HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-04-23 Board Packet1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 4, 2023 3:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL a) BOARD ACTION TO APPROVE REMOTE ATTENDANCE 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. WELCOMING OF THE NEW SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY GEN- ERAL MANAGER DAN DENHAM 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETINGS OF AUGUST 2, 2023, AND SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD’S JURISDICTION INCLUDING AN ITEM ON TODAY’S AGENDA Additionally, members of the public may submit their comments on agendized and non-agendized items by either of the following two methods: a) If you wish to provide public comment directly - that is, live during the “Public Participation” portion of the meeting - please complete and submit a Request to Speak Form before the start of the meeting. Call-in instructions will be sent to the email provided on the form. Your request to speak will be acknowledged during the “Public Participation” portion of the meeting when the Board will hear your comment. When called to speak, please state your Name and the City in which you reside. You will be provided three minutes to speak. The Board is not permitted to enter into a dialogue with the speaker during this time. 2 OR b) If you wish to have your comment read to the Board during the “Public Partic- ipation” portion of the meeting, please email your comment to BoardSecre- tary@otaywater.gov at least thirty minutes prior to the start of the meeting, and it will be read aloud during the “Public Participation” portion of the meet- ing. Please provide your Name and the City in which you reside, with your comment. Your comment must not take more than three minutes to read. The Board is not permitted to respond to written public comment during this time. The District’s meeting is live streamed. Information on how to watch and listen to the District’s meeting can be found at this link: https://otaywater.gov/board-of- directors/agenda-and-minutes/board-agenda/. CONSENT CALENDAR 7. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: a) APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO THE EXISTING CONTRACT WITH CCL CONTRACTING, INC. IN AN AMOUNT OF $62,366.00 FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF THE PASO DE LUZ/TELEGRAPH CANYON (CIP P2612) AND VISTA GRANDE/VISTA SIERRA (CIP P2616) WATERLINE REPLACE- MENT PROJECT ACTION ITEM 8. BOARD a) DISCUSS THE 2023 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR (RAMOS-KROGMAN) INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 9. THE FOLLOWING ITEM IS PROVIDED TO THE BOARD FOR INFORMA- TIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS: a) ANNUAL DIRECTORS’ EXPENSE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023 (PIN- ION) b) FISCAL YEAR 2023 YEAR-END REPORT OF THE DISTRICT’S FISCAL YEARS 2023-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN (KERR) 3 REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 11. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE 12. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS 13. PRESIDENT’S REPORT/REQUESTS RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 14. CLOSED SESSION a) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] NAME OF CLAIMANT: Mater Dei High School b) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION GOVERNMENT CODE 54956.9(d)(2) – 1 ITEM c) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOV- ERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 15. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION. OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 16. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS 17. ADJOURNMENT All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the District’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. 4 Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available by contacting the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to participate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on September 29, 2023, I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 72 hours in advance of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on September 29, 2023. /s/ Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary 1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY August 2, 2023 1.The meeting was called to order by President Robak at 3:30 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present:Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Directors Absent:Croucher Staff Present:General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, Chief of Engineering Michael Long, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Chief of Operations Andrew Jackson, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Tita Ramos-Krogman and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Lopez, seconded by Director Keyes, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Croucher to approve the agenda. 5.PRESENTATION OF AWARDS FOR THE 2023 “STUDENT POSTER CONTEST” WINNERS Communications Assistant Eileen Salmeron shared that the Otay Water District’s educational program invited K-12 students in its service area to create artwork for the 2023 “Student Poster Contest.” To reflect Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s new theme for its calendar art contest, the Otay Water District changed its theme from “Water is Life” to “Being water wise is…” Ms. Salmeron noted that the district did not receive any posters from high school students this year. She provided a PowerPoint presentation of the winners and their posters. Several of the winners were able to attend the meeting and responded to questions from the board. AGENDA ITEM 5 2 6.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. UCONSENT ITEM 7.ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Smith, seconded by Director Keyes and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Croucher to approve the following consent calendar items: a)AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS OF UP TO THE BUDGETED AMOUNT, AND ANY INFLATION ADJUSTMENTS IN ADDITION TO THE BUDGETED AMOUNTS, WHEN PRICING AND VEHICLES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THE PURCHASE OF THREE FLEET VEHICLES, ONE SKID STEER, AND TWO WATER TRAILERS, IN AN OVERALL COST OF $1,069,000; AND SURPLUS THE FOLLOWING UNITS: #174 A UTILITY TRUCK, #215 A DUMP TRUCK, #212 VACTOR TRUCK, AND #2561 SKID STEER b)ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4435 FOR THE JOSE MANUEL CARDENAS WATER ANNEXATION, 0 PROCTOR VALLEY ROAD, CHULA VISTA, CA 91914, APNS: 595-020-14-00 AND 595-020-53-00 TO THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT WATER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 22/27 c)AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) WITH THE SWEETWATER AUTHORITY FOR THE PLANNING OF THE JOINT SWEETWATER AUTHORITY (SWA) – OTAY WATER DISTRICT (OWD) RECYCLED WATER INTERTIE PROJECT ACTION ITEMS 8.BOARD a)APPROVE TO INCREASE THE CIP R2117 BUDGET BY $775,000 (FROM $3,500,000 TO $4,275,000); AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH GSE CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. (GSE) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RALPH W. CHAPMAN WATER RECLAMATION 3 FACILITY (RWCWRF) DISINFECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $3,491,400 Senior Civil Engineer Stephen Beppler provided a staff report to the board. In response to a question from Director Smith, Mr. Beppler stated that staff did consider factors that impacts the cost of the project, such as life expectancy, the reduction of chemical costs but an increase of ultraviolet light use that may increase electricity costs. Over the years, staff considered all aspects that may influence/impact the project’s cost. Director Keyes thanked staff for researching grant money to help fund this project. A motion was made by Director Smith, seconded by Director Keyes, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Croucher to approve the increase of the CIP R2117 Budget by $775,000 and authorize the general manager to execute an agreement with GSE Construction Co., Inc. for the construction of the RWCWRF Disinfection System Improvements Project in an amount not-to-exceed $3,491.400. b)DISCUSS THE 2023 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR District Secretary Tita Ramos-Krogman indicated that the Engineering, Operations and Water Resources Committee meeting will be held on August 22 instead of August 15. Director Smith stated that he will not be able to attend the November 1 board meeting. There were no other changes to the board calendar. UINFORMATIONAL ITEM 9.ITEMS ARE PROVIDED TO THE BOARD FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEM a)2023 CUSTOMER OPINION SURVEY Mr. Timothy McLarney, Ph.D., from TrueNorth Research presented the findings of the 2023 Customer Opinion Survey (see Attachment B of the staff report for details of the findings). He stated that the district received an 85% satisfactory rate which is a very solid report card when taking into consideration the significant impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. He provided opportunities for improvements and responded to comments and questions from the board. Mr. McLarney noted Director Smith’s comment of the importance of including conservation in the survey. 4 REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT Mr. Martinez provided his GM Report to the board and discussed the Advanced Clean Fleets Legislation, annual mowing services at Salt Creek, Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, and the drought and conservation update. 11. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE Director Smith discussed CWA’s 2023 Water Facilities Master Plan Update on scenarios, performance criteria, and initial supply and demand modeling results. He also discussed member agencies’ shutdowns in 2024, LAFCO matters, and AB 399 (Boerner). 12. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS Written reports from Directors Keyes, Lopez and Smith were submitted to District Secretary Ramos-Krogman, which will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. 13. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Robak provided an update on the Water Conservation Garden Authority. A written report from President Robak was submitted to District Secretary Ramos- Krogman and will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. U UUOTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 14. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS There were no items scheduled for discussion for the Otay Water District Financing Authority board. 15. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Robak adjourned the meeting at 5:18 p.m. President ATTEST: District Secretary Mark Robak 7014 From:7/1/2023 7/31/2023 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 7/3/2023 Otay Water District Ad-Hoc General Manager Evaluation Committee 0 0 2 7/5/2023 Otay Water District Board Meeting 7 0 3 7/6/2023 San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Sustainability & Industry Committee 0 0 4 7/7/2023 East County Chamber of Commerce First Friday Breakfast - NO CHARGE 0 0 5 7/8/2023 Otay Employee Picnic San Diego Zoo Safari Park - NO CHARGE 0 0 6 7/10/2023 San Diego LAFCO Discussion of Fallbrook & Rainbow detachment - NO CHARGE 0 0 7 7/12/2023 Otay Water District Committee Agenda Briefing - NO CHARGE 0 0 8 7/18/2023 Council of Water Utilities Serge Dedina speaking on Tijuana border pollution 0 40 9 7/19/2023 Otay Water District Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources (EO&WR) Committee 7 0 10 7/20/2023 Otay Water District Conservation, Public Relations, Legal, and Legislative (CPRL&L) Committee 0 0 11 7/25/2023 Water Conservation Garden JPA Board Meeting 0 0 12 7/26/2023 Otay Water District Otay & Sweetwater Authority Task Force Ad Hoc Committee 0 0 13 7/27/2023 Water Conservation Garden Friends of the Garden Board Meeting 0 0 14 7/28/2023 Southern California Water Coalition Quarterly Luncheon - NO CHARGE 0 0 15 7/28/2023 Otay Water District Agenda Briefing - NO CHARGE 0 0 16 7/31/2023 Otay Water District Salt Creek Ad Hoc Committee 0 0 14 40 $ 1,650 54 Miles GM Receipt: Date: ___________________ FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ _____________ Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($165 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Gary Croucher Period Covered: Employee Number: 7011 From: 07/05/23 To: 07/28/23 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED (Via Teleconference) MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 07/05/23 Otay Water District Regular monthly board meeting - - 2 07/18/23 Otay Water District GM & CWA REPS Ref staff issues meeting - - 3 07/19/23 Otay Water District Ref CEQA Review with GM & Staff - - 4 07/20/23 Otay Water District CPRL&L Committee Meeting - - 5 07/25/23 CWA Matters Meeting Met with Director Smith and GM Martinez to discuss CWA matters - - 6 07/26/23 East County Caucus Discuss East County issues with agencies and CWA - - 7 07/28/23 Otay Water District CEQA Update and Impacts Meeting - - Total Meeting Per Diem: $1,155 ($165 per diem) Total Mileage Claimed: miles 1896 From:7/1/23---7/31/23 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 7/3/2023 AD Hoc Mtg GM Evaluations 2 7/5/2023 OWD Board Mtg Monthly Board Meeting 3 7/8/2023 Otay Employee Picnic Annual Employee Picnic-no charge 4 7/16/2023 CSDA Class Completing Your Form 700 & Spotting Potential Conflicts of Interest 5 7/18/2023 COWU COWU luncheon-no charge 6 7/21/2023 CSDA Class 2023 Annual Employment Law Update 7 7/22/2023 CSDA Class 2023 Ethics AB 1234 Compliance Training 8 7/25/2023 CSDA Class Prevailing Wage Update 2023 9 7/27/2023 CSDA Class The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Cybersecurity 10 7/28/2023 SCWC Southern California Water Coalition Quarterly Luncheon (no charge) 11 7/30/2023 CSDA Class What Every Board Member Should Know $ 1,320.00 Miles GM Receipt: Date: ___________________ FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $_____________ Pay To: Ryan Keyes Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($165 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM 07/31/2023 (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Jose Lopez Period Covered: Employee Number: 7010 From: 07/01/23 To: 07/31/23 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 07/05/23 OWD Board Meeting Monthly Regular Board Meeting 19 2 07/06/23 FLOW Friendship Latinos on Water Meeting 19 3 07/08/23 OWD Otay Employee Picnic (NO CHARGE) 4 07/18/23 Council Of Water Utilities (COWU) COWU Quarterly Meeting 40 5 07/19/23 EO&WR Committee Meeting Monthly committee meeting to review and discuss items going to the August 2023 board meeting 19 6 07/25/23 OWD Water Conservation Garden Meeting 25 7 07/26/23 OWD/SWA Task Force Discuss Recycled Water Opportunities 8 Total Meeting Per Diem: $990 ($165 per diem) Total Mileage Claimed: 130 miles Tim Smith 1845 From: 7/1/2023 to 7/31/2023 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 7/5/2023 OWD Board Meeting Monthly Board Meeting 26 0 2 7/10/2023 San Diego LAFCO Mtg Attend LAFCO Meeting (Virtual) regarding detachment (impact to Otay)0 0 3 7/18/2023 SDCWA Matters Discuss SDCWA matters with GM and Dir. Croucher - GM Mtg 0 0 4 7/19/2023 SDCWA Matters - Legal Discuss SDCWA matters with GM and Dan Shinoff and Dir. Croucher 0 0 5 7/25/2023 SDCWA Matters Discuss SDCWA matters with GM and Dir. Croucher - SDCWA Mtg 0 0 6 7/26/2023 East County Caucus Dicuss East County issues with agencies and CWA 0 44 7 7/28/2023 SDCWA Matters - Legal Discuss SDCWA matters with GM and Dan Shinoff and Dir. Croucher 0 0 8 7/31/2023 Salt Creek Ad-Hoc Discuss Update on Salk Creek land sale 0 0 9 10 11 26 44 $ 1,320.00 70 Miles GM Receipt: OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($165 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: Date: __________ 1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY September 6, 2023 1.The meeting was called to order by President Robak at 3:34 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present:Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Directors Absent:None Staff Present:General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, Chief of Engineering Michael Long, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Chief of Operations Andrew Jackson, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Tita Ramos-Krogman and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Croucher, seconded by Director Smith, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the agenda. 5.APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF JUNE 14, 2023 AND REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF JULY 5, 2023 A motion was made by Director Keyes, seconded by Director Lopez, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None AGENDA ITEM 5 2 to approve the minutes of the special board meeting of June 14, 2023, and regular board meeting of July 5, 2023. 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. UCONSENT ITEM 7. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Smith, seconded by Director Keyes and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the following consent calendar items: a) AWARD TWO (2) PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENTS FOR AS- NEEDED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES AND TO AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE TWO AGREEMENTS WITH LEIGHTON CONSULTING, INC. AND NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES CONSULTANTS, INC. EACH IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $175,000. THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE TWO (2) CONTRACTS WILL NOT EXCEED $175,000 DURING FISCAL YEARS 2024, 2025, AND 2026 (ENDING JUNE 30, 2026) b) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4436 TO UPDATE THE DISTRICT’S CODE OF ORDINANCES’ BOARD POLICY NO. 13, USE OF DISTRICT BOARD ROOM/MEETING ROOM c) AWARD A CONTRACT TO TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. TO UPGRADE THE DISTRICT’S ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) SYSTEM IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $2,092,345.00 ACTION ITEMS 8. BOARD a) RECEIVE AND DIRECT STAFF WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR THE ACWA 2023 REGIONAL 10 BALLOT 3 A motion was made by Director Smith, seconded by Director Croucher, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to nominate the following individuals for the ACWA 2023 Regional 10 board: o Dana Friehauf, Chair o Charles T. Gibson, Vice Chair o Jose Martinez, Board Member (San Diego County) o Manny Delgado, Board Member (San Diego County) o George Murdoch, Board Member (Orange County) o Deborah Neev, Board Member (Orange County) b) DISCUSS THE 2023 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR Director Smith indicated that he would not be able to make the November 1 board meeting and asked if it could be moved to November 8. A motion was made by Director Croucher, seconded by Director Keyes, and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to move the November 1 meeting to November 8, 2023. General Manager Jose Martinez indicated that the December board meeting will be dark. However, there will be committee meetings either the first or second week of December. There were no other changes to the board calendar. U INFORMATIONAL ITEM 9. ITEMS ARE PROVIDED TO THE BOARD FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEM a) FOURTH QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2023 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Engineering Manager Kevin Cameron provided a PowerPoint presentation to the board and responded to their comments and questions. 4 REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT Mr. Martinez provided his GM Report to the board and discussed the Excellence in Procurement Award 2023 and State Water Resources Control Board Honorable Mention Award. He noted that the District’s early application submittal earned recognition for the Laboratory from the State as “Early The NELAC Institute (TNI) Adopters.” 11. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE Director Smith shared that CWA’s Finance Committee discussed OPEB and Calpers matters and that he will report back to Otay Water District’s board with an update. He also provided an update on Direct Potable Reuse Regulations and CWA’s Annual Retreat on September 7, 2023. Director Croucher shared that CWA finalized the contract for the new General Manager Dan Denham. He also provided an update on the Colorado River solutions and CWA’s participation in the IRP Program. In addition, he commended Director Tim Smith and other MWD delegates for their role in improving the relationship between MWD and CWA. 12. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS Written reports from Directors Croucher, Keyes, Lopez and Smith were submitted to District Secretary Ramos-Krogman, which will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. 13. PRESIDENT’S REPORT A written report from President Robak was submitted to District Secretary Ramos- Krogman and will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. 14. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 4:38 p.m. to discuss the following matters: a) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to California Government Code §54956.8 Property: SALT CREEK GOLF COURSE 525 HUNTE PARWAY CHULAVISTA, CA 91914 Agency negotiator: General Counsel Under negotiation: Disposition of Property 5 c) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 15. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION. The board reconvened from closed session at 6:06 p.m. and General Counsel Dan Shinoff reported that no reportable actions were taken in closed session. U UUOTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 16. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS There were no items scheduled for discussion for the Otay Water District Financing Authority board. 17. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Robak adjourned the meeting at 6:06 p.m. President ATTEST: District Secretary Mark Robak 7014 From:8/1/2023 8/31/2023 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 8/2/2023 Lunch with Neal Meyers Lunch to discuss water issues in region - NO CHARGE 0 0 2 8/2/2023 Otay Water District Board Meeting 7 0 3 8/4/2023 East County Chamber of Commerce First Friday Breakfast at Sycuan - NO CHARGE 0 0 4 8/9/2023 Water Conservation Garden Special JPA Board Meeting - NO CHARGE 0 0 5 8/11/2023 Otay Water District Committee Agenda Briefing - NO CHARGE 0 0 6 8/14/2023 Otay Water District Directors Quarterly Meeting - NO CHARGE 0 0 7 8/15/2023 San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Leadership Delegation to Sacramento 0 71 8 8/16/2023 San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Leadership Delegation to Sacramento 0 71 9 8/17/2023 CSDA Dinner Speaker on Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) - NO CHARGE 0 31 10 8/22/2023 Otay Water District Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources (EO&WR) Committee - NO CHARGE 7 0 11 8/23/2023 Urban Water Institute Annual Conference 0 44 12 8/24/2023 Urban Water Institute Annual Conference 0 44 13 8/25/2023 Urban Water Institute Annual Conference 0 44 14 8/27/2023 CSDA Annual Conference Special districts education and networking event - NO CHARGE 0 71 15 8/28/2023 CSDA Annual Conference Special districts education and networking event 0 0 16 8/29/2023 CSDA Annual Conference Special districts education and networking event 0 0 17 8/30/2023 CSDA Annual Conference Special districts education and networking event 0 0 18 8/31/2023 CSDA Annual Conference Special districts education and networking event 0 71 19 8/31/2023 Otay Water District Agenda Briefing - NO CHARGE 0 0 14 447 $ 1,650 461 Miles GM Receipt: Date: ___________________ FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ _____________ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($165 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: 09/13/23 (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Gary Croucher Period Covered: Employee Number: 7011 From: 08/11/23 To: 08/31/23 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED (Via Teleconference) MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 08/11/23 Otay Water District CEQA discussion with GM and General Counsel - - 2 08/15/23 Otay Water District Met with GM and Director Smith to discuss regional issues. - - 3 08/22/23 CWA Matters Meeting Met with Director Smith and GM Martinez to discuss CWA matters - - 4 08/23/23 East County Caucus Discuss East County issues with agencies and CWA - - 5 08/31/23 Otay Water District Ethics Training - - Total Meeting Per Diem: $825 ($165 per diem) Total Mileage Claimed: miles 1896 From:8/1/23---8/31/23 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 8/2/2023 OWD Bosrd Mtg Monthly Board Meeting 2 8/11/2023 GM Mtg Quarterly GM Mtg 3 8/16/2023 F&A Committee Mtg Monthly F&A Committee Mtg 4 8/19/2023 CSDA Class CA Voting Rights Act Challenges to At-Large Board Elections 5 8/28/2023 CSDA Annual Conference CSDA Annual Conference 6 8/29/2023 CSDA Annual Conference CSDA Annual Conference 7 8/30/2023 CSDA Annual Conference CSDA Annual Conference 8 8/31/2023 CSDA Annual Conference CSDA Annual Conference 9 10 $ 1,320.00 Miles GM Receipt: Date: ___________________ FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $_____________ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Ryan Keyes Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($165 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Jose Lopez Period Covered: Employee Number: 7010 From: 08/01/23 To: 08/31/23 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 08/01/23 FLOW Friendship Latinos on Water Meeting 8 2 0/8/02/23 OWD Board Meeting Monthly Regular Board Meeting 19 3 08/15/23 San Diego Chamber of Commerce Sacramento Delegation Meeting 4 08/16/23 San Diego Chamber of Commerce Sacramento Delegation Meeting (NO CHARGE) 5 08/17/23 California Special Districts Association Quarterly Dinner Meeting 40 6 08/22/23 EO&WR Committee Meeting Monthly committee meeting to review and discuss items going to the September 2023 board meeting 19 7 08/23/23 Urban Water Institute (UWI) Attended UWI Conference 50 8 08/24/23 Urban Water Institute (UWI) Attended UWI Conference 50 9 08/25/23 Urban Water Institute (UWI) Attended UWI Conference 50 10 08/25/23 South County Economic Development Council Meeting with Mr. Padilla and Mr. Alvarez (NO CHARGE) 11 08/28/23 California Special Districts Association Attended Leadership Conference (NO CHARGE) 12 08/29/23 California Special Districts Association Attended Leadership Conference (NO CHARGE) 13 08/30/23 California Special Districts Association Attended Leadership Conference 14 08/31/23 California Special Districts Association Attended Leadership Conference 22 Total Meeting Per Diem: $1,650 ($165 per diem) Total Mileage Claimed: 258 miles Tim Smith 1845 From: 8/1/2023 to 8/31/2023 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 8/2/2023 OWD Board Meeting Monthly Board Meeting 26 0 2 8/9/2023 Qrtly. Otay Dir. Meeting Discuss Otay issues with GM 0 0 3 8/11/2023 SDCWA Matters - Legal Discuss SDCWA matters with GM and Dan Shinoff and Dir. Croucher 0 0 4 8/15/2023 SDCWA Matters Discuss SDCWA matters with GM and Dir. Croucher - SDCWA Mtg 0 0 5 8/16/2023 Finance & Admin Committee Mtg Discuss Finance & Administrative issues for next Board Mtg 26 0 6 8/22/2023 SDCWA Matters Discuss SDCWA matters with GM and Dir. Croucher - SDCWA Mtg 0 0 7 8/23/2023 East County Caucus Dicuss East County issues with agencies and CWA 0 44 8 8/23/2023 Salt Creek Ad-Hoc Discuss Update on Salk Creek land sale (NO CHARGE)0 0 9 8/24/2023 APWA Conference - Dinner Mtg Dicuss regional water issues at dinner meeting 0 40 10 11 52 84 $ 1,320.00 136 Miles GM Receipt: Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($165 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Date: __________ STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: October 4, 2023 SUBMITTED BY: Kevin Cameron Engineering Manager PROJECT: P2612-001103 P2616-001103 DIV. NO. 4&5 APPROVED BY: Michael Long, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Approve Change Order No. 2 to the Contract with CCL Contracting, Inc. for the Paso de Luz/Telegraph Canyon (CIP P2612) and Vista Grande/Vista Sierra (CIP P2616) Waterline Replacement Project GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) approve Change Order No. 2 to the existing contract with CCL Contracting, Inc. (CCL) in an amount of $62,366.00 for the construction of the Paso de Luz/Telegraph Canyon (CIP P2612) and Vista Grande/Vista Sierra (CIP P2616) Waterline Replacement Project (see Exhibits A and B for Project locations). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $62,366.00 to the construction contract with CCL for the Paso de Luz/Telegraph Canyon (CIP P2612) and Vista Grande/Vista Sierra (CIP P2616) Waterline Replacement Project (Project). AGENDA ITEM 7a 2 ANALYSIS: P2612 - Paso De Luz/Telegraph Canyon Road The existing 711 Pressure Zone (PZ) ductile iron waterline between Paso de Luz and Telegraph Canyon Road, located in the City of Chula Vista, runs within a District easement up a steep sloped vegetated embankment. Excessive leakage on the line required the pipeline to be taken out of service and designated for replacement. P2616 - Vista Grande/Vista Sierra The existing 978 Pressure Zone (PZ) 14-inch steel pipe that runs between Vista Grande Road and Vista Sierra Road, located in the Hillsdale area of San Diego County, was constructed in 1959. Several water main breaks have occurred in the area on similar steel piping installed under the same contract has led to a determination that the pipeline has reached the end of its useful life and should be replaced. This is the first of two phases to replace the steel waterline in this area, with the second phase to be assessed based on findings during construction of phase one. At the April 6, 2022 Board Meeting, the Board awarded a construction contract in the amount of $1,627,440.00 to CCL to construct approximately 1,750 linear feet of 12-inch waterline along with the associated work and appurtenances. To date, one change order has been approved on the construction contract, which totaled $54,906.37, and was approved under the General Manager’s authority. It compensated CCL for modifications to the alignment due to existing utility locations not matching the plans and in conflict with the proposed alignment. The vertical alignment required multiple modifications to avoid the utilities. In addition, a blow off was extended 18 feet to relocate it out of a driveway. This change order also added ten (10) calendar days to the contract for a new completion date of May 15, 2023. Change Order No. 2, which is the subject of this staff report, will close out the project and consists of eight (8) items for the Paso de Luz project and four (4) items for Vista Sierra as well as adjustments to the allowance bid items. The descriptions are listed below and detailed in Exhibit C: P2616 - Vista Grande/Vista Sierra 1. Convert the water service at Sta. 10+40 to a sample station and connect the exiting water service at Sta. 10+41 to the 1200 pressure zone. The cost of this work is $27,617.03. 3 2. Extend the fire hydrant at Sta. 24+94 approximately 15 feet and 2.5 feet deeper due to utility conflict. The cost of this work is $1,845.48. 3. Install high deflection couplings at Sta. 11+80, 13+13, 14+86, and 15+80 to avoid a gas utility conflict not shown on plans. The cost of this work is $1,744.71. 4. Extend the blow off at Sta. 10+76 approximately 18 feet to move the blow off outside the asphalt driveway and into the dirt slope. The cost of this work is $6,541.36. 5. Grind and cap with asphalt concrete the access road between Sta. 10+69 and 14+50. The cost of this work is $31,918.41. 6. Delayed costs incurred by the contractor due to canceled tie-in on 5/25/23 due to excessive water from leaking District valves. The cost of this work is $10,220.27. 7. Additional shoring cost due to canceled 5/25/23 tie-in rescheduled for 6/1/23. The cost of this work is $1,736.09. 8. Increase Bid Item #41-AC Pavement-Private Driveways by 432 SF@ $6/SF = $2,592.00. P2612 - Paso De Luz/Telegraph Canyon Road 1. Delay due to migratory birds discovered on site after mobilization. The cost of this work is $4,740.25. Two (2) calendar days are added for this work. 2. Increase restoration area for Helix Environmental for slope restoration for Paseo De Luz/Telegraph Canyon work. The cost of this work is a CREDIT of $15,716.80. Zero (0) calendar days are added for this work. 3. Increase Bid Item #13-AC Pavement Telegraph Canyon Road by 756 SF@ $48.70/SF = $36,817.20. 4. Decrease Bid Item #14-AC Pavement Paseo De Luz by 4 SF@ $100/SF = <$400.00>. Allowances 1. Reduce Bid Item 44 - Rock Removal by Hydraulic Breaking Method by 89 CY @ $110/CY = <$9,790.00>. 2. Reduce Bid Item 45 - Rock Removal by Chemical Breaking Method by 100 CY @ $110/CY = <$10,000.00>. 3. Reduce Bid Item 46 - Unsuitable soils by 100 CY @ $28/CY = <$2,800.00>. 4. Reduce Bid Item 47 - Additional potholes by 8 EA @ $1,100/EA = <$8,800.00>. 5. Reduce Bid Item 48 - Utility crossings not shown on plans by 3 EA @ $1,100/EA = <$3,300.00>. 6. Reduce Bid Item 49 - Unknown utilities by 1 LS @ $10,000/LS = <$10,000.00>. 7. Reduce Bid Item 50 - Caving soil over excavation by 100 CY @ $11/CY = <$1,100.00>. 4 8. Reduce Bid Item 51 - Replace existing meter box with new meter box by 5 EA @ $300/EA = <$1,500.00>. In total, the cost associated with the items in Change Order No. 2 is an increase in the contract amount of $62,366.00 and added 60 days for a total contract amount of $1,744,712.37 with a revised construction duration of 340 calendar days. CCL met the contract completion date and obtained substantial completion for the contract on July 14, 2023. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budget for CIP P2612, as approved in the FY 2024 budget, is $1,250,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast, including this contract, are $836,526. See Attachment B-1 for the budget detail. The total budget for CIP P2616, as approved in the FY 2024 budget, is $4,200,000. Total expenditures for phase one of the project, plus outstanding commitments and forecast, including this contract, are $1,681,796. See Attachment B-2 for the budget details. Based on a review of both financial budgets for CIP P2612 and P2616, the Project Manager anticipates the Project will be completed within the budgeted amounts. The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate model, 100% of the funding for CIPs P2612 and P2616 is available from the Replacement Fund. GRANTS/LOANS: Engineering staff researched and explored grants and loans and found none were available for this Project. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." LEGAL IMPACT: None. 5 KC/MJL:jf C:\OneDrive\Otay Water District\ENG CIP - Documents\P2612 10-inch PL Replacement, 711 Zone, Paso de Luz\Staff Reports\CO#2-2023-10-04\BD 10-04-23 Staff Report CO 2 for Paso de Luz & Vista Sierra Pipeline Replacement.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B-1 – Budget Detail for P2612 Attachment B-2 – Budget Detail for P2616 Exhibit A – P2612 Project Location Map Exhibit B – P2616 Project Location Map Exhibit C – Change Order No. 2 ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2612-001103 P2616-001103 Approve Change Order No. 2 to the Contract with CCL Contracting, Inc. for the Paso de Luz/Telegraph Canyon (CIP P2612) and Vista Grande/Vista Sierra (CIP P2616) Waterline Replacement Project COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on September 19, 2023, and made the following comments: • Staff recommended that the board approve Change Order No. 2 to the existing contract with CCL Contracting, Inc. (CCL) in an amount of $62,366.00 for the construction of the Paso de Luz/Telegraph Canyon (CIP P2612) and Vista Grande/Vista Sierra (CIP P2616) Waterline Replacement Project. • It was indicated by staff that most of the cost increases for the project were due to vertical alignment changes to avoid dry utilities. • In response to a question from the Committee, staff stated that the CIP P2612 cost increase included a delay due to a migratory bird nest discovered on site after mobilization. The cost was $4,740.25 and delayed the project for approximately two and a half weeks. The Committee stated that this incident should be shared in the District’s Pipeline Newsletter as it might give customers some insight as to some of the unanticipated issues the District experiences. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board as a Consent Item. ATTACHMENT B-1 – Budget Detail for P2612 SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2612-001103 P2616-001103 Approve Change Order No. 2 to the Contract with CCL Contracting, Inc. for the Paso de Luz/Telegraph Canyon (CIP P2612) and Vista Grande/Vista Sierra (CIP P2616) Waterline Replacement Project 9/7/2023 Budget 1,250,000 Planning Consultant Contract $4,940 $4,940 $0 $4,940 WSC INC $450 $450 $0 $450 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL Regulatory Agency Fees $50 $50 $0 $50 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Standard Salaries $34,840 $34,840 $0 $34,840 Total Planning $40,280 $40,280 $0 $40,280 Design Construction Contracts $20,430 $20,430 $0 $20,430 KOCH GENERAL ENG INC Consultant Contracts $6,230 $6,230 $0 $6,230 COFFMAN ENG INC $10,700 $10,700 $0 $10,700 NINYO & MOORE $6,000 $6,000 $0 $6,000 STC TRAFFIC INC $90,066 $90,066 $0 $90,066 HAZEN AND SAWYER Service Contracts $12 $12 $0 $12 DAILY JOURNAL Standard Salaries $67,277 $67,277 $0 $67,277 Total Design $200,715 $200,715 $0 $200,715 Construction Construction Contract $492,300 $492,300 $0 $492,300 CCL CONTRACTING INC $0 $0 $0 $0 CCL CCO#1 $1,796 $0 $1,796 $1,796 CCL CCO#2 Service Contracts $907 $907 $0 $907 ABC IMAGING $42 $42 $0 $42 DAILY JOURNAL Consultant Contracts $3,215 $3,215 $0 $3,215 HAZEN AND SAWYER $1,030 $1,030 $0 $1,030 CLARKSON LAB & SUPPLY $11,241 $11,241 $0 $11,241 KENNY CONSULTING INC $30,000 $17,386 $12,614 $30,000 VALLEY CM Standard Salaries $55,000 $41,095 $13,905 $55,000 Total Construction $595,531 $567,216 $28,315 $595,531 Grand Total $836,526 $808,211 $28,315 $836,526 P2612 - Paso de Luz/Telegraph Canyon 711 PZ WL Replacement Project Budget Details Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost Vendor/Comments ATTACHMENT B-2 – Budget Detail for P2616 SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2612-001103 P2616-001103 Approve Change Order No. 2 to the Contract with CCL Contracting, Inc. for the Paso de Luz/Telegraph Canyon (CIP P2612) and Vista Grande/Vista Sierra (CIP P2616) Waterline Replacement Project 9/7/2023 Budget 4,200,000 Planning Consultant Contract $5,970 $5,970 $0 $5,970 WSC INC Regulatory Agency Fees $50 $50 $0 $50 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Standard Salaries $31,240 $31,240 $0 $31,240 Total Planning $37,260 $37,260 $0 $37,260 Design Regulatory Agency Fees $312 $312 $0 $312 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Consultant Contracts $1,965 $1,965 $0 $1,965 WSC INC $17,120 $17,120 $0 $17,120 NINYO & MOORE $5,760 $5,760 $0 $5,760 PSOMAS $115,260 $115,260 $0 $115,260 HAZEN AND SAWYER Service Contracts $500 $500 $0 $500 CHICAGO TITLE $12 $12 $0 $12 DAILY JOURNAL Standard Salaries $92,752 $92,752 $0 $92,752 Total Design $233,681 $233,681 $0 $233,681 Construction Construction Contract $1,135,140 $1,135,140 $0 $1,135,140 CCL CONTRACTING INC $54,906 $54,906 $0 $54,906 CCL CCO #1 $60,570 $0 $60,570 $60,570 CCL CCO #2 Service Contracts $907 $907 $0 $907 ABC IMAGING $42 $42 $0 $42 DAILY JOURNAL Consultant Contracts $4,290 $4,290 $0 $4,290 HAZEN AND SAWYER $30,000 $27,164 $2,836 $30,000 VALLEY CM Standard Salaries $125,000 $112,030 $12,970 $125,000 Total Construction $1,410,855 $1,334,479 $76,375 $1,410,855 Grand Total $1,681,796 $1,605,420 $76,376 $1,681,796 P2616 - Vista Grande/Vista Sierra 978 PZ WL Replacement Project Budget Details Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost Vendor/Comments OTAY WATER DISTRICT PASO DE LUZ WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECTLOCATION MAPEXHIBIT A CIP P2612F C:\Users\donald.bienvenue\Otay Water District\ENG CIP - Documents\P2612 10-inch PL Replacement, 711 Zone, Paso de Luz\Graphics\Exhibits-Figures\P2612 NOE-Location Map.mxd NEW WATER PIPELINE 0 220110 Feet !\ VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE DIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ÃÅ54 ÃÅ125 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ905 §¨¦805 FNTS TELEGRAPH CANYON RD MEDICAL CENTER DR P A S O D E L U Z OTAY WATER DISTRICTVISTA GRANDE/VISTA SIERRA WATER LINEREPLACEMENT PROJECTLOCATION MAP EXHIBIT B CIP P2616F C:\Users\donald.bienvenue\Otay Water District\ENG CIP - Documents\P2612 10-inch PL Replacement, 711 Zone, Paso de Luz\Graphics\Exhibits-Figures\P2616 Exhibit B-Location Map.mxd NEW 12" WATER MAIN 0 325162.5 Feet !\ VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE DIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ÃÅ54 ÃÅ125 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ905 §¨¦805 FNTS VISTA GRANDE RD PENCE DR VISTA SIE R R A DR STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board Meeting MEETING DATE: October 4, 2023 SUBMITTED BY: Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary W.O./G.F. NO: DIV. NO. APPROVED BY: Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Board of Directors 2023 Calendar of Meetings GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: At the request of the Board, the attached Board of Director’s meeting calendar 2023 is being presented for discussion. PURPOSE: This staff report is being presented to provide the Board the opportunity to review the 2023 Board of Director’s meeting calendar and amend the schedules as needed. COMMITTEE ACTION: N/A ANALYSIS: The Board requested that this item be presented at each meeting so they may have an opportunity to review the Board meeting calendar schedule and amend it as needed. STRATEGIC GOAL: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: None. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachment: Calendar of Meeting for 2023 G:\UserData\DistSec\WINWORD\STAFRPTS\Board Meeting Calendar 10-04-23.doc AGENDA ITEM 8a Board of Directors, Workshops and Committee Meetings 2023 Regular Board Meetings: Special Board or Committee Meetings (3rd Wednesday of Each Month or as Noted) January 4, 2023 February 1, 2023 March 1, 2023 April 5, 2023 May 3, 2023 June 7, 2023 July 5, 2023 August 2, 2023 September 6, 2023 October 4, 2023 November 8, 2023 December 6, 2023 January 18, 2023 February 15, 2023 March 15, 2023 April 19, 2023 May 17, 2023 June 21, 2023 July 19, 2023 August 16, 2023 September 20, 2023 October 18, 2023 November 15, 2023 December 20, 2023 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: October 4, 2023 SUBMITTED BY: Amy Pinion, Accountant PROJECT: DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2023 Board of Directors’ Expenses GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To present the Board of Directors’ expenses for Fiscal Year 2023. ANALYSIS: California Government Code Section 53065.5 mandates that special districts must, at least annually, disclose any reimbursements paid by a district within the immediately preceding fiscal year. This requirement is echoed in the District’s Code of Ordinances Policy 8. To meet these requirements, staff prepares and presents the Board of Directors’ expenses on an annual basis. The table on the following page summarizes the reimbursements and per diems paid by the District for Fiscal Year 2023, with detailed information available in Attachments C-H. AGENDA ITEM 9a 2 The table above displays the expenses by category and Director. The expenses totaled $108,010.14 with $61,998.00, or 57.4%, of the expenses stemming from Director’s Fees. FISCAL IMPACT: None. STRATEGIC GOAL: Prudently manage District funds. LEGAL IMPACT: Compliance with California law and District Code of Ordinance Policy 8. Attachments: Attachment A: Committee Action Attachment B: Directors’ Expenses and Per Diems Presentation Attachments C-H: Directors’ Expenses Details ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: Fiscal Year 2023 Board of Directors’ Expenses COMMITTEE ACTION: This item was presented to the Finance and Administration Committee on September 20, 2023, and the following comments were made: • Staff provided a PowerPoint presentation to the Committee. See Attachment B of the staff report for details. • Staff indicated that expenses totaled $108,010.14 and noted that it came in approximately $10,000 under budget. The Committee commented that it was nice to see that the FY 2023 Board of Directors’ Expenses was under budget. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board as an informational item. BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ EXPENSES AND PER DIEMS Finance and Administration Committee September 20, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting October 4, 2023 Attachment B California Government Code Section 53065.5 and Otay Water District’s Code of Ordinances Policy 8 require that staff present the Expenses and Per Diems for the Board of Directors on an annual basis: •Fiscal Year 2023. •The expenses are shown by Board member and expense type. •The information is presented in alphabetical order. Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Total 5214 Business Meetings -$ -$ -$ -$ 60.