HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-16-18 EO&WR Committee PacketOTAY WATER DISTRICT ENGINEERING, OPERATIONS & WATER RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING and SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA Board Room TUESDAY October 16, 2018 12:00 P.M. This is a District Committee meeting. This meeting is being posted as a special meeting in order to comply with the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54954.2) in the event that a quorum of the Board is present. Items will be deliberated, however, no formal board actions will be taken at this meeting. The committee makes recommendations to the full board for its consideration and formal action. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JU- RISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. AWARD A CONTRACT TO ERS INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC. FOR THE RALPH W. CHAPMAN WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY FILTER MEDIA AND NOZZLES RE- PLACEMENT PROJECT (CIP R2145) IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $115,765.58 (BEPPLER) [5 minutes] 4. APPROVE A $25,000 (FROM $150,000 TO $175,000) INCREASE TO THE CIP R2118 BUDGET AND AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO THARSOS, INC. FOR THE RALPH W. CHAPMAN WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY HEADWORKS IMPROVEMENTS (CIP S2051) AND STEELE BRIDGE SEWAGE PUMP STATION WET WELL IMPROVEMENTS (CIP R2118) PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO- EXCEED $223,490 (BEPPLER) [5 minutes] 5. APPROVE DECREASING THE CIP P2574 BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $360,000 (FROM $2,000,000 TO $1,640,000), INCREASING THE CIP P2625 BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $710,000 (FROM $1,500,000 TO $2,210,000), AND AWARD A CON- STRUCTION CONTRACT TO CASS ARRIETA FOR THE VISTA VEREDA (CIP P2574) AND HIDDEN MESA ROAD (CIP P2625) WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $2,848,364 (BEPPLER) [5 minutes] 2 6. APPROVE INCREASING THE OVERALL BUDGET FOR CIP S2024, CAMPO ROAD SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT, IN THE AMOUNT OF $230,000 (FROM $10,300,000 TO $10,530,000) AND APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 TO THE PROJECT’S EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH WIER CONSTRUC- TION CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $156,192.12 (MARTIN) [5 min] 7. APPROVE INCREASING THE CIP P2565 BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $200,000 (FROM $1,000,000 TO $1,200,000) AND AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC. FOR THE 803-2 RESERVOIR INTE- RIOR/EXTERIOR COATINGS AND UPGRADES PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT- TO-EXCEED $951,690 (CAMERON) [5 minutes] 8. UPDATE ON RECENT CONSTRUCTION BIDS THE DISTRICT HAS RECEIVED, GRANT FUNDING AVAILABLE ON DISTRICT PROJECTS, AND UTILIZATION OF AS-NEEDED CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES (KENNEDY) [5 MIN] 9. ADJOURNMENT BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING: Tim Smith, Chair Gary Croucher All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be delib- erated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the Dis- trict’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available through the District Secretary by contacting her at (619) 670-2280. If you have any disability that would require accommodation in order to enable you to partici- pate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at 670-2280 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on October 12, 2018 I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on October 12, 2018. /s/ Susan Cruz, District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: November 7, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Stephen Beppler Senior Civil Engineer PROJECT: R2145-001103 DIV. NO.: 3 APPROVED BY: Bob Kennedy, Engineering Manager Dan Martin, Assistant Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of a Contract to ERS Industrial Services, Inc. for the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility (RWCWRF) Filter Media and Nozzles Replacement Project GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award a contract to ERS Industrial Services, Inc. (ERS) and to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with ERS for the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility (RWCWRF) Filter Media and Nozzles Replacement Project (CIP R2145) in an amount not-to- exceed $115,765.58 (see Exhibit A for Project location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a contract with ERS in an amount not-to-exceed $115,765.58 for the RWCWRF Filter Media and Nozzles Replacement Project (CIP R2145). 2 ANALYSIS: The RWCWRF produces Title 22 recycled water from the District’s sanitary sewer collection system in the Jamacha drainage basin located in the northern area of the District. A key part of the treatment process at the plant is the filtration of the water through two (2) parallel filters prior to disinfection and the flow entering the recycled water system. Filter media consists of sand and anthracite layers, with media retention nozzles to prevent the material from escaping the filter with the process flow. The typical cycle for media replacement is every five (5) years on average, with the current media installed in 2011. Testing of the media is performed every year after the first three (3) years of service to determine when to replace the media based upon material degradation. The existing media retention nozzles are constructed of PVC and were installed in 1992. Their age and exposure to high chlorine dosages during backwashing make them vulnerable to breakage. The Project involves removing and replacing the filter media and the 1,300 nozzles in the two (2) filters. The Project was solicited for quotations on August 15, 2018 using BidSync, an online bid solicitation website. A Pre-Bid Meeting was held on August 29, 2018, which was attended by two (2) prospective contractors. Quotes were received as of the deadline of September 19, 2018, with the following result: CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID AMOUNT 1 ERS Industrial Services, Inc., Fremont, CA $115,765.58 2 Carbon Activated Corporation, Compton, CA $142,000.00 The Engineer’s Estimate is $130,000. There are limited companies that can provide the materials and services for replacement of the filter media, resulting in the number of quotes received for the Project. A review of the quotes was performed by District staff for conformance with the solicitation requirements and determined that ERS was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. ERS holds a Class A, General Engineering, Contractor’s License in the State of California, which meets the solicitation document’s requirements, and is valid through June 30, 2020. The reference checks indicated a very good to excellent performance record on similar projects completed for the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, the City of Redding Water Treatment Department, and the City of Oceanside Water Treatment Plant. An internet background search of the company was performed and revealed no outstanding issues with this company. ERS previously replaced the filter media for the District in 2011 and their work was very good. 3 Staff verified that the bid bond provided by ERS is valid. Staff will also verify that ERS’s Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond are valid prior to execution of the contract. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budget for CIP R2145, as approved in the FY 2019 budget, is $130,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast including this contract, are $125,396.00. See Attachment B for budget detail. Based on a review of the financial budget, the Project Manager anticipates that the budget for CIP R2145 is sufficient to support the Project. The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate models, 100% of the funding is available from the Replacement Fund. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsive manner” and the District’s Vision, “To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices.” LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Budget Detail Exhibit A – Location Map ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: R2145-001103 Award of a Contract to ERS Industrial Services, Inc. for the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility (RWCWRF) Filter Media and Nozzles Replacement Project COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on October 16, 2018. The Committee supported Staff's recommendation. