HomeMy WebLinkAboutOperating and Capital Budget FY 2009-2010 ADOPTED OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Letter of Transmittal iv BUDGET FOREWORD Otay Water District At-A-Glance 1 General Information 2 Statement of Values 3 Awards 4 Balanced Scorecard 8 Organization Chart 15 Budget Guide 16 Budget Calendar 18 Budget Process and Basis 20 Resolution No. 4136 23 HISTORY AND COMMUNITY PROFILE Past and Present 24 Current Economic Conditions 25 The Future 26 Demographics 27 Ten Largest Customers 28 Water Rate Comparison 29 Sewer Rate Comparison 30 Service Area Assessed Valuation 31 Ten Principal Taxpayers 32 San Diego Rainfall 33 FINANCIAL SUMMARIES Budget Summary 34 Operating Budget Summary – General Fund 38 Operating Budget Summary by System 39 Operating Revenues and Expenditures 40 Fund Balance Summary by Fund 41 Revenues and Expenditures by Fund 42 Revenues and Expenditures by Type 44 FIVE-YEAR FORECAST Five-Year Forecast 45 General Fund Forecast 46 Fund Balances 47 Debt Management 48 Schedule of Outstanding Debt 49 Projected Principal Payments by Debt Issuance 50 Projected Interest Payments by Debt Issuance 51 i REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Potable Revenues and Expenditures Potable Narrative 52 Operating Budget Summary 54 Classification of Water Sales 55 Water Sales Summary by Service Class 56 Unit Sales History by Customer Class 57 System Fees 58 MWD and CWA Fixed Fees (Pass-Through) 59 Meter Fees 60 Revenue History 61 Water Purchases and Related Costs 62 Power Costs 63 Administrative Expenses 64 Materials and Maintenance Expenses 65 Potable Water Service Area Maps 66 Recycled Revenues and Expenditures Recycled Narrative 67 Operating Budget Summary 69 Classification of Water Sales 70 Water Sales Summary by Service Class 71 System Fees 72 Meter Fees 73 Revenue History 74 Water Purchases 75 Power Costs 76 Administrative Expenses 77 Materials and Maintenance Expenses 78 Recycled Water Service Area Maps 79 Sewer Revenues and Expenditures Sewer Narrative 80 Operating Budget Summary 81 Sewer Charges Summary by Service Class 82 Revenue History 83 Power Costs 84 Administrative Expenses 85 Materials and Maintenance Expenses 86 Formula for Sewer Rates 87 Sewer Service Area Map 88 General Revenues and Expenditures General Revenues and Expenses Narrative 89 General Revenues 91 General Expenses 92 ii DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGET Departmental Operating Budget Narrative 93 Labor and Benefits 96 Labor and Benefits by Fund 97 Position Count by Department 98 Contract/Temporary Employees 99 Administrative Expenses 100 Materials and Maintenance Expenses 101 Operating Expenditures by Department 102 Operating Expenditures by Object 103 Departmental Budgets: Board of Directors 104 General Manager 108 Administrative Services 114 Finance 125 Information Technology and Strategic Planning 136 Water Operations 144 Engineering 158 General Expense 168 CAPITAL BUDGET Capital Improvement Program Narrative 171 Major CIP Projects 173 Flagship CIP Projects in Construction 174 CIP Projects in Construction 177 CIP Reserve Funds 179 CIP Funding Source and Category 180 CIP Projects 181 CIP Justification and Impact on Operating Budget 183 Capital Purchases Budget 185 POLICIES Summary of Financial Policies 186 Reserve Policy 188 Reserve Policy Glossary 213 Investment Policy 215 Investment Policy Glossary 221 Debt Policy 227 Debt Policy Glossary 240 APPENDIX Glossary 244 List of Acronyms 250 Index 254 iii September 1, 2009 Honorable Board of Directors Otay Water District I am pleased to present the Otay Water District’s (District) Adopted Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2010. This year’s budget establishes the management plan to finance all of the District’s services and programs during the 2010 fiscal year. The mission of the District is to provide customers with the best quality water, wastewater, and recycled water service in a professional, effective, and efficient manner. As in past years, we again face key challenges. These challenges include an economy in recession and continuing instability in the financial markets; ongoing home foreclosures; drought in the Southwest; water shortages brought about by legal action to reduce water deliveries from the Sacramento – San Joaquin Bay Delta; and the higher cost of imported water. Given these uncertain times, the District must find the best solutions that balance the many expectations placed on it by its customers. Meeting our customer’s expectations requires dedication and a commitment to continuous improvement. The primary way to achieve our objectives is to improve all aspects of our core business processes. The main tool we will continue to use is our Strategic Plan. The District adopted its first Strategic Plan in 2003, and it’s updated every three years. It is reviewed quarterly by management and semi-annually by the Board. This year it was updated for the 2009 through 2011 timeframe. Efficiency improvements have become the new competitive advantage for utilities. As a result, the theme of the 2009 through 2011 Strategic Plan is to capitalize on the technology investments we have made and to utilize these technologies to continue to improve productivity and efficiency. The Strategic Plan also carries forth the District’s transformation from a growth-centric to a maintenance-based organization. Where capital and developer fees supported growth for many years, today we have become equally focused in managing long-term maintenance and replacement of our infrastructure. iv This necessary change is illustrated by the business maturity curve. During high growth periods, we focused on achieving the macro targets of building and installing new infrastructure. In the future, however, fewer resources are needed to support slowing growth, but the effort to maintain and improve infrastructure and assets increases. In future years, the District also derives income more from rates and less from fees. Consequently, increased costs place pressure on rates more directly. Therefore, to balance the customer’s interest in minimizing rate increases while also maintaining its infrastructure investments and our strong financial position, the District will emphasize internal efficiency and development of technology assisted best practices. In effect, we will use our investments in technology to do more with the same or even fewer resources. Today, the District provides water service to nearly 47,125 potable and 683 recycled water customers within approximately 125.5 square miles of southeastern San Diego County. All of the potable water sold to customers is purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA). Much of this water is purchased from the region’s water importer, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). The District entered into an agreement with CWA to have the Helix Water District, at their Levy Water Treatment Plant, treat imported untreated water on behalf of the Otay Water District. This action brought regional water treatment closer to customers and reduced dependence on water treatment facilities located outside of San Diego County. To deliver that locally treated water to customers, the District initiated construction of a 5.1 mile, 36-inch diameter pipeline. Drinking water delivered by the new pipeline will be stored in two newly constructed 10 million gallon reservoirs. In addition to bringing water treatment closer to customers, this new source of treated water, pipeline, and storage reservoir system diversifies the District’s water supply and improves reliability. The Otay Water District also owns and operates a wastewater collection and recycling system to provide public sewer service to approximately 4,640 homes and businesses. Wastewater collected is conveyed to the District’s Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF), which is capable of reclaiming wastewater at a rate of 1.3 million gallons per day. The District also purchases up to six million gallons per day of recycled water from the City of San Diego’s South Bay Water Reclamation Plant. Recycled water from these two sources is used to irrigate golf courses, schools, public parks, roadway landscapes, and other approved uses in the City of Chula Vista, California. The use of recycled water reduces dependency on imported supplies and provides a local supply thereby diversifying District resources. v BUDGET SUMMARY The Otay Water District’s operating expenditures consist of three major sectors: potable water, recycled water, and sewer, totaling $75,716,500 for Fiscal Year 2010. Revenues from potable and recycled water are projected to be $64,077,000, about $8.5 million (15.3%) more than Fiscal Year 2009. Water sales volumes are expected to decrease as a result of the slowing economy and expanded efforts to promote water conservation, however, rate increases are essential to offset the higher cost of water. Sewer revenues are projected to be $2,244,800, about $99,500 more than Fiscal Year 2009 because of necessary rate increases. The remaining revenue of $9.4 million comes from special fees and assessments and miscellaneous income. Significant aspects of the Operating Budget are: • A balanced budget meeting the goals of the Strategic Plan. • An updated six-year Rate Model to ensure sound financial planning and reserve levels. • Unprecedented water supply rate increases of 21.1% from MWD and 18.1% from CWA because of the high cost of supply programs, higher energy, and operating costs. • Implemented rate increases in potable, recycled water, and sewer. This included pass- through rate increases from CWA, and County of San Diego. • In response to the economic slowdown, the District has again reduced staffing levels from 169 full time equivalents to 166. It also cut operating expenditures by $793,100 due to program funding changes and other discretionary spending cuts. • Of San Diego County’s 23 water agencies, Otay’s water rate is the eight-lowest and below the county-wide average. • Expanded residential, landscape, and commercial water conservation programs. The 2009-10 Capital Improvement Budget (CIP) consists of 87 projects and a budget of $37.2 million. The budget emphasizes long-term planning for on-going programs while functioning within fiscal constraints and population growth. This year’s CIP budget increased by $10.5 million compared to last year’s projection due to new water supply projects. The Future The coming years will continue to be challenging times for those in California’s water community. After years of record low precipitation that dramatically curtailed snow runoff from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California’s governor declared an official statewide drought. Following the governor’s action, Southern California’s largest water wholesaler announced a water supply alert across its six-county service area. It also urged all local jurisdictions to implement water conservation ordinances and to “significantly increase efforts” to conserve water. In addition to the drought, federal court orders have curtailed water deliveries from Northern California due to environmental factors in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay Delta. Worsening environmental conditions in the Bay Delta now challenge Southern California’s ability to receive water from the State Water Project. A political stalemate in the state capital has also made vi finding compromise or addressing the environmental issues in the Bay Delta more difficult. These factors combined are driving higher costs for water across the state. Through foresight and its investments in drought-proof recycled water, conservation, and a water rate structure that rewards conservation, the Otay Water District has thus far avoided having to require mandatory water conservation. Rather, the District has achieved its water conservation goals using voluntary measures. As you would expect, the planned water sales reductions have impacted price and will continue to affect the District’s finances. Staff continues working diligently to address the financial impacts of conservation as it prepares for the possibility of a severe water shortage and prolonged sales reductions. With these factors in mind, our success as an organization is vastly enhanced by the practices and policies put in place by the Board of Directors to ensure the strength and stability of the District as we move forward into uncertain times. We are fully confident that with the policies and practices put in place by the Board, supported by dedicated and talented staff; we will achieve continued success as an organization and assure the well-being of the customers we serve. In adopting this budget, these factors were met by the Otay Water District’s Board of Directors resolve to keep the stability and strength of the District as one of its highest priorities. AWARDS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS • The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Otay Water District for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2008. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a government agency must publish an easy to understand and efficiently organized Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. • The District also received a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the GFOA for the District’s Operating and Capital Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2008, as well as two awards from the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) for Excellence in Operating Budgeting and Excellence in Capital Budgeting. These prestigious awards recognize conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government financial reports. • The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) presented Otay Water District and Infrastructure Engineering Corporation the 2008 Outstanding Civil Engineering Project for Water Supply/Waste Water Treatment & Reuse for 640 Reservoirs. Additionally, the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) presented Otay Water District the 2009 Project Achievement Award for the 640-1 and 640-2 Reservoirs to recognize outstanding achievement in the practice of construction management. • The Otay Water District’s Information Technology and Strategic Planning Department was awarded the Center for Digital Government’s Best of California, Leadership and vii Excellence Award for 2008 and the Municipal Information Systems Association of California’s (MISAC) "Excellence in IT Practices Award." • The California Highway Patrol presented the Otay Water District a Certificate of Achievement for its terminal which has achieved consecutive satisfactory compliance ratings. This is a meritorious achievement that “recognizes the commitment to highway safety demonstrated by the personnel responsible for operation of this terminal.” In conclusion, this Budget reflects the vision of the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District, its management, and its employees. We will continue to strive to make improvements in our budget processes, including an extensive review and analysis of projections for revenues, expenditures, capital projects, and reserves. I would like to thank all the staff involved in this process for the efforts put forth in the preparation of this budget to ensure a successful outcome. To the Board of Directors, we acknowledge and appreciate their continued support and direction in achieving excellence in financial management. __ Mark Watton, General Manager viii HISTORY The Otay Water District was formed in January 1956 and joined the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) in September 1956 to acquire the right to purchase and distribute imported water throughout its service area. The District is also responsible for the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater from a portion of the northern region of the District. In 1980, the District started operation of the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF), and in June, 2007, a new source of recycled water from the City of San Diego was obtained, allowing Otay Water District to supply 15 to 20 percent of total water demand with recycled water. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the District is to provide customers with the best quality water, wastewater, and recycled water service in a professional, effective, and efficient manner. SERVICE AREA The District's boundaries encompass an area of approximately 125 square miles in San Diego County, lying immediately east of the City of San Diego metropolitan area and running from the City of El Cajon south to the international border. GOVERNMENT The Otay Water District was formed in 1956 to serve as a public water and sewer agency, authorized as a California special district under the provisions of the Municipal Water District Act of 1911. The District’s ordinances, policies, taxes, and rates for service are set by five Directors, elected by voters in their respective geographic division, to serve staggered four-year terms on its governing board. The District is a “revenue neutral” public agency, meaning that each end-user pays only their fair share of the District’s costs of water acquisitions and the operation and maintenance of the public facilities. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The General Manager reports directly to the Board of Directors, and through two Assistant General Managers and the District management, oversees day-to-day operations. One Assistant General Manager oversees the departments of Administrative Services, Finance, Information Technology and Strategic Planning while the other oversees the Water Operations and Engineering departments. These and other lines of reporting are shown on the organization chart on page 15.      Otay Water District At‐A‐Glance  1 For Fiscal Year 2010, the District will have a staff of 166 full-time equivalent employees under the leadership of the General Manager. The District provides water service to approximately 39% of its land area with a population of more than 195,000 people. This percentage increases as the District's service area continues to grow to ultimate build-out. The District is projected to deliver approximately 33,300 acre-feet of potable water to 47,125 potable customer accounts and to ultimately deliver 60,700 acre-feet of potable water to serve 277,000 people or 66,000 accounts. The rate of growth, as projected by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) for the Chula Vista area of San Diego County, is approximately 1.7% per year over the next decade. Using historical data and considering current economic conditions, staff has moderated this projection to a growth rate of 0.2% for Fiscal Year 2010. Since 1956, the District has provided high quality water to a semi-arid region of the southeastern San Diego County. In 1971, the District constructed a small collection and treatment plant for sewer in the northern section of the District, and in 1980 the District opened the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF). For over 50 years, the available supply of water has helped transform the District service area from a mostly scrub and cactus-covered backcountry into a wonderful balance of diverse environments. Recycled water from the RWCWRF is used to irrigate golf courses, schools, public parks, roadway landscapes, and various other approved uses in eastern Chula Vista. The RWCWRF is capable of recycling wastewater at a rate of 1.3 million gallons per day. The District is also in a partnership with the City of San Diego to beneficially reuse an additional 3,356 acre-feet per year of recycled water for Fiscal Year 2010, and ultimately up to 6,720 acre-feet per year. This makes Otay Water District the largest retail provider of recycled water in the county. The District also owns and operates a wastewater collection system providing public sewer service to approximately 4,640 customer accounts within the Jamacha drainage basin. The sewer service area covers approximately 8,797 acres, which is about 11% of the District’s total service area. Residential customers comprise 98% of the sewer customer base. Photo Credit: “The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California”, see Sisyrinchium bellum and wildflower Tidy Tips on “This page intentionally left blank.”        General Information  2 As Otay Water District employees we dedicate ourselves to: CUSTOMERS We take pride that our commitment to customer-centered service is our highest priority. EXCELLENCE We strive to provide the highest quality and value in all that we do. INTEGRITY We commit ourselves to doing the right thing. Ethical behavior, trustworthiness and accountability are the District’s foundation. TEAMWORK We promote mutual trust. We share information, knowledge and ideas to reach our common goals. EMPLOYEES We see each individual as unique and important. We value diversity and open communication to promote fairness, dignity and respect. Otay Water District Employees Dedicated to Community Service      Statement of Values  3 Financial Awards  The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to Otay Water District, California for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan, and as a communications device. This award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. The California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) presented Otay Water District the Certificate of Award for Excellence in Operating Budgeting for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 4 Awards  The California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) presented Otay Water District the Certificate of Award for Excellence in Capital Budgeting for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) presented Otay Water District and Infrastructure Engineering Corporation the 2008 Outstanding Civil Engineering Project for Water Supply/Waste Water Treatment & Reuse for 640 Reservoirs. 5 Awards  The Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) presented Otay Water District the 2009 Project Achievement Award for the 640-1 and 640-2 Reservoirs to recognize outstanding achievement in the practice of construction management. The Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) presented Otay Water District the 2008 Client of the Year Award. The Otay Water District’s Information Technology and Strategic Planning Department was awarded the Center for Digital Government’s Best of California, Excellence in IT Operations Support and Service, Award for 2008. The Otay Water District’s Information Technology and Strategic Planning Department was awarded the Municipal Information Systems Association of California’s (MISAC) Excellence in IT Practices Award. 6 Awards  The California Highway Patrol presented the Otay Water District a Certificate of Achievement for its terminal which has achieved consecutive satisfactory compliance ratings. This is a meritorious achievement and recognizes the commitment to highway safety demonstrated by the personnel responsible for operation of this terminal. 7 Introduction The Strategic Plan is the core document which guides the agency’s efforts to meet and positively adapt to change. The plan examines a three year timeframe and explicitly defines the strategies, goals, objectives and performance measures needed to meet these challenges. It is based upon the District’s mission, vision and values, and focused around a key challenge – which is the theme for the FY 2009-2011 plan. Key Challenge The theme of the FY 2009-2011 plan is to capitalize on the infrastructure investments made in the last few years. The District has begun to address the transformation from a growth-centric to a maintenance-based organization. Capital and developer fees support growth but replacement and maintenance are supported by rates and operating expenses. The District has been very      Balanced Scorecard  8 successful in managing growth but now needs to become more focused in managing long-term maintenance and replacement of its infrastructure. As the current economic environment cools, there is opportunity to realign energies and optimize the management and maintenance of the nearly half billion dollars of District “in-ground” assets. In addition, with water supplies being challenged due to drought conditions, the District needs to be flexible in managing a limited supply while maintaining a positive relationship with customers. Efficiency improvements have become the new competitive advantage for utilities. Staff will need to do more with the same or fewer resources. The primary way to achieve this target is to improve all aspects of core business processes. Key Challenge The key challenge for the District is to find the best solutions that balance our requirements with the significant constraints we face. Some of these constraints are escalating cost, drought, increasing regulatory compliance and uncertainty, customer demands for improved services, and competition for supply and resources. Meeting these challenges requires dedication and commitment to continuous improvement, and the innovative use of technologies and resources. This necessary change is illustrated by the business maturity curve. During high growth, we focused on achieving the macro targets of building and installing new infrastructure. In the future, the resources required to support slower growth are reduced but the effort to maintain and improve assets is increasing. Income, however, will be derived more from rates and less from fees. Consequently, increased costs place pressure more directly on rates. Therefore, to meet customer and financial goals, the District will need to emphasize internal efficiency and development of technology-assisted best practices. Methodology The Balanced Scorecard focuses on four perspectives as a mechanism for setting strategic direction and balancing competing priorities. This industry best practice has been adopted by the District because it allows for examination of our plans from different perspectives. 9 Every three years the District engages in a major revision of its Strategic Plan. This current plan (covering Fiscal Years 2009-2011) is the third in a series of three-year plans beginning in 2003. The process is inclusive, starting with a thorough review of the last effort, the District’s Vision, Mission, and Key Challenge statements are examined and revised. Individual interviews are conducted with the Board of Directors, approximately 30 staff members, union representatives, as well as team meetings involving all Otay staff. Assistance from professional consultants and industry best practice advice are taken into account to provide third party input. The primary tool, however, is a very thorough review process by the Senior Management Team of every strategy, goal, objective, project plan, performance measure, and target contained in the plan. Through this team discussion process the General Manager gains consensus with his staff on the exact priorities for the District, including detailed financial and resource considerations required to execute the plan. Thus, the plan serves as an informal contract between District staff and the General Manager on the strategic work that will be done and what the District hopes to achieve over the next three years. In turn, the General Manager presents the plan to the Board for approval. Through the Strategic Plan and budget approval processes, the Board is then able to make well-informed decisions about the District’s direction. Performance Management Performance metrics and targets are a critical element of the Strategic Plan but differ from Strategic Plan objectives. Objectives identify the action items that are necessary to achieve the strategic vision. Performance measures are designed to ensure the day-to-day operations of the utility are meeting agreed-upon expectations. Performance measures were revised from the prior year and are updated quarterly, and reviewed by the Board on a semi-annual basis. I. CUSTOMER 1. Maximize Our Customers’ Satisfaction A. Listen to Our Customers 1. Capture customers’ attitudes and awareness through a repeatable customer survey program. 2. Expand a more detailed customer complaint tracking and reporting system. B. Effective Use Multi-Channel Communications 1. Incoming calls – Streamline and document the District’s incoming customer call processes. 2. Interactive Voice Response - Enhance the usefulness of the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) for better customer service across the District. 3. Auto-dialer – Evaluate enhancing the usefulness of the auto-dialer to efficiently notify customers of District events. 4. Web Page - Evaluate and enhance the District’s website design to allow easier use and navigation. 5. E-Customer Account - Enhance the customer’s ease of access to personalized account information including water use, payment status, and historical trending. 10 6. Written Publications – Develop an effective program for producing new customer communication including drought related communication. Evaluate bi-lingual options. 7. Evaluate the most cost effective and efficient processes and tools to communicate service related issues to customers. For example: email, target mail, door hanger, etc. 8. Develop a comprehensive community outreach plan and materials to target specific community stakeholders with additional information or presentations on drought, recycled water, and water conservation. 2. Educate our Customers on Important Water Related Matters A. Expand the District’s water conservation programs to maximize District-wide water conservation 1. Promote and encourage adoption of conservation practices for new construction within District service territory. 2. Participate in the revision of the 14 water conservation Best Management Practices and prepare to implement those that are locally cost-effective. B. Maximize recycled water use and public knowledge 1. Continue a regional approach and expand District’s recycled water outreach program to landscape architects, maintenance companies, developers, contractors, and home owner associations. 3. Help Shape the Water Industry’s Direction A. Legislative and political influence for District programs 1. Continue to actively participate in County Water Authority, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, state policy making and pending legislative review and comment. 2. Promote enhancements to city, county and state water conservation requirements and implement appropriate BMPs. B. Optimize the District’s water industry participation 1. Promote and encourage leadership opportunities for District staff in water industry committees. 2. Evaluate and implement American Water Works Association Peer Review for the District. II. FINANCIAL 1. Develop a Long Term Financial Planning Program A. Establish a long-term (15 year) financial plan including scenarios and contingencies for changes in demographics, local economy, and drought uncertainties including: 1. Facilities and staffing plan needs. 2. Developing the long term financial plan. B. Conduct financial threat assessment for growth, water availability, inflation and other revenue sources 11 C. Re-calculate all Capacity and Annexation Fees with New Rehabilitation and Repair Plan 2. Optimize All Revenue Streams A. Modify existing rate structures 1. Simplify residential fee structures and the billing system. 2. Reduce complexity of and simplify rate structure. 3. Evaluate drought stage rates and propose changes. 4. Evaluate and improve effectiveness of bill (including fees for Chula Vista sewer billing). III. BUSINESS PROCESSES 1. Implement Industry Best Practices for Utility Development A. Potable Water 1. Prioritize and implement recommendations contained in the Integrated Resources Plan and Water Resources Master Plan to obtain an additional 15% of potable water. 2. Update the District’s Drought Management Plan including actions for enforcement. 3. Create a comprehensive environmental program that is cost-effective and proactive in response to environmental compliance. 4. Develop and implement a proactive leak detection program to reduce distribution system water loss. B. Sewer 1. Evaluate the long-term requirement for costs and benefits of seeking additional sewer collection flow treatment, and/or disposal capacity. 2. Develop and implement Treatment Plant enhancements including automation for remote operation and shutdown, technology improvements, and upgrade of facilities. C. Recycled Water 1. Obtain 10% in new recycled water supplies by prioritizing and implementing the recommendations in the IRP & WRMP. 2. Finalize evaluation of North District service area expansion for recycled water and seek approvals and funding. 2. Optimize the District’s Operating Efficiency A. Minimize the District’s total life cycle asset costs 1. Develop and implement an Asset Management Program Plan to extend useful life of capital assets. 2. Expand meter testing for 3” and larger calibration and replacement program. 3. Evaluate increasing the completion schedule of District’s valve actuation, valve replacement, and air vac programs. 4. Enhance construction inspection on construction projects by implementing IMS. 12 B. Update the District’s IT Strategic Plan 1. Evaluate the long-term viability of Eden financials and billing system. 2. Enhance the integration of Infrastructure Management System, Eden, Customer Information System, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, and Geographic Information System. 3. Enhance existing Capital Project Tracking System. 4. Enhance the District’s data management, data update process, and data architecture including enterprise standard data. Update process for ensuring GIS data is accurate. 5. Develop and deploy the field wireless network for key facilities. C. Optimize the use of existing technologies 1. Optimize functionality, business continuity, bandwidth, and use of SCADA. 2. Optimize use of Voice Over Internet Protocol and unified messaging. 3. Evaluate implementing a fixed network Automated Meter Reading. 4. Optimize the use of SharePoint. 5. Develop optimized field work processing using integrated technology. 6. Assess and implement security best practices for all Otay networks. D. Increase field productivity through improved efficiency 1. To obtain access to shared electricity, gas, telephone, and other utilities from cell site vendors, San Diego County and, other agencies. E. Improve the efficiency of business processes 1. Investigate using electronic signatures on staff reports, shutdown plans, contracts, magazines, newsletters, reimbursements, project closeouts, etc. 2. Evaluate web-based employee performance reviews. 3. Enhance accounts payable to electronically pay bills for frequent vendors and routine bills and maximize the use of e-bills. 4. Enhance fuel tracking and reporting system. 5. Automate application process. 6. Develop a Heavy Equipment Capital Replacement Plan. 7. Identify existing facilities that are good candidates for conversion to separated irrigation meters (recycled and/or potable water), specifically for multi- family/industrial/commercial projects. 8. Enforce use of separate meters for irrigation during the Sub-Area Master Plan (SAMP) Review Process to maximize the use of recycled water. Irrigation of landscaped areas shall have a separate meter regardless if potable or recycled water is available, while maximizing the use of recycled water. F. Optimize Disaster Preparedness 1. Review/consolidate the District’s Disaster Preparedness Plan 2. Update Security Assessment and implement Technology Recommendations. 3. Evaluate and make recommendations regarding Environmental Health, and the Emergency Preparedness and Safety Management System. 13 3. Improve Financial Analysis and Reporting A. Improve per cost unit reporting 1. Develop and measure cost per unit expenditures and forecasts. B. Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of District-wide reporting 1. Utilize SCADA to calibrate water model. IV. LEARNING AND GROWTH 1. Results-oriented Workforce A. Retain Dedicated Workforce 1. Evaluate effective communication tools throughout the organization. 2. Evaluate the Pay-for-Performance Program. 3. Evaluate the Employee Recognition Program. 4. Assess findings of 2008 Employee Survey. 5. Conduct Employee Survey in preparation for 2012 Strategic Plan development. B. Hire the “Best” 1. Review and update classification plan and revise critical areas. 2. Review and revise marketing strategy and recruiting tools. C. Staff Development 1. Develop and identify required and desired District-wide training for all classifications. 2. Develop and maintain a formal program to track employee training. D. Workforce Management 1. Identify core elements of Succession Planning that can be tailored to the District’s needs. E. Performance Management 1. Update and expand annual review process to include greater emphasis of Strategic Plan objectives and performance measures and understanding of career goals and how they may relate to the District's Succession Plan. F. Knowledge Management 1. Update District-wide Records Management Program. 2. Develop information systems support for asset management program. G. Community Involvement/District Outreach 1. Optimize community involvement throughout the District. 14 GENERAL MANAGER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Assistant General Manager Engineering Planning Water  Operations Water System  Operations Assistant General Manager Information  Technology and  Strategic Planning IT Applications Finance Controller  and  Budgetary Administrative  Services Human Resources Organization Chart Citizens and  Customers GENERAL MANAGER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Assistant General Manager Engineering Planning Design Water  Resources Public  Services Construction Survey Environmental Water  Operations Water System  Operations Utility  Maintenance/  Construction Collection/  Treatment/  Recycle  Operations Assistant General Manager Information  Technology and  Strategic Planning IT Applications IT Operations GIS Finance Controller  and  Budgetary  Services Treasury  and  Accounting  Services Customer  Service Payroll and  Accounts  Payable Administrative  Services Human Resources Purchasing and      Facilities Safety and Risk  Administration Water  Conservation Organization Chart Citizens and  Customers 15 The District views the budget as an essential tool for proper financial management. This budget is developed with input from the various department levels of the organization and is adopted prior to the start of each fiscal year. It is designed and presented for the general needs of the District, its staff, and citizens. It is a comprehensive and balanced financial plan that features District services, resources and their allocation, financial policies, and other useful information to allow the users to gain a general understanding of the District’s financial status and future plans. To help readers navigate this document, the following is a general description of each of the tabulated sections of the budget. Budget Foreword This introductory section contains descriptions and general information about the District, strategic focus areas highlighting major initiatives and accomplishments, and the Budget Calendar and Process. Policies This section includes a summary of the District’s financial policies and practices, including the Reserve Policy, Investment Policy, and Debt Policy. History and Community Profile Included in this section is the history of the District, along with the current and future economic conditions and projections. It also includes statistics on the District’s customers, the region’s tax base, and rainfall. Financial Summaries This section contains an overview of the District’s revenues and expenditures by fund for the current budgeted fiscal year and prior two years’ actual and estimated amounts. It includes a description of each of the revenue and expense categories as well as charts depicting their relationships. Five-Year Forecast The District prepares a comprehensive Rate Model each year based on budget input, trends, new programs, and requirements. Estimates are made of cost increases, rate increases, targeted fund balances, capital needs, and debt requirements. Analysis for the current budget year plus five subsequent years is conducted and a five-year forecast is prepared based on the Rate Model results.      Budget Guide  16 Revenues and Expenditures The District budgets revenues and expenditures by Potable, Recycled, and Sewer Systems. General revenues and expenditures that are not specific to one system or department are budgeted in General Revenues and Expenses section. An allocation of overhead type costs is made to equitably spread the cost of running the District among the various business segments. Departmental Operating Budget This section provides a summary of each department’s operating expenditures and detailed budget information including its mission, responsibilities, three-year staffing, performance indicators, accomplishments, and goals. Also provided are graphical presentations of departmental budget percentages to District total, as well as summary expenditure information by division for three fiscal years. Capital Budget An overview of the District’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP), the Water Resources Master Plan (WRMP), major assumptions and criteria, a five-year listing of CIP project expenditures and the justification and impact on the Operating Budget and capital purchases budget for the fiscal year are located in this section. Appendix The last section consists of a Glossary of budget and financial terms, List of Acronyms, and an Index.      Budget Guide  17 Each year, the Finance Department prepares a Budget Workbook for distribution to the departments. This workbook gives instructions and deadlines for each phase of the budget. The budget process is explained on pages 20 and 21. February 13, 2009 Chiefs submit CIP budget for New Projects and changes to existing projects. February 18, 2009 Chiefs submit request for new Personnel/Personnel Reclassifications and long-term staffing to Human Resources. February 25, 2009 Human Resources Department (HR) to complete preliminary review of new Personnel and Personnel Reclassification request. March 2, 2009 Each department submits the following items: • Operating and administrative budget • Capital purchases and justification • Labor Budget Worksheet March 4, 2009 Human Resources to review new personnel and reclassification requests with General Manager. March 9, 2009 Finance Department reviews Operating Budget and performs Reconciliation with departments. March 11, 2009 Chiefs submit GM approved Personnel Requests and Request for Reclassification; and Position Analysis Questionnaire forms to HR. April 21, 2009 Finance reviews assumptions and rates with Chiefs, AGMs and GM. April 24, 2009 General Manager reviews Preliminary Budget. May 13, 2009 Finance reviews Department Operating Budgets with GM and AGMs, and reviews department preliminary CIP budget with Chief of Engineering.      Budget Calendar  18 May 13, 2009 Practice run of budget presentation with Finance, Chiefs, AGMs and GM. May 20, 2009 Finance reviews personnel costs with Chiefs, AGMs and GM. May 21, 2009 Public Workshop – Adopt FY 2009-10 Operating and Capital Budgets. July 9, 2009 Mail Proposition 218 Notices. August 24, 2009 Proposition 218 Hearing. 19 The District has integrated the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget and the Operating Budget. These budgets are developed based on the District’s Water Resources Master Plan and Strategic Business Plan. New initiatives and programs are categorized into the Balanced Scorecard perspectives. Appropriate budget amounts are determined by using the historical data of operations, growth, developers’ input, SANDAG projections, and economic outlook. The District is accounted for and budgeted on an enterprise basis and conforms to the guidelines of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). To assure reliable, high-quality service to the growing customer base, the District has committed to a number of long-range strategies that drive the budgeting process. The strategies and assumptions used to develop the District’s integrated budget are: • an average projected long-term growth rate of 1.7% • pass-through rate increases for costs imposed on the District by the wholesale water providers • accurate projections of capital budget needs (including replacement needs) • reserve funding in accordance with the Reserve Policy to meet future growth demands and maintain financial stability • funding of the Strategic Plan initiatives as categorized into the Balanced Scorecard perspectives • avoid rate spikes by leveling rate increases over a six-year period Each year, the Finance Department prepares a Budget Workbook for distribution to the departments. This workbook gives instructions to departments on how to budget for positions, administrative, and materials expenses. Included in this workbook are historical trends, assumptions, and training on how to enter the expense data into the District budget system. Administrative and Materials Expenses are entered into the budget system by individual requests. These requests are compared to last year’s budget and expenses to determine reasonableness by the Finance Department. New or large increases in costs are supported by explanations for these costs and presented to the General Manager and the Board of Directors prior to adopting the budget. The budgeting of salaries and benefits is performed in the position budgeting module of the budget system. This tool allows the District to budget for each authorized position and the associated benefits in an automated fashion. Departments submit requests for new positions, reclassifications, or advancements to the Assistant General Managers. These requests are reviewed by the Assistant General Managers and then presented to the General Manager for approval. Upon their approval, the Finance Department enters these changes, as well as negotiated pay increases and benefit rate changes, into the position budget system. Position budgeting calculates the salaries and benefits to be included in the District’s budget.     Budget Process  20 The Finance Department prepares the budget for the Potable, Recycled, and Sewer Systems based on estimated cost increases from the District’s wholesale water providers as well as estimated sewer charge increases provided by the City of San Diego. Other significant factors in the budget development include projected growth in customer accounts and weather. Additionally, all general revenue and expense budgets are calculated using trend analysis and any external factors that may affect these items. The Engineering Department issues budget instructions for the CIP budget process. Each project manager receives a report of year-to-date project expenses and then estimates cost to the end of the fiscal year. They also project future costs to complete the project. Costs are adjusted for scope changes as well as construction cost increases. Engineering then compiles the CIP Budget and submits it to the Assistant General Managers and the General Manager for review prior to presentation to the Board of Directors. Once all of these budgets have been calculated, the Finance Department inputs all of the operating revenues and expenses, CIP expenses, reserve funding, and reserve levels into the District’s Rate Model. Inflators for cost and volume are input into the Rate Model to project the next five years of revenue and expenses. Rates are then set for the current fiscal year, plus five subsequent years, such that all financial targets are met. Using this comprehensive modeling tool, the District is able to smooth future rate increases, determine when debt should be issued, and maintain all of the reserve levels in accordance with the Reserve Policy. The District has a three year Strategic Plan, and each year in the spring, the portion of the plan that pertains to the upcoming fiscal year is presented to the Board of Directors for review and direction. This is followed by a coordinated presentation of the budget by all departments, to the Board of Directors for their approval at a special budget workshop in May. The review of Strategic Plan and the adoption budget on an annual basis gives the District its direction for the following fiscal year. During the year, each department receives monthly budget and cost reports that are essential to monitor and control costs. As events occur or conditions change, modifications to or deviations from the original budget may be necessary. In the event the General Manager determines that an emergency exists which requires immediate action, he may transfer appropriation within the budget allocations, or request that the Board of Directors increase the current budgeted funds. Due to the size of the District’s CIP, a separate budget book has been prepared outlining in detail the projects and expenditures required to ultimate build-out. A synopsis of the CIP may be found under the Capital Budget section of this report. As part of the integrated budget, capital purchases have been included within the CIP Budget. The Budget Report is intended as a financial guide and may be modified by the Board of Directors during Fiscal Year 2010. 21 The District utilizes the accrual basis for budget and accounting, recognizing revenues and expenses in the period in which they are earned and incurred, respectively. The District reports its activities on an enterprise basis, which is used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to a private business enterprise. The intent of the District is that the costs (including replacement cost of existing assets) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis, be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. Budget Basis  1296-3 Reservoir, July 2009 22 23 On January 27, 2006, the Otay Water District celebrated its golden anniversary. Over 50 years ago, the California State Legislature officially authorized the District to an entitlement to imported water. The Otay Water District was formed in 1956 by a small group of ranchers, farmers and other property owners concerned about the declining quality and quantity of well water. In 1957, developers in south Spring Valley created the La Presa County Water District to gain water from the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA). In the fall of 1969, these two districts merged into the Otay Water District. Since then, the District has grown from a handful of customers and two employees to become an organization operating a water network with more than 736 miles of potable and 97 miles of recycled pipelines, 42 reservoirs, a sewer treatment plant, and one of the largest recycled water distribution systems in the State of California. The character of the service area has also changed from predominantly dry-land farming and cattle ranching to businesses, high-tech industries, and large master-planned communities. The water district’s boundaries currently stretch from Otay Mesa and eastern Chula Vista to Spring Valley, southern El Cajon, and Jamul. The District is facing another dry year with the Colorado River in the midst of a prolonged multi- year drought and the Sierra Nevada snow pack at its lowest level in many years. To add to this situation, water deliveries are being curtailed to the State Water Project to protect endangered Delta Smelt. All of this is likely to mean less water for Southern California in the years ahead. These current problems make the work the District is doing all the more critical. On June 1, 2007 the District dedicated Supply Link Project connecting recycled water system to the City of San Diego’s City South Bay Water Reclamation Plant. Today, the District purchases about three million gallons per day (mgd) of recycled water from the city, increasing to six mgd ultimately, and in addition one mgd is produced at RWCWRF. With recycled water meeting a large portion of the landscape irrigation needs, this means in the future approximately seven mgd of potable water does not have to be pumped hundreds of miles from northern California or the Colorado River. Instead, enough drinking water to serve more than 15,000 homes is being conserved and can be used to address shortages in the years to come.       Past and Present  24    Current Economic Conditions Currently, the District services the needs of a growing population by purchasing water from the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA). CWA purchases its water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) and the Imperial Irrigation District (IID). Otay takes delivery of the water through several connections of large diameter pipelines owned and operated by CWA. The District currently receives treated water from CWA, and the Helix Water District (HWD) by contract with CWA. In the Southern region, in addition to the treated water deliveries from CWA, the District has an emergency agreement with the City of San Diego in the case of a shutdown of the main treated water source. Through innovative agreements like this, benefits can be achieved by both parties by using excess capacity of another agency, and diversifying local supply, thereby increasing reliability. For several decades, the District has collected and recycled wastewater generated within the Jamacha drainage basin and pumped the recycled water south to the Salt Creek basin where it is used for irrigation and other non-potable uses. However, the demand for recycled water out- paced the supply, requiring the District to supplement the limited supply of recycled water with potable water. Through the new agreement with the City of San Diego, the District has discontinued supplementing its recycled demand with potable water. Once again, this decreases the demand on potable water and increases reliability of the District’s supply. The District’s sewer service area is growing at a slow but steady rate of approximately 0.6% each year. Most of this growth is from small development projects or homeowners converting their septic system to sewer because of environmental issues. The District’s service area was one of the fastest growing regions in the nation. During the past decade, the population of the service area has nearly doubled. It is estimated that the District is currently serving approximately 195,000 residents. In just the past seven years, the District has added more than 7,994 new customer connections, with most of this occurring in just four years. The phenomenal growth has slowed, as our local and national economy is experiencing a downturn. This slowdown is reflected internally as the District’s Development Services Department approved on average only 13 permits per month, and sold 158 water meters in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 25      The Future  The District continues to use the challenges presented by growth to create new opportunities and new organizational efficiencies. By utilizing and continuing to refine its Strategic Business Plan, it has captured the Board of Director’s vision and united its staff in a common mission. The organization has achieved a number of significant accomplishments based on its successful adherence to its Strategic Business Plan. The District is not only poised to continue successfully providing an affordable, safe, and reliable water supply for the people of its service area, but is set to reap the rewards of greater efficiencies and economies of scale. 