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60.00$ 5281 Director's Fees 304.00 456.00 456.00 632.00 316.00 - 474.00 316.00 1,264.00 316.00 790.00 158.00 5,482.00 5211 Mileage - Business - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5211 Mileage - Commuting - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5213 Seminars and Conferences 760.00 - - - - - - - - - - - 760.00 5212 Travel - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5222 Community Events - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total 1,064.00$ 456.00$ 456.00$ 632.00$ 376.00$ -$ 474.00$ 316.00$ 1,264.00$ 316.00$ 790.00$ 158.00$ 6,302.00$ 5214 Business Meetings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5281 Director's Fees 912.00 760.00 304.00 948.00 1,106.00 632.00 1,106.00 1,264.00 1,264.00 1,264.00 1,422.00 1,106.00 12,088.00 5211 Mileage - Business - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5211 Mileage - Commuting - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5213 Seminars and Conferences - - - 620.00 - 431.66 - 735.00 - - - 65.00 1,851.66 5212 Travel - - - - - - - 856.93 - - - - 856.93 5222 Community Events - - - - - - - - - - - - - 912.00$ 760.00$ 304.00$ 1,568.00$ 1,106.00$ 1,063.66$ 1,106.00$ 2,855.93$ 1,264.00$ 1,264.00$ 1,422.00$ 1,171.00$ 14,796.59$ 5214 Business Meetings -$ 120.00$ -$ -$ 55.00$ -$ -$ 60.00$ -$ -$ -$ 90.00$ 325.00$ 5281 Director's Fees 1,520.00 760.00 1,216.00 1,264.00 790.00 158.00 316.00 1,580.00 790.00 1,106.00 1,580.00 948.00 12,028.00 5211 Mileage - Business - - - - - - - - 30.13 - 26.20 13.10 69.43 5211 Mileage - Commuting - 31.25 47.50 35.63 65.63 11.88 12.45 60.92 - 26.20 43.23 37.34 372.02 5213 Seminars and Conferences 760.00 - - 1,400.00 - 675.00 799.00 - 2,715.00 - - - 6,349.00 5212 Travel 1,610.90 167.20 1,809.39 1,751.96 - -413.46 697.42 101.80 1,256.53 1,712.64 - 9,521.30 5222 Community Events - - - - - -- - - - - - - 3,890.90$ 1,078.45$ 3,072.89$ 4,451.59$ 910.63$ 844.88$ 1,540.91$ 2,398.34$ 3,636.93$ 2,388.73$ 3,362.07$ 1,088.44$ 28,664.75$ 5214 Business Meetings 85.00$ 150.00$ 145.00$ 80.00$ 30.00$ -$ 28.03$ 75.00$ 25.00$ -$ 125.00$ 85.00$ 828.03$ 5281 Director's Fees 1,520.00 1,520.00 1,520.00 1,422.00 1,422.00 1,106.00 1,580.00 1,580.00 1,580.00 1,580.00 1,580.00 1,580.00 17,990.00 5211 Mileage - Business 67.50 277.50 25.00 213.13 128.13 176.25 50.44 72.05 99.56 119.21 71.40 19.65 1,319.82 5211 Mileage - Commuting 4.38 - 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 9.17 13.76 16.38 9.17 9.17 18.34 97.89 5213 Seminars and Conferences 1,335.00 725.00 275.00 1,400.00 - - 1,419.00 - 2,715.00 - - - 7,869.00 5212 Travel 1,610.90 713.41 2,119.22 1,995.55 43.05 1,197.00 413.46 1,159.22 173.61 1,438.53 1,269.99 - 12,133.94 5222 Community Events - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total 4,622.78$ 3,385.91$ 4,088.60$ 5,115.06$ 1,627.56$ 2,483.63$ 3,500.10$ 2,900.03$ 4,609.55$ 3,146.91$ 3,055.56$ 1,702.99$ 40,238.68$ JOSE LOPEZ (DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT F) MARK ROBAK (DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT G) OTAY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - BOARD JULY 1, 2022 - JUNE 30, 2023 GARY CROUCHER (DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT D) RYAN KEYES (DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT E) Page 1 of 2 Attachment C Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Total OTAY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - BOARD JULY 1, 2022 - JUNE 30, 2023 5214 Business Meetings -$ 36.98$ -$ -$ 19.03$ -$ -$ 38.92$ 25.00$ 76.00$ 38.44$ 82.00$ 316.37$ 5281 Director's Fees 1,064.00 912.00 1,216.00 948.00 948.00 1,580.00 1,264.00 1,106.00 948.00 1,580.00 1,580.00 1,264.00 14,410.00 5211 Mileage - Business - 27.50 - 30.00 97.50 - 175.54 55.02 60.26 168.99 31.44 49.78 696.03 5211 Mileage - Commuting 21.25 - 90.00 32.50 16.25 32.50 17.03 34.06 17.03 51.09 68.12 51.09 430.92 5213 Seminars and Conferences - - - - - - - 815.00 - - - - 815.00 5212 Travel - - - - - - - 533.80 - 200.60 605.40 - 1,339.80 5222 Community Events - - - - - - - - - -- - - Total 1,085.25$ 976.48$ 1,306.00$ 1,010.50$ 1,080.78$ 1,612.50$ 1,456.57$ 2,582.80$ 1,050.29$ 2,076.68$ 2,323.40$ 1,446.87$ 18,008.12$ TOTALS: 5214 Business Meetings 85.00$ 306.98$ 145.00$ 80.00$ 164.03$ -$28.03$ 173.92$ 50.00$ 76.00$ 163.44$ 257.00$ 1,529.40$ 5281 Director's Fees 5,320.00 4,408.00 4,712.00 5,214.00 4,582.00 3,476.00 4,740.00 5,846.00 5,846.00 5,846.00 6,952.00 5,056.00 61,998.00 5211 Mileage - Business 67.50 305.00 25.00 243.13 225.63 176.25 225.98 127.07 189.95 288.20 129.04 82.53 2,085.28 5211 Mileage - Commuting 25.63 31.25 141.88 72.51 86.26 48.76 38.65 108.74 33.41 86.46 120.52 106.77 900.83 5213 Seminars and Conferences 2,855.00 725.00 275.00 3,420.00 -1,106.66 2,218.00 1,550.00 5,430.00 --65.00 17,644.66 5212 Travel 3,221.80 880.61 3,928.61 3,747.51 43.05 1,197.00 826.92 3,247.37 275.41 2,895.66 3,588.03 -23,851.97 5222 Community Events ------------- Total 11,574.93$ 6,656.84$ 9,227.49$ 12,777.15$ 5,100.97$ 6,004.67$ 8,077.58$ 11,053.10$ 11,824.77$ 9,192.32$ 10,953.03$ 5,567.30$ 108,010.14$ TIM SMITH (DETAILED IN ATTACHMENT H) Page 2 of 2 DIRECTOR'S NAME CROUCHER, GARY Account Name Date Descriptions Sum of Amount Business meetings 11/3/2023 CSDA Business Meeting 60.00 Business meetings Total 60.00 Director's Fee 7/20/2022 OWD Special Board Meeting 152.00 7/26/2022 CWA Matters Meeting 152.00 8/3/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 8/17/2022 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 152.00 8/24/2022 CWA Matters Meeting 152.00 9/6/2022 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 152.00 9/7/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 9/20/2022 CWA Matters Meeting 152.00 10/5/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 10/11/2022 OWD Legal Matters Meeting 158.00 10/17/2022 OWD CPRL&L Committee Meeting 158.00 10/25/2022 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 11/2/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 11/15/2022 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 1/4/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 1/24/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 1/25/2023 East County Caucus Meeting 158.00 2/1/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 2/22/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 3/4/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 3/7/2023 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 158.00 3/14/2023 Imperial Irrigation District Meeting 158.00 3/15/2023 OWD Budget Meeting 158.00 3/16/2023 OWD CPRL&L Committee Meeting 158.00 3/17/2023 LAFCO Special District Mtg 158.00 3/21/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 3/22/2023 East County Caucus Meeting 158.00 4/25/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 4/26/2023 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 5/3/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 5/15/2023 OWD Meeting 158.00 5/22/2023 OWD/LAFCO Meeting 158.00 5/23/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 5/24/2023 East County Caucus Meeting 158.00 6/20/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 Director's Fee Total 5,482.00 Conferences and Seminars 7/1/2022 ACWA Registration 760.00 Conferences and Seminars Total 760.00 Grand Total 6,302.00 Page 1 of 1 Attachment D DIRECTOR'S NAME KEYES, RYAN Account Name Date Descriptions Sum of Amount Travel 2/22/2023 CSDA Leadership Academy - Hotel 856.93 Travel Total 856.93 Director's Fee 7/4/2022 CSDA Course 152.00 7/6/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 7/7/2022 SCEDC Transportation & Infrastructure Committee 152.00 7/19/2022 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 152.00 7/25/2022 CSDA Course 152.00 7/27/2022 CSDA Course 152.00 8/2/2022 SCEDC Board Meeting 152.00 8/3/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 8/12/2022 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 152.00 8/29/2022 CSDA Course 152.00 8/31/2022 CSDA Course 152.00 9/7/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 9/20/2022 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 152.00 10/5/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 10/9/2022 CSDA Course 158.00 10/15/2022 CSDA Course 158.00 10/18/2022 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 10/24/2022 CSDA Course 158.00 10/29/2022 CSDA Course 158.00 11/2/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 11/6/2022 CSDA Course 158.00 11/17/2022 CSDA Course 158.00 11/18/2022 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 158.00 11/27/2022 CSDA Course 158.00 11/29/2022 ACWA 2022 Fall Conference 158.00 11/30/2022 ACWA 2022 Fall Conference 158.00 12/2/2022 ACWA 2022 Fall Conference 158.00 12/5/2022 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 12/7/2022 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 12/11/2022 CSDA Course 158.00 1/4/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 1/14/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 1/16/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 1/17/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 1/21/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 1/29/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 1/31/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 2/1/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 2/4/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 2/10/2023 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 158.00 2/15/2023 OWD F&A Committee 158.00 2/21/2023 COWU Meeting 158.00 2/26/2023 CSDA Leadership Academy 158.00 2/27/2023 CSDA Leadership Academy 158.00 2/28/2023 CSDA Leadership Academy 158.00 3/1/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 3/5/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 3/10/2023 Director/CFO Meeting 158.00 3/12/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 3/18/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 3/22/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 3/29/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 3/31/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 4/5/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 4/14/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 4/15/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 Page 1 of 2 Attachment E Director's Fee 4/18/2023 OWD F&A Committee 158.00 4/22/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 4/26/2023 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 4/28/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 4/30/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 5/3/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 5/12/2023 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 158.00 5/17/2023 OWD F&A Committee 158.00 5/19/2023 GM Evaluation Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting 158.00 5/20/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 5/21/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 5/26/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 5/27/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 5/28/2023 CSDA Course 158.00 6/7/2023 OWD Board Meeting 158.00 6/14/2023 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 6/21/2023 OWD F&A Committee 158.00 6/23/2023 CSDA Class 158.00 6/25/2023 CSDA Class 158.00 6/29/2023 CSDA Class 158.00 6/30/2023 CSDA Class 158.00 Director's Fee Total 12,088.00 Conferences and Seminars 10/24/2022 ACWA Registration Fee 620.00 12/22/2022 Lodging - ACWA Conference 431.66 2/22/2023 CSDA Meeting Registration 60.00 2/22/2023 CSDA Leadership Academy - Registration 675.00 6/30/2023 CDSA Meeting Registration 65.00 Conferences and Seminars Total 1,851.66 Grand Total 14,796.59 Page 2 of 2 DIRECTOR'S NAME LOPEZ, JOSE Account Name Date Descriptions Sum of Amount Business meetings 8/15/2022 CSDA Meeting Registration 65.00 8/17/2022 COWU Meeting Registration 55.00 11/3/2022 COWU Meeting Registration 55.00 2/6/2023 CSDA Meeting Registration 60.00 6/5/2023 CSDA Meeting Registration 60.00 6/22/2023 Otay Mesa Chamber of Commerce Meeting Registration Fee 30.00 Business meetings Total 325.00 Mileage - Business 3/31/2023 March Travel Mileage 30.13 5/31/2023 May Travel Mileage 26.20 6/30/2023 June Travel Mileage 13.10 Mileage - Business Total 69.43 Mileage - Commuting 8/31/2022 August Commuting Mileage 31.25 9/30/2022 September Commuting Mileage 47.50 10/31/2022 October Commuting Mileage 35.63 11/30/2022 November Commuting Mileage 65.63 12/31/2022 December Commuting Mileage 11.88 1/31/2023 January - Commuting Mileage 12.45 2/28/2023 February Commuting Mileage 60.92 4/30/2023 April Commuting Mileage 26.20 5/31/2023 May Commuting Mileage 43.23 6/30/2023 June Commuting Mileage 37.34 Mileage - Commuting Total 372.02 Travel 7/22/2022 Lodging - Washington DC ACWA Conf 858.69 7/22/2022 Delta Airlines - Washington DC ACWA Conf 329.60 7/22/2022 JetBlue - Washington DC ACWA Conf 422.61 8/22/2022 Alaska Airlines Flight - San Francisco 167.20 9/22/2022 Lodging - Watereuse Conference 1,809.39 10/24/2022 AeroMexico Flight - Binational Conf 601.18 10/24/2022 Lodging - Binational Conference 1,150.78 1/23/2023 Southwest Airlines - ACWA Spring Conference 413.46 2/22/2023 SDRCC Mission to DC Airfare 624.45 2/28/2023 ACWA DC - Meals 49.98 2/28/2023 ACWA DC - Rideshare 22.99 3/3/2023 ACWA DC - Meals 101.80 4/16/2023 SD Binational DC - Meals 21.67 4/24/2023 ACWA DC Conference Hotel 1,234.86 5/8/2023 ACWA Monterey - Flight 818.00 5/11/2023 ACWA Monterey - Rideshare 19.54 5/22/2023 ACWA Spring Conference - Hotel 875.10 Travel Total 9,521.30 Director's Fee 7/6/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 7/11/2022 ACWA Legislative Conference 152.00 7/12/2022 ACWA Legislative Conference 152.00 7/13/2022 ACWA Legislative Conference 152.00 7/14/2022 ACWA Legislative Conference 152.00 7/19/2022 COWU Monthly Meeting 152.00 7/20/2022 OWD F&A Committee 152.00 7/26/2022 Water Conservation Garden Board Meeting 152.00 7/27/2022 FLOW Meeting 152.00 7/29/2022 CVCC Annual Installation Dinner 152.00 8/2/2022 SCEDC Monthly Meeting 152.00 8/3/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 8/5/2022 CVCC Meeting 152.00 8/9/2022 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 152.00 8/23/2022 FLOW Meeting 152.00 9/10/2022 WateReuse CA Annual Conference 152.00 9/11/2022 WateReuse CA Annual Conference 152.00 9/12/2022 WateReuse CA Annual Conference 152.00 9/13/2022 WateReuse CA Annual Conference 152.00 9/19/2022 OWD F&A Committee 152.00 9/20/2022 COWU Monthly Meeting 152.00 9/28/2022 CVCC Quarterly Meeting 152.00 10/5/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 10/11/2022 OWD Legal Matters Meeting 158.00 Page 1 of 2 Attachment F Director's Fee 10/17/2022 OWD CPRL&L Committee Meeting 158.00 10/19/2022 OWD F&A Committee 158.00 10/23/2022 SDRCC Binational Delegation to Mexico City 158.00 10/24/2022 SDRCC Binational Delegation to Mexico City 158.00 10/25/2022 SDRCC Binational Delegation to Mexico City 158.00 10/26/2022 SDRCC Binational Delegation to Mexico City 158.00 11/1/2022 SCEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 11/2/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 11/15/2022 SD Chamber of Commerce Meeting 158.00 11/17/2022 CSDA Monthly Meeting 158.00 11/22/2022 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 158.00 12/7/2022 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 1/4/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 1/12/2023 GM/Director Meeting 158.00 2/1/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 2/7/2023 SCEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 2/9/2023 News Interview Prep 158.00 2/10/2023 News Interview 158.00 2/14/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 2/15/2023 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 158.00 2/17/2023 OWD/Sweetwater Meeting 158.00 2/23/2023 FLOW Meeting 158.00 2/27/2023 ACWA DC Conference 158.00 2/28/2023 ACWA DC Conference 158.00 3/1/2023 ACWA DC Conference 158.00 3/2/2023 ACWA DC Conference 158.00 3/3/2023 ACWA DC Conference 158.00 3/7/2023 SCEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 3/14/2023 SDCWA/IID Dinner Meeting 158.00 4/5/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 4/6/2023 FLOW Meeting 158.00 4/16/2023 SDRCC Mission to DC 158.00 4/17/2023 SDRCC Mission to DC 158.00 4/18/2023 SDRCC Mission to DC 158.00 4/19/2023 SDRCC Mission to DC 158.00 4/26/2023 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 5/3/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 5/4/2023 FLOW Meeting 158.00 5/8/2023 ACWA Spring Conference 158.00 5/9/2023 ACWA Spring Conference 158.00 5/10/2023 ACWA Spring Conference 158.00 5/11/2023 ACWA Spring Conference 158.00 5/16/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 5/18/2023 CSDA Quarterly Meeting 158.00 5/22/2023 Water Conservation Garden Meeting 158.00 5/24/2023 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 158.00 6/6/2023 SCEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 6/7/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 6/9/2023 CVCC Installation Dinner 158.00 6/14/2023 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 6/15/2023 OWD-SWA Recycled Water Meeting 158.00 6/20/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 9/7/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 Director's Fee Total 12,028.00 Conferences and Seminars 7/1/2022 ACWA Registration 760.00 10/24/2022 SDRCC DC Registration Fee 1,400.00 12/22/2022 Watereuse Registration Fee 675.00 1/23/2023 ACWA Spring Conference Registration 799.00 3/22/2023 SDRCC Mission to DC Registration 1,900.00 3/22/2023 ACWA Spring Conference Registration 815.00 Conferences and Seminars Total 6,349.00 Grand Total 28,664.75 Page 2 of 2 DIRECTOR'S NAME ROBAK, MARK Account Name Date Descriptions Sum of Amount Business meetings 7/12/2022 SDCWA Meeting Registration Fee 55.00 7/22/2022 ECCC Meeting Registration Fee 30.00 8/17/2022 COWU Registration Fee 55.00 8/17/2022 CSDA Registration Fee 65.00 8/22/2022 ECCC Meeting Registration Fee 30.00 9/6/2022 COWU Registration Fee 55.00 9/6/2022 CSDA Registration Fee 60.00 9/22/2022 ECCC Meeting Registration Fee 30.00 10/24/2022 San Diego County Taxpayers Association Meeting Registration Fee 55.00 10/24/2022 ECCC Meeting Registration Fee 25.00 11/22/2022 Otay Mesa Chamber of Commerce Meeting Registration Fee 30.00 1/13/2023 Sweetwater/Helix President's Lunch 28.03 2/6/2023 CSDA Meeting Registration 60.00 2/22/2023 SDECC Meeting Registration 15.00 3/22/2023 Chula Vista CC Meeting Registation 25.00 5/22/2023 SDRCC Business Meeting - Registration 125.00 6/5/2023 CSDA Business Meeting - Registration 60.00 6/24/2023 Grossmont Mount Helix Improvement Area Dinner Registration 25.00 Business meetings Total 828.03 Mileage - Business 7/31/2022 July Travel Mileage 67.50 8/31/2022 August Travel Mileage 277.50 9/30/2022 September Travel Mileage 25.00 10/31/2022 October Travel Mileage 213.13 11/30/2022 November Travel Mileage 128.13 12/31/2022 December Travel Mileage 176.25 1/31/2023 January - Travel Mileage 50.44 2/28/2023 February Travel Mileage 72.05 3/31/2023 March Travel Mileage 99.56 4/30/2023 April Travel Mileage 119.21 5/31/2023 May Travel Mileage 71.40 6/30/2023 June Travel Mileage 19.65 Mileage - Business Total 1,319.82 Mileage - Commuting 7/31/2022 July Commuting Mileage 4.38 9/30/2022 September Commuting Mileage 4.38 10/31/2022 October Commuting Mileage 4.38 11/30/2022 November Commuting Mileage 4.38 12/31/2022 December Commuting Mileage 4.38 1/31/2023 January - Commuting Mileage 9.17 2/28/2023 February Commuting Mileage 13.76 3/31/2023 March Commuting Mileage 16.38 4/30/2023 April Commuting Mileage 9.17 5/31/2023 May Commuting Mileage 9.17 6/30/2023 June Commuting Mileage 18.34 Mileage - Commuting Total 97.89 Travel 1/23/2022 Southwest Airlines - ACWA Spring Conference 413.46 7/22/2022 Lodging - Washington DC ACWA Conf 858.69 7/22/2022 Delta Airlines - Washington DC 329.60 7/22/2022 JetBlue - Washington DC 422.61 8/22/2022 Alaska Airlines Flight - San Francisco 167.20 8/22/2022 Lodging - CSDA Conference 523.29 8/31/2022 August Travel Expense Reimbursement 22.92 9/22/2022 Lodging - Watereuse Conference 1,809.39 9/30/2022 September Travel Expense Reimbursement 309.83 10/24/2022 AeroMexico Flight - Binational Conf 601.18 10/24/2022 Lodging - Binational Conference 1,150.78 10/31/2022 October Travel Expense Reimbursement 243.59 11/27/2022 November Travel Expense Reimbursement 43.05 12/22/2022 Lodging - ACWA Conference 1,197.00 2/22/2023 SDRCC Mission to DC Airfare 624.45 2/22/2023 ACWA Spring Conference Airfare 337.99 2/27/2023 ACWA DC - Airport Parking 52.42 2/28/2023 ACWA DC Meals 78.82 2/28/2023 ACWA DC Rideshares 65.54 3/3/2023 ACWA DC Parking 19.00 3/3/2023 ACWA DC Meals 128.94 3/3/2023 ACWA DC Rideshares 25.67 4/16/2023 SDCC Binational Del. DC - Airport Parking 60.36 4/19/2023 SDCC Binational Del. DC - Meals 73.42 Page 1 of 3 Attachment G Travel 4/19/2023 SDCC Binational Del. DC - RideShares 69.89 4/24/2023 ACWA DC Conference Hotel 1,234.86 5/7/2023 ACWA Monterey - Rideshare 35.99 5/7/2023 ACWA Monterey - Meals 25.21 5/11/2023 ACWA Monterey - Rideshare 38.99 5/11/2023 ACWA Monterey - Meals 3.00 5/22/2023 ACWA Spring Conference - Hotel 1,166.80 Travel Total 12,133.94 Director's Fee 7/5/2022 ECCC GA&I Committee 152.00 7/6/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 7/7/2022 SCEDC Transportation & Infrastructure Committee 152.00 7/11/2022 ACWA Legislative Conference 152.00 7/12/2022 ACWA Legislative Conference 152.00 7/13/2022 ACWA Legislative Conference 152.00 7/14/2022 ACWA Legislative Conference 152.00 7/19/2022 COWU Monthly Meeting 152.00 7/20/2022 OWD F&A Committee 152.00 7/26/2022 Water Conservation Garden Board Meeting 152.00 8/2/2022 ACWA Region 10 Meeting 152.00 8/3/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 8/8/2022 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 152.00 8/11/2022 OWD/Sweetwater Meeting 152.00 8/17/2022 OWD Special Board Meeting 152.00 8/18/2022 CSDA Quarterly Meeting 152.00 8/22/2022 CSDA Annual Conference 152.00 8/23/2022 CSDA Annual Conference 152.00 8/24/2022 CSDA Annual Conference 152.00 8/25/2022 CSDA Annual Conference 152.00 9/6/2022 ECCC GA&I Committee 152.00 9/7/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 9/10/2022 WateReuse CA Annual Conference 152.00 9/11/2022 WateReuse CA Annual Conference 152.00 9/12/2022 WateReuse CA Annual Conference 152.00 9/13/2022 WateReuse CA Annual Conference 152.00 9/19/2022 OWD F&A Committee 152.00 9/20/2022 COWU Monthly Meeting 152.00 9/21/2022 ECEDC Monthly Meeting 152.00 9/22/2022 SDCWA Board Meeting 152.00 10/4/2022 ECCC GA&I Committee 158.00 10/5/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 10/7/2022 SD Taxpayer's Assoc Chula Vista Mayor's Forum 158.00 10/19/2022 OWD F&A Committee 158.00 10/23/2022 SDRCC Binational Delegation to Mexico City 158.00 10/24/2022 SDRCC Binational Delegation to Mexico City 158.00 10/25/2022 SDRCC Binational Delegation to Mexico City 158.00 10/25/2022 Southern CA Water Committee Annual Meeting 158.00 10/26/2022 SDRCC Binational Delegation to Mexico City 158.00 11/1/2022 ECCC GA&I Committee 158.00 11/2/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 11/15/2022 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 158.00 11/16/2022 ECEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 11/17/2022 CSDA Quarterly Meeting 158.00 11/27/2022 ACWA 2022 Fall Conference 158.00 11/28/2022 ACWA 2022 Fall Conference 158.00 11/29/2022 ACWA 2022 Fall Conference 158.00 11/30/2022 ACWA 2022 Fall Conference 158.00 12/1/2022 ACWA 2022 Fall Conference 158.00 12/5/2022 OWD Legal Matters Meeting 158.00 12/6/2022 ECCC GA&I Committee 158.00 12/13/2022 City of Chula Vista City Council Mtg 158.00 12/16/2022 LAFCO Special District Advisory Board Mtg 158.00 12/19/2022 AdHoc Salt Creek Goal Course Mtg 158.00 12/21/2022 ECEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 1/3/2023 ECCC GA&I Committee 158.00 1/4/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 1/11/2023 OWD Committee Briefing 158.00 1/17/2023 OWD F&A Committee 158.00 1/18/2023 ECEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 1/24/2023 Water Conservation Garden Board Mtg 158.00 1/25/2023 OWD Agenda Briefing 158.00 1/26/2023 OC/SD Meeting - MWD Chair 158.00 Page 2 of 3 Director's Fee 1/27/2023 CO River Tour 158.00 1/31/2023 Water Conservation Garden Strategic Plan Mtg 158.00 2/1/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 2/7/2023 SCEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 2/10/2023 News Interview 158.00 2/13/2023 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 158.00 2/14/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 2/16/2023 Salt Creek Ad Hoc Meeting 158.00 2/17/2023 OWD/Sweetwater Meeting 158.00 2/21/2023 COWU Meeting 158.00 2/27/2023 ACWA DC Conference 158.00 2/28/2023 ACWA DC Conference 158.00 3/1/2023 ACWA DC Conference 158.00 3/2/2023 ACWA DC Conference 158.00 3/7/2023 ECEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 3/9/2023 OWD - Committee Briefing 158.00 3/14/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 3/15/2023 CO River Board of CA Meeting 158.00 3/16/2023 OWD CPRL&L Committee Meeting 158.00 3/17/2023 LAFCO Special District Advisory Board Mtg 158.00 3/23/2023 Water Conservation Garden Board Meeting 158.00 3/30/2023 OWD Board Meeting Briefing 158.00 4/5/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 4/13/2023 OWD Committee Briefing 158.00 4/16/2023 SDCC Binational Delegate Conf DC 158.00 4/17/2023 SDCC Binational Delegate Conf DC 158.00 4/18/2023 SDCC Binational Delegate Conf DC 158.00 4/19/2023 SDCC Binational Delegate Conf DC 158.00 4/21/2023 OWD Agenda Briefing 158.00 4/26/2023 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 4/27/2023 OWD Agenda Briefing 158.00 4/28/2023 SCEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 5/1/2023 Water Conservation Garden JPA Meeting 158.00 5/3/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 5/7/2023 ACWA Spring Conference 158.00 5/8/2023 ACWA Spring Conference 158.00 5/9/2023 ACWA Spring Conference 158.00 5/10/2023 ACWA Spring Conference 158.00 5/11/2023 ACWA Spring Conference 158.00 5/16/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 5/19/2023 GM Evaluation Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting 158.00 5/22/2023 Salt Creek Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting 158.00 6/1/2023 SDCC S&I Committee Meeting 158.00 6/5/2023 LAFCO Meeting 158.00 6/7/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 6/9/2023 CVCC Installation Dinner 158.00 6/14/2023 