HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-06-17 Board Packet 1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING DISTRICT BOARDROOM 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA September 6, 2017 3:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF MAY 3, 2017 AND JUNE 7, 2017; AND SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF MAY 24, 2017 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR 6. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PAR- TICULAR ITEM: a) AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO ORTIZ CORPORATION FOR THE FUERTE DRIVE SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT (CIP S2045) IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $147,650.00 b) AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO T.C. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. FOR THE HILLSDALE ROAD 12-INCH WATERLINE RE- PLACEMENT (CIP P2573) AND SEWER REPAIRS (CIP S2048) PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $2,396,060.00 ACTION ITEMS 7. BOARD a) DISCUSSION OF 2017 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR 2 INFORMATIONAL ITEM 8. THE FOLLOWING ITEM IS PROVIDED TO THE BOARD FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEM: a) FOURTH QUARTER UPDATE ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 CAPITAL IM- PROVEMENT PROGRAM (MARTIN) REPORTS 9. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 10. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE 11. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS 12. PRESIDENT’S REPORT RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 13. CLOSED SESSION a) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOV- ERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT v. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL b) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION [GOV- ERNMENT CODE §54956.9] SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9 AND INITIATION OF LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (4) OF SUBDIVISION (D) OF SECTION 54956.9: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY v. METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT, CASE NO. S243500 c) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957.6 TITLE: GENERAL MANAGER RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 14. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT 3 All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the District’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available through the District Secretary by contacting her at (619) 670-2280. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to participate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at (619) 670-2280 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on September 1, 2017, I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 72 hours in advance of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on September 1, 2017. /s/ Susan Cruz, District Secretary 1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT May 3, 2017 1. The meeting was called to order by President Robak at 3:36 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Croucher, Gastelum, Robak and Smith Directors Absent: Director Thompson Staff Present: General Manager Mark Watton, General Counsel Daniel Shinoff, Asst. General Manager German Alvarez, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Asst. Chief of Operations Jose Martinez, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA President Robak noted that item 8a, ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 563 AMENDING SECTION 9, ANNEXATIONS AND DETACHMENTS; SECTION 28 CONNECTION FEES AND CHARGES FOR PORTABLE OR RECYCLED WATER SERVICE; SECTION 53, CONDITIONS FOR SEWER SERVICE; AND APPENDIX A OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ADJUST THE DISTRICT’S WATER CAPACITY FEE, NEW WATER SUPPLY FEE, AND ANNEXATION FEE; CREATE A SEWER CAPACITY FEE AND MODIFY THE SEWER ANNEXATION FEE, WITH ALL CHANGES TO BE EFFECTIVE MAY 3, 2017, is being pulled from the agenda as the items requires additional staff work. A motion was made by President Robak, and seconded by Director Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Thompson to approve the agenda as amended (removing item 8a). 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF JANUARY 4, 2017 AND FEBRUARY 1, 2017 2 A motion was made by Director Croucher, and seconded by Director Gastelum and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Thompson to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of January 4, 2017 and February 1, 2017. 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA Mr. Humbert Cabrera of El Cajon indicated that he wished to urge the President of the Board to consider having letters written in by those who wish to address the board during the public participation portion of the meeting. There are other avenues available to the community to address the recalling of a member of the board and he urged the public to use those avenues. He indicate that this would allow the District to focus on business during board meetings. CONSENT CALENDAR 7. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Croucher, seconded by Director Smith and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Thompson to approve the following consent calendar items: a) APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH PROSPECTRA CONTRACT FLOORING FOR FLOOR COVERING REPLACEMENT FOR THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AT AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $183,415 b) AMEND THE DISTRICT’S PURCHASING MANUAL TO REFLECT THE RECOMMENDED UPDATES TO STREAMLINE THE PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES FOR THE DISTRICT 3 c) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4330 DESIGNATING SPECIFIC STAFF POSITIONS AS AUTHORIZED AGENTS TO DEAL WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, ON THE DISTRICT’S BEHALF IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO DISASTER ASSISTANCE d) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4331 AMENDING POLICY NO. 27, THE INVESTMENT POLICY, OF THE DISTRICT’S CODE OF ORDINANCES AND RE-DELEGATE AUTHORITY FOR ALL INVESTMENT RELATED ACTIVITIES TO THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 53607 e) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4332 TO EXTEND THE LETTER OF CREDIT WITH UNION BANK FOR THE OUTSTANDING VARIABLE RATE DEBT AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT f) AWARD A CONTRACT TO KIRK PAVING IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO- EXCEED $200,000 FOR AS-NEEDED ASPHALT PAVING SERVICES FROM JULY 1, 2017 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2018, WITH AN OPTION TO EXTEND IT TO JUNE 30, 2019 g) AWARD TWO (2) PROFESSIONAL AS-NEEDED CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES CONTRACTS TO ALYSON CONSULTING AND VALLEY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, EACH IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $500,000. THE TOTAL AMOUNT FOR THE TWO (2) CONTRACTS WILL NOT EXCEED $500,000 DURING FISCAL YEARS 2018 AND 2019 (ENDING JUNE 30, 2019) h) AWARD TWO (2) PROFESSIONAL AS-NEEDED WATER RECLAMATION ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES CONTRACTS TO ARCADIS U.S., INC. AND KEH & ASSOCIATES, EACH IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $175,000. THE TOTAL AMOUNT FOR THE TWO CONTRACTS WILL NOT EXCEED $175,000 DURING FISCAL YEARS 2018 AND 2019 (ENDING JUNE 30, 2019) i) APPROVE AN INCREASE TO THE CIP S2024 BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,600,000 AND AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO WIER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR THE CAMPO ROAD SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $7,816,645.95 ACTION ITEMS 8. ENGINEERING AND WATER OPERATIONS 4 a) APPROVE A PERMANENT MORATORIUM ON THE INSTALLATION OF NEW RECYCLED WATER FACILITIES ON OTAY MESA Engineering Manager Dan Martin indicated that staff is requesting that the Board place a permanent moratorium on the installation of new recycled water facilities on the Otay Mesa effective July 1, 2017. Please reference the Committee Action notes attached to staff’s report (Attachment A) for the details of Mr. Martin’s report. Director Smith indicated that he is supportive of the recommendation, but wished to share a few thoughts. He stated that he would like staff to look at this from a regional perspective and felt in California we should find ways to use potable water more than once. He indicated that possibly there is a way to obtain water from the South Bay Water Reclamation Plant and treat it to potable water instead of continuing to build purple pipe. He encouraged staff to look for new customers for recycled water. He also reminded the board that this decision will cost the District grant monies and the repayment of CWA capacity fees. Director Croucher noted that the District needs to also look at the big picture. If we are able to capture the water and recycle it to potable, it impacts the discharge to the Metro as the discharge becomes more dense. He stated that we need to look at all the different options (groundwater recharge, pure water/toilet to tap, etc.) and their impacts, while being as efficient as possible. After further discussion, a motion was made by President Robak, and seconded by Director Gastelum and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak and Smith Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Thompson to approve staffs’ recommendation. 9. BOARD a) DISCUSSION OF 2017 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR There were no changes to the board meeting calendar. REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT General Manager’s Report 5 General Manager Watton presented information from his report which included an update on safety and security, the upcoming annual employee picnic, the GIS regional imagery project, the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Award, the fiscal year 2018 budget, the Campo Road sewer replacement project, City of San Diego Pure Water project, Sweetwater Authority emergency interconnect on E. Naples, and water purchases. The board had comments and questions concerning a few items in the General Manager’s report and staff responded to the questions and comments. CWA Report Director