2, 3 2 6 1, 3 9 7 83 5 63 8 22 0 15 8 99 78 18 2 1, 3 2 4 1, 8 7 9 2, 1 5 6 - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 METER SALES Projected Actual The Engineering Department projects that over the next six years the District will sell another 5,718 meters. SANDAG, the regional planning agency, shows a slowing of the historic annual growth rate of 6.3% since 1980, to a projected future annual growth rate of 1.7% through 2030, for the City of Chula Vista. For the unincorporated areas of the region the historic annual growth rate has been only 1.3% since 1980, but is expected to increase to 1.7% through 2030. 26     Demographics  The District boundaries shown in the chart below encompass an area of approximately 125 square miles in San Diego County, located immediately east of the City of San Diego metropolitan area and running from the City of El Cajon south to the international border. SANDAG creates and maintains a tremendous quantity of demographic, economic, land use, transportation and criminal justice information about the San Diego region. The demographic data include population characteristics like age, education, and employment. Because of the overlapping of the District’s service area with the cities of Chula Vista, La Mesa, El Cajon, and the unincorporated areas of Spring Valley and Jamul, the following demographic data is from the City of Chula Vista as it most closely represents the District. The population of Chula Vista has grown from 83,927 in 1980, to 135,136 in 1990, to 173,556 in 2000, and in 2008 the population reached 231,305. This represents an increase of 147,378 in the past 28 years or a 175.6% increase, which correlates to the Districts rapid growth for the same period. The racial make up of Chula Vista is 50% Hispanic, 28% White, 13% Asian, 4% Black, and the remaining 5% is all other groups. The median household income for Chula Vista was $71,298 in 2007, and 97% of Chula Vista’s housing units were occupied. 27 % of Annual Water Customer Type Revenues Sales 1. City Of Chula Vista Publicly Owned 2,083,668$ 4.0% 2. Otay River Const/Southbay Expressway Construction (Potable, Temporary)1,044,277 2.0% 3. County Of San Diego Publicly Owned 1,023,342 2.0% 4. State Of California Publicly Owned 864,858 1.7% 5. Eastlake III Community Assoc Construction (Potable, Temporary)539,324 1.0% 6. Sweetwater School District Publicly Owned 477,150 0.9% 7. Eastlake Country Club Irrigation (Reclaimed, Permanent)458,259 0.9% 8. Steele Canyon Irrigation (Potable, Permanent)370,516 0.7% 9. Salt Creek Partners LLC Irrigation (Reclaimed, Permanent)357,528 0.7% 10. Chula Vista School District Publicly Owned 329,847 0.6% Total 7,548,770$ 14.4% Estimated FY09 Water Sales 52,398,371$ Customer Name Ten Largest Customers ‐ Fiscal Year 2009 Ten Largest 14.4% Others 85.6% CUSTOMERS FISCAL YEAR 2009 28       Water Rate Comparison  The District strives to remain cost effective in its rate setting, by controlling operating cost, yet passing through the full cost of supply. The following two charts show how the District compares in rates with its neighboring water and sewer providers. Water Rate Comparison of Water Providers in San Diego County $4 8 . 6 3 $5 3 . 0 7 $5 5 . 3 4 $5 7 . 2 7 $5 9 . 9 0 $6 0 . 1 0 $6 2 . 1 5 $6 3 . 7 9 $6 5 . 5 0 $6 5 . 5 9 $6 5 . 7 3 $6 6 . 3 0 $6 7 . 4 6 $6 8 . 5 2 $6 8 . 9 8 $6 9 . 5 2 $6 9 . 7 7 $7 1 . 2 3 $7 4 . 8 9 $7 7 . 0 4 $8 0 . 4 8 $8 2 . 8 1 $8 9 . 9 7 $- $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 Oceanside Lakeside VallecitosSan Dieguito Helix Olivenhain Poway Otay Padre Dam W Carlsbad YuimaVistaValley CenterSan DiegoSanta Fe RamonaSweetwater Padre Dam E EscondidoRincon Rainbow Fallbrook Del Mar Rates effective January 1, 2010 for residential customer with 15 HCF water use and 3/4 inch meter 29       Sewer Rate Comparison  Sewer Rate Comparison of Sewer Providers in San Diego County 18 . 0 0 19 . 5 6 20 . 9 3 28 . 0 0 30 . 4 0 31 . 6 7 32 . 0 8 34 . 8 3 39 . 1 0 39 . 5 3 40 . 5 0 41 . 0 4 42 . 7 5 44 . 0 7 44 . 4 2 46 . 3 0 46 . 6 7 51 . 7 5 53 . 0 0 53 . 3 7 58 . 7 5 61 . 5 1 62 . 2 8 66 . 6 7 68 . 5 4 70 . 6 9 72 . 2 5 73 . 6 2 74 . 0 0 74 . 6 7 75 . 3 2 98 . 6 0 10 8 . 9 0 $- $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 W i n t e r G a r d en s - C o u n t y L e u c ad i a C arlsb a d S p ri n g V all e y - C o u n t y V a ll e cit o s L a ke s id e - C o u n t y N atio n al Cit y Al p in e - C o u n t y E l C ajo n O tay V all e y C en t er - M G E s c o n d id o R am o n a L a M es a Vi s t aP o w a y S o lan a B e ac hB u en a P in e V all e y - C o u n ty O c ea n si d e J ulian - C o u n t y S an Di e g o C h u la V i s t a R an c h o S a n t a F e R ai n b o w P a d r e D a m O li ve n h a in E n c in it as V all ey C en t er - M P E n cinit as F all b r o o k V all e y C e n t e r - W V D el M ar Rates effective January 1, 2010 (with Special Assessment) for residential customers with 15 HCF water usage Water-consumption based sewer rate Flat sewer rate Otay Water District 30 Service Area Assessed Valuation Otay Water District’s service area encompasses property with over $25 billion of assessed valuation. Properties are assessed at 100% of their full value less any exemptions such as, exemption from taxation under the law and homeowner’s exemptions. As shown in the chart below, there has been a significant increase in the assessed value of properties in the District service area. The historic increases was due to both growth in the number of new homes, as well as increases in home prices. Despite the slow down in the current housing market, the long-term growth in new homes is expected to continue at approximately 2% until ultimate build-out. The assessed valuation is the basis for the property tax change. The District receives its portion of the 1% property tax, according to Proposition 13 and AB8, and with the increases in the assessed valuation the District will benefit by receiving its proportionate share of this increase. Even with the down turn in the property values the District is anticipating a modest increase of 3%. $20,000 $24,000 $28,000 6 2,6 8 5 $2 5 , 9 0 3 $2 6 , 7 5 2 FIVE-YEAR SERVICE AREA ASSESSED VALUATION Source: County of San Diego Auditor and Controller $- $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 $16,000 $20,000 $24,000 $28,000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 $1 4 , 1 3 1 $1 6 , 4 2 3 $1 9 , 5 6 6 $2 2 , 6 8 5 $2 5 , 9 0 3 $2 6 , 7 5 2 Mi l l i o n D o l l a r s Fiscal Year FIVE-YEAR SERVICE AREA ASSESSED VALUATION 31 Percent Assessed Value to Total 1. SAN DIEGO EXPRESSWAY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (SDELP) $ 600,000,000 2.24% 2. VILLAGE II OF OTAY HB SUB 181,107,368 0.68% 3. GGP-OTAY RANCH LP 168,025,096 0.63% 4. OV THREE TWO LLC 118,746,964 0.44% 5. REGULO PLACE APARTMENTS INVESTORS LLC 113,980,960 0.43% 6. SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 103,911,311 0.39% 7. EQR-MISSIONS AT SUNBOW LLC 88,805,655 0.33% 8. RANCHO MESA LP 85,503,816 0.32% 9. VILLAGE II OF OTAY LP 84,565,792 0.32% 10. SP LAVIDA REAL LLC 80,027,108 0.30% Total $ 1,624,674,070 6.07% Total Service Area Assessed Valuation $ 26,752,095,692 Organization Ten Principal Taxpayers As Of June 30, 2009 Source: County of San Diego Auditor and Controller Ten Principal Taxpayers 6.07% Other Taxpayers 93.93% SERVICE AREA TAXPAYERS FISCAL YEAR 2009 32 San Diego Rainfall 5.76 8.58 2.99 10.62 5.18 22.50 5.42 3.85 7.49 9.17 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 In c h e s Fiscal Year FISCAL YEARS 2000-2009 Annual Rainfall 10-Year Average Rainfall (8.16 inches) The 10-year average of 8.16 inches for San Diego rainfall reflects the long-term drought conditions for our area. San Diego's rainfall average over 20 years is 9.81 inches; the 30-year average is 10.25 inches. The District expects drought conditions to continue for Fiscal Year 2010. 5.76 8.58 2.99 10.62 5.18 22.50 5.42 3.85 7.49 9.17 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 In c h e s Fiscal Year FISCAL YEARS 2000-2009 Annual Rainfall 10-Year Average Rainfall (8.16 inches) The 10-year average of 8.16 inches for San Diego rainfall reflects the long-term drought conditions for our area. San Diego's rainfall average over 20 years is 9.81 inches; the 30-year average is 10.25 inches. The District expects drought conditions to continue for Fiscal Year 2010. Under drought conditions there is the real potential for mandatory cutbacks. In the event of cutbacks, District water-sale revenues would decrease. Related water purchase expenses would also be reduced dampening the impact of the decrease in revenues. The severity of cutbacks would dictate the magnitude of the District's response and type of reaction. The San Diego rainfall information shown in the chart above uses data from the San Diego Airport at Lindbergh Field and is provided by the Western Regional Climate Center. More information can be obtained from their website: http://www.wrcc.dri.edu. The Western Regional Climate Center’s website data, in turn, is derived from data received from the National Climatic Data Center, the National Weather Service, the National Resource Conservation Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, and other federal, state, and local agencies. Although the data reflects actual rainfall at Lindbergh field, it is representative of rainfall for the area served by the Otay Water District. San Diego rainfall, while a contributing factor, is not the controlling factor for a potable water supply shortage. As stated before, the San Diego region imports 90% of its potable supply so drought conditions or the Colorado River and the State Water Project determine the cutback level. 33 Budget Summary  The Operating Budget is summarized and presented in the Operating Budget Summary on page 38. Also included in this section is the Operating Budget Summary by System on page 39, the Fund Balance Summary by Fund on page 41, and the Revenues and Expenditures by Fund on pages 42 and 43. The Revenues, Expenditures, and Sources and Uses of Funds by Type for all funds are presented on page 44. For Fiscal Year 2010, the District increased both water and sewer rates for its customers in order to pass-through cost increases from water and sewer agencies. These cost increases are being experienced by our neighboring water agencies and most are encountering similar rate increases. Operating Budget Summary The Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2010 is $75,716,500 in comparison to the previous fiscal year budget of $67,062,700. The $8,653,800 increase is primarily due to unprecedented water supply rate increases of 21.1% from MWD and 18.1% from CWA because of the high cost of supply programs, higher energy and operating costs. The District uses a rate model to build the budget for the current fiscal year and five subsequent years. To do this, estimates for growth, water costs, and others such as rainfall, and average water consumption per customer, are used throughout the model to calculate various revenue and expense amounts in each year. The Engineering Department is primarily responsible for the growth estimates as described in the budget process on pages 20 and 21. Water cost estimates are obtained from District water suppliers, CWA and MWD, and power cost inflators from San Diego Gas and Electric, the District power supplier. Labor and benefit cost inflators are based on the Memorandum of Understanding with the District’s labor union, as well as estimates from District health providers. Other general inflators are derived from statistical data from consumer price indexes for the region. Revenues Potable Water Sales Potable water sales represent revenue collected from the sale of water, including: system charges, energy charges, and penalties. It is estimated that 33,300 acre-feet of potable water will be sold during Fiscal Year 2010. Budgeted revenues from water sales are projected to be $56,474,500, an increase of 14.7% over the previous year's budget due to two years of unprecedented increases in water costs and the need to pass these costs along to the District’s customers. Additional schedules relating to potable water sales are included in the Potable Revenues and Expenditures section of this budget. Recycled Water Sales Recycled water sales represent revenue collected from the sale of 4,560 acre-feet of recycled water to customers at a discount of 15% of the potable irrigation rate. The FY 2010 sales revenue budget of $7,602,500, an increase of $1,258,000 from FY 2009, includes the incentive credits provided by MWD and the CWA. 34 Sewer Revenues Sewer charges are the monthly fees collected from the sewer service connections. The fees are determined by volume of flow and the strength of solids discharged into the sewer system. Meter Fees Meter fees are charges collected for new water service connections. Fees vary depending upon meter size and type of service. The costs associated with meter installations are included in the Operating Expenses section. Capacity Fee Revenues These fees are earned by the General Fund for Engineering Department’s support for expansion functions. Betterment Fees for Maintenance These fees are earned by the General Fund for Water Operations Department’s maintenance of certain District assets. Annexation Fees The District collects annexation fees when new customers annex into the District. The fee is based on the excess capacity built by existing users and ensures that future users fund a portion of the facilities that were sized and built for their future use. Tax Revenues The District receives 1% property tax revenues, debt-related assessments, and availability fees on properties within the District’s boundaries. These revenues are collected by the County of San Diego via the Property Tax Roll and remitted to the District annually. Non-Operating Revenues Non-operating revenues are revenues that are not directly related to the operation of a water or sewer utility, and include such items as District property rentals and leases, and billing services for the City of Chula Vista. Interest Interest is earned by each fund that has a positive balance and is paid by each fund with a negative balance. Interest income on General Fund balances is considered general use revenue. Transfer from OPEB This money is available to fund operations from the OPEB trust fund. In Fiscal Year 2008, the District established a reserve through PERS, lowering the amount necessary to reserve for OPEB expenses allowing the excess to be available to the general fund. 35 Expenditures Potable Water Purchases Water purchases indicate the expense of purchasing 35,557 acre-feet for the District's potable water supply. A provision has been made to allow 2,255 acre-feet of water for District usage, leakage, and evaporation. Recycled Water Purchases Recycled water purchases indicate the expense of purchasing 3,356 acre-feet for the District's recycled water supply. The District no longer budgets for a potable supplement to the recycled system due to the source of recycled water from the City of San Diego. Infrastructure Access Charge This charge was established in Fiscal Year 1999 by CWA to finance a portion of its fixed annual costs including construction, operation, and maintenance of its aqueducts. This fixed charge is based on the number of "household meter equivalents." Customer Service Charge This charge was established in Fiscal Year 2004 by CWA as a fixed charge. The Customer Service Charge is set to recover costs necessary to support CWA’s development of policies and implementation of programs that benefit the region as a whole. Emergency Storage Charge The Emergency Storage Charge was established by CWA in Calendar Year 2003, to recover costs associated with non-agricultural water deliveries and is allocated based on each member agency’s share of deliveries. Capacity Reservation Charge This charge was established in Fiscal Year 2002 by the MWD, as a fixed charge on a member agency's requested maximum day capacity. The Capacity Reservation Charge is a charge per cubic-foot-second (cfs) and is applied to the amount of capacity (daily flow) a member agency expects to use during the peak period from May through September. Readiness-to-Serve Charge This charge was established in Fiscal Year 1996 by MWD, to recover the principal and interest payments on non-tax supported debt service used to fund the capital improvements necessary to meet the continuing reliability and quality needs associated with current demands. These costs are offset by standby charges collected by the MWD on the tax bills of District customers. Power Costs Power is the cost associated with the transmission and distribution of water to customers. The pumping costs to distribute water vary with elevation and will increase as water sales increase. Labor and Benefits Labor and benefits are the wages and fringe benefits for 166 Full-time Equivalent (FTE) employees. Labor costs are reduced by the number of hours that are charged to non-operating Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and developer deposit projects. The detail of actual personnel and payroll related expenses is included in the Departmental Operating Budget section. 36 Administrative Expenses Administrative expenses are costs incurred by various departments that are directly related to District operations. Additional details are supplied in the Departmental Operating Budget section. Materials and Maintenance Materials and maintenance expense is the cost associated with the operation and maintenance of District facilities. Additional details are supplied in the Departmental Operating Budget section. Expansion Reserves These reserves are established to fund expansion needs including project costs, existing debt payments, and new debt that will be issued in the future to fund expansion. Betterment Reserves These reserves are established to fund the betterment needs of facilities including project costs, existing debt payments, and new debt that will be issued in the future to fund betterment. Replacement Reserves These reserves are established to fund the replacement needs including project costs, existing debt payments, and new debt that will be issued in the future to fund replacement. Transfers These transfers are necessary to ensure that each fund pays its fair share of costs, or to achieve required fund balances per the District’s policy. The Transfer Out for Prop 1A is an anticipated loan to the state of the District’s 1% property tax revenue. Operating Budget Summary by Business The Budget Summary by System schedule reflects the separation of operating revenues and expenses among potable water, recycled water, and sewer. This information is provided due to the necessity to collect sufficient revenue from each type of operation to recover the full cost of operating expenses and to ensure that the customers are charged for services received. Fund Balance Summary by Fund This schedule shows each fund’s balance at June 30, 2009, and the projected balance for June 30, 2010, based on the results of the budget and Rate Model. This includes transfers between funds made to meet target levels as outlined in the Reserve Policy. Revenues and Expenditures by Fund The Revenues and Expenditures by Fund schedule reflect each fund’s revenues and expenditures by business line, where appropriate. This schedule is reconciled to the Fund Balance Summary and excludes transfers between funds. Revenues and Expenditures by Type – All Funds This is a consolidated schedule of revenues and expenditures, including sources and uses of funds but excluding fund transfers. 37 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Variance 11-Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % REVENUES ##Potable Water Sales 44,804,854$ 49,229,400$ 46,160,394$ 56,474,500$ 7,245,100$ 14.7% Recycled Water Sales 5,948,258 6,344,500 6,238,358 7,602,500 1,258,000 19.8% ##Sewer Revenues 2,414,886 2,145,300 2,184,523 2,244,800 99,500 4.6% ##Meter Fees 79,790 103,800 71,448 45,600 (58,200) (56.1%) ##Capacity Fee Revenues 1,480,165 1,301,900 1,521,707 1,397,000 95,100 7.3% ##Betterment Fees for Maintenance 802,021 895,900 661,998 571,400 (324,500) (36.2%) Annexation Fees 526,435 483,600 392,349 120,500 (363,100) (75.1%) Tax Revenues 4,024,645 4,137,300 4,054,895 3,852,600 (284,700) (6.9%) ##Non-operating Revenues 2,297,826 1,633,100 4,881,548 1,585,600 (47,500) (2.9%) ##Interest 1,038,425 667,800 377,829 322,900 (344,900) (51.6%) OPETransfer from OPEB - 810,000 - 1,030,000 220,000 27.2% General Fund Draw Down - 120,100 - 469,100 349,000 290.6% TOTAL REVENUES 63,417,304 67,872,700 66,545,049 75,716,500 7,843,800 11.6% EXPENDITURES ##Potable Water Purchases 22,253,362 25,183,600 22,778,545 28,033,700 2,850,100 11.3% Recycled Water Purchases 1,278,084 1,490,800 1,299,976 1,312,000 (178,800) (12.0%) ##CWA - Infrastructure Access Charge 1,090,228 1,227,500 1,227,408 1,344,900 117,400 9.6% ##CWA - Customer Service Charge 949,222 1,049,800 1,049,470 1,148,800 99,000 9.4% ##CWA - Emergency Storage Charge 1,507,895 1,774,700 1,774,776 2,246,600 471,900 26.6% ##MWD - Capacity Reservation Charge 570,980 602,800 603,072 628,800 26,000 4.3% ##MWD - Net RTS and Standby Charges 564,193 665,100 665,087 1,140,700 475,600 71.5% Subtotal - Water Costs 28,213,964 31,994,300 29,398,334 35,855,500 3,861,200 12.1% ##Power 2,647,885 2,780,500 2,905,101 2,637,100 (143,400) (5.2%) ##Labor and Benefits 16,462,021 17,185,400 16,440,651 17,212,800 27,400 0.2% ##Administrative Expenses 6,153,593 5,935,100 5,941,924 5,329,200 (605,900) (10.2%) ##Materials & Maintenance 4,112,180 3,872,800 3,482,653 3,801,600 (71,200) (1.8%) ##Expansion Reserve 2,590,200 5,016,700 5,016,700 1,610,000 (3,406,700) (67.9%) Bet Betterment Reserve 3,432,900 - - 3,810,000 3,810,000 100.0% RepReplacement Reserve 235,400 277,900 277,900 3,660,000 3,382,100 1217.0% Transfer to Sewer GF - - - 200,000 200,000 100.0% Transfer Out/In Prop 1A - - - 270,300 270,300 100.0% Transfer to General Fund Reserve - - - 1,330,000 1,330,000 100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 63,848,142 67,062,700 63,463,263 75,716,500 8,653,800 12.9% EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENSE)(430,837)$ 810,000$ 3,081,786$ -$ (810,000)$ (100.0%) Note: FY 2009 Budget has been restated to present Board-authorized use of designated OPEB Reserve. FY 2009 Operating Budget Summary ‐ General Fund 38 Potable Recycled Sewer Total REVENUES Water Sales 56,474,500$ -$ -$ 56,474,500$ Recycled Water Sales - 7,602,500 - 7,602,500 Sewer Revenues - - 2,244,800 2,244,800 Meter Fees 25,600 20,000 - 45,600 Capacity Fee Revenues 1,397,000 - - 1,397,000 Bett Betterment Fees for Maintenance 571,400 - - 571,400 Annexation Fees 120,500 - - 120,500 Tax Revenues 3,802,300 - 50,300 3,852,600 Non-operating Revenues 1,556,500 - 29,100 1,585,600 Interest 286,400 8,000 28,500 322,900 OPEBTransfer from OPEB 1,030,000 - - 1,030,000 General Fund Draw Down - - 469,100 469,100 TOTAL REVENUES 65,264,200 7,630,500 2,821,800 75,716,500 EXPENDITURES Water Purchases (CWA)28,033,700 - - 28,033,700 Water Purchases (CSD)- 1,312,000 - 1,312,000 CWA - Infrastructure Access Charge 1,344,900 - - 1,344,900 CWA - Customer Service Charge 1,148,800 - - 1,148,800 CWA - Emergency Storage Charge 2,246,600 - - 2,246,600 MWD - Capacity Reservation Charge 628,800 - - 628,800 MWD - Net RTS and Standby Charges 1,140,700 - - 1,140,700 Subtotal - Water Costs 34,543,500 1,312,000 - 35,855,500 Power 2,033,400 504,500 99,200 2,637,100 Labor and Benefits 15,111,000 1,177,200 924,600 17,212,800 Administrative Expenses 4,555,000 318,100 456,100 5,329,200 Materials & Maintenance 2,127,500 332,200 1,341,900 3,801,600 5716 Expansion Reserve - 1,610,000 - 1,610,000 Bett RBetterment Reserve 3,700,000 110,000 - 3,810,000 Repl RReplacement Reserve 2,710,000 950,000 - 3,660,000 Transfer to Sewer GF 200,000 - - 200,000 Transfer Out/In Prop 1A 270,300 - - 270,300 Transfer to GF Reserve 13,500 1,316,500 - 1,330,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 65,264,200 7,630,500 2,821,800 75,716,500 EXCESS REVENUES -$ -$ -$ -$ FY 2010 Operating Budget Summary by System FY 2010 OPERATING EXPENDITURES Recycled 10% Sewer 4% Potable 86% 39 Operating Revenues and Expenditures Potable Water Sales 74.6%Recycled Water Sales 10.0% Sewer Revenues 2.9% Meter Fees 0.1% Capacity Fee Revenues 1.8% Betterment Fees for Maintenance 0.8% Annexation Fees 0.2%Tax Revenues 5.1% Transfer from OPEB 1.4% Non-Operating Revenues 2.1% Interest 0.4% General Fund Draw Down 0.6% FY 2010 OPERATING REVENUES ` FY 2010 OPERATING EXPENDITURES Potable Water Sales 74.6%Recycled Water Sales 10.0% Sewer Revenues 2.9% Meter Fees 0.1% Capacity Fee Revenues 1.8% Betterment Fees for Maintenance 0.8% Annexation Fees 0.2%Tax Revenues 5.1% Transfer from OPEB 1.4% Non-Operating Revenues 2.1% Interest 0.4% General Fund Draw Down 0.6% FY 2010 OPERATING REVENUES ` Potable Water Costs 46.5% Recycled Water Purchases 1.8% Power 3.6% Labor and Benefits 23.2% Administrative Expenses 7.2%Materials & Maintenance 5.1% Expansion Reserve 2.2% Betterment Reserve 5.1% Replacement Reserve 4.9% Transfer Out for Prop 1A 0.4% FY 2010 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 40 Estimated Projected Balance Interfund Balance June 30, 2009 Revenues Expenditures Transfers (1)June 30, 2010 GENERAL FUND Potable 9,020,518$ 65,264,200$ 65,264,200$ -$ 9,020,518$ Recycled 634,946 7,630,500 7,630,500 - 634,946 Sewer 11,366,709 2,821,800 2,821,800 (753,000) 10,613,709 Total General Fund 21,022,173 75,716,500 75,716,500 (753,000) 20,269,173 EXPANSION FUND Potable and Recycled (2)18,137,390 15,467,400 18,583,100 1,610,000 16,631,690 Sewer 432,220 4,100 - (410,000) 26,320 Total Expansion Fund 18,569,610 15,471,500 18,583,100 1,200,000 16,658,010 BETTERMENT FUND Potable 2,863,675 23,596,800 15,653,700 3,700,000 14,506,775 Recycled 106,047 (700) 24,700 110,000 190,647 Sewer - 47,000 673,900 1,163,000 536,100 Total Betterment Fund 2,969,722 23,643,100 16,352,300 4,973,000 15,233,522 REPLACEMENT FUND Potable 20,108,672 12,350,700 8,136,600 2,710,000 27,032,772 Recycled 3,830,196 77,000 915,000 950,000 3,942,196 Sewer 2,449,944 39,200 514,300 - 1,974,844 Estimated, Fiscal Year 2010 Fund Balance Summary by Fund ,,,,,, Total Replacement Fund 26,388,812 12,466,900 9,565,900 3,660,000 32,949,812 OPEB FUND 8,436,721 883,300 1,150,600 (1,030,000) 7,139,421 DEBT RESERVE FUND 1,732,715 1,058,000 1,190,400 - 1,600,315 TOTAL 79,119,753$ 129,239,300$ 122,558,800$ 8,050,000$ 93,850,253$ (1)The total for interfund transfers does not net to $0 because some transfers are already reflected in the Operating Revenues and Expenditures for General Fund as follows: Expansion Reserve (1,610,000)$ Betterment Reserve (3,810,000) Replacement Reserve (3,660,000) OPEB Reserve 1,030,000 Total (8,050,000) (2)Potable and Recycled funds are combined for expansion purposes. 41 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Projected REVENUES GENERAL FUND GPrev Potable 54,716,191$ 59,083,300$ 57,968,090$ 65,264,200$ GRrev Recycled 6,050,180 6,380,500 6,259,578 7,630,500 GSrev Sewer 2,650,933 2,408,900 2,317,381 2,821,800 Total General Fund (1)63,417,304 67,872,700 66,545,049 75,716,500 EXPANSION FUND EPrev Potable 18,495,813 5,652,900 4,445,557 14,343,600 ERrev Recycled 4,154,878 1,039,700 1,711,182 1,123,800 ESrev Sewer 19,586 11,900 12,512 4,100 Total Expansion Fund 22,670,277 6,704,500 6,169,251 15,471,500 BETTERMENT FUND BPrev Potable 1,491,179 1,462,400 1,487,503 23,596,800 BRrev Recycled 57,527 17,900 16,876 (700) BSrev Sewer 51,508 52,100 36,661 47,000 Total Betterment Fund 1,600,213 1,532,400 1,541,041 23,643,100 REPLACEMENT FUND RPrev Potable 1,632,201 551,300 643,213 12,350,700 RRrev Recycled 190,859 121,400 123,069 77,000 RSrev Sewer 452,254 162,800 92,569 39,200 Total Replacement Fund 2,275,314 835,500 858,852 12,466,900 OrevOPEB FUND 718,071 293,000 269,600 883,300 DrevDEBT RESERVE FUND 2,135,184 1,028,100 1,238,139 1,058,000 Total Revenues 92,816,364$ 78,266,200$ 76,621,932 129,239,300$ (1)FY 2009 General Fund Budget is restated and includes Board-authorized use of designated OPEB Reserve in the amount of $810,000. Revenues and Expenditures by Fund FY 2009 42 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Projected Revenues and Expenditures by Fund FY 2009 EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND GPexp Potable 55,353,927$ 58,273,300$ 55,119,417$ 65,264,200$ GRexp Recycled 5,870,127 6,380,500 6,103,430 7,630,500 GSexp Sewer 2,649,089 2,408,900 2,240,416 2,821,800 Total General Fund 63,873,142 67,062,700 63,463,263 75,716,500 EXPANSION FUND EPexp Potable 14,764,399 18,525,600 7,602,270 15,902,200 ERexp Recycled 1,077,034 2,141,000 991,176 2,680,900 ESexp Sewer 5,288 100,000 21,282 - Total Expansion Fund 15,846,721 20,766,600 8,614,728 18,583,100 BETTERMENT FUND BPexp Potable 6,865,949 6,963,500 11,086,808 15,653,700 BRexp Recycled 299,218 964,200 770,690 24,700 BSexp Sewer 67,344 18,900 18,893 673,900 Total Betterment Fund 7,232,511 7,946,600 11,876,390 16,352,300 REPLACEMENT FUND RPexp Potable 6,228,063 6,877,700 2,975,778 8,136,600 RRexp Recycled 155,829 1,000,000 960,581 915,000 RSexp Sewer 126,116 852,400 521,002 514,300 Total Replacement Fund 6,510,008 8,730,100 4,457,361 9,565,900 Oex OPEB FUND 7,153,008 1,020,000 1,481,070 1,150,600 DexpDEBT RESERVE FUND 21,666,012 1,190,400 7,583,759 1,190,400 Total Expenditures 122,281,402 106,716,400 97,476,571 122,558,800 EXCESS (DEFICIT) (1)(29,465,038)$ (28,450,200)$ (20,854,639) 6,680,500$ (1) This excess is primarily due to the $41 million proposed COP (debt) issuance. This issuance is to cover both the 2010 and 2011 CIP. In part this excess is also to maintain reserve balances in accordance with the reserve policy, shown on page 213, and to improve the District's debt coverage ratio, which in turn strengthens the financial position and saves millions in the cost of issuing debt, as described in the debt management narrative on page 48. 43 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Projected REVENUES AND FUND SOURCES Potable Water Sales 44,804,854$ 49,229,400$ 46,160,394$ 56,474,500$ Proposed COPs - - - 41,000,000 Recycled Water Sales 5,948,258 6,344,500 6,238,358 7,602,500 Grants 2,931,466 2,420,000 2,315,000 5,221,000 Tax Revenues 4,024,645 4,137,300 4,054,895 3,852,600 Capacity Fee Revenues 20,104,726 3,880,900 3,331,640 2,790,000 Sewer Revenues 2,414,886 2,145,300 2,184,523 2,244,800 Interest 4,660,292 2,182,400 2,251,329 1,623,700 Non-Operating Revenues 2,297,826 1,633,100 4,881,548 1,585,600 Capacity Fees for Maintenance 1,480,165 1,301,900 1,521,707 1,397,000 Transfer from OPEB (1)- 810,000 - 1,030,000 Betterment Fee Revenues 909,191 1,078,000 875,582 948,000 Reimbursement from PERS Trust - - - 715,900 GO Bond Debt Tax Revenues 917,168 628,200 747,175 665,900 Betterment Fees for Maintenance 802,021 895,900 661,998 571,400 Availability Fees 520,709 515,700 527,018 518,600 General Fund Draw Down - 120,100 - 469,100 Sewer Debt Tax Revenues 393,931 356,100 406,968 362,600 Annexation Fees 526,435 483,600 392,349 120,500 Meter Fees 79,790 103,800 71,448 45,600 Total Revenues and Fund Sources 92,816,364$ 78,266,200$ 76,621,932 129,239,300$ Revenues and Expenditures by Type ‐ All Funds FY 2009 EXPENDITURES AND USES OF FUNDS CIP Expenses 24,833,132$ 30,939,000$ 11,658,138$ 37,272,100$ Potable Water Purchases 26,935,880 30,503,500 28,098,358 34,543,500 Labor Expenses 16,462,021 17,185,400 16,440,651 17,212,800 Interfund Transfers 6,283,500 5,294,600 5,294,600 9,080,000 Administrative Expenses 6,153,593 5,935,100 5,941,924 5,329,200 Debt Service 3,668,751 5,496,900 5,232,079 5,221,200 Materials and Maintenance 4,112,180 3,872,800 3,482,653 3,801,600 Power 2,647,885 2,780,500 2,905,101 2,637,100 General Fund Transfers - - - 1,800,300 Capacity Fees for Maintenance 1,480,165 1,301,900 1,521,707 1,397,000 Recycled Water Purchases 1,278,084 1,490,800 1,299,976 1,312,000 Bond/Loan Issuance Expense - - - 1,230,000 OPEB Health Expenses 7,153,008 655,000 608,070 715,900 Betterment Fees for Maintenance 802,021 895,900 7,724,112 571,400 Payment to PERS - 365,000 873,000 434,700 COPs Proceeds Distribution 20,471,183 - 6,396,203 - Total Expenditures and Uses of Funds 122,281,402 106,716,400 97,476,571 122,558,800 EXCESS (DEFICIT) (2)(29,465,038)$ (28,450,200)$ (20,854,639) 6,680,500$ (1)FY 2009 Budget has been restated to present Board-authorized use of designated OPEB Reserve. (2)See note (1) on page 43 describing the Excess (Deficit). 44 Five‐Year Forecast  Financial Forecast for Fiscal Years 2011-2015 This financial forecast is designed to provide a general understanding of how revenues and expenditures are expected to influence the District over the next five years. Revenue and expenditure projections are reviewed in relation to their effect on funding capital projects, reserve levels, and operating fund balances. The District updates its Rate Model on an annual basis in order to make these projections and determine recommended rates. The model looks at debt ratios, projected rate increases, cost increases, and growth projections. The District must look at building new infrastructure to service the needs of its customers. The CIP Master Plan looks at the service needs of all customers over the next six years and at the betterment and expansion needs from now until ultimate build-out. These capital projects and the funding for them are reviewed annually by the Engineering Department. As new capital assets are brought into service, they are managed by an Infrastructure Management System (IMS) which is crucial to tracking and maintaining the history of 736 miles of potable pipelines, 97 miles of recycled pipelines, 90 miles of sewer lines, 38 potable and 4 recycled reservoirs, 24 potable and 3 recycled pump stations, and a 1.3 million gallons per day reclamation plant. Utilizing an integrated database from the Geographic Information System (GIS) provides real- time work order planning, execution, and consolidation of all maintenance history. These systems are also integrated with financial software to allow asset tracking and management information. As these systems are further developed, the District will be able to better anticipate operating costs associated with these capital projects. The impact of the CIPs on the Operating Budget is addressed in the CIP section of this budget. Projected Cost of Water The projected water cost is based on CWA’s Rate Modeling Program. This process evaluates many options of the Regional Water Facilities Master Plan, which determines the most feasible projects for water resources and incorporates these decisions into CWA’s Capital Improvement Program. This cost is also based on CWA’s estimated water cost for purchases from MWD and the Imperial Irrigation District (IID). $907 $1,031 $1,153 $1,264 $1,350 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 Pe r A c r e F o o t . 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Fiscal Year PROJECTED COST OF WATER 45 General Fund Forecast ‐ FY 2011 Through FY 2015 This forecast incorporates both cost increases for expenditures and rate increases for revenues, as well as growth projections. $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 $81 $91 $101 $111 $123 $81 $91 $101 $111 $123 Mi l l i o n s Fiscal Year REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FORECAST Revenues Expenditures Revenues FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Water/Sewer Rates 72,460,600$ 81,664,900$ 89,361,500$ 98,477,500$ 108,997,800$ Meter Fees 39,600 75,900 391,500 535,800 620,700 Capacity Fee Revenues 1,404,000 1,418,000 1,432,200 1,446,500 1,461,000 Betterment Fees 582,800 594,500 606,400 618,400 630,800 Annexation Fees 194,500 444,100 2,578,700 3,506,200 4,153,500 Non-operating Revenues 1,613,000 1,641,600 1,677,300 1,715,900 1,756,700 Tax Revenues 3,854,300 3,921,300 4,003,400 4,192,000 4,393,800 Interest Income 428,800 565,000 727,500 917,700 1,120,100 General Fund Draw Down 346,000 261,000 178,700 81,200 - TOTAL 80,923,600$ 90,586,300$ 100,957,200$ 111,491,200$ 123,134,400$ 16,873,800$ 21,571,500$ 27,060,700$ 32,884,900$ Expenditures and Transfers Water Cost 42,796,300$ 46,434,700$ 52,579,900$ 59,466,800$ 65,941,100$ Power 2,707,600 2,628,500 2,786,900 2,982,800 3,211,100 Labor and Benefits 18,231,600 19,330,400 20,087,000 20,731,300 21,620,900 Administrative Expenses 5,342,900 5,471,200 5,611,800 5,761,000 5,907,800 Materials & Maintenance 3,997,000 4,137,000 4,337,700 4,548,900 4,771,100 Fund Transfers, Net 7,848,200 12,584,500 15,553,900 18,000,400 21,682,400 TOTAL 80,923,600$ 90,586,300$ 100,957,200$ 111,491,200$ 123,134,400$ Excess Revenues -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 $81 $91 $101 $111 $123 $81 $91 $101 $111 $123 Mi l l i o n s Fiscal Year REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FORECAST Revenues Expenditures 46 Fund FY 2011 FY 2012 *FY 2013 FY 2014 *FY 2015 General Fund 18,288,100$ 19,944,300$ 22,352,000$ 24,454,700$ 26,447,800$ Betterment Fund 9,433,700 20,965,700 5,598,100 3,001,700 3,039,900 Replacement Fund 26,028,900 29,666,600 33,832,100 37,894,300 39,400,500 Expansion Fund 10,021,900 22,651,700 11,322,900 16,046,600 14,334,400 Medical Fund (1)6,305,000 4,614,000 3,197,900 2,799,100 2,397,000 Debt Reserve 1,317,200 1,239,100 979,300 789,000 613,000 TOTAL 71,394,800$ 99,081,400$ 77,282,300$ 84,985,400$ 86,232,600$ Fund Balances ‐ FY 2011 Through FY 2015 $40 $60 $80 $100 Mi l l i o n s FUND BALANCES FORECAST (1) Medical Fund decreases as the OPEB Trust is funded. $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Mi l l i o n s Fiscal Year FUND BALANCES FORECAST General Fund Betterment Fund Replacement Fund Expansion Fund Medical Fund (1)Debt Reserve * Increase in Fund Total due to bond issuances in FY 2012 and FY 2014 47 Financing the capital improvements needed to keep up with the growing demand for water in the District’s service area has been accomplished through a combination of long-term and short-term financing sources. These include General Obligation Bonds, Certificates of Participation (COPs), developer fees, and pay-as-you-go funding. Debt Management The District’s primary debt management objective is to keep the level of indebtedness within available resources and within limits that will allow the District to meet the debt service coverage ratios required by the bond covenant. Currently, there are four outstanding bond issues and a State Sewer Loan, which the District will gradually retire per scheduled principal and interest payments. Bonds have been and will be used to improve existing facilities and to build the projects in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The District’s debt service obligations have a significant effect upon the District’s current and future water rates. All efforts that minimize the cost of debt have a corresponding affect that reduces water rates. In a continuing effort to reduce debt expenses, the District was successful in raising its overall credit rating from A+ to AA- in early 2007. This was projected to save in excess of $1.5 million in interest expense over the life of the 2007 bond issuance. In late 2008 the District received a second upgrade from AA- to AA, leaving the District with a split rating of AA-/AA. These combined ratings upgrades are expected to save the District over $5.4 million in interest expenses over the life of the pending 2010 bond issuance. To meet the bond indebtedness obligation and maintain stable rates, a Long-Term Financing Plan has been developed to forecast revenues and operating requirements. The District has projected a schedule of rate increases designed to generate sufficient revenue to pay off existing and planned future debt issues. See the Policies Section of the budget for the District’s complete Debt Policy. The legal minimum debt coverage ratio is 1.25 in accordance with District bond covenants. Debt Management  DEBT COVERAGE RATIO FORECAST FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 2.34 2.72 3.06 3.43 1.63 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Fiscal Year Co v e r a g e R a t i o . . Actual Ratio Legal Minimum Ratio = 1.25 48 Outstanding Year Original Balance # Incurred Maturity Date Amount 06/30/09 1 1996 Certificates of Participation (COPs) 15,400,000$ 12,100,000$ 2 1998 General Obligation (GO) Bonds 11,835,000 8,395,000 3 2004 Certificates of Participation (COPs)12,270,000 10,320,000 4 1994 State Loan 5,000,000 701,516 5 2007 Certificates of Participation (COPs)42,000,000 41,215,000 Total Outstanding Debt 86,505,000$ 72,731,516$ Total Assessed Valuation - FY 2009 Percentage of Original Debt to Assessed Valuation 0.32%0.10% Debt Limit per District Debt Policy (% of Assessed Valuation)15.00%15.00% November 30, 2010 26,752,095,692$ All Debts Schedule of Outstanding Debt Description September 1, 2026 August 31, 2022 September 1, 2036 September 1, 2023 12,308,043,285$ GO Bonds 49 1996 COPs GOBs 2004 COPs State Loan 2007 COPs Total 400,000 435,000 530,000 341,800 815,000 2,521,800 400,000 455,000 545,000 353,700 850,000 2,603,700 400,000 475,000 565,000 6,000 885,000 2,331,000 500,000 495,000 580,000 - 920,000 2,495,000 500,000 520,000 600,000 - 955,000 2,575,000 500,000 545,000 625,000 - 995,000 2,665,000 600,000 575,000 650,000 - 1,035,000 2,860,000 600,000 600,000 675,000 - 1,075,000 2,950,000 600,000 630,000 700,000 - 1,115,000 3,045,000 700,000 665,000 725,000 - 1,155,000 3,245,000 700,000 695,000 755,000 - 1,200,000 3,350,000 700,000 730,000 790,000 - 1,250,000 3,470,000 800,000 770,000 825,000 - 1,300,000 3,695,000 800,000 805,000 860,000 - 1,355,000 3,820,000 900,000 - 895,000 - 1,410,000 3,205,000 900,000 - - - 1,470,000 2,370,000 1,000,000 - - - 1,530,000 2,530,000 1,100,000 - - - 1,595,000 2,695,000 - - - - 1,665,000 1,665,000 - - - - 1,735,000 1,735,000 - - - - 1,810,000 1,810,000 - - - - 1,890,000 1,890,000 - - - - 1,970,000 1,970,000 - - - - 2,055,000 2,055,000 2018 2019 2010 2011 2012 2013 2022 2023 2024 2025 2028 2029 2030 2027 2031 2032 2033 2014 2015 2026 2021 Projected Principal Payments by Debt Issuance FY 2017 2020 2016 - - - - 2,150,000 2,150,000 - - - - 2,245,000 2,245,000 - - - - 2,340,000 2,340,000 - - - - 2,445,000 2,445,000 12,100,000$ 8,395,000$ 10,320,000$ 701,500$ 41,215,000$ 72,731,500$ TOTAL 2035 2036 2037 2034 50 1996 COPs (1)GOBs 2004 COPs State Loan 2007 COPs Total 646,000 396,000 397,300 17,600 1,676,400 3,133,300 655,200 375,300 380,600 5,200 1,644,800 3,061,100 638,200 353,200 362,500 - 1,611,800 2,965,700 621,600 329,600 343,000 - 1,577,500 2,871,700 602,900 304,500 321,700 - 1,541,900 2,771,000 572,700 278,000 298,600 - 1,504,900 2,654,200 537,500 249,500 273,500 - 1,466,300 2,526,800 501,200 219,800 246,800 - 1,425,800 2,393,600 465,000 188,500 219,000 - 1,383,700 2,256,200 465,000 155,500 188,900 - 1,339,300 2,148,700 423,700 121,000 157,100 - 1,292,900 1,994,700 339,200 84,800 123,000 - 1,243,400 1,790,400 291,900 46,700 86,300 - 1,191,700 1,616,600 243,600 6,700 47,800 - 1,136,800 1,434,900 190,200 - 6,900 - 1,079,300 1,276,400 135,900 - - - 1,019,200 1,155,100 76,500 - - - 955,500 1,032,000 11,100 - - - 955,500 966,600 - - - - 818,000 818,000 - - - - 744,800 744,800 - - - - 668,400 668,400 - - - - 588,600 588,600 - - - - 505,500 505,500 - - - - 416,600 416,600 2014 2015 Projected Interest Payments by Debt Issuance FY 2010 2011 2012 2013 2026 2027 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2028 2029 2030 2031 2022 2023 2024 2025 2032 2033 ,, - - - - 323,200 323,200 - - - - 225,700 225,700 - - - - 124,000 124,000 - - - - 17,800 17,800 7,417,400$ 3,109,100$ 3,453,000$ 22,800$ 28,479,300$ 42,481,600$ (1)Interest on the 1996 Certificates of Participation is variable and is projected using an interest rate of 5.49% Note: The total projected debt payment of $5,221,200 for FY 2010 as shown on the Debt Service Expenditure on the Revenues and Expenditures by Type - All Funds Schedule on page 44 is less than the projected principal payment of $2,521,800 shown on page 50, plus the interest payment of $3,133,300 shown above, by $433,900 due to the difference of the stated rate of 5.49% and the actual rate the district is currently paying, causing a variance of $528,300 on the 1996 COPs, and the miscellaneous administrative fees of ($94,400) is not shown on the principal and interest schedules. TOTAL 2034 2035 2036 2037 51     Potable Revenues and Expenses  The District will provide water service to approximately 47,125 potable customers by the end of Fiscal Year 2010. Ninety-two percent of the potable customers are residential and the remaining eight percent are comprised of: master-metered, publicly owned, commercial, agricultural, landscaping, and construction. Although the extensive residential developments have slowed down in recent years, the District still expects nominal growth of 0.2% for Fiscal Year 2010. Unit sales are anticipated to decrease 8.4% from the previous year's budget due to the water shortage message being received by our customers and the overall economic slowdown. Water rates vary among the customer classifications. The water rates for residential customers are based on an accelerated block structure; as more units are consumed, a higher unit rate is charged on the higher units. Last fiscal year the District implemented a similar tiered rate structure for all customer types to encourage conservation and bring equity among the classes. This new rate structure began January 1, 2009. Unit sales represent approximately 67% of the water sales budget. Other revenue sources include: system charges, energy charges, penalties, and other pass-through charges from the County Water Authority (CWA) and the Metropolitan Water District (MWD). All customers are required to pay fixed monthly fees of the MWD and CWA fixed charge and the District system fee, based on meter size. These fees recover 28.2% of the potable water sales revenue. Water rates, energy fees, and penalties recover the remaining 71.8% of remaining revenues necessary to fund operations. The District adjusts the system fee, as needed, to balance fixed costs with fixed revenues following industry best practice. Energy charges are based on the quantity of water used and the elevation to which the water has been lifted to provide service. Revenue from energy charges is used to recover the power costs associated with pumping. This charge increases based on a review of these costs to ensure that sufficient revenue is collected to offset pumping costs. Penalties are charged to District customers when late payments are made on accounts. These penalty revenues are budgeted based on historical trends. The District receives 100% of its potable water from CWA, which purchases water from MWD and IID. Any increase in costs by CWA or MWD impacts the District's water purchases and directly affects the District's fees, rates, and service charges. The District entered into an agreement with CWA to have the Helix Water District, at their Levy Water Treatment Plant, treat imported untreated water on behalf of the Otay Water District. This action brought regional water treatment closer to customers and reduced dependence on water treatment facilities located outside of San Diego County. 