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 6/15/2023 OWD & Sweetwater Meeting 158.00 6/20/2023 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 6/21/2023 ECEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 6/22/2023 SDCWA Budget Meeting 158.00 6/27/2023 OWD Agenda Briefing 158.00 Director's Fee Total 17,990.00 Conferences and Seminars 1/23/2022 ACWA Spring Conference Registration 799.00 7/1/2022 ACWA Registration 760.00 7/22/2022 Watereuse CA Annual Conference Registration Fee 575.00 8/22/2022 CSDA Annual Registration Fee 725.00 9/22/2022 Southern CA Water Coalition Registration Fee 275.00 10/24/2022 SD Regional Chamber of Commerce Registration Fee 1,400.00 1/1/2023 ACWA Registration Fee 620.00 3/22/2023 SDRCC Mission to DC Registration 1,900.00 3/22/2023 ACWA Spring Conference Registration 815.00 Conferences and Seminars Total 7,869.00 Grand Total 40,238.68 Page 3 of 3 DIRECTOR'S NAME SMITH, TIM Account Name Date Descriptions Sum of Amount Business meetings 8/24/2022 East County Caucus Registration 36.98 11/16/2022 East County Caucus Meal 19.03 2/22/2023 East County Caucus Meal 38.92 3/22/2023 Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce Meeting Registration 25.00 4/4/2023 COWU Meeting Registration 55.00 4/25/2023 East County Caucus Meal 21.00 4/30/2023 SWP Tour Meal 13.44 5/23/2023 East County Caucus Meal 25.00 6/5/2023 CSDA Meeting Registration 60.00 6/21/2023 East County Caucus Meeting Registration 22.00 Business meetings Total 316.37 Mileage - Business 8/31/2022 August Travel Mileage 27.50 9/30/2022 September Travel Mileage 30.00 11/30/2022 November Travel Mileage 97.50 1/31/2023 January - Travel Mileage 175.54 2/28/2023 February Travel Mileage 55.02 3/31/2023 March Travel Mileage 60.26 4/30/2023 April Travel Mileage 168.99 5/31/2023 May Travel Mileage 31.44 6/30/2023 June Travel Mileage 49.78 Mileage - Business Total 696.03 Mileage - Commuting 7/31/2022 July Commuting Mileage 21.25 9/30/2022 September Commuting Mileage 90.00 10/31/2022 October Commuting Mileage 32.50 11/30/2022 November Commuting Mileage 16.25 12/31/2022 December Commuting Mileage 32.50 1/31/2023 January - Commuting Mileage 17.03 2/28/2023 February Commuting Mileage 34.06 3/31/2023 March Commuting Mileage 17.03 4/30/2023 April Commuting Mileage 51.09 5/31/2023 May Commuting Mileage 68.12 6/30/2023 June Commuting Mileage 51.09 Mileage - Commuting Total 430.92 Travel 2/9/2023 SDCC Meeting Parking 16.00 2/22/2023 ACWA Spring Conf Airfare 517.80 4/27/2023 ACWA Spring Conf - Parking 180.00 4/28/2023 ACWA Spring Conf - Meal 20.60 4/29/2023 SCEDC Meeting - Parking 22.00 5/22/2023 ACWA Sping Conference - Hotel 583.40 Travel Total 1,339.80 Director's Fee 7/6/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 7/14/2022 OWD Agenda Briefing 152.00 7/19/2022 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 152.00 7/20/2022 OWD Special Board Meeting 152.00 7/26/2022 CWA Matters Meeting 152.00 7/28/2022 OWD Agenda Briefing 152.00 7/29/2022 Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce Dinner 152.00 8/3/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 8/11/2022 OWD/Sweetwater Meeting 152.00 8/12/2022 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 152.00 8/17/2022 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 152.00 8/22/2022 CWA Matters Meeting 152.00 8/24/2022 East County Caucus Meeting 152.00 9/1/2022 OWD Agenda Briefing 152.00 9/7/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 152.00 9/15/2022 OWD Agenda Briefing 152.00 9/20/2022 COWU Monthly Meeting 152.00 9/21/2022 East County Caucus Meeting 152.00 9/28/2022 Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce Meeting 152.00 9/29/2022 Legislative Day 152.00 9/30/2022 OWD Agenda Briefing 152.00 10/5/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 Page 1 of 3 Attachment H Director's Fee 10/6/2022 Colorado River Webinar 158.00 10/13/2022 OWD Agenda Briefing 158.00 10/18/2022 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 10/25/2022 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 10/28/2022 OWD Agenda Briefing 158.00 11/2/2022 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 11/4/2022 USBR Roundtable Discussion 158.00 11/15/2022 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 11/16/2022 East County Caucus Meeting 158.00 11/29/2022 ACWA 2022 Fall Conference 158.00 11/30/2022 ACWA 2022 Fall Conference 158.00 12/1/2022 ACWA 2022 Fall Conference 158.00 12/2/2022 OWD Agenda Briefing 158.00 12/5/2022 OWD EO&WR Committee Meeting 158.00 12/7/2022 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 12/13/2022 CRWUA Annual Conference 158.00 12/14/2022 CRWUA Annual Conference 158.00 12/15/2022 CRWUA Annual Conference 158.00 12/16/2022 CRWUA Annual Conference 158.00 12/19/2022 AdHoc Salt Creek Goal Course Mtg 158.00 12/29/2022 OWD Agenda Briefing 158.00 1/4/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 1/13/2023 COWU Prep Meeting 158.00 1/23/2023 OC/SD Meeting - Incoming Chair 158.00 1/24/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 1/25/2023 East County Caucus 158.00 1/26/2023 OC/SD Meeting - MWD Chair 158.00 1/27/2023 CO River Tour 158.00 1/28/2023 CO River Tour 158.00 2/1/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 2/8/2023 GM/Director Quarterly Meeting 158.00 2/9/2023 SDCC Annual Dinner 158.00 2/15/2023 OWD F&A Committee 158.00 2/16/2023 Salt Creek Ad Hoc Meeting 158.00 2/21/2023 COWU Meeting 158.00 2/22/2023 East County Caucus Meeting 158.00 3/1/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 3/14/2023 CO River Board of CA Meeting 158.00 3/15/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 3/21/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 3/22/2023 East County Caucus Meeting 158.00 3/30/2023 SWP Tour Agenda Meeting 158.00 4/3/2023 AWWA CA-NV Conference Dinner 158.00 4/5/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 4/14/2023 SWP Tour 158.00 4/15/2023 SWP Tour 158.00 4/18/2023 COWU Meeting 158.00 4/19/2023 OWD F&A Committee 158.00 4/20/2023 Padre Dam GM Meeting 158.00 4/25/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 4/26/2023 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 4/28/2023 SCEDC Monthly Meeting 158.00 5/3/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 5/9/2023 ACWA CA-NV Conference 158.00 5/10/2023 ACWA CA-NV Conference 158.00 5/11/2023 ACWA CA-NV Conference 158.00 5/15/2023 LAFCO Detachment Meeting 158.00 5/16/2023 Recycled Water AdHoc Meeting 158.00 5/17/2023 OWD F&A Committee 158.00 5/18/2023 CSDA Dinner Meeting 158.00 5/22/2023 LAFCO Meeting 158.00 5/23/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 6/5/2023 Director/GM Meeting 158.00 6/7/2023 OWD Monthly Board Meeting 158.00 6/9/2023 CVCC Installation Dinner 158.00 Page 2 of 3 Director's Fee 6/12/2023 AWWA Membrane Committee 158.00 6/13/2023 AWWA Membrane Committee 158.00 6/14/2023 OWD Special Board Meeting 158.00 6/20/2023 CWA Matters Meeting 158.00 6/21/2023 OWD F&A Committee 158.00 Director's Fee Total 14,410.00 Conferences and Seminars 2/2/2023 ACWA Sping Conference - Registration 815.00 Conferences and Seminars Total 815.00 Grand Total 18,008.12 Page 3 of 3 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: October 4, 2023 PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. ALL SUBMITTED BY: Michael Kerr, Information Technology Manager APPROVED BY: Adolfo Segura, Chief, Administrative Services Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: FY23 YEAR-END REPORT OF THE DISTRICT’S FY23-26 STRATEGIC PLAN GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see “Attachment A”. PURPOSE: To provide a year-end report of the District’s FY23-26 Strategic Plan for FY23. ANALYSIS: Summary The current Otay Water District Strategic Plan is a four-year plan ranging from the start of FY23 through the end of FY26. This report details the year-end results for the first year of our four-year program. Objectives – Target 90% Strategic Plan objectives are designed to ensure the District is executing defined mission-developed strategies and implementing appropriate changes necessary to guide the agency, meet new challenges, and positively adapt to change. FY23 year-end results are above target at 100%, with 28 of 28 AGENDA ITEM 9b active items completed or on schedule. Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) – Target 75% KPI’s are designed to track the District’s day-to-day performance. These indicators measure the effectiveness and efficiency of essential operational services. The District’s overall KPI goal of 75% is considered “on target”. For FY23, year-end results are above target at 88%, with 30 of 34 items achieving the desired level or better. KPI’s are determined on established AWWA performance benchmarks, water agency standards, and historical trends. Of the total measures outlined in the Strategic Plan, 10 are reported annually to include: • Water Rate Ranking • Sewer Rate Ranking • Water Debt Coverage • Sewer Debt Coverage • Reserve Level • Accounts Per Full-Time Employee (FTE) • Business Recovery Exercises • Vulnerability Assessments • Potable Tank Inspection and Cleaning • Injury Incident Rate One (1) measure is reported biennially to triennially: • Customer Opinion Survey 05 1015 2025 3035 4045 28 0 0 7 On Schedule/Completed Behind On Hold Not Started 28 of 28 Objectives are Completed or On Schedule (100%) KPI’s Not on Target (4): CIP Project Expenditures vs. Budget Target: 95% of budget annually. Year-end CIP expenditures totaled 94.4%, slightly below the annual target of 95%. The $75,000 shortfall was attributed to material supply delays and heavy rain. Mark-out Accuracy Target: 100% mark-out accuracy annually. Year-to-date, staff completed 6,398 mark-outs with three (3) at-fault hit facilities: • In quarter two, the District’s contract locator incorrectly marked a two-inch (2”) water service lateral that was subsequently damaged by an excavator. • In quarter four, contractors hit a one-inch (1”) water service lateral in April, and a two-inch (2”) blow-off lateral in May. Both laterals were quickly crimped by the contractors and repaired by District staff. There was no damage to property or onsite improvements. Sewer Overflow Rate (AWWA) Target & AWWA: Zero (0) overflows per quarter and annually. There were zero (0) overflows in quarters three and four; however, the year-to-date target was not met due to one (1) sewer overflow in the first quarter: 30 of 34 Key Performance Indicators are On Target (88%) 0510152025303540 30 4 On Target Not on Target • A Category 3 Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) event occurred on July 22, 2022. This was due to a root blockage at manhole MH-354-061 located on Anaheim Drive, La Mesa. A total of 10 gallons spilled and were fully recovered. Employee Turnover Rate Target: Less than 5% turnover annually. There were nine (9) voluntary terminations in FY23, resulting in a 6.43% turnover. Next Steps Staff will continue to focus on the plan’s objectives, key performance indicators, and emerging trends. Committee Reports – Slideshow The Strategic Plan year-end results are presented to both the Finance and Administration Committee, and the Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee with a specific focus on the most relevant information for each Committee (see “Attachment B”). The Strategic Plan is also available on the District’s website. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Informational item only; no fiscal impact. STRATEGIC GOAL: Strategic Plan and Performance Measure reporting is a critical element in providing performance reporting to the Board and staff. LEGAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Committee Action Report Attachment B – PowerPoint Presentation ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: FY23 YEAR-END REPORT OF THE DISTRICT’S FY23-26 STRATEGIC PLAN COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources, and the Finance and Administration Committee reviewed this item on September 19 and 20, 2023, respectively, and provided the following comments: • A PowerPoint Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2023 Year-End Report was provided to the Committee. • The Committee requested clarification regarding including management employees in the year-end Training Hours Per Employee results. In response, Staff confirmed that management employees are included and must participate in mandatory training sessions. • The committee sought examples of the data collected for the year-end Technical Quality Complaint results. Staff responded with water quality indicators including taste, odor, and pressure of water provided to customers. • In response to a question from the Committee, staff explained that the benchmark for Direct Cost of Treatment Per MGD relies on historical calculations derived from power and chemical costs and the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Additionally, staff emphasized that the increasing costs of chemicals play a significant role in determining this benchmark. • It was highlighted that staff conduct quarterly data reviews of the strategic plan, presents results to the board bi-annually, and accessible for review on the district's website. • Staff clarified that the Water Rate Ranking results are based on data as of July 1, the beginning of the fiscal year. The District adjusts water rates every January 1, and the resulting ranking remains valid for the entire calendar year. • Staff indicated zero overflows in quarters two, three, and four of the fiscal year; however, the year-to-date target was unmet due to one sewer overflow in the first quarter. Staff referred to page 4 of the staff report for additional details. • The Committee inquired about the seven items in the strategic plan that have not yet commenced. Staff clarified that these items are pending due to timing issues but confirmed that they will be addressed and completed by fiscal year 2026. • The Committee recommended directing customer feedback from social media to the Conservation, Public Relations, Legal, and Legislative Committee for review. • In response to a question from the Committee, Staff clarified that the Accounts Per Full-Time Employee (FTE) results account for vacancies and represent a snapshot of a specific date for the fiscal year. • The Committee asked about the approach to calculating the Injury Incident Rate result. Staff clarified that starting in fiscal year 2023, the District began employing the AWWA Benchmark and its extensive database to compare and benchmark against other public agencies. • Staff highlighted that seven of the 34 benchmarks outlined in the strategic plan are based on AWWA Benchmarks. Upon completion of the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board as an informational item. OTAY WATER DISTRICT STRATEGIC PLAN FY2023 Year-End Report 2023 2026 ATTACHMENT B BALANCED SCORECARD 2 Focuses on the financial performance of the District FINANCIAL Focuses on the District’s culture and development of staff to ensure there is a productive and skilled workforce in place LEARNING AND GROWTH Focuses on customer service levels, satisfaction, brand, and confidence CUSTOMER Focuses on business processes designed to deliver and improve customer objectives and services INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS 94% 88% 93%95%94% 82%86% 98%100% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Year-End Target 90% Total 35 ON SCHEDULE COMPLETED BEHIND SCHEDULE ON HOLD OBJECTIVES 100%0%0% TR E N D S YEAR-END FY 2023 28 Objectives 28/28 = 100% Overall Target 3 Active 28 Not Started 7 Enhance and build public awareness of the District’s priorities, initiatives, programs, and services Collect and analyze customer feedback on District operations, projects, programs, service experience, and expectations Advance the District's web and social media presence Enhance internal communications, tools, and technology to disseminate information to District staff effectively Enhance education, outreach, and communication tools to the public on the understanding of water supply constraints and rates and how they affect/support a reliable water supply 4 CUSTOMER Eileen Salmeron Communications Assistant Completed On Schedule Maintain a long-range financing plan that sets forth the long-term funding needs of the District Evaluate grant funding opportunities Evaluate banking functions for lower cost and process efficiencies Evaluate the District’s cash reserve policies to consider optimal uses and levels of reserves, to ensure financial resiliency Conduct an evaluation of a health savings investment account program for an optional post-employment benefit Conduct a compensation study to evaluate labor industry conditions and the District’s competitiveness Invest in technology infrastructure to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction Deploy Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology in service areas to improve the District operations Evaluate Interactive Voice Response (IVR)/Online customer portal for water use management and assistance 5 FINANCIAL Completed On Schedule Not StartedAdvanced Metering Infrastructure Project (P2682) Leverage the use of renewable and clean energy resources and reduce the use of hazardous chemicals Evaluate and implement energy-efficient systems Evaluate and implement alternative energy opportunities Advance Clean Fleet Regulations District Implementation Program of Zero or near Zero Emissions Vehicles Reduce the District’s chemical footprint by substituting hazardous chemicals for similar, less hazardous chemicals Implement technologies to improve response time, security, and operational effectiveness Conversion of the District’s enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS/Esri) from a Geometric Network to a Utility Network Model Conduct needs assessment/replacement of District's financial management system Maintain and regularly evaluate internal financial controls Leverage Cityworks to further develop job task process standardization and work order cost modeling Develop appropriate water resource mix to meet the water reliability needs of the community Use the Water Facilities Water Management Plan/Urban Water Management Plan to analyze future needs and prescribe approaches to meeting future requirements Evaluate City of San Diego’s recycled water purchase Develop the District’s long-term water supply strategies and planning efforts with regional partnerships 6CompletedOn Schedule Not Started Amy Pinion Accountant INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS Deanna Vaughn Accountant Respond to anticipated water shortages through rate structure modification, conservation assistance, and outreach Monitor and modify the Water Shortage Contingency Plan, as needed Identify, evaluate, and implement new opportunities for recycled water, including potential for potable reuse Advancement of District's Asset Management Program Formalization of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Planned Job Observations (PJO) Develop long-term strategic operations and maintenance program (Total Asset Management) Collect and maintain accurate asset records, including criticality, maintenance history, asset condition, and performance for continuous improvement Cloud migration of the District’s enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS/Esri) and the associated Asset Management and Field Applications Cyber and Physical Security Advance the use of the District's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to further enhance the security and reliability of the distribution system and optimize administration Evaluate new disaster recovery solutions and advance the District's enterprise business continuity program 7 Sam Battikha SCADA Instrumentation Technician INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS Completed On Schedule Not Started Rogelio Martinez Sr. SCADA Instrumentation Technician Coordinate workforce planning activities to determine future needs, identify gaps, and implement actions to close the gaps Maximize opportunities to develop employees through training and mentoring Evaluate the implementation of learning and development programs in coordination with partner agencies Analyze and identify workforce trends to address critical gaps between the current workforce and future needs Improve Organization Effectiveness Negotiate successor Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the employee association and unrepresented employees to focus on recruitment and retention Implement a cross-functional innovation committee to advance the District’s culture of collaboration and process improvement among departments 8 Left to right: Kevin Winder, Dustin Schwegel, Zach Tackett, and Alexis Salcedo Water OperationsLEARNING AND GROWTH On Schedule Not Started KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TR E N D S YEAR-END FY 2023 Overall Target 75% Total 34 Reported Quarterly 23 Reported Annually 10 83% 90%88% 95% 83% 90%90%88%88% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Year-End Target 88% 30 KPIs 30/34 = 88% ON TARGET NOT ON TARGET 12% 4 KPIs 4/34 = 12% Reported Biennial to Triennial 1 10 TARGET No more than 4.6 complaints per 1,000 customer accounts annually CALCULATION Number of technical quality complaints per year/Number of active accounts per reporting period AWWA BENCHMARK Average of 75th Percentile, 2.6, and Median, 6.6, for population served between 100,001 – 500,000 (Combined Utilities) 3.69 5.12 3.94 4.20 3.55 3.51 4.50 3.85 1.02 0 5 10 15 20 25 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile TECHNICAL QUALITY COMPLAINT (AWWA | Customer Relations) CUSTOMER OPINION SURVEY TARGET 85% or greater customer satisfaction (measured biennially to triennially) CALCULATION Multiple recruiting (email and telephone) and data collection (telephone and online) methods. Survey administered to a random sample of residential customers within Otay Water District’s service area. 85% New Measure in FY23 Dana Gutierrez Customer Service Representative II POTABLE WATER COMPLIANCE RATE (AWWA | Water Operations) TARGET 100% of all health-related drinking water standards per quarter and annually CALCULATION Number of days the primary health regulations are met/Number of days in the reporting period AWWA BENCHMARK 100% - 75th Percentile for population served between 100,001 – 500,000 (Water)11 100% (FY2015 –FY2023) Phil Kussler Water Systems Operator II TARGET 97% average answer rate per quarter and annually CALCULATION Number of calls answered/Total number of calls 98.33% 97.84% 98.12%98.00% 98.38%98.43%98.55%98.60%98.68% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target ANSWER RATE 12 Pam Castanon Customer Service Rep II TARGET 99.8% billing accuracy per quarter and annually CALCULATION Number of correct bills/Number of bills issued during the reporting period 99.81%99.97%99.99%99.98%99.94%99.99%99.99%99.99%99.99% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% 101% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target BILLING ACCURACY 92.20% 89.80% 109.10% 97.40% 104.80% 87.30% 111.00% 103.00% 94.40% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 105% 110% 115% 120% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target 1.9%1.8% 1.5%1.3% 3.1% 5.6% 4.4% 2.0% 0.5% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDER INCIDENCE TARGET No more than 5% per quarter and annually CALCULATION Cost of Change Orders (not including allowances)/Original construction contract amount (not including allowances)13 CIP PROJECT EXPENDITURES VS. BUDGET TARGET 95% of budget annually CALCULATION Actual Expenditures/Annual Budget 8 7 5 6 3 5 5 5 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target 10 12 11 3 3 5 5 5 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target SEWER RATE RANKINGWATER RATE RANKING TARGET Bottom 50th percentile for the 22 member agencies in San Diego CALCULATION Ranking for the average monthly water bill among CWA member agencies TARGET Bottom 50th percentile for the 28 sewer service providers in San Diego CALCULATION Ranking for the average monthly bill among sewer service providers in San Diego County 14 15 168% 