HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-04-21 Board Packet OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING BY TELECONFERENCE 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY August 4, 2021 3:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS FOR THE 2021 “WATER IS LIFE STUDENT POSTER CONTEST” (SALMERON) 5. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF JUNE 2, 2021 AND JULY 7, 2021 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURIS- DICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA This meeting is being held via teleconference. Members of the public may submit their comments on agendized and non-agendized items by either of the following two meth- ods: a) No later than a half hour before the start of the meeting, complete and submit a Request to Speak Form. Your request to speak will be acknowledged during the “Public Participation” portion of the meeting when the board will hear your public comment. When called to speak, please state your Name and the City in which you reside. You will be provided three minutes to speak. OR b) No later than a half hour before the start of the meeting, email your comment to BoardSecretary@otaywater.gov and it will be read aloud during the “Public Partici- pation” portion of the meeting. Please provide your Name and the City in which you reside, with your comment. Your comment must not take more than three minutes to read. The District’s meeting is live streamed. Information on how to watch and listen to the Dis- trict’s meeting can be found at this link: https://otaywater.gov/board-of-directors/agenda- and-minutes/board-agenda/ CONSENT CALENDAR 7. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICU- LAR ITEM: a) AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH KIRK PAVING FOR AS-NEEDED EMERGENCY PAVING SERVICES IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $300,000 FOR THE INITIAL TERM PLUS FOUR (4) ONE-YEAR OPTION RENEWAL TERMS, FOR A TOTAL OF $1,500,000 OVER FIVE YEARS b) AWARD TWO (2) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS FOR AS- NEEDED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE TWO (2) AGREEMENTS WITH ATLAS TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, LLC AND NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES CONSULTANTS, INC., EACH IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $175,000. THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE TWO CONTRACTS WILL NOT EXCEED $175,000 DURING FISCAL YEARS 2022, 2023, AND 2024 (ENDING JUNE 30, 2024) (CAMERON) [5 minutes] ACTION ITEMS 8. BOARD a) DISCUSS THE 2021 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR (RAMOS-KROGMAN) REPORTS 9. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT a) UPDATE ON DISTRICT’S RESPONSE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC 10. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE 11. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS 12. PRESIDENT’S REPORT/REQUESTS RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 13. CLOSED SESSION a) DISCUSSION RELATING TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) AND PUBLIC SER- VICES [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957] b) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS pursuant to California Government Code section 54956.8 Property: SALT CREEK GOLF COURSE 525 HUNTE PARKWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 Agency negotiator: General Counsel Under negotiation: Disposition of Property c) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERN- MENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL d) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERN- MENT CODE §54956.9] RONALD BENSKIN vs. OTAY WATER DISTRICT, ET AL. CASE NO. 37-2021- 00007686-CU-WM-CTL RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 14. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION. OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 15. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS 16. ADJOURNMENT All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliber- ated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the District’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available by contacting the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to partici- pate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on July 30, 2021, I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 72 hours in advance of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on July 30, 2021. /s/ Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary 1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY June 2, 2021 1.The meeting was called to order by President Smith at 3:35 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present:Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Staff Present:General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, General Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Tita Ramos-Krogman and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Croucher, seconded by Director Keyes, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the agenda. 5.APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 5, 2021 AND SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 28, 2021 A motion was made by Director Keyes, seconded by Director Lopez and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting of May 5, 2021 and special board meeting of April 28, 2021. AGENDA ITEM 5 2 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA Mr. Baron T. “Barry” Willis, San Diego LAFCO Commissioner and Special Districts Representative, addressed the board and stated that he is available to meet with board members if they have any questions or concerns regarding LAFCO matters. General Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld read into the record a letter from Mr. Robert E. Severson. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 7. THE BOARD WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPROVING THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS (6a, 6b, AND 6c) AND INVITES THE PUBLIC TO PROVIDE COMMENTS ON THE ITEMS a) APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 4395, ADOPTING THE DISTRICT’S 2020 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN b) APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 4396, ADOPTING THE 2020 WATER SHORTAGE CONTINGENCY PLAN; AND ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 583 TO AMEND SECTION 39, WATER SHORTAGE RESPONSE PROGRAM OF THE DISTRICT’S CODE OF ORDINANCES c) APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 4397 AMENDING THE DISTRICT’S 2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN TO INCLUDE DRAFT APPENDIX L – QUANTIFYING REGIONAL SELF-RELIANCE AND REDUCED RELIANCE ON THE DELTA WATERSHED Environmental Compliance Specialist Lisa Coburn-Boyd provided a presentation to the Board. Please reference Attachment D of staff report 6a for details of Ms. Coburn-Boyd’s presentation. In response to a question from Director Robak, Engineering Manager Bob Kennedy stated that as a region, all agencies relied on the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Series 14 Regional Growth Forecast data to calculate future water demands. Projections were also adjusted using the Water Authority projections of District future water demand prepared using the CWA-MAIN model to maintain consistency with the District’s wholesale provider. Density data and land use data from the County of San Diego, City of Chula Vista, and City of San Diego were also used for each agency’s projections. It was also noted that demands included water conservation savings and potential near-term annexations for the District. Staff responded to additional comments and questions from the board. Following the presentation and discussion, President Smith opened the public hearing to invite the public to provide comments. 3 District Secretary Ramos-Krogman indicated that there were no members of the public who wished to provide comments. President Smith closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Director Croucher, seconded by Director Keyes and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve Resolution No. 4395, adopting the District’s 2020 Urban Water Management Plan; and A motion was made by Director Lopez, seconded by Director Keyes and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve Resolution No. 4396, adopting the 2020 Water Shortage Contingency Plan; and Adopt Ordinance No. 583 to amend Section 39, Water Shortage Response Program of the District’s Code of Ordinances; and A motion was made by Director Lopez, seconded by Director Keyes and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve Resolution No. 4397 amending the District’s 2015 Urban Water Management Plan to include Draft Appendix L – Quantifying Regional Self-Reliance and Reduced Reliance on the Delta Watershed CONSENT ITEMS 8. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Robak, seconded by Director Lopez and carried with the following vote: 4 Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the following consent calendar items: a) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4398 TO CONTINUE WATER AND SEWER AVAILABILITY CHARGES FOR DISTRICT CUSTOMERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 TO BE COLLECTED THROUGH PROPERTY TAX BILLS b) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4399 TO ESTABLISH A REDUCED TAX RATE FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 27 AT $0.0021 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 c) AWARD A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT TO CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT OF THE RALPH W. CHAPMAN WATER RECLAMATION FACILITIES DISINFECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $458,374.00 d) AWARD TWO (2) PROFESSIONAL AS-NEEDED CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES CONTRACTS TO ALYSON CONSULTING AND VALLEY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, EACH IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $600,000. THE TOTAL AMOUNT FOR THE TWO (2) AGREEMENTS WILL NOT EXCEED $600,000 DURING FISCAL YEARS 2022 AND 2023 (ENDING JUNE 30, 2023) ACTION ITEMS 9. FINANCE a) AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE UP TO FIVE (5) ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS TO THE SEWER BILLING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA PER THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT (KOEPPEN) Assistant Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen provided a PowerPoint presentation and recommended that the Board authorize the general manager to execute up to five (5) additional one-year extensions to the sewer billing services agreement with the City of Chula Vista per the terms of the agreement. Director Robak noted that the District is not losing money with this agreement and it is a win-win opportunity for both the District and City of Chula Vista. As noted in Attachment A of the staff report, the fees paid by the City of Chula Vista benefit both the District and the City through the sharing of costs such as printing, postage, and other billing related services between entities. 5 In response to a question from Director Croucher, Mr. Koeppen stated that staff will inform the board of the City of Chula Vista’s annual renewal agreements through the General Manager’s Report. A motion was made by Director Robak, seconded by Director Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve staff’s recommendation. 10. BOARD a) CONSIDERATION TO CAST A VOTE FOR THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMISSION 2021 SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION General Manager Jose Martinez provided the staff report to the board for their consideration to cast a vote for the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) 2021 Special District Election. There was a discussion of several candidates’ experiences and qualifications. Director Robak made a motion to nominate Mr. David Drake, President of the Board of Directors of the Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District, to fill the alternate special district member position on the LAFCO Commission. He noted that Mr. Drake is knowledgeable in direct potable water reuse issues which would be a benefit to water agencies. A motion was made by Director Robak, seconded by Director Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to vote for Mr. David Drake, President of the Board of Directors of the Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District, to fill the alternate special district member position on the LAFFO Commission. b) DISCUSS THE 2021 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR President Smith indicated that in-person board meetings is anticipated to begin on August 4, 2021, depending on the requirements of Cal/OSHA. 6 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 11. THIRD QUARTER OF FISCAL YEAR 2021 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT (LONG) Engineering Manager Michael Long provided an update on the District’s third quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Please reference Attachment C to the staff report for the details of Mr. Long’s presentation. There were questions asked by members of the board and responses were provided by staff. President Smith requested that staff return to the board and provide an update on the District’s research efforts for potential direct/indirect potable reuse water. FY 2022 BUDGET 12. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4400 TO APPROVE THE FY 2021-2022 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET WITH A 4.2% RATE INCREASE FOR WATER AND A 4.9% RATE INCREASE FOR SEWER; APPROVE FUND TRANSFERS FOR POTABLE, RECYCLED, AND SEWER; ADOPT THE SALARY SCHEDULE; AND DIRECT STAFF TO DRAFT AND MAIL SEWER PROPOSITION 218 HEARING NOTICES TO CUSTOMERS, AND REINSTATE PENALTIES EFFICTIVE JULY 1, 2021 Assistant Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen indicated that staff will provide a PowerPoint presentation that will cover the budget highlights, PERS and OPEB funding, balanced operating budget, staffing highlights, materials and maintenance costs, administrative costs, and budget summary. During the presentations there were questions asked by members of the board and responses were provided by staff. Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem indicated that during the budget cycle process, staff anticipated a 4.4% water rate increase but is now recommending a 4.2% water rate increase in FY 2022. President Smith stated that with all the budget pressures and increases from many variables, he was impressed with the outcome of a 4.2% water rate increase versus the 4.4% that was anticipated. He thanked staff for their hard work and efforts as they utilized a zero-based budget process to draft the District’s FY 2022 budget. In response to a question from Director Robak, Chief of Administrative Services Adolfo Segura stated that CalPERS requires the board to adopt a salary schedule pursuant to CA Code of Regulation 570.5 (CalPERS enforced). Director Robak inquired about the number of FTEs for the District. Mr. Segura indicated that there was an increase of FTEs from 139 to 140 and noted that the District removed the Senior Confidential Executive Assistant position and added two positions, one Recycled Water Specialist and one Senior Utility Locator. 7 Director Keyes discussed his concerns of the rate increase and reinstating penalty fees as he believes it would impact low-income communities. There was a discussion and comments on customer assistant programs and the pros and cons of reinstating penalty fees. Assistant Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen stated that the District is collaborating with the county and also the City of Chula Vista to help customers who are in need of assistance. He indicated that the District’s goal to reinstate penalty fees is to increase communication and make customers aware of the opportunity for payment plan options. A motion was made by President Smith, and seconded by Director Lopez and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Lopez, Robak, and Smith Noes: Director Keyes Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the following: • Adoption of Resolution No. 4400 to approve the FY 2021-2022 Operating Budget of $112.2 million and Capital Budget of $8.7 million • Approval of the annual fund transfers for potable, recycled, and sewer • Approval of the water and sewer rate changes and adopt Ordinance No. 582 to amend the Code of Ordinances, including Appendix A, with the proposed 4.2% water rate and proposed 4.9% sewer rate increase on all billings that begin January 1, 2022 • Direct staff to draft and mail water and sewer rate increase notices • Adoption of the Salary Schedule pursuant to CA Code of Regulations 570.5 (CalPERS enforced) • Approval to reinstate penalties effective July 1, 2021 REPORTS 13. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT General Manager Martinez presented information from his report that included information on the California Department of Water Resource Landscape Estimates Project and the District’s annual fuel island inspection and recertification. 14. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE President Smith provided information on CWA’s budget development, adopted Urban Water Management Plan, and the installation of Tesla batteries at Lake Hodges and the San Vicente Pump Station at no cost. Director Croucher shared information on CWA’s plans for purchasing energy emergency relief, water storage options, and impacts on special district 8 detachments. He also shared that General Counsel Mark Hattam will retire on September 30, 2021, with a month-to-month contract that expires June 2022. 15. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS Written reports from Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez and Robak was submitted to District Secretary Ramos-Krogman, which will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. 16. PRESIDENT’S REPORT A written report from President Smith was submitted to District Secretary Ramos- Krogman and will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. President Smith stated that all board members received a GM Performance Evaluation form to complete. He requested that board members submit the completed form to General Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld by June 4, 2021. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 17. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 6:10 p.m. to discuss the following matter: a) DISCUSSION RELATING TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) AND PUBLIC SERVICES [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957] b) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS pursuant to California Government Code section 54956.8 Property: SALT CREEK GOLF COURSE 525 HUNTE PARKWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 Agency negotiator: General Counsel Under negotiation: Disposition of Property c) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] MARK COZIAHR, ET AL. vs. OTAY WATER DISTRICT, CASE NO. 37-2015-00400000-CU-MC-CTL d) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL 9 RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 18.REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION. The board reconvened from closed session at approximately 6:52 p.m. and General Counsel Dan Shinoff reported that the board took no reportable actions in closed session. OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 19.NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS There were no items scheduled for discussion for the Otay Water District Financing Authority board. 20.ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Smith adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m. President ATTEST: District Secretary OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Gary Croucher Period Covered:  Employee Number: 7011 From: 5/1/21 To: 5/31/21 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED (Via Teleconference) MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 5/5 Board May Board Meeting - - 2 5/7 Community Chula Vista First Friday Breakfast Cyber Security - - 3 5/12 ACWA Spring Conference - - 4 5/13 ACWA Spring Conference - - 5 5/18 Committee Otay Engineering and Operations Committee - - 6 5/19 GM/President CWA Matters Meeting - - 7 5/20 CSDA Regular Meeting and Special Districts LAFCO interviews - - 8 5/26 East County Caucus East County Representatives review of CWA issues/agenda 9 5/28 GM Quarterly review with GM regarding Otay Water Issues 10 Total Meeting Per Diem: $1368 ($152 per diem) Total Mileage Claimed: 0 miles (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Ryan Keyes Period Covered: Employee Number: 1896 From: 5-1-21 To: 5-31-21 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 5-5-21 OWD Regular Board Meeting Monthly Board Meeting - - 2 5-13-21 ACWA conference Discussion of Regional Water Issues/Policies Affecting OWD - - 3 5-14-21 General Manager Meeting Discussion of OWD operations/policies - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 -- Total Meeting Per Diem: $456 ($152 per meeting) Total Mileage Claimed: 0 Miles 06/30/21 Mark Robak 7014 From:5/1/2021 5/31/2021 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 5/4/2021 Ad-Hoc GM Evluation Committee Annual Review of General Manager 0 0 2 5/4/2021 East County Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs & Infrastructure Committee 0 0 3 5/5/2021 OWD Board Meeting OWD Monthly Board Meeting 0 0 4 5/6/2021 San Diego Chamber of Commerce Sustainability & Industry Committee 0 0 5 5/12/2021 ACWA Spring Conference Bi-annual condference on water issues 0 0 6 5/13/2021 ACWA Spring Conference Bi-annual condference on water issues 0 0 7 5/14/2021 ACWA Spring Conference Bi-annual condference on water issues 0 0 8 5/19/2021 Otay Finance & Administration Committee Discussed District finance and administration items 0 0 9 5/20/2021 Otay Salt Creek Golf Course Committee Discuss disposition of property 10 5/20/2021 CSDA Quarterly Meeting Quarterly Meeting - NO CHARGE 11 5/25/2021 Israel Water Reuse Virtual Tour Event by WateReuse Association 0 0 $ 1,520 0 Miles GM Receipt: Date: ___________________ FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $_____________ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($152 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Tim Smith Period Covered: Employee Number: 1845 From: 5/1/21 To: 5/31/21 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED (Via Teleconference) MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 5/3/21 Ad Hoc GM Evaluation Mtg. Met with Director Robak and GC Blumenfeld to discuss GM Evaluation Review (First Meeting) - - 2 5/7/21 OWD Regular Board Meeting Monthly Board Meeting - - 3 5/17/21 Committee Agenda Briefing Met with GM Martinez to review items that will be present at the May committee meetings - - 4 5/18/21 EO&WR Committee Meeting Reviewed items that will be presented at the June Board Meeting - - 5 5/19/21 CWA Matter Meeting Discuss CWA Matters with GM Martinez, Director Croucher, Mark Watton - - 6 5/20/21 Ad Hoc Committee Salt Creek Golf Course Mtg. Meeting to discuss Salt Creek Golf Course matters - - 7 5/24/21 Quarterly Directors Mtg. Met with GM Martinez to discuss District updates - - 8 5/25/21 Agenda Briefing Meeting Met with GM Martinez and GC’s Blumenfeld and Shinoff to review the June Board Meeting Agenda 9 5/26/21 East County Caucus Discuss East County issues with agencies and CWA 10 Total Meeting Per Diem: $ 1,368 ($152 per diem) Total Mileage Claimed: 0 miles 1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY July 7, 2021 1.The meeting was called to order by President Smith at 3:32 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present:Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Staff Present:General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, General Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Tita Ramos-Krogman and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Robak, seconded by Director Lopez, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the agenda. 5.PRESENTATION OF THE 2021 WATERSMART LANDSCAPE CONTEST “BEST IN DISTRICT” AWARD TO CHRISTINE LAFRAMBOISE Communications Assistant Eileen Salmeron provided a PowerPoint presentation to the board and introduced Ms. Christine Laframboise, the 2021 WaterSmart Landscape Contest “Best in District” winner. Board members provided their comments and thanked Ms. Laframboise for taking the initiative to invest in a water conservative landscape. Ms. Laframboise stated that she enrolled in a Cuyamaca College class that helped her create a water conservative landscape. In response to a question from Director Lopez, Ms. Laframboise stated that she attended a separate class at Cuyamaca College that teaches the removal of grass. AGENDA ITEM 5 2 6. PRESENTATION OF A REGIONAL COLLABORATION FOR A RESILIENT FUTURE San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) Assistant General Manager Tish Berge provided a PowerPoint presentation to the board that included the following information: • Water Authority Serves a Vibrant Region • Water Reliability Through Diversification • Innovative Investments in Supply Reliability • Advocating for the Region • Providing Resources and Tools • Preparing and Recruiting Talent • 1991 Drought Headlines • Today’s Drought Headlines • Our Region is Prepared Board members provided their comments and thanked CWA Assistant General Manager Berge for her efforts to enhance water reliability and resilience for the San Diego region. In response to a comment from Director Robak, she indicated that CWA is advocating for direct potable reuse. 7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. CONSENT ITEMS 8. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Robak, seconded by Director Keyes and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the following consent calendar items: a) AWARD A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT TO CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. FOR ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION OF THE 870-1 RESERVOIR COVER/LINER REPLACEMENT PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $106,300.00 3 b) AWARD TWO (2) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS FOR AS- NEEDED IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERVICES AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE TWO (2) AGREEMENTS WITH ON- SITE TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. AND KENNY CONSULTING SERVICES, INC., EACH IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $175,000. THE TOTAL AMOUNT FOR THE TWO (2) AGREEMENTS WILL NOT EXCEED $175,000 DURING FISCAL YEARS 2022 AND 2023 (ENDING JUNE 30, 2023) c) AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE UNILATERAL FINAL CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO THE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH THARSOS, INC. IN THE REDUCED AMOUNT OF ($105,732.10) FOR THE TEMPORARY LOWER OTAY PUMP STATION REDUNDANCY PROJECT ACTION ITEMS 9. BOARD a) DISCUSS THE 2021 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR President Smith indicated that the August 4, 2021, board meeting is tentatively scheduled as an in-person meeting but will continue to accommodate those who wish to attend meetings via teleconference until the end of September. REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT General Manager Martinez presented information from his report that included information of the District’s plan to implement a transition to a 100% on-site work force. A phase approach with half-staff will begin July 19 for approximately four (4) weeks with a goal to have all staff back at the District on August 16. He also provided information on the GFOA Award for the FY 2020 CAFR and the FY21 Leak Detection Campaign. Mr. Martinez reported that the state level CSDA is holding elections and the incumbent Jo McKenzie is running for re-election. He indicated that he will be casting a vote for Ms. McKenzie on behalf of the District so that she may continue to advocate for the San Diego region. Director Croucher supported Mr. Martinez’s vote to re-elect Ms. McKenzie. Mr. Martinez introduced the District’s new Safety Officer Emilyn Zuniga who started on June 14, 2021. 4 11. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE President Smith shared that CWA approved its two-year budget for 2022 and 2023 with a zero percent increase for the overall total budget. The previous budget was approximately $1.7 billion, which was the same for 2022 and 2023. He indicated that there was a 3.3% rate increase for un-treated water and 3.6% increase for treated water. He also shared CWA’s plan to implement a transition to have staff return to work and indicated that the first in-person meeting would be on September 7. It was also noted that CWA is looking at opportunities for staff to telecommute. President Smith discussed Engineering and Operations’ plan to expand its site. He also provided an update and background on the new general manager for MWD, Mr. Adel Hagekhalil. It was also noted that President Smith will be the new Chair of the Council of Water Utilities. Director Croucher shared his support for MWD General Manager Hagekhalil. He also shared that CWA was able to secure $18 million for the San Vicente Storage Project. In response to a question from Director Robak, President Smith indicated that he would begin his role as the Chair of the Council of Water Utilities in August. 12. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS Written reports from Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez and Robak was submitted to District Secretary Ramos-Krogman, which will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. In response to a comment from Director Keyes, President Smith stated that General Manager Martinez is looking into telecommuting options and will provide an update to the board at a future meeting. 13. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Smith encouraged board members to attend the WateReuse Annual Conference that will be held September 19 to 21. A written report from President Smith was submitted to District Secretary Ramos- Krogman and will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 14. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 4:49 p.m. to discuss the following matter: a) DISCUSSION RELATING TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) AND PUBLIC SERVICES [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957] 5 b)PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957.6] TITLE: GENERAL MANAGER RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 15.REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION. The board reconvened from closed session at approximately 5:47 p.m. and General Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld reported that the board recommended to add an additional year to the general manager’s contract. The current term of the agreement commenced February 17, 2020 to June 30, 2023. The new term will commence July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024. The board carried the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to add an additional year to the general manager’s contract that will commence July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024. OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 16.NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS There were no items scheduled for discussion for the Otay Water District Financing Authority board. 17.ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Smith adjourned the meeting at 5:47 p.m. President ATTEST: District Secretary (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Gary Croucher Period Covered:  Employee Number: 7011 From: 6/1/21 To: 6/30/21 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED (Via Teleconference) MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 6/2/21 Board Regular Board Meeting - - 2 6/14/21 LAFCO LAFCO Detachment Sub-Committee representing Otay Water - - 6/15/21 Committee- No Per Diem Eng/Ops Committee Meeting - No Per Diem - partial attendance - - 3 6/16/21 CWA Matters Review of CWA issues and discussion with GM and Board President - - 4 6/23/21 East County Agencies East County Caucus meeting and discussion regarding Regional Issues - - 5 6/30/21 LAFCO Meeting with LAFCO Commissioner Barry Willis - Detachment info/updates - - - - Total Meeting Per Diem: $ ($152 per diem) Total Mileage Claimed: 0 miles 760 (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Ryan Keyes Period Covered: Employee Number: 1896 From: 6-1-21 To: 6-30-21 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 6-2-21 OWD Regular Board Meeting Monthly Board Meeting - - 2 6-23-21 ACWA Region 1 Meeting Discussion: Regional Drought Impacts: How managed water supplies went dry - - 3 6-29-21 WateReuse CA Conference Discussion: Advancing Water Reuse in Small and Disadvantaged Communities - - 4 6-30-21 ACWA Discussion: Drought Messaging - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - Total Meeting Per Diem: $608 ($152 per meeting) Total Mileage Claimed: 0 Miles (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Jose Lopez Period Covered: Employee Number: 7010 From: 6/1/21 To: 6/30/21 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 06/01/21 South County Economic Development Council Monthly Mtg. – Discussed Meridian Development; Speaker was Dr. Moises Aguirre, Superintendent for Sweetwater Union High School District - - 2 06/02/21 Otay Water District Monthly Regular Board Meeting - - 3 06/04/21 Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce Monthly Mtg. – Speaker was Southwestern College Superintendent Mark Sanchez - - 4 06/15/21 Council of Water Utilities Monthly Mtg. – Discuss water issues - - 5 06/16/21 Quarterly Director’s Meeting Met with GM Jose Martinez to discuss District matters - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 9 10 Total Meeting Per Diem: $ 760 ($152 per diem) Total Mileage Claimed: 0 miles Mark Robak 7014 From:6/1/2021 6/30/2021 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 6/1/2021 East County Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs & Infrastructure Committee 0 0 2 6/2/2021 OWD Board Meeting OWD Monthly Board Meeting 0 0 3 6/3/2021 San Diego Chamber of Commerce Sustainability & Industry Committee 0 0 4 6/4/2021 East County Advanced Water Purification Announcemnet of $388M loan from EPA 0 26 5 6/9/2021 Ad-Hoc GM Evluation Committee Annual Review of General Manager 0 0 6 6/15/2021 Council of Water Utilities Cari Dale, Oceanside's Water Utilities Director, speaking on Pure Water Oceanside 0 0 7 6/16/2021 East County EDC Annual Members Meeting 0 0 8 6/17/2021 Santee Lakes 60th Anniversary & Park Project Celebration 0 0 9 6/30/2021 ACWA's Webinar Drought Messaging 0 0 0 26 $ 1,368 26 Miles GM Receipt: Date: ___________________ FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $_____________ Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($152 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Tim Smith Period Covered: Employee Number: 1845 From: 6/1/21 To: 6/30/21 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED (Via Teleconference) MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 6/2/21 OWD Regular Board Meeting Monthly Board Meeting - - 2 6/9/21 Ad Hoc GM Evaluation Committee Meeting Committee Meeting to Discuss GM Jose Martinez’s Evaluation - - 3 6/10/21 Committee Agenda Briefing Met with GM Martinez to review items that will be present at the June committee meetings - - 4 6/15/21 EO&WR Committee Meeting Reviewed items that will be presented at the July Board Meeting - - 5 6/16/21 CWA Matters Meeting Discuss CWA Matters with GM and Director Croucher - - 6 6/23/21 East County Caucus Discuss East County issues with agencies and CWA - - 7 - - 8 9 10 Total Meeting Per Diem: $ 912 ($152 per diem) Total Mileage Claimed: 0 miles STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: August 4, 2021 SUBMITTED BY: Charles Mederos, Utility Services Manager PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Pedro Porras, Chief, Water Operations Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: AS-NEEDED EMERGENCY PAVING SERVICES AGREEMENT GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board authorize the General Manager to enter into an agreement with Kirk Paving for as-needed emergency paving services in an amount not-to-exceed $300,000 for the initial term plus four (4) one-year option renewal terms, for a total of $1,500,000 over five years. COMMITTEE ACTION: See “Attachment A.” PURPOSE: To perform the needed and critical asphaltic concrete emergency paving work that the District is accountable for, in a cost-effective and timely manner without affecting the current annual as-needed paving contract for regular non-emergency work. ANALYSIS: The District currently has a five-year contract in place, effective July 1, 2019, in the amount of $200,000 per fiscal year for as-needed paving services. This contract is utilized to maintain and repair the removal and re-installation of asphalt paving in public roadways when repairs are performed for regular corrective and preventive maintenance AGENDA ITEM 7a 2 to preserve water delivery infrastructure. The District has exercised two of the four annual option renewal terms. During the past year and a half, the District has experienced several main breaks and leaks (Attachment B) in which staff needed to utilize the as-needed paving services contract to base pave or to complete the work. FY 2021 expenses for this contract is estimated to be close to $235,000 and the General Manager approved an additional $75,000 to cover emergency repairs for unexpected events, such as paving work for the main breaks on Orville Street in Spring Valley and initial paving work on the recycled main break on Olympic Parkway in Chula Vista. To efficiently expedite emergency road repairs in a safe and cost-effective manner, a new contract is recommended to reduce the time it takes to solicit bids, award a contract, and initiate paving work. This will also allow to track regular and emergency repairs without exhausting the dedicated fund for each contract. Since emergency paving work will be third-party damages, the charges will be reimbursed to the District via claims submitted to the District’s insurance provider ACWA-JPIA. In accordance with the District’s purchasing requirements, bids were solicited on June 3, 2021, via Periscope Source (the District’s online bid solicitation portal), the District’s website, and in the Daily Transcript. On June 14, 2021, four prospective contractors attended a pre-bid conference via Zoom. Bids were received through Periscope Source on June 24, 2021, and publicly open via Zoom with the following result: Bidder Weighted Score Kirk Paving 27,776 Koch General Engineering 56,857 RGC General Engineering 72,531 Bids have been submitted, on a unit-cost basis, based on the different types of work typically required during emergency work paving. The types of work are assigned a weight-factor, centered on the District’s experience of the frequency they will be employed during the term of the agreement. These weights are multiplied by the unit cost to determine a unit score based on the corresponding unit of measurement, i.e., by square footage, that the contractor will perform the work. Unit scores are totaled to provide the overall score of the bid and the contractor with the lowest overall score is the lowest bidder. Please refer to “Attachment C.” It is recommended that the District enter into an agreement with Kirk Paving for as-needed emergency paving services in an amount not-to-exceed $300,000 for the initial term plus four (4) one-year option 3 renewal terms, for total of $1,500,000 over five years. The table below illustrates the format of the agreement: Term Year NTE Amount Initial Term FY 2022 $300,000 Option to Renew Term 1 FY 2023 $300,000 Option to Renew Term 2 FY 2024 $300,000 Option to Renew Term 3 FY 2025 $300,000 Option to Renew Term 4 FY 2026 $300,000 Total $1,500,000 Every year, staff will assess the cost of paving, which is believed to increase due to the rise in construction activities, and will discuss with the contractor if their unit price remains the same or if a reasonable increase adjustment is needed for an additional year contract. Then, staff will either propose to renew the contract or will go over the process again requesting additional proposals from other contractors. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The emergency paving work will be third-party damages and charges will be reimbursed to the District, thus resulting in no fiscal impact. There may be an indirect impact in that the insurance claim history affects future insurance premiums. STRATEGIC GOAL: 5.3.512 – Water Distribution System Integrity. As well as maintaining a safe and continuous water supply and safety to the general public. LEGAL IMPACT: None Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Detailed Expense for Paving Work Attachment C - As-Needed Paving Services Bid Score Sheet Kirk Paving ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: AS-NEEDED EMERGENCY PAVING SERVICES AGREEMENT COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) met on July 20, 2021, to review this item and the following comments were made: • Staff recommended that the Board authorize the General Manager to enter into an agreement with Kirk Paving for as-needed emergency paving services in an amount not-to-exceed $300,000 for the initial term plus four (4) one-year option renewal terms, for a total of $1,500,000 over five years. • As stated in the staff report, to efficiently expedite emergency road repairs in a safe and cost-effective manner, a new contract is recommended to reduce the time it takes to solicit bids, award a contract, and initiate paving work. It will also allow to track regular and emergency repairs without exhausting the dedicated fund for each contract. • At the request of the Committee, staff provided a history of how emergency paving repairs for third-party damages (i.e. County and cities) impacted dedicated funds for the District’s regular day- to-day paving repairs. Having a separate contract with dedicated funds for emergency paving services helps expedite the reimbursement process from third parties, which would increase efficiency with the District’s business processes. • The Committee asked staff to share this business practice with sister agencies as it may be beneficial to them. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board as a Consent Item. ATTACHMENT B Date Amount Contractor Account Location PO 3/31/2020 $51,655.89 KIRK PAVING INC p1330-001000-5204-533101 11-1311-5331 Main St PO 721065 9/15/2020 $21,489.00 KIRK PAVING INC p1350-001000-6401- 525201 11-1311-5252 Orville St PO 721204 10/7/2020 $65,056.75 KIRK PAVING INC p1350-000000-5420- 525201 11-1311-5252 Olympic Pkwy PO 721204 Pending $141,980.00 KIRK PAVING INC p1350-001000-6401- 525201 11-1311-5252 Olympic Pkwy PO 721383 11/10/2020 $1,753.00 KIRK PAVING INC p1350-000000-5420- 525201 11-1311-5252 Olympic Pkwy PO 721204 6/28/2021 $42,181.85 KOCH GENERAL ENG P1350-000000-5420-525201 11-1311-5252 Olympic Pkwy - #2 PO 721435 4/22/2021 $54,545.04 KIRK PAVING INC p1350-004000-5420-525201 11-1311-5252 Olympic Pkwy - #2 PO 721204 Totals $378,661.53 ATTACHMENT C STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: August 4, 2021 SUBMITTED BY: Kevin Cameron Senior Civil Engineer PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. All APPROVED BY: Bob Kennedy, Engineering Manager Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of Two (2) Professional Services Agreements for As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering During Fiscal Years 2022, 2023, and 2024 GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award two (2) professional services agreements for As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering and to authorize the General Manager to execute two (2) agreements with Atlas Technical Consultants, LLC (Atlas) and Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical and Environmental Sciences Consultants, Inc. (Ninyo & Moore), each in an amount not-to-exceed $175,000. The total amount of the two contracts will not exceed $175,000 during Fiscal Years 2022, 2023, and 2024 (ending June 30, 2024). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into two (2) professional services agreements for As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering with Atlas and Ninyo & Moore, each contract in an amount not-to-exceed $175,000 for Fiscal Years 2022, 2023, and 2024. The total amount of the two (2) contracts will not exceed $175,000 during Fiscal Years 2022-2024. AGENDA ITEM 7b ANALYSIS: The District will require the services of two (2) professional geotechnical engineering consultants on an as-needed basis in support of Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects for Fiscal Years 2022, 2023, and 2024. It is more efficient and cost effective to issue as-needed contracts for Geotechnical Engineering Services, which will provide the District with the ability to obtain consulting services in a timely and efficient manner. This concept has also been used in the past for other disciplines, such as construction management, engineering design, hydraulic modeling, and environmental services. The District staff will identify tasks and request cost proposals from the two consultants during the contract period. Each consultant will prepare a detailed scope of work, schedule, and fee for each task order, with the District evaluating the proposals based upon qualifications and cost. The District will enter into negotiations with the consultants, selecting the proposal that has the best value for the District. Upon written task order authorization from the District, the selected consultant shall then proceed with the project as described in the scope of work. The CIP projects that are estimated to require Geotechnical Engineering Services for Fiscal Years 2022, 2023, and 2024 at this time, are listed below: CIP DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST P1000 Soils Compaction Testing in Support of OWD Utility Maintenance $5,000 P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir 0.5 MG $30,000 P2578 PS - 711-2 (711-1 Pump Station Replacement and Expansion) - 14,000 GPM $15,000 P2615 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 PZ, Vista Grande $20,000 P2680 PL - 12-inch Pipeline Replacement, 1530 Zone, Vista Diego Road $10,000 P2681 PL-12-Inch, 1655 Zone, Presilla Drive Pipeline Replacement $10,000 P2663 Potable Water Pressure Vessel Program $5,000 R2153 Recycled Water Pressure Vessel Program $5,000 R2159 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Olympic Parkway Recycled Pipeline Rehabilitation $20,000 Continued on the next page S2069 Cottonwood Sewer Pump Station Renovation $15,000 Various Steel Reservoir Rehabilitation - Welding Inspection $15,000 TOTAL: $150,000 3 Staff believes that a $175,000 cap on each of the As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering Services contracts is adequate, while still providing a buffer for any unforeseen tasks. Fees for professional services will be charged to the CIP projects. The As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering Services contracts do not commit the District to any expenditure until a task order is approved to perform the work. The District does not guarantee work to the consultants, nor does the District guarantee to the consultants that it will expend all of the funds authorized by the contract on professional services. The District solicited Geotechnical Engineering Services by placing an advertisement on the Otay Water District’s website and using Periscope S2G (formally BidSync), the District’s online bid solicitation website on May 10, 2021. Eleven (11) firms submitted a Letter of Interest and a Statement of Qualifications. The Request for Proposal (RFP) for Geotechnical Engineering Services was sent to all eleven (11) firms resulting in nine (9) proposals received on June 22, 2021. They are as follows: • Atlas Technical Consultants (San Diego, CA) • Geocon (San Diego, CA) • Geosyntec (San Diego, CA) • Helenschmidt (Carlsbad, CA) • MTGL (Anaheim, CA) • Ninyo & Moore (San Diego, CA) • NV5 (San Diego, CA) • RMA Group (San Diego, CA) • SCST (San Diego, CA) Krazan (Corona, CA) and Construction Testing & Engineering (Escondido, CA) both submitted a Letter of Interest, but did not submit a proposal. In accordance with the District’s Policy 21, staff evaluated and scored all written proposals. Atlas and Ninyo & Moore received the highest scores based on their experience, understanding of the scope of work, proposed method to accomplish the work, and their composite hourly rate. Atlas and Ninyo & Moore were the most qualified consultants with the best overall proposal. Both consultants provided similar services to other local agencies and are readily available to provide the services required. A summary of the complete evaluation is shown in Attachment B. Atlas and Ninyo & Moore submitted the Company Background Questionnaire, as required by the RFP, and staff did not find any significant issues. In addition, staff checked their references and performed an internet search on each company. Staff found the 4 references to be excellent and did not find any outstanding issues with the internet search. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The funds for these contracts will be expended on a variety of projects, as previously noted above. These contracts are for as- needed professional services based on the District's need and schedule, and expenditures will not be made until a task order is approved by the District for the consultant's services on a specific CIP project. Based on a review of the financial budget, the Project Manager anticipates that the budgets will be sufficient to support the professional as-needed consulting services required for the CIP projects noted above. The Finance Department has determined that the funds to cover these contracts will be available as budgeted for these projects. GRANTS/LOANS: Engineering staff researched and explored grants and loans and found none available for this Project. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." LEGAL IMPACT: None. KC/BK:jf Https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engoperating/Shared Documents/As-Needed Services/Geotechnical/FY 2022-2024/Staff Report/BD_8-4-21_Staff Report_Award of As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering Services (KC-BK).docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Summary of Proposal Rankings ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT Various Award of Two (2) Professional Services Agreements for As- Needed Geotechnical Engineering During Fiscal Years 2022, 2023, and 2024 COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on July 20, 2021, and the following comments were made: • Staff recommended that the Board award two (2) professional services agreements for As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering and to authorize the General Manager to execute two (2) agreements with Atlas Technical Consultants, LLC (Atlas) and Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical and Environmental Sciences Consultants, Inc. (Ninyo & Moore), each in an amount not-to-exceed $175,000. The total amount of the two contracts will not exceed $175,000 during Fiscal Years 2022, 2023, and 2024 (ending June 30, 2024). • Staff noted that Per Policy 21, interviews with candidates were not required because the amount of the agreement was under the $200,000 threshold. • In response to a question from the Committee, staff stated that the last two As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering firms were Ninyo & Moore and Geocon. • Responding to another question from the Committee, staff stated that Ninyo & Moore previously worked with the District and has been very responsive to the District’s needs. In addition, the background check on Atlas was very good as well as their experience level. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board as a Consent Item. Qualifications of Team Responsiveness and Project Understanding Technical and Management Approach INDIVIDUAL SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN AVERAGE SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN Proposed Rates*Consultant's Commitment to DBE TOTAL SCORE 30 25 30 85 85 15 Y/N 100 Poor/Good/ Excellent Rate Score Kent Payne 25 23 27 75 Atlas $272 10 Brandon DiPietro 28 23 27 78 Geocon, Inc.$291 8 Chad Thompson 27 23 26 76 Geosyntec $284 9 Juan Tamayo 27 22 26 75 Helenschmidt $324 4 Kevin Cameron 27 23 26 76 MTGL $343 1 Kent Payne 28 24 28 80 Ninyo & Moore $236 15 Brandon DiPietro 27 23 25 75 Nova Services $245 14 Chad Thompson 27 23 26 76 NV5 $324 3 Juan Tamayo 27 22 25 74 RMA Group $301 7 Kevin Cameron 27 23 27 77 Kent Payne 26 23 27 76 Brandon DiPietro 24 21 24 69 Chad Thompson 25 22 23 70 Juan Tamayo 25 21 25 71 Kevin Cameron 25 21 24 70 Kent Payne 24 21 23 68 Brandon DiPietro 22 19 21 62 Chad Thompson 22 20 22 64 Juan Tamayo 24 20 24 68 Kevin Cameron 21 20 22 63 Kent Payne 25 22 26 73 Brandon DiPietro 24 21 23 68 Chad Thompson 24 21 23 68 Juan Tamayo 27 21 26 74 Kevin Cameron 26 21 23 70 Kent Payne 27 23 28 78 Brandon DiPietro 28 25 28 81 Chad Thompson 27 23 27 77 Juan Tamayo 27 22 26 75 Kevin Cameron 28 23 28 79 Kent Payne 26 22 25 73 Brandon DiPietro 23 21 23 67 Chad Thompson 26 22 25 73 Juan Tamayo 25 21 26 72 Kevin Cameron 23 21 23 67 Kent Payne 26 23 26 75 Brandon DiPietro 24 22 23 69 Chad Thompson 26 23 24 73 Juan Tamayo 26 23 26 75 Kevin Cameron 26 22 23 71 Kent Payne 26 23 27 76 Brandon DiPietro 25 22 23 70 Chad Thompson 26 22 26 74 Juan Tamayo 24 22 24 70 Kevin Cameron 25 22 26 73 ATTACHMENT BSUMMARY OF PROPOSAL RANKINGSAs-Needed Geotechnical Services Atlas 86 72 WRITTEN Note: Review Panel does not see or consider rates when scoring other categories. Rates are scored by Engineering Staff, who is not on Review Panel. MTGL 71 1 MAXIMUM POINTS HelenSchmidt REFERENCES 10 Geosyntec 76 80 65 4 69 71 9 RMA Group 73 7 80 15 14 RATES SCORING CHART Consultant Geocon 76 8 84 3 93 84 76 Ninyo & Moore Nova Services NV5 78 70 73 https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engoperating/Shared Documents/As-Needed Services/Geotechnical/FY 2022-2024/Selection Process/Summary of Proposal Rankings-Geotech.xls STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board Meeting MEETING DATE: August 4, 2021 SUBMITTED BY: Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary W.O./G.F. NO: DIV. NO. APPROVED BY: Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Board of Directors 2021 Calendar of Meetings GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: At the request of the Board, the attached Board of Director’s meeting calendar for 2021 is being presented for discussion. PURPOSE: This staff report is being presented to provide the Board the opportunity to review the 2021 Board of Director’s meeting calendar and amend the schedules as needed. COMMITTEE ACTION: N/A ANALYSIS: The Board requested that this item be presented at each meeting so they may have an opportunity to review the Board meeting calendar schedule and amend it as needed. STRATEGIC GOAL: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: None. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachment: Calendar of Meetings for 2021 G:\UserData\DistSec\WINWORD\STAFRPTS\Board Meeting Calendar 08-04-21.doc AGENDA ITEM 8a Board of Directors, Workshops and Committee Meetings (Teleconference) 2021 Regular Board Meetings: Special Board or Committee Meetings (3rd Wednesday of Each Month or as Noted) January 6, 2021 February 3, 2021 March 3, 2021 April 7, 2021 May 5, 2021 June 2, 2021 July 7, 2021 August 4, 2021 September 1, 2021 October 6, 2021 November 3, 2021 December 1, 2021 January 20, 2021 February 17, 2021 March 17, 2021 April 21, 2021 May 19, 2021 June 16, 2021 July 21, 2021 August 18, 2021 September 15, 2021 October 20, 2021 November 17, 2021 December 15, 2021 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: August 4, 2021 SUBMITTED BY: Jose Martinez 0BGeneral Manager W.O./G.F. NO: N/A DIV. NO. N/A APPROVED BY: Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: 1BGeneral Manager’s Report UGENERAL MANAGER •District’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic – The COVID-19 pandemic emergency declarations and the social distancing orders have resulted in a portion of the District’s staff telecommuting. The District has had no impacts to its water supply and has maintained a continuity of operations and services during the challenging and dynamic environment. Staff continues to monitor and provide updates relating to responding to this pandemic, as needed, including but not limited to: water and wastewater services, supplies, operations, finances, and communication. The District is continuing to hold Board of Directors meetings via teleconference services, which provides public access to the meetings. The District remains committed to the safety of the public and its employees who continue to provide the public with essential services. A Safe Reopening Plan and a Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol have been implemented and are updated in accordance with county health guidelines, including the recent emergency regulations discussed in this report. Staff will continue to monitor and comply with all Federal, State and Local orders and guidelines. As a note, throughout the pandemic the District has had staff reporting to the office, as needed. This was necessary to maintain the safe and reliable distribution of water and wastewater services to our customers. Given the June Cal/OSHA updates the District implemented a phased transition to a normal on-site work force. If necessary and on a case-by-case basis, the District will work with staff requiring COVID-19 related accommodations. Staff will continue to monitor and provide updates as necessary. AGENDA ITEM 9 2 UADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESU: GIS: • Delinquent Meter Mapping - Staff produced a series of maps to present customer delinquent meter information for the Finance department. Leveraging the District’s GIS system and its location-based mapping features, staff migrated customer service information and produced a series of maps to visually and geographically represent statistics of meter delinquency to senior management. Human Resources: • Employee/Management Training – On July 14th, the District held an online Franklin Covey training program for the management team and senior level employees titled “Six Critical Practices of Leading a Team”. The District received positive feedback on the program. • Benefits Pre-Renewal Meeting – Staff met with Alliant, the District’s benefits consultant, in preparation for its annual renewal and benefits open enrollment that is held in October. • Annual Performance Evaluations – Managers and supervisors are completing the annual performance evaluations via the new paperless Nintex application solution. HR is assisting where needed. • Recruitments/New Hires/Promotions – The District is or will be recruiting for the following positions: o Utility Worker I/II (3 positions) o Recycled Water Specialist o Customer Service Field Representative I/II o SDCWA Internship Program (2 interns) o GIS Intern The District recently filled the following positions: Construction Inspector I, Utility Locator, and Chief of Water Operations. Chief of Water Operations – On July 19, 2021, Andrew Jackson joined the District’s Water Operations Department as the new Chief of Water Operations. Most recently, Andrew worked for the Town of Gilbert, Arizona, where he served as Water Manager responsible for the areas of water distribution, water metering, utility locating, water production, SCADA, water quality, and wells and reservoirs. He also possesses utility maintenance, heavy equipment, and water 3 distribution experience. He has a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Business Administration. Andrew holds Arizona certifications in water distribution, wastewater collections, and water treatment. He has been actively involved in the water industry for many years. IT Operations: • SCADA Asset Inventory and Computing Environment - Staff continues to work with the SCADA team on developing a comprehensive inventory management plan to enhance the District's asset management and business continuity practices. Once completed, the program will include a list of all asset inventory, the location of physical assets, and crucial information updates to ensure proper safeguards are in place. Staff anticipates the plan to be completed by September. • Engineering Ticketing Management System - Staff completed the implementation of the District’s new cloud-based ticketing and management system, Korterra. The cloud-based solution will manage processing and work order issuance of District based DigAlert ticketing information. Field staff will be able to receive tickets electronically and manage requests wirelessly and in real-time. The new ticketing system integrates with the District's GIS interface for facility maps to identify coordinates for each ticket, ensuring ticket tracking, asset identification, and regulatory compliance. • Website Performance - Staff implemented several recent content management system updates to improve the performance of the District's public-facing website, which resulted in site optimization, efficiency, and overall improved end-user experience. • Monthly Cybersecurity Safeguards - The District's public facing computing environment is monitored and analyzed by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). CISA evaluates the District's exposure to external threats once a month using external vulnerability scanning, risk assessment, and network configuration report validation. The District continues to satisfy these criteria, according to the July CISA evaluation. 4 Purchasing & Facilities: • DocuSign eSignature Adoption – The pandemic placed a spotlight on the need for an e-signature solution to process the District’s 500+ contracts, purchase orders, vendor onboarding, HR, and other documents that require routing, review, data capture, acknowledgement and/or signature. To meet this need, staff researched and ultimately selected DocuSign Inc’s eSignature, which is a leader in the category, and is utilized by many public agencies and is accepted by the California Secretary of State as legally binding for all contractual relationships. It is estimated that DocuSign eSignature saves an “average of $36 per agreement by reducing hard costs and improving employee productivity” with up to “80% of agreements completed in less than a day and 44% in less than 15 minutes.” As of July 1, 2021, staff, contractors, vendors, and even customers are able to review and sign agreements securely from virtually any device including tablets and smartphones. After initial setup, the annual fee is $8,600, which is offset by administrative and other cost avoidance for an estimated net annual savings of $9,400. Safety & Security: • COVID-19 – The Safety & Security Specialist continues to answer employee COVID-19 related questions and providing guidance such as face coverings provided by the District and the screening process. • Water Agencies Emergency Collaborative (WAEC) – Staff virtually met with the WAEC Liaison, Carol Olvera, at San Diego County Water Authority to receive an overview of WAEC and the 2021-2022 WebEOC Test Schedule. Also reviewed was the WebEOC login process and creating an event. WebEOC Monthly Exercise – As part of the District’s emergency preparedness readiness, the Safety and Security Specialist virtually facilitated and conducted the District’s July monthly WebEOC exercise. The exercise consisted of how to access WebLinks via the WebEOC on-line portal and where to find the latitude and longitude of our current location. Staff then we posted the data points to the Water Hub folder. FINANCE: • Collections and Bad Debt Exposure: Below is information that shows lockable accounts and differentiates Owner accounts from Tenant accounts. While the District collects a portion of these balances, 5 it is less likely to collect the tenant account balances that have become lockable. This balance is being monitored on a weekly basis to assess the potential bad debt exposure. Collections and Bad Debt Exposure # of Accounts $'s March 2020 (31 Days) June 2021 (30 Days) July 2021 (19 Days) FY 2020 End of Year Lockable Lockable Balances as of July 2021 (19 Days) FY 2020 Remainder FY 2021* Lockable Total Lockable Accounts Owner 129 578 575 $205,805 $29,347 $329,019 $358,366 Tenant 147 488 433 $158,471 $19,319 $279,491 $298,810 Total 276 1,066 1,008 $364,276 $48,666 $608,510 $657,176 Typical Monthly Values 200 Actual Sales $40,861,103 $92,139,625 Percent of Bad Debt Exposure 0.12% 0.66% FY2021* Waived Penalties $841,697 Lockable $'s From Recycled Accounts $ - $343 There are two recycle accounts with lockable balances. *FY2022 data will begin accumulating in Sept. 2021 Note: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic the lockable balance was $48,500. • CalPERS FY 2021 Rate of Return – On Monday July 12, 2021, CalPERS announced great news. The FY 2021 rate of return came in at 21.3%, well above the 7.0% assumed rate of return. This excess return has a positive impact on the pension and ultimately reduces the funding burden on the District. As of the last valuation on June 30, 2020, the District pension plan was 86.49% funded. This funding level is evaluated each year by CalPERS actuaries. Generally annual payments to pensions are set at a point such that the pension funding level will reach 100% over 20 years. When the pension is 100% funded the annual payments are equal to the cost of one additional year of service for all eligible employees. Additional funding may be required for events such as: projected lifespan increases, decreases in the discount rate, pension 6 investment returns for the year are less than assumed, pension benefits are increased, higher than anticipated salary levels, and other factors. Reduced funding may occur from events such as: pension investment returns are greater than assumed, changes in average expected retirement age, and additional items. The CalPERS Risk Mitigation Policy allows CalPERS to reduce both the risk in the overall portfolio and the assumed rate or return. A less risky portfolio adds stability to the overall financial position for all the participants. In 2015 when this policy was approved, the target was to reduce the assumed rate of return down to 6.5% from the rate at that time of 7.5%. This was expected to occur over many years. Just prior to the July 12th announcement, CalPERS was halfway through this reduction sitting at 7.0%. With this high 21.3% rate of return the CalPERS Risk Mitigation Policy was triggered, giving CalPERS the infrequent opportunity to reduce the assumed rate of return without negatively impacting the Counties, Cities, and Districts who participate in CalPERS. The reduction was announced changing the rate of return from 7.0% to 6.8%. This change in the assumed rate of return lowers the growth rate of the assets which increases the annual funding levels. However, making this change at this time, when there is such a large unexpected 21.3% return, offsets this increase. In an effort to save the ratepayers money, the District is considering making an additional payment to CalPERS in FY 2022 to fully fund the pension. This change in the CalPERS assumed rate of return should not have a material impact on the level of funding needed to reach 100% as the reduction from 7.0% to 6.8%, described above, is offset by the 21.3% rate of return for FY 2021. • COVID-19 FEMA Grant Status – On December 2, 2020, Finance submitted a grant reimbursement request to CalOES and FEMA for $218,370 to cover COVID-19 related expenses. This amount includes plexiglass barriers, disinfection efforts, customer service notifications, temporary parallel water lines to avoid shut offs during construction, EOC meetings, legal expenses, Information Technology equipment and applications, and other related items. Finance staff has been working closely with FEMA and responding to their inquiries. FEMA specialists are processing the project, including reviewing documentation, developing scopes of work and cost estimates, and ensuring compliance with applicable requirements. According to the FEMA review process, the FEMA specialist should complete their review by September 30, 2021, which then moves the reimbursement request to a FEMA official who conducts a final project eligibility review. District staff took an all-inclusive approach and submitted all expenses we incurred due to COVID-19; however, these expenses may not necessarily be eligible for FEMA reimbursements. 