HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Water Facilities Master Plan - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting ProgramOTAY WATER DISTRICT 2015 Water Facilities Master Plan Update Final Program Environmental Impact Report Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program SCH No. 2015061091 November 2016 Prepared for: Otay Water District 2554 Sweetwater Springs Boulevard Spring Valley, California 91978-2096 Prepared by: 3570 Carmel Mountain Road Suite 300 San Diego, California 92130 Atkins Project #100038569 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-i November 2016 INTRODUCTION The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that public agencies adopting EIRs (“Lead Agencies”) take affirmative steps to determine that project design features (PDFs), standard construction practices (SCPs) and approved mitigation/performance measures are implemented subsequent to project approval. The Lead Agency must adopt a reporting and monitoring program for the PDFs, SCPs and mitigation/performance measures incorporated into a project or included as conditions of approval. The program must be designed to ensure compliance with the EIR during project implementation (Public Resources Code §20181.6; CEQA Guidelines §15074(d)). This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) will be used by the Otay Water District (OWD) as Lead Agency to ensure compliance with the PDFs, SCPs and mitigation/performance measures identified in the Final Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the 2015 Water Facilities Master Plan (WFMP) Update. Implementation of these PDFs, SCPs and mitigation/performance measures will reduce significant impacts to air quality; biological resources; cultural resources; energy; geology, soils, and paleontology; global climate change; hydrology and water quality; landform alteration and visual aesthetics; land use and planning; noise; and public safety. This MMRP consists of a checklist (Table 1) that identifies the PDFs, SCPs and mitigation/performance measures by resource; the person(s) responsible for verifying implementation; the timing of verification (prior to, during or after construction); and the parties responsible for implementation. Space is provided for sign-off following completion/implementation of the PDFs, SCPs and mitigation/performance measures. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-1 November 2016 Table 1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the 2015 WFMP Update PEIR PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) Air Quality Air-SCP-1 During grading and site preparation activities, the On-site Construction Supervisor will supervise the following activities to reduce fugitive dust emissions: i. Exposed soil areas shall be watered as necessary (at least twice per day) to prevent dust emissions. During windy days or when fugitive dust can be observed leaving construction sites, additional applications of water shall be required. Under windy conditions where wind velocities are forecast to exceed 25 miles per hour, all ground disturbing activities shall be halted until the winds are forecast to be less than 25 miles per hour. ii. Where visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public paved roads, the paved roads shall be swept or washed down at the end of the day to avoid vehicles from pulverizing the dirt into fine particles. iii. Trucks transporting materials to and from the site shall allow for at least two feet of freeboard (i.e., minimum vertical distance between the top of the load and the top of the trailer). Alternatively, trucks transporting materials shall be covered. On-site Construction Supervisor and/or Contractor/OWD Before/During Construction Air-SCP-2 All construction equipment utilized for the construction of proposed CIP projects shall be maintained, tuned, and operated in accordance with all relevant SDAPCD, ARB, and EPA standards. On-site Construction Supervisor and/or Contractor/OWD Before/During Construction Mitigation Measure Air-1 An air quality technical study shall be prepared for each CIP once the project reaches the design stage to determine whether potential air pollutant emissions associated with construction activities are less than the screening thresholds established by the SDAPCD. The air quality technical study shall include an air pollutant emissions inventory for the CIP under design, as well as emissions for all other designed CIPs that would undertake construction within the same timeframe. All recommendations and measures identified in the air quality technical study to ensure that air pollutant emissions remain within established thresholds shall be incorporated by the Otay Water District prior to any groundbreaking activities associated with the project. OWD/Engineering Design Before Construction Biological Resources Bio-SCP-1 After completion of final grading for CIPs located adjacent to native vegetation, the construction documents will require that all graded areas within 100 feet of native vegetation are hydroseeded and/or planted with native plant species similar in composition to the adjacent undisturbed vegetation communities. OWD or the construction contractor will retain a qualified biologist to monitor these activities to ensure non-native or invasive plant species are not used in the hydroseed mix or planting palettes. The hydroseeded/planted areas will be watered via a temporary drip Landscape Contractor/ Biologist Before Construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-2 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) irrigation system or watering truck. Irrigation will cease at some time after successful plant establishment and growth, to be determined by the biologist. No fertilizers or pesticides will be used in the hydroseeded/planted areas. Any irrigation runoff from hydroseeded/planted areas will be directed away from adjacent native vegetation communities, and contained and/or treated within the development footprint of individual projects. All planting stock will be inspected for exotic invertebrate pests (e.g., argentine ants) and any stock found to be infested with such pests will not be allowed to be used in the hydroseeded/planted areas. Performance Measure Bio-1A During the design phase, OWD shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct biological surveys as part of the “tiered” CEQA documentation for these projects, following the program described in Section 1.2 (Intended Use and Purpose) of this PEIR. OWD/Biologist Before Construction Mitigation Measure Bio-1B If the biological surveys identified in performance measure Bio-1A determine the presence of special-status species and/or sensitive or critical habitats on or adjacent to the CIP site, then OWD shall map and quantify the impacts in a Biological Technical Report as part of the “tiered” CEQA documentation referenced in Bio-1A. Detailed project-specific avoidance and mitigation measures for significant impacts to biological resources shall be negotiated between OWD and the regulatory agencies, as part of the approval and certification process for the subsequent CEQA documentation. In addition, the following measures shall be implemented, as applicable: Six (6) weeks prior to vegetation clearing, grading and/or construction activities that are scheduled to occur between February 15 and August 30, a qualified biologist shall commence focused surveys in accordance with USFWS protocols to determine the presence or absence of the California gnatcatcher. Documentation of the survey results shall be provided to OWD and USFWS within 45 days of completing the final survey, as required pursuant to FESA Section 10(a)(1)(A). If the survey results are negative, then no further mitigation for California gnatcatcher is necessary and vegetation clearing can occur at any time in the year following the survey; only mitigation for the habitat loss shall be required (refer to Bio-1B(iv) below). If surveyed habitat is determined to be occupied by California gnatcatcher, then the following measures shall be implemented: OWD/Biologist