171% 200% 236% 165% 188% 272% 262% 219% 90% 140% 190% 240% 290% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target 1241% 371% 838% 603% 0% 200% 400% 600% 800% 1000% 1200% 1400% 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target SEWER DEBT COVERAGE RATIOWATER DEBT COVERAGE RATIO TARGET 150% excluding growth revenue annually CALCULATION Qualified net operating revenues/Debt service requirements 15 TARGET 150% excluding growth revenue annually CALCULATION Qualified net operating revenues/Debt service requirements 16 100% 78% 85% 100%100%100% 85%83% 100% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target RESERVE LEVEL 406 426 410 410 408 406 423 406 412 409 408 407 406 399 390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 430 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target ACCOUNTS PER FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE (FTE) TARGET 85% annually CALCULATION Number of reserve funds that meet or exceed fund target levels/Total number of reserve funds TARGET 399 accounts per FTE annually CALCULATION Potable + Recycled + Sewer Accounts/Number of FTEs 16 66% 75% 70% 72%74% 77% 66% 72% 76% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target 2.5% 4.0%4.1% 3.3% 3.6%3.8%3.9%4.0% 3.5% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LOSS TARGET Less than 5% of unaccounted water annually CALCULATION Volume purchased from CWA, City of San Diego customers + volume used by District/Volume purchased from CWA, City of San Diego, and RWCTP production 17 PLANNED POTABLE WATER MAINTENANCE RATIO IN $ TARGET 70% of all labor costs spent on preventative maintenance per quarter and annually CALCULATION Total Planned Maintenance Cost/Total Maintenance Cost 92%92%91% 82% 84% 92% 93% 90% 92% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target 66% 86% 91% 74%74% 70% 55% 74% 90% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target PLANNED RECYCLED WATER MAINTENANCE RATIO IN $ TARGET 70% of all labor costs spent on preventative maintenance per quarter and annually CALCULATION Total Planned Maintenance Cost/Total Maintenance Cost 18 PLANNED WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE RATIO IN $ TARGET 80% of all labor costs spent on preventative maintenance per quarter and annually CALCULATION Total Planned Maintenance Cost/Total Maintenance Cost 4.40 4.40 4.40 2.90 2.10 5.10 4.10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile Year-End Result Target $785.11 $912.56 $1,095.70 $1,165.82 $1,071.66 $996.29 $1,374.69 $869.97 $1,049.68 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 $1,100 $1,200 $1,300 $1,400 $1,500 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target DIRECT COST OF TREATMENT PER MGD TARGET No more than $1315 per MGD spent on wastewater treatment annually CALCULATION Total O&M costs directly attributable to sewer treatment/Total volume in MG for one quarter 19 INJURY INCIDENT RATE TARGET No more than 4.1 injury incidents per 200,000 hours worked annually (based on Department of Labor average for similar-size water agencies) CALCULATION (Number of recordable injuries/illnesses x 200,000 average hours worked)/ Total hours employees worked AWWA BENCHMARK Average of 75th Percentile, 3, and Median, 5.3, for Combined Utilities (Began utilizing AWWA Benchmark in 2023) 20 Left to right: Vince Brown and Kevin Winder Utility Maintenance 3425 4549 3228 3405 3298 2969 4723 3132 4296 2050 2550 3050 3550 4050 4550 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target SYSTEM VALVE EXERCISING PROGRAM TARGET 20% of District valves exercised annually to accomplish 100% every five years (4092 valves annually) CALCULATION Total number of valves exercised per year 129% 188% 111% 100% 106% 50% 70% 90% 110% 130% 150% 170% 190% 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target EASEMENT EVALUATION AND FIELD INSPECTION TARGET 100% assigned easements, evaluated via desktop tools, and inspected annually (100 easements are assigned for FY23) CALCULATION Number of easements evaluated and inspected/Total easements assigned for the period 21 TARGET 8 potable water storage tanks and/or reservoirs cleaned annually CALCULATION Number of tanks cleaned and inspected annually 7 11 8 8 8 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target POTABLE TANK INSPECTION AND CLEANING 0.41 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2023 Year-End Result Target 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile New Measure in FY230.130 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2023 Year-End Result Target 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INTEGRITY (LEAKS) (AWWA –Water Operations) TARGET No more than 2.5 leaks per 100 miles of distribution piping annually CALCULATION 100 (Number of leaks)/Total miles of distribution piping AWWA BENCHMARK 2.5 – 75th percentile for population served between 100,001-500,000 22 POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INTEGRITY (BREAKS) (AWWA –Water Operations) TARGET No more than 3 breaks per 100 miles of distribution piping annually CALCULATION 100 (Number of breaks)/Total miles of distribution piping AWWA BENCHMARK 3 – 75th percentile for population served between 100,001-500,000 New Measure in FY23 0.000 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 2023 Year-End Result Target New Measure in FY230.000 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 2023 Year-End Result Target RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM INTEGRITY (LEAKS) TARGET No more than 2.5 leaks per 100 miles of recycled distribution system annually CALCULATION 100 (Number of leaks)/Total miles of recycled distribution system 23 RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM INTEGRITY (BREAKS) TARGET No more than 3 breaks per 100 miles of recycled distribution system annually CALCULATION 100 (Number of breaks)/Total miles of recycled distribution system New Measure in FY23 HYDRANT MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TARGET 20% of District fire hydrants maintained annually to accomplish 100% every 5 years (1220 fire hydrants annually) CALCULATION Total number of fire hydrants maintained 24 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100% 99% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99% 100% 101% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target MARK-OUT ACCURACY TARGET 100% mark-out accuracy per quarter and annually CALCULATION Number of mark-outs performed without an at-fault hit, which is damage to a District facility that results from a missing or erroneous mark-out/Total number of mark-outs 1338 Hydrants Maintained New Measure in FY23 Vince Brown Utility Worker II TARGET 100% exercises completed annually (2 Scheduled for FY23) CALCULATION Total number of business recovery exercises completed annually TARGET 100% assessments completed annually (2 Scheduled for FY23) CALCULATION Total number of vulnerability assessments completed annually 100% 0% 100% 200% 2023 Year-End Result Target New Measure in FY23 VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENTBUSINESS RECOVERY EXERCISES 100% Assessments Completed New Measure in FY23 Michael Christensen Network Engineer 25 0 0 1.14 0 1.14 1.14 1.14 2.27 1.14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile TARGET 0 overflows annually CALCULATION 100 (Number of sewer overflows during the reporting period)/Total miles of pipe in the sewage collection system AWWA BENCHMARK 0 – 75th Percentile for population served between 0-50,000 AWWA –Wastewater Operations) SEWER OVERFLOW RATE 26 Brandon Perry Sr. Utility Worker/Equipment Operator 27 27 43.11 36.80 30.83 33.38 34.04 79.04 28.40 55.77 42.26 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target TARGET 24 hours per field employee annually CALCULATION Total qualified safety training hours for field employees/Average number of field employees SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM Scott Meyer Utility Worker I TARGET 15.6 hours per employee annually CALCULATION Total qualified training hours for all employees/Average number of FTEs AWWA BENCHMARK 15.6 – Median for combined utilities 17.53 23.02 22.89 18.11 26.85 59.90 16.49 24.53 24.91 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile Year-End Result Target (Began utilizing AWWA Benchmark in 2023) TRAINING HOURS PER EMPLOYEE (AWWA –Organizational Development) 28 3.15% 0% 0.75% 1.50% 3.63% 2.19%2.16% 7.97% 6.43% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year-End Result Target EMPLOYEE VOLUNTARY TURNOVER RATE TARGET Less than 5% turnover annually CALCULATION Number of voluntary terminations (not including retirements)/Average number of employees https://otaywater.gov/about-otay/news-and-documents/strategic-plan/ QUESTIONS? FY23 - FY26 Strategic Plan STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: October 4, 2023 SUBMITTED BY: Jose Martinez General Manager W.O./G.F. NO: N/A DIV. NO. N/A APPROVED BY: Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: General Manager’s Report GENERAL MANAGER: •On Sept. 8, the District hosted a tour of its Mexico interconnection near the US/Mexico border for attendees from across the West and Denver regions for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Planning Conference. In addition to the Mexico interconnection, attendees also toured the Sweetwater Authority’s Reynolds Groundwater Desalination Facility in Chula Vista. AGENDA ITEM 10 2 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: GIS: • GIS Workshop for Asset Management (AM) Assessment – In collaboration with Esri, staff facilitated the AM assessment workshop on September 6th. The objective of this workshop is to validate and further improve the District’s enterprise GIS and AM Programs. The workshop focused on assessing the existing AM processes, data sources, workflows, maps, applications, and system interfaces. Key staff from all departments actively participated in this event. During the workshop, AM stakeholders reviewed the previous AM report, offering valuable feedback and innovative ideas. This effort was instrumental in providing insights to support the update of the AM Assessment document to be produced. Human Resources: • Open Enrollment - Will be held October 16 - 27. HR is working with Keenan, our benefits broker, and IT staff in preparation. We will have a virtual Open Enrollment meeting on October 25, 2023, at 3:00pm. • Annual Employee Appreciation Event – The luncheon will be held on Wednesday, October 11, at 12:00 pm, in the Operations Vehicle Shop. 3 • Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Prevention Training – This training is required of all employees every two years; two sessions will be held: o Tuesday, October 17, 2023: 2-hour session for Leads, Supervisors, Managers, Chiefs, and General Manager o Wednesday, October 18, 2023: 1.5-hour session for non- supervisory employees. • Annual Performance Evaluations - The 2023 performance evaluation process is in progress. • New Hires/Recruitments - The District recently filled the following positions: o Construction Technician o Human Resources Assistant II o Utility Worker I and II The District is recruiting for the following positions: o Customer Service Field Representative I/II (Meter Reader) o Engineering Manager o Reclamation Plant Operator I/II/III o Water Systems Operator I/II/III o Utility Worker I/II IT Operations: • Data Center Structural Evaluation - Staff is collaborating with the Engineering Department to plan a detailed assessment for relocating the District’s data center. The objective is to thoroughly evaluate the existing room's infrastructure, including environmental factors, energy efficiencies, future needs, and overall operating costs. Based on the assessment results, hardware and supporting devices may be moved to a different area within the Administration building. Staff will provide an update once the evaluation date is determined. • Tyler ERP Software - Following the recent approval of the ERP Upgrade project by the Board, staff is preparing to initiate discussions with the vendor, Tyler, to define the upcoming steps and establish the groundwork for the project's launch. While the proposed timeline indicates a project start date of next April, staff's objective is to address several pre-launch tasks in advance. 4 Purchasing & Facilities: • Doing Business with Otay Water District - On August 29, 2023, the Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), a Southwestern College economic development program and a San Diego Contracting Opportunities Center (SDCOC) affiliate, held a minority and disadvantaged business outreach webinar on behalf of the District. This interactive program is held twice yearly and includes an “Otay Water District at a Glance” presentation along with introductions to Capital Improvement Programs, general business and contracting opportunities, methods of procurement, and sales call protocol. Twenty-one individuals attended the virtual presentation representing companies in surveying, painting, signage, coatings, lighting, landscape design, construction, and marketing among others. Seven replied to the follow-up survey rating the presentation as either excellent or very good and comments included “This was very informative and detailed,” “The follow-up and tips were very appreciated” and “Great presentation, thank you….” PTAC’s mission is “to assist San Diego, Orange and Imperial counties small businesses with the information, resources, and technical assistance they need to effectively compete.” The program is partially funded by the City of San Diego Small Business Enhancement Program, private businesses, contractors, and other agencies including Otay Water District, Sweetwater Authority, County of San Diego, The Metropolitan Water District, California Department of General Services, SANDAG, and San Diego Airport Authority. 5 Safety & Security: o District & HOCH Quarterly Grant Consulting Meeting – Staff attended the quarterly meeting to discuss current and upcoming funding opportunities, the status of grant applications, an overview of the District’s Hazard Mitigation Program efforts, and opportunities to consider for future funding. o California Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (Cal WARN) Membership – Cal WARN’s mission is to support and promote statewide emergency preparedness, disaster response, and mutual assistance processes for public and private water and wastewater utilities. The District represents one of Cal WARN’s Region 6 Co-chairs and conducted a virtual presentation for Olivenhain and City of Escondido representatives. They received a brief overview of Cal WARN membership benefits and provided information on how to sign up to take advantage of the services. o California Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (Cal WARN) Regional Chair Bi-Monthly Meeting – Staff is one of the co-chairs for Region 6 and attended the bi-monthly meeting. o Asbestos Cement Pipe (ACP) Initial Training for Engineering and Inspectors – Staff completed an initial four-hour training course. The training is required because the Inspectors may audit a contractor’s ACP removal procedures. The instructor-led course included topics such as physical characteristics and health hazards of asbestos, safe practices, and procedures for minimizing asbestos exposure from operations involving asbestos cement pipe, and a review of general construction safety orders related to asbestos exposure. o Annual Chlorine Incident Emergency Response Exercise – The HAZWOPER Team conducted its yearly emergency response exercise. Staff reviewed the safety procedures, proper levels of personal protection, personal protective equipment, safe handling of chlorine, and safe emergency patching and plugging techniques used during an emergency response to chlorine releases. 6 U U FINANCE: • FY 2023 Annual Financial Audit – Finance staff completed the review of the first draft of the 2023 Financial Statements. Comments have now been submitted to the auditors. Additionally, Finance is working on Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), which serves as the leading introductory document accompanying the 7 Financial Statements. The MD&A provides an in-depth explanation of major financial and economic factors influencing the District’s financial health. The final draft of the financial statement and audit opinion will be presented at the October Finance and Administration Committee and subsequently at the November Board meeting. • 2013 Water Revenue Refunding Bonds – In June 2013, the 2013 Water Revenue Refunding Bonds were issued to defease the 2004 Refunding Certificates of Participation. The Water Revenue Bonds were issued with a face value of $7,735,000 and the final debt payment was made in September 2023, leaving a $0 balance outstanding. The District now has five debt issuances outstanding totaling approximately $90M as of October 1, 2023. • FY 2023 Water Loss Audit Validation and Questionnaire – With assistance from Engineering and Operations, Finance compiled the FY 2023 Water Loss Worksheet using meter accuracy data, water inventory levels, a hydraulic pressure model, water purchase and sales data, along with other data points. The District’s water loss validation auditor, E Source Water Loss Consulting, is scheduled to meet with staff on September 28 to review our data. In preparation for this meeting, District staff held an internal meeting on September 21 to review preliminary results. The water loss validation audit is required to be submitted to the CA Department of Water Resources by December 31, 2023. • District-Wide Grant Tracker – With the increased focus and effort on grants across the District, Finance has implemented a centralized District-wide grant tracking process using Sharepoint. This site will be used to track the lifecycle of grants from application to close-out. This central collection site will provide transparency and facilitate status updates between District departments. It will also assist Finance when providing updates to our external auditors. Finance will provide training on the grant tracking process and an overview of the grants audit (“single audit”) process at the October Hazard Mitigation Planning - Strategies Review meeting. • Infosend Online Bill Pay Site Update – Finance staff is working on the conversion of the online payment processor from EPX to PACE. The upgraded bill pay site went live on October 2. Customer Service and IT worked with Infosend to test the new online bill pay site. Customers did not have access to online bill pay from September 26 to October 1 while Infosend migrated all existing customer account and payment information. To ensure customers were well-informed about the upgrade and the temporary downtime, Customer Service, IT, and Communications worked together to develop a communication plan, 8 including notifications sent to customers through emails, social media messages, and information posted on the Otay webpage. Now that the site is live, customers will need to reset their password, but all existing payment methods and billing history are available. Customers who were on autopay will continue to have their payments automatically deducted. • AMI Update - Master Meter personnel successfully added the required frequency for AMI to all Allegro registers (approximately 31,000) on September 8. On September 25, Master Meter will switch one large route in Chula Vista to AMI mode. Once this is completed, Otay staff will test internal processes for importing and billing this route. If successful, all additional routes will be moved to AMI in October and November. Financial Reporting: • The financial reporting as of August 31, 2023, is as follows: o As of the second month ending August 31, 2023, there are total revenues of $22,912,047 and total expenses of $23,287,844. The expenses exceeded revenues by $375,797. The deficit is beyond the budgeted deficit due to lower than budgeted sales volumes which are a result of above average rainfall and below average temperatures. • The financial reporting for investments as of August 31, 2023, is as follows: o The market value shown in the Portfolio Summary and in the Investment Portfolio Details as of August 31, 2023, total $104,991,487 with an average yield to maturity of 3.850%. The total earnings year to date are $696,509. ENGINEERING AND WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS: Engineering: • Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement and 12-inch Pipeline Replacement, 1530 Zone, Vista Diego Road: This project includes replacement of the existing Pump Station, which serves the small 1530 Pressure Zone, containing approximately thirty-seven (37) potable water meters and four (4) hydrants. The project also includes 1530 Pressure Zone distribution system improvements in support of the Pump Station Replacement project and replacement of the existing emergency standby generator. An alternative concept, intended to avoid relocating overhead utilities, was presented and well received by District staff on January 31, 2023. A 60% drawing submittal for the replacement pump station incorporating alternative retaining walls (rock nail in lieu of typical CMU) and 9 an alternative surge mitigation design was completed August 16, 2023, and a review meeting was held August 29, 2023. The project is within budget and on schedule as projected during the FY 2024 budget cycle. (P2639, P2680, and P2688) • RWCWRF Disinfection System Improvements: The project involves the replacement of the chlorine gas disinfection system with an ultraviolet (UV) process at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility. Consultant selection for design and construction support went to Carollo Engineers and design work initiated in July 2021. A Memorandum of Understanding has been reached with Trojan for procuring the UV system through the construction contractor at a bid obtained cost. This will also reduce materials acquisition delays related to this equipment, which is projected to take a year to ship. A construction contract has been awarded to GSE Construction Co., Inc. with the UV submittal to be top priority for getting the project started. The plant engineering report has been updated for preparation of completing the permitting process with the State. The contractor is processing the Trojan UV system submittal and a preconstruction meeting will be scheduled in early October 2023.