HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-02-23 Board Minutes1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY August 2, 2023 1.The meeting was called to order by President Robak at 3:30 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present:Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Directors Absent:Croucher Staff Present:General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, Chief of Engineering Michael Long, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Chief of Operations Andrew Jackson, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Tita Ramos-Krogman and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Lopez, seconded by Director Keyes, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Croucher to approve the agenda. 5.PRESENTATION OF AWARDS FOR THE 2023 “STUDENT POSTER CONTEST” WINNERS Communications Assistant Eileen Salmeron shared that the Otay Water District’s educational program invited K-12 students in its service area to create artwork for the 2023 “Student Poster Contest.” To reflect Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s new theme for its calendar art contest, the Otay Water District changed its theme from “Water is Life” to “Being water wise is…” Ms. Salmeron noted that the district did not receive any posters from high school students this year. She provided a PowerPoint presentation of the winners and their posters. Several of the winners were able to attend the meeting and responded to questions from the board. AGENDA ITEM 5 2 6.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. UCONSENT ITEM 7.ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Smith, seconded by Director Keyes and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Croucher to approve the following consent calendar items: a)AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS OF UP TO THE BUDGETED AMOUNT, AND ANY INFLATION ADJUSTMENTS IN ADDITION TO THE BUDGETED AMOUNTS, WHEN PRICING AND VEHICLES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THE PURCHASE OF THREE FLEET VEHICLES, ONE SKID STEER, AND TWO WATER TRAILERS, IN AN OVERALL COST OF $1,069,000; AND SURPLUS THE FOLLOWING UNITS: #174 A UTILITY TRUCK, #215 A DUMP TRUCK, #212 VACTOR TRUCK, AND #2561 SKID STEER b)ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4435 FOR THE JOSE MANUEL CARDENAS WATER ANNEXATION, 0 PROCTOR VALLEY ROAD, CHULA VISTA, CA 91914, APNS: 595-020-14-00 AND 595-020-53-00 TO THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT WATER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 22/27 c)AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) WITH THE SWEETWATER AUTHORITY FOR THE PLANNING OF THE JOINT SWEETWATER AUTHORITY (SWA) – OTAY WATER DISTRICT (OWD) RECYCLED WATER INTERTIE PROJECT ACTION ITEMS 8.BOARD a)APPROVE TO INCREASE THE CIP R2117 BUDGET BY $775,000 (FROM $3,500,000 TO $4,275,000); AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH GSE CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. (GSE) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RALPH W. CHAPMAN WATER RECLAMATION 3 FACILITY (RWCWRF) DISINFECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $3,491,400 Senior Civil Engineer Stephen Beppler provided a staff report to the board. In response to a question from Director Smith, Mr. Beppler stated that staff did consider factors that impacts the cost of the project, such as life expectancy, the reduction of chemical costs but an increase of ultraviolet light use that may increase electricity costs. Over the years, staff considered all aspects that may influence/impact the project’s cost. Director Keyes thanked staff for researching grant money to help fund this project. A motion was made by Director Smith, seconded by Director Keyes, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Croucher to approve the increase of the CIP R2117 Budget by $775,000 and authorize the general manager to execute an agreement with GSE Construction Co., Inc. for the construction of the RWCWRF Disinfection System Improvements Project in an amount not-to-exceed $3,491.400. b)DISCUSS THE 2023 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR District Secretary Tita Ramos-Krogman indicated that the Engineering, Operations and Water Resources Committee meeting will be held on August 22 instead of August 15. Director Smith stated that he will not be able to attend the November 1 board meeting. There were no other changes to the board calendar. UINFORMATIONAL ITEM 9.ITEMS ARE PROVIDED TO THE BOARD FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEM a)2023 CUSTOMER OPINION SURVEY Mr. Timothy McLarney, Ph.D., from TrueNorth Research presented the findings of the 2023 Customer Opinion Survey (see Attachment B of the staff report for details of the findings). He stated that the district received an 85% satisfactory rate which is a very solid report card when taking into consideration the significant impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. He provided opportunities for improvements and responded to comments and questions from the board. Mr. McLarney noted Director Smith’s comment of the importance of including conservation in the survey. 4 REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT Mr. Martinez provided his GM Report to the board and discussed the Advanced Clean Fleets Legislation, annual mowing services at Salt Creek, Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, and the drought and conservation update. 11. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE Director Smith discussed CWA’s 2023 Water Facilities Master Plan Update on scenarios, performance criteria, and initial supply and demand modeling results. He also discussed member agencies’ shutdowns in 2024, LAFCO matters, and AB 399 (Boerner). 12. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS Written reports from Directors Keyes, Lopez and Smith were submitted to District Secretary Ramos-Krogman, which will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. 13. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Robak provided an update on the Water Conservation Garden Authority. A written report from President Robak was submitted to District Secretary Ramos- Krogman and will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. U UUOTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 14. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS There were no items scheduled for discussion for the Otay Water District Financing Authority board. 15. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Robak adjourned the meeting at 5:18 p.m. President ATTEST: District Secretary Mark Robak 7014 From:7/1/2023 7/31/2023 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 7/3/2023 Otay Water District Ad-Hoc General Manager Evaluation Committee 0 0 2 7/5/2023 Otay Water District Board Meeting 7 0 3 7/6/2023 San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Sustainability & Industry Committee 0 0 4 7/7/2023 East County Chamber of Commerce First Friday Breakfast - NO CHARGE 0 0 5 7/8/2023 Otay Employee Picnic San Diego Zoo Safari Park - NO CHARGE 0 0 6 7/10/2023 San Diego LAFCO Discussion of Fallbrook & Rainbow detachment - NO CHARGE 0 0 7 7/12/2023 Otay Water District Committee Agenda Briefing - NO CHARGE 0 0 8 7/18/2023 Council of Water Utilities Serge Dedina speaking on Tijuana border pollution 0 40 9 7/19/2023 Otay Water District Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources (EO&WR) Committee 7 0 10 7/20/2023 Otay Water District Conservation, Public Relations, Legal, and Legislative (CPRL&L) Committee 0 0 11 7/25/2023 Water Conservation Garden JPA Board Meeting 0 0 12 7/26/2023 Otay Water District Otay & Sweetwater Authority Task Force Ad Hoc Committee 0 0 13 7/27/2023 Water Conservation Garden Friends of the Garden Board Meeting 0 0 14 7/28/2023 Southern California Water Coalition Quarterly Luncheon - NO CHARGE 0 0 15 7/28/2023 Otay Water District Agenda Briefing - NO CHARGE 0 0 16 7/31/2023 Otay Water District Salt Creek Ad Hoc Committee 0 0 14 40 $ 1,650 54 Miles GM Receipt: Date: ___________________ FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ _____________ Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($165 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Gary Croucher Period Covered: Employee Number: 7011 From: 07/05/23 To: 07/28/23 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED (Via Teleconference) MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 07/05/23 Otay Water District Regular monthly board meeting - - 2 07/18/23 Otay Water District GM & CWA REPS Ref staff issues meeting - - 3 07/19/23 Otay Water District Ref CEQA Review with GM & Staff - - 4 07/20/23 Otay Water District CPRL&L Committee Meeting - - 5 07/25/23 CWA Matters Meeting Met with Director Smith and GM Martinez to discuss CWA matters - - 6 07/26/23 East County Caucus Discuss East County issues with agencies and CWA - - 7 07/28/23 Otay Water District CEQA Update and Impacts Meeting - - Total Meeting Per Diem: $1,155 ($165 per diem) Total Mileage Claimed: miles 1896 From:7/1/23---7/31/23 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 7/3/2023 AD Hoc Mtg GM Evaluations 2 7/5/2023 OWD Board Mtg Monthly Board Meeting 3 7/8/2023 Otay Employee Picnic Annual Employee Picnic-no charge 4 7/16/2023 CSDA Class Completing Your Form 700 & Spotting Potential Conflicts of Interest 5 7/18/2023 COWU COWU luncheon-no charge 6 7/21/2023 CSDA Class 2023 Annual Employment Law Update 7 7/22/2023 CSDA Class 2023 Ethics AB 1234 Compliance Training 8 7/25/2023 CSDA Class Prevailing Wage Update 2023 9 7/27/2023 CSDA Class The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Cybersecurity 10 7/28/2023 SCWC Southern California Water Coalition Quarterly Luncheon (no charge) 11 7/30/2023 CSDA Class What Every Board Member Should Know $ 1,320.00 Miles GM Receipt: Date: ___________________ FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $_____________ Pay To: Ryan Keyes Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($165 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM 07/31/2023 (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Jose Lopez Period Covered: Employee Number: 7010 From: 07/01/23 To: 07/31/23 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 07/05/23 OWD Board Meeting Monthly Regular Board Meeting 19 2 07/06/23 FLOW Friendship Latinos on Water Meeting 19 3 07/08/23 OWD Otay Employee Picnic (NO CHARGE) 4 07/18/23 Council Of Water Utilities (COWU) COWU Quarterly Meeting 40 5 07/19/23 EO&WR Committee Meeting Monthly committee meeting to review and discuss items going to the August 2023 board meeting 19 6 07/25/23 OWD Water Conservation Garden Meeting 25 7 07/26/23 OWD/SWA Task Force Discuss Recycled Water Opportunities 8 Total Meeting Per Diem: $990 ($165 per diem) Total Mileage Claimed: 130 miles Tim Smith 1845 From: 7/1/2023 to 7/31/2023 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 7/5/2023 OWD Board Meeting Monthly Board Meeting 26 0 2 7/10/2023 San Diego LAFCO Mtg Attend LAFCO Meeting (Virtual) regarding detachment (impact to Otay)0 0 3 7/18/2023 SDCWA Matters Discuss SDCWA matters with GM and Dir. Croucher - GM Mtg 0 0 4 7/19/2023 SDCWA Matters - Legal Discuss SDCWA matters with GM and Dan Shinoff and Dir. Croucher 0 0 5 7/25/2023 SDCWA Matters Discuss SDCWA matters with GM and Dir. Croucher - SDCWA Mtg 0 0 6 7/26/2023 East County Caucus Dicuss East County issues with agencies and CWA 0 44 7 7/28/2023 SDCWA Matters - Legal Discuss SDCWA matters with GM and Dan Shinoff and Dir. Croucher 0 0 8 7/31/2023 Salt Creek Ad-Hoc Discuss Update on Salk Creek land sale 0 0 9 10 11 26 44 $ 1,320.00 70 Miles GM Receipt: OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($165 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: Date: __________