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Pipeline 02 - Spring 2014
T H E O T A Y W A TER DISTRICT • P R OUDL Y SERVING E A ST C OUNT Y A ND TH E S OUTH B A Y SINC E 1956 A NE W SLE T T E R FOR CUS T O M E R S OF T HE O T AY W ATER DISTRICT FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT CALL 619.670.2222 OR GO TO WWW.OTAYWATER.GOV The Pipeline Newsletter is published quarterly by the Otay Water District and can also be found online at www.otaywater.gov. Copyright © 2014 Otay Water District. All rights reserved. SPRING 2014 FOLLOW OTAY WATER ON... / SIGA AL DISTRITO DE AGUA DE OTAY EN... Rebates, Incentives, Classes and Resources that Save Water and Money! OTAY URGES WATER CONSERVATION In response to Governor Brown’s declaration of a statewide drought calling on all Californians to save water, Otay Water District has declared a Level 1 – Supply Watch Condition. Under a Supply Watch, customers are urged to voluntarily reduce water use by 10 percent. You can do this by taking full advantage of the water-saving rebates, incentives, classes or resources available through the Otay Water District. By saving water, you will also help reduce your water bill. Rebates and incentives include: $6 per head rebate for high efficiency rotating sprinkler nozzles $75 rebate for rain barrels (up to 4) $165 rebate for high efficiency clothes washers $50 rebate for high efficiency toilets Up to $140 rebate for “Smart” irrigation controllers (less than one irrigated acre) or $25 per irrigation station for residential sites of 1+ acres A $1.50 per-square-foot rebate to replace existing irrigated grass with water-wise plants. Even with recent rainfall, consecutive seasons with limited rain and snow melt will force regional wholesale suppliers to begin to draw down key reservoirs serving San Diego County. While the San Diego region is not anticipating the need for extraordinary water conservation measures this year, if the drought continues longer, the water we save today could forestall more strict conservation measures in later years. In addition to rebates and incentives, Otay customers can save money and extend the life of our reservoirs by: Taking a landscaping class at the award-winning Water Conservation Garden Visiting the watersmartsd.org website for a complete list of rebates, incentives, classes and water saving resources. Periodic drought is a fact of life for California and Otay’s customers have risen to the challenge before and are doing their part to save water. The district also wants to encourage everyone to take full advantage of the money saving rebates available. Through his proclamation, Governor Brown directed state agencies to take all necessary actions to prepare for drought conditions, including calls for increased water conservation. This declaration will help many communities in Northern and Central California facing immediate shortages. Southern California, however, is better prepared for drought than other parts of the state since it has invested heavily in water conservation, water recycling, and transitional storage over the last 20 years. Still, extended drought conditions in other parts of the state can affect everyone and all residents here are being asked to do their part to save limited water supplies and reduce waste. LEVEL 4 - SUPPLYEMERGENCY LEVEL 2 - SUPPLYALERT LEVEL 1 - SUPPLY WATCH LEVEL 3 - SUPPLYCRITICAL Voluntary measures to stop waste. Repair leaks promptly. Wash cars with a bucket and shut-off nozzle. Mandatory water use restrictions. No new construction, annexations or development. Strict limits on water used for irrigation and non-public health purposes. Stop all landscape irrigation. No new construction, annexations or development. Otay Water District SUPPLY STATUS SEQUIA – NIVEL 4ESTADO DE EMERGENCIA SEQUIA – NIVEL 2ESTADO DE ALERTA SEQUIA – NIVEL 1ESTADO DE VIGILANCIA SEQUIA – NIVEL 3ESTADO CRITICO Medidas voluntarias para detener los residuos. Reparar las fugas rapidamente. Lavar su auto con una cubeta y una manguera con boquilla de cierre automático. Restricciones obligatorios del uso del agua. Ninguna construccion de anexos o desarrollos nuevos. Limites estrictos de la cantidad de agua utilizada para el riego y otros usos que no incluyen proyectos de salud pública. Alto al riego de jardines Ninguna construccion de anexos o desarrollos nuevos. Distrito de agua de OtayEstado del Suministro de Agua Otay Water District has Declared a Level 1 Drought Watch for its Service Area Otay Water District thanks its customers for conserving water, reducing waste, and their support for investments in new water supplies. Because of this, our region is better prepared for periodic drought and is avoiding strict mandatory conservation measures. El Distrito de Agua de Otay ha declarado una Alerta de Sequía Nivel 1 en su Área de Servicio El Distrito de Agua de Otay les agradece a sus