HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-19-22 EO&WR Committee Packet 1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT ENGINEERING, OPERATIONS & WATER RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING and SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS BY TELECONFERENCE 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA Board Room WEDNESDAY January 19, 2022 12:00 P.M. This is a District Committee meeting. This meeting is being posted as a special meeting in order to comply with the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54954.2) in the event that a quorum of the Board is present. Items will be deliberated, however, no formal board actions will be taken at this meeting. The committee makes recommendations to the full Board for its consideration and formal action. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURIS- DICTION INCLUDING AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA This meeting is being held via teleconference. Members of the public may submit their comments on agendized and non-agendized items by either of the following two meth- ods: a) If you wish to provide public comment directly - that is, live during the “Public Participation” portion of the meeting - please complete and submit a Request to Speak Form via email to BoardSecretary@otaywater.gov before the start of the meeting. Your request to speak will be acknowledged during the “Public Partic- ipation” portion of the meeting when the Board will hear your comment. When called to speak, please state your Name and the City in which you reside. You will be provided three minutes to speak. The Board is not permitted to enter in- to a dialogue with the speaker during this time. OR b) If you wish to have your comment read to the Board during the “Public Partici- pation” portion of the meeting, please email your comment to BoardSecre- tary@otaywater.gov at least thirty minutes prior to the start of the meeting, and it will be read aloud during the “Public Participation” portion of the meeting. Please provide your Name and the City in which you reside, with your com- 2 ment. Your comment must not take more than three minutes to read. The Board is not permitted to respond to written public comment during this time. The District’s meeting is live streamed. Information on how to watch and listen to the District’s meeting can be found at this link: https://otaywater.gov/board-of- directors/agenda-and-minutes/committee-meetings/ DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4403 APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTY OWNED BY ANNLAND INVESTMENTS, LLC (APN 517-091-08-00; 1761 JAMACHA ROAD, EL CAJON, CA) TO OTAY WATER DISTRICT SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 18 (LONG) [5 MINUTES] 4. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4404 APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTY OWNED BY MICHAEL TOHE AND HANNA NIDAA (AKA MAHER MEKHA) (APN 517-111-67-00; VISTA VEREDA, EL CAJON, CA) TO OTAY WATER DISTRICT SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 18 (LONG) [5 MINUTES] 5. INFORMATIONAL ITEM - UPDATE ON HOW THE TWO-CONSULTANT SELECTION FOR AS-NEEDED CONTRACTS HAS BEEN SPLIT FOR TASK ORDERS UNDER EACH OF THE CONTRACTS (CAMERON) [5 MINUTES] 6. ADJOURNMENT BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING: Tim Smith, Chair Gary Croucher 3 All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be delib- erated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the Dis- trict’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available by contacting the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to par- ticipate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at 619-670-2253 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on January 14, 2022, I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on January 14, 2022. /s/ Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 SUBMITTED BY: Michael Long Engineering Manager PROJECT NO: FILE NO: D1108-090517 ANX-21-002 DIV. NO. 5 APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Adopt Resolution No. 4403 Approving the Sewer Annexation of Property Owned by Annland Investments, LLC (APN 517-091-08-00; 1761 Jamacha Road, El Cajon, CA) to Otay Water District Sewer Improvement District No. 18 GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 4403 approving the annexation of the property owned by Annland Investments, LLC (APN 517-091-08-00; 1761 Jamacha Road, El Cajon, CA) to Otay Water District Sewer Improvement District (ID) No. 18 (see Exhibit C for Location Map). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: The proposed annexation is to provide sewer service to the parcel located at 1761 Jamacha Road, El Cajon, in an unincorporated area of the County of San Diego California 92019 (APN 517-091-08-00). ANALYSIS: A written request and Petition signed by Project Manager, Saad Bourachi at USA Proficiency Designs, has been received for annexation of APN 517-091-08-00, located at 1761 Jamacha Road, AGENDA ITEM 3 2 in the City of El Cajon and County of San Diego, for sewer service. The total acreage to be annexed is 0.50 acres. The property is within the jurisdictional boundary of the Otay Water District and following the Board’s approval, it will become part of Sewer ID No. 18. The parcel is located adjacent to an existing 8-inch Otay Water District sewer main in Jalisco Road and 12-inch water main in Jamacha Road. The parcel is already contained within the District’s water ID boundary. This parcel is part of the District’s Wastewater Master Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The property owner has paid the District’s annexation processing fee of $898.01, sewer annexation fee for one (1) sewer EDU (current fee is $1,264.41 per EDU) and will pay sewer capacity fees upon annexation approval for parcels located outside the sewer ID (current fee is $8,873.06 per EDU) in effect at the time the service is provided, and any additional fees, including the availability fee, as established in the attached Resolution. STRATEGIC GOAL: Provide enhanced sewer service to meet customer needs. LEGAL IMPACT: No legal impact. MJL/RP:jf https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engpublicservices/Shared Documents/SAMP WSA ANX/D1108-090517 Sewer Annexation 1761 Jamacha Road/Staff Report/BD 02-02-2022 - Staff Report Sewer Annexation ID 18 - Annland Investments LLC Sewer Annex Request.doc Attachments: Attachment A - Committee Action Attachment B - Resolution No. 4403 Exhibit A - Legal Description Exhibit B - Legal Map Exhibit C – Location Map ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: D1108-090517 ANX-21-002 Adopt Resolution No. 4403 Approving the Sewer Annexation of Property Owned by Annland Investments, LLC (APN 517-091-08-00; 1761 Jamacha Road, El Cajon, CA) to Otay Water District Sewer Improvement District No. 18 COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on January 19, 2022. The Committee supported staff’s recommendation. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item, or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board. ATTACHMENT B Page 1 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. 4403 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OTAY WATER DISTRICT APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO OTAY WATER DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 18 OF THOSE LANDS DESCRIBED AS “ANNLAND INVESTMENTS, LLC SEWER ANNEXATION (APN: 517-091-08-00)” (FILE NO. ANX-21-002/DIVISION 5) WHEREAS, a letter has been submitted by Saad Bourachi, the Project Manager representing the owner and party (Annland Investments, LLC) that has an interest in the land described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto, for annexation of said land to Otay Water District Sewer Improvement District No. 18 pursuant to California Water Code Section 72670 et seq.; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 72680.1 of said Water Code, the Board of Directors may proceed and act thereon without notice and hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINDS, RESOLVES, ORDERS AND DETERMINES as follows: 1.A depiction of the area proposed to be annexed, and the boundaries of ID 18 following the annexation, is set forth on a map in Exhibit “B” filed with the Secretary of the District, which map shall govern for all details as to the area proposed to be annexed. 