 Qlldl not tte usod co lil\lnoe the Prope,ty. Wllhln lhe 11me •died In pa�pll 19, Bu�•lheJ l9f!IOW lhhi coo�•nq or c:allOllf ltiil A.-nena (or O lhi• conlsl!Jln� I1\all remllin In ea.a 1111111 CtOM or �Cfflw of IhaPl'Clf)lrty). 7.ADDl!M>A AM> ADVISORtES: .. A AOOEN�D Add«Jswro # CCA.R. Fonn ADM) B•Uoctw=----:-Add-:--:-e-Mkl-:-m�C�A�R�F�DITTl-���0�----�C�o���Con��litn--�t�l�-n�Add�a����=-�C.A��R�.�Foon-�CCA�.:-:-:---- and S1llw Advil CAR. Fo,m S C,A.R. Porrn RE 0ocuson fmelope 10: 1ae10501�,IHOf'A 00321,111en � Aodreu: C!Ml(lf )Qfg Art Loq �1P,�oYtftrr. CA ,rm Pwl• 491 It Hff Aa■odatlon ("HOA'} lo oblUI""' lo eccaullil• HOA wrr.. 11. lf!IIIS �Ct.UD£0 IN AND EXCt.Uoeo FROII 8.At.e:A.NOTE T� 8UYER A .. D HUElt: tlllnll ltlmd • lncludld at �ded In Ille MLS. lyM'I or tn.11� matallall n Mtlnaludtd 1n Ille pll'Ch• price a, ero.idld from Iha Nie 111118a apeclfttd Ir, 116 or CEt.. ITDll lNCLUDl!D IN IAU!: (11 All l!Xf6l\NO lll1Urtl 1nd flllln111Ih,t ,,.. lltac:Md to lho Prootrty; (%) fllt tolbwln11 �.-n1: ------------------------------ (JI S.lw "P'lffNI tnal al lalll lndiidld In lhl pumhaN p,a u,__ 011tilf'llfN ipocilci are OWTll!d by §11.i. 1•1 All l;el'IJI lndulfed lhaM oo lrtlllf9lrtd frH ot lien• end wllhOIA s ... , ,..,,nty. C. � l!XCU,0£0 FROMSA1.£: ___________________________ _ Prcpetty Addia. 41ffiVlJ11fg LOIS,,.,,,. Sprlpa lt'al9v. W, ti•u Dat6 B n., 2PM 0, MEI.J.0,AOOS �; 1111 Ai>ACT: Wthll\,.. lfflt tpeol'i&d In par■u,aj:li 1 ( rn lh■if ti) mii6. goadlh.,,. lo olull. nallct from lillY bcal a,gl!!ftdH tlTa ll'wy I spedll lU or lllMllffltl11 o,, Ill� (or, If lllar,oed, aub&tanla� ectunlant notlaal, pur11.1.1nl ti> the �oos c«n111wil'f F■lill'-Act wld 1�8ond Act ct 1815, and (II) l)l'O� deher m Bu)'llr any .-icti nadcit obtlnad. E. IIEUER VACANT LANO QUEITtONHAIRE: Sellar 1111111, wlhln !tie lime t?acifled In P .. irllflh I 9. � and pt:OOoldt B� 'Min t6e0er Vacant Lar.d Ouelllonnoe ◄CAR. farm \ILQl, H. SUBSl:QUENT DISCU>SU�: Ill lhl �nt Setllr, prior IO ctal• Of fiatJ'cw,, be.comu ....... ,.. af ■lhwru CQIIOil>ORI 1111tari1l!w .� ll1o Procuwty, °' •� mlllfill lnaco.ncy In dlacb1ure1, � o, rap� �-�, � to Buyw ot llf\lch Bu�, i. othtlwiM una-�,.. s,111, ■hlll PfQdlplly � • 1ub&eq111nt 01 amended dlsdu..,ra or AOtlce, "'Writlno. eowtlnD tllc.e lliffl1. Howewr, I •lllluelllPI M lfflaftded dil� &hall not be ,aqund fell' eonodlllOIII •nd lll■..,..1 IMccuncietl di9Gloted In � __ ,... and peld for br Bi.tr•• 16.CHANGES DURING Elau>W:A.Pnor ID Cfole °' EICIO'il. Seller m;ay engage ln th fllllllNing acta. �rapa■!ld 0111no11'h aulljl!Ct lo Buyn ;{ghh In p.1ragraph UiB: fl) f&llt DI' INN tny pa,t of Iha prenues; !JII alter, modlfv a, u,,end er,y tllllllng rental or lllaN 90r11ment, (Ill) entM !Mo, tiler, m� orO!lllld tl\f .,.Mee 00nltt�k or (h-l an�e !he ataws al the oond.dan a, the PNll)$1\)',a.Al leail 7 (o, _ ) Day• pf\Ot ID ,,,,., Pt09l)led Ohtrtges, Selle, ■hill lJH'C wf\tlGn notic:e ID 8u,er al WCh Pflll)Oled Changea. wtJlln 5 (a,_ J D,yt .Aftor �C41p( OIi wcti noila, B�. In tWILlng. may ii"'-Belllt no&:e of 8uyff's objection IE! the � Chilllli,a•, in Whlc#l Gia Stlltr ,1111 not make tie ProllOMd Clllll!QA11. CONDJflON 01' PROPERlV: Unteu otheN'lae aped in wrlUnlJ (ii the P111P9rty I■ told (1) •AS-15" in t. PRESENT pt!ytllcW condlion a■0, ll!e dale of .Ac:ceptlnce and l,'ol 1ut4a,cit to 8u11an lnv�lon !19'111; Ill) C/11 Pnlpe�. lndudftg POOl 1pe, llndlC1lfflll and v,ouncll,, ItID be m11uw11nad In ,u�nlllilly IN am• l!Oftdhlon a, on th• due ol Aecti;tll'Clli 1116 (illl ell dlbfll lftcl pereonal prope,tr not Included fl Ill• ull allill be remov.:1 bo/ CloN Of eacrowA.81111r -'11111. wtlNl\ 1M 111111 tlleclfll4 In p1r1a,lllfl 19"-OISCLOSE KN� MATERIAL FACTS ANI) D6f'EOT8 alflldlng the Propef1Y. hdudlr\g k/low11 lrairane& c:taln wfflM'I the pall flYII ynra.. tnd m1k.e an-, and al other dhldo5Ure■ reqund by law. B.Buyer ha lh& 1%Jht to oon� 81JY91 ll'lw1llgaSon1 ol tM propeily and, a■ 1peclfiod In paragraph 1118., bultd upcri inhlnnaUon d� In "1ow lnv�n1. (I) "noet lhi■ � or (fl) r1q1.1111 O'llt Seller mw Rapalq o, � °"'" ldlon.(:, 8upr Is ■trong., advlNd tx;, "andud lmudlfllllane of th■ ■r1tlnt Prope� In ordar a, dcrtamilne let p,.._lll "'°'1dltioll. e.tlw m•y I\OI 1M IWl19 o1 • ddl!a• �,-g ttia Prap1,ty °' oltl• � Oloa1 ftu�•r c.on.-111 lmpo,talll. Prop;■,ty Imp� IIIIJ IIOt De bullt ·"°"''"II tQ eoci .. In c:ompllnoe ... e.wrtnl uw, o, -.�. hM! Ptfflll1» l11i.d. 17, BUYER'I INVEITIOATION OF PROPERTY ANO 11.ATTElt& �FE.CTIHQ PR(IPE!RTY: A. auy.'1 acoepltllCID cf fh• condition ol, and any othar rnllta, � Ill• Ptoperty, is • co�anc, ol ltlls AQreement ta ,ipedftld ltdl p;11ra11r•ph and IJ'8fllirlpb ,ae. Wdlln [he tme ..,edfled kl �r■l)h 198(1 l. Buyei "11U 11...e the tlglll. ll 8tr,a(t upenM UnltUoehtlWIN 1grwd, 10 oon� in�IOM. lnv.ntig�n,, 11;1.ata, •-YI 1111d clbar 111ullm rsi,ye, lnvff69alllont"), lndudng, tnJt not lffiild ID, 1he l'lgfTt to· fr) ln1pod 1or ll■d-�ud p1int illld CCfler �lt<bPed paint IIU.lld1; (11) inlf)llct fol wood d� ptNai and Ol'II�•: Cli) ,..-., Ille ,.� NlC oetander �ltba■a; (WI oonllrrn Iha ln■t.ni»rty af &J),ar and the f'm.,..iy; and M unfy Bir/If 11 10 lllY llllt\lr 1pec.llld in ltle ll:lached Buyefl lnlpec:t1an M..uc,y (CAR FGrm BtA]. \Mthout Sellen prior wnttan CORMllt, SIJYVf' •• r.Nh• mm nor cause la ba made: (ll lrwaltte or d� �, llwettlglllonl nac,t for IMlfllllllY lnvalv, IIIUng; OJffl• lnapectlone b.j ■ny i.owmmenllll tnlllcilnQ llf ICfling llllfJOctor or IJO'l'Cmrr.ent ■lllJm)'lle. ura• reQUlftld by Law.II.. Seller lhal m-.e lie p� ■v.lfable fOr • eu�.,. lllfllltllgaham Buyt, ,1w11 (I) ID apealled In poragJtp:h 188,, COll"C)lela eu,er ln11Utig•io� Ind, allhOI' remove the corltln(llllllCV 011 canCIII 1h11 �rNffllnl, and fli'J ;'rf9 Sele,, al no �. COft1pletle Coplas or 1B lnVN11�kln rapc;iftl ootP!ld by Bll)"flf. wn1e11 otllOIUDl'I lillll iuMW 011111rmnatloll or ltllt Auracmm C.Bu�tr tndMMlty IIIMf s•er ptotatllon tot •"1rf 1.1p1111 p,openy: &.Iyer •"-M· (II kM,111h• Pn,peny frn Ind lilaar af llefll; Ill) r8')tlt -� d'9m,ge ■irising ll'Ol'II euyer IIW'e'IIJillO0Bi and (llll lltdlrmlJ 111d h@ &oiler hlm'Jea from Ill �1u1t1119 �&t111, Cilffll, dwnalldl,dlm■gllll 11'<1 colhi al eu,,.r', lrMAlglllon-. Buy• lhlfl carry, or Buytr INll r9q!.IA IRywll 1Clln11 on eurt:f's beJlllf ID c.My, polt::IHof �tlY. wo�rs" CUfflllen&iliorl and other appl� fl1IUIVIQC1 dc:'ot:dJtlJ -,i4 proeectlng Senet ttom lllllllty fl>r er,y lrtjurl11 topenion1 or pnlllofly ooaumng dUl1JlV any �r lnw�II� o, -111 dona on Ile Property at �• cai!Clan prto, to CIOM Of &uaw. Sdlr II acMNd that Cll1.-i prot■Ci!DM may be lffi!flled Seier by reccnjlnq ti 'Nola of ND1Wflj11111•lbllt( (c..A.R. Fonn NNR) tor 811.lyw ln�•llom and worll done on th■ Pfoptfly 111 Bllyw'a dncban. Buyw'■ obf$allor,1 under ttilie P9'1Q111Ph a/al � the 1.1rmlnallon or AI\Qll.«l0i11 atthla �rwemer. and CloM Of laCl"irW, 0, BUY!ft IS BTRON<ILY ADVISEIJ TO 111\l'Sl1GAT£ 1li£ COHDlllON ANO 81ATA81UTY OF All AS� 01' THE PRCWERTY AND ALL MATTSIS AffECTINO THE V,U.\IE OA OEIIAABIUTY OF THE PROPERTY, INCUIPING l!IUT NOT LallTED TO, 1111: rrEIIIS SPECIFIED BB.OW. IF BU'tEA DO!I NOT EXiRCISE THER RJ(iHTS. euvER 18 A.CT1lt0 AOAINIT THI!-ADVIC'e Of'BIWKiR.S. 8VYER UNDEASTAHDI TttAT ALTHOUGH C()HDl110N8 AR& OFTEN DIFFICULT TO L.OCATI! AND DISOOY8(,AU. R1EAL PROPERTY CONTAINS OONDfllONS THAT AA!� ReADI..V APPAR6NT AND TltAT MA'I' A.FFEOT THE. VAL..UE0A OESIIUISurY Of' THE PROPERTY. l!IUYER AND SEU..E1' A.RE AW.lRE THAT MOKl!RI DO HOT GU�tff!I!. A.HD IN 110 W._V ASS1Jlilf IIWIPON61BlUTY FOft, THI! cot,4DlTION OF TKE PROfll!RTV. MOl(tifts HAv.i; ..aT ANO Will. NOT �IFY ANY CW THI! ITDll tN THII PARAGRAPH 17, Ulfl.&M OTiiERWIBE A.Gtl.UD 1H WIUT .. O. f. S1Zf. UNe8, Acee.as AND 80UNDARlf5: l.ol Ille, P'DP'� inel, legal or llh,llcat 11:0PI ■111d blll.lndllflN Jtcluding r.1urn of thePro� "1and In ooorntlfl fol.UI llCl,IOlntnu l■odawnm11, IWctl 11 ... 111,, tonc:es., ro■a ■nd IMIW""'�• wtlcu use or re-,ion1lillt) I01 INIIIIIRNI,_ nuy n11ve an ,111ta on 1t1e Property and •ny ,�. e_rr,.nla.., aln11l1r nllltt.ara Uwt ·IIW)I ■ff.a It!• P,�.(Fenca, tleds8' w1U1 111d 01111• na1urtl or oontlruued blffllll or rnll1k11t11 do not necen•� ldenU}' !Pue PfflP9ltY 001Und.111111L Pi:apsty .,_. tlill'Y be ... � by IJUMIY) (Unle•• clharwae r,pecifiad., v,,lllln.o, any numarielll -■llmlf'III D'1 Brob111 rev•� lot Illa ■,e APPROXIMATIONS QINLY, wtllc:h t,1v. "°' ti.n and will not bl ¥«ffltd. 111'111 ahould not lie 1llt0 upon by Buyef.) F.ZONIHO ANO '-"l'tC> use:: Put. pretll'l1, DI' p,opo■ed , .... 0Nlln1noe1, re�� lnlllt!MII. 'ICNI, ■ppllctllon. and ptirml!I lltellnfl lhe CIUITTll'lt ut6 of 1111 Property. hAul'il d.-nlo.Pmori.t, zar�. blllldlna, IIJI, govemmanlal permlll 111d lnlfMdlanl. Any �nlngviol■Uonl.. nOIKlOriornmg u--. or vlol&barll ol "'sdbllck' ,-qmrnc:ntt. t&u)'ef lhOUld ibg IIMl•llg• wtle(h ... ltMl■e mllMftl lhet81.trtW'• lnl.lf\ded UH of IN P\'op■11y,) G.�. ia:. ae71cea: Aftllltlllty, r.mu, INIJlcOon1 ,no loClliol'I of utJWN and 111rv.ma, lnclUOln!I t,ut not llrni.i 10, •-a11e, �1M111st _ c ___ _, .,, .,.,... 8'1111's•'ltuaac �JC ___ ..., � • lnc:tl llnlt. .-,. etecllldty.�ne. ctbll TV alld drabtge. h// VI.PA R!\ME AGe I OF 111 .10iotid-�"'N VACA.tn' LAND PURCHA AGJU!lillEHT (VU'A PAG.8 I OF 11) __ ""' __ "' __ 1111!11�-,;,...,.r.-,lllid1Ulrl◄a'lal .. R'IIIPSPD --- OocuSfvrl Em'IIQPll 10: 1011911CT�OCA-42$�A,08S21,1at8f9 Pt0pel1y Ad11r ... � V.�Lpu 11-tl. ,e,tna �� ,Xt77 0.&e Mn n. ,eioH. EIMROflil � H ; Polmtlll MT� &, lhdlldihQ, 6'ii ttot hrnwcl 10, UblllOI. la�Nd l)dtl iiid GIiie, lead COIUITISIIIIO radon, medlane. �t ll•N■, 11u,1, gij D< ahtll'\QII •txmv• &anka, oon!IMwi ... o eoll Ot -1,or, fllHtdou, WIiia,Wll11 CllliplJAJ lltN, elltllttO"""inllio f\okfa, nudaat to!IC-. ■rid 01/ltt aublitMCI .. indudlng mot, {atllcr-ne, loxlo 01 OlharwN),l'ul1flll ot ■mlllr COIIUIITffllr1' nwartale, prodliCIII or vonlfdlon1. I. � CONDIT10NI; Geologllllllllfflie COfllllllona. loll 1nd ter11m a■llilly, 1ull1b1lly and clnm■ge lncllldlhe -, M�ago,ddhg, ftcodln;. 0111n-aa.11n1111n11. flt (OC>/lll.-0 • Cllher.111), 01 olh• toll p,obame,J.NATURAl. HAiAM> ZOHG: 8,-aW Piood H� ,.,..._ Pd1111iil flooding (llllftl�n) Af--. Vary H9'1 A,. Ha:1.ird Zorwa,. �,1,. R-,,__.,..y ArNI, EMriqulb Fault lanat, s.llmlo Haurcl Zonn, 01 any c;ilher z.on, fw whltn cll1dllaurct 11 ,vqllNd by Law.K.flMOPERlY DAMAGE: ,.., d1m1� lo the Proc»,ty or •"� of Iha et,u� or nCltHlfn.d.i�I �ma Md co,nponwo and .,111«1onal PIGP■lt)' rdldod In 11'1111JI ltDrn m, urtti�kt, iloock. &anltllldn a, lllh• caute1.I.. NBOH80RHOOD, Md!A Allfl) PROl>ERTY OOHDITK>f'I,; Helll*f!IOOO ot _,.. condllion1, �clll� AQnoulllltll U.. Antridlans pu11U1nt ID 1� Wll1m1011 Ac1 (Oovemmcf!l �• ftlHiW-01�), R�hl To Farm ltWI (CM! Codi §WU 11\d IMU&).Nioofl,p,wlmlty •rid •Ollllw•� ot IN 1nl'ClfC11mont, l1f1ml ••Ualkil, Ute llf(lllmty °' regl!IAered ltlon■ or otrancr.ra. �. � Cilh• g�,neni ■-Mell, 1vt,1ablty, ed1Cl111(¥ Ind � rl MJ apllld-4Wlld, wnlqa lrlltmm Clll'lnedion■ or OIi"-' .. IKomrnum.tUo• or om. ladvloflagy MNICn and tnltlllitQn&, prml� IIO � mctu■tr•J 01 agrailtwal •Gthiila•. ewllllng and p,oflo■•d lnNpOrltllDl"I, ao�n Md dovvloprMJII that rrw, atlillll 1111ll;e1 \�, 11< lrafflc, airport nolH, nollHI or odor llom q ■IMIIII■, tNndonld mlnmg operatlona on IN Prope,ty, � •t10 lfome•lo lf'fflllt, other 11,11Unc:e1i 11am111 o, �neat, prolllcallll lNdH, ,,....nd pi,ope,tjea. .,_nl1;11I daeaan. hi11loflc a, Olha, 11:o,,,ernmeft1a� p,cteGtN ■It.a or im,iroyemenc., c.nelariu. C.dlllias •nlJ condttlo11 or common araa, of ocrnrroon ,..,.,1 1ubdMalon1, and PDHlbl■ llldl m COITflllllOI wllh any goYeml119 doaumeru cirHomtawne11' Auodatlan (9CIU11811111111a, �•lo111 and lrift� of ■igmlloiloc. ID Cllft.ln c:11111.ns ■ndJor ,.IVloOI, Ind pet1ICINIIn.ada, ,.q,.ilNnMt'lla 111d p,.r.t.nces at 84.1),ar ... COMMON llfflJWST OUIJONIIIOHa; OWNat A8&0C1A TIONS: l'lidll• Ind IIGndllon or OOIT¥l10fl ., •• (fad� IUdl .. poola, •nm QJUl1a Wllk'n'I■, or oltw ara1 ex>�O II undMded lntcr111 wti1 olhan>,. 0Wn1r■' Auoellllon lhlt t111 any eull\Qrlty OYCtr 11,,. •� p,qilftY, OC&lu, 111 o!Mr deOO rawlcaln1 or ati'9�. 1110 PQlllbla lldt ol Clllll)ll1nc:e llrith aey o...,.• ANodlllon r-illltananbl. N.IPECIAl. TAX: Alty local ai,anc:111 th;at liwy I IJ)lcll/ ID CIII ihit PrQ11erty purtlllltC IO lb■ ... llo-flOOI Oofmlllflll'I flclttl&a Aat OfW11Pro1'111Hr.t Bond Ad ol 19111,0.ftEJfTA1. Jlfl.OPl=RTY M!ll'IUCTIONII: 8Clme atlu Ind 0011111ft 111'\POM f�Dllf that 11/nll lhe amount Of,.,_ INlt can be «'!ll'gllcl,lho ntanmum no,111119, ot OOGUp.llf\ll Md 1h11 rjglll Clf • 1■,ulbd 119 lllmllnate a lenanq,.P.IIAHUFACTUIISl HOMi PUCEMeMT: Concllllona Chai MIY 1/red lhl lib,., IO pl■ca and UM a rn11111faalurad home Clfl Iha �rt'/tL l1TU! A.ND YUTlN!Gl A. \Wlwl the llmo IPl(ffled 111 pal'l!Wlflll 19, ouye, 111111 bl prlMCled t WIIIIOl pte_lmlo.-, lille � ('�(mnary �-Th• Pftlhimfy �rt II only an o6lr oY 1'11 1111a NUra eo la.II • potfJt al 1• 1n111t1n011 and "'-Y IICll con1a.1 ai.ry 111,m 111'ectlng tt1a. Bu�-• attilt Plwinn■ry RIPOl1 Ind 1"1 dlll1 mdWI wtllCill ml)' 8fftcl Ulla ft e oanrlll1111C¥ aft,is �,.,.,.,I• a:pe� 1P1peraQ,-p/11118. Tl-.cot'<\fllA'f Pl'Cl\lir#!tl IN Pnllmlnary Htport 1h11, prior to 1..-.,� • PNllhl""Y �pClfl, CIOilldlMt • 11wch of Ile 0..-al lrde.11 for 1t �ui:iept ... or OIIW � IIIICI .. ldr1Q p,... llllfy •ailllllld illrlllagh tvrocloan (RfOt}. Qll'PO(lllona, and 9(MfflffllntcrUla. Sellar Iha) wlhln 7 Oaya Mtar �. IIMI E-HoW.I • GQJT1Pleb:d Stat#nln al lnlorml1lon.8. 111• It I.Nn In Ill � .. ,. ccndlllOn tubj'am to •II lfttllffllnnca, t..nenll, OOYll\lnts, COndllona. rHll1c:llonl, riQhtl and cthe,m.a,o,.._ -.tlllCh• of �ni or no1, • of Iha dalie ol Acc19Un0t Pl:lllpt IOr. (0 mcHl•ry Ilana Clf r9CXll'd (lttllah &lllet la oblg■-1 ID ptyall) ui-■ eu� • _,,,.llll lllOH Oll'Ollian■ or tac'n9 1111 P1C1p1'1'1 llltlflct Ill lhON obllg1LC1111; and (111 ltloH rnall:MI ll1IICIII &altar.._ egreed to l'llrno'\ltl In wr•ln�C.wtllln the llml � kl PtBQrapll ta,a.. seller hn. d� IO dildllae to Buret Ill mllllefa kllOMI ID S.llet ... c;dng tnll,, wt,alle, of re<llll'dorooc.D. At CfllM Of Eaaow, !luytr tlld ,..,._ • grant a..o � UID (ot, ror 11.odc mop11..,_ or loni,-tann lt■H, an ■-anment ollllodc girtificata or ol s.iltfl l■•MMld Wllln«l, lndullne cd, mlnsrtl •11d w,i. .... If CIU!Nlntt, _,.d D)' s .... 11111 1111111 _.. •IINlgNl.id In Buyon ,uppll,nenlal e■crow INwcllonL THE MAKNER OF TN<JNO TITI.E MAY HA\11! �lflCANT LEGM. ANOrAX CONSEO\JeNCES. OONBUl T AH APPAOPAIATE PROFUSIONALe.BuyM ■naJI ,_,... a "CL TNN. TA Homcownofl P-ollcy ot TGc ln1unllCI", U �-IO IN l'tl)e of Pl1lPIRY 111d tluytt. A llttt�. at ev,w1 �•t.. qri prgyi.,e �IDffflltlon llbolA tti• �•w. dellr1bl11Y, CO'tlflQe, and 0011 of wrbl1 lllll lnMnncl w,erags1111d tndortemlntL H B1J1ti dllllret .. COVlftlge other than ltqf 1'8Qund bv i,-par911rt,ih, Bu�, 1h11 klllCM:l Ewow HClkS■r � WlllinQ .-id slltll !MY 11'\'f ..,.. ... In cell.1L TIME PERIODS; UM<WAL ol CQNTINGliNCIU; CANCEl.LATk>H IUGHT11 The� lime period■ ai-,o onlw 11111 � ...,._, modified or c;ti.,,..ct t,y fflUtial wwtbeft •� Arlt ttm0\111 al oontlnt■nc:ia or anc:atltl(Jo,i """°'' UJl1 peragl'l!PII by llhlr &lyw or Sella, fflllll be QOMtd In good �Ill and In wrillnu (C.A.R, f0m1 CII or C:C).A. Sl!!U..BI tiAS: 1 1or I o.,,. A/Mr Aoolp(lfll» 10 l>lllhier to Du�r 111 Repottt, d� ... and 1'1!0ffllillcln !or w1111:t1 a.. 11 ,-.,on■mlo unde, par■oii,,ha SM, .,,., a, 8, 12A, e, and Ii, 1 S. 1 SA Ind laA. Buy.,,,., ftttt O.lw'arlllfil to Ballif a Nalll» ti! lthr 1111 Perform (CA.R. Farm HSP) may caicel � AQrNffl■ri If Seflet hu not OalHtrtd tM ltllm1 ,.,tm the tlma apecffied. 