clientes sus esfuerzos en cuanto a la conservación del agua, reducir el desperdicio de agua y su apoyo a las inversiones de nuevos suministros de agua. Debido a esto, nuestra región está mejor preparada para la sequía periódica y está evitando estrictas medidas obligatorias de conservación de agua. ¡Reembolsos, Incentivos, Clases y Recursos que le Ahorrarán Agua y Dinero! OTAY URGE A SUS USUARIOS A CONSERVAR EL AGUA En respuesta a la declaración del Gobernador Brown acerca de la sequía que está afectando al estado de California, el Distrito de Agua de Otay ha declarado el Nivel 1-Estado de Vigilancia del Suministro de Agua. Bajo un estado de vigilancia del suministro de agua, se urge a los usuarios a que voluntariamente reduzcan en un 10 % el uso del agua. Usted puede hacer esto aprovechando al máximo los reembolsos, incentivos, clases y recursos para ahorrar agua que están a su alcance a través del Distrito de Agua de Otay. Haciendo esto, usted también ayudará a reducir su recibo de consumo de agua. Los descuentos e incentivos incluyen: $6.00 de reembolso por cada cabeza rotatoria de riego para jardín $75.00 de reembolso por barriles de lluvia (límite hasta 4 barriles) $165.00 de reembolso por lavadoras de ropa de alta eficiencia $50.00 de reembolso por inodoro de alta eficiencia Hasta $140.00 de reembolso por controlador de irrigación (menos de 1 acre irrigado) o $25.00 por estación de irrigación para áreas residenciales de uno o más acres. Un reembolso de $1.50 por pie cuadrado al sustituir pasto irrigado por plantas que requieren menos agua. Aún con la reciente lluvia, las temporadas seguidas de poca lluvia y el rápido derretimiento de la nieve en las montañas, los proveedores mayoristas regionales se verán forzados a bajar sus reservas claves con las que proveen al condado de San Diego. Aunque en este año la región de San Diego no está anticipando la necesidad de tomar medidas extremas para la conservación del agua, si la sequía continúa prolongándose, el agua que conservemos hoy, podría prevenir medidas de conservación más estrictas en los próximos años. Además de los reembolsos e incentivos, los clientes de Otay pueden ahorrar dinero y extender la vida de nuestras reservas haciendo lo siguiente: Tomando cursos de jardinería ornamental en el premiado Water Conservation Garden Visitando el sitio de internet watersmartsd.org para ver la lista completa de reembolsos, incentivos, clases y recursos para el ahorro del agua. La sequía periódica ya es un hecho para California y los clientes de Otay que se han enfrentado a este reto anteriormente y están haciendo su parte para conservar el agua. El Distrito desea animar a todos los usuarios a aprovechar los grandes reembolsos disponibles que les ahorrarán dinero. A través de su proclamación, el Gobernador Brown ordenó a las agencias estatales tomar las medidas necesarias para preparase para las condiciones de sequía, que incluyen llamados para incrementar la conservación del agua. Esta declaración será de gran ayuda a las comunidades del norte y centro de California ya que ellos ya se están enfrentando a los estragos de la sequía. Sin embargo, el sur de California está mejor preparado para enfrentar la sequía que otras partes del estado ya que se ha hecho una gran inversión en la conservación y reciclaje del agua, y en el almacenamiento de agua de forma transitoria durante los últimos 20 años. Tomando en cuenta todo esto, las condiciones de sequía que se han extendido a otras partes del estado pudieran llegar a afectar a todos y por eso se les pide a todos los residentes que sigan esforzándose en la conservación del agua así poder reducir el desperdicio. OTAY WATER DISTRICT – Board of Directors The Board of Directors meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 3:30 pm in the Board meeting room. The public is encouraged to attend at 2554 Sweetwater Spring Bvd., Spring Valley, CA. PresidentJose Lopez, Division 4jlopez@otaywater.gov Vice PresidentDavid Gonzalez, Division 1dgonzalez@otaywater.gov Treasurer Mitch Thompson, Division 2mthompson@otaywater.gov Board MemberGary Croucher, Division 3gcroucher@otaywater.gov Board MemberMark Robak, Division 5OtayWater@cox.net Nan Sterman’sPlant Soup Inc.For more class information and prices visit www.thegarden.org 06/14/2014 - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm RAINWATER COLLECTION AND GREYWATER FOR HOMEOWNERS Every drop counts! Candace Vanderhoff, architect and owner of “RainThanks & Greywater” demonstrates the ease of use and money saving potential of grey water and rain harvesting systems. Members: Free; Non-Members $10.00 06/28/2014 - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm TROPICAL LOOK-ALIKES, LUSH YET WATER WISE Want the look of the tropics without using a lot of water? Join landscape designer Christiane Holmquist for a workshop on water-saving plants that give you brilliant colors