2.The purpose of the proposed annexation is to make sewer service available to the area to be annexed, which availability constitutes a benefit to said area. 3.The Board finds and determines that the area proposed to be annexed to ID 18 will be benefited by such annexation and that the property currently within ID 18 will also be benefited and not injured by such annexation because after the annexation ATTACHMENT B Page 2 of 4 a larger tax base will be available to finance the sewer facilities and improvements of ID 18. 4.The Board of Directors hereby declares that the annexation of said property is subject to the owners complying with the following terms and conditions: (a)The petitioner for said annexation shall pay to Otay Water District the following: (1) The annexation processing fee at the time of application; (2)State Board of Equalization filing fees in the amount of $3,500, if applicable; (3) The sewer annexation fees at the time of connection to the Otay Water District water system; (4)Yearly assessment fees will be collected through the County Tax Assessor’s office in the amount of $10 for APN 517-091-08-00; (5)In the event that sewer service is to be provided, Petitioners shall pay all applicable sewer fees per Equipment Dwelling Unit (EDU) at the time the sewer connection is purchased; and (6)Payment by the owner of APN 517-091-08-00 of all other applicable local or state agency fees or charges. (b)The property to be annexed shall be subject to taxation after annexation thereof for the ATTACHMENT B Page 3 of 4 purposes of the improvement district, including the payment of principal and interest on bonds and other obligations of the improvement district, authorized and outstanding at the time of annexation, the same as if the annexed property had always been a part of the improvement district. 5.The Board hereby declares the property described in Exhibit "A" shall be considered annexed to ID 18 upon passage of this resolution. 6.The Board of Directors further finds and determines that there are no exchanges of property tax revenues to be made pursuant to California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 95 et seq., as a result of such annexation. 7.The annexation of APN 517-091-08-00 to the District’s Sewer Improvement District 18 is hereby designated as the “ANNLAND INVESTMENTS, LLC SEWER ANNEXATION (APN: 517-091-08- 00).” 8.Pursuant to Section 57202(a) of the Government Code, the effective date of the ANNLAND INVESTMENTS, LLC SEWER ANNEXATION (APN: 517-111-67-00) shall be the date this Resolution is adopted by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District. 9.The General Manager of the District and the Secretary of the District, or their respective designees, are hereby ordered to take all actions required to complete this annexation. ATTACHMENT B Page 4 of 4 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District at a regular meeting held this 2nd day of February, 2022. President ATTEST: __________________________________ District Secretary LAN¿) 11, Ter*iiçu; t..$. CIng1 AL J U tY 22, 2C21 ANNEXATION NO.2021. ANNEXATION TO OTAY WATER DISTRICT GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRI PTION ALL THAT CIRTATN PROPIRTY STTUATID tN THE SOUTHW[Sr 1/4 Or THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTTON '19, TOWNSHTP 16 SOUTH, RANGE 1 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THI COUNTY OF SAN DIIGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THt UNITTD STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY, DESCRIBID AS FOLLOWS: BIING LOT B OF SUBDIVISION N4AP NO 4651 JAMACHA TERRACT, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DITGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TILID IN THI OFFICE OT THI RTCORDER OF SAN DIIGO COUNTY, BTING N/ORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT TIT CINTERLINE INTERSECTION OF HILTSDALE ROAD AND JALISCO ROAD, AS SHOWN ON MAP NO.4651, OI JAN/ACHA TERRACE, RTCORDID AS FILE NO 2OBB1O IN THE OFFICE OF THE RTCORDIR OF THE COUNIY OT SAN DIEGO, AND THE TRUE POINT Or BEGINNING; THENCT ALONG THt CTNIERLINE OF JALISCO ROAD 1. SOUTH OO' OB' OO,, WEST 368.84 TEET TO AN ANGLT POINT IN THE CTNTERLINE OF SAID JALISCO ROAD, THENCE LEAVING SAID LINI 2. NORTH 89" 52' OO" WEST 30.00 r[ET TO AN POINT ON THE TASTERLY PROFERTY LINE OF LOT 20 OI- SUBDIVISION N/AP NO. 465i, 0.R., AND THE BEGINNING OF A NON_TANGTNTIAL CURVI, SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 43O.OO FEET, AND WHOST LONG CHORD BEARS 3. NORTr-] 03' 03' 29" WIST 4f .91 FIET THENCI LEAVING SAID EASTTRLY LINE 4. SOUTH 83" 44, 54,' WEST 231.79 FEIT THINCE 5. SOUTH O" OB, OO" WEST 82.43 FE'I TO THE NORTH IAST C OF LOT B OT SUBDIVISION MAP NO. 4651, O.R, AND THE POINT OF BEGINNìNG, TH[NCE 6. SOUTH 13" 42' 00" IAST 94.02 FZIT THENCE sH[tT 1 0t 2 EXHIBIT A J U tY 22, 202tr LAND l-.