HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-24 F&A Committee Packet 1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING and SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA BOARDROOM THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 19, 2024 9:00 A.M. This is a District Committee meeting. This meeting is being posted as a special meeting in order to comply with the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54954.2) in the event that a quorum of the Board is present. Items will be deliberated, however, no formal board actions will be taken at this meeting. The committee makes recommendations to the full board for its consideration and formal action. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD’S JURISDICTION INCLUDING AN ITEM ON TODAY’S AGENDA DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4449 ALLOWING FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT OF CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF THE WATER DEBT OBLIGATIONS OF THE DISTRICT, ANTICIPATED TO BE ISSUED DURING FISCAL YEAR 2026 (KEVIN KOEPPEN) [5 MINUTES] 4. ANNUAL DIRECTORS’ EXPENSE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024 (KEVIN KOEPPEN) [5 MINUTES] 5. ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 595 AMENDING SECTION 6, CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE (COIC), CONTAINED WITHIN THE DISTRICT’S CODE OF ORDINANCES TO UPDATE THE REQUIRED PROCESS TO FILE A FORM 700 (TITA RAMOS-KROGMAN) [5 MINUTES] 6. FISCAL YEAR 2024 YEAR-END REPORT OF THE DISTRICT’S FISCAL YEAR 2023-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN (MICHAEL KERR) [15 MINUTES] 7. ADJOURNMENT 2 BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING: Gary Croucher, Chair Jose Lopez All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be de- liberated and may be subject to action by the Board. The agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the Dis- trict’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the agenda and attachments are also available by contacting the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253. If you have any disability which would require accommodations to enable you to participate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at 670-2253 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on September 13, 2024, I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on September 13, 2024. /s/ Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: October 2, 2024 SUBMITTED BY: Jon Ravaglioli, Finance Manager W.O./G.F. NO:DIV. NO.All APPROVED BY: Kevin Koeppen, Asst. Chief Financial Officer Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Adopt Resolution No. 4449 Allowing for the Reimbursement of Certain Expenditures from the Proceeds of the Water Debt Obligations of the District, Anticipated to be Issued During FY 2026 GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt Resolution No. 4449 allowing for the reimbursement of certain expenditures from the proceeds of the water debt obligations (the “Obligations”) of the District, anticipated to be issued during FY 2026. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To present for the Board’s consideration the adoption of Resolution No. 4449 declaring the District’s intent to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of the Obligations. ANALYSIS: The District anticipates the issuance of the Obligations during FY 2026 to finance an amount not to exceed $54 million with total issuance costs of approximately $530,000. The District anticipates a debt issuance of up to $54 million in FY 2026 to pay for potable and recycled capital improvement projects over the next three fiscal years. The Resolution declares the intent of the District to reimburse itself from the proceeds of the Obligations for any AGENDA ITEM 3 qualifying expenditures incurred prior to the issuance of the Obligations. It should be noted that the U.S. Tax Code allows the District to reimburse itself for any such expenditures incurred within the 60 days prior to the adoption of the Resolution. Between October 3, 2024, and the date of issuance of the Obligations, the District will spend approximately $54 million on water capital improvements that qualify for payment from the proceeds of the Obligations. Staff anticipates using funds from the General Fund, capital reserves, and other legally available sources to cover expenditures due prior to the issuance of the Obligations. The Resolution will allow the District to replenish its General Fund and capital reserves. This reimbursement Resolution also assists the District in meeting the arbitrage spend-down requirements. Treasury and Internal Revenue Code regulations require the adoption of the Resolution as an “official action,” which qualifies the District to reimburse itself upon the issuance of tax-exempt debt. However, the adoption of the attached Resolution does not irrevocably bind the District to issue the Obligations. It simply outlines the District’s current intent to do so at a future date and preserves the District’s right to reimburse itself for qualified expenditures. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The potential reimbursement of $54 million in CIP expenditures will assist the District in maintaining its operating and capital reserve levels in accordance with the District’s Reserve Policy. STRATEGIC GOAL: The District ensures its continued financial health through long-term financial planning and debt planning. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachments: A)Committee Action Form B)Resolution No. 4449 ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: Adopt Resolution No. 4449 Allowing for the Reimbursement of Certain Expenditures from the Proceeds of the Water Debt Obligations of the District, Anticipated to be Issued During FY 2026 COMMITTEE ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. 4449 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT REGARDING ITS INTENTION TO SEEK REIMBURSEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS BY THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT OR THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District (the “Issuer”) desires to finance the costs of acquiring certain public facilities and improvements, as provided in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the “Project”); and WHEREAS, the Issuer intends to finance the acquisition of the Project or portions of the Project with the proceeds of the sale of obligations by either the Issuer or the Otay Water District Financing Authority, the interest upon which is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes (the “Obligations”); and WHEREAS, prior to the issuance of the Obligations, the Issuer desires to incur certain expenditures with respect to the Project from available monies of the Issuer which expenditures are desired to be reimbursed by the Issuer from a portion of the proceeds of the sale of the Obligations; NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, ORDER, AND DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Issuer hereby states its intention and reasonably expects to reimburse Project costs incurred prior to the issuance of the Obligations with proceeds of the Obligations. Exhibit A describes either the general character, type, purpose, and function Attachment B of the Project, or the fund or account from which Project costs are to be paid and the general functional purpose of the fund or account. SECTION 2. The reasonably expected maximum principal amount of the Obligations is $54,000,000. SECTION 3. This resolution is being adopted on or prior to the date (the “Expenditures Date or Dates”) that the Issuer will expend monies for the portion of the Project costs to be reimbursed from proceeds of the Obligations. SECTION 4. Except as described below, the expected date of issue of the Obligations will be within eighteen months of the later of the Expenditure Date or Dates and the date the Project is placed in service; provided, the reimbursement may not be made more than three years after the original expenditure is paid. For Obligations subject to the small issuer exception of Section 148(f)(4)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code, the “eighteen-month limit” of the previous sentence is changed to “three years” and the limitation of the previous sentence beginning with “; provided, . . .” is not applicable. SECTION 5. Proceeds of the Obligations to be used to reimburse for Project costs are not expected to be used, within one year of reimbursement, directly or indirectly to pay debt service with respect to any obligation (other than to pay current debt service coming due within the next succeeding one-year period on any tax-exempt obligation of the Issuer (other than the Obligations)) or to be held as a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund with respect to an obligation of the Issuer or any entity related in any manner to the Issuer, or to reimburse any expenditure that was originally paid with the proceeds of any obligation, or to replace funds that are or will be used in such manner. SECTION 6. This resolution is consistent with the budgetary and financial circumstances of the Issuer as of the date hereof. No monies from sources other than the Obligation issue are, or are reasonably expected to be reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside by the Issuer (or any related party) pursuant to their budget or financial policies with respect to the Project costs. To the best of our knowledge, this Board is not aware of the previous adoption of official intents by the Issuer that have been made as a matter of course for the purpose of reimbursing expenditures and for which tax-exempt obligations have not been issued. SECTION 7. The limitations described in Section 3 and Section 4 do not apply to (a) costs of issuance of the Obligations, (b) an amount not in excess of the lesser of $100,000 or five percent (5%) of the proceeds of the Obligations, or (c) any preliminary expenditures, such as architectural, engineering, surveying, soil testing, and similar costs other than land acquisition, site preparation, and similar costs incidental to the commencement of construction, not in excess of twenty percent (20%) of the aggregate issue price of the Obligations that finances the Project for which the preliminary expenditures were incurred. SECTION 8. This resolution is adopted as official action of the Issuer in order to comply with Treasury Regulation §1.150-2 and any other regulations of the Internal Revenue Service relating to the qualification for reimbursement of Issuer expenditures incurred prior to the date of issue of the Obligations, is part of the Issuer’s official proceedings, and will be available for inspection by the general public at the main administrative office of the Issuer. SECTION 9. All the recitals in this Resolution are true and correct, and this Board of Directors so finds, determines, and represents. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District, California, at a regular board meeting held this 2nd day of October 2024, by the following vote: AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: President Attest: District Secretary EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The proceeds from this water debt issuance will be spent on capital improvements to the District’s water system, including: the construction of a new 870-2 Reservoir, replacement of transmission and distribution pipelines, and replacement of the District’s meters. STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: October 2, 2024 SUBMITTED BY: Miriam Perez, Accountant PROJECT: DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Kevin Koeppen, Assistant Chief Financial Officer Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2024 Board of Directors’ Expenses GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: This is an informational item only. Please see Attachment A for any comments made at committee. PURPOSE: To present the Board of Directors’ expenses for Fiscal Year 2024. ANALYSIS: California Government Code Section 53065.5 mandates that special districts must, at least annually, disclose any reimbursements paid by a district within the immediately preceding fiscal year. This requirement is echoed in the District’s Code of Ordinances, Policy 8. To meet these requirements, staff prepares and presents the Board of Directors’ expenses on an annual basis. The table on the following page summarizes the reimbursements and per diems paid by the District for Fiscal Year 2024, with detailed information available in Attachments C-H. AGENDA ITEM 4 2 The table above displays the expenses by category and Director. The expenses totaled $129,063.79. FISCAL IMPACT: None. STRATEGIC GOAL: Prudently manage District funds. LEGAL IMPACT: Compliance with California law and the District’s Code of Ordinances, Policy 8. Attachments: Attachment A: Committee Action Attachment B: Directors’ Expenses and Per Diems Presentation Attachments C-H: Directors’ Expenses Details Croucher Keyes Lopez Robak Smith Total Business Meetings 140.00$ 400.00$ 585.00$ 2,904.24$ 206.00$ 4,235.24$ Director's Fees 11,220.00 11,880.00 14,520.00 18,975.00 10,230.00 66,825.00 Mileage Business 258.68 - 965.01 1,719.09 706.56 3,649.34 Mileage Commuting 35.67 - 484.70 55.44 222.95 798.76 Conferences and Seminars 3,070.00 3,100.00 7,600.00 9,505.78 1,390.00 24,665.78 Travel 1,884.97 5,534.42 7,317.71 13,816.27 336.30 28,889.67 Total 16,609.32$ 20,914.42$ 31,472.42$ 46,975.82$ 13,091.81$ 129,063.79$ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD EXPENSES July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: Fiscal Year 2024 Board of Directors’ Expenses COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee (Committee) reviewed this informational item at a meeting held on September 19, 2024, and the following comments were made: BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ EXPENSES AND PER DIEMS Finance and Administration Committee September 19, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting October 2, 2024 Attachment B California Government Code Section 53065.5 and Otay Water District’s Code of Ordinances, Policy 8 require that staff present the Expenses and Per Diems for the Board of Directors on an annual basis: •Fiscal Year 2024. •The expenses are shown by Board member and expense type. •The information is presented in alphabetical order. Croucher Keyes Lopez Robak Smith Total Business Meetings 140.00$ 400.00$ 585.00$ 2,904.24$ 206.00$ 4,235.24$ Director's Fees 11,220.00 11,880.00 14,520.00 18,975.00 10,230.00 66,825.00 Mileage Business 258.68 - 965.01 1,719.09 706.56 3,649.34 Mileage Commuting 35.67 - 484.70 55.44 222.95 798.76 Conferences and Seminars 3,070.00 3,100.00 7,600.00 9,505.78 1,390.00 24,665.78 Travel 1,884.97 5,534.42 7,317.71 13,816.27 336.30 28,889.67 Total 16,609.32$ 20,914.42$ 31,472.42$ 46,975.82$ 13,091.81$ 129,063.79$ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD EXPENSES July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 Attachment C Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Total 123456789101112 5214 Business Meetings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60.00$ 80.00$ -$ 140.00$ 5281 Director's Fees 1,155.00 825.00 825.00 660.00 990.00 495.00 660.00 1,320.00 495.00 1,485.00 1,485.00 825.00 11,220.00 5211 Mileage - Business - - - - - - - - 172.92 58.96 - 26.80 258.68 5211 Mileage - Commuting - - - - - 22.27 - - - 5.36 5.36 2.68 35.67 5213 Seminars and Conferences - - 575.00 - 815.00 - - - 840.00 840.00 - - 3,070.00 5212 Travel - - - - 681.78 - - - 354.96 - 848.23 - 1,884.97 5222 Community Events - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total 1,155.00$ 825.00$ 1,400.00$ 660.00$ 2,486.78$ 517.27$ 660.00$ 1,320.00$ 1,862.88$ 2,449.32$ 2,418.59$ 854.48$ 16,609.32$ 5214 Business Meetings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 140.00$ 55.00$ 60.00$ 80.00$ 65.00$ 400.00$ 5281 Director's Fees 1,320.00 - 1,155.00 1,155.00 1,320.00 1,320.00 1,320.00 1,320.00 825.00 990.00 660.00 495.00 11,880.00 5211 Mileage - Business - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5211 Mileage - Commuting - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5213 Seminars and Conferences 1,445.00 - 815.00 - - - - 840.00 - - - - 3,100.00 5212 Travel - 277.91 1,355.37 - 1,168.65 - - - - - 1,767.37 965.12 5,534.42 5222 Community Events - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,765.00$ 277.91$ 3,325.37$ 1,155.00$ 2,488.65$ 1,320.00$ 1,320.00$ 2,300.00$ 880.00$ 1,050.00$ 2,507.37$ 1,525.12$ 20,914.42$ 5214 Business Meetings 55.00$ 70.00$ -$ -$ 125.00$ -$ -$ 70.00$ 55.00$ 210.00$ -$ -$ 585.00$ 5281 Director's Fees 990.00 1,650.00 - 1,320.00 1,650.00 495.00 1,155.00 1,650.00 990.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,320.00 14,520.00 5211 Mileage - Business - 144.10 - -- 3.93 457.19 - 115.91 93.80 - 150.08 965.01 5211 Mileage - Commuting - -147.38 - - 79.26 - 24.90 105.86 38.19 38.19 50.92 484.70 5213 Seminars and Conferences 1,200.00 2,595.00 1,640.00 - 550.00 - - 840.00 - - - 775.00 7,600.00 5212 Travel 595.96 613.71 1,309.95 1,523.54 1,183.68 - - - 299.96 - 848.23 942.68 7,317.71 5222 Community Events - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,840.96$ 5,072.81$ 3,097.33$ 2,843.54$ 3,508.68$ 578.19$ 1,612.19$ 2,584.90$ 1,566.73$ 1,991.99$ 2,536.42$ 3,238.68$ 31,472.42$ 5214 Business Meetings 190.00$ 105.00$ 199.89$ 227.00$ 137.72$ 108.19$ 473.53$ 105.00$ 90.00$ 185.00$ 765.00$ 317.91$ 2,904.24$ 5281 Director's Fees 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,155.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,320.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 18,975.00 5211 Mileage - Business 26.20 292.79 106.11 - 143.66 330.80 144.33 - - - - 675.20 1,719.09 5211 Mileage - Commuting 9.17 9.17 9.17 - -9.17 - 4.69 - - - 14.07 55.44 5213 Seminars and Conferences 1,300.00 3,410.00 1,425.00 - -1,050.00 - 220.78 2,100.00 - - - 9,505.78 5212 Travel 555.95 335.80 1,587.86 2,187.46 1,879.12 - 507.44 15.99 1,768.91 408.97 2,636.80 1,931.97 13,816.27 5222 Community Events - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total 3,731.32$ 5,802.76$ 4,483.03$ 4,064.46$ 3,810.50$ 2,818.16$ 2,775.30$ 1,996.46$ 5,608.91$ 2,243.97$ 5,051.80$ 4,589.15$ 46,975.82$ JOSE LOPEZ (DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT F) MARK ROBAK (DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT G) OTAY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - BOARD JULY 1, 2023 - JUNE 30, 2024 GARY CROUCHER (DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT D) RYAN KEYES (DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT E) Page 1 of 2 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Total OTAY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - BOARD JULY 1, 2023 - JUNE 30, 2024 5214 Business Meetings 25.00$ -$ -$ 80.00$ 101.