and lush foliage even in our arid San Diego climate! Members: Free; Non-Members $10.00 Members must register for this workshop, but do not complete the payment process. Non-members please register and complete the payment process. Not a Garden member? Join and attend our classes for FREE! Saturdays - 10:30 am - 11:30 am FREE GARDEN TOURS Free docent led tour of the Garden. Please meet at the Garden’s main entrance gates. Donation are welcome. ComingSoon! CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT Water quality is a primary commitment at the Otay Water District. We believe the best way to assure you that drinking water is safe is to provide you with accurate information about the quality of the water delivered to your home or business. Look for your Consumer Confidence Report to arrive in June. Saturday, June 14th 8:00am-Noon THE HOME DEPOT 1320 EastLake Parkway, Chula Vista www.watersmartsd.org/garden- friendly-plant-fairs It’s Spring! Spring Cleaning Tips for the Garden Spring arrived at least a month early this year and caught some of us short in terms of cleaning and preparing the garden for planting. If like me you’re scrambling to finish the winter cleanup, here are some tasks to finish up now. Though we don’t get that cold, we do get cold enough to damage some ornamental plants especially in low lying areas and in the mountains. Check trees, shrubs, vines, and perennials for dead branches, then prune those dead branches off. If you can’t tell whether a branch is dead, do a “scratch test.” Scratch the surface of a branch with your fingernail. If it’s green below the outer bark, the branch is still alive. If it’s brown, that branch is dead and can be removed. Prune away branches that point towards the center of the plant. If you see two branches rubbing against each other, remove the weaker of the branches – or the one that points in the wrong direction. Don’t prune branches that have buds or flowers on them. Chances are that branch will not form buds or blooms again this season. So enjoy the flowers, then prune. Whenever and whatever you prune, always cut back to a branching point. NEVER LEAVE A STUB. As leaves photosynthesize and make food for the plant, they send that food down the branch. When you’ve cut off all the leaves, there’s nothing left to feed so the branch dies. This dead wood can be an entry point for disease and pests. It’s not very attractive either. After you have removed the damaged branches, step back and look at the plant. Has its shape suffered? Does it need a snip or two to balance things out? Remember, however, that while a well-pruned plant can be a thing of beauty, no plants should be symmetrical or even geometric. Thin developing apples, peaches, and other summer fruits. Thinning is really important. Once the fruits are marble-sized, thin stone fruits (plums, apricots, nectarines, and peaches) to one fruit per about ever four inches. Thin apples trees to one fruit per cluster. Not sure which fruits to remove? Remove the smallest, leave the largest. Is your vegetable garden still filled with the skeletons of last summer’s tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers? Remove the old vegetation and place it in the green waste, don’t compost it. Refresh the soil with new compost and earthworm castings. Mix in granular organic vegetable fertilizer. Water well. There’s still plenty of time to start vegetables from seed for harvest this summer. If you are more of a “transplant” kind of gardener, shop for seedlings at the farmer’s market or at your local nursery. There’s a much wider selection of varieties now than in the past. Always buy the smallest plants you can find – they’ll grow bigger once they’re in the ground. Don’t buy seedlings that are already flowering or fruiting. Here’s why; when younger seedlings are planted, they have the time to develop the strong roots, branches, and leaves that support flowering and fruiting. Annual vegetables that have started to flower are pretty much done growing. They will produce some, but not nearly as much as a seedling planted earlier in its lifecycle. To keep veggies producing throughout the season, keep the soil moist but not wet. Fertilize regularly (follow label directions) and pick veggies as soon as they ripen. I wish you a sunny and productive spring! Residential Rotating Sprinkler Nozzle REBATES Rotating sprinkler nozzles use 20 percent less water than conventional spray heads by applying water more slowly and uniformly. OTHER ADVANTAGES INCLUDE • Save water and money • Easy arc and radius adjustments • Prevent misting, standing water, or overwatering • Prevent runoff when used on slopes • Encourages healthy plant growth The SoCal WaterSmart program offers rebates starting at $6 per rotating nozzle for residential properties. Visit socalwatersmart.com or call 1-888-376-3314 for more information. GARDEN FRIENDLY PLANT