7 • Paseo Ladera Claim Status – The District received $502,048 from ACWA- JPIA for the expenses incurred to repair the road and other infrastructure owned by the City of Chula Vista. • Special Assessments/Tax Liens – Special Assessments and delinquent owner tax liens were sent to the county at the end of July to be included on 2021/2022 property tax roll. Special Assessments are charged to all property owners within the District’s boundaries. In addition to these assessments, 248 delinquent owner accounts with past due balances of approximately $275,000 will also be sent to the county for collection. • Rate Increase Notices – Rate increase notices were mailed to District customers as an insert with their billing statements on July 20th and will continue to be mailed until August 19th. Customer Service staff will document any customer feedback received about these notices. • AMI Meter Update – Staff is currently in discussion with Master Meter, the District’s current meter manufacturer, about upgrading a portion of the District to an Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI) which allows meters to be read remotely and transmitted directly to the office. Staff plans to bring a staff report to the September Board meeting asking the Board to authorize the District to move forward with AMI implementation for a portion of the District’s meters. The recent AMR Changeout CIP program allowed the District to install approximately 30,000 4G registers which have the capability for the meter to be read both via drive-by as well as AMI. Financial Reporting: • The financial reporting for June 30, 2021 is as follows: o For the twelfth month ending June 30, 2021, there are total revenues of $114,913,567 and total expenses of $101,520,806. The revenues exceeded expenses by $13,392,761. • The financial reporting for investments for June 30, 2021 is as follows: o The market value shown in the Portfolio Summary and in the Investment Portfolio Details as of June 30, 2021 total $92,393,100 with an average yield to maturity of 0.599%. The total earnings year to date are $603,232. 8 ENGINEERING AND WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS: Engineering: • 870-2 Pump Station Replacement: This project consists of a new Pump Station to replace the existing Low Head 571-1 and High Head 870-1 Pump Stations. The project also includes the replacement of the existing liner and cover for the 571-1 Reservoir (36.7 MG). The Pump Station has four (4) pumps, two (2) electric motor driven and two (2) external gas engine driven motor/pump combinations. On June 29, 2020, Pacific Hydrotech, the Pump Station’s contractor, achieved substantial completion and began seven-day operational testing. The on-going mechanical repairs and subsequent vibration testing were completed in early June 2021 and operational 7-day testing resumed on June 17, 2021. The 7-day testing was paused on July 5, 2021, due to manufacturer repairs to P104. The 7-day testing will resume on the Pump 104 and RAG reinstallation anticipated in August 2021. In the meantime, the Station is operating with P101, P102, and P105 all in service. Unanticipated District costs, associated with the continuing repairs, have been tracked for reimbursement from the contract retention and negotiations are underway to resolve the final change order for approval at the first available EO&WR Committee/Board meetings after the P104 reinstallation and testing is complete. (P2083 & P2562) • Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station Redundancy: This project added a second pump to the District’s existing Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station (TLOPS) to provide redundancy. Substantial completion was achieved on April 5, 2021. The project is within budget and a Notice of Completion has been filed with the County of San Diego. COVID-19 IMPACTS: The District provided extended contract duration through December 5, 2020, and collected $121K in liquidated damages through the April 5, 2021 substantial completion date. (P2619) • Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement: This project includes replacement of the existing Pump Station, which serves the small 1530 Pressure Zone, containing approximately thirty-seven (37) potable water meters and four (4) hydrants. District staff have been working with the design consultant, Murraysmith, to develop and select a replacement concept for preliminary design. District staff provided comments on Murraysmith’s draft preliminary design report in July 2021. This project is on schedule and within budget. (P2639) • 1090-1 Pump Station Renovation: This project includes renovation of the existing Pump Station, including pump replacement and addition of a third pump, which serves the small 1090 Pressure Zone, containing approximately thirty-three (33) potable water meters and seven (7) hydrants. Award of the contract to Cora Constructors was authorized at the November 2020 Board Meeting. Notice to proceed was issued on January 8, 2021. A Pre-construction Meeting was held on January 20, 9 2021. The procurement of long lead items occurred initially, and construction began on May 20, 2021. This project is currently on schedule and within budget. (P2174) • RWCWRF Disinfection System Improvements: The project involves the replacement of the chlorine gas disinfection system with an ultraviolet (UV) process at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility. Consultant selection for design and construction support to Carollo Engineers was approved by the Board at the June 2021 Board Meeting. Design work initiated in July 2021 after contract insurance issues were resolved. (R2117) • Melrose Ave and Oleander Ave PRSs and 980 Reservoirs Altitude Valve Vaults: This project involves the replacement of two (2) 1960’s era pressure reducing stations in Chula Vista. The 340 Pressure Zone is a closed system with no storage, requiring pressure relief capabilities at each station. The project was advertised in February 2021, with it being packaged with renovations to the 980-1 & -2 Reservoirs altitude valve vaults. The valves and piping have significant corrosion impacts, with new corrosion protection included in the design. The Board approved awarding a contract to CCL Contracting at the May Board Meeting. Submittal review started in June and a Notice to Proceed was issued on July 1, 2021, with a project completion date of March 28, 2022. This project is currently on schedule and within budget. (P2605, P2627 & P2671) • Olympic Parkway Recycled Water Line Replacement: Several main breaks within the past year of the 20-inch recycled water line in Olympic Parkway between Heritage Road and La Media Road resulted in the establishment of this Capital Improvement Program Project at the May 2021 Board meeting. The engineering firm NV5 has been selected to design the replacement waterline using the District’s As-Needed Engineering Design Services contract. A preliminary design report is in progress. (R2159) • 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/Exterior Coating and Upgrades: This project consists of removing and replacing the interior and exterior coatings of the 850-1 (1.15 MG) and the 1200-1 (1.0 MG) Reservoirs, along with providing structural upgrades, to ensure the tanks comply with both state and federal OSHA standards as well as the American Water Works Association and the Health Department standards. Capital Industrial Coatings, Inc. (Capital) completed the structural work, interior, and exterior coating on the 850-1 Reservoir. The contractor is performing final cleanup and the Reservoir is expected to be returned to service in July 2021. Capital mobilized to the 1200-1 Reservoir on April 19, 2021, and continues working on the structural upgrades, which will be followed by the coating removal on the interior of the Reservoir. The project is on schedule and within budget. (P2543 & P2533) 10 • Recycled Water Storage Tank Coating: This project consisted of removing and replacing the interior and exterior coatings of the Recycled Water Storage Tank (0.43 MG) and minor structural repairs. The tank was built in 1979 and is located at the R.W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility. Substantial completion was achieved on February 23, 2021, and the plastic resin ball floating cover system was installed on April 23, 2021. The project was completed within budget and acceptance was granted on June 30, 2021. A Notice of Completion has been filed with the County of San Diego. (R2120) • 1655-1 Reservoir & Rancho Jamul Hydropneumatic Pump Station: This project consists of constructing a new 0.5 MG prestressed concrete potable water tank in Jamul and modifying the existing Rancho Jamul Hydropneumatic Pump Station (HPS) to become the permanent Pump Station to feed the new 1655-1 Reservoir. The project also includes replacing approximately 1,500 linear feet of existing pipe that will be experiencing pressure over the rated pressure class under the new configuration. At the May 2021 Board Meeting, Richard Brady and Associates was awarded a professional services agreement to be the design engineer on the project. A Kickoff Meeting was held on June 9, 2021, and the design is estimated to be completed in the summer of 2022. The project is within budget. (P2040 & P2642) • Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project: Wier Construction submitted a claim binder on July 13, 2021, with a total claim of $3,252,075.87 for construction items, administrative costs, and estimated attorney fees associated with the completed Campo Road Sewer project. The project was accepted as complete on June 26, 2020, and the Notice of Completion was filed with the County on July 20, 2020. All seven (7) change orders were signed by Wier Construction and all fifty-five (55) weekly meeting agendas documented that Wier stated, “no disputed work or claims”. Engineering is consulting with Counsel for a response to the claim. (S2024) • Water Facilities Master Plan (WFMP) and Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) Update: The WFMP is periodically updated to identify and provide planning and design data for future potable and recycled water capital improvement projects. The current 2015 WFMP and associated Final PEIR was approved by the District’s Board of Directors on January 4, 2017. In response to a public solicitation for Letters of Interest (LOI) and Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) advertised in the San Diego Daily Transcript on May 13, 2021, seven (7) LOI/SOQs were received on May 27, 2021, and two (2) proposals were received on July 1, 2021. Award of this professional engineering services contract is scheduled for the August Committee and September Board. (P1210) 11 • FY 2021 Sewage Flows to Metro vs Planned Capacity: The treatment plant was offline from November 2020 through February 2021 due to construction work on the force main and storage tank, with recycled water production restarted on March 1, 2021. The total flow to Metro for FY 2021 was approximately 180 MG or about 0.5 MGD. This is above the planned Metro capacity of 139 MG (0.38 MGD) that goes into effect FY 2022 with the Metro amended agreement, but below the original Metro capacity of 1.287 MGD. Metro flows for FY 2022 should return to below the planned capacity as there are no planned projects to require the plant to go offline for an extended period. The Metro amended agreement indicates three (3) consecutive years of exceeding the allocated capacity before having to increase the agency’s capacity. A second graph has been added to show the District has been in compliance with the amended agreement allowances. 12 • Summary of Budgeted and Sold Meters and EDUs for Fiscal Year 2021 up through June 30, 2021: Water System Operations (reporting for June): • The following events occurred on Thursday, June 3rd: o Staff performed a planned shutdown on a 24-inch ACP water main in Otay Mesa Road between Alta Road and Enrico Fermi Drive in Otay Mesa. Staff deleted an old six-inch farm service. The shutdown lasted for nine hours and affected five meters. There was one water trailer available for those affected. o The District had a main break on 2205 Otay Center Court in Otay Mesa when a two-inch air-vac saddle failed. The outage lasted for six and a half hours and affected four meters. There was one water trailer available for those affected. • On Friday, June 11th, staff received call from Helix Water District to cut flow on #14 connection due to shortage of gas chlorine. Date Meters (Budgeted) Meters Sold (Actual) EDUs (Budgeted) EDUs Sold (Actual) Total $ Collected (Budgeted) Total $ Collected (Actual) June 2021 23.8 39 37.9 109 $256,459 $1,248,961 Totals FY 2021 285 297 455 755 $3,077,500 $8,044,449 13 • On Tuesday, June 15th, staff performed leak detection on Worthington Street and Paradise Valley Road in Spring Valley, and staff did not find any leaks in the District’s system. It appeared to be over irrigation in the area. • On Tuesday, June 22nd, staff worked with Customer Service to identify high consumption usage in the Otay Mesa area to find the possible cause of flooding on La Media and Airway Road. Staff reported one high-consumption meter caused by an irrigation leak. • On Wednesday, June 30th, staff performed a planned shutdown on Oleander Avenue in Chula Vista. A 12-inch valve was added for an upcoming CIP. The shutdown lasted for six and a half hours and affected 36 meters. There were two water trailers were available for those affected. • As an informational item, staff had originally budgeted $30,400 for the Treatment Plant’s one-ton chlorine containers. The cost of chlorine went up $875 per ton from $800 per ton, due to the current chlorine situation the nation is experiencing. Therefore, staff will be $2,850 over budget for chlorine. The District will, however, continue to receive all chlorine requests as planned. Purchases and Change Orders: • The following table summarizes purchases and Change Orders issued during the period from June 25 through July 15, 2021, that were within staff’s signatory authority: Date Action Amount Contractor/ Consultant Project 6/25/2021 P.O. $1,001.00 CB Pacific, Inc. Annual Emerson Primary Software Support Renewal; 8/1/2021 - 7/31/2022 6/25/2021 P.O. $2,947.00 Computer Protection Technology, Inc. Annual UPS Systems Maintenance Agreement Renewal; 7/1/2021- 6/30/2022 6/25/2021 P.O. $17,386.63 GE Digital, LLC Annual GE iFIX SCADA Software