$. 90e1 riF c 1.S.9091 2231 l tRl¿z [*p.3/ c) a rt-lnrt- LA ND : J * s ofl oF cnuô ANNEXATION NO.2021- 7. SOUTH 76" 18, OO,, WTST 212.00 tttT TO THI SOUTHWISTERLY CORNER OF LOT B OF SUBDIVISION MAP NO. +651, O.R, THENCE B. NORTH 13' 42' OO'' WEST 4.47 TE:I TO A POINT ON THI WTSTERLY PROPERÏY LINE OF LOT B OF SUBDIVISION MAP NO. 4651, O.R., AND THE BEGINNING OF A NON_TANGTNTIAL CURVE, SAID CURVE BTING CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND TURNING THROUGH AN ANGLT OF 05"24, 13.5'" HAVING A RADIUS OF 1150.OO FTIT, AND WHOSI LONG CHORD BEARS 9. NORTH 1 0' 59' 53" WIST 108.46 FEET THENCE LEAVING SAID TASTERLY LINT 10. NORTH 81' 28, 38,' EAST 207.73 aEET TO THI NORTHIASTERLY CORNER OT LOT B OF SUBDIVISION IVlAP NO. 4651, O.R, AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING .5OACRES N/ORE OR LTSS FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THIS DESCRIPTION OF LAND IS NOT A LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AS DEFINED IN THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND MAY NOT BE USED AS THE B/^S/S FOR AN OFFER FOR SALE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED I TERTIIITtIGER THOMAS L.S. 9091 LAND SURVEY ENGINEERS 14 MONARCH BAY PLAZA, #231 DANA POINT, CA 92629 310.66ô.25'10 Ltc. EXP. 03131122 TE z sHttT 2 0r 2 LAND Thomas t-.$. 9c31 OTAY WATER DISTRICT ANNEXATION IN THE SW Í OF THT SW ; OT SECTION 19, T. 16 S, R. 1 [., S.B.l\/ Ëft \ '". ..' . ... Y:'--.,'Á, r '-- YII Fø '*'1:*:.i? VICINIry MAP @ 1 oF.1 ANNEXATION NO.2021- ANNEXATION TO OTAY WATER DISTRICT PLAT MAP LEGEND r I I I I:: I I J' EXISTINC OTAY ITATER DISTRICT BOUNDARY PROPOSED OTAY WATER DISTRICT DOUNDARY SEWER EASEMENT POINT OF BECINNING RADIAL BEARINC DISCLeIMER: "FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY, THIS DESCRIPTION OF LA,ND IS NOT A LEC.4,L PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AS DEFINEDIN TTTE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT A,ND MAY NOT BE USED AS THE BASIS FOR AN OFFER FOR SÀLE OF LAND DESCRIBED. P.O.B. (R) - - N91'-l!- 99! - - IIiI @ 231 19' @l I'''. t I IL:55.90' R:4J0 .uu -{00" \ \_r EXISTING DìSTRICT Y i-) ñ00 Lrloo io() ¿)z 30 .00 v( (Pro\o BOUNDAR LOT 19 1 19-00 LOT 7 ^^517-091-0 /-uu @ @ 517-09 ,.' 00"N3'qL 2\+t g1 NPA N1 3' 42 Oo'N 21 2l SE$]ER ÉASÉ\¡ÉN1 APN N16 L--I-,o 0030.00 \\s t 7A' 35' 0 \\n\o\P\ 1 otv Fo . ^{ 18 ^ o-00LU-' nq1- \o 5\ l-"" APN - -¿¿¿¿¿'='I\\ \\\-"--'J/"/ ú \ \ \\tt \ tl@ IlúI \ POR. SW 1/4 OF sw 1/4 oF sEC. 19,T.16S.R.18. S.B.M. THû$¡S L5, $0Ð'1 l-lû. EXP, ü3,äT¡¿Ê TERWIttIûER LAND SURVEY ENGINËÊRS )cRnpHtc SCALE: 1":70' J U LY 22, 2C21 fu.ÐÂYE T 14 MONARCH BAY PLAZA, #231 DANA POINT, CA 92629 310.666.2510 N13" 42' 00" s4.o2 LOl B @ --00 09\- -_ 5\ Jb1708'L 0050. ,_Ê 40 +,L +'1' $l00"3N1 &.NAP å- ç\ O J eLA ND Rt1W F,xp.3/3 ¿2 % OI L.S. 9091 6) t-._ fn;\) EXHIBIT B OTAY WATER DISTRICT ANNEXATION OF APN 517-091-08-00 TO THEOTAY WATER DISTRICT AND TO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 18LOCATION MAPEXHIBIT AC: \ U s e r s \ d o n a l d . b i e n v e n u e \ O n e D r i v e - O t a y W a t e r D i s t r i c t \ D e s k t o p \ E x h i b i t A - 1 7 6 1 J a m a c h a R d . m x d R$ VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE DIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ÃÅ54!\ ÃÅ125 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ905 §¨¦805 FNTS PROJECT SITE ANX-21-002F 0 16080 Feet DISTRICTSEWER J A L E S C O R D HILLSDALE RD J A M A C H A R D STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: February 2, 2022 SUBMITTED BY: Michael Long Engineering Manager PROJECT NO: FILE NO: D1113-090518 ANX-21-003 DIV. NO. 5 APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Adopt Resolution No. 4404 Approving the Sewer Annexation of Property Owned by Michael Tohe and Hanna Nidaa (aka Maher Mekha) (APN 517-111-67-00 - Vista Vereda, El Cajon, CA) to Otay Water District Sewer Improvement District No. 18 GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 4404 approving the annexation of the property owned by Michael Tohe and Hanna Nidaa (aka Maher Mekha) (APN 517-111-67-00; Vista Vereda, El Cajon, CA) to Otay Water District Sewer Improvement District (ID) No. 18 (see Exhibit C for Location Map). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: The proposed annexation is to provide sewer service to the parcel located on Vista Vereda, El Cajon, in an unincorporated area of the County of San Diego California 92019 (APN 517-111-67-00). ANALYSIS: A written request and Petition signed by Licensed Surveyor, Nicole Spencer, has been received for annexation of APN 517-111- 67-00, located on Vista Vereda, in the City of El Cajon and AGENDA ITEM 4 2 County of San Diego, for sewer service. The total acreage to be annexed is 0.60 acres. The property is within the jurisdictional boundary of the Otay Water District and following the Board’s approval, it will become part of Sewer ID No. 18. The parcel is located adjacent to an existing 8-inch Otay Water District sewer main and 12-inch water main. The parcel is already contained within the District’s water ID boundary. This parcel is part of the District’s Wastewater Master Plan. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The property owner has paid the District’s annexation processing fee of $898.01, sewer annexation fee for one (1) sewer EDU (current fee is $1,264.41 per EDU) and will pay sewer capacity fees upon annexation approval for parcels located outside the sewer ID (current fee is $8,873.06 per EDU) in effect at the time the service is provided, and any additional fees, including the availability fee, as established in the attached Resolution. STRATEGIC GOAL: Provide enhanced sewer service to meet customer needs. LEGAL IMPACT: No legal impact. MJL/RP:jf https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engpublicservices/Shared Documents/SAMP WSA ANX/D1113-090518 Sewer Annexation Vista Vereda/Staff Report/BD 02-02-2022 - Staff Report Sewer Annexation ID 18 - Tohe Sewer Annex Request.doc Attachments: Attachment A - Committee Action Attachment B - Resolution No. 4404 Exhibit A - Legal Description Exhibit B - Legal Map Exhibit C – Location Map ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: D1113-090518 ANX-21-003 Adopt Resolution No. 4404 Approving the Sewer Annexation of Property Owned by Michael Tohe and Hanna Nidaa (aka Maher Mekha) (APN 517-111-67-00 - Vista Vereda, El Cajon, CA) to Otay Water District Improvement District No. 18 COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on January 19, 2022. The Committee supported staff’s recommendation. NOTE: The “Committee Action” is written in anticipation of the Committee moving the item forward for Board approval. This report will be sent to the Board as a Committee approved item, or modified to reflect any discussion or changes as directed from the Committee prior to presentation to the full Board. ATTACHMENT B Page 1 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. 4404 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OTAY WATER DISTRICT APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO OTAY WATER DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 18 OF THOSE LANDS DESCRIBED AS “MICHAEL TOHE SEWER ANNEXATION (APN: 517-111-67-00)” (FILE NO. ANX-21-003/DIVISION 5) WHEREAS, a letter has been submitted by NICOLE SPENCER, the Licensed Surveyor representing the owner and party (Michael Tohe) that has an interest in the land described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto, for annexation of said land to Otay Water District Sewer Improvement District No. 18 pursuant to California Water Code Section 72670 et seq.; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 72680.1 of said Water Code, the Board of Directors may proceed and act thereon without notice and hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINDS, RESOLVES, ORDERS AND DETERMINES as follows: 1.A depiction of the area proposed to be annexed, and the boundaries of ID 18 following the annexation, is set forth on a map in Exhibit “B” filed with the Secretary of the District, which map shall govern for all details as to the area proposed to be annexed. 