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 206.00$ 5281 Director's Fees 1,320.00 1,320.00 1,155.00 1,155.00 1,650.00 330.00 660.00 660.00 495.00 330.00 165.00 990.00 10,230.00 5211 Mileage - Business 28.82 55.02 48.47 75.98 389.73 - - 29.48 46.90 - - 32.16 706.56 5211 Mileage - Commuting 17.03 34.06 - - 85.15 17.03 - 17.42 17.42 17.42 17.42 - 222.95 5213 Seminars and Conferences 575.00 815.00 - - - - - -- - - - 1,390.00 5212 Travel - - - - - - - -- - - 336.30 336.30 5222 Community Events - - - - - - - -- - - - - Total 1,965.85$ 2,224.08$ 1,203.47$ 1,310.98$ 2,225.88$ 347.03$ 660.00$ 706.90$ 559.32$ 347.42$ 182.42$ 1,358.46$ 13,091.81$ TOTALS: 5214 Business Meetings 270.00$ 175.00$ 199.89$ 307.00$ 363.72$ 108.19$ 473.53$ 315.00$ 200.00$ 515.00$ 925.00$ 382.91$ 4,235.24$ 5281 Director's Fees 6,435.00 5,445.00 4,290.00 5,940.00 7,260.00 3,960.00 5,445.00 6,600.00 4,455.00 6,105.00 5,610.00 5,280.00 66,825.00 5211 Mileage - Business 55.02 491.91 154.58 75.98 533.39 334.73 601.52 29.48 335.73 152.76 -884.24 3,649.34 5211 Mileage - Commuting 26.20 43.23 156.55 -85.15 127.73 -47.01 123.28 60.97 60.97 67.67 798.76 5213 Seminars and Conferences 4,520.00 6,820.00 4,455.00 -1,365.00 1,050.00 -1,900.78 2,940.00 840.00 -775.00 24,665.78 5212 Travel 1,151.91 1,227.42 4,253.18 3,711.00 4,913.23 -507.44 15.99 2,423.83 408.97 6,100.63 4,176.07 28,889.67 5222 Community Events ------------- Total 12,458.13$ 14,202.56$ 13,509.20$ 10,033.98$ 14,520.49$ 5,580.65$ 7,027.49$ 8,908.26$ 10,477.84$ 8,082.70$ 12,696.60$ 11,565.89$ 129,063.79$ TIM SMITH (DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT H) Page 2 of 2 Attachment D DIRECTOR'S NAME CROUCHER, GARY Account Name Date Descriptions Sum of Amount Business meetings 4/16/2024 CSDA Business Meeting 60.00 5/16/2024 CSDA Business Meeting 80.00 Business meetings Total 140.00 Mileage - Business 3/18/2024 November Travel Mileage 172.92 4/30/2024 April Travel Mileage 58.96 6/30/2024 May Travel Mileage 26.80 Mileage - Business Total 258.68 Mileage - Commuting 12/7/2023 December Commuting Mileage 22.27 4/11/2024 April Commuting Mileage 5.36 5/9/2024 May Commuting Mileage 5.36 6/30/2024 June Commuting Mileage 2.68 Mileage - Commuting Total 35.67 Travel 11/22/2023 ACWA Conference Lodging 681.78 3/22/2024 ACWA Conference Flight 354.96 5/22/2024 ACWA Conference Lodging 848.23 Travel Total 1,884.97 Director's Fee 7/5/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 7/18/2023 GM & CWA Staff Issues Meeting 165.00 7/19/2023 CEQA Review 165.00 7/20/2023 OWD CPRL&L Committee 165.00 7/25/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 7/26/2023 East County Caucus Meeting 165.00 7/28/2023 CEQA Update and Impacts Meeting 165.00 8/11/2023 CEQA Discussion 165.00 8/15/2023 GM Director Meeting 165.00 8/22/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 8/23/2023 East County Caucus Meeting 165.00 8/31/2023 Ethics Training 165.00 9/5/2023 OWD GM/Director Qtrly Meeting 165.00 9/6/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 9/19/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 9/26/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 9/27/2023 East County Caucus 165.00 10/4/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 10/17/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 10/18/2023 CPRL&L Committee 165.00 10/27/2023 Recycled Water Ad Hoc Committee Meeting 165.00 11/8/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 11/14/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 11/27/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/28/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/29/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/30/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 12/4/2023 OWD Legal Matters Meeting 165.00 12/5/2023 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 165.00 12/27/2023 OWD Legal Matters Meeting 165.00 1/3/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 1/10/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 1/16/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 1/23/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 2/1/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 2/7/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 2/9/2024 Water Conservation Garden JPA Meeting 165.00 2/10/2024 OWD Meeting with Legal Council and President Lopez 165.00 2/12/2024 OWD GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 165.00 2/20/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 2/21/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 2/27/2024 Ad Hoc Labor Negotiation Meeting 165.00 3/6/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 3/13/2024 Ad Hoc Labor Negotiation Meeting 165.00 3/26/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 4/2/2024 Ad Hoc Labor Negotiation Meeting 165.00 4/3/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 Page 1 of 2 Director's Fee 4/11/2024 OWD GM/Director Meeting 165.00 4/16/2024 County of Water Utilities Association Pure Water Project 165.00 4/19/2024 OWD Meeting with Legal Council 165.00 4/23/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 4/24/2024 OWD Special Board meeting - Budget Workshop 165.00 4/26/2024 SCEDC Event to discuss issues 165.00 4/29/2024 Ad Hoc Labor Negotiation Meeting 165.00 5/1/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 5/6/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/7/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/8/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/9/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/20/2024 Ad Hoc Labor Negotiation Meeting 165.00 5/21/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 5/29/2024 Ad Hoc Labor Negotiation Meeting 165.00 5/31/2024 Ad Hoc Legal Committee Meeting 165.00 6/4/2024 OWD GM/Director Qtrly Meeting 165.00 6/5/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 6/17/2024 Ad Hoc Legal Committee Meeting 165.00 6/19/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 6/25/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 Director's Fee Total 11,220.00 Conferences and Seminars 9/30/2023 WateReuse Conference Registration 575.00 11/22/2023 ACWA Conference Registration 815.00 3/22/2024 ACWA Conference Registration 840.00 4/22/2024 ACWA Conference Registration 840.00 Conferences and Seminars Total 3,070.00 Grand Total 16,609.32 Page 2 of 2 Attachment E DIRECTOR'S NAME KEYES, RYAN Account Name Date Descriptions Sum of Amount Business meetings 11/16/2023 CSDA Business Meeting 70.00 12/22/2023 CSDA Business Meeting 65.00 1/16/2024 COWU Meeting Registration 55.00 2/15/2024 CSDA Business Meeting 70.00 4/16/2024 CSDA Business Meeting 60.00 5/16/2024 CSDA Business Meeting 80.00 Business meetings Total 400.00 Travel 8/22/2023 CSDA Conference Lodging 277.91 9/22/2023 CSDA Conference Lodging 917.37 9/27/2023 CSDA Conference Car Rental 438.00 11/22/2023 ACWA Conference Lodging 1,168.65 12/23/2023 ACWA Conference Lodging 965.12 5/22/2024 Sacramento Delegation Lodging 1,358.40 5/31/2024 ACWA Car Rental 408.97 Travel Total 5,534.42 Director's Fee 7/3/2023 Ad Hoc GM Evaluation Committee Meeting 165.00 7/5/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 7/16/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 7/21/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 7/22/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 7/25/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 7/27/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 7/30/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 9/6/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 9/18/2023 OWD Special Finance Meeting 165.00 9/20/2023 OWD F&A Committee Meeting 165.00 9/21/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 9/23/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 9/24/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 9/29/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 10/4/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 10/16/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 10/21/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 10/22/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 10/23/2023 OWD F&A Committee Meeting 165.00 10/27/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 10/29/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 11/8/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 11/11/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 11/12/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 11/17/2023 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 165.00 11/27/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/28/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/29/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/30/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 12/15/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 12/16/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 12/17/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 12/22/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 12/23/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 12/28/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 12/29/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 12/30/2023 CSDA Course 165.00 1/3/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 1/13/2024 CSDA Course 165.00 1/14/2024 CSDA Course 165.00 1/17/2024 CSDA Course 165.00 1/18/2024 F & A Committee Meeting 165.00 Page 1 of 2 Director's Fee 1/21/2024 CSDA Course 165.00 1/24/2024 CSDA Course 165.00 1/27/2024 CSDA Course 165.00 2/7/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 2/12/2024 OWD GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 165.00 2/14/2024 CSDA Class 165.00 2/16/2024 CSDA Class 165.00 2/17/2024 CSDA Class 165.00 2/20/2024 OWD (EO&WR) Committee 165.00 2/21/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 2/24/2024 AWWA Webinar 165.00 3/2/2024 CSDA Class 165.00 3/6/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 3/8/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 3/20/2024 F & A Committee Meeting 165.00 3/23/2024 CSDA Class 165.00 4/3/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 4/13/2024 CSDA Class 165.00 4/18/2024 EO&WR Committee 165.00 4/23/2024 SCEDC Awards Meeting 165.00 4/24/2024 OWD Special Board meeting - Budget Workshop 165.00 4/26/2024 SCEDC Conference 165.00 5/1/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 5/6/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/16/2024 OWD Committee meeting w/ GM 165.00 5/21/2024 EO&WR Committee 165.00 6/4/2024 OWD GM/Director Qtrly Meeting 165.00 6/5/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 6/19/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 Director's Fee Total 11,880.00 Conferences and Seminars 7/24/2023 WateReuse Registration 75.00 7/24/2023 CSDA Conference Registration 675.00 7/24/2023 Urban Water Institute Conference Registration 695.00 9/22/2023 ACWA Conference Registration 815.00 2/22/2024 ACWA Conference Registration 840.00 Conferences and Seminars Total 3,100.00 Grand Total 20,914.42 Page 2 of 2 Attachment F DIRECTOR'S NAME LOPEZ, JOSE Account Name Date Descriptions Sum of Amount Business meetings 7/18/2023 COWU Meeting Registration 55.00 8/17/2023 CSDA Business Meeting 70.00 11/9/2023 CWA Meeting Registration 55.00 11/16/2023 CSDA Business Meeting 70.00 1/16/2024 COWU Meeting Registration 55.00 2/15/2024 CSDA Business Meeting 70.00 4/16/2024 CSDA Business Meeting 60.00 4/22/2024 SDRCC Business Meeting 150.00 Business meetings Total 585.00 Mileage - Business 8/31/2023 August Travel Mileage 144.10 12/1/2023 October Travel Mileage 3.93 1/29/2024 November Travel Mileage 457.19 3/18/2024 February Travel Mileage 40.87 3/18/2024 January Travel Mileage 75.04 4/30/2024 April Travel Mileage 93.80 6/21/2024 May Travel Mileage 89.78 6/30/2024 June Travel Mileage 60.30 Mileage - Business Total 965.01 Mileage - Commuting 9/14/2023 September Commuting Mileage 147.38 12/21/2023 December Commuting Mileage 79.26 2/1/2024 February Commuting Mileage 24.90 3/28/2024 March Commuting Mileage 105.86 4/11/2024 April Commuting Mileage 38.19 5/9/2024 May Commuting Mileage 38.19 6/30/2024 June Commuting Mileage 50.92 Mileage - Commuting Total 484.70 Travel 7/1/2023 SDRCC Conference Flight 157.96 7/24/2023 CSDA Conference Flight 438.00 8/22/2023 CSDA Conference Lodging 277.91 8/22/2023 SDRCC Mission to Sacramento Lodging 335.80 9/22/2023 CRWUA Lodging 146.26 9/22/2023 Binational Mexico Flight 329.96 9/22/2023 CSDA Conference Lodging 833.73 10/23/2023 Binational Mexico Lodging 1,523.54 11/22/2023 ACWA Conference Lodging 1,183.68 12/23/2023 ACWA Conference Lodging 723.84 12/23/2023 CRWUA Conference Lodging 218.84 3/22/2024 ACWA Conference Flight 299.96 5/22/2024 ACWA Conference Lodging 848.23 Travel Total 7,317.71 Director's Fee 7/5/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 7/6/2023 FLOW Meeting 165.00 7/18/2023 COWU Monthly Meeting 165.00 7/19/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee 165.00 7/25/2023 Water Conservation Garden Meeting 165.00 7/26/2023 Ad Hoc OWD & SWA Committee Meeting 165.00 8/1/2023 FLOW Meeting 165.00 8/2/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 8/15/2023 SDRCC Sacramento Delegation Meeting 165.00 8/17/2023 CSDA Quarterly Business Meeting 165.00 8/22/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee 165.00 8/23/2023 UWI Conference 165.00 8/24/2023 UWI Conference 165.00 8/25/2023 UWI Conference 165.00 8/30/2023 CSDA Quarterly Leadership Conference 165.00 8/31/2023 CSDA Quarterly Leadership Conference 165.00 10/3/2023 SCED Council 165.00 10/4/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 10/8/2023 SD Binational Delegation 165.00 10/9/2023 SD Binational Delegation 165.00 10/10/2023 SD Binational Delegation 165.00 10/11/2023 SD Binational Delegation 165.00 Page 1 of 3 Director's Fee 10/12/2023 County of Water Utilities Meeting 165.00 10/24/2023 Water Conservation Garden 165.00 11/4/2023 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 11/5/2023 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 11/6/2023 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 11/7/2023 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 11/8/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 11/20/2023 Water Conservation Garden Meeting 165.00 11/27/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/28/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/29/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/30/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 12/13/2023 CRWUA Conference 165.00 12/14/2023 CRWUA Conference 165.00 12/15/2023 CRWUA Conference 165.00 1/3/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 1/9/2024 OWD Meeting with GM 165.00 1/11/2024 OWD Committee Agenda Briefing 165.00 1/16/2024 COWU Quarterly Meeting 165.00 1/17/2024 OWD Finance Committee Meeting 165.00 1/23/2024 Water Conservation Garden Financial Reporting Meeting 165.00 1/25/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 2/1/2024 OWD Board Agenda Briefing 165.00 2/6/2024 OWD Ethics Training 165.00 2/7/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 2/9/2024 Water Conservation Garden JPA Meeting 165.00 2/10/2024 OWD Meeting with Legal Council and Director Croucher 165.00 2/11/2024 OWD GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 165.00 2/15/2024 CSDA Quarterly Business Meeting 165.00 2/21/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 2/27/2024 Ad Hoc Labor Negotiation Meeting 165.00 2/29/2024 OWD Board Agenda Briefing 165.00 3/4/2024 OWD Board Agenda Briefing w/GM and Legal Council 165.00 3/6/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 3/8/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 3/13/2024 Ad Hoc Labor Negotiation Meeting 165.00 3/14/2024 OWD Committee Agenda Briefing w/ GM 165.00 3/20/2024 F & A Committee Meeting 165.00 4/3/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 4/4/2024 Water Conservation Garden Meeting 165.00 4/9/2024 Jamacha Greens HOA Lansacpe Award 165.00 4/11/2024 OWD Committee Agenda Briefing w/ GM 165.00 4/16/2024 COWU Monthly Meeting 165.00 4/18/2024 F & A Committee Meeting 165.00 4/24/2024 OWD Special Board meeting - Budget Workshop 165.00 4/25/2024 OWD Board Agenda Briefing w/ GM 165.00 4/26/2024 SCEDC Conference 165.00 4/29/2024 Ad Hoc Labor Negotiation Meeting 165.00 5/1/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 5/2/2024 Water Conservation Garden Meeting 165.00 5/3/2024 SDRCC Meeting 165.00 5/6/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/7/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/8/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/9/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/28/2024 Ad Hoc Labor Negotiation Meeting 165.00 5/30/2024 OWD Board Agenda Briefing w/ GM 165.00 5/31/2024 Ad Hoc Legal Committee Meting 165.00 6/3/2024 OWD GM/Director Qtrly Meeting 165.00 6/4/2024 SCEDC Monthly Meeting 165.00 6/5/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 6/7/2024 Water Conservation Garden Meeting 165.00 6/10/2024 Ad Hoc Genral Manager Evaluation Meeting 165.00 6/14/2024 Sweetwater Schools/Mentoring Project Meeting 165.00 6/17/2024 Ad Hoc Genral Manager Evaluation Meeting 165.00 Page 2 of 3 Director's Fee 6/28/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 Director's Fee Total 14,520.00 Conferences and Seminars 7/1/2023 SDRCC Conference Registration 525.00 7/24/2023 CSDA Conference Registration 675.00 8/22/2023 Urban Water Institute Conference Registration 695.00 8/22/2023 SDRCC Binational Mexico Conference Registration 1,900.00 9/22/2023 ACWA Conference Registration 815.00 9/22/2023 CSDA Pre Conference Registration 250.00 9/22/2023 WateReuse Conference Registration 575.00 11/22/2023 CRUWA Conference 550.00 2/22/2024 ACWA Conference Registration 840.00 6/24/2024 CSDA Conference Registration 775.00 Conferences and Seminars Total 7,600.00 Grand Total 31,472.42 Page 3 of 3 Attachment G DIRECTOR'S NAME ROBAK, MARK Account Name Date Descriptions Sum of Amount Business meetings 7/18/2023 COWU Meeting Registration 55.00 7/24/2023 EB Southern California Business Meeting 100.00 7/24/2023 Peak Trading Corp Business Meeting 35.00 8/17/2023 CSDA Business Meeting 70.00 8/22/2023 ECC Business Meeting 35.00 9/22/2023 Politifest Business Meeting 115.00 9/30/2023 August/Sept Meals 84.89 10/17/2023 COWU Meeting Registration 55.00 10/23/2023 Water Conservation Garden 112.00 10/23/2023 South County Economic Business Meeting 25.00 10/23/2023 ECC Business Meeting 35.00 10/30/2023 October Expenses 67.72 11/16/2023 CSDA Business Meeting 70.00 11/30/2023 November Expenses 248.53 12/22/2023 CV Chamber Commerce Business Meeting 25.00 12/22/2023 ECC Business Meeting 35.00 12/31/2023 December Expenses 108.19 1/16/2024 COWU Meeting Registration 55.00 1/22/2024 SDRCC Meeting Registration 225.00 2/15/2024 CSDA Business Meeting 70.00 3/22/2024 ECC Business Meeting 35.00 3/31/2024 March Expenses 126.24 4/22/2024 SDRCC Business Meeting 150.00 4/22/2024 ECC Business Meeting 35.00 4/30/2024 April Expenses 85.86 5/16/2024 CSDA Business Meeting 80.00 5/22/2024 SDRCC Meeting Registration 650.00 5/22/2024 ECC Business Meeting 35.00 5/31/2024 May Expenses 46.71 6/24/2024 ECC Business Meeting 30.00 6/30/2024 June Expenses 4.10 Business meetings Total 2,904.24 Mileage - Business 7/31/2023 July Travel Mileage 26.20 8/31/2023 August Travel Mileage 292.79 9/30/2023 September Travel Mileage 106.11 11/29/2023 October Travel Mileage 65.50 11/29/2023 November Travel Mileage 78.16 12/1/2023 November Travel Mileage 231.22 12/31/2023 November Travel Mileage 52.42 12/31/2023 December Travel Mileage 47.16 1/19/2024 November Travel Mileage 104.13 1/31/2024 January Travel Mileage 40.20 6/24/2024 March Travel Mileage 219.13 6/24/2024 April Travel Mileage 123.28 6/24/2024 May Travel Mileage 124.64 6/30/2024 February Travel Mileage 68.34 6/30/2024 June Travel Mileage 96.81 6/30/2024 Parking at Symphony Tower for 153rd Anniversary celebration 43.00 Mileage - Business Total 1,719.09 Mileage - Commuting 7/31/2023 July Commuting Mileage 9.17 8/31/2023 August Commuting Mileage 9.17 9/30/2023 September Commuting Mileage 9.17 12/7/2023 November Commuting Mileage 4.59 12/21/2023 November Commuting Mileage 4.58 2/22/2024 February Commuting Mileage 4.69 6/30/2024 June Commuting Mileage 14.07 Mileage - Commuting Total 55.44 Travel 7/1/2023 SDRCC Conference Flight 117.95 7/24/2023 CSDA Conference Flight 438.00 8/22/2023 SDRCC Mission to Sacramento Lodging 335.80 9/22/2023 CRWUA Lodging 146.26 9/22/2023 Binational Mexico Flight 25.00 9/22/2023 CSDA Conference Lodging 1,111.64 9/22/2023 SDRCC Binational Conference Flight 304.96 Page 1 of 4 Travel 10/23/2023 CRWUA Conference Flight 523.96 10/23/2023 NWRA Conference Flight 139.96 10/23/2023 Binational Mexico Lodging 1,523.54 11/22/2023 NWRA Conference Flight 208.97 11/22/2023 ACWA Conference Lodging 1,168.65 11/22/2023 NWRA Conference Lodging 501.50 12/23/2023 ACWA Conference Lodging 1,206.40 12/23/2023 CRWUA Conference Lodging 401.39 1/19/2024 November 2023 expenses 507.44 2/22/2024 ACWA Conference Lodging Fee 15.99 3/22/2024 Mission to Washington D.C. Flight 754.95 3/22/2024 WaterReuse Conference Lodging 1,013.96 4/22/2024 ACWA Conference Flight 408.97 5/22/2024 Leadership Delegation Flight 233.96 5/22/2024 Mission to Washington D.C. Lodging 1,144.44 5/22/2024 Delegation to Sacramento Lodging 1,258.40 6/24/2024 Leadership Delegation Lodging 324.18 Travel Total 13,816.27 Director's Fee 7/3/2023 Ad Hoc GM Evaluation Committee Meeting 165.00 7/5/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 7/6/2023 SDRCC Sustainability & Industry Committee 165.00 7/18/2023 COWU Monthly Meeting 165.00 7/19/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee 165.00 7/20/2023 OWD CPRL&L Committee 165.00 7/25/2023 Water Conservation Garden Board Meeting 165.00 7/26/2023 Ad Hoc OWD & SWA Committee Meeting 165.00 7/27/2023 Water Conservation Garden Friends of the Garden Meeting 165.00 7/31/2023 Salt Creek Ad Hoc Committee 165.00 8/2/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 8/15/2023 SDRCC Leadership Delegation to Sacramento 165.00 8/16/2023 SDRCC Leadership Delegation to Sacramento 165.00 8/23/2023 Urban Water Institute Annual Conference 165.00 8/24/2023 Urban Water Institute Annual Conference 165.00 8/25/2023 Urban Water Institute Annual Conference 165.00 8/28/2023 CSDA Annual Conference 165.00 8/29/2023 CSDA Annual Conference 165.00 8/30/2023 CSDA Annual Conference 165.00 8/31/2023 CSDA Annual Conference 165.00 9/6/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 9/9/2023 Vista Irrigation District Anniversary Event 165.00 9/14/2023 OWD Committee Briefing 165.00 9/15/2023 LAFCO Special District Advisory Board 165.00 9/19/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee 165.00 9/26/2023 