Maintenance, Licenses, And Support Renewal; 8/1/2021 - 7/31/2022 6/25/2021 P.O. $5,784.00 Pinnacle Business Solutions Annual Veeam Availability Suite Enterprise Maintenance Renewal; 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 14 6/25/2021 P.O. $10,189.33 Sympro, Inc. Annual Treasury Management Software Maintenance; 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 6/25/2021 P.O. $7,774.00 Tredent Data Systems, Inc. Annual Network Hardware/Associated Equipment Support; 6/27/2021 - 06/26/2022 6/25/2021 P.O. $60,000.00 Azteca Systems, LLC Annual Cityworks Asset/Work Management System Licenses & Support Renewal; 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 6/25/2021 P.O. $63,416.26 Pinnacle Business Solutions Cisco Catalyst 9410R Model Switches and Related Hardware/ Network Equipment 6/25/2021 P.O. $139,651.07 Tyler Technologies , Inc. Annual Tyler Eden Financial Management ERP Software Maintenance & Support; 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 6/28/2021 P.O. $5,279.75 CED Industrial & Light Dual Port EV Charger 6/29/2021 P.O. $8,800.00 OT Electric Fuel Station Enclosure Work 6/29/2021 P.O. $13,325.60 DLT Solutions, LLC Annual Autodesk Software License Subscription; 7/9/2021 – 7/8/2022 6/30/2021 P.O. $1,500.00 A & F Landscape And Concrete Concrete Pad Installation 6/30/2021 P.O. $235.20 Jenal Engineering Corp Vent Line Boot Replacement 6/30/2021 P.O. $8,546.00 OT Electric Dual Port Charging Station Installation 6/30/2021 P.O. $1,605.34 CED Industrial & Light Electrical Equipment 6/30/2021 P.O. $994.85 CED Industrial & Light Fuel Island Emergency Shutoff Button Installation 6/30/2021 P.O. $100,000.99 Association of CA Water Agencies FY2021 Quarter 4 Workers' Comp Program; 4/1/2021 – 6/30/2021 15 6/30/2021 P.O. $7,162.01 Watchlight Corporation Alarm/Access Installation and Service Calls 6/30/2021 P.O. $1,487.57 Watchlight Corporation Alarm/Access Installation and Service Calls 6/30/2021 P.O. $1,628.00 Nightcoders Annual Website Support & Consulting Services 7/1/2021 P.O. $40,000.00 iWater, Inc. Annual Inframap Software License & Support; 7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022 7/1/2021 P.O. $35,000.00 Watchlight Corporation Annual Security Alarm Monitoring Services for all District sites; 7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022 7/1/2021 P.O. $4,849.00 Zoho Corporation Annual Server Monitoring Subscription Fee 7/1/2021 P.O. $28,745.90 Innovyze, Inc. Annual Modeling Software Maintenance and Support; 7/15/2021 - 7/14/2022 7/1/2021 P.O. $4,050.00 GHA Technologies , Inc. Veritas Data Backup License & Support; 8/17/2021 - 8/16/2022 7/1/2021 P.O. $9,008.32 Docusign, Inc. E-signature Enterprise Pro For Gov Software 7/7/2021 P.O. $8,497.50 BidSync Periscope (BidSync) Web-based Electronic solicitation Subscription Services and Recordkeeping; 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 7/12/2021 P.O. $237,898.98 Entisys Solutions, Inc. 3-year Microsoft Licensing Renewal (MS Email license, Office Productivity Suite, and Data Center Server Maintenance); 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2024 7/12/2021 P.O. $22,374.07 Samsara Networks, Inc. Annual GPS Fleet Management Services (Maintenance, Coverage, and Support of District Fleet); 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022 16 Water Conservation and Sales: • Water Conservation – June 2021 usage was 11% lower than June 2013 usage. Since June 2020, customers have saved an average of 5% over 2013 levels. • Potable Water Purchases – The June potable water purchases were 2,863 acre-feet which is 25% above the budget of 2,295 acre-feet. The cumulative purchases through June were 30,047 acre-feet which is 22% above the cumulative budget of 24,643 acre-feet. The surplus volumes for the month and year are most likely due to June year-to-date actual rainfall being below the average rainfall by 55%. In addition, the FY 2021 potable water sales budget was cut by 12% from the projected FY 2021 actuals as a response to COVID-19 and the expected economic impacts. 7/15/2021 P.O. $8,000.00 24 Hour Elevator, Inc. Annual Elevator General Maintenance Service 7/15/2021 P.O. $1,500.00 San Diego County Assessor Assessor Data; Monthly Charge for Computer Tape77 - MPR; 7/1/2021 to 6/30/2022 7/15/2021 CO ($81,112.29) United Field Services Corp. Recycled Water Storage Tank Coating (R2120) 17 • Recycled Water Purchases – The June recycled water purchases from the City of San Diego and production at the District’s treatment facility were 651 acre-feet which is 132% above the budget of 280 acre-feet. The cumulative production and purchases through June were 4,190 acre- feet which is 42% above the cumulative budget of 2,953 acre-feet. The surplus volumes for the month and year are most likely due to June year-to-date rainfall being below average rainfall by 55%. In addition, the FY 2021 recycled water sales budget was cut by 15% from the projected FY 2021 actuals as a response to COVID-19 and the expected economic impacts. 18 Potable, Recycled, and Sewer (Reporting up to the month of June): • Total number of potable water meters: 51,295. • Total number of sewer connections: 4,740. • Recycled water consumption for the month of June: o Total consumption: 454.18 acre-feet or 147,988,060 gallons. o Average daily consumption: 4,932,935 gallons per day. o Total cumulative recycled water consumption since June 1, 2020: 4,149.80 acre-feet. o Total number of recycled water meters: 757. • Wastewater flows for the month of June: o Total basin flow: 1,594,267 gallons per day. ▪ This is a decrease of 3.3 percent from June 2020. o Spring Valley Sanitation District flow to Metro: 531,107 gallons per day. o Total Otay flow: 1,063,233 gallons per day. o Flow processed at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility: 933,233 gallons per day. o Flow to Metro from Otay Water District: 130,000 gallons per day. • By the end of June there were 6,752 wastewater EDUs. Exhibit A Annual YTD YTD YTD Budget Actual Budget Variance Var % REVENUES: Potable Water Sales 46,419,000$ 58,461,457$ 46,419,000$ 12,042,457$ 25.9% Recycled Water Sales 8,411,000 10,633,746 8,411,000 2,222,746 26.4% Potable Energy Charges 2,034,000 2,695,390 2,034,000 661,390 32.5% Potable System Charges 16,805,000 16,828,509 16,805,000 23,509 0.1% Potable MWD & CWA Fixed Charges 12,869,000 12,889,974 12,869,000 20,974 0.2% Potable Penalties and Other Fees 622,000 30,576 622,000 (591,424) (95.1%) Total Water Sales 87,160,000 101,539,652 87,160,000 14,379,652 16.5% Sewer Charges 2,870,000 2,865,634 2,870,000 (4,366) (0.2%) Meter Fees 123,000 151,346 123,000 28,346 23.0% Capacity Fee Revenues 1,869,000 2,260,740 1,869,000 391,740 21.0% Non-Operating Revenues 2,177,000 2,677,891 2,177,000 500,891 23.0% Tax Revenues 4,155,000 5,191,021 4,155,000 1,036,021 24.9% Interest 179,000 227,283 179,000 48,283 27.0% Total Revenues 98,533,000$ 114,913,567$ 98,533,000$ 16,380,567$ 16.6% EXPENSES: Potable Water Purchases 33,631,000$ 37,709,380$ 33,631,000 (4,078,380)$ (12.1%) Recycled Water Purchases 4,058,000 4,058,000 4,058,000 - 0.0% CWA-Infrastructure Access Charge 2,839,000 2,851,758 2,839,000 (12,758) (0.4%) CWA-Customer Service Charge 1,703,000 1,734,673 1,703,000 (31,673) (1.9%) CWA-Reliability Charge 2,711,000 2,714,150 2,711,000 (3,150) (0.1%) CWA-Emergency Storage Charge 4,608,000 4,588,473 4,608,000 19,527 0.4% MWD-Capacity Res Charge 628,000 636,498 628,000 (8,498) (1.4%) MWD-Readiness to Serve Charge 720,000 716,037 720,000 3,963 0.6% Subtotal Water Purchases 50,898,000 55,008,969 50,898,000 (4,110,969) (8.1%) Power Charges 2,898,000 3,312,298 2,898,000 (414,298) (14.3%) Payroll & Related Costs 21,860,000 21,056,188 21,860,000 803,812 3.7% Material & Maintenance 3,720,000 3,741,760 3,720,000 (21,760) (0.6%) Administrative Expenses 6,280,000 5,579,984 6,280,000 700,016 11.1% Legal Fees 707,000 651,607 707,000 55,393 7.8% Expansion Reserve 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 0.0% Replacement Reserve 9,676,000 9,676,000 9,676,000 - 0.0% OPEB Trust 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 - 0.0% General Fund Reserve 259,000 259,000 259,000 - 0.0% Total Expenses 98,533,000$ 101,520,806$ 98,533,000$ (2,987,806)$ (3.0%) EXCESS REVENUES(EXPENSE) -$ 13,392,761$ -$ 13,392,761$ OTAY WATER DISTRICT COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2021 Draft (unaudited) F:/MORPT/FS2021-0621v2 7/23/2021 2:41 PM COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY NET REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2021 DRAFT (unaudited) ‐$1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 $11,000,000 $12,000,000 $13,000,000 $14,000,000  JUL  AUG  SEP  OCT  NOV  DEC  JAN  FEB  MAR  APR  MAY  JUN YTD Actual Net Revenues YTD Budget Net Revenues YTD Variance in Net Revenues The year-to-date actual net revenues through June show a positive variance of $13,392,761. OTAY WATER DISTRICT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO REVIEW June 30, 2021 INVESTMENT OVERVIEW & MARKET STATUS: At the Federal Reserve Board’s regular scheduled meeting on March 15, 2020, the Committee lowered the target range for the federal funds rate from 1.50-1.750% to 0-0.25% in light of the effects of the coronavirus which harmed communities and disrupted economic activity in many countries, including the United States. There have been no further changes made to the federal funds rate at the most recent meeting which was held on June 16, 2021. The Committee anticipates maintaining the target range of 0-0.25% until labor market conditions have reached levels consistent with the Committee’s assessment of maximum employment and inflation has risen to 2 percent and is on track to moderately exceed 2 percent for some time. The Committee will continue to observe the effects of incoming information for the economic outlook. In determining the timing and size of future adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, they went on to say: “the Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee’s goals. The Committee’s assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on public health, labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments.” The District’s effective rate of return for the month of June 2021 was .61%, which was the same as the previous month. LAIF return on deposits was six basis points lower than the previous month, reaching an average effective yield of .26 for the month of June 2021. Based on our success at maintaining a competitive rate of return on our portfolio during this extended period of low interest rates, no changes in investment strategy regarding returns on investment are being considered at this time. In accordance with the District’s Investment Policy, all District funds continue to be managed based on the objectives, in priority order, of safety, liquidity, and return on investment. PORTFOLIO COMPLIANCE: June 30, 2021 Investment State Limit Otay Limit Otay Actual 8.01: Treasury Securities 100% 100% 0 8.02: Local Agency Investment Fund (Operations) $75 Million $75 Million $29.31 Million 8.02: Local Agency Investment Fund (Bonds) 100% 100% $ .29 Million 8.03: Federal Agency Issues 100% 100% $ 3.66 Million 8.04: Certificates of Deposit 30% 15% 0 8.05: Short-Term Commercial Notes 25% 10% 0 8.06: Medium-Term Commercial Debt 30% 10% 0 8.07: Money Market Mutual Funds 20% 10% 0 8.08: San Diego County Pool 100% 100% 61.05% 12.0: Maximum Single Financial Institution 100% 50% 2.92% $2,696,634 2.92% $85,961,086 93.12% $3,656,187 3.96% Otay Water District Investment Portfolio: 06/30/2021 Banks (Passbook/Checking/CD)Pools (LAIF & County)Agencies & Corporate Notes Total Cash and Investments: $92,313,907 (Book Value) July FY20 Aug FY20 Sep FY20 1st Qtr FY20 Oct FY20 Nov FY20 Dec FY20 2nd Qtr FY20 Jan FY20 Feb FY20 Mar FY20 3rd Qtr FY20 Apr FY20 May FY20 Jun FY20 4th Qtr FY20 Jul FY21 Aug FY21 Sep FY21 1st Qtr FY21 Oct FY21 Nov FY21 Dec FY21 2nd Qtr FY21 Jan FY21 Feb FY21 Mar FY21 3rd Qtr FY21 Apr FY21 May FY21 June FY21 4th Qtr FY21 LAIF 2.38 2.34 2.28 2.33 2.19 2.10 2.04 2.11 1.97 1.91 1.79 1.89 1.65 1.36 1.22 1.41 0.92 0.78 0.69 0.80 0.62 0.58 0.54 0.58 0.46 0.41 0.36 0.41 0.34 0.32 0.26 0.31 Otay 1.91 1.90 1.93 1.92 1.94 1.97 1.92 1.95 1.90 1.86 1.71 1.83 1.51 1.31 1.19 1.34 0.95 0.93 0.82 0.91 0.81 0.87 0.77 0.82 0.72 0.70 0.65 0.70 0.62 0.61 0.61 0.61 Difference -0.47 -0.44 -0.35 -0.42 -0.25 -0.13 -0.12 -0.16 -0.07 -0.05 -0.08 -0.06 -0.14 -0.05 -0.03 -0.07 0.03 0.15 0.14 0.11 0.19 0.29 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.35 0.30 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 Re t u r n o n I n v e s t m e n t s Month Performance Measure FY-21 Return on Investment LAIF Otay Difference Target: Meet or Exceed 100% of LAIF Month End Portfolio Management June 30, 2021 Portfolio Summary % of Portfolio Book ValueInvestmentsMarket Value Par Value Days toMaturityTerm YTM360 Equiv.YTM365 Equiv. Federal Agency Issues - Coupon 3,656,186.83 7364.08 1.454713,666,096.503,650,000.00 1.474 BOND PROCEEDS (LAIF)294,847.43 10.33 0.2581294,871.89294,847.43 0.262 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF)29,313,065.25 132.71 0.258129,315,497.3629,313,065.25 0.262 San Diego County Pool 56,353,173.31 162.88 0.710156,420,000.0056,353,173.31 0.720 89,617,272.82 100.00%Investments 89,696,465.7589,611,085.99 31 4 0.591 0.599 Cash (not included in yield calculations)Passbook/Checking 2,696,634.59 1 0.41912,696,634.592,696,634.59 0.425 92,313,907.41Total Cash and Investments 92,393,100.3492,307,720.58 31 4 0.591 0.599 Current Year June 30 44,396.78 Fiscal Year To Date 603,231.69 603,231.69 Fiscal Year Ending Average Daily Balance Effective Rate of Return 89,169,296.94 80,206,599.15 0.75%0.61% Total Earnings Month Ending I hereby certify that the investments contained in this report are made in accordance with the District Investment Policy Number 27 adopted by the Board of Directors on May 05, 2021. The market valueinformation provided by Interactive Data Corporation. The investments provide sufficient liquidity to meet the cash flow requirements of the District for the next six months of expenditures. __________________________________________________ ____________________Joseph Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Portfolio OTAY APData Updated: SET_ME8: 07/19/2021 14:40 Reporting period 06/01/2021-06/30/2021 Run Date: 07/19/2021 - 14:40 PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 07/22/2021 YTM360 Page 1 Par Value Book Value MaturityDateStatedRateMarket Value June 30, 2021 Portfolio Details - Investments AverageBalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days toMaturityS&PCUSIPInvestment #PurchaseDate Federal Agency Issues - Coupon 1.454Federal Home Loan Bank2384 1,005,000.00 1,006,703.50 09/10/20212.37509/05/2019 1,009,432.05 AA313378JP7 71 1.454Federal Home Loan Bank2385 2,645,000.00 2,649,483.33 09/10/20212.37509/05/2019 2,656,664.45 AA313378JP7 71 3,656,186.833,666,096.503,650,000.003,657,486.96Subtotal and Average 1.454 71 BOND PROCEEDS (LAIF) 0.258STATE OF CALIFORNIA9015 294,847.43 294,847.43 0.262294,871.89LAIF 2018 1 294,847.43294,871.89294,847.43306,447.43Subtotal and Average 0.258 1 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) 0.258STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 29,313,065.25 29,313,065.25 0.26229,315,497.36LAIF 1 29,313,065.2529,315,497.3629,313,065.2526,939,731.92Subtotal and Average 0.258 1 San Diego County Pool 0.710San Diego County9007 56,353,173.31 56,353,173.31 0.72056,420,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 1 56,353,173.3156,420,000.0056,353,173.3156,353,173.31Subtotal and Average 0.710 1 89,169,296.94 89,611,085.99 0.591 489,696,465.75 89,617,272.82Total and Average Portfolio OTAY APData Updated: SET_ME8: 07/19/2021 14:40 Run Date: 07/19/2021 - 14:40 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 YTM360 Page 2 Par Value Book Value StatedRateMarket Value June 30, 2021 Portfolio Details - Cash AverageBalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days toMaturityS&PCUSIPInvestment #PurchaseDate Union Bank 0.001STATE OF CALIFORNIA9002 10,002.31 10,002.31 0.00110,002.31UNION MONEY 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9003 2,950.00 2,950.002,950.00PETTY CASH 1 0.444STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 2,538,788.82 2,538,788.82 0.4502,538,788.82UNION OPERATING 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9005 29,545.43 29,545.4307/01/2020 29,545.43PAYROLL 1 0.030STATE OF CALIFORNIA9010 23,102.02 23,102.02 0.03007/01/2020 23,102.02RESERVE-10 COPS 1 0.030STATE OF CALIFORNIA9011 55,610.65 55,610.65 0.03007/01/2020 55,610.65RESERVE-10 BABS 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 36,635.36 36,635.3607/01/2020 36,635.36UBNA-FLEX ACCT 1 0.00 89,169,296.94 92,307,720.58 0.591 4 1Average Balance 92,393,100.34 92,313,907.41Total Cash and Investments Portfolio OTAY APData Updated: SET_ME8: 07/19/2021 14:40 Run Date: 07/19/2021 - 14:40 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Month End Activity Report Sorted By Issuer June 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021 Current Rate Transaction Date BalanceBeginning Balance Ending Par Value Percent of Portfolio Par Value CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchases orDeposits Redemptions orWithdrawals Issuer: STATE OF CALIFORNIA BOND PROCEEDS (LAIF) STATE OF CALIFORNIA9015 0.000.262 116,000.00LAIF 2018 116,000.00410,847.43 294,847.43Subtotal and Balance 0.00 Union Bank STATE OF CALIFORNIA9002 0.070.001 0.00UNION MONEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 1,751,470.620.450 0.00UNION OPERATING STATE OF CALIFORNIA9010 0.200.030 0.00RESERVE-10 COPS STATE OF CALIFORNIA9011 0.510.030 0.00RESERVE-10 BABS STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 4.21 11,788.31UBNA-FLEX ACCT 11,788.31956,947.29 2,696,634.59Subtotal and Balance 1,751,475.61 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 6,200,000.000.262 2,200,000.00LAIF 2,200,000.0025,313,065.25 29,313,065.25Subtotal and Balance 6,200,000.00 7,951,475.61 2,327,788.3126,680,859.97 32,304,547.2734.997%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Agency Issues - Coupon 3,650,000.00 3,650,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.003,650,000.00 3,650,000.003.954%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: San Diego County San Diego County Pool 56,353,173.31 56,353,173.31Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.0056,353,173.31 56,353,173.3161.049%Issuer Subtotal 86,684,033.28 92,307,720.58Total2,327,788.317,951,475.61100.000% Portfolio OTAY APData Updated: SET_ME8: 07/19/2021 14:28 Run Date: 07/19/2021 - 14:28 DA (PRF_DA) 7.2.