52 The District was assigned a water allocation budget from CWA to ensure the region as a whole remains within its allocation from MWD. This allocation is 40,247 acre feet. In Fiscal Year 2010, the District is estimating the purchase of 35,554 acre-feet of potable water, well below the allocation set by CWA and sufficient to meet the demands of its customers. Provisions have been made for District usage, leakage, and evaporation in the amount of 2,255 acre-feet. 53 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Variance 11-Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % REVENUES ##Water Sales 44,804,854$ 49,229,400$ 46,160,394$ 56,474,500$ 7,245,100$ 14.7% ##Meter Fees 70,614 92,400 53,112 25,600 (66,800) (72.3%) ##Capacity Fee Revenues 1,468,123 1,301,900 1,516,260 1,397,000 95,100 7.3% ##Betterment Fees for Maintenance 802,021 895,900 661,998 571,400 (324,500) (36.2%) ##Annexation Fees 526,435 483,600 392,349 120,500 (363,100) (75.1%) Tax Revenues 3,968,046 4,080,900 4,004,135 3,802,300 (278,600) (6.8%) ##Property Tax 3,279,923 3,430,000 3,429,830 3,175,600 (254,400) (7.4%) ##Sewer Debt - - - - - 0.0% ##GO Bond Debt - - - - - 0.0% ##Availability Fees 688,123 650,900 574,305 626,700 (24,200) (3.7%) Others - - - - - 0.0% ##Non-operating Revenues 2,270,714 1,606,700 4,847,207 1,556,500 (50,200) (3.1%) ##Interest 805,385 582,500 332,633 286,400 (296,100) (50.8%) OPETransfer from OPEB - 810,000 - 1,030,000 220,000 27.2% TOTAL REVENUES 54,716,191 59,083,300 57,968,090 65,264,200 6,180,900 10.5%65,264,200 EXPENDITURES ##Water Purchases (CWA)20,184,919 25,183,600 22,872,115 28,033,700 2,850,100 11.3% ##Water Purchases (CSD)2,009,193 - (95,671) - - 0.0% ##Tier II Purchases 59,249 - 2,101 - - 0.0% ##CWA - Infrastructure Access Charge 1,090,228 1,227,500 1,227,408 1,344,900 117,400 9.6% ##CWA - Customer Service Charge 949,222 1,049,800 1,049,470 1,148,800 99,000 9.4% ##CWA - Emergency Storage Charge 1,507,895 1,774,700 1,774,776 2,246,600 471,900 26.6% ##MWD - Capacity Reservation Charge 570,980 602,800 603,072 628,800 26,000 4.3% ##MWD - Net RTS and Standby Charges 564,193 665,100 665,087 1,140,700 475,600 71.5% Subtotal - Water Costs 26,935,880 30,503,500 28,098,358 34,543,500 4,040,000 13.2% ##Power 2,261,265 2,216,100 2,343,830 2,033,400 (182,700) (8.2%) ##Labor and Benefits 14,774,392 15,400,300 14,701,967 15,111,000 (289,300) (1.9%) ##Administrative Expenses 5,663,175 5,433,300 5,465,351 4,555,000 (878,300) (16.2%) ##Material & Maintenance 2,511,316 2,133,400 1,923,210 2,127,500 (5,900) (0.3%) ##Expansion Reserve - 2,586,700 2,586,700 - (2,586,700) (100.0%) BettBetterment Reserve 3,207,900 - - 3,700,000 3,700,000 100.0% RepReplacement Reserve - - - 2,710,000 2,710,000 100.0% GF Transfer to Potable General Fund - - - 13,500 13,500 100.0% swr Transfer to Sewer General Fund - - - 200,000 200,000 100.0% propTransfer Out/In Prop 1A - - - 270,300 270,300 100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 55,353,927 58,273,300 55,119,417 65,264,200 6,990,900 12.0% EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENSES) (637,735)$ 810,000$ 2,848,673$ -$ (810,000)$ (100.0%) EXCESS REVENUES, w/o restatement and transfers -$ FY 2009 Operating Budget Summary ‐ Potable POTABLE OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2010 Water Costs 59.2% Material & Maintenance 3.6% Administrative Expenses 7.8% Labor and Benefits 25.9% Power 3.5% 54 FY 2009 Estimated FY 2010 Budget Variance Water Sales: Water Sales 30,375,618$ 37,870,000$ 7,494,382$ System Fees 9,510,996 9,408,000 (102,996) Energy Fees 1,866,237 1,981,200 114,963 MWD and CWA Fixed Fees 3,758,403 6,511,200 2,752,797 Penalties 649,683 704,100 54,417 Total 46,160,938$ 56,474,500$ 10,313,562$ Water Sales: Unit Sales x Rate System Charges : Fixed monthly fee based on meter size Energy Charges : Energy pumping fee of $0.038 per unit of water for each 100 feet of lift or fraction thereof above the base elevation of 450 feet. MWD and CWA Fixed Fees: Fixed monthly fee based on meter size a passed-through costs directly from water providers MWD & CWA. Penalties : Late charges, locks , etc. Classification of Water Sales ‐ Potable Water Sales 67% System Charges 17% Energy Charges 3% Penalties 1% MWD & CWA Fixed Charges 12% WATER SALES SUMMARY FY 2010 55 Current Approved* Accounts Units Amount Rates Rates Residential 43,441 8,713,200 22,318,200$ 2.20$ 2.56$ ** Master Meter 808 1,364,500 3,564,900 2.23 2.61 ** Public & Commercial 1,494 1,893,200 4,135,800 1.87 2.18 ** Irrigation 1,235 2,072,600 6,083,500 2.54 2.94 ** Temporary and Others 147 461,400 1,377,100 2.54 2.98 ** Total Potable Water Sales 47,125 14,504,900 37,479,500$ 2.22$ 2.58$ Government Fee - - 390,500 0.28 0.29 47,125 14,504,900 37,870,000$ 2.50$ 2.61$ ** - *Approved rates effective September 1, 2009. **Based on average rate. Fiscal Year 2010 Sales Budget Water Sales Summary by Service Class ‐ Potable UNIT SALES BY SERVICE CLASS FY 2010 Residential 60% Master Meter 9% Public & Commercial 13% Irrigation 14% Temporary and Others 3% UNIT SALES BY SERVICE CLASS FY 2010 56 Estimated Budget FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Residential 8,083,816 9,668,100 9,713,112 9,402,189 8,881,191 8,713,200 Master Meters 1,181,402 1,198,200 1,434,040 1,445,634 1,430,235 1,364,500 Public & Commercial 1,796,737 1,902,500 1,886,006 1,859,226 1,938,215 1,893,200 Irrigation 1,979,732 2,174,336 2,329,790 2,301,699 2,183,823 2,072,600 Temporary and Others 723,712 689,000 696,516 566,920 490,297 461,400 Total 13,765,399 15,632,136 16,059,464 15,575,668 14,923,761 14,504,900 Actual Unit Sales History by Customer Class ‐ Potable 45,000 50,000 16,000 18,000 ) UNIT SALES AND METER TRENDS 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget Me t e r s Un i t s ( t h o u s a n d s ) UNIT SALES AND METER TRENDS Unit Sales Meters 57 Meter Current Approved* Existing Additional Total Service Class Size 6/30/2009 FY10 Growth Rates Rates Meters Meters Meters All Service Types 0.75 43,039 52 13.83$ 14.58$ 7,465,500$ 4,900$ 7,470,400$ 1.00 1,658 15 17.56 18.52 365,300 1,800 367,100 1.50 930 - 26.90 28.37 313,900 - 313,900 2.00 1,113 8 38.10 40.18 532,000 2,100 534,100 3.00 72 - 67.98 71.68 61,400 - 61,400 4.00 213 - 101.59 107.13 271,500 - 271,500 6.00 18 - 194.96 205.59 44,000 - 44,000 10.00 7 - 437.71 461.57 38,400 - 38,400 Fire Services Various 573 - 28.55 30.11 205,200 - 205,200 Turn Over Fees 850 10.00 10.00 102,000 - 102,000 Budgeted Potable System Fees 47,623 75 9,399,200$ 8,800$ 9,408,000$ *Approved rates effective September 1, 2009. Meter Count Budgeted System Fees System Fees ‐ Potable METER COUNT HISTORY - 15,000 30,000 45,000 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget METER COUNT HISTORY 58 Meter Current Approved* Classification Size 6/30/2009 FY10 Growth Rates Rates Existing Growth Total All Service Types 0.75 43,032 52 7.02$ 9.77$ 4,808,900$ 3,100$ 4,812,000$ 1.00 1,652 15 11.71 16.28 307,600 1,500 309,100 1.50 923 - 23.41 32.61 344,200 - 344,200 2.00 1,108 8 37.46 52.15 660,800 2,500 663,300 3.00 72 74.92 104.30 85,900 - 85,900 4.00 91 - 117.07 162.98 169,600 - 169,600 6.00 18 - 234.14 325.92 67,100 - 67,100 10.00 7 - 538.52 749.61 60,000 - 60,000 Total 46,903 75 6,504,100$ 7,100$ 6,511,200$ *Approved rates effective September 1, 2009. Budgeted MWD & CWA - Fixed ChargesMeter Count MWD and CWA Fixed Fees (Pass-Through) - Potable $- $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 Th o u s a n d s FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget MWD AND CWA FIXED CHARGES (PASS-THROUGH) 59 Meter Installation Meter AMR Size Fee Fee Fee Meter Fees:0.75 60.00$ 59.00$ 147.00$ Meter Fees are charges collected for new water 1.00 60.00 117.00 147.00 service connections. Fees vary depending upon 1.50 103.00 250.00 147.00 meter size and type of service. The costs associated 2.00 240.00 475.00 147.00 with meter installations are included in the Operating 3.00 300.00 653.00 147.00 Expenses section of the budget. These charges are 4.00 300.00 1,370.00 147.00 funded by developers.6.00 300.00 2,500.00 147.00 10.00 300.00 3,737.00 147.00 Fiscal Year 2010 Growth by Meter Size Service Class 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 Total Residential 52 15 - 8 - 75 Total Meter Fees 13,800$ 4,900$ -$ 6,900$ 25,600$ Meter Fees - Potable - 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget METER COUNT 60 Estimated Budget FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Water Sales 24,760,101$ 27,975,777$ 30,696,070$ 30,049,415$ 30,375,618$ 37,870,000$ System Fees 7,933,913 8,056,340 8,658,339 9,611,046 9,510,996 9,408,000 Energy Fees 1,573,999 1,696,492 1,801,455 1,834,102 1,866,237 1,981,200 MWD and CWA Fixed Fees 1,620,548 1,775,186 2,159,269 2,530,306 3,758,403 6,511,200 Penalties 494,915 688,374 797,615 779,985 649,683 704,100 Total 36,383,476$ 40,192,169$ 44,112,748$ 44,804,854$ 46,160,938$ 56,474,500$ Actual Revenue History ‐ Potable $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 Thousands REVENUE HISTORY Note: Fiscal Year 2005 Water Sales and Energy Fees drop due to 22.51 inches of rainfall. $- $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget Water Sales System FeesEnergy FeesMWD & CWA Fixed Fees Penalties Thousands REVENUE HISTORY 61 FY10 Budget FY10 Budget Acre Feet Rate (1)Purchase Costs % to Total Potable Water Purchases Budgeted Sales (CWA)33,298.7 $695/$814 26,257,800$ 93.7% District & Unbilled Usage 477.3 $695/$814 374,300 1.3% Water Loss 1,777.6 $695/$814 1,401,600 5.0% OA A A CAGS 336 28 033 00$100 0% Water Purchases and Related Costs ‐ Potable - 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 FY05 ActualFY06 ActualFY07 ActualFY08 ActualFY09 EstimatedFY10 Budget Ac r e F e e t POTABLE WATER PURCHASES TOTAL VARIABLE CHARGES 35,553.6 28,033,700$ 100.0% MWD & CWA FIXED CHARGES:FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget Infrastructure Access Charge (IAC) 1,227,408$ 1,344,900$ Customer Service Charge (CSC)1,049,470 1,148,800 Emergency Storage Charge (ESC)1,774,776 2,246,600 Capacity Reservation Charge (CRC)603,072 628,800 Readiness-to-Serve Charge (RTS)665,087 1,140,700 TOTAL FIXED CHARGES 5,319,813$ 6,509,800$ (1)The first rate applies to purchases from July to August of the budget fiscal year; the second from September to June. - 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 FY05 ActualFY06 ActualFY07 ActualFY08 ActualFY09 EstimatedFY10 Budget Ac r e F e e t POTABLE WATER PURCHASES 62 Admin and Operations Buildings Potable Transmission Total Potable Power Costs FY05 Actual 142,630 1,551,029 1,693,659 FY06 Actual 154,567 1,628,153 1,782,721 FY07 Actual 172,646 1,838,636 2,011,282 FY08 Actual 160,945 2,100,320 2,261,265 FY09 Estimated 185,059 2,158,771 2,343,830 FY10 Budget 181,900 1,851,500 2,033,400 Power Costs ‐ Potable $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 Thousands HISTORICAL POWER COSTS AND PROJECTIONS Admin and Operations Buildings Potable Transmission Note: The reduction in budgeted power cost is related to projected decreases in water sales. $0 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget Thousands HISTORICAL POWER COSTS AND PROJECTIONS Admin and Operations Buildings Potable Transmission 63 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % Director's Fees 24,002$ 40,000$ 20,200$ 40,000$ - 0.0% Travel and Meetings 184,690 239,400 213,488 222,200 (17,200) (7.2%) Conservation and Outreach 286,240 348,000 254,209 352,800 4,800 1.4% General Office Expense 380,573 364,900 397,104 434,500 69,600 19.1% Equipment 1,012,075 1,045,300 1,098,693 1,020,900 (24,400) (2.3%) Fees 400,310 419,000 402,572 442,100 23,100 5.5% Services 2,112,143 2,454,700 1,907,949 1,709,100 (745,600) (30.4%) Training 92,693 167,600 146,746 156,500 (11,100) (6.6%) Utilities 14,495 15,600 15,874 17,500 1,900 12.2% Miscellaneous 239 133,900 258,933 212,400 78,500 58.6% Total 4,507,459 5,228,400 4,715,768 4,608,000 (620,400) (11.9%) Less: Overhead Allocation (697,212) (767,400) (789,788) (918,800) (151,400) 19.7% Subtotal 3,810,247 4,461,000 3,925,980 3,689,200 (771,800) (17.3%) General Expenses 1,852,927 972,300 1,539,372 865,800 (106,500) (11.0%) Total Administrative Expenses 5,663,174$ 5,433,300$ 5,465,351$ 4,555,000$ (878,300)$ (16.2%) 6,360,386$ 6,200,700$ 6,255,139$ 5,473,800$ FY 2009 Administrative Expenses ‐ Potable ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - POTABLE FY 2010 Director's Fees 0.9%Travel and Meetings 4.8% Conservation and Outreach 7.7% General Office Expense 9.4% Equipment 22.1% Fees 9.6% Services 37.1% Training 3.4% Utilities 0.4% Miscellaneous 4.6% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - POTABLE FY 2010 64 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % Materials and Maintenance Fuel and Oil 494,190$ 369,000$ 193,792$ 231,400$ (137,600) (37.3%) Meters and Materials 327,882 138,000 133,581 157,600 19,600 14.2% Fleet Parts and Equipment 152,794 161,000 170,271 161,000 - 0.0% Infrastructure Equipment and Supplies 625,944 470,000 493,478 469,600 (400) (0.1%) Chemicals 161,961 200,000 247,071 225,000 25,000 12.5% Safety Equipment 18,970 27,500 34,666 158,500 131,000 476.4% Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 31,178 30,000 32,453 35,000 5,000 16.7% Other Materials and Supplies 129,433 163,600 107,846 148,800 (14,800) (9.0%) Building and Grounds Materials 93,735 93,000 90,679 86,600 (6,400) (6.9%) Contracted Services 475,228 481,300 419,374 454,000 (27,300) (5.7%) Total Materials and Maintenance 2,511,316$ 2,133,400$ 1,923,210$ 2,127,500$ (5,900)$ (0.3%) Materials and Maintenance Expenses ‐ Potable FY 2009 Fuel and Oil 10.9% Meters and Materials 7.4% Building and Grounds Materials 4.1% Contracted Services 22.5% MATERIALS AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - POTABLE FY 2010 Fuel and Oil 10.9% Meters and Materials 7.4% Fleet Parts and Equipment 7.6% Infrastructure Equipment and Supplies 22.1% Chemicals 10.6% Safety Equipment 7.5% Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 1.6% Other Materials and Supplies 7.0% Building and Grounds Materials 4.1% Contracted Services 22.5% MATERIALS AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - POTABLE FY 2010 65 PADRE DAM MUNICIPALWATER DISTRICT LOWER OTAYRESERVOIR UPPER OTAYRESERVOIR SWEETWATERRESERVOIR LAKE MURRAY LOVELAND RESERVOIR LAKEJENNINGS EL CAPITANRESERVOIR MEXICO Reservoir Pump Station San Diego County Water Authority Pipes Otay Water District Pipes Otay Headquarters EXISTING FACILITIES San Diego County Water Authority Connections EXISTING Potable Water Service Area 66 Recycled Revenues and Expenses  In 1980, the District started operation of the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF). The RWCWRF project is capable of recycling wastewater at the rate of 1.3 million gallons per day (MGD) to augment potable water supplies for irrigation purposes. The RWCWRF treatment process consists of primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment. The RWCWRF’s conversion time from raw sewage to full Title 22 recycled water is approximately 20 hours. The steps of the water recycling process are as follows: Primary Treatment: The raw sewage flows in at the drum screen, also known as the “headworks” which removes a large amount of coarse organic and inorganic material that is either floating or in suspension. This is followed by a grit chamber, which removes the heavy settled material. Secondary Treatment: This is where the biological treatment begins. The first step takes place in the aeration tanks, also known as reactors or sedimentation basins, which contain a huge mass of bacteria that feed on the organic material in sewage. These bacteria are aerobic, and therefore require a great quantity of pumped-in air to help them thrive. The second step in the process is clarification where the sludge from the aeration tanks is allowed to settle to the bottom and the 67 clear liquid, or secondary effluent, flows out over weirs at the surface. Some of the settled sludge is disposed of and some is returned to the aeration tanks to keep the process in balance. The secondary effluent flowing over the weirs is now ready for the next step. Solids, screenings, and sludge are discharged to the City of San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater (Metro) system. Tertiary Treatment: Just before filtration, a small amount of coagulant is added as a filter aid which helps suspended material in the secondary effluent “clump” on the surface of the filters. The filters consist of a layer of sand with a layer of anthracite coal on top. As the fluid moves through the filters, the flow goes through a chlorine contact chamber where disinfection takes place. The District operates the largest recycled water distribution system in San Diego County and will supply approximately 4,558 acre-feet of recycled water to 683 landscaping and construction customers by the end of Fiscal Year 2010. The recycled water customer base consists primarily of irrigation at golf courses, schools, parks and open space in the Eastlake, Otay Ranch, and Rancho Del Rey and other areas of eastern Chula Vista. The District entered an agreement with the City of San Diego in October 2003, to purchase up to six million gallons a day of recycled water from their South Bay Water Reclamation Plant. To bring this plan to fruition, the District constructed a 30-inch, six mile pipeline, a 12 million gallon reservoir and a pump station to bring this new source of recycled water into the District’s system. These projects were completed in Spring 2007, which eliminates the immediate need for a potable supplement of the recycled system. The benefits of this to the region as a whole are great as less demand on the potable system will be made, which reduces future capacity and storage requirements. The $42 million investment in capital outlay results in a significant reduction of water purchase costs and an increase in system reliability. The District expects that 15 to 20 percent of its total water demand will be met using recycled water. To increase demand of recycled water and reduce the demands of potable water, the District has begun a capital project to offer incentives to suitable customers to convert potable to recycled water. See page 181 of the Capital Budget to view project R2094. With this program the District hopes to convert 300 acre feet of potable water to recycled, helping the region reduce demands on the potable water system. Producing and distributing recycled water is costly. To help offset the costs of supplying alternative water sources, both CWA and MWD offer incentive programs. In Fiscal Year 1991, the District signed agreements with CWA and MWD to take advantage of the programs they offered. A second agreement was signed in 2000. In 2005, the District agreed to terminate both agreements and to enter into a new agreement which will allow the District to maximize its ability to earn incentives and to simplify the grant requirements. Currently, the District receives $200 from CWA and $185 from MWD for every acre-foot (AF) of recycled water sold. 68 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Variance 31-Actual Budget Estimated (d Budget Variance % REVENUES ###Recycled Water Sales 3,347,964$ 3,648,700$ 4,015,184$ 5,154,100$ 1,505,400 41.3% ###System Fees 425,061 524,900 246,218 253,600 (271,300) (51.7%) ###Energy Fees 248,429 304,000 181,219 374,800 70,800 23.3% ###MWD/CWA Rebates 1,833,949 1,798,400 1,711,787 1,754,900 (43,500) (2.4%) ###Penalties 92,855 68,500 83,950 65,100 (3,400) (5.0%) ###Total Reclaimed Water Sales 5,948,258 6,344,500 6,238,358 7,602,500 1,258,000 19.8% ###Meter Fees 9,176 11,400 18,336 20,000 8,600 75.4% ###Capacity Fee Revenues 12,042 - 5,447 - - 0.0% ###Interest 80,704 24,600 (9,102) 8,000 (16,600) (67.5%) TOTAL REVENUES 6,050,180 6,380,500 6,259,578 7,630,500 1,250,000 19.6% EXPENDITURES ###Water Purchases (CSD) / Meter Fees 1,278,084 1,490,800 1,299,976 1,312,000 (178,800) (12.0%) Total Water Purchases 1,278,084 1,490,800 1,299,976 1,312,000 (178,800) (12.0%) ###Power 288,261 466,800 498,074 504,500 37,700 8.1% ###Labor and Benefits 955,086 1,143,100 1,071,137 1,177,200 34,100 3.0% ###Administrative Expenses 290,718 346,500 301,933 318,100 (28,400) (8.2%) ###Materials & Maintenance 242,779 225,400 224,410 332,200 106,800 47.4% GF Transfer to General Fund Reserve - - - 1,316,500 1,316,500 100.0% ###Expansion Reserve 2,590,200 2,430,000 2,430,000 1,610,000 (820,000) (33.7%) Bett Betterment Reserve 225,000 - - 110,000 110,000 100.0% ReplReplacement Reserve - 277,900 277,900 950,000 672,100 241.8% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,870,127 6,380,500 6,103,430 7,630,500 1,071,200 16.8% EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENSES)180,054$ -$ 156,148$ -$ 178,800$ 0.0% -$ FY 2009 Operating Budget Summary ‐ Recycled RECYCLED OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2010 Labor and Benefits 32.3%Power 13.9% Total Water Purchases 36.0% Materials & Maintenance 9.1% Administrative Expenses 8.7% 69 FY 2009 Estimated FY 2010 Budget Variance Recycled Water Sales: Water Sales 3,787,845$ 5,154,100$ 1,366,255$ System Fees 366,529 253,600 (112,929) Energy Fees 288,247 374,800 86,553 MWD & CWA Rebates 1,711,787 1,754,900 43,113 Penalties 83,950 65,100 (18,850) Total 6,238,358$ 7,602,500$ 1,364,142$ Water Sales : Unit Sales x Rate System Charges : Fixed monthly fee based on meter size Energy Charges : Energy pumping fee of $0.038 per unit of water for each 100 feet of lift or fraction thereof above the base elevation of 450 feet MWD & CWA Rebates : Incentive from MWD & CWA for providing recycled water. Penalties : Late charges, locks, etc. Classification of Water Sales ‐ Recycled WATER SALES SUMMARY FY 2010 Water Sales 68% System Charges 3% Energy Charges 5% Penalties 1% MWD & CWA Rebates 23% WATER SALES SUMMARY FY 2010 70 Current Approved* Accounts Units Amount Rates Rates Recycled Water Sales: Recycled .75" & 1.0" Meter 104 62,500 157,100$ 2.16$ 2.51$ ** Recycled 1.5" & 2.0" Meter 568 1,452,100 3,633,500 2.16 2.50 ** Recycled 3.0" & 4.0" Meter 8 49,800 123,300 2.16 2.48 ** 3 421,100 1,047,600 2.16 2.49 ** 683 1,985,500 4,961,500$ 2.51$ 2.50$ Government Fee 192,600 0.28 0.29 683 1,985,500 5,154,100$ 2.79$ 2.60$ ** *Approved rates effective September 1, 2009. **Based on average rate. Estimated Budget FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Unit Sales 1,368,462 1,729,000 1,920,084 2,001,137 2,034,500 1,985,500 Water Sales Summary by Service Class ‐ Recycled UNIT SALES HISTORY - RECYCLED ACTUAL Fiscal Year 2010 Sales Budget Recycled > 6.0" Meter - 200 400 600 800 - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget Me t e r s Un i t s ( t h o u s a n d s ) UNIT SALES & METER TRENDS Unit Sales Meters 71 Meter Current Approved* Existing Additional Total Service Class Size 6/30/09 FY10 Growth Rates Rates Meters Meters Meters Recycled 0.75 - - 13.83$ 14.58$ -$ -$ -$ 1.00 89 15 17.56 18.52 19,300 3,200 22,500 1.50 376 9 26.90 28.37 124,700 3,000 127,700 2.00 183 - 38.10 40.18 86,000 - 86,000 3.00 3 - 67.98 71.68 2,500 - 2,500 4.00 5 - 101.59 107.13 6,300 - 6,300 6.00 2 194.96 205.59 4,800 - 4,800 8.00 1 307.00 323.73 3,800 - 3,800 10.00 - - 437.71 461.57 - - - - Total 659 24 247,400$ 6,200$ 253,600$ Budgeted Recycled System Fees 253,600$ *Approved rates effective September 1, 2009. Meter Count Budgeted System Fees System Fees ‐ Recycled - 200 400 600 800 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget METER COUNT 72 Meter Installation Meter AMR Size Fee Fee Fee Meter Fees:0.75 60.00$ 59.00$ 147.00$ Meter Fees are charges collected for new water 1.00 60.00 117.00 147.00 service connections. Fees vary depending upon 1.50 103.00 250.00 147.00 meter size and type of service. The costs associated 2.00 240.00 475.00 147.00 with meter installations are included in the Operating 3.00 300.00 653.00 147.00 Expenses section of the budget. These charges are 4.00 300.00 1,370.00 147.00 funded by developers.6.00 300.00 2,500.00 147.00 10.00 300.00 3,737.00 147.00 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 Total Recycled - 15 9 - - 24 Total Meter Fees -$ 4,900$ 15,100$ -$ -$ 20,000$ Fiscal Year 2010 Growth by Meter Size Meter Fees ‐ Recycled METER COUNT - 200 400 600 800 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget METER COUNT 73 Estimated Budgeted FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Water Sales 2,292,432$ 2,694,517$ 3,294,170$ 3,347,964$ 3,787,845$ 5,154,100$ System Fees 256,659 298,153 335,063 425,061 366,529 253,600 Energy Fees 52,119 198,599 190,570 248,429 288,247 374,800 MWD & CWA Rebates 363,370 372,172 592,056 1,833,949 1,711,787 1,754,900 Penalties - - 80,998 92,855 83,950 65,100 Total 2,964,580$ 3,563,441$ 4,492,857$ 5,948,258$ 6,238,358$ 7,602,500$ Actual Revenue History ‐ Recycled $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 Thousands REVENUE HISTORY Note: Retroactive increase was given by CWA from $147 to $200 acre foot received in FY 08 applicable to FY 07. $- $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget Water Sales System Fees Energy FeesMWD & CWA Rebates Penalties Thousands REVENUE HISTORY 74 FY10 Budget FY10 Budget (1) Water Purchases ‐ Recycled - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget Ac r e F e e t RECYCLED WATER PURCHASES Acre Feet Rate (1)Purchase Costs % to Total SBWRP Recycled Water Purchases (CSD) Recycled Water Purchases 3,356.0 $350/$445 1,292,200$ 98.5% Meter Fee - 1,646.50 19,800 1.5% Total 3,356.0 1,312,000$ 100.0% (1)The first rate applies to purchases from July to December of the budget fiscal year; the second from September to June. - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget Ac r e F e e t RECYCLED WATER PURCHASES 75 Treatment and Recycled Transmission FY05 Actual 241,000 FY06 Actual 224,200 FY07 Actual 358,359 FY08 Actual 530,038 FY09 Estimated 498,074 FY10 Budget 504,500 Power Costs ‐ Recycled $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 Thousands HISTORICAL POWER COSTS AND PROJECTIONS Note: The increase in power cost in FY 2008 relates to the new source of recycled water from the City of San Diego. $- $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 FY05 Actual FY07 Actual FY09 Estimated Thousands HISTORICAL POWER COSTS AND PROJECTIONS 76 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % Equipment 868$ 6,300$ 4,277$ 6,300$ -$ 0.0% Fees 33,738 53,000 25,396 54,400 1,400 2.6% Services 88,873 75,200 85,542 48,500 (26,700) (35.5%) Miscellaneous - 9,900 - - (9,900) (100.0%) Total 123,479 144,400 115,215 109,200 (35,200) (24.4%) Overhead Allocation 167,239 202,100 186,718 208,900 6,800 3.4% Total Administrative Expenses 290,718$ 346,500$ 301,933$ 318,100$ (28,400)$ (8.2%) FY 2009 Administrative Expenses ‐ Recycled Equipment 2.0% Overhead Allocation ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - RECYCLED FY 2010 Equipment 2.0% Fees 15.8% Services 15.2% Miscellaneous 0.0% Overhead Allocation 65.7% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - RECYCLED FY 2010 77 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % Materials and Maintenance Fuel and Oil 13,646$ 13,500$ 6,776$ 13,300$ (200) (1.5%) Meters and Materials 16,321 10,500 22,803 13,000 2,500 23.8% Infrastructure Equipment and Supplies 134,430 114,500 92,185 64,000 (50,500) (44.1%) Chemicals 62,426 46,000 46,326 225,000 179,000 389.1% Safety Equipment 1,353 2,800 2,543 1,600 (1,200) (42.9%) Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 5,200 5,000 5,109 6,000 1,000 20.0% Other Materials and Supplies 7,088 10,600 12,048 8,800 (1,800) (17.0%) Contracted Services 2,315 22,500 36,621 500 (22,000) (97.8%) Total Materials and Maintenance 242,779$ 225,400$ 224,410$ 332,200$ 106,800$ 47.4% Materials and Maintenance Expenses ‐ Recycled FY 2009 Fuel and Oil 4.0% Meters and Materials Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 1.8% Other Materials and Supplies 2.6% Contracted Services 0.2% MATERIALS AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - RECYCLED FY 2010 Fuel and Oil 4.0% Meters and Materials 3.9% Infrastructure Equipment and Supplies 19.3%Chemicals 67.7% Safety Equipment 0.5% Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 1.8% Other Materials and Supplies 2.6% Contracted Services 0.2% MATERIALS AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - RECYCLED FY 2010 78 LOWER OTAYRESERVOIR UPPER OTAYRESERVOIR SWEETWATERRESERVOIR LAKEMURRAY LOVELANDRESERVOIR LAKEJENNINGS RALPH W. CHAPMANWATER RECYCLING FACILITY SOUTH BAY WATER RECLAMATION PLANT MEXICO Reservoir Pump Station Otay Water District Pipes Otay Headquarters EXISTING FACILITIES Treatment Plants Recycled Water Service Area EXISTING 79         Sewer Revenues and Expenses  The District provides sewer service to approximately 15,200 customers through 4,640 accounts (or approximately 6,710 Assigned Service Units) located in the northern section of the District. The District operates and maintains the sewage collection system serving Rancho San Diego, Singing Hills and portions of Mount Helix within the Upper Sweetwater River Basin, also known as the Jamacha Basin. Residential customers comprise 98.5% of the customer base. Modest growth of 0.6% is anticipated in Fiscal Year 2010. Wastewater collection within the Jamacha Basin is provided by two agencies: the Otay Water District and the Spring Valley Sanitation District. Customers in the basin, not served by either agency, dispose of their sewage through septic tanks. After the sewer has been collected, it is sent to the District’s Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF) treatment plant where the District produces recycled water, see page 67 outlining the sewer process. The byproduct of the treatment process is called sludge and it is discharged through the City of San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater (Metro) and the Spring Valley Sanitation District systems. The Otay Water District is a member of Metro Wastewater System and a significant amount of the sewer operation costs is for estimated sewer service charges from Metro totaling $981,100 for Fiscal Year 2010. Additionally, the District will pay $230,100 for its share of the operation and maintenance cost of the Rancho San Diego Outfall and the Spring Valley Outfall to dispose of sewage to Metro for Fiscal Year 2010. The charge for sewer service is mandated by the State Revenue Program Guidelines which requires the use of a "Service Unit Assignment Formula" that converts higher strength uses into a service unit value comparable to the use impact of a single-family residential user or equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). The rate of discharge and strength of sewage for non-residential customers tends to be higher than a single-family residential user. Due to their higher discharge and strength, non-residential customers are assigned more units: 12.5% of the total service units, while only comprising 1.5% of the customer base. The formula for the sewer rates is shown on page 87. In addition to the monthly sewer fee, sewer customers are annually assessed $54 per assigned service unit on their property tax statements. This revenue of $362,600 is necessary for the payment of principal and interest on the $5 million State loan to modify the RWCWRF. The outstanding balance on the loan is $ 701,516 with an interest rate of 3.5%. The debt service payment for Fiscal Year 2010 is $359,400. 80 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Variance 11-Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % REVENUES 4200 Sewer Charges 2,414,886 2,145,300 2,184,523 2,244,800 99,500 4.6% 4400 Non-operating Revenues 27,112 26,400 27,801 29,100 2,700 10.2% Tax Revenues 56,599 56,400 50,759 50,300 (6,100) (10.8%) 4510 Interest 152,336 60,700 54,298 28,500 (32,200) (53.0%) General Fund Draw Down - 120,100 - 469,100 349,000 290.6% TOTAL REVENUES 2,650,933 2,408,900 2,317,381 2,821,800 412,900 17.1% 5411 Power 98,360 97,600 63,197 99,200 1,600 1.6% 5110 Labor and Benefits 732,543 642,000 667,547 924,600 282,600 44.0% 5200 Administrative Expenses 199,700 155,300 174,639 456,100 300,800 193.7% 5300 Material & Maintenance 1,358,086 1,514,000 1,335,033 1,341,900 (172,100) (11.4%) Repl RReplacement Reserve 235,400 - - - - 0.0% St Ln State Loan Reserve 25,000 - - - - 0.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,649,089 2,408,900 2,240,416 2,821,800 412,900 17.1% EXCESS REVENUES 1,844$ -$ 76,965$ -$ -$ 0.0% EXCESS REVENUES, w/o restatement and transfers (6,880,300)$ FY 2009 Operating Budget Summary ‐ Sewer SEWER OPERATING EXPENDITURES Power 3.5% Labor and Benefits 32.8% Administrative Expenses 16.2% Material & Maintenance 47.5% SEWER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2010 81 Units/FY 2010 Accounts ASU(1)Current Proposed(3)Current Proposed(3)Budget Single Family 4,518 4,518 10.20 10.80 1.47 1.56 1,569,400$ Multi-Family 50 1,360 10.20 10.80 1.47 1.56 288,200 Schools 6 s 297 34.79 36.88 127,700 Churches 4 c 88 34.79 36.88 37,700 Commercial Low Strength 37 239 34.79 36.88 102,700 Medium Strength 18 124 34.79 36.88 53,200 High Strength 6 88 34.79 36.88 37,900 Penalties 28,000 TOTAL SEWER CHARGES 4,639 6,714 2,244,800$ Sewer Charges Summary by Service Class Usage Fee / Sewer RateBase Fee for 3/4" Meter(2) SEWER CHARGES BY SERVICE CLASS (1)Assigned Service Units (2)Current and proposed base fees for 1" meter are 14.90 and 15.75, respectively. (3)Adopted fee/rate is effective January 1, 2010. Single Family 70.8% Multi-Family 13.0%Schools 5.8%Churches 1.7% Commercial - Low Strength 4.6% Commercial - Medium Strength 2.4% Commercial - High Strength 1.7% SEWER CHARGES BY SERVICE CLASS FY 2010 82 Estimated Budget FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Sewer Charges 1,995,548$ 2,296,856$ 2,531,513$ 2,359,173$ 2,154,628$ 2,216,800$ Penalties (1)- - 46,480 55,713 29,896 28,000 Total 1,995,548$ 2,296,856$ 2,577,993$ 2,414,886$ 2,184,523$ 2,244,800$ Actual Revenue History  ‐ Sewer $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 Th o u s a n d s s SEWER REVENUE HISTORY (1)Prior to Fiscal Year 2007, penalties were Potable revenues only. $- $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 FY05 Actual FY06 Actual FY07 Actual FY08 Actual FY09 Estimated FY10 Budget Th o u s a n d s s SEWER REVENUE HISTORY Sewer Charges Penalties 83 Sewer Lift Station FY05 Actual 82,447$ FY06 Actual 85,894 FY07 Actual 94,989 FY08 Actual 98,359 FY09 Estimated 88,512 FY10 Budget 99,200 Power Costs ‐ Sewer $25 $50 $75 $100 Thousands HISTORICAL POWER COSTS AND PROJECTIONS $- $25 $50 $75 $100 FY05 ActualFY06 ActualFY07 ActualFY08 ActualFY09 EstimatedFY10 Budget Thousands HISTORICAL POWER COSTS AND PROJECTIONS 84 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % Equipment 468$ 500$ 685$ 1,500$ 1,000 200.0% Fees 20,016 8,500 10,053 11,500 3,000 35.3% Services 48,968 25,600 38,783 269,000 243,400 950.8% Miscellaneous - 6,200 6,808 7,600 1,400 22.6% Total 69,452 40,800 56,328 289,600 248,800 609.8% Overhead Allocation 130,248 114,500 118,311 166,500 52,000 45.4% Total Administrative Expenses 199,700$ 155,300$ 174,639$ 456,100$ 300,800$ 193.7% FY 2009 Administrative Expenses ‐ Sewer Equipment 0.3%Fees 2.5%Overhead Allocation 36.5% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - SEWER FY 2010 Equipment 0.3%Fees 2.5% Services 59.0% Miscellaneous 1.7% Overhead Allocation 36.5% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - SEWER FY 2010 9 85 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % Materials and Maintenance Fuel and Oil 996$ -$ -$ -$ - 0.0% Fleet Parts and Equipment 406 3,000 - 3,000 - 0.0% Infrastructure Equipment and Supplies 104,579 83,000 68,953 67,000 (16,000) (19.3%) Chemicals 3,089 4,000 5,810 4,500 500 12.5% Safety Equipment 1,208 1,000 1,694 1,000 - 0.0% Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 3,626 5,000 5,330 6,000 1,000 20.0% Other Materials and Supplies 33 100 970 300 200 200.0% Contracted Services 7,628 129,000 92,436 49,000 (80,000) (62.0%) Materials and Maintenance 121,564 225,100 175,353 130,800 (94,300) (41.9%) Sewer Charges Metro O&M Costs 1,034,276 1,041,900 913,033 981,000 (60,900) (5.8%) Spring Valley Sewer Charge 202,246 247,000 246,647 230,100 (16,900) (6.8%) Total Sewer Charges 1,236,522 1,288,900 1,159,680 1,211,100 (77,800) (6.0%) Total Materials and Maintenance 1,358,086$ 1,514,000$ 1,335,033$ 1,341,900$ (172,100)$ (11.4%) Materials and Maintenance Expenses ‐ Sewer FY 2009 Fleet Parts and Equipment Infrastructure Ei td MATERIALS AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - SEWER FY 2010 Fleet Parts and Equipment 0.2% Infrastructure Equipment and Supplies 5.0%Chemicals 0.3% Safety Equipment 0.1% Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 0.5% Other Materials and Supplies 0.0% Contracted Services 3.7% Metro O&M Costs 73.1% Spring Valley Sewer Charge 17.1% MATERIALS AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - SEWER FY 2010 86 Formula for Sewer Rates  Each year the District is required to revise its formula for determining sewer rates in accordance with the State Revenue Program Guidelines. For residential sewer customers, effective January 1, 2008, a “Winter Average” fee structure was implemented for calculating the monthly sewer charge. A usage fee is charged based on the customer’s prior year’s “Winter Average” water consumption, reduced by a 15% usage discount. The current and proposed usage fees are $1.47 and $1.56, respectively. A base fee is also applied. Current and proposed base fees are $10.20 and $10.80 for ¾ inch water meter, and $14.90 and $15.75 for 1 inch or greater. Proposed fees are effective January 1, 2010, pending the Proposition 218 hearing and Board approval. For commercial customers, the sewer charge takes into consideration the cost associated with daily flow, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and the removal of suspended solids (SS). The COD and SS determine the strength factor for the groups of high, medium and low, and the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) determines these factors. The factors beginning January 1, 2004 are shown below: 1.000 Schools 1.000 Churches 1.000 Low Strength Commercial 1.238 Medium Strength Commercial 2.203 High Strength Commercial The following formula is based on an estimated daily flow of 250 gallons per day plus 280 milligrams per liter of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and 234 milligrams per liter of SS for a residential equivalent dwelling unit or an assigned service unit (ASU). The new method of calculating the sewer rate is to multiply the flow by the strength factor to determine the Assigned Service Unit (ASU) as follows: Daily Flow x Strength Factor = Assigned Service Unit (gpd x .85)/250gpd x as shown above = ASU The ASU is then multiplied by the district-wide sewer rate to determine the monthly sewer charge. The current and proposed sewer rates per ASU are $34.79 and $36.88, respectively. The proposed rate is effective January 1, 2010, pending Proposition 218 hearing and Board approval. The minimum charge for commercial shall be no lower than one ASU at low strength. For public schools, flow is based on average daily attendance for the prior school year, including summer school, as reported by schools to meet state requirements. For elementary schools, 50 students equal one ASU; for junior high schools, 40 students equal one ASU; for high schools, 24 students equal one ASU. For colleges, flow is based on the number of Certificated and Classified Staff, and students enrolled in each school session. 87 PADRE DAM MUNICIPALWATER DISTRICT LOWER OTAYRESERVOIR UPPER OTAYRESERVOIR SWEETWATERRESERVOIR LAKEMURRAY LOVELANDRESERVOIR LAKEJENNINGS EL CAPITANRESERVOIR RALPH CHAPMANWATER RECYCLINGFACILITY MEXICO Holding Tanks Lift Stations OWD Pipes Otay Headquarters EXISTING FACILITIES Treatment Plants Sewer Service Area SOUTH BAY WATERRECLEMATION PLANT 88      General Revenues and Expenses  The District’s revenues and expenses in this section are not directly related to the services delivered to potable, recycled, or sewer customers, yet they are operating expenses or revenues. General Revenues Capacity fees have a restricted purpose when collected to cover costs including, but not limited to, planning, design, construction, and financing associated with facilities for the District’s expansion needs. The District uses a portion of capacity fee revenues to provide general planning and developer support. These fees reimburse the General Fund for the cost of providing these services. Betterment fees for maintenance are earned by the General Fund for Water Operations Department’s maintenance of certain District assets. Annexation fees are collected when developers buy into the District’s potable and recycled water facilities. The fee ensures that future users fund the portion of the facilities that were sized and built for their future use by prior customers. Annexation fees are unrestricted and therefore included in the General Fund revenues. The 1% Property Tax is a result of Proposition 13 that was approved in 1978 which limited general levy property tax rate for all taxing authorities to a total rate of 1% of the assessed value. Subsequent legislation AB8, established that the receipts from the 1% levy were to be distributed to taxing agencies according to approximately the same proportions received prior to Proposition 13. These general use funds are currently being used as a source of operating revenue. The District levies availability charges each year in developed areas to be used for upgrades and betterment and in undeveloped areas to provide a funding for planning, mapping, and preliminary design of facilities to meet future development. Current legislation provides that any availability charge in excess of $10.00 per acre shall be used only for the benefit of the improvement district in which it is assessed. Included in the General Revenues are a variety of Non-Operating Revenues. These revenues include lease revenue, set-up fees, sewer billing fees, grants, and any miscellaneous revenues. Revenues are received from the lease of District property, mainly for the purpose of cell-sites. When the District enters a new lease there is a one-time fee charged with the set-up of each cell- site. The District incurs expenses related to these leases and the purpose of the fee is to recover the cost to set up the lease. In addition to the cell-site leases, the District leases land to the Salt Creek Golf Club. The lease terms include a minimum annual rent guarantee plus a percentage of sales over 3%. This lease is a 40-year term with two additional five-year options. 89 For most of the District’s water customers in the city of Chula Vista, the City of Chula Vista (CCV) provides the sewer services. The CCV sewer fees are based on water consumption. Because of the interrelated functions, the CCV contracts with the District for processing and billing of their sewer customers within the District for a fee. General Expenses The expenses in this section are general operating expenses not associated with an individual department. These include legal costs, insurance premiums, changes in accrued employee leave balances, and miscellaneous interest. These expenses represent 3.3% of the total Departmental Budget. Legal expenses are viewed as a District-wide general expense because they benefit all departments and usually are not attributed to any one department. The District retains outside legal services instead of in-house counsel. Insurance expense is also viewed as District-wide general expense because it benefits all departments and cannot be attributed to any one department. The District participates in a program where it can reduce its premium by implementing training sessions to reduce on-the- job accidents and injuries. Some employee benefits are charged to the General Expense Department because they are not entirely attributable to a specific department or fiscal year in which they are incurred. For example, when a pay rate increase occurs for an employee, his/her leave balances increase in value due to this change. In this case, the expense is charged to the General Expense Department. 90 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Variance Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % Capacity Fee Revenues 1,480,165$ 1,301,900$ 1,521,707$ 1,397,000 95,100$ 7.3% Betterment Fees for Maintenance 802,021 895,900 661,998 571,400 (324,500) (36.2%) Annexation Fees 526,435 483,600 392,349 120,500 (363,100) (75.1%) Tax Revenues 1% General Tax 3,279,923 3,430,000 3,429,830 3,175,600 (254,400) (7.4%) Availability Fees 744,722 707,300 625,065 677,000 (30,300) (4.3%) Total Tax Revenues 4,024,645 4,137,300 4,054,895 3,852,600 (284,700) (6.9%) General Revenues 6,833,265$ 6,818,700$ 6,630,949$ 5,941,500$ (877,200)$ (12.9%) FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Variance Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % Property Rental 962,929$ 1,052,600$ 1,029,506$ 1,043,400$ (9,200) (0.9%) Sewer Billing Fees 358,053 359,900 359,180 359,800 (100) (0.0%) Set-up Fee for Lease Site 9,000 14,000 48,301 - (14,000) (100.0%) Grants 74,175 50,500 85,742 - (50,500) (100.0%) Revenue from Shared Facility 26,430 26,400 26,387 29,100 2,700 10.2% Miscellaneous 867,239 129,700 3,325,892 153,300 23,600 18.2% Non-Operating Revenues 2,297,826$ 1,633,100$ 4,875,008$ 1,585,600$ (47,500)$ (2.9%) Non‐Operating Revenues FY 2009 General and Non‐Operating Revenues by Business General Revenues FY 2009 Potable Recycled Sewer Total Capacity Fee Revenues 1,397,000$ -$ -$ 1,397,000$ Betterment Fees for Maintenance 571,400 - - 571,400 Annexation Fees 120,500 - - 120,500 Tax Revenues - 1% Property Tax 3,175,600 - - 3,175,600 Availability Fees 626,700 - 50,300 677,000 Total Tax Revenues 3,802,300 - 50,300 3,852,600 Non-Operating Revenues Property Rental 1,043,400 - - 1,043,400 Sewer Billing Fees 359,800 - - 359,800 Set-up Fee for Lease Site - - - - Grants - - - - Revenue from Shared Facility - - 29,100 29,100 Miscellaneous 153,300 - - 153,300 Total Non-Operating Revenues 1,556,500 - 29,100 1,585,600 Total General and Non-Operating Revenues 7,447,700$ -$ 79,400$ 7,527,100$ Note: For General and Non-Operating Revenues, the Potable Fund serves as the District's General Fund for accounting purposes. FY 2010 Budget General and Non Operating Revenues by Business 91 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Variance Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % Administrative Expenses Legal Fees 1,405,594$ 467,500$ 1,053,575 454,300$ (13,200)$ (2.8%) General Insurance 447,333 504,800 485,796 411,500 (93,300) (18.5%) Interest - - - - - 0.0% Total Administrative Expenses 1,852,927 972,300 1,539,372 865,800 (106,500) (11.0%) Benefits Benefits (1)694,712 (188,300) 383,300 (300) 188,000 0,000.0% Total General Expenses 2,547,639$ 784,000$ 1,922,672$ 865,500$ 81,500$ 10.4% (1) FY 2009 budget amount is negative because of Vacancy Factor (salary savings) of $424,300. This is netted against other District-wide Labor and Benefit Expenses. In prior years Vacancy Factor was budgeted in the individual departments. FY 2009 General  Expenses 92 Labor and Benefits Labor and Benefits represent 22.7% of the total Operating Budget. In Fiscal Year 2008, the Employees’ Association signed a six-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the District. The highlights of this agreement included: changes to salaries based on a salary survey, changes to the medical and dental plans, enhancements of the retirement package with to include post retirement health benefits for active employees, and rewriting MOU to streamline the District practices. District personnel are assigned to work in six departments: General Manager, Administrative Services, Finance, Information Technology & Strategic Planning, Water Operations, and Engineering. The departments are further categorized by functions into divisions. The Fiscal Year 2010 Budget includes funding for labor and benefits for 166 Full-time Equivalent (FTE) employees and a 3% across-the-board salary increase on July 1, 2009. The staffing level for Fiscal Year 2010 has a decrease of three FTE employees from Fiscal Year 2009. The District has chosen to eliminate three vacant positions in areas that have experienced a reduction of work due to slowing of growth. A projected 10.0% of the labor and benefits costs will be charged to projects included in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Developer Deposits. These are not considered Operating Projects and therefore reduce the Operating Budget by $2,022,900. The Water Operations Department, with its staff of 68 employees, is responsible for maintaining and operating the District's facilities. Administrative Expenses Administrative Expenses represent 7.0% of the District's total operating costs. A detailed listing of the Administrative Expenses for Fiscal Year 2010 is shown on page 100. The reduction of $528,900 in outside services expenses is due to shifting of some projects that will become capital assets to the capital budget, and cost cutting measures lead to this overall reduction of over $600,000 in Administrative Expenses. Administrative Expenses include such items as memberships, office supplies, staff training, Directors' fees, water conservation programs, safety expenses, and regulatory agencies' fees. Some of the administrative expenses are more discretionary than others such as insurance or regulatory fees which are mandatory, where the District may be better able to control expenses such as training or business meetings to some extent. The safety needs of the District's customers and employees, and compliance with regulatory agencies are of utmost importance, so related expenses are considered necessary.     Departmental Operating Budget  93 Departmental Operating Budget   Materials and Maintenance The Materials and Maintenance Expenses allow the District to provide reliable, high-quality products, services, and support to its customers. As the District continues to grow and new facilities are added, additional maintenance and services will be required. This year, there is a 1.8% decrease in Materials and Maintenance Expenses due to the reductions of $137,800 in fuel costs due to price reductions and another $129,300 in contracted service, offset some what by increases in chemical costs of $204,500, and other cost-saving measures. The Water Operations Department has implemented an Infrastructure Management System (IMS) which allows for better maintenance of existing assets and monitoring of new assets coming on-line. It also facilitates planning for repair or replacement of assets as well as assessing the condition of infrastructures. IMS helps the District to better track and manage the Materials and Maintenance Expenses. Performance Measurement Program Strategic goals and objectives approved by the Board of Directors are incorporated into departmental operating budgets to ensure adequate funds are available to implement the Strategic Plan. The District has updated its performance measurement program this fiscal year to provide measurable results of progress on both strategic and key operational goals and objectives. (See the plan objectives and measures in the department sections that follow.) Performance measures have been developed by comparing key District activities with functional and available operational data that provide reliable feedback on progress. Developed cooperatively with staff and the help of measurement experts, the measures are designed to be comparable to measures commonly found in similar industries. The performance measures focus on “best practice” as applied to the District. Measures are collected and reviewed quarterly by the Senior Management Team and reviewed by the Board at least twice a year. Results are used to set new targets for the following fiscal year and to hold staff accountable for the current fiscal year. 94 Departmental Operating Budget TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGET Fiscal Year 2010 $27,818,200 Information Technology and Strategic Planning 10.3% Water Operations 41.3% Finance 17.5% General Manager 6.0% Administrative Services 14.1% General Expense 3.1% Board of Directors 0.3% Engineering 7.4% 95 FY08 FY10 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Total Labor Costs 10,317,566$ 11,175,500$ 10,922,011$ 11,456,800$ Benefits Pension 3,063,318 3,140,400 3,111,655 3,227,500 Employee Assistance Program 5,269 7,500 5,138 7,500 Worker's Compensation 358,860 281,100 156,822 262,300 Health/Dental/Life Insurance 1,909,802 1,934,900 1,810,350 2,076,700 Social Security / Medicare 870,316 954,300 889,137 937,000 Salary Continuation Insurance 81,560 87,700 86,342 87,800 Employee Awards 23,860 - 29,233 - State Unemployment Insurance 26,711 20,000 6,227 20,000 Vacation / Sick / Holiday / Other Leave 1,991,568 2,063,100 2,066,505 2,091,300 Total Fringe Benefits 8,331,264 8,489,000 8,161,409 8,710,100 Total Labor and Benefits 18,648,830 19,664,500 19,083,420 20,166,900 Less: Non-Operating Labor and Benefits Labor Costs 943,249 1,063,800 1,143,905 1,282,300 Fringe Benefits Allocation 558,549 642,700 668,132 740,600 Total WO Allocation 1,501,798 1,706,500 1,812,037 2,022,900 Operating Labor & Benefits 17,147,032 17,958,000 17,271,383 18,144,000 Total Overhead Allocation 1,084,736 1,223,400 1,315,491 1,474,600 Less: Overhead Allocation Personnel Portion 685,011 772,600 830,733 931,200 Admin Portion of OH (36.85%)399,725$ 450,800$ 484,758$ 543,400$ Operating Labor and Benefits 16,462,021$ 17,185,400$ 16,440,650$ 17,212,800$ FY09 Labor and Benefits 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 FULL TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) COMPARISON BY DEPARTMENT FY 08-09 6 20 36.75 13 70 23 168.75 FY 09-10 6 2038136821166 GM ADM FIN IT OPS ENG Total GM……General Manager ADM.…Administrative Services FIN…....Finance IT…...