HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-01-23 Board Minutes1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY March 1, 2023. 1.The meeting was called to order by President Robak at 3:42 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present: Croucher, Keyes, Robak (Remotely Attended), and Smith Directors Absent: Director Lopez Staff Present: General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, Chief of Engineering Michael Long, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Chief of Operations Andrew Jackson, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Tita Ramos-Krogman and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Croucher, seconded by Director Smith, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Lopez to approve the agenda. 5.APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 4, 2023 A motion was made by Director Croucher, seconded by Director Smith, and carriedwith the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Lopez to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting of January 4, 2023. AGENDA ITEM 4 2 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. CONSENT ITEM 7. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Croucher, seconded by Director Keyes and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Lopez to approve the following consent calendar item: a) AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND THE DISTRICT FOR THE 624/340 PRESSURE REDUCING STATION AND 16-INCH PIPELINE FOR THE HERITAGE ROAD BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT (CIPS P2405 & P2553) b) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4423 FOR THE RACHEL VARGAS SEWER ANNEXATION, 1939 VEREDA COURT, EL CAJON, CA 92019, APN: 517-111-53-00 TO THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 18 (ANX-22-004) c) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4422 TO DESIGNATE DISTRICT STAFF AS AUTHORIZED AGENTS TO CAL OES ACTION ITEMS 8. BOARD a) DISCUSS THE 2022 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR District Secretary Tita Ramos-Krogman indicated that a Communications, Public Relations, Legal and Legislative Committee meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2023, at 12pm. There were no other changes to the board calendar. 3 9. ENGINEERING a) APPROVE WATER SUPPLY ASSESSMENT REPORT AND VERIFICATION (WSA&V REPORT) DATED FEBRUARY 2023 FOR THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA OTAY RANCH TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AS REQUIRED BY SENATE BILLS 610 AND 221 (D1152-090587) Environmental Specialist Lisa Coburn-Boyd provided a PowerPoint presentation to the board. In response to comments and a question from Director Smith, Ms. Coburn-Boyd stated that most recycled water is utilized by District residents. A motion was made by Director Keyes, seconded by Director Croucher, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Lopez to approve staff’s recommendation. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 10. ENGINEERING a) SECOND QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2023 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT The Board waived the staff report and PowerPoint presentation. b) UPDATE OF THE DISTRICT’S HAZARD MITIGATION ACTION PLAN The Board waived the staff report and PowerPoint presentation. REPORTS 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT General Manager Jose Martinez provided his GM Report to the board and discussed the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) Operating Budget Award, CSMFO Capital Budget Award, and Low Income Household Water Assistance Program. He also discussed that the Treatment Plant was placed on bypass mode while no discharge of recycled water occurred from February 1st to February 6th. 4 12. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE Director Smith shared that CWA discussed impacts from atmospheric rivers, its budget process, water supply allocation plan, MWD’s Board Retreat, climate change adaptation. He also provided an update from the February 28, 2023, MWD Board meeting. 13. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS Written reports from Directors Keyes and Smith were submitted to District Secretary Ramos-Krogman, which will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. 14. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Robak indicated that the board will be considering a Per Diem increase at the next board meeting. He also indicated that Helix Water District will be part of the OWD & Sweetwater Authority Task Force to Develop Recycled Water Opportunities. A written report from President Robak was submitted to District Secretary Ramos-Krogman and will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. 15. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 4:21 p.m. to discuss the following matters: a) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] NAME OF CLAIMANT: FOOTHILLS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH b) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to California Government Code §54956.8 Property: SALT CREEK GOLF COURSE 525 HUNTE PARKWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 Agency negotiator: General Counsel Under negotiation: Disposition of Property c) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL 5 Director Croucher left at 5:16 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 16. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION The board reconvened from closed session at 5:16 p.m. and General Counsel Dan Shinoff reported that the board took the following action: Agenda Item 14a, with a motion of 4-0, the board rejected the claim from Foothills United Methodist Church. No other reportable actions were taken. OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 17. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS There were no items scheduled for discussion for the Otay Water District Financing Authority board. 18. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Smith adjourned the meeting at 5:17 p.m. President ATTEST: District Secretary 1896 From:3/1/23---3/31/23 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 3/1/2023 OWD Board Mtg Monthly Board Meeting 2 3/1/2023 Special Districts Leadership Academy Leadership Academy (no charge) 3 3/5/2023 CSDA Class SB 1383 Reducing Short Lived Climate Pollutants in CA 4 3/10/2023 Mtg. with Joe & Kevin Mtg. to discuss details of Finance Dept. 5 3/12/2023 CSDA Class Prevailing Wage Update 2023 6 3/14/2023 CSDA Dinner Presenation on status of Colorado River (No Charge) 7 3/18/2023 CSDA Class Final Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Safety Standard 8 3/22/2023 CSDA Class Building Relationships with Your Lawmaker's District Office 9 3/29/2023 CSDA Class Is Your District Recession Ready? 10 3/31/2023 CSDA Class RatePayer Assistance and Water Shutoff Laws $ 1,264.00 Miles GM Receipt: Date: ___________________ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Ryan Keyes Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($158 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: 04/24/23 Pay To: Tim Smith OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Employee Number 1845 From: ITEM DATE I 3// I //2023 2 3/14/2023 3 3/15/2023 4 3/21/2023 5 3/22/2023 6 3/30/2023 7 8 9 10 Total Meeting Per Diem: (Sl58 PER i\lEETING) Total Mileage Claimed: GM Receipt: MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES OWD Board Meeting Monthly Board Meeting Colorado River Board Dinner Attended Colorado River Board Dinner and presemation by GM Martinez CW A Matters -Budget Discuss CWA preliminary Budget with Croucher and GIVI Martinez CWA Matters Discuss CWA Matters with GM Martinez and Director Croucher East County Caucus Dicuss East County issues with agencies and CWA SWP Tour Coordination Discuss SWP Tour Agenda with attendees for Meeting April tour $ 948.00 u1rcctor ::,igna1u,·e 118 Miles Date: q/r-z(-zo-Z. � FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ ____ _ Period Covered 3/1/2023 to 3/31/2023 MILEAGE 110!\IE i\llLEAGE TOOWDO\\'DTO OTHER IIOME LOCATIONS 26 0 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 0 26 92