FAIRS Customers interested in making their yards and gardens more attractive and water efficient have a great opportunity to get information from gardening experts and save money on a variety of low- water-use plants. Otay is teaming up with the San Diego County Water Authority and The Home Depot to host a Garden-Friendly Plant Fair on June 14, 8am-Noon, at 1320 Eastlake Parkway in Chula Vista. The plant fair will feature discounts on more than 20 types of plants, preselected by a panel of experts as water-efficient for the San Diego region. Industry representatives will be available to provide you with information on local water- efficient irrigation supplies and how to select and plant low-water-use plants. The Home Depot certified nursery consultants will host informative how-to workshops, and Otay staff will also be available to provide customers with information on water conservation programs, rebates, services and incentives. SAN DIEGO WINS Landmark Ruling in Rate Challenge Against Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Ruling is Subject to Further Court Hearings or Appeal In a major victory for San Diego County ratepayers, a San Francisco Superior Court judge has tentatively ruled that the water rates set by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) for 2011-2014 were illegal. The LA-based MWD provides drinking water to nearly 19 million people in parts of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura and San Diego counties. During a five-day trial in December, attorneys representing the San Diego County Water Authority presented evidence and witness testimony that proved MWD artificially inflated rates by improperly including unrelated expenses when setting water rates and expressly designed its rate structure to protect MWD’s monopoly and to discriminate against San Diego area residents. Numerous California statutes, the California Constitution and common law all require that rates must be based on the actual cost of providing service and must be reasonably related to the burdens imposed and benefits received by ratepayers. Stakes in the litigation total more than $2 billion for San Diego County residents over 45 years. In the next phase of the trial, if the court finds MWD breached its contract with San Diego’s water agencies, it will be required to refund tens of millions in disputed payments made to MWD since 2011. For more information about these lawsuits, please go to www.sdcwa.org/mwdrate-challenge. OTAY WATER DISTRICT – Board of Directors The Board of Directors meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 3:30 pm in the Board meeting room. The public is encouraged to attend at 2554 Sweetwater Spring Bvd., Spring Valley, CA. PresidentJose Lopez, Division 4jlopez@otaywater.gov Vice PresidentDavid Gonzalez, Division 1dgonzalez@otaywater.gov Treasurer Mitch Thompson, Division 2mthompson@otaywater.gov Board MemberGary Croucher, Division 3gcroucher@otaywater.gov Board MemberMark Robak, Division 5OtayWater@cox.net Nan Sterman’sPlant Soup Inc.For more class information and prices visit www.thegarden.org 06/14/2014 - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm RAINWATER COLLECTION AND GREYWATER FOR HOMEOWNERS Every drop counts! Candace Vanderhoff, architect and owner of “RainThanks & Greywater” demonstrates the ease of use and money saving potential of grey water and rain harvesting systems. Members: Free; Non-Members $10.00 06/28/2014 - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm TROPICAL LOOK-ALIKES, LUSH YET WATER WISE Want the look of the tropics without using a lot of water? Join landscape designer Christiane Holmquist for a workshop on water-saving plants that give you brilliant colors and lush foliage even in our arid San Diego climate! Members: Free; Non-Members $10.00 Members must register for this workshop, but do not complete the payment process. Non-members please register and complete the payment process. Not a Garden member? Join and attend our classes for FREE! Saturdays - 10:30 am - 11:30 am FREE GARDEN TOURS Free docent led tour of the Garden. Please meet at the Garden’s main entrance gates. Donation are welcome. ComingSoon! CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT Water quality is a primary commitment at the Otay Water District. We believe the best way to assure you that drinking water is safe is to provide you with accurate information about the quality of the water delivered to your home or business. Look for your Consumer Confidence Report to arrive in June. Saturday, June 14th 8:00am-Noon THE HOME DEPOT 1320 EastLake Parkway, Chula Vista www.watersmartsd.org/garden- friendly-plant-fairs It’s Spring! Spring Cleaning Tips for the Garden Spring arrived at least a month early this year and caught some of us short in terms of cleaning and preparing the garden for planting. If like me you’re scrambling to finish