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 Month End Duration Report Sorted by Investment Type - Investment Type Through 06/30/2021 Investment #Security ID Issuer Investment Class Book Value Par Value Market Value Current Rate YTM Current Yield Maturity/ Call Date DurationModified360Fund Federal Home Loan Bank238499 1,005,000.00 1,009,432.05313378JP7 1.486 09/10/2021 0.1941,006,703.50 1.454Fair2.375000 Federal Home Loan Bank238599 2,645,000.00 2,656,664.45313378JP7 1.486 09/10/2021 0.1942,649,483.33 1.454Fair2.375000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA901599 294,847.43 294,871.89LAIF 2018 0.262 0.000294,847.43 0.258Fair.2620000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA900199 29,313,065.25 29,315,497.36LAIF 0.262 0.00029,313,065.25 0.258Fair.2620000 San Diego County900799 56,353,173.31 56,420,000.00SD COUNTY 0.720 0.00056,353,173.31 0.710Fair.7200000 0.600 0.00789,617,272.82 89,611,085.99 89,696,465.75Report Total Portfolio OTAY APPage 1Data Updated: SET_ME8: 07/19/2021 14:28 Run Date: 07/19/2021 - 14:28 DU (PRF_DU) 7.1.1 Report Ver. 7.3.5 Month End GASB 31 Compliance Detail Sorted by Fund - Fund June 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021 Investment #Maturity Date BeginningInvested Value Purchaseof Principal InvestmentClassFundCUSIP Adjustment in Value EndingInvested ValueAdditionto Principal Redemptionof Principal AmortizationAdjustment Change inMarket Value Fund: Treasury Fund 2384 1,011,351.60Fair Value 09/10/2021 -1,919.5599 1,009,432.05313378JP70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2385 2,661,716.40Fair Value 09/10/2021 -5,051.9599 2,656,664.45313378JP70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9002 10,002.24Amortized 0.0099 10,002.31UNION MONEY 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 9003 2,950.00Amortized 0.0099 2,950.00PETTY CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9015 411,369.15Fair Value -497.2599 294,871.89LAIF 2018 0.00 0.00 116,000.00 0.00 9004 787,318.20Amortized 0.0099 2,538,788.82UNION OPERATING 0.00 1,751,470.62 0.00 0.00 9001 25,345,209.12Fair Value -29,711.7799 29,315,497.36LAIF0.00 6,200,000.00 2,200,000.00 0.00 9010 23,101.82Amortized 0.0099 23,102.02RESERVE-10 COPS 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 9011 55,610.14Amortized 0.0099 55,610.65RESERVE-10 BABS 0.00 0.51 0.00 0.00 9014 48,419.46Amortized 0.0099 36,635.36UBNA-FLEX ACCT 0.00 4.21 11,788.31 0.00 9005 29,545.43Amortized 0.0099 29,545.43PAYROLL0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9007 56,300,000.00Fair Value 120,000.0099 56,420,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86,686,593.56Subtotal 82,819.48 92,393,100.340.00 7,951,475.61 2,327,788.31 0.00 86,686,593.56Total 92,393,100.3482,819.480.00 7,951,475.61 2,327,788.31 0.00 Portfolio OTAY APData Updated: SET_ME8: 07/19/2021 14:28 Run Date: 07/19/2021 - 14:28 GD (PRF_GD) 7.1.1 Report Ver. 7.3.5 Month End Interest Earnings Sorted by Fund - Fund June 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021 Yield on Beginning Book Value Maturity Date Current Rate Ending Par Value EndingSecurityTypeFundBook ValueBeginningBook Value Adjusted Interest Earnings AccretionAmortization/EarningsAdjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIPInvestment #Interest Earned Fund: Treasury Fund 1,006,703.5023841,005,000.00 2.375FAC09/10/2021 1,989.06 -740.65 1,248.411.508991,007,444.15313378JP7 2,649,483.3323852,645,000.00 2.375FAC09/10/2021 5,234.89 -1,949.27 3,285.621.508992,651,432.60313378JP7 10,002.31900210,002.31 0.001PA1 0.01 0.00 0.010.0019910,002.24UNION MONEY 294,847.439015294,847.43 0.262LA2 65.99 0.00 65.990.19599410,847.43LAIF 2018 2,538,788.8290042,538,788.82 0.450PA1 644.81 0.00 644.810.99699787,318.20UNION OPERATING 29,313,065.25900129,313,065.25 0.262LA1 5,801.27 0.00 5,801.270.2799925,313,065.25LAIF 23,102.02901023,102.02 0.030PA1 0.57 0.00 0.570.0309923,101.82RESERVE-10 COPS 55,610.65901155,610.65 0.030PA1 1.37 0.00 1.370.0309955,610.14RESERVE-10 BABS 56,353,173.31900756,353,173.31 0.720LA3 33,348.73 0.00 33,348.730.7209956,353,173.31SD COUNTY POOL 92,238,589.79Subtotal 92,244,776.62 0.624 44,396.78-2,689.9247,086.7086,611,995.14 92,238,589.79Total 92,244,776.62 0.624 44,396.78-2,689.9247,086.7086,611,995.14 Portfolio OTAY APData Updated: SET_ME8: 07/19/2021 14:28 Run Date: 07/19/2021 - 14:28 IE (PRF_IE) 7.2.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING:Regular Board MEETING DATE:August 4, 2021 SUBMITTED BY:Eid Fakhouri, Finance Manager, Treasury & Accounting Services W.O./G.F. NO: DIV. NO. APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: Joseph Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Jose Martinez, General Manager Accounts Payable Demand List Attached is the list of demands for the Board's information. FISCAL IMPACT: SUMMARY FOR PERIOD 6/24/2021 - 7/21/2021 NET DEMANDS CHECKS (2056210 - 2056361) $ 1,867,761.84 VOID CHECKS (56) ($ 7,311.90) TOTAL CHECKS $ 1,860,449.94 WIRE TO: CITY OF CHULA VISTA - BI-MONTHLY SEWER CHARGES (MAY-JUNE 2021) $ 3,861,771.60 OTAY WATER DISTRICT - BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION $ 623.00 OTAY WATER DISTRICT - BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION $ 623.00 PREFERRED BENEFIT INSURANCE - DENTAL & COBRA CLAIMS () $ 10,015.39 PREFERRED BENEFIT INSURANCE - DENTAL BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ( 2021) $ 877.02 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RET SYSTEM - BI-WEEKLY PERS CONTRIBUTION $ 111,916.60 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RET SYSTEM - BI-WEEKLY PERS CONTRIBUTION $ 109,543.48 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTH - WATER DELIVERIES & CHARGES (MAY 2021) $ 4,865,100.25 SPECIAL DISTRICT RISK - EMPLOYEE MEDICAL BENEFITS 2021 $ 353,139.62 UNION BANK - BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL TAXES $ 162,284.42 UNION BANK - BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL TAXES $ 164,005.02 US BANK $ 207,890.54 VOYA FINANCIAL - BI-WEEKLY 401A PLAN $ 36,176.31 VOYA FINANCIAL - BI-WEEKLY 401A PLAN $ 34,538.92 TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS $ 11,,. RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board received the attached list of demands. Jb/Attachment Check Total 2,566.00 UB Refund Cst #0000259768 2,046.00 2,046.00205627207/07/21 20811 BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE DEV Ref002631779 07/02/21 8,497.50 2056271 07/07/21 20800 BOB CRAMER Ref002631768 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000034545 70.85 70.85 65.80 65.80 2056312 07/14/21 16290 BIDSYNC SI-7211 05/01/21 ONLINE SOLICITATION SOFTWARE LICENSE 8,497.50 UB Refund Cst #0000252285 19.20 19.20 2056270 07/07/21 20808 BEVERLY WILLHELM Ref002631776 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000253030 2056222 06/30/21 20366 BETH KEIPER Ref002605838 09/14/20 60,000.00 2056269 07/07/21 20806 BENJAMIN MCPHEE Ref002631774 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000242191 178.13 178.13 681.81 681.81 2056268 07/07/21 18124 AZTECA SYSTEMS LLC INV4045 07/01/21 CITYWORKS LICENSES & SUPPORT RENEWAL 60,000.00 TELEPHONE SERVICES (5/12/2021 - 6/11/2021)4,786.29 4,786.29 2056267 07/07/21 20805 ATP GENERAL ENGINEERING Ref002631773 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000229728 2056266 07/07/21 07785 AT&T 000016589318 07/01/21 100,000.99 2056348 07/21/21 20199 ASSOC OF CA WATER AGENCIES 0008329 07/01/21 PROPERTY INSURANCE 436,265.58 436,265.58 1,162.00 1,162.00 2056311 07/14/21 20199 ASSOC OF CA WATER AGENCIES 070621 06/30/21 FY2021 WORKERS' COMP PROGRAM (QTR 4)100,000.99 PROF SERV - MAY 2021 43,372.69 43,372.69 2056265 07/07/21 20199 ASSOC OF CA WATER AGENCIES 061021 EXCESS 06/10/21 ACWA-JPIA EXCESS CRIME ANNUAL PREMIUM 2056221 06/30/21 17264 ARTIANO SHINOFF ABED 17264 06/09/21 946.59 2056347 07/21/21 17264 ARTIANO SHINOFF ABED 305160 07/13/21 PROF SERV - JUNE 2021 62,587.77 62,587.77 25.07 25.07 2056264 07/07/21 08967 ANTHEM EAP 80738 07/01/21 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM CY2021 946.59 UB Refund Cst #0000194432 226.38 226.38 2056263 07/07/21 20817 AMERICAN RAMP CO Ref002631785 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000268630 2056220 06/30/21 20383 ALEJANDRO RIOS Ref002605947 09/28/20 1,594.50 9114302353 06/14/21 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 549.50 9114302352 06/14/21 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 422.00 SEWER FLOW MONITORING 695.00 695.00 2056219 06/30/21 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 9114302351 06/14/21 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 2056310 07/14/21 17989 ADS CORP 22446.22-0621 06/26/21 1,050.00 2056309 07/14/21 18122 ACC BUSINESS 211643456 06/27/21 INTERNET CIRCUIT SERVICES FY20-22 1,013.64 1,013.64 1,048.68 1,048.68 2056308 07/14/21 08488 ABLEFORCE INC 10245 07/08/21 SHAREPOINT & INTRANET SUPPORT SVCS 1,050.00 ROOF & SKYLIGHT REPLACE AT RWCWRF 85,509.48 85,509.48 2056307 07/14/21 20796 ABC IMAGING I21722619 07/12/21 REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES 2056306 07/14/21 20664 A. PREMAN ROOFING INC 14883 06/18/21 552.68 2056262 07/07/21 16216 A & F LANDSCAPE AND CONCRETE 1030 06/30/21 CONCRETE PAD INSTALLATION 1,500.00 1,500.00 Amount 2056218 06/30/21 15416 24 HOUR ELEVATOR INC 102513 06/01/21 ELEVATOR MONTHLY SERVICE 552.68 CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/24/2021 - 7/21/2021 Check #Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Page 1 of 9 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/24/2021 - 7/21/2021 Check #Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 8,774.00 20,317.61 3,672.00 0295041621 04/16/21 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/21-6/30/22)484.00 0296041621 04/16/21 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/21-6/30/22)484.00 3169042121 04/16/21 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/21-6/30/22)484.00 2786041621 04/16/21 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/21-6/30/22)484.00 0351041621 04/16/21 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/21-6/30/22)565.00 0405041621 04/16/21 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/21-6/30/22)565.00 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/21-6/30/22)3,294.00 0891041621 04/16/21 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/21-6/30/22)1,649.00 193E633050621 07/04/21 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (6/2/21)76.50 2056317 07/14/21 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 4908041621 04/16/21 193E602420621 07/04/21 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/21/21)765.00 193E634570621 07/04/21 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (6/8/21)76.50 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/10/21- 6/30/21)1,989.00 193E602480621 07/04/21 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/28/21-6/30/21)765.00 2056349 07/21/21 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 193E608290621 07/04/21 1,308.20 2056227 06/30/21 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 193E634640521 06/04/21 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (5/7/21)153.00 153.00 40.00 40.00 2056226 06/30/21 00099 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DPWAR0521 06/11/21 EXCAVATION PERMITS (MAY 2021)1,308.20 CORROSION SERVICES (4/30/21-6/30/21)2,100.00 2,100.00 2056316 07/14/21 02612 COUNCIL OF WATER UTILITIES 01212020 06/30/21 BUSINESS MEETING 2056315 07/14/21 05622 CORRPRO COMPANIES INC 651901 06/23/21 P089346 06/29/21 INVENTORY 6,809.80 P085776 06/29/21 INVENTORY 5,064.25 82.67 82.67 2056276 07/07/21 18331 CORE & MAIN LP P107842 06/30/21 INVENTORY 8,443.56 MAIN VALVE REBUILD 2,323.20 2,323.20 2056275 07/07/21 20797 CLYDE CRYER Ref002631765 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000004306 2056225 06/30/21 02852 CLA-VAL COMPANY 822059 05/27/21 377.58 2056314 07/14/21 20245 CB PACIFIC INC.IP621125279 06/28/21 EMERSON SOFTWARE SUPPORT RENEWAL 1,001.00 1,001.00 92.44 92.44 2056274 07/07/21 20810 CARRILLO PROPERTY INVESTMENT Ref002631778 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000258106 377.58 RETAINAGE RELEASE 7,855.35 7,855.35 2056273 07/07/21 20812 CARMEN BRACAMONTES Ref002631780 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000263433 03/02/20 UB Refund Cst #0000252791 60.51 60.51 2056224 06/30/21 18665 BURTECH PIPELINE INC 00018831 06/18/21 5,207.00 850223 07/08/21 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY CONSULTING SERV 3,567.00 2056223 06/30/21 20067 BRYANT MCMULLEN Ref002581841 UB Refund Cst #0000259768 2,046.00 2,046.00 2056313 07/14/21 08156 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER 846818 06/10/21 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY CONSULTING SERV 2056272 07/07/21 20811 BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE DEV Ref002631779 07/02/21 Page 2 of 9 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/24/2021 - 7/21/2021 Check #Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 8,493.00 5,095.00 136.78 10,112.73 3,873.18 48.32 48.32 2056232 06/30/21 03537 GHA TECHNOLOGIES INC 101135275 06/10/21 CRADLEPOINT HARDWARE 3,873.18 SCADA SOFTWARE LICENSE RENEWAL 17,386.63 17,386.63 2056283 07/07/21 20802 GESEL TEIGEIRO Ref002631770 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000144380 331367 05/19/21 GATE MOTOR REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 600.00 2056351 07/21/21 02776 GE DIGITAL LLC 17001100030177 06/28/21 25.00 2056324 07/14/21 20666 GATES AND CONTROLS INC 329488 04/27/21 GATE MOTOR REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 9,512.73 25.00 25.00 2056350 07/21/21 20481 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2633839 07/22/21 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 25.00 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 61.14 61.14 2056282 07/07/21 20481 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2631824 07/08/21 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 2226846 06/04/21 FLEET WASH SERVICES FY21 45.06 2056281 07/07/21 19640 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2631822 07/08/21 108.40 108.40 2056231 06/30/21 11962 FLEETWASH INC 2231044 06/11/21 FLEET WASH SERVICES FY21 91.72 INVENTORY 1,527.52 1,527.52 2056323 07/14/21 11962 FLEETWASH INC 2235395 06/18/21 FLEET WASH SERVICES FY21 2056230 06/30/21 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0760607-1 06/22/21 10.79 2056280 07/07/21 20511 EYEMED (FIDELITY)164839594 06/20/21 VISION BENEFITS ADMIN (JULY 2021)1,302.84 1,302.84 57.11 57.11 2056229 06/30/21 20511 EYEMED (FIDELITY)164835624 06/16/21 VISION BENEFITS ADMIN (JUNE 2021)10.79 UB Refund Cst #0000264216 57.38 57.38 2056279 07/07/21 20807 EVEEN HANISH Ref002631775 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000251777 2056278 07/07/21 20813 ERIKA NOAKES Ref002631781 07/02/21 