HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-07-24 Board Packet1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY August 7, 2024 3:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON JUNE 5, 2024, AND SPECIAL BOARD MEETING ON JUNE 19, 2024 5. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS FOR THE 2024 “STUDENT POSTER CONTEST” WINNERS (EILEEN SALMERON) 6. PRESENTATION OF THE 2024 “BEST IN DISTRICT” WATERSMART LAND- SCAPE CONTEST WINNER (EILEEN SALMERON) 7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD’S JURISDICTION INCLUDING AN ITEM ON TODAY’S AGENDA Additionally, if you wish to have your comment read to the Board during the “Public Participation” portion of the meeting, please email your comment to BoardSecre- tary@otaywater.gov at least thirty minutes prior to the start of the meeting, which will be read aloud during the “Public Participation” portion of the meeting. Please provide your Name and the City in which you reside, with your comment. Your comment must not take more than three minutes to read. The Board is not per- mitted to respond to written public comment during this time. The District’s meeting is live streamed. Information on how to watch and listen to the District’s meeting can be found at this link: https://otaywater.gov/board-of-di- rectors/agenda-and-minutes/board-agenda/ 2 CONSENT CALENDAR 8. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: a) AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS OF UP TO THE BUDGETED AMOUNT, AND ANY INFLATION ADJUST- MENTS IN ADDITION TO THE BUDGETED AMOUNTS, WHEN PRICING FOR VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT ARE AVAILABLE FOR THE PURCHASE OF SIX (6) FLEET VEHICLES, INCREASE CIP P2282 BY AN ADDITIONAL $200,000 FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) HYDRO-EXCAVATOR, ONE (1) BACKHOE, AND ONE (1) EMERGENCY STAND-BY GENERATOR, FOR AN OVERALL AMOUNT OF $1,360,000 (CHARLES MEDEROS) b) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4443 TO CONTINUE WATER AND SEWER AVAILABILITY CHARGES FOR DISTRICT CUSTOMERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 TO BE COLLECTED THROUGH PROPERTY TAX BILLS (AN- DREA CAREY) c) ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 593 TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO SECTION 23, NON-RESPONSIBILITY OF DISTRICT, AND SECTION 38, SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS (ANDREA CAREY) d) AUTHORIZE AN ADDENDUM TO AMEND THE SCOPE OF SERVICES, LENGTH OF TIME, AND TOTAL COMPENSATION FOR THE CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND BURKE, WILLIAMS & SORENSEN, LLP IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EX- CEED $115,000 (SUZIE LAWSON) ACTION ITEMS 9. BOARD a) DISCUSSION ON APPOINTMENT TO VACANCY ON THE BOARD OF DI- RECTORS, DIVISION 1 b) DISCUSSION OF THE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE BOARD OF DIREC- TORS OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY (SECOND SEAT) c) WATER CONSERVATION UPDATE (DIRECTOR ROBAK) d) RATIFICATION OF THE NOTICE TO THE WATER CONSERVATION GAR- DEN OF OTAY WATER DISTRICT’S INTENT TO WITHDRAW (JOSE MAR- TINEZ) 3 e) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4445 AUTHORIZING THE REGISTER OF VOT- ERS TO RENDER SERVICES RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF AN ELEC- TION FOR 2024 (TITA RAMOS-KROGMAN) f) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4447 CONGRATULATING LAKESIDE WATER DISTRICT ON ITS 100TH ANNIVERSARY (JOSE MARTINEZ) g) DISCUSS THE 2024 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR (TITA RAMOS-KROG- MAN) REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 11. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE 12. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS 13. PRESIDENT’S REPORT/REQUESTS RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 14. CLOSED SESSION a) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to Cali- fornia Government Code §54956.8 Property: SALT CREEK GOLF COURSE 525 HUNTE PARKWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 Agency Negotiator: General Counsel Under Negotiation: Disposition of Property b) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOV- ERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL c) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOV- ERNMENT CODE §54956.9] MARK COZIAHR, ET AL. vs. OTAY WATER DISTRICT, CASE NO. 37-2015- 000-CU-MC-CTL 4 RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 15. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION. OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 16. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS 17. ADJOURNMENT All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the District’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available by contacting the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to participate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on August 2, 2024, I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 72 hours in advance of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on August 2, 2024. /s/ Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary 1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY June 5, 2024 1.The meeting was called to order by President Lopez at 3:30 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present:Croucher, Keyes (arrived in Closed Session 3:36 p.m.), Lopez and Robak Directors Absent: Smith Staff Present: General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, Chief of Engineering Michael Long, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Chief of Operations Andrew Jackson, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Tita Ramos- Krogman and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Robak, seconded by Director Croucher, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Lopez and Robak Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Directors Keyes and Smith to approve the agenda. 5.APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 24, 2024, AND THE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 1, 2024 A motion was made by Director Robak, seconded by Director Croucher, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Lopez and Robak Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Keyes and Smith AGENDA ITEM 4 2 to approve the minutes of the special board meeting of April 24, 2024, and the regular meeting of May 1, 2024. 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA There were no public comments to be heard. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Director Ryan Keyes arrived at 3:36 p.m. 7. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 3:36 p.m. to discuss the following matters: a) CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957.6] AGENCY DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES: GARY CROUCHER AND JOSE LOPEZ EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION: OTAY WATER DISTRICT EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION AND ALL REPRESENTED AND UNREPRESENTED PERSONNEL, INCLUDING MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES b) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to California Government Code §54956.8 Property: SALT CREEK GOLF COURSE 525 HUNTE PARKWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 Agency negotiator: General Counsel Under negotiation: Disposition of Property c) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL 3 d) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] MARK COZIAHR, ET AL. vs. OTAY WATER DISTRICT, CASE NO. 37-2015- 000-CU-MC-CTL e) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.95] NAME OF CLAIMANT: BRIAN E. WATKINS AND ASSOCIATES REPRESENTING ELLISON AND ELLISON f) EVALUATION OF GENERAL COUNSEL Pursuant to Government Code §54954.5 RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 8. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION. The board reconvened from closed session at 5:36 p.m. and General Counsel Dan Shinoff reported that the board took action on Item 6e of the board agenda, which was a 4-0 vote to reject the claim from Brian Watkins and Associates representing Ellison and Ellison. General Manager Jose Martinez reported that the board took action on Item 6f of the board agenda, which was a 4-0 vote to extend the contract of General Counsel to June 30, 2025. General Counsel Dan Shinoff recommended that the board also take action on this item outside of Closed Session. A motion was made by Director Croucher, seconded by Director Robak and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez and Robak Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Smith to extend the existing contract with Artiano Shinoff Abed Carelli Sleeth & Wade, APC, A Professional Corporation, to June 30, 2025. No other reportable actions were taken in closed session. 9. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING a) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4444 TO APPROVE THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) BETWEEN THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2024 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2027 (WITH ONE [1] PROVISION GOING INTO 4 EFFECT ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2024), FOR THE FIELD AND ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEES’ BARGAINING UNITS AND APPROVE EXTENDING THE SAME NEGOTIATED COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENTS AND RELATED BENEFITS FOR MANAGEMENT, CONFIDENTIAL, AND EXECUTIVE (UNREPRESENTED) EMPLOYEES Human Resource Manager Suzie Lawson provided the staff report to the board. As noted in the staff report, effective the first full pay period of July 2024, and each subsequent full pay period of July thereafter during the term of this MOU, salaries will be increased as follows: July 2024 - Six percent (6%), July 2025 - Five percent (5%), July 2026 - Five percent (5%). A motion was made by Director Keyes, seconded by Director Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez and Robak Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Smith to adopt Resolution No. 4444 to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Otay Water District and the Otay Water District Employees’ Association effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027 (with one [1] provision going into effect on September 1, 2024), for the Field and Administrative Employees’ Bargaining Units and approve extending the same negotiated cost-of-living adjustments and related benefits for management, confidential, and executive (unrepresented) employees. 10. FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 BUDGET a) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4442 TO APPROVE THE FY 2024-2025 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET; APPROVE FUND TRANSFERS FOR POTABLE, RECYCLED, AND SEWER; ADOPT THE SALARY SCHEDULE; ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 592, AMENDING APPENDIX A OF THE DISTRICT’S CODE OF ORDINANCES IMPLEMENTING WATER AND SEWER RATE CHANGES, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2025; AND DIRECT STAFF TO DRAFT AND MAIL RATE INCREASES NOTICES Staff members provided a PowerPoint presentation to board members. Assistant Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Kevin Koeppen discussed the district’s historical rate increases due to supplier cost increases. He noted that the main suppliers impacting rate increases are the County Water Authority, Metropolitan Water District, and SDG&E. Director Croucher requested that staff research how Otay Water District’s penalties compare to other agencies. He also requested that staff research opportunities to help customers with late payments to avoid penalties. 5 Director Robak inquired if 100% of the increases are due to external causes. Assistant CFO Kevin Koeppen said that is correct. General Manager Jose Martinez stated that there are many factors, such as regulatory creep and unfunded mandates, that contribute to the increases. Director Keyes discussed opportunities for the district to save money on energy charges. Staff provided district practices to save energy and indicated that the district is looking into solar system opportunities. In response to suggestions from Director Croucher, Assistant CFO Kevin Koeppen stated that a notification will be sent to customers that will provide reasons for the rate increases, which will include the Local Agency Formation Commission Detachment Project - Rainbow Municipal Water District and the Fallbrook Public Utility District. The Preliminary Residential Water Rate Comparison will also be included in the notification to let customers know how the district’s rates compare to other water agencies. There was a discussion on the upcoming AMI Project, in which staff noted that additional staffing will be needed to complete and maintain this project. Director Croucher inquired about AWWA’s water loss requirement. Chief of Operations Andrew Jackson said that AWWA’s requirement is approximately 10%, which the district’s water loss is significantly lower than the requirement and is a testament to the district’s infrastructure. Director Croucher suggested that the PowerPoint slide showing Historical Water Loss should indicate AWWA’s water loss requirement to show that the district is well within the agency’s standards. President Lopez inquired if the current AMR is helpful with leak detection. Chief of Operations Andrew Jackson stated that it does help as it provides data to compare water usage for customers on a monthly basis. In response to comments and questions from Director Robak, Customer Service Manager Andrea Carey stated that the new AMI Project will provide data twice a day. The AMI Project is anticipated to take a few years to complete. In response to a question from Director Robak, Assistant Chief Financial Officer Kevin Koeppen said that the 14.9% administrative cost for insurance is specifically the ACWA-JPIA insurance. Staff responded to additional questions from the board. It was noted that the district starts from a zero-based budget every year when drafting the budget. President Lopez noted that Director Smith reviewed the proposed Budget for 2024- 2025 and stated that Director Smith had no questions. A motion was made by President Lopez, seconded by Director Keyes and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Lopez and Robak 6 Noes: Director Keyes Abstain: None Absent: Director Smith to adopt Resolution No. 4442 to approve the FY 2024-2025 Operating and Capital Budget; approve fund transfers for potable, recycled, and sewer; adopt the salary schedule; adopt Ordinance No. 295, amending Appendix A of the District’s Code of Ordinances implementing water and sewer rate changes, effective January 1, 2025; and direct staff to draft and mail rate increases notices. CONSENT ITEMS 11. CONSENT ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Robak, seconded by Director Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez and Robak Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Smith to approve the following consent calendar items: a) APPROVE THE FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE METRO WASTEWATER JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY b) APPROVE AND ADOPT THE 870-1 AND 870-2 RESERVOIRS PROJECT ADDENDUM TO THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT 2015 WATER FACILITIES MASTER PLAN UPDATE PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (PEIR). THIS IS ADDENDUM NO. 2 TO THE FINAL PEIR c) AWARD A PROFESSIONAL PLANNING SERVICES AGREEMENT TO AARC CONSULTANTS, LLC (AARC) AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT WITH AARC TO PREPARE A CLIMATE ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE PLAN IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $219,015 d) AWARD TWO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS FOR AS-NEEDED COATING INSPECTION SERVICES AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENTS WITH COATING SPECIALISTS AND INSPECTION SERVICES, INC. AND RUSTY PAULS INSPECTIONS, LLC, dbs mcs INSPECTION IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $175,000 DURING FISCAL YEARS 2025-2026 (ENDING JUNE 30, 2026) 7 ACTION ITEMS 12. BOARD a) DISCUSS THE 2024 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR A motion was made by Director Keyes, seconded by President Lopez and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez and Robak Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Smith to cancel the July 3, 2024, regular board meeting. There were no other changes to the board meeting calendar. INFORMATIONAL ITEM 13. THE FOLLOWING ITEM IS PROVIDED TO THE BOARD FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEM: a) THIRD QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2024 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Engineering Manager Kevin Cameron provided a PowerPoint presentation to the board. REPORTS 14. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT General Manager Jose Martinez provided his staff report to the board and discussed the Multi-Agency Wild Land Preparedness Exercise Partnership and showed a video from an Instagram post by the Chula Vista Fire Department. Mr. Martinez introduced the district’s new Finance Manager Jonathan Ravaglioli. 15. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE No San Diego County Water Authority Updates were provided. Director Croucher indicated that he planned to attend the SDCWA meeting virtually as he was in Texas due to a family emergency. However, he was unable to attend the meeting as a tornado hit close to his location and caused internet services to go down. 8 16. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS Director Robak provided an update on the Water Conservation Garden (WCG) matter. He shared that he may be appointed as the Executive Director to the WCG and therefore may have to resign as the Joint Power Authority (JPA) representative, on behalf of Otay Water District, on the WCG. He noted that he will discuss this matter with President Lopez and legal counsel. Written reports from Directors Croucher, Keyes and Robak were submitted to District Secretary Ramos-Krogman, which will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. 17. PRESIDENT’S REPORT A written report President Lopez was submitted to District Secretary Ramos-Krogman and will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. U U UUOTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 18. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS There were no items scheduled for discussion for the Otay Water District Financing Authority board. 19. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Lopez adjourned the meeting at 7:22 p.m. President ATTEST: District Secretary OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Jose Lopez Period Covered: Employee Number: From: 06/01/24 To: 06/28/24 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 06/03/24 OWD Directors’ Quarterly Meeting with General Manager 2 06/04/24 South County EDC Monthly South County EDC Meeting 3 06/05/24 OWD Regular Board Meeting 19 4 06/07/24 OWD Water Conservation Garden Meeting 26 5 06/08/24 City of Chula Vista Chula Vista Form Fire Station 4 (NO CHARGE) 6 06/10/24 OWD Ad Hoc General Manager Evaluation Meeting 32 7 06/14/24 OWD Sweetwater Schools/Mentoring Project Meeting 19 8 06/17/24 OWD Ad Hoc General Manager Evaluation Meeting 32 9 06/18/24 City of Chula Vista State of City Address Mayor McCann (NO CHARGE) 10 06/28/24 OWD Special Board Meeting 19 From: ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 6/4/2024 Quarterly GM Meeting Quarterly meeting with GM 2 6/5/2024 OWD Board Meeting Monthly Meeting 3 6/19/2024 Special Board Meeting Special Board Meeting 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Period Covered: Employee Number 6/1/24 - 6/30/24 Pay To: Ryan Keyes Mark Robak From:6/1/2024 6/30/2024 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 6/5/2024 Water Conservation Garden Meeting with Lauren Magnuson & Brian Olney to discuss organizational changes - NO CHARGE 0 0 2 6/5/2024 Otay Water District Monthly Board Meeting 7 0 3 6/6/2024 San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Sustainability & Industry Committee 0 0 4 6/6/2024 Water Conservation Garden Meeting with Lauren Magnuson to further discuss organization changes - NO CHARGE 0 0 5 6/7/2024 East County Chamber of Commerce First Friday Breakfast - NO CHARGE 0 0 6 6/7/2024 Water Conservation Garden JPA Board Meeting 0 0 7 6/10/2024 Water Conservation Garden Meeting with Brian Olney - NO CHARGE 0 0 8 6/11/2024 Jamul Fire Safe Council Hear from California Department of Insurance on possible Garden insurance options 0 24 9 6/17/2024 San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Leadership Delegation to Sacramento 0 17 10 6/18/2024 San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Leadership Delegation to Sacramento 0 17 11 6/19/2024 Otay Water District General Manager Evaluation 7 0 12 6/21/2024 San Diego LAFCO Special Districts Advisory Board 0 34 13 6/26/2024 East County EDC Monthly Board Meeting 0 0 14 6/27/2024 San Diego County Water Authority Monthly Board Meeting 0 0 14 92 Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Tim Smith From: 6/1/2024 to 6/30/2024 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 6/6/2024 Dir. Qtrly Mtg Discuss Director Quarterly Meeting highlights with GM Martinez 0 0 2 6/11/2024 GM Mtg.Discuss Confidential Issues with GM Martinez 0 0 3 6/12/2024 AWWA ACE24 Membrane Standards Committee Mtg. Discuss three updates to AWWA Membrane Standards in the Committee Mg (Virtual) 0 0 4 6/19/2024 GM/GC Mtg. Discuss Confidential Issues with GM Martinez and GC Shinoff 0 0 5 6/25/2024 SDCWA Matters Discuss SDCWA matters with GM Martinez and Dir. Croucher 0 0 6 6/26/2024 SDCWA Matters Discuss SDCWA matters with Dir. Croucher (Dinner Mtg)0 48 7 8 9 10 11 0 48 Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OTAY WATER DISTRICT June 19, 2024 1. President Lopez called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Croucher (arrived at 12:07 p.m.), Keyes, Lopez, and Robak Directors Absent: Smith Staff Present: General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, District Secretary Tita Ramos-Krogman and Execu-tive Assistant Sonia Gomez 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Keyes, seconded by President Lopez and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Keyes, Lopez, and Robak Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Smith to approve the agenda. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD’S JU- RISDICTION INCLUDING AN ITEM ON TODAY’S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 6. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 12:05 p.m. to discuss the following matter: a) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957.6] 2 TITLE: GENERAL MANAGER RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 7. CLOSED SESSION The board reconvened from closed session at 1:30 p.m. and General Counsel Dan Shinoff recommended that the board motion to extend the General Manager’s contract for one additional year over the current time on the existing contract. In addition, the motion would include a 6% increase for this year, year two would be 5%, and year three would be 5%. A motion was made by President Lopez, seconded by Director Keyes and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez and Robak Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Smith to approve the General Manager’s contract extension for one additional year over the current time on the existing contract with the presented increases. 8. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Lopez adjourned the meeting at 1:31 p.m. President ATTEST: District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: August 7, 2024 SUBMITTED BY: Charles Mederos, Utility Services Manager PROJECTS: P2282, P2286, P2688 DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Andrew Jackson, Chief of Water Operations Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF SIX FLEET VEHICLES, APPROVAL TO INCREASE CIP P2282 AN ADDITIONAL $200,000.00 FOR THE PURCHASE OF A HYDRO-EXCAVATOR WHEN PRICE AND UNIT IS AVAILABLE, ONE BACKHOE, ONE EMERGENCY STAND-BY GENERATOR, AND TO DECLARE AS SURPLUS UNITS #3476 AND #212, AND ONE GENSET. GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board authorize the General Manager to issue purchase orders of up to the budgeted amount, and any inflation adjustments in addition to the budgeted amounts, when pricing for vehicles and equipment are available for the purchase of six fleet vehicles, increase CIP (Capital Improvement Project) P2282 by an additional $200,000.00 for the purchase of a Hydro-Excavator, one backhoe, and one emergency stand-by generator, as described below, in an overall amount of $1,360,000.00: •Three (3) E-Transit Vans, up to the budgeted amount of two (2) at $66,500.00 each and one (1) with a platform bed at$70,000.00, for a total amount of $203,000.00. •Two (2) Ford F-150, half-ton Pick-Up trucks, up to thebudgeted amount of $55,000.00 each for a total amount of$110,000.00. AGENDA ITEM 8a 2 •One (1) Hydro-Excavator, Class 7 with automatic transmissionof up to the increased budgeted amount of $801,000.00. •One (1) Backhoe up to budgeted amount of $170,000.00. •One (1) Emergency Stand-by Generator up to the budgetedamount of $76,000.00. Staff also recommends to surplus the following Units: #3476 a John Deere Backhoe, #212 a Hydro-Excavator, and one Emergency Standby Generator. COMMITTEE ACTION: See “Attachment A.” PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization to purchase six fleet vehicles, one backhoe, and one emergency standby generator of up to the budgeted amounts and, if applicable, include any inflation adjustments, and increase CIP P2282 by an additional $200,000.00, for FY25 or when vehicles and equipment are available for purchase. Staff also recommends to surplus Units #3476 backhoe, #212 Hydro-Excavator, and one Emergency Standby Generator. ANALYSIS: There are six vehicles, one backhoe, and one emergency standby generator included for purchase in the approved FY25 budget. The window of opportunity to place orders for these vehicles is extremely narrow due to pent-up demand for fleet vehicles. For instance, during FY22, a class 7 commercial utility truck was ordered with a purchase order dated March 15, 2022, and was delivered in March 2024 (FY24). During FY23, two dump trucks, class 8 and 7 were ordered with purchase orders dated December 15, 2022, and delivered in January and February of 2024 (FY24). In addition, there was one Ford F-550 purchased in FY23 with a purchase order dated January 9, 2023, and was delivered in May 2024, one Class 7 Utility Truck and Class 5 Dump Truck purchased in FY24 with a purchase order dated December 22, 2023. The Class 5 Dump Truck was delivered in June 2024 and the class 7 Utility truck has a tentative delivery date of early FY25. This lead time is due to the high demand and short supply of these types of vehicles coupled with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Clean Fleets Regulation that took effect January 2024. If the District waits to place orders until pricing becomes available later this calendar year and then 3 seek Board authorization, the District could be locked out of the opportunity to purchase during calendar year 2024 and will be subject to potentially higher costs due to inflation. As a remedy to this situation, staff plans to purchase the vehicles and equipment through Sourcewell’s Cooperative Agreements: 1) either with National Auto Fleet Group (NAFG) or 2) body equipment companies that are specialized in building certain vehicles, such as the hydro-excavator truck. It should be noted that certain commercial manufacturers allocate their production to the region then ultimately to local dealers. Thus, it is important for the District to issue a purchase order to the dealer(s) as soon as possible to get a build slot reserved. It is also important to note that in FY24, staff requested the Board to authorize the General Manager to issue purchase orders as fleet vehicles were made available and was able to secure these purchases and reserve a build slot for those fleet vehicles under production, therefore, avoiding extended lead times due to the short supply. Note: Cooperative/Joint Purchases are authorized under Section 6.2.3 of the Purchasing Manual. These purchases are exempt from the District’s competitive solicitation requirements so long as the contracts, schedules, and agreements are solicited in a manner consistent with the District’s purchasing policies. Sourcewell is a State of Minnesota’s local government unit and service cooperative created under the laws of the State of Minnesota that offers cooperative procurement solutions to government entities. Based on the aforementioned reasons, it is imperative to seek pre-authorization from the Board to secure the purchases of the vehicles, backhoe, and emergency standby generator as soon as possible. The requested six vehicles, backhoe, and generator will replace the units and equipment as described below (Attachment B). • Unit #185 (2008 Ford F250 – 84,003 miles). This vehicle is 16 years old and in need of replacement. This truck is equipped with a utility body and was assigned to an Electrician and replaced in FY23 with an E-Transit Van but held back and assigned to a Pump Mechanic. It is utilized to perform preventive and corrective maintenance on District assets. It will be replaced with an E-Transit (electric) Ford Van since it falls under the State Advanced Clean Fleet Regulation. • Unit #189 (2008 Ford F250 Pickup truck – 124,696 miles). This vehicle is assigned to Facility Maintenance, is 16 years old, and in need of replacement. It will be replaced with an E- 4 Transit Ford Van since it falls under the State Advanced Clean Fleet Regulation. • Unit #198 (2007 Ford F350 equipped with a flatbed – 64,417 miles). This vehicle is assigned to Utility Maintenance and is 17 years old and in need of replacement. It is utilized to carry supplies and perform traffic control and it is powered by a 6.0-liter diesel engine. It will be replaced with an E-Transit platform Ford Van in a cab and chassis configuration and outfitted with a flatbed for traffic control. Unit #198 also falls under the State Advanced Clean Fleet Regulation. • Unit #212 (2012 International/Vactor Hydro-Excavator Utility Maintenance – 46,972 miles). This vehicle is 12 years old and in need of replacement. The Hydro-Excavator is used to assist during excavations using high-pressure water and a powerful vacuum to break up the soil and immediately remove it by placing it in the unit's debris tank. The replacement of this unit was authorized by the Board at the Board meeting held on August 2, 2023, with a budgeted amount of $410,000.00. However, by the time staff was ready to issue a purchase order, the price was higher and continued to increase due to high demand and inflation costs. For this reason, staff is requesting to increase CIP P2282 by an additional $200,000.00 and execute a purchase order as soon as unit and pricing becomes available. This Hydro-excavator falls under the State Advanced Clean Fleet Regulation, but it will be offset by the early Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) purchases/credits made in calendar year 2023. • Unit #226 (2017 Ford F150 – 83,916 miles). This vehicle is seven years old and in need of replacement. It is assigned to Water Systems section to monitor and operate the water distribution system. This vehicle travels more than 10,000 miles annually and it will be replaced in kind. • Unit #234 (2018 Ford F150 – 83,809 miles). This vehicle is six years old and in need of replacement. It is assigned to Water Systems section to monitor and operate the water distribution system. This vehicle travels more than 10,000 miles annually and is expected to have 100,000 miles at the time of replacement. It will be replaced in kind. • Unit #3476 (1999 John Deere Backhoe). The backhoe is 25 years old, powered by a Tier 1 emissions level diesel engine and in need of replacement. The backhoe is used by Utility Maintenance during replacements and repairs of service laterals and mains. The backhoe will be replaced in kind but with the latest emissions available in anticipation of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) phasing out Tier 1 emissions level. 5 • The 1200-1 Pump Station Emergency Standby Generator is a 1990 175Kw Tier zero emissions level with a single wall diesel fuel belly tank. The fuel tank is beginning to show signs of rust and needs replacement. It will be replaced in kind with Tier III emission level with a double contained diesel fuel tank. Since the District requires reliable equipment and vehicles for emergency response with the capacity to perform repairs in a timely manner, staff requests to obtain Board authorization to procure and purchase their replacements to maintain critical water and sewer services. Based on the system operation evaluation of workflow and the current market uncertainty of vehicle stock and CARB regulation, staff recommends that the Board to authorize the General Manager to issue purchase orders to purchase the vehicles and equipment requested in this report. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budgeted cost for the six vehicles is $914,000.00, plus an additional request to increase CIP P2282 by $200,000.00 for a total cost of $1,114,000.00 which will be charged against the Vehicle Capital Purchases CIP P2282. The total budgeted cost for the backhoe is $170,000.00, which will be charged against the Field Equipment Capital Purchases CIP P2286. The total budgeted cost for the emergency standby generator is $76,000.00 which will be charged against the Standby Power Renovations – Potable Water Capital Purchases CIP P2688. The Finance Department has determined that 100 percent of the funds are available to cover the cost of the Capital Purchases. STRATEGIC GOAL: Operate the system to meet demand 24 hours a day, seven days a week. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Photos of Vehicles ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF SIX FLEET VEHICLES, APPROVAL TO INCREASE CIP P2282 AN ADDITIONAL $200,000.00 FOR THE PURCHASE OF A HYDRO-EXCVATOR WHEN UNIT AND PRICES BECOMES AVAILABLE, ONE BACKHOE, ONE EMERGENCY STAND-BY GENERATOR, AND TO DECLARE AS SURPLUS UNITS #3476 AND #212, AND ONE GENSET. COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on July 23, 2024, and the following comments were made: • As stated in the staff report, it was discussed that the replacement of Unit #212 (2012 International/Vactor Hydro-Excavator Utility Maintenance) was approved by the board on August 2, 2023. However, by the time staff was ready to issue a purchase order, the price was higher and continued to increase due to high demand and inflation costs. For this reason, staff is requesting to increase CIP P2282 by an additional $200,000.00 to secure the purchase of a hydro-excavator in addition to one backhoe and one emergency stand-by generator. The overall amount of CIP P2282 would be $1,360,000.00. • Staff discussed market conditions, short supply, inflation and the Advanced Clean Fleets of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Regulation. The window of opportunity to place orders is extremely narrow due to pent-up demand for fleet vehicles. • In response to a question from the Committee, staff stated that the district is currently in the process of building five charging stations with grant funding. • There was a discussion on the surplus process in which it was noted that surplus items are auctioned off and proceeds from the auction go back to the district. • In response to a question from the Committee, staff stated that the emergency stand-by generator is only used when needed. These generators are exercised twice a month, and on an annual basis an emergency power outage is simulated to make sure the SCADA System powers up the generators to ensure water operators can run pumps. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full Board as a Consent Item. ATTACHMENT B Unit 185, 2008 Ford F250 with 84,003 miles Unit 189, 2008 Ford F250 with 124,696 miles Unit 198, 2007 Ford F350 with 64,417 miles Unit 212, 2012 International Hydro-Excavator with 46,972 miles Unit 226, 2017 Ford F150 with 83,916 miles Unit 234, 2018 Ford F150 with 83,809 miles Unit 3476, 1999 John Deere Backhoe with 2652 hours Emergency Standby Generator 1200-1 Pump Station with 781 hours STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: August 7, 2024 SUBMITTED BY: Andrea Carey, Customer Service Manager PROJECT: DIV. NO. All APPROVED BY: Kevin Koeppen, Assistant Chief of Finance Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Adopt Resolution No. 4443 to Continue Water and Sewer Availability Charges for District Customers for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 to be Collected Through Property Tax Bills GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt Resolution No. 4443 to continue water and sewer availability charges for District customers for fiscal year 2024-2025 to be collected through property tax bills. COMMITTEE ACTION: See Attachment A. PURPOSE: That the Board consider the adoption of Resolution No. 4443 to continue water and sewer availability charges for District customers for fiscal year 2024-2025 to be collected through property tax bills. ANALYSIS: The District levies availability charges each year on property in both developed and undeveloped areas. State Water Code Section 71630- 71637 authorizes the District to assess such availability charges. To place these charges on the tax roll, the County of San Diego (the AGENDA ITEM 8b 2 County) requires the District to provide a resolution authorizing the charges. In late July of each year, the District provides a resolution along with the listing of charges by parcel to the County’s property tax services department. For a parcel to be assessed a sewer availability charge, it must be annexed into the District’s sewer Improvement District No. 18. Sewer availability charges are either a fixed fee of $10 for parcels one acre or less or $30 per acre for parcels greater than one acre. Unlike sewer, water availability charges are assessed on all parcels within the District’s boundaries and do not require annexation into an improvement district. For most parcels, water availability charges are the same as those shown for sewer availability above; however, there are some exceptions. Parcels greater than one mile from a District pipeline, identified as an agricultural preserve, in a floodplain, or have a 30% slope are charged $3 per acre. Parcels identified as open space are charged 50% of the normal assessment fees ($5 for those one acre or less or $15 per acre for those greater than an acre). Current legislation provides that any amount up to $10 per parcel (one acre or less) is for general use and any amount over $10 per parcel ($30 per acre for parcels over one acre) is restricted, to be expended in and for that improvement district. The District uses amounts over $10 per parcel to develop water and sewer systems within the Improvement Districts where the funds are collected. In accordance with legislation, the District places amounts up to $10 per parcel in the General Fund. FISCAL IMPACT: Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The availability charges, as budgeted, will generate approximately $1.2 million in revenue. STRATEGIC GOAL: This revenue source will help the District meet its fiscal responsibility to its ratepayers. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Resolution No. 4443 ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: Adopt Resolution No. 4443 to Continue Water and Sewer Availability Charges for District Customers for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 to be Collected Through Property Tax Bills COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on July 23, 2024, and the following comments were made: • Staff presented the staff report to the Committee and noted that availability charges, as budgeted (see page 2 of the staff report), will generate approximately $1.2 million in revenue. Upon completion of the discussion, the Committee supported presentation to the full board as a Consent Item. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 4443 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT CONTINUING PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED WATER AND SEWER AVAILABILITY CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025; REQUESTING THE COUNTY TO COLLECT SUCH AVAILABILITY CHARGES ON THE 2024-2025 SECURED TAX ROLL AND TAKING OTHER RELATED ACTIONS WHEREAS, the Otay Water District (herein "District") is a member of the San Diego County Water Authority and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and, as a member, the District is entitled to purchase water for distribution within the District and water so purchased is available to property in the District that is also within the San Diego County Water Authority and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, without further need for annexation to any agency; and WHEREAS, Improvement District No. 18 has been formed within the Otay Water District (herein "District") and sanitary sewers have been constructed and sewer service is available to land within the said District; and WHEREAS, in consideration of the benefit that water availability confers upon property within the District, and in further consideration of the need for revenue to pay the cost of water storage and transmission facilities which directly and specifically benefit property within the District, the District has previously determined that water availability charges be fixed and established under applicable provisions of law; and Attachment B 2 WHEREAS, in consideration of the benefit which sewer availability confers upon property within Improvement District No. 18, and in further consideration of the need to pay the cost of sanitary sewers which directly and specifically benefit those properties, the District has previously determined that sewer availability charges be fixed and established for Improvement District No. 18 as provided under applicable provisions of law; and WHEREAS, the District desires to continue the collection of such water and sewer availability charges without increases or revisions in methodology or application. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District resolves, determines and orders as follows: 1. SCHEDULE OF WATER CHARGES (A) The water availability charges previously fixed and established are hereby continued for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 at the existing rates, as follows: (1) In Improvement District No. 22 the charge shall be $30.00 per acre of land and $10.00 per parcel of land less than one acre. (2) For land located outside an improvement district and within one mile of a District water line, the charge shall be $10.00 per acre of land and $10.00 for each parcel less than one acre. (3) For land located outside an improvement district and greater than one mile from District facilities, the 3 charge shall be $3.00 per acre of land and $3.00 for each parcel less than one acre. (B) Modifications The charges provided for in subparagraphs (1) through (3) in (A) above shall be modified upon petition by the property owner where the property does not receive water from the District as follows: (1) where a parcel of land or a portion thereof is within an open space easement approved by San Diego County, the charge for such parcel or portion thereof shall be fifty percent (50%) of the charge determined pursuant to paragraph (A), provided the owner files with the District proof, satisfactory to the District, that said parcel of land or portion thereof is within such a designated permanent open space area; (2) where a parcel of land or portion thereof is in an agricultural reserve under a Land Conservation Contract with the County of San Diego, pursuant to the Land Conservation Act of 1965 as amended, the charge for such parcel shall be $3.00 per acre, provided the owner files with the District proof, satisfactory to the District, that said parcel of land or portion thereof is within such an agricultural preserve; (3) where a parcel of land or a portion thereof is within an area designated as a floodplain by the County of San Diego, the charge for such a parcel or portion 4 thereof shall be $3.00 per acre, provided the owner files with the District proof, satisfactory to the District, that said parcel of land or portion thereof is within such designated floodplain; and (4) where a parcel of land or portion thereof exceeds a 30% slope, and where such is not within a legal subdivision, lot-split or planned residential development, the charge for the slope portion shall be $3.00 per acre, or if such a parcel is less than one acre and more than one-half of the area exceeds 30% slope, $3.00 for the parcel, provided the owner files with the District proof, satisfactory to the District, that said parcel of land or portion thereof meets or exceeds the slope. (C) Exceptions The charges provided for in (A) and (B) above shall not apply, upon petition by the property owner, to the following: (1) land located within an area designated as a floodway by the County of San Diego; (2) land designated as a vernal pool area by a govern- mental agency authorized to make such a designation and which designation prohibits use of such area for any purpose; (3) land owned by non-profit, tax-exempt conservation organizations specializing in identifying and protecting the natural habitat of rare species; or 5 (4) land that is located within the boundaries of the Otay Water District but not within the boundaries of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the San Diego County Water Authority. 2. SCHEDULE OF SEWER CHARGES (A) Sewer standby assessment or availability charges are hereby fixed and established for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 as follows: (1) In Improvement District No. 18 the charges shall be $30.00 per acre of land and $10.00 per parcel of land less than one acre. The preceding charges shall not apply, upon petition by the property owner, to the following: (a) any portion of a parcel which is undeveloped and maintained in its natural state within an Open Space Area as a requirement under the San Diego County General Plan, provided the owner of such parcel files proof, satisfactory to the District, of such designed Open Space Area; (b) any portion of a parcel located within an area designated by the County of San Diego as a floodway or floodplain; or (c) any portion of a parcel of land which exceeds a slope of 30% and which is not within a legal subdivision, lot split or planned lot split or planned residential development. 6 3. DEFERRALS (A) Deferral of Charge, Purpose Situations may arise when an owner of a parcel of land does not use and has no present intention of using water and/or sewer provided by the District on a parcel of land, as defined in Section 4. The purpose of this section is to permit an evaluation by the District, on a case-by- case basis, of the circumstances which pertain to such situations to determine whether a deferral of charges should be approved according to the terms and conditions herein provided. Any owner of a parcel of land who believes that the amount of the water and/or sewer availability charges fixed against such parcel should be deferred may file an application with the District for deferral of the charge, as follows: (1) Application The application shall include a statement describing the circumstances and factual elements which support the request for deferral. (2) The General Manager shall consider the request within sixty (60) days after the filing of a completed application. If the application for deferral meets the established criteria, the General Manager may decide whether to approve the request and order the charge deferred accordingly. If the request is denied, the applicant shall be notified in writing stating the reasons for the denial. (B) Appeal to Board of Directors If the General Manager denies a request, the owner may file an appeal with the Board of Directors within sixty (60) days after such denial. No new 7 application for deferral need be considered by the General Manager until expiration of twelve (12) months from the date of a denial, unless differently directed by the Board of Directors. (C) Deferred Charges on Restricted Parcels, Criteria The levy of the charge may be deferred annually as to any parcel of land which meets each of the following criteria: (1) The owner of such parcel makes a timely application requesting deferral of the charge. (2) The parcel, which is the subject of the request, will become subject to enforceable restrictions which prohibits the connection to the District sewer system or use of water on the parcel, except by means of natural precipitation or runoff; provided, however, if considered appropriate by the General Manager, local water may be used for limited domestic stock watering and irrigation uses. (3) The owner executed a recordable agreement which includes provisions that: (a) set forth the enforceable restrictions pertinent to the subject parcel; (b) the agreement may be terminated upon written request by the owner and payment of all deferred water and/or sewer availability charges, plus interest thereon, compounded annually, and accruing at the legal rate from the date such charges would have been otherwise due and payable; 8 (c) no water and/or sewer service from the District shall be provided to such parcel for a period of ten (10) years after the total amount due for the charges deferred, plus annually compounded interest, is paid in full to the District, unless a surcharge penalty as described below is paid to the District prior to connection of any water and/or sewer service; (d) if the surcharge is not paid, during the ten (10) year period, while water and/or sewer service is not available to the subject land, the owner shall pay all annual water or availability charges as fixed; and (e) contains such other provisions considered by the General Manager to be appropriate. (D) Surcharge Upon termination of the deferral agreement, an owner may elect to receive water and/or sewer service prior to the expiration of the ten (10) year penalty period upon payment of a surcharge. The surcharge shall be equal to the amount of the annual water and/or sewer availability charges fixed for the parcel(s) of land in the year of election to receive water and/or sewer service multiplied by the number of years remaining of the ten (10) year penalty period. This surcharge shall also apply if a property owner develops a parcel that is subject to a deferral agreement without termination of said agreement. 9 (E) Enforcement Procedures In order to insure that terms and conditions of the recordable agreement are being met, the General Manager shall: (1) Maintain a record of all parcels approved for deferral of the water assessments or availability charges. (2) Report to the Board of Directors any instances where the terms of the agreement are being violated. (3) Take such other actions or procedures considered appropriate. 4. DEFINITION OF PARCEL The term "parcel" as used herein shall mean a parcel of land as shown on the assessment rolls of the County Assessor of San Diego County as of March, 2024. 5. NOTICE AND REQUEST TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND AUDITOR As provided in Sections 71634 to 71637, on or before the third Monday in August, 2024, the Secretary of this District shall furnish, in writing to the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County and to the County Auditor, a description of the land within the District upon which availability charges are to be levied and collected for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 together with the amount of the assessments or charges. At the time and in the manner required by law for the levying of taxes for county purposes, the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County shall levy, in addition to taxes it levies, water and/or sewer availability charges in the amounts fixed by this Resolution for the respective parcels of land described in Section 1 of this Resolution. All county officers charged with the duty of collecting taxes shall collect 10 the charges with the regular property tax payments in the same form and manner as county taxes are collected. Such availability charges are a lien on the property with respect to which they are fixed. Collection of the charges may be enforced by the same means as provided for the enforcement of liens for state and county taxes. 6. CERTIFICATION TO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The District certifies that this Resolution complies with the provisions of Article XIIID of the California Constitution in that the availability charges are existing charges first set by the Board of Directors of the District prior to November 6, 1996. At the time the availability charges were initially established, the District followed the applicable provisions of law then in effect, and the District has continued to comply with such provisions, including any requirements for notices or hearings, as from time to time in effect. Therefore, pursuant to Section 71632 and Section 71638 of the California Water Code, as currently in effect, the District may continue the availability charges in successive years at the same rate. The District further certifies that the charge is not increased hereby and the methodology for the rate is the same as in previous years. The charge is imposed exclusively to finance the capital costs, maintenance, and operating expenses of the water or sewer system of the District, as applicable. 7. CERTIFIED COPIES The Secretary of this District shall deliver certified copies of this Resolution to the Board of 11 Supervisors and to the Auditor of San Diego County with the list of charges described in Section 4 above. 8. CORRECTIONS; OTHER ACTIONS The General Manager of the District is hereby authorized to correct any clerical error made in any assessment or charge pursuant to this Resolution and to make an appropriate adjustment in any assessment or charge made in error. Furthermore, the General Manager and the Secretary of this District are hereby directed to take any further actions and deliver such documents and certificates as necessary to carry out the purpose of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District at a regular meeting duly held this 7th day of August, 2024. Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: President ATTEST: Secretary 12 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. 4443 was duly adopted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the OTAY WATER DISTRICT at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7th day of August, 2024 by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: August 7, 2024 SUBMITTED BY: Andrea Carey, Customer Service Manager PROJECT: DIV. NO. All APPROVED BY: Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Adopt Ordinance No. 593 to Approve the Proposed Changes to Section 23, Non-Responsibility of District, and Section 38, Service for Fire Protection Systems GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt Ordinance No. 593 to approve the proposed changes to Section 23, Non-Responsibility of District, and Section 38, Service for Fire Protection Systems. COMMITTEE ACTION: See Attachment A. PURPOSE: To present to the Board, for consideration, proposed changes to Section 23 and Section 38 and request the Board approve these changes by adopting Ordinance No. 593. BACKGROUND: In order to protect the public water supply, the State of California established regulations to prevent backflow incidents into public water systems. Previously, the Department of Public Health’s California Administrative Code, Title 17, provided a framework for agencies to establish regulations related to cross-connection control and backflow protection. In 2017, Assembly Bill 1671 was signed into law and mandated the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to adopt standards for backflow protection and cross-connection control. On December 19, 2023, the SWRCB adopted the Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook (CCCPH). The CCCPH went into effect on July 1, 2024, and, as a result, the Title 17 cross-connection control standards will be repealed on October 1, 2024. AGENDA ITEM 8c In response to the new regulations, staff is recommending changes to Sections 23 and 38 of the District’s Code of Ordinances to ensure the District is in compliance with the regulations set forth in the CCCPH. Additionally, minor changes to both sections are being requested to reflect current products and practices. ANALYSIS: Section 23 Section 23, Non-Responsibility of District, details the District’s cross-connection program and includes multiple references to Title 17. Staff is recommending updating these references to the CCCPH. In addition, staff recommends adding another type of protection as outlined in the CCCPH. A double check valve backflow prevention assembly will now be allowed in very limited circumstances, such as single-family residential homes with fire protection. Unrelated to the CCCPH, the District is moving to a new backflow tracking software system, which will be entirely online. Therefore, staff is also recommending changes that reflect electronic test submissions and updates to the testing schedule. Section 38 Section 38, Service for Fire Protection Systems, outlines the rules and regulations for commercial and industrial properties, as well as multi-family and single-family residential properties with internal fire protection systems. The CCCPH has expanded backflow regulations for single-family residential properties with fire protection systems. Prior to the adoption of the CCCPH, there was no requirement for backflow protection at these homes. As currently written, the CCCPH requires single-family residential properties to have an above- grade double check valve backflow prevention assembly unless all of the following criteria are met: 1) The user premises has only one service connection to the PWS; 2) A single service line onto the user premises exists that subsequently splits on the property for domestic flow and fire protection system flow, such that the fire protection system may be isolated from the rest of the user premises; 3) A single, water industry standard, water meter is provided to measure combined domestic flow and fire protection system flow; 4) The fire protection system is constructed of piping materials certified as meeting NSF/ANSI Standard 61; and 5) The fire protection system’s piping is looped within the structure and is connected to one or more routinely used fixtures (such as a water closet) to prevent stagnant water. In response to this requirement, staff recommends including this language in Section 38. This will ensure all new developments either include the five elements above or a backflow prevention assembly. Over the past several months, the District’s public services division has been communicating these new requirements to the developer community to ensure home builders are aware of what is required on new developments. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer While there is little financial impact to the District directly from the recommended section updates, the adoption of the CCCPH will result in additional oversight and expansion of the District’s backflow prevention program. The code changes to Section 38 provide clarity to the home builders, so that they can plan for and finance the cost of abiding by the new requirements. STRATEGIC GOAL: These updates support the District’s Strategic Plan Objective, Potable Water Compliance Rate, which aims to ensure that 100% of all health-related drinking water standards are met quarterly and annually. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachments: A) Committee Action B) Ordinance No. 593 Exhibit 1 – Section No. 23 Strike-through Exhibit 2 – Section No. 38 Strike-through C) Section No. 23 Proposed D) Section No. 38 Proposed ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: Adopt Ordinance No. 593 to Approve the Proposed Changes to Section 23, Non-Responsibility of District, and Section 38, Service for Fire Protection Systems COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on July 23, 2024, and the following comments were made: • Staff noted that the purpose of amending Sections 23 and 38 is to update the District’s Code of Ordinance to ensure the district is in compliance with the regulations set forth in the State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook (CCCPH) that went into effect on July 1, 2024. • The Committee inquired if additional personnel is needed to comply with SWRCB’s new CCCPH. Staff said yes and that staff positions have already been incorporated into the district’s budget. • There was a discussion of issues that may occur from the new CCCPH. Staff is still working through those but, in the meantime, this staff report addresses changes that need to be made for compliance going forward. Upon completion of the discussion, the Committee supported presentation to the full board as a Consent Item. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 593 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AMENDING SECTION 23, NON-RESPONSIBILITY OF DISTRICT, AND SECTION 38, SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS OF THE DISTRICT’S CODE OF ORDINANCES BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of Otay Water District that the District’s Code of Ordinances Section 23, Non- Responsibility of District, and Section 38, Service for Fire Protection Systems be amended as per Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 to this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the new proposed Section 23, Non-Responsibility of District (Attachment C) and Section 38, Service for Fire Protection Systems (Attachment D) of the Code of Ordinances shall become effective August 7, 2024. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District at a regular meeting duly held this 7th day of August 2024, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ________________________________ President ATTEST: __________________________ District Secretary Attachment B 23-1 SECTION 23 NON-RESPONSIBILITY OF DISTRICT 23.01 INTERRUPTIONS OF WATER SERVICE District does not guarantee continuous delivery of water on demand. From time to time it may be necessary for the District to shut off the flow of water in any of its water systems. Except in emergencies, such stoppages will not be made without prior notice to the customers involved. District shall not assume any responsibility for loss or damages which may occur due to interruption of water service. 23.02 PRIVATELY-OWNED WATER LINES The District assumes no responsibility for the delivery of water through privately-owned pipelines or systems, nor shall it assume any responsibility for damages resulting from the operation of any such system even though water may be received from a district water distribution system. 23.03 WATER PRESSURE REGULATION A.Customer Responsibility. The District shall assume no responsibility for water pressure regulation within a customer's service area. The customer shall be responsible for providing adequate safeguard measures for the customer's water system wherever pressure regulation is necessary. B.Requirement for Installation in New Construction. Customers making application for water service for new construction for residential, commercial or industrial use shall be required to install an appropriate pressure regulation device for such service. 23.04 CROSS-CONNECTIONS AND BACKFLOW DEVICES State Regulations for Cross-Connections The California State Water Resources Control BoardDepartment of Public Health has issued rRegulations rRelatinged to cCross-cConnections, outlined in the Cross- Connection Control Policy Handbook, (California Administrative Code, Title 17 - Public Health) for the purpose of safeguarding drinking water supplies by preventing backflow into public water systems. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation at any time to make or maintain, or cause to be made or main- tained, temporarily or permanently, for any period of time whatsoever, any cross-connection between plumbing pipes or water fixtures being served with water by the District water EXHIBIT 1 23-2 department and any other source of water supply; or to main- tain any sanitary fixtures or other appurtenances or fixtures which, by reason of their construction, may cause or allow back-flow of water or other substances into the water supply system of the District and/or the service of water pipes or fixtures of any consumer of the District. A.Definitions: For a complete listing, see the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook. Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health. 1.Air-Gap Separation (AG): The term "air-gap separation" means a physical break between a supply pipe and a receiving vessel. The air-gap shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe measured vertically above the top rim of the vessel, in no case less than one inch. 2.Approved Backflow Prevention Device: The term "approved backflow prevention device" shall mean devices which have passed laboratory and field evaluation tests performed by a recognized testing organization which has demonstrated their competency to perform such test to the California Department of Health Services and the Otay Water District. 3.AWWA Standard: The term "AWWA Standard" means an official standard developed and approved by the American Water Works Association (AWWA). 4.Backflow: The term "backflow" shall mean a flow condition, caused by a differential in pressure that causes the flow of water or other liquids, gases, mixtures or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable supply of water from any source or sources other than an approved water supply source. Back-siphonage is one cause of backflow. Back pressure is the other cause. 5.Cross-Connection: The term "cross-connection" as used in this Ordinance means any unprotected actual or potential connection between a potable water system used to supply water for drinking purposes and any source or system containing unapproved water or a substance that is not or cannot be approved as safe, wholesome, and potable. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or changeover devices, or other devices through which backflow could occur, shall be considered to be cross-connections. 23-3 6.Double Check Valve Assembly: The term "double check valve assembly" means an assembly of at least two independently acting check valves, including tightly closing shut-off valves, on each side of the check valve assembly and test cocks available for testing the water tightness of each check valve. 7.Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device (RP): The term "reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device" means a device incorporating two or more check valves and an automatically operating differential relief valve located between the two check valves, a tightly closing shut-off valve on each side of the check valve assembly, and equipped with necessary test cocks for testing. 8.Reduced Pressure Detection Assembly (RPDA): Same as RP except as approved for fire services. 9.Service Connection: The term "service connection" refers to the point of connection of a user's piping to the Otay Water District facilities. B.General Provisions 1.Unprotected cross-connections with the public water supply are prohibited. 2.Whenever backflow protection has been found necessary, the District will require the water user to install an approved backflow prevention device, by and at his/her expense, for continued services or before a new service will be granted. 3.Wherever backflow protection has been found necessary on a water supply line entering a water user's premises, then any and all water supply lines from the District's mains entering such premises, buildings, or structures shall be protected by an approved backflow prevention device. The type of device to be installed will be in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance. C.Where Protection is Required 23-4 1.Each service connection from the District water system for supplying water to premises having an auxiliary water supply shall be protected against backflow of water from the premises into the public water system. 2.Each service connection from the District water system for supplying water to any premises on which any substance is handled in such fashion as may allow its entry into the water system shall be protected against backflow of the water from the premises into the public system. This includes commercial accounts, fire service accounts, irrigation accounts, multi-family dwellings, multi-story buildings, complex piping, and locations where the handling of process waters and waters originating from the District water system may be subjected to deterioration in sanitary quality. D.Type of Protection Required 1.The type of protection that shall be provided to prevent backflow into the approved water supply shall be commensurate to the degree of hazard that exists on the consumer's premises. The type of protective device that may be required (listed in an increasing levels of protection) includes: double check valve backflow prevention assemblies, rReduced pPressure pPrinciple bBack- flow pPrevention assembliesDevice (RP), and an aAir-gap separation (AG). The water user may choose a higher level of protection than that required by the District. The minimum types of backflow protection required to protect the approved water supply at the user's water connec- tion to premises with varying degrees of hazard, are given in Table 1 of the California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public HealthAppendix D of the Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook. Situations which are not covered in Table 1Appendix D shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and the appropriate backflow protection shall be determined by the District. E.Approved Backflow Prevention Devices 23-5 1.Only lead-free backflow prevention devices assemblies which have been approved by the District shall be acceptable for installation by a water user connected to the District's potable water system. 2.The District will provide to any affected cus- tomer, upon their request, a list of approved backflow prevention devices. F.Backflow Prevention Device Installation 1.Backflow prevention devices shall be installed in a manner prescribed in Section 7603, Title 17 of the California Administrative CodeArticle 3 of the Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook. Location of the devices should be as close as practical to the user's connection. The District shall have the final authority in determining the required location of a backflow prevention device. a.Air-gap Separation (AG) - The air-gap separation shall be located on the user's side of, and as close to, the service connection as is practical. All piping from the service connection to the receiving tank shall be above grade and be entirely visible. No water use shall be provided from any point between the service connection and the air-gap separa- tion. The water inlet piping shall terminate a distance of at least two (2) pipe diameters of the supply inlet, but in no case less than one inch above the overflow rim of the receiving tank. b.Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device (RP) - The approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device shall be installed on the user's side of the service connection at a distance consistent with the District's Standard Drawings and Specifications. The device shall be installed a minimum of twelve inches (12") 23-6 but not more than eighteen twenty-four inches (1824") above grade, measured from the bottom of the relief valve and with a minimum of twelve inches (12") side clearance, and twenty-four inches (24”) of clearance on the side of the assembly containing the test cocks. The device shall be installed so that it is readily accessible for maintenance and testing. Water supplied from any point between the service connection and the RP device shall be protected in a manner approved by the District. Additionally, materials and installation shall at all times conform to water agency standards which can be found at www.sdwas.comorg. G.Backflow Prevention Device Testing and Maintenance 1.The owners of any premises on which, or on account of which, backflow prevention devices are installed, shall have the devices tested by a person who has demonstrated their competency in testing of these devices to the District and has been approved by the District. Backflow prevention devices must be tested at least annually and immediately after installation, relocation, or repair. The District may require a more frequent testing schedule if it is determined to be necessary. No device shall be placed back in service unless it is functioning as required. A report testing result submission, in a form acceptable to the District, shall be filed with the Districtmade each time a device is tested, relocated, or repaired. These devices shall be serviced, overhauled, or replaced whenever they are found to be defective and all costs of testing, repair, and maintenance shall be borne by the water user. 2.Initial testing after installation and subse- quent retesting shall at all times conform to water agency standards as outlined in www.sdwas.comorg. 23-7 3.The District will supply affected water users with a list of persons acceptable to the District to test backflow prevention devices. The District will notify affected customers by mail when annual testing of a device is needed and will also supply users with the necessary forms which must be filled outtesting information to be submitted each time a device is tested or repaired. 4.Existing double check valves and pressure vacuum breakers on median strip irrigation areas which function adequately may remain in place, however, as the District no longer recognizes such devices to be commensurate with the degree of potential hazard, failures of these devices will necessitate their replacement with a reduced pressure principal backflow prevention device (RP). H.Backflow Prevention Device Removal 1.Written approval must be obtained from the District before a backflow prevention device is removed, relocated, repaired or replaced. a.Removal: The use of a device may be discontinued and device removed from service upon presentation of sufficient evidence to the District to verify that a hazard no longer exists or is not likely to be created in the future. b.Relocation: A device may be relocated following confirmation by the District that the relocation will continue to provide the required protection and satisfy installation requirements. A retest will be required following the relocation of the device. c.Repair: A device may be removed for repair, provided the water use is either discontinued until repair is completed and the device is returned to service, or the service connection is equipped with other backflow protection approved by the 23-8 District. A retest will be required following the repair of the device. d.Replacement: A device may be removed and replaced provided the water use is discontinued until the replacement device is installed and tested. All replacement devices must be approved by the District and must be commensurate with the degree of hazard involved. I.User Supervisor 1.At each premise where it is necessary, in the opinion of the District, a user supervisor shall be designated by and at the expense of the water user. This user supervisor shall be responsible for the monitoring of the backflow prevention devices and for avoidance of cross- connections. In the event of contamination or pollution of the drinking water system due to a cross- connection on the premises, the District shall be promptly notified by the user supervisor so appropriate measures may be taken to overcome the contamination. The water user shall inform the District of the user supervisor's required information on an annual basis or whenever a change occurs. J.Administrative Procedures Water System Survey 1.The District shall review all requests for new services to determine if backflow protection is needed. Plans and specifications must be submitted to the District upon request for review of possible cross-connection hazards as a condition of service for new service connections. If it is determined that a backflow prevention device is necessary to protect the public water system, the required device must be installed before service will be activated. 23-9 2.The District may require an on premise inspection to evaluate cross-connection hazards. The District will transmit a written notice requesting an inspection appointment to each affected water user. Any customer who cannot or will not allow an on premise inspection of their piping system shall be required to install the backflow prevention device the District considers necessary. 3.The District may, at its discretion, require a reinspection for cross-connection hazards of any premise to which it serves water. The District will transmit a written notice requesting an inspection appointment to each affected water user. Any customer who cannot or will not allow an on premise inspection of their piping system shall be required to install the backflow prevention device the District considers necessary. K.Customer Notification - Device Installation and/or Repair (Corrective Action) 1.The District will notify the water user of the survey findings, listing corrective action to be taken if required. A period of 30 days will be given to complete all corrective action required including installation of backflow prevention devices. 2.A second notice will be sent to each water user who does not take the required corrective action prescribed in the first notice within the 30 day period allowed. The second notice will give the water user a 14 day period to take the required corrective action and will generate the assessment of a fee in accordance with Appendix A. If no action is taken within the 14 day period, the District may terminate water service to the affected water user until the required corrective actions are taken. 3.A third and final notice will be sent to each water user who fails to take the requisite corrective action detailed in the second notice within the 14 day period allowed. The third 23-10 notice will indicate the date of service termination and will generate the assessment of a fee in accordance with Appendix A. 4.Only written verificationpassing test results from a certified and District-approved tester/installer received in the District officeelectronically through the SwiftComply tester’s portal within the allotted time period will constitute compliance with the above requirements. L.Customer Notification - Testing 1.The District will notify each affected water user when it is time for the backflow preven- tion device installed on their service connections to be tested. This written notice shall give the water user 630 days to have the device tested and will supply the water user with the necessary form(s)testing information to be completed and submittedused when submitting testing results to the District. 2.A second notice shall be sent to each water user who does not have their backflow preven- tion device tested as prescribed in the first notice within the 630- day period allowed. The second notice will give the water user an additional 14 days period to have their backflow prevention device tested and will generate the assessment of a fee in accordance with Appendix A of this Ordinance. If no action is taken within the 14 -day period, the District may terminate water service to the affected water user until the subject device is tested. 3.A third and final notice will be sent to each water user who fails to have their backflow prevention device(s) tested as required in the second notice within the 14- day period allowed. The third notice will indicate the date of service termination and will generate 23-11 the assessment of a fee in accordance with Appendix A of this Ordinance. 4.Submittal of passing verification of testing results by a District approved tester, through the SwiftComply portal, on the appropriate form(s) received in the District office within the allotted time period will constitute compliance with the above requirements. M.Water Service Termination A.General When the District encounters water uses that rep- resent a clear and immediate hazard to the potable water supply that cannot be immediately abated, the District shall institute the procedure for discontinuing the District water service. A reconnection fee will be assessed in accordance with Appendix A. B.Basis for Termination Conditions or water uses that create a basis for water service termination shall include, but are not limited to the following items: 1.Refusal to install a required backflow pre- vention device; 2.Refusal to test a backflow prevention device; 3.Refusal to repair a faulty backflow prevention device; 4.Refusal to replace a faulty backflow prevention device; 5.Direct or indirect connection between the public water system and a sewer line; 6.Unprotected direct or indirect connection between the public water system and a system or equipment containing contaminants; 23-12 7.Unprotected direct or indirect connection between the public water system and an auxil- iary water system; and/or 8.Any situation which presents an immediate health hazard to the public water system. Additional remedies for failure to comply with cCross- cConnection requirements are referenced in Section 72 of the Code of Ordinances and may be prosecuted as set forth in Section 73.01 of this Code. N.Water Service Termination Procedures The District has absolute discretion to determine the corrective action required and referenced in Sections 72 and 73 of this Code. 1.For conditions 1, 2, 3, or 4, the District will terminate service to a customer's premise after 2 written notices have been sent specifying the corrective action needed and the time period in which it must be done. If no action is taken within the allowed time period water service may be terminated. 2.For conditions 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, the District will take the following steps: a.Make reasonable effort to advise the water user of intent to terminate water service; b.Terminate water supply and lock service valve. The water service will remain inactive until correction of violations has been approved by the District. O.Requirements for addition to or renewal on the Otay Water District list of approved backflow prevention device testers A.Each applicant desiring initial addition to or annual renewal on the District’s List of Approved Backflow Prevention Device Testers shall submit a fee in accordance with Appendix A.Fees must be made in an acceptable form of payment to the District. Along with the fee, a current address and phone number must be 23-13 furnished. Those applicants not meeting all qualifications specified herein will have current fees returned. B.Applicants shall hold a valid and current certification from the American Water Works Association (AWWA) California Nevada Section, American Backflow Prevention Association (ABPA), American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE), University of Southern California Test Procedures (current edition) or from a certification program recognized by the San Diego County Health Department. Evidence of said certification shall be furnished to the District at the time of application, at the time of renewal, and at any time the District requests verification. Certification alone does not constitute District approval. C.Each applicant shall furnish evidence to show the availability of the necessary tools and equipment to properly test and/or repair such devices. Test kits shall be recalibrated annually and evidence of this shall also be provided with both the initial application and subsequent renewals. D.The tester shall be solely responsible for the competency and accuracy of all tests and reports prepared and submitted to the District. The list of approved testers will be furnished upon request to any District customer requiring such service. The testers listed will remain listed for a period of one year at which time they are subject to application for renewal. At the beginning of each year a grace period not to exceed ninety (90) days will be allowed for this process. Failure to renew within the grace period will constitute removal from the list. The District reserves the authority to revoke, suspend, or remove any tester from the list of authorized testers for improper conduct, testing, repairs, and/or reporting. 