Before Construction Mitigation Measure Bio-1B Coastal sage scrub/gnatcatcher habitat shall not be removed during the gnatcatcher breeding season (February 15 through August 30). Work that has commenced prior to the breeding season shall be allowed to continue without interruption. If gnatcatchers move into an area within 500 feet of ongoing construction noise levels and attempt to nest, then it can be deduced that the noise is not great enough to discourage gnatcatcher nesting activities. If work begins prior to the breeding season, the contractor(s) should maintain continuous construction activities adjacent to coastal sage scrub that falls within 500 feet, until the work is completed. However, if clearing, OWD/Biologist Before Construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-3 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) grading and/or construction activities are scheduled to begin during the gnatcatcher breeding season, then updated pre-construction surveys are necessary as defined above. In addition, if these activities are initiated prior to, and extend into, the breeding season, but they cease for any period of time and the contractor wishes to restart work within the breeding season window, then updated pre-construction surveys are also necessary. If these surveys indicate no nesting birds occur within the coastal sage scrub that falls within 500 feet of the proposed work, then the adjacent construction activities shall be allowed to commence. However, if the birds are observed nesting within these areas, then the adjacent construction activities shall be postponed until all nesting has ceased. Mitigation Measure Bio-1B Noise monitoring shall be conducted if construction activities are scheduled during the gnatcatcher breeding season; if the construction-related noise levels would exceed 60 dB Leq (i.e., the noise threshold suggested by the USFWS for indirect impacts to gnatcatcher); and if gnatcatchers are found within 500 feet of the noise source. Noise monitoring shall be conducted by a biologist experienced in both the vocalization and appearance of California gnatcatcher, and in the use of noise meters. Construction activities that generate noise levels over 60 dB Leq may be permitted within 300 feet of occupied habitat if methods are employed that reduce the noise levels to below 60 dB Leq at the boundary of occupied habitat (e.g., temporary noise attenuation barriers or use of alternative equipment). During construction activities, daily testing of noise levels shall be conducted by a noise monitor with the help of the biologist to ensure that a noise level of 60 dB Leq at the boundary of occupied habitat is not exceeded. Documentation of the noise monitoring results shall be provided to OWD and USFWS within 45 days of completing the final noise monitoring event. OWD/Biologist/Noise monitor During Construction Mitigation Measure Bio-1B If the biological surveys identified in performance measure Bio-1A determine the presence of special-status species and/or sensitive or critical habitats on or adjacent to the CIP site, then the following measures shall be implemented, as applicable: Ten (10) days prior to vegetation clearing, grading and/or construction activities that are scheduled to occur between February 1 and August 15, surveys for nesting bird species other than the California gnatcatcher, including those protected by the MBTA, shall be conducted by a qualified biologist following applicable USFWS and/or CDFW guidelines. If no active avian nests are identified within the disturbance limits, then no further mitigation is necessary. However, if active nests for avian species of concern are found within the disturbance limits, then species-specific measures prescribed by the MBTA shall be implemented by a qualified biologist. Documentation of the mitigation measures shall be provided to OWD and USFWS within 10 days after implementation. OWD/Biologist Before Construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-4 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) Mitigation Measure Bio-1B If the biological surveys identified in performance measure Bio-1A determine the presence of special-status species and/or sensitive or critical habitats on or adjacent to the CIP project site, then the following measures shall be implemented, as applicable: Ten (10) days prior to vegetation clearing, grading and/or construction activities that are scheduled to occur during the raptor nesting season (generally January 15 through July 31), and where suitable trees (such as Eucalyptus spp.) for raptor nesting occur within 500 feet of such activities, pre-construction surveys for raptor nests shall be performed by a qualified biologist. If no occupied raptor nests are identified in suitable trees on or within 500 feet of the construction site, then no further mitigation is necessary. Construction activities within 500 feet of occupied nests shall not be allowed during the raptor breeding season until a qualified biologist determines that the nests are no longer active. Documentation of the raptor surveys and any follow-up monitoring, as necessary, shall be provided to OWD and USFWS within 10 days of completing the final survey or monitoring event. OWD/Biologist Before Construction Performance Measure Bio-1B If the biological surveys identified in performance measure Bio-1A determine the presence of special-status species and/or sensitive or critical habitats on or adjacent to the CIP project site, then the following measures shall be implemented, as applicable: For CIPs that would affect non-listed sensitive species and sensitive vegetation communities, the measures listed below shall be implemented prior to vegetation clearing, grading and/or construction activities. In addition, applicable regulatory agency permits and/or authorizations shall be obtained for CIPs that would affect federal and state-listed species, and the conditions of such permits and/or authorizations shall be implemented prior to vegetation clearing, grading and/or construction activities. OWD/Biologist Before Construction Mitigation Measure Bio-1B Special-status species (and any corresponding USFWS-designated critical habitats), sensitive vegetation communities and MSCP resources shall be avoided through project design or site selection, to the extent practicable. Engineering Design/OWD Before Construction Mitigation Measure Bio-1B For unavoidable impacts to special-status species (and any corresponding USFWS- designated critical habitats), sensitive vegetation communities and MSCP resources, off-site mitigation shall be provided by one, or a combination of, the following measures, in consultation with the USFWS and CDFW: 1) Debit credits from the San Miguel HMA (Table 4.2-10 shows the status of the mitigation bank credits, as of the date of this Final PEIR); 2) Contribute to the preserve system of other agency MSCPs through land acquisition or purchase of mitigation banking credits; and 3) Enhance, restore, create, and preserve in perpetuity off-site habitat areas at locations and mitigation ratios to be approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies and in compliance with the mitigation ratios, guidelines, and standards required by the OWD/Biologist, Landscape Architect, Restoration Ecologist, Landscape Contractor Before, during & post construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-5 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) applicable MSCP subarea plans. Typical mitigation ratios for direct impacts to sensitive vegetation types include 2:1 for coastal sage scrub; 3:1 for maritime succulent scrub; 3:1 for native grassland; 2:1 for oak woodlands; 3:1 for southern interior cypress forest; 3:1 for riparian woodlands/forests; 3:1 for coastal freshwater marsh; 2:1 for riparian scrubs (absent threatened or endangered species); 5:1 for San Diego mesa claypan vernal pools; 3:1 for Gabbroic chaparrals; and 0.5:1 for non-native grassland (absent threatened or endangered species). These ratios will be decreased or increased depending on whether the impacts and mitigation