2.The purpose of the proposed annexation is to make sewer service available to the area to be annexed, which availability constitutes a benefit to said area. 3.The Board finds and determines that the area proposed to be annexed to ID 18 will be benefited by such annexation and that the property currently within ID 18 will also be benefited and not injured by such annexation because after the annexation ATTACHMENT B Page 2 of 4 a larger tax base will be available to finance the sewer facilities and improvements of ID 18. 4.The Board of Directors hereby declares that the annexation of said property is subject to the owners complying with the following terms and conditions: (a)The petitioner for said annexation shall pay to Otay Water District the following: (1) The annexation processing fee at the time of application; (2)State Board of Equalization filing fees in the amount of $3,500, if applicable; (3) The sewer annexation fees at the time of connection to the Otay Water District water system; (4)Yearly assessment fees will be collected through the County Tax Assessor’s office in the amount of $10 for APN 517-111-67-00; (5)In the event that sewer service is to be provided, Petitioners shall pay all applicable sewer fees per Equipment Dwelling Unit (EDU) at the time the sewer connection is purchased; and (6)Payment by the owner of APN 517-111-67-00 of all other applicable local or state agency fees or charges. (b)The property to be annexed shall be subject to taxation after annexation thereof for the ATTACHMENT B Page 3 of 4 purposes of the improvement district, including the payment of principal and interest on bonds and other obligations of the improvement district, authorized and outstanding at the time of annexation, the same as if the annexed property had always been a part of the improvement district. 5.The Board hereby declares the property described in Exhibit "A" shall be considered annexed to ID 18 upon passage of this resolution. 6. The Board of Directors further finds and determines that there are no exchanges of property tax revenues to be made pursuant to California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 95 et seq., as a result of such annexation. 7.The annexation of APN 517-111-67-00 to the District’s Sewer Improvement District 18 is hereby designated as the “MICHAEL TOHE SEWER ANNEXATION (APN: 517-111-67-00).” 8.Pursuant to Section 57202(a) of the Government Code, the effective date of the MICHAEL TOHE SEWER ANNEXATION (APN: 517-111-67-00) shall be the date this Resolution is adopted by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District. 9.The General Manager of the District and the Secretary of the District, or their respective designees, are hereby ordered to take all actions required to complete this annexation. ATTACHMENT B Page 4 of 4 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District at a regular meeting held this 2nd day of February, 2022. President ATTEST: __________________________________ District Secretary ANNEXATION NO. 2021-__ ANNEXATION T OTAY WATER DISTRICT GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 7030, RECORDED MARCH 17, 1978 IN BOOK OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGE 7030, AS FILE NO. 78-1064535, BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE 1 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 19; THENCE, ALONG THE FOLLOWING COURSES: COURSE 1: SOUTH 00˚ 38’ 51” WEST, 121.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING COURSE 2: SOUTH 00˚ 38’ 51” WEST, 99.00 FEET COURSE 3: SOUTH 89˚ 54’ 28” EAST, 265.89 FEET COURSE 4: NORTH 00˚ 33’ 32” EAST, 98.99 FEET COURSE 5: NORTH 89˚ 54’ 21” WEST, 265.74 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 26313.20 SQUARE FEET OR 0.604 ACRES MORE OR LESS FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THIS DESCRIPTION IS NOT A LEGAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AS DEFINED IN SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND MAY NOT BE USED AS THE BASIS FOR AN OFFER FOR SALE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED. __________________________9/20/2021_ N. J. SPENCER DATE L.S. 8734 LIC. EXP. 12/31/2022 OTAY WATER DISTRICT ANNEXATION OF APN 517-111-67-00 TO THEOTAY WATER DISTRICT AND TO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 18LOCATION MAPEXHIBIT AC: \ U s e r s \ d o n a l d . b i e n v e n u e \ O n e D r i v e - O t a y W a t e r D i s t r i c t \ D e s k t o p \ E x h i b i t A - 1 6 4 0 V i s t a V e r e d a . m x d !\ VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE DIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ÃÅ54 ÃÅ125 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ905 §¨¦805 FNTS PROJECT SITE ANX-21-003F 0 16080 Feet DISTRICTSEWER VISTA VEREDA CT VI S T A V E R E D A HIDDEN MESA RD HIDDEN SPRINGS CT HIDDEN ME S A T R L STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee MEETING DATE: January 19, 2022 SUBMITTED BY: Kevin Cameron Senior Civil Engineer PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. All APPROVED BY: Bob Kennedy, Engineering Manager Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Informational Item - Update on the Two-Consultant Selection for As-needed Contracts GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To update the Board on how the two-consultant selection for as-needed contracts has been split for task orders under each of the contracts. ANALYSIS: The Otay Water District (District) uses consulting services on an as-needed basis in support of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), and provides the ability to obtain services in a timely and efficient manner. This concept is used on a variety of disciplines including engineering design, construction management, environmental services, and geotechnical engineering. In 2014, the District started selecting two consultants for engineering design services to compete for each task order under the AGENDA ITEM 5 2 contract period. The selected firms would prepare a detailed scope of work, schedule, and fee for each task order. Staff selects the proposal that has the best value based upon qualifications and cost. The two-consultant selection was expanded to other disciplines as the older contracts expired. In response to a question from the Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee, staff is providing Attachment B which shows how, historically, the two-consultant selection has been split for task orders under each of the as-needed services. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer None. GRANTS/LOANS: N/A STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." LEGAL IMPACT: None. KC/BK:jf C:\OneDrive\Otay Water District\ENG OPERATING - Documents\As-Needed Services\z-INACTIVE\As-Needed Status\BD_02-02-2022_Staff Report-Two Consultant Selection For As-needed Contracts.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Two-consultant Selection Breakdown ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: Various Informational Item - Update on the Two-Consultant Selection for As-needed Contracts COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on January 19, 2022. ATTACHMENT B Two-consultant Selection Breakdown C:\OneDrive\Otay Water District\ENG OPERATING - Documents\As-Needed Services\z-INACTIVE\As-Needed Status\Two Consultant Selection Comparison-Updated 2021-12-08-CompletedOnly.xlsx As-Needed Service (YRS)As-Needed Service (YRS) Contract Amount Contract Amount Status Status Firms Psomas Arcadis Psomas Rick Engr NV5 Michael Baker Alyson Valley CM Firms Task Order Amounts 54,725$ 243,386$ 212,413$ 299,223$ 496,500$ 96,168$ 185,508$ 342,134$ Task Order Amounts Percentage 18%81%42%58%83%16%35%65%Percentage Number of Task Orders 9 3 4 5 3 2 4 3 Number of Task Orders As-Needed Service (YRS)As-Needed Service (YRS) Contract Amount Contract Amount Status Status Firms Alyson Valley CM Helix ICF Ninyo & Moore Geocon Hazen WSC Firms Task Order Amounts 389,173$ 273,169$ 117,434$ 280,903$ 150,020$ 24,054$ 77,345$ 97,500$ Task Order Amounts Percentage 59%41%29%70%86%14%44%56%Percentage Number of Task Orders 13 4 7 18 10 6 8 9 Number of Task Orders 12/8/2021 : Updated Construction Management FY 19-20 $662,342 Complete Engineering Design FY 18-19 $600,000 Complete Environmental FY 18-20 $400,000 Complete Engineering Design FY 15-16 $300,000 Complete Engineering Design FY 17-18 $511,636 Complete Hydraulic Modeling FY 18-19 $175,000 Complete Construction Management FY 18-19 $175,000 Complete Geotechnical FY 18-21 $527,147 Complete