Smith reported that CWA was awarded the American Society of Civil Engineers OPAL Award (Outstanding Projects and Leaders) for their emergency storage project. He noted that this is a prestigious worldwide award. He also shared that the Water Smart website (watersmartsd.org) is providing template designs for water smart landscapes. This is a really good resource for single family home customers throughout the State. He also indicated that there was discussion on the Salton Sea as to whether the water transfers will stop or if it will become the responsibility of the State. He reported on CWA’s use of fiber optic sensors to monitor their pipelines and assist them in determining where they need preventative maintenance. He stated that he felt this was a great use of money as for a small cost, CWA can determine the actual condition of pipelines and where repairs are required, which allows the pipelines to be kept in place longer. He lastly shared that CWA will be purchasing a lower flow water meter which would allow them to take less water from MWD. The payback period for purchasing the meter was 1.6 years, which is a good investment as CWA has been taking less water from MWD. Director Croucher added that the current system in place with MWD could not track the smaller amount of water that CWA is currently taking. The small meter resolves this issue and is a good approach for both agencies. He stated that CWA will be discussing moving to Drought Level 1 and noted that ACWA’s annual conference is coming up in May 2017. He indicated that he, along with other officers of CWA, will meet with MWD representative while at the conference. He also shared that he attended the San Diego Chamber Congressional Luncheon and the Economic Council Development Council meeting along with Director Smith. 11. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS Director Smith reported that he attended the District’s regular board meeting and the WateReuse Conference in March and in April he attended the Special Board meeting and the Engineering, Operations and Water Resources Committee. He also presented an idea he had for an Otay WD project called the Otay River Groundwater Recharge Project. This project would be similar to Orange County’s project. Rain water could be captured and, along with treated recycled water, could be injected into the Otay River. He stated it is just an idea and he is waiting to hear staffs’ feedback on the idea. 6 12. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Robak reported on the meetings he attended during the months of March and April 2017 (his report is attached). He shared that Cuyamaca College received a million dollar grant and will start providing a four-year degree for Management in Water Utilities in their new “Institute for Water Studies”. This will be the first bachelor degree program at Cuyamaca College. He also discussed the Water Conservation Garden and its partners and interest in focusing the Garden back to its core mission. He also presented a video of his visit to the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River. 13. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Robak adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m. ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary 7 President’s Report Mark Robak May 3, 2017 Board Meeting # Date Meeting Purpose 1 1-Mar OWD Regular Board Meeting Monthly board meeting 2 2-Mar Metro JPA Monthly commission meeting 3 3-Mar Albondigas South County Presented on Local Water issues with Director Mitch Thompson 4 17-Mar Gary Croucher & Dennis Cushman Discussed CWA/MWD Issues 5 19 to 21- Mar WateReuse Annual Conference Received updates on recycled water technologies and presentations on expanding the use of recycled water 6 23-Mar San Diego East County Chamber Meeting Heard presentation from Treasuer/Tax Assessor Dan McAllister 7 29-Mar Water Conservation Garden Workshop Presentation and brainstorming of ideas to improve Garden 8 3-Apr MWD Briefing Meeting at SDCWA with Maureen Stapleton & Amy Chen 9 4-Apr Tour of Otay Regional Trail Toured the trail with General Manager Watton and Environmental Specialists Boyd-Coburn 10 6-Apr Chula Vista Development Forum Received an update from the City Mayor and Developers on developments planned within the City of Chula Vista. 11 6 to 7-Apr CA Water Policy Conference Received presentations on CA water issues 12 17-Apr Committee Agenda Briefing Met with General Manager Watton to review items that will be presented at the April committee meetings. 13 17-Apr Otay WD Special Board Meeting Workshop on the District's Cost of Service Study 14 19-Apr Finance, Administration and Communications Committee Reviewed and discussed finance, admin and communications items 15 20-Apr Institute for Water Studies Toured Cuyamaca College's facilites and future plans with Don Jones and Joe Young 16 20-Apr Water Conservation Garden Board Meeting Discussed the proposed Water Conservation Garden Operating Agreement. 