…Information Technology and Strategic Planning OPS…...Water Operations ENG…..Engineering & Planning 96 Potable Sewer Recycled Developer Reimbursed- CIP Total Total Operating Labor Costs 9,304,100$ 387,600$ 482,800$ -$ 10,174,500$ Benefits 7,381,400 251,700 336,400 - 7,969,500 Overhead Allocation-Personnel Portion (1,563,300) 281,500 350,600 - (931,200) Total Operating Labor and Benefits 15,122,200 920,800 1,169,800 - 17,212,800 Total CIP Labor Costs 658,000$ 67,400$ 378,400$ 178,500$ 1,282,300$ Benefits 387,800 37,300 207,400 108,100 740,600 Overhead Allocation-Personnel Portion 477,900 48,900 274,800 129,600 931,200 Total CIP Labor and Benefits 1,523,700 153,600 860,600 416,200 2,954,100 Total Labor and Benefits 16,645,900 1,074,400 2,030,400 416,200 20,166,900 Labor and Benefits by Fund - Fiscal Year 2010 LABOR and BENEFITS BY FUND Recycle CIP, 4% Potable-Ops, 76% Sewer-Ops, 5% Recycle-Ops, 6% Potable-CIP, 8% Sewer-CIP, 1% Potable-Operating Potable-CIP Sewer-Operating Sewer-CIP Recycle-Operating Recycle-CIP 97 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 General Manager 6 6 6 Total - General Manager Department 6 6 6 FTE 6.00 6.00 6.00 Administrative Services 3 3 3 Human Resources 5 4 4 Purchasing 9 9 9 Safety 111 Conservation 233 Total Administrative Services Department 20 20 20 FTE 20.00 20.00 20.00 Controller and Budgetary Services 7 7 7 Treasury and Accounting Services 6 6 6 Customer Service 19 20 22 Payroll and Accounts Payable 4 4 3 Total Finance Department 36 37 38 FTE 35.75 36.75 38.00 Information Technology and Strategic Planning: Information Technology and Strategic Planning Applications 5 5 5 Information Technology Operations 4 4 4Geographic Information Systems 444 Total IT and Strategic Planning Department 13 13 13 FTE 13.00 13.00 13.00 Operations Management 222 Water System Operations 27 28 28 Utility Maintenance/Construction 35 33 31 Collection/Treatment/Reclamation Operations 7 7 7 Total Operations Department 71 70 68 FTE 71.00 70.00 68.00 Engineering Management 333 Engineering 24 20 18 Total Engineering Department 27 23 21 FTE 27.00 23.00 21.00 District Total Position Count 173 169 166 FTE 172.75 168.75 166.00 Position Count by Department 98 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Consultant 0 1 0 Customer Service Field Representative I and II 2 2 1 Customer Service Representative I and II 0 0 1 Water Conservation Intern 1 0 0 Administrative Analyst 1 1 0 County Water Authority Interns 1 1 0 Engineering Intern 1 1 0 Sr. Engineering Technician 0 0 1 Strategic Planning Assistant 001 Total Contract/Temporary Employees 6 6 4 Contract / Temporary Employees POSITION COUNT General Manager 4%Administrative Services 12% Finance 23% Information Technology and Strategic Planning 8% Operations 41% Engineering 12% 99 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % Director's Fees 24,002$ 40,000$ 20,200$ 40,000$ - 0.0% Travel and Meetings 184,690 239,400 213,488 222,200 (17,200) (7.2%) Conservation and Outreach 286,240 348,000 254,209 352,800 4,800 1.4% General Office Expense 380,573 364,900 397,104 434,500 69,600 19.1% Equipment 1,013,411 1,052,100 1,103,654 1,028,700 (23,400) (2.2%) Fees 454,063 480,500 438,020 508,000 27,500 5.7% Services 2,249,985 2,555,500 2,032,274 2,026,600 (528,900) (20.7%) Training 92,693 167,600 146,746 156,500 (11,100) (6.6%) Utilities 14,495 15,600 15,874 17,500 1,900 12.2% Miscellaneous 239 150,000 265,741 220,000 70,000 46.7% Total 4,700,391 5,413,600 4,887,310 5,006,800 (406,800) (7.5%) Less: Overhead Allocation (399,725) (450,800) (484,758) (543,400) (92,600) 20.5% Subtotal 4,300,666 4,962,800 4,402,552 4,463,400 (499,400) (10.1%) General Expenses 1,852,927 972,300 1,539,372 865,800 (106,500) (11.0%) Total Administrative Expenses 6,153,593$ 5,935,100$ 5,941,924$ 5,329,200$ (605,900)$ (10.2%) 6,553,318$ 6,385,900$ 6,426,682$ 5,872,600$ FY 2009 Administrative Expenses ‐ Total ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - TOTAL FY 2010 Services 40.5%Fees 10.1% Training 3.1% Utilities 0.3% Director's Fees 0.8%Miscellaneous 4.4% Travel and Meetings 4.4% Conservation and Outreach 7.1% General Office Expense 8.7% Equipment 20.6% 100 FY 2008 FY 2010 Budget Actual Budget Estimated Budget Variance % Materials and Maintenance Fuel and Oil 508,832$ 382,500$ 200,568$ 244,700$ (137,800) (36.0%) Meters and Materials 344,203 148,500 156,384 170,600 22,100 14.9% Fleet Parts and Equipment 153,200 164,000 170,271 164,000 - 0.0% Infrastructure Equipment and Supplies 864,954 667,500 654,616 600,600 (66,900) (10.0%) Chemicals 227,476 250,000 299,207 454,500 204,500 81.8% Safety Equipment 21,530 31,300 38,903 161,100 129,800 414.7% Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 40,004 40,000 42,891 47,000 7,000 17.5% Other Materials and Supplies 136,554 174,300 120,864 157,900 (16,400) (9.4%) Building and Grounds Materials 93,735 93,000 90,679 86,600 (6,400) (6.9%) Contracted Services 485,171 632,800 548,431 503,500 (129,300) (20.4%) Materials and Maintenance 2,875,658 2,583,900 2,322,973 2,590,500 6,600 0.3% Sewer Charges Metro O&M Costs 1,034,276 1,041,900 913,033 981,000 (60,900) (5.8%) Spring Valley Sewer Charge 202,246 247,000 246,647 230,100 (16,900) (6.8%) Total Sewer Charges 1,236,522 1,288,900 1,159,680 1,211,100 (77,800) (6.0%) Total Materials and Maintenance 4,112,180$ 3,872,800$ 3,482,653$ 3,801,600$ (71,200)$ (1.8%) Materials and Maintenance Expenses - Total FY 2009 MATERIALS AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - TOTAL FY 2010 Fuel and Oil 6.4% Meters and Materials 4.5% Fleet Parts and Equipment 4.3% Infrastructure Equipment and Supplies 15.8% Chemicals 12.0% Safety Equipment 4.2% Laboratory Equipment and Supplies 1.2% Other Materials and Supplies 4.2% Building and Grounds Materials 2.3% Contracted Services 13.2% Sewer Charges 31.9% 101 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Departmental Expenditures BoaBoard of Directors 38,951$ 98,800$ 42,405$ 98,100$ GenGeneral Manager 1,766,341 1,768,800 1,687,607 1,667,100 GenGeneral Expense 2,547,639 784,000 1,922,672 865,500 AdmAdministrative Services 3,224,540 3,640,100 3,337,536 3,912,500 FinaFinance 4,023,183 4,471,600 4,368,063 4,869,100 InfoInformation Technology and Strategic Planning 2,666,776 2,819,800 2,809,666 2,856,400 WatWater Operations 10,858,139 11,678,900 10,716,485 11,478,800 EngEngineering (1)2,686,961 2,954,700 2,296,284 2,070,700 Total Departmental Expenditures 27,812,529 28,216,700 27,180,718 27,818,200 Less: Overhead Allocation (1,084,736) (1,223,400) (1,315,491) (1,474,600) Net Departmental Expenditures 26,727,793 26,993,300 25,865,227 26,343,600 Non-Departmental Expenditures Water Purchases 28,213,964 31,994,300 29,398,334 35,855,500 Power 2,647,885 2,780,500 2,905,101 2,637,100 Expansion Reserve 2,590,200 5,016,700 5,016,700 1,610,000 Betterment Reserve 3,432,900 - - 3,810,000 Replacement Reserve 235,400 277,900 277,900 3,660,000 Transfer to Sewer General Fund - - - 200,000 Transfer Out/In Prop 1A - - - 270,300 Transfer to General Fund Reserve - - - 1,330,000 Total Non-Departmental Expenditures 37,120,349 40,069,400 37,598,035 49,372,900 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 63,848,142$ 67,062,700$ 63,463,262$ 75,716,500$ (1)Engineering, and Planning and Development Services sections combined in FY2008 FY 2009 Operating Expenditures by Department 102 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Departmental Expenditures Labor and Benefits 17,147,032$ 17,958,000$ 17,271,383$ 18,144,000$ Director's Fees 24,002 40,000 20,200 40,000 Travel and Meetings 184,690 239,400 213,488 222,200 Conservation and Outreach 286,240 348,000 254,209 352,800 General Office Expense 380,573 364,900 397,104 434,500 Equipment 1,013,411 1,052,100 1,103,654 1,028,700 Fees 2,306,990 1,452,800 1,977,392 1,373,800 Services 2,249,985 2,555,500 2,032,274 2,026,600 Training 92,693 167,600 146,746 156,500 Materials & Maintenance 2,875,658 2,583,900 2,322,973 2,590,500 Power and Utilities 14,495 15,600 15,874 17,500 Sewer Charges 1,236,522 1,288,900 1,159,680 1,211,100 Miscellaneous 239 150,000 265,741 220,000 Total Departmental Expenditures 27,812,529 28,216,700 27,180,718 27,818,200 Less: Overhead Allocation (1,084,736) (1,223,400) (1,315,491) (1,474,600) Net Departmental Expenditures 26,727,793 26,993,300 25,865,227 26,343,600 Non-Departmental Expenditures Water Purchases 28,213,964 31,994,300 29,398,334 35,855,500 Power 2,647,885 2,780,500 2,905,101 2,637,100 Expansion Reserve 2,590,200 5,016,700 5,016,700 1,610,000 Betterment Reserve 3,432,900 - - 3,810,000 Replacement Reserve 235,400 277,900 277,900 3,660,000 Transfer to Sewer General Fund - - - 200,000 Transfer Out/In Prop 1A - - - 270,300 Transfer to General Fund Reserve - - - 1,330,000 Total Non-Departmental Expenditures 37,120,349 40,069,400 37,598,035 49,372,900 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 63,848,142$ 67,062,700$ 63,463,262$ 75,716,500$ FY 2009 Operating Expenditures by Object 103 104 OTAY WATER DISTRICT LOWER OTAYRESERVOIR UPPER OTAY RESERVOIR SWEETWATERRESERVOIR LAKEMURRAY LOVELAND RESERVOIR LAKEJENNINGS EL CAPITANRESERVOIR OWD HEADQUARTERS D i v i s i o n 5D i v i s i o n 5M a r k R o b a kM a r k R o b a k D i v i s i o n 4D i v i s i o n 4J o s e L o p e zJ o s e L o p e z D i v i s i o n 1D i v i s i o n 1L a r r y B r e i t f e l d e rL a r r y B r e i t f e l d e r D i v i s i o n 2D i v i s i o n 2J a m i e B o n i l l aJ a m i e B o n i l l a D i v i s i o n 3D i v i s i o n 3G a r y C r o u c h e rG a r y C r o u c h e r 8 8 805 54 67 94 94 54 125 125 125 905 CITY OF SAN DIEGO SW E E T W A T E R AU T H O R I T Y HELIX WATER DISTRICT CITY OF SAN DIEGO OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE MEXICO CITY OF SAN DIEGO PADRE DAM MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Director's Division Boundaries 105 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Board of Directors 38,951$ 98,800$ 42,405$ 98,100$ TOTAL 38,951$ 98,800$ 42,405$ 98,100$ FY 2009 Board of Directors FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget - $27.8 Million Board of Directors - $98,100 Board of Directors .3% General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5% Information Technology and Strategic Planning 10.3% Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% 106 Board of Directors FY 2008 FY 2010 Board of Directors Actual Budget Estimated Budget Benefits 2,147$ 40,000$ 1,744$ 40,000$ Director's Fees 24,002 40,000 20,200 40,000 Travel and Meetings 12,751 18,800 20,440 18,100 General Office Expense 50 - 20 - Total 38,951$ 98,800$ 42,405$ 98,100$ FY 2009 $88 $33 $92 $28 $112 $39 $99 $42 $98 $- $50 $100 $150 (i n T h o u s a n d D o l l a r s ) FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 Fiscal Year Budget vs. Actual Budget Actual 107 108 District Position Count ‐ 166         General Manager Department ‐ 6 Assistant General Manager,  Engineering and Operations Board of Directors District Secretary Sr. Confidential  Executive Secretary Communications  Officer Assistant General Manager,  Finance and Administration General Manager Personnel Count FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 General Manager 1 1 1 Assistant General Manager, Finance and Administration 1 1 1 Assistant General Manager, Engineering and Operations 1 1 1 District Secretary 1 1 1 Sr. Confidential Executive Secretary 1 1 1 Communications Officer 1 1 1 Total 666 Assistant General Manager,  Engineering and Operations Board of Directors District Secretary Sr. Confidential  Executive Secretary Communications  Officer Assistant General Manager,  Finance and Administration General Manager 109 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget General Manager 1,029,403$ 1,056,000$ 962,779$ 1,043,200$ Legal 202,545 178,300 190,460 6,000 Assistant General Manager, Finance and Administration 267,243 272,300 273,116 297,100 Assistant General Manager, Engineering and Operations 267,150 262,200 261,252 320,800 TOTAL 1,766,341$ 1,768,800$ 1,687,607$ 1,667,100$ FY 2009 General Manager FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget - $27.8 Million General Manager - $1,667,100 Board of Directors 0.3%General Manager 6.0%General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5%Information Technology and Strategic Planning 10.3% Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% 110 General Manager FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Labor and Benefits 1,419,734$ 1,403,400$ 1,363,974$ 1,309,400$ Travel and Meetings 76,043 93,500 88,985 74,900 Conservation and Outreach 3,868 7,000 5,705 6,000 General Office Expense 27,033 9,000 18,061 15,500 Equipment 1,198 3,000 2,031 - Fees 37,700 45,000 45,482 39,000 Services 200,488 207,000 163,092 222,000 Training 40 900 25 300 Miscellaneous 239 - 251 - Total 1,766,341$ 1,768,800$ 1,687,607$ 1,667,100$ FY 2009 $1,327 $1,365 $1,404 $1,344 $1,486 $1,766 $1,769 $1,688 $1,667 $- $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 (i n T h o u s a n d D o l l a r s ) FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 Fiscal Year Budget vs. Actual Budget Actual 111 TAY WATER DISTRICT AT-A-GLANCE Services We Provide The General Manager’s office provides staffing, scheduling, and other support to the Board of Directors, General Manager, and Assistant General Managers. The office posts and disseminates meeting notices, agendas, minutes, sets board meeting dates, and assists in conducting board and committee meetings. It also manages public and media relations, bi-national and legislative affairs, and provides liaison with local elected officials and community groups. The General Manager’s office oversees the production and distribution of publications and notices to inform the public of District functions, policies, and services. The office also coordinates special events and provides staffing and support to local water associations. Strategic Plan Objectives • Capture customers' attitude and awareness through a repeatable customer survey program. • Develop an effective program for producing new customer communication, including drought related communication. Evaluate bi-lingual options. • Develop a comprehensive community outreach plan and materials to target specific community stakeholders with additional information or presentations on drought, recycled water, and water conservation. • Continue to actively participate in the both the County Water Authority and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, state policy making and pending legislative review and comment. • Optimize community involvement throughout the District. Performance Measures General Manager  Customer Satisfaction Measures the level of overall customer satisfaction with the District. Survey is conducted on an annual basis. Formation of survey begins in Q1. Actual survey measures calendar year (January-December). Currently reported quarterly. 112 Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • The District adopted a balanced budget for FY 2010 during difficult economic times and under challenging water supply conditions. • Implemented a new three year Strategic Plan in FY 2009. The plan was redrafted to include new performance measures and metrics. The plan and its reporting mechanism allow transparency to all staff and board members of up-to-date status on a wide range of District activities. • Through the expanded use of recycled water and by supporting conservation, the District avoided declaring a Level 2 - Drought Alert or requiring customers to face mandatory water use restrictions. • Utilized technology to improve productivity, customer service, and reduce the District’s FTE positions without layoffs. • The District negotiated and signed a Letter of Intent with its Mexican counterparts in an effort to develop a seawater desalination facility in Rosarito, Mexico. • Continued support for integrated business systems and practices, and leveraged those systems to improve asset management and customer billing accuracy. • Completed planning, design, and awarded the construction contract for the 5.1- mile long, 36”diameter, Jamacha Pipeline Project. The $16.1 million project will connect the 640-1 and 640-2 reservoirs to the County Water Authority’s (CWA) Flow Control Facility No. 14. • The District concluded an agreement and general release with Northrop Grumman, avoiding a potential lawsuit related to their automated meter reading system, and recovering $915,000. • The District completed construction of the 640-1 and 640-2 water storage reservoirs on time and on budget. These two new 10-million gallon reservoirs cost $28 million to construct and will improve firefighting capabilities and provide a 10-day supply of emergency water storage for customers in the north district. • Successfully developed a methodology and executed an agreement with Cuyamaca College to install a new 10” meter at no cost to the District, generating a savings of more than $60,000 and recovering $179,000 for previously un- metered water. • Provided leadership as the Vice Chair of CWA’s Board. • Entered negotiations to set formal terms and conditions to annex 634 acres of the original Sycuan Reservation to the Otay Water District, the San Diego County Water Authority, and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. • As in prior years, the District has received numerous awards and recognition in all aspects of operations, finance, administration, engineering, operations and IT. 113 114 Personnel Count FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Chief, Administrative Services 1 1 1 Confidential Executive Secretary 001 District Position Count  ‐ 166 Administrative Services Department ‐ 20    Purchasing and  Facilities Safety and Risk  Administration Water   Conservation Human  Resources Administrative Services Confidential Executive Secretary 0 0 1 Confidential Secretary 2 2 1 Human Resources Manager 1 1 1 Senior Human Resources Analyst 1 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 2 1 1 Human Resources Technician 1 1 1 Purchasing & Facilities Manager 1 1 1 Buyer I and II 2 2 2 Lead Warehouse Worker / Facilities Worker 1 1 1 Warehouse / Delivery Worker 2 2 2 Facilities Maintenance Technician 2 2 2 Facilities Maintenance Assistant 1 1 1 Safety & Security Administrator 1 1 1 Water Conservation Manager 1 1 1 Water Conservation Specialist 1 2 2 Total 20 20 20 Purchasing and  Facilities Safety and Risk  Administration Water   Conservation Human  Resources Administrative Services 115 Department Responsibilities Administrative Services The Administrative Services Department, under the general direction of the Assistant General Manager, provides the following support services: Human Resources, Purchasing and Facilities, Safety and Risk Administration, and Water Conservation. It also coordinates assigned activities with other District departments and outside agencies, and provides highly responsible and complex administrative support for the District, General Manager and Board of Directors. Board of Directors 0.3% General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5%Information Technology and Strategic Planning 10 3% Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget - $27.8Million Administrative Services - $3,912,500 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Administrative Chief 366,778$ 397,400$ 341,197$ 403,600$ Human Resources 693,278 799,400 769,060 790,900 Purchasing and Facilities 1,417,751 1,520,300 1,460,747 1,601,400 Safety and Security 188,515 217,400 241,591 371,300 Water Conservation 558,218 705,600 524,940 745,300 TOTAL 3,224,540$ 3,640,100$ 3,337,536$ 3,912,500$ FY 2009 Board of Directors 0.3% General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5%Information Technology and Strategic Planning 10.3% Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget - $27.8Million Administrative Services - $3,912,500 116 Administrative Services FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Labor and Benefits 1,990,684$ 2,226,600$ 2,094,097$ 2,328,700$ Travel and Meetings 25,314 21,700 14,047 25,700 Conservation and Outreach 282,372 341,000 248,504 346,800 General Office Expense 125,918 132,800 123,882 180,400 Equipment 93,824 94,600 84,655 100,100 Fees 8,564 7,500 7,411 8,000 Services 293,482 330,600 286,680 325,900 Training 80,556 126,400 113,058 119,800 Materials & Maintenance 309,330 343,300 349,329 459,600 Power and Utilities 14,495 15,600 15,874 17,500 Total 3,224,540$ 3,640,100$ 3,337,536$ 3,912,500$ FY 2009 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,500 $4,000 $4,500 $2,789 $3,316 $3,868 $3,640 $3,913 $2,850 $3,212 $3,225 $3,338 Tho u s a n d D o l l a r s ) Budget vs. Actual Budget Actual $- $500 $1,000 $1,500 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 (i n T h Fiscal Year Proposed 117 Human Resources Services We Provide Human Resources, under the direction of the Chief of Administrative Services, provides the following support services: recruits, selects and ensures the retention of qualified employees; develops, implements and administers policies, procedures, collective bargaining contracts and employee programs; ensures up-to-date classification plans and a competitive compensation program; manages benefits programs for employees and retirees; manages the Workers’ Compensation program; oversees employee performance through management staff to include employee training and development, recognition and incentives, performance evaluation process and employee discipline; ensures legal compliance and implements work/life balance initiatives to include a comprehensive wellness program. Strategic Plan Objectives • Facilities and Staffing Plan needs. • Evaluate web-based employee performance reviews. • Automate application process. • Evaluate effective communication tools throughout the organization. • Evaluate the Pay-for-Performance Program. • Evaluate the Employee Recognition Program. • Assess findings of 2008 Employee Survey. • Conduct Employee Survey. • Review and update classification plan and revise critical areas. • Review and revise marketing strategy and recruiting tools. • Develop and identify required and desired District-wide training for all classifications. • Develop and maintain a formal program to track employee training. • Identify core elements of Succession Planning that can be tailored to the District’s needs. • Update and expand annual review process to include greater emphasis of strategic plan objectives and performance measures and understanding of career goals and how they may relate to the District's Succession Plan. Administrative Services  118 Performance Measures Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • Implemented an on-line application process and updated employment portion of the District’s website to improve efficiency, save staff time, and provide a more convenient method for users. This new recruitment process allows applicants to view the status of their application, search all positions and request to be notified when a position becomes available. • Updated and expanded our Employee Performance Manual, forms, and process to emphasize strategic planning and employee development. • Identified and implemented core elements of Succession Planning to include establishing a list of difficult to fill positions where employees might retire within five years, developed a process to be prepared to recruit for vacancies immediately, and ensure the plan is monitored on an on-going basis. • Coordinated and received all credit for the Special District Risk Management Authority Credit Incentive Program. The credit totaled $54,866 for Property and Liability and Workers’ Compensation premiums. Turnover Rate Annual percent of voluntary terminations. (Excludes retirement) Training Hours per Employee Measures the quantity of formal training utility employees are actually completing. 119 Purchasing Services We Provide The Purchasing Department, under general direction of the Chief of Administrative Services, oversees the general purchasing standards used within the District; purchases and oversees the procurement of supplies, equipment, and services; controls and administers the District’s standard materials inventory; disposes of surplus materials, equipment, and supplies; assists in the acquisition and disposal of non-infrastructure related real estate; performs non-structural facility maintenance work; and administers and manages outsourced facility maintenance service contracts. It also provides, as needed, complex purchasing related analysis and consultation to the District and General Manager. Performance Measures Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • Bid janitorial services, resulting in a reduction of the per month cost from $2,795 to $2,675.07 ($1,439.16 annual cost reduction). • Successfully negotiated the purchase of the one-acre lot adjacent to the Operations’ yard. The purchase price of $350,000 was $75,000 below the median appraised value of $425,000. • To take advantage of current low cost of labor, bid meter replacement and retrofit services for a five-year agreement (one year with four option years, price adjusted to consumer price index) and obtained a per unit price reduction of $6.89 compared to the FY-09 price ($33.00 vs. $39.89). Based on the planned retrofit of 4,500 units, the expected cost reduction for FY-10 will be $31,005. • Retrofitted/modified the Administrative Office buildings’ bathroom fixtures, irrigation, and landscaping, resulting in a reduction of water use by 44%. The Blanket Order Activity Percentage of material purchases acquired via blanket POs. 120 modification to the landscaping also resulted in a reduction of pest related issues and increased building visibility and security. Safety and Security Services We Provide Safety and Security, under the direction of the Chief of Administrative Services, provides the following: assesses the occupational exposure to risk; evaluates hazards and mitigation of safety hazards and risk to injury; directs and supervises accident investigations relating to occupational injuries, fleet incidents and/or damage to, or theft of District property; develops hazardous materials business plans, community right-to- know, Risk Management Prevention and Process Safety Management plans; develops and implements procedures to ensure compliance with safe work practices and determines training needs to address issues; develops, implements and manages safety programs; manages the District’s security program; implements, schedules and coordinates recurring safety training; coordinates the Department of Transportation (DOT), the District’s Drug Free Workplace, and DMV Pull-Notice Programs; plans and coordinates the District’s emergency preparedness program. Strategic Plan Objectives • Review/consolidate the District's Disaster Preparedness Plan. • Update Security Assessment and implement Technology Recommendations. • Evaluate and make recommendations regarding Environmental Health, Emergency Preparedness, and Safety Management System. Performance Measures H&S Severity Rate Quantifies the rate of employee days lost from work due to illness or injury. 121 Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • Updated 40 Safety Program policies and procedures and posted on SharePoint. • Completed and submitted the CalARP Program for the Reclamation Plant to the County of San Diego Dept. of Environmental Health (DEH) in June 2009. • Completed and submitted the Risk Management Program (RMP)/Process Safety Management (PSM) programs to the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prior to the deadline. • HAZWOPER (Emergency Response Team) – Updated training requirements, medical certificates, equipment inventory, and team organization. • Completed the submittal and updating of 23 Hazardous Materials Business Plans (HMBPs) and posted them to SharePoint. Completed the San Diego County DEH inspections of all HMBP sites – no violations or fines levied. • Successfully completed the 2008 Annual Fire Inspection from San Miguel Fire District. Included annual checks on Fire Fighting systems (all Fire systems, Fire Extinguishers and alarm system checks). • Participated in the California State-wide Golden Guardian 08 Emergency Preparedness Exercise. Provided valued input on improving the District’s preparedness during emergencies. Water Conservation Services We Provide The Water Conservation Division, under general direction of the Assistant General Manager of Finance and Administration, the Chief of Administrative Services, and the Water Conservation Manager provides the following services: • Promotes and conducts residential surveys. • Promotes large landscape surveys. Safety Training Program Safety & Risk Administration will provide a minimum of 8 safety training programs/hours per fiscal year which 61 field employees will attend. 122 • Promotes the Water Conservation Garden. • Staffs outreach events throughout the community, including the WaterSmart plant sale, the Spring Garden Festival, Cinco de Mayo, Lemon Festival, Bonita Festival, JamulFest, and the Fall WaterSmart Gardening Festival. • Funds and promotes a variety of incentive and other programs available to its customers including rebates for high efficiency clothes washers, high efficiency toilets, turfgrass replacement with WaterSmart plants, rotating sprinkler nozzles and weather based irrigation controllers, and the WaterSmart Landscape contest. • Promotes the school education program, which includes funding tours at the Water Conservation Garden, the “Water is Life” poster contest, and the water themed high school photo contest. • Develops water efficiency requirements for new construction. • Submits regular reports on the District's status with regard to the Water Conservation Best Management Practices as developed by the California Urban Water Conservation Council. • Manages the District’s Water Shortage Response Plan as well as its water waste reporting program. Strategic Plan Objectives • Promote and encourage adoption of conservation practices for new construction within District service territory. • Participate in the revision of the 14 water conservation Best Management Practices and prepare to implement those that are locally cost-effective. • Promote enhancements to city, county and state water conservation requirements and implement appropriate BMPs. • Update District’s Drought Management Plan including actions for enforcement. Performance Measures Total Water Saved Estimate of water saved per acre-feet through conservation programs. 123 Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • Increased the District's annual active water conservation savings figure another 281 acre-feet (1,403 + 281) to 1,684) acre-feet of water saved due to many of the activities outlined above. • Funded the installation of 175,000 square-feet of artificial turf at another two high schools (Monte Vista and Eastlake) within the District. • Funded the removal of turf grass with approximately 21,000 square feet of water- wise plants and 54,510 square feet artificial turf grass at 80 single-family homes through our programs. Another 13,000 square feet of turf grass was replaced with water-wise plants at two Home Owner Association landscapes. • Conducted 90 residential water use surveys, targeted to the District’s top single- family customers. • Funded 31 residential Smart Controller rebates, 95 commercial Smart Controller vouchers, and 42 rotating nozzle rebates involving 1,764 rotating nozzles. Both residential programs were promoted through an oversized postcard mailed to the top 40% of our single-family customers. Otay Water Use (District Meters) Consume 76.6 acre-feet or less of potable water. 124 125 PlCt FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 District Position Count ‐ 166         Finance Department ‐ 38 Treasury and  Accounting  Services Customer  Service Payroll and  Accounts  Payable Controller and  Budgetary  Services Finance Personnel Count FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Chief Financial Officer 1 1 1 Executive Secretary 1 1 1 Secretary 1 1 1 Finance Manager, Treasury and Accounting 1 1 1 Finance Manager, Controller and Budget 1 1 1 Finance Supervisor, Payroll and A/P 1 1 1 Customer Service Manager 1 1 1 Customer Service Supervisor 1 2 2 Senior Accountant 4 4 4 Accountant 4 4 4 Payroll Technician 1 1 1 Accounting Assistant 2 2 1 Senior Customer Service Representative 2 2 2 Customer Service Representative I, II and III 8 8 9 Lead Customer Service Field Representative 1 1 1 Customer Service Field Representative I and II 6 6 7 Total 36 37 38 Treasury and  Accounting  Services Customer  Service Payroll and  Accounts  Payable Controller and  Budgetary  Services Finance 126 Department Responsibilities Finance The Finance and Accounting Department, under the general direction of the Assistant General Manager, provides the following support services: Controller and Budgetary Services, Treasury and Accounting Services, Customer Service, and Payroll and Accounts Payable; ensures District’s conformance with modern finance and accounting theory, practices, and compliance with applicable state and federal laws; implements financial accounting and reporting programs and practices to meet the District’s fiduciary responsibilities; and provides highly responsible and complex administrative support to the District, General Manager, and Board of Directors. Board of Directors 0.3% General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5% If i Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget - $27.8 Million Finance - $4,869,100 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Finance Chief 399,061$ 421,600$ 392,267$ 432,100$ Controller and Budgetary Services 491,969 545,100 571,191 572,900 Treasury and Accounting Services 965,988 1,005,200 979,607 1,104,100 Customer Service 1,811,273 2,105,400 2,058,263 2,410,700 Payroll and Accounts Payable 354,893 394,300 366,736 349,300 TOTAL 4,023,183$ 4,471,600$ 4,368,063$ 4,869,100$ FY 2009 Board of Directors 0.3% General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5% Information Technology and Strategic Planning 10.3% Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget - $27.8 Million Finance - $4,869,100 127 Finance FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Labor and Benefits 3,347,617$ 3,762,300$ 3,636,729$ 4,089,700$ Travel and Meetings 15,521 19,900 19,198 20,100 General Office Expense 205,088 196,800 239,183 217,500 Equipment 2,627 8,600 4,731 200 Fees 292,138 280,000 294,019 308,000 Services 160,192 203,500 173,926 233,000 Training - 500 278 600 Total 4,023,183$ 4,471,600$ 4,368,063$ 4,869,100$ FY 2009 $- $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 $3,475 $3,813 $3,994 $4,472 $4,869 $3,567 $3,784 $4,023 $4,368 (i n T h o u s a n d D o l l a r s ) Budget vs. Actual Budget Actual FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 Fiscal YearProposed 128 Controller and Budgetary Services Services We Provide Responsible for developing and publishing the annual operating and capital budgets as well as preparing the six-year financial plan and setting rates. Prepares monthly and annual reports, monitors budget variances and coordinates interactions with outside agencies. Assists other departments with special projects such as; the preparation of cost studies, validation of financial data, and preparation of the District’s overhead and benefits rates and calculations. Strategic Plan Objectives • Develop the long-term financial plan. • Re-calculate all Capacity and Annexation Fees with New Rehabilitation and Repair Plan. • Simplify residential fee structures and the billing system. • Evaluate drought stage rates and propose changes. • Develop and measure cost per unit expenditures and forecasts. Performance Measures O&M Cost per Account Operations & Maintenance (O&M) cost per account (QualServe) operation costs for O&M per account (per customer). Finance  129 Distribution System Loss Percentage for unaccounted water. (QualServe) Water Rate Ranking District's average customer bill as compared to other agencies in San Diego County. Otay is ranked 7th of 23 agencies. Sewer Rate Ranking District's average customer bill as compared to other agencies in San Diego County. Otay is ranked 7th of 28 agencies. Overtime Percentage Comparing actual to budgeted overtime to monitor costs. 130 Accomplishments 2008-2009 • Prepared a balanced budget that met the Strategic Plan and received the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) “Distinguished Budget Presentation Award” for the fifth consecutive year. In addition, received the “Excellence in Operating Budgeting” award from the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO). • The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget received the “Excellence in Capital Budgeting Award” from the CSMFO for the fourth year in a row. • Prepared a Budget-at-a-Glance document to be used by Board members and management staff at public outreach events. • Several new financial reports were developed as part of the Strategic Plan, to enhance financial reporting and automate reports and processes to improve efficiency. The water sales report uses the new rate structure which is vital for the accurate budgeting of water sales. A separate report for the Infrastructure Access Charge is used for reporting purposes and a new water Sales vs. CWA allocation report is available to track the District’s allocation. • Completed a Financial Threat Assessment using the Rate Model to determine the impact of various threats on the District’s financial well-being. • Presented to the Board, at various workshops, the results of the Financial Threat Assessment, a Budget Assumptions presentation, and a Budget Build presentation, all in preparation for the presentation of the FY 2010 budget and recommended rates. • Prepared the FY 2010 Rate Model and recommended rates in record time. District staff had two days, once the water costs were delivered from CWA, to finalize the Rate Model and prepare the rates. This was achievable because of a rate balance tool that was developed to link and balance the rates. • Performed a rate study including the preparation of drought rates. The result was a new tiered rate structure for all customer classes which encourages conservation. With the implementation of the new rates, a rate simplification in other areas was implemented. • Presented our financial reporting tools at the AWWA conference in Reno, NV. Treasury and Accounting Services Services We Provide Coordinates and directs the activities of the general ledger accounting, audit, banking and cash management, investments and treasury functions, debt financing, job costing, cost accounting, accounts receivable and debt collections, fixed assets, and contract review. Also responsible for completing the District’s annual financial audit and publishing of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Conducts an annual review of the 131 District’s Investment Policy, as required by law, with approval by the Board of Directors. Provides financial analysis and review of staff projects and operational business proposals. Assists in the preparation of the District’s annual operating and capital budgets, along with updating the Rate Model and the six-year financial plan. Strategic Plan Objective • Conduct financial threat assessment for growth, water availability, inflation and other revenue sources. Performance Measures Accomplishments 2008-2009 • Completed the District’s FY 08 audit and CAFR, and received the GFOA award for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the fifth consecutive year. • Wrote and implemented Policy #51: Identity Theft Red Flags Policy. Debt Coverage Ratio Measures level of debt coverage ratio (ability to pay debt). (QualServe) The minimum legal level is 125%. Reserve Level Measures all of the District's reserves against the Board adopted Reserve Policy levels. 132 • Continued to achieve an overall rate of return on the District’s portfolio in excess of the LAIF rate of return (over 18 months), despite the falling economy and available investment rates. • Completed the close-out audit of the District’s FEMA claims for the Oct-07 wildfires. • Completed a detailed review of the District’s SDRMA insurance for facilities and equipment, to include all reservoirs, pump stations, buildings, and support installations. • Completed implementation of the Eden Fixed Assets module. All of the accounting staff participated in the successful implementation of the Eden Fixed Assets module, which is now fully operational. • Provided support to the long-term financing plan. Completed GFOA training in long-term financial planning. Assisted in the expanded Rate Model and CIP Budget through fiscal 2015. Customer Service Services We Provide The customer service unit is responsible for providing; meter reading, billing, receipting and customer care for water and sewer services. The meter reading team reads approximately 49,000 meters a month using manual and automatic meter reading technology. The District is half way through a conversion to an automated meter reading system that will enhance the District’s efficiency, accuracy and customer service. The billing and customer care teams handle the coordination of billing and receipting of approximately 50,000 accounts per month. Customers are offered various payment options including ACH, web, IVR (telephone) and the convenience of two locations for walk-in payments. The District has an automated phone system and web portal which gives customer’s access to their account information 24/7. If they desire more personal service, the customer care team handles an average of 6,500 customer calls per month. Strategic Plan Objectives • Expand a more detailed customer complaint tracking and reporting system. • Streamline and document the District’s incoming customer call processes. • Evaluate the most cost effective and efficient processes and tools to communicate service related issues to customers. For example: e-mail, target mail, door hangers, etc. • Reduce complexity of and simplify rate structure. • Evaluate and improve effectiveness of the bill format (including fees for Chula Vista sewer billing). 133 Performance Measures Accomplishments 2008-2009 • Implemented the drought rate stages. • Simplified the billing rate structure by eliminating 158 fees. • Customized the Prop 218 notices by customer class and inserted them in the customer bills. • Converted 7 routes from manual to AMR and retrofitted over 4,000 AMR meters. • Changed out 4,000 defective Raymar meters to Master meters. • Created Master meter count report. • Created and implemented Water Waste Tracking Mechanism which included out- dialer. • Successfully transitioned to a new billing vendor. • Automated the collection process. Answer Rate Percentage of calls as a measure of all calls received. Billing Accuracy Number of incorrect bills issued. (QualServe) 134 • Used auto-dialer for meter change out calls. • Implemented and trained on the new handhelds. • Automated the verification and QC of the billing process. • Provided Engineering staff with research on customer service type. Payroll and Accounts Payable Services We Provide The Payroll department pays its 169 employees on a bi-weekly basis using the District’s Integrated Financial Eden System. Timesheets and pay stubs are collected and distributed electronically. Tax returns are filed on a quarterly basis and W2’s filed annually. Benefits and deductions are processed bi-weekly through Accounts Payable. Approximately 750 invoices are processed on a monthly basis. Strategic Plan Objective • Enhance Accounts Payable to electronically pay invoices for frequent vendors and routine bills and maximize the use of e-bills. Accomplishments 2008-2009 • Completed bi-weekly payroll and weekly account payable check runs in a timely manner. While these processes are routine, they are highly visible and sensitive to employees and vendors. • Completed quarterly tax returns for the District which culminated with the processing, printing, and distributing of W2s and 1099s for 2008. • Streamlined processes for SDG&E bills and W-9 forms. 135 136 District Position Count ‐166         Information Technology & Strategic Planning Department ‐ 13 IT Applications IT Operations GIS Information Technology and  Strategic Planning Personnel Count FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Chief Information Officer 1 1 1 GIS Manager 1 1 1 IT Operations Manager 1 1 1 GIS Programmer/Analyst 1 1 1 GIS Technician 2 2 2 Network Engineer 1 1 1 Database Administrator 1 1 1 Business System Analyst I and II 3 3 3 Network Analyst 1 1 1 Records Assistant 1 1 1 Total 13 13 13 IT Applications IT Operations GIS Information Technology and  Strategic Planning 137 Department Responsibilities Information Technology and Strategic Planning The Information Technology and Strategic Planning Department, under the general direction of the Assistant General Manager, provides the following support services: development and implementation of information technology; District’s Strategic Planning Process, including the development of long- term strategic initiatives, and defining performance measurement metrics; information system support to the District and provides highly responsible and complex administrative support to the District, General Manager, and Board of Directors. Board of Directors 0.3%General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5% Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget - $27.8 Million Information Technology and Strategic Planning - $2,856,400 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget IT Chief/Applications 826,726$ 878,000$ 843,069$ 919,100$ IT Operations 1,315,667 1,378,300 1,403,973 1,344,400 Geographic Information System 524,382 563,500 562,625 592,900 TOTAL 2,666,776$ 2,819,800$ 2,809,666$ 2,856,400$ FY 2009 Board of Directors 0.3%General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5% Information Technology and Strategic Planning 10.3% Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget - $27.8 Million Information Technology and Strategic Planning - $2,856,400 138 Information Technology and Strategic Planning FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Labor and Benefits 1,558,653$ 1,693,100$ 1,666,372$ 1,757,600$ Travel and Meetings 7,366 18,100 11,083 13,900 General Office Expense 6,732 6,800 3,975 5,200 Equipment 871,909 862,600 947,674 858,000 Services 215,174 213,500 154,862 204,800 Training 6,942 25,700 25,700 16,900 Total 2,666,776$ 2,819,800$ 2,809,666$ 2,856,400$ FY 2009 $- $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,500 $2,328 $2,655 $2,706 $2,820 $2,856 $2,297 $2,371 $2,667 $2,810 (i n T h o u s a n d D o l l a r s ) Budget vs. Actual Budget Actual $- FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 Fiscal YearProposed 139 IT Applications Services We Provide The Information Technology and Strategic Planning Department (IT/SP) under the general direction of the Assistant General Manager, Finance and Administration, and Chief Information Officer (CIO) provides the following support services: • Development and implementation of information technology. • District’s Strategic Planning process, including the development of long term strategic initiatives, and defining performance measurement metrics. • Information system support to the District. • Provides highly responsible and complex administrative support to the District, General Manager, and Board of Directors. Strategic Plan Objectives • Interactive Voice Response - Enhance the usefulness of the Interactive Voice Response for better customer service across the District. • Auto dialer - Evaluate enhancing the usefulness of the auto dialer to efficiently notify customers of District events. • E-Customer Account - Enhance the customer’s ease of access to personalized account information including water use, payment status, and historical trending. • Promote and encourage leadership opportunities for District staff in water industry committees. • Evaluate and implement American Water Works Association Peer Review for District. • Evaluate the long-term viability of Eden financials and billing system. • Enhance the integration of Infrastructure Management System, Eden, Customer Information System, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, and Geographic Information System. • Enhance existing Capital Project Tracking System. • Evaluate implementing a fixed network Automated Meter Reading. • Optimize the use of SharePoint. • Update District-wide Records Management Program. Information Technology and Strategic Planning  140 Accomplishments – Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • Strategic Plan results were on target with over 90% of objectives on or ahead of schedule and over 80% of performance measures on or above target. • The District implemented many improvements to the core application systems including: o Extension of work order processing to Engineering o Deployment of District-wide SharePoint intranet o Complete re-crafting of our rate and billing structures o Implementation of a new fixed asset module o Development of a water waste customer tracking system IT Operations Services We Provide IT Operations is responsible for day-to-day functions of the District’s data center, network and desktop hardware/software, disaster recovery center, telecommunications, mobile and wireless networks, website, and help desk. IT Operations has collateral responsibilities for access security control and video surveillance. Strategic Plan Objectives • Web Page - Evaluate and enhance the District’s website design to allow easier use and navigation. • Develop and deploy the field wireless network for key facilities. • Optimize use of Voice Over Internet Protocol and unified messaging. • Assess and implement security best practices for all Otay networks. • Investigate using electronic signatures on staff reports, shutdown plans, contracts, magazines, newsletters, reimbursements, project closeouts, etc. Performance Measures Customer Satisfaction with web site Tracks customer satisfaction with website through survey. 141 Accomplishments – Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • IT Department wins “Best of California 2008” award from the Center for Digital Government. • IT Department wins the “2008 Municipal Information Systems Association of California” (MISAC) Excellence Award for the second year in a row. • Enhanced a “COLO” data center. This is a backup data center to accommodate disaster recovery in the event that our primary system is disabled. • Began implementation of a high speed wireless network to provide connectivity to all District facilities. Network Availability Percentage of uptime for network during normal business hours. Website Hits Fiscal Year 06-07 and 07-08 tracked the number of website hits per month. Fiscal Year 08-09 and projected Fiscal Years 09-10 and 10-11 track the number of visitors to our website per month. 142 Geographic Information System (GIS) Services We Provide The GIS department is responsible for the technical and administrative support to the Engineering and Operations Departments on GIS/AM/FM and CAD systems. It is also responsible for the data collection and data QA/QC of the District’s facility data and land based data. In addition, it provides technical support in designing, developing, documenting and maintaining the District’s database systems and creates database structures that consolidate the conceptual, logical and physical models of data. Strategic Plan Objectives • Enhance the District’s data management, data update process, and data architecture including enterprise standard data. Update process for ensuring GIS data is accurate. • Develop optimized field work processing using integrated technology. • Utilize SCADA to calibrate water model. • Develop information systems support for asset management program. Accomplishments – Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • Replaced the system architecture design for the new GIS system including clustered servers and application upgrades for field software. Ordered new laptops for all field staff. • Created the fixed asset database which will serve as the foundation for future asset management planning consisting of over 240,000 items categorized in line with AWWA and industry best practices guidelines. • Provided consulting and guidance to Engineering to develop water modeling database. • Implemented a field base system using GIS maps to improve the efficiency of inspectors doing “mark-out” work when requested by builders and developers. 143 144 District Postion Count ‐ 166          Operations Department ‐ 68 Fleet/Equipment  Maintenance Construction  Maintenance Water Systems  Operations Utility  Maintenance Pump/Electrical Water Systems Water Operations Fleet/Equipment  Maintenance Construction  Maintenance Water Systems  Operations Utility  Maintenance Pump/Electrical Water Systems Meter  Maintenance SCADA Recycled  Maintenance Treatment Plant Laboratory Water Operations 145 Personnel Count FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Chief, Water Operations 1 1 1 Executive Secretary 1 1 1 Systems Operations Manager 1 1 1 Water Systems Supervisor 1 1 1 Pump Electrical Supervisor 1 1 1 Recycled Water Systems Supervisor 0 1 1 Meter Maintenance/Cross Connect Supervisor 1 1 1 Lead Water Systems Operator 2 2 2 Water Systems Operator I, II, and III 9 9 9 Valve Maintenance Worker 1 1 1 Senior Disinfection Technician 2 2 2 Senior SCADA Instrumentation Technician 2 1 1 SCADA Instrumentation Technician 0 1 1 Electrician I and II 2 2 2 Pump Mechanic I and II 2 2 2 Lead Cross Connection/ Meter Maintenance Worker 1 1 1 Meter Maintenance/Cross Connect Worker I and II 5 5 5 Construction Maintenance Manager 1 1 1 Utility Maintenance Supervisor 2 2 2 Utility Crew Leader 5 5 5 Utility Workers I and II 10 10 8 District Position Count ‐ 166          Operations Department ‐ 68 y Senior Utility/Equipment. Operator 4 3 3 Fleet Maintenance Supervisor 1 1 1 Equipment Shop Mechanic I and II 4 3 3 Welder II 111 Reclamation Plant Supervisor 1 1 1 Lead Reclamation Plant Operator 1 1 1 Reclamation Plant Operator 3 3 3 Lead Recycled Water Distribution Operator 1 1 1 Recycled Water Distribution Operator 3 3 3 Laboratory Analysts I and II 2 2 2 Total 71 70 68 146 Department Responsibilities Water Operations The Water Operations Department, under the general direction of the Assistant General Manager, provides the following support services: Potable and Recycled Water System Operations, Construction Maintenance, and Sewer Collection and Treatment Operations; and provides highly responsible and complex technical and administrative support to the District, General Manager, and Board of Directors. Board of Directors 0.3%General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5% Information Technology and Strategic Planning Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget - $27.8 Million Water Operations - $11,478,800 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Water Operations Chief 405,756$ 446,300$ 391,986$ 398,300$ Water Systems 5,917,659 6,748,800 6,410,453 6,884,000 Construction Maintenance 4,534,724 4,483,800 3,914,046 4,196,500 TOTAL 10,858,139$ 11,678,900$ 10,716,485$ 11,478,800$ FY 2009 Board of Directors 0.3%General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5% Information Technology and Strategic Planning 10.3% Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget - $27.8 Million Water Operations - $11,478,800 147 Water Operations FY 2006 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Labor and Benefits 6,539,909$ 7,381,100$ 6,717,225$ 7,403,600$ Travel and Meetings 28,509 44,500 46,628 46,200 General Office Expense 4,863 6,000 4,931 6,600 Equipment 40,530 77,100 58,810 66,900 Fees 91,725 93,000 53,394 88,000 Services 345,289 386,500 431,260 291,300 Training 4,716 11,200 5,424 14,200 Materials & Maintenance 2,566,076 2,240,600 1,973,644 2,130,900 Sewer Charges 1,236,522 1,288,900 1,159,680 1,211,100 Miscellaneous - 150,000 265,490 220,000 Total 10,858,139$ 11,678,900$ 10,716,485$ 11,478,800$ FY 2009 $2 000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $10,261 $10,804 $11,253 $11,679 $11,479 $10,008 $9,652 $10,858 $10,716 (in T h o u s a n d D o l l a r s ) Budget vs. Actual Budget Actual $- $2,000 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 (i n Fiscal Year Proposed 148 Water Systems Operations Services We Provide Water Operations staff is responsible for operations and maintenance of the wastewater collection system, potable and recycled water distribution systems, and the R. W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility. Pump and electrical staff perform preventative, predictive and corrective maintenance on all pumps, motors, switchgear, and control valves in the District and assists with electrical maintenance and installation throughout the District. The SCADA staff performs installations, maintenance, updates, and modifications to the SCADA control system and related communications equipment, both for existing facilities as well as CIP projects. Laboratory staff ensures all regulatory-required sampling, analyses, and reporting is done to meet the requirements from the California Department of Public Health for potable water and the Regional Water Quality Control Board for recycled water and the reclamation plant treatment process. Laboratory staff works closely with the water system operators and disinfection staff to monitor and optimize the water quality in the distribution system. They also perform bacteriological sampling and analyses for Utility Maintenance and Engineering to ensure proper disinfection was performed after maintenance or new construction. Strategic Plan Objectives • Develop and implement a proactive leak detection program to reduce distribution system water loss. • Develop and implement Treatment Plant Enhancements including automation for remote operation and shutdown, technology improvements, and upgrade of facilities. • Optimize functionality, business continuity, bandwidth, and use of SCADA. Performance Measures Water Operations  Unplanned Disruptions Quantifies the number of unplanned water outages experienced by the utility customer expressed as number of accounts affected per 1,000 accounts (QualServe). 149 Technical Quality Complaint The number of complaints is a good measure of customer service. Technical quality complaints allow us to measure the complaint rates we are experiencing with individual quantification of those related to core utility services. It is expressed as complaints per 1,000 customer accounts. Planned Recycled Water Maintenance Ratio in Dollars Compares how effectively the District is investing in planned maintenance. This measure was not tracked until FY 2008-2009. Planned Wastewater Maintenance Ratio in Dollars Percentage of planned maintenance costs compared to combined planned and corrective maintenance costs. Direct Cost of Treatment per MG Measures the direct cost of wastewater treatment and does not include staff overhead or fringe benefits, but it does include their salaries (QualServe). 150 O&M Cost per MG Measure for the operation and maintenance cost to treat one million gallons of wastewater (QualServe). Percentage of Preventative Maintenance Completed in the Reclamation Plant To track the percentage of scheduled PM's that are completed in the Reclamation Plant. This measure was not tracked until FY 2008-2009. Percentage of Preventative Maintenance Completed in the Pump/Electric Section To track the percentage of scheduled PM's that are completed in the Pump/Electric Section. This measure was not tracked until FY 2008-2009. Percentage of Preventative Maintenance Completed in the Valve Maintenance Program To track the percentage of scheduled PM's that are completed in the Valve Maintenance Program. This measure was not tracked until FY 2008-2009. 151 Valve Exercising Program Maintenance of distribution systems' infrastructure to ensure minimal interruption of potable water delivery to customers. Potable Water Distribution System Integrity Measures the condition of the water distribution system expressed as the total annual number of leaks and break per 100 miles of distribution piping (QualServe). Planned Water Service Disruption Rate Quantifies the number of planned water outages experienced by the utility customer expressed as number of accounts affected per 1,000 accounts (QualServe). Drinking Water Compliance Rate Quantifies the percentage of time each year that the District meets all of the health related drinking water standards in U.S. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (QualServe). 152 Accomplishments – Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • Water System Section is ahead of schedule on the completion of the District’s valve actuation, valve replacement, and air-vac upgrades program. Air-vac upgrades in the northern portion of the District have been completed. • Reduced corrective maintenance and decreased the betterment fee for maintenance by 36.2%. Collection System Integrity Number of wastewater collection system failures per 100 miles of collection system pipeline (QualServe). Recycled Water Distribution System Integrity Tracks number of leaks or breaks per 100 miles of water distribution system. Sewer Overflow Rate Measures the wastewater collection system pipeline condition and the effectiveness of planned maintenance (QualServe). 