HomeMy WebLinkAboutCapital Improvement Program Budget FY 2008-2013 ADOPTED CAPITAL BUDGET FISCAL YEARS 2008-2013 Board of Directors Gary Croucher – President, Division 3 Jose Lopez - Vice President, Division 4 Jaime Bonilla - Treasurer, Division 2 Larry Breitfelder - Division 1 Mark Robak - Division 5 Management Mark Watton - General Manager German Alvarez - Assistant General Manager, Finance and Administration Manny Magaña - Assistant General Manager, Engineering and Operations Joseph R. Beachem - Chief Financial Officer ADOPTED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET FISCAL YEARS 2008-2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Letter of Transmittal ii GENERAL INFORMATION Budget Guide 1 Otay Water District At-A-Glance 2 General Information 3 Awards 4 Current Economic Conditions 8 The Future 9 Demographics 10 Organization Chart 11 Budget Calendar 12 Budget Process 13 Resolution No. 4097 15 CAPITAL BUDGET SUMMARY Capital Improvement Program Budget Narrative 16 Major CIP Projects 18 Flagship CIP Projects Completed 19 Flagship CIP Projects in Construction 21 Flagship CIP Project in Design 23 Progress on Major Projects 24 CIP Reserve Funds 25 CIP Funding Source and Category 26 Capital Improvement Program 27 CIP Justification and Impact on Operating Budget 29 CIP Project Schedule 31 Capital Purchases Budget 33 CIP PROJECTS CIP Project Sheet Description 34 CIP Project Index 37 Capital Facility Projects 39 Replacement/Renewal Projects 119 Capital Purchase Projects 153 Developer Reimbursement Projects 167 APPENDIX Water Meter Capacity Fees 203 Glossary 204 List of Acronyms 210 Index 214 i September 1, 2007 Honorable Board of Directors Otay Water District I am pleased to present the Otay Water District Adopted Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2007-08. With the District’s mission to provide safe and reliable potable and recycled water and sewer services, there is an emphasis on water resources, system reliability, and new maintenance requirements. This year’s budget establishes the management plan to finance all of the District’s services and programs during the 2008 Fiscal Year. The District was formed in 1956 to serve as a public water and sewer agency, authorized as a California special district by the State Legislature under the provisions of the Municipal Water District Act of 1911. Its ordinances, policies, taxes, and rates for service are set by five Directors, elected by voters in their respective divisions, to serve staggered four-year terms on its Governing Board. The District is a “revenue neutral” public agency, meaning that each end-user pays his or her fair share of the District’s costs of water acquisition and the operation and maintenance of the public water and sewer facilities. Since the District was formed in1956, it has grown from a handful of customers and two employees to become an organization operating a network with more than 763 miles of pipelines, 42 reservoirs, a sewer treatment plant, and now owns and operates one of the largest recycled water distribution networks in San Diego County. The character of the service area has also changed from predominantly dry- land farming and cattle ranching, to businesses, high-tech industries, and large master-planned communities. Today, the District provides water service to nearly 47,030 potable and 585 recycled customers within approximately 125 square miles of southeastern San Diego County. In the past, all of the potable water purchased by the District was purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) who in turn purchases water from the region’s water importer, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Last year, the District began purchasing raw water from CWA. The Otay Water District contracted with the City of San Diego to treat this raw water giving the District a new source of potable water. There are ongoing negotiations with the City of San Diego to expand water treatment services in the future through a new connection. By taking raw water through CWA’s system there is increased reliability of water supplied to the District. ii The District also owns and operates a wastewater collection and recycling system to provide public sewer service to approximately 4,630 homes and businesses (or 6,620 Assigned Service Units) within portions of the communities of La Mesa, Rancho San Diego, El Cajon, Jamul, and Spring Valley. Recycled water from the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF) is used to irrigate golf courses, schools, public parks, roadway landscapes, and various other approved uses in eastern Chula Vista. The RWCWRF project is capable of reclaiming wastewater at a rate of 1.3 million gallons per day. On June 1, 2007, the District dedicated its new Supply Link Project connecting its recycled water system to San Diego’s South Bay Water Reclamation Plant taking about six million gallons a day of recycled water for irrigation purposes; this allows more potable water to be available for human consumption. The purchase of this water allows the District to receive recycled financial incentives from both MWD and CWA which help to offset the investment in capital necessary to make this new source of water a reality. BUDGET SUMMARY For the first time in the District’s history, the fiscal year budget exceeds $100 million, with 2008 operating expenditures of $66.2 million and capital expenditures of $34.5 million. The District’s goal is to provide the most effective and efficient service possible while maintaining affordability of the water supply for the community. The District’s operating expenditures are from its three major sectors: water, reclamation, and sewer. Revenues from potable and recycled water for Fiscal Year 2008 are projected to be $63,361,100 about $7.3 million (12.9%) greater than Fiscal Year 2007. Water sales are expected to increase as a result of the slowing but continuing growth occurring within the District’s service area. This growth should add over 1,030 new customer accounts and increase the District’s assets by approximately $35 million for the year. Significant aspects of the Operating Budget are: • A balanced budget meeting the goals of the Strategic Plan. • An updated a six-year Rate Model to ensure sound financial planning and reserve levels. • Implemented rate increases in potable and reclaimed water and sewer. This included pass-through rate increases from CWA, City of San Diego, and County of San Diego who raised costs to the water and sewer customers. • Of San Diego County’s 23 water agencies, Otay’s water rate is the eighth-lowest and below the county-wide average. Current Sources of Water 77% 12% 3% 8% Imported Potable Imported Raw Locally Treated Recycled Produced Recycled Purchased iii • Issued $42 million in debt in Fiscal Year 2007 to fund the construction of new facilities, and replacement or enhancement of existing facilities. • Funding for the six million gallons per day recycled water purchase agreement with the City of San Diego. • Increased credits from MWD and CWA for recycled water purchases from the City of San Diego. • Expanded residential, landscape, and commercial water conservation programs. • Funding the fifth year of a Five-Year Labor Agreement ending in Fiscal Year 2008. The projected operating cost for salaries and benefits is $15.6 million, which is an increase of $988,100 (6.8%) compared to Fiscal Year 2007. The increase in labor is predominately the result of negotiated pay and benefit increases. Estimated growth totaling 1,030 potable and recycled water accounts will bring the new customer count to 48,030 potable and 615 recycled accounts by the end of Fiscal Year 2008, this number of accounts equates to approximately 75,300 equivalent dwelling units (EDUs). The ultimate population projection of 277,000 will total to an estimated 114,000 EDUs and an average annual water demand of approximately 56 million gallons per day (MGD). To accommodate this growth, the District will need to invest an estimated $500 million in capital assets before ultimate build-out is realized. The Fiscal Year 2007-08 Capital Budget consists of 82 projects and a budget of $34.5 million. The budget emphasizes long-term planning for on- going programs while functioning within fiscal constraints and population growth. The District has begun to address the transformation from a growth-centric to a maintenance-based organization. Developer fees support growth but replacement and maintenance is supported by rates and operating expenses. Otay has been very successful in managing growth and now needs to focus on managing long- term maintenance and replacement of its relatively new but aging infrastructure. Time STRATEGIC PLAN To guide operations and planning efforts during this time of sustained growth, in 2001, the District began developing a Strategic Plan. This plan was designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities resulting from growth. It would also guide the District as it strives to develop the necessary infrastructure and operational practices to perform its primary business while ensuring that quality customer service and competitive rates are maintained. The first multi-year Strategic Plan was adopted by the Board of Directors in 2002. Each year, the Board of Directors reviews and updates the plan. While the first plan guided the District through a period of record growth, the updated plan using a balanced scorecard method, looks forward to a time when the majority of the requisite physical infrastructure is in place and the iv District begins to transform from a growth-centric entity to a maintenance-based organization. The District has been very successful managing growth and recognizes that continued success is predicated on developing reliable, long-term, water supplies as well as managing long-term maintenance and replacement of its infrastructure. (A summary of the Balanced Scorecard is provided on pages 8-12.) One key to addressing the challenges is to capitalize on the significant investment that has been made to implement an integrated information system. With the Otay Information System in place, the District has focused on business process improvement utilizing best-in-class technology. Other Strategic Plan objectives include: securing additional water sources, continuing expansion of potable and recycled water networks, expanding use of recycled water, and continuing efforts to promote conservation. The current Strategic Plan identifies how the District needs to change in order to meet future challenges and responsibilities. The plan is focused on all areas of the agency and describes through cascading strategies, goals, and objectives, how it will achieve the desired changes. Major themes in the updated plan are: 1) the movement toward improvement of maintenance business practices so that the life of assets can be extended, 2) the development of improved and more precise financial information to assist in management decisions, 3) the improvement of customer service through enhanced customer knowledge and contact, and 4) the building of critical assets on time and budget. As noted, the plan calls for the rapid adoption of technological systems and the review of business practices that will yield increased productivity. Part of the plan is a set of detailed performance measures which monitor the quarterly productivity of the agency. This mix of long-term objectives and short-term measures of productivity focuses the District on change while maintaining a high quality of customer service. Putting the Strategic Plan to Work Using the Strategic Plan as a guide and with the Board of Directors support, the District has been able to put into place many substantial improvements. Some of the most significant accomplishments are the integrated information system, the GIS system, and numerous policy and procedure improvements. These accomplishments, along with the forward thinking perspective of the District, paved the way for a thorough and persuasive presentation to two rating agencies resulting in the positive outcome of a bond rating upgrade for Otay Water District from an A+ to an AA-. Putting the Strategic Plan to work has resulted in operational savings and in the case of the bond rating it has resulted in approximately $1.5 million of interest expense savings. Water Resources The Strategic Plan drives advances in every aspect of District operations. For instance, the Strategic Plan called for updating of the Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) which was completed in December 2005. The UWMP serves as a long-range planning document for water supply and demand, and provides an overview of the District’s water supply and usage, recycled water, and conservation programs. The UWMP works to ensure the District always has the water resources it needs to meet the demands of a growing community. v Last year the District completed an Integrated Water Resources Plan (IRP). The mission of the IRP is to find the optimal mix of imported water, local supplies, and conservation efforts to meet projected ultimate supply requirements in a cost-effective manner while also incorporating environmental impacts, implementation risks, and other factors. The planning objectives are to maintain affordability, meet water quality standards, achieve supply reliability, increase system flexibility, increase supply diversity, and address environmental and institutional constraints. The IRP identifies and evaluates all potential water resource supply opportunities to arrive at a recommended diverse water supply portfolio. The water supply portfolio will provide a strategic approach and focused direction to be incorporated into the water resources master plan and the Capital Improvement Program for the development of sufficient water supply to meet the planning objectives for long- term sustainability. The water supply alternatives include all potential opportunities such as desalination, groundwater, water transfers, recycled water supply development, and interagency agreements. In the coming year, the District will begin facilities rehabilitation and replacement assessment which will define expected capital outlays for future system replacements. This approach is clearly focused on asset management as a core discipline. Recycled Water Included in the UWMP is the agreement with the City of San Diego which allows the District to purchase recycled water from the City’s South Bay Reclamation Facility. This contract delivers on average, more than six million gallons per day of recycled water to the District’s growing population. Recycled water purchased from this facility is used to irrigate golf courses, parks, open space, road medians, and other commercial processes. Using this resource to address specific demands has resulted in the District reducing its potable water use by approximately 15%, maximizing the beneficial use of an alternative resource, which makes millions of gallons per day of potable water available for higher quality and better purposes. On June 1, 2007, the District dedicated the Supply Link Project connecting the recycled water system to the City of San Diego’s South Bay Water Reclamation Plant. The District received $3.3 of a $4 million grant from Proposition 50 and another $2.4 million from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) for partial funding of this project. The Future The Otay Water District continues to use the challenges presented by growth to create new opportunities and new organizational efficiencies. By utilizing and continuing to refine its Strategic vi Plan, the plan has captured the Board of Director’s vision and united its staff in a common mission. The organization has achieved a number of significant accomplishments based on its successful adherence to the plan. As a result, the District is poised to successfully continue providing an affordable, safe, and reliable water supply for the people of its service area. AWARDS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Because of the vision and years of hard work that went into the Supply Link Project connecting our recycled water system to the City of San Diego’s South Bay Water Reclamation Plant, the San Diego County Taxpayer’s Association awarded the District with the Golden Watchdog of the Year Award for 2007, the American Society of Civil Engineers presented the District the Award of Merit, and the WateReuse Association of California named Otay its Utility of the Year. The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Otay Water District for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a government agency must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. In addition, the CAFR received the Outstanding Financial Reporting Award from the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO). The District also received a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the GFOA for the District’s Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2006, as well as three awards from the CSMFO for Excellence in Budgeting, Excellence in Public Communications, and Excellence in Capital Budgeting. These prestigious awards recognize conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government financial reports. This budget reflects the Board of Directors’ vision for the District, management, and its employees. We will continue to strive to make improvements in our budget process, including an extensive review and analysis of projections for revenues, expenditures, capital projects, and reserves. I would like to thank all of the staff involved in this process for the efforts put forth in the preparation of this budget to ensure a successful outcome. To the Board of Directors, we acknowledge and appreciate their continued support and direction in achieving excellence in financial management. __ Mark Watton, General Manager vii The District views the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget as an essential tool for proper financial management of the CIP projects. The District manages growth and maintenance of assets through this program. This CIP budget is developed with input from the various project managers throughout the organization and is adopted prior to the start of each fiscal year for the current fiscal year and five additional years. It is designed and presented for the general needs of the District, its staff, and citizens. It is a comprehensive and balanced financial plan. This plan features the CIP budget based on demands for services and the impact on the District’s financial status and future plans. The budget book is divided into the following sections: General Information This introductory section contains an overview and general information about the District including the organization chart and awards received. Also included are the budget calendar, a description of the budget process, and the resolution adopting the budget. Capital Budget Summary The Capital Budget Summary consists of an overview of the District’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) including the Water Resources Master Plan (WRMP) which is based on major assumptions and criteria of the CIP program. Also included are highlights of the major CIP projects completed, in construction, in design, and in progress. Additionally, this section contains the CIP reserve funds and funding sources, a six-year listing of CIP project expenditures, the project justification and impact on the Operating Budget, project schedules and the capital purchases budget. CIP Projects This section contains a project sheet description along with each individual project sheet. These sheets are developed by the project manager and contain critical information for the management of these projects. The projects are divided into four categories: Capital Facility Projects, Replacement/Renewal Projects, Capital Purchase Projects, and Developer Reimbursement Projects. Appendix The last section consists of the Water Meter Capacity Fee Schedule, the Glossary of budget and financial terms, a List of Acronyms used in this budget book, and an Index. CIP BUDGET GUIDE 1 HISTORY The Otay Water District was formed in January 1956 and joined the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) in September 1956 to acquire the right to purchase and distribute imported water throughout its service area. The District is also responsible for the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater from a portion of the northern region of the District. In 1980, the District started operation of the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF), and in June, 2007, a new source of recycled water from the City of San Diego was obtained, allowing Otay Water District to supply 15 to 20 percent of total water demand with recycled water. MISSION STATEMENT The District’s mission is to provide safe and reliable water and wastewater services to its community with innovation, in a cost efficient, water-wise, and environmentally responsible manner. SERVICE AREA The District's boundaries encompass an area of approximately 125 square miles in San Diego County, lying immediately east of the City of San Diego metropolitan area and running from the City of El Cajon south to the international border. GOVERNMENT The Otay Water District was formed in 1956 to serve as a public water and sewer agency, authorized as a California special district under the provisions of the Municipal Water District Act of 1911. The District’s ordinances, policies, taxes, and rates for service are set by five Directors, elected by voters in their respective geographic division, to serve staggered four-year terms on its governing board. The District is a “revenue neutral” public agency, meaning that each end-user pays only their fair share of the District’s costs of water acquisitions and the operation and maintenance of the public facilities. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The General Manager reports directly to the Board of Directors, and through two Assistant General Managers and the District management, oversees day-to-day operations. One Assistant General Manager oversees the departments of Administrative Services, Finance, Information Technology and Strategic Planning while the other oversees the Water Operations and Engineering departments. These and other lines of reporting are shown on the organization chart on page 11. OTAY WATER DISTRICT AT-A-GLANCE 2 For Fiscal Year 2008, the District will have a staff of 172.75 full-time equivalent employees under the leadership of the General Manager. The District provides water service to approximately 39% of its land area with a population of more than 190,000 people. This percentage increases as the District's service area continues to grow to ultimate build-out. The District is projected to deliver approximately 38,500 acre-feet of potable water to about 48,030 potable customer accounts and to ultimately deliver 62,700 acre-feet of potable water to serve 277,000 people or 50,300 accounts. The rate of growth, as projected by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) for the Chula Vista area of San Diego County, is approximately 4.3% per year over the next decade. Using historical data and considering current economic conditions, staff has moderated this projection to a growth rate of 2.1% for Fiscal Year 2008. Recycled water from the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF) is used to irrigate golf courses, schools, public parks, roadway landscapes, and various other approved uses in eastern Chula Vista. The RWCWRF is capable of reclaiming wastewater at a rate of 1.3 million gallons per day. The District is also in a partnership with the City of San Diego to beneficially reuse an additional 6,720 acre-feet per year of recycled water beginning in Fiscal Year 2007. This makes Otay Water District the largest retail provider of recycled water in the county. The District also owns and operates a wastewater collection system providing public sewer service to approximately 4,630 customer accounts within the Jamacha drainage basin. The sewer service area covers approximately 8,797 acres, which is about 11% of the District’s total service area. Residential customers comprise 98% of the sewer customer base. The District was formed in 1956 to serve as a public water and sewer agency authorized as a California special district in 1956 by the state legislature under the provisions of the Municipal Water District Act of 1911. Its ordinances, policies, taxes, and rates for service are set by its Board of Directors. Since 1956, the District has provided high quality water to an arid region of the southeastern San Diego County. In 1971, the District constructed a small collection and treatment plant for sewer in the northern section of the District, and in 1980 the District opened the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility. Finally in 1986, the District found a use for recycled water in the construction industry for soil compression. For over 50 years, the available supply of water has helped transform the District service area from a mostly scrub and cactus-covered backcountry into a wonderful balance of diverse environments. GENERAL INFORMATION 3 FINANCIAL AWARDS The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to Otay Water District for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan, and as a communications device. This award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. The California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) presented Otay Water District the Certificate of Award Excellence in Operating Budgeting for Fiscal Year 2006 - 07. 4 FINANCIAL AWARDS The California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) presented Otay Water District the Certificate of Award Excellence in Capital Budgeting for Fiscal Year 2006 - 07. The California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) presented Otay Water District the Certificate of Award Excellence in Public Communications Budgeting for Fiscal Year 2006 - 07. 