8.(11 BUYER HAI: 17 (ctr ) °"' Aft.or Aac■pgnc:a. unfnl Ct'llrw\N ■g,aed in 'ftllilg, to: II) � .. �ye, lmell� rwv!CW IN cllClolU/el. rsgorta, and OCll!lr •ldCltdl kllorm,tlan, whld, Bu)'III ,tctiw■ fNlmS-.,, an,;j approve al m■aer. � it. Pl"QtMIIY; and C.I DolW 10 8d■r �-lgnecl CQpla■ Olf 51MUlDfY DlldDIIA• I/Id CIO�r cflcloaur� OeVrored b)' 811181 In ICCOldanoe wlll Pl,l'IVIIPh 12A Ill 1Mlhrn tha rain. tf,)tdlltd II paragnph t8B(11. Buyw� �UNI 1r111 s.r.t malle reprah or .. lie enr 00.r acllon 19gll"lllng tbe PrQJMllt't [C.A.R. l'<lrm M). Satllf t1N no oGlgMkm 1g ..-10 a, re9Pond 1111 (C.AA. Form ARAR) $11yor"t f9Clu.all. (ll By &111 and gf lhe tSM l9■cll'lad In Plfllllllptl 198(1) (llf' a■ Cldl� � 11'1 O,lll A9rMmanQ. Bu)'II' INII �r IO a.hr • nimOVIII o4 Ille eppkMlle cantlngen"¥ or �Ion (CAA femt CR o, CO) ol lhll �,.,_11 ttowtwr, f •"'I ,..an. llldDllifl Of l"lfoontllOn lO( 'llttlQtl Slllal ii tttponlib9 11 nlll o.m,11 �In lie int 1peclflld Ii plJlif'l)ft Is,., lllell Buyer ,.. I (or �) of f111Y 11aCb lteMI, or the !kne arpecif•d in P1�1111ph 1118(11, 11.t\ldleWf II ia.t, 10 OelN'lr IO 6elDf I flfflOVII al lnganci, o, cenClllit,cfl of 1111a AQ-l � 8u¥tr'I Mila --� �,_,,. 81111n 111111111 C �p l{ ____, • Vt.PA REVISED 1 v1a {PAOii I 01' 11) "' ,_. VACANT LAND AGREB!EHT (YLPA PAOl I OF 111 �-,.,_..,,__.1fiOa.iM11�'-�-----· _, ... ..,.. 00&:USlgn � ll! t081£7-COCM238,3DFMll3321 St81 !IFll P� AddtM11: Set!t!t Vlr-'4 Ar, Loa 11-u, §e®s Ve«Pr. CA •t•n &.i.: ,,,.., u, 10'1IJ l'l Cclltlnutllon f1/I CoJIClngenc,: Ewn after In. tnid or the lime tpeo.lltd i, pa,a�h 198(1) and betort SIiier cancetl, If .. al.pu,0111111 kl P■rlllJfllPI\ 111C, 8uyer ,.t,ln• lite f111hf. in wntmg, t9 either 0) remova 111m111nin1J =nUngendee. a, (ii) �, 1h11.-,g,..,_nt bMed an • r1m1tnlng CD11Ungency. One■ a.,,.,.. wnttu removal of aU CCM11lnll\lfleltl It o.� lo Sellar, (l'ofc, m.,.nat C!lllla91 thlt AofNrnent pursi.ant &a paragr.a.J)h 1 g(,(1). C.liUJ!R IUGHY TO C�CEL: 111 a ... , tlgtM to c-1; lluy■r CD1111r1111nolN: If, l>y the lima � 1n uu �re1rntm1, 8uyw clCJQ not o.twr to 6elef •� Of the appllllllble 00�� Of -1111\lon ot lhla AIJ'NfT1efll, '1181\ selet ar ftrtl 0.Mrllg Ila �I I N0llQI lq 8uyw IO �rm (CAR. Fa,,m NBP), "'" c:ani;et Iha �-afl4, Ii".\ luct\ 1¥1nl, Seller Illa •Ulbortm 1M r1111:1m cf Buy61'9 depol!IN, OOilpc tor,-. .,cvrrao by &Iyer. CJ) s. .. r r11Jht to Canc.411; B1111er C.c»IIIJ'st 0�: 8-llw, altar fnl dtt.llwming to"� t N8P, may ain01tl fhill AiJIICITlon1 If, lly file llmo 1peollecl II 1111 I\Oteer'i'teri� Buyer� II01 lollle the !CdlNing ICWl'l(1); (I) Oepotll 1Und1 .ti i'eqllirod 11¥ PMl!JJISlh 3A Of 38 ot i U. llnd$ depoded DUIIIIIJII ta paf'IQ,aj!I\ 3A a,r 39 .,. n.ol Qoc:,d w11-d■pm.i;e� (11) ()elh<ftr • •IOCP vf JIHA 01 VA mm Of llfflll II li!quirod 11¥ per.,gnpti JD(l) (C.A.R. Fom, FVA.); {ljl) l>llt.lw I ll!ler u 111q11nd IIY paragraph SJ(1). (ht) Ded111r venbllOn II r-.q,\1hd by IIWltiilllllil 3C 01 ltt or If Seller nta.i111111tr 01Hppn11111 er tne �n pnwided by �h 3C er aH; M RtQIM Stalulofy DildbliUrce • roqu,1111 tly p11111g,■ph 121\ or ('II) 8'90 Cf lnltl■I I lllfllrlllil liquldallld �" fllllll IOr Ill lnetNNd Otpoait H req1ned tJy par,igra� 38 ancl 278. or lvUJ PtCIY.INI �nee of IIU11torily lo tign ., • rc1p,QCll'l1MN'e 111pec;b 11 ap«snea In paragraph 1 s, In IIWh -.n� &eilet lllaU aul:borao tho 1'91urn ot Suylf"I cfe90tN, e:a:ept for flea lnccin-.cl � euyer. D.HOTICE TO 81/YtiR Oft HU.SR fO �: Thi NBP or NSP $!\all: {I) ba In wrlllng; Cll) be l!Ulll!ld bJ lh1t applmbkt Huyer or6-r. "1d (Ill) 91¥8 Ille ll!:ller Party al l■.i 2 (or _ J 0a,a Aler Del)lsy (or unU IN linll IC)ldrild In the � p■rag,qph, wllk'levtr OOCU11 lat) 1o tJko h IIJp!ICi&a lctkll\. A NBP a< NSP IIIIY ACJt bl Dllt.'eflld 111y UIIM lfl■n 2 o.,,_ Prior ui 1tM1 qpnuc,nof ch• •Pflllcal:ta tim. rot ,11. otlltrt P.rtw II> •-a • coru,gcini.w Of ClnCII 1h11 AQrll,emfflt Of mnl '" ollllgibQll lptcia.cl fll Plfljiraph19.E, EFFECT OI" BUYER'S AEIIOVAL OF CONTINGENaES: Ir B:,ytr l'lfflOIIH, In wflrii, any ainlin!Jl!M.Y or Olln� dghu, IMIIH■ othatWISO •� In w�, e.,,., 11111 conc.t.ewvet, be deemad 111 � Cl) CQll'lplllllcl 11 aw,-tnYl!lliig�. ano ,-or "PON ■no other tlllllle&bll ktformlltian and lisdosu1111 �11111 'O 1h11 contlng,e.ncv or c.1n0111a1ion ni,,t. {It) •*ct to procnd Witt! the lnliwac:llon, and (Iii) auumad ■II mllllly. n11p11111ltlllty end �- for Re.palts or ODll'IICIIDnl pari.lnlng lO INI C;Offllflililll'ICI' or cancallUon '1ght. or tor Ulis 111ailltty Ila C(Jlam fJlanclnJ. F. CL.QSE � l!leftOW; e.tw. 8U)'lr a, &ttlllr ,-caJl09I Iha Ag� for fl(.,.,. ol Ow o11lef P-a,ty Ill dote UCfOW put.llUanl 11D t:nls A!Jt•-1, 811191 o, Sefeit mull ffrwC � ta th■ alh■r Plilly • oerlllftd IO QOM NCtOW (CA.A. flonn DC£), TIile OCS �aN· (I) lie 11g11tld ti, 11111 llf!pllc.oll 8'/� or Seller, llt'ld (Ul otw ctia alha P•rtY 11....., s (or ) � A11M Dtllwl')' ta ctoH ucrow. A ocem-,. not bl Dfll.ed •ny e.U.r tlun 3 � P� tg the 1cn.edultd doll ol 1ac;row-. -G.IFFECT OF CAIIIC.El,.LA TlON ON Dl:POIS� I llil!)'lr or 8-. utve• wntk:n nablZI of Cl41ncllllll01l J)Ufllllnl to rlghtl ckQy 1ue·c1t,ed \IMillr lhl tlifml d lhia Aqreclml!'nl, the Pa111ea agAttt ID Sign mutwt lotlru� 1.0 c:anc.t ti. 1111 and HCIOW and ,._, .. dllf)lldl. tt ■ny, to 1111 p■rty enlitllld to the fl.a,• w ,.._ and 00111 Incurred by t11• p,11�. Feet arid cum lf1ay be payablil ID M� P'\)'lidM and _..ndor1 ror 111rvicet and pro�• � durl�g HUOW. Excaipt II IPlcllild llelow, ,_... ol tundl llotU reqwe �I Slur111cl nrfle•• trwlJ\la1lont front Illa Pt-., JU,dldlJ dlcleton Of wbllnllon •-rd. II ellh.er Party tata lo IDllmtla mutual ll\ltM:tloM le» Clncel lletow, on.a Plrt\l may mM4 I written demand la E.sa-HaldlW ior en■� CC.A.A Fm:m BORD or SOR,D).E!scraa, Hcl!ar. I/pall r«er!PI, thll Pl'O�ly dtl.,_ 1111tiol of the demand la the oths Pwty. If, wltlln 10 Da)'JI /ldts Eactow ttald■l't n�. 111• Olhlr Pir\Y OON nm oc;act II> itl& i,ema,,d. &crew HOida, INII disbUlu (ho depnM ID .,. Plfty r,,eklng th• dem1Jlld. IIEICf-Holder c,ompli9, wth tflo p,.� p,a,c:eu. ee.r.h Puty ,11 .. bll oaom■d tx, '18o'AI rc1le11Md Escrow tiofl/'er from Ill)' and ••dim• ot ftabilily rm!e.d to the dilburul of U. dopasiA. E■arow Holda,, aa n. dl5or¥lc:ln, may n� r--. muMI oanoelltton� .. A Puty may be IClbJeot to I dvl � ol up to $'1,000 tor 1'1111111 to 191 can�■rlon ltWttur:llocll If no � flllh 0� � a t.o MIO ii Mdlllcl to Ill• d� 1\lncll (CMI C.Odll l111UJ.,a. REPAIRS: Ripen 111111 be cot'lll)leM!d p,10, to ftlll -incauon ol c::ondllli111111.\le.n cft>enaile •QIN!l6d In wrlllll� Repaifl ti. be pei1olmed ll Selllf'I upenu ma,y be pe1tmnDc1 by 8G ar lllrough oOMI�. prv\liltd lha'1 the woftl DORlllllll lllittl 1pplcabll Uw, blu!lng9owmmlfflll plffll&. illlPtcton I/Id 1pprav1I ,■qu1,.,mw111. R-,ialrl allat be peOOlll'lld In • good, � manMr wth maMl'WJ of q111ltf,no 1ppe.1111nce toff'C)lntlle to ltldalln; Mlla/1111. l It UfldiWlt.ood fllll emll �•ltltabon ol tippellrallCID DI Clllll'Mllc lklmt fOlloW.,g •• �an may not ti. poutJI■. Sdar 1hal: (ii oblain In� .ml paid raoelptii fur R•fNlh l)ll(fon,,ed 11'1 othlr■., (Ill pttp.,. • wr,ilransttt.nonl l'ldlGlllnl) Ole Re$,aifl paitom,ad by Seller Ind 1M d.-■ af IUOI Repan; Ind (JI) p,owoe COpllN or ffiOlcel lrld plld ,.�and 1tai-.m.nt1 ID 8ww, pr1o( 1o flnl!f �n of ooncDn. a:,. FIWAI. \ll!RIFICA TION 0, CONDftlCJl't: 8uyer •W hJlve 11\e tlul'II ID l1'lllie ■ lw'lll lll!(lllca\lon ul Che Pro� 'MIIWI I (er _) 0it')I• Pltotr to Cloli Of Eacn>w, NOT AS A COffllN<ieNCY 0.- 1 HI; 8-'L!!, bul ll01el)' lo oaninn.: {IJ Iha Pnaperty ii nurlnt.mea purawinl le» pilr .. ,e; (ii) Rsp .. h1w *" OOl'll)Nlt.11 Q •g!Nd, 1111'1 (II} Sehr has 00ffl$llie!d with Sellel"I olhe, al>'9Bdlltll under d'la A/JflllllM'll (CAA. FonnVP._ 22.. l!Jf\llRONIIEHYAl HAZARD CONSULTATIOIII: Buyer and 611!111ckn�er (J) facl111I, .. .,., and loQll legillallon �e fib■�upon euUnig and lcrmet 17"1'1lfl lf'lcl IIMl'I 0, rut property, in •i:.ilbltlle dllatlon■.• llor c:attaln ttg11IIIMIIY ddolld, 111vlronm1n� h■a:ardora 1ut.ca110M,, [ii) llilolcer{I) uaitieve ma "° repre'51111utlon -oo� the eppllclbO� of 1r,y tuch L..« lcl• thil tranudlllln 1111111 8upr r;r lo Seller. 11oep1 .. OIIIIIU'Mll8 l'ldlCllld In 11111 Agr.emont. {illl �-, lllllhaw rre:le no rep,r .. ntwllofl COf!Olmlng Ir• IWll1Sft0■• IHll"9, dlloova,y, lomllon and •YIIIUMI011 orr'foor'l.1110 r1IM PoNd ti,, lmUOMlOlll&lly hu.udou• ■ublrllrncn, If any, eoc.litd OIi or polllntl1"1 1iff1c:1!to di• � and flow) 81,pr and Semr ai• 811:ft trMNd to COflllJh with IIGhnQJ end lclg;JMI expem cancemlng tile utl,t,-_ lnllng, dlfoovery, locatlon aM tv�luldl:ln afitor, lf10 rilQ pOMd 11¥, lffllltollffllln&lll)I Wardolll MJi..aoCIA, If -�. tlJClPII an or j)Ollnlfllly Ullc;dng 1111 Prq,■rty. VI.PA RJNial!O Uttcl (liAGI!? OI' 11) VAOAHJ UNO PURCffMI! AOftEl!Ml!NT (Vt.PA PAGE T OF 11 I � �-l,'J---1111lO......, .... �,.......MaiOl'l.., -•-=--- Prvp.ny Addro,-. GU!ffl! Y!fff Aye Lop 11-11. 8DtJRA v,,.,,., CA a,111 o.1•· Mar U 1020 ll. PRORA110tlll Of PROPERTY TAX!S AND OlliER fTDIS: �- atharv,fM -arwed 111 writkla. Ille ro1oa,,nu llemt a,1111 baPAm CURRENT ana prar•lld bel!aan ewer and S.lllt .. al CIDM or e.-rMI Plllpl� ,.,.... aria .... 1111'\e,._ lrltwell,. IWIQ. HOA ,egular, lpt!QII, ISld eme,g-, du• •lid -nla irr1')0Nd pnar ID Cli:IN Of elCRIW, J>AJmluma Oft �ce Ulumeclby Buyw, si&ymero on bondt 1110 11N11m1nta uaumed by Buyer, 1nd p1ymen11 on Mello-Jwot and OCl:ler Splclll AlwM'llltll�Ind bonda end .. IIHIJIIIAII that n oow I llln, Tne totlOwlillg ltaml ci1U be au.1med by Buyer WITHO\IT CAetlfT lllwatd theputel1-prlcl· Ptornd paynMlf'ta on Mello.Juxia lllld Olhlr Sptd11I AIN� Olalrili boncla an,! exsNmenta and HOA�� thlll -now I lien but 11oc y,et due.. Proplt!J/ wil be raullNMd i.,,an atu•flQ• 111-n>hlp. lvt.y �lal tu � allaf" pad u folalq; (I) tor penocsa ,.., CIJN Of e,�. by BuY"f: Ind (II) far pertoclt prior to � Of !ICllM', by &Illar c,.. CAR Form SPT or SIISA tor fl#hr lnformabcn). TAX BILL.$ ISSUED AF'rfR CLOSE Of ESCROW SHAU. 8e �DL!D Dl�YSElWEcN BUYER AND SEU.ER, Pnn.1110!11 aha, be madl bnad on a :»div mcnlh M, 8110KERa! A. COMP&NIATIDN: �le, or 9u>'ft, or bath, aa 1�111ble. IQIMI tb pa, cc,n11tf111Ha11 lo Dtoktr N ••�ifiad In • aper-.. ..,.._" agreement �n Orolc• 11111 111• S.llllr or llu)ier. COll!plnal6on It p� upon Clo■-Of EiC.raw, or If H� doa nat doll, 11ott.AliH 191cl&ad In 1ne agfNll'!ent blb111H11 an.., Md ht Selw ore-,_,.,_ 1!1, lco,te o, DUTY: e.o,e, and SIIIW 11.dtnO'a� Ind 911,we !hat Bnlkr. m Ooea 11d ctec:de Wflllt prb Bu�r lbould PIY or Stieral'lauld IQtllPt. (i) oo., 11Clll guaranlee h CXlndMIDII of tile Ptopany; (UII OoH {1111 gu1tll'IIN tht �rna_n01, lldtq1,11q, 01�n• d NMdJQna, aaN1011, produdl or f!f:lllrt in;idld M "'8de llv Sele, or a111er.a; (M Does 11:11 hr,e an Obl9■l[on tocondUa •n lnapec:mn Of common .,.. OI .,... ell h tn CII N Prq)lf\Y, I'll lSlllll not OIi fNP(llllllllil 111t IOIIRGl)lllO IJlltll!Clt on 1111P�. In comno,, ,,.u or olblltt 1.111111 wd\ dlfldl ana lliwall, ONernbla by an -..ee11on ar rtuoo■bly 1ccetalbll IIUI ald11 Property or-. tn(ll,ffl 110 810br; (vt) 51111 not la IHPCl'll.bla fol lntplldlng put,� 19cord1 or pem,lta conceMklg Ille 11111 a, QIII ol�11)1. tvfj} Shal nOI bl ,..,111111ti. ,.. ldlrll� llw locaeat! ol bOuncilry Mn• or Olher ilama -� Ult., (¥(111 flr•I 110( lieraponal>le lar venfywlg aquans bomvc, rtpr■Nnf.ltiona al G&htr1 01 ll'llarmalion QOnllmed Ill ln\lfftlOltlon IIPOltl, Mulijllll LIS'.a\11$erw., all�nc. .,..,. or otner Pl'OfT.Q",clniJ m1a.ial; fbl SNII niot bo fCSf)Oneilllt fat datmmlning lllO fllr meJQI wlu• of thePropa.ny o, any pallliOnJII Pf'OPt'W llld\/Cled--. th1 Nlai (If) 8h1111111 be �1111ble for� 111111 or tu adllQ � MVaped ol • IIIIN8Clilu1 11n1ef'9cl "'llO by Bll)'er or S.r■r. and (id) Shalt o« be l9lfle)nllb6e ftw prawlcllnt olh• aiMaa or I� lh• •-�1 ri■ � eduatlon and •�riaflu ,wqulred rx, pamvm real 111.1i. llcanud acO,tly, &uY91 and s...,. llllrM ta IHltwglll, 1111, NUIW'ICI, ilill and ollw:r dllll90 Ullllllnm lr'0fT1 IPllfOJ)fllle ptofeU1cllltll, %1. fl�!a!HT A TM CAPACfTY: If one o, mDN! PIIIIM • tlllnili h AQreernent n I flt)lnen&,ll\lo otpacb and nd fol '-""'l'MI u 1n.,dtllldual l\tft that Part)' ldalll 10 1N1Jcate In� S1 ot 38 and llltadl • Rep,.NntaliN Capeoty Slgnawn, Dlldo1u,w (CAR Form RCSDI � fl• ligntture or lnltlll1 ol 1"8 tlpruanll!Ne 111en111110 � the � IIIPM' on 1M �I or any rtltODd doQllllef'ltl.it ltllll ba dllfflld ., bl "' I ltf)l'ltlfflUW cap■� rcr th•� ctaalbld and noc In an mdlwetllll capac�. """" OU!ltVMl lndic.tld, The Pal)' 1c:t1n9 In • �,.� C8'1idty (I) rep-11 ltlll IN entity l0r wtvcn flit p� II ac:ung 1lnlldy ■odlll I/Id (II) 1llal Oellllf toIlle Cl(hs, Party and baaw tfoklor, 'flUPl)I J De� Aftot �nca. e-ridallll!J of 1ulhcrity IO •ct In lh1'1 � (ludl II but noc lmilld IOI applmblt por1fOn of tha 1,1111 or c.ntncanon or TN.« (Probew Cooe t18t00..8). lcllrw re�. aout °"'"• poww or alkimey,COrpotl.bll rellOilaon, 0, '°"'1allOn dCICl.ffladll QI lh• bullileu •n.llly}· 21.JOtNT 1;.SCRQW INITR\JCTIC>HI TO EICRQW HOUIEiR: A. Tha flallowlng P.-9111'1,int, or ■ppllc.able PQf1lonl fll■nof, rA ttii. Ag,Mtnlt'lt �lwti, the Joint NCfllW hwtnlce!ona ol lk/Ytl' 1NI letter tD l!HrQit Holdw, •ftil:h &auw � 11 10 1111 IIDf111 w.ih env llflllO counee, offeni IJld ■ddlndl, Md any lddltlolWImutual ln1truc:11o11a 10 dos. the .wuw. p11r■g,1.pt,a 1, a-,e, 6. o. 7A. a, 9, 12a, 18, ttO. n. 24A, 25, M, ».. 36. :,5, 37, 3B .,d�11ph D of tho 16dlon uu..i Rul i■l-■ llrok■r■ Oft pt,91 11. If I C� of1h■ M!l)lllll,I aomp■nutiDII '9'WrMfflc-l prGl,lillad fl>r In 11-■111rapf, UA, ar p■ra�h D ol the NalOl1 IIUlld Rttl &cit• B/OIWltl Oft pege ,o Is Oll)Ollbll WII/I EMIIVW ltoldlr Cy Bnlbt, E.aour� 6111ft 1c:cepe MJCh ■-1.--men�•l ,n!I Pl}' out tivm &i)ter'I or 811"1'1 fund&, at botb, n �Clble, lhe llnlket't 00m90n1111011prQIIIQ.ld IIOr 111 iUCll 1greem.111(1J. Tbt lllflYll 111d CGl'ldlllon■ at this �recment not 1411 forlh i, Ille tPOGll'IIII ptr■i,apha ■rw .chilioftllm■t=ra ll>r 1t11 �ffMtllln d Ell!IOW .... r. cut llt>OISC wlllch Ewvw Hokltf need not b■ GOnOtmtd. Buytt and Sell■r wll � El(;A)W Hokln .-anwal pNWltlans. f Ill)'. diredtf "°"' &cto',ir Hold• end w)I ••IIGM 1Ucl1 prCMllion■ wlflill 111 IRII IJ)lclllld In �raptl 118(1)(0). To "1• � lhe uend pro� are 1nc:o,1e1N1nt w conftlCI w11n 1114 _..,....,,..,,, lbll gonem prowtelon• waoontrot II to Iha duUH and abllgabon1 ol EICfaw Holder � &i�r end Sttltr wtl u■aita ad�., llvllctlona, dDOl.ll1Wlls and lbrms pn,ond9CI by Eactow Halder that 11111 ru9Cllllllt/ necaasaiy ID dtJ■e Chi IICtOW ana, u dlr� t,y l:ICtOW Holdw. within 3 (or) 0-,,e. mai pay to Eac,ow Holdw or HOo\ air HOA l'l'\l,,.._men& oomp,any °" o111.,. 1nv fN ,-qllfred by�• It 12 or•l'lffltrw In t!III "'9reefflOIIL I, A Cap)' of Olla .-ierNmffll IRCludlnlJ any 1ZU1llr om.roo MCI ed<I :Mia .,_, t. dellvenicl ID £■-Halltar Wlhln I 0�a Mar AcclpWQ (or"._..__,...,....,,,..,.._....----,---,,.,....--,-)· 8u)'et and 61Uu ■ulbolfb emvw ttoldw &o KCll4ll llld r.tv 0fl Collin 1111d Slenaturu H d■'Md Ii t/111 AQrmn111nt U qkili. to open NCNIW 111d tor ofltlr PUrl)C.I 01 e■crow. lt. 