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item, or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board. ATTACHMENT B – Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: R2145-001103 Award of a Contract to ERS Industrial Services, Inc. for the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility (RWCWRF) Filter Media and Nozzles Replacement Project OTAY WATER DISTRICTRALPH W. CHAPMAN WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY (RWCWRF) FILTER MEDIA & NOZZLES REPLACEMENT CIP R2145P: \ \ W O R K I N G \ C I P r 2 0 4 5 R W C W R F F i l e t e r m e d i a R e p l a c e m e n t \ S t a f f R e p o r t \ E x h i b i t A - S t a f f R e p o r t CAMPO RD / SR-94 SIN G E R L N CAM P O R D / S R - 9 4 RWCWRF FILTER MEDIA & NOZZLES REPLACEMENT SITE JAMA C H A R D F 0 570285 Feet EXHIBIT A !\ VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE NTSDIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ÃÅ54 ÃÅ125 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ905 §¨¦805 F C A M P O R D / S R - 9 4 1 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: November 7, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Stephen Beppler Senior Civil Engineer PROJECT: R2118-001103 & S2051-001103 DIV. NO.: 3 APPROVED BY: Bob Kennedy, Engineering Manager Dan Martin, Assistant Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Approval to Increase the CIP R2118 Budget in an Amount of $25,000 and Award of a Construction Contract to Tharsos, Inc. for the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility Headworks Improvements and Steele Bridge SPS Wet Well Improvements Project GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board): 1. Approve to increase the CIP R2118 budget by $25,000 (from $150,000 to $175,000); 2. Award a construction contract to Tharsos, Inc. (Tharsos) and Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Tharsos for the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility (RWCWRF) Headworks Improvements (CIP S2051) and Steele Bridge Sewage Pump Station (Steele Bridge SPS) Wet Well Improvements (CIP R2118) Project in an amount not-to-exceed $223,490.00 (see Exhibit A for Project location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. 2 PURPOSE: To increase the overall CIP R2118 budget in the amount of $25,000 (from $150,000 to $175,000) and to obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a construction contract with Tharsos for the RWCWRF Headworks Improvements (CIP S2051) and Steele Bridge SPS Wet Well Improvements (CIP R2118) Project in an not-to-exceed $223,490.00. ANALYSIS: The District provides sanitary sewer collection service in the Jamacha drainage basin located in the northern area of the District. The Project involves improvements at both the Steele Bridge SPS, which sends wastewater to RWCWRF, and at the treatment plant headworks. At the Steele Bridge SPS, clogging of the sewage suction lift wastewater pumps is a frequent occurrence and requires significant maintenance staff time to clear debris. The addition of a bar screen within the wet well is expected to reduce the number of pump service calls by staff. To adequately access the wet well after the screen addition, a new top slab with access hatches on either side of the screen is required. Additional top slab openings for instrumentation and pump piping are also needed. The construction contract’s scope of work at the station generally consists of removal and disposal of the existing wet well top slab, construction of a replacement concrete top slab with access hatches and hand holes, furnishing and installing of a new stainless steel wastewater bar screen with grouting, and all other appurtenant work as required by the Contract Documents. This portion of the Project had been previously bid and all bids were rejected in FY 2018 due to budgetary issues. At the RWCWRF, the channel wall supporting the rotary screen at the headworks of the plant is deteriorating from exposure to the raw wastewater being discharged from the screen. The concrete wall has a protective coating on the channel interior, but the screen discharge contacts the top of the wall, which is unprotected and now deteriorating. Adjacent to this is the metering flume channel where several sections of the concrete wall have spalled and the grating support channels have become unanchored creating a safety tripping hazard. Additionally, the drain at the screening containment area is corroded and clogged. The construction contract’s scope of work for the RWCWRF headworks generally consists of demolition and replacement of a section of the screening channel wall with protective coating inside and outside of the channel, repair of the meter flume channel with grating support channel replacement, installation of a new screening containment drain and piping, and all other appurtenant work as required by the Contract Documents. 3 The Project was advertised for bid on August 14, 2018 using BidSync, an online bid solicitation website. The Project was also advertised in the Daily Transcript. During the Project advertisement period, a copy of the Project advertisement was e-mailed directly to contractors that had either performed work for the District or submitted a bid on a previous project. This is in addition to the notifications provided by BidSync to contractors in the Southern California area, with over several hundred identified for the project classifications checked for this Project. BidSync provided electronic distribution of the Bid Documents, including specifications, plans, and addenda. One (1) addendum was posted to BidSync to distribute the Pre-Bid Meeting minutes and address questions and clarifications to the contract documents during the bidding period. Bids were publicly opened on September 13, 2018, with the following result: CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID AMOUNT 1 Tharsos, Inc., La Mesa, CA $223,490.00 The Engineer’s Estimate is $200,000. Staff followed up with several of the contractors that had viewed the project to understand the various reasons that prevented them from bidding. The explanations varied by contractor, including citing the Project was not a good fit for their construction abilities, noting that they had other projects to bid and did not have time to consider this Project, or stating that it was not a large enough Project to pursue. A review of the bids was performed by District staff for conformance with the contract requirements and determined that Tharsos, the sole bidder on the Project, was a responsive and responsible bidder. Tharsos holds a Class A, General Engineering, Contractor’s License in the State of California, which meets the contract document’s requirements, and is valid through January 31, 2019. The reference checks indicated a very good to excellent performance record on similar projects. An internet background search of the company was performed and revealed no outstanding issues with this company. Tharsos has not previously worked for the District, but has recently performed similar work for Los Angeles County Sanitation District, City of San Juan Capistrano, and Lakeside Water District and their performance was good. Staff verified that the bid bond provided by Tharsos is valid. Staff will also verify that Tharsos’ Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond are valid prior to execution of the contract. Tharsos was the apparent low bidder for the Steele Bridge SPS project when the first bid was opened on January 23, 2018 and the bids were rejected at the March 7, 2018 Board meeting. Staff compared the 4 January 2018 bid from Tharsos and found the line item for the concrete wet well top slab is $20,000 higher on Tharsos’ current bid price. The contractor indicated that numerous factors contributed to this increase including current and further potential jumps in material costs by the time his purchase would be made. The Capital Improvement Program budget approved by the Board on May 21, 2018 for the RWCWRF Headworks Improvements (CIP S2051) is $250,000 and Steele Bridge SPS Wet Well Improvements (CIP R2118) is $150,000. Approximately $36,000 on CIP R2118 and $86,000 on CIP S2051 have been expended to date on the planning and design phases of the Projects, as shown in Attachments B-1 and B-2 of this staff report. With the award of the construction contract, staff has estimated that the Project budget of $250,000 for CIP S2051 will be adequate to complete the Project, but for CIP R2118, the Project budget of $150,000 is expected to be exceeded by $25,000. The approved Project budget of $175,000 for CIP R2118 will support the completion of the Project. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budget for CIP R2118, as approved in the FY 2019 budget, is $150,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast including this contract, are $172,179.00. See Attachment B- 1 for budget detail. Based on a review of the financial budget, the Project Manager anticipates that with a budget increase of $25,000, CIP R2118 will be completed within the new budget amount of $175,000. The total budget for CIP S2051, as approved in the FY 2019 budget, is $250,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast including this contract, are $248,807.00. See Attachment B- 2 for budget detail. Based on a review of the financial budget, the Project Manager anticipates that the budget for CIP S2051 is sufficient to support the Project. The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate model, and with the current bond sale, 100% of the funding for CIP R2118 is available from the Betterment Fund and 100% of the funding for CIP S2051 is available from the Replacement Fund. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsive manner” and the District’s Vision, “To be a model water agency by 5 providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices.” LEGAL IMPACT: None. SB:jf P:\WORKING\CIP S2051 RWCWRF Headworks Improvements\Staff Reports\BD 11-07-18 Staff Report RWCWRF Headworks And Steele Bridge SPS Wet Well Award Construction Project.Docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B-1 – R2118 Budget Detail Attachment B-2 – S2051 Budget Detail Exhibit A – Location Map ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: R2118-001103 S2051-001103 Approval to Increase the CIP R2118 Budget in an Amount of $25,000 and Award of a Construction Contract to Tharsos, Inc. for the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility Headworks Improvements and Steele Bridge SPS Wet Well Improvements Project COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on October 16, 2018. The Committee supported Staff's recommendation. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item, or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board. ATTACHMENT B-1 – R2118 Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: R2118-001103 S2051-001103 Approval to Increase the CIP R2118 Budget in an Amount of $25,000 and Award of a Construction Contract to Tharsos, Inc. for the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility Headworks Improvements and Steele Bridge SPS Wet Well Improvements Project  Bud  Project Budget Details R2118 – Steele Bridge SPS Wet Well Improvements                      9/20/2018    Budget Committed Expenditures  Outstanding  Commitment  Projected  Final Cost Vendor/Comments     $150,000    & Forecast      Planning        Regulatory Agency  Fees  $50 $50 $0 $50 PETTY CASH CUSTODIAN   Standard Salaries            $3,854 $3,854 $0 $3,854      Total Planning $3,904 $3,904 $0 $3,904      Design        Consultant Contracts     $8,035 $8,035 $0 $8,035 RICK ENGINEERING  COMPANY    Standard Salaries            $23,145 $23,145 $0 $23,145      Total Design $31,180 $31,180 $0 $31,180      Construction        Consultant Contracts     $10,000 $0 $10,000 $10,000 Construction Management   Construction Contract $106,867 $0 $106,867 $106,867 THARSOS, INC.   $8,229 $0 $8,229 $8,229 Contingency @ 7.7% of  Construction Contract    Standard Salaries            $12,000 $729 $11,271 $12,000      Total Construction  $137,096 $729 $136,367 $137,096                 Grand Total $172,179 $35,813 $136,367 $172,179         ATTACHMENT B-2 – S2051 Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: R2118-001103 S2051-001103 Approval to Increase the CIP R2118 Budget in an Amount of $25,000 and Award of a Construction Contract to Tharsos, Inc. for the Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility Headworks Improvements and Steele Bridge SPS Wet Well Improvements Project  Bud  Project Budget Details S2051 ‐ RWCWRF Headworks Improvements                      9/20/2018    Budget Committed Expenditures  Outstanding  Commitment  Projected  Final Cost Vendor/Comments     $250,000    & Forecast      Planning        Standard Salaries            $6,815 $6,815 $0 $6,815      Total Planning $6,815 $6,815 $0 $6,815      Design        Consultant Contracts     $9,950 $9,950 $0 $9,950 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES   $41,918 $29,709 $12,209 $41,918 KEH & ASSOCIATES INC   Standard Salaries            $37,568 $37,568 $0 $37,568      Total Design $89,436 $77,227 $12,209 $89,436      Construction           Consultant Contracts     $10,000 $0 $10,000 $10,000 Construction Management    $6,953 $0 $6,953 $6,953 KEH & ASSOCIATES INC   Construction Contract $116,623 $0 $116,623 $116,623 THARSOS, INC.   $8,980 $0 $8,980 $8,980 Contingency @ 7.7% of  Construction Contract    Standard Salaries            $10,000 $2,203 $7,797 $10,000      Total Construction  $152,556 $2,203 $150,353 $152,556                 Grand Total $248,807 $86,245 $162,562 $248,807        OTAY WATER DISTRICTRALPH W. CHAPMAN WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY(RWCWRF) HEADWORKS IMPROVEMENTS & STEELE BRIDGE SEWER PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS CIP S2051CIP R2118P: \ \ W O R K I N G \ C I P S 2 0 5 1 R W C W R F H e a d w o r k s I m p r o v e m e n t s \ G r a p h i c s \ E x h i b i t s - F i g u r e s \ E x h i b i t A - S t a f f R e p o r t CAMPO RD / SR-94 SIN G E R L N CAM P O R D / S R - 9 4 RWCWRFHEADWORKS SITE JAMA C H A R D STEELE BRIDGE SEWERPUMP STATION SITE F 0 570285 Feet EXHIBIT A !\ VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE NTSDIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ÃÅ54 ÃÅ125 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ905 §¨¦805 F C A M P O R D / S R - 9 4 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: November 7, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Stephen Beppler Senior Civil Engineer PROJECT: P2574-001103 P2625-001103 DIV. NO. 5 APPROVED BY: Bob Kennedy, Engineering Manager Dan Martin, Assistant Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Approval to Decrease the CIP P2574 Budget in an amount of $360,000, Increase the CIP P2625 Budget in an Amount of $710,000, and Award of a Construction Contract to Cass Arrieta for the Vista Vereda (CIP P2574) and Hidden Mesa Road (CIP P2625) Water Line Replacement Project GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board): 1. Decrease the budget for CIP P2574 by $360,000 (from $2,000,000 to $1,640,000); 2. Increase the budget for CIP P2625 by $710,000 (from $1,500,000 to $2,210,000); 3. Award a construction contract to Cass Construction, Inc. dba Cass Arrieta (Cass Arrieta) and Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Cass Arrieta for the Vista Vereda (CIP P2574) and Hidden Mesa Road (CIP P2625) Water Line Replacement Project in an amount not-to-exceed $2,848,364.00 (see Exhibit A for Project location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. 2 PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization to decrease the CIP P2574 budget in the amount of $360,000 (from $2,000,000 to $1,640,000), increase the CIP P2625 budget in the amount of $710,000 (from $1,500,000 to $2,210,000), and to obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a construction contract with Cass Arrieta for the Vista Vereda (CIP P2574) and Hidden Mesa Road (CIP P2625) Water Line Replacement Project (Project) in an amount not-to-exceed $2,848,364.00. ANALYSIS: The District provides water distribution service and sanitary sewer collection service in the Jamacha drainage basin located in the northern area of the District. The existing 12-inch Cement Mortar Lined and Coated (CML&C) Steel pipe that serves as the distribution main for the western portion of the 978 Pressure Zone along Vista Vereda to Hidden Mesa Road was constructed in 1959. Several water main breaks have occurred in the area that have led to a determination that the pipeline has reached the end of its useful life and should be replaced. The original pipeline was constructed in easements prior to any development in the area. Over the years, with the subdivision of properties and construction of homes, the difficult to access easements are no longer a desirable location for placing an important transmission water main. With a significant segment of the water line in Hidden Mesa Road installed in the mid- 1960’s, the relocation of the transmission capabilities from Vista Vereda to Hidden Mesa Road provided a long-term reliability and maintenance solution. Following the preliminary design phase of the Vista Vereda water line, CIP P2625 for the Hidden Mesa Road portion of the Project was created and the Project’s budget was established to cover only construction costs. Subsequently, it was decided to allocate design and construction management costs to each of the Project’s two (2) CIPs. This resulted in moving expenditures from CIP P2574 to CIP P2625. The scope of work generally consists of construction along Vista Vereda and Hidden Mesa Road of approximately 3,700 linear feet of 12- inch Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water line and 400 linear feet of 8- inch PVC water line, including appurtenances, restoration of services, surface restoration, traffic control, and all testing and inspection as required by the Contract Documents. On August 23, 2018, the Project was formally advertised for bid using BidSync, an online bid solicitation website. The Project was also advertised in the Daily Transcript and the District’s website. 