23-14 FEES A.A second notice for required corrective action will result in a service fee, per backflow device as outlined in Appendix A. B.A third notice (termination of service notice) will result in a service fee per backflow device followed by the assessment of a reconnection fee if such action is required as outlined in Appendix A. C.A reconnection fee per service is required for service to be resumed as outlined in Appendix A. D.Applicants for addition to the list of approved backflow prevention device testers in the Otay Water District will submit an initial filing fee and an annual renewal fee, as outlined in Appendix A. 23.05 WATER SERVICE FOR STEAM BOILERS Customers using District water to supply steam boilers are required to provide adequate storage of water for boiler use for a minimum period of 12 hours. 23.06 ELECTRICAL GROUND CONNECTIONS The connection of electrical ground wire to water pipes is prohibited. The District shall assume no responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from such a connection. 38-1 SECTION 38 SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 38.01 SERVICE FOR COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES The District will provide water service for fire pro- tection systems for commercial or industrial developments within the District. Such service shall be available only in accordance with the rules and regulations provided in this Code. 38.02 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRE HYDRANT AND/OR FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE FOR COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES, OR MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCES, ON PRIVATE PROPERTY A.All fire hydrant and/or fire sprinkler service mains installed for commercial or industrial purposes, or multi-family residences, on privately-owned land shall be owned and maintained by the land owner; except for fire hydrants installed for developments where the District has accepted an easement for such service mains. B.Where service is provided for fire hydrant or fire sprinkler service on privately-owned land under Paragraph A above, the service shall be provided by the District at the property line of the land to be served. The property owner or developer shall be responsible to construct and maintain the remainder of the facilities to pro- vide fire protection to the property. Each such facilities installation shall include a reduced pressure principle detector backflow prevention assembly (RPDA) backflow device installed in accordance with District specifications, and tested annually in accordance with Section 23.04.G. of this code. The RPDA device shall be installed on the fire main located, and on the customer side of the property line. C.Water furnished for fire hydrant or fire sprin- kler service shall be used only for fire protec- tion purposes. Water service for domestic, business, commercial or irrigation purposes, or multi-family residences, shall be furnished only after a meter or meters have been installed on EXHIBIT 2 38-2 laterals connected to the District main in the street pursuant to requirements of this Code. D.Upon application for installation of one or more fire service connections to an existing District water main, the customer shall pay such charges as shall be determined on the basis of actual costs incurred by the District in performing the work. At the time of application for the installation, the District will estimate the total costs to be incurred in performing the work. The customer shall deposit the estimated amount with the District prior to commencement of the work. The work shall be performed by the District under a District Water/Sewer Order. If actual costs incurred by the District are less than the amount deposited, the District shall refund the balance of the deposit to the customer. If the costs incurred exceed the amount deposited, the customer shall reimburse the District for the additional costs. Where the fire service connection is to be made to a water main to be constructed in a street by the owner or developer, the costs for such connection shall be covered under the standard developer's agreement with the District for installation of the water facilities for the development project. E.Water for fire protection services shall be pro- vided in accordance with District fees and charges set forth in Section 25.03 D.16.(c) of this Code. F.The District shall have no responsibility for the proper function of the fire service system or for the availability of water from its mains for fire protection in the event of emergency. While the District undertakes at all times to have adequate supplies available in its system for ordinary uses, it is not a guarantor of continual service in quantities adequate for all purposes however, and each customer shall specifically agree that as a condition of the fire service connection contracted for that the District shall incur no liability or be subject to any damages resulting from a failure or 38-3 malfunctioning of the fire sprinkler lateral or fire sprinkler system or from a lack of water in adequate quantity or pressure to make it fully effective. 38.03 SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALLY METERED RESIDENTIAL FIRE PROTECTION When a single-family residential water meter is required to provide standby capacity for a fire sprinkler system, the capacity charge may be determined according to the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements for the property. Additional capacity fees for upsizing the single-family residential meter to meet fire flow requirements will be waived. Standby capacity to provide water for a fire sprinkler system is required when (1) the fire sprinkler system is required by law, including any requirement imposed as a condition of development, permit, or occupancy, and (2) the fire chief, fire marshal, or building official of the city, county, or special district responsible for fire protection service to the property has a requirement for additional meter size due to fire protection. The determination, under this section, shall be made at the time the meter is first obtained, or at the time a meter is replaced with one of greater size due to the later installation of a fire protection system. When a separate meter is required, water for fire protection services shall be provided in accordance with District fees and charges set forth in Section 25.03 D.16.(c) of this Code. 38.04 FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE FOR COMBINED MULTI & SINGLE FAMILY SITES A.Master metered residential sites that contain both multi-family and single-family units, as designated by the fire department with jurisdiction, shall design and install the multi-family portion of the project in accordance with Section 38.02 (A through F). Portions of the site designated as single-family 38-4 shall design and install fire sprinklers as required by the fire agency with jurisdiction. The District encourages the use of passive purge design in single-family home construction.The District requires all single-family residential homes to abide by the rules set forth in Section 38.05. 38.05 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES WITH FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS A.The District requires single-family residential homes with fire sprinklers to include an above- grade double check valve backflow prevention assembly all the following criteria are met: 1.The user premises has only one service connection to the PWS; 2.A single service line onto the user premises exists that subsequently splits on the property for domestic flow and fire protection system flow, such that the fire protection system may be isolated from the rest of the user premises; 3.A single, water industry standard, water meter is provided to measure combined domestic flow and fire protection system flow; 4.The fire protection system is constructed of piping materials certified as meeting NSF/ANSI Standard 61; and 5.The fire protection system’s piping is looped within the structure and is connected to one or more routinely used fixtures (such as a water closet) to prevent stagnant water. B.The District highly encourages the use of a passive purge system, as described in section 38.05, for all new single-family residential sites. 23-1 SECTION 23 NON-RESPONSIBILITY OF DISTRICT 23.01 INTERRUPTIONS OF WATER SERVICE District does not guarantee continuous delivery of water on demand. From time to time it may be necessary for the District to shut off the flow of water in any of its water systems. Except in emergencies, such stoppages will not be made without prior notice to the customers involved. District shall not assume any responsibility for loss or damages which may occur due to interruption of water service. 23.02 PRIVATELY-OWNED WATER LINES The District assumes no responsibility for the delivery of water through privately-owned pipelines or systems, nor shall it assume any responsibility for damages resulting from the operation of any such system even though water may be received from a district water distribution system. 23.03 WATER PRESSURE REGULATION A.Customer Responsibility. The District shall assume no responsibility for water pressure regulation within a customer's service area. The customer shall be responsible for providing adequate safeguard measures for the customer's water system wherever pressure regulation is necessary. B.Requirement for Installation in New Construction. Customers making application for water service for new construction for residential, commercial or industrial use shall be required to install an appropriate pressure regulation device for such service. 23.04 CROSS-CONNECTIONS AND BACKFLOW DEVICES State Regulations for Cross-Connections The California State Water Resources Control Board has issued regulations related to cross-connections, outlined in the Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook, for the purpose of safeguarding drinking water supplies by preventing backflow into public water systems. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation at any time to make or maintain, or cause to be made or main- tained, temporarily or permanently, for any period of time whatsoever, any cross-connection between plumbing pipes or water fixtures being served with water by the District water department and any other source of water supply; or to main- tain any sanitary fixtures or other appurtenances or fixtures Attachment C 23-2 which, by reason of their construction, may cause or allow backflow of water or other substances into the water supply system of the District and/or the service of water pipes or fixtures of any consumer of the District. A.Definitions: For a complete listing, see the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook. 1.Air-Gap Separation (AG): The term "air-gap separation" means a physical break between a supply pipe and a receiving vessel. The air-gap shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe measured vertically above the top rim of the vessel, in no case less than one inch. 2.Approved Backflow Prevention Device: The term "approved backflow prevention device" shall mean devices which have passed laboratory and field evaluation tests performed by a recognized testing organization which has demonstrated their competency to perform such test to the California Department of Health Services and the Otay Water District. 3.AWWA Standard: The term "AWWA Standard" means an official standard developed and approved by the American Water Works Association (AWWA). 4.Backflow: The term "backflow" shall mean a flow condition, caused by a differential in pressure that causes the flow of water or other liquids, gases, mixtures or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable supply of water from any source or sources other than an approved water supply source. Back-siphonage is one cause of backflow. Back pressure is the other cause. 5.Cross-Connection: The term "cross-connection" as used in this Ordinance means any unprotected actual or potential connection between a potable water system used to supply water for drinking purposes and any source or system containing unapproved water or a substance that is not or cannot be approved as safe, wholesome, and potable. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or changeover devices, or other devices through which backflow could occur, shall be considered to be cross-connections. 6.Double Check Valve Assembly: The term "double check valve assembly" means an assembly of at least two independently acting check valves, including tightly 23-3 closing shut-off valves, on each side of the check valve assembly and test cocks available for testing the water tightness of each check valve. 7.Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device (RP): The term "reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device" means a device incorporating two or more check valves and an automatically operating differential relief valve located between the two check valves, a tightly closing shut-off valve on each side of the check valve assembly, and equipped with necessary test cocks for testing. 8.Reduced Pressure Detection Assembly (RPDA): Same as RP except as approved for fire services. 9.Service Connection: The term "service connection" refers to the point of connection of a user's piping to the Otay Water District facilities. B.General Provisions 1.Unprotected cross-connections with the public water supply are prohibited. 2.Whenever backflow protection has been found necessary, the District will require the water user to install an approved backflow prevention device, by and at his/her expense, for continued services or before a new service will be granted. 3.Wherever backflow protection has been found necessary on a water supply line entering a water user's premises, then any and all water supply lines from the District's mains entering such premises, buildings, or structures shall be protected by an approved backflow prevention device. The type of device to be installed will be in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance. C.Where Protection is Required 1.Each service connection from the District water system for supplying water to premises having an auxiliary water supply shall be protected against 23-4 backflow of water from the premises into the public water system. 2.Each service connection from the District water system for supplying water to any premises on which any substance is handled in such fashion as may allow its entry into the water system shall be protected against backflow of the water from the premises into the public system. This includes commercial accounts, fire service accounts, irrigation accounts, multi-family dwellings, multi-story buildings, complex piping, and locations where the handling of process waters and waters originating from the District water system may be subjected to deterioration in sanitary quality. D.Type of Protection Required 1.The type of protection that shall be provided to prevent backflow into the approved water supply shall be commensurate to the degree of hazard that exists on the consumer's premises. The type of protective device that may be required (listed in increasing levels of protection) includes: double check valve backflow prevention assemblies, reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies (RP), and an air-gap separation (AG). The water user may choose a higher level of protection than that required by the District. The minimum types of backflow protection required to protect the approved water supply at the user's water connection to premises with varying degrees of hazard are given in Appendix D of the Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook. Situations which are not covered in Appendix D shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and the appropriate backflow protection shall be determined by the District. E.Approved Backflow Prevention Devices 1.Only lead-free backflow prevention assemblies which have been approved by the District shall be acceptable for installation by a water user connected to the District's potable water system. 23-5 2.The District will provide to any affected cus- tomer, upon their request, a list of approved backflow prevention devices. F.Backflow Prevention Device Installation 1.Backflow prevention devices shall be installed in a manner prescribed in Article 3 of the Cross- Connection Control Policy Handbook. Location of the devices should be as close as practical to the user's connection. The District shall have the final authority in determining the required location of a backflow prevention device. a.Air-gap Separation (AG) - The air-gap separation shall be located on the user's side of, and as close to, the service connection as is practical. All piping from the service connection to the receiving tank shall be above grade and be entirely visible. No water use shall be provided from any point between the service connection and the air-gap separa- tion. The water inlet piping shall terminate a distance of at least two (2) pipe diameters of the supply inlet, but in no case less than one inch above the overflow rim of the receiving tank. b.Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device (RP) - The approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device shall be installed on the user's side of the service connection at a distance consistent with the District's Standard Drawings and Specifications. The device shall be installed a minimum of twelve inches (12") but not more than twenty-four inches (24") above grade, measured from the bottom of the relief valve and with a minimum of twelve inches (12") side clearance, and twenty-four inches (24”) of clearance on the side of the assembly containing the test cocks. The device shall be installed so that it is readily accessible for maintenance and testing. Water supplied 23-6 from any point between the service connection and the RP device shall be protected in a manner approved by the District. Additionally, materials and installation shall at all times conform to water agency standards which can be found at www.sdwas.org. G.Backflow Prevention Device Testing and Maintenance 1.The owners of any premises on which, or on account of which, backflow prevention devices are installed shall have the devices tested by a person who has demonstrated their competency in testing of these devices to the District and has been approved by the District. Backflow prevention devices must be tested at least annually and immediately after installation, relocation, or repair. The District may require a more frequent testing schedule if it is determined to be necessary. No device shall be placed back in service unless it is functioning as required. A testing result submission, in a form acceptable to the District, shall be made each time a device is tested, relocated, or repaired. These devices shall be serviced, overhauled, or replaced whenever they are found to be defective and all costs of testing, repair, and maintenance shall be borne by the water user. 2.Initial testing after installation and subse- quent retesting shall at all times conform to water agency standards as outlined in www.sdwas.org. 3.The District will supply affected water users with a list of persons acceptable to the District to test backflow prevention devices. The District will notify affected customers by mail when annual testing of a device is needed and will also supply users with the necessary testing information to be submitted each time a device is tested or repaired. 4.Existing double check valves and pressure vacuum breakers on median strip irrigation areas which 23-7 function adequately may remain in place, however, as the District no longer recognizes such devices to be commensurate with the degree of potential hazard, failures of these devices will necessitate their replacement with a reduced pressure principal backflow prevention device (RP). H.Backflow Prevention Device Removal 1.Written approval must be obtained from the District before a backflow prevention device is removed, relocated, repaired or replaced. a.Removal: The use of a device may be discontinued and device removed from service upon presentation of sufficient evidence to the District to verify that a hazard no longer exists or is not likely to be created in the future. b.Relocation: A device may be relocated following confirmation by the District that the relocation will continue to provide the required protection and satisfy installation requirements. A retest will be required following the relocation of the device. c.Repair: A device may be removed for repair, provided the water use is either discontinued until repair is completed and the device is returned to service, or the service connection is equipped with other backflow protection approved by the District. A retest will be required following the repair of the device. d.Replacement: A device may be removed and replaced provided the water use is discontinued until the replacement device is installed and tested. All replacement devices must be approved by the District and must be commensurate with the degree of hazard involved. 23-8 I.User Supervisor 1.At each premise where it is necessary, in the opinion of the District, a user supervisor shall be designated by and at the expense of the water user. This user supervisor shall be responsible for the monitoring of the backflow prevention devices and for avoidance of cross-connections. In the event of contamination or pollution of the drinking water system due to a cross- connection on the premises, the District shall be promptly notified by the user supervisor so appropriate measures may be taken to overcome the contamination. The water user shall inform the District of the user supervisor's required information on an annual basis or whenever a change occurs. J.Administrative Procedures Water System Survey 1.The District shall review all requests for new services to determine if backflow protection is needed. Plans and specifications must be submitted to the District upon request for review of possible cross-connection hazards as a condition of service for new service connections. If it is determined that a backflow prevention device is necessary to protect the public water system, the required device must be installed before service will be activated. 2.The District may require an on premise inspection to evaluate cross-connection hazards. The District will transmit a written notice requesting an inspection appointment to each affected water user. Any customer who cannot or will not allow an on premise inspection of their piping system shall be required to install the backflow prevention device the District considers necessary. 3.The District may, at its discretion, require a reinspection for cross-connection hazards of any premise to which it serves water. The 23-9 District will transmit a written notice requesting an inspection appointment to each affected water user. Any customer who cannot or will not allow an on premise inspection of their piping system shall be required to install the backflow prevention device the District considers necessary. K.Customer Notification - Device Installation and/or Repair (Corrective Action) 1.The District will notify the water user of the survey findings, listing corrective action to be taken if required. A period of 30 days will be given to complete all corrective action required including installation of backflow prevention devices. 2.A second notice will be sent to each water user who does not take the required corrective action prescribed in the first notice within the 30 day period allowed. The second notice will give the water user a 14 day period to take the required corrective action and will generate the assessment of a fee in accordance with Appendix A. If no action is taken within the 14 day period, the District may terminate water service to the affected water user until the required corrective actions are taken. 3.A third and final notice will be sent to each water user who fails to take the requisite corrective action detailed in the second notice within the 14 day period allowed. The third notice will indicate the date of service termination and will generate the assessment of a fee in accordance with Appendix A. 4.Only passing test results from a certified and District-approved tester/installer received electronically through the SwiftComply tester’s portal within the allotted time period will constitute compliance with the above require- ments. 23-10 L.Customer Notification - Testing 1.The District will notify each affected water user when it is time for the backflow preven- tion device installed on their service connections to be tested. This written notice shall give the water user 60 days to have the device tested and will supply the water user with the necessary testing information to be used when submitting testing results to the District. 2.A second notice shall be sent to each water user who does not have their backflow preven- tion device tested as prescribed in the first notice within the 60-day period allowed. The second notice will give the water user an additional 14 days to have their backflow prevention device tested and will generate the assessment of a fee in accordance with Appendix A of this Ordinance. If no action is taken within the 14-day period, the District may terminate water service to the affected water user until the subject device is tested. 3.A third and final notice will be sent to each water user who fails to have their backflow prevention device(s) tested as required in the second notice within the 14-day period allowed. The third notice will indicate the date of service termination and will generate the assessment of a fee in accordance with Appendix A of this Ordinance. 4.Submittal of passing test results by a District approved tester, through the SwiftComply portal, within the allotted time period will constitute compliance with the above requirements. M.Water Service Termination A.General When the District encounters water uses that rep- resent a clear and immediate hazard to the potable water supply that cannot be immediately abated, the 23-11 District shall institute the procedure for discontinuing the District water service. A reconnection fee will be assessed in accordance with Appendix A. B.Basis for Termination Conditions or water uses that create a basis for water service termination shall include, but are not limited to the following items: 1.Refusal to install a required backflow pre- vention device; 2.Refusal to test a backflow prevention device; 3.Refusal to repair a faulty backflow prevention device; 4.Refusal to replace a faulty backflow prevention device; 5.Direct or indirect connection between the public water system and a sewer line; 6.Unprotected direct or indirect connection between the public water system and a system or equipment containing contaminants; 7.Unprotected direct or indirect connection between the public water system and an auxil- iary water system; and/or 8.Any situation which presents an immediate health hazard to the public water system. Additional remedies for failure to comply with cross- connection requirements are referenced in Section 72 of the Code of Ordinances and may be prosecuted as set forth in Section 73.01 of this Code. N.Water Service Termination Procedures The District has absolute discretion to determine the corrective action required and referenced in Sections 72 and 73 of this Code. 23-12 1.For conditions 1, 2, 3, or 4, the District will terminate service to a customer's premise after 2 written notices have been sent specifying the corrective action needed and the time period in which it must be done. If no action is taken within the allowed time period water service may be terminated. 2.For conditions 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, the District will take the following steps: a.Make reasonable effort to advise the water user of intent to terminate water service; b.Terminate water supply and lock service valve. The water service will remain inactive until correction of violations has been approved by the District. O.Requirements for addition to or renewal on the Otay Water District list of approved backflow prevention device testers A.Each applicant desiring initial addition to or annual renewal on the District’s List of Approved Backflow Prevention Device Testers shall submit a fee in accordance with Appendix A.Fees must be made in an acceptable form of payment to the District. Along with the fee, a current address and phone number must be furnished. Those applicants not meeting all qualifications specified herein will have current fees returned. B.Applicants shall hold a valid and current certification from the American Water Works Association (AWWA) California Nevada Section, American Backflow Prevention Association (ABPA), American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE), University of Southern California Test Procedures (current edition) or from a certification program recognized by the San Diego County Health Department. Evidence of said certification shall be furnished to the District at the time of application, at the time of renewal, and at any time the District 23-13 requests verification. Certification alone does not constitute District approval. C.Each applicant shall furnish evidence to show the availability of the necessary tools and equipment to properly test and/or repair such devices. Test kits shall be recalibrated annually and evidence of this shall also be provided with both the initial application and subsequent renewals. D.The tester shall be solely responsible for the competency and accuracy of all tests and reports prepared and submitted to the District. The list of approved testers will be furnished upon request to any District customer requiring such service. The testers listed will remain listed for a period of one year at which time they are subject to application for renewal. At the beginning of each year a grace period not to exceed ninety (90) days will be allowed for this process. Failure to renew within the grace period will constitute removal from the list. The District reserves the authority to revoke, suspend, or remove any tester from the list of authorized testers for improper conduct, testing, repairs, and/or reporting. FEES A.A second notice for required corrective action will result in a service fee, per backflow device as outlined in Appendix A. B.A third notice (termination of service notice) will result in a service fee per backflow device followed by the assessment of a reconnection fee if such action is required as outlined in Appendix A. C.A reconnection fee per service is required for service to be resumed as outlined in Appendix A. 23-14 D.Applicants for addition to the list of approved backflow prevention device testers in the Otay Water District will submit an initial filing fee and an annual renewal fee, as outlined in Appendix A. 23.05 WATER SERVICE FOR STEAM BOILERS Customers using District water to supply steam boilers are required to provide adequate storage of water for boiler use for a minimum period of 12 hours. 23.06 ELECTRICAL GROUND CONNECTIONS The connection of electrical ground wire to water pipes is prohibited. The District shall assume no responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from such a connection. 38-1 SECTION 38 SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 38.01 SERVICE FOR COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES The District will provide water service for fire pro- tection systems for commercial or industrial developments within the District. Such service shall be available only in accordance with the rules and regulations provided in this Code. 38.02 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRE HYDRANT AND/OR FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE FOR COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES, OR MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCES, ON PRIVATE PROPERTY A.All fire hydrant and/or fire sprinkler service mains installed for commercial or industrial purposes, or multi-family residences, on privately-owned land shall be owned and maintained by the land owner; except for fire hydrants installed for developments where the District has accepted an easement for such service mains. B.Where service is provided for fire hydrant or fire sprinkler service on privately-owned land under Paragraph A above, the service shall be provided by the District at the property line of the land to be served. The property owner or developer shall be responsible to construct and maintain the remainder of the facilities to pro- vide fire protection to the property. Each such facilities installation shall include a reduced pressure principle detector backflow prevention assembly (RPDA) device installed in accordance with District specifications, and tested annually in accordance with Section 23.04.G. of this code. The RPDA device shall be installed on the fire main located on the customer side of the property line. C.Water furnished for fire hydrant or fire sprin- kler service shall be used only for fire protec- tion purposes. Water service for domestic, business, commercial or irrigation purposes, or multi-family residences, shall be furnished only after a meter or meters have been installed on Attachment D 38-2 laterals connected to the District main in the street pursuant to requirements of this Code. D. Upon application for installation of one or more fire service connections to an existing District water main, the customer shall pay such charges as shall be determined on the basis of actual costs incurred by the District in performing the work. At the time of application for the installation, the District will estimate the total costs to be incurred in performing the work. The customer shall deposit the estimated amount with the District prior to commencement of the work. The work shall be performed by the District under a District Water/Sewer Order. If actual costs incurred by the District are less than the amount deposited, the District shall refund the balance of the deposit to the customer. If the costs incurred exceed the amount deposited, the customer shall reimburse the District for the additional costs. Where the fire service connection is to be made to a water main to be constructed in a street by the owner or developer, the costs for such connection shall be covered under the standard developer's agreement with the District for installation of the water facilities for the development project. E. Water for fire protection services shall be pro- vided in accordance with District fees and charges set forth in Section 25.03 D.16.(c) of this Code. F. The District shall have no responsibility for the proper function of the fire service system or for the availability of water from its mains for fire protection in the event of emergency. While the District undertakes at all times to have adequate supplies available in its system for ordinary uses, it is not a guarantor of continual service in quantities adequate for all purposes however, and each customer shall specifically agree that as a condition of the fire service connection contracted for that the District shall incur no liability or be subject to any damages resulting from a failure or 38-3 malfunctioning of the fire sprinkler lateral or fire sprinkler system or from a lack of water in adequate quantity or pressure to make it fully effective. 38.03 SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALLY METERED RESIDENTIAL FIRE PROTECTION When a single-family residential water meter is required to provide standby capacity for a fire sprinkler system, the capacity charge may be determined according to the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements for the property. Additional capacity fees for upsizing the single-family residential meter to meet fire flow requirements will be waived. Standby capacity to provide water for a fire sprinkler system is required when (1) the fire sprinkler system is required by law, including any requirement imposed as a condition of development, permit, or occupancy, and (2) the fire chief, fire marshal, or building official of the city, county, or special district responsible for fire protection service to the property has a requirement for additional meter size due to fire protection. The determination, under this section, shall be made at the time the meter is first obtained, or at the time a meter is replaced with one of greater size due to the later installation of a fire protection system. When a separate meter is required, water for fire protection services shall be provided in accordance with District fees and charges set forth in Section 25.03 D.16.(c) of this Code. 38.04 FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE FOR COMBINED MULTI & SINGLE FAMILY SITES A. Master metered residential sites that contain both multi-family and single-family units, as designated by the fire department with jurisdiction, shall design and install the multi-family portion of the project in accordance with Section 38.02 (A through F). Portions of the site designated as single-family 38-4 shall design and install fire sprinklers as required by the fire agency with jurisdiction. The District requires all single-family residential homes to abide by the rules set forth in Section 38.05. 38.05 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES WITH FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS A. The District requires single-family residential homes with fire sprinklers to include an above- grade double check valve backflow prevention assembly all the following criteria are met: 1. The user premises has only one service connection to the PWS; 2. A single service line onto the user premises exists that subsequently splits on the property for domestic flow and fire protection system flow, such that the fire protection system may be isolated from the rest of the user premises; 3. A single, water industry standard, water meter is provided to measure combined domestic flow and fire protection system flow; 4. The fire protection system is constructed of piping materials certified as meeting NSF/ANSI Standard 61; and 5. The fire protection system’s piping is looped within the structure and is connected to one or more routinely used fixtures (such as a water closet) to prevent stagnant water. B. The District highly encourages the use of a passive purge system, as described in section 38.05, for all new single-family residential sites. STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: August 7, 2024 PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. ALL SUBMITTED BY: Suzie Lawson Human Resources Manager APPROVED BY: Adolfo Segura, Chief, Administrative Services Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE AN ADDENDUM TO AMEND THE SCOPE OF SERVICES, LENGTH OF TIME, AND TOTAL COMPENSATION FOR THE CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND BURKE, WILLIAMS & SORENSEN, LLP GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors (Board) authorize the General Manager to issue an addendum to the current consulting services agreement by and between the Otay Water District (District) and Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP (Consultant) to amend the scope of services, length of time, and total compensation in an amount not-to-exceed $115,000. COMMITTEE ACTION: See “Attachment A”. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to issue an addendum to amend the scope of services, length of time, and total compensation for the consulting services agreement by and between the District and the Consultant. ANALYSIS: The District entered an agreement on November 28, 2023, with the Consultant to perform legal services and consultation relating to labor relations, including reviewing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and the Otay Water District Employees’ Association (Association) and serving as Chief Negotiator during labor negotiations. The Chief Negotiator received direction and parameters from the Board of Directors’ Ad-Hoc Negotiations Committee and the AGENDA ITEM 8d General Manager and acted on behalf of the Board and the District throughout labor negotiations. The original agreement specified in the scope of services that the services were to be performed with a “time is of the essence” approach to complete the project prior to the June 30, 2024, expiration date of the preceding MOU. The Chief Negotiator’s preparation for negotiations, including reviewing the current MOU, began in December 2023. Negotiation meetings between the District and the Association concluded in May 2024. The MOU was presented to and approved by the Board of Directors on June 5, 2024, and became effective July 1, 2024, with one (1) provision, the Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA), becoming effective September 1, 2024. The cost of the Consultant’s services provided in December 2023 through June 2024 totaled $83,910.21, of which $75,000 has been paid to date, resulting in a balance of $8,910.21 for services rendered through June of 2024. While the meetings concluded prior to the expiration date of the preceding MOU, the number of meetings and volume of work involved exceeded what had been anticipated, resulting in higher costs than anticipated or budgeted and resulting in the cost of services rendered exceeding the General Manager’s authority. In order to ensure successful implementation of the MOU changes and the HRA, staff is proposing to extend the scope of services to include other items which were identified, during and immediately following the negotiations process, as requiring additional legal review, such as: 1) Assisting in the implementation of the MOU by responding to questions which have arisen because of changes in the law, and; 2) Assisting in the implementation of the HRA and review of related documents. Staff estimates the cost for additional services to total up to $30,000. Staff requests a not-to-exceed amount of $115,000 to ensure that the outstanding invoice balance can be paid and additional services can be provided. The table below includes a summary of costs to date and future estimated costs. Time Period of Consulting Services Provided Total Cost of Services Rendered through 6/30/24 Amount Paid to Date Estimated Future Costs Total or Estimated Future Costs December 2023 through June 2024 $83,910.21 $75,000 N/A $8,910.21 July 2024 through June 2025 Estimate N/A $0 Approx. $30,000 Approx. $30,000 Total $83,910.21 $75,000 Approx. $30,000 Approx. $38,910.21 Finally, staff is requesting to extend the length of time of the agreement. The original term of the agreement was “until conclusion on the matter(s) specified in the Scope of Service” of the original agreement, which focused on the period of negotiations. The extension of the scope of services will necessitate an extension of the length of time to perform the extended services through the end of Fiscal Year 2025. Based on the aforementioned, staff is requesting that an addendum to the current consultant services agreement be approved and issued to amend the scope of services and length of time. In addition, due to this amendment increasing the total contractual amount above the General Manager’s authority, staff is requesting that the Board also approve the agreement addendum in the amount of $40,000 and authorize the revised total agreement amount of $115,000. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer With approval, this amendment to the agreement will cost up to $40,000. While the planned budget for consultant’s services is not sufficient, it was determined that the services were necessary in order to meet the “time is of the essence approach” to labor negotiations. In addition, the extended services are necessary to ensure timely and successful implementation of the HRA. STRATEGIC GOAL: Learning & Growth 2.1 - Negotiate a successor Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the employee association and unrepresented employees to focus on recruitment and retention. Financial 1.4 – Conduct an evaluation of a health savings investment account program for an optional post-employment benefit. LEGAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Committee Action Report ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: AUTHORIZE AN ADDENDUM TO AMEND THE SCOPE OF SERVICES, LENGTH OF TIME, AND TOTAL COMPENSATION FOR THE CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND BURKE, WILLIAMS & SORENSEN, LLP COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on July 23, 2024, and the following comments were made: • Staff provided cost details of the Consultant’s services provided in December 2023 through June 2024 and noted that the number of meetings exceeded what had been anticipated, resulting in higher costs than budgeted and in the cost of services rendered exceeding the General Manager’s authority. • Staff requested that the board extend the scope of services, length of time, and total compensation in an amount not-to-exceed $115,000 to Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP’s existing consulting services agreement. This request is to ensure that the following is completed: o Assist in the implementation of the MOU by responding to questions that have arisen because of changes in the law, and; o Assist in the implementation of the HRA and review of related documents. Upon completion of the discussion, the Committee supported presentation to the full board as a Consent Item. AGENDA ITEM 9b July 30, 2024 Mark Robak, President Water Conservation Authority 12122 Cuyamaca College Drive W. El Cajon, CA 92019 Subject: Otay Water District Intent to Withdraw from the Water Conservation Authority The Otay Water District has long been a proud champion of the Water Conservation Garden, established to create and maintain a water-efficient demonstration garden that promotes water conservation throughout the San Diego region. In August 1992, the Otay Water District became one of the founding members of the Water Conservation Authority through a joint powers agreement. In 1994, the Otay Water District committed $250,000 to the Water Conservation Garden/Resource Center and has supported it ever since. To enhance the Garden’s financial stability, funding from the Otay Water District and other Joint Power Authority (JPA) members has gradually decreased over the years. The water conservation landscape of today has evolved significantly since 1992, when the formation of the Garden was to serve as a demonstration garden and necessary to help ensure water supply to the region. Currently, the region has secured a surplus of water supplies, but also bears some of the highest water rates in the state. Although water conservation remains a vital practice, justifying the continued expenditure for the Garden has become increasingly challenging in light of the financial impact on Otay’s customers. Therefore, this letter serves as formal notice of the Otay Water District’s intent to withdraw from the Water Conservation Garden Authority in accordance with Article 17 of the Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Water Conservation Garden Authority, dated July 18, 2019. If the Otay Water District does not rescind this notice before it takes effect on July 1, 2025, the Otay Water District will waive and release all rights to or interests in any assets owned, operated, or controlled by the Water Conservation Garden Authority effective that date. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we move forward. Sincerely, Jose Martinez, General Manager Otay Water District cc: Water Conservation Garden Authority Board of Directors Otay Water District Board of Directors AGENDA ITEM 9d 1 RESOLUTION NO. 4445 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AUTHORIZING THE REGISTER OF VOTERS TO RENDER SERVICES RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF AN ELECTION WHEREAS, Otay Water District (“District”) consists of a five-member Board of Directors. WHEREAS, each Director of the District is elected by voters within their respective division boundaries to represent the public’s interest with regard to rates for service, taxes, policies, ordinances and other matters related to the management and operation of the Otay Water District. WHEREAS, Directors of the District serve four-year terms on the Board and are elected in the General Election held in November. WHEREAS, The Registrar of Voters may, subject to the requirements of San Diego County Code of Administrative Ordinances; Article XXIV- Registrar of Voters; Sec. 439.1; Conduct of City and District elections; and subject to such terms and conditions as the Registrar may prescribe, render specified services relating to the conduct of an election to any city or district the governing body of which has by resolution requested the Board of Supervisors for the County of San Diego to permit the Registrar of Voters of the County of San Diego to render such services. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the District authorizes the Board of Supervisors for the County of San Diego to permit the Registrar of Voters of the County of San Diego to render the specified services relating to the conduct of an election and agree that it will be bound by the requirements of San Diego County Code of Administrative Ordinances; Article XXIV- Registrar of Voters; Sec. 439.1; Conduct of City and District elections; and such terms and conditions as the Registrar of Voters may prescribe, and agreeing that it will reimburse the County in full for its costs and expenses in rendering such services. WHEREAS, the District agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County of San Diego, its officers, agents and employees from expense of liability, including reasonable attorney’s fees, as the result of an election contest arising after conduct of an election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the District, the General Manager is authorized to deposit at least 60 days in advance of the election the Registrar of Voter’s estimate of the city or district‘s share of the elections cost and reimburse the County of San Diego in full for the services performed upon presentation of a final invoice to the District. AGENDA ITEM 9e 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District at a regular meeting, held this 7th day of August, 2024. Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: ________________________________ Jose Lopez, President Otay Water District Attest: _______________________ District Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 4447 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT CONGRATULATING LAKESIDE WATER DISTRICT ON ITS 100TH ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, on August 10, 2024, the Lakeside Water District will celebrate 100 years of providing a reliable supply of high-quality water that meets the needs of its customers in a reliable and cost-effective manner; and WHEREAS, an election was held on July 29, 1923, and the eligible voters participated with the outcome of the election being 54 votes for and 4 votes against formation of Lakeside Irrigation District (renamed Lakeside Water District in 1979); and WHEREAS, on August 11, 1924, Lakeside Irrigation District was created to provide water to the farms, orchards and the vibrant historical town center of the growing community of Lakeside; and WHEREAS, in June 1944, the Lakeside Irrigation District was one of nine agencies that formed the San Diego County Water Authority, thus securing a stable for the community and setting off a growth boom that lasted into the 1980’s; and WHEREAS, the Lakeside Water District has taken the lead to manage and consolidate water rights and responsibilities throughout the surrounding communities over its history; and WHEREAS, the Lakeside Water District has maintained its small-town character while building and maintaining a technically modern and efficiently maintained water system; and WHEREAS, the dedicated efforts of the Board of Directors of the Lakeside Water District and staff have played a major role in maintaining the quality of life and contributing to the economic growth in the community of Lakeside; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District recognizes and congratulates Lakeside Water District on its 100 years of service and dedication to the community of Lakeside. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District at a regular meeting, held this 7th day of August 2024. Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: ________________________________ Jose Lopez, President Otay Water District Attest: _______________________ District Secretary AGENDA ITEM 9f STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board Meeting MEETING DATE: August 7, 2024 SUBMITTED BY: Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary W.O./G.F. NO: DIV. NO. APPROVED BY: Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Board of Directors 2024 Calendar of Meetings GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: At the request of the Board, the attached Board of Director’s meeting calendar for 2024 is being presented for discussion. PURPOSE: This staff report is being presented to provide the Board the opportunity to review the 2024 Board of Director’s meeting calendar and amend the schedules as needed. COMMITTEE ACTION: N/A ANALYSIS: The Board requested that this item be presented at each meeting so they may have an opportunity to review the Board meeting calendar schedule and amend it as needed. STRATEGIC GOAL: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: None. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachment: Calendar of Meeting for 2024 AGENDA ITEM 9g Board of Directors, Workshops and Committee Meetings 2024 Regular Board Meetings: Special Board or Committee Meetings (3rd Wednesday of Each Month or as Noted) January 3, 2024 February 7, 2024 March 6, 2024 April 3, 2024 May 1, 2024 June 5, 2024 July 3, 2024 August 7, 2024 September 4, 2024 October 2, 2024 November 6, 2024 December 4, 2024 January 17, 2024 February 21, 2024 March 20, 2024 April 18, 2024 May 16, 2024 June 19, 2024 July 17, 2024 August 14, 2024 September 18, 2024 October 16, 2024 November 20, 2024 December 18, 2024 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING:Regular Board MEETING DATE:July 3, 2024 SUBMITTED BY: Jose Martinez General Manager W.O./G.F. NO: N/A DIV. NO. N/A APPROVED BY: Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: General Manager’s Report GENERAL MANAGER: •Water Conservation Garden – At its June 7 meeting, the Water Conservation Garden Authority Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Board approved the 2024-25 fiscal year budget and set member agency contribution amounts. The District’s approved funding contribution for fiscal year 2025 includes $101,105.00. The Garden’s approved budget includes the following: operating the Garden Tuesday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; three full-time and three part-time staff; maintenance and administration expenses; events; adult education classes; insurance; service contracts including legal, accounting, and website maintenance; the annual audit, and volunteer support expenses. Also, the JPA board approved its employee handbook at the meeting stating that the Water Conservation Garden Authority would begin operating the Garden on July 1, 2024, in addition to other policies. Conservation Regulations – On July 3, the State Water Resources Control Board unanimously adopted the Making Conservation a California Way of Life regulation. The regulation is intended to achieve long-term water use efficiency with the purpose of adapting to climate change by establishing unique goals for each urban retail water supplier in California. The District worked through ACWA and other coalition partners over the last year to secure AGENDA ITEM 10 2 amendments that have resulted in a more feasible and cost-effective regulation. Under the regulation, suppliers must work with their customers to achieve water savings. Individual customers are not required to comply with the urban water use objective. Beginning January 1, 2025, and by January 1 every year thereafter, each supplier is required to calculate its urban water use objective for the previous year. Additionally, beginning January 1, 2027, each urban retail water supplier must also demonstrate compliance with its urban water use objective. In the coming months, ACWA and CalWEP will offer guides, tools, webinars, trainings, and other resources to help the District and other water agencies better understand, implement, and comply with the new regulation. District staff are also working with a consultant to assess compliance with the regulations and thus far, the District is compliant. Communication staff will continue to evaluate the regulations and work with staff across departments to comply with the requirements. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: GIS: • Asset Management Program Assessment Final Report – The District has made significant investments in its Asset Management (AM) program and aims to maximize the value derived from these investments. The goal is to further advance the District's AM program and adopt new methods and technologies for additional efficiencies. To further enhance the current program, staff collaborated with Esri to reassess the District’s existing practices. AM team members have been working closely with Esri staff and the final AM assessment report has now been delivered. The final report will help the District improve asset performance, reduce risks, allocate resources efficiently, save costs, and enhance AM strategic planning. Human Resources: • Negotiations – Staff is preparing for implementation of the 2024- 2027 Memorandum of Understanding between the Otay Water District and the Otay Water District Employees’ Association, effective July 1, 2024. Staff is also working on implementing the Health 3 Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) program, effective September 1, 2024. • COVID Cases: HR continues to process each case and continues to monitor for potential workplace outbreaks. • New Hires/Recruitments - The District is or will be recruiting for the following positions: o Assistant/Associate/Senior Civil Engineer (two [2] vacancies):  Assistant Civil Engineer - Phone screens completed 5/22/24 & 5/23/24; interviews completed 6/17/24; additional phone screens held 6/21/24.  Associate & Senior Civil Engineer - Interviews completed 6/6/24 & 6/17/24; pursuing one (1) Senior Civil Engineer candidate with tentative start date of 7/29/24. o Electrician I/II - Recruitment posted 6/7/24. o Finance Manager - New hire started on 5/31/24. o Lead Customer Service Representative - New recruitment needed; department is updating job description(s). o Lead Reclamation Plant Operator: Recruitment re-posted. o Pump Mechanic I/II: Recruitment posted 6/6/24; also reaching out to temporary employment agencies. o Reclamation Plant Operator I/II/III (two [2] vacancies) – pursuing candidate, tentative start date is 7/8/24; recruitment posted for second vacancy; also reaching out to temporary employment agencies. o Recycled Water Specialist - Interviews completed on 6/10/24; pursuing internal candidate, tentatively scheduled to start approximately mid-September; will create a new vacancy in Administrative Services (Facilities Maintenance Technician). o Senior/Utility Locator - New recruitment needed. o SCADA/Instrumentation Technician or Senior SCADA/ Instrumentation Technician - New recruitment needed; department is updating job description(s). o Utility Worker I/II (four [4] vacancies): Skills testing completed on 4/30/24 & 6/13/24; interviews completed on 5/21/24. Two (2) new hires started on 6/17/24 & 6/18/24. Additional interviews scheduled for 7/16/24 & 7/18/24 for candidates who completed testing on 6/13/24. 4 o Water Systems Operator: Internal candidate promoted on 6/17/24; will create one (1) additional Utility Worker I/II vacancy. • Employee Service Milestones – June & July 2024: o Tita Ramos-Krogman – Achieved 15 years on 6/2/24 o Vu Tran – Achieved 15 years on 6/2/24 o Veronica Quinci – Achieved 5 years on 6/19/24 o Marissa Dychitan – Will Achieve 20 years on 7/6/24 IT Operations: • Tyler Munis Implementation - Staff recently partnered with external consultant, Koa Hills (Koa), to assess the implementation of the new ERP system, Tyler Munis. Koa conducted a series of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) sessions to identify the best ways to leverage the new system. These sessions included reviewing documentation for existing processes, business forms, reports, and third-party software interface information. Koa also worked with staff to map current and future processes, identify, quantify recommendations and requirements, and develop an executive summary and action plan. The sessions featured detailed General Ledger Project Accounting discussions with essential Finance and IT staff. Koa will provide a comprehensive assessment report in the next few weeks. Purchasing & Facilities: • CA-219 Wildland Firefighting Training – With support from Otay Water District (District), the Chula Vista Fire Department (CVFD), in collaboration with the San Diego County Training Officers Association, hosted a CA-219 Wildland Firefighting - Firing Operations course. This intensive four-day training, comprised of two days of lectures and two days of live fire exercises, is crucial for preparing senior firefighters to lead strike teams in large wildland fire scenarios. The live fire training was conducted on the District's 54-acre property next to the 125 South Bay Expressway in Chula Vista, often referred to as Central/Patzig and Parker Mountain. 5 The class saw the participation of 23 students, who provided excellent feedback on the training. Significant media coverage, highlighted by the City of Chula Vista’s Communications Manager, further underscored the event’s success. This coverage brought an estimated $66,000 in positive publicity value and enhanced public awareness of the CVFD's proactive approach to emergency preparedness. The training, one of only 10 expected to take place across all California fire agencies this year, conveyed the importance and rarity of such exercises, further positioning the CVFD as a regional leader in fire safety and preparedness. 6 The controlled burns were conducted safely with no fires escaping the perimeter, and no public complaints were reported, thanks to the department's comprehensive community outreach initiatives. These included the use of social media, press releases, door hangers distributed to nearby homes, and strategic road signage. Fire Captain Andy Wilson extended his sincere gratitude to District staff, Juliana Luengas, Environmental Compliance Specialist, and Kent Payne, Purchasing & Facilities Manager, for their instrumental support in making the CA-219 class a reality. The collaboration and meticulous planning that contributed to the 7 success of this training, underscore CVFD and the District’s commitment to enhancing community safety. Safety & Security: • Fall Protection Equipment Semi-Annual Inspections - Field operations staff is required to don personal fall protective equipment when work exposes to falling in excess of 7½ feet from the perimeter of a structure, unprotected sides and edges, leading edges, through shaft ways and openings, and sloped roof surfaces. • Safety Training: o Annual Hearing Exams - Utility and Fleet Maintenance staff have completed their annual hearing test exams. Staff are required to participate in the Cal/OSHA Hearing Conservation program when they are exposed to loud noise, over 85 dBA over, in an eight- hour period. The program requirements include annual hearing conservation training and hearing exams. o Annual HazMat/Ammonia Spill Response Exercise – Staff reviewed the Ammonia Leak Safe Operating Procedures and invited community response partners such as the Chula Vista Fire Department and our chemical delivery vendor, Airgas, to participate in the training to review the ammonia leak procedures and practice the response at the 30-Mil Site Reservoir. Airgas used one of their trailers loaded with water instead of Ammonium Hydroxide. The HazMat Team members donned personal protective equipment, including suits and self-containing breathing apparatuses. 8 FINANCE: • Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Award for the FY 2024 Budget – For the twentieth consecutive year, the GFOA awarded the District with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the fiscal year 2023-2024 budget. This is a significant achievement and is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting. 9 • GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting – For the twentieth consecutive year, the GFOA awarded the District with the prestigious Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the District’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023. To be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, the District had to publish an easily readable and comprehensive report. This report must satisfy both Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and applicable legal requirements. • Chula Vista Sewer Rate Change – Sewer rates for the City of Chula Vista will increase by an average of 9.76%, effective with bills mailed in July. Additionally, new winter averages were calculated based on the 2023/2024 winter usage. Customer Service and IT tested the new sewer rates and winter averages in June. A message on the bills alerts customers to the rate change and provides the City’s web address for more information. • Meter Changeout RFP – The meter changeout RFP was published on June 13, with a response deadline at the end of July. The RFP requires vendors to provide a comprehensive turnkey solution for meter changeouts, AMI infrastructure installation and deployment, and a Meter Data Management system to store meter read information. Staff members from all departments will participate in the evaluation process. 10 Financial Reporting: • The financial reporting as of May 31, 2024, is as follows: o As of the eleventh month ending May 31, 2024, there are total revenues of $111,058,041 and total expenses of $112,412,613. The expenses exceeded revenues by $1,354,572. The deficit is greater than budgeted by $1,111,284 due to lower than budgeted sales volumes which are a result of below average temperatures and summer rainfall exceeding historical trends. • The financial reporting for investments as of May 31, 2024, is as follows: o The market value shown in the Portfolio Summary and in the Investment Portfolio Details as of May 31, 2024, total $115,760,523 with an average yield to maturity of 4.092%. The total earnings year to date are $3,897,095. ENGINEERING AND WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS: Engineering: • Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement and 12-inch Pipeline Replacement, 1530 Zone, Vista Diego Road: This project includes replacement of the existing Pump Station, which serves the small 1530 Pressure Zone, containing approximately thirty- seven (37) potable water meters and four (4) hydrants. The project also includes 1530 Pressure Zone distribution system improvements in support of the Pump Station Replacement project and replacement of the existing emergency standby generator. A 60% drawing submittal for the replacement Pump Station was completed August 16, 2023, and a Review Meeting was held on August 29, 2023. A 60% peer review by the District’s As-needed Engineering Design consultant, NV5, was completed on October 16, 2023. The District’s As-needed Electrical Engineer, EPI, completed their 90% submittal on September 29, 2023. The District’s As-needed Environmental consultant, Chambers Group, completed remaining biological surveys June 2024. The project is scheduled for completion of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) document towards the end of the calendar year and to publicly advertise for a construction bid around January 2025. Due to earlier vacancies within the department, the pre-project work is being pushed out and may affect the final schedule by a couple of months while other projects are 11 prioritized. The project is within budget. (P2639, P2680, and P2688) • RWCWRF Disinfection System Improvements: The project involves the replacement of the chlorine gas disinfection system with an ultraviolet (UV) process at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility. Consultant selection for design and construction support went to Carollo Engineers and design work was initiated in July 2021. A Memorandum of Understanding has been reached with Trojan for procuring the UV system through the construction contractor at a bid obtained cost. This will also reduce materials acquisition delays related to this equipment, which is projected to take a year to ship. A construction contract has been awarded to GSE Construction Co., Inc. with the UV submittal to be top priority for getting the project started. The plant engineering report was updated for preparation of completing the permitting process with the state. The contractor has ordered the Trojan UV system, which is estimated to arrive in August 2024. A Pre- Construction Meeting was held on November 6, 2023. On January 25, 2024, staff received review comments from the Division of Drinking Water review pertaining to the Title 22 Engineering Report update for the RWCWRF. Engineering and Operations staff are working together with the consultant to respond to state comments. On February 21, 2024, staff presented the Disinfection Improvement Project at the Board Workshop as an informational item. Submittals, RFI, and materials are being reviewed, responded, and procured. Notice to Proceed was issued for April 8, 2024, and the contractor, GSE, has mobilized and began construction. Initial work of the sodium hypochlorite containment line has been completed. Duct bank to provide power and communication has been initiated. A tentative scheduled shutdown is scheduled for 7/10/24-7/31/24. The project is within budget and on schedule. (R2117 and R2157) • Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF) Effluent Pump Station Compressors: The compressors were identified as equipment with a high priority ranking for replacement in the 2017 RWCWRF Facilities Master Plan. The compressors are needed for the surge tank's operation, which protects the 14-inch RWCWRF Effluent Pipeline carrying recycled water from the plant to the recycled water storage reservoirs. In close coordination with the Operations staff, several vendors were contacted for equipment and installation costs. Air Vac Systems was selected based on costs 12 and the ability to meet the needs of the facility. Operations is proceeding with the purchase and installation of the equipment. The project is within budget and on schedule. (R2166) • 450-1 Recycled Water Reservoir Stormwater Improvements: Stormwater runoff from the 450-1 Recycled Water Reservoir site has been eroding the downstream area and exposed the District's 30-inch recycled water line. Staff is working with NV5 on potential design and permitting solutions. Helix Environmental is currently working on the regulatory permit applications for the work within the tributary. The project is within budget and on schedule. (R2164) • Zero Emission Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure: This project is for the capital purchase and installation of various electric vehicle support equipment such as charging infrastructure needed to power Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) for light, medium, and heavy-duty electric vehicles. The project is in preparation for compliance with the State of California's Executive Order N-79-20 and the Advanced Clean Fleet Regulation to require ZEV purchases when adding to the District's fleet of vehicles. A 30% EV Charging Station Master Plan has been submitted by As-needed Electrical consultant, Engineering Partners, Inc. (EPI). Engineering is conducting the initial review. Based on initial findings of the Master Plan and possible Grant opportunities, Engineering hired EPI under an As-needed Electrical Agreement to design the first five (5) charging stations for Operations to meet their growing fleet demand for FY 2025. Design drawings will be used to submit for grant opportunities to help offset the capital cost for the charging stations for FY 2025. The Clean Air for All Grant was submitted on April 12, 2024, with a potential funding amount of $153,000 for Operations’ first permanent electric charging station. The 30% Master Plan has been reviewed collectively by Operation and Engineering staff and comments returned to consultant. The project is within budget and on schedule. (P2684) • Potable Pipeline Replacement Projects: The following set of pipelines are being replaced as a result of past failures, age, lack of redundancy, and/or inadequate fire flow. A 30% design has been submitted by NV5, reviewed and returned by staff. 60% Design plans are in progress. o PL - 8-inch, 850 Zone, Coronado Avenue, Chestnut/Apple (P2608) 13 o PL - 8-inch, 1004 Zone, Eucalyptus Street, Coronado/Date/La Mesa (P2609) o PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 PZ, Vista Grande (P2615) o PL - 20-Inch, 1296 Zone, Proctor Valley Road from Pioneer Way to Melody Road “South Proctor Road” (P2171) o PL - 20-Inch, 1296 Zone, Proctor Valley Road from Melody Road to Schlee “North Proctor Road” (P2058) - Appraisal process and reports have been submitted by Bender Rosenthal Inc and reviewed by staff. Offer letters to acquire proposed easement to install waterline are in progress. • Olympic Parkway Recycled Water Line Replacement: Several main breaks within the past few years on the 20-inch recycled water line in Olympic Parkway between Heritage Road and La Media Road resulted in the establishment of this Capital Improvement Program project at the May 2021 Board Meeting. The engineering firm, NV5, was selected to design the replacement waterline using the District’s As-needed Engineering Design Services contract. The project was awarded to Burtech in January 2023. The City of Chula Vista permits have been obtained. Consideration was given to potentially using trenchless installation, but several drawbacks and limitations eliminated it from selection. The contractor has started procuring materials and a Pre-Construction Meeting was held on June 8, 2023. The valves were delivered and tested at the end of May 2024. Progress meetings have begun, and the contractor received the permit from the City of Chula Vista and staff is working on an outreach notification for the project. A notice to proceed was issued for March 25, 2024, and most of the work will be night work to minimize traffic delays. The contractor is scheduled to mobilize in early July 2024. The project is within budget and on schedule. (R2159) • Cottonwood Sewer Pump Station Replacement: This project involves the replacement of the existing sewer pump station originally constructed in 1986 as a temporary facility due to operational and accessibility deficiencies. The station serves both the District and County of San Diego customers on the southside of Sweetwater River. Improvements will incorporate increased station capacity, now and in the future, with a force main upgrade, as well as emergency storage to avoid a sewage spill. Design is being prepared by Wood Rodgers, Inc., with the preliminary design report completed in October 2023. The geotechnical investigation of the site was completed by Atlas Technical Consultants, LLC using the District’s 14 As-needed Geotechnical contract. The project is within budget. Schedule will be reassessed in the summer as staff vacancies are filled. (S2069) • 870-2 Reservoir and 870-1 Reservoir Floating Cover/Liner Replacement: This project consists of constructing a new 3.4 MG prestressed concrete potable water tank adjacent to the existing 870-1 Reservoir. The project also includes lowering the existing 870-1 Reservoir 30-inch inlet pipe and replacing the existing floating cover and liner within the existing 870-1 Reservoir. The District’s As-needed Engineering Design consultant, Wood Rodgers, teamed with Richard Brady and Associates (Wood Rodgers/Brady), and the District's As-needed Electrical consultant, BSE, and District in-house staff completed the design such that the project was publicly advertised for construction bid on May 9, 2024. A construction management and inspection services contract was awarded to Valley Construction Management at the January 2024 Board Meeting. The Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) Addendum was approved by the Board at the June Board Meeting. Construction contract award is scheduled for the August 2024 Board Meeting. The 870-2 Reservoir and the 870-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner projects included the alterative bid items for Build America Buy America Act (BABAA) and existing outlet pipe replacement. Understanding the financial impact to include BABAA requirements will inform the District’s decision to continue pursuing several federal grants. The outlet pipe replacement alternative bid item will be contemplated after the inspection of the outlet pipe. The pipe condition will dictate the District’s decision to execute that alternative bid item. Both projects are on schedule and within budget. (P2228 & P2563) • Potable Water Pressure Vessel Program - Rolling Hills: The 2004 era Rolling Hills Hydropneumatic Pump Station hydropneumatic pressure vessel was inspected on June 6, 2017, and February 27, 2023. Both inspection reports noted interior corrosion due to internal coating failure. The February 2023 inspection report recommended a reduction in the safety relief valve pressure setpoint to compensate for internal corrosion. The February 2023 inspection report also suggested that the life expectancy of the vessel may be three (3) years. Consequently, the report recommended interior re-inspection within three (3) years rather than the typical five (5) year inspection frequency. With the hydropneumatic tank at the end of its life and the limited 15 availability of the trailer mounted variable frequency drive pump station (VFD trailer), the tank is scheduled for replacement. On January 23, 2024, the purchase of a hydropneumatic tank from Modern Custom Fabrication, Inc. was approved at the February 7, 2024, Board Meeting. District in-house staff mobilized and have begun connecting the VFD Trailer to the project site since February 9, 2024. Redlined shop drawings for the replacement tank were returned to Modern Custom Fabrication on June 7, 2024. The project is within budget and on schedule. (P2663-008000) • Recycled/Reuse Feasibility: Sweetwater Authority (SWA) and Otay Water District are working collaboratively through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to evaluate the feasibility of extending water reuse into the SWA area. On January 23, 2024, the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) for a feasibility study with Carollo Engineers (Carollo) was presented to the EO&WR Committee. On February 7, 2024, the PSA for the planning study was presented to the Board and awarded by the Board to Carollo. Kick-off Meeting was conducted by Carollo. First phase of data collection has been initiated. (R1254-001000) • Otay Water District Climate Adaptation and Resilience Planning Project: On November 21, 2023, FEMA approved and issued Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds for the preparation of a Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan for the District. FEMA authorized a total of $244,939.70. This Plan will include a climate risk and vulnerability assessment as a baseline for focusing efforts to address the impacts of climate change. The Plan will also identify critical assets that are vulnerable to the risks of climate change, develop climate adaptation and resilience strategies, and prioritize greenhouse gas reduction activities by exploring conservation and renewable energy technologies for the water industry. The District had a Kick-off Meeting with Cal OES in late December 2023. The Professional Services Agreement was approved at the June Board Meeting. The final Plan will be incorporated into the District’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Annex. (P1253-009000) • Sewage Flows to Metro vs Planned Capacity: The Metropolitan Water District Amended and Restated Regional Wastewater Disposal Agreement became effective at the start of FY 2023. The District’s annual capacity of 0.38 MGD (139 MG) is now in effect, though the District would need to exceed this capacity for three (3) 16 consecutive years before additional capacity must be acquired. The Metropolitan Water District (Metro) capacity was set based upon the District’s sewer system requirements through planning year 2050. Sewage flow to Metro for FY 2023 was 101.24 MG, below the 139 MG agreement capacity limit. The Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility (RWCWRF) had an upset occur in September 2023, resulting in a week and a half of no recycled water production. The District is still on track though to meet the annual capacity limit. Due to low demand of recycled water, the RWCWRF recycled water production was taken offline from 2/8/24 to 2/19/24, which resulted in higher sewer discharge into Metro. 