Chula Vista State of the City 165.00 9/29/2023 OWD Agenda Briefing 165.00 10/3/2023 South County EDC 165.00 10/4/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 10/7/2023 Politifest 165.00 10/8/2023 SD Binational Delegation 165.00 10/9/2023 SD Binational Delegation 165.00 10/10/2023 SD Binational Delegation 165.00 10/11/2023 SD Binational Delegation 165.00 10/17/2023 Council of Water Utilities 165.00 10/18/2023 CPRL&L Committee 165.00 10/24/2023 Water Conservation Garden 165.00 11/5/2023 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 11/6/2023 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 11/7/2023 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 11/8/2023 National Water Resources Association 165.00 11/9/2023 National Water Resources Association 165.00 11/10/2023 National Water Resources Association 165.00 11/27/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/28/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/29/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/30/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 12/1/2023 OWD Committee Briefing 165.00 12/5/2023 OWD (EO&WR)165.00 Page 2 of 4 Director's Fee 12/11/2023 AdHoc Salt Creek Goal Course Mtg 165.00 12/12/2023 CRWUA Conference 165.00 12/13/2023 CRWUA Conference 165.00 12/14/2023 CRWUA Conference 165.00 12/15/2023 CRWUA Conference 165.00 12/18/2023 OWD Board Agenda Briefing 165.00 1/3/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 1/11/2024 SC EDC Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 1/16/2024 COWU Speaker 165.00 1/17/2024 EDC Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 1/18/2024 Water Conservation Garden Board Meeting 165.00 1/19/2024 Water Conservation Garden Pre-JPA Meeting 165.00 1/22/2024 Water Conservation Garden Director and President Meeting 165.00 1/23/2024 OWD (EO&WR) Committee 165.00 1/25/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 1/26/2024 Water Conservation Garden Executive Committee Meeting 165.00 2/1/2024 SDRCC Sustainability & Industry Committee 165.00 2/7/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 2/9/2024 Water Conservation Garden JPA Meeting 165.00 2/12/2024 Water Conservation Garden Board Meeting 165.00 2/15/2024 CSDA Quarterly Business Meeting 165.00 2/20/2024 OWD (EO&WR) Committee 165.00 2/21/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 2/22/2024 Water Conservation Garden Board Meeting 165.00 2/23/2024 Water Conservation Garden JPA Meeting 165.00 2/28/2024 OWD GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 165.00 3/6/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 3/8/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 3/11/2024 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 3/12/2024 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 3/13/2024 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 3/14/2024 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 3/15/2024 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 3/19/2024 CPRL&L Committee 165.00 3/20/2024 EDC Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 3/29/2024 SDRCC Field Trip to Otay Landfill 165.00 4/3/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 4/4/2024 SDRCC Sustainability & Industry Committee 165.00 4/4/2024 Water Conservation Garden 165.00 4/14/2024 SDRCC Mission to Washington D.C.165.00 4/15/2024 SDRCC Mission to Washington D.C.165.00 4/16/2024 SDRCC Mission to Washington D.C.165.00 4/17/2024 SDRCC Mission to Washington D.C.165.00 4/18/2024 EO&WR Committee 165.00 4/24/2024 OWC Special Board Meeting 165.00 4/26/2024 South County EDC 165.00 5/1/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 5/2/2024 Water Conservation Garden Meeting 165.00 5/2/2024 SDRCC Sustainability & Industry Committee 165.00 5/3/2024 SDRCC 2024 Congressional Luncheon 165.00 5/5/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/6/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/7/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/8/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/9/2024 ACWA Conference 165.00 5/21/2024 EO&WR Committee 165.00 6/5/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 6/6/2024 SCEDC Monthly Meeting 165.00 6/7/2024 Water Conservation Garden Meeting 165.00 6/11/2024 Jamul Fire Safe Council 165.00 6/17/2024 SDRCC Leadership Delegation to Sacramento 165.00 6/18/2024 SDRCC Leadership Delegation to Sacramento 165.00 6/19/2024 Ad Hoc Genral Manager Evaluation Meeting 165.00 6/21/2024 SDLAFCO Special Districts Advisory Board 165.00 6/26/2024 ECEDC Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 6/27/2024 CWA Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 Director's Fee Total 18,975.00 Page 3 of 4 Conferences and Seminars 7/1/2023 SDRCC Conference Registration 525.00 7/24/2023 EB SoCal Conference Registration 100.00 7/24/2023 CSDA Conference Registration 675.00 7/24/2023 WateReuse Conference Registration 575.00 8/22/2023 ACWA Conference Registration 815.00 8/22/2023 Urban Water Institute Annual Conference 695.00 8/22/2023 SDRCC Binational Mexico Conference Registration 1,900.00 9/22/2023 NWRA Conference Registration 850.00 12/22/2023 WateReuse Conference Registration 1,050.00 2/22/2024 Economic Trends Registration 185.78 2/22/2024 ECC Registration 35.00 3/22/2024 Mission to Washington DC Conference Registration 2,100.00 Conferences and Seminars Total 9,505.78 Grand Total 46,975.82 Page 4 of 4 Attachment H DIRECTOR'S NAME SMITH, TIM Account Name Date Descriptions Sum of Amount Business meetings 7/26/2023 East County Caucus 25.00 10/17/2023 COWU Meeting Registration 55.00 10/25/2023 East County Caucus 25.00 11/5/2023 WaterReuse Conference 20.00 11/7/2023 WaterReuse Conference 26.00 11/15/2023 East County Caucus 25.00 11/29/2023 ACWA Conference 11.00 11/30/2023 ACWA Conference 19.00 Business meetings Total 206.00 Mileage - Business 7/31/2023 July Travel Mileage 28.82 8/31/2023 August Travel Mileage 55.02 9/30/2023 September Travel Mileage 48.47 10/31/2023 October Travel Mileage 75.98 11/30/2023 November Travel Mileage 389.73 2/29/2024 February Travel Mileage 29.48 3/31/2024 March Travel Mileage 46.90 6/30/2024 June Travel Mileage 32.16 Mileage - Business Total 706.56 Mileage - Commuting 7/31/2023 July Commuting Mileage 17.03 8/31/2023 August Commuting Mileage 34.06 11/9/2023 November Commuting Mileage 85.15 12/21/2023 December Commuting Mileage 17.03 2/15/2024 February Commuting Mileage 17.42 3/14/2024 March Commuting Mileage 17.42 4/11/2024 April Commuting Mileage 17.42 5/9/2024 May Commuting Mileage 17.42 Mileage - Commuting Total 222.95 Travel 6/30/2024 CRWUA Lodging 336.30 Travel Total 336.30 Director's Fee 7/5/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 7/10/2023 LAFCO Meeting 165.00 7/18/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 7/19/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 7/25/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 7/26/2023 East County Caucus Meeting 165.00 7/28/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 7/31/2023 Salt Creek Ad Hoc Committee 165.00 8/2/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 8/9/2023 OWD Director GM Quarterly Meeting 165.00 8/11/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 8/15/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 8/16/2023 OWD F&A Committee Meeting 165.00 8/22/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 8/23/2023 East County Caucus Meeting 165.00 8/24/2023 APWA Conference Dinner Meeting 165.00 9/5/2023 OWD PDWD Meeting 165.00 9/6/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 9/18/2023 OWD Finance & Admin Meeting 165.00 9/19/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 9/20/2023 OWD F&A Committee Meeting 165.00 9/26/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 9/27/2023 East County Caucus 165.00 10/4/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 10/17/2023 COWU Monthly Meeting 165.00 10/18/2023 OWD/CWA Meeting 165.00 10/23/2023 OWD F&A Committee Meeting 165.00 10/24/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 10/25/2023 East County Caucus 165.00 10/27/2023 Recycled Water Ad Hoc Committee Meeting 165.00 11/4/2023 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 11/5/2023 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 11/6/2023 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 11/7/2023 WaterReuse Conference 165.00 11/8/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 11/14/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 11/15/2023 East County Caucus 165.00 Page 1 of 2 Director's Fee 11/28/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/29/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 11/30/2023 ACWA Fall Conference 165.00 12/11/2023 AdHoc Salt Creek Goal Course Mtg 165.00 12/27/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 1/3/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 1/10/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 1/16/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 1/23/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 2/1/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 2/20/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 2/21/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 2/23/2024 OWD GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 165.00 3/6/2024 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 165.00 3/8/2024 OWD Special Board meeting 165.00 3/26/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 4/23/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 4/24/2024 OWD Special Board meeting - Budget Workshop 165.00 5/21/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 6/6/2024 OWD GM/Director Qtrly Meeting 165.00 6/11/2024 OWD meeting w/ GM 165.00 6/12/2024 AWWA ACE24 Membrance Standards in the Committee Meeting 165.00 6/19/2024 OWD meeting w/ GM 165.00 6/25/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 6/26/2024 CWA Matters Meeting 165.00 Director's Fee Total 10,230.00 Conferences and Seminars 7/24/2023 WateReuse Conference Registration 575.00 8/22/2023 ACWA Conference Registration 815.00 Conferences and Seminars Total 1,390.00 Grand Total 13,091.81 Page 2 of 2 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board Meeting MEETING DATE: October 2, 2024 SUBMITTED BY: Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary W.O./G.F. NO: APPROVED BY: Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary Jose Martinez, General Manager DIV. NO. SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinance No. 595 Amending Section 6, Conflict of Interest Code, of the District’s Code of Ordinances GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt Ordinance No. 595 amending Section 6, Conflict of Interest Code (COIC), contained within the District’s Code of Ordinances to update the required process to file a Form 700. PURPOSE: To amend Section 6, COIC, contained within the District’s Code of Ordinances to update the required process to file a Form 700. All Form 700 filings required to file with the County of San Diego, Clerk of the Board, must be submitted electronically through eDisclosure. Hardcopy submissions will no longer be accepted by the County of San Diego, Clerk of the Board. COMMITTEE ACTION: See Attachment A. ANALYSIS: As required by the Political Reform Act (“Act”), staff has conducted a biennial review of the District’s COIC. In past years, hard copies of Form 700 filings were submitted to the general manager or district secretary for processing. The County of San Diego, Clerk of the Board, no longer accepts hardcopies and has instructed filers to electronically submit their Form 700 through eDisclosure; the County’s Form 700 System. Legal counsel has reviewed the amendment to AGENDA ITEM 5 Section 6.04, Statements of Economic Interests: Place of Filing, and has suggested that the district change the language to state the following: All officials and employees required to submit a Statement of Economic Interest (employees in Designated Positions) shall file their statement with the County of San Diego, Clerk of the Board, electronically through eDisclosure; the County’s Form 700 system. A Form 700 notification email will be sent to filers at the beginning of each year with instructions on how to file their form. Ordinance No. 595 is submitted for the Board’s approval to amend the COIC as indicated above. A strike-thru copy of the COIC is attached to the ordinance for reference. Please refer to Exhibit A, pages 2 and 3 of the staff report for details. FISCAL IMPACT: None. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Notes Attachment B - Ordinance No. 595 Exhibit A - Strike-Thru Copy of the District’s COIC Attachment C – Clean Copy of the Proposed COIC ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: Adoption of Ordinance No. 595 Amending Section 6, Conflict of Interest Code, of the District’s Code of Ordinances COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee (Committee) will review this item on September 19, 2024. Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 595 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AMENDING SECTION 6, CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE, OF THE DISTRICT’S CODE OF ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of Otay Water District that the District’s Code of Ordinances, Section 6, Conflict of Interest Code (COIC), amend Section 6.04, Statements of Economic Interests: Place of Filing, to comply with the current County of San Diego, Clerk of the Board, practice of electronically filing Form 700’s. The amendments are presented in Exhibit A attached to this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the amendments to Section 6, Conflict of Interest Code, to the District’s Code of Ordinances shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District at a regular meeting duly held this 2nd day of October 2024, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ________________________________ President ATTEST: _____________________________ District Secretary Attachment B -201 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CODE DIVISION I DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION CHAPTER 5 PERSONNEL PRACTICES SECTION 6 CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE The Political Reform Act (Government Code section 81000, et seq.) requires state and local government agencies to adopt and promulgate conflict of interest codes. The Fair Political Practices Commission has adopted a regulation (2 Cal. Code of Regs. Sec. 18730) that contains the terms of a standard conflict of interest code, which can be incorporated by reference in an agency’s code. After public notice and hearing, the standard code may be amended by the Fair Political Practices Commission to conform to amendments in the Political Reform Act. Therefore, the terms of 2 California Code of Regulations Section 18730 and any amendments to it duly adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission are hereby incorporated by reference. This regulation and the attached Appendix, designating positions and establishing disclosure requirements, shall constitute the Conflict of Interest Code of the Otay Water District (District). 6.01 DEFINITIONS The definitions contained in the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Government Code Sections 81000 et seq.), regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission (2 Cal. Code of Regs. Sections 18100, et seq.), and any amendments to the Act or regulations, are incorporated by reference into this Conflict of Interest Code. 6.02 DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES The persons holding positions listed in the Appendix are designated employees. It has been determined that these persons make or participate in the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on financial interests. The General Manager or his/her designee shall have the authority to designate any person holding a position within the District as a person designated to provide disclosures regardless of whether or not the position that the person holds is included in the Appendix if, in the view of the General Manager or his/her designee, the person has the potential to make or participate in the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on financial interests. Exhibit A -20 2 6.03 DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES This Code does not establish any disclosure obligation for those designated employees who are also specified in Government Code Section 87200 if they are designated in this code in that same capacity, or if the geographical jurisdiction of this agency is the same as or is wholly included within the jurisdiction in which those persons must report their financial interest pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter 7 of the Political Reform Act, Government Code Sections 87200, et seq.1 In addition, this code does not establish any disclosure obligation for any designated public officials who are designated in a conflict of interest code for another agency, if all of the following apply: (A) The geographical jurisdiction of this agency is the same as or is wholly included within the jurisdiction of the other agency; (B) The disclosure assigned in the code of the other agency is the same as that required under Article 2 of Chapter 7 of the Political Reform Act, Government Code Section 87200; and (C) The filing officer is the same for both agencies. Such persons are covered by this Code for disqualification purposes only. With respect to all other designated employees, the disclosure categories set forth in the Appendix specify which kinds of financial interests are reportable. Such a designated employee shall disclose in his or her Statement of Economic Interest those financial interests he or she has which are of the kind described in the disclosure categories to which he or she is assigned in the Appendix. It has been determined that the financial interests set forth in a designated employee’s disclosure categories are the kinds of financial interests which he or she foreseeably can affect materially through the conduct of his or her office. 6.04 STATEMENTS OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS: PLACE OF FILING All officials and employees required to submit a Statement of Economic Interest (employees in Designated Positions) shall file their statements with the County of San Diego, Clerk of the Board, electronically through eDisclosure; the County’s Form 700 system. A Form 700 notification email will be sent to filers at the beginning of each year with instructions on how to file their form. General 1 Designated employees who are required to file statements of economic interest under any other agency’s Conflict of Interest Code or under Article 2 for a different jurisdiction, may expand their statement of economic interests to cover reportable interest in both jurisdictions, and file copies of this expanded statement with both entities in lieu of filing separate and district statements, provided that each copy of such expanded statement filed in place of an original is signed and verified by the designated employee as if it were an original. See Government Code Section 81004. -20 3 Manager, or his or her designee. The District shall make and retain a copy of all statements filed by Designated Positions and forward the originals of such statements to the Executive Office of the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County. All retained statements, originals or electronic copies shall be available for public inspection and reproduction. (Cal. Gov’t Code § 81008).2 The General Manager, or his or her designee may file Statements of Economic Interests electronically in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 87500.2. 6.05 STATEMENTS OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS: TIME OF FILING (A) Initial Statements. All designated employees employed by the agency on the effective date of this code, as originally adopted, promulgated, and approved by the code reviewing body, shall file statements within 30 days after the effective date of this code. Thereafter, each person already in a position when it is designated by an amendment to this code shall file an initial statement within 30 days after the effective date of the amendment. (B) Assuming Office Statements. All persons assuming designated positions after the effective date of this code shall file statements within 30 days after assuming the designated positions, or if subject to State Senate confirmation, 30 days after being nominated or appointed. If a person assumes an office between October 1 and December 31 and files an assuming office Statement of Economic Interests, that person need not file an annual Statement of Economic Interests pursuant to Section 87203 until one year later than the date specified in subsection C below. (C) Annual Statements. All designated employees shall file statements no later than April 1. (D) Leaving Office Statements. All persons who leave designated positions shall file statements within 30 days after leaving office. (E) Military Service. If a person reports for military service as defined in the Servicemember's Civil Relief Act, the deadline for the annual statement of economic interests is 30 days following his or her return to office, provided the person, or someone authorized to represent the person's interests, notifies the filing officer in writing prior to the applicable filing deadline that he or she is subject to that federal statute and is unable to meet the applicable deadline, and provides the filing officer verification of his or her military status. 