would occur inside or outside an MSCP preserve area. For example, these ratios are typically doubled if impacts occur within previously conserved lands. Plans for habitat enhancement, restoration and creation shall be prepared by persons with expertise in southern California ecosystems and native plant revegetation techniques. Such plans shall include, at a minimum: (a) location of the mitigation site(s); (b) plant species to be used, container sizes, and seeding rates; (c) schematic depicting the mitigation area(s); (d) planting schedule; (e) description of the irrigation methodology; (f) measures to control exotic vegetation at the mitigation site(s); (g) specific success criteria (e.g., percent cover of native and non-native species, species richness); (h) detailed monitoring program; (i) contingency measures should the success criteria not be met; and (j) identification of the party responsible for meeting the success criteria and preserving the mitigation site(s) in perpetuity (including conservation easements and management funding). In addition, OWD shall negotiate and implement long-term maintenance requirements to ensure the success of the mitigation site(s). Mitigation Measure Bio-1B If federal permits or funding are required for CIPs (and listed species) that occur within USFWS-designated critical habitat, then Section 7 Consultations with the USFWS shall be initiated by the appropriate federal permitting agency. OWD/Biologist Before Construction Mitigation Measure Bio-1C Prior to vegetation clearing, grading, and/or construction activities for CIPs that have the potential to impact sensitive vegetation communities or special-status species (and any corresponding USFWS-designated critical habitats), a qualified biologist shall attend a pre-construction meeting to inform construction crews of the sensitive species and habitats within and/or adjacent to these project sites. OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor/ Biologist Before Construction Mitigation Measure Bio-1D Prior to vegetation clearing, grading, and/or construction activities, a qualified biologist shall oversee installation of appropriate temporary fencing and/or flagging to delineate the limits of construction and the approved construction staging areas for protection of identified sensitive resources outside the approved construction/staging zones: All construction access and circulation shall be limited to designated construction/staging zones. The fencing shall be checked weekly to ensure that fenced construction limits are not exceeded. This fencing shall be removed upon completion of construction activities. Construction staging areas shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from On-site Construction Supervisor, Construction Contractor/Biologist Before & during construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-6 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) drainages, wetlands and areas supporting sensitive habitats or species. Fueling of equipment shall occur in designated fueling zones within the construction staging areas. All equipment used within the approved construction limits shall be maintained to minimize and control fluid and grease leaks. Provisions to contain and clean up unintentional fuel, oil, fluid and grease leaks/spills shall be in place prior to construction. Mitigation Measure Bio-1E During vegetation clearing, grading, and/or construction, a qualified biologist shall monitor these activities: If sensitive species and/or habitats adjacent to these project sites are inadvertently impacted by these activities, then the biologist shall immediately inform the on-site construction supervisor who shall temporarily halt or redirect work away from the area of impact. OWD shall immediately be notified of the impact and shall consult with the appropriate regulatory agencies to determine the required mitigation, according to Bio-1B(iv)(b) and (c) above. The biologist shall also ensure that all construction night lighting adjacent to sensitive habitat areas is of low illumination, shielded, and directed downwards and away from these areas. OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor, Construction Contractor/ Biologist During construction Mitigation Measure Bio-1F Construction equipment will be checked by the biological monitor prior to use each morning to ensure no sensitive wildlife species sheltered in or around any equipment left on site overnight. Construction Contractor, On-site Construction Supervisor/Biological monitor During construction Mitigation Measure Bio-1G Trenches associated with pipe installation will be backfilled with earth at the end of each work day to prevent wildlife access, with the exception of the end of the open pipe, which will be left exposed. During installation, the area surrounding the end segment of exposed open pipe will be sloped at the end of each work day at an angle to allow wildlife to easily escape. Also, the open end of the exposed pipe will be covered at the end of each work day with a material flush with the open pipe entrance such as a wooden board or cap such that no wildlife, including smaller species like lizards, can enter the pipe. Should wildlife become trapped in the vicinity of the open exposed pipe, the qualified biologist(s) will remove and relocate the individual outside the construction zone. On-site Construction Supervisor, Construction Contractor/Biological monitor During construction Cultural Resources Cul-PDF-1 Approximately six months prior to demolition of P2584 (Reservoirs 657-1 and 657-2), OWD will retain a qualified architectural historian to conduct a historical building assessment. The architectural historian will record, on a California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) 523 form, or equivalent documentation, the potential historical resources, if any, that would be affected by this CIP project. The forms will be filed with the SCIC to receive Primary numbers and Trinomials. Should the analysis involved in completing the DPR 523 form indicate that a particular structure does not meet the OWD/Architectural Historian Before construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-7 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) eligibility criteria for listing on the California Register of Historic Places, then no further research and documentation is necessary (a 6-week to 2-month process). If, however, the structure is determined to be a historical resource, then measure Cul-PDF-2 will be implemented. OWD will provide a copy of the historical building assessment and DPR 523 form to the San Diego County Archaeological Society (SDCAS). Cul-PDF-2 For each structure determined to be a historical resource according to measure Cul- PDF-1, the architectural historian will oversee the following documentation and treatment program: i. Prior to alteration, remodeling, renovation, relocation, and/or demolition of the historical resource, the architectural historian will document the structure, and associated landscaping and setting, via still and video photography (to be provided on a CD-ROM) and will prepare a written record in accordance with the standards of the Historic American Building Survey (HABS) or Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), including accurate scaled mapping, architectural descriptions, and scaled architectural plans (if available). The record will be accompanied by a report containing site-specific history and appropriate contextual information. This information will be gathered through site-specific and comparative archival research, and oral history collection as appropriate. ii. For historical resources that will be demolished, additional mitigation beyond HABS/HAER documentation may be necessary. The extent of mitigation will depend upon the importance of the historical resources to be demolished and will be determined in consultation with the State Office of Historic Preservation. Mitigation may include, but not be limited to, the preparation/dissemination of an informational brochure, interpretive displays about the history