153 • Reduced overtime requirements contributed to a reduction of over $30K in overtime costs. • Successfully completed 24 planned shutdowns. Some of these were to complete the 640 reservoirs project and the "Three Amigos" pipeline replacement project. • Modified the Lower Otay Pump Station in order to provide potable water to the City of San Diego while their Otay Treatment Plant was out of service. The District provided the City with 7 MGD for approximately five weeks. Total flow delivered was 834 AF or 272 MG. • Provided Mexico with 5,544 AF or 1,807 MG potable water for the fiscal year. • Assisted Engineering staff with pump testing at the 680-944 Recycled Pump Station so they can recommend modifications to the pumps to meet future demands of the Central Area and Otay Mesa recycled systems. • Increased the reliability of the reclamation plant/sewer lift station SCADA control system by installing a back-up server and upgrading the software. • Reclamation Plant, Pump/Electrical, and SCADA staff assisted Engineering in the replacement of the Calavo Sewer Lift Station. • Completed an automation of the flow-control metering valves at the Regulatory Site. • Operations staff coordinated with Engineering staff on the conversion of the 20-inch potable line in the Use Area to a recycled transmission main. The conversion ties into the existing recycled transmission main at the intersection of Proctor Valley Road and Lane Avenue allowing more pumping capacity. • The 450-1 Recycled Reservoir was cleaned and a warranty inspection was completed. While the reservoir was empty, a static mixer for the chlorine- injection system was installed in the reservoir’s inlet pipe. • Recycled water force main air-vacs were upgraded which required the Treatment Plant to be shutdown. When the air-vac upgrades were taking place, Treatment Plant staff completed an abundance of preventive and corrective maintenance while the plant was off-line. • Exercised 1,812 valves during FY-09 completing IDs 7, 10 and 22. Since February 2006 the valve crew has exercised 5,380 valves, or 32% of the total valves in the District. • Added SCADA controls along with automatic valve controls on the four new metering valves needed for the 640 reservoirs. • The Treatment Plant office trailers were returned to the vendor and staff was moved into the new office building. • The Collection System section completed the creation of IMS work order templates for the hydro-cleaning maintenance of the entire 86 mile collection system, as well as sewer manhole inspections. 154 • As preventive maintenance, the 944 and 927 Recycled Reservoirs floating covers were inspected, cleaned, and repaired. • Participated in the creation of the District’s new Report Water Waste database, on the District’s website, in order to handle an increase of water waste calls due to the current drought. • Continue to be very responsive to all water leaks and breaks, minimizing disruptions to customers. Utility Maintenance / Construction Services We Provide The Utility Maintenance and Construction staff provides vital maintenance functions that ensure the best quality of water and wastewater service to customers while adhering to all applicable regulatory compliance requirements. Tasks include valve exercising, large meter installation, main line and service line repairs as well as proactive regulatory system upgrades, and constant evaluation of the system integrity to allow for system planning upgrades. The Meter Maintenance staff provides meter maintenance and repairs and/or replacement of meters to ensure accurate accounting of water usage. Provides comprehensive protection of water quality by proactively administering the Backflow/Cross- Connection program, regulated by the Department of Health. The Fleet Maintenance staff implements active preventative maintenance practices and repairs the District’s vehicles and equipment to ensure optimum performance while establishing fuel efficient operational practices and emissions compliance. Strategic Plan Objectives • Expand meter testing for 3" and larger calibration and replacement program. • Evaluate increasing the completion schedule of District’s valve actuation, valve replacement, and air vac programs. • Enhance fuel tracking and reporting system. • Develop a Heavy Equipment Capital Replacement Plan. Performance Measures Technical Quality Complaint The number of complaints is a good measure of customer service. Technical quality complaints allow us to measure the complaint rates we are experiencing with individual quantification of those related to core utility services. It is expressed as complaints per 1,000 customer accounts. 155 Accomplishments – Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • Utility Maintenance Section is ahead of schedule on the completion of the District’s valve actuation, valve replacement, and air-vac upgrades program. Air- vac upgrades in the northern portion of the District have been completed. • Reduced corrective maintenance decreased the betterment fee for maintenance by 36.2%. Planned Drinking Water Maintenance Ratio in Dollars Compares how effectively the District is investing in planned maintenance (QualServe). Percentage of Preventative Maintenance Completed in the Fleet Shop To track the percentage of scheduled PM's that are completed in the Fleet Shop. This measure was not tracked until FY 2008-2009. Replace Manual Read Meters with Automated Meters Increase meter reading efficiency and reduce water loss. 156 • Reduced overtime requirements contributed to a reduction of over $30K in overtime costs. • Successfully coordinated a methodology and had an agreement executed with Cuyamaca College to install a new ten-inch meter at no cost to the District, a $60,120 savings, and to recuperate funds for un-metered water from previous years estimated at $179,000. • The Fleet Maintenance Section has successfully managed to assure all data has been registered and the maintenance/repair costs are properly being tracked though the IMS system in order to be within code compliance per California Air Resources Board (CARB) and/or Air Pollution Control District (APCD) regulations. • Developed a detailed listing for all three-inch and larger meters. Also, documented a comprehensive Large Meter Testing program which generated the development of a Priority Testing schedule and created a large meter testing protocol and procedure for the upcoming Large Meter Testing CIP project. • Installed a 12-inch pressure relief valve in the 803-1 Pump Station to prevent over-pressurizing the system. • Modified the return activated sludge piping at the Reclamation Plant’s aeration basins from 4-inch to 6-inch piping. • New material and pipe bins for field crews were installed at the Regulatory Site in order to increase efficiency for activities in the northern portion of the District. • Continue to be very responsive to all water leaks and breaks, minimizing disruptions to customers. 157 158 Personnel Count FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 Chief, Engineering 1 1 1 District Position Count ‐ 166       Engineering Department ‐ 21 Water Resources Design / Planning /  Construction /  Environmental Public Services /  Survey / Inspection Engineering gg Executive Secretary 1 1 1 Secretary 1 1 1 Engineering Manager 2 2 2 Public Services Manager 1 1 1 Senior Civil Engineer 2 2 1 Associate Civil Engineer 3 2 2 Assistant Civil Engineer 1 0 0 Environmental Compliance Specialist 1 1 1 Permit Technicians I and II 2 2 2 Senior Engineering Technician 0 3 3 Engineering Technicians I, II and III 4 0 0 Inspection Supervisor 1 1 1 Construction Inspectors I and II 4 3 2 Supervising Land Surveyor 1 1 1 Survey Technician 1 1 1 Assistant Survey Technician 1 1 1 Total 27 23 21 Water Resources Design / Planning /  Construction /  Environmental Public Services /  Survey / Inspection Engineering 159 Department Responsibilities Engineering The Engineering Department, under the general direction of the Assistant General Manager, provides the following support services: Planning, Design, Construction, Project Management and surverying of all District facilities; responsible for strategic planning, capital budget, water resources planning, support facilities planning, environmental services, quality control, construction, developer designed and constructed facilities; coordinates assigned activities with other district departments and outside agencies; provides highly responsible and complex administrative and technical support to the District, General Manager, and Board of Directors. Board of Directors 0.3% General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5% Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget 27.8 Million Engineering - $2,070,700 FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Engineering Chief (1)418,228$ 359,200$ 338,055$ 319,200$ Planning 353,222 605,000 403,119 366,000 Design 429,041 291,700 267,342 211,300 Water Resources 146,718 157,400 130,254 157,700 Public Services 253,658 280,900 247,257 265,800 Construction Services 520,110 356,100 281,888 216,100 Survey Services 235,877 302,100 231,250 272,400 Environmental Services 330,106 602,300 397,119 262,200 TOTAL 2,686,961$ 2,954,700$ 2,296,284$ 2,070,700$ (1) Effective FY 2008, Engineering and Development Services Departments are combined; Development Services Chief Section is deactivated. FY 2009 Board of Directors 0.3% General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5% Information Technology and Strategic Planning 10.3% Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget 27.8 Million Engineering - $2,070,700 160 Engineering FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Labor and Benefits 1,593,576$ 1,639,800$ 1,407,942$ 1,215,300$ Travel and Meetings 19,186 22,900 13,107 23,300 General Office Expense 10,890 13,500 7,052 9,300 Equipment 3,322 6,200 5,754 3,500 Fees 23,936 55,000 37,714 65,000 Services 1,035,360 1,214,400 822,454 749,600 Training 439 2,900 2,261 4,700 Materials & Maintenance 253 - - - Total 2,686,961$ 2,954,700$ 2,296,284$ 2,070,700$ FY 2009 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,500 $2,858 $3,428 $3,306 $2,955 $2,071 $2,801 $2,653 $2,687 $2,296 (i n T h o u s a n d D o l l a r s ) Budget vs. Actual Budget Actual $- $500 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 ( Fiscal Year Proposed 161 Water Resources Services We Provide The Water Resources Division within the Engineering Department is responsible for a variety of water resources planning functions directly related to potable, recycled water, and sewer services. This includes identification, negotiation, acquisition, and development of additional potable and recycled water supplies of various interagency cooperative agreements and coordination of water resources functions with other entities such as the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, San Diego County Water Authority, City of San Diego, County of San Diego, and the City of Chula Vista. Prepare capital improvement program facility plan and budget, and land development projects to ensure adequate and reliable water service to customers and compliance with local and state laws for land development projects. Provide guidance and technical assistance for the development of the water and sewer capacity and annexation fees methodology and rates. Coordinate funding resources such as grants, loans, and cost sharing opportunities. Strategic Plan Objectives • Prioritize and implement recommendations contained in the Integrated Resources Plan and Water Resources Master plan to obtain additional potable water supply by 15%. • Evaluate the long-term requirement for costs and benefits of seeking additional sewer collection flow, treatment, and/or disposal capacity. • Obtain new recycled water supplies by 10% by prioritizing and implementing the recommendations in the IRP & WRMP. • Develop and implement an Asset Management Program Plan to extend useful life of capital assets. • Identify existing facilities that are good candidates for conversion to separate irrigation meters (recycled and/or potable water), specifically for multi- family/industrial/commercial projects. • Enforce use of separate meters for irrigation during the Sub-Area Master Plan (SAMP) Review Process to maximize the use of recycled water. Accomplishments – Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • Received $1,895,000 from the United States Bureau of Reclamation for participation in their Title XIV Program. Total received to date is $6,535,000. Engineering   162 The agreement provides for up to 25% funding of over $90 million for District recycled water projects. • Initiated the temporary connection of the upgraded Otay14FCF to the La Mesa Sweetwater Extension to maximize the water supply take from the Helix Water District Levy Water Treatment Plant in an effort to mitigate the 10,000 acre-feet per year requirement per terms of the East County Regional Treated Water Improvement Program Agreement. • Prepared scope of work and request for proposal resulting in the acquisition of consulting services for the Middle Sweetwater River Basin Groundwater Well Pilot project. • Completed MBR Wastewater Reclamation Facility Feasibility Report and study effort in collaboration with Sweetwater Authority and the City of Chula Vista. Prepared a draft scope of work for consultant to prepare a study to develop a realistic reclamation facility option and cost estimate for MBR proposal for contrasting with purchasing of Metro System capacity and prepared a draft agreement with the City of Chula Vista for joint participation in the study. • Obtained Board approval of the SB 221 and SB 610 report for the Otay Ranch Company Resort Parcel development project. Managed the complex activities for the SB 221 and SB 610 study efforts for the Otay Ranch Resort project. • Finalized three technical memorandums for Rosarito Desalination Study. Prepared draft California Environmental Quality Act and preliminary design report scope of work for a planned Request for Proposal. • Participated in the Otay Mesa CDC, Donovan Prison Medical Facility, George Bailey Expansion, Sycuan Indian Reservation, Peaceful Valley Ranch developments and their water supply offset requirements. Developed an analysis of the draft water supply offset costs for each of these projects. • Worked with MWH to develop the Sweetwater Authority Water Supply Study from the Sweetwater Authority Perdue Water Treatment Plant. Planning / Design / Construction / Environmental Services We Provide The Planning, Design, Construction, and Environmental Divisions within the Engineering Department provide a variety of services directly related to potable water, recycled water, and sewer facilities. This includes taking a project literally from “cradle to grave.” Planning staff develops the preliminary design of a project in order to facilitate final design and ultimately construction of the facility. Planning staff also coordinates the review of planning documents related to potential new development. Design staff prepares the design of facilities and advertises projects for bid. Once bid, the Construction staff provides construction management for the projects. Environmental staff coordinates and tracks the project through the construction stage and for a period 163 after construction if long-term mitigation is required. In addition, we assist the Operations Department on special projects related to maintenance of existing facilities including the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility. Strategic Plan Objectives • Create a comprehensive environmental program that is cost-effective and proactive in response to environmental compliance. • Finalize evaluation of North District service area expansion for recycled water and seek approvals for funding. Performance Measures CIP Project Expenditures vs. Budget Compares quarterly CIP expenditures with budget. Construction Change Order Incidences Measures the rate of change orders for CIP projects under construction. 164 Accomplishments – Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • The following projects were completed: o 640-1 & 2 Reservoirs (P2185) o Force Main Air Vac Replacement and Road Improvement Project (R2086) o Tres Amigas Pipeline Conversion Project (P2356, P2387, P2038) o Calavo Sewer Lift Station Replacement (S2015) o Lane Avenue 20-inch Conversion Project (R2081) o RO Building Remodel (R2053) • The following CIP projects began construction: o 36-Inch Jamacha Road Pipeline (P2009) o 850-4 Reservoir (P2191) o 1296-3 Reservoir (P2143) o 1485-1 Pump Station (P2172) o Agency Interconnections (P2422) o Regulatory Site Material Storage Bins (P2465) • Obtained Low-effect Habitat Conservation Plan Take Permit for the Force Main Air Vac Replacement Project (R2086). • Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the 36-inch Jamacha Road Pipeline adopted by the Board on August 6, 2008 (P2009). • Mitigated Negative Declaration for the 1296-3 Reservoir adopted by the Board on August 6, 2008 (P2143). • Completed the North District Recycled Water Concept, Phase I Study (R2089). Project Closeout Time Measures the average number of days between the issuance of a Notice of Substantial Completion (NOSC) and a Notice of Completion (NOC) for CIP projects in construction. 165 Public Services / Survey / Inspection Services We Provide We assist the public by responding to customer visits, phone calls, and inquiries regarding permits, plan-checking fees, filing procedures, permit status, meter sales, meter costs, and lateral costs. We administer all plan-checking submittals for potable water, recycled water and sewer applications for approval, cellular lease agreements, fire service, and backflow inspections, project deposits, and invoicing. We provide inspections to private developer funded projects and the District's Capital Improvement Projects, easement and encroachment enforcements, and survey and utility mark outs of District facilities and GPS plots. Strategic Plan Objectives • Continue a regional approach and expand the District’s recycled water outreach program to landscape architects, maintenance companies, developers, contractors, and homeowner associations. • Enhance Construction Inspection on construction projects by implementing IMS. • Obtain access to shared electricity, gas, telephone, and other utilities from cell site vendors, San Diego County, and other agencies. Performance Measures Accomplishments – Fiscal Year 2008-2009 • Generated revenue in excess of $2 million. • Thirty (30) cell site leases brought in over $843,000 in revenue. • Processed over 450 permits. • Established and implemented an Easement Inspection Program. Mark-out Accuracy Measures the percentage of at-fault hits over time. 166 • Analyzed the Retrofit Recycled Optimization Program. • Completed 2,240 mark-outs with an accuracy rate of 100%. • Located 1,713 facilities (facilities include appurtenances, valves, fire hydrants, blow offs, fire services, all sewer manholes, laterals and clean outs throughout the District) and transferred them into our information system. • Eleven (11) parcel maps and 2 subdivision maps totaling 15 lots were added to the cadastral base map. In addition, 327 assessor's parcel map pages were researched and all new parcels updated. • Drafted 72 easements and exported them to the GIS. • Quality assurance and control exercised for over 11,631 linear feet of pipe on approximately 249 projects constructed by developers. All projects were accomplished with no loss of time due to injuries or accidents. 167 168 Description FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget General Expense 2,547,639$ 784,000$ 1,922,672$ 865,500$ TOTAL 2,547,639$ 784,000$ 1,922,672$ 865,500$ FY 2009 General Expense The expenses in this section are general operating expenses not associated with an individual department. The expenses include: legal costs, insurance premiums, changes in accrued employee leave balances and miscellaneous interest. These expenses represent 4% of the total Departmental Budget. FY 2010 Total Departmental Budget - $27.8 Million General Expense - $865,000 Board of Directors 0.3%General Manager 6.0% General Expense 3.1% Administrative Services 14.1% Finance 17.5%Information Technology and Strategic Planning 10.3% Water Operations 41.3% Engineering 7.4% 169 General Expense FY 2008 FY 2010 Actual Budget Estimated Budget Labor and Benefits (1)694,712$ (188,300)$ 383,300$ (300)$ Fees 1,852,927 972,300 1,539,372 865,800 Total 2,547,639$ 784,000$ 1,922,672$ 865,500$ (1) FY 2010 and FY09 Labor and Benefits budget amounts are negative because of Vacancy Factor (salary savings) of $207,700 and $424,300 respectively. This is netted against other District-wide Labor and Benefit Expenses. In prior years Vacancy Factor was budgeted in the individual departments. FY 2009 $863 $942 $1,054 $1,813 $1,686 $2,548 $784 $1,923 $866 $- $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 (i n T h o u s a n d D o l l a r s ) FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 Fiscal Year Budget vs. Actual Budget Actual 170 Capital Improvement Program  The District provides water service to a population of approximately 195,000 which is expected to ultimately increase to 277,000. This growth as well as the maintenance of existing assets requires long term capital planning. The process is a dynamic one, due to the evolving needs of the community, the water supply issues, and changing regulations, and therefore is part of the District’s overall strategic planning. The capital planning process involves identifying current and future needs, and prioritizing them based on certain operating assumptions. The primary objective of this planning effort is to support an orderly, efficient program of expansion, replacement and betterment, while maintaining a stable long-range financial plan. To accommodate this growth requires that the District invest $500 million in capital assets through ultimate build-out. The Fiscal Year 2010 Capital Budget is $37.2 million and the five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) totals $222.4 million. A separate CIP Budget Notebook contains the descriptions, justifications, expenditures, and funding for all the identified projects to ultimate build-out. Assumptions and Criteria The Water Resources Master Plan was based on several major assumptions and design criteria as follows: 1. Utilizing historical water demands for each land use type in the District to calculate future demands; 2. Using maximum day peaking factors that vary with demand level; 3. Utilizing land use as planned by the City of Chula Vista; 4. Providing ten days of emergency water supply through a maximum of five days in covered reservoirs and a minimum of five days from interconnections with adjacent agencies; 5. Inclusion of emergency operational storage to meet the five-day covered storage requirement into the ten-day outage supply requirement. In summary, the CIP is developed based on the District's Water Resources Master Plan, incorporating historical data, growth, developers' input, SANDAG projections, and long-term economic outlook. Justification for Project and Impact on Operating Budget The justification for each project is determined by whether it is required due to growth (Expansion), improvements or upgrades (Betterment), or to replace an existing asset (Replacement). As these projects are completed and placed into service, there may be an impact on the Operating Budget by increasing cost in the areas of maintenance, energy or chemicals as shown on the justification and impact pages in this section. 171 Capital Purchases and Facilities This year, all capital expenditures are in the CIP. This includes capital facilities and capital purchases. Capital purchases are non-recurring operating expense items for District-wide use that cost more than $10,000 each and have an estimated useful life of two years or more. The Capital Purchase Projects include Vehicle, Office Equipment and Furniture, and Field Equipment purchases, the details of which can be found on page 185. Capital Facility Projects are items that exceed $10,000 or $20,000 for infrastructure related items (as defined under Capital Equipment on page 245 of the Glossary) and have a useful life of at least two years. The CIP projects identified are prioritized based on the following criteria: 1. Safety, restoration of service, immediate obligation, Board directed or critical system need. 2. System upgrades or requirements to maintain system reliability in the next few fiscal years. 3. Need to meet the future growth of the system. 4. Project requirement may be reduced in capacity or may have low probability of need in the future. The following three categories of CIP projects are: Expansion Facilities required to support new or future users which are funded from capacity fees, or user rates. Betterment Facilities required because of inadequate capacity or new requirements that benefit existing users and funded from availability, betterment fees or rates. Replacement Facilities required to renew or replace existing facilities that have deteriorated or have exceeded their useful life and are funded from user rates. Capital Improvement Projects The 2010 Fiscal Year CIP Budget contains 87 projects. The cost of the work planned for Fiscal Year 2010 is $37.2 million. Of the 87 projects planned for Fiscal Year 2010, only one is designated as reimbursable projects with estimated costs of $1,000. These projects are built by developers and reimbursed by the District. Capital Improvement Program  172 The following shows how the $37.2 million of projects are broken down into four categories: 1.Capital facilities $ 28.7 million 2.Replacement or renewal projects $ 6.7 million 3.Capital purchase projects $ 1.8 million 4.Developer reimbursement projects $ 1.0 thousand The Five-Year CIP and Fiscal Year 2010 Capital Budgets are consistent with the District's Water Resources Master Plan, current capacity fees, and the District's strategic financial objectives. Major CIP Projects  173 Flagship CIP Project in Construction Key Component: A new 2.0 MG Steel Reservoir will provide additional storage in the 1296 Pressure Zone. Schedule: Notice to Proceed was issued on February 10, 2009. Project is on schedule and is expected to be completed prior to February 16, 2010. Cost: The project budget is $3.64 million, of which $1.7 million, or 47%, has been spent. Significant Issues: None. Highlights: The design of this reservoir is a Type III concrete reservoir. The lifecycle cost of building a concrete reservoir is much lower than a welded steel reservoir. A solar power generating system was added to this project which includes a 75 square-foot photovoltaic panel for generating power, which is tied to the SDG&E power grid. 1296-3 Reservoir 2.0 MG (P2143) This project was awarded in February 2009. This project will provide additional storage in the 1296 Pressure Zone. 174 Flagship CIP Project in Construction Key Component: A new 2.2 MG Steel Reservoir to meet the ultimate demand in the 850 pressure zone. Schedule: Construction is approximately 98% complete. The project is scheduled for completion in June 2009. Cost: The project budget is $3.25 million, of which $3.14 million, or 97%, has been spent. Significant Issues: The project completion date has been extended from June 2009 to August 2009, due to delays by SDG&E for service to the site along with long lead times for materials. Highlights: The design includes a solar panel capable of producing a minimum of 1 kW that will be tied back to the grid. 850-4 Reservoir (P2191) This project was awarded and started in February 2008. This project includes the construction of a 2.2 MG steel reservoir. 175 Flagship CIP Project in Construction  36-Inch Pipeline From FCF No. 14 to Regulatory Site Project Key Component: Approximately 5 miles of 36-inch pipeline for potable water from Otay’s FCF No. 14 to the Regulatory Site. Schedule: A construction contract was awarded on June 3, 2009. Cost: The project budget is $22.0 million, of which $3.77 million, or 17% has been spent. Significant Issues: None Highlights: The first and main component of the Jamacha Road Pipeline Project consists of the construction of a 36-inch tape wrapped cement mortar lined and coated steel pipeline which will transfer water from the Otay 14 Flow Control Facility. The second component consists of the replacement of concrete cylinder pipe with approx. 4,500 feet of 12-inch and 8-inch polyvinyl chloride pipe along Jamacha Road. 176 CIP Project in Construction  1485-1 Pump Station Replacement (P2172) This project was awarded and started in January 2009. This project consists of construction of a new pump station to replace the existing pump station and to expand capacity as projected within the Water Resources Master Plan. 177 CIP Project in Construction  450-1 Reservoir Disinfection Facility (R2092) This project was awarded in December 2008. The recycled water will be additionally disinfected prior to delivery to District customers. This project will supplement the disinfection provided for the South Bay Water Reclamation Plant. 178 CIP Reserve Funds The CIP Reserve Funds presentation, shown on the following pages, is designed to provide an understanding of how the funding of CIPs is expected to financially influence the District over the next six years. The financial impacts are based on CIP and its funding sources, including fund transfers in accordance with the District’s Reserve Policy, and planned debt issuances. This data is captured in the District’s Rate Model on an annual basis in order to make these projections. $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 $15,046 $9,434 $20,966 $5,598 $3,002 $3,040 $31,910 $26,029 $29,667 $33,832 $37,894 $39,400 $17,245 $8,712 $17,034 $4,343 $6,413 $1,616 Th o u s a n d s Fiscal Year RESERVE FUND BALANCES Betterment Replacement Expansion (Thousand $000s)FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Total Capacity Fees 1,619$ 1,514$ 2,576$ 10,051$ 13,584$ 16,340$ 45,683$ Debt financing 41,000 - 54,380 - 14,610 - 109,990 Grants 5,221 3,970 1,130 1,050 1,000 1,000 13,371 Interest 1,104 1,354 1,755 2,133 2,112 2,502 10,961 Betterment Charges 948 948 976 1,006 1,036 1,067 5,981 Temporary Meters 1,171 1,171 1,173 1,178 1,185 1,187 7,064 Availability (Betterment Portion) 519 519 534 550 567 584 3,273 Transfer from General Fund 9,833 8,669 13,859 15,894 17,683 21,582 87,520 Interfund Transfers - - - - - 1,545 1,545 Total Sources 61,415 18,144 76,384 31,862 51,776 45,807 285,387 CIP Projects 37,272 29,946 42,366 43,841 35,041 33,949 222,415 Betterment Fees for Maintenance 571 583 595 606 618 631 3,604 Debt Service 5,261 6,238 8,513 9,876 11,134 11,474 52,496 Developer Services 1,397 1,404 1,418 1,432 1,447 1,461 8,559 Interfund Transfers - - - - - 1,545 1,545 Total Uses 44,501 38,171 52,892 55,756 48,240 49,060 288,619 Net Sources (Uses)16,913$ (20,027)$ 23,492$ (23,894)$ 3,537$ (3,253)$ (3,232)$ $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 $15,046 $9,434 $20,966 $5,598 $3,002 $3,040 $31,910 $26,029 $29,667 $33,832 $37,894 $39,400 $17,245 $8,712 $17,034 $4,343 $6,413 $1,616 Th o u s a n d s Fiscal Year RESERVE FUND BALANCES Betterment Replacement Expansion 179 (Thousands $000s)FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 TOTAL Expansion 13,915$ 14,415$ 19,966$ 23,210$ 22,494$ 28,620$ 122,620$ Betterment 14,614 9,152 18,307 17,406 9,695 4,302 73,476 Replacement 8,744 6,379 4,093 3,225 2,852 1,027 26,319 TOTAL 37,272$ 29,946$ 42,366$ 43,841$ 35,041$ 33,949$ 222,415$ (Thousands $000s)FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 TOTAL Capital Facility Projects 28,728$ 21,672$ 34,246$ 30,407$ 21,699$ 18,082$ 154,834$ Maintenance Projects 6,716 6,830 3,520 2,325 2,250 500 22,141 Capital Purchase Projects 1,827 995 1,090 1,310 962 867 7,051 Developer Reimbursement Projects 1 99 825 350 - - 1,275 CIP Funding Source and Category $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 SIX-YEAR CIP BY FUNDING SOURCE Expansion Replacement Betterment pj , Subtotal 37,272 29,596 39,681 34,392 24,911 19,449 185,301 FY 2011 Through FY 2015 Projects - 350 2,685 9,449 10,130 14,500 37,114 TOTAL 37,272$ 29,946$ 42,366$ 43,841$ 35,041$ 33,949$ 222,415$ $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 SIX-YEAR CIP BY FUNDING SOURCE Expansion Replacement Betterment $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 SIX-YEAR CIP BY CATEGORY Capital Facility Projects Maintenance Projects Capital Purchase Projects Developer Reimbursement Projects 180 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 CIP No.Description FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 Total CAPITAL FACILITY PROJECTS P2009 PL - 36-Inch, SDCWA Otay FCF No. 14 to Regulatory Site 15,000$ 3,200$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 18,200$ P2010 PL - 24-Inch, Sweetwater Authority Perdue WTP to 36-Inch Main 135 400 1,600 1,600 - - 3,735 P2038 PL - 12-Inch, 978 Zone, Jamacha, Hidden Mesa, and Chase Upsize and Replacements 1,100 200 - - - - 1,300 P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir 0.5 MG 1 1 1 78 700 795 1,576 P2143 Res - 1296-3 Reservoir 2 MG 2,000 40 - - - - 2,040 P2172 PS - 1485-1 Pump Station Replacement 1,550 25 - - - - 1,575 P2181 PL - 30-Inch, 1296 Zone, Proctor Valley Road - Proctor Valley PS/Millar Ranch 100 400 2,000 1,700 - - 4,200 P2185 Res - 640-1 Reservoir 20.0 MG 550 - - - - - 550 P2191 Res - 850-4 Reservoir 2.2 MG 435 - - - - - 435 P2203 PL - 36-Inch, 1296 Zone, Proctor Valley Road - Millar Ranch/Pioneer 120 140 800 440 - - 1,500 P2204 PL - 24-Inch, 1296 Zone, Pioneer Way - Proctor Valley/1296 Reservoirs 100 200 1,100 600 - - 2,000 P2318 PL - 20-Inch, 657 Zone, Summit Cross-Tie and 36-Inch Main Connections 1 99 230 200 - - 530 P2387 PL - 12-Inch, 832 Zone, Steele Canyon Road - Via Caliente/Campo 15 - - - - - 15 P2391 PS - Perdue WTP Pump Station (5 MGD)200 300 2,700 2,000 - - 5,200 P2430 PL - 30-Inch, 980 Zone, Proctor Valley Road - PB Bndy/Proctor Valley PS 150 450 2,400 2,200 - - 5,200 P2434 Rancho Del Rey Groundwater Well Development 1,450 1,648 - - - - 3,098 P2450 Otay River Groundwater Well Demineralization Project 20 100 500 1,000 5,000 4,400 11,020 P2451 Rosarito Desalination Facility Conveyance System 500 850 12,000 14,000 2,450 - 29,800 P2465 Regulatory Site Material Storage Bins 10 - - - - - 10 P2466 Regional Training Facility 90 60 - - - - 150 P2467 San Diego Formation Groundwater Feasibility Study 600 600 - - - - 1,200 P2471 850/657 PRS at La Presa Pump Station 80 225 - - - - 305 P2472 Water Supply Feasibility Studies 150 -----150 CIP Projects ($1,000s) The 2010 Fiscal Year CIP Budget contains 87 projects. The costs for the work planned for Fiscal Year 2010 is $37.3 million. Of the 87 projects planned for Fiscal Year 2010, one is designated as reimbursable project with an estimated cost of $1,000. This project is built by a developer and reimbursed by the District. P2472 Water Supply Feasibility Studies 150 - - - - - 150 P2473 PS - 711-1 Pump Station Improvement 325 50 - - - - 375 P2474 Fuel Storage Covers and Containment 100 - - - - - 100 P2475 Pump Station Fire Hydrant Installations 40 - - - - - 40 P2481 Middle Sweetwater River Basin Groundwater Well System 1,000 2,000 4,000 - - - 7,000 P2482 Otay Mesa Lot 7 Groundwater Well System 150 1,700 1,200 - - - 3,050 P2487 Sir Francis Helix and Otay Valley Cal American Agency Interconnections 200 - - - - - 200 P2488 Del Rio Road Helix and Otay Agency Interconnection 25 125 - - - - 150 P2489 Gillespie Drive Helix and Otay Agency Interconnection 25 125 - - - - 150 P2497 Solar Power Feasibility Study 50 - - - - - 50 P2498 Brine Disposal Pipeline Otay River Demineralization Plant to South Bay Outfall 5 10 40 100 4,000 1,445 5,600 R2048 RecPL - Otay Mesa Distribution Pipelines and Conversions 150 250 1,500 90 - - 1,990 R2053 RWCWRF - R.O. Building Remodel and Office Furniture 15 - - - - - 15 R2058 RecPL - 16-Inch, 860 Zone, Airway Road - Otay Mesa/Alta 350 775 775 700 - - 2,600 R2077 RecPL - 24-Inch, 860 Zone, Alta Road - Alta Gate/Airway 295 3,150 400 55 - - 3,900 R2081 RecPL - 20-Inch, 944 Zone, Lane Avenue - Proctor Valley/Pond No. 1 70 - - - - - 70 R2087 RecPL - 20-Inch, 944 Zone, Wueste Road - Olympic/Otay WTP 350 3,500 450 - - - 4,300 R2088 RecPL - 20-Inch, 860 Zone, County Jail - Roll Reservoir/860-1 Reservoir 5 20 200 1,700 1,510 - 3,435 R2089 North District Recycled Water Regulatory Compliance 20 - - - - - 20 R2091 RecPS - 944-1 Pump Station Upgrade 500 - - - - - 500 R2092 Dis - 450-1 Reservoir Disinfection Facility 70 - - - - - 70 R2093 MBR City of Chula Vista 50 50 50 50 1,500 3,280 4,980 R2094 Potable Irrigation Meters to Recycled Water Conversions 500 500 1,000 - - - 2,000 R2097 RWCWRF - Salt Creek Live Stream Discharge 26 160 100 - - - 286 S2018 RWCWRF - Secondary Process Automation 50 - - - - - 50 47 Total Capital Facility Projects 28,728 21,353 33,046 26,513 15,160 9,920 134,720 181 CIP Projects ($1,000s) CIP No.Description FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 Total REPLACEMENT/RENEWAL PROJECTS P2356 PL - 12-Inch, 803 Zone, Jamul Drive Permastran Pipeline Replacement 15 - - - - - 15 P2366 APCD Engine Replacements and Retrofits 180 190 220 200 200 200 1,190 P2382 Safety and Security Improvements 70 50 50 50 50 50 320 P2416 SR-125 Utility Relocations 40 - - - - - 40 P2440 I-905 Utility Relocations 200 63 - - - - 263 P2453 SR-11 Utility Relocations 75 175 245 - - - 495 P2456 Air and Vacuum Valve Upgrades 500 450 450 - - - 1,400 P2458 AMR Manual Meter Replacement 1,400 1,500 1,650 1,700 1,650 - 7,900 P2477 Res - 624-1 Reservoir Cover Replacement 325 100 - - - - 425 P2483 PS - 870-1Pump Motor and Switch Gear Replacement 130 - - - - - 130 P2484 Large Water Meter Replacement Program 135 100 100 100 100 - 535 P2485 SCADA Communication System and Software Replacement 265 350 300 - - - 915 P2486 Asset Management Plan Condition Assessment and Data Acquisition 300 300 200 - - - 800 P2490 1296-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating and Upgrades 340 10 - - - - 350 P2491 850-3 Reservoir Exterior Coating 290 10 - - - - 300 P2492 1296-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating and Upgrades 30 560 10 - - - 600 P2493 624-2 Reservoir Interior Coating and Upgrades 30 910 10 - - - 950 P2494 Multiple Species Conservation Plan 141 75 10 - - - 226 P2495 San Miguel Habitat Management/Mitigation Area 225 150 150 175 150 150 1,000 P2496 Otay Lakes Road Utility Relocations 75 25 - - - - 100 R2086 RWCWRF Force Main AirVac Replacements and Road Improvements 40 - - - - - 40 R2095 RWCWRF - Filter Storage Reservoir Cover Replacement 75 - - - - - 75 R2096 RWCWRF - Blower System Rehabilitation/Replacement 800 200 - - - - 1,000 S2012 SVSD Outfall and RSD Replacement and OM Reimbursement 300 130 100 100 100 100 830 S2015 Calavo Lift Station Replacement 10 - - - - - 10 S2019 Avocado Boulevard 8-Inch Sewer Main Improvement 600 1,032 - - - - 1,632 S2020 Calavo Drive 8-Inch Sewer Main Replacement 40 300 10 - - - 350 S2021 Jamacha Road 8-Inch Sewer Main Replacement 30 110 10 - - - 150 S2022 Hidden Mesa Drive 8-Inch Sewer Main Rehabilitation 5 40 5 - - - 50 S2023 Calavo Drive Sewer Main Utility Relocation 50 -----50S2023Calavo Drive Sewer Main Utility Relocation 50 - - - - - 50 30 Total Replacement/Renewal Projects 6,716 6,830 3,520 2,325 2,250 500 22,141 CAPITAL PURCHASE PROJECTS P2282 Vehicle Capital Purchases 484 410 420 640 392 382 2,728 P2285 Office Equipment and Furniture Capital Purchases 40 20 20 20 20 20 140 P2286 Field Equipment Capital Purchases 183 65 50 50 50 15 413 P2443 Information Technology Mobile Services 150 100 100 100 - - 450 P2461 Records Management System Upgrade 100 - - - - - 100 P2469 Information Technology Network and Hardware 300 200 300 300 300 250 1,650 P2470 Application Systems Development and Integration 430 200 200 200 200 200 1,430 P2478 Administration Building Engine/Generator Set 120 - - - - - 120 P2479 Operations Yard Property Acquisition 20 - - - - - 20 9 Total Capital Purchase Projects 1,827 995 1,090 1,310 962 867 7,051 CIP No.Description FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 Total DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT PROJECTS P2325 PL - 10" to 12" Oversize, 1296 Zone, PB Road - Rolling Hills Hydro PS/PB Bndy 1 49 - - - - 50 1 Total Developer Reimbursement Projects 1 49 - - - - 50 87 Total - FY 2010 Projects 37,272 29,227 37,656 30,148 18,372 11,287 163,962 19 FY 2011 Through FY 2015 Projects - 719 4,710 13,693 16,669 22,662 58,453 Grand Totals 37,272$ 29,946$ 42,366$ 43,841$ 35,041$ 33,949$ 222,415 182 CIP No.Description J/FS (1)Total FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 Total FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 P2009 PL - 36-Inch, SDCWA Otay E/B 9,300$ - - 9,300 9,600 9,900 10,200 39,000$ P2010 PL - 24-Inch, Sweetwater Authority E/B 1,400 - - - - 1,400 1,400 2,800 P2037 Res - 980-3 Reservoir 15 MG E 28,200 - - - - - - - P2181 PL - 30-Inch, 1296 Zone E/B 1,800 - - - - 1,800 1,900 3,700 P2203 PL - 36-Inch, 1296 Zone E/B 1,000 - - - - 1,000 1,000 2,000 P2204 PL - 24-Inch, 1296 Zone E/B 700 - - - - 700 700 1,400 P2235 Res - 624-4 Emergency Reservoir E 75,100 - - - - - - - P2391 PS - Perdue WTP Pump Station E/B 51,800 - - - - 51,800 53,400 105,200 P2430 PL - 30-Inch, 980 Zone E/B 2,700 - - - - 2,700 2,800 5,500 P2434 Rancho Del Rey Groundwater Well E/B 5,700 - - 5,700 5,900 6,100 6,300 24,000 P2451 Rosarito Desalination Facility E/B 3,400 - - - - - 3,400 3,400 P2481 Middle Sweetwater River Basin E/B 9,700 - - - 9,700 10,000 10,300 30,000 P2482 Otay Mesa Lot 7 Groundwater Well E/B 3,200 - - - 3,200 3,300 3,400 9,900 P2498 Brine Disposal Pipeline Otay River E/B 2,700 - - - - - - - P2033 PL - 16-Inch, 1296 Zone E 2,200 - - - - 1,100 2,200 3,300 P2038 PL - 12-Inch, 978 Zone B/R 1,500 - - 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6,000 P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir B 900 - - - - - - - P2143 Res - 1296-3 Reservoir E 3,800 - 3,800 3,900 4,000 4,100 4,200 20,000 P2172 PS - 1485-1 Pump Station B/R 7,400 - 7,400 7,600 7,800 8,000 8,200 39,000 P2185 Res - 640-1 Reservoir E/B 37,600 - 18,800 37,600 38,700 39,900 41,100 176,100 P2190 PL - 10-Inch, 1485 Zone B 400 - - - - 400 400 800 P2191 Res - 850-4 Reservoir E/B 4,200 2,100 4,200 4,300 4,400 4,500 4,600 24,100 P2318 PL - 20-Inch, 657 Zone B 100 - - - - 100 100 200 P2357 PS - 657-1/850-1 Pump Station B (44,400) - - - (44,400) (45,700) (47,100) (137,200) P2370 Res - Dorchester Reservoir B (4,800) - - - (4,800) (4,900) (5,000) (14,700) P2387 PL - 12-Inch, 832 Zone B 600 500 600 600 600 600 600 3,500 P2450 Otay River Groundwater Well E/B 28,100 - - - - - - - R2034 RecRes - 860-1 Reservoir E 7,500 - - - - - 7,500 7,500 R2048 RPLO M Diibi E 10 200 10 200 10 200 CAPITAL FACILITY PROJECTS CIP Justification and Impact on Operating Budget Projected Incremental Operating Expenditures (1) R2048 RecPL - Otay Mesa Distribution E 10,200 - - - - - 10,200 10,200 R2077 RecPL - 24-Inch, 860 Zone E 3,200 - - - - 3,200 3,300 6,500 R2081 RecPL - 16-Inch, 944 Zone E 2,700 2,300 2,400 2,500 2,600 2,700 2,800 15,300 R2087 RecPL - 16-Inch, 944 Zone E 5,100 - - - 5,100 5,300 5,500 15,900 R2088 RecPL - 24-Inch, 860 Zone E/B 2,400 - - - - - 1,800 1,800 R2091 RecPS - 944-1 Pump Station Upgrade E 107,900 - 107,900 111,100 114,400 117,800 121,300 572,500 R2092 Dis - 450-1 Res Disinfection Facility E 10,700 - 5,400 10,700 11,000 11,300 11,600 50,000 Total Capital Facility Projects 384,000$ 4,900$ 150,500$ 194,800$ 169,300$ 238,600$ 269,600$ 1,027,700$ P2458 AMR Retrofit R (226,400) (36,500) (34,500) (34,700) (39,300) (40,400) (41,000) (226,400) Total Replacement/Renewal Projects (226,400) (36,500) (34,500) (34,700) (39,300) (40,400) (41,000) (226,400) (1)Projected Incremental Operating Expenditures(operating cost) or O&M includes labor, benefits, materials and overhead. (2)J/FS - Justification and Funding Source - Some projects have multiple funding sources as indicated by a slash (/): E - Expansion B - Betterment R - Replacement O&M cost for pipes: Total annual operating cost divided by the number of feet of pipe in the system = O&M cost to maintain a foot of pipe. This rate is then multiplied by the number of feet in new pipeline, and is increased annually for inflation. O&M cost for a pump station: Total annual operating cost divided by the number of million of gallons a day (MGD) capacity in the system = O&M cost per MGD. This rate is then multiplied by the MGD capacity of the new pump station. Similarly, power cost per MGD for transmission is calculated and applied to the MGD of the new pump station. Chemical expenses are incurred for pumping at the well sites. All estimated costs are increased annually for inflation. O&M cost for a reservoir: Total annual operating cost divided by the number of million gallons (MG) of storage capacity in the system. This rate per MG is then multiplied by the MG capacity of the new reservoir. Reservoirs require chemical treatment; therefore, the chemical cost per MG is estimated and applied to the future operating cost. Both O&M and chemical costs are increased annually for inflation. Each of the capital purchases and other types of assets has its own unique O&M cost. REPLACEMENT/RENEWAL PROJECTS 183 CIP Justification and Impact on Operating Budget CIP No.Description J/FS (2)Total FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 Total P2443 IT Mobile Services E/R 18,000$ 18,000 18,500 19,100 19,700 20,300 20,900 116,500$ Total Capital Purchase Projects 18,000 18,000 18,500 19,100 19,700 20,300 20,900 116,500 P2104 PL - 12-Inch, 711 Zone E 2,000 - - - - 2,000 2,100 4,100 P2107 PL - 12-Inch, 711 Zone E 1,700 - - - - 1,700 1,800 3,500 P2325 PL - 10" to 12" Oversize E 2,300 - - 2,300 2,400 2,500 2,600 9,800 P2402 PL - 12-Inch, 624 Zone E 1,000 - - - - 1,000 1,000 2,000 P2403 PL - 12-Inch, 624 Zone E 3,100 - - - - - 3,100 3,100 R2028 RecPL - 8-Inch, 680 Zone E 2,400 - - - - - 2,400 2,400 R2042 RecPL - 8-Inch, 944 Zone E 900 - - - 500 500 500 1,500 R2047 RecPL - 12-Inch, 680 Zone E 1,400 - - - 1,400 1,400 1,400 4,200 R2058 RecPL - 16-Inch, 860 Zone E 3,600 - - - - 3,600 3,700 7,300 R2082 RecPL - 24-Inch, 680 Zone E 1,200 - - - 1,200 1,200 1,200 3,600 R2083 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone E 700 - - - 700 700 700 2,100 R2084 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone E 1,900 - - - - 1,900 2,000 3,900 R2085 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone E 1,300 - - - - 1,300 1,300 2,600 Total Developer Reimbursement Projects 23,500 - - 2,300 6,200 17,800 23,800 50,100 Total Operating Budget Cost Impact 199,100$ (13,600)$ 134,500$ 181,500$ 155,900$ 236,300$ 273,300$ 967,900$ CAPITAL PURCHASE PROJECTS DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT PROJECTS The preceding schedule shows anticipated operating costs associated with each project in the CIP, and below is a summary of each category of new costs that will be impacted. No additional revenues are associated with the individual projects, as revenues are linked more directly to growth in water sales and capacity fee revenues. Projected Incremental Operating Expenditures FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 Total (14,600)$ 18,150$ 43,000$ 43,400$ 76,200$ 105,000$ 271,150$ - 98,200 105,500 78,400 124,800 128,500 535,400 1,000 18,150 33,000 34,100 35,300 39,800 161,350 (13,600)$ 134,500$ 181,500$ 155,900$ 236,300$ 273,300$ 967,900$ Note:See pages 184-185 for complete description of CIP projects. Operations and Maintenance Energy Chemical Total Operating Budget Cost Impact Cost Category 184 Item#Amount Type Field Equipment (CIP P2286) N 47 Replacement of filter equipment cover at the treatment plant.R R R R N Total of Field Equipment Office Equipment and Furniture (CIP P2285) Administration 46 To replace copier, printer at the Treatment Plant R R Total of Office Equipment Heavy Truck R R R Subtotal Heavy Truck Light Duty Vehicles R R R R R R R R R R R Subtotal Light Duty Vehicles Total of Vehicles N -NewR - Replacement Total Capital Purchases Budget FY 2010 Capital Purchases Capital purchases are non-recurring operating expense items for District-wide use that cost more than $10,000 each and have an estimated useful life of two years or more. The Capital Purchase Projects include Field Equipment, Office Equipment and Furniture, and Vehicles purchases. Vehicles (CIP P2282) 36 Ford F-150 Supercab Four-door or equivalent.23,000 Ford F-150 Supercab Four-door or equivalent.23,000 32 Ford F-250 or equivalent. 707,000$ 224,000 260,000 484,000 34 Ford F-150 Supercab Four-door 4X4 or equivalent.26,000 35 23,000 33 Ford F-150 Supercab Four-door or equivalent.23,000 30 Ford F-150 Supercab Four-door or E150 Van. Vehicle assignment due to for re-evaluation. 23,000 31 Ford Explorer 4X4 or equivalent.25,000 28 Ford Explorer or equivalent.25,000 29 Ford F-150 Supercab Four-door 4X4 or equivalent.26,000 26 Toyota Matrix.20,000$ 27 Ford F-150 Supercab Four-door or equivalent.23,000 41 2009 Class 8 ten-wheel dump truck with a 10-12 yard dump bed.78,000 42 2009 Ford F550 or equivalent with a service body and pipe rack.56,000 Operations 40 2009 F550 or equivalent equipped with a custom made and POT/engine-driven hydraulic system, 220 gallon vacuum tank, power wash gun, racks, cabinets, and hose reels. 90,000$ 38 Replacement copier.20,000 40,000 183,000 Operations 45 Five-ton cable operated power with manual extend power rotating crane. 13,000 39 Water leak detection system consisting of eight data loggers, field docking station, and leak correlation software. 22,000 Skid-steer wheel-loader with ripper bucket, finish bucket, and sweeper attachments. 48,000 44 Crew truck cross-mounted air compressor.15,000 20,000$ 43 75,000$ Description Administration 37 Storage Container 10,000$ Operations 185 Introduction This section includes a brief synopsis of the District’s Reserve Policy, Investment Policy, and Debt Policy. The Reserve Policy is a comprehensive policy which explains how the District is operated, including the distinction of business segments to ensure users pay their fair share of costs. It explains how fees are collected and what they are used for. It also explains the difference between funds, as well as how transfers shall be made, and defines each reserve target funding level. The District adopted this new policy in March 2006. The following chart depicts the detailed flow of funds that may be useful in understanding the Reserve Policy. Summary of Financial Policies  186 Investment Policy is a guideline for the prudent investment of cash. It follows government code as well as authority granted by the Board of Directors. The primary objectives, in order of significance, are to invest safely, with adequate liquidity, and to achieve sufficient return on investments. This policy was revised and adopted by the Board in September 2006 and received a Certification of Excellence Award from the Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada (APT US&C). The Debt Policy establishes that debt financing will only be used for capital Improvement Projects (CIP), which have an extended useful life on ten years or longer, and that exceed the District’s ability to be funded with current resources such as annual cash flow, fund balances, or reserves. Additionally, the life of a project is expected to exceed the term of the financing. The District strives to maintain the highest possible credit ratings for all categories of long- term debt that can be achieved without compromising delivery of basic services and the achievement of district policy objectives. This policy was revised and adopted by the Board in January 2007 and receive a Certification of Excellence award from the Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada (APT US&C). 187 Reserve Policy  1.0 The District The Otay Water District is a publicly-owned water and sewer service agency, more specifically, a California special district, authorized in 1956 by the State Legislature under the provisions of the Municipal Water District Act of 1911. The District is a "revenue neutral" public agency, meaning each end user pays its fair share of the District's costs of water acquisition, construction of infrastructure and the operation and maintenance of the public water facilities. The District operates three distinct business segments: • Potable water • Recycled water • Sewer Each of these business segments has a distinct customer base. In addition, the developer community, large and small, makes up a significant class of customer for each business segment. As a result, the District has four distinct customer service types: • Developers • Potable water users • Recycled water users • Sewer users The District has established practices and developed computer systems that have enabled the District to maintain a clear separation between these service costs. Regardless of customer class, financial principles regarding cost allocation and fund accounting are fundamental to the District’s Reserve Policy. These principles are derived from the statements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), and from oversight and advisory bodies such as the California State Auditor, the Little Hoover Commission, and the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). These have significant impacts on how the finances of the District are organized and how financial processes work within the organization. 1.1 The District’s Use of Funds All of the District’s expenditures fall into two broad categories: operating costs and capital expenditures. The Operating and Maintenance (O&M) expenditures generally support the purchase and delivery of potable and recycled water, and the transportation and treatment of sewage. The capital expenditures support the construction of infrastructure necessary to deliver service. The District uses various reserves to support the operating and capital efforts. Capital infrastructure is funded using two methods: pay-as-you-go or debt issuance (requiring annual debt service). The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and the two funding methods support the construction of infrastructure in all three business areas: potable, recycled, and sewer. Both the capital and operating efforts within the District are different for each of the four distinct customer types. 188 The District uses a set of funds to accumulate and account for revenues allocated to different activities. Those funds receive funding up to the levels defined in this policy. Each year, as a part of the annual budget process, the District’s rate model is updated for each fund with the current fund balances and the estimated revenues and expenditures for the next six years. The expenditure or funding requirements are then evaluated to ensure that the existing fund levels and additional revenues are sufficient within the current budget cycle and the next five years. If a deficit is identified, then options for transfers, debt, and/or rate increases are evaluated. 