107.11 2056277 07/07/21 16241 EHMCKE SHEET METAL CORP 21-281600 07/01/21 FUEL ISLAND ELECTRICAL PANEL 8,467.00 8,467.00 21,560.00 21,560.00 2056228 06/30/21 02447 EDCO DISPOSAL CORPORATION 5458063021 06/29/21 RECYCLED WASTE SERVICE 107.11 UB Refund Cst #0000231269 31.19 31.19 2056322 07/14/21 05746 DOWNSTREAM SERVICES INC 104937 06/28/21 SEDIMENT REMOVAL 2056211 06/30/21 20502 DOMINIC JONES Ref002611183 12/07/20 16.81 2056321 07/14/21 20795 DOCUSIGN INC.26141388 06/17/21 ESIGNATURE ENTERPRISE PRO FOR GOV 9,008.32 9,008.32 1,390.80 1,390.80 2056210 06/30/21 20432 DANIEL RUEDA SANCHEZ Ref002608836 10/26/20 UB Refund Cst #0000194124 16.81 COATING INSPECTION SERVICES (5/10/21)9,051.50 9,051.50 2056320 07/14/21 11797 D&H WATER SYSTEMS INC 2021-0638 06/18/21 DC MOTOR 2056319 07/14/21 04443 CSI SERVICES INC 10596 06/25/21 SOURCE TEST FEE (APCD2018-APP-005533)4,635.00 56682005RI2021 07/01/21 PERMIT FEES # 05668 (JULY 2021-JULY 2022)460.00 0297041621 04/16/21 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/21-6/30/22)484.00 2056318 07/14/21 02122 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 3437480 06/21/21 Page 3 of 9 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/24/2021 - 7/21/2021 Check #Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 9,219.51 8,130.77 21,529.50 100.96 50.48 542836921 06/09/21 WATER USAGE (4/8/21-6/7/21)50.48 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (5/23/21)2,998.71 2,998.71 2056237 06/30/21 00062 HELIX WATER DISTRICT 433006921 06/09/21 WATER USAGE (4/8/21-6/7/21) 2056236 06/30/21 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL 107944 05/28/21 POTABLE PIPELINE REPLACE (MAY 2021)17,929.50 200940048 06/22/21 ASSET MANAGEMENT SVCS (MAY 2021)3,600.00 757466 06/24/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 196.98 2056327 07/14/21 18436 HAZEN AND SAWYER DPC 2009400217 06/22/21 757127 06/23/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 257.08 755538 06/16/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 234.82 757468 06/24/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 667.73 755539 06/16/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 353.90 755813 06/17/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 751.20 755812 06/17/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 667.73 757469 06/24/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 1,147.39 755814 06/17/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 1,009.39 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 1,446.76 758244 06/28/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 1,397.79 753873 06/09/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 201.43 2056326 07/14/21 19978 HASA INC.756553 06/21/21 753023 06/04/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 297.14 752918 06/03/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 235.16 754218 06/10/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 328.30 753022 06/04/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 312.72 752914 06/03/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 667.73 754219 06/10/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 556.45 754217 06/10/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 1,030.54 752917 06/03/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 1,029.42 753384 06/07/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 1,415.60 752916 06/03/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 1,168.53 348.56 2056235 06/30/21 19978 HASA INC.754892 06/14/21 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY21 1,976.49 9,689.00 9,689.00 2056234 06/30/21 00174 HACH COMPANY 12493602 06/10/21 AMMONIA MONOCHLORAMINE REAGENT 348.56 UB Refund Cst #0000259083 15.69 15.69 2056325 07/14/21 12907 GREENRIDGE LANDSCAPE INC 20830 06/15/21 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 2056233 06/30/21 20313 GRACIELA SANTANA GARZON Ref002601117 08/03/20 2056284 07/07/21 20809 GINA ANDERSON Ref002631777 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000256352 45.43 45.43 Page 4 of 9 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/24/2021 - 7/21/2021 Check #Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 7,076.88 3,943.19 6,723.60 20.60 20.60 2056243 06/30/21 19073 MISCOWATER IN03682 06/09/21 CLARIFIER GATE VALVES 6,723.60 HEADWORKS CANOPY REPAIRS 9,940.00 9,940.00 2056215 06/30/21 19411 MEGAN IGO Ref002540979 03/04/19 UB Refund Cst #0000240611 2056330 07/14/21 19313 MAXIM ENGINEERING 210201-1 06/17/21 4,620.61 2056214 06/30/21 20462 MARK BENNETT Ref002610924 11/09/20 UB Refund Cst #0000004063 107.50 107.50 100.00 100.00 2056242 06/30/21 10512 MAIL MANAGEMENT GROUP INC OWD-12424 06/08/21 AS-NEEDED PRINTING & MAILING SERVICES 4,620.61 UB Refund Cst #0000034216 36.38 36.38 2056213 06/30/21 20477 LUCAS MICKELSON Ref002610939 11/09/20 UB Refund Cst #0000258267 2056291 07/07/21 20799 LIDIA VENEGAS Ref002631767 07/02/21 890.00 2056241 06/30/21 19861 KALENA FONSECA Ref002571132 10/28/19 UB Refund Cst #0000253253 40.09 40.09 159.84 159.84 2056354 07/21/21 20833 JOSEPH GONZALES 8219071921 07/19/21 CUSTOMER REFUND 890.00 UB Refund Cst #0000252828 16.09 16.09 2056290 07/07/21 20803 JOSEFINA SO Ref002631771 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000182649 2056212 06/30/21 20223 JOHN CERDA Ref002596482 07/06/20 52.51 2056353 07/21/21 20834 JOHN AND ARCELY AGUILERA 06252021 07/20/21 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT - AGUILERA CLAIM 1,829.33 1,829.33 40,000.00 40,000.00 2056289 07/07/21 20801 JANE CLUNE Ref002631769 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000142497 52.51 UB Refund Cst #0000216226 397.40 397.40 2056288 07/07/21 14737 IWATER INC 9057 04/01/21 INFRAMAP SOFTWARE LICENSE & SUPPORT 2056352 07/21/21 20832 IOZ Ref002633797 07/19/21 989.30 2056287 07/07/21 18678 INNOVYZE INC Q-90684 04/16/21 MODELING SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE & SUPP 28,745.90 28,745.90 316.93 316.93 2056240 06/30/21 08969 INFOSEND INC 192965 06/09/21 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES 989.30 GAS DETECTION PROGRAM 316.93 316.93 2056286 07/07/21 17816 INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORP 2372843 11/12/20 GAS DETECTION PROGRAM 0155817 06/17/21 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (MAY 2021)812.50 2056239 06/30/21 17816 INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORP 2434144 06/12/21 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (2/25/21-5/28/21)1,816.66 0155813 06/17/21 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (MAY 2021)1,314.03 2056329 07/14/21 15622 ICF JONES & STOKES INC 0155970 06/22/21 4,667.00 0155487 06/02/21 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (APR 2021)1,946.13 0155486 06/02/21 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (APR 2021)463.75 UB Refund Cst #0000266742 1,476.15 1,476.15 2056238 06/30/21 15622 ICF JONES & STOKES INC 155489 06/02/21 SAN MIGUEL HMA (APR 2021) 07/02/21 WEB HOSTING (JULY 2021-JUNE 2022)112.50 112.50 2056285 07/07/21 20816 HOMEFED CORPORATION Ref002631784 07/02/21 2056328 07/14/21 00062 HELIX WATER DISTRICT 070221 Page 5 of 9 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/24/2021 - 7/21/2021 Check #Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 10,040.00 17,346.00 95,102.45 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)90,994.05 070121 07/01/21 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)23,541.24 062821 06/28/21 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)781.66 2056339 07/14/21 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 070221A 07/02/21 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)57,021.61 062921 06/29/21 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)37,299.18 2056297 07/07/21 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 062821A 06/28/21 125.00 2056246 06/30/21 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 062221 06/22/21 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)8,280.96 8,280.96 22,374.07 22,374.07 2056356 07/21/21 02586 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR 202100545 07/09/21 ASSESSOR DATA (MONTHLY)125.00 UB Refund Cst #0000265276 1,817.75 1,817.75 2056338 07/14/21 19633 SAMSARA NETWORKS INC.31051491320 07/01/21 GPS FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FY22 2056296 07/07/21 20815 RYAN COMPANIES US INC Ref002631783 07/02/21 14.56 2056295 07/07/21 20814 RYAN COMPANIES US INC Ref002631782 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000265206 1,349.28 1,349.28 5,616.00 5,616.00 2056337 07/14/21 04542 ROBAK, MARK 060121063021 06/30/21 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (JUNE 2021)14.56 UB Refund Cst #0000144808 45.08 45.08 2056336 07/14/21 03613 PSOMAS 173601 06/16/21 LAND SURVEYING SERVICES (6/3/21) 2056217 06/30/21 10246 PRISCILLA MUDGE Ref002585793 04/13/20 170.00 2056335 07/14/21 06419 PLANT SOUP INC 1349 06/30/21 OUTSIDE SERVICES - PROF. WRITING SVCS 3,094.00 3,094.00 1,182.96 1,182.96 2056334 07/14/21 15081 PINOMAKI DESIGN 6104 07/01/21 GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES 170.00 TOWEL LAUNDRY SERVICE 227.97 227.97 2056333 07/14/21 00137 PETTY CASH CUSTODIAN 070721 07/07/21 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT (070721) 10108 06/30/21 DUAL PORT CHARGING STATION INSTALL 8,546.00 2056294 07/07/21 19310 PALM LAUNDRY INC 85 07/01/21 27,468.20 27,468.20 2056293 07/07/21 19636 OT ELECTRIC 10109 06/30/21 FUEL STATION ENCLOSURE WORK 8,800.00 FACILITY MAP BOOK DEVELOPMENT 8,120.00 8,120.00 2056332 07/14/21 16834 ON-SITE TECHNICAL SVCS INC 10338 06/03/21 IN-PLANT SERVICES (MAY 2021) 2056292 07/07/21 03517 NOBEL SYSTEMS 15040 04/30/21 1,628.00 2056245 06/30/21 00761 NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL 249389 06/01/21 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES (3/27/21-4/30/21)2,317.25 2,317.25 38.30 38.30 2056355 07/21/21 18172 NIGHTCODERS 255 06/07/21 WEBSITE SUPPORT 1,628.00 PLAN CHECK SERVICES (MAY 2021)3,740.00 3,740.00 2056216 06/30/21 20417 NAYDU STACKHOUSE Ref002608732 10/12/20 UB Refund Cst #0000253103 202947003 04/28/21 HYDROPNEUMATIC PS REPLACE (MAR 2021)2,505.00 2056331 07/14/21 19824 MURRAYSMITH INC 1926560017 06/22/21 2056244 06/30/21 19824 MURRAYSMITH INC 202947004 05/26/21 HYDROPNEUMATIC PS REPLACE (APR 2021)7,535.00 Page 6 of 9 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/24/2021 - 7/21/2021 Check #Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 136,328.12 27,047.98 999.10 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 476.09 114-12131372 06/30/21 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 124.97 06/21/21 WATER STORAGE TANK COAT (APR 2021)31,220.18 31,220.18 2056358 07/21/21 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 114-12131405 06/30/21 575.95 dsb20202747 06/01/21 DIG SAFE BOARD FEES (MONTHLY)423.15 2056342 07/14/21 20409 UNIFIED FIELD SERVICES CORP 404302021 FINANCIAL MGMT ERP MAINT & SUPPORT 139,651.07 139,651.07 2056256 06/30/21 00427 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 520210502 06/01/21 UNDERGROUND ALERTS (MONTHLY) 2056303 07/07/21 03261 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-339336 06/01/21 8,389.36 2056302 07/07/21 20793 TREDENT DATA SYSTEMS INC 55575 06/25/21 NETWORK HARDWARE ANNUAL SUPPORT 7,774.00 7,774.00 135.63 135.63 2056341 07/14/21 19536 TREBOR SHORING RENTALS 243677-3 06/22/21 HYDRAULIC SHORES 8,389.36 TREASURY MGMT SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 10,189.33 10,189.33 2056255 06/30/21 20262 THERESA BURNS Ref002596311 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000258369 401704 06/07/21 RED DYED CARB DIESEL 6,011.89 2056301 07/07/21 01905 SYMPRO INC TDM-00091 05/31/21 UNLEADED FUEL & DIESEL 13,733.00 401346 06/02/21 UNLEADED FUEL & DIESEL 7,303.09 2056254 06/30/21 10339 SUPREME OIL COMPANY 401345 06/02/21 1,890.00 2056253 06/30/21 20162 SUMMER SCHEXNAYDER Ref002589859 04/27/20 UB Refund Cst #0000243436 35.91 35.91 8.58 8.58 2056252 06/30/21 13045 STRADLING YOCCA CARLSON 376198-0009 05/11/21 COVID IMPACT TO WATER BONDS 1,890.00 UB Refund Cst #0000017460 77.33 77.33 2056300 07/07/21 20804 STEVEN HARRINGTON Ref002631772 07/02/21 UB Refund Cst #0000217511 2056299 07/07/21 20798 STACEY RASINA- NAJERA Ref002631766 07/02/21 115.50 2056340 07/14/21 11618 SOUTH COAST COPY SYSTEMS 382703 06/18/21 COPIER REPLACEMENTS 10,370.94 10,370.94 16.96 16.96 2056251 06/30/21 19359 SHANON STEDNITZ Ref002537440 02/04/19 UB Refund Cst #0000092358 115.50 UB Refund Cst #0000252068 49.45 49.45 2056250 06/30/21 20157 SHANE MILLAN Ref002589853 04/27/20 UB Refund Cst #0000217638 2056249 06/30/21 19973 SHAHAD THEWENY Ref002577544 01/06/20 97.63 2056248 06/30/21 14785 SEW-EURODRIVE INC 8701740909 06/04/21 FILTER FLOC GEAR DRIVE 4,586.18 4,586.18 145.00 145.00 2056247 06/30/21 20350 SELENE FINANCE LP Ref002603506 08/31/20 UB Refund Cst #0000260209 97.63 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)101,727.12 101,727.12 2056298 07/07/21 19943 SCHWEGEL, DUSTIN DS070121 07/01/21 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 2056357 07/21/21 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 070721 07/07/21 070821 07/08/21 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)17,932.98 070221 07/02/21 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)3,859.85 Page 7 of 9 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/24/2021 - 7/21/2021 Check #Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 805.28 5,848.14 6,576.00 9,864.00 250.00 375.00 11,510.00 2056361 07/21/21 08023 WORKTERRA 0100409 06/30/21 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 842.50 842.50 754.08 754.08 2056261 06/30/21 19866 WOOD RODGERS INC 151710531 05/31/21 HYDRAULIC MODELING (MAY 2021)11,510.00 ROOFING CONSULTING SERVICES 1,350.00 1,350.00 2056305 07/07/21 20818 WFG NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY 530307062021 07/06/21 CUSTOMER REFUND 44238 06/28/21 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL 125.00 2056260 06/30/21 19523 WESTCOAST ROOF CONSULTING 20013 06/04/21 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL 125.00 44209 062421 06/24/21 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL 125.00 2056346 07/14/21 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 44186 06/22/21 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL 125.00 44112 06/10/21 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL 125.00 2612 06/14/21 TEMP EMPLOYEE SVCS (6/8/21-6/10/21)3,288.00 2056259 06/30/21 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 44124 06/14/21 TEMP EMPLOYEE SVCS (5/25/21-5/27/21)3,288.00 2600 06/07/21 TEMP EMPLOYEE SVCS (6/1/21-6/3/21)3,288.00 2638 06/28/21 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE SERVICES 3,288.00 2056258 06/30/21 20739 WATERTALENT LLC 2586 06/01/21 3,505.00 2056345 07/14/21 20739 WATERTALENT LLC 2625 06/21/21 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE SERVICES 3,288.00 2,576.92 2,576.92 2056344 07/14/21 15726 WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC 5618 04/30/21 2020 UWMP ASSIST SERV (ARP 2021)3,505.00 ALARM & ACCESS INSTALLATION AND SERV 516.62 516.62 2056304 07/07/21 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 720915 06/15/21 SECURITY ALARM MONITORING 722851 06/23/21 ALARM & ACCESS INSTALLATION AND SERV 108.00 2056360 07/21/21 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 722598 06/16/21 722596 06/16/21 ALARM & ACCESS INSTALLATION AND SERV 324.00 722648 06/17/21 ALARM & ACCESS INSTALLATION AND SERV 216.00 722856 06/23/21 ALARM & ACCESS INSTALLATION AND SERV 519.41 719228 06/02/21 ALARM & ACCESS INSTALLATION AND SERV 432.00 722954 06/28/21 ALARM & ACCESS INSTALLATION AND SERV 764.70 722952 06/28/21 ALARM & ACCESS INSTALLATION AND SERV 624.62 722958 06/28/21 ALARM & ACCESS INSTALLATION AND SERV 817.25 719223 06/02/21 ALARM & ACCESS INSTALLATION AND SERV 775.80 5,066.00 5,066.00 2056343 07/14/21 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 722852 06/23/21 ALARM & ACCESS INSTALLATION AND SERV 1,266.36 PREPAID POSTAGE MACHINE 6,000.00 6,000.00 2056257 06/30/21 08028 VALLEY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SD030505 06/04/21 CMIS (MAY 2021) 2056359 07/21/21 00350 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 3951071521 07/15/21 114-12131371 06/30/21 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 106.81 114-12127266 06/29/21 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 97.41 Page 8 of 9 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/24/2021 - 7/21/2021 Check #Date Vendor #Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount Pd Total:1,867,761.84 Check Grand Total:1,867,761.84 2056361 07/21/21 08023 WORKTERRA 0100409 06/30/21 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 842.50 842.50 Page 9 of 9