2 See Government Code section 81010 and 2 Cal. Code of Regs. section 18115 for the duties of filing officers and persons in agencies who make and retain copies of statements and forward the originals to the filing officer. -20 4 6.06 STATEMENTS FOR PERSONS WHO RESIGN PRIOR TO ASSUMING OFFICE Any person who resigns within 12 months of initial appointment, or within 30 days of the date of notice provided by the filing officer to file an assuming office statement, is not deemed to have assumed office or left office, provided he or she did not make or participate in the making of, or use his or her position to influence any decision and did not receive or become entitled to receive any form of payment as a result of his or her appointment. Such persons shall not file either an assuming or a leaving office statement. (A) Any person who resigns a position within 30 days of the date of a notice from the filing officer shall do both of the following: 1. File a written resignation with the appointing power; and 2. File a written statement with the filing officer declaring under penalty of perjury that during the period between appointment and resignation he or she did not make, participate in the making, or use the position to influence any decision of the agency or receive, or become entitled to receive, any form of payment by virtue of being appointed to the position. 6.07 CONTENTS OF AND PERIOD COVERED BY STATEMENTS OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS (A) Contents of Initial Statements Initial statements shall disclose any reportable investments, interests in real property and business positions held on the effective date of the code and income received during the 12 months prior to the effective date of the code. (B) Contents of Assuming Office Statements Assuming office statements shall disclose any reportable investments, interests in real property and business positions held on the date of assuming office or on the date of appointment, and income received during the 12 months prior to the date of assuming office or the date of being appointed, respectively. (C) Contents of Annual Statements Annual statements shall disclose any reportable investments, interests in real property, income and business positions held or -20 5 received during the previous calendar year provided, however, that the period covered by an employee’s first annual statement shall begin on the effective date of the code or the date of assuming office, whichever is later. (D) Contents of Leaving Office Statements Leaving office statements shall disclose reportable investments, interest in real property, income and business positions held or received during the period between the closing date of the last statement filed and the date of leaving office. 6.08 MANNER OF REPORTING Statements of economic interest shall be made on forms prescribed by the Fair Political Practices Commission and supplied by the agency, and shall contain the following information: (A) Investments and Real Property Disclosure When an investment or an interest in real property3 is required to be reported4, the statement shall contain the following: 1. A statement of the nature of the investment or interest; 2. The name of the business entity in which each investment is held, and a general description of the business activity in which the business entity is engaged; 3. The address or other precise location of the real property; 4. A statement whether the fair market value of the investment or interest in real property equals or exceeds two thousand dollars ($2,000), exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000), exceeds one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), or exceeds one million dollars ($1,000,000). (B) Personal Income Disclosure 3 For the purpose of disclosure only (not disqualification), an interest in real property does not include the principal residence of the filer. 4 Investments and interests in real property which have a fair market value of less than $2,000 are not investments and interests in real property within the meaning of the Political Reform Act. However, investments or interests in real property of an individual include those held by the individual’s spouse and dependent children as well as a pro rata share of any investment or interest in real property of any business entity or trust in which the individual, spouse and dependent children own, in the aggregate, a direct, indirect or beneficial interest of 10 percent or greater. -20 6 When personal income is required to be reported5, the statement shall contain: 1. The name and address of each source of income aggregating $500 or more in value or $50 or more in value if the income was a gift, and a general description of the business activity, if any, of each source; 2. A statement whether the aggregate value of income from each source, or in the case of a loan, the highest amount owed to each source, was one thousand dollars ($1,000) or less, greater than one thousand dollars ($1,000), greater than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or greater than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000); 3. A description of the consideration, if any, for which the income was received; 4. In the case of a gift, the name, address and business activity of the donor and any intermediary through which the gift was made; a description of the gift; the amount or value of the gift; and the date on which the gift was received. A gift includes forgiveness of a debt or a rebate or discount of a debt owed6; 5. In the case of a loan given or received, the annual interest rate and the security, if any, given for the loan and the term of the loan. 6. Gov. Code section 82030 defines income and specifically excludes: (a) Any loan or loans from a commercial lending institution which are made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to official status. (b) Any loan from or payments received on a loan made to an individual's spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, or first cousin, or the spouse of any such person, provided that a loan or loan payment received from any such person shall be considered income if he or 5 A designated employee’s income includes his or her community property interest in the income of his or her spouse but does not include salary or reimbursement for expenses received from a state, local or federal government agency. 6 2 Cal. Code of Regs. section 18940 -20 7 she is acting as an agent or intermediary for any person not covered by this paragraph. (c) Any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction if made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to official status. (C) Business Entity Income Disclosure When income of a business entity, including income of a sole proprietorship, is required to be reported7, the statement shall contain: 1. The name, address, and a general description of the business activity of the business entity; 2. The name of every person from whom the business entity received payments if the filer’s pro rata share of gross receipts from such person was equal to or greater than $10,000. (D) Business Position Disclosure When business positions are required to be reported, a designated employee shall list the name and address of each business entity in which he or she is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee or in which he or she holds any position of management, a description of the business activity in which the business entity is engaged, and the designated employee’s position with the business entity. (E) Acquisition or Disposal During Reporting Period In the case of an annual or leaving office statement, if an investment or an interest in real property was partially or wholly acquired or disposed of during the period covered by the statement, the statement shall contain the date of acquisition or disposal. 6.09 PROHIBITION ON RECEIPT OF HONORARIA A. No designated public official shall accept any honorarium from any source if the member or employee would be required to report the receipt of income or gifts from that source on his or her statement of economic interests. 7 Income of a business entity is reportable if the direct, indirect, or beneficial interest of the filer and the filer’s spouse in the business entity aggregates a 10 percent or greater interest. In addition, the disclosure of persons who are clients or customers of a business entity is required only if the clients or customers are within one of the disclosure categories of the filer. -20 8 Subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) of Government Code Section 89501 shall apply to the prohibitions in this section. This section shall not limit or prohibit payments, advances, or reim-bursements for travel and related lodging and subsistence authorized by Government Code section 89506. 6.10 PROHIBITION ON RECEIPT OF GIFTS IN EXCESS OF AMOUNT ESTABLISHED BY LAW8 A. No designated public official shall accept gifts with a total value of more than the maximum amount established by law, in any calendar year, from any single source, if the member or employee would be required to report the receipt of income or gifts from that source on his or her statement of economic interests. Subdivisions (e), (f), and (g) of Government Code section 89503 shall apply to the prohibitions in this section. 6.11 LOANS TO PUBLIC OFFICIALS A. No elected officer of a state or local government agency shall, from the date of his or her election to office through the date that he or she vacates office, receive a personal loan from any officer, employee, member, or consultant of the state or local government agency in which the elected officer holds office or over which the elected officer’s agency has direction and control. B. No public official who is exempt from the state civil service system pursuant to subdivisions (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) of Section 4 of Article VII of the Constitution shall, while he or she holds office, receive a personal loan from any officer, employee, member, or consultant of the state or local government agency in which the public official holds office or over which the public official’s agency has direction and control. This subdivision shall not apply to loans made to a public official whose duties are solely secretarial, clerical, or manual. C. No elected officer of a state or local government agency shall, from the date of his or her election to office through the date that he or she vacates office, receive a personal loan from any person who has a contract with the state or local government agency to which that elected officer has been elected or over which that elected officer’s agency has direction and control. This subdivision shall not apply to 8 Designated Persons are prohibited from accepting gifts from any single source in a calendar year with a total value in excess of designated amounts. See Govt. Code § 89503, sub-divisions (e), (f) and (g). [Note: Pursuant to Gov. Code § 89503(f), the FPPC adjusts the gift limit every odd-numbered year to reflect changes in the Consumer Price Index; therefore, the $470 limit adopted by the FPPC in January of 2017 will be updated in January 2019 and every odd year thereafter, until further notice. See also 2 CCR § 18940.2] -20 9 loans made by banks or other financial institutions or to any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction, if the loan is made or the indebtedness created in the lender’s regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to the elected officer’s official status. D. No public official who is exempt from the state civil service system pursuant to subdivisions (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) of Section 4 of Article VII of the Constitution shall, while he or she holds office, receive a personal loan from any person who has a contract with the state or local government agency to which that elected officer has been elected or over which that elected officer’s agency has direction and control. This subdivision shall not apply to loans made by banks or other financial institutions or to any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction, if the loan is made or the indebtedness created in the lender’s regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to the elected officer’s official status. This subdivision shall not apply to loans made to a public official whose duties are solely secretarial, clerical, or manual. E. This section shall not apply to the following: 1. Loans made to the campaign committee of an elected officer or candidate for elective office. 2. Loans made by a public official’s spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law, brother-in- law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, or first cousin, or the spouse of any such persons, provided that the person making the loan is not acting as an agent or intermediary for any person not otherwise exempted under this section. 3. Loans from a person which, in the aggregate, do not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) at any given time. 4. Loans made, or offered in writing, before January 1, 1998. 6.12 LOAN TERMS A. Except as set forth in subdivision (B), no elected officer of a state or local government agency shall, from the date of his or her election to office through the date he or she vacates office, receive a personal loan of five hundred dollars ($500) or more, except when the loan is in writing and clearly states the terms of the loan, including the parties to the loan agreement, date of the loan, amount of the loan, term of the loan, date or dates when payments shall be due on the loan and the amount of the payments, and the rate of interest paid on the loan. B. This section shall not apply to the following types of loans: -20 10 1. Loans made to the campaign committee of the elected officer. 2. Loans made to the elected officer by his or her spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, or first cousin, or the spouse of any such person, provided that the person making the loan is not acting as an agent or intermediary for any person not otherwise exempted under this section. 3. Loans made, or offered in writing, before January 1, 1998. C. Nothing in this section shall exempt any person from any other provision of Title 9 of the Government Code. 6.13 PERSONAL LOANS A. Except as set forth in subdivision (B), a personal loan received by any designated public official shall become a gift to the designated public official for the purposes of this section in the following circumstances: 1. If the loan has a defined date or dates for repayment, when the statute of limitations for filing an action for default has expired. 2. If the loan has no defined date or dates for repayment, when one year has elapsed from the later of the following: a. The date the loan was made. b. The date the last payment of one hundred dollars ($100) or more was made on the loan. c. The date upon which the debtor has made payments on the loan aggregating to less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) during the previous 12 months. B. This section shall not apply to the following types of loans: 1. A loan made to the campaign committee of an elected officer or a candidate for elective office. 2. A loan that would otherwise not be a gift as defined in this title. 3. A loan that would otherwise be a gift as set forth under subdivision (A), but on which the creditor has taken reasonable action to collect the balance due. 4. A loan that would otherwise be a gift as set forth under subdivision (A), but on which the creditor, based on reasonable -20 11 business considerations, has not undertaken collection action. Except in a criminal action, a creditor who claims that a loan is not a gift on the basis of this paragraph has the burden of proving that the decision for not taking collection action was based on reasonable business considerations. 5. A loan made to a debtor who has filed for bankruptcy and the loan is ultimately discharged in bankruptcy. C. Nothing in this section shall exempt any person from any other provisions of Title 9 of the Government Code. 6.14 DISQUALIFICATION No designated employee shall make, participate in making, or in any way attempt to use his or her official position to influence the making of any governmental decision which he or she knows or has reason to know will have a reasonably foreseeable material financial effect, distinguishable from its effect on the public generally, on the official or a member of his or her immediate family or on: (A) Any business entity in which the designated employee has a direct or indirect investment worth $2,000 or more; (B) Any real property in which the designated employee has a direct or indirect interest worth $2,000 or more; (C) Any source of income, other than gifts and other than loans by a commercial lending institution in the regular course of business on terms available to the public without regard to official status, aggregating $500 or more in value provided to, received by or promised to the designated employee within 12 months prior to the time when the decision is made; (D) Any business entity in which the designated employee is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holds any position of management; or (E) Any donor of, or any intermediary or agent for a donor of, a gift or gifts aggregating to the maximum amount established by law, or more, in value provided to, received by, or promised to the designated employee within 12 months prior to the time when the decision is made. 6.15 LEGALLY REQUIRED PARTICIPATION No designated public official shall be prevented from making or participating in the making of any decision to the extent his or her participation is legally required for the decision to be made. The -20 12 fact that the vote of a designated public official who is on a voting body is needed to break a tie does not make his or her participation legally required for purposes of this section. 6.16 DISQUALIFICATION OF STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES In addition to the general disqualification provisions of Section 6.14, no state administrative official shall make, participate in making, or use his or her official position to influence any governmental decision directly relating to any contract where the state administrative official knows or has reason to know that any party to the contract is a person with whom the state administrative official, or any member of his or her immediate family has, within 12 months prior to the time when the official action is to be taken: (A) Engaged in a business transaction or transactions on terms not available to members of the public, regarding any investment or interest in real property; or (B) Engaged in a business transaction or transactions on terms not available to members of the public regarding the rendering of goods or services totaling in value $1000 or more. 6.17 DISCLOSURE OF DISQUALIFYING INTEREST When a designated public official determines that he or she should not make a governmental decision because he or she has a disqualifying interest in it, the determination not to act may be accompanied by disclosure of the disqualifying interest. 6.18 ASSISTANCE OF THE COMMISSION AND COUNSEL Any designated employee who is unsure of his or her duties under this code may request assistance from the Fair Political Practices Commission pursuant to Government Code Section 83114 and 2 CCR Sections 18329 and 18329.5 or from the attorney for his or her agency, provided that nothing in this section requires the attorney for the agency to issue any formal or informal opinion. 6.19 VIOLATIONS This code has the force and effect of law. Designated employees violating any provision of this code are subject to the administrative, criminal, and civil sanctions provided in the Political Reform Act, Government Code Sections 81000 – 91015. In addition, a decision in relation to which a violation of the disqualification provisions of this code or of Government Code Section -20 13 87100 or 87450 has occurred may be set aside as void pursuant to Government Code Section 91003. 