17 • Summary of Budgeted and Sold Meters and EDUs for Fiscal Year 2024 through June 2024: Water Operations: • On Monday, May 20th, at approximately 12:00 P.M., Utility Maintenance staff (staff) responded to a 12-inch ACP (Asbestos Concrete Pipe) main break on Via Rancho San Diego in El Cajon. The initial break caused a large section of the roadway to become unsafe for travel to the extent that the road was closed, and a detour was placed until repairs could be made. Staff excavated and found a section of the 12-inch ACP had blown out. The responding staff worked on preparing the excavation and dewatering the pipe until 10:00 P.M. At this time, a relief crew arrived to make the repairs and install a new 12-inch gate valve to help minimize any additional shutdowns. The repair was made using five-feet of a 12- inch PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) C900 on both sides of the new 12- inch gate valve and two Romac Macro Couplings to connect to the existing ACP. Staff then poured a large concrete support pad and anchor block on the gate valve and were relieved by a new crew at 7:00 A.M. on Tuesday, May 21st. The new crew finished backfilling the excavation and removed the damaged asphalt. They swept, secured the roadway, and removed the detour. The 12-inch line was loaded, and service was restored to customers at approximately 9:00 A.M. on Tuesday, May 21st. Three water trailers were available on site during the repairs for affected customers. • On Wednesday, May 22nd, Water Systems staff performed a final walk- through inspection on Paseo De La Fuente and Siempre Viva Road in the Otay Mesa area (developer project #D566-090521). No issues were noted. Final walk-through inspections are required to ensure proper operation/construction of newly built District infrastructure before being accepted. • On Thursday, May 23rd, Utility Maintenance staff made repairs to a 12-inch Cement Mortar Line and Coated (CML&C) line in front of the main gate on Sweetwater Springs Blvd after a leak was discovered. Date Meters (Budgeted) Meters Sold (Actual) EDUs (Budgeted) EDUs Sold (Actual) Total $ (Budgeted) Total $ Collected (Actual) June 2024 23.4 9 73 61 $955,391 $869,965 Totals FY 2024 257.6 177 803.5 168 $10,509,297 $9,094,316 18 Staff excavated and removed a leaking one-inch nozzle from an abandoned service and had a welder install a 12-inch butt strap to replace the damaged section. Repairs were completed and excavation was backfilled on Friday, May 24th. • On Tuesday, May 28th, Pump Mechanics completed pump efficiency testing on four pumps at Rancho Jamul hydro Station, and two pumps at Vista Diego Hydro Station. This test is part of the predictive maintenance program and directly related to asset management. The analyses report is pending. The efficiency test is performed annually and 100 percent of the schedule for FY24 was completed. • From Wednesday, May 29th through Friday, May 30th, staff performed start up testing on the 1100 VFD (variable frequency drive) trailer since the hydro tank at the 1100 Hydropneumatic Station is scheduled to be replaced (Capital Improvement Project P2663), as it has reached the end of its useful life. The VFD trailer will provide water service to the 1100 pressure zone while the tank is replaced. No customer impacts are projected. • On Friday May 31st, Water Systems staff performed a final walk- through inspection on Avenida Artana in the Otay Ranch Village 3 development (developer project #D0954-090274). No issues were noted. Final walk-through inspections are required to ensure proper operation/construction of newly built District infrastructure before being accepted. • During this period, Pump Mechanics completed vibration testing at 20 Pump Stations including 64 pieces of equipment. The digital information collected was sent to a District vendor for analysis and reporting. Vibration testing allows the District to schedule required repairs and acquire needed parts. Vibration tests are performed every quarter to predict possible failures before they occur. No major problems were detected during this test and all vibration tests scheduled for FY24 were completed. • The following events occurred on Tuesday, June 4th: o Water Systems staff performed a final walk-through inspection on Via Estancia in the Otay Ranch Village 3 development (developer project #D1044-09080). No issues were noted. Final walk-through inspections are required to ensure proper 19 operation/construction of newly built District infrastructure before being accepted. o Utility Maintenance staff received a commendation from a District customer for their outstanding customer service, prompt response, strong work ethic, and professionalism for their work on a repair of a one-inch service lateral at Calle De Medio in El Cajon. • On Monday, June 10th, Wednesday, June 12th, Friday, June 14th, and Monday, June 17th, Water Systems staff assisted the Inspections section with bacteriological sampling for a new development. Staff loaded, flushed, and sampled one new section of the main located at Avenida Caprise just north of the intersection with La Media in the Otay Ranch Village 8 development (D1044-090432). The main will be placed into service pending bacteriological results. • On Wednesday, June 12th, the HAZWOP/Confined Space Rescue Team participated in a joint team exercise with the District's aqua ammonia vendor at the 624-3 Reservoir site in Chula Vista. This joint training focused on the District’s HAZWOP/Confined Space Rescue Team responding to an aqua ammonia leak during a delivery. The District’s Response Team acted on three different scenarios. These training scenarios focused on different options to shut off the pump on the truck, spill containment, diverting flow from the storm drain and providing first aid. The annual training is required by the District’s CalARP (California Accidental Release Program), PSM (Process Safety Management), and RMP (Risk Management Plan) programs. Purchases and Change Orders: • The following table summarizes purchases and change orders issued during the period from May 16, 2024 through June 11, 2024 that were within staff signatory authority: PO Date Action Amount Project Contractor/ Consultant 5/16/2024 P.O. $10,000.00 BPR CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO MUNIS IMPLEMENTATION KOA HILLS CONSULTING, LLC 5/21/2024 P.O. $29,700.00 MOWING SERVICES - SALT CREEK SPECIALTY MOWING SERVICES, INC. 20 5/28/2024 P.O. $6,760.00 ENGINEERING DIG LOCATE SOFTWARE LICENSE KORTERRA, INC. 6/11/2024 P.O. $74,195.00 RWCWRF Disinfection (UV) System Improvement Project (R2117/R2157) CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. Water Conservation and Sales: • Water Conservation – May 2024 usage was 12% lower than May 2013 usage. Since May 2023, customers have saved an average of 16% over 2013 levels. 21 • Potable Water Purchases – The May potable water purchases were 2,564 acre-feet which is 6.0% above the budget of 2,419 acre-feet. Cumulative purchases for the year are 24,743 acre-feet, 4.6% under the year-to-date budget of 25,932 acre-feet. • Recycled Water Purchases – The recycled water purchases from the City of San Diego and production at the District’s treatment facility for the month of May were 353 acre-feet which is 3.9% below the budget of 367 acre feet. Cumulative purchases and production for the year are 2,628 acre-feet, 18.5% under the year- to-date budget of 3,224 acre-feet. 22 • The table below displays the rainfall data for the month of May and year-to-date. Rainfall May Y-T-D Actual 0.07 12.18 Three-year Historical Average 0.06 9.47 Variance 0.01 (16.7%) 2.71 (28.6%) Potable, Recycled, and Sewer (Reporting up to the month of May): • Total number of potable water meters: 51,922. • Total number of sewer connections: 4,752. • Recycled water consumption for the month of May: o Total consumption: 344.78 acre-feet or 112,339,876 gallons. o Average daily consumption: 3,623,867 gallons per day. o Total cumulative recycled water consumption since May 31, 2024: 2,787.17 acre-feet. o Total number of recycled water meters: 798. • Wastewater flows for the month of May: o Total basin flow: 1,800,677 gallons per day.  This is an increase of 3.48 percent from May 2023. o Spring Valley Sanitation District flows to Metro: 602,533 gallons per day. o Total Otay flow: 1,198,097 gallons per day. o Flow processed at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility: 1,119,935 gallons per day. o Flow to Metro from Otay Water District: 78,161 gallons per day. o By the end of May there were 6,751 wastewater EDUs. Exhibit A Annual YTD REVENUES: Budget Actual Budget Variance Var % Potable Water Sales 70,298,000$ 58,741,307$ 63,210,000$ (4,468,693)$ (7.1%) Recycled Water Sales 10,906,000 8,332,706 9,612,175 (1,279,469) (13.3%) Potable Energy Charges 2,916,000 2,498,510 2,620,800 (122,290) (4.7%) Potable System Charges 13,011,000 11,950,615 11,887,000 63,615 0.5% Potable MWD & CWA Fixed Charges 13,746,000 12,584,565 12,565,000 19,565 0.2% Potable Penalties and Other Fees 978,000 973,606 884,180 89,426 10.1% Total Water Sales 111,855,000 95,081,309 100,779,155 (5,697,846) (5.7%) Sewer Charges 3,468,000 3,193,480 3,176,000 17,480 0.6% Meter Fees 168,000 155,977 153,600 2,377 1.5% Capacity Fee Revenues 2,352,000 2,591,563 2,156,000 435,563 20.2% Non-Operating Revenues 2,770,600 2,669,186 2,497,200 171,986 6.9% Tax Revenues 6,243,000 6,468,737 6,198,400 270,337 4.4% Interest 1,091,000 897,789 1,000,083 (102,294) (10.2%) Total Revenues 127,947,600$ 111,058,041$ 115,960,438$ (4,902,397)$ (4.2%) EXPENSES: Potable Water Purchases 48,147,000$ 41,576,179$ 43,204,200$ 1,628,021$ 3.8% Recycled Water Purchases 5,798,000 5,093,602 5,093,602 - 0.0% CWA-Infrastructure Access Charge 3,146,000 2,880,804 2,880,500 (304) (0.0%) CWA-Customer Service Charge 1,971,000 1,846,427 1,803,700 (42,727) (2.4%) CWA-Reliability Charge 3,235,000 2,976,959 2,957,600 (19,359) (0.7%) CWA-Emergency Storage Charge 4,865,000 4,463,831 4,453,400 (10,431) (0.2%) MWD-Capacity Res Charge 562,000 645,060 521,600 (123,460) (23.7%) MWD-Readiness to Serve Charge 654,000 568,634 599,500 30,866 5.1% Subtotal Water Purchases 68,378,000 60,051,496 61,514,102 1,462,606 2.4% Power Charges 4,285,000 4,179,039 3,864,000 (315,039) (8.2%) Payroll & Related Costs 24,590,600 21,583,848 22,696,700 1,112,852 4.9% Materials & Maintenance 4,824,900 4,086,054 4,422,900 336,846 7.6% Administrative Expenses 8,585,300 6,571,621 7,862,724 1,291,103 16.4% Legal Fees 357,000 425,055 327,800 (97,255) (29.7%) Expansion Reserve 4,320,000 3,960,000 3,960,000 - 0.0% Betterment Reserve 2,562,000 2,348,500 2,348,500 - 0.0% Replacement Reserve 8,774,800 8,043,200 8,043,200 - 0.0% OPEB Trust 1,270,000 1,163,800 1,163,800 - 0.0% Total Expenses 127,947,600$ 112,412,613$ 116,203,726$ 3,791,113$ 3.3% EXCESS REVENUES(EXPENSES)-$ (1,354,572)$ (243,288)$ (1,111,284)$ OTAY WATER DISTRICT COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY FOR THE ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED MAY 31, 2024 F:/MORPT/FS2024-P11 6/24/2024 8:20 AM The year-to-date excess expenses of $1,354,572 is $1,111,284 more than the budgeted deficit of $243,288. COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY NET REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED MAY 31, 2024 ‐$3,200,000 ‐$3,000,000 ‐$2,800,000 ‐$2,600,000 ‐$2,400,000 ‐$2,200,000 ‐$2,000,000 ‐$1,800,000 ‐$1,600,000 ‐$1,400,000 ‐$1,200,000 ‐$1,000,000 ‐$800,000 ‐$600,000 ‐$400,000 ‐$200,000 $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000  JUL  AUG  SEP  OCT  NOV  DEC  JAN  FEB  MAR  APR  MAY  JUN YTD Actual Net Revenues YTD Budget Net Revenues YTD Variance in Net Revenues OTAY WATER DISTRICT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO REVIEW May 31, 2024 INVESTMENT OVERVIEW & MARKET STATUS: At the Federal Reserve Board's regular meeting on July 26, 2023, the Committee increased the target range for the federal funds rate from 5.25% to 5.50%. There have been no further changes made to the federal funds rate at the most recent meeting which was held on June 12, 2024. Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a solid pace. Job gains have remained strong, and the unemployment rate has remained low. Inflation has eased over the past year but remains elevated. In recent months, there has been a lack of further progress toward the Committee’s 2 percent inflation objective. The Committee will continue to reduce its holdings of Treasury securities, agency debt, and agency mortgage-backed securities, as outlined in the Plans for Reducing the Size of the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet issued in May 2022. The Committee will continue to observe the effects of incoming information on the economic outlook. In determining the timing and size of future adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, they went on to say: "The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments." The District's effective rate of return for May 2024 was 4.02%, two basis points lower than the previous month. LAIF's return was six basis points higher than the last month, reaching an average effective yield of 4.33% for May 2024. Based on our success at maintaining a competitive rate of return on our portfolio during this period of increasing interest rates, no changes in investment strategy regarding returns on investment are being considered. Under the District's Investment Policy, all District funds continue to be managed based on the objectives, in priority order, of safety, liquidity, and return on investment. PORTFOLIO COMPLIANCE: May 31, 2024 Investment State Limit Otay Limit Otay Actual 8.01: Treasury Securities 100% 100% 5.11% 8.02: Local Agency Investment Fund (Operations) $75 Million $75 Million $40.26 Million 8.03: Federal Agency Issues 100% 100% 45.18% 8.04: Certificates of Deposit 30% 15% 0 8.05: Short-Term Commercial Notes 25% 10% 0 8.06: Medium-Term Commercial Debt 30% 10% 0 8.07: Money Market Mutual Funds 20% 10% 0.95% 8.08: San Diego County Pool 100% 100% 13.52% 12.0: Maximum Single Financial Institution 100% 50% 0.74% $863,750 0.74% $56,050,017 48.02% $59,801,810 51.24% Otay Water District Investment Portfolio: 05/31/2024 Banks (Passbook/Checking/CD)Pools (LAIF & County)Agencies,Treasury Securities & Money Market Mutual Funds Total Cash and Investments: $116,715,577 (Book Value) July FY23 Aug FY23 Sep FY23 1st Qtr FY23 Oct FY23 Nov FY23 Dec FY23 2nd Qtr FY23 Jan FY23 Feb FY23 Mar FY23 3rd Qtr FY23 Apr FY23 May FY23 June FY23 4th Qtr FY23 Jul FY24 Aug FY24 Sep FY24 1st Qtr FY24 Oct FY24 Nov FY24 Dec FY24 2nd Qtr FY24 Jan FY24 Feb FY24 Mar FY24 3rd Qtr FY24 Apr FY24 May FY24 Otay 1.32 1.46 1.74 1.50 2.06 2.52 2.91 2.49 3.00 3.44 3.46 3.30 3.65 3.58 3.74 3.66 3.71 3.74 3.83 3.76 3.76 3.86 3.90 3.84 3.86 4.01 3.90 3.92 4.04 4.02 LAIF 1.09 1.28 1.51 1.29 1.77 2.01 2.17 1.98 2.43 2.62 2.83 2.63 2.87 2.99 3.17 3.01 3.31 3.43 3.53 3.42 3.67 3.84 3.93 3.81 4.01 4.12 4.23 4.12 4.27 4.33 Difference 0.23 0.18 0.23 0.21 0.29 0.51 0.74 0.51 0.57 0.82 0.63 0.67 0.78 0.59 0.57 0.65 0.40 0.31 0.30 0.34 0.09 0.02 -0.03 0.03 -0.15 -0.11 -0.33 -0.20 -0.23 -0.31 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 Re t u r n o n I n v e s t m e n t s Month Performance Measure FY-24 Return on Investment Otay LAIF Difference Target: Meet or Exceed 100% of LAIF Month End Portfolio Management May 31, 2024 Portfolio Summary % of Portfolio Book ValueInvestmentsMarket Value Par Value Days to MaturityTerm YTM 360 Equiv. YTM 365 Equiv. Federal Agency Issues- Callable 10,999,305.26 7859.49 3.95515010,975,910.0011,000,000.00 4.010 Treasury Securities - Coupon 5,959,746.89 5735.14 5.0243645,954,760.006,000,000.00 5.094 Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 41,735,880.60 80836.03 3.75626641,249,564.5641,796,000.00 3.809 Money Market 1,106,877.29 10.96 5.10911,106,877.291,106,877.29 5.180 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF)40,264,547.64 134.76 4.273140,030,661.6340,264,547.64 4.332 San Diego County Pool 15,785,468.99 113.63 3.778115,579,000.0015,785,468.99 3.830 115,851,826.67 100.00%Investments 114,896,773.48115,952,893.92 396 129 4.036 4.092 Cash (not included in yield calculations) Passbook/Checking 863,749.97 1 0.9491863,749.97863,749.97 0.962 116,715,576.64Total Cash and Investments 115,760,523.45116,816,643.89 396 129 4.036 4.092 Current Year May 31 397,094.36 Fiscal Year To Date 3,897,094.92 Average Daily Balance Effective Rate of Return 116,434,792.51 112,086,318.21 3.78%4.02% Total Earnings Month Ending I hereby certify that the investments contained in this report are made in accordance with the District Investment Policy Number 27 adopted by the Board of Directors on May 03, 2023. The investments provide sufficient liquidity to meet the cash flow requirements of the District for the next six months of expenditures. __________________________________________________ ____________________ Joseph Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Reporting period 05/01/2024-05/31/2024 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 1 San Diego County Pool May report is not yet available. This report is using the April annualized yield and FMV. 1 06/27/2024 YTM 360 Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value May 31, 2024 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days to MaturityMoody'sCUSIP Investment # Purchase Date Federal Agency Issues- Callable 1.294Federal Home Loan Bank2395 2,000,000.00 1,999,305.26 07/26/20241.08002/03/2022 1,987,400.00 Aaa3130AQL68 55 3.652Federal Home Loan Bank2401 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 06/13/20243.70009/13/2022 2,998,440.00 Aaa3130AT4S3 12 4.932Federal Home Loan Mortgage2406 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 04/25/20255.00010/25/2022 2,994,570.00 Aaa3134GX6A7 328 5.055Federal Home Loan Mortgage2408 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 11/22/20245.12511/28/2022 2,995,500.00 Aaa3134GY3P5 174 10,999,305.2610,975,910.0011,000,000.0010,999,128.01Subtotal and Average 3.955 150 Treasury Securities - Coupon 4.998US TREASURY2418 3,000,000.00 2,989,383.33 07/31/20254.75011/01/2023 2,987,340.00 Aaa91282CHN4 425 5.051US TREASURY2419 3,000,000.00 2,970,363.56 03/31/20253.87511/09/2023 2,967,420.00 Aaa91282CGU9 303 5,959,746.895,954,760.006,000,000.005,957,905.03Subtotal and Average 5.024 364 Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 2.855Federal Farm Credit Bank2397 2,000,000.00 1,997,516.70 04/25/20252.75004/26/2022 1,958,360.00 Aaa3133ENVC1 328 4.261Federal Farm Credit Bank2402 3,000,000.00 2,997,405.42 09/30/20254.25009/30/2022 2,968,980.00 Aaa3133ENP95 486 4.488Federal Farm Credit Bank2405 3,000,000.00 2,998,119.11 10/17/20244.37510/19/2022 2,988,960.00 Aaa3133ENS43 138 4.284Federal Farm Credit Bank2410 3,000,000.00 2,998,522.26 12/20/20244.25012/20/2022 2,983,710.00 Aaa3133EN4N7 202 4.932Federal Farm Credit Bank2420 1,000,000.00 993,722.65 03/05/20264.62504/17/2024 995,340.00 Aaa3133EP4K8 642 4.679Federal Farm Credit Bank2421 1,000,000.00 1,000,139.60 05/06/20274.75005/28/2024 1,000,470.00 Aaa3133ERDS7 1,069 4.864Federal Farm Credit Bank2424 3,000,000.00 2,998,362.03 07/28/20254.87511/17/2023 2,992,770.00 Aaa3133EPRS6 422 3.449Federal Home Loan Bank2400 3,000,000.00 2,999,874.91 06/14/20243.37509/08/2022 2,998,110.00 Aaa3130AT4D6 13 4.338Federal Home Loan Bank2404 3,000,000.00 2,999,821.31 09/13/20244.37510/18/2022 2,989,740.00 Aaa3130ATND5 104 4.928Federal Home Loan Bank2417 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 02/28/20255.00007/03/2023 3,990,960.00 Aaa3130AV7L0 272 0.612Federal Home Loan Mortgage2391 1,045,000.00 1,041,676.51 09/23/20250.37509/16/2021 983,198.70 Aaa3137EAEX3 479 0.618Federal Home Loan Mortgage2392 2,751,000.00 2,742,070.19 09/23/20250.37509/22/2021 2,588,305.86 Aaa3137EAEX3 479 0.996Federal National Mortage Assoc2393 2,000,000.00 2,007,247.31 01/07/20251.62512/09/2021 1,957,520.00 Aaa3135G0X24 220 1.129Federal National Mortage Assoc2394 2,000,000.00 1,981,987.85 11/07/20250.50012/15/2021 1,876,180.00 Aaa3135G06G3 524 4.787Federal National Mortage Assoc2416 8,000,000.00 7,979,414.75 07/02/20241.75005/26/2023 7,976,960.00 Aaa3135GOV75 31 41,735,880.6041,249,564.5641,796,000.0040,854,254.33Subtotal and Average 3.756 266 Money Market 5.119Blackrock T - Fund Inst9010 14,950.39 14,950.39 5.19007/01/2023 14,950.39RESERVE-10A WRB 1 5.119Blackrock T - Fund Inst9011 33,239.88 33,239.88 5.19007/01/2023 33,239.88RESERVE 10 BABS 1 5.109FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY9016 1,058,687.02 1,058,687.02 5.18007/01/2023 1,058,687.02OWD TRUST & CUS 1 1,106,877.291,106,877.291,106,877.291,964,648.42Subtotal and Average 5.109 1 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 YTM 360 Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value May 31, 2024 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days to MaturityMoody'sCUSIP Investment # Purchase Date Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) 4.273STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 40,264,547.64 40,264,547.64 4.33240,030,661.63LAIF 1 40,264,547.6440,030,661.6340,264,547.6439,479,063.77Subtotal and Average 4.273 1 San Diego County Pool 3.778San Diego County9007 15,785,468.99 15,785,468.99 3.83015,579,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 1 15,785,468.9915,579,000.0015,785,468.9915,785,468.99Subtotal and Average 3.778 1 116,434,792.51 115,952,893.92 4.036 129114,896,773.48 115,851,826.67Total and Average Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.11 YTM 360 Page 3 Par Value Book Value Stated RateMarket Value May 31, 2024 Portfolio Details - Cash Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days to MaturityMoody'sCUSIP Investment # Purchase Date US Bank 0.009STATE OF CALIFORNIA9002 0.00 0.00 0.00907/01/2023 0.00US BANK MONEY 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9003 2,950.00 2,950.002,950.00PETTY CASH 1 0.986STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 831,002.81 831,002.81 1.000831,002.81OPERATING 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9005 13,362.22 13,362.2207/01/2023 13,362.22PAYROLL 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 16,434.94 16,434.9407/01/2023 16,434.94FLEX ACCT 1 0.00 116,434,792.51 116,816,643.89 4.036 129 1Average Balance 115,760,523.45 116,715,576.64Total Cash and Investments Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.11 Month End Activity Report Sorted By Issuer May 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024 Current Rate Transaction Date Balance Beginning Balance Ending Par Value Percent of Portfolio Par Value CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchases or Deposits Redemptions or Withdrawals Issuer: Blackrock T - Fund Inst Money Market Blackrock T - Fund Inst9010 63.305.190 0.00RESERVE-10A WRB 0.0048,126.97 48,190.27Subtotal and Balance 63.30 63.30 0.0048,126.97 48,190.270.041%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: STATE OF CALIFORNIA US Bank STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 88,138.151.000 539,809.18OPERATING STATE OF CALIFORNIA9005 0.00 19.81PAYROLL STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 19.99 11,612.19FLEX ACCT 551,441.181,327,033.01 863,749.97Subtotal and Balance 88,158.14 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 7,050,000.004.332 7,700,000.00LAIF 7,700,000.0040,914,547.64 40,264,547.64Subtotal and Balance 7,050,000.00 7,138,158.14 8,251,441.1842,241,580.65 41,128,297.6135.208%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY Money Market FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY9016 91,973.055.180 1,003,042.78OWD TRUST & CUS 1,003,042.781,969,756.75 1,058,687.02Subtotal and Balance 91,973.05 91,973.05 1,003,042.781,969,756.75 1,058,687.020.906%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Agency Issues - Bullet Federal Farm Credit Bank2421 1,000,000.004.750 05/28/2024 0.003133ERDS7 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 DA (PRF_DA) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Current Rate Transaction Date Balance Beginning Balance Ending Par Value Page 2 Percent of Portfolio Par Value May 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024 Activity Report Month End CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchases or Deposits Redemptions or Withdrawals Issuer: Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 0.0015,000,000.00 16,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.0015,000,000.00 16,000,000.0013.697%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Agency Issues- Callable 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.0015,000,000.00 15,000,000.0012.841%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Federal Agency Issues- Callable 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 3,796,000.00 3,796,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.009,796,000.00 9,796,000.008.386%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal National Mortage Assoc Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.0012,000,000.00 12,000,000.0010.273%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: San Diego County San Diego County Pool 15,785,468.99 15,785,468.99Subtotal and Balance Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 DA (PRF_DA) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Current Rate Transaction Date Balance Beginning Balance Ending Par Value Page 3 Percent of Portfolio Par Value May 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024 Activity Report Month End CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchases or Deposits Redemptions or Withdrawals 0.00 0.0015,785,468.99 15,785,468.9913.513%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: US TREASURY Treasury Securities - Coupon 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.006,000,000.00 6,000,000.005.136%Issuer Subtotal 117,840,933.36 116,816,643.89Total9,254,483.968,230,194.49100.000% Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 DA (PRF_DA) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Month End Duration Report Sorted by Investment Type - Investment Type Through 05/31/2024 Investment #Security ID Issuer Investment Class Book Value Par Value Market Value Current Rate YTM Current Yield Maturity/ Call Date Duration Modified 360Fund Federal Home Loan Bank239599 2,000,000.00 1,987,400.003130AQL68 5.143 07/26/2024 0.1501,999,305.26 1.294Fair1.0800000 Federal Home Loan Bank240199 3,000,000.00 2,998,440.003130AT4S3 5.056 06/13/2024 0.0323,000,000.00 3.652Fair3.7000000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage240699 3,000,000.00 2,994,570.003134GX6A7 5.214 04/25/2025 0.8643,000,000.00 4.932Fair5.0000000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage240899 3,000,000.00 2,995,500.003134GY3P5 5.625 11/22/2024 0.4763,000,000.00 5.055Fair5.1250000 US TREASURY241899 3,000,000.00 2,987,340.0091282CHN4 5.133 07/31/2025 1.1022,989,383.33 4.998Fair4.7500000 US TREASURY241999 3,000,000.00 2,967,420.0091282CGU9 5.230 03/31/2025 0.8002,970,363.56 5.051Fair3.8750000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage239199 1,045,000.00 983,198.703137EAEX3 5.096 09/23/2025 1.2761,041,676.51 0.612Fair.37500000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage239299 2,751,000.00 2,588,305.863137EAEX3 5.096 09/23/2025 1.2762,742,070.19 0.618Fair.37500000 Federal National Mortage Assoc239399 2,000,000.00 1,957,520.003135G0X24 5.271 01/07/2025 0.5802,007,247.31 0.996Fair1.6250000 Federal National Mortage Assoc239499 2,000,000.00 1,876,180.003135G06G3 5.031 11/07/2025 1.3941,981,987.85 1.129Fair.50000000 Federal Farm Credit Bank239799 2,000,000.00 1,958,360.003133ENVC1 5.150 04/25/2025 0.8711,997,516.70 2.855Fair2.7500000 Federal Home Loan Bank240099 3,000,000.00 2,998,110.003130AT4D6 4.922 06/14/2024 0.0352,999,874.91 3.449Fair3.3750000 Federal Farm Credit Bank240299 3,000,000.00 2,968,980.003133ENP95 5.066 09/30/2025 1.2672,997,405.42 4.261Fair4.2500000 Federal Home Loan Bank240499 3,000,000.00 2,989,740.003130ATND5 5.537 09/13/2024 0.2842,999,821.31 4.338Fair4.3750000 Federal Farm Credit Bank240599 3,000,000.00 2,988,960.003133ENS43 5.334 10/17/2024 0.3782,998,119.11 4.488Fair4.3750000 Federal Farm Credit Bank241099 3,000,000.00 2,983,710.003133EN4N7 5.264 12/20/2024 0.5282,998,522.26 4.284Fair4.2500000 Federal National Mortage Assoc241699 8,000,000.00 7,976,960.003135GOV75 5.297 07/02/2024 0.0847,979,414.75 4.787Fair1.7500000 Federal Home Loan Bank241799 4,000,000.00 3,990,960.003130AV7L0 5.326 02/28/2025 0.7104,000,000.00 4.928Fair5.0000000 Federal Farm Credit Bank242099 1,000,000.00 995,340.003133EP4K8 4.908 03/05/2026 1.653993,722.65 4.932Fair4.6250000 Federal Farm Credit Bank242199 1,000,000.00 1,000,470.003133ERDS7 4.734 05/06/2027 2.6971,000,139.60 4.679Fair4.7500000 Federal Farm Credit Bank242499 3,000,000.00 2,992,770.003133EPRS6 5.098 07/28/2025 1.0942,998,362.03 4.864Fair4.8750000 Blackrock T - Fund Inst901099 14,950.39 14,950.39RESERVE-10A 5.190 0.00014,950.39 5.119Amort5.1900000 Blackrock T - Fund Inst901199 33,239.88 33,239.88RESERVE 10 5.190 0.00033,239.88 5.119Amort5.1900000 FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY901699 1,058,687.02 1,058,687.02OWD TRUST &5.180 0.0001,058,687.02 5.109Amort5.1800000 Portfolio OTAY NL! APPage 1Data Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 DU (PRF_DU) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Investment #Security ID Issuer Investment Class Book Value Par Value Market Value Current Rate YTM Current Yield Maturity/ Call Date DurationModified360 Sorted by Investment Type - Investment Type Duration Report Month End Through 05/31/2024 Fund STATE OF CALIFORNIA900199 40,264,547.64 40,030,661.63LAIF 4.332 0.00040,264,547.64 4.273Fair4.3320000 San Diego County900799 15,785,468.99 15,579,000.00SD COUNTY 3.830 0.00015,785,468.99 3.778Fair3.8300000 4.717 0.336115,851,826.67 115,952,893.92 114,896,773.48Report Total † = Duration can not be calculated on these investments due to incomplete Market price data. Portfolio OTAY NL! APPage 2Data Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 DU (PRF_DU) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Month End GASB 31 Compliance Detail Sorted by Fund - Fund May 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024 Investment #Maturity Date Beginning Invested Value Purchase of Principal InvestmentClassFundCUSIP Adjustment in Value Ending Invested Value Addition to Principal Redemption of Principal Amortization Adjustment Change in Market Value Fund: Treasury Fund 2391 978,067.75Fair Value 09/23/2025 5,130.9599 983,198.703137EAEX30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2408 2,998,920.00Fair Value 11/22/2024 -3,420.0099 2,995,500.003134GY3P50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2406 2,999,310.00Fair Value 04/25/2025 -4,740.0099 2,994,570.003134GX6A70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2392 2,574,798.45Fair Value 09/23/2025 13,507.4199 2,588,305.863137EAEX30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2393 1,950,700.00Fair Value 01/07/2025 6,820.0099 1,957,520.003135G0X240.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2394 1,865,340.00Fair Value 11/07/2025 10,840.0099 1,876,180.003135G06G30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2416 7,948,800.00Fair Value 07/02/2024 28,160.0099 7,976,960.003135GOV750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 2,992,410.00Fair Value 06/14/2024 5,700.0099 2,998,110.003130AT4D60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2395 1,979,900.00Fair Value 07/26/2024 7,500.0099 1,987,400.003130AQL680.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2401 2,993,670.00Fair Value 06/13/2024 4,770.0099 2,998,440.003130AT4S30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2417 3,989,640.00Fair Value 02/28/2025 1,320.0099 3,990,960.003130AV7L00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2404 2,987,640.00Fair Value 09/13/2024 2,100.0099 2,989,740.003130ATND50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9001 40,676,885.96Fair Value 3,775.6899 40,030,661.63LAIF0.00 7,050,000.00 7,700,000.00 0.00 9014 28,027.14Amortized 0.0099 16,434.94FLEX ACCT 0.00 19.99 11,612.19 0.00 9005 13,382.03Amortized 0.0099 13,362.22PAYROLL0.00 0.00 19.81 0.00 9003 2,950.00Amortized 0.0099 2,950.00PETTY CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9004 1,282,673.84Amortized 0.0099 831,002.81OPERATING0.00 88,138.15 539,809.18 0.00 2421 0.00Fair Value 05/06/2027 330.0099 1,000,470.003133ERDS71,000,140.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2410 2,979,660.00Fair Value 12/20/2024 4,050.0099 2,983,710.003133EN4N70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2405 2,986,710.00Fair Value 10/17/2024 2,250.0099 2,988,960.003133ENS430.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2424 2,987,520.00Fair Value 07/28/2025 5,250.0099 2,992,770.003133EPRS60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2420 991,940.00Fair Value 03/05/2026 3,400.0099 995,340.003133EP4K80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2402 2,962,590.00Fair Value 09/30/2025 6,390.0099 2,968,980.003133ENP950.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2397 1,952,060.00Fair Value 04/25/2025 6,300.0099 1,958,360.003133ENVC10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2419 2,963,220.00Fair Value 03/31/2025 4,200.0099 2,967,420.0091282CGU90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2418 2,983,950.00Fair Value 07/31/2025 3,390.0099 2,987,340.0091282CHN40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9007 15,444,681.46Fair Value 134,318.5499 15,579,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9016 1,969,756.75Amortized 0.0099 1,058,687.02OWD TRUST & CUS 0.00 91,973.05 1,003,042.78 0.00 9010 14,887.09Amortized 0.0099 14,950.39RESERVE-10A WRB 0.00 63.30 0.00 0.00 9011 33,239.88Amortized 0.0099 33,239.88RESERVE 10 BABS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 GD (PRF_GD) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Investment #Maturity Date Beginning Invested Value Purchase of Principal InvestmentClass Sorted by Fund - Fund Fund Page 2 CUSIP Adjustment in Value Ending Invested Value Addition to Principal Redemption of Principal Amortization Adjustment Change in Market Value GASB 31 Compliance Detail Month End 116,533,330.35Subtotal 251,342.58 115,760,523.451,000,140.00 7,230,194.49 9,254,483.96 0.00 116,533,330.35Total 115,760,523.45251,342.581,000,140.00 7,230,194.49 9,254,483.96 0.00 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 GD (PRF_GD) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Month End Interest Earnings Sorted by Fund - Fund May 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024 Yield on Beginning Book Value Maturity Date Current Rate Ending Par Value EndingSecurity TypeFund Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest Earned Fund: Treasury Fund 1,041,676.5123911,045,000.00 0.375FAC09/23/2025 326.56 211.24 537.800.608991,041,465.273137EAEX3 3,000,000.0024083,000,000.00 5.125MC111/22/2024 12,812.50 0.00 12,812.505.029993,000,000.003134GY3P5 3,000,000.0024063,000,000.00 5.000MC104/25/2025 12,500.00 0.00 12,500.004.906993,000,000.003134GX6A7 2,742,070.1923922,751,000.00 0.375FAC09/23/2025 859.69 567.57 1,427.260.613992,741,502.623137EAEX3 2,007,247.3123932,000,000.00 1.625FAC01/07/2025 2,708.33 -1,006.57 1,701.760.998992,008,253.883135G0X24 1,981,987.8523942,000,000.00 0.500FAC11/07/2025 833.34 1,047.22 1,880.561.118991,980,940.633135G06G3 7,979,414.7524168,000,000.00 1.750FAC07/02/2024 11,666.67 19,921.21 31,587.884.673997,959,493.543135GOV75 2,999,874.9124003,000,000.00 3.375FAC06/14/2024 8,437.50 288.68 8,726.183.425992,999,586.233130AT4D6 1,999,305.2623952,000,000.00 1.080MC107/26/2024 1,800.00 378.94 2,178.941.283991,998,926.323130AQL68 3,000,000.0024013,000,000.00 3.700MC106/13/2024 9,250.00 0.00 9,250.003.630993,000,000.003130AT4S3 4,000,000.0024174,000,000.00 5.000FAC02/28/2025 16,666.67 0.00 16,666.674.906994,000,000.003130AV7L0 2,999,821.3124043,000,000.00 4.375FAC09/13/2024 10,937.50 52.55 10,990.054.314992,999,768.763130ATND5 40,264,547.64900140,264,547.64 4.332LA1 145,252.67 0.00 145,252.674.1809940,914,547.64LAIF 16,434.94901416,434.94PA1 0.00 0.00 0.009928,027.14FLEX ACCT 13,362.22900513,362.22PA1 0.00 0.00 0.009913,382.03PAYROLL 2,950.0090032,950.00PA1 0.00 0.00 0.00992,950.00PETTY CASH 831,002.819004831,002.81 1.000PA1 1,148.39 0.00 1,148.391.054991,282,673.84OPERATING 1,000,139.6024211,000,000.00 4.750FAC05/06/2027 395.83 -0.40 395.433.608990.003133ERDS7 2,998,522.2624103,000,000.00 4.250FAC12/20/2024 10,625.00 222.78 10,847.784.260992,998,299.483133EN4N7 2,998,119.1124053,000,000.00 4.375FAC10/17/2024 10,937.50 414.90 11,352.404.459992,997,704.213133ENS43 2,998,362.0324243,000,000.00 4.875FAC07/28/2025 12,187.50 117.84 12,305.344.832992,998,244.193133EPRS6 993,722.6524201,000,000.00 4.625FAC03/05/2026 3,854.17 297.03 4,151.204.92099993,425.623133EP4K8 2,997,405.4224023,000,000.00 4.250FAC09/30/2025 10,625.00 162.50 10,787.504.238992,997,242.923133ENP95 1,997,516.7023972,000,000.00 2.750FAC04/25/2025 4,583.33 229.93 4,813.262.837991,997,286.773133ENVC1 2,970,363.5624193,000,000.00 3.875TRC03/31/2025 9,846.31 3,032.11 12,878.425.110992,967,331.4591282CGU9 2,989,383.3324183,000,000.00 4.750TRC07/31/2025 12,135.99 774.40 12,910.395.086992,988,608.9391282CHN4 15,785,468.99900715,785,468.99 3.830LA3 51,348.19 0.00 51,348.193.8309915,785,468.99SD COUNTY POOL 1,058,687.0290161,058,687.02 5.180PA2 8,431.37 0.00 8,431.375.040991,969,756.75OWD TRUST & CUS 14,950.39901014,950.39 5.190PA2 65.90 0.00 65.905.2129914,887.09RESERVE-10A WRB Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 IE (PRF_IE) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Maturity Date Current Rate Ending Par Value EndingSecurityTypeFund Page 2 Book ValueBeginningBook Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest May 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024 Interest Earnings Month End Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment #Interest Earned Fund: Treasury Fund 33,239.88901133,239.88 5.190PA2 146.52 0.00 146.525.1909933,239.88RESERVE 10 BABS 116,816,643.89Subtotal 116,715,576.64 4.006 397,094.3626,711.93370,382.43117,713,014.18 116,816,643.89Total 116,715,576.64 4.006 397,094.3626,711.93370,382.43117,713,014.18 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 IE (PRF_IE) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Month End Amortization Schedule May 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024 Sorted By Fund - Fund Original Premium or Discount Maturity Date Current Rate Beginning Par Value Ending Book Value Amount Amortized This PeriodAmort. DateFund Amounts Amortized And Unamortized As of 05/01/2024 Amt Amortized Through 05/31/2024 Amount Unamortized Through 05/31/2024 Investment # Issuer Purchase Principal Treasury Fund -8,270.0023972,000,000.00 2.750 04/25/2025 1,997,516.70 5,556.77 -2,713.23 99 229.93 -2,483.301,991,730.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank 5,786.70 -5,850.0024023,000,000.004.25009/30/2025 2,997,405.42 3,092.92-2,757.0899 162.50 -2,594.582,994,150.00Federal Farm Credit Bank 3,255.42 -9,930.0024053,000,000.004.37510/17/2024 2,998,119.11 7,634.21-2,295.7999 414.90 -1,880.892,990,070.00Federal Farm Credit Bank 8,049.11 -5,346.6024103,000,000.004.25012/20/2024 2,998,522.26 3,646.08-1,700.5299 222.78 -1,477.742,994,653.40Federal Farm Credit Bank 3,868.86 -6,713.0024201,000,000.00 4.625 03/05/2026 993,722.65 138.62 -6,574.38 99 297.03 -6,277.35993,287.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank 435.65 140.0024211,000,000.004.75005/06/2027 1,000,139.60 0.00140.0099 -0.40 139.601,000,140.00Federal Farm Credit Bank -0.40 -2,400.0024243,000,000.004.87507/28/2025 2,998,362.03 644.19-1,755.8199 117.84 -1,637.972,997,600.00Federal Farm Credit Bank 762.03 -11,280.0023952,000,000.001.08007/26/2024 1,999,305.26 10,206.32-1,073.6899 378.94 -694.741,988,720.00Federal Home Loan Bank 10,585.26 -6,120.0024003,000,000.00 3.375 06/14/2024 2,999,874.91 5,706.23 -413.77 99 288.68 -125.092,993,880.