5 AWARDS The San Diego Taxpayers Association announced that the Otay Water District’s Supply Link project is the recipient of its 2007 Golden Watchdog Award. The Supply Link project redirects millions of gallons of recycled water that was released each day into the ocean, and instead uses it to irrigate golf courses, freeway landscapes, and parks in eastern Chula Vista. 6 AWARDS The Otay Water District has been named the Recycled Water Agency of the Year for 2006 by the WateReuse Association of California. This prestigious award recognizes the District’s commitment to recycled water use, its extensive recycled water network, and its new Supply Link Project to connect with the City of San Diego’s South Bay Water Reclamation Plant. 7 Currently, the District services the needs of a growing population by purchasing water from the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA). CWA purchases its water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) and the Imperial Irrigation District. Otay takes delivery of the water through several connections of large diameter pipelines owned and operated by CWA. In Fiscal Year 2007, the District began purchasing raw water from CWA and having the City of San Diego treat the water at the Lower Otay Pump Station. The District is in negotiations with the City of San Diego to increase its raw water purchases and treatment in a new connection called SD17. These new water sources will help take pressure off the potable system and increase the reliability through diversifying the District’s supply. For almost as long as it has been delivering potable water, the Otay Water District has collected and reclaimed wastewater generated within the Jamacha drainage basin and pumped the recycled water south to the Salt Creek basin where it is used for irrigation and other non-potable uses. However, the demand for recycled water out-paced the supply, requiring the District to supplement the limited supply of recycled water with potable water. Through the new agreement with the City of San Diego, the District has discontinued supplementing its recycled demand with potable water. Once again, this decreases the demand on the potable supply and increases the reliability of the District’s supply. The District’s sewer service area is growing at a slow but steady rate of approximately 1.2% each year. Most of this growth is from small development projects or homeowners converting their septic system into sewer because of environmental issues. The District’s service area is in one of the fastest growing regions in the nation. During the past decade, the population of the service area has nearly doubled. The phenomenal growth has slowed slightly in the past few years, and is continuing at a slower pace. It is estimated that the District is currently serving approximately 190,000 residents. In just the past five years, the District has added more than 7,600 new customer connections. This is reflected internally as the District’s Development Services Department approved on average 35 permits per month, and sold 800 water meters in Fiscal Year 2006-2007. CURRENT ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 8 The Otay Water District continues to use the challenges presented by growth to create new opportunities and new organizational efficiencies. By utilizing and continuing to refine its Strategic Business Plan, it has captured the Board of Director’s vision and united its staff in a common mission. The organization has achieved a number of significant accomplishments based on its successful adherence to its Strategic Business Plan. The Otay Water District is not only poised to continue successfully providing an affordable, safe, and reliable water supply for the people of its service area, but is set to reap the rewards of greater efficiencies and economies of scale. 2326 1397 835 869 1030 1227 1392 1529 1795 1995 - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 METER SALES Actual Projected The Engineering Department projects that over the next six years the District will sell another 8,960 meters. The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), the regional planning agency, shows a slowing of growth for the City of Chula Vista after 2010, and an increase in growth in the unincorporated areas of the region through 2020. THE FUTURE 9 The Otay Water District boundaries shown in the chart below encompass an area of approximately 125 square miles in San Diego County, located immediately east of the City of San Diego metropolitan area and running from the City of El Cajon south to the international boarder. The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), the regional planning agency, creates and maintains a tremendous quantity of demographic, economic, land use, transportation and criminal justice information about the San Diego region. The demographic data includes population characteristics like age, education, and employment. Because of the overlapping of Otay’s service area with the cities of Chula Vista, La Mesa, El Cajon, and the unincorporated areas of Spring Valley and Jamul, the following demographic data is from the City of Chula Vista as it most closely represents the District. The population of Chula Vista has grown from 83,927 in 1980, to 135,136 in 1990, to 173,556 in 2000, and in 2006 the population reached 223,423. This represents an increase of 139,496 in the past 26 years or a 166.2% increase, which correlates to the Districts rapid growth for the same period. The racial make up of Chula Vista is 50% Hispanic, 29% White, 13% Asian, 4% Black, and the remaining 4% is all other groups. The median household income for Chula Vista was $68,497 in 2006, and 97% of Chula Vista’s housing units were occupied. DEMOGRAPHICS 10 ORGANIZATION CHART BOARD OF DIRECTORS GENERAL MANAGER FINANCEADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING ENGINEERING WATER OPERATIONS Controller and Budgetary Services Treasury and Accounting Services Customer Service Payroll and Accounts Payable Human Resources Purchasing and Facilities Safety and Risk Administration Water Conservation IT Application Public Services Construction Survey Environmental Water System Operations Utility Maintenance/ Construction Collection/ Treatment/ Recycle Operations GIS ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER IT Operations Water Resources Design Planning 11 Each year, the Engineering Department prepares budget instructions for distribution to the departments. These instructions give direction and deadlines for each phase of the CIP budgeting process. The CIP Budget Process is explained on pages 13 and 14. January 29, 2007 Budget workbooks and instructions for the Operating and Capital Budget are distributed to departments. February 1, 2007 to February 16, 2007 Departments begin CIP Budget Process which includes: • Review existing FY 2006 CIP projects. • Remove any CIPs that are complete or will not be budgeted in the CIP budget the next six years. • Estimate the total project-to-date expenditures through 6/30/07 for each CIP. • Adjust the annual amount for the remaining CIPs when appropriate and include justification for the changes to each year’s changes. • Develop CIP project cost and schedules, unless more specific information is available. • Submit new CIP projects for consideration. March 7, 2007 Engineering Department reviews all CIP budget requests with Assistant General Manager and adjusts, if necessary. March 14, 2007 Engineering reviews and prepares CIP budget and submits to Finance for review and to incorporate into rate model to determine proposed rates. March 27, 2007 CIP budget presented to the General Manager for review and comments. April 18, 2007 General Manager performs preliminary review of budget. May 15, 2007 Final review of proposed budget and rates is done by the General Manager. May 29, 2007 Board of Directors adopts Fiscal Year 2008 Operating and Capital Budget. CIP BUDGET CALENDAR 12 The District has integrated the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget and the Operating Budget. These budgets are developed based on the District's Water Resources Master Plan and Strategic Business Plan. Appropriate budget amounts are determined by using the historical data of operations, growth, developers' input, SANDAG projections, and economic outlook. The District is accounted for and budgeted as an enterprise fund and conforms to the guidelines of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). To assure reliable, high-quality service to the growing customer base, the District has committed to a number of long-range strategies that drive the budgeting process. The strategies and assumptions used to develop the District's integrated budget are: • an average projected long-term growth rate of 2% • pass-through rate increases for costs imposed on the District by the wholesale water providers • to accurately project capital budget needs (including replacement needs) • reserve funding in accordance with the Reserve Policy to meet future growth demands • to fund Strategic Plan initiatives categorized into the Balanced Scorecard perspectives • avoid rate spikes by leveling rate increases over a six-year period The Engineering Department issues budget instructions for the CIP budget process. Each project manager receives a report of year-to-date project expenses and then estimates cost to the end of the fiscal year, plus future costs, including inflation, to complete the project. Costs are adjusted for scope changes as well as construction cost increases. Engineering then compiles the CIP Budget and submits it to the Assistant General Managers and the General Manager for review prior to presentation to the Board of Directors. Once all of these budgets have been calculated, the Finance Department inputs all of the operating revenues and expenses, CIP expenses, reserve funding, and reserve levels into the District’s Rate Model. Inflators for cost and volume changes are input into the Rate Model and cost and rates are calculated for the current fiscal year plus five subsequent years. Using this comprehensive modeling tool, the District is able to smooth future rate increases, determine when debt should be issued, and monitor all of the reserve levels in accordance with the Reserve Policy. In the spring, the Strategic Plan is presented to the Board of Directors for adoption. This is followed by the Finance and the Engineering Departments presenting to the Board of Directors their recommendations at a special budget meeting in May of each year. The adoption of the Strategic Plan and budget on an annual basis gives the District its direction for the following fiscal year. CIP BUDGET PROCESS 13 During the year, each project manager receives monthly budget and cost reports on their assigned CIP projects. These reports are essential to monitor and control costs. As events occur or conditions change, modifications to or deviations from the original budget may be necessary. In the event the General Manager determines that an emergency exists which requires immediate action, he may transfer appropriation within the budget allocations, or request that the Board of Directors increase the current budgeted funds. All CIP budget adjustments and requests are submitted to the Engineering Department. The budgets are reviewed for accuracy, categorized into the appropriate project types and funding sources and then prioritized based on need and timing of projects. Projects are reviewed to see if any grant funding is available, and if so, estimated amounts are included as a funding source to these projects. Engineering submits the consolidated CIP list to the Assistant General Managers and General Manager for review and approval. After any necessary adjustments, the CIP budget is submitted to the Board of Directors for approval each fiscal year along with the Operating Budget. The Budget Report is intended as a financial guide and may be modified by the Board of Directors during Fiscal Year 2008. 14 15 The District provides water service to a population of approximately 190,000 which is expected to ultimately increase to 277,000. The growth rate projected by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and incorporated in the Water Resources Master Plan is nearly 2.7% per annum for the next 10-15 years. However, based on current economic conditions, staff is projecting a 2.1% growth rate in population and equivalent dwelling units (EDUs) for Fiscal Year 2008. The EDU is the demand created by a typical single-family dwelling requiring a 3/4" water meter. A business creates a demand equivalent to several single-family dwellings, thus the term equivalent dwelling unit. Presently, our projected 48,650 customer accounts equate to a projected 75,301 EDUs. The ultimate population of 277,000 will result in an estimated 114,000 EDUs and an average annual water demand of approximately 56 million gallons per day (MGD). To accommodate this growth requires that the District invest $500 million in capital assets through ultimate build-out. The Fiscal Year 2008 Capital Budget is $34.5 million and the five- year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) totals $157 million. A separate CIP Budget Notebook contains the descriptions, justifications, expenditures, and funding for all the identified projects to ultimate build-out. Assumptions and Criteria The Water Resources Master Plan was based on several major assumptions and design criteria as follows: 1. Utilizing historical water demands for each land use type in the District to calculate future demands; 2. Using maximum day peaking factors that vary with demand level; 3. Utilizing land use as planned by the City of Chula Vista; 4. Providing ten days of emergency water supply through a maximum of five days in covered reservoirs and a minimum of five days from interconnections with adjacent agencies; 5. Inclusion of emergency operational storage to meet the five-day covered storage requirement into the ten-day outage supply requirement. In summary, the CIP is developed based on the District's Water Resources Master Plan, incorporating historical data, growth, developers' input, SANDAG projections, and long-term economic outlook. Justification for Project and Impact on Operating Budget The justification for each project is determined by whether it is required due to growth (Expansion), improvements or upgrades (Betterment), or to replace an existing asset (Replacement). As these projects are completed and placed into service, there may be an impact on the Operating Budget by increasing cost in the areas of maintenance, energy or chemicals as shown on the justification and impact pages in this section. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 16 Capital Purchases and Facilities This year, all capital expenditures are in the CIP. This includes capital facilities and capital purchases. Capital purchases are non-recurring operating expense items for District-wide use that cost more than $10,000 each and have an estimated useful life of two years or more. The Capital Purchase Projects include Vehicle, Office Equipment and Furniture, and Field Equipment purchases, the details of which can be found on page 223. Capital facility projects are items that exceed $10,000 or $20,000 for infrastructure related items and have a useful life of at least two years. The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects identified are prioritized based on the following criteria: 1. Safety, restoration of service, immediate obligation, Board directed or critical system need. 2. System upgrades or requirements to maintain system reliability in the next few fiscal years. 3. Need to meet the future growth of the system. 4. Project requirement may be reduced in capacity or may have low probability of need in the future. The Capital Improvement Program includes the following three categories of improvement projects: Expansion Facilities required to support new or future users which are funded from capacity fees. Betterment Facilities required because of inadequate capacity or new requirements that benefit existing users and funded from availability and betterment fees. Replacement Facilities required to renew or replace existing facilities that have deteriorated or have exceeded their useful life and are funded from user rates. Capital Improvement Projects The 2008 Fiscal Year CIP Budget contains 82 projects. The cost of the work planned for Fiscal Year 2008 is $34.5 million. Of the 82 projects planned for Fiscal Year 2008, 27 are designated as reimbursable projects, totaling $1.5 million. These projects are built by developers and reimbursed by the District. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 17 The following shows how the $34.5 million of projects are broken down into four categories: 1. Capital facilities $ 24.9 million 2. Replacement or renewal projects $ 6.7 million 3. Capital purchase projects $ 1.4 million 4. Developer reimbursement projects $ 1.5 million The Five-Year CIP and Fiscal Year 2008 Capital Budgets are consistent with the District's Water Resources Master Plan, current capacity fees, and the District's strategic financial objectives. MAJOR CIP PROJECTS 18 Key Component: 12,000 GPM (17.3 MGD) pump station delivering recycled water from 450-1 Reservoir to the 680 and 944 recycled water pressure zones. Schedule: Construction started in late November 2005. Original contract completion date was April 1, 2007. Cost: The construction project budget was $18.3 million and the amount spent to complete this project was $17.7 million. Significant Issues: Construction was accepted in June 2007 and the pump station is in use. FLAGSHIP CIP PROJECTS COMPLETED 450-1 Reservoir / 680-1 Pump Station Reservoir and the Pump Station were completed in April 2007. 19 Key Component: Approximately 6 miles of 30” pipeline for recycled water from City of San Diego’s South Bay Water Reclamation Plant (SBWRP) to Otay’s 450-1 Reservoir and 680-1 Pump Station. Schedule: Full Notice to Proceed given on September 28, 2005. Contract completion date was December 23, 2006. Cost: The construction project budget was $23.6 million and the amount spent to complete this project was $22.9 million. Significant Issues: Construction was accepted in May 2007 and the pipeline is in use. 30” Recycled Water Pipeline Project Project was awarded for construction in May 2005. This pipeline will deliver recycled water from South Bay to the 450/ 680 Reservoir and Pump Station. Project is expected to be completed in the fall of 2006. 20 SR-905 Utility Relocations Project started on September 7, 2006 and is expected to be completed in the winter of 2007. This project includes the relocation of three pipelines crossing under SR-905 and the reconditioning of two seismic valve vaults. Telegraph Canyon Road Paving Project Project started on June 6, 2007 and is expected to be completed in early August 2007. The project includes numerous trench line pavement rehabilitations along Telegraph Canyon Road and repaving excavations at the 980-2 Pump Station site. FLAGSHIP CIP PROJECTS IN CONSTRUCTION 21 Key Component: Construction for two (2) 10-MG prestressed circular reservoirs and associated piping. Schedule: Notice to Proceed was issued in January 2007. Project completion date is expected to be in November 2008. Cost: The construction project budget is 29% spent - $7.3 million out of a total budget of $24.9 million. The total project budget is $29.5 million, of which $9.4 million or 32%, has been spent. Significant Issues: 640-1; Installed 42” outlet piping and poured concrete encasement under first reservoir. 640-2; Placed 10’ surcharge over the engineering fill of the second reservoir. Began laying the inlet and outlet piping. 640-1 and 640-2 Reservoirs Project (20.0 MG) This project was awarded to Pacific Hydrotech and was started in January 2007. Expected completion is late 2008. Project consists of two 10 million gallon circular concrete reservoirs, 11,000 feet of large diameter pipe, several valve and control vaults and demolition of the 520-1 Concrete Reservoir. Site Grading Inlet/Outlet Valve Vault 22 36-Inch Pipeline From FCF No. 14 to Regulatory Site Project Key Component: Approximately 5 miles of 36-Inch pipeline for potable water from Otay’s FCF No. 14 to the Regulatory Site. Schedule: Preparing preliminary design report and reviewing alternative alignments. The construction project budget is $18.5 million. Cost: Significant Issues: District received final draft of the preliminary design report and design is on schedule. FLAGSHIP CIP PROJECT IN DESIGN 23 City of San Diego’s Water Treatment Plant, Capacity Key Component: Acquire at least 30 MGD and up to 50 MGD of local treatment capacity from City of San Diego (City). Schedule: Otay Board approved the SD17 POU with the City, SDCWA and Otay. Draft SD17 Agreement under negotiation. Cost: Only staff time has been budgeted; project cost is dependent upon negotiations outcome. Significant Issues: The City will supply “Surplus Water” from Otay WTP to Otay per the current 1999 Agreement. The City has an opportunity to obtain a $6,500,000 Matching Proposition 50 Grant for SD17 consisting of a pump station at the Alvarado WTP to pump up to 60 MGD into SDCWA Pipeline No. 4.SD17 is estimated to cost $20,000,000. The District desires to acquire 50 MGD capacity. This project will provide an opportunity to the City to generate revenue from surplus capacity. For the District, this is an opportunity to save cost on water treatment while providing an additional source of water supply. PROGRESS ON MAJOR PROJECT 24 (Thousand $000s) FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 Total Capacity Fees 7,448$ 8,652$ 9,560$ 9,804$ 13,009$ 13,472$ 61,945$ Debt financing - 29,970 - 26,570 - - 56,540 Grants 2,300 4,550 4,750 1,450 250 250 13,550 Interest 2,771 2,833 2,774 2,847 3,164 2,920 17,310 Betterment Charges 1,056 1,078 1,100 1,123 1,146 1,170 6,673 Temporary Meters 1,204 1,209 1,212 1,215 1,220 1,223 7,283 Availability (Betterment Portion) 558 569 581 593 605 618 3,524 Transfer from General Fund 14,145 6,930 8,335 9,245 11,030 13,555 63,240 Interfund Transfers 1,140 435 144 419 195 181 2,514 Total Sources 30,621 56,227 28,457 53,266 30,619 33,389 232,578 CIP Projects 34,463 38,442 34,769 28,334 29,787 25,723 191,518 Betterment Fees for Maintenance 73 76 78 80 83 85 474 Debt Service 3,331 5,658 6,450 7,754 8,496 8,580 40,268 Developer Services 1,415 1,420 1,425 1,427 1,433 1,437 8,557 Interfund Transfers 1,140 435 144 419 195 181 2,514 Total Uses 40,422 46,031 42,865 38,014 39,993 36,006 243,331 Net Sources (Uses)(9,800)$ 10,196$ (14,408)$ 15,252$ (9,375)$ (2,617)$ (10,753)$ CIP RESERVE FUNDS The CIP Reserve Funds presentation, shown on the following pages, is designed to provide an understanding of how the funding of CIPs is expected to financially influence the District over the next six years. The financial impacts are based on the CIP program and its funding sources, including fund transfers in accordance with the District’s Reserve Policy, and planned debt issuances. This data is captured in the District’s Rate Model on an annual basis in order to make these projections. $3,483 $29,361 $16,931 $1,291 $30,890 $27,791 $1,535 $32,369 $11,660 $1,750 $34,764 $24,302 $1,549 $35,039 $14,853 $2,029 $35,957 $10,838 $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 Th o u s a n d s FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 Fiscal Year RESERVE FUND BALANCES Betterment Replacement Expansion 25 CIP FUNDING SOURCE AND CATEGORY (Thousands $000s)FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 TOTAL Expansion 16,600$ 27,040$ 29,764$ 23,273$ 24,507$ 21,683$ 142,866$ Betterment 9,599 6,371 1,259 1,066 1,276 166 19,737 Replacement 8,265 5,032 3,746 3,995 4,004 3,874 28,916 TOTAL 34,463$ 38,442$ 34,769$ 28,334$ 29,787$ 25,723$ 191,518$ (Thousands $000s)FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 TOTAL Capital Facility Projects 24,901$ 32,441$ 28,777$ 15,180$ 15,350$ 5,800$ 122,449$ Maintenance Projects 6,645 3,581 3,045 3,849 3,845 3,720 24,685 Capital Purchase Projects 1,406 870 320 320 320 320 3,556 Developer Reimbursement Projects 1,511 1,150 1,215 800 800 1,825 7,301 Subtotal 34,463 38,042 33,357 20,149 20,315 11,665 157,991 FY 2009 Through FY 2013 Projects - 400 1,412 8,185 9,472 14,058 33,527 TOTAL 34,463$ 38,442$ 34,769$ 28,334$ 29,787$ 25,723$ 191,518$ $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 SIX-YEAR CIP BY FUNDING SOURCE Expansion Replacement Betterment $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 SIX-YEAR CIP BY CATEGORY Capital Facility Projects Maintenance Projects Capital Purchase Projects Developer Reimbursement Projects 26 CIP No. Description FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 Total CAPITAL FACILITY PROJECTS P2009 PL - 36-Inch, SDCWA Otay FCF No. 14 to Regulatory Site 1,150$ 9,770$ 6,865$ 45$ -$ -$ 17,830$ P2033 PL - 16-Inch, 1296 Zone, Melody Road - Campo/Presilla 5 185 1,160 470 - - 1,820 P2037 Res - 980-3 Reservoir 15 MG 200 200 800 4,500 7,825 50 13,575 P2038 PL - 12-Inch, 978 Zone, Jamacha, Hidden Mesa, and Chase Upsize and Replacements 980 505 - - - - 1,485 P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir 0.5 MG 1 1 85 700 795 - 1,582 P2129 Groundwater Exploration Program 10 10 15 25 630 1,280 1,970 P2143 Res - 1296-3 Reservoir 2 MG 1,200 1,800 50 - - - 3,050 P2172 PS - 1485-1 Pump Station Replacement 200 1,200 500 - - - 1,900 P2185 Res - 640-1 Reservoir 20.0 MG 15,000 6,000 500 - - - 21,500 P2190 PL - 10-Inch, 1485 Zone, Jamul Highlands Road to Presilla Drive 5 5 120 95 - - 225 P2191 Res - 850-4 Reservoir 2.2 MG 750 1,800 100 - - - 2,650 P2258 PS - Lower Otay Pump Station Phase 1 (9,000 GPM) 50 - - - 2,000 3,670 5,720 P2267 36-Inch Main Pumpouts and Air/Vacuum Ventilation Installations 150 - - - - - 150 P2295 624-1 Reservoir Disinfection Facility, Inlet/Outlet/Bypass and 613-1 Reservoir Demoli 550 - - - - - 550 P2318 PL - 20-Inch, 657 Zone, Summit Cross-Tie and 36-Inch Main Connections - 200 345 - - - 545 P2370 Res - Dorchester Reservoir and Pump Station Demolition - - - 65 70 - 135 P2387 PL - 12-Inch, 832 Zone, Steele Canyon Road - Via Caliente/Campo 270 185 - - - - 455 P2450 Otay River Groundwater Well Demineralization/Development 115 85 800 3,600 400 - 5,000 P2451 Rosarito Desalination Facility Conveyance System 5 5 15 80 95 800 1,000 P2457 Otay Mountain Groundwater Well Development 10 290 6,000 200 - - 6,500 P2460 I.D. 7 Trestle and Pipeline Demolition 20 55 300 - - - 375 P2462 Otay River Demineralization Feasibility Study 200 - - - - - 200 P2463 South Bay Regional Concentrate Conveyance Feasibility Study 25 100 - - - - 125 P2464 San Diego 17 Pump Station and Flow Control Facility 750 7,500 8,000 - - - 16,250 P2465 Regulatory Site Material Storage Bins 30 220 - - - - 250 P2466 Regional Training Facility 100 100 - - - - 200 P2467 San Diego Formation Groundwater Feasibility Study 800 800 - - - - 1,600 R2001 RecRes - 450-1 Reservoir 12 MG 50 - - - - - 50 R2004 RecPS - 680-1 Pump Station (11,500 GPM) 50 - - - - - 50 R2034 RecRes - 860-1 Reservoir 4 MG - 100 395 1,800 1,500 - 3,795 R2053 RWCWRF - R.O. Building Remodel and Office Furniture 305 50 - - - - 355 R2077 RecPL - 24-Inch, 860 Zone, Alta Road - Alta Gate/Airway 50 50 378 1,000 1,500 - 2,978 R2081 RecPL - 20-Inch, 944 Zone, Lane Avenue - Proctor Valley/Pond No. 1 900 300 - - - - 1,200 R2087 RecPL - 20-Inch, 944 Zone, Wueste Road - Olympic/Otay WTP 50 50 2,000 1,400 85 - 3,585 R2088 RecPL - 20-Inch, 860 Zone, County Jail - Roll Reservoir/860-1 Reservoir 50 50 149 1,000 250 - 1,499 R2089 North District Recycled Water Regulatory Compliance 195 - - - - - 195 R2090 MBR Water Recycling Facility Feasibility Study 40 - - - - - 40 R2091 RecPS - 944-1 Pump Station Upgrade 325 - - - - - 325 R2092 Dis - 450-1 Reservoir Disinfection Facility 300 800 - - - - 1,100 S2016 Solar Panel Installation Phase I 10 25 200 200 200 - 635 40 Total Capital Facility Projects 24,901 32,441 28,777 15,180 15,350 5,800 122,449 REPLACEMENT/RENEWAL PROJECTS P2356 PL - 12-Inch, 803 Zone, Jamul Drive Permastran Pipeline Replacement 420 266 - - - - 686 P2366 APCD Engine Replacements and Retrofits 160 170 180 190 220 - 920 P2382 Safety and Security Improvements 90 90 90 89 - - 359 P2416 SR-125 Utility Relocations 190 - - - - - 190 P2422 Agency Interconnections 300 300 300 300 300 300 1,800 P2440 I-905 Utility Relocations 360 300 - - - - 660 P2441 NG/RAMAR Meter Replacements 100 - - - - - 100 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ($1,000s) The 2008 Fiscal Year CIP Budget contains 82 projects. The costs for the work planned for Fiscal Year 2008 is $34.5 million. Of the 82 projects planned for Fiscal Year 2008, 18 are designated as reimbursable projects with estimated costs of $1.5 million. These projects are built by developers and reimbursed by the District. 