the winter cleanup, here are some tasks to finish up now. Though we don’t get that cold, we do get cold enough to damage some ornamental plants especially in low lying areas and in the mountains. Check trees, shrubs, vines, and perennials for dead branches, then prune those dead branches off. If you can’t tell whether a branch is dead, do a “scratch test.” Scratch the surface of a branch with your fingernail. If it’s green below the outer bark, the branch is still alive. If it’s brown, that branch is dead and can be removed. Prune away branches that point towards the center of the plant. If you see two branches rubbing against each other, remove the weaker of the branches – or the one that points in the wrong direction. Don’t prune branches that have buds or flowers on them. Chances are that branch will not form buds or blooms again this season. So enjoy the flowers, then prune. Whenever and whatever you prune, always cut back to a branching point. NEVER LEAVE A STUB. As leaves photosynthesize and make food for the plant, they send that food down the branch. When you’ve cut off all the leaves, there’s nothing left to feed so the branch dies. This dead wood can be an entry point for disease and pests. It’s not very attractive either. After you have removed the damaged branches, step back and look at the plant. Has its shape suffered? Does it need a snip or two to balance things out? Remember, however, that while a well-pruned plant can be a thing of beauty, no plants should be symmetrical or even geometric. Thin developing apples, peaches, and other summer fruits. Thinning is really important. Once the fruits are marble-sized, thin stone fruits (plums, apricots, nectarines, and peaches) to one fruit per about ever four inches. Thin apples trees to one fruit per cluster. Not sure which fruits to remove? Remove the smallest, leave the largest. Is your vegetable garden still filled with the skeletons of last summer’s tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers? Remove the old vegetation and place it in the green waste, don’t compost it. Refresh the soil with new compost and earthworm castings. Mix in granular organic vegetable fertilizer. Water well. There’s still plenty of time to start vegetables from seed for harvest this summer. If you are more of a “transplant” kind of gardener, shop for seedlings at the farmer’s market or at your local nursery. There’s a much wider selection of varieties now than in the past. Always buy the smallest plants you can find – they’ll grow bigger once they’re in the ground. Don’t buy seedlings that are already flowering or fruiting. Here’s why; when younger seedlings are planted, they have the time to develop the strong roots, branches, and leaves that support flowering and fruiting. Annual vegetables that have started to flower are pretty much done growing. They will produce some, but not nearly as much as a seedling planted earlier in its lifecycle. To keep veggies producing throughout the season, keep the soil moist but not wet. Fertilize regularly (follow label directions) and pick veggies as soon as they ripen. I wish you a sunny and productive spring! Residential Rotating Sprinkler Nozzle REBATES Rotating sprinkler nozzles use 20 percent less water than conventional spray heads by applying water more slowly and uniformly. OTHER ADVANTAGES INCLUDE • Save water and money • Easy arc and radius adjustments • Prevent misting, standing water, or overwatering • Prevent runoff when used on slopes • Encourages healthy plant growth The SoCal WaterSmart program offers rebates starting at $6 per rotating nozzle for residential properties. Visit socalwatersmart.com or call 1-888-376-3314 for more information. GARDEN FRIENDLY PLANT FAIRS Customers interested in making their yards and gardens more attractive and water efficient have a great opportunity to get information from gardening experts and save money on a variety of low- water-use plants. Otay is teaming up with the San Diego County Water Authority and The Home Depot to host a Garden-Friendly Plant Fair on June 14, 8am-Noon, at 1320 Eastlake Parkway in Chula Vista. The plant fair will feature discounts on more than 20 types of plants, preselected by a panel of experts as water-efficient for the San Diego region. Industry representatives will be available to provide you with information on local water- efficient irrigation supplies and how to select and plant low-water-use plants. The Home Depot certified nursery consultants will host informative how-to workshops, and Otay staff will also be available to provide customers with information on water conservation programs, rebates, services and incentives. SAN DIEGO WINS Landmark Ruling in Rate Challenge Against Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Ruling is Subject to Further Court Hearings or Appeal In a major victory for San Diego County ratepayers, a San