of the area, and website development and links to other historical buildings. iii. Within three months after completion of documentation and treatment of the affected historical resources, a copy of the photographic and written record and HABS/HAER report will be submitted to SCIC. OWD/Architectural Historian Before, during & after construction Performance Measure Cul-2A Prior to initiation of any CIP project work, a review of records search data, a search of the Native American Heritage Commission’s Sacred Lands Files, and an appropriate- level field survey shall be conducted by a qualified archaeologist to determine if any unrecorded archaeological sites are present. If archaeological resources are found, if feasible, the preferred course of action is that that archaeological resources be preserved in-situ. When avoidance of impacts is not possible, site evaluations and possible data recovery mitigation, as needed, shall be required for all resources. Any artifacts recovered during excavation, other than cultural material subject to repatriation, shall be curated with its associated records at a curation facility approved by OWD and a qualified archaeologist. Excavation of deposits shall be coordinated with OWD/Archaeologist Before & during construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-8 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) and monitored by local Native American representatives. The results of the field survey shall be presented in an Archaeological Resources Management – formatted report and a copy of the report with all associated Department of Parks and Recreation site recordation forms be submitted to the South Coastal Information Center within one month of report finalization. Mitigation Measure Cul-2B During the design phase, available data shall be reviewed by a qualified archaeologist on the depth of fill below existing roads in which pipelines would be installed. If such review indicates that native soils would not be disturbed by pipeline trenching activities, then cultural resources monitoring will not be required for those CIP projects, and this determination by a qualified archaeologist shall be documented by OWD in accordance with CEQA requirements. OWD will provide a copy of this CEQA documentation to the SDCAS. If it is determined that native soils would be disturbed by project activities, then a cultural resources monitoring program shall be implemented in accordance with measures Cul-2C through Cul-2D. OWD/Archaeologist Before & during construction Mitigation Measure Cul-2C Prior to grading of CIP projects, OWD shall retain a qualified archaeologist to monitor all ground-disturbing activities in coordination with a Native American monitor (as applicable). Prior to beginning any work that requires cultural resources monitoring: i. A preconstruction meeting shall be held that includes the archaeologist, construction supervisor and/or grading contractor, and other appropriate personnel to go over the cultural resources monitoring program. ii. The archaeologist shall (at that meeting or subsequently) submit to the OWD a copy of the site/grading plan that identifies areas to be monitored. iii. The archaeologist shall coordinate with the construction supervisor and OWD on the construction schedule to identify when and where monitoring is to begin, including the start date for monitoring. iv. The archaeologist shall be present during grading/excavation and shall document such activity on a standardized form. A record of monitoring activity shall be submitted to OWD each month and at the end of monitoring. OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor/ Archaeologist, Native American Monitor Before & during construction Mitigation Measure Cul-2D In the event archaeological resources are discovered during ground-disturbing activities, the on-site construction supervisor shall be notified and shall redirect work away from the location of the discovery to allow for preliminary evaluation of potentially significant archaeological resources. The OWD shall consult with the archaeologist to consider means of avoiding or reducing ground disturbance within the archaeological site boundaries, including minor modifications of project footprints, placement of protective fill, establishment of a preservation easement, or other means. If development cannot avoid ground disturbance within the archaeological site boundaries, then OWD shall implement the measures listed below. OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor/ Archaeologist, Native American Monitor During construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-9 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) The construction supervisor shall be notified by the archaeologist when the discovered resources have been collected and removed from the site, at which time the construction supervisor shall direct work to continue in the location of the discovery. i. Prepare a research design, resource evaluation plan and, if necessary, an archaeological data recovery plan that will capture those categories of data for which the site is significant. The significance of the discovered resources shall be determined in consultation with the Native American representative, as appropriate. All archaeological work shall be conducted in the presence of a Native American monitor. ii. If, in the opinion of the qualified archaeologist and in light of the data available, the significance of the site is such that data recovery cannot capture the values that qualify the site for inclusion in the CRHR, then OWD shall reconsider project plans in light of the high value of the resource, and implement more substantial project modifications that would allow the site to be preserved intact, such as redesign, placement of fill, or relocation or abandonment. iii. Perform appropriate technical analyses, prepare a report and file it with the SCIC, and provide for the permanent curation of recovered resources, as follows: a. The archaeologist shall ensure that all significant cultural resources collected are cleaned, catalogued, and analyzed to identify function and chronology as they relate to the history of the area; that faunal material is identified as to species; that specialty studies are completed, as appropriate; and that a letter of acceptance from the curation institution has been submitted to OWD. b. Curation of artifacts shall be completed in consultation with the Native American representative, as applicable. OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor/ Archaeologist, Native American Monitor During construction Cul-SCP-1 The OWD will implement the provisions of California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 and PRC Section 5097.98 which establish procedures to be followed if Native American or other skeletal remains are discovered during construction of a project, including the treatment of remains prior to, during, and after evaluation, and reburial procedures. OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor/ Archaeologist, Native American Monitor During construction Energy Ene-PDF-1 CIP projects featuring electric pumps and motors will use high efficiency pumps and motors. Engineering Design/OWD Before construction Ene-PDF-2 All outdoor (security) lighting installed at the above-ground CIP facilities (i.e., storage reservoirs/tanks and pump stations) under the 2015 WFMP Update will use energy- efficient light emitting diodes, with motion sensor lighting controls to limit usage. Lighting adjacent to native vegetation communities will be of low illuminations, shielded, and directed downwards and away from these areas to avoid potential On-site Construction Supervisor/ OWD, Construction Contractor During construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-10 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) effects to nocturnal wildlife from increased predation that would occur from “spill- over” of nighttime light levels into the adjacent habitats. Ene-PDF-3 The OWD will conduct annual pump efficiency tests at each CIP project featuring a pump and