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 5,994.91 -1,200.0024043,000,000.004.37509/13/2024 2,999,821.31 968.76-231.2499 52.55 -178.692,998,800.00Federal Home Loan Bank 1,021.31 -10,188.7523911,045,000.000.37509/23/2025 1,041,676.51 6,654.02-3,534.7399 211.24 -3,323.491,034,811.25Federal Home Loan Mortgage 6,865.26 -27,262.4123922,751,000.000.37509/23/2025 2,742,070.19 17,765.03-9,497.3899 567.57 -8,929.812,723,737.59Federal Home Loan Mortgage 18,332.60 37,176.0023932,000,000.00 1.625 01/07/2025 2,007,247.31 -28,922.12 8,253.88 99 -1,006.57 7,247.312,037,176.00 Federal National Mortage Assoc -29,928.69 -48,940.0023942,000,000.000.50011/07/2025 1,981,987.85 29,880.63-19,059.3799 1,047.22 -18,012.151,951,060.00Federal National Mortage Assoc 30,927.85 -262,960.0024168,000,000.001.75007/02/2024 7,979,414.75 222,453.54-40,506.4699 19,921.21 -20,585.257,737,040.00Federal National Mortage Assoc 242,374.75 -15,937.5024183,000,000.004.75007/31/2025 2,989,383.33 4,546.43-11,391.0799 774.40 -10,616.672,984,062.50US TREASURY 5,320.83 -49,687.5024193,000,000.00 3.875 03/31/2025 2,970,363.56 17,018.95 -32,668.55 99 3,032.11 -29,636.442,950,312.50 US TREASURY 20,051.06 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 AS (PRF_ASW) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Original Premium or Discount Maturity Date Current Rate May 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024 Beginning Par Value Ending Book Value Amount Amortized This PeriodAmort. DateFund Page 2Amortization Schedule Month End Amounts Amortized And Unamortized As of 05/01/2024 Amt Amortized Through 05/31/2024 Amount Unamortized Through 05/31/2024 Investment # Issuer Purchase Principal -434,769.76 26,711.93Subtotal45,694,932.75 306,990.58 -127,779.18 -101,067.2545,361,230.24 333,702.51 -434,769.76 26,711.9345,694,932.75 306,990.58 -127,779.18 -101,067.2545,361,230.24Total 333,702.51 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 06/20/2024 21:04 Run Date: 06/20/2024 - 21:04 AS (PRF_ASW) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Check Total 294.50 CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 5/23/2024 - 6/19/2024 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount 2061941 06/12/24 15416 24 HOUR ELEVATOR INC 168546 06/01/24 ELEVATOR GENERAL MAINTENANCE FY24 638.69 638.69 2061979 06/19/24 08488 ABLEFORCE INC 12406 06/11/24 SHAREPOINT & INTRANET SUPPORT SVCS 150.00 150.00 2061942 06/12/24 18122 ACC BUSINESS 241388366 05/27/24 INTERNET CIRCUITS (MAY 2024)1,323.91 1,323.91 2061907 06/05/24 22434 ADRIANA MEZA 8300060324 06/03/24 CUSTOMER REFUND 1,846.00 1,846.00 2061980 06/19/24 22453 AHMAD ESMAILPOUR Ref002736350 06/17/24 UB Refund Cst #0000028005 175.53 175.53 2061943 06/12/24 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 9149969461 05/16/24 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA FY24 2,001.81 2,001.81 2061859 05/29/24 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 9149969462 05/15/24 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA FY24 594.66 594.66 2061981 06/19/24 06261 ALCANTARA, CYNTHIA CA061724 06/17/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 198.35 198.35 2061908 06/05/24 18597 AMERICAN HERITAGE PROPERTIES 9711060424 06/04/24 CUSTOMER REFUND 100.00 100.00 2061982 06/19/24 22138 AMERIFLEX 737645 06/04/24 BILLING ADMINISTRATION 214.50 743397 06/04/24 BILLING ADMINISTRATION 80.00 2061901 06/05/24 22428 ANNA BROUSSARD Ref002734411 05/31/24 UB Refund Cst #0000286616 13.14 13.14 2061944 06/12/24 03492 AQUA-METRIC SALES COMPANY 0102047 06/09/24 INVENTORY 4,011.62 4,011.62 2061945 06/12/24 07785 AT&T 000021681400 06/03/24 TELEPHONE SERVICES (4/12/24 - 5/11/24)3,346.34 3,346.34 2061946 06/12/24 18125 ATLAS COPCO COMPRESSORS LLC 1124052602 05/22/24 HSI BLOWER 1 OVERHAUL 8,315.00 8,315.00 2061909 06/05/24 20893 ATLAS TECHNICAL CONSULTANT LLC 5601 09/25/23 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES (AUG 2023)3,364.75 3,364.75 2061860 05/29/24 22237 AXIM GEOSPATIAL LLC 15546 05/15/24 ARCGIS UTILITY NETWORK ASSESSMENT 3,375.00 3,375.00 2061947 06/12/24 22273 BENDER ROSENTHAL INC 1157 05/31/24 PROCTOR VALLEY WTR LINE REPLACE 22,500.00 22,500.00 2061983 06/19/24 08156 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER 989026 06/12/24 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY CONSULTING SVC 10,009.13 10,009.13 2061948 06/12/24 14112 BSE ENGINEERING INC 220754114011 04/30/24 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERV (APR 2024)842.10 842.10 2061861 05/29/24 03005 BURKE WILLIAMS & SORENSEN LLP 320621 05/09/24 LEGAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR MOU 36,807.50 36,807.50 2061949 06/12/24 20374 CALBURTON INC CAL1721 05/23/24 UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES (APR 2024)27,040.00 27,040.00 2061910 06/05/24 21770 CALIFORNIA LIHWAP 2557 06/04/24 CUSTOMER REFUND - INV 2557 6,722.69 6,722.69 2061862 05/29/24 18170 CED INDUSTRIAL & LIGHT 7148-1017160 05/03/24 SOFT STARTERS 6,034.00 6,034.00 2061950 06/12/24 21705 CHAMBERS GROUP INC 37209 05/21/24 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (APR 2024)7,012.20 7,012.20 Page 1 of 9 1,855.00 13,723.04 4,746.00 2061950 06/12/24 21705 CHAMBERS GROUP INC 37209 05/21/24 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (APR 2024)7,012.20 7,012.20 2061911 06/05/24 21705 CHAMBERS GROUP INC 37123 04/17/24 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (MAR 2024)5,375.48 5,375.48 2061863 05/29/24 06418 CHULA VISTA ELECTRIC CO 18025 05/10/24 ATS INSTALLATION 9,100.00 9,100.00 2061864 05/29/24 04119 CLARKSON LAB & SUPPLY INC 35887 04/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TEST (4/8/24-4/9/24)780.00 35886 04/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TEST (4/8/24)330.00 35889 04/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TEST (4/10/24)270.00 35890 04/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TEST (4/23/24)165.00 35891 04/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TEST (4/23/24)165.00 35888 04/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TEST (4/9/24)145.00 2061865 05/29/24 18331 CORE & MAIN LP U840719 05/08/24 INVENTORY 13,356.69 U592867 05/07/24 BOB PLETCHER MATERIALS 366.35 2061951 06/12/24 15049 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS LLC 82210928 04/30/24 DATA SERV - REALQUEST PROPERTY DATA 540.75 540.75 2061952 06/12/24 00099 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DPWMWD-0424 05/16/24 EXCAVATION PERMITS (APR 2024)1,952.50 1,952.50 2061984 06/19/24 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 193E640990524 06/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (5/9/24)791.00 193E602130524 06/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (5/3/24)452.00 193E640940524 06/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (4/30/24; 5/2/24)452.00 193E641060524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/16/24; 5/22/24)339.00 193E638520524 06/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (5/1/24)226.00 193E640500524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/10/24)226.00 193E638400524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/22/24)226.00 193E640980524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/8/24)226.00 193E641000524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/8/24; 5/14/24))226.00 193E641030524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/14/24)226.00 193E641050524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/15/24)226.00 193E641070524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/20/24)226.00 193E641080524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/20/24)226.00 193E641110524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/21/24)226.00 193E641120524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/22/24)226.00 193E637350524 06/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (5/6/24)226.00 2061912 06/05/24 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 4908041624 04/16/24 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/24-6/30/25)3,531.00 0891041624 04/16/24 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/24-6/30/25)2,089.00 0405041624 04/16/24 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/24-6/30/25)750.00 2786041624 04/16/24 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/24-6/30/25)750.00 0351041624 04/16/24 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/24-6/30/25)664.00 3169041624 04/16/24 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/24-6/30/25)574.00 0295041624 04/16/24 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/24-6/30/25)574.00 0296041624 04/16/24 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/24-6/30/25)574.00 Page 2 of 9 10,080.00 4,575.00 500.00 0297041624 04/16/24 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (6/30/24-6/30/25)574.00 2061953 06/12/24 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 193E640990424 05/09/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (4/24/24-4/25/24)565.00 193E635960524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640670524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640680524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640730524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640740524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640750524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640800524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640810524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640820524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640840524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640850524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640880524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640910524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E640920524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/2-5/31/24)226.00 193E638470524 06/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E639460524 06/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (5/1/24-5/31/24)226.00 193E608290524 06/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/1/24-5/31/24)113.00 193E632660524 06/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (5/1/24-5/31/24)113.00 193E632960524 06/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (5/1/24-5/31/24)113.00 193E632970524 06/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (5/1/24-5/31/24)55.00 2061866 05/29/24 04443 CSI SERVICES INC 15293 12/29/23 COATING INSPECT SERV (DEC 2023)11,925.00 11,925.00 2061913 06/05/24 18756 CULTURA 16845-1 05/22/24 CUBICLE RACEWAY RETROFIT KIT 1,517.88 1,517.88 2061867 05/29/24 18756 CULTURA 16845 04/15/24 CUBICLE RACEWAY RETROFIT KIT 1,517.88 1,517.88 2061868 05/29/24 04497 D & R CRANE INC 16895 05/08/24 CRANE QUARTERLY PM SERVICE INSPECT 250.00 16896 05/08/24 CRANE QUARTERLY PM SERVICE INSPECT 250.00 2061869 05/29/24 11797 D&H WATER SYSTEMS INC 2024-0569 05/09/24 TOTAL ANALYZER WET END 6,647.88 6,647.88 2061954 06/12/24 11797 D&H WATER SYSTEMS INC 2024-0597 05/15/24 W&T TOTAL ANALYZER PARTS 4,036.50 4,036.50 2061870 05/29/24 20657 DAWSON COMPANY 818833 05/14/24 BLADDER REPLACEMENTS 14,458.32 14,458.32 2061955 06/12/24 18983 DRYLET LLC 3291 02/01/24 DRYLET BIOAUGMENTATION 8,200.00 8,200.00 2061914 06/05/24 02447 EDCO DISPOSAL CORPORATION 5458 053124 05/31/24 RECYCLED WASTE SERVICE FY24 258.18 258.18 2061915 06/05/24 22433 ELICC AMERICAS CORP Ref002734416 05/31/24 UB Refund Cst #0000293812 293.03 293.03 2061916 06/05/24 22424 ELIZABETH GENTRY 1946053024 05/30/24 ADVANCEMENT 171.00 171.00 2061985 06/19/24 22454 ELIZABETH WILSON Ref002736351 06/17/24 UB Refund Cst #0000214969 157.94 157.94 Page 3 of 9 1,405.43 36,137.64 9,683.49 7,616.50 13,579.08 16,659.59 2061871 05/29/24 20794 ENTISYS 360 213903 05/22/24 MS SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE RENEWAL 3,237.65 3,237.65 2061986 06/19/24 21206 ENVIRONMENTAL INCENTIVES LLC OTAY CP-02 05/13/24 WATER EFFICIENCY EVAL CONSULT SERV 5,211.20 5,211.20 2061902 06/05/24 22430 ETERLY BIEN-AIME Ref002734413 05/31/24 UB Refund Cst #0000291931 48.10 48.10 2061917 06/05/24 20511 EYEMED (FIDELITY)166294939 05/20/24 CY24 VISION BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 1,351.58 166295246 05/20/24 CY24 VISION BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 53.85 2061956 06/12/24 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0854829 05/23/24 INVENTORY 14,546.25 0854761 05/23/24 INVENTORY 6,820.58 0855686 06/04/24 INVENTORY 6,432.68 0853241 05/22/24 INVENTORY 3,677.67 0853241-1 05/28/24 INVENTORY 3,090.27 0837980 05/16/24 INVENTORY 1,570.19 2061987 06/19/24 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0856273 06/12/24 INVENTORY 4,896.16 0856486 06/13/24 INVENTORY 4,787.33 2061872 05/29/24 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0853593 05/13/24 INVENTORY 6,822.92 0853020 05/06/24 INVENTORY 793.58 2061918 06/05/24 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0853255 05/15/24 4" X 6" DI SPOOLS 1,443.85 1,443.85 2061988 06/19/24 03633 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2736382 06/20/24 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 232.00 232.00 2061919 06/05/24 22432 GATEWAY ENERGY STORAGE LLC Ref002734415 05/31/24 UB Refund Cst #0000293573 1,746.73 1,746.73 2061957 06/12/24 22023 GSE CONSTRUCTION CO INC 204302024 06/04/24 DISINFECT SYS IMPROVE (APR 2024)39,662.50 39,662.50 2061958 06/12/24 22374 H&W ENGINEERING INC 24-113.01 05/21/24 DATA CENTER MEP DESIGN SERVICE 4,500.00 4,500.00 2061989 06/19/24 19978 HASA INC.962860 05/28/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 5,505.99 962091 05/23/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,585.09 962089 05/23/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,115.93 962088 05/23/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,372.07 2061959 06/12/24 19978 HASA INC.960421 05/16/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,874.26 961119 05/20/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,768.03 960423 05/16/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,354.93 960425 05/16/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,012.65 960416 05/16/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,342.56 960427 05/16/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 758.33 960415 05/16/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 548.83 2061920 06/05/24 19978 HASA INC.958742 05/09/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,027.41 3,027.41 2061873 05/29/24 19978 HASA INC.959490 05/13/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 4,632.58 958744 05/09/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,717.87 Page 4 of 9 20,761.06 151.02 5,093.14 433.86 958171 05/06/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,629.35 956911 05/02/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,540.83 956912 05/02/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 2,950.69 956910 05/02/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,150.77 958745 05/09/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,138.97 2061874 05/29/24 19825 HDR ENGINEERING INC 1200617377 05/09/24 TEMPORARY LABOR SERV (3/24/24-5/4/24)12,313.75 12,313.75 2061960 06/12/24 22165 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCE E0320986 06/05/24 AETNA EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 195.64 195.64 2061990 06/19/24 00062 HELIX WATER DISTRICT 5428361124 06/11/24 WATER USAGE (4/5/24-6/6/24)88.43 4330061124 06/11/24 WATER USAGE (4/5/24-6/6/24)62.59 2061875 05/29/24 20950 HOCH CONSULTING APC 20240089 05/10/24 GRANT WRITING (3/1/24-4/30/24)7,552.50 7,552.50 2061961 06/12/24 21322 HPS WEST INC.0002791 05/21/24 4" HIGH FLOW OCTAVE METER W/ ENCODER 3,611.96 0002790 05/20/24 4" LF BRONZE STRAINER W/ HARDWARE 1,481.18 2061991 06/19/24 06511 HUDSON SAFE-T-LITE RENTALS 60624 06/06/24 REFLECTIVE CONES 6,819.75 6,819.75 2061876 05/29/24 08969 INFOSEND INC 262585 05/15/24 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 2,642.86 2,642.86 2061921 06/05/24 20752 IWG TOWERS ASSETS II LLC 4596841 06/01/24 ANTENNA SUBLEASE FY24 2,243.00 2,243.00 2061922 06/05/24 20862 JACKSON, ANDREW 06102024AJ 05/30/24 TRAVEL MEAL ADVANCE (6/10/24-6/13/24)242.00 242.00 2061992 06/19/24 20862 JACKSON, ANDREW 061824 06/18/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 180.00 180.00 2061993 06/19/24 22457 JAMES BARAJAS Ref002736354 06/17/24 UB Refund Cst #0000276437 214.52 214.52 2061903 06/05/24 22425 JANET ANNICCHIARICO Ref002734408 05/31/24 UB Refund Cst #0000068642 91.88 91.88 2061877 05/29/24 10563 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 940360 05/15/24 AS-NEEDED CHLORINE GAS FY24 6,600.00 6,600.00 2061994 06/19/24 22456 JSC GLOBAL ENTERPRISE Ref002736353 06/17/24 UB Refund Cst #0000273169 118.97 118.97 2061923 06/05/24 22129 KEPT COMPANIES INC Q218016 05/10/24 AS-NEEDED FLEET WASHING SERVICES FY24 161.84 161.84 2061878 05/29/24 22129 KEPT COMPANIES INC Q212948 05/03/24 AS-NEEDED FLEET WASHING SERVICES FY24 312.50 312.50 2061962 06/12/24 22129 KEPT COMPANIES INC Q220857 05/17/24 AS-NEEDED FLEET WASHING SERVICES FY24 270.20 Q227463 05/24/24 AS-NEEDED FLEET WASHING SERVICES FY24 163.66 2061924 06/05/24 05840 KIRK PAVING INC 23-119-14 04/25/24 AS-NEEDED PAVING SERVICES FY24 6,414.64 6,414.64 2061963 06/12/24 05840 KIRK PAVING INC 23-172-3 05/16/24 AS-NEEDED EMERGENCY PAVING SERV FY24 37,700.84 23-119-13 04/02/24 AS-NEEDED PAVING SERVICES FY24 3,413.49 23-172-3R 04/25/24 RETAINAGE RELEASE 1,984.26 23-119-11R 02/23/24 RETAINAGE RELEASE 1,501.98 23-119-12R 03/14/24 AS-NEEDED PAVING SERVICES FY24 672.54 23-172-2R 03/14/24 RETAINAGE RELEASE 591.25 23-119-14R 04/25/24 RETAINAGE RELEASE 337.61 Page 5 of 9 46,381.63 98,578.37 19,901.44 20,898.62 23-119-13R 04/02/24 RETAINAGE RELEASE 179.66 2061879 05/29/24 20677 KORTERRA INC 24896 05/14/24 ENG DIG LOCATE SOFTWARE LICENSE 6,760.00 6,760.00 2061880 05/29/24 03336 KREINBRING, THERESA 052824 05/28/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 137.28 137.28 2061995 06/19/24 22461 KRISTOPHER BROWN Ref002736358 06/17/24 UB Refund Cst #0000292611 37.71 37.71 2061978 06/19/24 22413 LARRY DORE Ref002736349 06/17/24 UB Refund Cst #0000002509 68.86 68.86 2061996 06/19/24 15615 LAYFIELD USA CORPORATION E10815 05/23/24 FLOAT CVR RES CLEAN & MAINTENANCE 78,699.51 78,699.51 2061925 06/05/24 21524 LINDSAY POLIC CONSULTING INC 4014 05/31/24 GEN HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSULT 2,000.00 2,000.00 2061997 06/19/24 22458 LINDSEY ADKINS Ref002736355 06/17/24 UB Refund Cst #0000277647 50.90 50.90 2061926 06/05/24 21255 LONG, MICHAEL 1946053024 05/30/24 ADVANCEMENT 171.00 171.00 2061881 05/29/24 15599 MARTINEZ, JOSE 052224 05/22/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 1,615.51 1,615.51 2061964 06/12/24 21723 MERINO LANDSCAPE INC 11382 05/23/24 ADMIN LANDSCAPE UPGRADE MAINTENANCE 1,120.00 1,120.00 2061965 06/12/24 22375 MISCELLANEOUS INC 2024.013 06/05/24 DATA CENTER T.I. DESIGN SERVICES 4,200.00 4,200.00 2061904 06/05/24 22426 NADINE STOKELY Ref002734409 05/31/24 UB Refund Cst #0000139622 383.50 383.50 2061882 05/29/24 00761 NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL 287407 05/14/24 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES (APR 2024)12,906.50 12,906.50 2061883 05/29/24 20996 NORTH CAROLINA DEPT OF REVENUE 601397030 05/24/24 WITHHOLDING TAX 053124 241.50 241.50 2061966 06/12/24 18332 NV5 INC 380765 04/01/24 ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES (FEB 2024)2,355.00 2,355.00 2061884 05/29/24 16834 ON-SITE TECHNICAL SVCS INC 11255 05/02/24 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERV (APR 2024)27,356.70 11236 04/04/24 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERV (MAR 2024)23,928.57 11238 04/04/24 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERV (3/5/24-3/21/24)17,009.40 11256 05/02/24 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERV (4/17/24-4/20/24)14,310.00 11257 05/02/24 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERV (4/5/24-4/27/24)11,915.60 11237 04/04/24 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERV (2/29/24-3/14/24)4,058.10 2061998 06/19/24 22460 OPENDOOR LABS INC Ref002736357 06/17/24 UB Refund Cst #0000284647 106.78 106.78 2061885 05/29/24 01002 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY INC S100463127.001 05/03/24 INVENTORY 6,996.21 S100462894.001 05/03/24 PARTS FOR 980-1 AND 978 PS 6,318.31 S100462880.001 05/03/24 INVENTORY 5,595.62 S100461677.001 05/15/24 INVENTORY 991.30 2061927 06/05/24 01002 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY INC S100460252.002 05/13/24 INVENTORY 5,082.15 5,082.15 2061967 06/12/24 01002 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY INC S100463972.001 05/29/24 INVENTORY 8,420.58 S100464127.001 05/29/24 INVENTORY 7,256.32 S100463908.001 05/29/24 INVENTORY 5,221.72 2061928 06/05/24 19310 PALM LAUNDRY INC 445 06/01/24 TOWEL LAUNDRY SERVICE FY24 311.76 311.76 Page 6 of 9 28,130.00 45,160.62 212,323.88 2061886 05/29/24 21783 PARADIGM GEOSPATIAL INC 240519 05/14/24 LAND SURVEYING (3/26/24-5/26/24)4,450.00 4,450.00 2061929 06/05/24 00137 PETTY CASH CUSTODIAN 060324 06/04/24 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 1,119.91 1,119.91 2061887 05/29/24 20836 PSI WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC 0007627 02/16/24 BLUE-WHITE PUMP PARTS 1,705.99 1,705.99 2061968 06/12/24 01409 PUMP CHECK INC 458 02/22/24 PUMP TESTING 7,663.00 7,663.00 2061999 06/19/24 22459 QUDDUS AREFAINE Ref002736356 06/17/24 UB Refund Cst #0000282804 13.47 13.47 2061905 06/05/24 22431 RASHA SALAM Ref002734414 05/31/24 UB Refund Cst #0000293337 174.83 174.83 2061888 05/29/24 19836 RED WING BUSINESS ADV ACCOUNT 20240510069504 05/10/24 AS-NEEDED SAFETY BOOTS FY24 489.22 489.22 2062000 06/19/24 22455 REVEN KHATI Ref002736352 06/17/24 UB Refund Cst #0000222378 198.23 198.23 2061889 05/29/24 15647 RF YEAGER ENGINEERING LLC 24059 05/02/24 CORROSION SERVICES (3/1/24-4/30/24)21,440.00 24061 05/02/24 CORROSION SERVICES (6/1/23-4/30/24)6,690.00 2061930 06/05/24 22087 RYAN S KEYES 050124053124 05/31/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 408.97 408.97 2061969 06/12/24 02586 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR 202400649 06/04/24 MONTHLY ASSESSOR DATA FY24 125.00 125.00 2061890 05/29/24 00003 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTH 0000002699 05/08/24 SOCAL WATERSMART HEW HET WBIC FY24 675.17 675.17 2061970 06/12/24 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 060524A 06/05/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)43,259.02 060524 06/10/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)1,901.60 2061931 06/05/24 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 052924 05/29/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)97,205.52 052824 05/28/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)59,923.87 052124 05/21/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)54,496.05 052424 05/24/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)698.44 2062001 06/19/24 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 060624 06/06/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)85,951.90 85,951.90 2061906 06/05/24 22429 SAYRIAN MARTINEZ Ref002734412 05/31/24 UB Refund Cst #0000286928 47.02 47.02 2062002 06/19/24 22462 SEA WORLD LLC Ref002736359 06/17/24 UB Refund Cst #0000293363 929.56 929.56 2061891 05/29/24 19603 SECURITAS SECURITY SVC USA INC 11738964 05/23/24 ON-DEMAND SECURITY RESPONSE FY24 360.00 360.00 2061971 06/12/24 19603 SECURITAS SECURITY SVC USA INC 11757084 05/31/24 ON-DEMAND SECURITY RESPONSE FY24 345.00 345.00 2062003 06/19/24 15000 SEGURA, ADOLFO 061824 06/18/24 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 126.10 126.10 2061932 06/05/24 15000 SEGURA, ADOLFO AS053024 05/30/24 TRAVEL/MEAL ADVANCEMENT 137.00 137.00 2061972 06/12/24 22201 SHAW HR CONSULTING INC.011304 05/28/24 HR/EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS CONSULT SERV 1,905.00 1,905.00 2061933 06/05/24 21115 SONIA PONCE Ben2734454 06/06/24 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 553.85 553.85 2062004 06/19/24 21115 SONIA PONCE Ben2736380 06/20/24 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 553.85 553.85 2062005 06/19/24 20548 SONIA RUAN 7515061824 06/18/24 CUSTOMER REFUND 764.46 764.46 2061892 05/29/24 20265 SPECIALTY MOWING SERVICES INC.1686 05/07/24 VEGETATION MITIGATION 5,100.00 5,100.00 Page 7 of 9 5,097.22 27,143.06 1,796.00 1,348.06 11,770.00 881.84 2061973 06/12/24 01460 STATE WATER RESOURCES 573015 05/31/24 STORMWATER APPLICATION FEE 912.00 912.00 2061893 05/29/24 01460 STATE WATER RESOURCES 573620 05/23/24 STORMWATER APPLICATION FEE 652.00 652.00 2061894 05/29/24 01460 STATE WATER RESOURCES A00070-01 05/23/24 REFUNDED TO STATE 382.63 382.63 2061934 06/05/24 05755 STATE WATER RESOURCES 209237124HL 05/30/24 D2 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL 80.00 80.00 2062006 06/19/24 02750 SUPERIOR READY MIX LP 424692 05/10/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE & OTHER MATERIALS 1,257.99 427353 05/23/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE & OTHER MATERIALS 1,217.59 425250 05/14/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE & OTHER MATERIALS 1,074.87 427602 05/23/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE & OTHER MATERIALS 633.85 422931 05/02/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE & OTHER MATERIALS 421.58 424920 05/10/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE & OTHER MATERIALS 304.67 422610 05/01/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE & OTHER MATERIALS 186.67 2062007 06/19/24 17067 SUPPORT PRODUCT SERVICES INC 12560 05/15/24 CATALYTIC CONVERTER ELEMENTS 12,561.92 12,561.92 2061974 06/12/24 17067 SUPPORT PRODUCT SERVICES INC 12546 05/13/24 CATALYTIC CONVERTOR 927-1 #5 9,770.78 9,770.78 2061895 05/29/24 10339 SUPREME OIL COMPANY 436617 05/10/24 UNLEADED & DIESEL FUEL 15,408.95 436675 05/10/24 UNLEADED & DIESEL FUEL 11,734.11 2061935 06/05/24 18922 TAMAYO, JUAN 061024JT 05/30/24 TRAVEL MEAL ADVANCE (6/10/24 - 6/13/24)241.00 241.00 2061936 06/05/24 21394 TEEDEEUAS LLC Otay 13 06/01/24 UAS PROGRAM SERVICES 942.75 942.75 2061896 05/29/24 03236 THE CENTRE FOR ORGANIZATION TCFOE4627 05/10/24 MANAGEMENT TRAINING (SPRING 2024)1,347.00 TCFOE4628 05/10/24 MANAGEMENT TRAINING (SPRING 2024)449.00 2061897 05/29/24 20891 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 7329481 05/20/24 FEES FOR 2016 WTR REV BNDS 2,785.00 2,785.00 2061937 06/05/24 22427 UNITED AUTOMOTIVE PRO'S INC Ref002734410 05/31/24 UB Refund Cst #0000276509 53.89 53.89 2061938 06/05/24 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 4522571 05/28/24 PORT. TOILET RENTAL FY24 727.05 4518001 05/24/24 PORT. TOILET RENTAL FY24 474.54 4523606 05/28/24 PORT. TOILET RENTAL FY24 146.47 2061975 06/12/24 08402 US POSTMASTER OWD-13789P 06/10/24 PREPAID POSTAGE FOR MAILING CCR CARDS 10,904.41 10,904.41 2062008 06/19/24 01878 VACLAVEK, JACOB 061424 06/14/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 330.96 330.96 2061898 05/29/24 08028 VALLEY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SD545807 05/04/24 CMIS (APR 2024)10,370.00 SD237804 05/04/24 CMIS (APR 2024)1,400.00 2061939 06/05/24 20909 VOLT WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS 46562890 05/19/24 WATER INTERNS - D VILCHIS PE 051924 459.04 46573195 05/26/24 WATER INTERNS - D VILCHIS PE 052624 422.80 2061976 06/12/24 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 74406 05/16/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 74415 05/16/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 74461 05/22/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 Page 8 of 9 625.00 500.00 74471 05/29/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 74474 05/16/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 2061899 05/29/24 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 74291 05/03/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 74292 05/03/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 74293 05/03/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 74295 05/03/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 2061900 05/29/24 21997 WEST YOST & ASSOCIATES INC 2057904 03/31/24 PLAN CHECK (MAR 2024)12,470.00 12,470.00 2061940 06/05/24 19866 WOOD RODGERS INC 180668 04/30/24 HYDRAULIC MODELING (APR 2024)1,140.00 1,140.00 2061977 06/12/24 19866 WOOD RODGERS INC 180859 04/30/24 ENGINEERING DESIGN SERV (APR 2024)31,827.50 31,827.50 Amount Pd Total:1,300,718.47 Check Grand Total:1,300,718.47150 Checks Page 9 of 9 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: August 7, 2024 SUBMITTED BY: Jose Martinez General Manager W.O./G.F. NO: N/A DIV. NO. N/A APPROVED BY: Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: General Manager’s Report GENERAL MANAGER: •Outreach Event – On Saturday, July 27, the Otay Water District participated in the Chula Vista Elementary School District’s (CVESD) third annual Community Expo held at the school district’s office. Otay joined more than 45 other vendors to offer families information on programs and resources as they kicked off the new school year. Students enjoyed interactive activities such as the Hydro Station booth where they learned about the importance of watersheds. The Hydro Station, a partnership with Otay, Sweetwater Authority, and CVESD, is an interactive educational space that houses learning exhibits and hands-on activities where more than 4,000 CVESD fifth-grade students learn about ecological cycle of water, water conservation, water quality, and careers in the water industry. This year at the Community Expo, Otay staff handed out collapsible buckets to encourage water-use efficiency by collecting shower water or rainwater for pets or to water plants. •Water Conservation Garden - The Otay Water District has long been a proud supporter of the Water Conservation Garden and to enhance AGENDA ITEM 10 2 the Garden’s financial stability, funding from the Otay Water District and other JPA members has gradually decreased over the years. On July 30, the Otay Water District sent its letter of intent to withdraw from the Water Conservation Garden Authority in accordance with Article 17 of the Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Water Conservation Garden Authority, dated July 18, 2019. This does not mean the District will withdraw from the Garden, but it does give the Otay board the option to make that decision by June 30, 2025, according to the agreement. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: GIS: • Hazard Assessment Survey – As part of the new cross control regulations, the State has expanded site survey requirements. All parcels in the District will be required to have a Hazard Assessment Survey completed to identify any potential cross- connection hazards, the degree of hazard, and any backflow protection needed. To meet these requirements, the District has designed and implemented a GIS data collection system. This system provides essential tools and resources, including mobile data collection apps, a web-based application for monitoring and editing data, and robust reporting tools to allow staff to track completed assessments. GIS is working closely with Customer Service staff and continuously fine-tunes the system to ensure its compliance. Human Resources: • Negotiations: o Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Staff implemented the new MOU and worked with Payroll staff to implement the negotiated COLA on July 1, 2024. Staff is responding to employee and supervisor questions regarding MOU revisions as they are received. o Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) - Staff is also preparing for the September 1st implementation of the new HRA. All employees were required to attend the education sessions held on July 17 & 18, 2024. Employees on vacation or other leave were required to view a recording of these education sessions. Employee election forms are due August 16, 2024. • COVID Cases - HR continues to process each case and continues to monitor for potential workplace outbreaks. 3 • New Hires/Recruitments - The District is or will be recruiting for the following positions: o Assistant/Associate/Senior Civil Engineer (three [3] vacancies): ▪ Assistant Civil Engineer - Phone screens completed 5/22/24 & 5/23/24; interviews completed 6/17/24. Additional phone screens completed 6/21/24. Pursuing two (2) candidates, scheduled to start 8/12/24 (Assistant Civil Engineer II) & 8/26/24 (Assistant Civil Engineer I). ▪ Associate & Senior Civil Engineer - Interviews completed 6/6/24 & 6/17/24. One (1) new Senior Civil Engineer started 7/24/24. o Electrician I/II - Recruitment posted 6/7/24; skills test completed 7/16/24; interviews completed 7/25/24. o Facilities Maintenance Technician - New recruitment needed. Department is reviewing job description(s). Interviews will be scheduled for a potential temporary employee. o Lead Customer Service Representative - Department has updated job description(s). New recruitment will be initiated. o Lead Reclamation Plant Operator - Recruitment re-posted; application review in progress; a mass mailing to 1,300 potential applicants is in progress. o Pump Mechanic I/II - Recruitment posted 6/6/24. Skills test completed 6/27/24; interviews completed 7/9/24; pursuing candidate with tentative start date of 8/12/24. Also reaching out to temporary employment agencies for additional assistance. o Reclamation Plant Operator I/II/III (two [2] vacancies) – One (1) new full-time employee started on 7/9/24 and one (1) temporary employee started on 7/18/24; a mass mailing to 1,300 potential applicants is in progress. o Recycled Water Specialist - Interviews completed on 6/10/24; pursuing internal candidate (tentatively scheduled to start in approximately mid-September); will create a Facilities Maintenance Technician vacancy in Administrative Services. o Senior/Utility Locator - New recruitment needed. Department is reviewing job description(s). o SCADA/Instrumentation Technician or Senior SCADA/ Instrumentation Technician - New recruitment needed. Department is updating job description(s). 4 o Utility Worker I/II (four [4] vacancies) - Two (2) new hires started: 6/17/24 & 6/18/24. Additional skills testing completed 6/13/24 and additional interviews completed 7/16/24 & 7/18/24; pursuing two (2) candidates. • Employee Service Milestones – July 2024: o Marissa Dychitan – Achieved 20 years on 7/6/24 IT Operations: • Internet Circuit Upgrade - Staff upgraded the District's internet circuit. The internet speed increased 300%, from 250 Mbps to 1 Gbps. Despite the substantial speed increase, staff maintained the exact monthly cost over a multi-year period through negotiations, primarily due to our partnership with the current vendor, which played a significant role in the decision. • Cyber Security Assessment - In alignment with the cybersecurity requirements of the Water Infrastructure Act and the District's active maintenance of its cybersecurity framework, staff underwent a comprehensive cybersecurity assessment sponsored by the EPA. The evaluation confirmed the District’s readiness to defend against cyberattacks, revealing no identified issues concerning our safeguards, procedures, and software to maintain solid hygiene practices. The assessment included account and data security practices, governance and training, vulnerability management protocols, and response and recovery capabilities. Purchasing & Facilities: • Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Certification – The Hiller Company, the District’s fire extinguisher and sprinkler system contractor, completed a comprehensive fire extinguisher inspection and certification on June 18, 2024. Fire extinguisher regulations, governed by the California Fire Code (CFC), require annual inspections by certified professionals and monthly checks by staff to ensure functionality. The District maintains over 225 extinguishers at Admin, Operations, Warehouse, Pump Stations, and vehicles, with specialty systems at the Warehouse Paint Locker and the Data Center in Admin Services. 5 The annual fire extinguisher inspection involves certified Hiller technicians inspecting the pressure gauge, verifying weight and fullness, and examining the cylinder, hose, and nozzle for damage. The technicians ensure proper labeling and signage, perform necessary maintenance, and clean the extinguisher. A certification label is attached, indicating the inspection date and the next due date. Additionally, fire extinguishers are hydrostatically tested to check for leaks and structural integrity every 5 years for CO2 extinguishers, and every 12 years for ABC dry chemical extinguishers like the majority of those utilized at the District. ABC fire extinguishers use a dry chemical agent to tackle fires involving ordinary combustibles (A), flammable liquids (B), and electrical equipment (C); CO2 extinguishers displace oxygen to extinguish flammable liquid and electrical fires without leaving residue; and Halon extinguishers (now often replaced by Halotron) use a clean agent to stop chemical reactions in flammable liquid and electrical fires while being safe for sensitive electronics. Safety & Security: • ACWA JPIA Programs - ACWA JPIA is a governmental risk pool that provides secure, stable, and cost-effective insurance for state water agencies, which the District is a member of. The District will participate in two (2) ACWA JPIA Risk Management Member programs: 1. JPIA Strain Reduction Program for Field Employees Service Plan – Strain and sprain injuries continue to cause loss for members within the worker’s compensation pooled program. The JPIA proposed a pilot strain reduction program to assist members with identifying hazards and implementing controls to eliminate or minimize these hazards. The District will participate in the service program, which includes an assessment, control, and training geared towards collaborating with our members for a sustainable strain and sprain reduction program. JPIA partnered with Future Industrial Technologies (FIT) to provide staff with the recommended field body mechanics training. Once the District 6 completes the service plan, it can request to be reimbursed 50% for the FIT body mechanics training. 2. Commitment to Excellence (C2E) Pledge – To further the District’s safety and risk management posture, the District intends to pledge its commitment to implement recommended best practices to reduce vehicle losses, infrastructure-related costs, construction-related costs, employment practices claims, ergonomic and fall injuries and wildfire damage. ACWA JPIA Risk Management recommends that the District formalize its commitment to excellence by signing a pledge. Staff will briefly summarize this item at the August Finance and Administration Committee meeting. FINANCE: • Delinquent Account Tax Rollovers – Owners with delinquent balances received initial letters in early June, notifying them that unpaid balances after July 8 will be rolled over to the 2024/2025 County tax roll. Final letters were sent on July 10 to 93 owners, totaling $49,666.88. If these balances remain unpaid by the end of July, they will be sent to the County. • SwiftComply Backflow Compliance Management Software – After thorough testing and data validation, Otay has officially migrated to SwiftComply for backflow compliance management. The District went live with SwiftComply on July 3. Backflow testers will be able to begin submitting their test results electronically on July 10. This new system will automate many of the current backflow testing approval processes. All test results will be submitted and stored electronically, and staff will be able to approve testers via the online portal, reducing manual work for the Meter Services department. Financial Reporting: • The financial reporting as of June 30, 2024, is as follows: o As of the twelfth month ending June 30, 2024, there are total revenues of $122,779,811 and total expenses of $124,461,832. The expenses exceeded revenues by $1,682,020. The deficit is greater than budgeted by $1,682,020 due to lower than budgeted sales volumes which are a result of below average temperatures and summer rainfall exceeding historical trends. 7 • The financial reporting for investments as of June 30, 2024, is as follows: o The market value shown in the Portfolio Summary and in the Investment Portfolio Details as of June 30, 2024, totals $119,676,287 with an average yield to maturity of 4.273%. The total earnings year to date are $4,405,725. ENGINEERING AND WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS: Engineering: • Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement and 12-inch Pipeline Replacement, 1530 Zone, Vista Diego Road: This project includes replacement of the existing Pump Station, which serves the small 1530 Pressure Zone, containing approximately thirty- seven (37) potable water meters and four (4) hydrants. The project also includes 1530 Pressure Zone distribution system improvements in support of the Pump Station Replacement project and replacement of the existing emergency standby generator. A 60% drawing submittal for the replacement Pump Station was completed on August 16, 2023, and a Review Meeting was held on August 29, 2023. A 60% peer review by the District’s As-needed Engineering Design consultant, NV5, was completed on October 16, 2023. The District’s As-needed Electrical Engineer, EPI, completed their 90% submittal on September 29, 2023. The District’s As-needed Environmental consultant, Chambers Group, completed the remaining biological surveys in June 2024. The project is scheduled for completion of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) document towards the end of the calendar year and to publicly advertise for a construction bid around January 2025. Due to earlier vacancies within the department, the pre-project work is being pushed out and may affect the final schedule by a couple of months while other projects are prioritized. The project is within budget. (P2639, P2680, and P2688) • RWCWRF Disinfection System Improvements: The project involves the replacement of the chlorine gas disinfection system with an ultraviolet (UV) process at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility. Consultant selection for design and construction support went to Carollo Engineers, and design work was initiated in July 2021. A Memorandum of Understanding has been reached with Trojan for procuring the UV system through the construction contractor at a bid obtained cost. This will also reduce material acquisition delays related to this equipment, which are expected to take a 8 year to ship. A construction contract has been awarded to GSE Construction Co., Inc. with the UV submittal to be top priority for getting the project started. The plant engineering report was updated for preparation of completing the permitting process with the state. The contractor has ordered the Trojan UV system, which is estimated to arrive in August 2024. A Pre-Construction Meeting was held on November 6, 2023. On January 25, 2024, staff received review comments from the Division of Drinking Water review pertaining to the Title 22 Engineering Report update for the RWCWRF. Engineering and Operations staff are working together with the consultant to respond to state comments. On February 21, 2024, staff presented the Disinfection Improvement Project at the Board Workshop as an informational item. Submittals, RFI, and materials are being reviewed, responded to, and procured. Notice to Proceed was issued for April 8, 2024, and the contractor, GSE, has mobilized and begun construction. Initial work of the sodium hypochlorite containment line has been completed. Duct bank to provide power and communication is near completion. A tentatively scheduled shutdown is scheduled for September 2024. The project is within budget and on schedule. (R2117 and R2157) • Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF) Effluent Pump Station Compressors: The compressors were identified as equipment with a high priority ranking for replacement in the 2017 RWCWRF Facilities Master Plan. The compressors are needed for the surge tank's operation, which protects the 14-inch RWCWRF Effluent Pipeline carrying recycled water from the plant to the recycled water storage reservoirs. In close coordination with the Operations staff, several vendors were contacted for equipment and installation costs. Air Vac Systems was selected based on cost and the ability to meet the needs of the facility. Operations is proceeding with the purchase and installation of the equipment. The project is within budget and on schedule. (R2166) • 450-1 Recycled Water Reservoir Stormwater Improvements: Stormwater runoff from the 450-1 Recycled Water Reservoir site has been eroding the downstream area and exposed the District's 30-inch recycled water line. Staff is working with NV5 on potential design and permitting solutions. Helix Environmental is currently working on the regulatory permit applications for the work within the tributary. The project is within budget and on schedule. (R2164) • Zero Emission Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure: This project is for the capital purchase and installation of various electric 9 vehicle support equipment, such as charging infrastructure needed to power Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) for light, medium, and heavy-duty electric vehicles. The project is in preparation for compliance with the State of California's Executive Order N-79-20 and the Advanced Clean Fleet Regulation to require ZEV purchases when adding to the District's fleet of vehicles. A 30% EV Charging Station Master Plan has been submitted by As-needed Electrical Consultant, Engineering Partners, Inc. (EPI). Engineering is conducting the initial review. Based on initial findings of the Master Plan and possible Grant opportunities, Engineering hired EPI under an As-needed Electrical Agreement to design the first five (5) charging stations for Operations to meet their growing fleet demand for FY 2025. Design drawings will be used to submit for grant opportunities to help offset the capital cost for the charging stations for FY 2025. The Clean Air for All Grant was submitted on April 12, 2024, with a potential funding amount of $153,000 for Operations’ first permanent electric charging station. The 30% Master Plan has been reviewed collectively by Operations and Engineering staff, and comments have been returned to the consultant. Sixty percent planning is in progress. The project is within budget and on schedule. (P2684) • Potable Pipeline Replacement Projects: The following set of pipelines are being replaced as a result of past failures, age, lack of redundancy, and/or inadequate fire flow. A 30% design has been submitted by NV5, reviewed, and returned by staff. Sixty percent design plans are in progress. o PL - 8-inch, 850 Zone, Coronado Avenue, Chestnut/Apple (P2608) o PL - 8-inch, 1004 Zone, Eucalyptus Street, Coronado/Date/La Mesa (P2609) o PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 