27 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ($1,000s) CIP No. Description FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 Total REPLACEMENT/RENEWAL PROJECTS P2447 Information Technology Meter Routing 80 - - - - - 80 P2453 SR-11 Utility Relocations 5 165 125 680 655 670 2,300 P2455 Data Cleansing Project 160 - - - - - 160 P2456 Air and Vacuum Valve Upgrades 520 550 580 600 620 640 3,510 P2458 AMR Manual Meter Replacement 1,250 1,375 1,500 1,650 1,700 1,750 9,225 P2459 Olive Vista Drive Utility Relocations 1,100 - - - - - 1,100 P2468 Finance Department Office Remodel 50 - - - - - 50 R2086 RWCWRF Force Main AirVac Replacements and Road Improvements 670 - - - - - 670 S2012 SVSD Outfall and RSD Replacement and OM Reimbursement 605 365 270 340 350 360 2,290 S2015 Calavo Lift Station Replacement 585 - - - - - 585 17 Total Replacement/Renewal Projects 6,645 3,581 3,045 3,849 3,845 3,720 24,685 CAPITAL PURCHASE PROJECTS P2282 Vehicle Capital Purchases 210 220 220 220 220 220 1,310 P2286 Field Equipment Capital Purchases 91 100 100 100 100 100 591 P2353 Information Technology System Enhancements and Replacements 365 350 - - - - 715 P2361 Information Technology GIS Enhancements 150 100 - - - - 250 P2363 Information Technology Utility Billing, Data Management, and Financial System 200 100 - - - - 300 P2443 Information Technology Mobile Services 240 - - - - - 240 P2461 Records Management System Upgrade 150 - - - - - 150 7 Total Capital Purchase Projects 1,406 870 320 320 320 320 3,556 DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT PROJECTS P2070 PL - 16-Inch, 980 Zone, Pacific Bay Homes Road- Proctor Valley/Rolling Hills Hydro 550 - - - - - 550 P2121 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, Hunte Parkway - Olympic/EastLake 1 - - - - - 1 P2133 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Olympic/Birch 1 - - - - - 1 P2164 PL - 20-Inch, 980 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Olympic/Birch 1 - - - - - 1 P2169 PL - 20-Inch, 980 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Birch/Rock Mountain 325 - - - - - 325 P2325 PL - 10" to 12" Oversize, 1296 Zone, PB Road - Rolling Hills Hydro PS/PB Bndy 130 - - - - - 130 P2367 PL - 16-Inch, 980 Zone, Olympic Parkway - East Palomar/EastLake - 850 415 - - - 1,265 P2397 PL - 12-Inch, 711 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Birch/Rock Mountain 175 - - - - - 175 P2414 PL - 12" to 16" Oversize, 803 Zone, Dehesa Road - Dehesa Meadow/OWD Bndy 10 - - - - - 10 P2435 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, Birch Road - La Media/SR-125 30 - - - - - 30 R2031 RecPL - 12-Inch, 944 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Olympic/Birch 1 - - - - - 1 R2033 RecPL - 12-Inch, 944 Zone, Birch Road - La Media/EastLake 50 - - - - - 50 R2040 RecPL - 12-Inch, 680 Zone, Hunte Parkway - Olympic/EastLake 1 - - - - - 1 R2041 RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Birch/Rock Mountain 1 - - - - - 1 R2043 RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone, Rock Mountain Road - La Media/SR-125 235 - - - - - 235 R2058 RecPL - 16-Inch, 860 Zone, Airway Road - Otay Mesa/Alta - 300 300 300 300 480 1,680 R2082 RecPL - 24-Inch, 680 Zone, Olympic Parkway - Village 2/Heritage - - 500 500 500 246 1,746 R2084 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Village 2 - Heritage/La Media - - - - - 1,099 1,099 18 Total Developer Reimbursement Projects 1,511 1,150 1,215 800 800 1,825 7,301 82 Total - FY 2008 Projects 34,463 38,042 33,357 20,149 20,315 11,665 157,991 12 FY 2009 Through FY 2013 Projects - 400 1,412 8,185 9,472 14,058 33,527 Grand Totals 34,463$ 38,442$ 34,769$ 28,334$ 29,787$ 25,723$ 191,518 28 CIP No. Description J/FS (2)Total FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 Total P2009 PL - 36-Inch, SDCWA Otay E 8,700$ -$ -$ 4,400$ 8,700$ 9,000$ 9,300$ 31,400$ P2033 PL - 16-Inch, 1296 Zone E 2,200 - - - - 2,200 2,300 4,500 P2037 Res - 980-3 Reservoir E 28,200 - - - - - 28,200 28,200 P2038 PL - 12-Inch, 978 Zone B/R 1,500 - - 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6,000 P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir B 900 - - - - 500 900 1,400 P2143 Res - 1296-3 Reservoir E 3,800 - - 1,900 3,800 3,900 4,000 13,600 P2172 PS - 1485-1 Pump Station B/R 7,400 - - 7,400 7,600 7,800 8,000 30,800 P2185 Res - 640-1 Reservoir E/B 37,600 - - 18,800 37,600 38,700 39,900 135,000 P2190 PL - 10-Inch, 1485 Zone B 400 - - - - 400 400 800 P2191 Res - 850-4 Reservoir E/B 4,200 - - 4,200 4,300 4,400 4,500 17,400 P2295 624-1 Reservoir Disinfect E/B/R 8,400 8,400 8,700 9,000 9,300 9,600 9,900 54,900 P2318 PL - 20-Inch, 657 Zone B 100 - - - 100 100 100 300 P2357 PS - 657-1/850-1 Pump Station B (44,400) - - - - - (44,400) (44,400) P2370 Res - Dorchester Reservoir B (4,800) - - - - - (4,800) (4,800) P2387 PL - 12-Inch, 832 Zone B 600 - - 600 600 600 600 2,400 P2447 IT Meter Routing E/R 3,600 - 3,600 3,700 3,800 3,900 4,000 19,000 P2450 Otay River Groundwater Well E 27,900 - - - - - 27,900 27,900 P2457 East Otay Mesa Groundwater E 11,200 - - - - 11,200 11,500 22,700 P2458 AMR Retrofit B/R (226,400) (36,500) (34,500) (34,700) (39,300) (40,400) (41,000) (226,400) P2464 San Diego 17 PS and Flow Control Facility E 308,200 - - - 308,200 317,400 326,900 952,500 R2001 RecRes - 450-1 Reservoir E 11,800 11,800 12,200 12,600 13,000 13,400 13,800 76,800 R2004 RecPS - 680-1 Pump Station E 170,100 170,100 175,200 180,500 185,900 191,500 197,200 1,100,400 R2034 RecRes - 860-1 Reservoir E 7,500 - - - - - 7,500 7,500 R2077 RecPL - 24-Inch, 860 Zone E 2,700 - - - - - 2,700 2,700 R2081 RecPL - 16-Inch, 944 Zone E 2,700 - 2,700 2,800 2,900 3,000 3,100 14,500 R2087 RecPL - 16-Inch, 944 Zone E 1,500 - - - - 1,500 1,500 3,000 R2088 RecPL - 24-Inch, 860 Zone E 2,400 - - - - 2,400 2,500 4,900 R2091 RecPS - 944-1 Pump Station Upgrade E/B 107,900 - 107,900 111,100 114,400 117,800 121,300 572,500 R2092 Dis - 450-1 Res Disinfection Facility B 10,700 - - 10,700 11,000 11,300 11,600 44,600 Total Capital Facility Projects 704,800$ 153,800$ 275,800$ 334,500$ 673,400$ 711,700$ 750,900$ 2,900,100$ (1)O&M costs include labor and benefits, materials, and overhead. (2)J/FS - Justification and Funding Source - Some projects have multiple funding sources as indicated by a slash (/): E - Expansion B - Betterment R - Replacement Note:See pages 27-28 for complete description of CIP projects. CAPITAL FACILITY PROJECTS CIP JUSTIFICATION AND IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET As the District grows and constructs new capital assets, the cost to maintain these new assets will be added to the operating budget as they are brought into service. To determine the cost to maintain these new assets, the District looks at the cost of maintaining similar assets through the Infrastructure Management System and financial system. Costs are tracked by three main infrastructure asset groups of pipes, pump stations and reservoirs, as well as capital purchases and other types. Pipes typically have only operation and maintenance (O&M) costs associated with them, pump stations have O&M as well as power cost, and reservoirs have O&M and chemical cost. Each of the capital purchases and other types has its own unique O&M cost (1). When the new assets are built or acquired for expansion or betterment, it is assumed that there will be new operating costs associated with them. Some projects such as the Automated Meter Reading program actually reduce operating costs through the automation process. Projected Incremental Operating Expenditures 29 CIP JUSTIFICATION AND IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET CIP No. Description J/FS (2)Total FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 Total P2286 Field Equipment Capital Purch R 1,500$ 800$ 2,000$ 4,100$ 8,400$ 17,300$ 35,600$ 68,200$ P2443 IT Mobile Services E/R 18,000 - 18,000 18,500 19,100 19,700 20,300 95,600 Total Capital Purchase Projects 19,500 800 20,000 22,600 27,500 37,000 55,900 163,800 P2070 PL - 16-Inch, 980 Zone E 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 P2107 PL - 12-Inch, 711 Zone E 1,700 - - - - - 1,700 1,700 P2121 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone E 2,900 2,900 3,000 3,100 3,200 3,300 3,400 18,900 P2133 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone E 1,900 1,900 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400 12,900 P2134 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone E 1,000 - - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 P2164 PL - 20-Inch, 980 Zone E 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 5,400 P2169 PL - 20-Inch, 980 Zone 900 - 900 900 900 900 900 4,500 P2325 PL - 10" to 12" Oversize E 2,300 - 2,300 2,400 2,500 2,600 2,700 12,500 P2367 PL - 16-Inch, 980 Zone E 3,300 - - 1,700 3,300 3,400 3,500 11,900 P2397 PL - 12-Inch, 711 Zone 300 - 300 300 300 300 300 1,500 P2402 PL - 12-Inch, 624 Zone E 1,000 - - - - 1,000 1,000 2,000 P2414 PL - 12" to 16" Oversize E 2,400 2,400 2,500 2,600 2,700 2,800 2,900 15,900 P2435 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone E 1,400 - 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 7,000 R2028 RecPL - 8-Inch, 680 Zone 2,400 - - - - 2,400 2,500 4,900 R2031 RecPL - 12-Inch, 944 Zone E 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 5,400 R2033 RecPL - 12-Inch, 944 Zone E 2,100 - 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400 2,500 11,500 R2040 RecPL - 12-Inch, 680 Zone E 2,900 2,900 3,000 3,100 3,200 3,300 3,400 18,900 R2041 RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone E 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 8,400 R2042 RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone E 900 - - - 500 900 900 2,300 R2043 RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone E 1,200 - 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 6,000 R2047 RecPL - 12-Inch, 680 Zone E 1,400 - - - 700 1,400 1,400 3,500 R2058 RecPL - 16-Inch, 860 Zone E 5,400 - - - - - 5,400 5,400 R2082 RecPL - 24-Inch, 680 Zone E 3,100 - - - - - 3,100 3,100 R2083 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone E 700 - 700 700 700 700 700 3,500 R2085 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone E 900 - - - - - 900 900 Total Developer Reimbursement Projects 51,400 13,300 23,600 25,900 30,300 35,500 47,400 176,000 Total Operating Budget Cost Impact 775,700$ 167,900$ 319,400$ 383,000$ 731,200$ 784,200$ 854,200$ 3,239,900$ FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 Total 13,700$ 68,700$ 95,900$ 163,700$ 189,700$ 241,900$ 773,600$ 144,800 241,000 254,500 524,500 549,100 547,100 2,261,000 9,400 9,700 32,600 43,000 45,400 65,200 205,300 167,900$ 319,400$ 383,000$ 731,200$ 784,200$ 854,200$ 3,239,900$ Operations and Maintenance Energy Chemical Total Operating Budget Cost Impact Cost Category CAPITAL PURCHASE PROJECTS DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT PROJECTS The preceding schedule shows anticipated operating costs associated with each project in the CIP, and below is a summary of each category of new costs that will be impacted. No additional revenues are associated with the individual projects, as revenues Projected Incremental Operating Expenditures 30 ID CIP Task Name Start Finish Project Category: Capital Facility Projects 7/3/89 6/30/13 1 P2009 PL - 36-Inch, SDCWA Otay FCF No. 14 to Regula 7/3/97 7/30/10 34 P2033 PL - 16-Inch, 1296 Zone, Hillsdale Drive - Campo 7/5/05 6/30/11 2 P2037 Res - 980-3 Reservoir 15.0 MG 7/3/89 6/28/13 3 P2038 PL - 12-Inch, 978 Zone, Jamacha and Hidden Me 7/5/05 3/30/09 4 P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir 0.5 MG 7/6/93 12/30/11 5 P2129 Groundwater Exploration Program 7/4/95 6/30/13 6 P2143 Res - 1296-3 Reservoir 2.0 MG 11/5/01 12/30/09 7 P2172 PS - 1485-1 Pump Station Replacement 7/4/01 7/30/09 8 P2185 Res - 640-1 Reservoir 20.0 MG 11/7/91 2/28/10 9 P2190 PL - 10-Inch, 1485 Zone, Jamul Highlands Road 7/5/05 6/30/11 41 P2191 Res - 850-4 Reservoir 2.2 MG 7/3/03 7/30/09 42 P2258 PS - Lower Otay Pump Station Phase 1 (9,000 G 9/19/97 6/30/13 43 P2267 36-Inch Main Pumpouts and Air/Vacuum Ventilati 7/3/97 6/30/08 10 P2295 624-1 Reservoir Disinfection Facility, Inlet/Outlet/ 7/6/94 6/30/08 46 P2318 PL - 20-Inch, 657 Zone, Summit Cross-Tie and 36 11/5/97 6/30/10 54 P2370 Res - Dorchester Reservoir and Pump Station De 7/5/05 6/30/12 56 P2387 PL - 12-Inch, 832 Zone, Steele Canyon Road - Vi 7/5/05 3/30/09 65 P2450 Otay River Groundwater Well Demineralization/D 7/1/07 6/28/12 66 P2451 Rosarito Desalination Facility Conveyance System 7/4/06 6/30/13 70 P2457 Otay Mountain Groundwater Well Development 7/4/06 6/30/11 73 P2460 I.D. 7 Trestle and Pipeline Demolition 7/2/07 6/30/10 75 P2462 Otay River Demineralization Feasibility Study 7/2/07 6/30/08 76 P2463 South Bay Regional Concentrate Conveyance Fe 7/2/07 6/30/09 77 P2464 San Diego 17 Pump Station and Flow Control Fac 7/2/07 6/30/10 78 P2465 Regulatory Site Material Storage Bins 7/2/07 12/31/08 79 P2466 Regional Training Facility 8/2/06 1/30/09 80 P2467 San Diego Formation Groundwater Feasibility Stu 7/2/07 6/30/09 11 R2001 RecRes - 450-1 Reservoir 12.0 MG 12/1/00 8/29/07 12 R2004 RecPS - 680-1 Pump Station (11,500 GPM) 12/4/00 8/30/08 15 R2034 RecRes - 860-1 Reservoir 4 MG 9/4/06 6/30/12 19 R2053 RWCWRF - R.O. Building Remodel and Office Fu 7/3/97 7/30/08 21 R2077 RecPL - 24-Inch, 860 Zone, Alta Road - Alta Gate 9/4/06 6/30/12 22 R2081 RecPL - 20-Inch, 944 Zone, Lane Avenue - Proct 7/4/06 8/30/08 26 R2087 RecPL - 20-Inch, 944 Zone, Wueste Road - Olym 9/4/06 9/30/11 27 R2088 RecPL - 20-Inch, 860 Zone, County Jail - Roll Re 9/4/06 9/30/11 28 R2089 North District Recycled Water Regulatory Complia 5/1/07 6/27/08 29 R2090 MBR Water Recycling Facility Feasibility Study 7/4/06 8/3/07 30 R2091 RecPS - 944-1 Pump Station Upgrade 7/2/07 6/30/08 31 R2092 Dis - 450-1 Reservoir Disinfection Facility 7/2/07 6/30/09 81 S2016 Pilot Study Solar Panel Installation 7/4/06 12/30/11 Project Category: Capital Purchase Projects 7/3/96 6/30/13 44 P2282 Vehicle Capital Purchases 12/5/00 6/30/13 45 P2286 Field Equipment Capital Purchases 12/5/00 6/30/13 48 P2353 Information Technology System Enhancements a 7/3/96 6/30/09 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 1 Task Split Progress Milestone Summary Project Summary External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Otay WaterDistrict FY 2008 Plus Five Year CIP Project Schedues This schedule provides the start and finish dates of each project, including all relevant prior years up through FY 2013. 19 Project: OWD FY 08 CIP ScheduleDate: 9/7/07 31 ID CIP Task Name Start Finish 50 P2361 Information Technology GIS Enhancements 7/5/00 6/30/09 51 P2363 Information Technology Utility Billing, Data Manag 7/5/00 6/30/09 63 P2443 Information Technology Moblie Services 7/5/05 6/30/08 74 P2461 Records Management System Upgrade 7/2/07 6/30/08 Project Category: Developer Reimbursement 7/4/01 6/30/13 35 P2070 PL - 16-Inch, 980 Zone, Pacific Bay Homes Road 7/3/03 6/30/08 37 P2121 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, Hunte Parkway - Olympic 7/3/03 8/30/07 38 P2133 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Olym 7/3/02 8/30/07 39 P2164 PL - 20-Inch, 980 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Olym 7/3/03 8/30/07 40 P2169 PL - 20-Inch, 980 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Birc 7/2/07 6/30/08 47 P2325 PL - 10" to 12" Oversize, 1296 Zone, PB Road - R 7/5/04 6/30/08 53 P2367 PL - 16-Inch, 980 Zone, Olympic Parkway - East 7/3/02 6/30/09 57 P2397 PL- 12 Inch, 711Zone, EastLake Parkway - Birch/7/1/07 6/27/08 58 P2414 PL - 12" to 16" Oversize, 803 Zone, Dehesa Road 8/5/02 12/30/07 36 P2435 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, Birch Road - La Media/S 7/3/03 6/30/08 13 R2031 RecPL - 12-Inch, 944 Zone, EastLake Parkway - 7/3/02 12/30/07 14 R2033 RecPL - 12-Inch, 944 Zone, Birch Road - La Med 7/3/03 6/30/08 16 R2040 RecPL - 12-Inch, 680 Zone, Hunte Parkway - Oly 7/5/04 12/30/07 17 R2041 RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone, EastLake Parkway - B 7/4/06 12/30/07 18 R2043 RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone, Rock Mountain Road -7/4/06 6/30/08 20 R2058 RecPL - 16-Inch, 860 Zone, Airway Road - Otay M 7/4/01 6/30/12 23 R2082 RecPL - 24-Inch, 680 Zone, Olympic Parkway - V 7/5/04 8/30/12 24 R2084 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Village 2 - Heritage/L 7/5/04 6/30/13 Project Category: Replacement/Renewal Proj 12/5/00 6/30/13 49 P2356 PL - 12-Inch, 803 Zone, Jamul Drive Permastran 7/5/05 3/30/09 52 P2366 APCD Engine Replacements and Retrofits 12/5/00 6/30/12 55 P2382 Safety and Security Improvements 7/3/02 6/30/11 59 P2416 SR-125 Utility Relocations 10/3/02 3/30/08 60 P2422 Agency Interconnections 7/2/03 6/30/13 61 P2440 I-905 Utility Relocations 1/3/03 6/30/09 62 P2441 NG/RAMAR Meter Replacements 12/4/06 6/30/08 64 P2447 Information Technology Meter Routing 7/4/05 6/30/08 67 P2453 SR-11 Utility Relocations 7/4/06 6/30/13 68 P2455 Data Cleansing Project 7/4/06 6/30/08 69 P2456 Air and Vacuum Valve Upgrades 7/4/06 6/30/13 71 P2458 AMR Manual Meter Replacement 7/4/06 6/30/13 72 P2459 Olive Vista Drive Utility Relocations 1/2/06 1/1/08 82 P2468 Finance Department Office Remodel 7/1/07 6/30/08 25 R2086 RWCWRF Force Main AirVac Replacements and 7/5/05 5/30/08 32 S2012 SVSD Outfall and RSD Replacement and OM Re 7/3/03 6/30/13 33 S2015 Calavo Lift Station Replacement 7/5/05 6/30/08 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 1 Task Split Progress Milestone Summary Project Summary External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Otay WaterDistrict FY 2008 Plus Five Year CIP Project Schedues This schedule provides the start and finish dates of each project, including all relevant prior years up through FY 2013. 20 Project: OWD FY 08 CIP ScheduleDate: 9/7/07 32 Item# Description Amount Type Field Equipment Engineering Development 1 GPS Survey Equipment based on an estimate from Trimble $ 54,000 N Total Field Equipment - Engineering Development 54,000 Operations 9 Valve exercise machine for the valve program $ 15,000 N 11 John Deere Backhoe Hydraulic Hammer with installation and attachments 21,500 N Total Field Equipment - Operations 36,500 Total Field Equipment 90,500 Vehicles Operations 10 2008 Mid-size Super Cab 4 door pickup truckor equivalent. 25,000 R 2 2008 Full-size Superduty 4 door Supercab diesel or equivalent. 30,000 R 3 2008 Full-size Superduty 4 door Supercab diesel or equivalent. 30,000 R 4 2008 Mid-size Super Cab 4 door or equivalent. 25,000 R 5 2008 Mid-size Super Cab 4 door or equivalent. 25,000 R 6 2008 Mid-size Super Cab 4 door or equivalent. 25,000 R 7 2008 Mid-size Super Cab 4 door or equivalent. 25,000 R 8 2008 Mid-size Super Cab 4 door or equivalent. 25,000 R Total Vehicles 210,000 Total Field Equipment and Vehicles Budget 300,500$ N -New R -Replacement FY 2008 CAPITAL PURCHASES Capital purchases are non-recurring operating expense items for District-wide use that cost more than $10,000 each and have an estimated useful life of two years or more. The Capital Purchase Projects include Vehicle, Office Equipment and Furniture, and Field Equipment purchases. 33 The following pages describe each information item on the individual CIP project sheets included in this section. CIP Number: The CIP project number for all projects is assigned by the Engineering Project Manager. Project Title: Project titles follow a set format as described herein. The type of project should be identified first. For example, if a project were a 711 Pressure Zone 24-inch pipeline, the title would read “PL - 24-Inch, 711 Zone, Location - From A to B.” Pump stations and reservoirs are identified similarly with abbreviations for type and size. Work Order Number: A work order number is assigned to a CIP project once it is approved by the Board of Directors. If more than one work order number is assigned to the project, then the word “various” is used and all the various work order numbers shall be identified in the comments field. Director Division: All projects are located within a Board of Director’s division boundary unless they apply to the entire District or are outside of the District boundaries. The Director division where the majority of the physical project is located is listed. If it is a District-wide project it is listed as “District-wide.” If it is outside the District boundary it is listed as “None.” Project Manager: The person responsible for managing the project from inception through completion. I.D. Location: Most projects are located within one or more improvement districts. The I.D. location listed is where the majority of the physical project is located. However, projects located in portions of the District which have not yet been annexed into an improvement district are listed as “None.”. Original Approved Date: The date the project was originally approved with budget expenditures for the corresponding fiscal year by the Board of Directors. Priority: The priority of the project is listed in this field as one of the following: 1. HIGH: Safety, restoration of service to customers, obligation that requires immediate action, directed by the Board of Directors, and/or critical system need. 2. MEDIUM: Upgrade of system or expansion requirement to maintain system reliability not critical. Identified through planning effort as required within next few fiscal years. 3. LOW: Identified through planning effort as required in future years to support development; not anticipated in the immediate future. 4. VERY LOW: Requirement may have low probability of need in the future. CIP PROJECT SHEET DESCRIPTION 34 Related CIP Projects: A maximum of three CIP project numbers that affect the scheduling and/or is related to the subject project and/or could provide important information. Budget Amount: The estimated budget includes all costs needed to complete a project including land, right-of-way, consultants, contractors, District staff time, etc. All prior years’ costs are part of the total cost and dollars are rounded up to the nearest $1,000. Description of Project: A brief description of a project which typically includes size, length, capacity, etc. Justification of Project: A brief explanation of why a project is required which addresses flexibility, reliability, water quality, safety, contractual obligation, immediate growth, etc., as appropriate. Comments: Pertinent information that should be known about a project that is not shown elsewhere on the project sheet. Funding Detail: The funding sources are listed along with the percentage of distribution to expansion, betterment, and/or replacement. Expenditure Schedule: The breakdown of a project’s expenditures by fiscal year. Prior years’ cost along with a six-year budget schedule. Included in each year are all costs to complete the work scheduled in that year rounded up to the nearest $1,000. Project Schedule: The schedule of the primary project phase shown with the estimated start date (month/year) and finish date (month/year). The schedule time frames must correspond with the expenditure schedule information. Project Incremental Operation Expenditures: To determine the cost to maintain these new assets, the District looks at the cost of maintaining similar assets through the Infrastructure Management System and financial system. Costs are tracked by three main infrastructure asset groups of pipes, pump stations, and reservoirs, as well as capital purchases and other types. Pipes typically have only operation and maintenance (O&M) costs associated with them, pump stations have O&M as well as power cost, and reservoirs have O&M and chemical cost. Each of the capital purchases and other types has its own unique O&M cost. Project Location: A vicinity map is drawn in AutoCAD format using the GIS database as the foundation showing the approximate location and limits of a project within the District. Some projects do not have a specific location and apply District-wide. In this case, a map of the entire District will then be shown as the project location. Thomas Bros. Map: The Thomas Brothers’ map page is inserted in this field to show where the project is primarily located. Some projects do not have a specific location in which case the words “District-wide” will be shown. 