3 BidSync provided electronic distribution of the Bid Documents, including specifications, plans, and addenda. A Pre-Bid Meeting was held on September 6, 2018, which was attended by four (4) general contractors and subconsultants. Four (4) addenda were sent out to all bidders and plan houses to address questions and clarifications to the contract documents during the bidding period and distribute the County of San Diego Permits. Bids were publicly opened on September 26, 2018, and the bid analysis was completed with the following results: CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID AMOUNT 1 Cass Arrieta (El Cajon, CA) $2,848,364.00 2 Bali Construction, Inc. (South El Monte, CA) $2,854,325.00 3 Palm Engineering Construction Company, Inc. (San Diego, CA) $3,075,510.00 4 Burtech Pipeline, Inc. (Encinitas, CA) $3,211,270.00 The Engineer’s Estimate is $3,100,000. A review of the bids was performed by District staff for conformance with the contract requirements and determined that Cass Arrieta was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Cass Arrieta holds a Class A, General Engineering, Contractor’s License in the State of California, which meets the contract document’s requirements, and is valid through April 30, 2019. The reference checks indicated a very good to excellent performance record on similar projects. An internet background search of the company was performed and revealed no outstanding issues. Cass Arrieta has previously worked for the District successfully constructing the Calavo Basin Sewer Rehabilitation – Phase 1 project in 2015 and is currently working under a District Construction Agreement for water and recycled water facilities for the Otay Ranch Village 3 North development. Other recently performed similar work includes projects for Sweetwater Authority and Helix Water District with good performance. Staff verified that the bid bond provided by Cass Arrieta is valid. Staff will also verify that Cass Arrieta’s Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond are valid prior to execution of the contract. Reviewing the low bidder’s bid items and their distribution of cost between the two (2) CIPs has approximately $1.038 million to be expended towards CIP P2574 and $1.81 million to be assigned to CIP P2625. The Capital Improvement Program budget approved by the Board on May 21, 2018 for the Vista Vereda Water Line Replacement (CIP P2574) 4 is $2,000,000 and Hidden Mesa Road Water Line Replacement (CIP P2625) is $1,500,000. Approximately $379,000 on CIP P2574 and $158,000 on CIP P2625 have been expended to date on the planning and design phases of the Projects as shown in Attachments B-1 and B-2 of this staff report. With the award of the construction contract, staff has estimated that a Project budget of $1,640,000 for CIP P2574 will be adequate to complete the Project and for CIP P2625 a Project budget of $2,210,000 is necessary. The adjustments of reducing CIP P2574 by $360,000 and increasing CIP P2626 by $710,000 will support the completion of the Project. The net increase to the overall CIP budget is $350,000, a 10% increase over the previous $3.5 million combined budgets. At the 60% design in March 2018, the construction costs for the overall Project were estimated at $2.32 million, within the combined budgets of the two (2) CIPs. As the Project approached the 100% design in June 2018, the Project scope was refined and adjustments for bidding climate of the local economy were incorporated, resulting in an increase in the engineer’s cost opinion to $2.85 million. Uncertainty in materials costs and scope of work revisions resulted in the cost opinion to rise to $3.1 million for the final design as initially advertised. During the Project bid, the District issued addenda for additional bid items to incorporate lessons learned during the recently completed construction of the Hillsdale Road Water Line Replacement project. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budget for CIP P2574, as approved in the FY 2019 budget, is $2,000,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast including this contract, are $1,622,350. See Attachment B1 for budget detail. Based on a review of the financial budgets, the Project Manager anticipates that with a budget decrease of $360,000, CIP P2574 will be completed within the new budget amount of $1,640,000. The total budget for CIP P2625, as approved in the FY 2019 budget, is $1,500,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast including this contract, are $2,205,756. See Attachment B2 for budget detail. Based on a review of the financial budget, the Project Manager anticipates that with a budget increase of $710,000, CIP P2625 will be completed within the new budget amount of $2,210,000. 5 The Finance Department has determined that, with the debt issuance, 100% of the funding for CIP P2574 and CIP P2625 will be available in the Replacement Reserve. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsive manner” and the District’s Vision, “To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices.” LEGAL IMPACT: None. SB/BK:jf P:\WORKING\CIP P2574 12-Inch PL Replacement, 978 Zone, Vista Vereda\Staff Reports\Board 11-07-18\BD 11- 7-18 Staff Report Vista Vereda-Hidden Mesa WLs Award.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B1 – P2574 Budget Detail Attachment B2 – P2625 Budget Detail Exhibit A – Location Map ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2574-001103 P2625-001103 Approval to Decrease the CIP P2574 Budget in an amount of $360,000, Increase the CIP P2625 Budget in an Amount of $710,000, and Award of a Construction Contract to Cass Arrieta for the Vista Vereda (CIP P2574) and Hidden Mesa Road (CIP P2625) Water Line Replacement Project COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on October 16, 2018. The Committee supported Staff's recommendation. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item, or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board. ATTACHMENT B1 – P2574 Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2574-001103 P2625-001103 Approval to Decrease the CIP P2574 Budget in an amount of $360,000, Increase the CIP P2625 Budget in an Amount of $710,000, and Award of a Construction Contract to Cass Arrieta for the Vista Vereda (CIP P2574) and Hidden Mesa Road (CIP P2625) Water Line Replacement Project ATTACHMENT B2 – P2625 Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2574-001103 P2625-001103 Approval to Decrease the CIP P2574 Budget in an amount of $360,000, Increase the CIP P2625 Budget in an Amount of $710,000, and Award of a Construction Contract to Cass Arrieta for the Vista Vereda (CIP P2574) and Hidden Mesa Road (CIP P2625) Water Line Replacement Project STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: November 7, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Dan Martin Assistant Chief of Engineering PROJECT: S2024-001103 DIV. NO. 5 APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Approval to Increase the Overall Budget for CIP S2024 in an amount of $230,000.00 and Approve Change Order No. 3 to the Construction Contract with Wier Construction Corporation for the Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board): 1. Approve to increase the CIP S2024 budget (Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project) by $230,000.00 (from $10,300,000.00 to $10,530,000.00). 2. Approve Change Order No. 3 to the existing construction contract with Wier Construction Corporation (Wier Construction) in the amount of $156,192.12 for the Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project (see Exhibit A for Project location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To increase the overall CIP S2024 project budget in an amount of $230,000.00 and to obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to execute Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $156,192.12 to the construction contract with Wier Construction for the Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project. 2 ANALYSIS: The District’s Campo Road Sewer Replacement project is replacing an existing 10-inch sewer pipeline, located within and south of Campo Road between Avocado Boulevard and Singer Lane, which is undersized to handle current sewer flows. To accommodate current and future flows, approximately 7,420 linear feet of 15-inch gravity sewer main will be installed to replace the existing 9,225 feet of 10-inch sewer main. The eastern terminus of the new 15-inch sewer main will be located at the intersection of Avocado Boulevard/Rancho San Diego Village Shopping Center driveway. The new main’s western terminus will be located in the Rancho San Diego Towne Center where it will connect to the existing 27-inch sewer main within the shopping center’s parking lot. Sewer laterals stemming from the existing pipe will be reconnected to the proposed new pipeline. The majority of the pipeline will be installed with open trench construction except in two (2) locations where horizontal auger boring will be used for crossing Campo Road. These two (2) locations are Campo Road east of Via Mercado, and at the intersection of Campo Road/Jamacha Boulevard. The existing sewer will be abandoned in place with the exception of a 210 feet long section of aboveground pipeline and seven (7) supporting pillars that will be removed. At the May 3, 2017 Board Meeting, the Board awarded a