Francisco Superior Court judge has tentatively ruled that the water rates set by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) for 2011-2014 were illegal. The LA-based MWD provides drinking water to nearly 19 million people in parts of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura and San Diego counties. During a five-day trial in December, attorneys representing the San Diego County Water Authority presented evidence and witness testimony that proved MWD artificially inflated rates by improperly including unrelated expenses when setting water rates and expressly designed its rate structure to protect MWD’s monopoly and to discriminate against San Diego area residents. Numerous California statutes, the California Constitution and common law all require that rates must be based on the actual cost of providing service and must be reasonably related to the burdens imposed and benefits received by ratepayers. Stakes in the litigation total more than $2 billion for San Diego County residents over 45 years. In the next phase of the trial, if the court finds MWD breached its contract with San Diego’s water agencies, it will be required to refund tens of millions in disputed payments made to MWD since 2011. For more information about these lawsuits, please go to www.sdcwa.org/mwdrate-challenge. T H E O T A Y WA TER DISTRICT • P R OUDLY SERVING E A ST C OUNT Y A ND TH E S OUTH B A Y SINC E 1956 A NE W SLE T T E R FOR CUS T O M E R S OF T HE O TAY W A TER DISTRICT FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT CALL 619.670.2222 OR GO TO WWW.OTAYWATER.GOV The Pipeline Newsletter is published quarterly by the Otay Water District and can also be found online at www.otaywater.gov. Copyright © 2014 Otay Water District. All rights reserved. SPRING 2014 FOLLOW OTAY WATER ON... / SIGA AL DISTRITO DE AGUA DE OTAY EN... Rebates, Incentives, Classes and Resources that Save Water and Money! OTAY URGES WATER CONSERVATION In response to Governor Brown’s declaration of a statewide drought calling on all Californians to save water, Otay Water District has declared a Level 1 – Supply Watch Condition. Under a Supply Watch, customers are urged to voluntarily reduce water use by 10 percent. You can do this by taking full advantage of the water-saving rebates, incentives, classes or resources available through the Otay Water District. By saving water, you will also help reduce your water bill. Rebates and incentives include: $6 per head rebate for high efficiency rotating sprinkler nozzles $75 rebate for rain barrels (up to 4) $165 rebate for high efficiency clothes washers $50 rebate for high efficiency toilets Up to $140 rebate for “Smart” irrigation controllers (less than one irrigated acre) or $25 per irrigation station for residential sites of 1+ acres A $1.50 per-square-foot rebate to replace existing irrigated grass with water-wise plants. Even with recent rainfall, consecutive seasons with limited rain and snow melt will force regional wholesale suppliers to begin to draw down key reservoirs serving San Diego County. While the San Diego region is not anticipating the need for extraordinary water conservation measures this year, if the drought continues longer, the water we save today could forestall more strict conservation measures in later years. In addition to rebates and incentives, Otay customers can save money and extend the life of our reservoirs by: Taking a landscaping class at the award-winning Water Conservation Garden Visiting the watersmartsd.org website for a complete list of rebates, incentives, classes and water saving resources. Periodic drought is a fact of life for California and Otay’s customers have risen to the challenge before and are doing their part to save water. The district also wants to encourage everyone to take full advantage of the money saving rebates available. Through his proclamation, Governor Brown directed state agencies to take all necessary actions to prepare for drought conditions, including calls for increased water conservation. This declaration will help many communities in Northern and Central California facing immediate shortages. Southern California, however, is better prepared for drought than other parts of the state since it has invested heavily in water conservation, water recycling, and transitional storage over the last 20 years. Still, extended drought conditions in other parts of the state can affect everyone and all residents here are being asked to do their part to save limited water supplies and reduce waste. LEVEL 4 - SUPPLYEMERGENCY LEVEL 2 - SUPPLYALERT LEVEL 1 - SUPPLYWATCH LEVEL 3 - SUPPLYCRITICAL Voluntary measures to stop waste. Repair leaks promptly. Wash cars with a bucket and shut-off nozzle. Mandatory water use restrictions. No new construction, annexations or development. Strict limits on water used for irrigation and non-public health purposes. Stop