1.2 The District’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) The planning, design, and construction costs of all facilities within the three business segments are allocated to three cost areas: Expansion, Betterment, and/or Replacement. The funding allocation for these three cost areas is defined in the District’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and is determined by an engineering analysis which identifies which type of customers will benefit from the facility. Expansion is for new customers, betterment is for existing customers where the facility is improved, and replacement is for existing customers where the facility is replaced. If an expansion capital project also results in betterment or replacement, the costs are allocated to new users (Expansion) and existing users (Betterment and Replacement) so that the developers will only pay the expansion portions. This policy protects both the developing and established areas from incurring inappropriate costs. Developing areas are not required to finance facilities that are due for replacement or betterment; conversely, established areas are not required to replace facilities before they are worn out simply because of new development. Each facility has the potential to be classified into all three categories to various degrees. In addition to these standard categories there are occasional CIPs that may be billable to a third party such as relocations. a. Expansion Fund The portion of a project that benefits new users is funded by the developing areas through capacity fees. Future expansion costs are divided by all future connections to calculate the capacity fee. This capacity fee is the primary funding source for expansion projects and is accounted for separately and used solely for the planning, design, and construction of expansion facilities. The majority of the funding sources are restricted in nature with the exception of the general use funds placed into the Designated Expansion Fund. b. Betterment Fund The District may construct a project that results in a significant benefit to existing users. Facilities that improve reliability or meet new or increased standards of service are considered betterment facilities. In such a case, user rate charges and betterment fees could be used as a funding source for that portion of the project that results in a lowering of overall operation and maintenance costs or an improvement to the existing users. Betterment may also be a result of increased standards or regulations on water or sewer systems. If the existing system must be improved in order to meet the new standards this cost is a betterment cost. The majority of the 189 funding sources are restricted in nature of their use and the geographic area of use, with the exception of the general use funds placed in the Designated Betterment Fund. c. Replacement Fund Replacement of facilities is funded primarily by general user rates. The portion of a project that benefits existing users is funded by the Replacement Fund. It is expected that the District will debt finance a significant portion of the future replacement facilities. The District has a Debt Policy (Policy No. 45) that guides the debt issuance process. The replacement reserve will serve as an immediate funding source for replacement projects and will provide the necessary flexibility to begin projects while the appropriate debt financing is being obtained. 1.21 Relocations Occasionally, relocation of facilities is required when the District has easements for the pipe location. When a project is relocated, the cost of the new facility shall be funded by the party without an easement or if no parties have easements then it is funded by the party causing the relocation. When this occurs, a CIP project may be created which is wholly or partially funded by a third party who must reimburse the District for the cost of the relocation. Depending on the nature of the facilities, the funding source for these projects could be from replacement, expansion, betterment or third party funding of projects at the District. Each project is individually negotiated. When determining how much this fund will pay for construction, the following guideline is suggested: If a project has more than five years of useful life remaining then funding is incremental, if there is less than five years remaining funds are contributed from the Replacement Fund on a pro-rata basis. 1.22 Oversizing In some cases, where reasonable, the developer may be required by the District to oversize new facilities for future development in order to obtain economies of scale. The developer will be reimbursed for incremental over-sizing costs as per Policy No. 27. These reimbursements are only for backbone facilities funded by capacity fees - not for the distribution system within a development which is an obligation of the developer separate from the capacity fees. These smaller distribution pipes serving the individual homes within a development are often referred to as “in-tract” pipelines. 1.23 Exclusion of Developed Areas from Expansion Costs Developed areas are considered to have sufficient supply and capacity to meet their current requirements as provided by the developers. In addition, they are considered to have borne capital financial costs that are at least proportionate to the benefits they have received from capital facilities. Accordingly, no regional capital financial costs are allocated to these areas so that they will not incur any costs for newly developing areas. In the case of a capital project that produces District-wide cost savings, however; the District may provide financial support to new facilities. 190 1.24 Improvement Districts (IDs) Improvement Districts are established in order to facilitate the funding of a particular improvement by the specific beneficiaries. The District has a number of Improvement Districts that were established for General Obligation (GO) debt repayment. Many of these GO issuances have been paid off and, as outlined in the Debt Policy, it is unlikely that the District will issue additional GO debt. IDs continue to be used for other funding purposes. First, to distinguish sewer customers from water customers on the county tax roll; second, to place parcels on the county tax roll for the collection of availability fees; third, for the charging of special water rates; and fourth, to track which properties have paid annexation fees. Over the years, the District has taken a district-wide perspective to funding improvements. This philosophy is evident by the district-wide capacity fee and annexation fee. The District also uses district-wide water rates. As time continues, it is expected that IDs will continue to outgrow their purpose. So, while many IDs remain their use will diminish over time. 1.3 The Purpose of the Policy Public entities accumulate and maintain reserves to ensure both financial stability and the continuation of the ability to provide services. Financial stability and the increase in credit quality that result from stability allow the public entity to weather times of uncertainty and the impacts of negative events, both major and minor. Funded reserves allow for the continued maintenance of property and payment of expenses beyond the magnitude of the funds available in a single fiscal period. In the final analysis, the type and level of reserves are driven by the type and magnitude of uncertainty faced by the District. A “reserve” has a number of meanings: • Working capital required to insure timely payment of obligations • A buffer against volatility in revenues • Liquidity required to obtain other goods and services (e.g., bank services) • Designated funds to protect creditors • Funds set aside to replace assets at the end of their useful lives • Funds set aside to repair or replace assets damaged or destroyed at unanticipated times It is important to note that reserve, fund balance, and net assets are not the same. Fund balance and net assets are accounting terms and may not always be in the form of cash or liquid investments. Fund balances and net assets may not always be reserves unless a designation of all or a portion of fund balance is made. It is important to note that the term, fund balance was recently replaced by net assets as codified by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). 191 In short, reserves are the liquid assets of the District, accumulated and maintained for application to fund contingent future activities, whether known or unanticipated, operating or capital in nature. The District’s Reserve Policy governs the management and use of these funds. Few policies have a more significant impact on the financial health and stability of the District. This policy explains several key financial concepts used by the District and provides some background information to the overall strategies and practices utilized. The District has a fiduciary obligation to its customers to manage and direct the use of public funds for the purpose of providing water and sewer services in an efficient and financially sound manner. 1.4 Policy Guidelines In 2000, the Little Hoover Commission reviewed the levels of reserve funds for special districts in California and prepared a report reflecting that special districts were accumulating unreasonable levels of funds. As a proactive response, the California Special Districts Association (CSDA) prepared Reserve Guidelines for its members. The Reserve Guidelines were significant in noting that reserve levels need to be in context of the organization’s overall business model and capital improvement plan. There are a number of potential events which the District should consider in the development of reserves: • Economic Uncertainty—performance of the regional economy and the impact of that performance on demand for water • Weather—the amount of rainfall and the impact of weather on the availability and the cost of water • Government Mandates—the impact of federal and state regulation, particularly environmental regulation • Tax Changes—Limitations on the District’s taxing and spending powers through the passage of a voter referendum, the impound of District property taxes or the removal of the District’s power to levy property taxes, further increases to ERAF contributions or changes in calculation methodology • Operating Costs—Increases in operating and maintenance costs because of inflation, labor agreement or other modification • Force Majeure—Unanticipated expenditures resulting from natural disasters or intentional acts • Emergency Maintenance—Unanticipated expenditures resulting from unexpected failure of assets (e.g. rupture in the primary transmission system) • Unexpected Variation in Cash Flow—the incidence of additional costs or decreased revenues that requires short-term borrowing in the absence of sufficient funds The California State Auditor has, in its oversight role, offered a number of quality recommendations for the development of reserve policies as outlined in its report entitled, “California’s Independent Water Districts: Reserve Amounts Are Not Always Sufficiently Justified, and Some Expenses and Contract Decisions Are Questionable,” dated June 2004, 2003-137. Each of these recommendations has been incorporated into this policy in an effort to address key issues surrounding the management and use of District reserves. The detailed objectives as identified by the State Auditor are as follows: 192 • Distinguish between restricted and unrestricted reserves • Establish distinct purposes for all reserves • Set target levels, such as minimums and maximums, for the accumulation of reserves • Identify the events or conditions that prompt the use of reserves • Conform with plans to acquire or build capital assets • Receive Board approval and be in writing • Require periodic review of reserve balances and rationale for maintaining them Yet, the State Auditor’s report acknowledges that the California Constitution (Article XIII B, Section 5) is vague in its provisions governing the accumulation and use of reserve. Specifically, the Constitution states that “each entity of the government can establish contingency, emergency, reserve, or similar funds as it deems reasonable and proper.1” Similarly, the State’s Water Code does not impose any requirements as to specific or recommended reserve fund levels. As a result, the public finance community as a whole has yet to settle on any real objective standards for the level of reserve funds appropriate for governmental enterprises. This lack of consensus as to specific standards is indicative of the wide variance of the financial and operations contexts for different districts and different contingencies justifying reserve of funds. The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) in its Recommended Practice on Appropriate Level of Unreserved Fund Balance in the General Fund (2002) states: In establishing a policy governing the level of unreserved fund balance in the general fund, a government should consider a variety of factors, including: • The predictability of its revenues and the volatility of its expenditures (i.e., higher levels of unreserved fund balance may be needed if significant revenue sources are subject to unpredictable fluctuations or if operating expenditures are highly volatile). • The availability of resources in other funds as well as the potential drain upon general fund resources from other funds (i.e., the availability of resources in other funds may reduce the amount of unreserved fund balance needed in the general fund, just as deficits in other funds may require that a higher level of unreserved fund balance be maintained in the general fund). • Liquidity (i.e., a disparity between when financial resources actually become available to make payments and the average maturity of related liabilities may require that a higher level of resources be maintained). • Designations (i.e., governments may wish to maintain higher levels of unreserved fund balance to compensate for any portion of unreserved fund balance already designated for a specific purpose). In the preparation of this policy, each of the CSDA guidelines and the GFOA recommendations has been considered. In addition, all seven objectives provided by the State Auditor are specifically addressed for each reserve. The District wholly supports the State Auditor’s efforts to bring a high-level of quality to reserve governance and establishing a standard of performance. 1 California State Auditor, Bureau of State Audits, “California’s Independent Water Districts: Reserve Amounts Are Not Always Sufficiently Justified, and Some Expenses and Contract Decisions Are Questionable,” dated June 2004, 2003-137; p. 8. 193 The District recognizes that the customer pays for services provided. Quality management requires that periodic valuations be performed so that fees and charges can be set at appropriate levels to recover the cost of service. The District’s Reserve Policy has been drafted with consideration of the GFOA, CSDA, and State Auditor general guidelines as provided above. In addition, the District has adopted the following principles in the management of its funds: • Funds are held and used only for the purpose for which they are collected. This is done to maintain equity between customers. • Each of the service types is tracked separately so that expenditures and revenues can be monitored and evaluated for each customer type. This provides the District with the necessary information to appropriately charge for each of the services. • Separation of O&M from capital expenditures occurs within each of the service types. This is done because the funding of these expenditures is often on different timelines or use different funding sources. • The District will hold its reserve at responsible and prudent levels. This policy sets minimum, maximum, and target levels for each of the various funds. This has been done so that the District can maintain funds to meet the purpose for which the funds were established. The levels are set by reference to line items in the District’s financial statements and approved budgets. This allows reserve levels to adjust to the District’s changing financial circumstances. • Debt financing of facilities provides intergenerational equity and maintains rates at reasonable levels. This equity is accomplished with the long-term financing by spreading the cost of facilities over the life of the facilities. The burden to pay for facilities is then paid by those who use them. Optionally, the District could amass significant reserves by pre- collecting funds in a Replacement Reserve Fund allowing the District to cash fund all replacements. In order to obtain those funds, significant rate increases would be required, burdening the current customers and creating reserve levels difficult to defend to the ratepayers or other oversight entities. These concepts are fundamental to the way the District manages its funds and have a direct impact on the way rates and charges are set. The District performs annual budget evaluations and updates its rate study model on at least an annual basis to monitor and adjust the various funds and revenue sources. The separation, tracking, and projecting of the various funds and expenditures create the essential information necessary for the equitable rate structure maintained by the District. The annual review preserves the balance between services provided and the prices charged. This review also insures that funds will be available to continue to serve the District’s customers. 194 Sources of Funds 2. 0 Developers a. Meter Installation Charges (General Use) Meter fees are charges collected for new water service connections. Fees vary depending upon meter size and type of service. The costs associated with meter installations are included in the Operating Expenses section of the budget. These charges are funded by developers. b. Annexation Fees (General Use) Annexation Fees are outlined in Section 9 of the Code of Ordinances. This is the buy-in to the District’s potable and recycled water facilities paid by the developer and based on the excess capacity built by existing users. This fee insures that future users fund a portion of the facilities that were sized and built for their future use by prior customers. The annexation fees are general use funds and help to offset current customer costs. The calculation of the fee uses a system- wide evaluation that combines the potable and reclamation systems. This methodology is used because the two water systems work hand-in-hand, the recycled system brings a new supply of water to the District reducing the need for potable systems and the higher cost of obtaining new potable supplies. c. Developer Deposits (General Use) These deposits are for the engineering and operations services provided to developers. They are tracked separately for each developer and any excess amount is returned to the developer. d. Capacity Fees (Restricted) The capacity fee is outlined in Section 28 of the Code of Ordinances. Capacity fees are based on the estimated construction cost of expansion divided by the number of future Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs). The capacity fee covers costs including, but not limited to, planning, design, construction, and financing associated with facilities for the District’s expansion needs. Ultimate facility needs are based on projected land use planning. These needs and the projected costs change over time as regulatory agencies determining land use make changes. Significant variations in future land use occur and can alter projected facility requirements. As these changes occur, the District will review the capacity fee calculation. These fees are paid by developers. The District’s construction of infrastructure occurs prior to the addition of EDUs. This serves two purposes: one it ensures that the District can serve the pending construction as it is completed; two, it is more efficient to oversize many facilities at the outset rather than build for the current need and then reconstruct when the future need is realized. As a result of this strategy, the District has financed construction with bond financing as the existing expansion funds are depleted. The capacity fee is calculated based on the expansion costs of the combined recycled and potable water systems needs. This methodology, just like the annexation fee methodology, is used because the two water systems work hand-in-hand. All capacity fees can be used for either 195 DIAGRAM 2.0: Flow of Funds – Developer Sources potable or recycled but only for expansion needs. So, while capacity fees are not restricted separately, one portion for potable and the other portion for recycled, they are tracked separately. 2.1 Customers/Users a. Uniform Rates and Charges (General Use) Charges to users for water, sewer, and recycled water are uniform throughout the District for similar customer types. This policy reduces possible misunderstanding that might occur among customers if rates varied between geographical areas. It also provides for an administratively straightforward billing process. b. Monthly System Fees (General Use) This is a fixed revenue source that is charged monthly. The amount of the charge is based on the meter size. c. Energy Charges (General Use) The energy pumping fee is $0.034 per unit of water for each 100 feet of lift, or fraction thereof, above the base elevation of 450 feet. This charge is placed on the monthly water bills of all water customers. d. Penalties (General Use) Penalties are added to the monthly water and sewer bills for late charges, locks, etc. e. Pass-through Fixed Charges (General Use) A fixed monthly charge to the District’s customers intended to collect sufficient funds to pass- through the increased fixed cost from CWA and MWD. DEVELOPERS Annexation Fees Developer DepositsMeter Installation Charges Unrestricted and Undesignated (General Use) Fund Designated Funds Restricted Funds Capacity Fees 196 f. Special Rates and Charges (Restricted) In addition to the uniform water charges, the District currently has five special water rates and one sewer rate. The five water rates are all for construction, installation, and maintenance of water storage reservoirs, pump stations, and water lines in the respective areas. Each of these is listed as follows: • North District water charge (code section 25.03H) • ID 9 water charge (code section 25.03I) • ID 3 water charge (code section 25.03J) • ID 10 water charge (code section 25.03J) • La Presa water charge (code section 25.03J) • Russell Square sewer charge (code section 53.04C) When these rates were established they were for the specific purpose of constructing, installing, and maintaining the water and sewer systems in the areas that they were collected. Therefore, these are Restricted Funds by geographic area as well as by purpose. These fees however, can be used for maintenance, unlike the availability fees. These six special fees along with availability fees are tracked separately, by geographic area, so they can be evaluated for the target funding levels separately. To meet this need, each special rate and charge is accounted for in a “sub-fund” of the betterment fund. g. Temporary Meter Fees (General Use/Restricted) Water charges, in lieu of capacity fees, are charged on temporary meters. This is done because while temporary meters use system capacity they are not charged a capacity fee. Temporary water use is charged at two times the water rate with the added charge placed in the Restricted Expansion Fund. The primary users of these temporary meters are developers however; general customers also use these for various purposes. 197 2.2 County-Collected Taxes and Fees a. General Levy Property Tax Receipts (1% Property Tax) (General Use) In 1978, Proposition 13 limited general levy property tax rates for all taxing authorities to a total rate of one percent of the assessed value. Subsequent legislation, AB 8, established that the receipts from the one percent levy were to be distributed to taxing agencies proportionate to each agency’s general levy receipts prior to Proposition 13. Funds received are for general use. b. Availability Charges (General Use/Restricted) The District levies availability charges each year in developed and undeveloped areas. Current legislation provides that any amount up to $10 per parcel is general use and any amount over $10 per parcel is restricted to be expended in and for that Improvement District (ID). IDs were formed to provide the lowest cost funding possible for the development of water and sewer systems. Accordingly, the District may use any amount over $10 to develop water and sewer systems which are either, expansion, betterment, or replacement. This portion is geographically restricted and restricted by purpose. The Restricted Funds are accounted for in “sub-funds” of the Betterment Fund (see 2.1 f.). Availability fees can be used for the development of facilities consistent with the purpose of the ID which they are collected in, while special rates and fees can also cover the maintenance of those facilities. As charges are incurred on these projects the respective IDs are charged reducing the betterment fund. In the event that funds are not used, the Restricted Funds must be returned to the property owners that paid them. Therefore, the monies in this fund may only be used to finance the construction, installation, and maintenance of the systems within the geographic area of the specific IDs. The District has historically used these funds for CUSTOMERS / USERS Energy ChargesMonthly System Fees Uniform Rates and Charges Unrestricted and Undesignated (General Use) Fund Designated Funds Restricted Funds Penalties Pass - through Fixed Charges Temporary Meter Fees Special Rates and Charges DIAGRAM 2.1: Flow of Funds – Customer Sources 198 betterment capital facilities however, they are available for any facility construction purpose benefiting the ID whether replacement, betterment, or expansion. Each year the District sends notices to all new customers informing them of the availability fees and their purpose. This notice also informs the customers of the date and time of the public hearing to receive public comment on this fee. The availability fees are split between the Betterment Fund and the General Fund. c. State Loan Assessment (Restricted) The District assesses a $54 charge per unit of sewer service each year on the sewer customers. This is collected via the County Tax Roll and is specifically collected for the repayment of the State Loan. d. General Obligation (GO) Bond Assessments (Restricted) The District occasionally issues GO debt and establishes an Improvement District for the repayment of that debt. When this financing method is used, the County Tax Roll can be used to collect funds and pay debt obligation . COUNTY-COLLECTED TAXES AND FEES State Loan Assessment Availability Charges General Levy Property Tax Receipts Unrestricted and Undesignated (General Use) Fund Designated Funds Restricted Funds General Obligation Bond Assessments DIAGRAM 2.2: Flow of Funds – County Collection Sources 199 2.3 Miscellaneous Income a. Miscellaneous Rents and Leases (General Use) Revenues received from the rental and lease of District property. There is also a one-time fee charged with the set-up of each new lease. The District incurs expenses related to these rents and leases and this fee’s purpose is to recover the cost to set up the lease. b. Sewer Billing Fees (General Use) Fees received from the City of Chula Vista for processing and billing of their sewer customers within our District. c. Interest Income or Expense Allocation (General Use, Designated, and Restricted) Interest income (expense) will be allocated each month based upon each fund's month-ending balance. MISCELLANEOUS INCOME Interest Income or Expense Allocation Sewer Billing FeesMiscellaneous Rents and Leases Unrestricted and Undesignated (General Use) Fund Designated Funds Restricted Funds DIAGRAM 2.3: Flow of Funds – Miscellaneous Income Sources 200 DEBT PROCEEDS Certificates of Participation General Obligation BondsLoans Unrestricted and Undesignated (General Use) Fund Designated Funds Restricted Funds 2.4 Debt Issuance a. Loans (General/Restricted Use) As the District determines that additional funding is required for a particular purpose the option of borrowing is considered. The determination to borrow is made as a part of the annual rate model update and is evaluated in accordance with the Debt Policy before it is recommended to the Board for action. As an option to bond indebtedness, loans are available especially to satisfy short tern financing needs. These loans may or may not be contractually restricted for a particular purpose. b. General Obligation (GO) Bonds (Restricted) As the District becomes more developed it becomes less likely that GO debt will be used as it requires a vote of the public to be approved. Bond proceeds are restricted for the construction of those facilities identified in the GO bond issuance. Occasionally, specific portions of bond proceeds may be allocated for the repayment of the principal and interest, also called debt service, on these bonds. As the District determines that additional funding is required for a particular purpose, the option of debt issuance is considered. The determination to issue debt is made as a part of the annual rate model update and is evaluated in accordance with the Debt Policy before it is recommended to the Board for action. c. Certificates of Participation (Restricted) General revenues of the District are pledged as security for COPs indebtedness. Before issuing COPs, the District will determine that additional funding is required for a particular purpose, the option of debt issuance is considered. The determination to issue debt is made as a part of the annual rate study update and is evaluated in accordance with the Debt Policy before it is recommended to the Board for action. This form of financing has become the industry’s preferred form of financing as it does not require a vote of the general public. DIAGRAM 2.4: Flow of Funds – Debt Issuance Sources 201 2.5 Inter-fund Transfers Each year in the budgeting process future reserve levels are projected over the next six years. Based on these projections, fund transfers are recommended. Monies may be transferred between Unrestricted and General Fund (see 4.0 “Funding Levels” and 4.1 “Fund Transfers”). Funds may not be transferred to or from any of the restricted funds. Fund Types 3.0 General Funds a. Purpose The General Fund is neither restricted nor designated. The District maintains only one General Fund for each business segment (water, sewer, and recycled). This fund holds the working capital and emergency operating reserves. This fund can be used to supplement the District’s rates and charges and be a temporary source of revenue to balance the Operating Budget and avoid spikes in the rates or significant and abrupt increases. This would only occur if there was a temporary need for funds that would smooth out a rate spike or to ramp up what would otherwise be a dramatic rate increase. This fund also plays a role in the debt planning of the District. It is an industry practice to have a fund that can be used to stabilize rates. This fund is viewed by the debt markets as a commitment by the District to ensure financial stability of the rates and charges of the District. The District is anticipated to issue a number of debt issuances over the years and this fund will help the District not only to stabilize rate fluctuations but also access low cost financing for future projects. While the General Fund has a short-term focus to fund the District’s annual operations, it is supported by the six year rate model. This fund is primarily used to fund the operations of the District however; it can be used for any District purpose. b. Sources Meter installation charges, annexation fees, temporary meter fees, uniform rates and charges, monthly system fees, energy charges, penalties, pass-through fixed charges, general levy property tax receipts, availability charges, miscellaneous rents and leases, sewer billing fees, interest incomes or expense allocation, loans, and a portion of the temporary meter fees. c. Levels i. Minimum Level – The minimum funding level for the General Fund is three months of operating budget expenses. ii. Maximum Level – The maximum funding level for the General Fund is nine months of operating budget expenses. In the event that this fund exceeds the seven month level, the excess will be evaluated or transferred to one or more of the designated funds. iii. Target Level – The target level of funding is three months of operating budget expenses. In the event that the fund drops below the target level rate increases or fund transfers would be considered. 202 3.1 Designated Funds a. Purpose Designated cash funds are “general use” funds that have been set apart by Board action for a specific purpose. These funds can only be used for those purposes. However, these funds are at the discretion of the Board and can be used for any other District purpose by an action of the Board. The District maintains designated cash funds as follows: • Other Post Employment Benefits Fund (OPEB) • Designated Expansion Fund • Designated Betterment Fund • Replacement Fund Detailed descriptions of the funds are as follows: i. Other Post Employment Benefits Fund (OPEB) The OPEB Fund is used to fund the medical benefits of qualified retirees as outlined in the District’s benefits plan. It is fully funded by user rates. Every two years the fund is evaluated for additional funding requirements. Changes in the actuarial valuation may result from changes in benefit levels, employee population, costs of health insurance, or general market conditions. These funds are currently designated but may be placed into a trust effectively removing the District’s day-to-day access to the funds. This would allow the funds to offset the actuarial liability of the District to fund OPEB. However, these funds are currently designated and therefore, may be used at Board direction for any purpose. ii. Designated Expansion Fund The purpose of this fund is to supplement the financing of expansion projects. In the event the restricted expansion funds are not sufficient to fund the expansion projects these funds may be used. This fund must be evaluated in conjunction with the Restricted Expansion Fund as they work in concert. There is significant interdependency between the District’s potable and recycled water systems. For this reason, the two systems are supported by one combined capacity fee. The same capacity fee is charge on all water connection regardless of whether they are potable or recycled. For this reason the Restricted and Designated Expansion Funds for these two business segments must be considered jointly when using the rate model and setting fees. The District currently has not sewer expansion and therefore has no sewer capacity fees and no active sewer expansion funds. This fund contains general use funds and at the direction of the Board may be used for any District purpose. 203 iii. Designated Betterment Fund The purpose of this fund is to supplement the Restricted Betterment Fund for sewer, water, or recycled. The District maintains three separate designated betterment funds, one for each business segment. In the event a Restricted Betterment Fund is not sufficient to fund betterment projects this fund will be used. This fund must be evaluated in conjunction with the Restricted Betterment Fund as they work in concert. When considering the funding levels f or betterment funds there are multiple sub-funds within betterment that must be individually considered (see 2.1 f.). This is a general use fund and at the direction of the Board may be used for any District purpose. iv. Replacement Fund The purpose of this fund is to pay for the replacement of capital infrastructure and capital purchases. This is a Designated Fund and was created to meet a portion of the District’s replacement needs. This fund is not to be used for the replacement of non-capital items. Debt financing of replacement will be the primary source of funds for replacement however; this reserve is established to fund a portion of replacement and ensure that necessary replacements will occur regardless of the immediate availability of the debt markets. With the District’s development of its financial systems and the greater need and ability to separate funds, the Replacement Fund has been separated into three funds: water, recycled, and sewer. Projects undertaken solely for the purpose of replacing major capital equipment or facilities, i.e., where the cost exceeds $10,000 for capital purchases or $20,000 for infrastructure items, generally are not considered normal maintenance. Where the cost is below $10,000 the costs are financed annually as operational maintenance. As charges are incurred on a replacement project the funds are deducted from the Replacement Fund on a monthly basis. This is a Designated Fund and may be redirected for any purpose at Board direction. 204 b. Sources The sources of funding for designated funds are limited to interfund transfers from available unrestricted funds (see 3.0 b.) and interest earnings on fund balances within designated funds. Unrestricted funds may come from other designated funds or from the General Fund. The operating budget is another source of designated general revenues. As a part of the normal budget process the general revenues are sufficient to fund a significant portion of the ongoing needs of the designated funds. c. Levels Other Post Employment Benefits Fund A. Minimum Level – Fully funded as identified under the actuarial study of the District’s OPEB liability. B. Maximum Level – Fully funded as identified by an actuarial study. In the event that the fund is over funded, the District will target for the full funding within five (5) years reducing the annual funding levels. C. Target Level – Fully funded to meet the actuarially defined valuation. In the event that the fund is not fully funded, the District will target for full funding within five (5) years by increasing funding levels. This increased funding would be in the form of either annual budget funding or fund transfers. i Designated Expansion Fund A. Minimum Level – As the District matures the CIP will move to purely replacement projects. As the District moves through its lifecycle the need for expansion funds will decrease and eventually be reduced to zero. When considering the funding of expansion the Restricted Expansion Fund and the Designated Expansion Fund work in concert and must be considered jointly. B. Maximum Level – The maximum level of this fund is limited to five years of unfunded expansion needs as described in the District’s CIP Budget. To determine the unfunded amount the total expansion costs must be reduced by the projected restricted expansion revenues. Bond financing is expected to fund a large portion of expansion. C. Target Level – In order to facilitate debt financing of expansion, it is important that the expansion funds retain a reserve of six months prior to any attempt to obtain bond financing. This reserve allows the District the time necessary to issue additional debt without running out of expansion funds. If the combined expansion funds drop below six months of expenditures this would trigger either a transfer of general use funds or a borrowing of funds with a bond sale. Bond funds would be placed in the Restricted Expansion Fund while transfers would be placed in the Designated Expansion Fund. If the combined expansion funds exceeded target the District should considered the need to reduce capacity fees or transferring designated funds to meet another purpose. 205 ii. Designated Betterment Fund A. Minimum Level – As the District matures the CIP will move to purely replacement projects. As the District moves through its lifecycle the need for betterment funds will decrease and eventually be reduced to zero. When considering the funding of expansion the Restricted Betterment Fund and the Designated Betterment fund work in concert and must be considered jointly. B. Maximum Level – The maximum level of this fund is limited to five years of unfunded betterment needs as described in the District’s CIP Budget. To determine the unfunded amount the total betterment costs must be reduced by the projected restricted betterment revenues. Bond financing is expected to fund a large portion of betterment. C. Target Level – In order to facilitate debt financing of betterment, it is important that the betterment funds retain a reserve of six months prior to any attempt to obtain bond financing. This reserve allows the District the time necessary to issue additional debt without running out of betterment funds. When considering the funding levels for betterment funds there are multiple sub-funds within betterment that must be individually considered (see 2.1 f.). If the combined betterment funds drop below six months of expenditures this would trigger either a transfer of general use funds or a borrowing of funds with a bond sale. Bond funds would be placed in the Restricted Betterment Fund while transfers would be placed in the Designated Betterment Fund. If this target is exceeded, then the District should evaluate reductions in the special water rates and availability fees and also consider transfers to other funds. iii. Replacement Fund A. Minimum Level – The minimum level of funding is 3% of the historical value of existing assets as identified in the District’s current financial statement. B. Maximum Level – The maximum level of funding is 6% of existing assets. In the event the maximum level is exceeded in any year, then the excess will be transferred as per the general transfer guidelines found in Section IV. C. Target Level – The target level of funding is 4% of existing assets. In the event that the fund falls below the recommended target level, transfers or operating revenues would be shifted to support the Replacement Funds. The District will act based on the annual five (5) year rate study to insure that at the end of that planning horizon the fund exceeds the minimum level and is approaching the target level. 3.2 Restricted Funds a. Purpose Restricted cash funds are those that are legally set aside for a particular purpose and cannot be used for any other purpose. The District maintains three Restricted Funds: • Restricted Expansion Fund • Restricted Betterment Fund • Debt Reserve Fund 206 The definition and purpose of each of these funds is described below: i. Restricted Expansion Fund The Restricted Expansion Fund works hand-in-hand with the Designated Expansion Fund. When evaluating the need for additional funding, both the restricted and designated funds must be considered as one fund. The sole purpose of this fund is to construct potable, recycled, and sewer facilities to the extent they serve the expansion needs of the District. Recycled and potable are jointly accounted for as these water systems work in concert. The sewer expansion is accounted for separately but is currently inactive as there is no sewer expansion. This fund is restricted by law and therefore is a Restricted Fund that can be used for no other purpose. Government Code section 66001 requires that these funds be accounted for separately and upon request that an accounting be provided. In addition, five years after the first deposit into the account or fund, the Code requires the District make specific findings regarding any unexpended funds, whether those funds are committed to expenditure or not (Government Code section 66001). The same findings must continue to be made once every five years thereafter. If the findings are not made, the statute requires the District refund the fees to the current owner of the affected property. The manner of the refund is at the District’s discretion. As charges are incurred on a project, and the project has been identified as an expansion project, the costs are deducted from the Expansion Fund. This allocation of funds is done on a monthly basis. In the event that funds are not used for the expansion of District facilities the funds must be returned to the developers who paid them. In the case where a policy change requires a betterment project that would have been an expansion project at the time the capacity fee was collected, reserves may be used for that betterment project. The expansion reserves may also be used for bond repayment, to the extent the debt was incurred to fund expansion. ii. Restricted Betterment Fund The Betterment Reserve covers the cost to construct, install, and in some cases to maintain the potable, recycled, and sewer systems. The District maintains three separate designated betterment funds, one for each business segment. These funds are restricted by law for use within the area in which the fees are collected (Water Code 71631.6). However, the legal restriction of this fund depends upon the particular revenue source. (see Section 2.1 f. for a review of the special rates and availability fees). iii. Debt Reserve Fund The purpose of the Debt Reserve Fund is to pay periodic principal and interest debt payments on the outstanding debt. As these payments are made the funds are reduced. As additional debt is incurred, new property tax assessments may be authorized funded 207 from assessments on the Property Tax Roll. Annually, the District sets the tax rate at a level necessary to fund that year’s debt payments. These rates are applied to the assessed valuation of the property. Changes in property values in assessment areas result in inverse fluctuations in the tax rate necessary to generate the required debt payments. In other cases, such as assessment districts, the debt service is funded through an assessment being levied on each parcel within the district. In assessment districts, the amount of the levy will vary by parcel and is based on the amount of benefit that parcel received from the improvement. In addition, debt service may be funded through water rates. In the case of funding from water rates, there would not be a restriction on those debt reserve funds. They may remain in the General Fund or be placed in a Designated Fund if the Board were to take specific action to designate rate funds for the purpose of debt payments. These funds are legally restricted for the specific debt issuance for which they are collected. These funds are not available for any other purpose and may not be designated for any other purpose. If these funds are not used for the payment of the specific debt for which they are collected they must be returned to the customers who made the tax roll payments. The District must evaluate the exact need of funds to avoid the costly reimbursement process. b. Sources Temporary meter fees and capacity fees fund expansion while special rates and charges and availability charges fund the betterment fund. The debt reserves are funded by the State Loan Assessment, and GO bond assessments. Each debt fund can also be funded with the proceeds of the debt. Lastly, each fund is allotted its share of the interest income or expense. c. Levels i. Restricted Expansion Fund A. Minimum Level –While there is no minimum balance, an action is required when the balance of the combined Restricted Expansion Fund and the Designated Expansion Fund drops below six months of expenditures. This would trigger either a transfer of funds from a non-Restricted Fund or a borrowing of funds with a bond sale. Bond funds would be placed in the Restricted Expansion Fund while transfers would be placed in the Designated Expansion Fund. B. Maximum Level – The maximum of this fund is limited not by a particular dollar amount but by the limited ability to collect funds for this purpose. This limitation is mandated by Government Code section 66001. Under the Code, the District must identify the purpose of the fee and the use to which it will be put, effectively establishing a nexus between the development project or class of project and the improvement being financed. The District must further establish that the amount of the funds being collected will not exceed that needed to pay for the improvement (Government Code section 66005). Under this mandate, also referred to as AB 1600, the Mitigation Fee Act and Government Code 208 sections 66000 et seq., the District can only collect capacity fees for expansion projects. To insure compliance with this, the District performs periodic rate studies, a part of which is the calculation of the legally defensible capacity fee. Therefore, the District is limited in this fund by the nexus between the need for expansion expenditures and the fee that is approved for its collection. With the lack of a dollar limitation for the maximum, it is incumbent on the District to maintain the planned construction of capital infrastructure. While building ahead of the need makes it unlikely that the capacity fees will accumulate to any great degree, significant delays in construction may result in high levels of the Restricted Expansion Fund. This is one reason why the District reports to the Board on a periodic basis the progress of the CIP spending. Further, the annual update of the rate model brings the Restricted and Designated Expansion Fund balances to the Board’s attention. Also, the District provides annual Developer meetings where the existing and projected reserve levels are reviewed. C. Target Level – In order to facilitate debt financing of expansion, it is important that the expansion funds retain a reserve of six months prior to any attempt to obtain bond financing. This reserve allows the District the time necessary to issue additional debt without running out of expansion funds. ii. Restricted Betterment Fund A. Minimum Level – While there is no minimum, less than six months of available funds in the combined Restricted Betterment and Designated Betterment Funds would trigger either a transfer of funds from a non-Restricted Fund or a borrowing of funds with a bond sale. Bond funds would be placed in the Restricted Betterment Fund while transfers would be placed in the Designated Betterment Fund. B. Maximum Level – The maximum to be retained in this fund is five years of unfunded CIP betterment expenditures as defined in the CIP budget forecast. To determine the unfunded amount the total betterment costs must be reduced by the projected restricted betterment revenues. If this maximum is exceeded, then the District should evaluate reductions in the special water rates and availability fees and also consider transfers to other funds. C. Target Level – In order to facilitate debt financing of betterment, it is important that the betterment funds retain a reserve of six months prior to any attempt to obtain bond financing. This reserve allows the District the time necessary to issue additional debt without running out of betterment funds. When considering the funding levels for betterment funds there are multiple sub-funds within betterment that must be individually considered (see 2.1 f.). iii. Debt Reserve Fund A. Minimum Level – As debt service payments are made the funds may be completely depleted if no other payments are required. 209 B. Maximum Level – Sufficient to pay the periodic annual debt service payments. As levels approach this maximum, the District must evaluate the rate at which funds are being collected so as to not over collect. Reductions in the tax rates have been common as property values have risen. Even if the maximum is exceeded, no refunds would occur if future debt payments are necessary. The action required if funds exceed the maximum is a reduction of the rate of collection which will bring the balance down over time. C. Target Level – The target level of funds for the various debt issuances is six months of debt service. This target level will be reduced as the term of the debt comes to a close. FUND ACTIONS TO CONSIDER IF BELOW TARGET TARGET MAXIMUM Restricted Expansion Fund * Capacity fee increase Bond financing Six months of capital expenditures Nexus of cost to fee Restricted Betterment Funds ** Rate increase Bond financing Six months of capital expenditures 5 yr unfunded needs Debt Reserve Fund Increase tax collection One semi-annual payment Two semi-annual payments Designated Expansion Fund * Fund transfers Six months of capital expenditures 5 yr unfunded needs Designated Betterment Fund ** Fund transfers Six months of capital expenditures 5 yr unfunded needs OPEB Fund Fund transfers Full funding Full funding Replacement Fund Fund transfers 4% of infrastructure 6% of infrastructure General Fund Rate increase Fund transfers Three months of operating budget expenses Nine months * Expansion needs must consider the Restricted and Designated Expansion Funds as well as any available bond financing. ** Betterment needs must consider the Restricted and Designated Betterment Funds as well as any available bond financing DIAGRAM 3.0: Fund Targets 210 Fund Transfers 4.0 Funding Levels As described in the preceding sections, the District maintains funds for its operating and capital activities. These funds fall into three accounting categories; 1) unrestricted and undesignated, or general use funds, 2) designated, and 3) restricted. The source of the money for each fund was discussed along with the purpose, source of funds, and levels. Key determinants of these funds are the target levels, minimums, and maximums. The funding levels must be viewed in the context of the economic environment, political environment, and must always be viewed in light of a District’s rate model. The District’s six-year rate model not only shows the current balance but also shows the trend of the fund balances. Often the trend of the fund is a greater indicator of financial stability than is the current balance. The rate model is updated each year with the budget process and evaluates each fund over the next six years. The rate model will take into account the general economic environment, looking at the development rate, supply rate increases, the possibility of raising rates, capital infrastructure spending, and strategic plan initiatives. The fund balances may at times be over the target amount or under the target amount. This is not only acceptable but expected. The rate model provides an empirical estimate of the conformance between the District’s financial activities and the guidelines of this policy. 