correct any decreases in efficiency through the repair or replacement of appropriate pump components. OWD Maintenance Personnel/OWD Engineering Post construction Ene-PDF-4 The OWD will employ soft starts and stops to all CIP project pumps and motors to reduce total electricity consumption during operation of pumps and motors. Engineering Design/OWD Before Construction Geology and Soils Geo-PDF-1 At the time of CIP project design, OWD will implement the relevant requirements of the 2013 UBC and CBC, as updated or amended, and the CDMG Special Publication 117. OWD/Engineering Design Before Construction Geo-SCP-1 Prior to construction of CIP projects, areas of liquefaction and/or landslides will be identified as part of site-specific geotechnical investigations. The investigations will specifically address foundation and slope stability in liquefiable and landslide areas proposed for construction. OWD/Geologist Before Construction Geo-SCP-1 Recommendations made in conjunction with the geotechnical investigations will be implemented during construction, including but not limited to the following actions: i. Over-excavate unsuitable materials and replace them with engineered fill. ii. For thinner deposits, remove loose, unconsolidated soils and replace with properly compacted fill soils, or apply other design stabilization features (i.e., excavation of overburden). iii. For thicker deposits, implement applicable techniques such as dynamic compaction (i.e., dropping heavy weights on the land surface), vibro-compaction (i.e., inserting a vibratory device into the liquefiable sand), vibro-replacement (i.e., replacing sand by drilling and then vibro-compacting backfill in the bore hole), or compaction piles (i.e., driving piles and densifying surrounding soil). iv. Lower the groundwater table to below the level of liquefiable soils. v. Perform in-situ densification of soils or other alterations to the ground characteristics. vi. For landslides, implement applicable techniques such as stabilization (i.e., construction of buttress fills, retaining walls, or other structural support to remediate the potential for instability of cut slopes composed of landslide debris); remedial grading and removal of landslide debris (e.g., over-excavation and recompaction); or avoidance (e.g., structural setbacks). On-site Construction Supervisor/Grading Contractor During Construction Geo-SCP-2 Prior to construction of CIP projects, areas of severely erodable soils will be identified as part of site-specific geotechnical investigations. The investigations will specifically address foundation and slope stability in erodable soils proposed for construction. OWD/Geologist Before Construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-11 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) Geo-SCP-2 Recommendations made in conjunction with the geotechnical investigations will be implemented during construction, including but not limited to the following actions: i. Minimize disturbance to existing vegetation and slopes. ii. Construct drainage control devices (e.g., storm drains, brow ditches, subdrains, etc.) to direct surface water runoff away from slopes and other graded areas. iii. Provide temporary hydroseeding of cleared vegetation and graded slopes as soon as possible following grading activities for areas that will remain in disturbed condition (but will not be subject to further construction activities) for a period greater than two weeks during the construction phase. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Grading, Construction, Landscape Contractors During Construction Geo-SCP-3 The construction bid documents for each CIP project will include either a 90 percent Erosion Control Plan (for projects that would result in less than one acre of land disturbance) or a 90 percent Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) (for projects that would result in one acre or greater of land disturbance). The Erosion Control Plan will comply with the storm water regulations or ordinances of the local agency jurisdiction within which the CIP project occurs, while the SWPPP will comply with the NPDES General Construction Permit. These plans will be based on site-specific hydraulic and hydrologic characteristics, and identify a range of BMPs to reduce impacts related to storm water runoff, including sedimentation BMPs to control soil erosion. The construction contractor will identify the specific storm water BMPs to be implemented during the construction phase of a given CIP project, and will prepare and implement the final Erosion Control Plan or SWPPP for that project. Typical BMPs to be implemented as part of the Erosion Control Plan or SWPPP may include, but may not be limited to, the actions listed below. For protection of finished graded areas and manufactured slopes, the construction contractor will implement OWD Standard Specifications for Slope Protection and Erosion Control (Section 02202). On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor Before & during construction Geo-SCP-3 Implement a “weather triggered” action plan during the rainy season involving installation of enhanced erosion and sediment control measures prior to predicted storm events (i.e., 40 percent or greater chance of rain). On-site Construction Supervisor/Construction Contractor During Construction Geo-SCP-3 Use erosion control/stabilizing measures in cleared areas and on graded slopes of 3:1 (horizontal to vertical) gradient or steeper, such as geotextiles, mats, fiber rolls, soil binders, or temporary hydroseeding. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor During Construction Geo-SCP-3 Use sediment controls to protect the site perimeter and prevent off-site sediment transport, such as filtration devices (e.g., temporary inlet filters), silt fences, fiber rolls, gravel bags, temporary sediment basins, check dams, street sweeping, energy dissipaters, stabilized construction access points (e.g., temporary gravel or pavement) and sediment stockpiles (e.g., silt fences and tarps), and properly fitted covers for sediment transport vehicles. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor During Construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-12 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) Geo-SCP-3 Divert runoff from uphill areas around disturbed areas of the construction site. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor During Construction Geo-SCP-3 Protect storm drain inlets on-site or downstream of the construction site to eliminate entry of sediment. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor During Construction Geo-SCP-3 Store BMP materials in on-site areas to provide “standby” capacity adequate to provide complete protection of exposed areas and prevent off-site sediment transport. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor During Construction Geo-SCP-3 Train personnel responsible for BMP installation and maintenance. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor During Construction Geo-SCP-3 Implement solid waste management efforts such as proper containment and disposal of construction debris. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor During Construction Geo-SCP-3 Install permanent landscaping (or native vegetation in areas adjacent to natural habitats) and irrigation as soon as feasible after final grading or construction. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Landscape Contractor/Restoration Ecologist Post Construction Geo-SCP-3 Implement appropriate monitoring and maintenance efforts (e.g., prior to and after storm events) to ensure proper BMP function and efficiency. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor During Construction Geo-SCP-3 Implement sampling/analysis, monitoring/reporting and post-construction management programs per NPDES requirements. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor During Construction Geo-SCP-3 Implement additional BMPs as necessary (and as required by appropriate regulatory agencies) to ensure adequate erosion and sediment control. On-site Construction Supervisor/Construction Contractor During Construction Geo-SCP-4 Prior to construction of CIP projects, areas of geologic/soil instability will be identified as part of site-specific geotechnical investigations. The investigations will specifically address foundation and slope stability within unstable geologic units/soils proposed for construction. OWD/Geologist Before Construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-13 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) Geo-SCP-4 Recommendations made in conjunction with the geotechnical investigations will be implemented during construction, including but not limited to the following actions: i. Perform site-specific settlement analyses in areas deemed appropriate by the geotechnical engineer and evaluate the potential for groundwater-related subsidence. ii. Over-excavate unsuitable materials and replace them with engineered fill. iii. To minimize or avoid lateral spreading of on-site soils, remove compressible soils and replace them with properly compacted fill, perform compaction grouting or deep dynamic compaction, or use stiffened conventional foundation systems. iv. To minimize or avoid differential compression or settlement of on-site soils, manage oversized material (i.e., rocks greater than 12 inches) via off-site disposal, placement in non-structural fill, or crushing or pre-blasting to generate material less than 12 inches. Oversized material greater than 4 feet will not be used in fills, and will not be placed within 10 feet of finished grade, within 10 feet of manufactured slope faces (measured horizontally from the slope face), or within 3 feet of the deepest pipeline or other utilities. v. To minimize or avoid shrinking/swelling of on-site expansive soils, over-excavate for deeper fills (at least five feet below finished grade). vi. Locate foundations and larger pipelines outside of cut/fill transition zones and landscaped irrigation zones. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor During Construction Performance Measure Geo-5A During the design phase for all CIP pipeline projects within the 2015 WFMP Update, available data shall be reviewed on the depth of fill below existing roads in which pipelines would be installed. If such review indicates that native soils would not be disturbed by pipeline trenching activities, then paleontological monitoring will not be required for those CIP projects, and this determination shall be documented by OWD in accordance with CEQA requirements. If it is determined that native soils would be disturbed by pipeline trenching activities, then a paleontological monitoring program shall be implemented in accordance with measures Geo-5B through Geo-5D. OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor/Contractor During Construction Mitigation Measure Geo-5B Prior to grading for CIP projects, OWD shall retain a qualified paleontologist to monitor all ground-disturbing activities for all CIP projects described under Section (Issue 5 Impact Analysis) of the PEIR. A record of monitoring activity shall be submitted to OWD each month and at the end of monitoring. OWD/Paleontologist Before Construction Mitigation Measure Geo-5C In the event fossils are discovered during ground-disturbing activities, the on-site construction supervisor shall be notified and shall redirect work away from the location of the discovery, so that the fossils can be removed by the paleontologist for significance evaluations. The on-site construction supervisor shall be notified by the paleontologist when the fossils have been removed, at which time the construction supervisor shall direct work to continue in the location of the fossil discovery. On-site Construction Supervisor/ Paleontologist During Construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-14 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) Mitigation Measure Geo- 5D For fossils removed from the construction site in accordance with measure Geo-5C that are determined to be significant, the following measures shall be implemented: i. The paleontologist shall ensure that all significant fossils collected are cleaned, identified, catalogued, and permanently curated with an appropriate institution with a research interest in the materials; ii. The paleontologist shall ensure that specialty studies are completed, as appropriate, for any significant fossil collected; and iii. The paleontologist shall ensure that curation of fossils are completed in consultation with OWD. A letter of acceptance from the curation institution shall be submitted to OWD. OWD/Paleontologist During Construction Global Climate Change Air-SCP-3 During project construction activities, the CIP Project Construction Manager will supervise the following BMPs to reduce emissions associated with diesel equipment: i. Properly operate and maintain all diesel-powered vehicles and equipment. ii. Retrofit diesel-powered equipment with “after-treatment” products (e.g., diesel oxidation catalysts, diesel particulate filters). iii. Use electric or natural gas-powered construction equipment in lieu of gasoline or diesel-powered engines. iv. Turn off all diesel-powered vehicles and gasoline-powered equipment when not in use for more than five minutes. v. Support and encourage ridesharing and transit incentives for the construction crew. vi. Encourage the use of locally available building materials, such as concrete, stucco, and interior finishes. vii. Use light-colored or a high-albedo (reflectivity) concrete and asphalt paving materials with a Solar Reflectance Index of 29 or higher. viii. Establish a construction management plan with the local waste hauler that diverts a minimum of 50% of construction, demolition, and site clearing waste. Contractor/On-site Construction Supervisor During Construction GHG-1 Otay Water District will prepare annual construction activity estimates prior to undertaking the first construction activity of any year. The annual construction estimate shall demonstrate that the annual construction equipment use will be less than or equal to the activity shown in Table 4.6-4 of this PEIR. OWD Annually Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-15 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) Hydrology and Water Quality Hyd-SCP-1 In accordance with the Water Agencies’ Standards, the construction contractor is required to implement a safety plan at each CIP construction site that would involve the transport, storage, use, and disposal of hazardous materials. Such plans will also specify storm water BMPs, to be consistent with those identified in Geo-SCP-3 (refer to Section 4.5, Geology, of this PEIR), to minimize downstream water quality degradation from runoff pollution associated with CIP construction activities. OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor/ Construction Contractor During Construction Hyd-PDF-1 For each CIP facility that would involve the transport, storage, use, and disposal of hazardous materials during project operation, OWD will implement a site-specific Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP), including BMPs to prevent downstream water quality degradation from runoff pollution associated with CIP post-construction operations. In addition, OWD is required to obtain a permit from the County Department of Environmental Health (DEH) allowing for the use of specified hazardous substances during the CIP post-construction operation of these sites (refer to Section 4.11, Public Safety, of this PEIR). Typical BMPs to be implemented as part of the HMBP may include, but are not limited to, the actions listed below. OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor, County DEH/ Construction Contractor, OWD Maintenance Personnel (long-term operations) During & Post Construction Hyd-PDF-1 Minor chemical spills will be contained by absorbent, using trained employees in proper protective equipment, and waste will be placed in a properly labeled container for disposal. OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor, County DEH/ Construction Contractor, OWD Maintenance Personnel (long-term