PZ, Vista Grande (P2615) o PL - 20-Inch, 1296 Zone, Proctor Valley Road from Pioneer Way to Melody Road, “South Proctor Road” (P2171) o PL - 20-Inch, 1296 Zone, Proctor Valley Road from Melody Road to Schlee “North Proctor Road” (P2058) – The appraisal process and reports have been submitted by Bender Rosenthal, Inc. and reviewed by staff. Offer letters to acquire proposed easement to install waterline are in progress. • Olympic Parkway Recycled Water Line Replacement: Several main breaks within the past few years on the 20-inch recycled water line in Olympic Parkway between Heritage Road and La Media Road resulted in the establishment of this Capital Improvement Program project at the May 2021 Board Meeting. The engineering firm, NV5, 10 was selected to design the replacement waterline using the District’s As-needed Engineering Design Services contract. The project was awarded to Burtech in January 2023. The City of Chula Vista permits have been obtained. Consideration was given to potentially using trenchless installation, but several drawbacks and limitations eliminated it from selection. The contractor has started procuring materials, and a Pre-Construction Meeting was held on June 8, 2023. The valves were delivered and tested at the end of May 2024. Progress meetings have begun, and the contractor received the permit from the City of Chula Vista, and staff is working on an outreach notification for the project. A notice to proceed was issued for March 25, 2024, and most of the work will be night work to minimize traffic delays. The contractor mobilized on July 15, 2024. The project is within budget and on schedule. (R2159) • Cottonwood Sewer Pump Station Replacement: This project involves the replacement of the existing sewer pump station originally constructed in 1986 as a temporary facility due to operational and accessibility deficiencies. The station serves both the District and County of San Diego customers on the southside of Sweetwater River. Improvements will incorporate increased station capacity, now and in the future, with a force main upgrade, as well as emergency storage to avoid a sewage spill. The design is being prepared by Wood Rodgers, Inc., with the preliminary design report completed in October 2023. The geotechnical investigation of the site was completed by Atlas Technical Consultants, LLC, using the District’s As-needed Geotechnical contract. The project is within budget. The schedule will be reassessed in the summer as staff vacancies are filled. (S2069) • 870-2 Reservoir and 870-1 Reservoir Floating Cover/Liner Replacement: This project consists of constructing a new 3.4 MG prestressed concrete potable water tank adjacent to the existing 870-1 Reservoir. The project also includes lowering the existing 870-1 Reservoir 30-inch inlet pipe and replacing the existing floating cover and liner within the existing 870-1 Reservoir. The District’s As-needed Engineering Design consultant, Wood Rodgers, teamed with Richard Brady and Associates (Wood Rodgers/Brady), and the District's As-needed Electrical consultant, BSE, and District in-house staff completed the design such that the project was publicly advertised for construction bid on May 9, 2024. The bid documents included the alterative bid items for Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA) funding requirements and existing reservoir 11 outlet pipe replacement. Understanding the financial impact of including BABAA requirements will inform the District’s decision to continue pursuing several federal grants. The outlet pipe replacement alternative bid item will be contemplated after the inspection of the outlet pipe. The pipe condition will dictate the District’s decision to execute that alternative bid item. Two bids were received via PlanetBids on June 27, 2024, with the lowest responsive bid $2.9M higher compared to the Engineer Estimate. Compounding on this, the Engineer Estimate was $1.5M higher compared to the 90% design construction cost estimate used during the FY 2025 budget cycle. Consequently, staff are considering options to fund the cost increases, and the award of the construction contract is currently scheduled for the September 2024 Board Meeting. Both projects are on schedule. (P2228 & P2563) • Potable Water Pressure Vessel Program - Rolling Hills: The 2004 era Rolling Hills Hydropneumatic Pump Station hydropneumatic pressure vessel was inspected on June 6, 2017, and February 27, 2023. Both inspection reports noted interior corrosion due to internal coating failure. The February 2023 inspection report recommended a reduction in the safety relief valve pressure setpoint to compensate for internal corrosion. The February 2023 inspection report also suggested that the life expectancy of the vessel may be three (3) years. Consequently, the report recommended interior re-inspection within three (3) years rather than the typical five (5) year inspection frequency. With the hydropneumatic tank at the end of its life and the limited availability of the trailer mounted variable frequency drive pump station (VFD trailer), the tank is scheduled for replacement. On January 23, 2024, the purchase of a hydropneumatic tank from Modern Custom Fabrication, Inc. was approved at the February 7, 2024 Board Meeting. District in-house staff mobilized and have begun connecting the VFD Trailer to the project site since February 9, 2024. Modern Custom Fabrication shop drawings for the replacement tank were approved on July 8, 2024. The project is within budget and on schedule. (P2663-008000) • Recycled/Reuse Feasibility: Sweetwater Authority (SWA) and Otay Water District are working collaboratively through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to evaluate the feasibility of extending water reuse into the SWA area. On January 23, 2024, the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) for a feasibility study with Carollo Engineers (Carollo) was presented to the EO&WR Committee. On February 7, 2024, the PSA for the planning study was awarded by 12 the Board to Carollo. The Kick-off Meeting was conducted by Carollo. The first phase of data collection has been initiated. On June 20, 2024, the District was approved for grant funding from the Water Recycling Funding Program for the SWA and OWD Intertie Project. The State Water Resources Control Board authorized a total of $300,000. (R1254-001000) • Otay Water District Climate Adaptation and Resilience Planning Project: On November 21, 2023, FEMA approved and issued Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds for the preparation of a Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan for the District. FEMA authorized a total of $244,939.70. The CARP will include a risk and resilience assessment focusing on climate change. The CARP will also include the development of resilience and adaptation strategies to allow the District to prioritize risks. Strategies may include updated policies, built infrastructure-based measures, green infrastructure-based measures, operational approaches, staff training and tools, and communication and education for customers. The Professional Services Agreement with AARC Consultants was approved at the June Board Meeting. The Kick-Off Meeting is scheduled for August 2024. The final Plan will be incorporated into the District’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Annex. (P1253- 009000) • Sewage Flows to Metro vs Planned Capacity: The Metropolitan Water District Amended and Restated Regional Wastewater Disposal Agreement became fully effective at the start of FY 2023. The District’s annual capacity of 0.38 MGD (139 MG) is now in effect, though the District would need to exceed this capacity for three (3) consecutive years before additional capacity must be acquired. The Metropolitan Water District (Metro) capacity was set based upon the District’s sewer system requirements through planning year 2050. Sewage flow to Metro for FY 2023 was 101.24 MG, below the 139 MG agreement capacity limit. The Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility (RWCWRF) had an upset occur in September 2023, resulting in a week and a half of no recycled water production. The District is still on track to meet the annual capacity limit. Due to low demand of recycled water, the RWCWRF recycled water production was taken offline from February 8, 2024, to February 19, 2024, which resulted in higher sewer discharge into Metro. 13 • Summary of Budgeted and Sold Meters and EDUs for Fiscal Year 2024 through June 2024: Water Operations: • On Tuesday, June 18th, the District's Special Waste Manifest application was accepted. This certification allows the District to continue disposing of the inorganics that are filtered from the sewer system to a landfill. The certification process requires many analytes to be tested and meet certain detection levels to allow the inorganics to go to a landfill. This is a three-year certification with the next recertification scheduled in 2027. • On Thursday, June 20th, the District had a planned inspection from the County of San Diego's CUPA (Certified Unified Program Agency). This inspection is based on the Federal and State programs that Date Meters (Budgeted) Meters Sold (Actual) EDUs (Budgeted) EDUs Sold (Actual) Total $ (Budgeted) Total $ Collected (Actual) June 2024 23.4 16 73 38 $955,391 $542,085 Totals FY 2024 281 193 876.5 679.5 $11,464,688 $9,636,401 14 the District must adhere to due to possessing elemental chlorine onsite at the Treatment Plant. The programs are the RMP (Risk Management Program), PSM (Process Safety Management) and the CalARP (California Accidental Release Program). The District resolved any items noted from the inspection. • On Friday, June 21st, the Treatment Plant's air compressors were replaced since they had reached the end of their useful life. Pump/Electric staff replaced them using CIP R2166 funds. The installed air compressors are important for the operation of the facility. • On Monday, June 24th, Water Systems staff performed a final walk- through inspection for developer project #D0958 located on Sweetwater Vistas and Avenida Bosques in Spring Valley. No issues were noted on the punch list. Final walk-through inspections are required to ensure proper operation/construction of newly built District infrastructure before being accepted. • The following events occurred on Tuesday, June 25th: o Pump/Electric staff isolated the hydropneumatic tank at the Cottonwood Hydro Station, to perform an internal tank inspection and cleaning. Inspections and cleanings are performed every five years as proactive maintenance and typically take one day to complete. No damage was found during this inspection and the tank was returned to normal operation. Hydro stations serve to maintain pressure at portions of the distribution system where pump stations or gravity systems are not enough to maintain adequate pressure for system demands. o A customer from the Jamul community called to compliment District staff’s driving skills. The customer explained that they were towing a horse trailer and noticed a District vehicle driving behind them and appreciated that staff gave them plenty of space and did not tailgate while following as it is not easy to maneuver a vehicle with a horse trailer. • On Thursday, June 27th, Water Systems staff performed a planned shutdown at 10153 Greenleaf in Spring Valley. This shutdown was conducted to replace one fire hydrant valve that was found to have a leak during routine valve maintenance. The shutdown lasted six hours, affecting 37 meters, with two water trailers available on site. 15 • On Friday, June 28th, the District had a scheduled EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) inspection. The inspection relates to the federal programs the District must adhere to due to possessing elemental chlorine onsite at the Treatment Plant. The programs are the RMP (risk Management Program), PSM (Process Safety Management) and the CalARP (California Accidental Release Program). Staff is waiting for the final inspection report to be delivered and is due within 70 days of the inspection date. • The following events occurred on Monday, July 1st: o During this period, the new Village 8 Main Street West in Chula Vista pressure reducing station was added to the SCADA system to monitor and arm the station’s operation, as part of the District's developer projects. The station is operating as designed. o The District received a notice that Mexico had placed an emergency water delivery request due to a failure in Mexico's water infrastructure. Requests for approximately 651 acre-feet for the months of July and August were made by Mexico. Metropolitan Water District confirmed that there was sufficient capacity for delivery and San Diego County Water Authority and Otay Water District began flows to Mexico on Wednesday, July 3rd. • On Wednesday, July 3rd, Water Systems staff performed leak detection at the intersection of Eastlake Parkway and Trinidad Cove in Chula Vista. The leak detection was performed because the City of Chula Vista was experiencing water infiltration into their sanitary sewer system. No audible leaks were found in this intersection. Water quality testing was performed, and results were inconclusive, however the District continues to assist the City of Chula Vista to check for leaks beyond the intersection. • On Wednesday, July 10th, inflows at the Otay #14 connection were dropped to zero at the request of Helix Water District so they could perform planned maintenance. During this time, flow needs for the north District were met by using the Otay #11 connection on San Diego County Water Authority’s Pipeline #4 in Spring Valley. • The following events occurred on Thursday, July 11th: o Water Systems staff assisted the Inspection section with bacteriological sampling for a new development located on La Media Parkway and Avenida Caprise at Otay Ranch Village 8 in 16 Chula Vista (developer project D11117). Staff loaded, flushed, and sampled one new section of the main location. The main will be placed into service pending bacteriological results. o Water Systems staff performed a planned shutdown on Niels Bohr Court in the Otay Mesa area. This shutdown was required to replace an eight-inch fire service valve with excessive leak by. The fire service valve was identified with excessive leak by during a private fire service replacement. Water isolation valves are critical components of a water distribution system for isolating pipe segments for repair and maintenance purposes. The shutdown lasted seven hours with 10 meters affected and two water trailers available on site. • On Friday, July 12th, Water Systems staff assisted the Inspection section with bacteriological sampling for a new development located at Siempre Viva west of Alta Road in the Otay Mesa area (developer projectD1137). Staff loaded, flushed, and sampled one new section of the main. The main will be placed into service pending bacteriological results. • On Monday, July 15th, staff performed a planned shutdown on the intersection of Calle Grandon and Paseo Limonite in the Otay Ranch Village 8 west development in Chula Vista (D1117). This shutdown was required to tie in a new section of an eight-inch main. The shutdown lasted seven hours, affecting two meters with one water trailer available on site. Purchases and Change Orders: • A total of 14 purchase orders, within staff’s signatory authority, were issued during the period of June 16, 2024 – July 24, 2024: PO Date PO Amount PO Description Vendor Name 6/24/2024 $18,747.00 MULTI SENSOR AI CAMERA PROJECT WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 6/28/2024 $57,555.85 FY24 WORKERS' COMP PROGRAM (QTR 4) ACWA JPIA 7/1/2024 $7,500.00 FY25 STRAT PLAN REPORTING SOLUTION SOFTWARE LICENSE ZOHO CORPORATION 7/1/2024 $34,290.79 FY25 EDEN FINANCIAL MGMT ERP SOFTWARE MAINT & SUPPORT TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC 7/1/2024 $12,482.36 FY25 TREASURY MGMT SOFTWARE SYMPRO, INC 17 MAINT & SUPPORT 7/1/2024 $9,099.00 FY25-27 UPS PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTS, INC 7/1/2024 $856.92 FY25 VERITAS BACKUP EXEC SUPPORT GHA TECHNOLOGIES, INC 7/1/2024 $9,268.12 FY25 MICROSOFT CSP RENEWAL ENTISYS 360 7/1/2024 $16,499.89 FY25 DOCUSIGN E-SIGNATURE SUBSCRIPTION & SUPPORT DOCUSIGN, INC. 7/1/2024 $66,144.00 FY25 CITYWORKS LICENSES & SUPPORT RENEWAL AZTECA SYSTEMS, LLC 7/1/2024 $2,155.00 FY25 PLOTTER SERVICE & SUPPORT ARC IMAGING RESOURCES 7/12/2024 $7,900.00 CUSTOMER DRIVE CLEANUP EAST COUNTY LANDSCAPE 7/15/2024 $29,250.00 FY25 NODEZERO SOFTWARE SUPPORT/SUBSCRIPTION MAINTENANCE GEM TEAM, INC 7/15/2024 $14,319.00 FY25 AUTODESK SOFTWARE LICENSE DLT SOLUTIONS, LLC 7/16/2024 $4,000.00 ARMORED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES BRINKS INC 7/16/2024 $3,500.00 DigAlert California Membership Fee Underground Service Alert 7/16/2024 $1,200.00 Document Services FY 2025 First American Data Tree LLC 7/18/2024 $7,320.00 Private Security at HMA for SANDAG Grant Securitas Security SVC USA, Inc 7/22/2024 $1,347.13 CHECK STOCK SAFECHECKS INC 7/22/2024 $10,000.00 Underground Alerts FY 2025 Underground Service Alert 7/24/2024 $1,194.32 Gate Valves for Rolling Hills Pump Station (P2663) Pacific Pipeline Supply, Inc 18 Water Conservation and Sales: • Water Conservation – June 2024 usage was 16% lower than June 2013 usage. Since June 2023, customers have saved an average of 16% over 2013 levels. • Potable Water Purchases – The June potable water purchases were 2,713 acre-feet which is 1.4% below the budget of 2,752 acre-feet. Cumulative purchases for the year are 27,455 acre-feet, 4.3% under the year-to-date budget of 28,684 acre-feet. 19 • Recycled Water Purchases – The recycled water purchases from the City of San Diego and production at the District’s treatment facility for the month of June were 338 acre-feet which is 20.0% below the budget of 422-acre feet. Cumulative purchases and production for the year are 3,040 acre-feet, 16.6% under the year- to-date budget of 3,646 acre-feet. • The table below displays the rainfall data for the month of June and year-to-date. Rainfall June Y-T-D Actual 0.00 12.18 Three-year Historical Average 0.01 9.49 Variance (0.01) (100.0%) 2.69 28.4% Potable, Recycled, and Sewer (Reporting up to the month of June): • Total number of potable water meters: 51,942. • Total number of sewer connections: 4,752. • Recycled water consumption for the month of June: o Total consumption: 407.67 acre-feet or 132,829,840 gallons. o Average daily consumption: 4,427,661 gallons per day. 20 o Total cumulative recycled water consumption since June 2023: 3,194.84 acre-feet. o Total number of recycled water meters: 798. • Wastewater flows for the month of June: o Total basin flow: 1,774,433 gallons per day. ▪ This is an increase of 2.84 percent from June 2023. o Spring Valley Sanitation District flows to Metro: 596,751 gallons per day. o Total Otay flow: 1,180,600 gallons per day. o Flow processed at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility: 788,567 gallons per day. o Flow to Metro from Otay Water District: 788,033 gallons per day. o By the end of June there were 6,751 wastewater EDUs. Exhibit A Annual YTD REVENUES: Budget Actual Budget Variance Var % Potable Water Sales 70,298,000$ 65,361,113$ 70,298,000$ (4,936,887)$ (7.0%) Recycled Water Sales 10,906,000 9,570,265 10,906,000 (1,335,735) (12.2%) Potable Energy Charges 2,916,000 2,788,348 2,916,000 (127,652) (4.4%) Potable System Charges 13,011,000 13,074,323 13,011,000 63,323 0.5% Potable MWD & CWA Fixed Charges 13,746,000 13,761,148 13,746,000 15,148 0.1% Potable Penalties and Other Fees 978,000 1,050,774 978,000 72,774 7.4% Total Water Sales 111,855,000 105,605,971 111,855,000 (6,249,029) (5.6%) Sewer Charges 3,468,000 3,487,345 3,468,000 19,345 0.6% Meter Fees 168,000 165,052 168,000 (2,948) (1.8%) Capacity Fee Revenues 2,352,000 2,917,354 2,352,000 565,354 24.0% Non-Operating Revenues 2,770,600 2,895,801 2,770,600 125,201 4.5% Tax Revenues 6,243,000 6,530,075 6,243,000 287,075 4.6% Interest 1,091,000 1,178,213 1,091,000 87,213 8.0% Total Revenues 127,947,600$ 122,779,811$ 127,947,600$ (5,167,789)$ (4.0%) EXPENSES: Potable Water Purchases 48,147,000$ 46,429,379$ 48,147,000$ 1,717,621$ 3.6% Recycled Water Purchases 5,798,000 5,798,000 5,798,000 - 0.0% CWA-Infrastructure Access Charge 3,146,000 3,146,388 3,146,000 (388) (0.0%) CWA-Customer Service Charge 1,971,000 2,022,276 1,971,000 (51,276) (2.6%) CWA-Reliability Charge 3,235,000 3,258,612 3,235,000 (23,612) (0.7%) CWA-Emergency Storage Charge 4,865,000 4,877,952 4,865,000 (12,952) (0.3%) MWD-Capacity Res Charge 562,000 710,292 562,000 (148,292) (26.4%) MWD-Readiness to Serve Charge 654,000 620,328 654,000 33,672 5.1% Subtotal Water Purchases 68,378,000 66,863,227 68,378,000 1,514,773 2.2% Power Charges 4,285,000 4,616,405 4,285,000 (331,405) (7.7%) Payroll & Related Costs 24,590,600 23,303,769 24,590,600 1,286,831 5.2% Materials & Maintenance 4,824,900 4,572,989 4,824,900 251,911 5.2% Administrative Expenses 8,585,300 7,665,738 8,585,300 919,562 10.7% Legal Fees 357,000 512,904 357,000 (155,904) (43.7%) Expansion Reserve 4,320,000 4,320,000 4,320,000 - 0.0% Betterment Reserve 2,562,000 2,562,000 2,562,000 - 0.0% Replacement Reserve 8,774,800 8,774,800 8,774,800 - 0.0% OPEB Trust 1,270,000 1,270,000 1,270,000 - 0.0% Total Expenses 127,947,600$ 124,461,832$ 127,947,600$ 3,485,768$ 2.7% EXCESS REVENUES(EXPENSES) -$ (1,682,020)$ 0$ (1,682,021)$ OTAY WATER DISTRICT COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2024 Draft (unaudited) F:/MORPT/FS2024-P12-Revised Accrual.xlsx 7/24/2024 9:02 AM The year-to-date actual net revenues through June 30, 2024, show a negative variance of $1,682,021. COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY NET REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2024 -$3,200,000 -$3,000,000 -$2,800,000 -$2,600,000 -$2,400,000 -$2,200,000 -$2,000,000 -$1,800,000 -$1,600,000 -$1,400,000 -$1,200,000 -$1,000,000 -$800,000 -$600,000 -$400,000 -$200,000 $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN YTD Actual Net Revenues YTD Budget Net Revenues YTD Variance in Net Revenues OTAY WATER DISTRICT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO REVIEW June 30, 2024 INVESTMENT OVERVIEW & MARKET STATUS: At the Federal Reserve Board's regular meeting on July 26, 2023, the Committee increased the target range for the federal funds rate from 5.25% to 5.50%. There have been no further changes made to the federal funds rate at the most recent meeting which was held on June 12, 2024. Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a solid pace. Job gains have remained strong, and the unemployment rate has remained low. Inflation has eased over the past year but remains elevated. In recent months, there has been a lack of further progress toward the Committee’s 2 percent inflation objective. The Committee will continue to reduce its holdings of Treasury securities, agency debt, and agency mortgage-backed securities, as outlined in the Plans for Reducing the Size of the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet issued in May 2022. The Committee will continue to observe the effects of incoming information on the economic outlook. In determining the timing and size of future adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, they went on to say: "The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments." The District's effective rate of return for June 2024 was 4.12%, 10 basis points higher than the previous month. LAIF's return was 15 basis points higher than the last month, reaching an average effective yield of 4.48% for June 2024. Based on our success at maintaining a competitive rate of return on our portfolio during this period of increasing interest rates, no changes in investment strategy regarding returns on investment are being considered. Under the District's Investment Policy, all District funds continue to be managed based on the objectives, in priority order, of safety, liquidity, and return on investment. PORTFOLIO COMPLIANCE: June 30, 2024 Investment State Limit Otay Limit Otay Actual 8.01: Treasury Securities 100% 100% 4.95% 8.02: Local Agency Investment Fund (Operations) $75 Million $75 Million $65.36 Million 8.03: Federal Agency Issues 100% 100% 38.85% 8.04: Certificates of Deposit 30% 15% 0 8.05: Short-Term Commercial Notes 25% 10% 0 8.06: Medium-Term Commercial Debt 30% 10% 0 8.07: Money Market Mutual Funds 20% 10% 0.24% 8.08: San Diego County Pool 100% 100% 0.74% 12.0: Maximum Single Financial Institution 100% 50% 0.91% $1,098,193 0.91% $66,259,399 55.05% $53,006,566 44.04% Otay Water District Investment Portfolio: 06/30/2024 Banks (Passbook/Checking/CD)Pools (LAIF & County)Agencies,Treasury Securities & Money Market Mutual Funds Total Cash and Investments: $120,364,158 (Book Value) July FY23 Aug FY23 Sep FY23 1st Qtr FY23 Oct FY23 Nov FY23 Dec FY23 2nd Qtr FY23 Jan FY23 Feb FY23 Mar FY23 3rd Qtr FY23 Apr FY23 May FY23 June FY23 4th Qtr FY23 Jul FY24 Aug FY24 Sep FY24 1st Qtr FY24 Oct FY24 Nov FY24 Dec FY24 2nd Qtr FY24 Jan FY24 Feb FY24 Mar FY24 3rd Qtr FY24 Apr FY24 May FY24 Jun FY24 4th Qtr FY24 Otay 1.32 1.46 1.74 1.50 2.06 2.52 2.91 2.49 3.00 3.44 3.46 3.30 3.65 3.58 3.74 3.66 3.71 3.74 3.83 3.76 3.76 3.86 3.90 3.84 3.86 4.01 3.90 3.92 4.04 4.02 4.12 4.06 LAIF 1.09 1.28 1.51 1.29 1.77 2.01 2.17 1.98 2.43 2.62 2.83 2.63 2.87 2.99 3.17 3.01 3.31 3.43 3.53 3.42 3.67 3.84 3.93 3.81 4.01 4.12 4.23 4.12 4.27 4.33 4.48 4.36 Difference 0.23 0.18 0.23 0.21 0.29 0.51 0.74 0.51 0.57 0.82 0.63 0.67 0.78 0.59 0.57 0.65 0.40 0.31 0.30 0.34 0.09 0.02 -0.03 0.03 -0.15 -0.11 -0.33 -0.20 -0.23 -0.31 -0.36 -0.30 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 Re t u r n o n I n v e s t m e n t s Month Performance Measure FY-24 Return on Investment Otay LAIF Difference Target: Meet or Exceed 100% of LAIF Month End Portfolio Management June 30, 2024 Portfolio Summary % of Portfolio Book ValueInvestmentsMarket Value Par Value Days to MaturityTerm YTM 360 Equiv. YTM 365 Equiv. Federal Agency Issues- Callable 7,999,684.21 8406.71 4.0691727,984,040.008,000,000.00 4.125 Treasury Securities - Coupon 5,963,430.60 5735.00 5.0243345,959,920.006,000,000.00 5.094 Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 38,758,239.93 82132.50 3.78125538,320,175.5238,796,000.00 3.833 Money Market 285,211.45 10.24 5.0941285,211.45285,211.45 5.165 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF)65,364,547.64 154.81 4.419165,123,747.3965,364,547.64 4.480 San Diego County Pool 894,851.20 10.75 3.7481905,000.00894,851.20 3.800 119,265,965.03 100.00%Investments 118,578,094.36119,340,610.29 352 112 4.215 4.273 Cash (not included in yield calculations) Passbook/Checking 1,098,192.56 1 0.92011,098,192.561,098,192.56 0.932 120,364,157.59Total Cash and Investments 119,676,286.92120,438,802.85 352 112 4.215 4.273 Current Year June 30 399,432.91 Fiscal Year To Date 4,405,725.41 4,405,725.41 Fiscal Year Ending Average Daily Balance Effective Rate of Return 117,967,243.28 112,568,361.25 3.90%4.12% Total Earnings Month Ending I hereby certify that the investments contained in this report are made in accordance with the District Investment Policy Number 27 adopted by the Board of Directors on May 03, 2023. The investments provide sufficient liquidity to meet the cash flow requirements of the District for the next six months of expenditures. __________________________________________________ ____________________ Joseph Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:20 Reporting period 06/01/2024-06/30/2024 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:20 PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 7/24/2024 YTM 360 Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value June 30, 2024 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days to MaturityMoody'sCUSIP Investment # Purchase Date Federal Agency Issues- Callable 1.294Federal Home Loan Bank2395 2,000,000.00 1,999,684.21 07/26/20241.08002/03/2022 1,993,760.00 Aaa3130AQL68 25 4.932Federal Home Loan Mortgage2406 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 04/25/20255.00010/25/2022 2,994,540.00 Aaa3134GX6A7 298 5.055Federal Home Loan Mortgage2408 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 11/22/20245.12511/28/2022 2,995,740.00 Aaa3134GY3P5 144 7,999,684.217,984,040.008,000,000.009,199,501.05Subtotal and Average 4.069 172 Treasury Securities - Coupon 4.998US TREASURY2418 3,000,000.00 2,990,132.74 07/31/20254.75011/01/2023 2,989,350.00 Aaa91282CHN4 395 5.051US TREASURY2419 3,000,000.00 2,973,297.86 03/31/20253.87511/09/2023 2,970,570.00 Aaa91282CGU9 273 5,963,430.605,959,920.006,000,000.005,961,650.14Subtotal and Average 5.024 334 Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 2.855Federal Farm Credit Bank2397 2,000,000.00 1,997,746.64 04/25/20252.75004/26/2022 1,961,240.00 Aaa3133ENVC1 298 4.261Federal Farm Credit Bank2402 3,000,000.00 2,997,567.92 09/30/20254.25009/30/2022 2,975,400.00 Aaa3133ENP95 456 4.488Federal Farm Credit Bank2405 3,000,000.00 2,998,534.01 10/17/20244.37510/19/2022 2,989,290.00 Aaa3133ENS43 108 4.284Federal Farm Credit Bank2410 3,000,000.00 2,998,745.03 12/20/20244.25012/20/2022 2,981,940.00 Aaa3133EN4N7 172 4.932Federal Farm Credit Bank2420 1,000,000.00 994,019.69 03/05/20264.62504/17/2024 996,460.00 Aaa3133EP4K8 612 4.679Federal Farm Credit Bank2421 1,000,000.00 1,000,135.63 05/06/20274.75005/28/2024 1,003,710.00 Aaa3133ERDS7 1,039 4.864Federal Farm Credit Bank2424 3,000,000.00 2,998,479.87 07/28/20254.87511/17/2023 2,994,120.00 Aaa3133EPRS6 392 4.338Federal Home Loan Bank2404 3,000,000.00 2,999,873.87 09/13/20244.37510/18/2022 2,991,960.00 Aaa3130ATND5 74 4.928Federal Home Loan Bank2417 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 02/28/20255.00007/03/2023 3,992,080.00 Aaa3130AV7L0 242 0.612Federal Home Loan Mortgage2391 1,045,000.00 1,041,887.75 09/23/20250.37509/16/2021 987,650.40 Aaa3137EAEX3 449 0.618Federal Home Loan Mortgage2392 2,751,000.00 2,742,637.76 09/23/20250.37509/22/2021 2,600,025.12 Aaa3137EAEX3 449 0.996Federal National Mortage Assoc2393 2,000,000.00 2,006,240.74 01/07/20251.62512/09/2021 1,962,680.00 Aaa3135G0X24 190 1.129Federal National Mortage Assoc2394 2,000,000.00 1,983,035.06 11/07/20250.50012/15/2021 1,884,500.00 Aaa3135G06G3 494 4.787Federal National Mortage Assoc2416 8,000,000.00 7,999,335.96 07/02/20241.75005/26/2023 7,999,120.00 Aaa3135GOV75 1 38,758,239.9338,320,175.5238,796,000.0040,047,468.36Subtotal and Average 3.781 255 Money Market 5.119Blackrock T - Fund Inst9010 15,016.12 15,016.12 5.19007/01/2023 15,016.12RESERVE-10A WRB 1 5.119Blackrock T - Fund Inst9011 33,386.02 33,386.02 5.19007/01/2023 33,386.02RESERVE 10 BABS 1 5.089FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY9016 236,809.31 236,809.31 5.16007/01/2023 236,809.31OWD TRUST & CUS 1 285,211.45285,211.45285,211.451,933,468.34Subtotal and Average 5.094 1 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 YTM 360 Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value June 30, 2024 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days to MaturityMoody'sCUSIP Investment # Purchase Date Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) 4.419STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 65,364,547.64 65,364,547.64 4.48065,123,747.39LAIF 1 65,364,547.6465,123,747.3965,364,547.6444,227,880.97Subtotal and Average 4.419 1 San Diego County Pool 3.748San Diego County9007 894,851.20 894,851.20 3.800905,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 1 894,851.20905,000.00894,851.2013,843,806.17Subtotal and Average 3.748 1 117,967,243.28 119,340,610.29 4.215 112118,578,094.36 119,265,965.03Total and Average Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.11 YTM 360 Page 3 Par Value Book Value Stated RateMarket Value June 30, 2024 Portfolio Details - Cash Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days to MaturityMoody'sCUSIP Investment # Purchase Date US Bank 0.009STATE OF CALIFORNIA9002 0.00 0.00 0.00907/01/2023 0.00US BANK MONEY 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9003 3,100.00 3,100.003,100.00PETTY CASH 1 0.986STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 1,023,904.67 1,023,904.67 1.0001,023,904.67OPERATING 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9005 13,382.03 13,382.0307/01/2023 13,382.03PAYROLL 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 57,805.86 57,805.8607/01/2023 57,805.86FLEX ACCT 1 0.00 117,967,243.28 120,438,802.85 4.215 112 1Average Balance 119,676,286.92 120,364,157.59Total Cash and Investments Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.11 Month End Activity Report Sorted By Issuer June 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024 Current Rate Transaction Date Balance Beginning Balance Ending Par Value Percent of Portfolio Par Value CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchases or Deposits Redemptions or Withdrawals Issuer: Blackrock T - Fund Inst Money Market Blackrock T - Fund Inst9010 65.735.190 0.00RESERVE-10A WRB Blackrock T - Fund Inst9011 146.145.190 0.00RESERVE 10 BABS 0.0048,190.27 48,402.14Subtotal and Balance 211.87 211.87 0.0048,190.27 48,402.140.040%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: STATE OF CALIFORNIA US Bank STATE OF CALIFORNIA9003 150.00 0.00PETTY CASH STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 1,909,430.071.000 1,716,528.21OPERATING STATE OF CALIFORNIA9005 19.81 0.00PAYROLL STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 50,541.70 9,170.78FLEX ACCT 1,725,698.99863,749.97 1,098,192.56Subtotal and Balance 1,960,141.58 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 28,600,000.004.480 3,500,000.00LAIF 3,500,000.0040,264,547.64 65,364,547.64Subtotal and Balance 28,600,000.00 30,560,141.58 5,225,698.9941,128,297.61 66,462,740.2055.184%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY Money Market FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY9016 6,178,122.295.160 7,000,000.00OWD TRUST & CUS 7,000,000.001,058,687.02 236,809.31Subtotal and Balance 6,178,122.29 6,178,122.29 7,000,000.001,058,687.02 236,809.310.197%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Farm Credit Bank Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 DA (PRF_DA) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Current Rate Transaction Date Balance Beginning Balance Ending Par Value Page 2 Percent of Portfolio Par Value June 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024 Activity Report Month End CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchases or Deposits Redemptions or Withdrawals Issuer: Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 16,000,000.00 16,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.0016,000,000.00 16,000,000.0013.285%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Agency Issues- Callable Federal Home Loan Bank2401 0.003.700 06/13/2024 3,000,000.003130AT4S3 3,000,000.005,000,000.00 2,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 Federal Agency Issues - Bullet Federal Home Loan Bank2400 0.003.375 06/14/2024 3,000,000.003130AT4D6 3,000,000.0010,000,000.00 7,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.00 6,000,000.0015,000,000.00 9,000,000.007.473%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Federal Agency Issues- Callable 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 3,796,000.00 3,796,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.009,796,000.00 9,796,000.008.134%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal National Mortage Assoc Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.0012,000,000.00 12,000,000.009.964%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: San Diego County Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 DA (PRF_DA) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Current Rate Transaction Date Balance Beginning Balance Ending Par Value Page 3 Percent of Portfolio Par Value June 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024 Activity Report Month End CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchases or Deposits Redemptions or Withdrawals Issuer: San Diego County San Diego County Pool San Diego County9007 109,382.213.800 15,000,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 15,000,000.0015,785,468.99 894,851.20Subtotal and Balance 109,382.21 109,382.21 15,000,000.0015,785,468.99 894,851.200.743%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: US TREASURY Treasury Securities - Coupon 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.006,000,000.00 6,000,000.004.982%Issuer Subtotal 116,816,643.89 120,438,802.85Total33,225,698.9936,847,857.95100.000% Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 DA (PRF_DA) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Month End Duration Report Sorted by Investment Type - Investment Type Through 06/30/2024 Investment #Security ID Issuer Investment Class Book Value Par Value Market Value Current Rate YTM Current Yield Maturity/ Call Date Duration Modified 360Fund Federal Home Loan Bank239599 2,000,000.00 1,993,760.003130AQL68 5.392 07/26/2024 0.0681,999,684.21 1.294Fair1.0800000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage240699 3,000,000.00 2,994,540.003134GX6A7 5.240 04/25/2025 0.7833,000,000.00 4.932Fair5.0000000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage240899 3,000,000.00 2,995,740.003134GY3P5 5.684 11/22/2024 0.3943,000,000.00 5.055Fair5.1250000 US TREASURY241899 3,000,000.00 2,989,350.0091282CHN4 5.095 07/31/2025 1.0212,990,132.74 4.998Fair4.7500000 US TREASURY241999 3,000,000.00 2,970,570.0091282CGU9 5.234 03/31/2025 0.7202,973,297.86 5.051Fair3.8750000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage239199 1,045,000.00 987,650.403137EAEX3 5.041 09/23/2025 1.1941,041,887.75 0.612Fair.37500000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage239299 2,751,000.00 2,600,025.123137EAEX3 5.041 09/23/2025 1.1942,742,637.76 0.618Fair.37500000 Federal National Mortage Assoc239399 2,000,000.00 1,962,680.003135G0X24 5.335 01/07/2025 0.4992,006,240.74 0.996Fair1.6250000 Federal National Mortage Assoc239499 2,000,000.00 1,884,500.003135G06G3 4.977 11/07/2025 1.3131,983,035.06 1.129Fair.50000000 Federal Farm Credit Bank239799 2,000,000.00 1,961,240.003133ENVC1 5.210 04/25/2025 0.7881,997,746.64 2.855Fair2.7500000 Federal Farm Credit Bank240299 3,000,000.00 2,975,400.003133ENP95 4.940 09/30/2025 1.1872,997,567.92 4.261Fair4.2500000 Federal Home Loan Bank240499 3,000,000.00 2,991,960.003130ATND5 5.638 09/13/2024 0.2022,999,873.87 4.338Fair4.3750000 Federal Farm Credit Bank240599 3,000,000.00 2,989,290.003133ENS43 5.547 10/17/2024 0.2952,998,534.01 4.488Fair4.3750000 Federal Farm Credit Bank241099 3,000,000.00 2,981,940.003133EN4N7 5.552 12/20/2024 0.4712,998,745.03 4.284Fair4.2500000 Federal National Mortage Assoc241699 8,000,000.00 7,999,120.003135GOV75 8.907 07/02/2024 0.0027,999,335.96 4.787Fair1.7500000 Federal Home Loan Bank241799 4,000,000.00 3,992,080.003130AV7L0 5.321 02/28/2025 0.6294,000,000.00 4.928Fair5.0000000 Federal Farm Credit Bank242099 1,000,000.00 996,460.003133EP4K8 4.851 03/05/2026 1.572994,019.69 4.932Fair4.6250000 Federal Farm Credit Bank242199 1,000,000.00 1,003,710.003133ERDS7 4.611 05/06/2027 2.6181,000,135.63 4.679Fair4.7500000 Federal Farm Credit Bank242499 3,000,000.00 2,994,120.003133EPRS6 5.068 07/28/2025 1.0132,998,479.87 4.864Fair4.8750000 Blackrock T - Fund Inst901099 15,016.12 15,016.12RESERVE-10A 5.190 0.00015,016.12 5.119Amort5.1900000 Blackrock T - Fund Inst901199 33,386.02 33,386.02RESERVE 10 5.190 0.00033,386.02 5.119Amort5.1900000 FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY901699 236,809.31 236,809.31OWD TRUST &5.160 0.000236,809.31 5.089Amort5.1600000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA900199 65,364,547.64 65,123,747.39LAIF 4.480 0.00065,364,547.64 4.419Fair4.4800000 Portfolio OTAY NL! APPage 1Data Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 DU (PRF_DU) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Investment #Security ID Issuer Investment Class Book Value Par Value Market Value Current Rate YTM Current Yield Maturity/ Call Date DurationModified360 Sorted by Investment Type - Investment Type Duration Report Month End Through 06/30/2024 Fund San Diego County900799 894,851.20 905,000.00SD COUNTY 3.800 0.000894,851.20 3.748Fair3.8000000 5.067 0.289119,265,965.03 119,340,610.29 118,578,094.36Report Total † = Duration can not be calculated on these investments due to incomplete Market price data. Portfolio OTAY NL! APPage 2Data Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 DU (PRF_DU) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Month End GASB 31 Compliance Detail Sorted by Fund - Fund June 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024 Investment #Maturity Date Beginning Invested Value Purchase of Principal InvestmentClassFundCUSIP Adjustment in Value Ending Invested Value Addition to Principal Redemption of Principal Amortization Adjustment Change in Market Value Fund: Treasury Fund 2391 983,198.70Fair Value 09/23/2025 4,451.7099 987,650.403137EAEX30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2408 2,995,500.00Fair Value 11/22/2024 240.0099 2,995,740.003134GY3P50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2406 2,994,570.00Fair Value 04/25/2025 -30.0099 2,994,540.003134GX6A70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2392 2,588,305.86Fair Value 09/23/2025 11,719.2699 2,600,025.123137EAEX30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2393 1,957,520.00Fair Value 01/07/2025 5,160.0099 1,962,680.003135G0X240.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2394 1,876,180.00Fair Value 11/07/2025 8,320.0099 1,884,500.003135G06G30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2416 7,976,960.00Fair Value 07/02/2024 22,160.0099 7,999,120.003135GOV750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 2,998,110.00Fair Value 06/14/2024 1,890.0099 0.003130AT4D60.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 2395 1,987,400.00Fair Value 07/26/2024 6,360.0099 1,993,760.003130AQL680.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2401 2,998,440.00Fair Value 06/13/2024 1,560.0099 0.003130AT4S30.