6.20 PROHIBITED TRANSACTIONS Members of the Board of Directors and Designated Employees shall comply with the Prohibited Transactions policy, annexed hereto as Exhibit A, pursuant to California Government Code Sections 1090, et seq. 6.21 INCOMPATIBLE ACTIVITIES Members of the Board of Directors, District officers, and all other District employees shall comply with the Incompatible Activities policy, annexed hereto as Exhibit B, pursuant to California Government Code Sections 1126, et seq. -20 14 APPENDIX OTAY WATER DISTRICT CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE DESIGNATED POSITIONS DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES’ TITLE OR FUNCTION__ DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES ASSIGNED Members of the Board of Directors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 General Manager 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 District Secretary 6 Assistant Chief of Finance 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 Chief of Administrative Services 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Chief Financial Officer 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 Chief of Engineering 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Chief of Water Operations 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Associate Civil Engineer 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Communications Officer 6 Customer Service Manager 2, 5, 7 Environmental Compliance Specialist 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Engineering Manager 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Field Services Manager 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Finance Manager 2, 5, 7 GIS Manager 3, 6, 7 Human Resources Manager 3, 6 IT Manager 3, 6, 7 Network Engineer 3, 6, 7 -20 15 Purchasing and Facilities Manager 2, 6 Safety and Security Specialist 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 Senior Procurement and Contracting Analyst 6 Senior Civil Engineer 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 System Operations Manager 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Utility Services Manager 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Consultant/New Positions9 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 District Officials who manage public investments, as defined by 2 Cal. Code of Regs. § 18701 (b) are not subject to the District's Conflict of Interest Code except with respect to its disqualification provisions. They must file disclosure statements under Government Code § 87200 et seq. [2 CCR § 18730(b)(3)] These positions are listed above for informational purposes only. Individuals holding the positions listed below are officials who manage public investments and who must file their disclosure statements under Government Code Section 87200: Members of the Board of Directors General Manager Chief Financial Officer Asst. Chief Financial Officer Financial Consultants Individuals holding the above-listed positions may contact the Fair Political Practices Commission for assistance or written advice regarding their filing obligations if they believe that their position has been categorized incorrectly. The Fair Political Practices 9 Consultants/New Positions are included in the list of designated positions and shall disclose pursuant to the broadest disclosure category in the code, subject to the following limitation: The General Manager may determine in writing that a particular consultant or new position, although a “designated position,” is hired to perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and, thus, not required to fully comply with the disclosure requirements in this section. Such written determination shall include a description of the consultant’s or new position’s duties and, based upon that description, a statement of the extent of the disclosure requirements. The written determination is a public record and shall be retained for public inspection in the same manner and location as this Conflict of Interest Code (Gov. Code section 81008) Consultants are required to file disclosure statements where they: (a) conduct research and arrive at conclusions with respect to rendition of information, advice, recommendation or counsel independent of control and direction of the agency or any agency official other than normal contract monitoring; and (b) possess no authority with respect to any agency decision beyond the rendition of information, advice, recommendation or counsel. -20 16 Commission makes the final determination whether a position is covered by Government Code Section 87200. Government Code Section 87200 requires that individuals holding the above-listed positions shall, each year at a time specified by commission regulations, file a statement disclosing their investments, their interests in real property and their income during the period since the previous statement filed. The statement shall include any investments and interest in real property held at any time during the period covered by the statement, whether or not they are still held at the time of filing. -20 17 APPENDIX, CONTINUED DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES The disclosure categories listed below identify the types of investments, business entities, sources of income, or real property which the designated employee must disclose for each disclosure category to which he or she is assigned. Category 1: All investments and business positions in, and sources of income from, all business entities that do business or own real property in the District, plan to do business or own real property in the District within the next year or have done business or owned real property in the District within the past two years. Category 2: All interests in real property which are located in whole or in part within, or not more than two (2) miles outside the boundaries of the District. Category 3: All investments and business positions in, and sources of income from, business entities subject to the regulatory, permit or licensing authority of the Designated Employee’s Department, will be subject to such authority within the next year or have been subject to such authority within the past two years. Category 4: All investments, business positions, and sources of income from, business entities that are engaged in land development, construction or the acquisition or sale of real property in the District, plan to engage in such activities in the District within the next year or have engaged in such activities in the District within the past two years. Category 5: All investments and business positions in, and sources of income from, business entities that are banking, savings and loan or other financial institutions. Category 6: All investments and business positions in, and sources of income from, business entities that provide services, supplies, materials, machinery, or equipment of a type purchased, leased, used, or administered by the District. Category 7: All investments and business positions in, and sources of income from, business entities that provide services, supplies, materials, machinery, or equipment of a type purchased, leased, used, or administered by the Designated Employee’s Department. -20 18 EXHIBIT A Prohibited Transactions for Specified Personnel Members of the Board of Directors (“Members”) shall comply with this Prohibited Transactions policy pursuant to California Government Code §§ 1090, et seq. Members shall not be financially interested in any contract made by them in their official capacity, or by any body or board of which they are members. Members shall not be purchasers at any sale or vendors at any purchase made by them in their official capacity. Members shall not be deemed to be interested in a contract entered into by a body or board of which they are members if the Member has only a remote interest in the contract and if the fact of that interest is disclosed to the body or board of which the Member is a member and noted in its official records, and thereafter the body or board authorizes, approves, or ratifies the contract in good faith by a vote of its membership sufficient for the purpose without counting the vote or votes of the Board of Directors member with the remote interest. “Remote interest” shall be defined as in California Government Code § 1091(b). Members shall not be considered to be financially interested in a contract if their interest is including, but not limited to, any of the following (Government Code § 1091.5): 1. That of an officer in being reimbursed for his/her actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of an official duty; 2. That of a recipient of public services generally provided by the public body or board of which he/she is a member, on the same terms and conditions as if he or she were not a member of the board; 3. That of a landlord or tenant of the contracting party if such contracting party is the federal government or any federal department or agency, this state or an adjoining state, any department or agency of this state or an adjoining state, any county or city of this state or an adjoining state, or an public corporation or special, judicial or other public district of this state or an adjoining state unless the subject matter of such contract is the property in which such officer or employee has such interest as landlord or tenant in which even his/her interest shall be deemed a remote interest within the meaning of, and subject to, the provisions of Government Code 1091; -20 19 4. That of a spouse of an officer or employee of a public agency if his/her spouse’s employment or office-holding has existed for at least one year prior to his/her election or appointment; 5. That of a non-salaried member of a nonprofit corporation, provided that such interest is disclosed to the board at the time of the first consideration of the contract, and provided further that such interest is noted in its official records; 6. That of a non-compensated officer of a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation, which, as one of its primary purposes, supports the functions of the board or to which the board has legal obligation to give particular consideration, and provided further that such interest is noted in its official records; For purposes of this paragraph, an officer is “noncompensated” even though he or she receives reimbursement from the nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation for necessary travel and other actual expenses incurred in performing the duties of his or her office. 7. That of compensation for employment with a governmental agency, other than the governmental agency that employs the officer or employee, provided that the interest is disclosed to the board at the time of consideration of the contract, and provided further that the interest is noted in its official records; 8. That of an attorney of the contracting party of that of an owner, officer, employee or agent of a firm which renders, or has rendered, service to the contracting party in the capacity of stockbroker, insurance agent, insurance broker, real estate agent, or real estate broker if these individuals have not received and will not receive remuneration, consideration, or a commission as a result of the contract and if these individuals have an ownership interest of less than 10 percent in the law practice or firm, stock brokerage firm, insurance firm or real estate firm. In addition, Members shall not be deemed to be interested in a contract made pursuant to competitive bidding under a procedure established by law if their sole interest is that of an officer, director, or employee of a bank or savings and loan association with which a party to the contract has the relationship of borrower or depositor, debtor or creditor (Government Code § 1091.5). Authority: California Government Code §§ 1090, et seq. -20 20 EXHIBIT B Incompatible Activities Policy District officers, members of the Board of Directors, and all other District employees (collectively, “district personnel”) shall comply with this Incompatible Activities policy pursuant to California Government Code §§ 1125, et seq. District personnel shall not engage in any employment, activity, or enterprise for compensation which is inconsistent, incompatible, in conflict with, or inimical to his or her duties as a member of the Board of Directors, or with the duties, functions, or responsibilities of his or her appointing power or the agency by which he or she is employed. The outside employment, activity, or enterprise of district personnel is prohibited if it: (1) involves the use for private gain or advantage of his or her local District time, facilities, equipment and supplies; or the badge, uniform, prestige, or influence of his or her local District office or employment or, (2) involves receipt or acceptance by district personnel of any money or other consideration from anyone other than the District for the performance of an act which district personnel, if not performing such act, would be required or expected to render in the regular course or hours of their local District employment or as a part of their duties as a local District officer or employee or, (3) involves the time demands as would render performance of his or her duties as a local district personnel member less efficient. Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to prohibit any outside employment, activity, counsel, or enterprise on behalf of another governmental entity, subject to common law and professional conflict of interest rules. Copies of this regulation shall be posted in prominent places at the District Office. District personnel who violate this regulation may be subject to discipline as set forth in the applicable Code of Ordinances and Policies. Board of Directors members who violate this section may be subject to censure. Disciplinary appeals by district personnel shall be handled pursuant to applicable Code of Ordinances and Policies. Authority: California Government Code §§ 1125, et seq. -20 1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CODE DIVISION I DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION CHAPTER 5 PERSONNEL PRACTICES SECTION 6 CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE The Political Reform Act (Government Code section 81000, et seq.) requires state and local government agencies to adopt and promulgate conflict of interest codes. The Fair Political Practices Commission has adopted a regulation (2 Cal. Code of Regs. Sec. 18730) that contains the terms of a standard conflict of interest code, which can be incorporated by reference in an agency’s code. After public notice and hearing, the standard code may be amended by the Fair Political Practices Commission to conform to amendments in the Political Reform Act. Therefore, the terms of 2 California Code of Regulations Section 18730 and any amendments to it duly adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission are hereby incorporated by reference. This regulation and the attached Appendix, designating positions and establishing disclosure requirements, shall constitute the Conflict of Interest Code of the Otay Water District (District). 6.01 DEFINITIONS The definitions contained in the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Government Code Sections 81000 et seq.), regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission (2 Cal. Code of Regs. Sections 18100, et seq.), and any amendments to the Act or regulations, are incorporated by reference into this Conflict of Interest Code. 6.02 DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES The persons holding positions listed in the Appendix are designated employees. It has been determined that these persons make or participate in the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on financial interests. The General Manager or his/her designee shall have the authority to designate any person holding a position within the District as a person designated to provide disclosures regardless of whether or not the position that the person holds is included in the Appendix if, in the view of the General Manager or his/her designee, the person has the potential to make or participate in the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on financial interests. Attachment C -20 2 6.03 DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES This Code does not establish any disclosure obligation for those designated employees who are also specified in Government Code Section 87200 if they are designated in this code in that same capacity, or if the geographical jurisdiction of this agency is the same as or is wholly included within the jurisdiction in which those persons must report their financial interest pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter 7 of the Political Reform Act, Government Code Sections 87200, et seq.1 In addition, this code does not establish any disclosure obligation for any designated public officials who are designated in a conflict of interest code for another agency, if all of the following apply: (A) The geographical jurisdiction of this agency is the same as or is wholly included within the jurisdiction of the other agency; (B) The disclosure assigned in the code of the other agency is the same as that required under Article 2 of Chapter 7 of the Political Reform Act, Government Code Section 87200; and (C) The filing officer is the same for both agencies. Such persons are covered by this Code for disqualification purposes only. With respect to all other designated employees, the disclosure categories set forth in the Appendix specify which kinds of financial interests are reportable. Such a designated employee shall disclose in his or her Statement of Economic Interest those financial interests he or she has which are of the kind described in the disclosure categories to which he or she is assigned in the Appendix. It has been determined that the financial interests set forth in a designated employee’s disclosure categories are the kinds of financial interests which he or she foreseeably can affect materially through the conduct of his or her office. 6.04 STATEMENTS OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS: PLACE OF FILING All officials and employees required to submit a Statement of Economic Interest (employees in Designated Positions) shall file their statements with the County of San Diego, Clerk of the Board, electronically through eDisclosure; the County’s Form 700 system. A Form 700 notification email will be sent to filers at the beginning of each year with instructions on how to file their form. All retained 1 Designated employees who are required to file statements of economic interest under any other agency’s Conflict of Interest Code or under Article 2 for a different jurisdiction, may expand their statement of economic interests to cover reportable interest in both jurisdictions, and file copies of this expanded statement with both entities in lieu of filing separate and district statements, provided that each copy of such expanded statement filed in place of an original is signed and verified by the designated employee as if it were an original. See Government Code Section 81004. -20 3 statements or electronic copies shall be available for public inspection and reproduction. (Cal. Gov’t Code § 81008).2 The General Manager, or his or her designee may file Statements of Economic Interests electronically in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 87500.2. 6.05 STATEMENTS OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS: TIME OF FILING (A) Initial Statements. All designated employees employed by the agency on the effective date of this code, as originally adopted, promulgated, and approved by the code reviewing body, shall file statements within 30 days after the effective date of this code. Thereafter, each person already in a position when it is designated by an amendment to this code shall file an initial statement within 30 days after the effective date of the amendment. (B) Assuming Office Statements. All persons assuming designated positions after the effective date of this code shall file statements within 30 days after assuming the designated positions, or if subject to State Senate confirmation, 30 days after being nominated or appointed. If a person assumes an office between October 1 and December 31 and files an assuming office Statement of Economic Interests, that person need not file an annual Statement of Economic Interests pursuant to Section 87203 until one year later than the date specified in subsection C below. (C) Annual Statements. All designated employees shall file statements no later than April 1. (D) Leaving Office Statements. All persons who leave designated positions shall file statements within 30 days after leaving office. (E) Military Service. If a person reports for military service as defined in the Servicemember's Civil Relief Act, the deadline for the annual statement of economic interests is 30 days following his or her return to office, provided the person, or someone authorized to represent the person's interests, notifies the filing officer in writing prior to the applicable filing deadline that he or she is subject to that federal statute and is unable to meet the applicable deadline, and provides the filing officer verification of his or her military status. 