(R2117 and R2157) • Olympic Parkway Recycled Water Line Replacement: Several main breaks within the past few years of the 20-inch recycled water line in Olympic Parkway between Heritage Road and La Media Road resulted in the establishment of this Capital Improvement Program project at the May 2021 Board meeting. The engineering firm, NV5, was selected to design the replacement waterline using the District’s As-Needed Engineering Design Services contract. The project was awarded to Burtech in January 2023. The City of Chula Vista permits have been obtained. Consideration was given to potentially using trenchless installation, but several drawbacks and limitations eliminated it from selection. Traffic control design was handled through the As-Needed Traffic Engineering Services contract. The contractor has started procuring materials and a Pre-Construction Meeting was held on June 8, 2023. The valve manufacturer has notified the Contractor that the valves will not be delivered until March 2024. The project is within budget. (R2159) • Paso de Luz and Vista Sierra Waterlines Replacement: The existing 1950’s steel water lines in the Hillsdale area have been identified for replacement due to past failures. Under this contract, the water line between Vista Grande and Vista Sierra will be replaced. Included in this project is the replacement of a water line between Paso de Luz and Telegraph Canyon Road in Chula Vista that is located in an easement on an embankment. The water line was isolated due to a leak, removing the redundancy for this 10 neighborhood. Board awarded the contract to CCL Contracting, Inc. in April 2022. Work is completed for both sites, and the final closeout change order (CO #2) will be recommended for approval at the October 4, 2023, Board meeting. The District will review the condition of the abandoned Vista Sierra pipeline to determine necessary timing for completing Phase 2 of the project involving the remaining pipeline that extends to Pence Drive. The project is within budget and on schedule. (P2612 & P2616) • Cottonwood Sewer Pump Station Replacement: The project involves the replacement of the existing sewer pump station, originally constructed in 1986 as a temporary facility, due to operational and accessibility deficiencies. The station serves both the District and County of San Diego customers on the southside of Sweetwater River. Improvements will incorporate increased station capacity now and in the future with a force main upgrade, as well as emergency storage to avoid a sewage spill. Design is being prepared by Wood Rodgers, Inc., with the preliminary design report in progress. The geotechnical investigation of the site has been completed by Atlas using the District’s As-Needed Geotechnical contract. The project is within budget and on schedule. (S2069) • 870-2 Reservoir and 870-1 Reservoir Floating Cover/Liner Replacement: This project consists of constructing a new 3.4 MG prestressed concrete potable water tank adjacent to the existing 870-1 Reservoir. The project also includes lowering the existing 870-1 Reservoir 30-inch inlet pipe and replacing the existing floating cover and liner within the existing 870-1 Reservoir. District staff designed the floating cover/liner replacement portion of the project in-house to the 50% level and a recognized expert in floating covers, Hilts Consulting Group, reviewed and commented on the floating cover/liner design in February 2023. The District’s as-needed engineering design consultant, Wood Rodgers, teamed with Richard Brady and Associates (Wood Rodgers/Brady), and delivered the 60% civil design the week of June 22 and a review meeting was held July 17, 2023. The District's as-needed electrical consultant, BSE delivered the 60% electrical and instrumentation/control design August 25, 2023 and a review meeting was held September 11, 2023. Proposals for construction management and inspection services are due on October 12th, award is scheduled for the January 2024 Board Meeting. The project is within budget and on schedule. (P2228 & P2563) • Advanced Metering Infrastructure Upgrade Project: This project will provide the District with the ability to measure water usage in real time. This will allow customers to access their consumption data online and compare historic usage. Currently, the District has approximately 24,000 AMI-compatible meters installed throughout the service area. This phase of the project will 11 install the base antennas, repeaters, as well as network hardware and software to implement the system. The contractor has completed all work, and Master Meter is upgrading the software in the meters. The construction contract is expected to be closed out and Notice of Completion recorded by the end of the first quarter of FY 2024. The project is within budget and on schedule. (P2682) • 1004-2 & 485-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating: This project consists of removing and replacing the interior and exterior coatings of the 1004-2 (1.4 MG) and the 485-1 (1.0 MG) Reservoirs, along with providing structural upgrades, to ensure the tanks comply with both state and federal OSHA standards as well as the American Water Works Association and the County Health Department standards. Unified Field Services Corp. (Unified) was awarded the construction contract at the November 2022 Board Meeting. Unified completed work on the 1004-2 tank and Operations has replaced the defective valves on site. It is anticipated that the 1004-2 Reservoir will be returned to service in the first week of October. The interior coating and structural work on the 485-1 Tank are complete and the contractor is anticipated to complete the recoating work on the exterior by the end of September. The cathodic anode installation will begin in October. The project is within budget and on schedule. (P2567 & P2614) • FY 2023 Sewage Flows to Metro vs Planned Capacity: The Metro Amended and Restated Regional Wastewater Disposal Agreement became effective at the start of FY 2023. The District’s annual capacity of 0.38 MGD (139 MG) is now in effect, though the District would need to exceed this capacity for three (3) consecutive years before additional capacity must be acquired. Metro capacity was set based upon the District’s sewer system requirements through planning year 2050. Sewage flow to Metro for FY 2023 was 101.24 MG, below the 139 MG Agreement capacity limit. The Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility operated at a high level of production in July and August to start off the fiscal year, sending minimal flows to Metro. 12 • Summary of Budgeted and Sold Meters and EDUs for Fiscal Year 2024 through August 30, 2023: Water Operations: • On Thursday, August 17th, SCADA staff responded to a problem in the power control unit at the La Presa Pressure Reducing Valve. After troubleshooting at the site, a fault was detected at the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and the system was immediately restored. The fault was thoroughly checked and deficiencies in the batteries were detected. The power supply was replaced to prevent a recurrence of the failure. • The District received a written compliment regarding staff’s efforts for a customer call that was received on August 20th. Water Systems staff assisted a customer in the Rancho San Diego area that had a customer side leak, by isolating the District’s supply valve Date Meters (Budgeted) Meters Sold (Actual) EDUs (Budgeted) EDUs Sold (Actual) Total $ (Budgeted) Total $ Collected (Actual) August 2023 23.4 21 73 85.5 $955,391 $1,082,866 Totals FY 2024 46.8 27 146.1 142.5 $1,910,781 $1,947,308 13 in the meter box. Once the customer made their repairs two days later, staff re-opened the District’s valve, which was of great help to the customer. In the written compliment, the customer mentioned how kind, respectful, helpful, and informative staff were in the process. • The following events occurred on Tuesday, August 22nd: o Water Systems staff assisted the Inspections section by filling the 1200-1 Reservoir to the high water level for a coating warranty inspection. This inspection was performed by a diver to inspect the interior reservoir coating. Engineering is currently waiting for the inspection report. o A San Diego County Water Authority intern started the internship program with the Water System Operations section. The intern will shadow the Water System Operators for eight weeks which will give the intern an opportunity to learn how a potable water system operates. The internship program is a great opportunity for students to experience the daily duties of a Water Systems Operator. o Utility Maintenance staff began excavating and preparing to replace ten (10) twelve-inch gate valves, three (3) ten-inch gate valves, and one (1) six-inch hydrant valve at the 1004-2 Reservoir. This site was identified by Water Systems staff as having multiple inoperable valves prior to the commencement of the work for the tank recoating CIP (Capital Improvement Project) P2567. This project took multiple days to prepare before valves could be removed and installed. Once the new valves were installed, a welder was scheduled to reconnect to the 12-inch CML&C steel pipe. • On Wednesday, August 23rd, staff filled the 1485-1 and 2 Reservoirs to the high-water level for dive inspections. These tanks are scheduled for re-coating in FY25. These inspections help identify any potential structural repairs needed during the re-coating process. Engineering is currently waiting for the inspection report. • The following events occurred on Wednesday, August 30th: o Staff performed a planned shutdown to install a new 12-inch gate valve on US Elevator Road in Spring Valley, to make necessary repairs to the 12-inch steel main on the easement going up to the 850-1 Reservoir. The existing 12-inch isolation valve was identified with excessive leak by. The shutdown lasted seven and a half hours, affected five meters, and two water trailers were available for the affected meters. 14 o The District completed sampling for the Triennial Lead and Copper Rule Monitoring and samples were sent to a contracted laboratory for analysis and the results are expected to be finalized by the end of September. The Lead and Copper Rule was created by U.S. EPA to control the corrosivity of water, while also protecting public health. Lead and copper enter drinking water from the corrosion of lead and copper containing plumbing materials including home interior plumbing and water service lines. Water systems are required to collect tap samples within the District’s water distribution systems using risk-based tiering criteria, with the highest priority being sites that have plumbing materials containing lead. The rule establishes action levels for lead and copper based on a 90th percentile level of tap water samples. An exceedance of one or both action levels trigger additional actions by the water supply. All Community and Non-Transient Non-Community Public Water Systems are subject to the lead and copper rule requirements. • On Thursday, August 31st, the requested flows to Mexico were completed for the month and the interconnection was shutdown. A total of 380.4 acre-feet were delivered in August. • On Saturday, September 2nd, Utility Maintenance staff responded to an emergency leaking one-inch copper service at 1710 Merlyn Court in El Cajon. Staff performed a spot repair on the street, at the location of the leak. • On Tuesday, September 12th, SDG&E performed a planned power outage that affected the 1004-2 Pump Station and the variable frequency (VFD) trailer. The stand-by generator provided power during the outage that lasted approximately seven hours. This was a coordinated effort between Pump/Electrical and Water Systems Operations to ensure that auxiliary power was provided to the VFD trailer to maintain water system demands on the 1004 Pressure Zone. • On Thursday, September 14th, Pump/Electrical staff completed the replacement of the VFD with a soft starter for equipment #3 at 450/680 Recycled Pump Station. This required in-house work to run the wiring, install several electrical components, program the soft starter, and adjust the SCADA parameters to meet the technical needs of the pump operation, as well as the hydraulic conditions of the system. A VFD and a soft starter can perform similar functions when ramping up or shutting down a motor. The main difference is that a VFD can vary the speed of a motor and proportionally the current consumption, while a soft starter only controls the start and stop of that motor. This work was done in coordination with Water System Operations to meet water demands. 15 • On Friday, September 15th, staff performed a planned shutdown to replace a leaking two-inch meter stop on Siempre Viva Road and Otay Pacifica Drive in Otay Mesa. This shutdown had no customer impact. • During this period, Pump Mechanics completed preventive maintenance on 41 relief valves, including recycled and potable. Additional maintenance was performed at the following sites: 1050 Hydro Station, 832 Pump Station, and Jamul Drive Pressure Reducing Valve. These three relief valves were rehabilitated under the major preventive maintenance program. The remainder of the valves are in good operating condition. Relief valves are designed to control water pressure in the system. These valves open in proportion to the increase in system pressure. Pressure relief valves are the last line of defense to prevent a catastrophic event from occurring. Maintaining a proper maintenance schedule will protect our systems from extensive damage that requires costly repairs. ▪ During this period Electricians assisted Fleet Shop staff with conducting the annual genset testing at four facilities: 1200-1 Pump Station, Cottonwood Sewer Lift Station, Hidden Mountain Sewer Lift Station, and 978 Pump Station. The radiator for the generator failed at 1200-1 Pump Station, it was replaced, and is now in good working condition. The other sites did not have any issues. The District has 40 sites with gensets that are tested annually to ensure that they are in good working order in case of a power outage. During the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2024, 13 sites were tested. Purchase and Change Orders: • The following table summarizes purchases and change orders issued during the period from August 16 through September 19, 2023 that were within staff signatory authority: Date Action Amount Project Contractor/ Consultant/Vendor 8/16/2023 P.O. $2,591.29 ALARM AND ACCESS CONTROL WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 8/16/2023 P.O. $13,052.00 ENGINEERING LED LIGHTING OT ELECTRICAL 8/21/2023 P.O. $12,000.00 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 8/23/2023 P.O. $1,163.01 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE SERVICES COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 8/25/2023 P.O. $17,810.00 WAREHOUSE & PUMP/ ELECTRIC MILLWORKS SOUTHWEST MILLWORKS, INC 8/28/2023 P.O. $2,160.00 FY24 ARUBA SUPPORT RENEWAL NTH GENERATION COMPUTING, INC 16 Water Conservation and Sales: • Water Conservation – August 2023 usage was 21% lower than August 2013 usage. Since August 2022, customers have saved an average of 16% over 2013 levels. 9/5/2023 P.O. $6,789.00 FY24 TREATMENT PLANT REPORTING TOOL AQUATIC INFORMATICS, INC. 9/7/2023 P.O. $4,135.95 METER READING RECEIVER HPS WEST, INC. 9/11/2023 P.O. $5,500.00 FY24 DATACENTER & NETWORK SUPPORT CONSULTING SVCS TORO NETWORK SERVICES CORP 9/12/2023 P.O. $5,500.00 FY24 PIPELINE OBSERV SYST MGMT SFTW SUPPORT POSM SOFTWARE, LLC 9/14/2023 P.O. $10,000.00 FY24 SCADA SYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES TECHKNOWSION, INC 9/14/2023 P.O. $4,125.00 FY24 STRAT PLAN SOFTWARE REPORTING APPLICATION COMPLETION ROOIBAARD GROUP, LLC 9/14/2023 P.O. $10,000.00 FY24 WEBSITE MAINTENANCE SUPPORT & CONSULTING SERVICES NIGHTCODERS 9/14/2023 P.O. $8,500.00 FY24 SHAREPOINT & INTRANET SUPPORT SVCS ABLEFORCE, INC 9/19/2023 C.O. $15,000 AS-NEEDED COATING INSPECTION SERVICIES COATING SPECIALIST AND INSPECTION SERVICES 9/19/2023 C.O. $15,000 AS-NEEDED COATING INSPECTION SERVICES MCS INSPECTION 17 • Potable Water Purchases – The August potable water purchases were 2,723 acre-feet which is 9.0% below the budget of 2,994 acre-feet. Cumulative purchases for the year are 5,670 acre-feet, 5.2% under the year-to-date budget of 5,979 acre-feet. • Recycled Water Purchases – The August recycled water purchases from the City of San Diego and production at the District’s treatment facility were 428 acre-feet which is 15.5% below the budget of 506 acre-feet. Cumulative purchases and production for the year are 911 acre-feet, 11.0% under the year-to-date budget of 1,023 acre-feet. 18 Rainfall for the month of August can be seen in the table below. Rainfall August Y-T-D Actual 0.09 0.09 Historical Average 0.08 0.08 Variance 0.01 (12.5%) 0.01 (12.5%) Potable, Recycled, and Sewer (Reporting up to the month of August): • Total number of potable water meters: 51,770. • Total number of sewer connections: 4,750. • Recycled water consumption for the month of August: o Total consumption: 484.88 acre-feet or 157,990,316 gallons. o Average daily consumption: 5,096,461 gallons per day. o Total cumulative recycled water consumption since August 1, 2022: 946 acre-feet. o Total number of recycled water meters: 785. • Wastewater flows for the month of August: o Total basin flow: 1,757,935 gallons per day. ▪ This is an increase of 12.41 percent from August 2022. o Spring Valley Sanitation District flows to Metro: 585,978 gallons per day. o Total Otay flow: 1,171,871 gallons per day. o Flow processed at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility: 1,119,613 gallons per day. o Flow to Metro from Otay Water District: 52,258 gallons per day. o By the end of August there were 6,752 wastewater EDUs. Exhibit A Annual YTD REVENUES: Budget Actual Budget Variance Var % Potable Water Sales 70,298,000$ 13,370,577$ 14,443,000$ (1,072,423)$ (7.4%) Recycled Water Sales 10,906,000 2,611,315 2,874,225 (262,910) (9.1%) Potable Energy Charges 2,916,000 558,862 582,900 (24,038) (4.1%) Potable System Charges 13,011,000 2,104,655 2,094,000 10,655 0.5% Potable MWD & CWA Fixed Charges 13,746,000 2,223,688 2,220,000 3,688 0.2% Potable Penalties and Other Fees 978,000 159,635 203,923 (44,288) (21.7%) Total Water Sales 111,855,000 21,028,732 22,418,048 (1,389,316) (6.2%) Sewer Charges 3,468,000 573,921 572,000 1,921 0.3% Meter Fees 168,000 30,602 28,000 2,602 9.3% Capacity Fee Revenues 2,352,000 505,818 392,000 113,818 29.0% Non-Operating Revenues 2,770,600 420,694 461,800 (41,106) (8.9%) Tax Revenues 6,243,000 156,584 101,600 54,984 54.1% Interest 1,091,000 195,696 181,800 13,896 7.6% Total Revenues 127,947,600$ 22,912,047$ 24,155,248$ (1,243,201)$ (5.1%) EXPENSES: Potable Water Purchases 48,147,000$ 9,117,360$ 9,613,500$ 496,140$ 5.2% Recycled Water Purchases 5,798,000 1,709,329 1,709,329 - 0.0% CWA-Infrastructure Access Charge 3,146,000 517,628 517,600 (28) (0.0%) CWA-Customer Service Charge 1,971,000 322,394 322,400 6 0.0% CWA-Reliability Charge 3,235,000 522,898 523,000 102 0.0% CWA-Emergency Storage Charge 4,865,000 797,742 797,800 58 0.0% MWD-Capacity Res Charge 562,000 106,300 106,200 (100) (0.1%) MWD-Readiness to Serve Charge 654,000 103,388 109,000 5,612 5.1% Subtotal Water Purchases 68,378,000 13,197,039 13,698,829 501,790 3.7% Power Charges 4,285,000 967,275 930,300 (36,975) (4.0%) Payroll & Related Costs 24,590,600 4,367,088 4,595,400 228,312 5.0% Materials & Maintenance 4,824,900 728,857 804,400 75,543 9.4% Administrative Expenses 8,585,300 1,107,096 1,417,673 310,577 21.9% Legal Fees 357,000 99,489 59,600 (39,889) (66.9%) Expansion Reserve 4,320,000 720,000 720,000 - 0.0% Betterment Reserve 2,562,000 427,000 427,000 - 0.0% Replacement Reserve 8,774,800 1,462,400 1,462,400 - 0.0% OPEB Trust 1,270,000 211,600 211,600 - 0.0% Total Expenses 127,947,600$ 23,287,844$ 24,327,202$ 1,039,358$ 4.3% EXCESS REVENUES(EXPENSE) -$ (375,797)$ (171,954)$ (203,843)$ OTAY WATER DISTRICT COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY FOR THE TWO MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 2023 F:/MORPT/FS2024-P2.xlsx 9/20/2023 4:03 PM The year-to-date deficit of ($375,797) is $203,843 greater than the budgeted deficit of ($171,954). COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY NET REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE TWO MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 2023 ‐$1,600,000 ‐$1,400,000 ‐$1,200,000 ‐$1,000,000 ‐$800,000 ‐$600,000 ‐$400,000 ‐$200,000 $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000  JUL  AUG  SEP  OCT  NOV  DEC  JAN  FEB  MAR  APR  MAY  JUN YTD Actual Net Revenues YTD Budget Net Revenues YTD Variance in Net Revenues OTAY WATER DISTRICT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO REVIEW August 31, 2023 INVESTMENT OVERVIEW & MARKET STATUS: At the Federal Reserve Board's regular meeting on July 26, 2023, the Committee increased the target range for the federal funds rate from 5.25% to 5.50%. There have been no further changes made to the federal funds rate at the most recent meeting which was held on September 20, 2023. Recent indicators show modest growth in spending and production, and job gains, while the unemployment rate remains low, and inflation remains elevated. The Committee will closely monitor incoming information and assess the implications for monetary policy. The Committee's long-term goal is to attain maximum employment and inflation of 2%. The Committee will continue to reduce its holdings of Treasury securities, agency debt, and agency mortgage-backed securities, as outlined in the Plans for Reducing the Size of the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet issued in May 2022. The Committee will continue to observe the effects of incoming information on the economic outlook. In determining the timing and size of future adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, they went on to say: "The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments." The District's effective rate of return for August 2023 was 3.74%, three basis points higher than the previous month. LAIF's return was 12 basis points higher than the last month, reaching an average effective yield of 3.43% for August 2023. Based on our success at maintaining a competitive rate of return on our portfolio during this period of increasing interest rates, no changes in investment strategy regarding returns on investment are being considered. Under the District's Investment Policy, all District funds continue to be managed based on the objectives, in priority order, of safety, liquidity, and return on investment. PORTFOLIO COMPLIANCE: August 31, 2023 Investment State Limit Otay Limit Otay Actual 8.01: Treasury Securities 100% 100% 4.67% 8.02: Local Agency Investment Fund (Operations) $75 Million $75 Million $13.12 Million 8.03: Federal Agency Issues 100% 100% 67.02% 8.04: Certificates of Deposit 30% 15% 0 8.05: Short-Term Commercial Notes 25% 10% 0 8.06: Medium-Term Commercial Debt 30% 10% 0 8.07: Money Market Mutual Funds 20% 10% 0.21% 8.08: San Diego County Pool 100% 100% 14.44% 12.0: Maximum Single Financial Institution 100% 50% 1.36% July FY23 Aug FY23 Sep FY23 1st Qtr FY23 Oct FY23 Nov FY23 Dec FY23 2nd Qtr FY23 Jan FY23 Feb FY23 Mar FY23 3rd Qtr FY23 Apr FY23 May FY23 June FY23 4th Qtr FY23 Jul FY24 Aug FY24 Otay 1.32 1.46 1.74 1.50 2.06 2.52 2.91 2.49 3.00 3.44 3.46 3.30 3.65 3.58 3.74 3.66 3.71 3.74 LAIF 1.09 1.28 1.51 1.29 1.77 2.01 2.17 1.98 2.43 2.62 2.83 2.63 2.87 2.99 3.17 3.01 3.31 3.43 Difference 0.23 0.18 0.23 0.21 0.29 0.51 0.74 0.51 0.57 0.82 0.63 0.67 0.78 0.59 0.57 0.65 0.40 0.31 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 Re t u r n o n I n v e s t m e n t s Month Performance Measure FY-24 Return on Investment Otay LAIF Difference Target: Meet or Exceed 100% of LAIF Month End Portfolio Management August 31, 2023 Portfolio Summary % of Portfolio Book ValueInvestmentsMarket Value Par Value Days to MaturityTerm YTM 360 Equiv. YTM 365 Equiv. Federal Agency Issues- Callable 24,995,894.74 56523.74 4.06025324,761,270.0025,000,000.00 4.116 Treasury Securities - Coupon 4,981,533.61 2194.73 4.967294,979,550.005,000,000.00 5.035 Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 46,544,688.96 71344.21 3.77740145,667,052.2446,796,000.00 3.829 Money Market 228,680.91 10.22 5.1261228,680.91228,680.91 5.197 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF)13,122,087.10 112.46 3.387112,923,005.3413,122,087.10 3.434 San Diego County Pool 15,413,551.63 114.64 3.383114,979,000.0015,413,551.63 3.430 105,286,436.95 100.00%Investments 103,538,558.49105,560,319.64 460 239 3.797 3.850 Cash (not included in yield calculations) Passbook/Checking 1,452,928.96 1 0.71011,452,928.961,452,928.96 0.720 106,739,365.91Total Cash and Investments 104,991,487.45107,013,248.60 460 239 3.797 3.850 Current Year August 31 344,641.25 Fiscal Year To Date 696,509.17 Average Daily Balance Effective Rate of Return 108,596,315.06 110,147,691.22 3.72%3.74% Total Earnings Month Ending I hereby certify that the investments contained in this report are made in accordance with the District Investment Policy Number 27 adopted by the Board of Directors on May 03, 2023. The investments provide sufficient liquidity to meet the cash flow requirements of the District for the next six months of expenditures. __________________________________________________ ____________________ Joseph Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Reporting period 08/01/2023-08/31/2023 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 09/21/2023 YTM 360 Page 1 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2023 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days to MaturityMoody'sCUSIP Investment # Purchase