'l'llidlty of flit �!NIM/ItU � BU'/W and Seller II 1101 dected by ..«icthcr or WMf1 EICl'OW Hole!• Sign■ IP'lll /!Clrtllffl8fll E.iiavw Hmstr •lllll l)l'OVlikSdatl 91J.lemant or lnformlbo_n to Tl6a �ny �h111 rlCIM9d from Saller. II Seier dllNon en lffldM to Eactaw Holder IO NOlfVww, ARPTA OilllOlbon urida, p1ragnrph 124. e..avw Hatilr INU dlllNs to aw■, I Q1111lfled S�ilutll atArllmtnc ., .. '°"10llel wlllr.d ... L■w. c.ikOIWs are a part,y t:o it,■ 11CN1W for the tole purJX!iM or �•allon pur1111nt lo p,rellfll'h 24A and peng,aph D or lhe MQ)OII� ,_..,. ._._ �r. ,., p•p 11 ..,� •nd ...., n•YOClllfJ' -.l9n ., ...,.._ amnpenallllkln apeCIIM .. --ph 24A. anO irravoc;ebly fnllNCt � t1ot.ior III vltlti111■0 lhoaa lu,1D I.D f!lloium 11 ct;IM Of e.row a, pui1u1n1 '° any 01111e, ml/Ulllb' 1111GMd canc:;ell1blon IWN'Mlll Cc�•llion ln1Uudlon1 ctn IHI llllllllltd or RtWlted Ofli)' wit! tlw writtlf1 co,i11nt of Bnikera. Blqef and54w ahall ,.. ... ■110 hotel flalfflNI &crow lt�r i:1llJl .. "" I� re■ultlno Crom e-Halden � to 8NILll(II at GOql� pul14,al1C ID 11111 Ai,.lffl«II. D.Upon ,_.tpt, E.aOIVIII Hotdtr -'llll l)Rlvlde S.lef and S.0.r"a 8/ok■r V9ritl1:111lon ol � clll>Oel DI '1ndl pul'IUlnt ID paragr1pfl 3A and 38. Ono■ Etc:rt» Heidel become■ Nfl al lff1 al thl foliafffQ, EKllM' Hdlter -"'H inmedlti.ly IIOlity el 8rolllts: (I) i BUyll'I,-01E. I depOII II not made pursuanl to 1M �t. Of• not� 11 time or Qep0li( wllh Etcirow ttoldtr, llf Ufl t �y,41¥ d E■aow It.older lo cancel OSCR/W Ap�� ,0,. au,v, � ( C ___ .., 11, ► S.lef'• �• ( � C ___, VlPA AFJl9ED 12111 (PAGE I Of 11) ralC.UUd VACANT LA.NO PURCHASE AGAIII �T tVI.PA PAOii I OF 11)--�l'f� llll!OAINIIIISe�-------WO■m Property Addfl!U. 8Uepi! Yf!f46r! Lais 1f:U, fP®9 vaa.y, CA um Date. Afft n, M!.. A c� of •n-r 1111nm1r1t 1111 a1fec:ta 1ny paragraph of tlu � for 'llfllch E11.01lW Hokier II retponalbil 1hi1H bedc:lr¥er.cl IO eaaow Holder within $ � 11\ar m111W1J eiteoJU0t1 of Che ■mtnmne"Lt?. IUM!.OEI FOA 8�& MeACH Ofl CONTRACT: A.. Any cbiuu added by the PvdN 1pkffyln9 a r'lmedy (Hdl u '91eeN or f'Dmlltu,. of depoett or mald11g ■ depowt non,­tefurtdailla) for fa!.._. of Buy., IO compMla th• pc,rchae tll 1/loldo• ol Ne A11fMfMnt 1NII be d .... ad mnlld un:INI1111 cia.1111• lndep� ........ tha nwto,y •111&1datld d11na911 "lfllhlMDD Ht '°"" Ill lflit CMI Ovd,.a.UQ.UIDA TED DAMAGES: rt� failt to complete lhlS purchua bac:auu "'Buytr"I ddautt, a.tar ahd Mall\, .. llquldated d1maga, tfle depoalt eetu■tr paid. 8uyw and Seller fllll'" that fflta unount la • r..onlble ,um giventtat ll III lmp�cllcal or ...,.,,.., dtlllcdt ID Nlliblllh ttlt anount of d"'11g• thl!t would lctulilly be elflfffld by Bellr In Ula nwrt8uye,W1n to lnad'I tl'lia.Agrnmfft. Rlfe111 Of fUnd1 wlll.,.qulre mutull. 8lgmd NIN■e llllb' uictlon1 fn>m CIOO'I Buys Ind 8eltr, judlclll dtclltOn Of artJttmion lwtnf. ATTIME OF ANV INCftEA.SED OEPOS1T 8UY!.ft AND &a� SHALL 81GN A S!PARATE UQUIDATEO OAIIAGEI PROVISION INCORPORATING THEINOREASED DEP08rT A8 LIQUIDATED �MAGES (CAR.PORN RID),Bllyer'• ll'ilfF-tJ Iu. ODPVTI! I\HOLUTION: K -Slllar'a lni1hn #'----A. M!DIATIO�: The Pan1111 IIGrN ID medlldb any � or dalm anal,-.i bltl¥Nn !him oul or ltll■ A41,-me,-, iw any rqull111gbWltl!Clliorl, be.fore 1'81Clt,J'\Q ID arbilratron or 001111 ■cti0t1 lhf'ouVh fie CAR. Corn�r M�1hUon Cc,illlr c-.CGfl•lllMffll•d .. tlon..otgt 01 through 11ny alltcr modllUon pro�der or .entice mlAUIII}' � kl by It. PartlN. Thtt Plll'UN1110 111rae ro 1111C11a.a. 111v dl.-pinn or fl1.im1 wtltl Broll.et{'I), Ylltlo, In writln1, •IP'" tD 111cih JMdtellotl p,iw to, o, wtltlln • ..... Olllb!■ tl1n1 .,,.,, th• dllP\ll9 or dalm la p,-e.rned lo lht Bn;itier. MechbOfl ..... if 1111V, 1h11 be dMded e®•trimonsl IN PartJa illVDMlll If, for any dlapl.Cllt OI dllm kl which ttlii parag,aptl applle., II\}' Pe,ty (I) O(I01l't1$tli('.llll Ill 1ct!0ntiMlhout lirl-t •� to raotfe the nvae, thnlllg,. mea•llo,i, or (ii) berore oomm1111DOm11nt of 911 '*"-,.f\1111 to fl'IICIINmr • r1KIIIAI nu been made, then ltla4 Party lllal not bl enlfil(ld lo "Q1\llf 1twmey fHa, ""'" tf ltley woold 0018J'\Mlla be i,y,1llabl& to 1'1111 Party 11:1 llflY Buel\ laiol\. THIS MEDIATION PROVISKIN APPUE_S 'Mi.ETHER OR NOT TliE ARBaTRATION PA.OVISION 18 IM'T'IAL.fO. EirtllialOlla from Ihle -dlallon 1gr.nt1Cnl ,,. tf!Kiftld In paq9f1ptl 21C. B.ARBITRA TIOH OF OtsPUTES:TIie Patdetl IIQl'N that Any dkpun Of afalm In L■w or equity 1rils"11t betwe1n lhlnl oul of thll Afre11n1nt or an, rudtlngtrlAH�on, whl�h la not Ndlltd through madiadon, 1h11 be dec,lded by MUU'II, bll'ldlnG artlfttltlon. Thi � 11110 lllrH la an,llr■te any dllflU1N or aa.lma wllh Brotlf'(JI, who, In wrietll!ll, q:rN lo 111d\ a,t,Jndon prlo, lD, o, wlthlrl a ,...C1111bte 1111111 a1'ter, llN dllfMID or clllffl le p,.ser,lld to ltll Bto!Nr. TIii artlltntot aha■ be• teflnd J"6gt or ,luric.e, « an ■ttomey wltll 11 .,_ I ye ... or lnnff�II ,.aj Neat. Law n,.rtlllc:., 11111 ... "'- pelflea lfMnllalt, 19,.e ID I cim..n, •�tDr. Tl!• ParllN 1h11fl hPW tho right Co dllwvt,Y lrt a1.c;«d1rrc, wt1tl Codi of CMI p.� 11 UUI, Inall otller rNpetta, the utlltntlon lhlll be conduelld Ill accordance wtltl Tide I ol Patt I of die Code ol CMI Procedlffll. J� upon the &WIid of the 1rtltnt«(1) nay • en,ed Into any court h1vtng )A'iliCktlon. Enfcltcemall1 of lhi. �Ml1 lo •rtlfntt •h.-11 be go'Hmtd •v lh• Fldwal Artlfmrtion Ad. bdwalona frvm ltllt 1rtltRtton IJlf'llllllrlt .,.. t11911ffl.d 111 parqira;pll 21C • .._OTICE: BY INITIAUNC3 IN TttE &PACE BELOW YOU ARE AOREEINO TO HAVI: AHV CMSPVTE ARt81NOOUT OF THE MATTERS INCUJDE!D IN THE 'ARBITRATION OF DfBPUTf:8' P�ON Dti'CIDEO BY NEUTRAL ARBITRAllON AS PROVIDED BY CAUFORNA LAW AND YOU ARe GIVING UP ANY RIOKTS YOU MIOHT P0$8E88 TO HAVE ntE DtSPUTE UllOATED IN A COURT OR JURY TRIAL BY llflTIAUNO IN THE SPACe aru..ow YOU A.Re OMNO UP YOUR JUOtaA� RIOHTS TO DlSCO'VERY AND APPEAL,UNU!S8 THOSE RtGHTS ARE 8PECIFtCALLY INCLUDED IN THE 'ARBITRA110N OF DISPU'TES'PROvtslON. If YOU REFUS.E TO IUBNIT TO ARBITRATION AFTER AGREEING TO THI$ PROVISION, YOUMAY BE COMPE'UED TO AR8rT'RAffl UNDl!R THI! AUTHOfttTY OF THE CALIFORNIA COOE Of C1VIL P'ROCet>URE. YOUR AGREEMEHT TO THra ARBITRATION PROVISION ,s VOLUNTARY." "WE HAVI! N!A:D AND UNDER�FON!OOING AND AGREE TO 8UBMff Of8PUTU AIQIHG OUT OF THE MATTER8 lf0LUOEO tH . ' . . Tl0N CW DISPUTES' PRCMSION TO NEUTRAL.ARBITRATION." eu,eta lllltl _1 _ S.lllf'I '1lu.ta../'J!l-1 ___ _ C. AOOITIONAL■-!DIAllON AHDAR■ITRA� TiiR.111�(1)EXCUJSIOH&: The fvlowing ...ua,-a.re exdwdecf fnn nwclil.tloo Md 1rblcnt1on: 11) • Judjdlll � non,tudk:1111 fo'9Cltio.urw or aUie.r actlOfl or proceeding to er1f� • deed ol lnlat. morta■ge or lniellllmanl lllnd Hie contnd II deftned In CMI Cod• 11116; (II) a.n lffllawful dcwl1141t 1$0.ni and (1111 •"Y 1111Ullr th,t la dJlln .... f1trtldlclllo11 of a probl1a-. amall di• or baftJmQltcy court. f2t PR£8E;RVATION 01" AettONS: Tll• roiowC11111 ■Mil not 13ln■dbJIII ■ ... 1 .. , llOr vto&adon DI th■ .. ed!IUlon lfld ,ltlllntlon provlllona: (11 die t1•n11 of II ca..t 1dlofl to p,....-ve • ,e.1u12 o11Jwtallou; (lll ttwl lllifta of• court 1c:1ia11 to ■nabll Ull fffORllng ol I notk• of pending ■ctkJn. hw onlcf ol lb8'htnenl, f'IUlw,whlp, k-jMll$9ofl, or otlllr pro'IIIIONI """9'Clini or (Ill} 1IMI flt119 <Jf • n1ac:h_,.c'a 8-n,lSI BROKERJ: &olLen lhal not be oblglta� no, comp.tied to mediate or mllrnl 11nlln Uler llGN• IO do ao In wrfltne. AnJ .,,_.l"(at pat11�pa11ng In meda.tloe Cf' aJtaltntb-allal not be clHIMd I Pffl.Y to it-. AQ,fffflHt. 2t. R�eRVlCE PRO\IID!M: Bl� do not �•ntec Ille pertcrmanca of Ill)' wnOffl, uNlce or procluct provider■if>IV'II ,. �rrod by Bmk8f OT 11'"1nd by Btiyer. Sall• Of otltcr penion.. Bu.,e, 111\d s.-.r lllillY tldllct ANY Provident �":.('=-:�( _J ��'7 &!llel.1' ... 4 ,/4,/ \( VLPA ftlMIUrftJ11 jPAOEIOf' f 1) � c..un.1 � VACANT LAHO PUftCKAI AGREEMENT (VI.PA PA02 I OF 11) ,,, __ c,A,,rr•ty� 11111D,.,._ #JilH-FIW#,-..,- -•om Dflwlifgn En..eiQPe 10: 1GIIG5C7.CDCA,...,tQ91UtF�a,aHiF9 Property Addteu: @UfW Vfse A\'f Lob 1,-11 Sarina,,..,,,..,. CA tllll ____ Daae: MtY U, ,tOH IO, MUl.TIPl! LISTINO ll'RYICI! ("MU�J; Broqq ani autnariied 10 report to Ow MlS I pending •Ille 1nd, t.11on ao.. Ot �. lh1 Mlel p,iQe and Oltlltf llmla D1 thlt nnua,an .,.. be pmv� lo tha Ul.8 co be pl.lblhlhod Ind clillaeminnlCI to pel'IOIII end anctia aulhottuid lo uee the inforrnltkwl on arm, aFll'OWd t,y U.. MLS. St.AnOIU.SV FIE.Br In any ICtlatl, ptOCMd.ng, or arbiniUCWI �1111 Bu)'W and Sell• .,..ng out qf ttw �t. the prewinQBur-r 01 8elltr e/1111 bl •� 1o r1acnabl1 l'ltOmey• Ice• ,no co� lroln 1t11 J10t1.prev1,llng 8uye, or S.lltr, ncept • prcMdtdln�h2BA.. U. MIIONICHT': e-s,w anal ROI llliVn Ill or lfl'/ Pillot BuyeJ'a hloml ri tNt "51,.llf1lt!flt w.thol/t I,_ ha1itlO oblained h � 00nNRlof Scllu &/ch IDIHflt tllll not be unruaonabfy 'Mlhh.rd unleH olherwlla egl'IIOd rt writing. NI'/ tta1 or perOa1 1M1g,vrwnt 1111111 notrlllll\'8 �ol� cNfgalona panu;in& IO !NI� ..,.._all_.l lQJHld In� t,ySeller(C.>, R Fonn AOM), .JS.. t:QUAL. HOUSING OPP�: Thi Property i. told i'I CC1111'11ianoe ..-1111 ,.deral. tt.alll end laaef 1ntHfieaimln■Oon t,.,__ .. M. Tl!!AN AHD COl«OfTJONI 0, OF'FER: Toa la lfl o!Tel ID piKWae ttltl Prope,tr 0fl the lbo-ve IOlffll Ind coocli,ion1. The IQUklalllid c;larNgH pwagrapll Ot "-abllrUlon of d.,,.,,._ Pllf-Wlllpll la fllOO(pornilll In 1111$ �81111 e "1lllllil0 Dy 111 f'artlcl o, If lni:orparlled by mutu11I 1S1rtement lo a count.rolfw or addMdlim, If 11 1eua orw but 110t .. Pal1JH inltlll 1 �11lir oll'er I• requited undl agnement la �tt111d. Beller hN 1t11 11gl'YI lo oonlinue to otter ltle Pr0f)af1y fw 11:II and ID �t any Oltlw olflr al 1ny dme prlOr to notification°' Aoollptance. Bll}'Clf ha read •nd •nowlld,Qet r'IJCll(Jlt of• cm of the oll'er ■nd au,rN• eo theoonffl'l'IIIIOII of-�� raWlonlhf� If tNI ofter ,. ■ocepted IJld 8U)'er uaequaotty dll1ailltt, Buyw ffllV be ,..� '"' payment ol Brollaf:s' c;ompor,MClot' Thia AQrNm•rie •nd any •�,,_,� IKIG■ndum or modaoal!IOn. lnc:tudhg any Copy, ll'lllf baSigned lr1 two o, rnare counterp&flll, all D1 whlclh littell con■i.ulil ont Ind tti. MfT,111 Wflb�H, TIMI! OF Ea18N01!!; ENTIRE C��ACT; CHANGU: Tme la of Iha eNell08. AH umteretandlngt �n the Pll1it1 lf'I lf'IOOIJJorllMI � Ilia Ag!Nment. Ill tam, 11"8 Intended by the Peltlh II I ft1111I, �-•rid� tDIPflllllcn of their Ag, .. man1 with riltj:18ct tg 111 lllltlfllet man., and mey nlll be OOl'tltadloled by a�nca or ■ny pnar lillf,..,.,,.l\t or CXHMmpor1noeou1 oral BOl'fffflent lf any J1J0vt1lori Off Olla AQrNman.t 11 hlfd IO be � o, lnwlld. Che ramlJMIG ,wovtllon■ 11/,11 ll8Wf'1tNlle" be g� lull (oroe 1t1d eltec:t Exmpit u o�ilO apflC!lltd, tl1t "9fWITMlflt altlM bo lntMpm!d and dlaput111 ltlaU t. 1Uoll,,ecj In IICCOnl'ancll "'4h lht t..wl or ltle St•-ol Cllllomfl. NIIUlar tllla Agreement nor any provflalofl In tt IMY be utended,, aatandlcl, modllled, all!lnd or cllangl'd, eJtCIII( In wr'lll"I llgned lly 1kJVW N14 Selllar. •· ce,11moNa: "-u,eo 1n 1h11 AQNI� A. •At:c.,anu• meant the bma the o&r or final cou�r aff8t • IIOOIP1ed l'I Wl'lbng by• Piny and 11 dAlll\oer9d to end Pl!f90Nlll'ItKehoed by rtia other Palty 0, ltwt Pa!1y'I M/tl!Oltllld IV'fll '1 accordln.cie IICt1 1M lefffll of IN• oftlr or I ftl\lll CIOt,ll\llr affw. a.•A9rNme11t• fflU/lil tlwl document •od eny C0111nllw otter. and ■r1y �QOIJl�tiod addenda. eolloc:liwt, fomllnQ the brtdilg IQrMff'II\Slt bltW .. /1 11,e P■rtia.. Addlnda are lnCDrpo�l-.cl oniy wt'lerl SVnao 111 a1 Pirtle$.C. --C.AA form" ITlllJ'll lhl m091 C1JITWII vtf'lion ot fie apeclO lonn niilrenced or anoctler �alt llofm llgraed to t,y ltle Plfha, D, "'CloN Of ac;row" ma■111 Ille due 1hl llf'Wlt d■ed, or o1her C'Wfdlnoe ol l:rlfl1rtir of &Ille, la recorded, IL "Copy" motlM OOJ7t by •nr mona '1c:lJdlnjJ ptlalooop)'. NCR, IIClirnll '"° eMICl/Vf'llc. F, "OIY9• mun• calendar days. HC71,11Wf, a1l!r Act.eplilnoe, the lllt Day fol' portorma,,c:e of IW!IY Mt �Lired by Ila �,.emonl(lndl.Mll"IJ ao.e or E1CtQW11nall n,ot vidl.lde any S.l\lrd■y, Sunday, or logtl ho6clay and lhltl lrwtaad be ll'le neitt Dty. o.. "Daya Abr" moan• tM epoaf111d 11umocr o1 callndiu c;IIJ'f efttr 11w occu,rl!llot gf Ille evatt apctQf'cci, not OOIM'IIJIIQ 111141 catendtr dlllo on ""1ictl lhe iipeo� CVCfrt OCXlUl'I, and endinQ 1111 ·!Iii PM on the fiql day H .. •0a.-. Pno,'" m11n1 ltle 1peafficd nlMl'ber of tallrnctw dl'/1 bll10N Ille ocauroflOO of the event apedfted, not counUr,g 1111 C111endar daee on �lch the 1pedfted ewn4 11 actiedulld co occur. L '-o.1I¥tf"", -O.lhN1n11d"' or '"01I111•,Y-. unlllu a� epecdi■d In IWIIIIIG, nM•ns and 11\tll be �Iv• up011: peraon1t reC94Jt by Buyer ot Selor or thl lndMdual Re11I E1&H1 LJcenlee tar thlit pn,icipel u lplld�od In tlw NclJon titled Ro1II !lllllte Bn>Mra on pege11. r•ldl1■15 of tile metllod 1111!!!1 (I.e., 11111Hfl"9r, mal, email. tax. o1ller). J. "l!.IKlrDfllc Copy' or "£i.e.trorllc: � mNnt, 11 appllc;ale. en etecaMIC copy or qna4ln c:ompl)llng Yah C.lllomlll UW, Buy.rand Seier agree � ■lcdrcnlc mNIII wl not be ultd by either Patty to modify 01 elt!II' Chi eottfllnt iw lravrity ad1"11 AQtllmtnl without the knOWJed,Q• and Clllflllill of the Clltle, Party It •uw" mean• any law, code, m.cuill, DfdlnaMa, l'O!!IUIIOon, rule or onief, ""'lch II adopted IJy • GOflb-Qlling city, county, 1i.te a, federwl l■1J11dative. Jl.ldldal o, exiecutNe body or IIQ811CY L. -"-,..,.,. me1na any �U'I �ucli� pnt OCll'lb'01J, � ,..,,�entt, m0dlnc.t!Df11 at r■trlllltlnci °' � PIQPerty prollkled fat under tn• �l II. "'Siglltcl" mun■ etther a nend\lft'lllan or aledrotl� 111Jnllln °" an Of�IIIII doc:uman&. � ot any ooun�rtrt. EXPIRA TIOH Of' Off!": Thi■ offer� be deemed fe\lOkeO Incl 11w ctepo1tt. If 1ny, 1hlll be rwaimad to Buyer 1,111to11 lho offlf 11 Signed by Seier Ind a Copy ot 1Jla �ned offer II pat'IIQ .. ., ,.Otlvad by Buyer, 01 by • lltlo 11 1utllortzed 1o rea:lva N, by 5:00 PM on the lhiRI Day aft.er lhia otrer la 11g,led by BIJ)'Cr (or bf __ QAM/ LJPM', on (o.it)). non■ or man Buyera s algnlng tho �re.,,,.nl.,. NlpreNnAall, ... aapllOly N'ld not� hlmlherwelf .. en lndMdlu••· $N dl,Cihed R«p,���G% C..,.l!lry s.g_.._ Dlado.,,. (OAR. ffom, RO � Sl>- � B) =�IHI t.rm11 O■w ____ 9\JYER _______________ _ (Pr1M IYIIIII) I AB UC � .. Da� ____ BUYER (Print neme) 1 QMcUlc)MI BioQlllltun Addendum ■ttachlld (C.A.R. FClffll ASA) �.._....,,..._":_";',.'-:..,_... rJ . �)\ �aeo 11t11 (PAOE 10 OF 111 --:-''f-:-:-----f-"8dn " ( � ( --- VACANT '-AHO P\lf\CtfA8� AORI: ll!HT [VI.PA flAO!: 10 011' 11) 1"1----"'� 11111Dt ____ ,.,...,� -----�·- 0 One: or more Safe,a II slgnl� Ille �'91mlflt In a lepN!Mlnt-1"-'e CiPlaty arid l\llt far hml1141rM1f a an lndMdual Seo irtt.� Re�e�:w C.pa� 6·gruiwre Olld.o11!1J� RCSO.Sl for addiliOflal uwma. DataS".'tl �ZOseu.eR _,,d'� (Prim n1111111 Otar Wl•Pflltlt.c�______________________ _ Oa.te ____ StiUER(Pftntnam&) __________________________________ _ QAc!dHional Stgn.,ture Addendum allad'led (CAR Fonn ASA.). L_ / ____l (Do nClt lnlllaJ If ma.klftQ ■ �, ott.,., COHFIUIA T10N OF ACC!PTAHCE. A c� of S19neo AcDeplana, wa1(f,IIUal■I J!!f'Mlral,.!y re011tvec1 o� Bllyar or BU'fel'• authorized ■gent on (dlla) _ ...