2 See Government Code section 81010 and 2 Cal. Code of Regs. section 18115 for the duties of filing officers and persons in agencies who make and retain copies of statements and forward the originals to the filing officer. -20 4 6.06 STATEMENTS FOR PERSONS WHO RESIGN PRIOR TO ASSUMING OFFICE Any person who resigns within 12 months of initial appointment, or within 30 days of the date of notice provided by the filing officer to file an assuming office statement, is not deemed to have assumed office or left office, provided he or she did not make or participate in the making of, or use his or her position to influence any decision and did not receive or become entitled to receive any form of payment as a result of his or her appointment. Such persons shall not file either an assuming or a leaving office statement. (A) Any person who resigns a position within 30 days of the date of a notice from the filing officer shall do both of the following: 1. File a written resignation with the appointing power; and 2. File a written statement with the filing officer declaring under penalty of perjury that during the period between appointment and resignation he or she did not make, participate in the making, or use the position to influence any decision of the agency or receive, or become entitled to receive, any form of payment by virtue of being appointed to the position. 6.07 CONTENTS OF AND PERIOD COVERED BY STATEMENTS OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS (A) Contents of Initial Statements Initial statements shall disclose any reportable investments, interests in real property and business positions held on the effective date of the code and income received during the 12 months prior to the effective date of the code. (B) Contents of Assuming Office Statements Assuming office statements shall disclose any reportable investments, interests in real property and business positions held on the date of assuming office or on the date of appointment, and income received during the 12 months prior to the date of assuming office or the date of being appointed, respectively. (C) Contents of Annual Statements Annual statements shall disclose any reportable investments, interests in real property, income and business positions held or received during the previous calendar year provided, however, that the period covered by an employee’s first annual statement shall begin on the effective date of the code or the date of assuming office, whichever is later. -20 5 (D) Contents of Leaving Office Statements Leaving office statements shall disclose reportable investments, interest in real property, income and business positions held or received during the period between the closing date of the last statement filed and the date of leaving office. 6.08 MANNER OF REPORTING Statements of economic interest shall be made on forms prescribed by the Fair Political Practices Commission and supplied by the agency, and shall contain the following information: (A) Investments and Real Property Disclosure When an investment or an interest in real property3 is required to be reported4, the statement shall contain the following: 1. A statement of the nature of the investment or interest; 2. The name of the business entity in which each investment is held, and a general description of the business activity in which the business entity is engaged; 3. The address or other precise location of the real property; 4. A statement whether the fair market value of the investment or interest in real property equals or exceeds two thousand dollars ($2,000), exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000), exceeds one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), or exceeds one million dollars ($1,000,000). (B) Personal Income Disclosure When personal income is required to be reported5, the statement shall contain: 3 For the purpose of disclosure only (not disqualification), an interest in real property does not include the principal residence of the filer. 4 Investments and interests in real property which have a fair market value of less than $2,000 are not investments and interests in real property within the meaning of the Political Reform Act. However, investments or interests in real property of an individual include those held by the individual’s spouse and dependent children as well as a pro rata share of any investment or interest in real property of any business entity or trust in which the individual, spouse and dependent children own, in the aggregate, a direct, indirect or beneficial interest of 10 percent or greater. 5 A designated employee’s income includes his or her community property interest in the income of his or her spouse but does not include salary or reimbursement for expenses received from a state, local or federal government agency. -20 6 1. The name and address of each source of income aggregating $500 or more in value or $50 or more in value if the income was a gift, and a general description of the business activity, if any, of each source; 2. A statement whether the aggregate value of income from each source, or in the case of a loan, the highest amount owed to each source, was one thousand dollars ($1,000) or less, greater than one thousand dollars ($1,000), greater than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or greater than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000); 3. A description of the consideration, if any, for which the income was received; 4. In the case of a gift, the name, address and business activity of the donor and any intermediary through which the gift was made; a description of the gift; the amount or value of the gift; and the date on which the gift was received. A gift includes forgiveness of a debt or a rebate or discount of a debt owed6; 5. In the case of a loan given or received, the annual interest rate and the security, if any, given for the loan and the term of the loan. 6. Gov. Code section 82030 defines income and specifically excludes: (a) Any loan or loans from a commercial lending institution which are made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to official status. (b) Any loan from or payments received on a loan made to an individual's spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, or first cousin, or the spouse of any such person, provided that a loan or loan payment received from any such person shall be considered income if he or she is acting as an agent or intermediary for any person not covered by this paragraph. (c) Any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction if made in the lender's regular course of business on terms 6 2 Cal. Code of Regs. section 18940 -20 7 available to members of the public without regard to official status. (C) Business Entity Income Disclosure When income of a business entity, including income of a sole proprietorship, is required to be reported7, the statement shall contain: 1. The name, address, and a general description of the business activity of the business entity; 2. The name of every person from whom the business entity received payments if the filer’s pro rata share of gross receipts from such person was equal to or greater than $10,000. (D) Business Position Disclosure When business positions are required to be reported, a designated employee shall list the name and address of each business entity in which he or she is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee or in which he or she holds any position of management, a description of the business activity in which the business entity is engaged, and the designated employee’s position with the business entity. (E) Acquisition or Disposal During Reporting Period In the case of an annual or leaving office statement, if an investment or an interest in real property was partially or wholly acquired or disposed of during the period covered by the statement, the statement shall contain the date of acquisition or disposal. 6.09 PROHIBITION ON RECEIPT OF HONORARIA A. No designated public official shall accept any honorarium from any source if the member or employee would be required to report the receipt of income or gifts from that source on his or her statement of economic interests. Subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) of Government Code Section 89501 shall apply to the prohibitions in this section. 7 Income of a business entity is reportable if the direct, indirect, or beneficial interest of the filer and the filer’s spouse in the business entity aggregates a 10 percent or greater interest. In addition, the disclosure of persons who are clients or customers of a business entity is required only if the clients or customers are within one of the disclosure categories of the filer. -20 8 This section shall not limit or prohibit payments, advances, or reim-bursements for travel and related lodging and subsistence authorized by Government Code section 89506. 6.10 PROHIBITION ON RECEIPT OF GIFTS IN EXCESS OF AMOUNT ESTABLISHED BY LAW8 A. No designated public official shall accept gifts with a total value of more than the maximum amount established by law, in any calendar year, from any single source, if the member or employee would be required to report the receipt of income or gifts from that source on his or her statement of economic interests. Subdivisions (e), (f), and (g) of Government Code section 89503 shall apply to the prohibitions in this section. 6.11 LOANS TO PUBLIC OFFICIALS A. No elected officer of a state or local government agency shall, from the date of his or her election to office through the date that he or she vacates office, receive a personal loan from any officer, employee, member, or consultant of the state or local government agency in which the elected officer holds office or over which the elected officer’s agency has direction and control. B. No public official who is exempt from the state civil service system pursuant to subdivisions (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) of Section 4 of Article VII of the Constitution shall, while he or she holds office, receive a personal loan from any officer, employee, member, or consultant of the state or local government agency in which the public official holds office or over which the public official’s agency has direction and control. This subdivision shall not apply to loans made to a public official whose duties are solely secretarial, clerical, or manual. C. No elected officer of a state or local government agency shall, from the date of his or her election to office through the date that he or she vacates office, receive a personal loan from any person who has a contract with the state or local government agency to which that elected officer has been elected or over which that elected officer’s agency has direction and control. This subdivision shall not apply to loans made by banks or other financial institutions or to any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card 8 Designated Persons are prohibited from accepting gifts from any single source in a calendar year with a total value in excess of designated amounts. See Govt. Code § 89503, sub-divisions (e), (f) and (g). [Note: Pursuant to Gov. Code § 89503(f), the FPPC adjusts the gift limit every odd-numbered year to reflect changes in the Consumer Price Index; therefore, the $470 limit adopted by the FPPC in January of 2017 will be updated in January 2019 and every odd year thereafter, until further notice. See also 2 CCR § 18940.2] -20 9 transaction, if the loan is made or the indebtedness created in the lender’s regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to the elected officer’s official status. D. No public official who is exempt from the state civil service system pursuant to subdivisions (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) of Section 4 of Article VII of the Constitution shall, while he or she holds office, receive a personal loan from any person who has a contract with the state or local government agency to which that elected officer has been elected or over which that elected officer’s agency has direction and control. This subdivision shall not apply to loans made by banks or other financial institutions or to any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction, if the loan is made or the indebtedness created in the lender’s regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to the elected officer’s official status. This subdivision shall not apply to loans made to a public official whose duties are solely secretarial, clerical, or manual. E. This section shall not apply to the following: 1. Loans made to the campaign committee of an elected officer or candidate for elective office. 2. Loans made by a public official’s spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law, brother-in- law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, or first cousin, or the spouse of any such persons, provided that the person making the loan is not acting as an agent or intermediary for any person not otherwise exempted under this section. 3. Loans from a person which, in the aggregate, do not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) at any given time. 4. Loans made, or offered in writing, before January 1, 1998. 6.12 LOAN TERMS A. Except as set forth in subdivision (B), no elected officer of a state or local government agency shall, from the date of his or her election to office through the date he or she vacates office, receive a personal loan of five hundred dollars ($500) or more, except when the loan is in writing and clearly states the terms of the loan, including the parties to the loan agreement, date of the loan, amount of the loan, term of the loan, date or dates when payments shall be due on the loan and the amount of the payments, and the rate of interest paid on the loan. B. This section shall not apply to the following types of loans: 1. Loans made to the campaign committee of the elected officer. -20 10 2. Loans made to the elected officer by his or her spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in- law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, or first cousin, or the spouse of any such person, provided that the person making the loan is not acting as an agent or intermediary for any person not otherwise exempted under this section. 3. Loans made, or offered in writing, before January 1, 1998. C. Nothing in this section shall exempt any person from any other provision of Title 9 of the Government Code. 6.13 PERSONAL LOANS A. Except as set forth in subdivision (B), a personal loan received by any designated public official shall become a gift to the designated public official for the purposes of this section in the following circumstances: 1. If the loan has a defined date or dates for repayment, when the statute of limitations for filing an action for default has expired. 2. If the loan has no defined date or dates for repayment, when one year has elapsed from the later of the following: a. The date the loan was made. b. The date the last payment of one hundred dollars ($100) or more was made on the loan. c. The date upon which the debtor has made payments on the loan aggregating to less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) during the previous 12 months. B. This section shall not apply to the following types of loans: 1. A loan made to the campaign committee of an elected officer or a candidate for elective office. 2. A loan that would otherwise not be a gift as defined in this title. 3. A loan that would otherwise be a gift as set forth under subdivision (A), but on which the creditor has taken reasonable action to collect the balance due. 4. A loan that would otherwise be a gift as set forth under subdivision (A), but on which the creditor, based on reasonable business considerations, has not undertaken collection action. Except in a criminal action, a creditor who claims that a loan is not a gift -20 11 on the basis of this paragraph has the burden of proving that the decision for not taking collection action was based on reasonable business considerations. 5. A loan made to a debtor who has filed for bankruptcy and the loan is ultimately discharged in bankruptcy. C. Nothing in this section shall exempt any person from any other provisions of Title 9 of the Government Code. 6.14 DISQUALIFICATION No designated employee shall make, participate in making, or in any way attempt to use his or her official position to influence the making of any governmental decision which he or she knows or has reason to know will have a reasonably foreseeable material financial effect, distinguishable from its effect on the public generally, on the official or a member of his or her immediate family or on: (A) Any business entity in which the designated employee has a direct or indirect investment worth $2,000 or more; (B) Any real property in which the designated employee has a direct or indirect interest worth $2,000 or more; (C) Any source of income, other than gifts and other than loans by a commercial lending institution in the regular course of business on terms available to the public without regard to official status, aggregating $500 or more in value provided to, received by or promised to the designated employee within 12 months prior to the time when the decision is made; (D) Any business entity in which the designated employee is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holds any position of management; or (E) Any donor of, or any intermediary or agent for a donor of, a gift or gifts aggregating to the maximum amount established by law, or more, in value provided to, received by, or promised to the designated employee within 12 months prior to the time when the decision is made. 6.15 LEGALLY REQUIRED PARTICIPATION No designated public official shall be prevented from making or participating in the making of any decision to the extent his or her participation is legally required for the decision to be made. The fact that the vote of a designated public official who is on a voting -20 12 body is needed to break a tie does not make his or her participation legally required for purposes of this section. 6.16 DISQUALIFICATION OF STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES In addition to the general disqualification provisions of Section 6.14, no state administrative official shall make, participate in making, or use his or her official position to influence any governmental decision directly relating to any contract where the state administrative official knows or has reason to know that any party to the contract is a person with whom the state administrative official, or any member of his or her immediate family has, within 12 months prior to the time when the official action is to be taken: (A) Engaged in a business transaction or transactions on terms not available to members of the public, regarding any investment or interest in real property; or (B) Engaged in a business transaction or transactions on terms not available to members of the public regarding the rendering of goods or services totaling in value $1000 or more. 6.17 DISCLOSURE OF DISQUALIFYING INTEREST When a designated public official determines that he or she should not make a governmental decision because he or she has a disqualifying interest in it, the determination not to act may be accompanied by disclosure of the disqualifying interest. 6.18 ASSISTANCE OF THE COMMISSION AND COUNSEL Any designated employee who is unsure of his or her duties under this code may request assistance from the Fair Political Practices Commission pursuant to Government Code Section 83114 and 2 CCR Sections 18329 and 18329.5 or from the attorney for his or her agency, provided that nothing in this section requires the attorney for the agency to issue any formal or informal opinion. 