4.1 Fund Transfers A significant portion of the funding for the District’s designated funds comes from interfund transfers from the Unrestricted or General Funds. It is important to note that the District has the ability to use General Funds for any business purpose. General Funds may be transferred to any other unrestricted fund for any business need. Designated funds are General Funds which have been set aside for a specific purpose by Board action. These funds can only be used for the purpose they were designated, or with Board action, they may be used for any business purpose. General Funds may also be used for any restricted purpose but are not transferred to Restricted Funds due to the sensitivity of the tracking of Restricted Funds. If funds are needed for a restricted purpose they are transferred to a Designated Fund identified with the restricted purpose. Restricted Funds may only be used for the purpose that they were collected therefore no transfers are made to or from these funds. In many situations, fund transfers are expected as some funds will exceed their maximum or drop below their minimums. Only funds that are below the stated target are eligible to receive transferred funds. Funds that exceed their maximums are first to be considered for transfers out followed by funds that exceed their targets. Funds that exceed their minimums are also available for fund transfer out but only when other options are not available. The rationale for prioritizing fund transfers is based on the immediacy of the need and the availability of funds from other funding sources. For example, the General Fund is first to receive funds when it drops below its target or minimum levels. This is because of the immediate and ongoing nature of the expenditures that are served by this fund. The operation of the District is first and foremost of the objectives of the District. On the other end of the spectrum, the Replacement Fund has a long-term perspective and will be used to partially fund replacement assets for many years to come. Debt financing is available to respond to this long 211 term, foreseeable, and planned cash flow. This fund is less likely to have immediate needs and has other funding options. When making the determination of when transfers are necessary, all funds work as independent funds. The exceptions to this rule are the two expansion funds (one restricted and one designated) and the two betterment funds (one restricted and one designated). Each of these two sets of funds work as one but are kept separate due to the significant difference in the fund types, one being restricted and one originating from General Funds. It is unlikely to have high immediacy of need in these funds as they, like the Replacement Fund, are long term in nature and have debt financing as an alternative funding source. As an example, if during the rate model update process it was determined that the expansion funds (designated and restricted) would drop and stay below the minimum during the planning horizon, this would trigger a bond sale or a transfer of unrestricted funds. If in the cash planning process, it was anticipated that the General Fund would remain above target during the planning horizon of six (6) years and that the trend did not present a problematic underfunded status, then those funds would be considered available for transfer prior to making funds available from the sale of bonds. Also, if during this period another Designated Fund was anticipated to exceed its maximum then the excess would be transferred to the Designated Expansion Fund prior to any other transfers. Funds are evaluated to determine which has the greatest need or availability of funds before any fund transfer recommendation is presented to the Board. 212 The Reserve Policy contains terminology that is unique to public finance and budgeting. The following glossary provides assistance in understanding these terms. Annexation Fees: Whenever utility service is requested for land outside the boundaries of an improvement district, the land to be serviced must first be annexed. The annexation fee for water was set on March 3, 1997 at $1,000 per EDU. The fee for sewer annexation was set at $3,819 on December 16, 1998. These base rates are adjusted quarterly according to a cost of living index. Assets: Resources owned or held by Otay Water District that have monetary value. Availability Fees: The District levies charges each year in developed areas to be used for upgrades, betterment, or replacement and in undeveloped areas to provide a source of funding for planning, mapping, and preliminary design of facilities to meet future development. Current legislation provides that any availability charge in excess of $10.00 per acre shall be used only for the purpose of the improvement district for which it was assessed. Betterment Fees: In addition to other applicable water rates and charges, water customers pay a fee based on water service zone or Improvement District. These fees are restricted for use in the area where they are collected and may be used for the construction and maintenance of facilities. Bond: A written promise to pay a sum of money on a specific date at a specified interest rate. The interest payments and the repayment of the principal are authorized in a District bond resolution. The most common types of bonds are General Obligation (GO) bonds and Certificates of Participation (COPs). These are frequently used for construction of large capital projects such as buildings, reservoirs, pipelines and pump stations. Capital Equipment: Fixed assets such as vehicles, marine equipment, computers, furniture, technical instruments, etc. which have a life expectancy of more than two years and a value over $10,000. Capital Improvement Program: A long-range plan of the District for the construction, rehabilitation and modernization of the District-owned and operated infrastructure. CWA: The County Water Authority was organized in 1944 under the State County Water Authority Act for the primary purpose of importing Colorado River water to augment the local water supplies of the Authority's member agencies. The Authority purchases water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) which imports water from the Colorado River and the State Water Project. Debt Service: The District's obligation to pay the principal and interest of bonds and other debt instruments according to a predetermined payment schedule. Reserve Policy Glossary 213 Expenditures/Expenses: These terms refer to the outflow of funds paid or to be paid for an asset, goods, or services obtained regardless of when actually paid for. (Note: An encumbrance is not an expenditure). An encumbrance reserves funds to be expended in a future period. Fund: An account used to track the collection and use of monies for a specifically defined purpose. Fund Balance: The current funds on hand resulting from the historical collection and use of monies. The difference between assets and liabilities reported in the District’s Operating Fund plus residual equities or balances and changes therein, from the results of operations. Interest Income: Earnings from the investment portfolio. Per District Policy Number 25, interest income will be allocated to the various funds each month based upon each fund’s prior month- ending balance. Late Charges/Penalties: Charges and penalties are imposed on customer accounts for late payments, returned checks, and related telephone contacts. Operating Budget: The portion of the budget that pertains to daily operations that provide basic governmental services. The operating budget contains appropriations for such expenditures as personnel, supplies, utilities, materials, travel and fuel, and does not include purchases of major capital plant or equipment which is budgeted for separately in the Capital Budget. The Operating Budget also identifies planned non-operating revenues and expenses. Revenue: Monies that the District receives as income. It includes such items as water sales and sewer fees. Estimated revenues are those expected to be collected during the fiscal year. System Fees: Each water service customer pays a monthly system charge for water system replacement, maintenance, and operation expenses. The charge is based on the size of the meter and class of service. Taxes: California Water Code Section 72091 authorizes the District, as a municipal water district, to levy ad valorem property taxes which are equal to the amount required to make annual payments for principal and interest on General Obligation bonds approved by the voters prior to July 1, 1978. Water Rates: Rates vary among classes of service and are measured in units. The water rates for residential customers are based on an accelerated block structure. As more units are consumed, a higher unit rate is charged. All non-residential customers are charged a flat rate per unit. A unit of water is 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons of water. 214 Investment Policy  1.0 Policy It is the policy of the Otay Water District to invest public funds in a manner which will provide maximum security with the best interest return, while meeting the daily cash flow demands of the entity and conforming to all state statues governing the investment of public funds. 2.0 Scope This investment policy applies to all financial assets of the Otay Water District. The District pools all cash for investment purposes. These funds are accounted for in the District’s audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and include: 2.1 General Fund 2.2 Capital Project Funds 2.2. Designated Expansion Fund 2.2.2 Restricted Expansion Fund 2.2.3 Designated Betterment Fund 2.2.4 Restricted Betterment Fund 2.2.5 Designated Replacement Fund 2.3 Other Post Employment Fund (OPEB) 2.4 Debt Reserve Fund Exceptions to the pooling of funds do exist for tax-exempt debt proceeds and deferred compensation funds. Funds received from the sale of general obligation bonds, certificates of participation or other tax-exempt financing vehicles are segregated from pooled investments and the investment of such funds are guided by the legal documents that govern the terms of such debt issuances. 3.0 Prudence Investments should be made with judgment and care, under current prevailing circumstances, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. The standard of prudence to be used by investment officials shall be the “Prudent Person” and/or "Prudent Investor" standard (California Government Code 53600.3) and shall be applied in the context of managing an overall portfolio. Investment officers acting in accordance with written procedures and the investment policy and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk or market price changes, provided deviations 215 from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. 4.0 Objective As specified in the California Government Code 53600.5, when investing, reinvesting, purchasing, acquiring, exchanging, selling and managing public funds, the primary objectives, in priority order, of the investment activities shall be: 4.1 Safety: Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments of the Otay Water District shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. To attain this objective, the District will diversify its investments by investing funds among a variety of securities offering independent returns and financial institutions. 4.2 Liquidity: The Otay Water District’s investment portfolio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable the District to meet all operating requirements which might be reasonably anticipated. 4.3 Return on Investment: The Otay Water District’s investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a benchmark rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with the District’s investment risk constraints and the cash flow characteristics of the portfolio. 5.0 Delegation of Authority Authority to manage the Otay Water District’s investment program is derived from the California Government Code, Sections 53600 through 53692. Management responsibility for the investment program is hereby delegated to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), who shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinate officials and their procedures in the absence of the CFO. The CFO shall establish written investment policy procedures for the operation of the investment program consistent with this policy. Such procedures shall include explicit delegation of authority to persons responsible for investment transactions. No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this policy and the procedures established by the CFO. 6.0 Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Officers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with the proper execution and management of the investment program, or that could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. Employees and investment officials shall disclose to the General Manager any material financial interests in financial institutions with which they conduct business. They shall further disclose any personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the investment 216 portfolio. Employees and officers shall refrain from undertaking personal investment transactions with the same individual with whom business is conducted on behalf of the District. 7.0 Authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions The Chief Financial Officer shall maintain a list of financial institutions authorized to provide investment services. In addition, a list will also be maintained of approved security broker/dealers who are authorized to provide investment services in the State of California. These may include “primary” dealers or regional dealers that qualify under Securities & Exchange Commission Rule 15C3-1 (Uniform Net Capital Rule). No public deposit shall be made except in a qualified public depository as established by state laws. All financial institutions and broker/dealers who desire to become qualified bidders for investment transactions must supply the District with the following, as appropriate: • Audited Financial Statements. • Proof of National Association of Security Dealers (NASD) certification. • Proof of state registration. • Completed broker/dealer questionnaire. • Certification of having read the District’s Investment Policy. • Evidence of adequate insurance coverage. An annual review of the financial condition and registrations of qualified bidders will be conducted by the CFO. A current audited financial statement is required to be on file for each financial institution and broker/dealer in which the District invests. 8.0 Authorized and Suitable Investments From the governing body perspective, special care must be taken to ensure that the list of instruments includes only those allowed by law and those that local investment managers are trained and competent to handle. The District is governed by the California Government Code, Sections 53600 through 53692, to invest in the following types of securities, as further limited herein: 8.01 United States Treasury Bills, Bonds, Notes or those instruments for which the full faith and credit of the United States are pledged for payment of principal and interest. There is no percentage limitation of the portfolio which can be invested in this category, although a five-year maturity limitation is applicable. 8.02 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), which is a State of California managed investment pool, may be used up to the maximum permitted by State Law (currently $40 million). The District may also invest bond proceeds in LAIF with the same but independent maximum limitation. 8.03 Bonds, debentures, notes and other evidence of indebtedness issued by any of the following government agency issuers: 217 • Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) • Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC or "Freddie Mac") • Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA or "Fannie Mae") • Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA or “Ginnie Mae”) • Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA or "Sallie Mae") • Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB) There is no percentage limitation of the portfolio which can be invested in this category, although a five-year maturity limitation is applicable. 8.04 Interest-bearing demand deposit accounts and Certificates of Deposit (CD) will be made only in Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured accounts. For deposits in excess of the insured maximum of $100,000, approved collateral shall be required in accordance with California Government Code, Section 53652. Investments in CD’s are limited to 15 percent of the District’s portfolio. 8.05 Commercial paper, which is short-term, unsecured promissory notes of corporate and public entities. Purchases of eligible commercial paper may not exceed 10 percent of the outstanding paper of an issuing corporation, and maximum investment maturity will be restricted to 270 days. Investment is further limited as described in California Government Code, Section 53601(g). Purchases of commercial paper may not exceed 15 percent of the District’s portfolio. 8.06 Medium-term notes defined as all corporate debt securities with a maximum remaining maturity of five years or less, and that meet the further requirements of California Government Code, Section 53601(j). Investments in medium-term notes are limited to 15 percent of the District’s portfolio. 8.07 Money market mutual funds that invest only in Treasury securities and repurchase agreements collateralized with Treasury securities, and that meet the further requirements of California Government Code, Section 53601(k). Investments in money market mutual funds are limited to 15 percent of the District's portfolio. 8.08 The San Diego County Treasurer’s Pooled Money Fund, which is a County managed investment pool, may be used by the Otay Water District to invest excess funds. There is no percentage limitation of the portfolio which can be invested in this category. 8.09 Under the provisions of California Government Code 53601.6, the Otay Water District shall not invest any funds covered by this Investment Policy in inverse floaters, range notes, interest-only strips derived from mortgage pools, or any investment that may result in a zero interest accrual if held to maturity. Also, the borrowing of funds for investment purposes, known a leveraging, is prohibited. 218 9.0 Investment Pools/Mutual Funds A thorough investigation of the pool/fund is required prior to investing, and on a continual basis. There shall be a questionnaire developed which will answer the following general questions: • A description of eligible investment securities, and a written statement of investment policy and objectives. • A description of interest calculations and how it is distributed, and how gains and losses are treated. • A description of how the securities are safeguarded (including the settlement processes), and how often the securities are priced and the program audited. • A description of who may invest in the program, how often, and what size deposits and withdrawals are allowed. • A schedule for receiving statements and portfolio listings. • Are reserves, retained earnings, etc., utilized by the pool/fund? • A fee schedule, and when and how is it assessed. • Is the pool/fund eligible for bond proceeds and/or will it accept such proceeds? 10.0 Collateralization Collateralization will be required on certificates of deposit. In order to anticipate market changes and provide a level of security for all funds, the collateralization level will be 102% of market value of principal and accrued interest. Collateral will always be held by an independent third party with whom the entity has a current custodial agreement. A clearly marked evidence of ownership (safekeeping receipt) must be supplied to the entity and retained. The right of collateral substitution is granted. 11.0 Safekeeping and Custody All security transactions entered into by the Otay Water District shall be conducted on a delivery-versus-payment (DVP) basis. Securities will be held by a third party custodian designated by the District and evidenced by safekeeping receipts. 12.0 Diversification The Otay Water District will diversify its investments by security type and institution, with limitations on the total amounts invested in each security type as detailed in Paragraph 8.0, above, so as to reduce overall portfolio risks while attaining benchmark average rate of return. With the exception of U.S. Treasury securities, government agencies, and authorized pools, no more than 50% of the District’s total investment portfolio will be invested with a single financial institution. 219 13.0 Maximum Maturities To the extent possible, the Otay Water District will attempt to match its investments with anticipated cash flow requirements. Unless matched to a specific cash flow, the District will not directly invest in securities maturing more than five years from the date of purchase. However, for time deposits with banks or savings and loan associations, investment maturities will not exceed two years. Investments in commercial paper will be restricted to 270 days. 14.0 Internal Control The Chief Financial Officer shall establish an annual process of independent review by an external auditor. This review will provide internal control by assuring compliance with policies and procedures. 15.0 Performance Standards The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of obtaining a rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with the investment risk constraints and the cash flow needs. The Otay Water District’s investment strategy is passive. Given this strategy, the basis used by the CFO to determine whether market yields are being achieved shall be the State of California Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) as a comparable benchmark. 16.0 Reporting The Chief Financial Officer shall provide the Board of Directors monthly investment reports which provide a clear picture of the status of the current investment portfolio. The management report should include comments on the fixed income markets and economic conditions, discussions regarding restrictions on percentage of investment by categories, possible changes in the portfolio structure going forward and thoughts on investment strategies. Schedules in the quarterly report should include the following: • A listing of individual securities held at the end of the reporting period by authorized investment category. • Average life and final maturity of all investments listed. • Coupon, discount or earnings rate. • Par value, amortized book value, and market value. • Percentage of the portfolio represented by each investment category. 17.0 Investment Policy Adoption The Otay Water District’s investment policy shall be adopted by resolution of the District’s Board of Directors. The policy shall be reviewed annually by the Board and any modifications made thereto must be approved by the Board. 220 Investment Policy Glossary  Active Investing: Active investors will purchase investments and continuously monitor their activity, often looking at the price movements of their stocks many times a day, in order to exploit profitable conditions. Typically, active investors are seeking short term profits. Agencies: Federal agency securities and/or Government-sponsored enterprises. Bankers’ Acceptance (BA): A draft or bill or exchange accepted by a bank or trust company. The accepting institution guarantees payment of the bill, as well as the issuer. Benchmark: A comparative base for measuring the performance or risk tolerance of the investment portfolio. A benchmark should represent a close correlation to the level of risk and the average duration of the portfolio’s investments. Broker/Dealer: Any individual or firm in the business of buying and selling securities for itself and others. Broker/dealers must register with the SEC. When acting as a broker, a broker/dealer executes orders on behalf of his/her client. When acting as a dealer, a broker/dealer executes trades for his/her firm's own account. Securities bought for the firm's own account may be sold to clients or other firms, or become a part of the firm's holdings. Certificate of Deposit (CD): A short or medium term, interest bearing, FDIC insured debt instrument offered by banks and savings and loans. Money removed before maturity is subject to a penalty. CDs are a low risk, low return investment, and are also known as “time deposits”, because the account holder has agreed to keep the money in the account for a specified amount of time, anywhere from a few months to several years. Collateral: Securities, evidence of deposit or other property, which a borrower pledges to secure repayment of a loan. Also refers to securities pledged by a bank to secure deposits of public monies. Commercial Paper: An unsecured short-term promissory note, issued by corporations, with maturities ranging from 2 to 270 days. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Report (CAFR): The official annual report for the Otay Water District. It includes detailed financial information prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). It also includes supporting schedules necessary to demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal and contractual provisions, extensive introductory material, and a detailed statistical section. Coupon: (a) The annual rate of interest that a bond’s issuer promises to pay the bondholder on the bond’s face value. (b) A certificate attached to a bond evidencing interest due on a set date. 221 Dealer: A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying and selling for his own account. Depenture: A bond secured only by the general credit of the issuer. Delivery Versus Payment: There are two methods of delivery of securities: delivery versus payment and delivery versus receipt. Delivery versus payment is delivery of securities with an exchange of money for the securities. Delivery versus receipt is delivery of securities with an exchange of a signed receipt for the securities. Derivatives: (1) Financial instruments whose return profile is linked to, or derived from, the movement of one or more underlying index or security, and may include a leveraging factor, or (2) financial contracts based upon notional amounts whose value is derived from an underlying index or security (interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equities or commodities). Discount: The difference between the cost price of a security and its maturity when quoted at lower than face value. A security selling below original offering price shortly after sale also is considered to be at a discount. Discount Securities: Non-interest bearing money market instruments that are issued at a discount and redeemed at maturity for full face value, e.g., U.S. Treasury Bills. Diversification: Dividing investment funds among a variety of securities offering independent returns. Federal Credit Agencies: Agencies of the Federal government set up to supply credit to various classes of institutions and individuals, e.g., S&L’s, small business firms, students, farmers, farm cooperatives, and exporters. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): A federal agency that insures deposits in member banks and thrifts, currently up to $100,000 per deposit. Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB): The Federal Farm Credit Bank system supports agricultural loans and issues securities and bonds in financial markets backed by these loans. It has consolidated the financing programs of several related farm credit agencies and corporations. Federal Funds Rate: The rate of interest at which Fed funds are traded. This rate is currently pegged by the Federal Reserve through open-market operations. Federal Home Loan Bank (FHIB): Government sponsored wholesale banks (currently 12 regional banks), which lend funds and provide correspondent banking services to member commercial banks, thrift institutions, credit unions and insurance companies. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC Or Freddie Mac): A stockholder owned, publicly traded company chartered by the United States federal government in 1970 to purchase mortgages and related securities, and then issue securities and bonds in financial markets backed 222 by those mortgages in secondary markets. Freddie Mac, like its competitor Fannie Mae, is regulated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA Or Fannie Mae): FNMA, like GNMA was chartered under the Federal National Mortgage Association Act in 1938. FNMA is a federal corporation working under the auspices of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It is the largest single provider of residential mortgage funds in the United States. Fannie Mae is a private stockholder-owned corporation. The corporation’s purchases include a variety of adjustable mortgages and second loans, in addition to fixed-rate mortgages. FNMA’s securities are also highly liquid and are widely accepted. FNMA assumes and guarantees that all security holders will receive timely payment of principal and interest. Federal Reserve System: The central bank of the United States created by Congress and consisting of a seven member Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., 12 regional banks and about 5,700 commercial banks that are members of the system. Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA Or Ginnie Mae): A government owned agency which buys mortgages from lending institutions, securitizes them, and then sells them to investors. Because the payments to investors are guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government, they return slightly less interest than other mortgage-backed securities. Interest-Only Strips: A mortgage backed instrument where the investor receives only the interest, no principal, from a pool of mortgages. Issues are highly interest rate sensitive, and cash flows vary between interest periods. Also, the maturity date may occur earlier than that stated if all loans within the pool are pre-paid. High prepayments on underlying mortgages can return less to the holder than the dollar amount invested. Inverse Floater: A bond or note that does not earn a fixed rate of interest. Rather, the interest rate is tied to a specific interest rate index identified in the bond/note structure. The interest rate earned by the bond/note will move in the opposite direction of the index. An inverse floater increases the market rate risk and modified duration of the investment. Leverage: Investing with borrowed money with the expectation that the interest earned on the investment will exceed the interest paid on the borrowed money. Liquidity: A liquid asset is one that can be converted easily and rapidly into cash without a substantial loss of value. In the money market, a security is said to be liquid if the spread between bid and asked prices is narrow and reasonable size can be done at those quotes. Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF): The aggregate of all funds from political subdivisions that are placed in the custody of the State Treasurer for investment and reinvestment. Market Value: The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be purchased or sold. 223 Master Repurchase Agreement: A written contract covering all future transactions between the parties to repurchase/reverse repurchase agreements that establish each party’s rights in the transactions. A master agreement will often specify, among other things, the right of the buyer- lender to liquidate the underlying securities in the event of default by the seller borrower. Maturity: The date upon which the principal or stated value of an investment becomes due and payable. Money Market: The market in which short-term debt instruments (bills, commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, etc.) are issued and traded. Mutual Funds: An open-ended fund operated by an investment company which raises money from shareholders and invests in a group of assets, in accordance with a stated set of objectives. Mutual funds raise money by selling shares of the fund to the public. Mutual funds then take the money they receive from the sale of their shares (along with any money made from previous investments) and use it to purchase various investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, and money market instruments. Money Market Mutual Funds: An open-end mutual fund which invests only in money markets. These funds invest in short term (one day to one year) debt obligations such as Treasury bills, certificates of deposit, and commercial paper. National Association Of Securities Dealers (NASD): A self-regulatory organization of the securities industry responsible for the operation and regulation of the NASDAQ stock market and over-the-counter markets. Its regulatory mandate includes authority over firms that distribute mutual fund shares as well as other securities. Passive Investing: An investment strategy involving limited ongoing buying and selling actions. Passive investors will purchase investments with the intention of long term appreciation and limited maintenance, and typically don’t actively attempt to profit from short term price fluctuations. Also known as a buy-and-hold strategy. Primary Dealer: A designation given by the Federal Reserve System to commercial banks or broker/dealers who meet specific criteria, including capital requirements and participation in Treasury auctions. These dealers submit daily reports of market activity and positions and monthly financial statements to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and are subject to its informal oversight. Primary dealers include Securities and Exchange Commission registered securities broker/dealers, banks, and a few unregulated firms. Prudent Person Rule: An investment standard. In some states the law requires that a fiduciary, such as a trustee, may invest money only in a list of securities selected by the custody state—the so-called legal list. In other states the trustee may invest in a security if it is one which would be bought by a prudent person of discretion and intelligence who is seeking a reasonable income and preservation of capital. 224 Public Securities Association (PSA): A trade organization of dealers, brokers, and bankers who underwrite and trade securities offerings. Qualified Public Depositories: A financial institution which does not claim exemption from the payment of any sales or compensating use or ad valorem taxes under the laws of this state, which has segregated for the benefit of the commission eligible collateral having a value of not less than its maximum liability and which has been approved by the Public Deposit Protection Commission to hold public deposits. Range Note: An investment whose coupon payment varies and is dependent on whether the current benchmark falls within a pre-determined range. Rate of Return: The yield obtainable on a security based on its purchase price or its current market price. This may be the amortized yield to maturity on a bond the current income return. Regional Dealer: A securities broker/dealer, registered with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), who meets all of the licensing requirements for buying and selling securities. Repurchase Agreement (RP OR REPO): A holder of securities sells these securities to an investor with an agreement to repurchase them at a fixed price on a fixed date. The security “buyer” in effect lends the “seller” money for the period of the agreement, and the terms of the agreement are structured to compensate him for this. Dealers use RP extensively to finance their positions. Exception: When the Fed is said to be doing RP, it is lending money that is increasing bank reserves. Safekeeping: A service to customers rendered by banks for a fee whereby securities and valuables of all types and descriptions are held in the bank’s vaults for protection. Secondary Market: A market made for the purchase and sale of outstanding securities issues following their initial distribution. Securities & Exchange Commission: Agency created by Congress to protect investors in securities transactions by administering securities legislation. Sec Rule 15C3-1: See Uniform Net Capital Rule. Structured Notes: Notes issued by Government Sponsored Enterprises (FHLB, FNMA, SLMA, etc.), and Corporations, which have imbedded options (e.g., call features, step-up coupons, floating rate coupons, derivative-based returns) into their debt structure. Their market performance is impacted by the fluctuation of interest rates, the volatility of the imbedded options and shifts in the shape of the yield curve. Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA or Sallie Mae): A federally established, publicly traded corporation which buys student loans from colleges and other lenders, pools them, and sells them to investors. 225 Treasury Bills: A non-interest bearing discount security issued by the U.S. Treasury to finance the national debt. Most bills are issued to mature in three months, six months, or one year. Treasury Bonds: Long-term coupon-bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as direct obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities of more than 10 years. Treasury Notes: Medium-term coupon-bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as direct obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities from two to 10 years. Uniform Net Capital Rule: Securities and Exchange Commission requirement that member firms as well as nonmember broker-dealers in securities maintain a maximum ratio of indebtedness to liquid capital of 15 to 1; also called net capital rule and net capital ratio. Indebtedness covers all money owed to a firm, including margin loans and commitments to purchase securities, one reason new public issues are spread among members of underwriting syndicates. Liquid capital includes cash and assets easily converted into cash. Yield: The rate of annual income return on an investment, expressed as a percentage. (a) INCOME YIELD is obtained by dividing the current dollar income by the current market price for the security. (b) NET YIELD or YIELD TO MATURITY is the current income yield minus any premium above par or plus any discount from par in purchase price, with the adjustment spread over the period from the date of purchase to the date of maturity of the bond. 226 Debt Policy 1.0 Policy It is the policy of the Otay Water District to finance the acquisition of high value assets that have an extended useful life through a combination of current revenues and debt financing. Regularly updated debt policies and procedures are an important tool to insure the use of the District’s resources to meet its commitments, to provide the highest quality of service to the District’s customers, and to maintain sound financial management practices. These guidelines are for general use and allow for exceptions as circumstances dictate. 2.0 Scope This policy is enacted in an effort to standardize the issuance and management of debt by the Otay Water District. The primary objective is to establish conditions for the use of debt, to minimize the District’s debt service requirements and cost of issuance, to retain the highest practical credit rating, maintain full and complete financial disclosure and reporting, and to maintain financial flexibility for the District. This policy applies to all debt issued by the District including general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, capital leases and special assessment debt. 3.0 Legal & Regulatory Requirements The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the District’s Legal Counsel will coordinate their activities to ensure that all securities are issued in full compliance with Federal and State law. 4.0 Capital Facilities Funding Financial Planning The District maintains a six-year financial projection that identifies operating requirements and public facility and equipment requirements, and has developed a Rate Model for funding the District’s 6-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The District’s CIP Budget places the capital requirements in order of priority and schedules them for funding and implementation. It identifies a full range of capital needs, provides for the ranking of the importance of such needs, and identifies all the funding sources that are available to cover the costs of the projects. In cases where the program identifies project funding through the use of debt financing, the budget should provide information needed to determine debt capacity. The Rate Model and the CIP Budget give the Board part of the data needed to make informed judgments concerning the possibility of issuing debt. Funding Criteria The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) will evaluate all capital project requests and develop a proposed funding plan. Priority may be given to those projects that can be funded with current resources (annual cash flow, fund balances or reserves). Those projects that cannot be funded with current resources may be deferred or the CFO may recommend that they be funded with 227 debt financing. However, debt financing will not be considered appropriate for any recurring purpose such as current operating and maintenance expenditures. The issuance of short-term cash-flow instruments is excluded from this limitation. The General Manager will recommend the funding plan to the Board. The General Manager may deem it necessary or desirable in certain circumstances to convene a Finance Committee meeting to evaluate funding options presented by the Chief Financial Officer. Funding Sources The District’s capital improvements can be classified in three categories: those related to an expansion of the system (“expansion”), those related to upgrading the existing system (“betterment”) and those related to repairing or replacing existing infrastructure (“replacement”). In general, capital improvements for betterment or replacement are financed primarily through user charges, availability charges, and betterment charges. Capital improvements for expansion are financed through capacity fees. Accordingly, these fees are reviewed at least annually or more frequently as required and set at levels sufficient to ensure that new development pays its fair share of the costs of constructing necessary infrastructure. Additionally, the District will seek State and Federal grants and other forms of intergovernmental aid wherever possible. Pay-As-You-Go Projects The District’s capacity fees are the major funding source in financing additions to the water system and the recycled water system. Over time, the fees collected and the cost to construct the capital projects should balance. However, collection of these fees is subject to significant fluctuation based on the rate of new development. Accordingly, the Chief Financial Officer, in developing the funding plan for the CIP, will determine that current revenues and adequate fund balances are available so project phasing can be accomplished. If this is not the case, the Chief Financial Officer may recommend that: 1. The project be deferred until funds are available, or 2. Based on the priority of the project, long-term debt is issued to finance the project. Debt Financed Projects If a project or projects are to be financed with long-term debt, the District should use the following criteria to evaluate the suitability of the financing for the particular project or projects: 1. The life of the project or asset to be financed is 10 years or longer and its useful life is expected to exceed the term of the financing. 2. Revenues available for debt service are deemed to be sufficient and reliable so that long- term financing can be marketed without jeopardizing the credit rating of the District. 3. Market conditions present favorable interest rates and demand for District financing. 4. The project is mandated by State and/or Federal requirements and current resources are insufficient or unavailable. 5. The project is immediately required to meet or relieve capacity needs and current resources are insufficient or unavailable. 228 5.0 Debt Structure General The District will normally issue debt with a maturity of not more than 30 years. The structure should approximate level debt service for the term where it is practical or desirable. There will be no debt structures that include increasing debt service levels in subsequent years, with the first and second year of a debt payoff schedule the exception and related to projected additional income to be generated by the project to be funded. There will be no "balloon" debt repayment schedules that consist of low annual payments and one large payment of the balance due at the end of the term. There will always be at least interest paid in the first fiscal year after debt issuance and principal starting no later than the first fiscal year after the date the facility or equipment is expected to be placed in service. Capitalized interest will not be for a period of more than necessary to provide adequate security for the financing. Limitations on the Issuance of Variable Rate Debt The District will normally issue debt with a fixed rate of interest. The District may issue variable rate for the purpose of managing its interest costs. At the same time, the District should protect itself from too much exposure to interest rate fluctuations. In determining that it is in the District’s best interest to issue certain debt at variable rates instead of fixed rates, at the time of issuing any variable rate debt, there should be at least a 10% estimated reduction in annual debt costs by issuing variable rate debt when compared to a similar issuance of fixed rate debt. If the estimated overall cost savings from issuing variable rate debt is not at least 10% at the time of issuance, relatively small fluctuations in rates could actually increase the District’s financing costs over the life of the bonds compared to a similar fixed rate financing. By using this 10% factor at the time of issuance, the District can be relatively assured that its variable rate financing will be cost-effective over the term of the bonds. The comparison will be based on the following criteria: 1. The interest rate used to estimate interest costs will be the 10 year average for weekly variable rates. 2. The variable rate debt costs will include an estimate for annual costs such as letter of credit fees, liquidity fees, remarketing fees, monthly draw fees and annual rating fees applicable to the letter of credit. 3. Any potential reserve fund earnings will reduce the fixed rate debt service or variable rate debt service as applicable. Periodically, using the criteria described above, the Chief Financial Officer will compare the estimated annual debt service costs to maturity of any variable rate debt with estimated debt service if the debt was converted to fixed rates. If this analysis produces a break even in total payments over the life of the issue, the Chief Financial Officer will recommend converting such variable rate debt to fixed rate. Variable rate debt should not represent more than 25% of the District’s total debt portfolio. This level of exposure to interest rate fluctuations is considered to be manageable in an environment of increasing interest rates. At a higher ratio than this, the District might be faced with an 229 unplanned water rate increase to meet its Rate Covenants. Rating agencies use this ratio in their analysis of the District’s overall credit rating. Further, Rate Covenants applicable to variable rate debt shall not compromise the issuance of additional debt planned by the District and variable rate debt should always contain a provision to allow conversion to a fixed rate at the District’s option. 6.0 Credit Objectives The Otay Water District seeks to maintain the highest possible credit ratings for all categories of long-term debt that can be achieved without compromising delivery of basic services and achievement of District policy objectives. Factors taken into account in determining the credit rating for a financing include: 1. Diversity of the District’s customer base. 2. Proven track record of completing capital projects on time and within budget. 3. Strong, professional management. 4. Adequate levels of staffing for services provided. 5. Reserves. 6. Ability to consistently meet or exceed Rate Covenants. The District recognizes that external economic, natural, or other events may from time to time affect the creditworthiness of its debt. Nevertheless, the District is committed to ensuring that actions within its control are prudent and well planned. 7.0 Competitive and Negotiated Sale Criteria Competitive Sale The District will use a competitive bidding process in the sale of debt unless the nature of the issue or specific circumstances warrants a negotiated sale. The CFO will determine the best bid in a competitive sale by calculating the true interest cost (TIC) of each bid. Negotiated Sale Types of debt that would typically lend themselves to the negotiated sale format are variable rate debt and unrated debt. Circumstances that might warrant a negotiated sale may occur when the issue is of a limited size that would not attract wide-spread investor interest, during periods of high levels of issuance by other entities in the State, or during periods of market volatility. In the event the District decides to use a negotiated sale, it will pay management fees only to those firms that place orders for bonds. If the size of the District’s proposed issue is not cost effective, the District may also consider issuing its debt though the California Statewide Communities Development Authority, which provides a mechanism for pooling financings with similar issuers to obtain economies of scale. 230 8.0 Refunding Debt Purpose Periodic reviews of all outstanding debt will be undertaken by the Chief Financial Officer to determine refunding (refinancing) opportunities. The purpose of the refinancing may be to: 1. Lower annual debt service by taking advantage of lower current interest rates. 2. Update or revise covenants on outstanding debt issue if a Rate Covenant appears to be too high, has precluded the District from implementing its financing plan, or has caused the District to increase rates to customers. 3. Restructure debt service associated with an issue to facilitate the issuance of additional debt, usually in order to smooth out peaks in total debt service which can occur frequently as one debt issue is layered on top of existing debt issues. 4. Alter bond characteristics such as call provisions or payment dates. 5. Pay for conversion costs such as funding a reserve fund or paying for credit enhancement when converting variable rate debt to fixed rate debt. Restrictions on Refunding Tax-exempt bonds typically have provisions that preclude early redemption of the bonds for a period of years after issuance. The number of times a tax-exempt bond can be refinanced prior to its Optional Redemption date (known as Advance Refunding) is limited by the IRS. For debt issued after 1986, issuers may only provide for Advance Refunding of obligations in advance of the Optional Redemption date one time. There is no limit by the IRS on the ability of issuers to redeem bonds early once the Optional Redemption date has been reached. Savings Criteria In cases where an Advance Refunding is intended to provide debt service savings, the District may commence the refinancing process if a minimum five percent (5%) present value savings net of issuance costs and any cash contributions can be demonstrated. Since interest rates may fluctuate between the time when a refinancing is authorized and when the debt is issued, beginning the process with at least a 5% savings should provide the District with some level of protection that it can achieve a minimum of three percent (3%) net present value savings of the refunding bonds when and if the debt is issued. These minimum standards are intended to protect the District staff from spending time on refinancings that become marginally cost- effective after the entire issuance process is complete. The savings target may be waived, however, if sufficient justification for lowering the savings target can be provided by meeting one or more of the other refunding objectives described above. 9.0 Subordinate Lien Debt The District will issue subordinate lien debt only if it is financially beneficial to the District or consistent with creditworthiness objectives. Subordinate lien debt is structured to be payable second in priority to the District’s other outstanding debt. Typically, subordinate lien debt might 231 be issued if the District desired a more flexible Rate Covenant with respect to its new obligations and did not want to refinance all of its existing debt to obtain that less restrictive Rate Covenant. 10.0 Derivatives The District may consider the use of derivative products on a case-by-case basis, consistent with State statute and financial prudence. The most common derivatives include transactions known as “swaps,” in which the District, by contract with an investment bank (known as a “provider”), swaps its fixed rate debt payments for variable rate debt payments or vice versa, and “forwards,” in which the District enters into a purchase contract with an underwriter to purchase refunding bonds at a future date at interest rates locked in today (not at today’s rates, but at rates locked in today). Derivative products introduce an additional risk factor into a financing, called “third- party risk.” Once a derivative product is entered into, the District must rely upon the financial stability of the provider to perform under the contract. Because the nature of derivatives is speculative, that is, the District is assuming that rates will either go up or down over the period of the contract and therefore expects to lock in a financial benefit today based on that assumption, the financial benefits actually obtained from any derivative contract need to be monitored periodically to determine if it is in the District’s interest to terminate the contract and what the penalty might be for early termination. This requires a certain level of vigilance, and impartial advice in this area is actually difficult to obtain since the derivative market is not particularly liquid or price-transparent and is currently made up of a small handful of reputable providers. There must be an overwhelming demonstrable financial benefit to the District based on reasonable assumptions concerning future interest rates in order for the District to use derivative products. 