construction contract in the amount of $7,816,645.95 to Wier Construction. Since the award of the construction contract, there have been two (2) change orders approved under the authority granted to the General Manager. Change Order No. 1, which totaled $74,266.00, compensated the contractor for a realignment of the planned sewer main due to a utility conflict. This Change Order also increased the quantity for rock removal and disposal due to rock encountered on the Project and provided for additional Class 2 base due to field conditions at the Rancho San Diego Town Center parking lot. Lastly, this Change Order issued a credit for modifications to traffic control requirements. In total, Change Order No. 1 added 46 days to the contract as a result of the added work. Change Order No. 2 provided for modifications to the planned grade of the jack and bore pipe at the Campo Road West Bore crossing, which is located east of Via Mercado. This change also included the removal of the internal beading, which is generated during the field construction of the fusible pipe. This was a no-cost change and did not include adjustments to contract time. 3 Change order No. 3 (Exhibit B), which is the subject of this staff report, provides compensation for the following six (6) items: 1. Realignment of the East Bore launch pit due to a communications utility conflict with the shoring limits indicated on the contract plans. 2. Removal and disposal of an abandoned irrigation system located along the north side of Jamacha Road/Campo Road. 3. Realignment of the planned sewer main due to an existing electrical duct bank. 4. Removal of an unmarked abandoned slurry encased utility determined to be in conflict with the planned sewer construction. 5. Relocation of a planned manhole due to a conflict with unmarked communication utilities. 6. Increased quantity for rock removal and disposal due to rock encountered on the Project. In total, the cost associated with the items in Change Order No. 3 is $156,192.12. Time impacts associated with this change are also provided in Exhibit B. In total, the twenty nine (29) additional days added to the contract will result in a revised total contract duration of 705 calendar days. As presented in the May 3, 2017 Board report to award the Project’s construction contract, a 2.2% project contingency was included in the overall project budget. Change Order No. 3 will exhaust the project’s contingency. Currently the construction project is approximately 45% complete. It is anticipated that additional change orders for unforeseen items may occur during the completion of the remaining 55% of the construction contract work. A budget increase of $230,000.00 is requested to reestablish a project contingency in anticipation of unforeseen items. If additional unforeseen items are encountered that result in a change order, staff will bring the change order forward for Board approval. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The Fiscal Year 2019 budget for CIP S2024 is $10,300,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast, including this contract Change Order, are $10,530,000. See Attachment B for budget detail. Based on a review of the financial budget, the Project Manager anticipates that if the budget increase is approved by $230,000.00 (from $10,300,000.00 to $10,530,000.00), the budget for CIP S2024 is sufficient to support the Project. 4 The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate model, 50% of the funding is available from the Betterment ID 18 fund and 50% of the funding is available from the Replacement Fund for CIP S2024. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the District’s Vision, “To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices.” LEGAL IMPACT: None. DM:jf P:\WORKING\CIP S2024 Campo Road Sewer Replacement\Staff Reports\BD 11-07-18\BD 11-07-18, Staff Report Campo Road Sewer Replacement - CO No. 3.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – S2024 Budget Detail Exhibit A – Project Location Map Exhibit B – Change Order No. 3 ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: S2024-001103 Approval to Increase the Overall Budget for CIP S2024 in an amount of $230,000.00 and Approve Change Order No. 3 to the Construction Contract with Wier Construction Corporation for the Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on October 16, 2018. The Committee supported staff's recommendation. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item, or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board. ATTACHMENT B – S2024 Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: S2024-001103 Approval to Increase the Overall Budget for CIP S2024 in an amount of $230,000.00 and Approve Change Order No. 3 to the Construction Contract with Wier Construction Corporation for the Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project 9/28/2018 Budget 10,300,000 Planning Consultant Contracts 20,020 20,020 - 20,020 AEGIS ENGINEERING MGMT INC 2,119 2,119 - 2,119 HELIX ENVIRONMNTL PLANNING INC Regulatory Agency Fees 2,260 2,260 - 2,260 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 200 200 - 200 STATE WATER RESOURCES 132 132 - 132 US BANK Service Contracts 43 43 - 43 EAST COUNTY GAZETTE 162 162 - 162 SAN DIEGO DAILY TRANSCRIPT Standard Salaries 146,838 146,838 - 146,838 Total Planning 171,773 171,773 - 171,773 Design 001102 Consultant Contracts 9,315 9,315 - 9,315 WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC 4,025 4,025 - 4,025 MICHAEL D KEAGY REAL ESTATE 3,508 3,508 - 3,508 NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL AND 691,074 691,074 - 691,074 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 735 735 - 735 AIRX UTILITY SURVEYORS INC Professional Legal Fees 182 182 - 182 STUTZ ARTIANO SHINOFF 1,910 1,910 - 1,910 ARTIANO SHINOFF Regulatory Agency Fees 956 956 - 956 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Service Contracts 158 158 - 158 SAN DIEGO DAILY TRANSCRIPT 62 62 - 62 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION Settlements 190,000 190,000 - 190,000 VESTAR CALIFORNIA XVII LLC 144,950 144,950 - 144,950 GRI-REGENCY LLC Standard Salaries 298,827 298,827 - 298,827 Total Design 1,345,703 1,345,703 - 1,345,703 Construction Construction Contracts 394,546 168,265 226,281 394,546 WESTERN ALLIANCE BANK 7,496,366 3,197,036 4,299,330 7,496,366 WIER CONSTRUCTION CORP 156,192 - 156,192 156,192 Change Order No. 3 Consultant Contracts 8,444 8,444 - 8,444 AIRX UTILITY SURVEYORS INC 17,400 17,400 - 17,400 ALYSON CONSULTING 8,112 8,112 - 8,112 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES 116,461 75,519 40,941 116,461 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 12,258 12,258 - 12,258 NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL AND 350,000 265,865 84,135 350,000 VALLEY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Regulatory Agency Fees 9,000 5,675 3,325 9,000 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Service Contracts 3,270 3,270 - 3,270 MAYER REPROGRAPHICS INC Standard Salaries 235,000 189,685 45,315 235,000 205,474 - 205,474 205,474 Contingency 2.6% Total Construction 9,012,523 3,951,529 5,060,994 9,012,523 Grand Total 10,530,000 5,469,005 5,060,994 10,530,000 Vendor/Comments Otay Water District S2024-Campo Road Sewer Main Replacement Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost SKYLINEWESLEYANCHURCH ?Ë AV O C A D O B L V D FURY LANE JAMA C H A B L V D JAMAC H A R D CUYAMACACOLLEGE C A M P O R D C A M P O R D ?Ë PROJECTALIGNMENT OWDREGULATORYSITE Ralph W. ChapmanWater ReclamationFacility SINGER L N RANCHOSAN DIEGOVILLAGE RANCHOSAN DIEGOTOWNECENTER Existing 10-inchGravity Sewer tobe Replaced VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE NTS DIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ?ò Aä;&s ?p ?Ë !\ OTAY WATER DISTRICTCAMPO ROAD SEWER MAIN REPLACEMENTLOCATION MAP EXHIBIT A CIP S2024 0 1,000500 Feet F F P: \ W O R K I N G \ C I P S 2 0 2 4 C a m p o R o a d S e w e r R e p l a c e m e n t \ G r a p h i c s \ E x h i b i t s - F i g u r e s \ E x h i b i t A , L o c a t i o n M a p , O c t 2 0 1 5 . m x d Legend Proposed 15-Inch Sewer Main Alignment Existing 10-inch Gravity Sewer to be Replaced Existing Sewer Mains CIP S2024 - Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project Project: S2024 Consultant/Contractor:Wier Construction Corporation Subproject: 001103 APPROVED C.O.AMOUNT BY DATE DESCRIPTION TYPE C.O. 1 $74,266.00 GM 1/12/2018 Utility Conflict per RFI #10 and PCO #1A, Traffic control credit per RFI #4 and PCO #2. Base material at RSD Towne Center parking lot. Rock removal and disposal increase in quantity. Add 46 days. Contractor 2 $0.00 RP 4/5/2018 Revise sewer slope between MH #7 and MH# 8 to a minimum of 1%.Contractor 3 $156,192.12 East Bore Pit Realignment PCO #3, Cut and Cap Irrigation PCO #5, Sewer Main Realignment MH #18A to MH 17A PCO #7, Remove abandoned utilities PCO #8, Repair Offset Pipe at MH #20 PCO #9, and Increase Bid Item No. 43 Rock Removal and Disposal. Contractor 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2425 Total C.O.'s To Date: $230,458.12 2.9% Original Contract Amount:$7,816,645.95 Current Contract Amount:$8,047,104.07 Month Net C.O.