-----r---•t ___ _LJAMI I .JPl.l A binding AiJ'""1■nt II cneled when I Co,v of Sl!IIMd pta11" p.,.on•� reo■twd L;IIWflr Of Buyel'l � t:gttnl whether or not CJ!flflmttd rn thr. dDCUIHffl. CompldOl'I of tbla "°nffrm�llon II not ,.,any �d In onte, to CIWD I binding AcJINfflHt; It ia 1alllly lirt111d■d to ■WStn:c:■ lhot d■le lha_t Conflrmadon of Ac�tplanc■ t1H occ:umHL --'"" CALIFORNIA AS�OCIATION OF R..BALTORS 11 BUYER'S VACANT LAND ADOITIONAL INSPECTION ADVISORY (CJ.A l'onn � Wtat A... P'ORTAHCE Of' PflOPERTY INVl!STIQATIONl The pt1y11Clt CIOn<Milln of l!Te i.oo and �nll belnQ pllrd\Ned la not�uaranlllDd by el\ller Seller or Bf0Mrl.. for ltlli ,ouon. yoo ehoutd mnduct Chorqh l�-.tlona ol tht Pra,,arty pei.analy 1r1d �pra-..tonatt w1'lc1 lhoUla pt'0¥1d1 wrmfl �Ol18 ·114 111N' lnw■d;ltio,._ A. gtnhl phy.alc:al ln■pecllon typlclly Ooea not OOll9t all� ol tit• Prooert-r nor It.ma ahctl1111 tt.. �� INI .,. not �velcelly I04at.ed °" tl"4t �rty, If Ifie profeulor1• 1900/t'lffMIMI\Jtthar lnvNIIQ•bo·na. Ino&udtig • tecommlfldldon by • P• oo,wot Of)llntur to lhlrpecrt ln.CXlllllble anu ot t:tia Prqie�. you lholJldoantlct qualifi■d � IIO conduct 11.1ch 1ddldon. irweAgt&lona. Adclltlonally, aome tnlll)ldlona, IIUCtl u � liltad belOt#, may beol partlclJlar Sl'll)O".,ce "'1on PJIV\IOIQ -t lllld a.IIUVER AIOHTI AIIID DUTM!S: Vou haw an ,mrma111,. dirty lo eurcile reaacnmte care I.a protoct ... �,. lnduding dl&a111e.ry114 1he loQ1I, practical and tochnlcal lrrflll«:a1lon1 of dadoMd tact.. Ind the lnwlllp!on and -1ftcalton of lnformatlo,, and t.d:I ll'ill)'OU know or ltlet .,.. v.chln your dllg�I 11taMlon and obMIVltiOI\. Thll purdlaae IICl'1l9ffl.,I � you lho rie'- 10 lnl/'elllvato theProperty. II you ir;renue 1h11 ri(lht, 111d you "1ould. � mu1t do Ml 111 1cooNlanoe with the �l'tnll of tt,,i 19,Mment Thia le tn. beatway ror yotJ to prowct yoo�. It 11 PUWmely lmp0ftlrlt for 1ou LO reed 111 written repo,ta proa,tdld � pro.qjgnall and to dl■c:U11 lh1re11A1 ol ii1pec:UC>ne 11i11t1 lhe proflti&lanal who conduCt!d lhe lo1J11Cllon. You hive the ngllt to niquuc Olat SIiler mtM rwpan,oorni@111 at i-. alhar 1ct,on bucd upo,l na,-,,. lillcovwod In your lnVMttg11tt011a 01 dl■ci�d by Seier, tr Sd• 11 unwll"9 a,unable to 11tl1fy �r f9QUetm, o, you do not warn r.o pUrchlN the Pf01)eny In ill di� 111d dllcaw!fad condHloo, you have Ille'111111 to canatl Ille IQrNl'lllnl )'otJ aa 1Mtnin IPtolic time pono� If you do noc Cilflcal Iha •�nt In 1 _,., -,11 prop■r nwnne,.ylllJ may be 111 tirudl of ccnttaa. C.l!UJ!R AIOHTI AND DUTEi: Seller 11 ,..quired eo cbdotc lo yau material flcltl mown to hlmlhet 111111 1liecl Ole valJe ocltf!lirllbllny or en. Prcparty. Howev11 Saller may na1 be IW9'11 of 1omo Property CS.lec:a or c:ondtbona. Seller doOI not hlw anolll!lllllon to 1111Ql41ct the P1t1per,'y b your bene:!11 nllf' la Seller obl;Dl<I IO ,.p.alr, conct o, ollerwlao c:1n known de&tda tni!lt •rwdtadONd to you or pl'elli0111llly �own defedt thal ,,. 61CXM11'9d by you ar y�r 1,...,.c:tara dumg eac,ow. TIii purc:nfR 19rNm1Molllgatu S.llef to 11110 the Pmperty 8"'�llable to you for lrw9■b0Wln& D. BROKER 08UG-A TlONI: Brokars i,c, not haw t)IJllfHe In d 1tet11 Ind therefole c.nn111 actvlae you on many blma. IIJCtl .. IOI113bilny, glOIO!>-C 0/ envlronmClltal c:ondltlcr,a, MUrdOUI or 1111,g.i c:onkollod lllbl&llleat, l!nlolural llC!lldltlOfll or ltle fovndallon Ofojic, mprowm1111a. o, lhe condi&ln al U. n,o� phimbt!Q hAdOII. air canclbanlflll, elldncal, •Mt, MO(lc, waatlll ct.'lpGUI, or othar ay.alcm. The 11111'y .,.y 10 ao:iul"llaly dsllfmlna 1h11 cmdlion ril Ola Property la thnlu� 1n lnipeC:tlion by an app,q,,IIM ptQIIAi!onal •leclld l)y you. II Blmlf glv■1 you rsfwraM lb al.Ith pni'alli1111ala. BICtcer d011 not QYIIIMM their parftiimeNll, You may Nled anypn,feUIC>ll-al of yoor dloollng. If you have anllAld 1111D a 'liftUlen agrtafl'llflt Mil • Brokor, Ille lflec:lllo 1em11 of IIA!t •IJfN"'fl"' wlQdtlllrmn• the nalllre and txt.At of thlt Bml(.,... d\Jly lo rou--YOU AR5 •TflOHOI.Y AOVIIED TO INVE&llGATI! nit COIOTfONAIID SUITA•UTY OF AU. ASPECTS 01' THE PR:OPeR'rY, IF YOU 00 NOT DO to, YOU AIU! ACTINO AGAINST 'Tl« ADVICfi 01'IIROK.iU, E. YOU AIU ADVISED TO CONDUCT M'EITIOA110fd 01' TKI! l!Nffll PROPERTY, INCLUD.INO, Bl.ST IIIDT L•�o TO THEFOUDWINOr1. fllNANCS: FIIWlc:rlg !ht purohaae of Viel,.. tand tlnanm IWllf npeoall� &11tdlg con1truce-on 101111 for the inl>fcwemew,t01 VICIJII ttno can provlda plrllCUIW cnaoeng .. , lrdld11111im01dlnlbr0n 1gl'Hffllnta and ria,raiQI 111Quir-.nlnt1. B� 111dvlsed ID toek ll• Haialallai of RIPlll'.ablt llfldtrt In ullil&IIIOII wlth thltr deci1lan1 f9g■rdklg tllend'tlg of 11141 property. J. CONS'f"UCTIOH COITI: II Buyer 11 �tompt,.lllg building rnptlM!monta 011 the property, Buyer I& "'"4Md that !hey 'loill!\Ive eo conlact dnc:ey eny COflnctora, IM!MCII pnwldora. •�ra, ■rohilacts, ulilily cornpanln fll!g.■rdlng th■ t;:D11t1 olir11Jrovl!fflllntt. Buyer �iald 10 g•l wriOan bldl from 1H ■ucli srett0n1 "1,l■rulng their cfedtlon to ...iap lhe prape,ty. l.UTLITil!S; Unhlprovwd prq,et1y may or 1111y not ha¥a U1J"-iea avdlllle to the propeny. Buyar(a} It adlllkd ID �Inrnronn11k>n tram tho �bllo « prt\11.la utaty 11nmder ■bo1,t1 fl• 1l'lllabllity and 0061 ol p,vwdlr,g I.Cite■ 11D lhl property andwtllt1her lleceMlry 41ffmtflla .,. In pa01 ID allow 111dl ulllma to Ille P!'Qpefty. 4, l!NVIRONtiENTAL SURVEY: Unimp� l■nd may htV!I 111d 0/ 1J1tY hive hazlldoua mllelllll 1tore11 � or under 1h11 land or bcon uaod by pan,ona .,;� In •�"1hrf ellpOliO!I fh• land lo huatd0119 m, .. rlalla Toa llnd may alao bl hoat 110 Pf019c:t9d ""•mlofl Of anlmll ll1a. !urart•) Is arMMd so MIi� lflemael-.s u wti.i hMIIOI Of proactacl plaill ar anmal 11 .. If• on ma property and �• lmptc;a hy IINf hrte on Bu,el'll I\Jtunt plllfll n>r 11'1• propeny by ..-.g Intl l'IDU> DI • qu.llAie!f.rO,.Hional e�f� 1._1 ___ , c, 201:t. Clllbnll Aacdllcn d REAL TOO&e, Inc:. BVUA 11111 (PA01!! 1 W 2) & VA.CANT LA.HD ADDfflONAL Sdlet'aHIIIJ� <---- .4P\IISOAY IVUA PAGE 1 OF --"- � EIWllkip,, ll· 1ntuMC1-ooc;.-0a1MOF�131111on1 f'IQpcny Mc11e:11, B"!'!f VilU -1vt to(! 11-1e, tte,tng va,,.y, CA at•n Olte. 5.-:a:t-Al> I.NATURAL HAZARDS RePORTB: 8uywr11> ta 111\"IIMd thac 'Aflill c.enaln dltc:loai.n1 WI flll'!illld by Nie, fedenll and local law:1,haunt di1cl011n �ru• can p1t11/\0a llddilion-1 d1td01ires ro, bodl l\lhJral aAO man-mad, huatd1 CJ' msluncea tor a oo.t.Buyer .. ldl/iMd IO Ul!(jt Ola ecrv� a,f I natural AIIZIIATS repon!ng �y ,eg,ning llddllioftal repoltt Ind dltdOlllrea (hibll)'« may w!ah to Gl>tl1n. t.SJJBDIVIIION OF THE PROPERTY: H 8'1y111'11 ,_,_ lnclud1 futllfll 1M1bd1Vl1Mon of the pflll)elty (\tmW11r under Itta Subdlwlllon Map A.cl ol � SUl>cl1vlded land■ l.a'W) m� ccmf)lex iMIIN teg..-ding city, OOl#lty, Dia. and ,-.,.., tlws may be pretNn\ad. 8ruyor II altongly .OvlNO 10 IIOCk Ille advice of Call'Dml• legal OOUllSilll l'amll!ar 'tlMII fitde,al, IIM.6 •nd local aubdi.vit!Ofl111qulremm11. · · Duyer 111d Sellar ldcno!il.tedge atld 11111'" ',nil Btolaer: (I) Oosa nCII �QOI ""111 prlol Buyw ltloutd pay or Seier lhould accapt: (i) 0oN not guarantee th& oondilon or oi, Pnlperty, (1111 Do81 not GUIJ'af\188 Ille parfonnlnce. ede�acy or compte1cN11 Of �ec:110,111, u,rvioq, prodlJt'la or f8?illrl provided OI rNde by Seller Of Olfle,.: (Iv) PON not have all abll�itlon ID corlduct an lnlf)edlon ol common w11:1 or lrNI otf 1111 Illa OC the Property; M S.,,,_ not be ,upontible ro, ld:ar4ifylng d.-eta on the Prope,,ty. in c:orrsnon 1rer1, 01 offll1-UNIII auc:h �r.cu are _., QCMNable by an IRll)9Cll0f1 of reaaonabty acr.eMl>II IIHII of the Pl'OPll11Y or are kROW\'l tu Brok8t, (llf) Shi not be raspor1ltlle fDr 11\tpeding pl.tlllc r�• or pennll1 concamlnu tne 1.111 or � of Pmptrty; (Vil Shaff nee be l'Hf>Oll.lible for ��ng th• locallllfl of buwtdsry llnH or oe,e, """' lfta�11 lilll; Cvti, Shall n<Jt be re•�I• ,0, wwt�y aqiare l'oOlage., ,.-C:NnllUOM ol Olhlf'I or lnbm.Uan coni.lned 11'1 lnvosllgallOn .....,artJ, Multll)le LI� Service, �men11, nye,. or alt. p,omollon., m--111; U•> StlaU nCII ti. f'l1190"llbla for p1t1vlltng lepl or tllX •� reg;anlng arr, llf!ec:I of a tr1t11action enllfed 9llo tJy 8uy41, or 8tllt; lfld (ir) 6hlll not bet ,oyolldlle tor pr!Mdlng «nor advlee or lnfomliltlorl lhM f!)UlHlq &he kn09'/Jedge, tdi,caQIQn and �ce raqi,lred ID � relll estate liCl'IIICI IIC'llvtly. Bl,yWr and Seller� IO � l&glll, \al, IJIIUrlllCe. !Ille and ottw dallied utltlarlCI from llflPNlPntlG p�oala. 8y algnlng below, &uyar and a.i .. , NCl'l aclcncrwlt.ct111t ltllt lhay hllwe rnd, 11nd1r.-t1nd. 1cc1pt and tlav. ,.cahlld I Copy of ltll'I AAW'-oty. •�, la encouraoed to rHd It c•�IIJ. SELI.ER � Of-,,W.,-Ol&ttftt c.ta �Jn/ww J I st;LLER o.w ______ _ DUYER g: IA,,...LLC ., S/22/2O10 Olll1 ______ _ 8UVEfl Date _______ _ 0,01"-� �d "!M.J'ORN. .... � C �-... ('r .. t7 ..... CGIMf...,._ _ 11 ............. tlilflllJ .,,1 ,.P 1«1' ..... """"•111'_.....,._,llf�ndllM•-...,---,eor�---.. 1llll FCIW � SEEN l#HlltNf1> IY '!Ml c;.t,i.lt'QIINl,I\ · a, ll�TOIIM (PAIU. NO REPlUUIDffAflON. aMlll AS 10 -nna � YAUllffY QR ACCURAC'I' Of JJj'f PR<MSIOH IN 4!N PtCl'lC TMN� I\ 1'IW. l!STATE lll'IOICER 18 n!E P£Aa0H OltMIFll!D TO"°"" ON IIMl 111111111 TAAHB.i.cTIOhS. IF YOU OE4JIU! L£0Al OM TAJ< AOIIICII, � r 11'4 /\Pl"RCPRll<TE PAOfE88110NN.. TIM 11nn I, NIie ....... ID_,-� llro.fll atl ee---• �� fl9 c.ilrm ....-ian III REM.TORli& 1ta 11111lfDildld 11> 111on-, h ..- .,. • AFM. roRe. lltiAI. TOM lo • .....-� nwn., .... .,. � mo, be -11 � 1,y ,.,.,..,. d Ille NAT'toNM.ASSOCM� OF A£AI.TOAM- MIIIP1'• 11-� ct llm:a_ \of{) l f'>IAjl.,_ and tfilllnbullld by!• REAt. ESTATE BUSINESS SERWES, LlC. O fCll'IIII � L • . o/ flfa � ... � ol REM. TORS$ -I., ..t.::t;..-.. ... ...-.-•-��:,Ht.l, * IIVUA11/U{PAOl!.20,2) � --- --� BUYeR'S VACANT I.AND AODfTIOiftAL IN8PECTION ADVISORY (BVllA PA06 2 Of' 2)��� .. _..,. ,_.,ftlM,..kwlft ... �..--•mum:n -w.A.- OowSl{jn l:tr"tlope JO. IQ8195C?�a3IMOFMID21318UIFU 4l.... C A L I 11 0 R. N I A .__, Assoc I AT Io N CALIFORNIA CONSUMER PRIVACY ACT ADVISOf'Y � 0 II k. f, A LT O Rs I (C.A.R. fllffll co,A, 12#11) Al Of January 1, 2020, the Callfomla Conaumer Ptfvecy A� (commencing W11h CIVIi Code§ 1790.100) ("CCPAj grantl to Ceflfomla relidentt 09ltli!n ngttu ., tt_. private, pereonal lntomlallon that Is coffected by com�.• wffh whom they do Mlne11. Lhldw lhe CCPA, "peraona, Information" 11 dellned broadly to oncompau �bllc r9COf'dl ilfofmadon that eotird 11!8� be linked dlfectly or 4ndlreclty to you, Including, potentially, photograph■ ot or aaJ•• infom'l■lkln ■bout your propeily Some of your � Information ll'lll be cale�ed Ind lik:ett ahared Ylfth others duMg the procen ol � and sellng real Htale. Oepandlng on lhe lltuatb\. you may have Iha ngh4 to •opt � or stop the transfer of '1W' p�lllll Wof'matlon 10 othel't and requ6et that Oet18in busnenet del•te you; peraooill Wonnation MtogetMr: N6r ell buA1Nus Y<>tJ Interact Ytilh n rtQurld to comply *'th the law. J)rimarilv just thCM.s ""° meo1 the Clfteria o1 a CIW.■tlld "Buslnea:a• aa 1e( fwih in &action 17915.1'40 (o)J. For more 1nrormat1on. you may aak your e,�., tor• (QPY ol 111• c.A.R. Legal OU. on lhe ld>Joot. A real estate biolca la _lfy to � penon., Information to • Mi,tlple L151ing Setvlce ("MLSj In ord■r to help find • bu}W for a ....,... property. Tlvough the MLS. the lnrorma&n ls mada IIVllable 10 l'lal "tate broktn end 11�. and otherl. Evwn after • aale la complete, the MLS dttlltM&1 aelca into1mation to the real ..tate oommunlly. Broke,e,. tgenta and MLS. may ateo ahare 'I04Jl paraQOal rtfom\elion wM others wtio post the pef'tOnaJ lntOfmrion on WIOIIIIB■ o, auewh_.., or <XhefwilMI uae it Thus. there ,,-. wariou• aamca proyidera and compinas In a rest ettllb!t tranalCtion who may be eng,aged fl\ ualng or lharlog daCa lnvoMng yow-pe,soolll Information. It VtXB bt'oll:er la I co,,,,erecr Buaine$t, ii ah� ti.va I Ptfyacy policy •�lalnlng your righlll on Ila wabalte and giving YoU ■n opponurey to requeat thet personal lnformatlOn not bo 1hared, used 8111d even d$ted. EV9n If '/CAJf rut Ntate brobrego ia a COYered BuslnaH, it neede, end la alowed. to ketp your lnbmetiort to effectuate a AM and, by &aw, 11 required to malnt.n auch i'lformetlon for lhr■e yeiwa lo oompty � regulat'ofy req"rementt. Not d brokera in oovered Bu11tnenea1 however, and !h0te that ere not, do not have to comply w«n lhe CCPA. Similarly, most ML61 wtll not be considered ■ covered eulinllla lnS'll!8ct_ the MLS may be considered a Third Party In Iha event a coweted Buslnen (ex. brgkentgea. roal estate liltlllg aggregation or ad't'ertiq Internet lites or other cuteta who meet the c.rtteria ol covered Buslnnae■) OJU:ttange■ peraonal Information with the MLS. You do not hirve Iha ,tght i.lder the CCPA to requllo I Third Party lo deleto your pe..-onal lnfonnatlon. And llko roal e�ta broketagn1 even if an MLS II 1 COIHlred Bualneea, Ml.Sa are atao r.qurred by l■w to rdaln end mak-. 1ccmelbl1 In b computer ty'1em any -,d 111 lilmg and other 1nfomlatlon for thrH YNfl, � an MLS fs a covered Buslne1I or a Third Pww. you have , rtQht to be not.med abcul !he ahenng � you-perllOft,II lnl'OOnalbl and your nght to contact • covered 8ullinea1 to opt out 01 you, pereon■I lnforn\lllfOn being uaed, or ehared wilh Third Pal'IIH. Sfnce tho MLSa ancUor olh• efllll.ln receiving your peflONI Information do noc hav'9 direct conlact �h buyers and Riera end also may not be aware of ..-filch entities ewianglng pe(IOMI i1fomlallon are CXIWfed Busir1a1-es, lhls form It being used to nollfy you ol ywr rlghta under !hi CCPA and your abi y to dnct requests 10 oov«ed Busineaee not to ahare peqonal lnformallof'I with Third Partfea. Ona way to llmil •ccea• to vour pe,sonal lnfonnstlon, ta to Inform your broke, o, Uleaperten you mnt to opt-cut or the MLS, and If ao, you • be a9tced to 191 •document (Fonn SELM) oonfimung your r■qu8ll to kfiop your 119(1/\g Off Iha MLS. However, If you do to, ii may be men difficult IX> Ml your propet1y o, ot>taln the hlgh•t price lot It becawa V0'f" property w,ll not� ,xposed lo th■ �It numbel of re9l U1al8 lioeoN11 and others. STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board Meeting MEETING DATE: July 1, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Jose Martinez, General Manager W.O./G.F. NO: DIV. NO. APPROVED BY: Susan Cruz, District Secretary Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Board of Directors 2020 Calendar of Meetings GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: At the request of the Board, the attached Board of Director’s meeting calendar for 2020 is being presented for discussion. PURPOSE: This staff report is being presented to provide the Board the opportunity to review the 2020 Board of Director’s meeting calendar and amend the schedules as needed. COMMITTEE ACTION: N/A ANALYSIS: The Board requested that this item be presented at each meeting so they may have an opportunity to review the Board meeting calendar schedule and amend it as needed. STRATEGIC GOAL: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: None. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachment: Calendars of Meeting for 2020 G:\UserData\DistSec\WINWORD\STAFRPTS\Board Meeting Calendar 07-01-20.doc AGENDA ITEM 7b Board of Directors, Workshops and Committee Meetings (Via Teleconference) 2020 Regular Board Meetings: Special Board or Committee Meetings (3rd Wednesday of Each Month or as Noted) January 8, 2020 February 5, 2020 March 11, 2020 April 1, 2020 May 6, 2020 June 3, 2020 July 1, 2020 August 5, 2020 September 2, 2020 October 7, 2020 November 4, 2020 December 2, 2020 January 22, 2020 February 19, 2020 March 18, 2020 April 22, 2020 May 20, 2020 June 17, 2020 July 22, 2020 August 19, 2020 September 23, 2020 October 21, 2020 November 18, 2020 December 16, 2020 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING:Regular Board MEETING DATE:July 1, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Jose Martinez General Manager W.O./G.F. NO: N/A DIV. NO. N/A APPROVED BY: Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT:General Manager’s Report GENERAL MANAGER •District’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic – As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic emergency declarations and the social distancingorders resulting in a portion of the District’s staff telecommuting, the District has had no impacts to its water supplyand has maintained a continuity of operations and services duringthe challenging and dynamic environment. Staff continues to monitor and provide updates as needed relating to responding tothis pandemic, including but not limited to: water and wastewater services, supplies, operations, finances, and communication.The District is continuing to hold Board of Directors meetings via teleconference services which provides public access to themeetings. Staff continues to pursue temporary and permanentmodifications to the boardroom and other facilites. The District remains committed to the safety of the public and the employees who continue to provide them with our essential services.A Safe Reopening Plan and a Social Distancing and SanitationProtocol have been developed in accordance with county health guidelines. Staff will continue to monitor and comply with allFederal, State and Local orders and guidelines that apply or affect the District. Potable Water Purchases – The May potable water purchases were 2,600 acre-feet which is 0.5% below the budget of 2,613 acre-feet. While staff is unable to decisively determine to what extent the volume deficit is attributable to COVID-19,rainfall of 14.6 inches is 43% above the average rainfall of10.2 inches. The budgeted water purchases from CWA were based Agenda Item 8 2 on an average of three years of rainfall which was 10.2 inches. Recycled Water Purchases – The May recycled water purchases from the City of San Diego and production at the District’s treatment facility were 429 acre-feet which is 23.8% above the budget of 346 acre-feet. The cumulative production and purchases through May were 2,951 acre-feet which is 8.5% below the cumulative budget of 3,223 acre-feet. Currently, staff is unable to determine to what extent the volume deficit is attributable to COVID-19. Rainfall of 14.6 inches is 43% above the average rainfall of 10.2 inches. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: GIS: •Asset Management Program (AMP) – Staff continues to assist theDistrict’s Asset Management Team with data verification and information updates. In addition, staff continues to collectutility data and perform QA/QC for data accuracy. Human Resources: •COVID-19 - HR continues to monitor labor and legal information forthcoming related to COVID-19 and is implementing where needed.At the beginning of COVID-19, staff developed a central location on the District’s SharePoint portal for information related to COVID-19. To date, approximately 50 entries have been posted to includeemail updates sent to employees, policies, guidelines, safety, community resources, and weblink information related to COVID-19. •New Hires/Promotions/Recruitments: o The positions of Electrician I/II and Utility Worker I/II were filled during the month of June. o The District is currently in the selection process for theposition of a Reclamation Plant Operator I/II/III and will be proceeding with the Utility Services Manager selection processin mid-July. IT Operations: •Asset Management Program (AMP) - Staff continues to work with theDistrict’s Asset Management Team with the coordination of GIS assetvalidation that includes identifying current system assets, parent-child relationships, retired or deleted assets, and QA/QC ofpreventive maintenance tickets assigned to the assets. 3 Purchasing & Facilities: •Operations HVAC Replacement – The Operations’ rooftop HVAC systemis past its useful life and is scheduled to be replaced. While the solicitation and contract awards were routine, the originalequipment specifications were modified in response to the recent pandemic to include a factory installed ultraviolet germicidalirradiation (UVGI) cooling coil sterilization package. It must benoted that the CDC and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) have notestablished specific HVAC standards to combat COVID-19 in high-risk front line healthcare systems; nor in systems of mid to low riskenvironments. However, the “ASHRAE Position Document on InfectiousAerosols” dated April 14, 2020, identifies UVGI and other methods as “strategies for reducing the risk of dissemination of infectiousaerosols in buildings and transportation environments.” Outside of pandemics, UVGI is proven to be an effective inactivation methodfor mold, bacteria and viruses that can collect, grow, andcirculate from in and around cooling coils. Safety & Security: •COVID-19: o Continued to share pertinent information with staff. o Distributed District Preparedness Plan & General Checklist toChiefs for their review and input. o Requested copies of vendors’ COVID-19 protocols that will beimplemented/used during the completion of testing servicesprotecting Otay staff. o Continued to monitor the County’s activated Emergency OperationsCenter water hub for latest water information. o Continued to provide weekly updates from County HealthDepartment to Management and Safety Committee. •Monthly WebEOC Exercise – Successfully completed the monthly exercise for June, which consisted of “using the weblinks andfinding the SigAlert traffic map and cameras”. Note: This is thelast monthly exercise for FY20. Finance: •Collections and Bad Debt Exposure: Below is information that shows lockable accounts and differentiates Owner accounts from Tenant accounts. While the District collects a portion of these balances, it is less likely to collect the tenant account balances that have become lockable. This balance is being monitored on a weekly basis to assess the potential bad debt exposure. 4 •Sewer 218 Hearing Notices & Water Rate Increase Notices – Staff is completing preparation of the sewer 218 hearingnotices and water rate increase notices. Staff has scheduledfor the notices to be mailed mid-July to mid-August. The planned timing for the sewer 218 hearing is October 7, 2020. •FY 2021 Budget Book – Staff is preparing the FY 2021 Budgetbook for submission to the CSMFO and GFOA award programs.Staff plans to have the book completed by September 30, 2020. •Property, Liability, and Workers’ Compensation Insurance - Staff is currently working with ACWA-JPIA to ensure a smooth transition intotheir property, liability, and workers’ compensation programs.Staff met with the JPIA HR Director and the Employment Practices Attorney and was provided an overview on available training classesand the claims process. These trainings help educate staff on best practices which reduces risk exposure. Additionally, new accidentreporting kits from ACWA-JPIA have been placed in districtvehicles. Staff is currently working closely with SDRMA to close all open claims in anticipation of the move to ACWA-JPIA. •COVID-19 FEMA Disaster Funding – Staff is continuing to work withFEMA representatives to determine eligible expenses for the FEMAclaim. Based on updated information from FEMA, the District will be pursuing the traditional reimbursement versus the acceleratedreimbursement. Per FEMA, the traditional reimbursement will result in more upfront work auditing the reimbursement request but willensure the validity of claimed amounts. Staff is planning tosubmit a project plan expense report along with supporting documents to FEMA for funding consideration in late July. •Fiscal Year End – Staff sent out year-end emails to all departmentsreminding them to finalize services and goods receipts prior toJune 30th to ensure expenses are properly recorded in the year they are budgeted. Staff is also working on other year-end related 5 activities including updating the EDEN system with FY21 workers’ compensation rates, annual COLA increase, project accounting reconciliations, and fixed asset capitalization. •Lobby Re-Opening - The lobby re-opened to customers on June 22nd. Staff has posted all county required signage. Staff will also be asking all customers to wear masks when entering the building and not to enter if experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms. Occupancy will be limited to ensure proper social distancing. Staff will continue to promote contactless payment options such as the drop box, online, and over the phone. •Delinquent Outreach - On June 12th, a postcard was mailed to 728 customers that were over 90 days delinquent on their water bill. As of June 22nd, 229 of those customers have submitted payment. Beginning July 1st, automated phone calls will resume for customers who are over 45 days delinquent reminding them that payment has not been received to date and to call customer service if they need extended payment arrangements. Financial Reporting: •The financial reporting for May 31, 2020 is as follows: o For the eleventh month ending May 31, 2020, there are totalrevenues of $93,883,637 and total expenses of $94,459,400. The expenses exceeded revenues by $575,763 due to the decline inwater usage during the winter months. •The financial reporting for investments for May 31, 2020 is asfollows: o The market value shown in the Portfolio Summary and in the Investment Portfolio Details as of May 31, 2020 total$73,217,825 with an average yield to maturity of 1.370%. Thetotal earnings year-to-date are $1,264,864. ENGINEERING AND WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS: Engineering: •870-2 Pump Station Replacement: This project consists of a new Pump Station to replace the existing Low Head 571-1 and High Head 870-1Pump Stations. The project also includes the replacement of theexisting liner and cover for the 571-1 Reservoir (36.7 MG). InApril 2020, Pacific Hydrotech, the Station’s contractor, worked oncompleting startup activities and punch list items required to initiate the Station’s seven-day operational testing. It is 6 anticipated that the seven-day operational testing will begin during the week of June 22, 2020. Environmental monitoring for the construction project is complete and the final environmental compliance reports have been sent to the regulatory agencies (US Fish & Wildlife Service, CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Army Corps of Engineers). A final change order is anticipated in the amount of approximately $60K. A portion of the change order is anticipated to be a result of design issues that created voltage induction and intermittent pump shutdowns. The District anticipates back charges to the design engineer for the work to resolve the issue that will be included in the final change order. The project is within budget and the construction contract has reached substantial completion. (P2083 & P2562) •Campo Road Sewer Replacement: The existing sanitary sewer from Avocado Road to Singer Lane was undersized and located inenvironmentally sensitive areas that are difficult to access. TheCampo Road Sewer Replacement project installed approximately 7,420 linear feet of new 15-inch gravity sewer pipe and includesabandonment of the existing sewer main. During the month of April 2020, Wier Construction worked on punch list items that wereidentified during the operational review and required for contractacceptance. Manhole repairs have been completed. The last item prior to processing contract acceptance is acquisition of a releasefrom the parking lot property management firm. Project is within budget. (S2024) •Vista Vereda and Hidden Mesa Water Pipelines Replacement: The existing 1950’s steel water line along Vista Vereda between VistaGrande Road and Hidden Mesa Trail in the Hillsdale area has experienced leaks and is nearing the end of its useful life. Theexisting water main is located primarily within easements, many ofwhich have had significant improvements performed over the years since the water line was constructed. This project replaced theexisting water lines with new water lines in both Vista Vereda and Hidden Mesa Road. During April 2020, Cass Arietta Construction,Inc., the District’s construction contractor, worked on completingpunch list items required for contract acceptance. This punch list work includes securing releases for restoration work associatedwith a contractor caused cellular concrete spill that occurred during November 2019. The restoration work is complete andreleases from the private properties have been received. Project acceptance documents have been prepared and are being routed to theGM for signature. This project is within budget. (P2574 & P2625) •Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station Redundancy: This project willadd a second pump to the District’s existing Temporary Lower OtayPump Station (TLOPS) to provide redundancy. The District’s contractor, Tharsos, moved the District’s pre-purchased trailer, 7 which had been stored in the Operations employee parking lot, to the project site on May 18, 2020. Tharsos set the trailer and installed staircases and platforms around the trailer in preparation for the delivery of steel piping scheduled in early July 2020. Tharsos’s construction contract also includes mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation & control. The redundant trailer vendor (Hawthorne) began reassembly of exhaust components on the roof of the trailer the week of June 1, 2020. COVID-19 IMPACTS: The project has experienced delays associated with pipe fabrication. Tharsos will meet with the pipe manufacturer to determine if an expedited delivery of the pipe is possible. Project completion is anticipated in September 2020. The project is within budget. (P2619) •Portable Trailer Mounted VFD Pumps: This project consists of procurement of a portable trailer mounted hydropneumatic pumpstation designed for deployment at up to seven (7) existing sitesincluding four (4) hydropneumatic pump stations and three (3) small pressure zones each fed by a single gravity reservoir. The trailervendor’s (Cortech Engineering) shop drawings were approved for Cortech’s trailer builder subcontractor (PremierFlow) on December 5,2019. Factory Acceptance Testing by PremierFlow’s system integrator(TechKnowsion) was completed in PremierFlow’s Oklahoma facility on May 29, 2020. Delivery is anticipated by early July 2020. Thisproject is within budget and on schedule. (P2640) •1200 Pressure Zone Improvements: The first phase of this projectconsists of connections for a Portable Trailer Mounted VFD Trailer Pump (P2640) at the 1200-1 Pump Station/978-1 Reservoir site insupport of the 1200-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Project (CIP P2533) starting late fall next year. The first phase alsoincludes demolition of an existing vault and widening of anexisting driveway to provide access and a location to operate the trailer pump. The District’s contractor, Piperin, commencedexcavation at the project site on May 26, 2020. COVID-19 IMPACTS: This project has experienced delays to address customer concernsregarding mitigation of tie-in impacts. Additional costs to theDistrict are $5,453 and have been approved as Change Order No. 2. The District will seek FEMA reimbursement associated with theseadditional costs. It is anticipated that the work will be completed by early July 2020. This project is within budget.