all landscape irrigation. No new construction, annexations or development. Otay Water District SUPPLY STATUS SEQUIA – NIVEL 4ESTADO DE EMERGENCIA SEQUIA – NIVEL 2ESTADO DE ALERTA SEQUIA – NIVEL 1ESTADO DE VIGILANCIA SEQUIA – NIVEL 3ESTADO CRITICO Medidas voluntarias para detener los residuos. Reparar las fugas rapidamente. Lavar su auto con una cubeta y una manguera con boquilla de cierre automático. Restricciones obligatorios del uso del agua. Ninguna construccion de anexos o desarrollos nuevos. Limites estrictos de la cantidad de agua utilizada para el riego y otros usos que no incluyen proyectos de salud pública. Alto al riego de jardines Ninguna construccion de anexos o desarrollos nuevos. Distrito de agua de OtayEstado del Suministro de Agua Otay Water District has Declared a Level 1 Drought Watch for its Service Area Otay Water District thanks its customers for conserving water, reducing waste, and their support for investments in new water supplies. Because of this, our region is better prepared for periodic drought and is avoiding strict mandatory conservation measures. El Distrito de Agua de Otay ha declarado una Alerta de Sequía Nivel 1 en su Área de Servicio El Distrito de Agua de Otay les agradece a sus clientes sus esfuerzos en cuanto a la conservación del agua, reducir el desperdicio de agua y su apoyo a las inversiones de nuevos suministros de agua. Debido a esto, nuestra región está mejor preparada para la sequía periódica y está evitando estrictas medidas obligatorias de conservación de agua. ¡Reembolsos, Incentivos, Clases y Recursos que le Ahorrarán Agua y Dinero! OTAY URGE A SUS USUARIOS A CONSERVAR EL AGUA En respuesta a la declaración del Gobernador Brown acerca de la sequía que está afectando al estado de California, el Distrito de Agua de Otay ha declarado el Nivel 1-Estado de Vigilancia del Suministro de Agua. Bajo un estado de vigilancia del suministro de agua, se urge a los usuarios a que voluntariamente reduzcan en un 10 % el uso del agua. Usted puede hacer esto aprovechando al máximo los reembolsos, incentivos, clases y recursos para ahorrar agua que están a su alcance a través del Distrito de Agua de Otay. Haciendo esto, usted también ayudará a reducir su recibo de consumo de agua. Los descuentos e incentivos incluyen: $6.00 de reembolso por cada cabeza rotatoria de riego para jardín $75.00 de reembolso por barriles de lluvia (límite hasta 4 barriles) $165.00 de reembolso por lavadoras de ropa de alta eficiencia $50.00 de reembolso por inodoro de alta eficiencia Hasta $140.00 de reembolso por controlador de irrigación (menos de 1 acre irrigado) o $25.00 por estación de irrigación para áreas residenciales de uno o más acres. Un reembolso de $1.50 por pie cuadrado al sustituir pasto irrigado por plantas que requieren menos agua. Aún con la reciente lluvia, las temporadas seguidas de poca lluvia y el rápido derretimiento de la nieve en las montañas, los proveedores mayoristas regionales se verán forzados a bajar sus reservas claves con las que proveen al condado de San Diego. Aunque en este año la región de San Diego no está anticipando la necesidad de tomar medidas extremas para la conservación del agua, si la sequía continúa prolongándose, el agua que conservemos hoy, podría prevenir medidas de conservación más estrictas en los próximos años. Además de los reembolsos e incentivos, los clientes de Otay pueden ahorrar dinero y extender la vida de nuestras reservas haciendo lo siguiente: Tomando cursos de jardinería ornamental en el premiado Water Conservation Garden Visitando el sitio de internet watersmartsd.org para ver la lista completa de reembolsos, incentivos, clases y recursos para el ahorro del agua. La sequía periódica ya es un hecho para California y los clientes de Otay que se han enfrentado a este reto anteriormente y están haciendo su parte para conservar el agua. El Distrito desea animar a todos los usuarios a aprovechar los grandes reembolsos disponibles que les ahorrarán dinero. A través de su proclamación, el Gobernador Brown ordenó a las agencias estatales tomar las medidas necesarias para preparase para las condiciones de sequía, que incluyen llamados para incrementar la conservación del agua. Esta declaración será de gran ayuda a las comunidades del norte y centro de California ya que ellos ya se están enfrentando a los estragos de la sequía. Sin embargo, el sur de California está mejor preparado para enfrentar la sequía que otras partes del estado ya que se ha hecho una gran inversión en la conservación y reciclaje del agua, y en el almacenamiento de agua de forma transitoria durante los últimos 20 años. Tomando en cuenta todo esto, las condiciones de sequía que se han extendido a otras partes del estado pudieran llegar a afectar a todos y por eso se les pide a todos los residentes que sigan esforzándose en la conservación del agua así poder reducir el desperdicio.