$ Limit Authorization Absolute C.O.$ C.O. % 9/18 $159,192.12 $2,000 Insp 0.0% $10,000 PM/Sr. Engr. 0.0% $20,000 DivM 0.0% $25,000 Chief 0.0% $75,000 GM 0.0% >$75000 Board 0.0% CHANGE ORDER LOG P:\WORKING\CIP S2024 Campo Road Sewer Replacement\Construction\Change Orders\S2024_COLOG_180919 1 9/19/2018 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: November 7, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Kevin Cameron Associate Civil Engineer PROJECT: P2565-001103 DIV. NO. 5 APPROVED BY: Bob Kennedy, Engineering Manager Dan Martin, Assistant Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Approval to Increase the CIP P2565 Budget in an Amount of $200,000 and Award of a Construction Contract to Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. for the 803-2 Reservoir Interior/ Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board): 1. Approve to increase the CIP P2565 budget by $200,000 (from $1,000,000 to $1,200,000); 2. Award a construction contract to Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. (AIS) and Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with AIS for the 803-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project in an amount not-to-exceed $951,690.00 (see Exhibit A for Project location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. 2 PURPOSE: To increase the CIP P2565 budget in the amount of $200,000 (from $1,000,000 to $1,200,000) and to obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a construction contract with AIS for the 803-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project in an amount not-to-exceed $951,690.00. ANALYSIS: The 803-2 Reservoir is a 2.0 million gallon potable water storage facility that serves portions of Rancho San Diego. It is one of three (3) steel tanks in the 803 pressure zone. The 803-2 Reservoir was originally constructed in 1980, and was last recoated on both interior and exterior in 2000. The District’s corrosion consultant maintains a Corrosion Control Program (CCP) that addresses the installation, maintenance, and monitoring of corrosion protection systems for the District’s steel reservoirs and buried metallic piping. The CCP included a reservoir maintenance schedule that showed the 803-2 Reservoir was due to be recoated on both the interior and exterior surfaces. An in-service internal and external inspection was performed by CSI Services, Inc., which illustrated the interior roof coating was in fair to poor condition, and there were areas of blistering on the shell and floor beneath the waterline. Although the blistering paint is still protecting the steel, blisters in the paint are the beginning signs of failure. The external inspection showed the coating on the roof was in poor condition and while the external shell coating was good, it has exceeded its useful life. In addition to replacing the coatings and structural upgrades, safety items will be installed to comply with current safety and health requirements. During construction, service in the 803 pressure zone will be provided by the 803-3 and 803-4 Reservoirs. In addition to the interior and exterior coating removal/replacement, the recommended structural upgrades are as follows: replace the existing level indicator, replace the existing interior ladder, install new fall prevention devices on the exterior ladder, modify anode access ports, replace all cathodic anodes, replace the roof vent, install new safety cable lanyards for roof access, and add multiple tank penetrations for chlorination and sampling. These upgrades will ensure compliance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standards for both Federal (OSHA) and State (Cal-OSHA) as well as upgrade antiquated equipment on the tank. 3 The Project was advertised on September 4, 2018 using BidSync, the District’s online bid solicitation website, on the Otay Water District’s website, and in the Daily Transcript. A Pre-Bid Meeting was held on September 13, 2018, which was attended by seven (7) contractors and vendors. Two (2) addenda were sent out to all bidders and plan houses to address questions and clarifications to the contract documents during the bidding period. Bids were publicly opened on September 25, 2018, with the following results: CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID AMOUNT 1 Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. Los Alamitos, CA $951,690.00 2 AMP United, LLC Los Alamitos, CA $1,264,502.00* *Non-Responsive See below The Engineer's Estimate is $760,000. A review of the bids was performed by District staff for conformance with the contract requirements. During the review of the bids, staff noted that unit pricing, as required by the contract documents, was missing from AMP United, LLC’s (AMP) bid and only the extended total amounts were provided. Staff determined that AMP’s bid is non- responsive. After analyzing the lowest bid submitted by AIS, staff noted that the cost for the structural work was higher than expected. The Engineer’s Estimate for the structural work, specifically the rafter replacement, was taken from previous bids on this type of work. The girder replacement has only been performed on one reservoir, which was done as a change order. The girder replacement was added to the bid as an allowance item in order to get bid price for this work, however, it is unknown if this work will need to be performed until the existing coating is removed. Staff contacted AIS to inquire about the price differential in the structural bid items. AIS stated that the higher prices are a result of steel prices going up 15%-25% and also labor costs have increased in order to retain qualified craftsman. Staff believes that the increased cost for the structural items are a combination of following: increased steel prices due to demand and tariffs, increase in labor costs, and a result of the current bidding climate. As for the wide variance in girder pricing, this was estimated from a change order on the last reservoir recoating (980-1 Reservoir). This was the only reservoir that this type of work has 4 been performed on in the previous 10 years. Staff believes the sub- contractor that performed the structural work on the 980-1 was more efficient, which is why the price was significantly lower, however, that contractor did not submit a bid on this work. AIS will be self- performing this work, but only if required as described above. After receiving only two (2) bids on this solicitation, staff reached out to previous bidders to ask why some contractors elected not to bid. Contractors stated they were too busy with their current workload and did not have the resources to commit to this Project. This unfortunately has been typical on other projects and reflects the current bidding climate of the local economy. During the next budget cycle, staff will re-evaluate the budgets for future projects to be more representative of the current bidding climate. It is unknown if rebidding the project will result in a lower bid because of the uncertainty of future pricing of the structural items, therefore, staff is recommending to award the Project to AIS. Staff determined that AIS is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. AIS holds a Class A Contractor’s license, which expires on January 31, 2020. AIS also holds a current QP-1 certification from the Society for Protective Coatings, which was also a requirement. Staff checked references, and the response from other agencies indicated AIS has an excellent performance rating on similar projects. The proposed Project Manager has experience in California on similar projects and received excellent recommendations. AIS has worked with the District on previous coating projects, including the following reservoirs: 850-3, 832-2, 803-3, 624-2, 711-1, 711-2, and 980-1. These successful projects were completed on time and on budget. AIS submitted the Company Background and Company Safety Questionnaires, as required by the Contract Documents. Staff confirmed that AIS is registered with the Department of Industrial Relations, as required by Senate Bill SB 854. Staff has verified that the bid bond provided by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America is valid. Once AIS signs the contract, they will furnish the performance bond and labor and materials bond. Staff will verify both bonds prior to executing the contract. 5 FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budget for CIP P2565, as approved in the FY 2019 budget, is $1,000,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast, are $1,197,490. See Attachment B for the budget detail. Based on a review of the financial budget, the Project Manager anticipates that with a budget increase of $200,000, the Project will be completed within the new budget amount of $1,200,000. The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate model, 100% of the funding is available from the Replacement Fund. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." LEGAL IMPACT: None. KC/BK:jf P:\WORKING\CIP P2565 803-2 Reservoir Int-Ext Coating & Upgrades\Staff Reports\11-7-18, Staff Report 803- 2 Reservoir Coating_kc.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Budget Detail Exhibit A – Project Location for 803-2 Reservoir ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2565-001103 Approval to Increase the CIP P2565 Budget in an Amount of $200,000 and Award of a Construction Contract to Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. for the 803-2 Reservoir Interior/ Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on October 16, 2018. The Committee supported Staff's recommendation. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item, or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board. ATTACHMENT B – Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2565-001103 Approval to Increase the CIP P2565 Budget in an Amount of $200,000 and Award of a Construction Contract to Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. for the 803-2 Reservoir Interior/ Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project 9/27/2018 Budget 1,000,000 (request additional $200,000) Planning Standard Salaries 7,500 7,368 132 7,500 Service Contracts 3,500 - 3,500 3,500 CSI SERVICES Total Planning 11,000 7,368 3,632 11,000 Design Standard Salaries 20,000 14,470 5,530 20,000 Service Contracts 150 - 150 150 DAILY JOURNAL CORP Equipment Charge 250 88 162 250 EQUIPMENT CHARGE Total Design 20,400 14,558 5,842 20,400 Construction Standard Salaries 90,000 281 89,719 90,000 Construcion Contract 951,690 - 951,690 951,690 ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC. Service Contracts 36,000 36,000 36,000 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 40,000 - 40,000 40,000 COATING INSPECTION 1,800 - 1,800 1,800 WELDING INSPECTION 7,500 7,500 7,500 WATCHLIGHT 1,000 1,000 1,000 MAYER REPROGRAPHICS 2,000 2,000 2,000 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 CLARKSON LABORATORY Equipment Charge 2,000 23 1,977 2,000 EQUIPMENT CHARGE Standard Materials 500 - 500 500 STANDARD MATERIALS Project Closeout 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 CLOSEOUT Project Contingency 28,600 - 28,600 28,600 3% CONTINGENCY Total Construction 1,166,090 304 1,165,786 1,166,090 Grand Total 1,197,490 22,230 1,175,260 1,197,490 Vendor/Comments Otay Water District P2565 - 803-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost OTAY WATER DISTRICT803-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & UpgradesLocation Map EXHIBIT A F P:\\WORKING\CIP P2565 - 803-2 Reservoir Int-Ext Coating\Graphics\Exhibits-Figures\Location Map-803-2.mxd CIP P2565 803-2 Reservoir ACCESS RD COTTONWOOD GOLF COURSE !\ VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE NTSDIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ·|}þ905 ·|}þ125 ·|}þ94 F 944-1R 980-1 927-1R W I L L O W G L E N D R I V E ACCESS RDWILLOW GLEN DRIVE STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: November 7, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Bob Kennedy Engineering Manager Dan Martin Assistant Chief of Engineering PROJECT: P2565, P2574, P2625, R2118, & S2051 DIV. NO. 3 & 5 APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Informational Item - Summary of Recent Construction Bids the District has Received, Grant Funding Potential on Projects, and Utilization of As-Needed Construction Management Services GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To update the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) on recent construction bids the District has received, grant funding available on District projects, and Utilization of As-Needed Construction Management (CM) services. 2 ANALYSIS: RECENT CONSTRUCTION BIDS THE DISTRICT HAS RECEIVED This report will provide an update on the impacts of federal tariffs, construction market/cost trends that have impacted recent bids, and some of the future trends that could impact projects in the next couple of years. On several recent staff reports, staff has noted that in the current bidding climate, the number of bidding contractors has been reduced. During calendar year 2017, the District’s average number of bidders was 5.7 across seven (7) projects advertised for construction. The average number of bidders across ten (10) projects advertised for construction during calendar year 2018 has reduced to 2.6 as of October 1, 2018. When the number of construction projects available for bid grows regionally, the contractors can be selective on the projects they choose to bid. The District has seen a notable increase in the overall number of development projects under construction within the District boundaries, including Village 3, Village 2, Millenia, and the Otay Crossings. All of the District’s construction projects are formally advertised for bid using BidSync, an online bid solicitation website. An advertisement is placed in the Daily Transcript and posted on the District’s website. District staff also performs additional outreach by sending emails to contractors who have in the past submitted bids and by sending emails to several plan houses to increase awareness of the projects out for bid. After the bids are received, District staff performs outreach to contractors who did not submit a bid to get feedback on why they did not submit a bid. During recent feedback received by staff, contractors have responded that they are being very selective on the projects they do bid on, they are too busy, and/or they do not have enough resources to commit to additional projects. One contractor noted that a particular project was not a good fit, others provided feedback that they did not have the time to consider this project, or the project was not large enough to pursue. An overall comment received is that it has been difficult to find qualified skilled labor, which limits the amount of work they can take on. Material costs have also gone up. On June 1, 2018, the federal government imposed a 25% tariff on steel and a 10% tariff on aluminum imports. The Metropolitan Water District recently reported material costs have increased 5% to 10% since March 2018. 3 Other local agencies are reporting increases to their construction costs as well. A recent bid by the San Diego County Water Authority (Water Authority) for the San Diego 28 Flow Control and Alvarado Hydroelectric Facilities was advertised for construction. The construction cost estimate range was $7 million to $8 million. The Water Authority received two (2) bids on August 30, 2018, ranging in price from $13.7 million to $15.87 million. Due to the disparity between the cost estimate and the bid price, staff rejected the bids and are evaluating the reasons for the higher bids. Several staff reports on the November Board agenda identify similar cost impacts from higher material costs and the shortage of qualified skilled labor to work on projects, the bidding climate as well as other factors, such as changes in the scope of work that increased the budgets for all three (3) projects by $575,000. The three projects include the following bids: Vista Vereda (P2574) and Hidden Mesa Road (P2625) After the 60% design phase in March 2018, staff adjusted several bid items in response to the recently completed construction of the Hillsdale Road Waterline Replacement project. As the design approached 100% in June 2018, the engineer’s estimate was also increased to keep pace with skilled labor and material costs. After receiving the bids, staff is recommending a reallocation of funds to the individual CIPs, including a budget decrease of $360,000 to CIP P2574 and a budget increase of $710,000 to CIP P2625. 803-2 Reservoir Interior/ Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project (P2565) Two (2) bids were received on September 25, 2018. The structural steel line items on the lowest bid were higher than expected. Staff believes that the increase in bid costs for the structural steel items are a combination of the following; increase in steel prices, increase in skilled qualified labor costs, and the current bid climate. Staff is recommending a budget increase of $200,000 to this CIP. Ralph W. Chapman Water Reclamation Facility (RWCWRF) Headworks Improvements and Steele Bridge Sewage Pump Station (SPS) Wet Well Improvements (R2118/S2051) One (1) bid was received on September 13, 2018 for the RWCWRF Headworks Improvements and the Steele Bridge SPS Wet Well Improvements projects. These two (2) projects, funded through separate CIPs, were packaged together to try and generate more interest from the bidding community. Staff had received a prior bid for the Steele Bridge SPS Wet Well 4 Improvements project on January 23, 2018 from the same contractor. As part of the bid received on September 13, 2018, one (1) line item for the concrete wet well top slab was $20,000 higher than the January 23, 2018 bid price. The contractor indicated that numerous factors contributed to this increase including current and further potential jumps in material costs by the time the purchases would be made. Staff is recommending