Date Federal Agency Issues- Callable 1.294Federal Home Loan Bank2395 2,000,000.00 1,995,894.74 07/26/20241.08002/03/2022 1,920,580.00 Aaa3130AQL68 329 1.973Federal Home Loan Bank2396 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 03/28/20242.00003/30/2022 1,960,300.00 Aaa3130ARE31 209 2.615Federal Home Loan Bank2398 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 02/16/20242.65005/16/2022 1,973,820.00 Aaa3130ARWD9 168 3.652Federal Home Loan Bank2401 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 06/13/20243.70009/13/2022 2,962,950.00 Aaa3130AT4S3 286 4.818Federal Home Loan Bank2412 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 10/27/20234.87501/27/2023 4,992,800.00 P-13130AUGF5 56 4.942Federal Home Loan Bank2415 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 01/05/20245.00004/05/2023 4,988,200.00 P-13130AVKB7 126 4.932Federal Home Loan Mortgage2406 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 04/25/20255.00010/25/2022 2,980,320.00 Aaa3134GX6A7 602 5.055Federal Home Loan Mortgage2408 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 11/22/20245.12511/28/2022 2,982,300.00 Aaa3134GY3P5 448 24,995,894.7424,761,270.0025,000,000.0024,995,717.49Subtotal and Average 4.060 253 Treasury Securities - Coupon 4.967US TREASURY2414 5,000,000.00 4,981,533.61 09/30/20230.25002/23/2023 4,979,550.00 Aaa91282CDA6 29 4,981,533.614,979,550.005,000,000.004,971,982.03Subtotal and Average 4.967 29 Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 2.855Federal Farm Credit Bank2397 2,000,000.00 1,995,447.28 04/25/20252.75004/26/2022 1,924,160.00 Aaa3133ENVC1 602 4.261Federal Farm Credit Bank2402 3,000,000.00 2,995,942.92 09/30/20254.25009/30/2022 2,961,210.00 Aaa3133ENP95 760 4.488Federal Farm Credit Bank2405 3,000,000.00 2,994,384.99 10/17/20244.37510/19/2022 2,957,460.00 Aaa3133ENS43 412 4.284Federal Farm Credit Bank2410 3,000,000.00 2,996,517.28 12/20/20244.25012/20/2022 2,962,620.00 Aaa3133EN4N7 476 3.361Federal Home Loan Bank2399 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 09/01/20233.37509/01/2022 3,000,000.00 Aaa3130AT5B9 0 3.449Federal Home Loan Bank2400 3,000,000.00 2,997,276.79 06/14/20243.37509/08/2022 2,950,590.00 Aaa3130AT4D6 287 4.338Federal Home Loan Bank2404 3,000,000.00 2,999,348.32 09/13/20244.37510/18/2022 2,972,640.00 Aaa3130ATND5 378 4.724Federal Home Loan Bank2411 2,000,000.00 1,999,772.08 12/15/20234.75012/20/2022 1,994,420.00 Aaa3130AUBA1 105 4.912Federal Home Loan Bank2413 5,000,000.00 5,000,268.75 11/08/20235.00002/10/2023 4,994,350.00 P-13130AUUB8 68 4.928Federal Home Loan Bank2417 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 02/28/20255.00007/03/2023 3,999,160.00 Aaa3130AV7L0 546 0.612Federal Home Loan Mortgage2391 1,045,000.00 1,039,775.36 09/23/20250.37509/16/2021 953,499.80 Aaa3137EAEX3 753 0.618Federal Home Loan Mortgage2392 2,751,000.00 2,736,962.03 09/23/20250.37509/22/2021 2,510,122.44 Aaa3137EAEX3 753 0.996Federal National Mortage Assoc2393 2,000,000.00 2,016,306.44 01/07/20251.62512/09/2021 1,908,980.00 Aaa3135G0X24 494 1.129Federal National Mortage Assoc2394 2,000,000.00 1,972,562.88 11/07/20250.50012/15/2021 1,822,160.00 Aaa3135G06G3 798 4.787Federal National Mortage Assoc2416 8,000,000.00 7,800,123.84 07/02/20241.75005/26/2023 7,755,680.00 Aaa3135GOV75 305 46,544,688.9645,667,052.2446,796,000.0046,534,334.19Subtotal and Average 3.777 401 Money Market 5.168Blackrock T - Fund Inst9010 10,539.39 10,539.39 5.24007/01/2023 10,539.39RESERVE-10A WRB 1 5.168Blackrock T - Fund Inst9011 21,862.14 21,862.14 5.24007/01/2023 21,862.14RESERVE 10 BABS 1 5.119FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY9016 196,279.38 196,279.38 5.19007/01/2023 196,279.38OWD TRUST & CUS 1 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 YTM 360 Page 2 Par Value Book Value Maturity Date Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2023 Portfolio Details - Investments Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days to MaturityMoody'sCUSIP Investment # Purchase Date 228,680.91228,680.91228,680.91343,810.87Subtotal and Average 5.126 1 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) 3.387STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 13,122,087.10 13,122,087.10 3.43412,923,005.34LAIF 1 13,122,087.1012,923,005.3413,122,087.1014,428,538.71Subtotal and Average 3.387 1 San Diego County Pool 3.383San Diego County9007 15,413,551.63 15,413,551.63 3.43014,979,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 1 15,413,551.6314,979,000.0015,413,551.6315,413,551.63Subtotal and Average 3.383 1 108,596,315.06 105,560,319.64 3.797 239103,538,558.49 105,286,436.95Total and Average Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.11 YTM 360 Page 3 Par Value Book Value Stated RateMarket Value August 31, 2023 Portfolio Details - Cash Average BalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days to MaturityMoody'sCUSIP Investment # Purchase Date US Bank 0.009STATE OF CALIFORNIA9002 0.00 0.00 0.00907/01/2023 0.00US BANK MONEY 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9003 2,950.00 2,950.002,950.00PETTY CASH 1 0.740STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 1,394,747.50 1,394,747.50 0.7501,394,747.50OPERATING 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9005 33,382.03 33,382.0307/01/2023 33,382.03PAYROLL 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 21,849.43 21,849.4307/01/2023 21,849.43FLEX ACCT 1 0.00 108,596,315.06 107,013,248.60 3.797 239 1Average Balance 104,991,487.45 106,739,365.91Total Cash and Investments Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.11 Month End Activity Report Sorted By Issuer August 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023 Current Rate Transaction Date BalanceBeginning Balance Ending Par Value Percent of Portfolio Par Value CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchases or Deposits Redemptions or Withdrawals Issuer: Blackrock T - Fund Inst Money Market Blackrock T - Fund Inst9010 44.845.240 0.00RESERVE-10A WRB Blackrock T - Fund Inst9011 93.015.240 0.00RESERVE 10 BABS 0.0032,263.68 32,401.53Subtotal and Balance 137.85 137.85 0.0032,263.68 32,401.530.030%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: STATE OF CALIFORNIA US Bank STATE OF CALIFORNIA9002 0.000.009 0.01US BANK MONEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 810,091.790.750 462,762.46OPERATING STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 189.00 10,553.22FLEX ACCT 473,315.691,115,963.86 1,452,928.96Subtotal and Balance 810,280.79 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 9,150,000.003.434 11,300,000.00LAIF 11,300,000.0015,272,087.10 13,122,087.10Subtotal and Balance 9,150,000.00 9,960,280.79 11,773,315.6916,388,050.96 14,575,016.0613.620%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY Money Market FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY9016 253,310.645.190 900,000.00OWD TRUST & CUS 900,000.00842,968.74 196,279.38Subtotal and Balance 253,310.64 253,310.64 900,000.00842,968.74 196,279.380.183%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 11,000,000.00 11,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 DA (PRF_DA) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Current Rate Transaction Date BalanceBeginning Balance Ending Par Value Page 2 Percent of Portfolio Par Value August 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023 Activity Report Month End CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchases or Deposits Redemptions or Withdrawals 0.00 0.0011,000,000.00 11,000,000.0010.279%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Agency Issues- Callable 19,000,000.00 19,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.0039,000,000.00 39,000,000.0036.444%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Federal Agency Issues- Callable 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 3,796,000.00 3,796,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.009,796,000.00 9,796,000.009.154%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal National Mortage Assoc Federal Agency Issues - Bullet 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.0012,000,000.00 12,000,000.0011.214%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: San Diego County San Diego County Pool 15,413,551.63 15,413,551.63Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.0015,413,551.63 15,413,551.6314.403%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: US TREASURY Treasury Securities - Coupon Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 DA (PRF_DA) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Current Rate Transaction Date BalanceBeginning Balance Ending Par Value Page 3 Percent of Portfolio Par Value August 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023 Activity Report Month End CUSIP Investment #Issuer Purchases or Deposits Redemptions or Withdrawals 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.005,000,000.00 5,000,000.004.672%Issuer Subtotal 109,472,835.01 107,013,248.60Total12,673,315.6910,213,729.28100.000% Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 DA (PRF_DA) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Month End Duration Report Sorted by Investment Type - Investment Type Through 08/31/2023 Investment #Security ID Issuer Investment Class Book Value Par Value Market Value Current Rate YTM Current Yield Maturity/ Call Date DurationModified360Fund Federal Home Loan Bank239599 2,000,000.00 1,920,580.003130AQL68 5.655 07/26/2024 0.8751,995,894.74 1.294Fair1.0800000 Federal Home Loan Bank239699 2,000,000.00 1,960,300.003130ARE31 5.558 03/28/2024 0.5542,000,000.00 1.973Fair2.0000000 Federal Home Loan Bank239899 2,000,000.00 1,973,820.003130ARWD9 5.556 02/16/2024 0.4602,000,000.00 2.615Fair2.6500000 Federal Home Loan Bank240199 3,000,000.00 2,962,950.003130AT4S3 5.338 06/13/2024 0.7543,000,000.00 3.652Fair3.7000000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage240699 3,000,000.00 2,980,320.003134GX6A7 5.425 04/25/2025 1.5353,000,000.00 4.932Fair5.0000000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage240899 3,000,000.00 2,982,300.003134GY3P5 5.637 11/22/2024 1.1553,000,000.00 5.055Fair5.1250000 Federal Home Loan Bank241299 5,000,000.00 4,992,800.003130AUGF5 5.698 10/27/2023 0.1535,000,000.00 4.818Fair4.8750000 Federal Home Loan Bank241599 5,000,000.00 4,988,200.003130AVKB7 5.650 01/05/2024 0.3455,000,000.00 4.942Fair5.0000000 US TREASURY241499 5,000,000.00 4,979,550.0091282CDA6 5.410 09/30/2023 0.0794,981,533.61 4.967Fair.25000000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage239199 1,045,000.00 953,499.803137EAEX3 4.893 09/23/2025 2.0021,039,775.36 0.612Fair.37500000 Federal Home Loan Mortgage239299 2,751,000.00 2,510,122.443137EAEX3 4.893 09/23/2025 2.0022,736,962.03 0.618Fair.37500000 Federal National Mortage Assoc239399 2,000,000.00 1,908,980.003135G0X24 5.160 01/07/2025 1.3032,016,306.44 0.996Fair1.6250000 Federal National Mortage Assoc239499 2,000,000.00 1,822,160.003135G06G3 4.841 11/07/2025 2.1191,972,562.88 1.129Fair.50000000 Federal Farm Credit Bank239799 2,000,000.00 1,924,160.003133ENVC1 5.180 04/25/2025 1.5671,995,447.28 2.855Fair2.7500000 Federal Home Loan Bank239999 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.003130AT5B9 3.320 09/01/2023 0.0003,000,000.00 3.361Fair3.3750000 Federal Home Loan Bank240099 3,000,000.00 2,950,590.003130AT4D6 5.552 06/14/2024 0.7562,997,276.79 3.449Fair3.3750000 Federal Farm Credit Bank240299 3,000,000.00 2,961,210.003133ENP95 4.912 09/30/2025 1.9302,995,942.92 4.261Fair4.2500000 Federal Home Loan Bank240499 3,000,000.00 2,972,640.003130ATND5 5.295 09/13/2024 0.9752,999,348.32 4.338Fair4.3750000 Federal Farm Credit Bank240599 3,000,000.00 2,957,460.003133ENS43 5.696 10/17/2024 1.0652,994,384.99 4.488Fair4.3750000 Federal Farm Credit Bank241099 3,000,000.00 2,962,620.003133EN4N7 5.257 12/20/2024 1.2382,996,517.28 4.284Fair4.2500000 Federal Home Loan Bank241199 2,000,000.00 1,994,420.003130AUBA1 5.666 12/15/2023 0.2871,999,772.08 4.724Fair4.7500000 Federal Home Loan Bank241399 5,000,000.00 4,994,350.003130AUUB8 12.192 11/08/2023 0.1865,000,268.75 4.912Fair5.0000000 Federal National Mortage Assoc241699 8,000,000.00 7,755,680.003135GOV75 5.541 07/02/2024 0.8097,800,123.84 4.787Fair1.7500000 Federal Home Loan Bank241799 4,000,000.00 3,999,160.003130AV7L0 5.015 02/28/2025 1.4194,000,000.00 4.928Fair5.0000000 Portfolio OTAY NL! APPage 1Data Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 DU (PRF_DU) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Investment #Security ID Issuer Investment Class Book Value Par Value Market Value Current Rate YTM Current Yield Maturity/ Call Date DurationModified360 Sorted by Investment Type - Investment Type Duration Report Month End Through 08/31/2023 Fund Blackrock T - Fund Inst901099 10,539.39 10,539.39RESERVE-10A 5.240 0.00010,539.39 5.168Amort5.2400000 Blackrock T - Fund Inst901199 21,862.14 21,862.14RESERVE 10 5.240 0.00021,862.14 5.168Amort5.2400000 FIRST AMERICAN US TREASURY901699 196,279.38 196,279.38OWD TRUST &5.190 0.000196,279.38 5.119Amort5.1900000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA900199 13,122,087.10 12,923,005.34LAIF 3.434 0.00013,122,087.10 3.387Fair3.4340000 San Diego County900799 15,413,551.63 14,979,000.00SD COUNTY 3.430 0.00015,413,551.63 3.383Fair3.4300000 5.137 0.620105,286,436.95 105,560,319.64 103,538,558.49Report Total † = Duration can not be calculated on these investments due to incomplete Market price data. Portfolio OTAY NL! APPage 2Data Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 DU (PRF_DU) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Month End GASB 31 Compliance Detail Sorted by Fund - Fund August 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023 Investment #Maturity Date Beginning Invested Value Purchase of Principal InvestmentClassFundCUSIP Adjustment in Value Ending Invested Value Addition to Principal Redemption of Principal Amortization Adjustment Change in Market Value Fund: Treasury Fund 2391 950,761.90Fair Value 09/23/2025 2,737.9099 953,499.803137EAEX30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2406 2,975,490.00Fair Value 04/25/2025 4,830.0099 2,980,320.003134GX6A70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2408 2,977,230.00Fair Value 11/22/2024 5,070.0099 2,982,300.003134GY3P50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2392 2,502,914.82Fair Value 09/23/2025 7,207.6299 2,510,122.443137EAEX30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2393 1,902,480.00Fair Value 01/07/2025 6,500.0099 1,908,980.003135G0X240.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2394 1,815,140.00Fair Value 11/07/2025 7,020.0099 1,822,160.003135G06G30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2416 7,734,320.00Fair Value 07/02/2024 21,360.0099 7,755,680.003135GOV750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2401 2,945,670.00Fair Value 06/13/2024 17,280.0099 2,962,950.003130AT4S30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2404 2,966,100.00Fair Value 09/13/2024 6,540.0099 2,972,640.003130ATND50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2395 1,912,900.00Fair Value 07/26/2024 7,680.0099 1,920,580.003130AQL680.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2396 1,951,600.00Fair Value 03/28/2024 8,700.0099 1,960,300.003130ARE310.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 2,944,560.00Fair Value 06/14/2024 6,030.0099 2,950,590.003130AT4D60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2413 4,993,900.00Fair Value 11/08/2023 450.0099 4,994,350.003130AUUB80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2398 1,970,520.00Fair Value 02/16/2024 3,300.0099 1,973,820.003130ARWD90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2399 2,994,120.00Fair Value 09/01/2023 5,880.0099 3,000,000.003130AT5B90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2415 4,987,100.00Fair Value 01/05/2024 1,100.0099 4,988,200.003130AVKB70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2412 4,990,600.00Fair Value 10/27/2023 2,200.0099 4,992,800.003130AUGF50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2417 4,004,280.00Fair Value 02/28/2025 -5,120.0099 3,999,160.003130AV7L00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2411 1,993,680.00Fair Value 12/15/2023 740.0099 1,994,420.003130AUBA10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9014 32,213.65Amortized 0.0099 21,849.43FLEX ACCT 0.00 189.00 10,553.22 0.00 9001 15,040,386.62Fair Value 32,618.7399 12,923,005.34LAIF0.00 9,150,000.00 11,300,000.00 0.00 9004 1,047,418.17Amortized 0.0099 1,394,747.50OPERATING0.00 810,091.79 462,762.46 0.00 9003 2,950.00Amortized 0.0099 2,950.00PETTY CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9002 0.01Amortized 0.0099 0.00US BANK MONEY 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 9005 33,382.03Amortized 0.0099 33,382.03PAYROLL0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2405 2,954,250.00Fair Value 10/17/2024 3,210.0099 2,957,460.003133ENS430.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2402 2,959,440.00Fair Value 09/30/2025 1,770.0099 2,961,210.003133ENP950.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2397 1,920,760.00Fair Value 04/25/2025 3,400.0099 1,924,160.003133ENVC10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2410 2,955,750.00Fair Value 12/20/2024 6,870.0099 2,962,620.003133EN4N70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2414 4,957,400.00Fair Value 09/30/2023 22,150.0099 4,979,550.0091282CDA60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9007 15,477,000.00Fair Value -498,000.0099 14,979,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 GD (PRF_GD) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Investment #Maturity Date Beginning Invested Value Purchase of Principal InvestmentClass Sorted by Fund - Fund Fund Page 2 CUSIP Adjustment in Value Ending Invested Value Addition to Principal Redemption of Principal Amortization Adjustment Change in Market Value GASB 31 Compliance Detail Month End Fund: Treasury Fund 9016 842,968.74Amortized 0.0099 196,279.38OWD TRUST & CUS 0.00 253,310.64 900,000.00 0.00 9010 10,494.55Amortized 0.0099 10,539.39RESERVE-10A WRB 0.00 44.84 0.00 0.00 9011 21,769.13Amortized 0.0099 21,862.14RESERVE 10 BABS 0.00 93.01 0.00 0.00 107,769,549.62Subtotal -318,475.75 104,991,487.450.00 10,213,729.28 12,673,315.69 0.00 107,769,549.62Total 104,991,487.45-318,475.750.00 10,213,729.28 12,673,315.69 0.00 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 GD (PRF_GD) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Month End Interest Earnings Sorted by Fund - Fund August 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023 Yield on Beginning Book Value Maturity Date Current Rate Ending Par Value EndingSecurityTypeFundBook ValueBeginningBook Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIPInvestment #Interest Earned Fund: Treasury Fund 1,039,775.3623911,045,000.00 0.375FAC09/23/2025 326.57 211.24 537.810.609991,039,564.123137EAEX3 3,000,000.0024063,000,000.00 5.000MC104/25/2025 12,500.00 0.00 12,500.004.906993,000,000.003134GX6A7 3,000,000.0024083,000,000.00 5.125MC111/22/2024 12,812.50 0.00 12,812.505.029993,000,000.003134GY3P5 2,736,962.0323922,751,000.00 0.375FAC09/23/2025 859.69 567.57 1,427.260.614992,736,394.463137EAEX3 2,016,306.4423932,000,000.00 1.625FAC01/07/2025 2,708.33 -1,006.57 1,701.760.993992,017,313.013135G0X24 1,972,562.8823942,000,000.00 0.500FAC11/07/2025 833.34 1,047.22 1,880.561.123991,971,515.663135G06G3 7,800,123.8424168,000,000.00 1.750FAC07/02/2024 11,666.67 19,921.21 31,587.884.780997,780,202.633135GOV75 3,000,000.0024013,000,000.00 3.700MC106/13/2024 9,250.00 0.00 9,250.003.630993,000,000.003130AT4S3 2,999,348.3224043,000,000.00 4.375FAC09/13/2024 10,937.50 52.55 10,990.054.314992,999,295.773130ATND5 1,995,894.7423952,000,000.00 1.080MC107/26/2024 1,800.00 378.95 2,178.951.286991,995,515.793130AQL68 2,000,000.0023962,000,000.00 2.000MC103/28/2024 3,333.33 0.00 3,333.331.962992,000,000.003130ARE31 2,997,276.7924003,000,000.00 3.375FAC06/14/2024 8,437.50 288.68 8,726.183.428992,996,988.113130AT4D6 5,000,268.7524135,000,000.00 5.000FAC11/08/2023 20,833.33 -120.34 20,712.994.877995,000,389.093130AUUB8 2,000,000.0023982,000,000.00 2.650MC102/16/2024 4,416.66 0.00 4,416.662.600992,000,000.003130ARWD9 3,000,000.0023993,000,000.00 3.375FAC09/01/2023 8,437.50 80.00 8,517.503.343992,999,920.003130AT5B9 5,000,000.0024155,000,000.00 5.000MC101/05/2024 20,833.33 0.00 20,833.334.906995,000,000.003130AVKB7 5,000,000.0024125,000,000.00 4.875MC110/27/2023 20,312.50 0.00 20,312.504.783995,000,000.003130AUGF5 4,000,000.0024174,000,000.00 5.000FAC02/28/2025 16,666.67 0.00 16,666.674.906994,000,000.003130AV7L0 1,999,772.0824112,000,000.00 4.750FAC12/15/2023 7,916.67 65.75 7,982.424.700991,999,706.333130AUBA1 21,849.43901421,849.43PA1 0.00 0.00 0.009932,213.65FLEX ACCT 13,122,087.10900113,122,087.10 3.434LA1 42,081.53 0.00 42,081.533.2449915,272,087.10LAIF 1,394,747.5090041,394,747.50 0.750PA1 1,172.88 0.00 1,172.881.318991,047,418.17OPERATING 2,950.0090032,950.00PA1 0.00 0.00 0.00992,950.00PETTY CASH 0.0090020.00 0.009PA1 0.00 0.00 0.00990.01US BANK MONEY 33,382.03900533,382.03PA1 0.00 0.00 0.009933,382.03PAYROLL 2,994,384.9924053,000,000.00 4.375FAC10/17/2024 10,937.50 414.91 11,352.414.464992,993,970.083133ENS43 2,995,942.9224023,000,000.00 4.250FAC09/30/2025 10,625.00 162.50 10,787.504.240992,995,780.423133ENP95 1,995,447.2823972,000,000.00 2.750FAC04/25/2025 4,583.33 229.93 4,813.262.840991,995,217.353133ENVC1 2,996,517.2824103,000,000.00 4.250FAC12/20/2024 10,625.00 222.77 10,847.774.263992,996,294.513133EN4N7 4,981,533.6124145,000,000.00 0.250TRC09/30/2023 1,058.74 19,739.94 20,798.684.935994,961,793.6791282CDA6 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 IE (PRF_IE) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 Maturity Date Current Rate Ending Par Value EndingSecurityTypeFund Page 2 Book ValueBeginningBook Value Adjusted Interest Earnings Accretion Amortization/ Earnings Adjusted Interest August 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023 Interest Earnings Month End Annualized YieldCUSIPInvestment #Interest Earned Fund: Treasury Fund 15,413,551.63900715,413,551.63 3.430LA3 44,902.00 0.00 44,902.003.4309915,413,551.63SD COUNTY POOL 196,279.389016196,279.38 5.190PA2 1,372.69 0.00 1,372.691.91799842,968.74OWD TRUST & CUS 10,539.39901010,539.39 5.240PA2 46.90 0.00 46.905.2629910,494.55RESERVE-10A WRB 21,862.14901121,862.14 5.240PA2 97.28 0.00 97.285.2629921,769.13RESERVE 10 BABS 107,013,248.60Subtotal 106,739,365.91 3.802 344,641.2542,256.31302,384.94109,156,696.01 107,013,248.60Total 106,739,365.91 3.802 344,641.2542,256.31302,384.94109,156,696.01 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_PM1: 09/21/2023 09:40 Run Date: 09/21/2023 - 09:40 IE (PRF_IE) 7.3.11 Report Ver. 7.3.11 SUMMARY FOR PERIOD 8/24/2023 - 9/20/2023 NET DEMANDS $)&$,4     70*%$)&$,4    505"-$)&$,4    8*3&50 #&/&'*54$003%*/"5034%&/5"-#&/&'*54"%.*/'&&'03$-"*.4 "6(   #&/&'*54$003%*/"5034%&/5"-#&/&'*5413&."%.*/'&&4 "6(  #&/&'*54$003%*/"5034%&/5"-$0#3"$-"*.4 "6(   $"-1&34$&3#5$0/53*#65*0/4': 01&#   $*5:0'$)6-"7*45"#*.0/5)-:4&8&3$)"3(&4 +6-:"6(    $*5:53&"463&3.&53010-*5"/4&8&3"(&4:45&. 26"35&3-:   $*5:53&"463&33&$-"*.&%8"5&3163$)"4& "6(   05":8"5&3%*453*$5#*8&&,-:1":30--%&%6$5*0/  05":8"5&3%*453*$5#*8&&,-:1":30--%&%6$5*0/  16#-*$&.1-0:&&43&54:45&.#*8&&,-:1&34$0/53*#65*0/   16#-*$&.1-0:&&43&54:45&.#*8&&,-:1&34$0/53*#65*0/   4"/%*&(0$06/5:8"5&3"65)8"5&3%&-*7&3*&4$)"3(&4 +6-:    41&$*"-%*453*$53*4,&.1-0:&&.