35 OWD Map Book: The page in the District’s facility map book where a project is primarily located. Some projects do not have a specific location in which case the words “District-wide” will be shown. Submitted By: The project manager who originally submitted or the project manager who revised the project sheet along with the date of submittal or last revision date of the CIP project sheet. 36 CIP No. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PAGE CAPITAL FACILITY PROJECTS P2009 PL - 36-Inch, SDCWA Otay FCF No. 14 to Regulatory Site 39 P2033 PL - 16-Inch, 1296 Zone, Melody Road - Campo/Presilla 41 P2037 Res - 980-3 Reservoir 15 MG 43 P2038 PL - 12-Inch, 978 Zone, Jamacha, Hidden Mesa, and Chase Upsize and Replacements 45 P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir 0.5 MG 47 P2129 Groundwater Exploration Program 49 P2143 Res - 1296-3 Reservoir 2 MG 51 P2172 PS - 1485-1 Pump Station Replacement 53 P2185 Res - 640-1 Reservoir 20.0 MG 55 P2190 PL - 10-Inch, 1485 Zone, Jamul Highlands Road to Presilla Drive 57 P2191 Res - 850-4 Reservoir 2.2 MG 59 P2258 PS - Lower Otay Pump Station Phase 1 (9,000 GPM) 61 P2267 36-Inch Main Pumpouts and Air/Vacuum Ventilation Installations 63 P2295 624-1 Reservoir Disinfection Facility, Inlet/Outlet/Bypass and 613-1 Reservoir Demolition 65 P2318 PL - 20-Inch, 657 Zone, Summit Cross-Tie and 36-Inch Main Connections 67 P2370 Res - Dorchester Reservoir and Pump Station Demolition 69 P2387 PL - 12-Inch, 832 Zone, Steele Canyon Road - Via Caliente/Campo 71 P2450 Otay River Groundwater Well Demineralization/Development 73 P2451 Rosarito Desalination Facility Conveyance System 75 P2457 Otay Mountain Groundwater Well Development 77 P2460 I.D. 7 Trestle and Pipeline Demolition 79 P2462 Otay River Demineralization Feasibility Study 81 P2463 South Bay Regional Concentrate Conveyance Feasibility Study 83 P2464 San Diego 17 Pump Station and Flow Control Facility 85 P2465 Regulatory Site Material Storage Bins 87 P2466 Regional Training Facility 89 P2467 San Diego Formation Groundwater Feasibility Study 91 R2001 RecRes - 450-1 Reservoir 12 MG 93 R2004 RecPS - 680-1 Pump Station (11,500 GPM)95 R2034 RecRes - 860-1 Reservoir 4 MG 97 R2053 RWCWRF - R.O. Building Remodel and Office Furniture 99 R2077 RecPL - 24-Inch, 860 Zone, Alta Road - Alta Gate/Airway 101 R2081 RecPL - 20-Inch, 944 Zone, Lane Avenue - Proctor Valley/Pond No. 1 103 R2087 RecPL - 20-Inch, 944 Zone, Wueste Road - Olympic/Otay WTP 105 R2088 RecPL - 20-Inch, 860 Zone, County Jail - Roll Reservoir/860-1 Reservoir 107 R2089 North District Recycled Water Regulatory Compliance 109 R2090 MBR Water Recycling Facility Feasibility Study 111 R2091 RecPS - 944-1 Pump Station Upgrade 113 R2092 Dis - 450-1 Reservoir Disinfection Facility 115 S2016 Solar Panel Installation Phase I 117 CIP PROJECT INDEX 37 CIP No. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PAGE CIP PROJECT INDEX REPLACEMENT/RENEWAL PROJECTS P2356 PL - 12-Inch, 803 Zone, Jamul Drive Permastran Pipeline Replacement 119 P2366 APCD Engine Replacements and Retrofits 121 P2382 Safety and Security Improvements 123 P2416 SR-125 Utility Relocations 125 P2422 Agency Interconnections 127 P2440 I-905 Utility Relocations 129 P2441 NG/RAMAR Meter Replacements 131 P2447 Information Technology Meter Routing 133 P2453 SR-11 Utility Relocations 135 P2455 Data Cleansing Project 137 P2456 Air and Vacuum Valve Upgrades 139 P2458 AMR Manual Meter Replacement 141 P2459 Olive Vista Drive Utility Relocations 143 P2468 Finance Department Office Remodel 145 R2086 RWCWRF Force Main AirVac Replacements and Road Improvements 147 S2012 SVSD Outfall and RSD Replacement and OM Reimbursement 149 S2015 Calavo Lift Station Replacement 151 CAPITAL PURCHASE PROJECTS P2282 Vehicle Capital Purchases 153 P2286 Field Equipment Capital Purchases 155 P2353 Information Technology System Enhancements and Replacements 157 P2361 Information Technology GIS Enhancements 159 P2363 Information Technology Utility Billing, Data Management, and Financial System 161 P2443 Information Technology Mobile Services 163 P2461 Records Management System Upgrade 165 DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT PROJECTS P2070 PL - 16-Inch, 980 Zone, Pacific Bay Homes Road- Proctor Valley/Rolling Hills Hydro PS 167 P2121 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, Hunte Parkway - Olympic/EastLake 169 P2133 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Olympic/Birch 171 P2164 PL - 20-Inch, 980 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Olympic/Birch 173 P2169 PL - 20-Inch, 980 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Birch/Rock Mountain 175 P2325 PL - 10" to 12" Oversize, 1296 Zone, PB Road - Rolling Hills Hydro PS/PB Bndy 177 P2367 PL - 16-Inch, 980 Zone, Olympic Parkway - East Palomar/EastLake 179 P2397 PL - 12-Inch, 711 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Birch/Rock Mountain 181 P2414 PL - 12" to 16" Oversize, 803 Zone, Dehesa Road - Dehesa Meadow/OWD Bndy 183 P2435 PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, Birch Road - La Media/SR-125 185 R2031 RecPL - 12-Inch, 944 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Olympic/Birch 187 R2033 RecPL - 12-Inch, 944 Zone, Birch Road - La Media/EastLake 189 R2040 RecPL - 12-Inch, 680 Zone, Hunte Parkway - Olympic/EastLake 191 R2041 RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Birch/Rock Mountain 193 R2043 RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone, Rock Mountain Road - La Media/SR-125 195 R2058 RecPL - 16-Inch, 860 Zone, Airway Road - Otay Mesa/Alta 197 R2082 RecPL - 24-Inch, 680 Zone, Olympic Parkway - Village 2/Heritage 199 R2084 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Village 2 - Heritage/La Media 201 38 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 25,500 feet of 36-inch pipeline from SDCWA Otay FCF No. 14 to the Regulatory Site and fund 50% of the cost to upgrade FCF No. 14 to a capacity of 16 mgd. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $660 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,150 $9,770 $6,865 $45 TOTAL $18,490 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: North District Storage 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The East County Regional Treated Water Improvement Program(ECRTWIP) Agreement was approved by Otay WD Board in December 2005 and by the SDCWA Board in February 2006. Per terms of the agreement Otay WD is obligated to construct the pipeline by March 1, 2010 and SDCWA is have operational FCF No. 14 as well. Various PL - 36-Inch, SDCWA Otay FCF No. 14 to Regulatory Site WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 7/16/1997ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2038RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $18,490,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 3I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: SDCWA will provide $4.2 million in funds towards construction the pipeline. The cost estimate includes the payment of $775,000 to SDCWA. See Work Order Nos. 2102 and 30136. P2009CIP Number: 39 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2009 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/97 11/07 11/08 07/10 10/07 10/08DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $4,400 $8,700 $9,000 $9,300 PROJECT LOCATION:1272Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:356 40 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 6,400 feet of 16-inch main within the 1296 Pressure Zone generally along the direction of Melody Road from Campo Road to Presilla Drive. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $6 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $5 $185 $1,160 $470 TOTAL $1,826 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development within the Rancho Jamul Estates and surrounding areas within the 1296 and higher pressure zones. n/a PL - 16-Inch, 1296 Zone, Melody Road - Campo/Presilla WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2005ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $1,826,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 9I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: This project will be coordinated with the proposed Peaceful Valley Ranch development project. P2033CIP Number: 41 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2033 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/05 11/08 07/10 06/11 10/08 06/10DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $2,200 $2,300 PROJECT LOCATION:1293Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:309 42 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a 15 MG reservoir adjacent to the existing 980-1 and 980-2 Reservoirs located within the District's Use Area. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $630 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $200 $200 $800 $4,500 $7,825 $50 TOTAL $14,205 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This reservoir will be needed to meet a portion of the projected operational, emergency, and fire flow storage requirements in the 980 Pressure Zone as a result of the ongoing development of the Otay Ranch, EastLake Woods, EastLake Vistas, etc. development projects. Various Res - 980-3 Reservoir 15 MG WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/4/2003ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2008, P2272, P2399, P2431 RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 4DIRECTOR DIVISION: 3PRIORITY $14,205,000BUDGET AMOUNT: I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 2118 and 30116. P2037CIP Number: 43 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2037 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/89 02/05 11/11 06/13 01/05 10/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $28,200 PROJECT LOCATION:1291Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:172 44 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 8,600 feet of 12-inch pipeline located within Jamacha Road, Hidden Mesa Road, and Chase Avenue. This project includes construction of a looped system between Hidden Mesa Road and Penasco Road. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $115 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $980 $505 TOTAL $1,600 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: I.D. 3 General Fund 50% 50% 50% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 50%50%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The existing pipelines in Chase Avenue and Jamacha Boulevard are undersized and the existing pipeline in Hidden Mesa Road is deteriorated steel pipe that needs to be replaced and located within the roadway right-of-way away from the existing residences. n/a PL - 12-Inch, 978 Zone, Jamacha, Hidden Mesa, and Chase Upsize and Replacements WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 7/16/1997ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2009RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $1,600,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 3I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: The Jamacha Road portion of this project is intended to be designed and constructed as part of CIP project P2009. P2038CIP Number: 45 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2038 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/05 07/06 11/07 03/09 06/06 10/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 PROJECT LOCATION:1272Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:368 46 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a 0.5 MG reservoir and approximately 1,500 feet of 12-inch pipeline to connect to the existing system in Presilla Drive. These improvements are located within the Rancho Jamul Estates area. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $473 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1 $1 $85 $700 $795 TOTAL $2,055 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: I.D. 9 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The project will increase system reliability, increase service capabilities, and provide adequate fire protection for the Rancho Jamul Estates area within the 1655 Pressure Zone. The existing system is currently served with a hydropneumatic pump station. Various Res - 1655-1 Reservoir 0.5 MG WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 8/19/1992ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $2,055,000BUDGET AMOUNT: I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 2106 and 8893. P2040CIP Number: 47 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2040 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/93 07/97 07/10 12/11 06/97 06/10DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $500 $900 PROJECT LOCATION:1293Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:310 48 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project funds the planning, exploration, and preliminary investigation of groundwater wells, pumping, treatment requirements, etc., throughout the District. Once specific projects are established for design and construction, they will be set up as separate CIP projects. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $560 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $10 $10 $15 $25 $630 $1,280 TOTAL $2,530 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Groundwater wells may play an important role in the District''''s water supply diversification and reliability goals. They can also reduce the District''''s dependence on imported water by creating a local source of irrigation and/or potable water. Various Groundwater Exploration Program WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/15/1994ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2348, P2434, P2450, P2457 RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PeasleyPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $2,530,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 2354, 8399, 8415, 8911, and 9155. P2129CIP Number: 49 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Jim Peasley 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2129 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/95 06/13 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 50 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a 2 MG steel reservoir on District property adjacent to the District's existing 1296-1 and 1296-2 Reservoirs at the west terminus of Bear Mountain Way. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $290 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,200 $1,800 $50 TOTAL $3,340 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide additional storage in the 1296 Pressure Zone. The 1296 Pressure Zone has an existing storage deficiency of about 0.3 million gallons. An additional 12 million gallons of storage is projected to be required at ultimate development. Various Res - 1296-3 Reservoir 2 MG WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/17/1995ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $3,340,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 9I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 2394 and 30106. P2143CIP Number: 51 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2143 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 11/01 06/07 12/07 12/09 05/07 11/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,900 $3,800 $3,900 $4,000 PROJECT LOCATION:1292Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:307 52 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a new pump station to replace the existing pump station and to expand capacity as projected within the Water Resources Master Plan. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $325 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $200 $1,200 $500 TOTAL $2,225 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: I.D. 9 General Fund 50% 50% 50% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 50%50%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The existing pump station is near capacity, and has reached the end of its useful life. The improved pump station systems and additional capacity are required to meet projected demands of the 1485 and higher pressure zones. Various PS - 1485-1 Pump Station Replacement WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/16/1993ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2028RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $2,225,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 9I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 8212 and 30138. P2172CIP Number: 53 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2172 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/01 07/07 10/07 07/09 06/07 09/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $7,400 $7,600 $7,800 $8,000 PROJECT LOCATION:1272Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:323 54 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of two 10 mg structures where one will provide operational storage for ultimate projected demand conditions for the planned La Presa System 640 Pressure Zone. The other 10 mg reservoir will provide emergency storage for the North District systems. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $8,000 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $15,000 $6,000 $500 TOTAL $29,500 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund North District Storage I.D. 1 3% 50% 47% 3% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 53%47%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Storage for the La Presa System is needed to correct existing substantial deficiencies and to operate in conjunction with the existing 36-inch transmission pipeline to prevent depressurization of the La Presa System. The reservoirs will provide higher suction pressures to the 803-1 Pump Station and 832-1 Pump Station resulting in significant energy savings. The 640 Reservoir storage is required to be able to meet the 10,000 acre-feet per year demand from the Helix WD Levy WTP per terms of the ECRTWIP agreement. Various Res - 640-1 Reservoir 20.0 MG WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 8/19/1992ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $29,500,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 20I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 2107, 2807, and 30018. P2185CIP Number: 55 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2185 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 11/91 09/04 12/06 02/10 08/04 11/06DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $18,800 $37,600 $38,700 $39,900 PROJECT LOCATION:1271Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:343 56 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 1,300 feet of 10-inch pipeline located within Jamul Highlands Road to the future extension of Presilla Drive. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $3 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $5 $5 $120 $95 TOTAL $228 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: I.D. 9 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The project will increase system reliability by providing a loop system, increase service capabilities, and insure adequate fire protection for the Rancho Jamul Estates area. The project is planned to coincide with the development of Rancho Jamul Estates Unit No. 3 and surrounding land areas. n/a PL - 10-Inch, 1485 Zone, Jamul Highlands Road to Presilla Drive WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2005ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 3PRIORITY $228,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 9I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: This project is to coincide with development of Rancho Jamul Estates Unit No. 3 and/or other nearby land areas. P2190CIP Number: 57 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2190 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/05 07/07 07/10 06/11 06/07 06/10DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $400 $400 PROJECT LOCATION:1293Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:310 58 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a 2.2 million gallon steel reservoir on District property adjacent to the existing 850-2 Reservoir in the La Presa System 850 Pressure Zone. The project is located at the South terminus of Ledge Avenue in Spring Valley. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $635 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $750 $1,800 $100 TOTAL $3,285 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund I.D. 20 27% 73% 27% 73% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 27%73%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project is required to increase operational, emergency, and fire storage in the 850 Pressure Zone. The 850 Pressure Zone storage is currently at capacity and will require this additional storage volume to meet the projected ultimate storage volume. Various Res - 850-4 Reservoir 2.2 MG WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 7/16/1997ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: 3DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $3,285,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 20I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 8808 and 8943. P2191CIP Number: 59 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2191 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/03 01/05 12/07 07/09 12/04 11/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $4,200 $4,300 $4,400 $4,500 PROJECT LOCATION:1291Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:317 60 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of the Lower Otay Pump Station to obtain increased flows from the City of San Diego Otay WTP and pump water into the Central Area System 624-3 Reservoir plus the Otay Mesa System 571-1 Reservoir. An interim trailer mounted engine driven pump has been installed until the permanent pump station is constructed and placed into operation. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $2,085 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $50 $2,000 $3,670 TOTAL $7,805 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This pump station is required to obtain increased capacity from the City of San Diego Otay WTP to meet water supply needs for the Central Area and Otay Mesa Systems. The minimum capacity of the ultimate pump station is 30 mgd. 8696 PS - Lower Otay Pump Station Phase 1 (9,000 GPM) WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/3/1996ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2288, P2425RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $7,805,000BUDGET AMOUNT: I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2258CIP Number: 61 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2258 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 09/97 01/03 11/06 06/13 12/02 10/06DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1332Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:70 62 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of ventilation equipment on the existing pump out and air/vacuum vaults on 36-inch transmission main from the SDCWA Otay FCF No. 11 to the Regulatory Site. This project also includes upsizing the existing 2-inch air/vacuum valves to 6-inch. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $195 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $150 TOTAL $345 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: North District Fee 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The vault openings do not stay in place when refilling because they lack ventilation. By installing vents in these vaults, the lids will stay in place, thus eliminating a safety hazard. Draining and filling the 36-inch main at higher flow rates is required to return the system to service in shorter periods of time. 8660 36-Inch Main Pumpouts and Air/Vacuum Ventilation Installations WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/3/1996ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: HendersonPROJECT MANAGER: 3DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $345,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 1I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2267CIP Number: 63 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Don Henderson 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2267 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION:07/97 06/08 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1291Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:198 64 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of new inlet and outlet pipelines, a reservoir bypass pipeline, and a disinfection facility for the 624-1 Reservoir. The project also includes the demolition of the 613-1 Reservoir. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $3,950 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $550 TOTAL $4,500 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund I.D. 10 I.D. 22 70%15% 6% 9% 85% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 70%30%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The 624-1 Reservoir requires these facilities to allow for parallel operation of the 624-3 Reservoir. Construction of the disinfection facility is consistent with the recommendations made in the Distribution Systems Disinfection Master Plan. Various 624-1 Reservoir Disinfection Facility, Inlet/Outlet/Bypass and 613-1 Reservoir Demolition WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/15/1994ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2235RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 1DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $4,500,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 8199, 30004, and 30006. P2295CIP Number: 65 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2295 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/94 08/01 01/03 06/08 07/01 12/02DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $8,400 $8,700 $9,000 $9,300 $9,600 $9,900 PROJECT LOCATION:1311Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:114 66 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a pipeline between the two existing 18-inch mains to allow for bypass of the existing 36-inch transmission main near the old SDCWA Otay FCF No. 5 that was on Pipeline No. 3. Also includes construction of several system connections to the existing 36-inch transmission main within the La Presa System. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $56 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $200 $345 TOTAL $601 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: North District Fee 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This will provide adequate and enhanced pipeline transmission capacity, increase reliability, and provide operational flexibility for the existing La Presa System network. This project is required when the 640 Reservoirs become operational. 8692 PL - 20-Inch, 657 Zone, Summit Cross-Tie and 36-Inch Main Connections WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 7/16/1997ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2185, P2370RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: 3DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $601,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 1I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2318CIP Number: 67 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2318 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 11/97 12/07 11/09 06/10 11/07 10/08DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $100 $100 $100 PROJECT LOCATION:1291Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:198 68 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Demolish the existing Dorchester Reservoir and hydropneumatic pump station located on the same site on Dorchester Street. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $15 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $65 $70 TOTAL $150 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: I.D. 1 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The existing reservoir and hydropneumatic pump station are no longer required to serve customers. n/a Res - Dorchester Reservoir and Pump Station Demolition WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2005ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2318RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: 3DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $150,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 1I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: This project will be included in the contract as for CIP P2318. P2370CIP Number: 69 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2370 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/05 08/10 07/11 06/12 07/10 06/11DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $-4,800 PROJECT LOCATION:1290Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:301 70 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacement of the existing 12-inch pipeline along Steele Canyon Road with approximately 1,800 feet of 12-inch main within the 832 Pressure Zone EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $70 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $270 $185 TOTAL $525 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: I.D. 2 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The existing pipeline is within existing front yards of several homes and it poses a potential threat to cause property damage. n/a PL - 12-Inch, 832 Zone, Steele Canyon Road - Via Caliente/Campo WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/5/2002ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $525,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 20I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2387CIP Number: 71 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2387 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/05 09/06 11/07 03/09 08/06 10/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $600 $600 $600 $600 PROJECT LOCATION:1272Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:321 72 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Sweetwater Authority and Otay WD are investigating the possibility to develop a brackish water demineralization facility within the Otay River to produce say 5 mgd of potable water. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $115 $85 $800 $3,600 $400 TOTAL $5,000 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide for a level of water supply independence from SDCWA. n/a Otay River Groundwater Well Demineralization/Development WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2129, P2462RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PeasleyPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $5,000,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: The Sweetwater Authority was awarded a Proposition 50 grant to help pay for 50% of the cost of the feasibility study. P2450CIP Number: 73 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Jim Peasley 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2450 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 07/09 01/11 06/12 06/09 12/10DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $27,900 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 74 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The San Diego Region could potentially receive a potable water supply source from the planned Rosarito Desalination Facility via a conveyance system or an exchange arrangement. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $5 $5 $15 $80 $95 $800 TOTAL $1,000 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The conveyance system or exchange concept could provide for a independent water source to the San Diego County Region. n/a Rosarito Desalination Facility Conveyance System WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PeasleyPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $1,000,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2451CIP Number: 75 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Jim Peasley 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2451 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/06 06/13 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 76 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to provide funding for development of a potential groundwater production well on Otay Mesa near the foot of Otay Mountain. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $10 $290 $6,000 $200 TOTAL $6,500 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The potential of an agreement for the development of a potable water production well could provide the possibility of an independent local water supply resource for the Otay WD. n/a Otay Mountain Groundwater Well Development WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2129RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PeasleyPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $6,500,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 7I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2457CIP Number: 77 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Jim Peasley 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2457 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 12/07 07/08 10/09 06/11 06/08 09/09DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $11,200 $11,500 PROJECT LOCATION:1352Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:27 78 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The proposed project is to remove the existing trestle and 24-inch pipeline that crosses the Otay River valley. This pipeline was the transmission main to supply water to the Otay Mesa System. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $20 $55 $300 TOTAL $375 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The existing pipeline is no longer in service and should be removed to address liability concerns. The Central Area-Otay Mesa Interconnection Pipeline supplies water to the Otay Mesa System. n/a I.D. 7 Trestle and Pipeline Demolition WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $375,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 7I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2460CIP Number: 79 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2460 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 11/07 07/09 06/10 10/07 06/09DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1332Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:71 80 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is a feasibility study of the concept to potentially develop a demineralization facility within the Otay River valley. The project is being jointly funded by Sweetwater Authority and Otay. Proposition 50 funding for 50% of the cost has been secured by Sweetwater Authority. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $200 TOTAL $200 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The potential of an agreement for the development of a potable water production well could provide the possibility of an independent local water supply resource for the Otay WD. n/a Otay River Demineralization Feasibility Study WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2450RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PeasleyPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $200,000BUDGET AMOUNT: I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2462CIP Number: 81 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Jim Peasley 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2462 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 06/08 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 82 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is a feasibility study of the concept to potentially develop a South Bay regional concentrate conveyance facility. The project is being jointly funded by San Diego County Water Authority, Sweetwater Authority, the City of San Diego, and Otay. Proposition 50 funding for 50% of the cost has been secured by the San Diego County Water Authority. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $25 $100 TOTAL $125 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The potential of the development of a regional concentrate conveyance facility within the South Bay would provide the region with the ability to dispose of brine concentrates into the ocean. The facility could be an important element for the development of a potable water production wells that could provide the possibility of an independent local water supply resource for the Otay WD and others. n/a South Bay Regional Concentrate Conveyance Feasibility Study WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PeasleyPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $125,000BUDGET AMOUNT: I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2463CIP Number: 83 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Jim Peasley 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2463 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 06/09 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 84 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is for the construction of a pump station by the City of San Diego, known as SD17 at their Alvarado Water Treatment Plant. The pump station capacity is 60 million gallons per day (mgd) of which Otay may acquire up to 50 mgd. The City of San Diego has the potential to acquire Proposition 50 funding for about $6,500,000 from construction of SD17 and is willing to share these funds with Otay. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $750 $7,500 $8,000 TOTAL $16,250 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: With the pending agreement approval with the City of San Diego and the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) and subsequent construction of SD17, Otay will be able to take water supply from the Alvarado WTP at potentially reduced rates over the prevailing SDCWA rate for treated water. n/a San Diego 17 Pump Station and Flow Control Facility WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PeasleyPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $16,250,000BUDGET AMOUNT: I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2464CIP Number: 85 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Jim Peasley 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2464 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 06/10 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $308,200 $317,400 $326,900 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 86 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to install material storage bins at the Regulatory Site. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $30 $220 TOTAL $250 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The material storage bins will improve the efficiency of the District operations for their installation and construction efforts. n/a Regulatory Site Material Storage Bins WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2185RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $250,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 20I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2465CIP Number: 87 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Rick Acuna 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2465 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 10/07 02/08 12/08 09/07 01/08DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1271Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:343 88 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The project is the construction of a Regional Training Facility at the Regulatory Site through a partnership with the San Miguel Consolidated Fire Protection District. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $100 $100 TOTAL $200 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Otay needs a training center to train staff on trenching, shoring, fire safety, rescue, and confined space. The San Miguel Consolidated Fire Protection District has secured funding for this project and will be the lead agency in the development of the training facility. n/a Regional Training Facility WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $200,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 20I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2466CIP Number: 89 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2466 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 08/06 07/07 02/08 01/09 06/07 01/08DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1271Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:343 90 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is a research and data gathering effort to enhance the ongoing USGS study of the concept to potentially develop a groundwater supply from the San Diego Formation. The project is planned to be jointly funded by Sweetwater Authority and Otay. A proposal for the San Diego County Water Authority LISA grant program is being developed and may fund up to 50% of the cost of the effort. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $800 $800 TOTAL $1,600 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The potential of an agreement for the development of a potable water production well within the San Diego Formation could provide the possibility of an independent local water supply resource for the Otay WD and others. n/a San Diego Formation Groundwater Feasibility Study WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PeasleyPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $1,600,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2467CIP Number: 91 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Jim Peasley 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2467 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 06/09 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 92 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a 12 MG reservoir for the 450 Pressure Zone within recycled water system. The final agreement has been approved with the City of San Diego for recycled water supply from the South Bay Water Reclamation Plant (SBWRP) for 6 mgd. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $9,917 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $50 TOTAL $9,967 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will receive water from the pump station at the City of San Diego''s SBWRP to supply demands in the Central Area System recycled water system. The facility will balance the 24-hour supply rate with a peaking rate generated by demand. 30016 RecRes - 450-1 Reservoir 12 MG WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/17/1998ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2004, R2022RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 1DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $9,967,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 10I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: Steel prices have risen dramatically since January 2004 due to supply and demand conditions. Additional costs for full time inspection and construction management consulting services have been reflected in the budget. R2001CIP Number: 93 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2001 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 12/00 12/03 01/06 08/07 11/03 12/05DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $11,800 $12,200 $12,600 $13,000 $13,400 $13,800 PROJECT LOCATION:1330Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:66 94 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of an 11,500 gpm pump station and 24-inch discharge transmission main to supply recycled water to the 680 and 944 Pressure Zones from the planned 450-1 Reservoir. The final agreement with the City of San Diego for recycled water supply from the SBWRP has been approved for 6 mgd. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $8,283 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $50 TOTAL $8,333 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project is required to pump recycled water from the 450-1 Reservoir to the 680 and 944 Pressure Zones in the Central Area System. 30015 RecPS - 680-1 Pump Station (11,500 GPM) WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/17/1998ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2001, R2022RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 1DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $8,333,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 10I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: Steel prices have risen dramatically since January 2004 due to supply and demand conditions. Additional costs for full time inspection and construction management consulting services have been reflected in the budget. R2004CIP Number: 95 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2004 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 12/00 12/03 01/06 08/07 11/03 12/05DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $170,100 $175,200 $180,500 $185,900 $191,500 $197,200 PROJECT LOCATION:1330Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:66 96 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a 4 MG reservoir for the 860 Pressure Zone of the recycled water system with Otay Mesa. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $5 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $100 $395 $1,800 $1,500 TOTAL $3,800 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will receive water from the 944 Pressure Zone within the Central Area System to supply demands in the Otay Mesa System recycled water system. The facility will balance the 24-hour supply rate with a peaking rate generated by demand. 8693 RecRes - 860-1 Reservoir 4 MG WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2088RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $3,800,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 7I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2034CIP Number: 97 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2034 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 09/06 10/07 07/09 06/12 09/07 06/09DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $7,500 PROJECT LOCATION:1332Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:55 98 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of offices and training room and purchasing of furniture upon the existing reverse osmosis building site at the RWCWRF. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $140 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $305 $50 TOTAL $495 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: I.D. 22 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will eliminate the rental costs for trailers that currently contain the required offices space. The existing systems at the RWCWRF will be used in a more effective and cost efficient manner. Various RWCWRF - R.O. Building Remodel and Office Furniture WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 7/16/1997ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: 3DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $495,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 20I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 8690 and 8760. R2053CIP Number: 99 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2053 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/97 02/06 08/07 07/08 01/06 07/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1271Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:319 100 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a 24-inch pipeline within the 860 Pressure Zone in Alta Road from the Alta Gate location to Airway Road. This project will be constructed as part of the Otay Mesa recycled water system. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $22 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $50 $50 $378 $1,000 $1,500 TOTAL $3,000 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Mesa and link the planned 860-1 Reservoir with the recycled water system in Otay Mesa. 30017 RecPL - 24-Inch, 860 Zone, Alta Road - Alta Gate/Airway WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2058RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $3,000,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 7I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2077CIP Number: 101 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2077 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 09/06 10/07 07/09 06/12 09/07 06/09DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $2,700 PROJECT LOCATION:1332Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:39 102 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a 20-inch pipeline within the 944 Pressure Zone in Lane Avenue from Proctor Valley Road to Pond No. 1 within the Use Area. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $90 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $900 $300 TOTAL $1,290 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 944 Pressure Zone. n/a RecPL - 20-Inch, 944 Zone, Lane Avenue - Proctor Valley/Pond No. 1 WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: 4DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $1,290,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2081CIP Number: 103 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2081 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/06 09/06 08/07 08/08 08/06 07/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $2,700 $2,800 $2,900 $3,000 $3,100 PROJECT LOCATION:1311Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:159 104 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a 20-inch pipeline within the 944 Pressure Zone in Wueste Road from Olympic Parkway to near the existing City of San Diego Otay WTP. This project will be constructed as part of the Otay Mesa recycled water system supply link. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $13 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $50 $50 $2,000 $1,400 $85 TOTAL $3,598 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Mesa and is a part of the link to the 944 Pressure Zone supply to the planned 860-1 Reservoir within the Otay Mesa recycled water system. n/a RecPL - 20-Inch, 944 Zone, Wueste Road - Olympic/Otay WTP WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $3,598,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2087CIP Number: 105 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2087 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 09/06 10/07 07/10 09/11 09/07 06/10DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,500 $1,500 PROJECT LOCATION:1312Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:85 106 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a 20-inch pipeline within the 860 Pressure Zone from the 571-1 Reservoir site to the planned 860-1 Reservoir. This project will be constructed as part of the Otay Mesa recycled water system supply link. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $1 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $50 $50 $149 $1,000 $250 TOTAL $1,500 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Mesa and link the planned 944 Pressure Zone supply to the planned 860-1 Reservoir within the Otay Mesa recycled water system. n/a RecPL - 20-Inch, 860 Zone, County Jail - Roll Reservoir/860-1 Reservoir WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2034RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $1,500,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 7I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2088CIP Number: 107 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2088 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 09/06 04/07 07/10 09/11 03/07 06/10DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $2,400 $2,500 PROJECT LOCATION:1332Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:55 108 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to fund any RWQCB Basin Plan revisions, State Department of Health Services reporting requirements addressing health, safety, institutional, and water quality concerns and potential CEQA compliance requirements. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $5 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $195 TOTAL $200 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Regulatory and institutional requirements for recycled water use within the Jamacha Basin must be addressed to further the vision for eventual development of recycled water infrastructure within the North District. n/a North District Recycled Water Regulatory Compliance WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PeasleyPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $200,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: The necessary infrastructure of storage, transmission mains, and distribution pipelines for recycled water will be budgeted under another CIP project once the regulatory and institutional issues resolve into a successful outcome. R2089CIP Number: 109 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Jim Peasley 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2089 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 05/07 06/08 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 110 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to fund the joint water recycling facility feasibility study for future recycled water supply needs. The partners for this effort are the City of Chula Vista, Sweetwater Authority, and Otay. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $60 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $40 TOTAL $100 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project has a very good potential to create a new and much needed recycled water supply source. n/a MBR Water Recycling Facility Feasibility Study WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 7/5/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $100,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: Otay is participating in the feasibility study as a one third cost sharing partner. R2090CIP Number: 111 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2090 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/06 08/07 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 112 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of adding a new pump and modifying two existing pumps to operate within the system at higher efficiencies. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $325 TOTAL $325 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund I.D. 22 50% 50% 50% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 50%50%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The overall operating conditions of the pump station have been modified as a result of the planned service to the Otay Mesa System recycled water system from the Central Area System and the conversion of a existing potable water pipeline within the Use Area for recycled water service. n/a RecPS - 944-1 Pump Station Upgrade WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2003RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 1DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $325,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2091CIP Number: 113 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2091 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 11/07 01/08 06/08 10/07 12/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $107,900 $111,100 $114,400 $117,800 $121,300 PROJECT LOCATION:1311Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:115 114 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of construction of a disinfection system facility at the 450-1 Reservoir. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $300 $800 TOTAL $1,100 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: I.D. 22 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The recycled water received from the City of San Diego South Bay Water Reclamation Plant is not planned to be disinfected with chemicals. The recycled water will be to disinfected prior to deliver to the District customers. n/a Dis - 450-1 Reservoir Disinfection Facility WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2001, R2004RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 1DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $1,100,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 10I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2092CIP Number: 115 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2092 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 11/07 04/08 06/09 10/07 03/08DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $10,700 $11,000 $11,300 $11,600 PROJECT LOCATION:1330Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:66 116 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The solar panel installation of a 65 KW AC solar system at the roof of the operations building or on the administration building. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $10 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $10 $25 $200 $200 $200 TOTAL $645 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The installation of the solar panels will potentially assist in reducing electrical costs and aid in the effort to provide a clean environment. The photovoltaic system can produce electricity from a clean, renewable resource without noise or air pollution. n/a Solar Panel Installation Phase I WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: 4DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $645,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 20I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: An average commercial photovoltaic system costs from about $8 to $10 per AC watt. The California Public Utilities Commission approved the California Solar Initiative (CSI) in November 2006. The CSI program pays the public sector owner such as Otay $0.50 per kwh generated every month to five years. S2016CIP Number: 117 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:S2016 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/06 10/07 01/10 12/11 09/07 12/09DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1271Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:318 118 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacement of the existing 12-inch permastran pipeline within Jamul Drive with approximately 3,600 feet of 12-inch main. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $79 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $420 $266 TOTAL $765 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The existing permastran pipeline has experienced failures and is sensitive to the normally occurring pressure changes. n/a PL - 12-Inch, 803 Zone, Jamul Drive Permastran Pipeline Replacement WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2005ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $765,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 20I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2356CIP Number: 119 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2356 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/05 09/06 11/07 03/09 08/06 10/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1272Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:332 120 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to replace and/or retrofit 14 diesel fuel burning engines with best technology exhaust gas control systems throughout the District to comply with APCD engine emission regulations. The District also needs to replace, repower, and/or retrofit the heavy vehicle diesel fleet to comply with upcoming emissions regulations. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $1,518 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $160 $170 $180 $190 $220 TOTAL $2,438 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The District is required to replace and/or retrofit 14 of its engines to meet current APCD requirements including the Air Toxics Control Measures, and to be consistent with the intended operation of the engines to meet system demands. The District also needs to replace, repower, and/or retrofit the heavy vehicle diesel fleet to meet future emissions requirements. Various APCD Engine Replacements and Retrofits WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 12/6/2000ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RahdersPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $2,438,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 30034, 30043, and 30083. P2366CIP Number: 121 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Lisa Coburn-Boyd 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2366 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 12/00 07/01 07/05 06/12 06/01 06/10DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 122 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to improve the security of the District''s facilities by developing a response plan, installing protection systems, and contracting with a protection monitoring and response service. This project will also include additional safety and security improvements as required throughout the District. The security improvements are a result of the District''s Vulnerability Assessment Report completed in March 2003. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $958 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $90 $90 $90 $89 TOTAL $1,317 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 20%80%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 20%80%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Although existing facilities are relatively safe and secure, the Federal government may mandate that security of water systems be improved by monitoring and response to intrusions. The security improvements are in response to the September 11, 2001 incident and potential future acts of terrorism. Various Safety and Security Improvements WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/5/2002ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: BurpeauPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $1,317,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 30074 and 30079. P2382CIP Number: 123 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Dave Burpeau 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2382 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/02 09/03 08/04 06/11 08/03 06/09DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 124 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project provides funding for all utility relocations required due to construction of SR-125. Facility relocations vary in size from 8-inch to 24-inch and they impact both the potable and recycled water systems. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $619 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $190 TOTAL $809 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Otay River Constructors, under contract with California Transportation Ventures, is constructing SR- 125, which conflicts with existing District facilities at various locations. In some cases, the District does have prior and superior rights; and the facilities must be relocated to avoid physical conflicts. Various SR-125 Utility Relocations WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/4/2003ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $809,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: A master agreement has been signed with Otay River Constructors to define the relationship between the two entities and outline the process for defining the scope and cost of each required facility relocation. See Work Order Nos. 30094 and 30103. P2416CIP Number: 125 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2416 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 10/02 01/04 10/04 03/08 12/03 12/05DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 126 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will provide funding to improve the existing interconnections with the District''s neighboring agencies. Some of these connections are very old and require the installation of meters, pressure gauges, valves, air/vacuum valves, blow-offs, etc., to ensure efficient, effective, and reliable operation. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $250 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 TOTAL $2,050 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The existing interconnections play a vital role in supplying the District with alternative water resources during an outage or supply shortfall from the normal SDCWA facility, known as Pipeline No. 4. Typically on an annual basis, the SDCWA shuts down Pipeline No. 4 for inspection, maintenance, and/or installation of new system components. 30093 Agency Interconnections WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/4/2003ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $2,050,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2422CIP Number: 127 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2422 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/03 06/06 07/07 06/13 06/12 06/12DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 128 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project provides funding for all utility relocations required due to construction of I-905 on the Otay Mesa. Pipeline relocations vary from 12-inch to 24-inch. Five locations have been identified as in conflict with I-905. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $1,000 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $360 $300 TOTAL $1,660 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Caltrans will construct I-905, which will result in utility conflicts with District pipelines. In all cases, the District has prior and superior rights. The facilities must be relocated prior to Caltrans construction of I-905. The cost of the facilities relocations that have prior rights will be reimbursed by Caltrans. Various I-905 Utility Relocations WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/2/2004ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2454RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $1,660,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 7I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: Utility agreements were developed by Caltrans for each of the required facility relocations. Any betterment work such as pipeline size increase and /or additional length are at the District expense. See Work Order Nos. 30128, 30129, 30130, and 30131. P2440CIP Number: 129 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2440 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 01/03 10/03 10/06 06/09 09/06 09/06DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1351Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:10 130 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to replace the existing meters that were installed in recent years that have become inoperable due to allowed frequencies by the Federal Communication Commission. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $1,832 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $100 TOTAL $1,932 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The District is currently in pending litigation to recoup the cost of replacing the non functioning NG/Ramar meters. The Board has directed staff to proceed with the replacements. n/a NG/RAMAR Meter Replacements WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2458RELATED CIP PROJECTS: HendersonPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $1,932,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2441CIP Number: 131 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Don Henderson 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2441 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION:12/06 06/08 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 132 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will provide an automated and dynamic meter routing capabilities to District customer service personnel. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $50 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $80 TOTAL $130 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 25%75%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 25%75%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: With the advent of the Automated Meter Reading (AMR) meters, meter reading routes will be changing on a routine basis. The use of GIS technology and Smart Route routing software will allow for automated route revisions shifting from manual techniques. These improvements will lower costs and leverage the AMR investment. n/a Information Technology Meter Routing WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2005ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: StevensPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $130,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2447CIP Number: 133 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Goeff Stevens 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2447 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/05 06/08 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $3,600 $3,700 $3,800 $3,900 $4,000 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 134 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project provides funding for all utility relocations required due to construction of SR-11 on the Otay Mesa. Facility relocations vary in size from 8-inch to 24-inch. Both the potable and recycled water systems are impacted. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $5 $165 $125 $680 $655 $670 TOTAL $2,300 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Caltrans will construct SR-11, which will result in utility conflicts with existing District facilities at various locations. In most cases, the District does have prior and superior rights. The facilities must be relocated prior to Caltrans construction of SR-11. The cost of the facilities relocations that have prior rights will be reimbursed by Caltrans. n/a SR-11 Utility Relocations WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $2,300,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 7I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2453CIP Number: 135 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2453 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/06 07/07 11/09 06/13 06/09 10/09DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1351Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:5 136 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project provides funding for clean up of inaccurate data in the District''s core customer, permitting, and facilities databases. Through use of data analysis tools, inaccurate and corrupted data will be eliminated from the OIS databases. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $190 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $160 TOTAL $350 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The District''s information systems require accurate and functional data to operate efficiently and achieve the benefits of integration. Through the process of implementation and the collection of inaccurate data over time the District needs to correct bad data to achieve system benefits. n/a Data Cleansing Project WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2363RELATED CIP PROJECTS: StevensPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $350,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2455CIP Number: 137 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Goeff Stevens 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2455 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/06 06/08 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 138 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to provide funding for the upgrading of approximately 750 existing are and vacuum valves that are currently below grade. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $234 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $520 $550 $580 $600 $620 $640 TOTAL $3,744 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund I.D. 1 I.D. 20 14% 12% 74%74% 14% 12% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 26%74%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The current Department if Health regulations requires that all potable air and vacuum valves be installed above grade to eliminate the possibility of back siphoning ground water into the potable water system in the event of pressure loss within the water system. n/a Air and Vacuum Valve Upgrades WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: HendersonPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $3,744,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: Some of the existing are and vacuum valves are located in streets and roadways. These facilities will require extension of the plumping outside of the traveled way. It is planned to upgrade approximately 140 units per year. P2456CIP Number: 139 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Don Henderson 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2456 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION:07/06 06/13 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 140 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will provide funding to replace all manually read meters with AMR meters. Approximately 34,700 existing manual 3/4-inch meters will be replaced with the AMR meter. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $143 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,250 $1,375 $1,500 $1,650 $1,700 $1,750 TOTAL $9,368 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This program will benefit the District in the form of reducing manpower resources as the systems are expanded. n/a AMR Manual Meter Replacement WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2441RELATED CIP PROJECTS: HendersonPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $9,368,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2458CIP Number: 141 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Don Henderson 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2458 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION:07/06 06/13 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $-36,500 $-34,500 $-34,700 $-39,300 $-40,400 $-41,000 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 142 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project provides funding for all utility relocations required due to the reconstruction and widening of Olive Vista Drive. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $142 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,100 TOTAL $1,242 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The County of San Diego is reconstructing and widening Olive Vista Drive and Jefferson Road in Jamul. The District does not have prior and superior rights. Approximately 875 feet of 10-inch and 600 feet on 12-inch pipelines need to be relocated and lowered, along with the associated appurtenances. n/a Olive Vista Drive Utility Relocations WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2006ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $1,242,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 9I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2459CIP Number: 143 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2459 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 01/06 07/06 07/07 01/08 06/06 06/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1292Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:322 144 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to provide funding for additional offices and related improvements to the Administration Building within the Finance Department. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $50 TOTAL $50 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The new office spaces within the Finance Department are necessary to improve functionality. The concept is to foster a teamwork atmosphere plus contribute to the sharing of information and skills among staff. n/a Finance Department Office Remodel WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 4DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $50,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 20I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2468CIP Number: 145 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Jim Peasley 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2468 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 10/07 03/08 06/08 09/07 02/08DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1291Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:318 146 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacement of 21 existing two inch air release and vacuum valves on the recycled water force main from the RWCWRF to the Use Area with improved capacity and corrosion resistance features. The existing seven isolation valves on the force main will be replaced. The existing roadway along the force main will be improved. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $205 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $670 TOTAL $875 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The existing air release and vacuum valves on the force main have failed frequently, which causes unauthorized discharges of recycled water. The existing isolation valves are corroded and exhibit signs of leakage. The existing access road along the force main is damaged and improvements will increase safety for operations personnel. n/a RWCWRF Force Main AirVac Replacements and Road Improvements WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2005ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JuybariPROJECT MANAGER: 3DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $875,000BUDGET AMOUNT: I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2086CIP Number: 147 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Hossein Juybari 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2086 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/05 08/06 03/07 05/08 07/06 02/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1271Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:319 148 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project provides funding for the District''s proportionate share of the SVSD total costs for replacement of various system components of the existing Spring Valley and Rancho San Diego Outfall Systems per terms of an existing agreement with the SVSD. The reimbursement also includes a proportionate share of operating and maintenance costs. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $1,281 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $605 $365 $270 $340 $350 $360 TOTAL $3,571 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Various components of the SVSD Spring Valley Outfall and the Rancho San Diego Outfall are in very bad condition and are need of repair and/or replacement. n/a SVSD Outfall and RSD Replacement and OM Reimbursement WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/4/2003ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PeasleyPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $3,571,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: S2012CIP Number: 149 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Jim Peasley 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:S2012 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/03 06/13 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 150 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of a new sewer lift station to replace the existing lift station. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $141 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $585 TOTAL $726 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The existing lift station has no remaining useful life, has groundwater intrusion problems, and replacement components are hard to find. n/a Calavo Lift Station Replacement WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2005ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: KayPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $726,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 14I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: S2015CIP Number: 151 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Daniel Kay 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:S2015 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 12/05 09/06 10/07 06/08 08/06 09/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1271Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:342 152 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project provides funding for capital purchase of various vehicles for daily District functions. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $1,141 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $210 $220 $220 $220 $220 $220 TOTAL $2,451 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Replacements or newly acquired vehicles will be used for operational and administrative functions throughout the entire District. 30012 Vehicle Capital Purchases WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/3/1996ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PorrasPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $2,451,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: It is planned to purchase nine vehicles in fiscal year 2008. P2282CIP Number: 153 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Pedro Porras 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2282 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 12/00 06/13 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 154 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project provides funding for capital purchase of various pieces of field equipment used for daily District functions. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $611 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $91 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 TOTAL $1,202 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Replacements or new acquisitions of field equipment will be used for operational and administrative functions throughout the entire District. 30014 Field Equipment Capital Purchases WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/3/1996ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: PorrasPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $1,202,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: It is planned to purchase a hydraulic breaker and valve machine in fiscal year 2008. P2286CIP Number: 155 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Pedro Porras 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2286 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 12/00 06/13 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $800 $2,000 $4,100 $8,400 $17,300 $35,600 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 156 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Regular and ongoing enhancement and replacement of Information Technologies (IT) systems components. This includes the computer network, security services, network servers, personal computers, computer software, printers, voicemail, and telecommunications. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $3,047 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $365 $350 TOTAL $3,762 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 33%67%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 33%67%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The useful life of IT systems components is about three years. Over this period, advances in technology make older components obsolete, rendering them inadequate for business operations. Constant improvements in network servers and infrastructure, personal computers, the Windows operating systems, office applications, and telecommunications equipment mandate upgrades about every three years. This program will ensure that we are able to implement new technology architectures and platforms plus bring significant improvements in functionality on a regular ongoing basis. Various Information Technology System Enhancements and Replacements WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/7/2000ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: StevensPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $3,762,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 8478, 8859, 8860, 9242, 30065, 30089, 30090, and 30097. P2353CIP Number: 157 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Goeff Stevens 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2353 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/96 06/09 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 158 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project provides funding for capital purchases of software and installation services to support the Geographic Information System (GIS). EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $1,695 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $150 $100 TOTAL $1,945 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 25%75%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 25%75%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The GIS project and systems have been deployed in both an intranet and a mobile application to support facility mapping and utilization requirements. The GIS system needs to be expanded to serve as a basis for infrastructure management systems and to prepare it to interface with the customer billing and work order systems that are under development. 9219 Information Technology GIS Enhancements WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/7/2000ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: StevensPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $1,945,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2361CIP Number: 159 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Goeff Stevens 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2361 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/00 06/09 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 160 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to replace the current utility billing system, utility permitting system, public services developer system, enterprise infrastructure management systems, financial systems, human resource system, and payroll system. Also will provide web interface capabilities for District customers. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $6,300 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $200 $100 TOTAL $6,600 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 25%75%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 25%75%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The current billing system is obsolete, can no longer be maintained, and operates on a platform that no longer is supported by the vendor. The District''s permitting and infrastructure management systems, which were developed ad-hoc, cannot be maintained or are non-existent; these must be replaced by an enterprise system. To achieve a totally integrated system, the financial, human resources, and payroll systems also need to be replaced. Various Information Technology Utility Billing, Data Management, and Financial System WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/7/2000ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2455RELATED CIP PROJECTS: StevensPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $6,600,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: The Board will be provided an opportunity to review the project prior to major expenditures of funds. See Work Order Nos. 9220, 30052, 30053, 30054, 30055, 30056, and 30115. P2363CIP Number: 161 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Goeff Stevens 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2363 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/00 06/09 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 162 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will provide for the testing and integration of mobile data and information services to field staff members. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $412 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $240 TOTAL $652 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 25%75%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 25%75%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: The District is implementing new work processes that will require field access to GIS data. This project will ensure that the technology is appropriate and implemented in a planned and cost effective manner. n/a Information Technology Mobile Services WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 5/23/2005ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: StevensPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $652,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2443CIP Number: 163 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Goeff Stevens 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2443 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/05 06/08 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $18,000 $18,500 $19,100 $19,700 $20,300 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 164 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will expand the scope of the current records management system to capture existing paper records, scan and categorize, and expand scanning capabilities to all Otay departments. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $150 TOTAL $150 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 25%75%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 25%75%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project is required to achieve strategic objectives for business process improvements. Also, required to meet demands for business backup and recovery goals. n/a Records Management System Upgrade WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: JenkinsPROJECT MANAGER: District WideDIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $150,000BUDGET AMOUNT: District WideI.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2461CIP Number: 165 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Bill Jenkins 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2461 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 06/08 DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:District WideThomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:District Wide 166 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 3,000 feet of 16-inch main within the 980 Pressure Zone located within the Rolling Hills Ranch development from Proctor Valley Road to the Rolling Hills Hydropneumatic Pump Station. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $550 TOTAL $550 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project is needed to provide service to the higher portions of Rolling Hills Ranch and the planned development east of Rolling Hills Ranch (Bella Lago). n/a PL - 16-Inch, 980 Zone, Pacific Bay Homes Road- Proctor Valley/Rolling Hills Hydro PS WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/7/2000ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 4DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $550,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2070CIP Number: 167 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM David Charles 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2070 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/03 09/03 12/04 06/08 08/03 11/04DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 PROJECT LOCATION:1311Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:145 168 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 8,600 feet of 16-inch pipeline within the 711 Pressure Zone in the Hunte Parkway from Olympic Parkway to EastLake Parkway. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $550 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1 TOTAL $551 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 711 and higher pressure zones. n/a PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, Hunte Parkway - Olympic/EastLake WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/2/2004ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2133RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $551,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2121CIP Number: 169 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2121 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/03 03/04 12/05 08/07 02/04 11/05DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $2,900 $3,000 $3,100 $3,200 $3,300 $3,400 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:100 170 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 5,600 feet of 16-inch pipeline within the 711 Pressure Zone in EastLake Parkway from Olympic Parkway to Birch Road. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $150 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1 TOTAL $151 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 711 and higher pressure zones. n/a PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Olympic/Birch WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/4/2003ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2121RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $151,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2133CIP Number: 171 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2133 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/02 10/03 09/04 08/07 09/03 08/04DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,900 $2,000 $2,100 $2,200 $2,300 $2,400 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:84 172 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 2,500 feet of 20-inch pipeline within the 980 Pressure Zone in EastLake Parkway from Olympic Parkway to Birch Road. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $210 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1 TOTAL $211 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 980 and higher pressure zones. n/a PL - 20-Inch, 980 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Olympic/Birch WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/2/2004ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2169RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $211,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2164CIP Number: 173 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2164 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/03 02/04 09/04 08/07 01/04 08/04DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:99 174 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 2,500 feet of 20-inch pipeline within the 980 Pressure Zone in EastLake Parkway from Birch Road to Rock Mountain Road. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $325 TOTAL $325 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 980 and higher pressure zones. n/a PL - 20-Inch, 980 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Birch/Rock Mountain WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2164RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $325,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2169CIP Number: 175 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2169 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 10/07 02/08 06/08 09/07 01/08DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:84 176 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 6,900 feet of 12-inch pipeline from the Rolling Hills Hydropneumatic Pump Station to the future 1296 Reservoir. A portion of the project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost for the oversize portion per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $130 TOTAL $130 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Rolling Hills Ranch, Bello Lago, and possible future adjacent areas within the Rolling Hills Hydropneumatic Pressure Zone. n/a PL - 10" to 12" Oversize, 1296 Zone, PB Road - Rolling Hills Hydro PS/PB Bndy WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/7/2000ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 4DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $130,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2325CIP Number: 177 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM David Charles 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2325 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/04 09/04 01/05 06/08 08/04 12/04DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $2,300 $2,400 $2,500 $2,600 $2,700 PROJECT LOCATION:1311Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:160 178 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 9,800 feet of 16-inch pipeline within the 980 Pressure Zone in Olympic Parkway from East Palomar to Eastlake Parkway. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $235 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $850 $415 TOTAL $1,500 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 980 and higher pressure zones. 30051 PL - 16-Inch, 980 Zone, Olympic Parkway - East Palomar/EastLake WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/7/2000ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2164RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 1DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $1,500,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2367CIP Number: 179 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2367 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/02 10/02 06/03 12/09 09/02 05/03DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,700 $3,300 $3,400 $3,500 PROJECT LOCATION:1311Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:98 180 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 1,000 feet of 12-inch pipeline within the 711 Pressure Zone in EastLake Parkway from Birch Road to Rock Mountain Road. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $175 TOTAL $175 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 711 and higher pressure zones. n/a PL - 12-Inch, 711 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Birch/Rock Mountain WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2164, P2169RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $175,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2397CIP Number: 181 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2397 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/07 10/07 01/08 06/08 09/07 12/07DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:99 182 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 7,200 feet of 16-inch pipeline within the 803 Pressure Zone in Dehesa Road from the existing pipeline to the District boundary. This project will provide service to the Dehesa Elementary School site; it is a school district project and is subject to reimbursement for the oversize portion at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $142 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $10 TOTAL $152 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project is required to provide water service to the property along Dehesa Road and possibly to properties east of the existing District jurisdictional boundary. Various PL - 12" to 16" Oversize, 803 Zone, Dehesa Road - Dehesa Meadow/OWD Bndy WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/4/2003ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 5DIRECTOR DIVISION: 1PRIORITY $152,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 20I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: See Work Order Nos. 9454 and 30087. P2414CIP Number: 183 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2414 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 08/02 01/03 08/03 12/07 12/02 07/03DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $2,400 $2,500 $2,600 $2,700 $2,800 $2,900 PROJECT LOCATION:1252Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:380 184 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 4,200 feet of 16-inch pipeline within the 711 Pressure Zone in Birch Road between La Media Road and State Route 125. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $250 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $30 TOTAL $280 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 711 and higher pressure zones. n/a PL - 16-Inch, 711 Zone, Birch Road - La Media/SR-125 WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/2/2004ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: P2104, P2134RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $280,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: P2435CIP Number: 185 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM David Charles 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:P2435 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/03 09/03 12/05 06/08 08/03 11/05DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:84 186 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 2,500 feet of 12-inch pipeline within the 944 Pressure Zone in EastLake Parkway from Olympic Parkway to Birch Road. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $124 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1 TOTAL $125 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 944 Pressure Zone. n/a RecPL - 12-Inch, 944 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Olympic/Birch WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/2/2004ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2033RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $125,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2031CIP Number: 187 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2031 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/02 09/02 07/04 12/07 08/02 06/04DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:99 188 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 6,300 feet of 12-inch pipeline within the 944 Pressure Zone in Birch Road from La Media Road to EastLake Parkway. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $250 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $50 TOTAL $300 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 944 Pressure Zone. n/a RecPL - 12-Inch, 944 Zone, Birch Road - La Media/EastLake WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/4/2003ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2031RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $300,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2033CIP Number: 189 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM David Charles 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2033 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/03 12/04 06/05 06/08 11/04 05/05DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $2,100 $2,200 $2,300 $2,400 $2,500 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:84 190 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 8,600 feet of 12-inch pipeline within the 680 Pressure Zone in Hunte Parkway from Olympic Parkway to EastLake Parkway. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $449 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1 TOTAL $450 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 680 and 944 Pressure Zones. n/a RecPL - 12-Inch, 680 Zone, Hunte Parkway - Olympic/EastLake WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/2/2004ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $450,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2040CIP Number: 191 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2040 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/04 03/05 05/06 12/07 02/05 04/06DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $2,900 $3,000 $3,100 $3,200 $3,300 $3,400 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:100 192 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 4,200 feet of 8-inch pipeline within the 944 Pressure Zone in EastLake Parkway from Birch Road to Rock Mountain Road. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $124 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1 TOTAL $125 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 944 Pressure Zone. n/a RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone, EastLake Parkway - Birch/Rock Mountain WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/2/2004ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2031, R2033, R2042, R2043 RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $125,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2041CIP Number: 193 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2041 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/06 09/06 11/06 12/07 08/06 10/06DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:84 194 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 3,600 feet of 8-inch pipeline within the 944 Pressure Zone in Rock Mountain Road from La Media Road to State Route 125. This project will be constructed by the developer and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $235 TOTAL $235 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Ranch and other areas within the 944 Pressure Zone. n/a RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone, Rock Mountain Road - La Media/SR-125 WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/2/2004ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2042RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 3PRIORITY $235,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2043CIP Number: 195 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM David Charles 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2043 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/06 09/06 11/06 06/08 08/06 10/06DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:84 196 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 16,000 feet of 16-inch pipeline within the 860 Pressure Zone in Airway Road from Otay Mesa Road to Alta Road. Portions of this project will be constructed by developers, and these are subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $320 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $300 $300 $300 $300 $480 TOTAL $2,000 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for development of Otay Mesa within the 860 Pressure Zone. 30088 RecPL - 16-Inch, 860 Zone, Airway Road - Otay Mesa/Alta WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/16/1999ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2073, R2077RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 2DIRECTOR DIVISION: 2PRIORITY $2,000,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 7I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2058CIP Number: 197 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2058 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/01 10/07 07/09 07/12 09/07 06/09DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $5,400 PROJECT LOCATION:1351Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:12 198 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 9,000 feet of 24-inch pipeline within the 680 Pressure Zone in Olympic Parkway through Village 2 to Heritage Road. Portions of this project will be constructed by developers, and these are subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $1 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $500 $500 $500 $246 TOTAL $1,747 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for the recycled water supply pumped from the 680-1 Pump Station to the 680 and higher pressure zones. Significant energy savings will occur due to lower total dynamic head requirements for the 680-1 Pump Station. n/a RecPL - 24-Inch, 680 Zone, Olympic Parkway - Village 2/Heritage WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/2/2004ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2083RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 1DIRECTOR DIVISION: 3PRIORITY $1,747,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2082CIP Number: 199 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2082 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/04 07/06 01/07 08/12 06/06 12/06DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $3,100 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:82 200 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction of approximately 6,000 feet of 20-inch pipeline within the 680 Pressure Zone in Village 2 from Heritage Road to La Media Road. This project will be constructed by developers and is subject to reimbursement at actual cost per Board policy. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (X $1000): PRIOR YEARS: TOTAL $1 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $1,099 TOTAL $1,100 FUND DETAIL: FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 100%100% Expansion Betterment Replacement Total TOTAL 100%100% JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: This project will provide transmission capacity for the recycled water supply pumped from the 680-1 Pump Station to the 680 and higher pressure zones. Significant energy savings will occur due to lower total dynamic head requirements for the 680-1 Pump Station. n/a RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Village 2 - Heritage/La Media WORK ORDER NO: PROJECT TITLE: 6/2/2004ORIGINAL APPROVED DATE: R2083, R2085RELATED CIP PROJECTS: RippergerPROJECT MANAGER: 1DIRECTOR DIVISION: 3PRIORITY $1,100,000BUDGET AMOUNT: 22I.D. LOCATION: COMMENTS: R2084CIP Number: 201 OTAY WATER DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Ron Ripperger 2/28/2007Date:Submitted By: CIP Number:R2084 PROJECT SCHEDULE:ESTIMATED START DATE: ESTIMATED FINISH DATE: PROJECT PHASE: PLANNING: CONSTRUCTION: 07/04 07/06 06/12 06/13 06/06 12/06DESIGN: PROJECTED INCREMENTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE ($): FY FY FY FY FY FY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 PROJECT LOCATION:1331Thomas Bros. Map:OWD Map Book:82 202 Effective 7/1/07 IMPROVEMENT CAPACITY ZONE TOTAL NAME DISTRICT (ID) FEE CHARGE CHARGE Rancho Jamul Estates Units 1 & 2 ID 9 WITH 1655 ZONE FEE $4,928 $23,242 $21,784 Capacity Fee Section 28.01 1,2,3,4,9,10, 19, 20,22,25,27 $4,928 $0 $4,928 TRIAD CAPACITY FEE ID 22/27-BASE $3,710 $0 $3,710 Note: This is based on a 3/4 inch water meter. WATER METER CAPACITY FEES 203 GLOSSARY The Fiscal Budget contains terminology that is unique to public finance and budgeting. The following budget glossary provides assistance in understanding these terms. Accrual Basis of Accounting: The basis of accounting under which transactions are recognized when they occur, regardless of the timing of cash receipts and disbursements. Acre-Foot: The volume of water that will cover one acre to a depth of one foot. One acre- foot equals 435.6 units or 325,850 gallons. Additional Systems Fees: Effective May 1, 1986, each customer receiving water service in the Improvement District 9 water service zone pays an additional monthly meter system charge of $2.00 for each meter in service. Annexation Fees: Whenever utility service is requested for land outside the boundaries of an improvement district, the land to be serviced must first be annexed. The annexation fee for water was set on May 30, 2006 at $1,411 per EDU. The fee for sewer annexation was set at $3,819 on December 16, 1998. These base rates are adjusted quarterly according to a cost of living index. Assets: Resources owned or held by Otay Water District that have monetary value. Availability Fees: The District levies charges each year in developed areas to be used for general purposes for construction of facilities, and in undeveloped areas to provide a source of funding for planning, mapping, and preliminary design of facilities to meet future development. Current legislation provides that any availability charge in excess of $10.00 per acre shall be restricted only for the purpose of constructing facilities in the improvement district for which it was assessed. Balanced Budget: A balanced financial plan, for a specified period of time that matches all planned revenues and expenditures with various services. The District uses a fiscal year beginning each July 1 and ending each June 30 for budgetary and financial reporting purposes. Betterment Fees: In addition to other applicable water rates and charges, certain water customers pay a fee based on water service zone or improvement district. These are restricted for the use in the area where they are collected and may be used for the construction and maintenance of facilities. Bond: A written promise to pay a sum of money on a specific date at a specified interest rate. The interest payments and the repayment of the principal are authorized in a District bond resolution. The most common types of bonds are general obligation (GO) bonds and Certificates of Participation (COPs). These are frequently used for construction of large capital projects such as buildings, reservoirs, pipelines and pump stations. 204 Budget Basis: The budget and accounting basis for the District is recognized on an accrual basis. Accrual basis means that revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recognized when incurred. Capacity Reservation Charge: A Metropolitan Water District charge passed on by the San Diego County Water Authority to individual agencies. This fee is paid based on the District’s peak water demand. Capital Budget: The portion of the annual budget that appropriates funds for the purchase of capital equipment items and capital improvements. These expenditures are separated from regular operating items, such as salaries, utilities and office supplies. The Capital Budget includes funds for capital equipment purchases over $10,000, such as vehicles, furniture, machinery, microcomputers and special tools or $20,000 for infrastructure related items, which are distinguished from operating items according to their value and projected useful life. Capital Equipment: Fixed assets such as vehicles, marine equipment, computers, furniture, technical instruments, etc. which have a life expectancy of more than two years and a value over $10,000 or $20,000 for infrastructure related items. Capital Improvement Program: A long-range plan of the District for the construction, rehabilitation and modernization of the District-owned and operated infrastructure. Class of Service: All customers are classified based on the type of service used. For example, the water rate per unit is determined by a classification such as residential versus business. CWA: The County Water Authority was organized in 1944 under the State County Water Authority Act for the primary purpose of importing Colorado River water to augment the local water supplies of the Authority's member agencies. The Authority purchases water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) which imports water from the Colorado River and the State Water Project. Deannexation Fees: Each request for detachment of land from an improvement district is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The fees are determined based on the present value of future debt service requirements. Debt Service: The District's obligation to pay the principal and interest of bonds and other debt instruments according to a predetermined payment schedule. GLOSSARY GLOSSARY 205 Energy Fees: Water customers are charged an energy pumping charge based on the quantity of water used and the elevation to which the water has been lifted to provide service. The energy pumping charge is the rate of $.032 per 100 cubic feet of water for each 100 feet of lift above the base elevation of 450 feet. All water customers are in one of 29 zones based on elevation. Expenditures/Expenses: These terms refer to the outflow of funds paid or to be paid for an asset, goods or services obtained regardless of when actually paid for. (Note: An encumbrance is not an expenditure). An encumbrance reserves funds to be expended in a future period. Fire Service: Water service is provided by the District solely for use in fire hydrants or fire sprinkler systems from lines or laterals connected to the District’s water mains. The monthly system charge is $23.30 per month for each connection for fire protection service. Fiscal Year: Twelve-month term designating the beginning and ending period for recording financial transactions. The District has specified July 1 to June 30 as its fiscal year. Fund Balance: The current funds on hand resulting from the historical collection and use of monies. The difference between assets and liabilities reported in the District’s Operating Fund plus residual equities or balances and changes therein, from the result of operations. General Fund: The District’s general fund is an enterprise fund comprised of the District’s three business lines Potable, Recycled and Sewer services. Each is an accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts established to record the financial position and results that pertain to a specific activity. The activities of enterprise funds closely resemble those of ongoing businesses in which the purpose is to conserve and add to basic resources while meeting operating expenses from current revenues. Enterprise funds account for operations that provide services on a continuous basis and are substantially financed by revenues derived from user charges. Grants: Contributions or gifts of cash or other assets from another governmental agency to be used or expended for a specified purpose, activity, or facility. Capital grants are restricted by the grantor for the acquisition and/or construction of fixed assets. Operating grants are restricted by the grantor for operating purposes or may be used for either capital or operating purposes at the discretion of the grantee. Infrastructure Access Charge (IAC): A pass-through charge from CWA to each member agency. The charge is to finance a portion of CWA’s fixed annual costs including the construction, operation and maintenance of aqueducts and emergency storage projects. The fee was adopted in January of 1999. GLOSSARY 206 Interest Income: Earnings from the investment portfolio. Per District Policy Number 25, interest income will be allocated to improvement districts each month based upon each fund’s prior month-ending balance. Irrigation Penalties: Potable water service provided solely for irrigation of landscaping will receive a seasonably-adjusted allotment of water equal to 48” per year for the actual area to be irrigated. Use of water in excess of the allotment shall be subject to penalty pricing. The first violation is no surcharge. The second violation is 100% surcharge on excess water used. The third violation is 400% surcharge. The fourth and subsequent violations are 800% surcharge. Late Charges/Penalties: Charges and penalties are imposed on delinquent accounts. A late payment charge of 5% of the total delinquent amount is added to the account. Other miscellaneous late fees and penalties are detailed in the District’s Code of Ordinances. Meter and Lateral Fees: Charge includes the material costs for the meter, meter box, and the labor cost for installation to connect a new service to the distribution system. Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Standby Charges: Revenue generated from property taxes by MWD to cover the Readiness-to-Serve (RTS) Charge for the new debt service for construction projects necessary to meet reliability and quality needs. The RTS Charge was adopted in 1996. Multiple Unit Charges: In addition to the system fee, a monthly charge is made for service provided through one meter to more than one occupant in a building. The rate is $3.21 ($3.53 effective 1/1/07) per month for each unit in a multiple unit residential, commercial or industrial building. 1% General Tax: In 1978, Proposition 13 limited general levy property tax rates for all taxing authorities to a total rate of 1% of full cash value. Subsequent legislation, AB8, established that the receipts from the 1% levy were to be distributed to taxing agencies according to approximately the same proportions received prior to Proposition 13. Funds received are to be used for facilities construction or debt service on bonds sold to build facilities. Operating Budget: The portion of the budget that pertains to daily operations that provide basic governmental services. The operating budget contains appropriations for such expenditures as personnel, supplies, utilities, materials, travel and fuel, and does not include purchases of major capital plant or equipment which is budgeted for separately in the Capital Budget. GLOSSARY 207 Other Income: Revenues that are not directly related to the business of providing water and sewer services. For example, contract billing service for the City of Chula Vista and the City of San Diego to bill their sewer customers based on water consumption. Property Rental Income: Rent or lease agreements for the use of District property. Reclaimed Water Rates: Non-potable water service provided from water produced by the District’s reclamation plant and other non-potable sources. Reclaimed water is not used for domestic purposes and all other uses must comply with federal, state and local laws and regulations regarding the use of reclaimed water. Reserve Fund: The District maintains Reserve Funds per the District’s policy for both designated and restricted balances. Designated Reserve Funds are “general use” funds designated by the Board. Restricted reserves are those that are legally set aside for a particular purposed and cannot be used for any other purpose. Residential Conservation: The water rates for residential customers are based on an accelerated block structure; as more units are consumed, a higher unit rate is charged. The District has established a water conservation program to promote water conservation and planning. Revenue: Monies that the District receives as income. It includes such items as water sales and sewer fees. Estimated revenues are those expected to be collected during the fiscal year. RTS: Readiness-to-Serve Charge was adopted by the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) in Fiscal 1996. The charge will serve as a foundation of fixed revenue for MWD. It will cover the new debt service for construction projects necessary to meet reliability and quality needs of current water-users as opposed to new customers. Sale of Fixed Assets: District equipment, which has been determined by the Board to be of no use, obsolete and/or beyond the useful life and therefore, may be sold. Set-up Fees for Accounts: A charge of $10 is added for each account transferred to another customer. System Fees: Each water service customer pays a monthly system charge for water system replacement, maintenance and operation expenses. The charge is based on the size of the meter and class of service. GLOSSARY 208 Taxes: California Water Code Section 72091 authorizes the District, as a municipal water district, to levy ad valorem property taxes which are equal to the amount required to make annual payments for principal and interest on general obligation bonds approved by the voters prior to July 1, 1978. Temporary Water Charge: The rate for temporary water service is two times the rate for permanent service. The additional charge is to offset the cost of construction of facilities for larger capacity. Tier 2 Charge: A Metropolitan Water District charge passed on by the San Diego County Water Authority to individual agencies. This is an added charge on all water sales by CWA in excess of the District’s 90% baseline water usage. Usage Surcharge: In addition to the water rates, a surcharge is paid by each customer when the number of units of water furnished in any month exceeds the monthly usage allowance for the size of meter being used. Water Capacity Fees: Charges paid by customers to connect to a District water system for potable or reclaimed water service. Fees are determined by multiplying the demand factor for the meter size by the total of the District-wide capacity fee and applicable zone charge. Water Rates: Rates vary among classes of service and are measured in units. The water rates for residential customers are based on an accelerated block structure. As more units are consumed, a higher unit rate is charged. All non-residential customers are charged a flat rate per unit. A unit of water is 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons of water. GLOSSARY 209 AF Acre-Foot/Feet AMR Automated Meter Reader/Reading APCD Air Pollution Control District ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASU Assigned Service Unit AWWA American Water Works Association BIT Bi-annual Inspection Terminals BMP Best Management Practices BOD Biological Oxygen Demand BRP Business Resumption Plan CADD Computer Aided Design & Drafting CARB California Air Resources Board CAFR Comprehensive Annual Financial Report CCV City of Chula Vista CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CFS Cubic Foot per Second CHP California Highway Patrol CIP Capital Improvement Program CIS Customer Information System CIT Collaborative Improvement Teams CMOM Capacity, Management, Operations & Maintenance CMTA California Municipal Treasurers Association COD Chemical Oxygen Demand COPs Certificates of Participation CRC Capacity Reservation Charge CSC Customer Service Charge CSD City of San Diego CSMFO California Society of Municipal Finance Officers CWA County Water Authority (San Diego) DBMS Database Management System DBP Disinfectant By-Products DEH Department of Environmental Health DHS Department of Health Services DVP Delivery-versus-Payment EDU Equivalent Dwelling Unit EIR Environmental Impact Review EOC Equal Opportunity Commission ESC Emergency Storage Charge FCF Flow Control Facility LIST OF ACRONYMS 210 LIST OF ACRONYMS FHLMC Freddie Mac or Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation FNMA Fannie Mae or Federal National Mortgage Association FTE Full-time Equivalent FY Fiscal Year GASB Government Accounting Standards Board GFOA Government Financial Officers Association GIS Geographic Information System GO General Obligation (bonds) GPM Gallons per Minute GPS Global Positioning System HCF Hundred Cubic Foot HMA Habitat Management Area HR Human Resources HRIS Human Resources Information System IAC Infrastructure Access Charge ID Improvement District IID Imperial Irrigation District IIPP Injury and Illness Prevention Program IMS Infrastructure Management System IRP Integrated Water Resources Plan IRS Internal Revenue Service IT Information Technology IVR Interactive Voice Response LAFCO Local Area Formation Commission LAIF Local Agency Investment Fund LMSE La Mesa Sweetwater Extension LOPS Lower Otay Pump Station MBR Membrane Bioreactor MG Million Gallons MGD Million Gallons per Day MGP Million Gallons per MH Man-hours MOU Memorandum of Understanding MSCP Multiple Species Conservation Program MSRB Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board MWD Metropolitan Water District MWWD Metropolitan Waste Water Department (City of San Diego) NCCP Natural Community Conservation Plan NEPA National Environmental Protection Act 211 LIST OF ACRONYMS NIMS National Incident Management System NOC Notice of Completion NOSC Notice of Substantial Completion NPDES National Pollution Discharge Elimination System O&M or O/M Operations and Maintenance OIS Otay Information System OWD Otay Water District PB Pacific Bay PDR Preliminary Design Report PEIR Program Environmental Impact Report PERS Public Employees' Retirement System PL Pipeline POU Principles of Understanding PRS Pressure Reducing Station PS Pump Station PT Part-time RFID Radio Frequency Identification RFP Request for Proposal RSD Rancho San Diego RTS Readiness-to-Serve R/W Right-of-Way RWCWRF Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility SAMP Sub-Area Master Plan SANDAG San Diego Association of Governments SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SBWRP South Bay Water Reclamation Plant SDRMA San Diego Risk Management Association SEC Securities and Exchange Commission SHRM Society of Human Resources Management SLMA Sallie Mae or Student Loan Marketing Association SPSD Spring Valley Sanitation District SS Suspended Solids SSMP Sewer System Management Plan SWA Sweetwater Authority SWRCB State Water Resource Control Board USBR U.S. Bureau of Reclamation UWMP Urban Water Management Plan WADG Water Agency Design Guideline WD Water District 212 LIST OF ACRONYMS WER Work Environment Review WRMP Water Resources Master Plan WTP Water Treatment Plant 213 Awards 4 Budget Calendar 12 Budget Guide 1 Budget Process 13 Capital Facility Projects 39 Capital Improvement Program 27 Capital Improvement Program Budget Narrative 16 Capital Purchases Budget 33 Capital Purchase Projects 153 CIP Funding Source and Category 26 CIP Justification and Impact on Operating Budget 29 CIP Project Index 37 CIP Project Schedule 31 CIP Project Sheet Description 34 CIP Projects in Construction 21 CIP Reserve Funds 25 Current Economic Conditions 8 Demographics 10 Developer Reimbursement Projects 167 Flagship CIP Projects Completed 19 Flagship CIP Projects in Construction 21 Flagship CIP Projects in Design 23 General Information 3 Glossary 204 Index 214 Letter of Transmittal ii List of Acronyms 210 Major CIP Projects 18 Organization Chart 11 Otay Water District At-A-Glance 2 Progress on Major Projects 24 Replacement/Renewal Projects 119 Resolution No. 4097 15 The Future 9 Water Meter Capacity Fees 203 INDEX 214