17 20-Apr Water Reliability Coalition Reception Annual Award ceremony and mixer 8 18 22-Apr San Diego Water for People Jazz 88 Event Mixer at Quartyard to raise money for organization projects 19 26-Apr Met with Supervisor Dianne Jacob Met with Supervisor Jacob to discuss potential sewer services cooperation 20 28-Apr Board Agenda Briefing Met with General Manager Watton and Attorney Jeanne Blumenfeld to review items that will be presented at the May Board Meeting. 21 29-Apr Spring Garden Festival Yearly event at Water Conservation Garden 1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT June 7, 2017 1. The meeting was called to order by President Robak at 3:34 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Staff Present: General Manager Mark Watton, General Counsel Daniel Shinoff, Asst. General Manager German Alvarez, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Asst. Chief of Operations Jose Martinez, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Croucher, and seconded by Director Thompson and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the agenda. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA Mr. Fayaz Nawabi indicated that he is with the Trustee Advisory Council for the San Diego Community College District. He stated that the committee that will handle the recall of Director Gastelum is anticipated to be chartered by the end of the week. He indicated that the chair of the Committee will be Reverend Jason Prater and stated that he was looking forward to recalling Director Gastelum in the next couple months. 6. PRESENTATION ON THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY vs. METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT LAWSUIT 2 Ms. Meena Westford, Special Projects Manager for the Metropolitan Water District (MWD), presented on achievements that San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) and her agency have accomplished together and updates on some of the most important water challenges that our agencies are facing. She reviewed MWD’s background as a regional water wholesaler with 26 member agencies and governed by 38 board members. MWD provides services to six (6) counties covering 5200 square miles. She reviewed their water supply and storage strategy and presented MWD’s viewpoint on information concerning the lawsuit between CWA and MWD (see attached presentation). There were questions from the members of the board and Ms. Westford responded to the inquiries. Director Thompson indicated that he did not agree with many of the things that Ms. Westford indicated was misinformation concerning CWA’s lawsuit with MWD. He stated that he felt there are significant issues with our whole system of governance with MWD in general. He indicated the fact there is litigation between the two agencies is an example of that. He stated he hoped Ms. Westford’s statement that MWD wanted the agencies to work together will become a reality as opposed to the current situation where we have to fight out issues. He thanked her for coming to the District’s meeting as he agrees that we need to keep the dialogue between the agencies open. Ms. Maureen Stapleton, General Manager of the CWA, reviewed CWA’s background and its strategy to diversify supplies to increase water supply reliability to assure that the County of San Diego would be able to sustain water deliveries even through drought. She stated by 2016, following the drought in 1991, CWA was able to diversify its supplies to where less than half of its water supply was coming from MWD (41% in 2016 versus 95% in 1991). She stated that it is expected that the County of San Diego will diversify its supplies further and by 2035 only 13% of its water supplies will come from MWD. She also reviewed the historical rainfall in California and indicated that 2017 was a record rainfall year which allowed Governor Brown to rescind his January 2014 “Drought State of Emergency” and eliminated the mandatory conservation for all counties except for four. She noted that during the mandated conservation, the County of San Diego was able to disregard the conservation requirement due to the County’s diversification of its water supplies. Ms Stapleton then reviewed the issues in their lawsuit with MWD (see attached presentation). She noted that MWD has overcharged San Diego County for water deliveries (please reference slide 26 of the presentation noting the overcharges to all 24 CWA member agencies) and the impact to the Otay Water District’s ratepayers alone is an overcharge of $18.9 million from 2011 to 2014 and $38.1 million from 2011 to 2018. She stated these monies are coming out of the Otay Water District’s ratepayers’ pocket and subsidizing MWD’s water sales to their other 25 member agencies. Ms. Stapleton also reviewed MWD’s financial practices and its impacts to Southern California ratepayers and their continued practice of overcharging their 3 member agencies. She stated that MWD is a critical water agency for California and our region needs a financially sound organization for the long run. She stated that CWA wishes to engage public officials and opinion leaders to ask questions about MWD’s practices:  Why are they draining their reserves?  Why are they borrowing nearly one billion dollars unexpectedly and unplanned?  Why have they not done a long range financing plan?  