(P2653) •Dictionary Hill Water Line Replacement - 2019: This projectconsists of constructing 1,250 linear feet of 8-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water line and 60 linear feet of 12-inch PVC waterline, including appurtenances, rehabilitation of services, andsurface restoration. The contractor, LB Civil Construction, has installed approximately 275 linear feet of new PVC waterline in 8 Birch St., and is completing the installation of 60 linear feet of PVC on Kempton St. LB Civil will then move to Coronado Ave. and Date St. during the month of July. Outreach notifications have been sent out to the neighboring residents. COVID-19 IMPACTS: This project has experienced delays to address customer concerns regarding mitigation of tie-in impacts. Additional costs to the District are $24,066 and are being approved under Change Order No. 1. The District will seek FEMA reimbursement associated with these additional costs. The project is on schedule. (P2608, P2609,P2655) •Hidden Mountain Sewage Pump Station Wet Well Renovation: Thisproject will resolve septic conditions that exist at the Pump Station by eliminating dead storage areas below the pump operatinglevel. The work will also add a sewer manhole to a segment of gravity sewer that is inaccessible to CCTV equipment. The scope ofwork consists of installing concrete fill with channel in two (2)of the station wet wells, construction of a replacement sewer line between wet wells, new sewer manhole, appurtenances, and surfacerestoration. Kay Construction was awarded the contract at the March 11, 2020 Board Meeting. Notice to Proceed was issued onMay 26, 2020 and the project is on schedule for completion by June30, 2020. (S2070) •Otay Mesa Pipeline Cathodic Protection Improvements: This project includes repairs to existing cathodic protection systems, such asanode replacement and cathodic test station repairs located in theOtay Mesa Area. The project was publicly advertised for construction bid on May 21, 2020 and electronic bids were publiclyopened by live Zoom video conference on June 11, 2020. Staff worked with the District’s General Counsel to implement anelectronic bidding process for the duration of the COVID-19pandemic given the limitations in place by the pandemic. Award of the construction contract is anticipated for the August BoardMeeting. This project is within budget. (P2648) •14-Inch Force Main Air-Vac Replacements Project: This projectincludes replacement of nineteen (19) existing combination air- vacuum valve assemblies previously replaced in 2006-2008, which arereaching the end of their useful life. The project was publicly advertised for construction bid on May 28, 2020. Bids will beopened via live video feed similar to the Otay Mesa PipelineCathodic Protection Improvements project described above. Award of the construction contract is anticipated for the August BoardMeeting. This project is within budget. (R2156) •Vista Diego HydroPneumatic Pump Station Replacement: This projectincludes replacement of the existing pump station, which serves the small 1530 Pressure Zone, containing approximately thirty-seven 9 (37) potable water meters and four (4) hydrants. The project waspublicly advertised for Letters of Interest (LOI) and Statement ofQualifications (SOQ) to provide professional engineering services on May 13, 2020. LOI/SOQs were received from nine (9) prime civilengineering firms on May 27, 2020. Proposal review and interviews are scheduled for the month of July 2020. Award of theprofessional engineering services agreement is anticipated for theSeptember Board Meeting. This project is within budget. (P2639) •FY 2020 Sewage Flows to Metro vs Planned Capacity: 10 •For the month of May 2020, the District sold 35 meters (48 EDUs),generating $340,845 in revenue. Projection for this period was 51.3 meters (61 EDUs) with a budgeted revenue of $536,772. Total projected revenue for Fiscal Year 2020 is $5,608,648 against the annual budget of $6,441,264. Summary Table below: Water System Operations (reporting for May): •Engine #1 at the 927-1 Treatment Plant Effluent Pump Station wastaken off-line to diagnose and repair a coolant leak. To minimize disruption to the pump station, a portable generator was utilizedto supply power to electric pump #6. Staff placed the genset on-site, wired the genset into the electric motor controller and programmed the PLC’s to start the genset, then ran an electric pumpas-needed, without time-of-use pumping restrictions. Staff is estimating that the repairs to engine #1 will be completed by theweek of June 22nd. •On Thursday, May 7th, staff assisted Inspections Section with an approved planned shutdown to install two isolation valves, spools,and thrust walls for the removal of the existing 12-inch mainlineon Enrico Fermi Drive in Otay Mesa, for the SR-11 bridge and road work. The shutdown lasted from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM and watertrailers were available for two impacted customers. •On Thursday, May 7th, staff performed a mock shutdown on theupstream and downstream valves of each pump at the 1090 PumpStation for upcoming renovation work that will include replacing the pumps and adding a third pump to increase the firm capacity ofthe station while keeping the existing standby generator. The District’s portable trailer pump will be used while most of thestation work is performed, with Phase 1 providing the pipingrequired to hook up the trailer pump. •On Tuesday, May 11th, staff concluded the compounds analyzed in thefive-year R.W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility dischargemonitoring samples. All tested below the MCLs and will be set for another five years. Date Meters Sold (Budgeted) Meters Sold (Actual) EDUs Sold (Budgeted) EDUs Sold (Actual) Total $ Collected (Budgeted) Total $ Collected (Actual) May 2020 51 35 61 48 $536,772 $340,845 7/1/19 thru 5/31/20 564 287 671 571 $5,904,492 $4,822,288 7/1/19 thru 6/30/20 615 310* 732 661* $6,441,264 $5,608,648* *projected through June 30, 2020 11 •On Wednesday, May 13th, staff submitted an updated Water QualityEmergency Notification Plan (WQENP) template for both Department ofDrinking Water (DDW) and Department of Environmental Health (DEH). •On Friday, May 15th, operational plans for the new 870-2 PumpStation and 803-4 RCS/PAX mixer were finalized and are ready to besent to the State Water Boards for final approval. •On Monday, May 18th, staff performed a mock isolation of the 803-4Reservoir in preparation for the PAX Mixer installation andBacteriological testing as requested by DDW. •On Monday, May 18th, water system operators brought down the potablesupplementation to the recycled system from 2,500 GPM (3.6 MGD) to 1,800 GPM (2.59 MGD). On Thursday, May 21st, supplementation went to3,000 GPM (4.37 MGD) which was sustained through the end of themonth. Purchases and Change Orders: •The following table summarizes purchases and Change Orders issued during the period from May 26 through June 12, 2020, that werewithin staff’s signatory authority: Date Action Amount Contractor/ Consultant Project 05/26/2020 P.O. $20,453.13 DELL MARKETING, LLP VEEM ENTERPRISE SERVER UPGRADE (Includes 3-Year Support) 06/10/2020 C.O.($6,535.00) PIPERIN CORP. 1200 PRESSURE ZONE IMPROVEMENTS 06/11/2020 C.O.$5,453.00 PIPERIN CORP. 1200 PRESSURE ZONE IMPROVEMENTS 06/11/2020 P.O. $40,000.00 IWATER, INC. INFRAMAP ANNUAL SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SUPPORT (Field Work Order Reporting Software) 06/12/2020 P.O. $6,236.00 D&D WILDLIFE HABITAT PRUNE AND BRUSH CUT VEGETATION 12 Water Conservation and Sales: •Water Conservation – May 2020 usage was 1% higher than May 2013 usage. Since May 2019, customers have saved an average of 15% over 2013 levels. • •The May potable water purchases were 2,600 acre-feet which is 0.5% below the budget of 2,613 acre-feet. The cumulative purchases through May were 24,730 acre-feet which is 3.3% below the cumulative budget of 25,570 acre-feet. 13 •The May recycled water purchases and production were 429 acre-feetwhich is 23.8% above the budget of 346 acre-feet. The cumulative production and purchases through May were 2,951 acre-feet which is8.5% below the cumulative budget of 3,223 acre-feet. Potable, Recycled, and Sewer (Reporting up to the month of May: •Total number of potable water meters: 51,066. •Total number of sewer connections: 4,740. •Recycled water consumption for the month of May: o Total consumption: 303.3 acre-feet or 98,797,336 gallons. o Average daily consumption: 3,187,011 gallons per day.o Total cumulative recycled water consumption since May 1, 2019: 2,913 acre-feet.o Total number of recycled water meters: 738. •Wastewater flows for the month of May: o Total basin flow: 1,705,774 gallons per day. This is an increase of 5.28 percent from May 2019. o Spring Valley Sanitation District flow to Metro: 565,890 gallonsper day.o Total Otay flow: 1,139,839 gallons per day. o Flow processed at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility:919,774 gallons per day. o Flow to Metro from Otay Water District: 220,065 gallons per day. •By the end of May, there were 6,752 wastewater EDUs. Exhibit A Annual YTD Budget Actual Budget Variance Var % REVENUES: 4110 Potable Water Sales 52,353,600$ 44,744,743$ 47,167,500$ (2,422,757)$ (5.1%) 31-4118 Recycled Water Sales 9,816,800 7,707,355 8,712,900 (1,005,545) (11.5%) 4140 Potable Energy Charges 2,366,100 2,048,620 2,131,800 (83,180) (3.9%) 4120 Potable System Charges 16,078,600 14,822,042 14,705,500 116,542 0.8% 4150 Potable MWD & CWA Fixed Charges 12,258,800 11,261,767 11,219,700 42,067 0.4% 4310 Potable Penalties 894,400 608,049 819,500 (211,451) (25.8%) Total Water Sales 93,768,300 81,192,576 84,756,900 (3,564,324) (4.2%) 4210 Sewer Charges 2,890,000 2,665,159 2,660,900 4,259 0.2% 4133 Meter Fees 229,400 153,006 211,000 (57,994) (27.5%) 4136 Capacity Fee Revenues 1,868,900 2,085,344 1,712,700 372,644 21.8% 4414 Non-Operating Revenues 2,065,900 2,542,570 1,855,100 687,470 37.1% 4621 Tax Revenues 4,615,900 4,841,698 4,595,000 246,698 5.4% 4512 Interest 367,900 403,284 337,700 65,584 19.4% Total Revenues 105,806,300$ 93,883,637$ 96,129,300$ (2,245,663)$ (2.3%) EXPENSES: 5511 Potable Water Purchases 37,282,800$ 32,981,332$ 33,692,600$ 711,268$2.1% 5515 Recycled Water Purchases 4,058,400 3,562,200 3,562,200 - 0.0% 5523 CWA-Infrastructure Access Charge 2,380,800 2,161,449 2,161,500 51 0.0% 5521 CWA-Customer Service Charge 1,659,600 1,517,180 1,517,700 520 0.0% 5524 CWA-Reliability Charge 2,377,200 2,157,122 2,157,000 (122) (0.0%) 5522 CWA-Emergency Storage Charge 4,579,800 4,188,579 4,188,400 (179) (0.0%) 5531 MWD-Capacity Res Charge 606,600 557,390 557,700 310 0.1% 5532 MWD-Readiness to Serve Charge 870,000 725,498 804,000 78,502 9.8% Subtotal Water Purchases 53,815,200 47,850,750 48,641,100 790,350 1.6% 5411 Power Charges 3,184,700 2,798,816 2,879,000 80,184 2.8% Payroll & Related Costs 21,157,700 19,183,743 19,532,100 348,357 1.8% Material & Maintenance 3,834,100 3,016,554 3,540,216 523,662 14.8% Administrative Expenses 5,713,800 4,901,397 5,247,082 345,685 6.6% 5251 Legal Fees 620,000 684,040 568,333 (115,707) (20.4%) Expansion Reserve 4,927,300 4,516,700 4,516,700 - 0.0% Replacement Reserve 7,513,000 6,886,900 6,886,900 - 0.0% OPEB Trust 1,038,100 951,600 951,600 - 0.0% General Fund Reserve 954,400 874,900 874,900 - 0.0% Total Expenses 105,806,300$ 94,459,400$ 96,431,931$ 1,972,531$ 2.0% EXCESS REVENUES(EXPENSE)-$ (575,763)$ (302,631)$(273,132)$ OTAY WATER DISTRICT COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY FOR THE ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED MAY 31, 2020 F:/MORPT/FS2020-0520.xlsx 6/24/2020 2:59 PM COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY NET REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED MAY 31, 2020 ‐$1,300,000 ‐$1,100,000 ‐$900,000 ‐$700,000 ‐$500,000 ‐$300,000 ‐$100,000 $100,000 $300,000 $500,000 $700,000 $900,000 $1,100,000 $1,300,000 $1,500,000 $1,700,000 $1,900,000 $2,100,000 $2,300,000  JUL  AUG  SEP  OCT  NOV  DEC  JAN  FEB  MAR  APR  MAY  JUN YTD Actual Net Revenues YTD Budget Net Revenues YTD Variance in Net Revenues The year-to-date actual net revenues through May show a negative variance of ($273,132) OTAY WATER DISTRICT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO REVIEW May 31, 2020 INVESTMENT OVERVIEW & MARKET STATUS: At the Federal Reserve Board’s regular scheduled meeting on March 15, 2020, the Committee lowered the target range for the federal funds rate from 1.50-1.750% to 0-0.25% in light of the effects of the coronavirus which harmed communities and disrupted economic activity in many countries, including the United States. There have been no further changes made to the federal funds rate at the most recent meeting which was held on June 10, 2020. The Committee anticipates maintaining the target range of 0-0.25% until it is confident that the economy has weathered recent events and is on track to achieve its maximum employment and price stability goals. The action will help support economic activity, strong labor market conditions, and inflation returning to the Committee’s symmetric 2 percent objective. The Committee will continue to oversee the effects of incoming information for the economic outlook, including information related to public health, global developments, and muted inflation pressures, and will use its tools and act as appropriate to support the economy. In determining the timing and size of future adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, they went on to say: “the Committee will assess realized and expected economic conditions relative to its maximum employment objective and its symmetric 2 percent inflation objective. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial and international developments.” The District’s effective rate of return for the month of May 2020 was 1.31%, which was twenty basis points lower than the previous month. LAIF return on deposits was twenty-nine basis points lower than the previous month, reaching an average effective yield of 1.36% for the month of May 2020. Based on our success at maintaining a competitive rate of return on our portfolio during this extended period of low interest rates, no changes in investment strategy regarding returns on investment are being considered at this time. In accordance with the District’s Investment Policy, all District funds continue to be managed based on the objectives, in priority order, of safety, liquidity, and return on investment. PORTFOLIO COMPLIANCE: May 31, 2020 Investment State Limit Otay Limit Otay Actual 8.01: Treasury Securities 100% 100% 0 8.02: Local Agency Investment Fund (Operations) $75 Million $65 Million $61.10 Million 8.02: Local Agency Investment Fund (Bonds) 100% 100% $ 5.63 Million 8.03: Federal Agency Issues 100% 100% $ 3.69 Million 8.04: Certificates of Deposit 30% 15% 0 8.05: Short-Term Commercial Notes 25% 10% 0 8.06: Medium-Term Commercial Debt 30% 10% 0 8.07: Money Market Mutual Funds 20% 10% 0 8.08: San Diego County Pool 100% 100% 0.40% 12.0: Maximum Single Financial Institution 100% 50% 2.68% $1,950,813 2.69% $67,016,167 92.23% $3,691,156 5.08% Otay Water District Investment Portfolio: 05/31/2020 Banks (Passbook/Checking/CD)Pools (LAIF & County)Agencies & Corporate Notes Total Cash and Investments: $72,658,136 (Book Value) July FY19 Aug FY19 Sep FY19 1st Qtr FY19 Oct FY19 Nov FY19 Dec FY19 2nd Qtr FY19 Jan FY19 Feb FY19 Mar FY19 3rd Qtr FY19 Apr FY19 May FY19 June FY19 4th Qtr FY19 July FY20 Aug FY20 Sep FY20 1st Qtr FY20 Oct FY20 Nov FY20 Dec FY20 2nd Qtr FY20 Jan FY20 Feb FY20 Mar FY20 3rd Qtr FY20 Apr FY20 May FY20 LAIF 1.94 2.00 2.06 2.00 2.14 2.21 2.29 2.21 2.36 2.39 2.44 2.39 2.45 2.45 2.43 2.44 2.38 2.34 2.28 2.33 2.19 2.10 2.04 2.11 1.97 1.91 1.79 1.89 1.65 1.36 Otay 1.46 1.34 1.39 1.41 1.39 1.67 1.71 1.59 1.80 1.86 1.79 1.82 1.81 1.82 1.89 1.84 1.91 1.90 1.93 1.92 1.94 1.97 1.92 1.95 1.90 1.86 1.71 1.83 1.51 1.31 Difference -0.48 -0.66 -0.67 -0.59 -0.75 -0.54 -0.58 -0.62 -0.56 -0.53 -0.65 -0.58 -0.64 -0.63 -0.54 -0.60 -0.47 -0.44 -0.35 -0.42 -0.25 -0.13 -0.12 -0.16 -0.07 -0.05 -0.08 -0.06 -0.14 -0.05 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 Re t u r n o n I n v e s t m e n t s Month Performance Measure FY-20 Return on Investment LAIF Otay Difference Target: Meet or Exceed 100% of LAIF YTM360 Page 1 Par Value Book Value MaturityDateStatedRateMarket Value May 31, 2020 Portfolio Details - Investments AverageBalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days toMaturityS&PCUSIPInvestment #PurchaseDate Federal Agency Issues - Coupon 1.454Federal Home Loan Bank2384 1,005,000.00 1,016,331.95 09/10/20212.37509/05/2019 1,032,054.60313378JP7 466 1.454Federal Home Loan Bank2385 2,645,000.00 2,674,823.89 09/10/20212.37509/05/2019 2,716,203.40313378JP7 466 3,691,155.843,748,258.003,650,000.003,692,414.03Subtotal and Average 1.454 466 BOND PROCEEDS (LAIF) 1.344STATE OF CALIFORNIA9015 5,630,552.73 5,630,552.73 1.3635,672,674.98LAIF 2018 1 5,630,552.735,672,674.985,630,552.735,687,649.50Subtotal and Average 1.344 1 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) 1.344STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 61,098,003.35 61,098,003.35 1.36361,555,078.43LAIF 1 61,098,003.3561,555,078.4361,098,003.3561,446,390.45Subtotal and Average 1.344 1 San Diego County Pool 1.634San Diego County9007 287,611.02 287,611.02 1.657291,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 1 287,611.02291,000.00287,611.02287,611.02Subtotal and Average 1.634 1 75,155,380.82 70,666,167.10 1.351 2571,267,011.41 70,707,322.94Total and Average Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 06/22/2020 13:55 Run Date: 06/22/2020 - 13:55 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 YTM360 Page 2 Par Value Book Value StatedRateMarket Value May 31, 2020 Portfolio Details - Cash AverageBalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days toMaturityS&PCUSIPInvestment #PurchaseDate Union Bank 0.010STATE OF CALIFORNIA9002 1,000,032.57 1,000,032.57 0.01007/01/2019 1,000,032.57UNION MONEY 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9003 2,950.00 2,950.002,950.00PETTY CASH 1 0.444STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 589,705.80 589,705.80 0.450589,705.80UNION OPERATING 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9005 219,075.15 219,075.1507/01/2019 219,075.15PAYROLL 1 0.010STATE OF CALIFORNIA9010 24,450.07 24,450.07 0.01007/01/2019 24,450.07RESERVE-10 COPS 1 0.010STATE OF CALIFORNIA9011 59,143.06 59,143.06 0.01007/01/2019 59,143.06RESERVE-10 BABS 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 55,456.55 55,456.5507/01/2019 55,456.55UBNA-FLEX ACCT 1 0.00 75,155,380.82 72,616,980.30 1.351 25 1Average Balance 73,217,824.61 72,658,136.14Total Cash and Investments Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 06/22/2020 13:55 Run Date: 06/22/2020 - 13:55 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Month End Activity Report Sorted By Issuer May 1, 2020 - May 31, 2020 Current Rate Transaction Date BalanceBeginning Balance Ending Par Value Percent of Portfolio Par Value CUSIP Investment # Issuer Purchases orDeposits Redemptions orWithdrawals Issuer: STATE OF CALIFORNIA BOND PROCEEDS (LAIF) STATE OF CALIFORNIA9015 0.001.363 590,000.00LAIF 2018 590,000.006,220,552.73 5,630,552.73Subtotal and Balance 0.00 Union Bank STATE OF CALIFORNIA9002 400,008.030.010 0.00UNION MONEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 602,559.930.450 2,284,153.39UNION OPERATING STATE OF CALIFORNIA9005 126,267.65 0.00PAYROLL STATE OF CALIFORNIA9010 3.810.010 0.00RESERVE-10 COPS STATE OF CALIFORNIA9011 9.240.010 0.00RESERVE-10 BABS STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 0.00 6,448.76UBNA-FLEX ACCT 2,290,602.153,112,566.69 1,950,813.20Subtotal and Balance 1,128,848.66 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 5,100,000.001.363 5,100,000.00LAIF 5,100,000.0061,098,003.35 61,098,003.35Subtotal and Balance 5,100,000.00 6,228,848.66 7,980,602.1570,431,122.77 68,679,369.2894.578%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Agency Issues - Coupon 3,650,000.00 3,650,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.003,650,000.00 3,650,000.005.026%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: San Diego County San Diego County Pool 287,611.02 287,611.02Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.00287,611.02 287,611.020.396%Issuer Subtotal Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 06/22/2020 13:55 Run Date: 06/22/2020 - 13:55 DA (PRF_DA) 7.2.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 Current Rate Transaction Date BalanceBeginning Balance Ending Par Value Page 2 Percent of Portfolio Par Value May 1, 2020 - May 31, 2020 Activity Report Month End CUSIP Investment # Issuer Purchases orDeposits Redemptions orWithdrawals 74,368,733.79 72,616,980.30Total7,980,602.156,228,848.66100.000% Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 06/22/2020 13:55 Run Date: 06/22/2020 - 13:55 DA (PRF_DA) 7.2.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 Month End Duration Report Sorted by Investment Type - Investment Type Through 05/31/2020 Investment #Security ID Issuer Investment Class Book Value Par Value Market Value Current Rate YTM Current Yield Maturity/ Call Date DurationModified360Fund Federal Home Loan Bank238499 1,005,000.00 1,032,054.60313378JP7 0.259 09/10/2021 1.2551,016,331.95 1.454Fair2.375000 Federal Home Loan Bank238599 2,645,000.00 2,716,203.40313378JP7 0.259 09/10/2021 1.2552,674,823.89 1.454Fair2.375000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA901599 5,630,552.73 5,672,674.98LAIF 2018 1.363 0.0005,630,552.73 1.344Fair1.363000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA900199 61,098,003.35 61,555,078.43LAIF 1.363 0.00061,098,003.35 1.344Fair1.363000 San Diego County900799 287,611.02 291,000.00SD COUNTY 1.657 0.000287,611.02 1.634Fair1.657000 1.306 0.06670,707,322.94 70,666,167.10 71,267,011.41Report Total Portfolio OTAY NL! APPage 1Data Updated: SET_ME8: 06/22/2020 13:55 Run Date: 06/22/2020 - 13:55 DU (PRF_DU) 7.1.1 Report Ver. 7.3.5 Month End GASB 31 Compliance Detail Sorted by Fund - Fund May 1, 2020 - May 31, 2020 Investment #Maturity Date BeginningInvested Value Purchaseof Principal InvestmentClassFundCUSIP Adjustment in Value EndingInvested ValueAdditionto Principal Redemptionof Principal AmortizationAdjustment Change inMarket Value Fund: Treasury Fund 2384 1,032,818.40Fair Value 09/10/2021 -763.8099 1,032,054.60313378JP70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2385 2,718,213.60Fair Value 09/10/2021 -2,010.2099 2,716,203.40313378JP70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9003 2,950.00Amortized 0.0099 2,950.00PETTY CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9010 24,446.26Amortized 0.0099 24,450.07RESERVE-10 COPS 0.00 3.81 0.00 0.00 9015 6,267,088.78Fair Value -4,413.8099 5,672,674.98LAIF 2018 0.00 0.00 590,000.00 0.00 9011 59,133.82Amortized 0.0099 59,143.06RESERVE-10 BABS 0.00 9.24 0.00 0.00 9005 92,807.50Amortized 0.0099 219,075.15PAYROLL0.00 126,267.65 0.00 0.00 9014 61,905.31Amortized 0.0099 55,456.55UBNA-FLEX ACCT 0.00 0.00 6,448.76 0.00 9002 600,024.54Amortized 0.0099 1,000,032.57UNION MONEY 0.00 400,008.03 0.00 0.00 9004 2,271,299.26Amortized 0.0099 589,705.80UNION OPERATING 0.00 602,559.93 2,284,153.39 0.00 9001 61,555,078.43Fair Value 0.0099 61,555,078.43LAIF0.00 5,100,000.00 5,100,000.00 0.00 9007 291,000.00Fair Value 0.0099 291,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74,976,765.90Subtotal -7,187.80 73,217,824.610.00 6,228,848.66 7,980,602.15 0.00 74,976,765.90Total 73,217,824.61-7,187.800.00 6,228,848.66 7,980,602.15 0.00 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 06/22/2020 13:55 Run Date: 06/22/2020 - 13:55 GD (PRF_GD) 7.1.1 Report Ver. 7.3.5 Month End Interest Earnings Sorted by Fund - Fund May 1, 2020 - May 31, 2020 Yield on Beginning Book Value Maturity Date Current Rate Ending Par Value EndingSecurityTypeFundBook ValueBeginningBook Value Adjusted Interest Earnings AccretionAmortization/EarningsAdjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIPInvestment #Interest Earned Fund: Treasury Fund 1,016,331.9523841,005,000.00 2.375FAC09/10/2021 1,989.06 -740.65 1,248.411.445991,017,072.60313378JP7 2,674,823.8923852,645,000.00 2.375FAC09/10/2021 5,234.90 -1,949.27 3,285.631.445992,676,773.16313378JP7 24,450.07901024,450.07 0.010PA1 0.21 0.00 0.210.0109924,446.26RESERVE-10 COPS 5,630,552.7390155,630,552.73 1.363LA2 6,584.12 0.00 6,584.121.246996,220,552.73LAIF 2018 59,143.06901159,143.06 0.010PA1 0.50 0.00 0.500.0109959,133.82RESERVE-10 BABS 1,000,032.5790021,000,032.57 0.010PA1 8.49 0.00 8.490.01799600,024.54UNION MONEY 589,705.809004589,705.80 0.450PA1 1,069.61 0.00 1,069.610.554992,271,299.26UNION OPERATING 61,098,003.35900161,098,003.35 1.363LA1 71,131.35 0.00 71,131.351.3719961,098,003.35LAIF 287,611.029007287,611.02 1.657LA3 404.76 0.00 404.761.65799287,611.02SD COUNTY POOL 72,339,498.60Subtotal 72,380,654.44 1.328 83,733.08-2,689.9286,423.0074,254,916.74 72,339,498.60Total 72,380,654.44 1.328 83,733.08-2,689.9286,423.0074,254,916.74 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 06/22/2020 13:55 Run Date: 06/22/2020 - 13:55 IE (PRF_IE) 7.2.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 SUMMARY FOR PERIOD 5/21/2020 - 6/17/2020 NET DEMANDS $)&$,4     70*%$)&$,4    505"-$)&$,4    8*3&50 $"-1&3405)&31045&.1-0:.&/5#&/&'*54 .0/5)-:   05":8"5&3%*453*$5#*8&&,-:1":30--%&%6$5*0/  05":8"5&3%*453*$5#*8&&,-:1":30--%&%6$5*0/  13&'&33&%#&/&'*5*/463"/$&%&/5"-$0#3"$-"*.4 .":  13&'&33&%#&/&'*5*/463"/$&%&/5"-#&/&'*54"%.*/*453"5*0/ +6/&  13&'&33&%#&/&'*5*/463"/$&%&/5"-#&/&'*54"%.*/*453"5*0/ +6/&  16#-*$&.1-0:&&43&54:45&.#*8&&,-:1&34$0/53*#65*0/  16#-*$&.1-0:&&43&54:45&.#*8&&,-:1&34$0/53*#65*0/  4"/%*&(0$06/5:8"5&3"65)8"5&3%&-*7&3*&4$)"3(&4 "13    6/*0/#"/,#*8&&,-:1":30--5"9&4   6/*0/#"/,#*8&&,-:1":30--5"9&4   64#"/,$"-$"3%&91&/4&4 .0/5)-:   70:"'*/"/$*"-#*8&&,-:"1-"/  70:"'*/"/$*"-#*8&&,-:"1-"/  TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS $ 5,880,788.70 RECOMMENDED ACTION: 5IBUUIF#PBSESFDFJWFEUIFBUUBDIFEMJTUPGEFNBOET +C"UUBDINFOU PURPOSE: "UUBDIFEJTUIFMJTUPGEFNBOETGPSUIF#PBSEhTJOGPSNBUJPO FISCAL IMPACT: STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: SUBJECT: 3FHVMBS#PBSE &JE'BLIPVSJ 'JOBODF.BOBHFS 5SFBTVSZ"DDPVOUJOH4FSWJDFT +PTFQI#FBDIFN $IJFG'JOBODJBM0GGJDFS +PTF.BSUJOF[ (FOFSBM.BOBHFS "DDPVOUT1BZBCMF%FNBOE-JTU MEETING DATE: W.O./G.F. NO:DIV. NO. +VMZ  Check #Check Total 3,317.00 14,346.00 2,545.60 2,545.60 INVENTORY 8,741.98 8,741.98 2054360 06/03/20 00099 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO OTAYMWD0420 05/11/20 EXCAVATION PERMIT (APRIL 2020) 2054359 06/03/20 18331 CORE & MAIN LP M301495 05/15/20 1,200.89 2054389 06/10/20 18331 CORE & MAIN LP M404310 05/29/20 INVENTORY 42,930.83 42,930.83 256.01 256.01 2054358 06/03/20 00234 CITY TREASURER 1000282992 04/07/20 TREATED WATER AND TRANSPORT (FEB 2020)1,200.89 PUBLIC RECOGNITION AWARDS 10,000.00 10,000.00 2054388 06/10/20 05131 CITY OF SAN DIEGO PTS2400844720 04/30/20 TLOPS PROJECT INSPECTION (APRIL 2020) 2054421 06/17/20 02026 CHULA VISTA ELEM SCHOOL DIST 05112020 06/15/20 1,820.56 2054387 06/10/20 19833 CHARLES F NEUMAN 002 05/26/20 OUTSIDE SERVICES - COVID-19 RELATED 325.00 325.00 72.00 72.00 2054329 05/27/20 20206 BTS EQUIPMENT UNLIMITED INC Ref002592769 05/26/20 UB Refund Cst #0000256181 1,820.56 UB Refund Cst #0000215309 100.00 100.00 2054357 06/03/20 14112 BSE ENGINEERING INC 754101710 03/31/20 ELECTRICAL DESIGN (FEB 2020) 2054327 05/27/20 20156 BENNY MIERA Ref002592762 05/26/20 59.95 2054328 05/27/20 20202 BCDS PROPERTY LLC Ref002592765 05/26/20 UB Refund Cst #0000249175 10.10 10.10 4,448.69 4,448.69 2054356 06/03/20 08024 BACKGROUND PROFILES INC 19800 03/31/20 BACKGROUND CHECKS 59.95 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (THRU APR 2020)51,177.46 51,177.46 2054420 06/17/20 07785 AT&T 000014728792 05/12/20 TELEPHONE SERVICES (4/12/2020 - 5/11/2020) CM202012 05/11/20 CMIS (3/1/20-4/30/20)960.00 2054419 06/17/20 17264 ARTIANO SHINOFF ABED 303680 05/20/20 CM202011 05/11/20 CMIS (4/1/20-4/30/20)4,906.00 CM202014 05/11/20 CMIS (3/26/20-4/30/20)3,360.00 7,249.99 2054355 06/03/20 14462 ALYSON CONSULTING CM202013 05/11/20 CMIS (3/1/20-4/30/20)5,120.00 7,250.01 7,250.01 2054386 06/10/20 14256 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC 1282249 04/03/20 INSURANCE CONSULTING (APR-JUNE 2020)7,249.99 UTILITY LOCATING (APR 2020)5,800.00 5,800.00 2054385 06/10/20 14256 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC 1282248 02/02/20 INSURANCE CONSULTING (JAN-MAR 2020) 131651259 05/12/20 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 1,049.00 2054354 06/03/20 15024 AIRX UTILITY SURVEYORS INC 2704302020 05/05/20 135.50 135.50 2054353 06/03/20 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 131651258 05/12/20 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 2,268.00 ADS FLOW MONITORING 675.00 675.00 2054418 06/17/20 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 131651207 05/12/20 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 2054417 06/17/20 17989 ADS CORP 22446.22-0520 05/29/20 600.00 2054384 06/10/20 18122 ACC BUSINESS 201341343 05/27/20 INTERNET CIRCUIT SERVICES FY20-22 1,013.64 1,013.64 Amount 2054383 06/10/20 08488 ABLEFORCE INC 9339 06/08/20 SHAREPOINT & INTRANET SUPPORT SVCS 600.00 CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 5/21/2020 - 6/17/2020 Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Page 1 of 6 Check #Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 5/21/2020 - 6/17/2020 Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 100.00 110,550.97 535.00 26.45 102.30 102.30 2054367 06/03/20 17855 GASTELUM, HECTOR 030120033120 03/31/20 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (MAR 2020)26.45 PRINTING QUARTERLY NEWSLETTERS 3,260.52 3,260.52 2054336 05/27/20 20209 GARISH SARIN Ref002592772 05/26/20 UB Refund Cst #0000258184 2054366 06/03/20 03094 FULLCOURT PRESS 36722 05/20/20 125.00 2054395 06/10/20 20216 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2592881 06/11/20 