operations) During & Post Construction Hyd-PDF-1 For major chemical spills, employees will notify the local fire department. Prior to arrival by emergency responders, trained employees using proper protective equipment will attempt to contain the spill using absorbent, physical barriers, or other methods as specified in the HMBP, and prevent it from entering the storm drain and from discharging off-site as runoff. OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor, County DEH, Local Fire Department/ Construction Contractor, OWD Maintenance Personnel (long-term operations) During & Post Construction Hyd-PDF-2 At the time of CIP project design, the OWD will implement the relevant requirements of the 2013 UBC and CBC for all above-ground CIP projects (reservoirs, pump stations, and facilities for groundwater production wells), including the design of appropriately sized drainage facilities, where necessary, to capture runoff from each project site to reduce the risk of flooding. OWD/Engineering Design Before Construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-16 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) Landform Alteration and Visual Aesthetics Aes-PDF-1 In accordance with Water Agencies’ Standards and standard operating procedures, the following design, landscaping and irrigation measures will be implemented for CIP projects: Reservoirs, pump station buildings, and groundwater wells will use appropriate building materials and color palettes that visually blend the structures in with their surroundings (natural and urban). OWD/Engineering Design Before Construction Aes-PDF-1 Reservoirs, pump station buildings, and groundwater wells will use low-reflective paint and glass. OWD/Engineering Design Before Construction Aes-PDF-1 For portions of pipeline projects installed in naturally vegetated areas, the disturbance footprints for the pipeline corridor and associated staging areas will be hydroseeded, following backfilling and recontouring, using a non-irrigated native plant mix consistent with original site conditions and surrounding vegetation. Landscape Contractor/On- site Construction Supervisor Post Construction Aes-PDF-1 For CIP reservoirs, pump stations, and groundwater wells in naturally vegetated settings, any disturbed unpaved areas following construction will be revegetated (hydroseeding and/or plantings) using native plant materials consistent with original site conditions and surrounding vegetation. A temporary irrigation system will be installed and maintained by OWD, or watering trucks shall be used at a frequency to be determined by OWD to maintain successful plant growth. Temporary irrigation will be discontinued upon OWD’s determination that the landscaping has permanently established, without the need for supplemental watering. Landscape Contractor/On- site Construction Supervisor Post Construction Aes-PDF-1 For CIP reservoirs, pump stations and groundwater projects in urban settings, any disturbed unpaved areas following construction will be landscaped using plant materials consistent with original site conditions and/or surrounding ornamental vegetation. A permanent irrigation system will be installed and maintained by OWD. Landscape Contractor/ On-site Construction Supervisor Post Construction Land Use and Planning LU-PDF-1 The design of CIP reservoirs, pump stations and water supply projects located within and adjacent to the “Conserved (Subject to Agreement with Wildlife Agencies)” areas under the County of San Diego MSCP (refer to Figure 4.2-2 of this PEIR) will incorporate the following guidelines: Plant materials used for landscaping will consist of native species similar/compatible with the adjacent habitat, and those species should be based on plants with genetic materials of the area. Landscape Contractor/ On-site Construction Supervisor Post Construction LU-PDF-1 Fencing will be installed along the reserve boundary to prevent uncontrolled human access Grading &/or Construction Contractor/On-site Construction Supervisor Before Construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-17 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) LU-PDF-1 Lighting within 100 ft of preserve boundary will be confined to areas necessary for public safety Construction Contractor/ On-site Construction Supervisor During & post construction LU-PDF-2 The design of CIP reservoirs, pump stations, and water supply projects located within and adjacent to the “Hardline Preserve” and “Pre-Approved Mitigation” areas under the City of San Diego MSCP (refer to Figure 4.2-2 of this PEIR) will incorporate the following guidelines: Drainage will be directed away from the reserves so as to avoid the release of toxins, chemicals, and petroleum products in storm water runoff that might degrade or harm the natural environment or ecosystem processes. Grading &/or Construction Contractor/On-site Construction Supervisor Before & during construction LU-PDF-2 Barriers (e.g., non-invasive vegetation, rocks/boulders, fences, walls, and/or signage) will be installed along the reserve boundary to prevent uncontrolled human access. Landscape Contractor/ On-site Construction Supervisor Post Construction LU-PDF-2 Plant materials used for landscaping will consist of native species similar/compatible with the adjacent habitat, and those species should be based on plants with genetic materials of the area. Engineering Design, Construction Contractor/ OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor Before & during construction LU-PDF-2 Lighting of all developed areas adjacent to the reserve will be directed away from the reserve. Construction Contractor/ On-site Construction Supervisor During & post construction LU-PDF-2 Manufactured slopes associated with site development shall be included within the development footprint for projects within or adjacent to the reserve. Landscape Contractor, Engineering Design/ OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor Before & during construction LU-PDF-3 The design of CIP reservoirs, groundwater wells, pump stations, and water supply projects located within and adjacent to the “Conserved” areas under the City of Chula Vista MSCP (refer to Figure 4.2-2 of this PEIR) will incorporate the following guidelines: Through the use of detention basins, drainage will not be discharged directly into the reserves so as to avoid the release of toxins, chemicals, and petroleum products in storm water runoff that might degrade or harm the natural environment or ecosystem processes. Engineering Design, Construction Contractor/ OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor Before & during construction LU-PDF-3 Plant materials used for landscaping will consist of native species that reflect the adjacent native habitat, and non-native plant species will not be introduced into landscaped areas adjacent to the reserves. Landscape Contractor/ On-site Construction Supervisor Post construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-18 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) LU-PDF-3 Barriers (fencing, rock/boulders, vegetation) and/or signage will be installed to direct public access to appropriate locations. Landscape Contractor/ On-site Construction Supervisor Post construction LU-PDF-3 Lighting of all developed areas adjacent to the preserve should be directed away from the preserve wherever possible. Construction Contractor/ On-site Construction Supervisor During & post construction Noise Noi-PDF-1 CIP pump station and well development projects located adjacent to residential land uses shall place pumps, emergency generators, and any other motorized equipment within a masonry enclosure that minimizes interior noise. For any vents included in the enclosure, the construction contractor shall use materials specified within the OWD Standard Specifications for Louvers and Vents (Section 10200). Prior to operation, the noise levels from stationary motorized equipment (including emergency generators) shall be measured to ensure that the following standards are not exceeded: i. CIP Projects located within the San Diego County shall not