6.19 VIOLATIONS This code has the force and effect of law. Designated employees violating any provision of this code are subject to the administrative, criminal, and civil sanctions provided in the Political Reform Act, Government Code Sections 81000 – 91015. In addition, a decision in relation to which a violation of the disqualification provisions of this code or of Government Code Section 87100 or 87450 has occurred may be set aside as void pursuant to Government Code Section 91003. -20 13 6.20 PROHIBITED TRANSACTIONS Members of the Board of Directors and Designated Employees shall comply with the Prohibited Transactions policy, annexed hereto as Exhibit A, pursuant to California Government Code Sections 1090, et seq. 6.21 INCOMPATIBLE ACTIVITIES Members of the Board of Directors, District officers, and all other District employees shall comply with the Incompatible Activities policy, annexed hereto as Exhibit B, pursuant to California Government Code Sections 1126, et seq. -20 14 APPENDIX OTAY WATER DISTRICT CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE DESIGNATED POSITIONS DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES’ TITLE OR FUNCTION__ DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES ASSIGNED Members of the Board of Directors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 General Manager 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 District Secretary 6 Assistant Chief of Finance 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 Chief of Administrative Services 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Chief Financial Officer 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 Chief of Engineering 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Chief of Water Operations 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Associate Civil Engineer 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Communications Officer 6 Customer Service Manager 2, 5, 7 Environmental Compliance Specialist 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Engineering Manager 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Field Services Manager 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Finance Manager 2, 5, 7 GIS Manager 3, 6, 7 Human Resources Manager 3, 6 IT Manager 3, 6, 7 Network Engineer 3, 6, 7 -20 15 Purchasing and Facilities Manager 2, 6 Safety and Security Specialist 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 Senior Procurement and Contracting Analyst 6 Senior Civil Engineer 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 System Operations Manager 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Utility Services Manager 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Consultant/New Positions9 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 District Officials who manage public investments, as defined by 2 Cal. Code of Regs. § 18701 (b) are not subject to the District's Conflict of Interest Code except with respect to its disqualification provisions. They must file disclosure statements under Government Code § 87200 et seq. [2 CCR § 18730(b)(3)] These positions are listed above for informational purposes only. Individuals holding the positions listed below are officials who manage public investments and who must file their disclosure statements under Government Code Section 87200: Members of the Board of Directors General Manager Chief Financial Officer Asst. Chief Financial Officer Financial Consultants Individuals holding the above-listed positions may contact the Fair Political Practices Commission for assistance or written advice regarding their filing obligations if they believe that their position has been categorized incorrectly. The Fair Political Practices 9 Consultants/New Positions are included in the list of designated positions and shall disclose pursuant to the broadest disclosure category in the code, subject to the following limitation: The General Manager may determine in writing that a particular consultant or new position, although a “designated position,” is hired to perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and, thus, not required to fully comply with the disclosure requirements in this section. Such written determination shall include a description of the consultant’s or new position’s duties and, based upon that description, a statement of the extent of the disclosure requirements. The written determination is a public record and shall be retained for public inspection in the same manner and location as this Conflict of Interest Code (Gov. Code section 81008) Consultants are required to file disclosure statements where they: (a) conduct research and arrive at conclusions with respect to rendition of information, advice, recommendation or counsel independent of control and direction of the agency or any agency official other than normal contract monitoring; and (b) possess no authority with respect to any agency decision beyond the rendition of information, advice, recommendation or counsel. -20 16 Commission makes the final determination whether a position is covered by Government Code Section 87200. Government Code Section 87200 requires that individuals holding the above-listed positions shall, each year at a time specified by commission regulations, file a statement disclosing their investments, their interests in real property and their income during the period since the previous statement filed. The statement shall include any investments and interest in real property held at any time during the period covered by the statement, whether or not they are still held at the time of filing. -20 17 APPENDIX, CONTINUED DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES The disclosure categories listed below identify the types of investments, business entities, sources of income, or real property which the designated employee must disclose for each disclosure category to which he or she is assigned. Category 1: All investments and business positions in, and sources of income from, all business entities that do business or own real property in the District, plan to do business or own real property in the District within the next year or have done business or owned real property in the District within the past two years. Category 2: All interests in real property which are located in whole or in part within, or not more than two (2) miles outside the boundaries of the District. Category 3: All investments and business positions in, and sources of income from, business entities subject to the regulatory, permit or licensing authority of the Designated Employee’s Department, will be subject to such authority within the next year or have been subject to such authority within the past two years. Category 4: All investments, business positions, and sources of income from, business entities that are engaged in land development, construction or the acquisition or sale of real property in the District, plan to engage in such activities in the District within the next year or have engaged in such activities in the District within the past two years. Category 5: All investments and business positions in, and sources of income from, business entities that are banking, savings and loan or other financial institutions. Category 6: All investments and business positions in, and sources of income from, business entities that provide services, supplies, materials, machinery, or equipment of a type purchased, leased, used, or administered by the District. Category 7: All investments and business positions in, and sources of income from, business entities that provide services, supplies, materials, machinery, or equipment of a type purchased, leased, used, or administered by the Designated Employee’s Department. -20 18 EXHIBIT A Prohibited Transactions for Specified Personnel Members of the Board of Directors (“Members”) shall comply with this Prohibited Transactions policy pursuant to California Government Code §§ 1090, et seq. Members shall not be financially interested in any contract made by them in their official capacity, or by any body or board of which they are members. Members shall not be purchasers at any sale or vendors at any purchase made by them in their official capacity. Members shall not be deemed to be interested in a contract entered into by a body or board of which they are members if the Member has only a remote interest in the contract and if the fact of that interest is disclosed to the body or board of which the Member is a member and noted in its official records, and thereafter the body or board authorizes, approves, or ratifies the contract in good faith by a vote of its membership sufficient for the purpose without counting the vote or votes of the Board of Directors member with the remote interest. “Remote interest” shall be defined as in California Government Code § 1091(b). Members shall not be considered to be financially interested in a contract if their interest is including, but not limited to, any of the following (Government Code § 1091.5): 1. That of an officer in being reimbursed for his/her actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of an official duty; 2. That of a recipient of public services generally provided by the public body or board of which he/she is a member, on the same terms and conditions as if he or she were not a member of the board; 3. That of a landlord or tenant of the contracting party if such contracting party is the federal government or any federal department or agency, this state or an adjoining state, any department or agency of this state or an adjoining state, any county or city of this state or an adjoining state, or an public corporation or special, judicial or other public district of this state or an adjoining state unless the subject matter of such contract is the property in which such officer or employee has such interest as landlord or tenant in which even his/her interest shall be deemed a remote interest within the meaning of, and subject to, the provisions of Government Code 1091; -20 19 4. That of a spouse of an officer or employee of a public agency if his/her spouse’s employment or office-holding has existed for at least one year prior to his/her election or appointment; 5. That of a non-salaried member of a nonprofit corporation, provided that such interest is disclosed to the board at the time of the first consideration of the contract, and provided further that such interest is noted in its official records; 6. That of a non-compensated officer of a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation, which, as one of its primary purposes, supports the functions of the board or to which the board has legal obligation to give particular consideration, and provided further that such interest is noted in its official records; For purposes of this paragraph, an officer is “noncompensated” even though he or she receives reimbursement from the nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation for necessary travel and other actual expenses incurred in performing the duties of his or her office. 7. That of compensation for employment with a governmental agency, other than the governmental agency that employs the officer or employee, provided that the interest is disclosed to the board at the time of consideration of the contract, and provided further that the interest is noted in its official records; 8. That of an attorney of the contracting party of that of an owner, officer, employee or agent of a firm which renders, or has rendered, service to the contracting party in the capacity of stockbroker, insurance agent, insurance broker, real estate agent, or real estate broker if these individuals have not received and will not receive remuneration, consideration, or a commission as a result of the contract and if these individuals have an ownership interest of less than 10 percent in the law practice or firm, stock brokerage firm, insurance firm or real estate firm. In addition, Members shall not be deemed to be interested in a contract made pursuant to competitive bidding under a procedure established by law if their sole interest is that of an officer, director, or employee of a bank or savings and loan association with which a party to the contract has the relationship of borrower or depositor, debtor or creditor (Government Code § 1091.5). Authority: California Government Code §§ 1090, et seq. -20 20 EXHIBIT B Incompatible Activities Policy District officers, members of the Board of Directors, and all other District employees (collectively, “district personnel”) shall comply with this Incompatible Activities policy pursuant to California Government Code §§ 1125, et seq. District personnel shall not engage in any employment, activity, or enterprise for compensation which is inconsistent, incompatible, in conflict with, or inimical to his or her duties as a member of the Board of Directors, or with the duties, functions, or responsibilities of his or her appointing power or the agency by which he or she is employed. The outside employment, activity, or enterprise of district personnel is prohibited if it: (1) involves the use for private gain or advantage of his or her local District time, facilities, equipment and supplies; or the badge, uniform, prestige, or influence of his or her local District office or employment or, (2) involves receipt or acceptance by district personnel of any money or other consideration from anyone other than the District for the performance of an act which district personnel, if not performing such act, would be required or expected to render in the regular course or hours of their local District employment or as a part of their duties as a local District officer or employee or, (3) involves the time demands as would render performance of his or her duties as a local district personnel member less efficient. Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to prohibit any outside employment, activity, counsel, or enterprise on behalf of another governmental entity, subject to common law and professional conflict of interest rules. Copies of this regulation shall be posted in prominent places at the District Office. District personnel who violate this regulation may be subject to discipline as set forth in the applicable Code of Ordinances and Policies. Board of Directors members who violate this section may be subject to censure. Disciplinary appeals by district personnel shall be handled pursuant to applicable Code of Ordinances and Policies. Authority: California Government Code §§ 1125, et seq. STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: October 2, 2024 PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. ALL SUBMITTED BY: Michael Kerr, Information Technology Manager APPROVED BY: Adolfo Segura, Chief, Administrative Services Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: FY24 YEAR-END REPORT OF THE DISTRICT’S FY23-26 STRATEGIC PLAN GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see “Attachment A”. PURPOSE: To provide a year-end report of the District’s FY23-26 Strategic Plan for FY24. ANALYSIS: Summary The current Otay Water District Strategic Plan is a four-year plan from the start of FY23 to the end of FY26. This report details the year-end results for the second year of our four-year program. Objectives – Target 90% The Strategic Plan objectives ensure the District executes its mission- developed strategies and implements appropriate changes necessary to guide the agency, meet new challenges, and adapt positively to change. FY24 year-end results are below target at 85%, with 29 of 34 active initiatives completed or on schedule, one (1) behind schedule, and four (4)on hold. AGENDA ITEM 6 Objectives Behind Schedule (1): FINANCIAL Strategy #2: Invest in technology to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction. Objective #1: Deploy Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology in service areas to improve District operations. In September 2023, the District’s contractor, Master Meter, began upgrading automated meter reading (AMR) meters to advanced meter infrastructure (AMI) meters. While the progress has been slower than expected, the conversion is now projected for completion in 2025, with fewer meters converted than initially planned. As the transition continues, the customer engagement phase will be launched accordingly. In February 2024, staff applied for an additional $500,000 WaterSmart grant, which was approved in August 2024. This funding will support the conversion of additional meters to AMI during the upcoming meter replacement program. Objectives On Hold (4): FINANCIAL Strategy #1: Maintain a long-range financing plan that sets forth the long-term funding needs of the District. Objective #2: Evaluate banking functions for lower cost and process efficiencies. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 29 1 4 1 On Schedule/Completed Behind On Hold Not Started 29 of 34 Objectives Below Target (85%) With the delay of the cost-of-service study, staff will explore alternative options for reducing credit card processing costs. Although the District has switched online credit card providers, staff cannot itemize credit card interchange fees by account type because of reporting limitations. As a result, the analysis cannot proceed, and the objective has been put on hold. Staff intend to gather additional data in FY25 to develop potential cost-saving strategies. Strategy #1: Maintain a long-range financing plan that sets forth the long-term funding needs of the District. Objective #3: Evaluate the District’s cash reserve policies to consider optimal uses and levels of reserves to ensure financial resiliency. This objective was placed on hold pending the completion of the Financials module of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation, which is expected to go live in January 2025. LEARNING AND GROWTH Strategy #1: Coordinate workforce planning activities to determine future needs, identify gaps, and implement actions to close the gaps. Objective #2: Evaluate the implementation of learning and development programs in coordination with partner agencies. This objective was placed on hold while implementing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA). During this period, the District continued to support employee growth by offering access to various training and development opportunities. These include resources from the Centre for Organizational Effectiveness, Franklin Covey, Vector Solutions, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore (LCW) Training Consortium, the Association of California Water Agencies Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA JPIA), and other external training providers. Strategy #1: Coordinate workforce planning activities to determine future needs, identify gaps, and implement actions to close the gaps. Objective #3: Analyze and identify workforce trends to address critical gaps between the current workforce and future needs. This objective was placed on hold during the MOU and HRA implementation. However, workforce trends were gathered during ongoing Innovation Committee Meetings held in the third and fourth quarters. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – Target 75% KPIs are designed to track the District’s day-to-day performance, measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of essential operational services. The District’s overall KPI goal of 75% is considered “on target.” For FY24, year-end results exceeded this target, reaching 88%, with 29 of 33 items meeting or surpassing the desired level. KPIs are defined using established AWWA performance benchmarks, water agency standards, and historical trends. Of the total measures outlined in the Strategic Plan, ten (10) are reported annually to include: • Water Rate Ranking • Sewer Rate Ranking • Water Debt Coverage • Sewer Debt Coverage • Reserve Level • Accounts Per Full-Time Employee (FTE) • Business Recovery Exercises • Vulnerability Assessments • Potable Tank Inspection and Cleaning • Injury Incident Rate One (1) measure is reported biennially to triennially: • Customer Opinion Survey 29 of 33 Key Performance Indicators are On Target (88%) 0510152025303540 29 4 On Target Not on Target KPI’s Not on Target (4): Water Debt Coverage Ratio Target: 150% excluding growth revenue annually. Excluding the non-cash GASB-68 adjustment of $5 million, the Debt Coverage Ratio is 186%. Including the $5 million non-cash GASB-68 adjustment for pension accounting, the Debt Coverage Ratio is 133%. CIP Project Expenditures vs. Budget Target: 95% of budget annually. Capital Improvement Project (CIP) expenditure reached 42% at year-end, falling short due to delays in material acquisition and staff vacancies. Staff anticipates being back on track in FY25. Potable Tank Inspection and Cleaning Target: 7 potable water storage tanks and/or reservoirs cleaned annually. The target for this measure is typically 8 potable reservoirs cleaned per fiscal year. However, in FY23, 9 reservoirs were cleaned and inspected (624-3, 980-1, 980-2, 1296-1, 1296-2, 1296-3, 571-1, 1004- 2, and 485-1, which was re-coated). As a result, the target for FY24 was reduced from 8 to 7. In FY24 Q4, a total of 6 reservoirs were cleaned (803-3, 832-1, 657-1, 657-2, 624-1, and 870-1). Reservoir 850-2 was scheduled for cleaning but was not completed due to contractor issues. This cleaning has been rescheduled for FY25 Q3. Employee Turnover Rate Target: Less than 5% turnover annually. There were 12 voluntary terminations in FY24, resulting in an 8.81% turnover. Next Steps Staff will continue to focus on the plan’s objectives, key performance indicators, and emerging trends. Committee Reports – Slideshow The year-end results of the Strategic Plan are presented to the Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee, and Finance and Administration Committee, explicitly focusing on the most relevant information for each Committee (see “Attachment B”). The Strategic Plan is also available on the District’s website. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Informational item only; no fiscal impact. STRATEGIC GOAL: Strategic Plan and Performance Measure reporting is critical in providing performance reporting to the Board and staff. LEGAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Committee Action Report Attachment B – PowerPoint Presentation ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: FY24 YEAR-END REPORT OF THE DISTRICT’S FY23-26 STRATEGIC PLAN COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources, and the Finance and Administration Committee met on September 17 and 19, 2024, respectively, to review this item. The Committee supports presentation to the full Board. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a committee approved item or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed by the committee prior to presentation to the full Board. OTAY WATER DISTRICT STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2024 Year-End Report 2023 2026 ATTACHMENT B BALANCED SCORECARD 2 Focuses on the financial performance of the District FINANCIAL Focuses on the District’s culture and development of staff to ensure there is a productive and skilled workforce in place LEARNING AND GROWTH Focuses on customer service levels, satisfaction, brand, and confidence CUSTOMER Focuses on business processes designed to deliver and improve customer objectives and services INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS 90% Total 35 ON SCHEDULE COMPLETED BEHIND SCHEDULE ON HOLD OBJECTIVES 85%3%12% TR E N D S YEAR-END FY 2024 29 Objectives 29/34 = 85% Overall Target 94% 88% 93%95%94% 82%86% 98%100% 85% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 Year-End Target 3 Active/Completed 34 Not Started 1 1 Objective 1/34 = 3% 4 Objectives 4/34 = 12% CUSTOMER Enhance and build public awareness of the District’s priorities, initiatives, programs, and services Collect and analyze customer feedback on District operations, projects, programs, service experience, and expectations Advance the District's web and social media presence Enhance internal communications, tools, and technology to disseminate information to District staff effectively Enhance education, outreach, and communication tools to the public on the understanding of water supply constraints and rates and how they affect/support a reliable water supply 4 Completed On Schedule EILEEN SALMERON Communications Assistant With 2024 WaterSmart Landscape Contest winner, Shannon Nembach (June 27, 2024) FINANCIAL Maintain a long-range financing plan that sets forth the long-term funding needs of the District Evaluate grant funding opportunities Evaluate banking functions for lower cost and process efficiencies Evaluate the District’s cash reserve policies to consider optimal uses and levels of reserves, to ensure financial resiliency Conduct an evaluation of a health savings investment account program for an optional post-employment benefit Conduct a compensation study to evaluate labor industry conditions and the District’s competitiveness Invest in technology infrastructure to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction Deploy Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology in service areas to improve the District operations Evaluate Interactive Voice Response (IVR)/Online customer portal for water use management and assistance 5 Completed On Schedule Behind Schedule On Hold KEVIN KOEPPEN Assistant Chief of Finance INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS Leverage the use of renewable and clean energy resources and reduce the use of hazardous chemicals Evaluate and implement energy-efficient systems Evaluate and implement alternative energy opportunities Advance Clean Fleet Regulations District Implementation Program of Zero or near Zero Emissions Vehicles Reduce the District’s chemical footprint by substituting hazardous chemicals for similar, less hazardous chemicals Implement technologies to improve response time, security, and operational effectiveness Conversion of the District’s enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS/Esri) from a Geometric Network to a Utility Network Model Conduct needs assessment/replacement of District's financial management system Maintain and regularly evaluate internal financial controls Leverage Cityworks to further develop job task process standardization and work order cost modeling 6 Completed On Schedule Not Started Left to right: OMAR SANCHEZ and ABRAHAM YANEZ Equipment Mechanics II INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS Develop appropriate water resource mix to meet the water reliability needs of the community Use the Water Facilities Water Management Plan/Urban Water Management Plan to analyze future needs and prescribe approaches to meeting future requirements Evaluate City of San Diego’s recycled water purchase Develop the District’s long-term water supply strategies and planning efforts with regional partnerships Respond to anticipated water shortages through rate structure modification, conservation assistance, and outreach Monitor and modify the Water Shortage Contingency Plan, as needed Identify, evaluate, and implement new opportunities for recycled water, including potential for potable reuse 7 Completed On Schedule JEFF GOIN Disinfection Technician INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS Advancement of District's Asset Management Program Formalization of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Planned Job Observations (PJO) Develop long-term strategic operations and maintenance program (Total Asset Management) Collect and maintain accurate asset records, including criticality, maintenance history, asset condition, and performance for continuous improvement Cloud migration of the District’s enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS/Esri) and the associated Asset Management and Field Applications Cyber and Physical Security Advance the use of the District's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to further enhance the security and reliability of the distribution system and optimize administration Evaluate new disaster recovery solutions and advance the District's enterprise business continuity program 8 Completed On Schedule BERNARDO SEPARA Asset Management Specialist LEARNING AND GROWTH Coordinate workforce planning activities to determine future needs, identify gaps, and implement actions to close the gaps Maximize opportunities to develop employees through training and mentoring Evaluate the implementation of learning and development programs in coordination with partner agencies Analyze and identify workforce trends to address critical gaps between the current workforce and future needs Improve Organization Effectiveness Negotiate successor Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the employee association and unrepresented employees to focus on recruitment and retention Implement a cross-functional innovation committee to advance the District’s culture of collaboration and process improvement among departments 9 On Schedule On Hold Left to right: JULIANA LUENGAS, LAURA YORK, TANYA ROMERO, DIANNE GUIRIBA, JENNY DIAZ, FELICIA MONTANO, and SONIA GOMEZ Conference: Women in Water (March 21, 2024) 1 0 Evaluate new disaster recovery solutions and advance the District's enterprise business continuity program. Conduct an evaluation of a health savings investment account program for an optional post-employment benefit. Evaluate grant funding opportunities. Negotiate successor Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the employees’ association and unrepresented employees to focus on recruitment and retention. NOTABLE MILESTONES YEAR-END FY 2024 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TR E N D S YEAR-END FY 2024 Overall Target 75% Total 34 Reported Quarterly 23 Reported Annually 10 83% 90%88% 95% 83% 90%90%88%88%88% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 Year-End Target 88% 29 KPIs 29/33 = 88% ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET 12% 4 KPIs 4/33 = 12% Reported Biennial to Triennial 1 11 12 DANA GUTIERREZ Customer Service Representative II 98.33% 97.84% 98.12%98.00% 98.38%98.43%98.55%98.60%98.68%98.54% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target ANSWER RATE TARGET 97% average answer rate per quarter and annually CALCULATION Number of calls answered/Total number of calls TARGET 100% of all health-related drinking water standards per quarter and annually CALCULATION Number of days the primary health regulations are met/Number of days in the reporting period AWWA BENCHMARK 100% - 75th Percentile for population served between 100,001 – 500,000 (Water)13 100% (FY 2015 - FY 2024) POTABLE WATER COMPLIANCE RATE ( AWWA | Water Operations) 3.69 5.12 3.94 4.20 3.55 3.51 4.50 3.85 1.02 0.78 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile TECHNICAL QUALITY COMPLAINT (AWWA | Customer Relations) TARGET No more than 4.6 complaints per 1,000 customer accounts annually | No more than 1.15 complaints per 1,000 customer accounts per quarter CALCULATION Number of technical quality complaints per year/Number of active accounts per reporting period AWWA BENCHMARK Average of 75th Percentile, 2.6, and Median, 6.6, for population served between 100,001 – 500,000 (Combined Utilities) PHILLIP KUSSLER Water Systems Operator II 66% 75% 70% 72% 74% 77% 66% 72% 76% 72% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target 14 PLANNED POTABLE WATER MAINTENANCE RATIO IN $ TARGET 70% of all labor costs spent on preventative maintenance per quarter and annually CALCULATION Total Planned Maintenance Cost/Total Maintenance CostDEANDRE SAVAGE Water Systems Operator III 92%92%91% 82% 84% 92% 93% 90% 92%92% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target 66% 86% 91% 74%74% 70% 55% 74% 90% 93% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target PLANNED RECYCLED WATER MAINTENANCE RATIO IN $ TARGET 70% of all labor costs spent on preventative maintenance per quarter and annually CALCULATION Total Planned Maintenance Cost/Total Maintenance Cost 15 PLANNED WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE RATIO IN $ TARGET 80% of all labor costs spent on preventative maintenance per quarter and annually CALCULATION Total Planned Maintenance Cost/Total Maintenance Cost $785.11 $912.56 $1,095.70 $1,165.82 $1,071.66 $996.29 $1,374.69 $869.97 $1,049.68 $1,101.51 $500 $700 $900 $1,100 $1,300 $1,500 $1,700 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target 2.5% 4%4.1% 3.3% 3.6%3.8%3.9%4% 3.5%3.3% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LOSS TARGET Less than 5% of unaccounted water per quarter and annually CALCULATION (Total Potable Water Purchased + Total Recycled Water Purchased & Produced) – (Total Measured Billed & Unbilled Water)/(Total Potable Water Purchased + Total Recycled Water Purchased & Produced)16 DIRECT COST OF TREATMENT PER MGD TARGET No more than $1464 per MGD spent on wastewater treatment annually | No more than $1255 MGD spent in Q1 & Q4 and $1673 MGD spent in Q2 & Q3 CALCULATION Total O&M costs directly attributable to sewer treatment/Total volume in MG for one quarter TARGET No more than 5% per quarter and annually CALCULATION Cost of Change Orders (not including allowances)/Original construction contract amount (not including allowances)17 TARGET 95% of budget annually (Q1: 15% + Q2: 21% + Q3: 29% + Q4: 30% = 95%) CALCULATION Actual Expenditures/Annual Budget 92.20%89.80% 109.10% 97.40% 104.80% 87.30% 111% 103% 94.40% 42% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target CIP PROJECT EXPENDITURES VS. BUDGET 1.9%1.8% 1.5%1.3% 3.1% 5.6% 4.4% 2.0% 0.5% -0.4% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER INCIDENCE 8 7 5 6 3 5 5 5 5 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target 10 12 11 3 3 5 5 5 5 9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target SEWER RATE RANKINGWATER RATE RANKING TARGET Bottom 50th percentile for the 22 member agencies in San Diego CALCULATION Ranking for the average monthly water bill among CWA member agencies TARGET Bottom 50th percentile for the 28 sewer service providers in San Diego CALCULATION Ranking for the average monthly bill among sewer service providers in San Diego County 18 19 168% 171% 200% 236% 165% 188% 272% 262% 219% 133% 0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target 1241% 371% 838% 603% 797% 0% 200% 400% 600% 800% 1000% 1200% 1400% 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target SEWER DEBT COVERAGE RATIOWATER DEBT COVERAGE RATIO TARGET 150% excluding growth revenue annually CALCULATION Qualified net operating revenues/Debt service requirements 19 TARGET 150% excluding growth revenue annually CALCULATION Qualified net operating revenues/Debt service requirements 20 100% 78% 85% 100%100%100% 85%83% 100% 83% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target RESERVE LEVEL TARGET 83% annually CALCULATION Number of reserve funds that meet or exceed fund target levels/Total number of reserve funds 20 99.81%99.97%99.99%99.98%99.94%99.99%99.99%99.99%99.99%99.87% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% 101% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target BILLING ACCURACY TARGET 99.8% billing accuracy per quarter and annually CALCULATION Number of correct bills/Number of bills issued during the reporting period 21 DAVID ROCHA Utility Crew Leader 406 426 410 410 408 406 423 442 406 412 409 408 407 406 399 398 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target ACCOUNTS PER FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE (FTE) TARGET 398 accounts per FTE annually CALCULATION Potable + Recycled + Sewer Accounts/Number of FTEs 22 JULIAN VELAZQUEZ Sr. Utility Locator TARGET 100% mark-out accuracy per quarter and annually CALCULATION Number of mark-outs performed without an at-fault hit, which is damage to a District facility that results from a missing or erroneous mark-out/Total number of mark-outs 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 99% 100% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% 101% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target MARK-OUT ACCURACY TARGET No more than 2.5 leaks per 100 miles of distribution piping annually | No more than 0.625 leaks per 100 miles of distribution piping per quarter CALCULATION 100 (Number of leaks)/Total miles of distribution piping AWWA BENCHMARK 2.5 – 75th percentile for population served between 100,001-500,000 23 TARGET No more than 3 breaks per 100 miles of distribution piping annually | No more than 0.75 breaks per 100 miles of distribution piping per quarter CALCULATION 100 (Number of breaks)/Total miles of distribution piping AWWA BENCHMARK 3 – 75th percentile for population served between 100,001-500,000 0.13 0.55 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INTEGRITY (LEAKS) (AWWA | Water Operations) New measure in FY23 0.41 0.42 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile New measure in FY23 POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INTEGRITY (BREAKS) (AWWA | Water Operations) TARGET No more than 2.5 leaks per 100 miles of recycled distribution system annually | No more than 0.625 leaks per 100 miles of recycled distribution system per quarter CALCULATION 100 (Number of leaks)/Total miles of recycled distribution system 24 TARGET No more than 3 breaks per 100 miles of recycled distribution system annually | No more than 0.75 breaks per 100 miles of recycled distribution system per quarter CALCULATION 100 (Number of breaks)/Total miles of recycled distribution system 0 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM INTEGRITY (LEAKS) New measure in FY23 0 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target New measure in FY23 RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM INTEGRITY (BREAKS) 25 TARGET 20% of District valves exercised annually to accomplish 100% every five years (4092 valves annually | 1023 valves per quarter) CALCULATION Total number of valves exercised per year 1338 1226 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target HYDRANT MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TARGET 20% of District fire hydrants maintained annually to accomplish 100% every 5 years (1220 fire hydrants annually | 305 fire hydrants per quarter) CALCULATION Total number of fire hydrants maintained 3425 4549 3228 3405 3298 2969 4723 3132 4296 4361 2550 3050 3550 4050 4550 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target SYSTEM VALVE EXERCISING PROGRAM New measure in FY23 26 TARGET 100% assigned easements, evaluated via desktop tools, and inspected annually (100 easements are assigned for FY24 | 25 easements per quarter) CALCULATION Number of easements evaluated and inspected/Total easements assigned for the period 129% 188% 111% 100% 106% 100% 50% 70% 90% 110% 130% 150% 170% 190% 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target EASEMENT EVALUATION AND FIELD INSPECTION TARGET 0 overflows per quarter and annually CALCULATION 100 (Number of sewer overflows during the reporting period)/Total miles of pipe in the sewage collection system AWWA BENCHMARK 0 – 75th Percentile for population served between 0-50,000 0 0 1.14 0 1.14 1.14 1.14 2.27 1.14 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile SEWER OVERFLOW RATE (AWWA | Wastewater Operations) 100% (FY2023 – FY2024) TARGET 100% of exercises completed annually (2 exercises scheduled for FY24) CALCULATION Total number of business recovery exercises completed annually TARGET 100% of assessments completed annually (2 assessments scheduled for FY24) CALCULATION Total number of vulnerability assessments completed annually 100%100% 0% 100% 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target New Measure in FY23 BUSINESS RECOVERY EXERCISES 27 VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT New Measure in FY23 Left to right: ISAAC PEREZ and MICHAEL CHRISTENSEN IT Operations Staff 28 TARGET 7 potable water storage tanks and/or reservoirs cleaned annually CALCULATION Number of tanks cleaned and inspected annually 7 11 8 8 9 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target POTABLE TANK INSPECTION AND CLEANING 4.40 4.40 4.40 2.90 2.10 5.10 4.10 3.30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile (Began utilizing AWWA Benchmark in 2023) INJURY INCIDENT RATE (AWWA | Organizational Development) TARGET No more than 4.1 injury incidents per 200,000 hours worked annually (based on Department of Labor average for similar-size water agencies) CALCULATION (Number of recordable injuries/illnesses x 200,000 average hours worked)/ Total hours employees worked AWWA BENCHMARK Average of 75th Percentile, 3, and Median, 5.3, for Combined Utilities 29 JAVIER VASQUEZ Meter Maintenance Worker II Training: Development of Standard Operating Procedures TARGET 24 hours per field employee annually | 6 hours per employee per quarter CALCULATION Total qualified safety training hours for field employees/Average number of field employees 43.11 36.80 30.83 33.38 34.04 79.04 28.40 55.77 42.26 48.61 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM 30 TARGET 15.6 hours per employee annually | 3.9 hours per employee per quarter CALCULATION Total qualified training hours for all employees/Average number of FTEs AWWA BENCHMARK 15.6 – Median for combined utilities 17.53 23.02 22.89 18.11 26.85 59.90 16.49 24.53 24.91 26.64 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile (Began utilizing AWWA Benchmark in 2023) TRAINING HOURS PER EMPLOYEE (AWWA | Organizational Development) TARGET Less than 5% turnover annually | Less than 1.25% turnover per quarter CALCULATION Number of voluntary terminations (not including retirements)/Average number of employees 3.15% 0% 0.75% 1.50% 3.63% 2.19%2.16% 7.97% 6.43% 8.81% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year-End Result Target EMPLOYEE VOLUNTARY TURNOVER RATE RESOURCE LINKS: Otay Water District Website | Strategic Plan FY23 - FY26 Strategic Plan Digital Publication QUESTIONS?