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 439.25 439.25 125.00 125.00 2054394 06/10/20 19768 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2592879 06/11/20 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 125.00 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 75.00 75.00 2054335 05/27/20 19768 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2592794 05/28/20 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 2054334 05/27/20 19640 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2592792 05/28/20 1,682.46 2054393 06/10/20 19640 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2592877 06/11/20 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 75.00 75.00 99.00 99.00 2054333 05/27/20 20207 FJ WILLERT CONTRACTING CO Ref002592770 05/26/20 UB Refund Cst #0000257819 1,682.46 INVENTORY 4,374.65 4,374.65 2054424 06/17/20 17888 FIRST AMERICAN DATA TREE LLC 9003400520 05/31/20 DOCUMENT SERVICE (MONTHLY) 063020 06/10/20 REIMBURSEMENT CPA LICENSE RENEWAL 250.00 2054365 06/03/20 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0714921 05/05/20 4,812.00 2054423 06/17/20 18923 FAKHOURI, EID 060920 06/09/20 AICPA MEMBERSHIP (2020-2021)285.00 29.40 29.40 2054364 06/03/20 19602 EMAINT SO21559 04/03/20 EMAINT SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 4,812.00 UB Refund Cst #0000251759 1,589.46 1,589.46 2054392 06/10/20 20220 ELIZABETH TUCKER Ref002592847 06/08/20 UB Refund Cst #0000127701 2020-0497 05/08/20 ANALYZER & BACKPRESURE VALVES 4,840.72 2054332 05/27/20 20203 EC CONSTRUCTORS INC Ref002592766 05/26/20 4,791.63 4,791.63 2054363 06/03/20 11797 D&H WATER SYSTEMS INC I20200499 05/08/20 RCS EQUIPMENT & INSTALLATION 105,710.25 UB Refund Cst #0000258782 1,373.49 1,373.49 2054391 06/10/20 11797 D&H WATER SYSTEMS INC 2020-0454 04/29/20 BACKPRESSURE-RELIEF VALVES 2054331 05/27/20 20210 CRP/MAPLE ESPLANADE LLC Ref002592773 05/26/20 3,628.00 2054362 06/03/20 03098 CROUCHER, GARY D 050120053120 05/31/20 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (MAY 2020)10.35 10.35 198.90 198.90 2054361 06/03/20 02122 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 00233052920 05/29/20 PORTABLE PUMPS PERMIT REVISION 3,628.00 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/20-6/30/21)1,649.00 1,649.00 2054330 05/27/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO E632210420 05/14/20 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/4/20) 061120R2156 06/11/20 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION 50.00 2054390 06/10/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 0891041620 04/16/20 2,545.60 2,545.60 2054422 06/17/20 00134 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 061120P2533 06/11/20 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION 50.00 2054360 06/03/20 00099 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO OTAYMWD0420 05/11/20 EXCAVATION PERMIT (APRIL 2020) Page 2 of 6 Check #Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 5/21/2020 - 6/17/2020 Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 2,548.73 4,659.39 17,478.12 15,136.58 105.93 267.43 267.43 2054400 06/10/20 20128 JOON KIM Ref002585794 04/13/20 UB Refund Cst #0000233825 105.93 UB Refund Cst #0000252828 50.03 50.03 2054399 06/10/20 20229 JOHN FRAT 1112060820 06/08/20 CUSTOMER REFUND 2054398 06/10/20 20223 JOHN CERDA Ref002592850 06/08/20 2,450.40 2054339 05/27/20 20208 JESSICA AMADOR Ref002592771 05/26/20 UB Refund Cst #0000258059 145.30 145.30 2,450.40 2,450.40 2054429 06/17/20 10563 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 822077 05/28/20 AS-NEEDED CHLORINE GAS 2,450.40 ANTENNA SUBLEASE (JUNE 2020)1,845.00 1,845.00 2054372 06/03/20 10563 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 820524 05/06/20 AS-NEEDED CHLORINE GAS 04/01/20 INFRAMAP SOFTWARE LICENSE & SUPPORT 40,000.00 40,000.00 2054397 06/10/20 17106 IWG TOWERS ASSETS II LLC 548311 06/01/20 10,751.31 172873 05/29/20 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES 4,385.27 2054428 06/17/20 14737 IWATER INC 8761 GAS DETECTION PROGRAM 316.93 316.93 2054427 06/17/20 08969 INFOSEND INC 172874 05/29/20 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES 2054371 06/03/20 17816 INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORP 2322669 05/12/20 0146772 05/07/20 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (4/1/20-4/24/20)5,692.17 0146771 05/07/20 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (4/1/20-4/24/20)1,747.50 2,821.10 2054370 06/03/20 15622 ICF JONES & STOKES INC 0146773 05/07/20 SAN MIGUEL HMA (4/1/20-4/24/20)10,038.45 3,947.50 3,947.50 2054426 06/17/20 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL 102048 06/01/20 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (ENDING 5/24/20)2,821.10 UB Refund Cst #0000252096 1,309.29 1,309.29 2054369 06/03/20 19825 HDR ENGINEERING INC 1200266884 05/08/20 SEWER COST OF SERVICE STUDY UPDATE 2054338 05/27/20 20204 HAZARD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Ref002592767 05/26/20 685100 05/15/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 109.25 686389 05/21/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 92.86 685101 05/15/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,016.00 685099 05/15/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 218.49 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,802.58 685137 05/15/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,420.21 2054425 06/17/20 19978 HASA INC.686388 05/21/20 1,502.15 683702 05/07/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 983.22 683701 05/07/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 63.36 UB Refund Cst #0000252106 13.22 13.22 2054368 06/03/20 19978 HASA INC.683703 05/07/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 2054337 05/27/20 20205 GRACE SECOLA Ref002592768 05/26/20 26.45 2054396 06/10/20 19980 GRACE BUILDERS INC.051020 05/10/20 LOBBY SECURITY ENHANCEMENTS 7,212.05 7,212.05 2054367 06/03/20 17855 GASTELUM, HECTOR 030120033120 03/31/20 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (MAR 2020)26.45 Page 3 of 6 Check #Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 5/21/2020 - 6/17/2020 Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 600,190.05 31,588.97 1,545.00 2054407 06/10/20 20217 RICHARD WOOLEVER Ref002592844 06/08/20 UB Refund Cst #0000006041 314.59 314.59 5,405.00 5,405.00 2054434 06/17/20 15647 RFYEAGER ENGINEERING LLC 20204 06/01/20 CORROSION SERVICES (MAY 2020)1,545.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 964.66 964.66 2054376 06/03/20 15647 RFYEAGER ENGINEERING LLC 20101 05/05/20 CORROSION SERVICES (APRIL 2020) 2054375 06/03/20 20198 RANDY ALEXANDER 5893060120 06/01/20 858.09 2054406 06/10/20 20218 RACHELLE A PIERCE Ref002592845 06/08/20 UB Refund Cst #0000056168 21.06 21.06 25,840.00 25,840.00 2054347 05/27/20 07860 PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE CO 102788051120 05/11/20 ANNUAL LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUM 858.09 GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES 425.00 425.00 2054346 05/27/20 19896 PIPERIN CORPORATION 203312020 04/02/20 1200 PRESSURE ZONE IMPROVE (MAR 2020) 2054374 06/03/20 15081 PINOMAKI DESIGN 5974 06/01/20 05/15/20 RET/PACIFIC HYDRO A#7533 (ENDING 3/31/20)21,395.94 2904302020 05/29/20 RET/PACIFIC HYDRO A#7533 (ENDING 4/30/20)10,193.03 406,522.78 2904302020 05/29/20 870-2 PS REPLACEMENT (ENDING 4/30/20)193,667.27 2054433 06/17/20 18562 PACIFIC WESTERN BANK 2803312020 ENGINEERING DESIGN (MAR 2020)14,930.00 14,930.00 2054432 06/17/20 06646 PACIFIC HYDROTECH CORPORATION 2803312020 05/15/20 870-2 PS REPLACEMENT (ENDING 3/31/20) 2054373 06/03/20 18332 NV5 INC 162252 05/15/20 20.97 2054345 05/27/20 20200 NORMA MORALES Ref002592763 05/26/20 UB Refund Cst #0000232406 72.17 72.17 48.32 48.32 2054405 06/10/20 20225 NOELLE WEEKS Ref002592852 06/08/20 UB Refund Cst #0000256773 20.97 PLAN CHECK SERVICES (ENDING 4/30/20)10,117.00 10,117.00 2054344 05/27/20 20213 NANCY VALENZUELA Ref002592776 05/26/20 UB Refund Cst #0000259857 2054431 06/17/20 19824 MURRAYSMITH INC 192656004 05/26/20 51.88 2054404 06/10/20 20228 MTW PROPERTIES LLC Ref002592855 06/08/20 UB Refund Cst #0000259230 76.50 76.50 55.81 55.81 2054343 05/27/20 20214 MT HELIX PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Ref002592777 05/26/20 UB Refund Cst #0000260060 51.88 UB Refund Cst #0000233098 21.83 21.83 2054403 06/10/20 20221 MICHAEL CAVALIER Ref002592848 06/08/20 UB Refund Cst #0000215683 2054342 05/27/20 20201 MELISSA KENNISTON Ref002592764 05/26/20 38.24 2054430 06/17/20 03745 MEDEROS, CHARLES CM061220 06/12/20 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 140.00 140.00 53.08 53.08 2054341 05/27/20 20212 MAGNUM PROPERTY INVESTMENTS Ref002592775 05/26/20 UB Refund Cst #0000259497 38.24 UB Refund Cst #0000257378 37.66 37.66 2054402 06/10/20 20224 LESA LAKIN Ref002592851 06/08/20 UB Refund Cst #0000256359 2054401 06/10/20 20227 KATHRYN JOHNSON Ref002592854 06/08/20 105.93 2054340 05/27/20 20211 KARMA CAPITAL 2 LLC Ref002592774 05/26/20 UB Refund Cst #0000259163 156.31 156.31 2054400 06/10/20 20128 JOON KIM Ref002585794 04/13/20 UB Refund Cst #0000233825 105.93 Page 4 of 6 Check #Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 5/21/2020 - 6/17/2020 Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 72,146.67 82,757.90 22,153.79 100,146.64 587.50 TLOPS REDUNDANCY PROJ (ENDING 4/27/20)191,255.71 191,255.71 2054441 06/17/20 00427 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 520200499 06/01/20 UNDERGROUND ALERTS (MONTHLY) 2054379 06/03/20 19272 THARSOS INC 404272020 05/05/20 2,500.00 2054440 06/17/20 17704 T&T JANITORIAL INC 2018-6177 05/31/20 JANITORIAL SERVICES (MAY 2020)4,780.00 4,780.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2054439 06/17/20 18376 SVPR COMMUNICATIONS 1357 05/31/20 COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTING SERVICES 2,500.00 LIFE INSURANCE AND STD/LTD (MAY 2020)10,056.67 10,056.67 2054350 05/27/20 18376 SVPR COMMUNICATIONS 1352 04/30/20 COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTING SERVICES 2054413 06/10/20 15974 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL 38166050120 06/04/20 17.25 2054412 06/10/20 20222 STEVE MATTIA Ref002592849 06/08/20 UB Refund Cst #0000229876 59.29 59.29 3,925.20 3,925.20 2054378 06/03/20 16229 SMITH, TIMOTHY 030120033120 03/31/20 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (MAR 2020)17.25 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 202.00 202.00 2054411 06/10/20 14785 SEW-EURODRIVE INC 8701594350 04/29/20 LG DRUM SCREEN GEARDRIVE 2054438 06/17/20 03514 SANTOS, MARCIANO MS061020 06/12/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)99,320.23 061120 06/11/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)826.41 2054437 06/17/20 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 060520 06/05/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)21,994.35 051520 05/15/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)159.44 2054349 05/27/20 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 052020 05/20/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)60,705.32 052920 05/29/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)22,052.58 2054410 06/10/20 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 052920A 05/29/20 052620A 05/26/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)761.17 052620 05/26/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)64.13 052120 05/21/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)6,830.91 052720 06/02/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)1,798.80 29,529.20 6157052020 05/20/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)17,576.08 052820 05/28/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)15,586.38 ASSESSOR DATA (MONTHLY)125.00 125.00 2054377 06/03/20 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 052720A 05/27/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY) 2054436 06/17/20 02586 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR 060820 06/08/20 153.68 2054409 06/10/20 20226 ROQUET CONSTRUCTION INC Ref002592853 06/08/20 UB Refund Cst #0000257099 1,225.45 1,225.45 1,715.00 1,715.00 2054435 06/17/20 20230 ROBERT ACKER 5716061520 06/15/20 CUSTOMER REFUND 153.68 TRAFFIC ENG SERV (2/28/20-3/27/20)250.00 250.00 2054348 05/27/20 08972 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 0073928 05/07/20 TRAFFIC ENG SERV (2/1/20-2/28/20) 2054408 06/10/20 08972 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 0074365 04/27/20 2054407 06/10/20 20217 RICHARD WOOLEVER Ref002592844 06/08/20 UB Refund Cst #0000006041 314.59 314.59 Page 5 of 6 Check #Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 5/21/2020 - 6/17/2020 Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 1,065.15 738.93 410.00 780.00 780.00 Amount Pd Total:1,650,886.71 Check Grand Total:1,650,886.71 CUSTOMER REFUND 90.49 90.49 2054448 06/17/20 08023 WORKTERRA 0097076 06/02/20 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (MAY 2020) 2054447 06/17/20 18996 WILLIAM GARCIA 0149091019 09/10/19 32,619.89 2054416 06/10/20 20219 WILLIAM BENSON Ref002592846 06/08/20 UB Refund Cst #0000086269 239.17 239.17 250.00 250.00 2054382 06/03/20 20003 WESTERN AUDIO VISUAL 14036 05/15/20 BOARDROOM AV UPGRADE 32,619.89 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SVCS 125.00 125.00 2054381 06/03/20 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 33106 05/18/20 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SVCS 2054415 06/10/20 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 33085 05/14/20 160.00 33126 05/20/20 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SVCS 125.00 33812 06/01/20 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SVCS 125.00 HYDRAULIC MODELING (ENDING 5/31/20)1,845.00 1,845.00 2054446 06/17/20 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 33815 05/30/20 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SVCS 2054445 06/17/20 15726 WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC 4741 05/31/20 2,532.92 2054352 05/27/20 15726 WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC 4670 04/30/20 HYDRAULIC MODELING (ENDING 4/30/20)2,982.50 2,982.50 8,655.24 8,655.24 2054444 06/17/20 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 671787 05/15/20 SECURITY ALARM MONITORING 2,532.92 OUTSIDE SERVICES - COVID RELATED 178.44 178.44 2054443 06/17/20 08402 US POSTMASTER OWD-12045P 06/15/20 POSTAGE FOR CCR 114-10293631 05/07/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 90.10 2054414 06/10/20 08402 US POSTMASTER OWD-12037 06/05/20 439.85 114-10301230 05/08/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 110.07 114-10301227 05/08/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 98.91 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 90.10 90.10 2054351 05/27/20 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 114-10301301 05/08/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 05/28/20 2016 WTR REV BNDS FEES (5/1/20-4/30/21)2,855.00 2,855.00 2054442 06/17/20 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 114-10428613 05/31/20 587.50 dsb20192912 06/01/20 DIG SAFE BOARD FEES (MONTHLY)477.65 2054380 06/03/20 13047 UNION BANK NA 1212361 2054441 06/17/20 00427 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 520200499 06/01/20 UNDERGROUND ALERTS (MONTHLY) Page 6 of 6