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 2417 3,990,960.00Fair Value 02/28/2025 1,120.0099 3,992,080.003130AV7L00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2404 2,989,740.00Fair Value 09/13/2024 2,220.0099 2,991,960.003130ATND50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9001 40,030,661.63Fair Value -6,914.2499 65,123,747.39LAIF0.00 28,600,000.00 3,500,000.00 0.00 9014 16,434.94Amortized 0.0099 57,805.86FLEX ACCT 0.00 50,541.70 9,170.78 0.00 9005 13,362.22Amortized 0.0099 13,382.03PAYROLL0.00 19.81 0.00 0.00 9003 2,950.00Amortized 0.0099 3,100.00PETTY CASH 0.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 9004 831,002.81Amortized 0.0099 1,023,904.67OPERATING0.00 1,909,430.07 1,716,528.21 0.00 2421 1,000,470.00Fair Value 05/06/2027 3,240.0099 1,003,710.003133ERDS70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2410 2,983,710.00Fair Value 12/20/2024 -1,770.0099 2,981,940.003133EN4N70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2405 2,988,960.00Fair Value 10/17/2024 330.0099 2,989,290.003133ENS430.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2424 2,992,770.00Fair Value 07/28/2025 1,350.0099 2,994,120.003133EPRS60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2420 995,340.00Fair Value 03/05/2026 1,120.0099 996,460.003133EP4K80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2402 2,968,980.00Fair Value 09/30/2025 6,420.0099 2,975,400.003133ENP950.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2397 1,958,360.00Fair Value 04/25/2025 2,880.0099 1,961,240.003133ENVC10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2419 2,967,420.00Fair Value 03/31/2025 3,150.0099 2,970,570.0091282CGU90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2418 2,987,340.00Fair Value 07/31/2025 2,010.0099 2,989,350.0091282CHN40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9007 15,579,000.00Fair Value 216,617.7999 905,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 0.00 109,382.21 15,000,000.00 0.00 9016 1,058,687.02Amortized 0.0099 236,809.31OWD TRUST & CUS 0.00 6,178,122.29 7,000,000.00 0.00 9010 14,950.39Amortized 0.0099 15,016.12RESERVE-10A WRB 0.00 65.73 0.00 0.00 9011 33,239.88Amortized 0.0099 33,386.02RESERVE 10 BABS 0.00 146.14 0.00 0.00 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 GD (PRF_GD) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Investment #Maturity Date Beginning Invested Value Purchase of Principal InvestmentClass Sorted by Fund - Fund Fund Page 2 CUSIP Adjustment in Value Ending Invested Value Addition to Principal Redemption of Principal Amortization Adjustment Change in Market Value GASB 31 Compliance Detail Month End 115,760,523.45Subtotal 293,604.51 119,676,286.920.00 36,847,857.95 33,225,698.99 0.00 115,760,523.45Total 119,676,286.92293,604.510.00 36,847,857.95 33,225,698.99 0.00 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 GD (PRF_GD) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Month End Interest Earnings Sorted by Fund - Fund June 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024 Yield on Beginning Book Value Maturity Date Current Rate Ending Par Value EndingSecurity TypeFund Book Value Beginning Book Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIPInvestment # Interest Earned Fund: Treasury Fund 1,041,887.7523911,045,000.00 0.375FAC09/23/2025 326.56 211.24 537.800.628991,041,676.513137EAEX3 3,000,000.0024083,000,000.00 5.125MC111/22/2024 12,812.50 0.00 12,812.505.196993,000,000.003134GY3P5 3,000,000.0024063,000,000.00 5.000MC104/25/2025 12,500.00 0.00 12,500.005.069993,000,000.003134GX6A7 2,742,637.7623922,751,000.00 0.375FAC09/23/2025 859.68 567.57 1,427.250.633992,742,070.193137EAEX3 2,006,240.7423932,000,000.00 1.625FAC01/07/2025 2,708.33 -1,006.57 1,701.761.031992,007,247.313135G0X24 1,983,035.0623942,000,000.00 0.500FAC11/07/2025 833.33 1,047.21 1,880.541.154991,981,987.853135G06G3 7,999,335.9624168,000,000.00 1.750FAC07/02/2024 11,666.67 19,921.21 31,587.884.816997,979,414.753135GOV75 0.0024000.00 3.375FAC06/14/2024 3,656.25 125.09 3,781.343.539992,999,874.913130AT4D6 1,999,684.2123952,000,000.00 1.080MC107/26/2024 1,800.00 378.95 2,178.951.326991,999,305.263130AQL68 0.0024010.00 3.700MC106/13/2024 3,700.00 0.00 3,700.003.751993,000,000.003130AT4S3 4,000,000.0024174,000,000.00 5.000FAC02/28/2025 16,666.66 0.00 16,666.665.069994,000,000.003130AV7L0 2,999,873.8724043,000,000.00 4.375FAC09/13/2024 10,937.50 52.56 10,990.064.457992,999,821.313130ATND5 65,364,547.64900165,364,547.64 4.480LA1 162,855.54 0.00 162,855.544.9219940,264,547.64LAIF 57,805.86901457,805.86PA1 0.00 0.00 0.009916,434.94FLEX ACCT 13,382.03900513,382.03PA1 0.00 0.00 0.009913,362.22PAYROLL 3,100.0090033,100.00PA1 0.00 0.00 0.00992,950.00PETTY CASH 1,023,904.6790041,023,904.67 1.000PA1 2,204.47 0.00 2,204.473.22899831,002.81OPERATING 1,000,135.6324211,000,000.00 4.750FAC05/06/2027 3,958.33 -3.97 3,954.364.810991,000,139.603133ERDS7 2,998,745.0324103,000,000.00 4.250FAC12/20/2024 10,625.00 222.77 10,847.774.402992,998,522.263133EN4N7 2,998,534.0124053,000,000.00 4.375FAC10/17/2024 10,937.50 414.90 11,352.404.607992,998,119.113133ENS43 2,998,479.8724243,000,000.00 4.875FAC07/28/2025 12,187.50 117.84 12,305.344.993992,998,362.033133EPRS6 994,019.6924201,000,000.00 4.625FAC03/05/2026 3,854.17 297.04 4,151.215.08399993,722.653133EP4K8 2,997,567.9224023,000,000.00 4.250FAC09/30/2025 10,625.00 162.50 10,787.504.379992,997,405.423133ENP95 1,997,746.6423972,000,000.00 2.750FAC04/25/2025 4,583.33 229.94 4,813.272.932991,997,516.703133ENVC1 2,973,297.8624193,000,000.00 3.875TRC03/31/2025 9,528.69 2,934.30 12,462.995.105992,970,363.5691282CGU9 2,990,132.7424183,000,000.00 4.750TRC07/31/2025 11,744.50 749.41 12,493.915.085992,989,383.3391282CHN4 894,851.209007894,851.20 3.800LA3 43,238.19 0.00 43,238.193.3339915,785,468.99SD COUNTY POOL 236,809.319016236,809.31 5.160PA2 7,994.81 0.00 7,994.819.188991,058,687.02OWD TRUST & CUS 15,016.12901015,016.12 5.190PA2 64.04 0.00 64.045.2129914,950.39RESERVE-10A WRB Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 IE (PRF_IE) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Maturity Date Current Rate Ending Par Value EndingSecurityTypeFund Page 2 Book ValueBeginningBook Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest June 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024 Interest Earnings Month End Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment #Interest Earned Fund: Treasury Fund 33,386.02901133,386.02 5.190PA2 142.37 0.00 142.375.2119933,239.88RESERVE 10 BABS 120,438,802.85Subtotal 120,364,157.59 4.038 399,432.9126,421.99373,010.92116,715,576.64 120,438,802.85Total 120,364,157.59 4.038 399,432.9126,421.99373,010.92116,715,576.64 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 07/22/2024 17:06 Run Date: 07/22/2024 - 17:07 IE (PRF_IE) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Check Total 2,457.08 2,621.38 29,040.00 294.50 CY24 JANITORIAL SERVICES 8,749.50 8,749.50206201306/26/24 20125 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1786 05/31/24 876.02 2062179 07/24/24 14985 AZTEC FENCE CO II INC AZ307024 07/01/24 FENCE REPAIRS AT THE HMA 5,985.00 5,985.00 57,555.85 57,555.85 2062012 06/26/24 07785 AT&T 000021828934 06/12/24 TELEPHONE SERVICES (5/12/2024 - 6/11/2024)876.02 PROF SERV (JUNE 2024)87,848.95 87,848.95 2062157 07/17/24 20199 ASSOC OF CA WATER AGENCIES 063024 QTR 4 06/30/24 FY24 WORKERS' COMP PROGRAM (QTR 4) 2062156 07/17/24 17264 ARTIANO SHINOFF ABED 308792 07/08/24 3,000.00 2062011 06/26/24 17264 ARTIANO SHINOFF ABED 308590 06/10/24 PROF SERV (MAY 2024)25,551.79 25,551.79 825.00 825.00 2062073 07/03/24 22331 ARTIANO MEDIATIONS 0029 06/23/24 MEDIATION SERVICES 3,000.00 FY25 PLOTTER SERVICE & SUPPORT 2,155.00 2,155.00 2062155 07/17/24 13171 ARCADIS US INC 34438585 06/10/24 CMIS 870-2 PS WARRANTY (MAY 2024) 07/02/24 INVENTORY 12,034.85 12,034.85 2062072 07/03/24 13174 ARC IMAGING RESOURCES B55091 06/25/24 214.50 750674 07/02/24 COBRA ADMIN FEE 80.00 2062114 07/10/24 03492 AQUA-METRIC SALES COMPANY 0102608 MAP GEODATABASE LICENSE RENEWAL 10,374.00 10,374.00 2062154 07/17/24 22138 AMERIFLEX 752495 07/02/24 BILLING ADMINISTRATION CM20246 06/20/24 CMIS (7/1/23-9/30/23)5,115.00 2062178 07/24/24 11590 AMERICAN DIGITAL CARTOGRAP 27805 07/18/24 CMIS (7/1/23-12/30/23)17,655.00 CM20247 06/20/24 CMIS (7/1/23-9/30/23)6,270.00 2062113 07/10/24 14462 ALYSON CONSULTING CM20248 06/20/24 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA FY24 2,051.10 9150624401 06/06/24 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA FY24 570.28 2062010 06/26/24 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS IN9150624400 06/06/24 9151155431 06/24/24 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA FY24 471.70 9151155430 06/24/24 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA FY24 122.96 53,968.21 2062112 07/10/24 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS IN9151155432 06/24/24 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA FY24 1,862.42 8,574.74 8,574.74 2062177 07/24/24 22332 AIR VAC SYSTEMS LLC 30865 06/28/24 TP EFFLUENT PS COMPRESSORS 53,968.21 INTERNET CIRCUITS (JUNE 2024)1,323.91 1,323.91 2062009 06/26/24 22332 AIR VAC SYSTEMS LLC 30800 06/12/24 803 PS COMPRESSOR 2062176 07/24/24 18122 ACC BUSINESS 241698737 06/27/24 1,174.05 2062111 07/10/24 08488 ABLEFORCE INC 12458 07/08/24 SHAREPOINT & INTRANET SUPPORT SVCS 150.00 150.00 Amount 2062153 07/17/24 22485 11902 CAMPO SPRING VALLEY LL Ref002736678 07/15/24 UB Refund Cst #0000283574 1,174.05 CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/20/2024 - 7/24/2024 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Page 1 of 11 2,675.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/21/24-5/23/24)830.00 36245 05/31/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (4/30-24-5/1/24)540.00 2062016 06/26/24 04119 CLARKSON LAB & SUPPLY INC 36249 05/31/24 36486 06/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/19/24)165.00 36485 06/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/19/24)145.00 36481 06/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/3/24)270.00 36487 06/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/19/24)165.00 36483 06/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/11/24-6/12/24)780.00 36484 06/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/13/24-6/15/24)370.00 10,000.00 2062187 07/24/24 04119 CLARKSON LAB & SUPPLY INC 36482 06/30/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/4/24-6/5/24)780.00 108.49 108.49 2062078 07/03/24 21050 CHULA VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOHydroStat-005 06/27/24 COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAM 10,000.00 OUTSIDE SERVICES - PHOTOGRAPHY SERV 400.00 400.00 2062064 07/03/24 22468 CHRISSY ADAMS Ref002736516 06/28/24 UB Refund Cst #0000250448 2062186 07/24/24 19833 CHARLES F NEUMAN 009 07/03/24 9,533.40 2062118 07/10/24 21705 CHAMBERS GROUP INC 37282 06/24/24 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (MAY 2024)4,483.35 4,483.35 37.97 37.97 2062185 07/24/24 21705 CHAMBERS GROUP INC 37288 07/01/24 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (JUNE 2024)9,533.40 DISINFECTION SYS IMPROVE (JUNE 2024)14,033.50 14,033.50 2062063 07/03/24 22475 CELESTINO MARTINEZ Ref002736523 06/28/24 UB Refund Cst #0000291484 2062184 07/24/24 15177 CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC FB52701 07/02/24 1,260.03 2062158 07/17/24 15177 CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC FB52637 06/25/24 DISINFECTION SYS IMPROVE (MAY 2024)38,916.75 38,916.75 17,325.00 17,325.00 2062077 07/03/24 22479 CARLOS LARIOS 4404070224 06/10/24 CUSTOMER REFUND 1,260.03 UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES (MAY 2024)271.25 271.25 2062183 07/24/24 20374 CALBURTON INC CAL1789 07/03/24 UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES (JUNE 2024) 2062117 07/10/24 20374 CALBURTON INC CAL1777 06/25/24 13,572.81 2062076 07/03/24 20581 CAL PACIFIC TRUCK CENTER LLC02SMT1254 06/24/24 INT'L CV515 CLASS 5 DUMP TRUCK 108,216.81 108,216.81 1,520.40 1,520.40 2062116 07/10/24 03005 BURKE WILLIAMS & SORENSEN L 323343 06/24/24 LEGAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR MOU 13,572.81 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERV (JUNE 2024)1,648.00 1,648.00 2062115 07/10/24 14112 BSE ENGINEERING INC 220754114012 05/31/24 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERV (MAY 2024) 2062182 07/24/24 14112 BSE ENGINEERING INC 220754114013 06/30/24 296.15 2062075 07/03/24 08156 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER 992204 07/02/24 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY CONSULTING SERV 6,100.80 6,100.80 294.36 294.36 2062015 06/26/24 21775 BRINKS INC 12640271 06/01/24 ARMORED TRANSPORT SERV (JUNE 2024)296.15 UB Refund Cst #0000244157 35.40 35.40 2062181 07/24/24 21775 BRINKS INC 12665533 07/01/24 ARMORED TRANSPORT SERV (JULY 2024) 2062062 07/03/24 22466 BRETT DOOLEY Ref002736514 06/28/24 66,144.00 2062014 06/26/24 22273 BENDER ROSENTHAL INC 1164 06/04/24 PROCTOR VLY RD WATERLINE (MAY 2024)4,500.00 4,500.00 8,749.50 8,749.50 2062074 07/03/24 18124 AZTECA SYSTEMS LLC 8708 06/26/24 FY25 CITYWORKS LIC & SUPPORT RENEWAL 66,144.00 2062180 07/24/24 20125 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1811 06/30/24 CY24 JANITORIAL SERVICES Page 2 of 11 2,970.00 3,389.00 32,750.00 660.00 2062022 06/26/24 03499 DEAN'S CERTIFIED WELDING INC 16768 05/31/24 WELDING SERVICES 1,445.00 1,445.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 2062021 06/26/24 20657 DAWSON COMPANY 818933 06/04/24 BLADDER REPLACEMENTS 660.00 W&T ANALYZER PROBES 6,252.22 6,252.22 2062084 07/03/24 21128 DAVIS FARR LLP 1682 05/31/24 AUDITING SERV FY24 FINANCIAL STMTS 2062020 06/26/24 11797 D&H WATER SYSTEMS INC 2024-0712 06/05/24 20,750.00 15606 04/16/24 RESERVOIR INSPECTION & CLEANING 7,500.00 15795 06/11/24 RESERVOIR INSPECTION & CLEANING 4,500.00 COATING INSPECTION SERVICES 3,975.00 3,975.00 2062189 07/24/24 04443 CSI SERVICES INC 15708 05/13/24 RESERVOIR INSPECTION & CLEANING 2062083 07/03/24 04443 CSI SERVICES INC 15407 02/09/24 26.80 2062120 07/10/24 00693 CSDA - SAN DIEGO CHAPTER 07162024 07/08/24 BUSINESS MEETING 300.00 300.00 146,079.44 146,079.44 2062082 07/03/24 03098 CROUCHER, GARY D 050124053124 05/31/24 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 26.80 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (7/31/24-7/31/25)708.00 708.00 2062019 06/26/24 08479 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO FY2223OWD 05/10/24 O & M AND CAPITAL REPLACEMENT CHARGES 193E64125062 07/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/12/24)113.00 2062081 07/03/24 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 7737060124 06/01/24 193E64124062 07/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/7/24)226.00 193E63580062 07/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (6/25/24)113.00 193E64122062 07/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/7/24)226.00 193E64123062 07/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/7/24)226.00 193E64120062 07/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/7/24)226.00 193E64121062 07/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/7/24)226.00 193E64114062 07/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/3/24)226.00 193E64117062 07/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/7/24)226.00 193E64118062 07/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (6/18/24)452.00 193E60250062 07/04/24 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/24/24)339.00 3,357.50 3,357.50 2062159 07/17/24 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 193E63322062 07/04/24 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (6/21/24)790.00 REALQUEST PROPERTY DATA FY24 540.75 540.75 2062119 07/10/24 00099 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AROTAY-0524 06/21/24 EXCAVATION PERMITS (MAY 2024) 2062018 06/26/24 15049 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS LLC 82213516 05/31/24 16,695.87 2062188 07/24/24 15049 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS LLC 82215333 06/30/24 REALQUEST PROPERTY DATA FY24 540.75 540.75 7,308.21 7,308.21 2062080 07/03/24 18331 CORE & MAIN LP V065316 06/27/24 INVENTORY 16,695.87 UB Refund Cst #0000274530 54.15 54.15 2062017 06/26/24 18331 CORE & MAIN LP V064921 06/19/24 INVENTORY 2062079 07/03/24 22470 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP Ref002736518 06/28/24 36250 05/31/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/29/24)270.00 36248 05/31/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/16/24)250.00 36246 05/31/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/7/24-5/8/24)540.00 36247 05/31/24 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/14/24-5/15/24)540.00 Page 3 of 11 1,360.00 1,372.54 12,482.07 22,973.38 150.00 2062028 06/26/24 20424 FUENTES TRUCKING INC 32891 06/12/24 TRUCK SERVICE 2,288.00 99.00 99.00 2062027 06/26/24 02591 FITNESS TECH 12700 06/01/24 GYM EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FY24 150.00 DOCUMENT SERVICE FY24 99.00 99.00 2062195 07/24/24 17888 FIRST AMERICAN DATA TREE LLC9003400624 06/30/24 DOCUMENT SERVICE FY24 2062026 06/26/24 17888 FIRST AMERICAN DATA TREE LLC9003400524 05/31/24 INVENTORY 14,245.63 0844947 06/25/24 INVENTORY 8,727.75 06/26/24 INVENTORY 580.04 580.04 2062123 07/10/24 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 108 0857566 07/03/24 6,638.10 0852978 06/12/24 11" X 18" DFW METER BOX LIDS 5,843.97 2062090 07/03/24 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 108 0857169 TOOLS FOR UNIT #280 VALVE REPLACEMENT 13,566.78 13,566.78 2062025 06/26/24 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 108 0855477 06/18/24 INVENTORY 166337778 06/20/24 CY24 VISION BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 38.00 2062194 07/24/24 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 108 0855184 06/26/24 4,737.43 4,737.43 2062089 07/03/24 20511 EYEMED (FIDELITY)166337578 06/20/24 CY24 VISION BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 1,334.54 UB Refund Cst #0000276144 61.36 61.36 2062088 07/03/24 21206 ENVIRONMENTAL INCENTIVES LL OTAY CP-03 05/31/24 WATER EFFICIENCY EVAL CONSULTING SERV 2062066 07/03/24 22471 ENRIQUE ESPARZA Ref002736519 06/28/24 208.46 2062193 07/24/24 03765 ENGINEERING PARTNERS INC 20A240826R 06/30/24 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERV (JUNE 2024)7,500.00 7,500.00 91.17 91.17 2062024 06/26/24 22424 ELIZABETH GENTRY 061824 06/18/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 208.46 VALVE NUT TOOL 10,869.37 10,869.37 2062065 07/03/24 22472 ELDRIA JENKINS Ref002736520 06/28/24 UB Refund Cst #0000276580 2062192 07/24/24 17023 EH WACHS 227263 06/28/24 7,900.00 2062087 07/03/24 02447 EDCO DISPOSAL CORPORATION 5458 063024 06/30/24 RECYCLED WASTE SERVICE FY24 258.18 258.18 13,288.57 13,288.57 2062161 07/17/24 22248 EAST COUNTY LANDSCAPE 000104 07/05/24 CUSTOMER DRIVE CLEANUP 7,900.00 METER CHANGEOUT CONSULTING SERVICES 14,731.09 14,731.09 2062191 07/24/24 21597 E SOURCE COMPANIES LLC 23660 06/30/24 METER CHANGEOUT CONSULTING SERVICES 07/11/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 406.00 406.00 2062023 06/26/24 21597 E SOURCE COMPANIES LLC 23532 05/31/24 680.00 13984 06/25/24 STREET SWEEPING 680.00 2062160 07/17/24 05134 DYCHITAN, MARISSA 071124 FY25 DOCUSIGN E-SIGNATURE SUBSCRIPTION 16,499.89 16,499.89 2062086 07/03/24 22180 DOUGS SWEEPING INC 13862 05/31/24 STREET SWEEPING 2062122 07/10/24 20795 DOCUSIGN INC.111100340742 06/15/24 162.34 2062190 07/24/24 21100 DIVISION OF EMPLOYMENT 0870440 06302 06/30/24 UNEMPLOYMENT INSUR (2ND QTR 2024)132.56 132.56 493.75 493.75 2062085 07/03/24 22464 DICOPEL INC Ref002736512 06/28/24 UB Refund Cst #0000089228 162.34 UB Refund Cst #0000275118 19.73 19.73 2062121 07/10/24 22480 DELIA DEAL 1530070924 06/18/24 CUSTOMER REFUND 2062150 07/17/24 22484 DELBERT TONEY Ref002736677 07/15/24 Page 4 of 11 3,718.00 18,811.33 34,735.51 20,392.22 965555 06/06/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 593.09 964181 05/31/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 424.90 964177 05/31/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,071.10 965554 06/06/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 938.32 965552 06/06/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 2,230.72 964179 05/31/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 2,112.69 964669 06/03/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 2,363.50 966452 06/10/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 2,336.95 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 4,437.84 964180 05/31/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,883.11 2062030 06/26/24 19978 HASA INC.965553 06/06/24 969624 06/20/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,003.23 967660 06/13/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 342.28 967649 06/13/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,251.09 969274 06/19/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,106.51 969622 06/20/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 2,065.48 967708 06/13/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,974.01 968523 06/17/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,835.90 969625 06/20/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,366.74 969623 06/20/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 4,573.57 967648 06/13/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 4,541.11 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 5,910.23 968522 06/17/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 4,765.36 972150 06/27/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,474.48 2062126 07/10/24 19978 HASA INC.970458 06/24/24 974219 07/08/24 FY25 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 2,537.59 972146 06/27/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,865.31 974218 07/08/24 FY25 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 3,983.43 972148 06/28/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,552.97 1,250.00 2062198 07/24/24 19978 HASA INC.972151 06/27/24 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 5,397.55 455.40 455.40 2062029 06/26/24 03668 HARRELL & COMPANY ADVISORS 062024 06/20/24 PREP & FILING OF DISCLOSURE ANNUAL RPTS 1,250.00 HACH CHEMKEY REAGENTS FY24 2,545.06 2,545.06 2062162 07/17/24 22486 HAMANN CONSTRUCTION Ref002736679 07/15/24 UB Refund Cst #0000285443 2062125 07/10/24 00174 HACH COMPANY 14069776 06/13/24 125,875.00 2062124 07/10/24 22374 H&W ENGINEERING INC 24-113.02 06/20/24 DATA CENTER MEP DESIGN SERVICE 3,000.00 3,000.00 8,199.90 8,199.90 2062197 07/24/24 22023 GSE CONSTRUCTION CO INC 306302024 07/01/24 DISINFECT SYS IMPROVE (JUNE 2024)125,875.00 FY25 VERITAS BACKUP EXEC SUPPORT 856.92 856.92 2062091 07/03/24 09571 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM INC 34424 06/01/24 NEOGOV SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 32890 06/12/24 TRUCK SERVICE 1,430.00 2062196 07/24/24 03537 GHA TECHNOLOGIES INC 1139934 06/27/24 Page 5 of 11 10,659.00 18,670.55 19,362.14 266.47 16,347.7423-119-15 05/20/24 AS-NEEDED PAVING SERVICES FY24 6,826.70 472.70 472.70 2062095 07/03/24 05840 KIRK PAVING INC 23-119-16 06/04/24 AS-NEEDED PAVING SERVICES FY24 9,521.04 AS-NEEDED FLEET WASHING SERVICES FY24 216.98 216.98 2062204 07/24/24 22129 KEPT COMPANIES INC Q260496 06/28/24 AS-NEEDED FLEET WASHING SERVICES FY24 Q230851 05/31/24 AS-NEEDED FLEET WASHING SERVICES FY24 128.64 2062133 07/10/24 22129 KEPT COMPANIES INC Q249951 06/21/24 4,904.72 2062036 06/26/24 22129 KEPT COMPANIES INC Q239485 06/07/24 AS-NEEDED FLEET WASHING SERVICES FY24 137.83 6,625.00 6,625.00 2062132 07/10/24 20835 KENNY CONSULTING SERV INC KC0724484 06/14/24 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERVICES (JUNE 2024)4,904.72 UB Refund Cst #0000286090 10.35 10.35 2062035 06/26/24 21926 KEENAN & ASSOCIATES 305708 06/05/24 BENEFIT BROKERAGE & CONSULTING SERV 2062151 07/17/24 22487 JESSICAANA PEREZ Ref002736680 07/15/24 4,400.00 2062163 07/17/24 09608 JEAN KELLEMS Ref002736674 07/15/24 UB Refund Cst #0000065467 75.03 75.03 2,355.00 2,355.00 2062034 06/26/24 10563 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 942569 06/12/24 AS-NEEDED CHLORINE GAS FY24 4,400.00 INFRAMAP SOFTWARE LICENSE & SUPPORT 40,000.00 40,000.00 2062094 07/03/24 20752 IWG TOWERS ASSETS II LLC 4624640 06/27/24 FY ANTENNA SUBLEASE 264909 06/28/24 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 1,685.71 2062093 07/03/24 14737 IWATER INC 9864 04/01/24 06/30/24 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 13,821.87 265433 06/30/24 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 3,854.56 14,348.33 263576 05/31/24 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 4,322.22 2062203 07/24/24 08969 INFOSEND INC 265434 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 2,660.80 2,660.80 2062033 06/26/24 08969 INFOSEND INC 263577 05/31/24 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 2024060002 07/02/24 LAND SURVEYING (JUNE 2024)659.00 2062131 07/10/24 08969 INFOSEND INC 264881 06/15/24 570.00 570.00 2062202 07/24/24 13349 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES 2024060003 07/02/24 LAND SURVEYING (JUNE 2024)10,000.00 GRANT WRITING (5/1/24-6/30/24)7,656.25 7,656.25 2062130 07/10/24 13349 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES 2024050012 06/18/24 LAND SURVEYING (MAY 2024) 2062201 07/24/24 20950 HOCH CONSULTING APC 20240131 07/05/24 4,338.98 2062129 07/10/24 21321 HILTS CONSULTING GROUP INC 80851 06/20/24 870-1 RESERVOIR COVER/LINER EVALUATION 600.00 600.00 10,688.54 10,688.54 2062200 07/24/24 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL 123777 06/28/24 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (JUNE 2024)4,338.98 AETNA EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 194.18 194.18 2062032 06/26/24 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL 123438 05/26/24 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (MAY 2024) 2062128 07/10/24 22165 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCE E0323243 07/02/24 4,610.00 2062199 07/24/24 19825 HDR ENGINEERING INC 1200632900 07/02/24 TEMPORARY LABOR SERVICES (JUNE 2024)667.50 667.50 1,537.50 1,537.50 2062031 06/26/24 19825 HDR ENGINEERING INC 1200624882 06/05/24 TEMPORARY LABOR SERVICES (MAY 2024)4,610.00 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 6,196.45 6,196.45 2062127 07/10/24 18436 HAZEN AND SAWYER DPC 2009400626 06/20/24 WATER FACILITIES MASTER PLAN 2062092 07/03/24 19978 HASA INC.966458 06/10/24 Page 6 of 11 19,130.39 5,851.52 22,431.54 6,502.88 241.50 2062045 06/26/24 18332 NV5 INC 390809 05/31/24 RSD/JAMUL PL REPLACEMENT (APR 2024)4,427.50 4,427.50 19.81 19.81 2062044 06/26/24 20996 NORTH CAROLINA DEPT OF REVE601397030 06/30/24 WITHHOLDING TAX 063024 241.50 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES (MAY 2024)30,772.30 30,772.30 2062139 07/10/24 20996 NORTH CAROLINA DEPT OF REVE3365 909 240 05/01/24 WITHHOLDING ASSESSMENT 2062210 07/24/24 00761 NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL 289235 06/28/24 9,999.00 2062043 06/26/24 17261 NATURESCAPE SERVICES 8582 05/31/24 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERV (MAY 2024)9,999.00 9,999.00 246,961.55 246,961.55 2062209 07/24/24 17261 NATURESCAPE SERVICES 8700 06/30/24 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERV (JUNE 2024)9,999.00 DATA CENTER T.I. DESIGN SERVICES 4,200.00 4,200.00 2062042 06/26/24 21483 NATIONAL AUTO FLEET GROUP WF8604 06/21/24 FORD F-550 VALVE EXERCISING TRUCK 2062138 07/10/24 22375 MISCELLANEOUS INC 2024.016 07/03/24 SMA HABITAT MANAGEMENT (6/1/24-6/30/24)4,454.12 24070204 07/02/24 SMA HABITAT MANAGEMENT (6/1/24-6/30/24)2,048.76 24061903 06/19/24 SMA HABITAT MANAGEMENT (5/1/24-5/31/24)4,441.12 2062208 07/24/24 01824 MERKEL & ASSOCIATES INC 24070203 07/02/24 SMA HABITAT MANAGEMENT (4/1/24-5/31/24)10,188.85 24061902 06/19/24 SMA HABITAT MANAGEMENT (4/1/24-4/30/24)7,801.57 2062137 07/10/24 01824 MERKEL & ASSOCIATES INC 24061901 06/21/24 900.00 2062207 07/24/24 21723 MERINO LANDSCAPE INC 11449 06/30/24 ADMIN LANDSCAPE UPGRADE MAINTENANCE 900.00 900.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 2062041 06/26/24 21723 MERINO LANDSCAPE INC 11406 05/31/24 ADMIN LANDSCAPE UPGRADE MAINTENANCE 900.00 FLOWMETER AND REPAIR KIT 16,017.66 16,017.66 2062136 07/10/24 21723 MERINO LANDSCAPE INC 11423 06/26/24 ADMIN LANDSCAPE UPGRADE MAINTENANCE 2062097 07/03/24 06302 MCCROMETER INC 602903 03/04/24 6,283.76 2062068 07/03/24 22473 MAJIN HAIDO Ref002736521 06/28/24 UB Refund Cst #0000285064 35.72 35.72 2,174.72 2,174.72 2062135 07/10/24 10512 MAIL MANAGEMENT GROUP INC OWD13789 06/17/24 CCR PRINTING SERVICES 6,283.76 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 60.30 60.30 2062164 07/17/24 22488 LUKE OSTRANDER GEN ENGINEERef002736681 07/15/24 UB Refund Cst #0000294422 2062096 07/03/24 03019 LOPEZ, JOSE 060124063024 06/30/24 4,000.00 2062040 06/26/24 03019 LOPEZ, JOSE 050124053124 05/31/24 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 89.78 89.78 900.00 900.00 2062039 06/26/24 21524 LINDSAY POLIC CONSULTING INC1015 06/25/24 GEN HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSULTING 4,000.00 UB Refund Cst #0000290859 86.96 86.96 2062038 06/26/24 06273 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE OT020-10000 06/12/24 PREM LIEBERT LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION 06/30/24 BPR CONSULT SVC MUNIS IMPLEMENTATION 2,185.00 2,185.00 2062067 07/03/24 22474 LAURA MELENDEZ Ref002736522 06/28/24 4,085.00 10661 06/22/24 BPR CONSULT SVC MUNIS IMPLEMENTATION 1,766.52 2062206 07/24/24 22411 KOA HILLS CONSULTING LLC 10702 AS-NEEDED EMERGENCY PAVING FY24 198,044.98 198,044.98 2062134 07/10/24 22411 KOA HILLS CONSULTING LLC 10662 06/22/24 BPR CONSULT SVC MUNIS IMPLEMENTATION 2062205 07/24/24 05840 KIRK PAVING INC 23-172-6 06/27/24 EMERGENCY AS-NEEDED PAVING SERV 10,733.34 23-172-4 06/04/24 EMERGENCY AS-NEEDED PAVING SERV 8,397.05 2062037 06/26/24 05840 KIRK PAVING INC 23-172-5 06/07/24 Page 7 of 11 10,647.50 13,533.16 35,198.86 1,250.00 7,900.00 33,885.00 CORROSION SERVICES (MAY 2024)4,170.00 4,170.00206205006/26/24 15647 RF YEAGER ENGINEERING LLC 24082 06/10/24 CORROSION SERVICES (MAY 2024)27,405.00 24087 07/04/24 CORROSION SERVICES (JUNE 2024)6,480.00 4620 06/10/24 SAFETY CONSULTING & SUPPORT SERVICES 600.00 2062214 07/24/24 15647 RF YEAGER ENGINEERING LLC 24090 07/04/24 SAFETY CONSULTING & SUPPORT SERVICES 4,000.00 4618 06/10/24 SAFETY CONSULTING & SUPPORT SERVICES 3,300.00 202407100695 07/10/24 AS-NEEDED SAFETY BOOTS FY24 500.00 2062049 06/26/24 11969 RELIANCE SAFETY CONSULTANT 4626 06/17/24 1,932.00 2062168 07/17/24 19836 RED WING BUSINESS ADV ACCOU202406100695 06/10/24 AS-NEEDED SAFETY BOOTS FY24 750.00 91.33 91.33 2062048 06/26/24 01409 PUMP CHECK INC 638 06/06/24 PUMP TESTING 1,932.00 UB Refund Cst #0000249045 459.38 459.38 2062071 07/03/24 22465 PRISCILLA REYES Ref002736513 06/28/24 UB Refund Cst #0000242057 2062101 07/03/24 22467 PRESIDIO CORNERSTONE AVENTRef002736515 06/28/24 110.63 2062142 07/10/24 06419 PLANT SOUP INC 1533 06/27/24 OUTSIDE SERVICES - PROFESSIONAL WRITING 2,649.50 2,649.50 19,183.80 19,183.80 2062167 07/17/24 22482 PINNACLE NEW HOMES Ref002736675 07/15/24 UB Refund Cst #0000250543 110.63 UB Refund Cst #0000291657 67.29 67.29 2062213 07/24/24 13122 PINNACLE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 42864 07/08/24 VEEAM SUITE ENTERPRISE MAINT 2062070 07/03/24 22477 PAUL HARLEV Ref002736525 06/28/24 26.19 2062152 07/17/24 22481 PATRICK KNIGHTON Ref002736673 07/15/24 UB Refund Cst #0000035119 76.39 76.39 70.61 70.61 2062069 07/03/24 22469 PATRICIA CORTES Ref002736517 06/28/24 UB Refund Cst #0000252297 26.19 CUSTOMER REFUND 929.48 929.48 2062212 07/24/24 22506 PAT BRUCE 1870072224 07/22/24 CUSTOMER REFUND 2062166 07/17/24 21143 PAM SCHAFFER 3016071524 06/25/24 4,632.39 2062100 07/03/24 19310 PALM LAUNDRY INC 462 07/01/24 TOWEL LAUNDRY SERVICE FY24 285.99 285.99 431.97 431.97 2062047 06/26/24 01002 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY INC S100464375.00 06/14/24 INVENTORY 4,632.39 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 206.72 206.72 2062099 07/03/24 17527 OTERO, TENILLE 062824 06/28/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 06/26/24 TREATMENT PLANT PWR FOR COMPRESSORS 4,200.00 4,200.00 2062141 07/10/24 17527 OTERO, TENILLE 070324 07/03/24 20,981.82 11287 06/05/24 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERV (MAY 2024)14,217.04 2062098 07/03/24 19636 OT ELECTRICAL 10299 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERV (JUNE 2024)11,979.16 11,979.16 2062046 06/26/24 16834 ON-SITE TECHNICAL SVCS INC 11286 06/05/24 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERV (MAY 2024) 2062140 07/10/24 16834 ON-SITE TECHNICAL SVCS INC 11295 06/25/24 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERV (JUNE 2024)12,269.16 11288 06/05/24 IN-PLANT INSPECTION SERV (MAY 2024)1,264.00 2062165 07/17/24 16834 ON-SITE TECHNICAL SVCS INC 11294 06/25/24 RSD/JAMUL PL REPLACEMENT (MAY 2024)10,085.00 395696 07/03/24 ENGINEERING DESIGN (JUNE 2024)562.50 2062211 07/24/24 18332 NV5 INC 395699 07/03/24 Page 8 of 11 1,121.62 725.86 111.34 808.00 54,872.67 202,562.41 120,437.46 32.16 32.16 UB Refund Cst #0000291648 2,036.86 2,036.86 2062218 07/24/24 16229 SMITH, TIMOTHY 060124063024 06/30/24 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 2062104 07/03/24 22476 SKANSKA Ref002736524 06/28/24 215.00 2062171 07/17/24 22201 SHAW HR CONSULTING INC.011593 06/25/24 HR/EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS CONSULTING SE 1,265.00 1,265.00 1,715.18 1,715.18 2062145 07/10/24 19603 SECURITAS SECURITY SVC USA I 11785256 06/30/24 ON-DEMAND SECURITY RESPONSE FY24 215.00 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)26,381.08 26,381.08 2062217 07/24/24 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 071524 07/15/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY) 2062054 06/26/24 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 062124 06/21/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)87,565.03 071024 07/15/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)32,872.43 070224 07/02/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)33.55 2062170 07/17/24 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 070824 07/08/24 062824A 06/28/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)41,098.05 062824 06/28/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)1,668.75 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)113,964.32 070524 07/05/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)45,797.74 2062144 07/10/24 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 062724 06/27/24 45,492.54 062624 06/26/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)8,525.95 062524A 06/25/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)854.18 SOCAL WATERSMART HEW HET WBIC FY24 338.87 338.87 2062103 07/03/24 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 062524 06/25/24 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY) 2732 06/12/24 SOCAL WATERSMART HEW HET WBIC FY24 45.00 2062216 07/24/24 00003 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUT 2737 07/02/24 125.00 2062053 06/26/24 00003 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUT 2728 06/12/24 SOCAL WATERSMART HEW HET WBIC FY24 763.00 23,972.69 23,972.69 2062215 07/24/24 02586 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR 202400743 07/09/24 MONTHLY ASSESSOR DATA 125.00 INVEST ADV FOR DEFERRED COMP PLANS 6,500.00 6,500.00 2062169 07/17/24 19633 SAMSARA NETWORKS INC.3.1052E+12 07/13/24 GPS FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2062052 06/26/24 19377 SAGEVIEW ADVISORY GROUP LL 2024-16478 06/17/24 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 68.34 20124022924 02/29/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 43.00 2062143 07/10/24 04542 ROBAK, MARK 020124022924 02/29/24 040124043024 04/30/24 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 45.56 050124053124 05/31/24 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 42.88 50124053124 05/31/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 128.47 030124033124 03/31/24 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 68.34 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 277.03 40124043024 04/30/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 163.58 60124063024 06/30/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 39.27 2062051 06/26/24 04542 ROBAK, MARK 30124033124 03/31/24 860.10 12312023 12/31/23 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 160.61 060124063024 06/30/24 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 61.64 2062102 07/03/24 04542 ROBAK, MARK 1.10123E+11 01/19/24 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Page 9 of 11 5,724.61 24,753.71 10,400.00 10,909.87 343,957.00 04/10/24 785.25 CONCRETE SAW 4,986.50 4,986.50 2062058 06/26/24 00427 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 520240509 06/01/24 UNDERGROUND ALERT TICKETS FY24 2062057 06/26/24 22043 U.S. SAWS INC.1140891 06/06/24 MUNIS ERP SFTWR AS A SERVICE (SAAS) 337,557.00 045-475756 07/10/24 MUNIS ERP UPGRADE IMPLEMENTATION SERV 6,400.00 2062221 07/24/24 03261 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-475043 07/01/24 045-467874 05/15/24 MUNIS ERP UPGRADE IMPLEMENTATION SERV 3,200.00 045-469754 05/22/24 MUNIS ERP UPGRADE IMPLEMENTATION SERV 3,200.00 045-471441 06/05/24 MUNIS ERP UPGRADE IMPLEMENTATION SERV 8,000.00 045-458946 03/06/24 MUNIS ERP UPGRADE IMPLEMENTATION SERV 4,800.00 045-465607 04/30/24 MUNIS ERP UPGRADE IMPLEMENTATION SERV 9,600.00 045-463082 04/10/24 MUNIS ERP UPGRADE IMPLEMENTATION SERV 9,177.11 -73,673.18 045-468382 06/01/24 FY25 EDEN FINANCIAL MGMT ERP MAINT 34,290.79 045-461199 03/26/24 MUNIS ERP UPGRADE IMPLEMENTATION SERV 12,315.15 2062108 07/03/24 03261 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-462360 EDEN SUPPORT CREDIT MUNIS ERP UPGRADE IMPLEMENTATION SERV 8,000.00 045-473242 06/19/24 MUNIS ERP UPGRADE IMPLEMENTATION SERV 2,400.00 2062146 07/10/24 03261 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-474158 06/26/24 5,775.00 2062174 07/17/24 21394 TEEDEEUAS LLC Otay14 07/11/24 UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS SERV 5,462.31 5,462.31 12,482.36 12,482.36 2062056 06/26/24 02376 TECHKNOWSION INC 3155 06/02/24 SCADA SYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES FY24 5,775.00 OWD SHARE O&M 50,767.54 50,767.54 2062107 07/03/24 01905 SYMPRO INC TDM-01661 05/20/24 TREASURY MGMT SFTWRE MAINT & SUPPORT 2062106 07/03/24 00408 SWEETWATER AUTHORITY 51134017 06/27/24 UNLEADED & DIESEL FUEL 14,490.98 437895 06/25/24 UNLEADED & DIESEL FUEL 10,262.73 2062220 07/24/24 10339 SUPREME OIL COMPANY 437819 06/25/24 433107 06/21/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 221.75 433581 06/25/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 113.07 430143 06/06/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 434.03 433582 06/25/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 411.03 430144 06/06/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 742.07 433944 06/26/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 631.96 430145 06/06/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 1,044.69 433510 06/24/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 849.92 10,915.17 10,915.17 2062173 07/17/24 02750 SUPERIOR READY MIX LP 430419 06/07/24 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 1,276.09 RENEWAL 90.00 90.00 2062105 07/03/24 15974 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL 38166060124 06/01/24 LIFE & STD/LTD INSURANCE 2062219 07/24/24 00373 STATE WATER RESOURCE 49831071924 07/19/24 553.85 2062055 06/26/24 20265 SPECIALTY MOWING SERVICES IN1700 06/08/24 MOWING SERVICES - SALT CREEK 29,700.00 29,700.00 2062172 07/17/24 21115 SONIA PONCE Ben2738327 07/18/24 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 553.85 Page 10 of 11 1,056.51 893.76 873.52 13,320.00 250.00 375.00 350.00 12,110.50 5,649.50 218 Checks FY25 STRAT PLAN REPORTING SFTWR LIC 7,500.00 7,500.00 Amount Pd Total:3,169,837.74 Check Grand Total:3,169,837.74 2062149 07/10/24 19386 ZOHO CORPORATION 610268600 06/13/24 ENGINEERING DESIGN SERV (JUNE 2024)3,969.50 182103 06/30/24 HYDRAULIC MODELING (JUNE 2024)1,680.00 181638 05/31/24 HYDRAULIC MODELING (MAY 2024)3,280.00 2062226 07/24/24 19866 WOOD RODGERS INC 182106 06/30/24 5,700.00 5,700.00 2062148 07/10/24 19866 WOOD RODGERS INC 181810 05/31/24 ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES (MAY 2024)8,830.50 PLAN CHECK (JUNE 2024)16,676.19 16,676.19 2062061 06/26/24 20611 WIMMER YAMADA AND CAUGHEY0011633 06/11/24 ADMIN LANDSCAPE DESIGN PHASE 2 76296 07/09/24 FY25 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SERVICES 100.00 2062225 07/24/24 21997 WEST YOST & ASSOCIATES INC 2058950 06/30/24 FY25 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SERVICES 125.00 76250 07/05/24 FY25 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SERVICES 125.00 2062224 07/24/24 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 76210 07/01/24 125.00 75361 06/19/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 75376 06/20/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 125.00 2062147 07/10/24 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 75309 06/13/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 75277 06/10/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 2062110 07/03/24 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 75463 04/26/24 18,747.00 18,747.00 2062060 06/26/24 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 75201 05/31/24 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 CMIS (JUNE 2024)3,675.00 3,675.00 2062175 07/17/24 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 851996 06/25/24 MULTI SENSOR AI CAMERA PROJECT 2062223 07/24/24 08028 VALLEY CONSTRUCTION MANAG SD237806 07/06/24 CMIS (MAY 2024)11,220.00 SD237805 06/08/24 CMIS (MAY 2024)2,100.00 2062059 06/26/24 08028 VALLEY CONSTRUCTION MANAG SD545808 06/08/24 FY25 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 727.05 4592380 06/25/24 FY25 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 146.47 2062109 07/03/24 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 4594234 06/25/24 07/01/24 UNDERGROUND ALERT TICKETS FY24 622.50 232426271 07/01/24 DIG SAFE BOARD FEES FY24 271.26 232425889 06/01/24 DIG SAFE BOARD FEES FY24 271.26 2062222 07/24/24 00427 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 620240511 Page 11 of 11