exceed a one-hour exterior noise limit of 50 dBA at the property line during daytime hours (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and 45 dBA during nighttime hours (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). ii. CIP Projects located within the city of San Diego shall not exceed a one-hour exterior noise limit of 50 dBA at the property line during daytime hours (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.), 45 dBA during evening hours (7:00 pm to 10:00 p.m.), and 40 dBA during nighttime hours (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). iii. CIP Projects located within the city of Chula Vista shall not exceed a one-hour exterior noise limit of 55 dBA at the property line during daytime hours (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and 45 dBA during nighttime hours (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). Engineering Design, Construction Contractor/ OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor, Noise Monitor Before & during construction Noi-SCP-1 Construction activities shall comply with applicable local noise ordinances and regulations specifying sound control, including the County of San Diego, City of San Diego, and the City of Chula Vista. Measures to reduce construction/demolition noise to the maximum extent feasible shall be included in contractor specifications and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: i. Construction activity shall be restricted to the hours specified within each respective Municipal Code, depending on the location of the specific CIP project, as follows: - Construction activity for CIP projects located within San Diego County and the city of San Diego shall occur between hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday; construction shall be prohibited on Sundays and holidays. - Construction activity for CIP projects located within Chula Vista shall occur between hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. Construction Contractor/ On-site Construction Supervisor During construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-19 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) ii. Construction noise for projects located within San Diego County and the city of San Diego shall not exceed an average sound level of 75 dBA for an eight-hour period at the project’s property boundary. iii. All construction equipment shall be properly outfitted and maintained with manufacturer-recommended noise-reduction devices. Noi-SCP-2 For any construction activities which include blasting, the construction contractor shall implement the OWD Standard Specifications for Explosives and Blasting (Section 02200). Subject to these standard specifications, a qualified blasting consultant and geotechnical consultant shall prepare all required blasting plans and monitor all blasting activities. Prior to blasting, the contractor shall secure all permits required by law for blasting operations and provide notification at least five work days in advance of blasting activities within 300 feet of a residence or commercial building. Monitoring of all blasting activities shall be in conformance with the Standards of the State of California, Department of Mines and in no case shall blasting intensities exceed the safety standards of PPV established by the U.S. Department of Mines. Construction Contractor, Blasting Geotechnical Consultants/OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor Before & during construction Public Safety Haz-SCP-1 Prior to construction of CIP projects, the construction contractor will prepare and submit a HMBP to OWD. The procedures in the HMBP will comply with USDOT (Office of Hazardous Materials Safety) as it pertains to the transportation, storage, use, and disposal of hazardous materials and CHP regulations for the transportation of hazardous materials along state highways. Construction Contractor/ OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor Before & during construction Haz-PDF-1 OWD will continue to prepare and implement a post-construction HMBP for long-term operations at CIP reservoirs, pump stations and groundwater wells involving the transportation, storage, use, and disposal of hazardous materials. The procedures in the HMBP will comply with USDOT (Office of Hazardous Materials Safety) and CHP regulations for the transportation of hazardous materials along state highways. OWD/Maintenance Personnel Post construction Haz-PDF-2 OWD will continue to prepare and implement SPCC plans for long-term operations at CIP pump stations that store fuel on site and meet the criteria of requiring an SPCC plan. The procedures in the SPCC will comply with US EPA’s regulations for stored fuel and oils to prevent any discharge of oil into or upon navigable waters of the United States or ad-joining shorelines. OWD/County DEH As-needed for sites with regulated quantities. Mitigation Measure Haz-2A As part of geotechnical investigations conducted prior to ground-disturbing activities for CIPs (refer to the SCPs listed in Section 4.5, Geology, Soils and Paleontology, of this PEIR), a database search of hazardous materials sites shall be performed within a one- mile radius surrounding the CIP site pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. In the event such sites are identified within the search parameters, OWD shall retain a registered environmental assessor to prepare a Remediation Plan for any contaminated OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor, County DEH, RWQCB/ Construction Contractor, Registered Environmental Assessor Before & during construction Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Otay Water Facilities Master Plan Update PEIR Page MMRP-20 November 2016 PDF/SCP or Mitigation No. Design Feature or Mitigation Measure Implementer/Monitor Schedule Verification of Compliance (Date/Notes) soils or groundwater encountered within the construction area. The Remediation Plan shall be incorporated into the construction documents. If contamination is encountered during ground-disturbing activities, the on-site construction supervisor shall redirect work away from the location of the contamination and shall notify OWD, County DEH and RWQCB. The contamination remediation and removal activities shall be conducted in accordance with the Remediation Plan and pertinent regulatory guidelines, under the oversight of the appropriate regulatory agency. Haz-SCP-2 In the event that CIP construction activities would require a lane or roadway closure, or could otherwise substantially interfere with traffic circulation, the contractor will obtain a Traffic Control Permit from the local land use agency and/or state agencies such as Caltrans, prior to construction as necessary, and implement a traffic control plan to ensure that adequate emergency access and egress is maintained and that traffic will move efficiently and safely in and around the construction site. The traffic control plan may include, but not be limited to, the following measures: i. Install traffic control signs, cones, flags, flares, lights, and temporary traffic signals in compliance with the requirements of local jurisdictions, and relocate them as the work progresses to maintain effective traffic control. ii. Provide trained and equipped flag persons to regulate traffic flow when construction activities encroach onto traffic lanes. iii. Control parking for construction equipment and worker vehicles to prevent interference with public and private parking spaces, access by emergency vehicles, and owner’s operations. iv. Traffic control equipment, devices, and post settings will be removed when no longer required. Any damage caused by equipment installation will be repaired. v. For CIP construction activities near schools, the contractor will coordinate with schools prior to commencement of construction activity to minimize potential disruption of traffic flows during school day peak traffic periods. Local Agency, Caltrans, Construction Contractor/ OWD, On-site Construction Supervisor Before & during construction Transportation/Traffic No mitigation required