&%*$"-#&/&'*54 4&15   64#"/,#*8&&,-:1":30--5"9&4   64#"/,#*8&&,-:1":30--5"9&4   70:"'*/"/$*"-#*8&&,-:"1-"/   70:"'*/"/$*"-#*8&&,-:"1-"/   TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS $ 13,071,020.58 RECOMMENDED ACTION: 5IBUUIF#PBSESFDFJWFEUIFBUUBDIFEMJTUPGEFNBOET +C"UUBDINFOU PURPOSE: "UUBDIFEJTUIFMJTUPGEFNBOETGPSUIF#PBSEhTJOGPSNBUJPO FISCAL IMPACT: STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: SUBJECT: 3FHVMBS#PBSE &JE'BLIPVSJ 'JOBODF.BOBHFS 5SFBTVSZ"DDPVOUJOH4FSWJDFT +PTFQI#FBDIFN $IJFG'JOBODJBM0GGJDFS +PTF.BSUJOF[ (FOFSBM.BOBHFS "DDPVOUT1BZBCMF%FNBOE-JTU MEETING DATE: W.O./G.F. NO: DIV. NO. 0DUPCFS  Check Total 1,489.30 13,199.50 2,069.32 2,069.32 UB Refund Cst #0000285632 2,422.38 2,422.38 2060497 09/06/23 21414 CDCE INCORPORATED 141652 08/22/23 TOUGHBOOKS FY24 2060536 09/13/23 22055 CCL CONTRACTING INC Ref002705488 09/08/23 37.55 2060496 09/06/23 10571 CCL CONTRACTING INC 607312023 08/11/23 WATER LINE REPLACEMENT (JULY 2023)29,572.71 29,572.71 528.75 528.75 2060462 08/30/23 22039 CAUY ROSS Ref002705377 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000282938 37.55 UB Refund Cst #0000286707 2,046.00 2,046.00 2060535 09/13/23 21722 CASPER COMPANY 231024-0 08/31/23 SAWCUT FOR COPPER SERVICE 2060527 09/13/23 22056 BRYAN LUSKEY Ref002705489 09/08/23 296.75 2060560 09/20/23 08156 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER 954707 09/15/23 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY CONSULT SERV 1,858.84 1,858.84 112,473.81 112,473.81 2060559 09/20/23 21775 BRINKS INC 12385632 09/01/23 ARMORED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FY24 296.75 JANITORIAL SERVICES FY24 8,578.00 8,578.00 2060495 09/06/23 12684 BALDWIN & SONS LLC MTR23144 08/31/23 REFUND 38031 08/15/23 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES (JULY 2023)500.00 2060558 09/20/23 20125 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1596 08/31/23 3,854.77 2060494 09/06/23 20893 ATLAS TECHNICAL CONSULTANT LLC 5177 08/18/23 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES (JULY 2023)12,699.50 24,542.74 24,542.74 2060493 09/06/23 07785 AT&T 00002036124 08/12/23 TELEPHONE SERV (7/12/2023 - 8/11/2023)3,854.77 OMNI 3-4" 3" AND 4" C2 REG 4,266.92 4,266.92 2060557 09/20/23 17264 ARTIANO SHINOFF ABED 307491 09/12/23 PROF SERV - AUG 2023 2060556 09/20/23 03492 AQUA-METRIC SALES COMPANY 0096638 08/28/23 41.77 2060492 09/06/23 21387 AMERICAN FENCE CORP 2499310 08/16/23 TEMPORARY FENCE 395.00 395.00 53.76 53.76 2060526 09/13/23 22054 ALISHA ENGEL Ref002705487 09/08/23 UB Refund Cst #0000284771 41.77 UB Refund Cst #0000086836 65.43 65.43 2060461 08/30/23 22036 ALEX ZUCCA Ref002705374 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000276042 09/08/23 UB Refund Cst #0000275637 83.32 83.32 2060525 09/13/23 22045 ALEJANDRO RAMOS Ref002705478 09/08/23 898.35 9141351598 08/23/23 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA FY24 590.95 2060524 09/13/23 22050 AKRAM HANNA Ref002705483 INTERNET CIRCUITS (AUG 2023)1,323.91 1,323.91 2060555 09/20/23 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 9141351599 08/23/23 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA FY24 2060554 09/20/23 18122 ACC BUSINESS 232295652 08/27/23 614.78 2060553 09/20/23 08488 ABLEFORCE INC 11822 09/11/23 SHAREPOINT & INTRANET SUPPORT SVCS 225.00 225.00 Amount 2060491 09/06/23 15416 24 HOUR ELEVATOR INC 150137 09/01/23 ELEVATOR GENERAL MAINTENANCE FY24 614.78 CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 8/24/2023 - 9/20/2023 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Page 1 of 8 50,279.90 2,815.00 4,360.00 193E639090823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/7/23)226.00 193E639070823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/4/23)226.00 193E639260823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/18/23)226.00 193E639270823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/18/23)226.00 193E638400823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/17/23-8/25/23)226.00 193E639130823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/14/23)226.00 193E637840823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/2/23-8/4/23)226.00 193E639200823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/17/23)226.00 193E639060823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/22/23)226.00 193E639240823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/18/23)226.00 193E639100823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/8/23)226.00 193E639290823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/28/23)226.00 193E639250823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/18/23)226.00 193E639280823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/21/23)226.00 193E639340823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/30/23)226.00 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (8/4/23; 8/23/23)1,469.00 193E639380823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/31/23)226.00 1354081723 08/17/23 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (10/31/23-10/31/24)564.00 2060567 09/20/23 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 193E635460823 09/04/23 5363081723 08/17/23 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (10/31/23-10/31/24)1,425.00 5365081723 08/17/23 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (10/31/23-10/31/24)564.00 1,623.50 2060566 09/20/23 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 5364081723 08/17/23 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (10/31/23-10/31/24)1,807.00 540.75 540.75 2060565 09/20/23 00099 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DPWMWD-0723 08/29/23 EXCAVATION PERMITS (JULY 2023)1,623.50 INVENTORY 3,986.75 3,986.75 2060564 09/20/23 15049 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS LLC 82185456 08/31/23 DATA SERV - REALQUEST PROPERTY DATA 32666 08/31/23 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (8/30/23)145.00 2060498 09/06/23 18331 CORE & MAIN LP T364401 08/11/23 32667 08/31/23 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (8/30/23)225.00 32665 08/31/23 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (8/30/23)165.00 32664 08/31/23 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (8/23/23)270.00 32658 08/31/23 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (8/1/23)250.00 32661 08/31/23 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (8/9/23)270.00 32663 08/31/23 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (8/22/23)270.00 540.00 32662 08/31/23 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (8/10/23)410.00 32659 08/31/23 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (8/2/23)270.00 WATER CONSERVATION BUS TRANSPORT 167.61 167.61 2060563 09/20/23 04119 CLARKSON LAB & SUPPLY INC 32660 08/31/23 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (8/7/23-8/8/23) 141657 08/23/23 TOUGHBOOKS FY24 1,258.52 2060562 09/20/23 21050 CHULA VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AR054248 09/12/23 2060561 09/20/23 21414 CDCE INCORPORATED 141677 08/30/23 TOUGHBOOKS FY24 49,021.38 Page 2 of 8 7,232.00 2,379.00 1,409.30 8,316.82 27,996.64 1,502.13 1,502.13 DOCUMENT SERVICE FY24 99.00 99.00 2060476 08/30/23 22040 FJ WILLERT CONTRACTING CO Ref002705378 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000283267 0833638 08/14/23 FULL FACE GASKETS & BOLT KITS 1,429.20 2060571 09/20/23 17888 FIRST AMERICAN DATA TREE LLC 9003400823 08/31/23 INVENTORY 22,041.94 0833663 08/15/23 INVENTORY 4,525.50 0834761 08/29/23 BENDS 769.64 2060502 09/06/23 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0834121 08/16/23 08/30/23 INVENTORY 5,385.71 0834820 08/28/23 4" AND 6" DUCTILE IRON SPOOLS 2,161.47 1,387.72 165907168 08/20/23 VISION BENEFITS ADMIN (AUG 2023)21.58 2060570 09/20/23 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0834295 UB Refund Cst #0000277468 25.51 25.51 2060537 09/13/23 20511 EYEMED (FIDELITY)165906840 08/20/23 VISION BENEFITS ADMIN (AUG 2023) 2060528 09/13/23 22052 ERICA HANCE Ref002705485 09/08/23 243.31 2060465 08/30/23 22027 ELIZABETH HERNANDEZ Ref002705365 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000206660 112.75 112.75 7,950.00 7,950.00 2060501 09/06/23 02447 EDCO DISPOSAL CORPORATION 5458 083123 08/31/23 RECYCLED WASTE SERVICE FY24 243.31 DRYLET BIOAUGMENTATION 7,950.00 7,950.00 2060500 09/06/23 18983 DRYLET LLC 3184 12/12/22 DRYLET BIOAUGMENTATION 2060569 09/20/23 18983 DRYLET LLC 3248 08/24/23 73.05 2060464 08/30/23 22033 DINORAH SORIANO Ref002705371 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000268442 65.41 65.41 4,357.51 4,357.51 2060463 08/30/23 22025 DENNISTED DUARTE Ref002705363 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000199446 73.05 COATING INSPECTION SERVICES (JULY 2023)16,662.50 16,662.50 2060568 09/20/23 18756 CULTURA 15642 09/19/23 OFFICE FURNITURE 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000273080 745.02 745.02 2060499 09/06/23 04443 CSI SERVICES INC 12328 08/14/23 1,728.00 057742005RI 08/16/23 PERMIT FEES # 05774 (SEPT 2023-SEPT 2024)651.00 2060475 08/30/23 22034 CR LUMINA GROUP LLC Ref002705372 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE SERVICES 1,163.01 1,163.01 2060474 08/30/23 02122 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 057142005RI 08/16/23 PERMIT FEES # 05714 (SEPT 2023-SEPT 2024) 2060473 08/30/23 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEH23-0156 07/30/23 193E638650823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/15/23)113.00 193E639050823 09/04/23 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (8/1/23)113.00 193E639150823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/14/23)226.00 193E637530823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/14/23)113.00 193E639360823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/30/23)226.00 193E639220823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/18/23)226.00 193E638100823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/18/23)226.00 193E639350823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/30/23)226.00 193E639080823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/4/23)226.00 193E639230823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/18/23)226.00 193E639320823 09/04/23 SHUT DOWN TEST (8/21/23)226.00 Page 3 of 8 411.76 4,450.68 6,553.48 22,044.61 21,835.10 14,361.799202507/28/23 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (JULY 2023)4,612.50 6,183.44 2060540 09/13/23 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL 119482 07/27/23 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (JULY 2023)9,749.29 1,137.50 1,137.50 2060576 09/20/23 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL 119911 08/25/23 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (AUG 2023)6,183.44 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 2,254.33 2,254.33 2060575 09/20/23 18436 HAZEN AND SAWYER DPC 200940078A 06/30/23 2022 WATER FACILITIES PLAN (4/1/23-5/31/23) 2060539 09/13/23 19978 HASA INC.912800 08/21/23 913482 08/23/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 840.95 913814 08/24/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 758.33 913818 08/24/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,487.15 915411 08/30/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,215.68 913815 08/24/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 2,189.41 913808 08/24/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,670.09 914401 08/28/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,245.76 915749 08/31/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 2,221.87 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 4,549.96 915748 08/31/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,655.90 909940 08/10/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 554.73 2060574 09/20/23 19978 HASA INC.916349 09/05/23 909939 08/10/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,327.81 909614 08/09/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,313.06 911972 08/17/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,805.82 911731 08/16/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 1,442.89 911971 08/17/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,968.68 909942 08/10/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 2,950.69 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 4,440.79 910777 08/14/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 4,240.14 2060504 09/06/23 19978 HASA INC.909941 08/10/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 3,635.25 908411 08/03/23 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE FY24 2,918.23 2060479 08/30/23 19978 HASA INC.908410 08/03/23 HACH CHEMKEY REAGENTS FY24 2,467.48 13723067 09/01/23 HACH CHEMKEY REAGENTS FY24 1,983.20 2060573 09/20/23 00174 HACH COMPANY 13710253 08/23/23 100.00 2060478 08/30/23 00174 HACH COMPANY 13688997 08/08/23 5500SC ANALYZER SUPPLIES FY24 632.95 632.95 100.00 100.00 2060466 08/30/23 22032 GHASSAN AZEEZ Ref002705370 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000264512 100.00 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 100.00 100.00 2060477 08/30/23 22008 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2705396 08/31/23 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION Q74929 09/01/23 FLEETWASH FY24 152.57 2060538 09/13/23 22008 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2705530 09/14/23 128.64 2060572 09/20/23 11962 FLEETWASH INC Q68748 08/25/23 FLEETWASH FY24 259.19 2060503 09/06/23 11962 FLEETWASH INC Q66049 08/18/23 FLEETWASH FY24 128.64 Page 4 of 8 22,525.92 22,631.08 2,600.00 14,803.83 100.00 2060579 09/20/23 15599 MARTINEZ, JOSE 091523 09/15/23 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 1,413.72 1,413.72 13.10 13.10 2060529 09/13/23 22048 LUIS MARTINEZ LOPEZ Ref002705481 09/08/23 UB Refund Cst #0000259394 100.00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 144.10 144.10 2060511 09/06/23 03019 LOPEZ, JOSE 060123063023 06/30/23 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 2060543 09/13/23 03019 LOPEZ, JOSE 080123083123 08/31/23 1,300.00 2060542 09/13/23 21524 LINDSAY POLIC CONSULTING INC 4007 08/31/23 SAFETY GRATE WALKWAY INSPECTIONS 400.00 400.00 53.60 53.60 2060510 09/06/23 21524 LINDSAY POLIC CONSULTING INC 4006 08/03/23 SAFETY GRATE WALKWAY INSPECTIONS 1,300.00 RETAINAGE RELEASE 242.76 242.76 2060470 08/30/23 22028 LEE WATERMAN Ref002705366 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000258066 2060482 08/30/23 05840 KIRK PAVING INC 22-115-22R 06/26/23 23-119-2R 07/06/23 RETAINAGE RELEASE 717.76 23-119-1R 07/05/23 RETAINAGE RELEASE 527.10 1,662.24 1,662.24 2060509 09/06/23 05840 KIRK PAVING INC 23-119-3 08/22/23 AS-NEEDED PAVING SERVICES FY24 13,558.97 UB Refund Cst #0000029331 100.00 100.00 2060481 08/30/23 22029 KB HOME COASTAL INC Ref002705367 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000258614 921106 08/11/23 CONTAINER INVOICE 1,000.00 2060469 08/30/23 22024 JOSEFINA HARRISON VARGAS Ref002705362 08/28/23 CM920684 CONTAINER RETURN -2,000.00 920662 08/11/23 AS-NEEDED CHLORINE GAS FY24 6,600.00 09/05/23 6,600.00 2060508 09/06/23 10563 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC CM921107 CONTAINER RETURN -3,000.0009/05/23 42.24 42.24 2060578 09/20/23 10563 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 922521 09/05/23 AS-NEEDED CHLORINE GAS FY24 6,600.00 ANTENNA SUBLEASE FY24 2,243.00 2,243.00 2060468 08/30/23 22030 JAMMIE DOWNER Ref002705368 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000259212 2060507 09/06/23 20752 IWG TOWERS ASSETS II LLC 4335377 09/01/23 245921 07/07/23 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 150.08 245922 07/07/23 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 121.57 246786 09/01/23 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 3,259.54 246825 09/01/23 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 321.56 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 13,437.16 246401 08/31/23 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 5,341.17 244986 08/01/23 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 2,821.70 2060577 09/20/23 08969 INFOSEND INC 246402 08/31/23 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 14,533.85 244499 07/31/23 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES FY24 5,170.37 2060541 09/13/23 08969 INFOSEND INC 244500 07/31/23 3,271.85 2060467 08/30/23 22031 IMIR WEISE Ref002705369 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000264203 110.19 110.19 436.71 436.71 2060506 09/06/23 21840 IFLOW ENERGY SOLUTION 102846 08/14/23 ZENNER ZHZ20 METERS 3,271.85 UB Refund Cst #0000282726 100.99 100.99 2060505 09/06/23 21322 HPS WEST INC.0002020 07/13/23 MASTER METER OCTAVE METERS 2060480 08/30/23 22038 HOMEFED SH OTAY LLC Ref002705376 08/28/23 Page 5 of 8 10,697.90 19,126.28 6,309.87 22,862.98 306.96 INVEST ADV FOR DEFERRED COMP PLANS 6,500.00 6,500.00 GR082523 08/25/23 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 116.00 2060588 09/20/23 19377 SAGEVIEW ADVISORY GROUP LLC 2023-12947 09/19/23 292.79 2060516 09/06/23 21099 ROJAS, GUILLERMO GR082823 08/28/23 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 190.96 54.55 54.55 2060587 09/20/23 04542 ROBAK, MARK 080123083123 08/31/23 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 292.79 AS-NEEDED SAFETY BOOTS FY24 1,000.00 1,000.00 2060472 08/30/23 22035 RHONDA BRUSH Ref002705373 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000274806 2060586 09/20/23 19836 RED WING BUSINESS ADV ACCOUNT 20230910069504 09/10/23 171.12 2060545 09/13/23 03351 POSADA, ROD 090623 09/06/23 MISCELLANEOUS REIMBURSEMENT 33.24 33.24 252.03 252.03 2060531 09/13/23 22046 PETER REBAR Ref002705479 09/08/23 UB Refund Cst #0000155258 171.12 TOWEL LAUNDRY SERVICE FY24 316.74 316.74 2060530 09/13/23 22051 PATRICK NOWAK Ref002705484 09/08/23 UB Refund Cst #0000276035 S100454278.002 08/10/23 INVENTORY 698.52 2060515 09/06/23 19310 PALM LAUNDRY INC 300 09/01/23 S100449569.001 08/17/23 INVENTORY 2,935.92 S100454576.001 08/10/23 INVENTORY 2,202.49 INVENTORY 10,215.63 S100454387.001 08/10/23 INVENTORY 6,810.42 S100455039.001 08/23/23 INVENTORY 1,032.45 2060514 09/06/23 01002 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY INC S100454387.002 08/17/23 INVENTORY 3,103.20 S100455234.002 09/01/23 INVENTORY 2,174.22 2060585 09/20/23 01002 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY INC S100455168.001 08/25/23 13,052.00 2060484 08/30/23 19939 OTAY MESA SALES INC 128392-1 08/16/23 WATER TRUCK RENTAL 1,508.82 1,508.82 40,923.90 40,923.90 2060544 09/13/23 19636 OT ELECTRICAL 10261 09/08/23 ENGINEERING LED LIGHTING 13,052.00 JAMUL PL REPLACEMENT (JULY 2023)2,037.50 2,037.50 2060584 09/20/23 21692 ONE STOP BACKFLOW SUPPLY 0000840 08/22/23 4" AND 8" RP DEVICES 2060583 09/20/23 18332 NV5 INC 349035 09/05/23 9,789.00 2060582 09/20/23 02027 NTH GENERATION COMPUTING INC 43485H 08/31/23 ARUBA SUPPORT RENEWAL FY24 2,160.00 2,160.00 35.28 35.28 2060581 09/20/23 17261 NATURESCAPE SERVICES 7455 08/31/23 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES FY24 9,789.00 UB Refund Cst #0000285792 118.84 118.84 2060471 08/30/23 22026 MONIREH AYOUBZADEH Ref002705364 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000204101 2060483 08/30/23 22041 MH CAPITAL VENTURES INC Ref002705379 08/28/23 08/15/23 SMA HABITAT MANAGEMENT (JULY 2023)15,592.34 23081502 08/15/23 SMA HABITAT MANAGEMENT (JULY 2023)3,533.94 9,727.90 6 08/31/23 ADMINISTRATION LANDSCAPE UPDATE 970.00 2060513 09/06/23 01824 MERKEL & ASSOCIATES INC 23081501 COATING INSPECTION SERVICES (AUG 2023)19,413.68 19,413.68 2060512 09/06/23 21723 MERINO LANDSCAPE INC 00019721 08/31/23 RETAINAGE RELEASE 2060580 09/20/23 21464 MCS INSPECTION 1330 08/31/23 2060579 09/20/23 15599 MARTINEZ, JOSE 091523 09/15/23 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 1,413.72 1,413.72 Page 6 of 8 264,303.96 115,034.29 104,161.09 1,776.65 873.520196092708/22/23 PORT. TOILET RENTAL FY24 146.47 759.00 2060522 09/06/23 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 01962740 08/22/23 PORT. TOILET RENTAL FY24 727.05 4,033.89 4,033.89 2060593 09/20/23 00427 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 820230501 09/01/23 UNDERGROUND ALERT TICKETS FY24 759.00 UB Refund Cst #0000286262 1,020.41 1,020.41 2060592 09/20/23 02641 TRANE US INC 313896534 08/29/23 TRACER BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEM 2060489 08/30/23 22042 TOROCO TRUCKING LLC Ref002705380 08/28/23 294.00 2060521 09/06/23 13564 THE STAR NEWS PUBLISHING CO 00133389 08/11/23 UNCLAIMED FUNDS ADVERTISEMENT 215.26 215.26 10.10 10.10 2060520 09/06/23 13714 THE EAST COUNTY CALIFORNIAN 00133388 08/11/23 UNCLAIMED FUNDS ADVERTISEMENT 294.00 COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTING SVCS 1,800.00 1,800.00 2060532 09/13/23 22047 TAUREAN THOMAS Ref002705480 09/08/23 UB Refund Cst #0000186731 373081 08/22/23 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 365.52 2060591 09/20/23 18376 SVPR COMMUNICATIONS LLC 1629 08/31/23 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 760.31 371597 08/17/23 DECOMPOSED GRANITE 650.82 2060550 09/13/23 02750 SUPERIOR READY MIX LP 368682 08/02/23 800.00 2060488 08/30/23 15974 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL 38166080123 08/01/23 LIFE & STD/LTD INSURANCE ( AUG 2023)11,578.81 11,578.81 7,690.00 7,690.00 2060519 09/06/23 20411 STC TRAFFIC INC 6360 08/22/23 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES (JULY 2023)800.00 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 553.85 553.85 2060590 09/20/23 15176 SOUTHCOAST HEATING & AIR 1346786 08/24/23 ADMIN RTU 6 INSTALLATION (GYM) 2060549 09/13/23 21115 SONIA RIVAS Ben2705528 09/14/23 55.02 2060487 08/30/23 21115 SONIA RIVAS Ben2705394 08/31/23 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 553.85 553.85 1,588.87 1,588.87 2060548 09/13/23 16229 SMITH, TIMOTHY 080123083123 08/31/23 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 55.02 ON-DEMAND SECURITY RESPONSE 150.00 150.00 2060486 08/30/23 22037 SH OV8 LLC Ref002705375 08/28/23 UB Refund Cst #0000281807 2060518 09/06/23 19603 SECURITAS SECURITY SVC USA INC 11409918 08/31/23 081723 08/17/23 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)2,815.32 083023 08/30/23 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)869.11 08/29/23 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)51,771.30 082823 08/28/23 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)48,705.36 113,971.20 082523 08/25/23 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)1,063.09 2060517 09/06/23 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 082923 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)2,161.66 2,161.66 2060485 08/30/23 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 082323 08/23/23 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY) 090723 09/07/23 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)43.40 2060589 09/20/23 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 091413 09/14/23 083123 08/31/23 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)70,913.74 090623A 09/06/23 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)45,294.83 125.00 125.00 2060547 09/13/23 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 090623 09/06/23 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)148,051.99 2060546 09/13/23 02586 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR 202300671 09/06/23 MONTHLY ASSESSOR DATA FY24 Page 7 of 8 676.48 Amount Pd Total:1,213,512.95 Check Grand Total:1,213,512.95136 Checks 847.50 2060534 09/13/23 22049 XOCHITL SERRANO Ref002705482 09/08/23 UB Refund Cst #0000265689 10.59 10.59 7,500.00 7,500.00 2060552 09/13/23 08023 WORKTERRA 107927 08/28/23 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS BILLING ADMIN SERV 847.50 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL FY24 125.00 125.00 2060490 08/30/23 19866 WOOD RODGERS INC 1726072043 07/31/23 ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES (JULY 2023) 2060523 09/06/23 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 66262 08/09/23 2,576.92 2060596 09/20/23 15726 WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC 8333 08/31/23 HYDRAULIC MODELING (AUG 2023)1,820.00 1,820.00 25.76 25.76 2060595 09/20/23 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 818892 09/15/23 SECURITY ALARM MONITORING FY24 2,576.92 WATER INTERNS - A. KEEGAN PE 091023 241.60 241.60 2060533 09/13/23 22053 WALTER LACAYO Ref002705486 09/08/23 UB Refund Cst #0000283045 2060594 09/20/23 20909 VOLT WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS 46127005 09/10/23 WATER INTERNS - A. KEEGAN PE 082723 434.88 46121200 09/03/23 WATER INTERNS - A. KEEGAN PE 090323 241.60 2060551 09/13/23 20909 VOLT WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS 46106316 08/27/23 Page 8 of 8