11.0 Financing Participants The District’s purchasing guidelines provide the process for securing professional services related to individual debt issues. The solicitation and selection process include encouraging participation from qualified service providers, both local and national, and securing services at competitive prices. Financial Advisor: The use of a Financial Advisor is necessary for the sale of debt by a competitive bid process and is desirable when issuing debt through a negotiated sale. The Financial Advisor has a fiduciary duty to the District and will seek to structure the District’s debt in the manner that is saleable, yet meets the District’s objectives for the financing. The Financial Advisor will advise the District on alternative structures for its debt, the cost of different debt structures and potential pricing mechanisms that can be expected from underwriters (such as call features, term bonds and premium and discount bond pricing) and, at the District’s direction, will write the offering document (preliminary official statement). With respect to competitive sales, the Financial Advisor will arrange for distributing the preliminary official statement, accepting bids via the internet, verifying the lowest bid and provide detailed instructions for the flow of funds at closing to the winning Underwriter, the Trustee and the District. In a negotiated sale, the Financial Advisor will provide independent confirmation on the Underwriter’s proposed pricing to ensure that interest rates and Underwriter’s compensation are appropriate for the credit quality of the issue and competitive in the overall public finance market in California. 232 Underwriter: The Underwriter markets the bonds for sale to investors. While the District’s preference is to select the Underwriter for the debt via sale of the debt at competitive bid, there are circumstances when a negotiated issue is in the best interests of the District. Negotiated sales are preferable if the security features are particularly complex or market conditions are volatile. The Chief Financial Officer will recommend whether the method of sale is competitive or negotiated based on the type of issue and other market conditions. In the case of negotiated sales, the Underwriter will be required to demonstrate sufficient capitalization and sufficient experience related to the specific type of debt issuance. The Underwriter will work in connection with the District’s Financial Advisor on structuring the issue and offering different pricing ideas. Bond Counsel: The District’s Bond Counsel provides the primary legal documents that detail the security for the bonds and the authority under which bonds are issued. The Bond Counsel also provides an opinion to bond holders that the bonds are tax-exempt under both State and Federal law. All closing documents in connection with an issue are also prepared by Bond Counsel. Disclosure Counsel: The District’s Disclosure Counsel provides legal advice to the District regarding the adequacy of the District’s disclosure of financial information or risks of investing in the District’s debt issue to the investing public. The Disclosure Counsel can prepare the official statement or review the official statement and gives the District an opinion that there is no information missing from the official statement of a material nature that would be necessary for an investor to make an informed decision about investing in the District’s bonds. Trustee: The Trustee is a financial institution selected by the District to administer the collection of revenues pledged to repay the bonds and to distribute those funds to bondholders. Letter of Credit Bank: The Letter of Credit Bank is a U.S. or foreign bank that has issued a letter of credit providing both credit enhancement (the Letter of Credit Bank will pay the debt in the event that the District defaults on the payment) and liquidity for a variable rate bond issue. These banks have their own short-term credit rating, which is generally higher than the District’s short-term credit rating. Liquidity is needed because variable rate bondholders are allowed to “put” their bonds back to the District if they do not like the interest rate currently being offered. The District’s Remarketing Agent then finds a new buyer for those bonds, but in the event that no buyer is found, a draw is made under the letter of credit to purchase the bonds that have been “put.” As soon as the bonds are remarketed to another buyer, the letter of credit is repaid. The letter of credit fees are paid annually. Letter of credits are typically issued for 5-7 years and must be renewed during the life of the bonds. Credit enhancement is discussed further under the heading “CREDIT ENHANCEMENT.” Municipal Bond Insurer: The Municipal Bond Insurer can be one of several insurance companies that provide municipal bond insurance policies securing payment of the District’s debt. These policies provide that the Municipal Bond Insurer will pay the District’s debt in the event that the District defaults on its payments. Debt which is insured carries the Municipal Bond Insurer’s credit rating, in most cases, AAA. The insurance premium for the bond insurance policy is paid one time at the issuance of the debt and is non-cancelable for the term of 233 the debt. Unlike a letter of credit, bond insurance policies do not provide liquidity and are most typically purchased for fixed rate debt. Remarketing Agent: The Remarketing Agent is an investment bank that, each week, determines the interest rate for the District’s variable rate obligations. The rate is set at the rate at which the obligations could be sold on the open market at 100% of their face value. The Remarketing Agent also finds new buyers for any of the obligations that are “put” back to the District. Rating Agencies: Currently, there are three rating agencies that rate municipal debt in the United States: Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investors Service, and Fitch Investors Service. Rating agencies establish objective criteria under which each type of financing undertaken by the District is to be analyzed. Upon request, a rating agency will rate the underlying strength of the District’s financings, without regard to the purchase of any credit enhancement. The rating is released to the general public and thereafter, the rating agency will periodically update its analysis of a particular issue, and may raise or lower the rating if circumstances warrant. Investment-grade ratings range from “AAA” to “BBB.” A rating below “BBB” is not investment grade. Many mutual funds cannot buy bonds that do not carry an investment grade. Verification Agent: In a refunding, the District will deposit funds with an escrow agent (usually the trustee) in an amount sufficient, together with earnings thereon, to pay the debt service and redemption price of the debt being refunded through and including the call date. The Verification Agent verifies the mathematical accuracy of calculation of the amount to be deposited in escrow and the bond counsel relies on this verification in giving their opinion that the debt is defeased within the meaning of the indenture and that the lien of the debt on the revenues pledged to the debt being refunded is released. 12.0 Conflict Of Interest And Standards Of Conduct Members of the District, the Board of Directors and its consultants, service providers and underwriters shall adhere to standards of conduct and conflict of interest rules as stipulated by the California Political Reform Act or the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB), as applicable. All debt financing participants shall maintain the highest standards of professional conduct at all times, in accordance with MSRB Rules, including Rule G-37. There shall be no conflict of interest with the District with any debt financing participant. 13.0 Continuing Disclosure The District acknowledges the responsibilities of the underwriting community and pledges to make all reasonable efforts to assist underwriters in their efforts to comply with SEC Rule 15c2- 12 and MSRB Rule G-36. The District will file its official statements with the MSRB and the nationally recognized municipal securities information repositories. The District will also post copies of its comprehensive financial reports on the Internet and provide hard copies of these documents to interested parties upon request, and will disseminate other information that it deems pertinent to the market in a timely manner. While initial bond disclosure requirements pertain to underwriters, the District will provide financial information and notices of material events on an ongoing basis throughout the life of the issue. Material events are defined as those events which are considered to likely reflect on the credit supporting the securities. The events considered material according to the SEC are: 234 1. Rating changes. 2. Non-payment related defaults. 3. Adverse tax opinions or events affecting the tax exempt status. 4. Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves or credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties. 5. Modifications to the rights of securities holders. 6. Defeasance. 7. Bond calls. 8. Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the securities. 9. Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform. 10. Principal and interest payment delinquencies. 14.0 Investment & Arbitrage Compliance Tax-exempt bonds are required to meet certain provisions of the federal tax code in order to maintain their tax-exempt status. In order to prevent municipal issuers from borrowing money at tax-exempt rates solely for the purpose of investing the proceeds in higher yielding investments and making a profit (“arbitrage”), the federal tax code contains a provision that requires issuers to compare the interest earned on any bond funds held (such as a reserve fund) with interest that would theoretically be earned if the funds were invested at the yield of the bonds, and to “rebate” to the federal government any interest earned in excess of the theoretical earnings limit. The Chief Financial Officer shall invest the bond proceeds subject to the District’s Investment Policy in a timely manner, to ensure the availability of funds to meet operational requirements. In doing so, the CFO will maintain a system of record keeping and reporting to meet the arbitrage rebate compliance requirements of the federal tax code. 15.0 Types of Debt Financing General Obligation Bonds General obligation bonds are secured by a pledge of the ad-valorem taxing power of the issuer and are also known as a full faith and credit obligations. Bonds of this nature must serve a public purpose to be considered lawful taxation of the property owners within the District and require a two third’s majority vote in a general election. The benefit of the improvements or assets constructed and acquired as a result of this type of bond must be generally available to all property owners. The District can issue general obligation bonds up to but not in excess of 15% of the assessed valuation under Article XVI, Section 18 of the State constitution. An annual amount of the levy necessary to meet debt service requirements is calculated and placed on the tax roll through the County of San Diego. The District also has a policy that the ad-valorem tax to be used to pay debt service on general obligation bonds will not exceed $.10 per $100 of assessed value. Voters within Improvement District No. 27 of the District authorized $100 million general obligation bonds in 1989. The District issued $11,500,000 general obligation bonds in 1992 and refinanced the bonds in 1998. The District also has approximately $29 million in general obligation bonds authorized between 1960 and 1978 for various Improvement Districts 235 throughout the District, but unissued. General obligation bonds can only be issued under these existing authorizations to the extent necessary to fund the improvements specified by each ballot measure. General obligation bonds generally are regarded as the broadest and soundest security among tax-secured debt instruments. An unlimited-tax pledge would enable a trustee to invoke mandamus to force the District to raise the tax rate as much as necessary to pay off the bonds. General obligation bonds have other credit strengths as well: the property tax tends to be a steady and predictable revenue source, and when a vote is required to issue them, bondholders have some indication of taxpayers’ willingness to pay. General obligation bonds carry the highest credit rating that a public agency can achieve and therefore, the lowest interest cost. General obligation bonds typically are issued to finance capital facilities and not for ongoing operational or maintenance costs. The District will use an objective analytical approach to determine whether it can afford to assume new general obligation debt for the improvement districts, or in the case of projects not approved by the original ID 27 vote, prior to any submission of a general obligation bond ballot measure to voters. This process will compare generally accepted standards of affordability to the current values for the District. These standards will include debt per capita, debt as a percent of taxable value, debt service payments as a percent of current revenues and current expenditures, and the level of overlapping net debt of all local taxing jurisdictions. The process will also examine the direct costs and benefits of the proposed expenditures. The decision on whether or not to assume new debt will be based on these costs and benefits, the current conditions of the municipal bond market, and the District’s ability to "afford" new debt as determined by the aforementioned standards. Revenue Bonds Revenue bonds are limited-liability obligations that pledge net revenues of the District to debt service. The net revenue pledge is after payment of all operating costs. Though revenue bonds are not generally secured by the full faith and credit of the District, the financial markets require coverage ratios of the pledged revenue stream and a covenant to levy rates and charges sufficient to produce net income at some level in excess of debt service (a Rate Covenant). Also there may be a test required to demonstrate that future revenues will be sufficient to maintain debt service coverage levels after any proposed additional bonds are issued. The District will strive to meet industry and financial market standards with such ratios. Annual adjustments to the District’s rate structure may be necessary to maintain these coverage ratios. The underlying credit of revenue bonds is judged on the ability of the District’s existing rates to provide sufficient net income to pay debt service and the perceived willingness of the District to raise rates and charges in accordance with its Rate Covenant. Actual past performance also plays a role in evaluating the credit quality of revenue bonds, as well as the diversity of the customer base. Revenue bonds generally carry a credit rating one or two investment grades below a general obligation bond rating. 236 The District may use a debt structure called “Certificates of Participation” to finance capital facilities. However, if the certificates contain a pledge of net revenues and a Rate Covenant, they are treated as essentially the same as a revenue bond. Lease/Purchase Agreements Over the lifetime of a lease, the total cost to the District will generally be higher than purchasing the asset outright. As a result, the use of lease/purchase agreements in the acquisition of vehicles, equipment and other capital assets will generally be avoided, particularly if smaller quantities of the capital asset(s) can be purchased on a "pay-as-you-go" basis. The District may utilize lease-purchase agreements to acquire needed equipment and facilities. Criteria for such agreements should be that the asset life is three years or more, the minimum value of the agreement is $50,000 and interest costs must not exceed the interest rate earned by the District’s portfolio for the average of the past 6 months. Lease payments of this type are considered operating expenses and would reduce net operating income available to pay any District revenue bonds. There are no coverage requirements or rate covenants associated with lease/purchase agreements. State Water Loans The State Water Resources Control Board makes certain funds available to water districts throughout the State. These loans typically carry a below-market rate of interest and are short term in nature. While State loans should be incorporated into the District’s debt portfolio for the financing of capital improvements, the payment of the loan should not compromise the District’s ability to issue other planned debt or cause the District to violate its rate covenants or make it necessary for the District to increase rates to maintain existing rate covenants. Land Based Financing The District may consider developer or property owner initiated applications requesting the formation of community facilities or assessment districts and the issuance of bonds to finance eligible District facilities necessary to serve newly developing commercial, industrial and/or residential projects. Facilities will be financed in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, or the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982. Typically, the bonds issued would be used to prepay, in a lump-sum, the District’s capacity fees with respect to a large tract of land under development, or to finance in-tract infrastructure that will eventually be dedicated to the District. The bonds are secured by a special tax or assessment to be levied on property within the boundaries established for the community facilities district (sometimes known as a “Mello-Roos” district) or the assessment district. If the District becomes the sponsoring public agency for such financing district and the issuance of debt, the District will be required to enter into a Funding, Construction and Acquisition agreement for any of the facilities to be dedicated to the District upon completion. This agreement governs the type of facilities to be constructed with bond proceeds and how the facilities will be accepted by the District. 237 In some cases, the District may not be asked to be the sponsoring agency for the formation of a financing district, rather, the developer or property owner may approach a school district or a city to be the sponsoring agency. Nonetheless, the property owner may want to include lump- sum payment of District fees in the financing or construction of certain facilities to be dedicated to the District upon completion. In this case, if the District desired to participate, the District would enter into a Joint Financing Agreement with the sponsoring agency, again governing the type of facilities to be constructed with bond proceeds and how the facilities will be accepted by the District. On a case-by-case basis, the Board shall make the determination as to whether a proposed district will proceed under the provisions of the Assessment Acts or the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act. The Board may confer with other consultants and the applicant to learn of any unique district requirements, such as long-term development phasing, prior to making any final determination. All District and District consultant costs incurred in the evaluation of new development, district applications and the establishment of districts will be paid by the applicant(s) by advance deposits in those instances where a party or parties other than the District have initiated a proposed district. Expenses not legally reimbursable by the financing district will be borne by the applicant. The District may incur expenses for analyzing proposed assessment or community facilities districts where the District is the principal proponent of the formation or financing of the district. Prior to the issuance of any land secured financing and in accordance with State law, the Board will adopt policies and procedures with criteria to be met before any special tax bonds or assessment district bonds may be issued. These criteria include the qualifications of the appraiser, the minimum value to lien ratio to be achieved prior to issuing the land secured debt and the maximum tax to be levied on different categories of property. 16.0 Rating Agency Applications The District may seek a rating on all new issues that are being sold in the public market. To ensure a fair rating, more than one rating agency shall be considered to rate the District’s issues. These rating agencies include, but are not limited to, Fitch Investors Service, Moody’s Investors Service, and Standard and Poor’s. When applying for a rating on an issue over $1 million or more, the District shall make a formal presentation of the finances and positive developments within the District to the rating agencies. The District will report all financial information to the rating agencies as they are published and upon request. This information shall include, but shall not be limited to, the District’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), and the Adopted Operating and Capital Budget. 17.0 Use of Credit Enhancement Credit enhancement is a generic term that means any third-party guarantee of debt service. Credit enhancement providers include municipal bond insurance companies or financial institutions. The purchase of credit enhancement allows the District’s bond issue to carry the same credit rating as the credit provider. The District will seek to use credit enhancement when 238 such credit enhancement proves cost-effective. Selection of credit enhancement providers will be subject to a competitive bid process using the District’s purchasing guidelines. Fixed Rate Bonds Credit enhancement for fixed rate bonds is obtained by the purchase of bond insurance. With few exceptions, bond insurance companies are rated AAA. If a commitment for bond insurance is obtained for a particular issue, the District will estimate the annual debt service for the issue based on current AAA-rated bond interest rates with the cost of issuance including the payment of the bond insurance premium. If the estimated debt service on this basis is less than or equal to estimated debt service for the issue based on interest rates for bonds with the District’s underlying or stand-alone credit rating, the District will purchase the bond insurance. Any intention of the District to prepay the debt ahead of its scheduled maturity will be taken into account in the analysis. Credit enhancement may be used to improve or establish a credit rating on a District debt obligation even if such credit enhancement is not cost effective if, in the opinion of the Chief Financial Officer, the use of such credit enhancement meets the District’s debt financing goals and objectives. Variable Rate Bonds Credit enhancement for variable rate bonds is comprised of two components: credit support and liquidity. The interest on variable rate bonds is based on a 7-day investment rate. Any investor can tender their bonds back to the District to be repurchased on 7 days’ notice. Because of the short-term nature of the investment, the securities that the District is “competing” with for investors are AAA-rated or AA-rated mutual funds. Therefore, variable debt needs to have credit enhancement to achieve a comparable AAA or AA rating, as well as liquidity support to provide the District with a mechanism to purchase any bonds that are tendered before they can be remarketed to new investors. A limited number of financial institutions offer letters of credit that combine both credit support and liquidity for one fee. An alternative is to purchase bond insurance to provide credit support and enter into a separate purchase agreement with a financial institution to provide liquidity. The difference in cost between the two structures will be analyzed before either alternative is selected for variable rate debt. 239 Debt Policy Glossary Ad Valorem Tax: A tax calculated “according to the value” of property. Such a tax is based on the assessed valuation of tangible personal property. In most jurisdictions, the tax is a lien on the property enforceable by seizure and sale of the property. General restrictions, such as overall restrictions on rates, or the percent of charge allowed, sometimes apply. As a result, ad valorem taxes often function as the balancing element in local budgets. Advance Refunding: A procedure whereby outstanding bonds are refinanced by the proceeds of a new bond issue prior to the date on which outstanding bonds become due or are callable. Typically an advance refunding is performed to take advantage of interest rates that are significantly lower than those associated with the original bond issue. At times, however, an advance refunding is performed to remove restrictive language or debt service reserve requirements required by the original issue. Amortization: The planned reduction of a debt obligation according to a stated maturity or redemption schedule. Arbitrage: The gain that may be obtained by borrowing funds at a lower (often tax-exempt) rate and investing the proceeds at higher (often taxable) rates. The ability to earn arbitrage by issuing tax-exempt securities has been severely curtailed by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, as amended. Assessed Valuation: The appraised worth of property as set by a taxing authority through assessments for purposes of ad valorem taxation. Basis Point: One one-hundredth of one percent. Bond: A security that represents an obligation to pay a specified amount of money on a specific date in the future, typically with periodic interest payments. Bond Counsel: An attorney (or firm of attorneys) retained by the issuer to give a legal opinion concerning the validity of the securities. The bond counsel’s opinion usually addresses the subject of tax exemption. Bond counsel may prepare, or review and advise the issuer regarding authorizing resolutions or ordinances, trust indentures, official statements, validation proceedings and litigation. Bond Insurance: A type of credit enhancement whereby a monocline insurance company indemnifies an investor against a default by the issuer. In the event of a failure by the issuer to pay principal and interest in-full and on-time, investors may call upon the insurance company to do so. Once assigned, the municipal bond insurance policy generally is irrevocable. The insurance company receives an up-front fee, or premium, when the policy is issued. Call Option: A contract through which the owner is given the right but is not obligated to purchase the underlying security or commodity at a fixed price within a limited time frame. 240 Cap: A ceiling on the interest rate that would be paid. Capital Lease: The acquisition of a capital asset over time rather than merely paying rent for temporary use. A lease-purchase agreement, in which provision is made for transfer of ownership of the property for a nominal price at the scheduled termination of the lease, is referred to as a capital lease. Certificate of Participation: A financial instrument representing a proportionate interest in payments such as lease payments by one party (such as the District acting as a lessee) to another party (often a trustee). CIP: Capital Improvement Program. Competitive Sale: The sale of securities in which the securities are awarded to the bidder who offers to purchase the issue at the best price or lowest cost. Continuing Disclosure: The requirement by the Securities and Exchange Commission for most issuers of municipal debt to provide current financial information to the informational repositories for access by the general marketplace. Debt Service: The amount necessary to pay principal and interest requirements on outstanding bonds for a given year or series of years. Defeasance: Providing for payment of principal of premium, if any, and interest on debt through the first call date or scheduled principal maturity in accordance with the terms and requirements of the instrument pursuant to which the debt was issued. A legal defeasance usually involves establishing an irrevocable escrow funded with only cash and U.S. Government obligations. Derivative: A financial product that is based upon another product. Generally, derivatives are risk mitigation tools. Discount: The difference between a bond’s par value and the price for which it is sold when the latter is less than par. Financial Advisor: A consultant who advises an issuer on matters pertinent to a debt issue, such as structure, sizing, timing, marketing, pricing, terms and bond ratings. General Obligation Bonds: Debt that is secured by a pledge of the ad valorem taxing power of the issuer. Also known as a full faith and credit obligation. Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB): The MSRB, comprised of representatives from investment banking firms, dealer bank representatives, and public representatives, is entrusted with the responsibility of writing rules of conduct for the municipal securities market. Negotiated Sale: A sale of securities in which the terms of sale are determined through negotiation between the issuer and the purchaser, typically an underwriter, without competitive bidding. 241 Official Statement: A document published by the issuer that discloses material information on a new issue of municipal securities including the purposes of the issue, how the securities will be repaid, and the financial, economic and social characteristics of the issuing government. Investors may use this information to evaluate the credit quality of the securities. Option: A derivative contract. There are two primary types of options (see Put Option and Call Option). An option is considered a wasting asset because it has a stipulated life to expiration and may expire worthless. Hence, the premium could be wasted. Optional Redemption: The redemption of an obligation prior to its stated maturity, which can only occur on dates specified in the bond indenture. Overlapping Debt: The legal boundaries of local governments often overlap. In some cases, one unit of government is located entirely within the boundaries of another. Overlapping debt represents the proportionate share of debt that must be borne by one unit of government because another government with overlapping or underlying taxing authority issued its own bonds. Par Value: The face value or principal amount of a security. Pay-as-you-go: To pay for capital improvements from current resources and fund balances rather than from debt proceeds. Put Option: A contract that grants to the purchaser the right but not the obligation to exercise. Rate Covenant: A covenant between the District and bondholders, under which the District agrees to maintain a certain level of net income compared to its debt payments, and covenants to increase rates if net income is not sufficient to meet such level. Refunding: A procedure whereby an issuer refinances an outstanding bond issue by issuing new bonds. Revenue Bonds: A bond which is payable from a specific source of revenue and to which the full faith and credit of an issuer with taxing power is not pledged. Revenue bonds are payable from identified sources of revenue, and do not permit the bondholders to compel a jurisdiction to pay debt service from any other source. Pledged revenues often are derived from the operation of an enterprise. Generally, no voter approval is required prior to issuance. Special Assessments: A charge imposed against property or parcel of land that receives a special benefit by virtue of some public improvement that is not, or cannot be enjoyed by the public at large. Special assessment debt issues are those that finance such improvements and are repaid by the assessments charged to the benefiting property owners. Swap: A customized financial transaction between two or more counterparties who agree to make periodic payments to one another. Swaps cover interest rate, equity, commodity and currency products. They can be simple floating for fixed exchanges or complex hybrid products with multiple option features. 242 True Interest Cost (TIC): A method of calculating the overall cost of a financing that takes into account the time value of money. The TIC is the rate of interest that will discount all future payments so that the sum of their present value equals the issue proceeds. Underwriter: The term used broadly in the municipal market, to refer to the firm that purchases a securities offering from a governmental issuer. Yield Curve: Refers to the graphical or tabular representation of interest rates across different maturities. The presentation often starts with the shortest-term rates and extends towards longer maturities. It reflects the market’s views about implied inflation/deflation, liquidity, economic and financial activity, and other market forces. 243 The Fiscal Budget contains terminology that is unique to public finance and budgeting. The following budget glossary provides assistance in understanding these terms. Accrual Basis of Accounting: The basis of accounting under which transactions are recognized when they occur, regardless of the timing of cash receipts and disbursements. Acre-Foot: The volume of water that will cover one acre to a depth of one foot. One acre- foot equals 435.6 units or 325,850 gallons. Additional Systems Fees: Effective May 1, 1986, each customer receiving water service in the Improvement District 9 water service zone pays an additional monthly meter system charge of $2.00 for each meter in service. Annexation Fees: Whenever utility service is requested for land outside the boundaries of an improvement district, the land to be serviced must first be annexed. The annexation fee for water was set on May 30, 2006 at $1,411 per EDU. The fee for sewer annexation was set at $3,819 on December 16, 1998. These base rates are adjusted quarterly according to a cost of living index. The rates as of July 1, 2009 are $1,603 and $5,450 for water and sewer, respectively. Appropriation: The annual budget adopted by the District’s Board for monitoring and control purposes, serving as a financial plan. Assets: Resources owned or held by the District that have monetary value. Availability Fees: The District levies charges each year in developed areas to be used for general purposes for construction of facilities, and in undeveloped areas to provide a source of funding for planning, mapping, and preliminary design of facilities to meet future development. Current legislation provides that any availability charge in excess of $10.00 per acre shall be restricted only for the purpose of constructing facilities in the improvement district for which it was assessed. Balanced Budget: A balanced financial plan, for a specified period of time that matches all planned revenues and expenditures with various services. The District uses a fiscal year beginning each July 1 and ending each June 30 for budgetary and financial reporting purposes. Betterment Fees: In addition to other applicable water rates and charges, certain water customers pay a fee based on water service zone or improvement district. These are restricted for the use in the area where they are collected and may be used for the construction and maintenance of facilities. Glossary  244 Betterment Fees for Maintenance: The Operating Budget earns betterment fees for maintenance work performed on infrastructure within special betterment zones, where fees are collected for the construction and maintenance of these specific assets. Bond: A written promise to pay a sum of money on a specific date at a specified interest rate. The interest payments and the repayment of the principal are authorized in a District bond resolution. The most common types of bonds are general obligation (GO) bonds and Certificates of Participation (COPs). These are frequently used for construction of large capital projects such as buildings, reservoirs, pipelines and pump stations. Budget Basis: The budget and accounting basis for the District is recognized on an accrual basis. Accrual basis means that revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recognized when incurred. Capacity Fee: A connection fee is charged when a new water meter is placed into service. This fee is based on the estimated construction cost of expansion of the system to meet the needs of all future customers. This fee covers the cost including, but is not limited to, planning, design, construction, and financing of expansion of the system. Capacity Fee Revenues: These fees are earned by the Operating Budget as the Engineering Department supports expansion functions. Capacity Reservation Charge: An MWD charge passed on by CWA to individual agencies. This fee is paid based on the District’s peak water demand. Capital Budget: The portion of the annual budget that appropriates funds for the purchase of capital equipment items and capital improvements. These expenditures are separated from regular operating items, such as salaries, utilities and office supplies. The Capital Budget includes funds for capital equipment purchases over $10,000, such as vehicles, furniture, machinery, microcomputers and special tools or $20,000 for infrastructure related items, which are distinguished from operating items according to their value and projected useful life. Capital Equipment: Fixed assets such as vehicles, marine equipment, computers, furniture, technical instruments, etc. which have a life expectancy of more than two years and a value over $10,000 or $20,000 for infrastructure related items (this may not extend useful life of the infrastructure, but without it, the whole asset is rendered useless). Capital Improvement Program: A long-range plan of the District for the construction, rehabilitation and modernization of the District-owned and operated infrastructure. Glossary  245 Class of Service: All customers are classified based on the type of service used. For example, the water rate per unit is determined by a classification such as residential versus business. CWA: The County Water Authority was organized in 1944 under the State County Water Authority Act for the primary purpose of importing Colorado River water to augment the local water supplies of the Authority's member agencies. The Authority purchases water from MWD which imports water from the Colorado River and the State Water Project. Deannexation Fees: Each request for detachment of land from an improvement district is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The fees are determined based on the present value of future debt service requirements. Debt Service: The District's obligation to pay the principal and interest of bonds and other debt instruments according to a predetermined payment schedule. Depreciation: An expense recorded to allocate a tangible asset’s cost over its useful life. Desalination: The removal of dissolved minerals (including salts) from seawater or brackish water. Engineered water desalination processes, which produce potable water from seawater or brackish water, have become important because many regions throughout the world suffer from water shortages. Energy Fees: Water customers are charged an energy pumping charge based on the quantity of water used and the elevation to which the water has been lifted to provide service. The energy pumping charge is the rate of $.037 (to increase on September 1, 2009 to $.038) per 100 cubic feet of water for each 100 feet of lift above the base elevation of 450 feet. All water customers are in one of 29 zones based on elevation. Enterprise Fund: Fund that provides goods or services to the public for a fee that makes the entity self-supporting. Expenditures/Expenses: These terms refer to the outflow of funds paid or to be paid for an asset, goods or services obtained regardless of when actually paid for. (Note: An encumbrance is not expenditure). An encumbrance reserves funds to be expended in a future period. Fire Service: Water service is provided by the District solely for use in fire hydrants or fire sprinkler systems from lines or laterals connected to the District’s water mains. The monthly system charge is $28.55 per month (to increase to $30.11 on September 1, 2009) for each connection for fire protection service. Glossary  246 Fiscal Year: Twelve-month term designating the beginning and ending period for recording financial transactions. The District has specified July 1 to June 30 as its fiscal year. Fund Balance: The current funds on hand resulting from the historical collection and use of monies. The difference between assets and liabilities reported in the District’s Operating Fund plus residual equities or balances and changes therein, from the result of operations. General Fund: The District’s general fund is an enterprise fund – one for each of the District’s three business lines Potable, Recycled and Sewer services. Each is an accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts established to record the financial position and results that pertain to a specific activity. The activities of enterprise funds closely resemble those of ongoing businesses in which the purpose is to conserve and add to basic resources while meeting operating expenses from current revenues. Enterprise funds account for operations that provide services on a continuous basis and are substantially financed by revenues derived from user charges. Grants: Contributions or gifts of cash or other assets from another governmental agency to be used or expended for a specified purpose, activity, or facility. Capital grants are restricted by the grantor for the acquisition and/or construction of fixed assets. Operating grants are restricted by the grantor for operating purposes or may be used for either capital or operating purposes at the discretion of the grantee. Infrastructure Access Charge (IAC): A pass-through charge from CWA to each member agency. The charge is to finance a portion of CWA’s fixed annual costs including the construction, operation and maintenance of aqueducts and emergency storage projects. The fee was adopted in January of 1999. Interest Income: Earnings from the investment portfolio. Per District Policy Number 25, interest income will be allocated to improvement districts each month based upon each fund’s prior month-ending balance. Late Charges/Penalties: Charges and penalties are imposed on delinquent accounts. A late payment charge of 5% of the most recent delinquent amount is added to the account. Other miscellaneous late fees and penalties are detailed in the District’s Code of Ordinances. Meter and Lateral Fees: Charge includes the material costs for the meter, meter box, and the labor cost for installation to connect a new service to the distribution system. Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Standby Charges: Revenue generated from property taxes by MWD to cover the Readiness-to-Serve (RTS) Charge for the new debt service for construction projects necessary to meet reliability and quality needs. The RTS Charge was adopted in 1996. Glossary  247 Net Assets: The difference between total assets and total liabilities. Increases or decreases in net assets may serve as a useful indicator of whether the financial position of the District is strengthening or weakening. 1% General Tax: In 1978, Proposition 13 limited general levy property tax rates for all taxing authorities to a total rate of 1% of full cash value. Subsequent legislation, AB8, established that the receipts from the 1% levy were to be distributed to taxing agencies according to approximately the same proportions received prior to Proposition 13. Funds received are to be used for facilities construction or debt service on bonds sold to build facilities. Operating Budget: The portion of the budget that pertains to daily operations that provide basic governmental services. The operating budget contains appropriations for such expenditures as personnel, supplies, utilities, materials, travel and fuel, and does not include purchases of major capital plant or equipment which is budgeted for separately in the Capital Budget. Other Income: Revenues that are not directly related to the business of providing water and sewer services. For example, contract billing service for the City of Chula Vista and the City of San Diego to bill their sewer customers based on water consumption. Property Rental Income: Rent or lease agreements for the use of District property. QualServe: a voluntary quality improvement program designed exclusively for water and wastewater utilities. Recycled Water Rates: Non-potable water service provided from water produced by the District’s reclamation plant and other non-potable sources. Recycled water is not used for domestic purposes and all other uses must comply with federal, state and local laws and regulations regarding the use of recycled water. Reserve Fund: The District maintains Reserve Funds per the District’s policy for both designated and restricted balances. Designated Reserve Funds are “general use” funds designated by the Board. Restricted reserves are those that are legally set aside for a particular purpose and cannot be used for any other purpose. Residential Conservation: The water rates for residential customers are based on an accelerated block structure; as more units are consumed, a higher unit rate is charged. The District has established a water conservation program to promote water conservation and planning. Glossary  248 Revenue: Monies that the District receives as income. It includes such items as water sales and sewer fees. Estimated revenues are those expected to be collected during the fiscal year. Readiness-to-Serve Charge (RTS): was adopted by MWD in Fiscal 1996. The charge serves as a foundation of fixed revenue for MWD. It covers the new debt service for construction projects necessary to meet reliability and quality needs of current water-users as opposed to new customers. Sale of Fixed Assets: District equipment, which has been determined by the Board to be of no use, obsolete and/or beyond the useful life and therefore, may be sold. Set-up Fees for Accounts: A charge of $10 is added for each account transferred to another customer. System Fees: Each water service customer pays a monthly system charge for water system replacement, maintenance and operation expenses. The charge is based on the size of the meter and class of service. Taxes: California Water Code Section 72091 authorizes the District, as a municipal water district, to levy ad valorem property taxes which are equal to the amount required to make annual payments for principal and interest on general obligation bonds approved by the voters prior to July 1, 1978. Temporary Water Charge: The rate for temporary water service is two times the rate for permanent service. The additional charge is to offset the cost of construction of facilities for larger capacity. Tier 2 Charge: An MWD charge passed on by CWA to individual agencies. This is an added charge on all water sales by CWA in excess of the District’s 90% baseline water usage. Water Capacity Fees: Charges paid by customers to connect to a District water system for potable or recycled water service. Fees are determined by multiplying the demand factor for the meter size by the total of the District-wide capacity fee and applicable zone charge Water Rates: Rates vary among classes of service and are measured in units. The water rates for residential customers are based on an accelerated block structure. As more units are consumed, a higher unit rate is charged. On January 1, 2009 the District implemented a tiered rate structure for all customer types to encourage conservation and bring equity among the classes. Working Capital: A financial measure which represents available operating liquidity. It is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities.     Glossary  249 AF Acre-Foot/Feet AMR Automated Meter Reader/Reading APCD Air Pollution Control District ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASU Assigned Service Unit AWWA American Water Works Association BIT Bi-annual Inspection Terminals BMP Best Management Practices BOD Biological Oxygen Demand BRP Business Resumption Plan CADD Computer Aided Design & Drafting CARB California Air Resources Board CDPH California Department of Public Health CAFR Comprehensive Annual Financial Report CCV City of Chula Vista CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CFS Cubic Foot per Second CHP California Highway Patrol CIP Capital Improvement Program CIS Customer Information System CIT Collaborative Improvement Teams CMOM Capacity, Management, Operations & Maintenance CMTA California Municipal Treasurers Association COD Chemical Oxygen Demand COPS Certificates of Participation CRC Capacity Reservation Charge CSC Customer Service Charge CSD City of San Diego CSMFO California Society of Municipal Finance Officers CWA County Water Authority (San Diego) DBMS Database Management System DBP Disinfectant By-Products DEH Department of Environmental Health DHS Department of Health Services DVP Delivery-versus-Payment EDU Equivalent Dwelling Unit EIR Environmental Impact Review EOC Equal Opportunity Commission ERP Enterprise Resource Planning List of Acronyms 250 List of Acronyms ESC Emergency Storage Charge FCF Flow Control Facility FHLMC Freddie Mac or Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation FNMA Fannie Mae or Federal National Mortgage Association FTE Full-time Equivalent FY Fiscal Year GASB Government Accounting Standards Board GFOA Government Finance Officers Association GIS Geographic Information System GO General Obligation (bonds) GPM Gallons per Minute GPS Global Positioning System HCF Hundred Cubic Foot HMA Habitat Management Area HR Human Resources HRIS Human Resources Information System HWD Helix Water District IAC Infrastructure Access Charge ID Improvement District IID Imperial Irrigation District IIPP Injury and Illness Prevention Program IMS Infrastructure Management System IRP Integrated Water Resources Plan IRS Internal Revenue Service IT Information Technology IVR Interactive Voice Response LAFCO Local Agency Formation Commission LAIF Local Agency Investment Fund LMSE La Mesa Sweetwater Extension LOPS Lower Otay Pump Station MBR Membrane Bioreactor MG Million Gallons MGD Million Gallons per Day MISAC Municipal Information Systems Association of California MH Man-hours MOU Memorandum of Understanding MSCP Multiple Species Conservation Program MSRB Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board MWD Metropolitan Water District 251 List of Acronyms MWWD Metropolitan Waste Water Department (City of San Diego) NCCP Natural Community Conservation Plan NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NIMS National Incident Management System NOC Notice of Completion NOSC Notice of Substantial Completion NPDES National Pollution Discharge Elimination System O&M or O/M Operations and Maintenance OES Office of Emergency Services (State) OIS Otay Information System OPEB Other Post Employee Benefits OWD Otay Water District PB Pacific Bay PDR Preliminary Design Report PEIR Program Environmental Impact Report PERS Public Employees' Retirement System PL Pipeline POU Principles of Understanding PRS Pressure Reducing Station PS Pump Station PT Part-time RFID Radio Frequency Identification RFP Request for Proposal RSD Rancho San Diego RTS Readiness-to-Serve R/W Right-of-Way RWCWRF Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility SAMP Sub-Area Master Plan SANDAG San Diego Association of Governments SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SBWRP South Bay Water Reclamation Plant SDRMA San Diego Risk Management Association SEC Securities and Exchange Commission SHRM Society of Human Resources Management SLMA Sallie Mae or Student Loan Marketing Association SS Suspended Solids SSMP Sewer System Management Plan SVSD Spring Valley Sanitation District SWA Sweetwater Authority 252 List of Acronyms SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board USBR U.S. Bureau of Reclamation UWMP Urban Water Management Plan WADG Water Agency Design Guideline WD Water District WER Work Environment Review WRMP Water Resources Master Plan WTP Water Treatment Plant 253 Administrative Expenses 64,77,85,93,100 Awards 4-7 Balanced Scorecard 8-14 Budget Calendar 18-19 Budget Guide 16-17 Budget Process and Basis 20-22 Budget Summary 34-37 Capital Improvement Program Narrative 171-172 Capital Purchases Budget 185 CIP Flagship Projects in Construction 174-176 CIP Funding Source and Category 180 CIP Justification and Impact on Operating Budget 183-184 CIP Major Projects 173 CIP Projects 181-182 CIP Projects in Construction 177-178 CIP Reserve Funds 179 Classification of Water Sales 55,70 Debt Management 48 Debt Policy 227-239 Debt Policy Glossary 240-243 Demographics 27 Department Budgets: Administrative Services 114-124 Board of Directors 104-107 Engineering 158-167 Finance 125-135 General Expense 168-170 General Manager 108-113 Information Technology and Strategic Planning 136-143 Water Operations 144-157 Departmental Operating Budget Narrative 93-95 Economic Conditions 25 Five-Year Forecast 45 Formula for Sewer Rates 87 Fund Balance Summary by Fund 41 Fund Balances 47 Index  254 Future, The 26 General Fund Forecast 46 General Information 2 General Expenses 92 General Revenues 91 General Revenues and Expenses Narrative 89-90 Glossary 244-249 Investment Policy 215-220 Investment Policy Glossary 221-226 Labor and Benefits 96-97 Letter of Transmittal iv-viii List of Acronyms 250-253 Materials and Maintenance Expenses 65,78,86,101 Meter Fees 60,73 MWD and CWA Fixed Fees (Pass-Through) 59 Operating Budget Summary 54,69,81 Operating Budget Summary by System 39 Operating Budget Summary – General Fund 38 Operating Expenditures by Department 102 Operating Expenditures by Object 103 Operating Revenues and Expenditures 40 Organization Chart 15 Otay Water District At-A-Glance 1 Past and Present 24 Position Count by Department 98-99 Potable Narrative 52-53 Potable Water Service Area Maps 66 Power Costs 63,76,84 Projected Principal and Interest Payments by Debt Issuance 50-51 Recycled Narrative 67-68 Recycled Water Service Area Maps 79 Reserve Policy 188-212 Reserve Policy Glossary 213-214 Resolution 4136 23 Revenue History 61,74,83 Index  255 Revenues and Expenditures by Fund 42-43 Revenues and Expenditures by Type 44 San Diego Rainfall 33 Schedule of Outstanding Debt 49 Service Area Assessed Valuation 31 Sewer Charges Summary by Service Class 82 Sewer Narrative 80 Sewer Rate Comparison 30 Sewer Service Area Map 88 Statement of Values 3 Summary of Financial Policies 186-187 System Fees 58,72 Ten Largest Customers 28 Ten Principal Taxpayers 32 Unit Sales History by Customer Class 57 Recycled Water Purchases 75 Potable Water Purchases and Related Costs 62 Water Rate Comparison 29 Water Sales Summary by Service Class 56,71 Index  256