a budget increase of $25,000 to CIP R2118. The second CIP for the Headworks Repair doesn’t require a budget adjustment. Future Construction Market/Cost Trends It is anticipated that future construction market/cost trends will increase construction costs since several very large regional projects will be out for bid later this year with construction scheduled to begin in 2019. The SR-11 freeway extension to the U.S border with Mexico and the construction of a third border crossing will be the largest project within the District and various agencies have already committed roughly $370 million to the project. In addition, the San Diego Pure Water project is estimated to spend $1.3 billion in the next three (3) years. That project has already committed to increase small contractor participation, which will impact competitive bidding during construction of these projects. The landscape of the fabricated large diameter steel pipe market has also changed recently with Vancouver based Northwest Pipe acquiring Rancho Cucamonga based Ameron in July 2018. This consolidation, when combined with the steel tariffs, is expected to have a significant impact on the cost of steel pipe for the west coast. It is anticipated that Mid America Pipe, a company based in Kansas that has typically not bid on local projects, would provide competition in the west coast steel pipe market. During the next budget cycle, staff will re-evaluate the budgets for future projects to address the impact construction markets/cost trends will have on construction budgets. Budgets will be updated to represent the current bidding climate, material escalation costs, and the shortage of skilled labor costs. FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES TO SUPPORT THE DISTRICT’S PROJECTS Funding opportunities were analyzed to determine applicability to these projects. Potable pipeline replacement and any recycled water or sewer replacement projects that do not generate a new source of water are not candidates for grant funding or low interest loans. 5 UTILIZATION OF AS-NEEDED CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (CM) SERVICES The District currently utilizes As-Needed CM services to provide construction contract administration for the District’s construction projects. The As-Needed CM services provide the expertise the District requires while also providing flexibility during times when the Capital Improvement Program is not at a level to support a full time CM. The role of the CM is to collaborate with and provide project oversight to the District, the Engineering Designer/Architect, and the General Contractor to administer and deliver the District’s projects on time, at or under budget, and to the District’s specified standard of quality. The services provided by the CM require a specialized skill set. The CM’s role includes:  Leading the construction team through the duration of construction, testing, and commissioning of the project;  Ensuring that established construction policies, procedures, and safety practices are observed;  Providing issue resolution arising from the inspection process or from contract administration;  Acting as the primary lead for construction project decisions regarding technical approaches, cost, scheduling, value engineering, and performance;  Providing expertise for constructability review on projects in the development phase and documenting “lessons learned” on completed projects;  Representing the District in negotiations with contractors on fees and charges including any change requests associated with the construction of the District’s facilities;  Evaluating contractor claims associated with construction projects and providing recommendations on merit and cost;  Evaluating the contractor’s Critical Path Method schedules for delivery of the District’s construction projects;  Ensuring that documentation of the construction project is accurate, complete, and preserved as the District’s record of the construction contract.  Assist the District’s Legal Counsel during mediation/arbitration and lawsuits resulting from construction activities. With these items in mind, the District seeks CMs that are experienced and knowledgeable in the delivery of water and wastewater infrastructure. The current CMs each have more than 20 years of experience and are active members of the Construction Management 6 Association of America. The CMs also work together under a blended team with District Inspection to deliver the District’s construction projects. As part of the District’s budgeting process, staff evaluates the level of effort anticipated for CM services. A review of the Capital Improvement Program is completed and projects that are scheduled to go into construction are quantified for the purposes of estimating CM services. These estimates are the basis for developing Requests for Proposals for As-Needed CM services. Staff manages the CM services on project specific task orders under an awarded As-Needed CM and Inspection contract. The table below shows the level of CM services expended from Fiscal Year 2014 through Fiscal Year 2018. This table also shows the fiscal year Construction Contract Expenditures and Net Change Order Rate for reference purposes. The Construction Manager Expenditures and Level of Effort shown for Fiscal Year 2018 include CM services provided by both the As-Needed Construction Management and Inspection Contracts and project specific CM services provided on the 870-2 Pump Station Project. Fiscal Year (FY) Construction Contract Expenditures ($) Construction Manager Expenditures ($) Construction Manager Level of Effort (Hours) Construction Manager Level of Effort (Full Time Equivalent) Net Change Order Rate* (%) 2014 $6,390,014 $158,400 1056 0.58 3.5 2015 $3,797,277 $112,962 753 0.42 1.9 2016 $6,473,043 $201,444 1342 0.74 1.8 2017 $4,566,138 $204,790 1365 0.75 1.5 2018 $15,101,970 $413,409 2394 1.32 1.3 * Net Change Order rate does not include allowance item credits and represents a true change order percentage for the project. During four (4) of the last five (5) fiscal years, the total level of effort for CM services has not reached an annual level of effort equivalent of one (1) Full Time Equivalent (FTE) in a Construction Manager classification. In FY 2018, the District’s construction delivery reached a peak and the effort for CM Services exceeded one (1) FTE. Under the As-Needed CM and Inspection contracts for Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020, the combined average hourly loaded rate for As-Needed CM services is estimated to be $154.50. This loaded rate includes the 7 CM’s vehicle, equipment, and consumables. It is estimated that the level of effort under the As-Needed CM and Inspection contracts approved by the Board for FY 2019 and FY 2020 will be 0.60 FTE and 0.93 FTE, respectively. Staff will continue to evaluate the annual level of effort for CM services required to support the District’s CIP to see if a long-term sustained need is realized. In FY 2019, it is estimated that the rate of a District CM FTE would be approximately $138 per hour including salary, benefits, vehicle, equipment, training, and certifications. It is noted that current CIP projections and staffing structure do not support the need for a District CM FTE. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer No fiscal impact as this is an informational item only. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsive manner” and the District’s Vision, “To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices.” LEGAL IMPACT: None. BK/DM:jf P:\WORKING\CIP P2574 12-Inch PL Replacement, 978 Zone, Vista Vereda\Staff Reports\Board 11-07-18 Budget Increase\BD 11-7-18 Staff Report Informational Item - Summary of Construction Bids, Grant Funding, CM Svces FINAL.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Exhibit A – Location Map ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2565, P2574, P2625, R2118, & S2051 Informational Item - Summary of Recent Construction Bids the District has Received, Grant Funding Potential on Projects, and Utilization of As-Needed Construction Management Services COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on October 16, 2018. The Committee supported staff's recommendation. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item, or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board. OTAY WATER DISTRICT CIP S2051 P: \ \ W O R K I N G \ C I P P 2 5 7 4 1 2 - i n P L R e p l a c e m e n t , 9 7 8 Z o n e , V i s t a V e r e d a \ S t a f f R e p o r t s \ E x h i b i t A - S t a f f R e p o r t CAMPO RD / SR-94 JAM A C H A B L V D CAMP O R D / S R - 9 4 RWCWRFHEADWORKSIMPROVEMENTS F 0 2,7001,350 Feet EXHIBIT A !\ VICINITY MAP NTSDIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ÃÅ54!\ !\!\ ÃÅ125 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ905 §¨¦805 F JA M A C H A R D WILL O W G L E N D R FURY LN VIS T A G R A N D E R D STEELE BRIDGESEWER PUMP STATION HILLSDALE RD 803-2RES VISTA VEREDAWATER PIPELINE HIDDEN MESA RDWATER PIPELINE CIP R2118CIP P2565CIP P2574CIP P2625