Why are they buying property without doing appraisals? CWA is putting these issues in the spotlight so that solutions can be found. CWA wishes to resolve its dispute with MWD and wants a sustainable MWD. They are requesting that Otay Water District support its efforts as it means billions of dollars to California ratepayers. Director Croucher suggested that the District consider adopting a resolution showing its support of CWA’s lawsuit. The Board had comments and asked questions. Ms. Stapleton responded to the inquiries. The board recessed at 5:20 p.m. and reconvened 5:31 p.m. CONSENT CALENDAR 7. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Smith, seconded by Director Thompson and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the following consent calendar items: a) AWARD TWO (2) PROFESSIONAL AS-NEEDED CORROSION ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACTS WITH RFYEAGER ENGINEERING, LLC AND CORRPRO COMPANIES, INC., AN AGEGION COMPANY, EACH IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $577,276 FOR FISCAL YEARS 2018 AND 2019 [ENDING JUNE 30, 2019] b) AWARD TWO (2) PROFESSIONAL AS-NEEDED HYDRAULIC MODELING SERVICES CONTRACTS WITH WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING, INC. AND HAZEN AND SAWYER, EACH IN AN 4 AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $175,000 FOR FISCAL YEARS 2018 AND 2019 [ENDING JUNE 30, 2019] c) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4334 TO CONTINUE WATER AND SEWER AVAILABILITY CHARGES FOR THE DISTRICT’S CUSTOMERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 TO BE COLLECTED THROUGH PROPERTY TAX BILLS d) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4335 TO ESTABLISH THE TAX RATE FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 27 AT $0.004 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017- 2018 e) APPROVE THE ADDENDUM TO THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE OTAY MESA CONVEYANCE AND DISINFECTION SYSTEM PROJECT ACTION ITEMS 8. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION a) APPROVE A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT POWERS AGENCY WATER CONSERVATION GARDEN OPERATION AGREEMENT TO EXTEND THE EXPIRATION DATE AND THE FUNDING AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $96,450 FOR AN ADDITIONAL 12 MONTHS FROM JUNE 30, 2017 TO JUNE 30, 2018 Communications Officer Tenille Otero indicated that staff is requesting that the Board approve the second amendment to the Joint Powers Agency Water Conservation Garden Operation Agreement. Please reference the Committee Action notes attached to staff’s report (Attachment A) for the details of Ms. Otero’s report. The board members made comments supporting the Water Conservation Garden (WCG). Director Gastelum indicated he was not aware of the existence of the WCG. He stated, as a condo owner, he does not receive a water bill from the Otay Water District directly and, thus, does not receive the District’s customer newsletter. He suggested that the District publish information about the WCG in all the different developments Homeowners Association newsletters as it would be a good way to publicize the WCG and their events to both single residential and multi-residential homeowners. A motion was made by Director Croucher, seconded by Director Gastelum and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None 5 to approve staffs’ recommendation. b) APPROVE THE WATER SYSTEM FEES FROM JULY 1, 2016 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2017 AND AMEND THE DISTRICT’S PURCHASING MANUAL SECTION 7.2.8.a TO ADD “REGULATORY FEES” TO STREAMLINE THE DISTRICT’S PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES Chief of Water Operations Pedro Porras indicated that staff is requesting that the board authorize payment of the water system fee to the State Water Resources Control Board which currently exceeds the General Manager’s authorization level and amend the District’s Purchasing Manual to add “Regulatory Fees” in Section 7.2.8, Board Authorized Purchases Exceeding the General Manager’s Authority. Please reference the Committee Action notes attached to staff’s report (Attachment A) for the details of Mr. Porras’ report. There was discussion by the board of the State Water Resources Control Board’s rational for increasing their water system fee by 510%. Following the discussion a motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: Director Gastelum Abstain: None Absent: None to approve staff’s recommendation and to delegate to the Board President the forwarding of a letter to the State Water Resources Control Board making them aware of the District’s concerns with regard to their 510% water system fee increase. c) ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 563 AMENDING SECTION 9, ANNEXATIONS AND DETACHMENTS; SECTION 28 CONNECTION FEES AND CHARGES FOR POTABLE OR RECYCLED WATER SERVICE; SECTION 53, CONDITIONS FOR SEWER SERVICE; AND APPENDIX A OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ADJUST THE DISTRICT’S WATER CAPACITY FEE, NEW WATER SUPPLY FEE, AND ANNEXATION FEE; CREATE A SEWER CAPACITY FEE AND MODIFY THE SEWER ANNEXATION FEE, WITH ALL CHANGES TO BE EFFECTIVE JUNE 7, 2017 Finance Manager Kevin Koeppen requested that the Board adopt Ordinance No. 563 amending Section 9.04.B and 9.04.C.4, Annexations and Detachments; Sections 28.01.A and 28.01.B, Connection Fees and charges for Potable or Recycled Water Service; Section 53.03.A.1, conditions for Sewer Service; and Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances which will update five (5) water fee charges as noted in staffs’ report. Mr. Tom Gould, HDR Engineering, Inc. was in 6 attendance of the meeting to present on the findings of the District’s Rate Study. Please reference the Committee Action notes attached to staff’s report (Attachment A) for the details of Mssrs. Koeppen and Gould’s reports. The board asked questions and staff and Mr. Gould responded to the board’s inquiries. Mr. Curt Smith of the HomeFed Corporation indicated that his organization owns quite a bit of real estate in Otay Ranch and they currently have several developments that will provide for approximately 13,000 dwelling units plus other land uses. It is expected that these units will be built over the next 20 years. He stated that HomeFed Corporation is in support of the meter fee reduction and that he was in attendance of today’s meeting to discuss the larger homes in their developments. He indicated that the fixture count in these homes are a little beyond the Otay Water District’s threshold for a ¾” meter and, thus, require a 1” meter. Mr. Smith asked if the District could work with his organization and other developers (the industry) on ways to handle these increments without having to move to a 1” meter as the cost difference between a ¾” and 1” meter is so great. General Manager Watton explained that the capacity fee is different than the calculation of the meter size based on fixture count. He stated that staff would work and discuss this issue with HomeFed Corporation. A motion was made by Director Croucher, seconded by Director Smith and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve staffs’ recommendation. 9. BOARD a) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4337 OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT SUPPORTING EFFORTS TO KEEP THE TIJUANA RIVER NATIONAL ESTUARINE RESEARCH RESERVE OPEN In response to an inquiry from Director Smith, Director Thompson clarified that the funding referenced in the resolution is funding from the Federal government. The resolution is supporting the continuing of Federal funding for the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve. A motion was made by Director Smith, seconded by Director Thompson and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Robak, Smith and Thompson 7 Noes: Director Gastelum Abstain: None Absent: None to adopt Resolution No. 4337 supporting efforts to keep the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve open. b) DISCUSSION OF 2017 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR There were no changes to the board meeting calendar. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 10. THIS ITEM IS PROVIDED TO THE BOARD FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEM. a) THIRD QUARTER UPDATE ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2017 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Engineering Manager Dan Martin provided an update on the District’s third quarter of FY 2017 Capital Improvement Program. He indicated that the FY 2017 budget is divided into 90 projects totaling $11.8 million. The overall expenditures through the third quarter is $7.3 million which is approximately 62% of the FY 2017 budget. Please reference the Committee Action notes attached to staff’s report (Attachment A) for the details of Mr. Martin’s report. The board asked questions and staff responded to the board’s inquiries. REPORTS 11. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT General Manager’s Report General Manager Watton presented information from his report which included an update on Cal-Card rebate, SDRMA credit incentive program, 2017 Top Tech Executive Awards, State Route 94 Campo Road at Melody Road project, school lead testing program, conservation and water purchases. The board had comments and questions concerning a few items in the General Manager’s report and staff responded to the inquiries and comments. CWA Report Director Smith reported that CWA is moving water around in their aqueducts in the north to combat bad water quality. He also noted that CWA’s reservoirs are filled so they can provide emergency storage for up to six (6) months. He indicated in an effort to maximize storage, as the State has a large issue with 8 storage capacity, CWA has discussed with MWD the possibility of moving water from northern California to southern California to store the water in all the various agencies’ reservoirs. MWD declined the offer as they felt it was too hard. He indicated that it is possible that the State could get involved. He lastly shared that CWA is presenting its proposed budget for FY 2018 and they indicated that they will be absorbing some of their cost increases to keep their rate increase to 3.7% for the upcoming fiscal year and is expected the rate increase will be from 3% to 5% in the following fiscal year. Director Croucher added that CWA will continue with the outreach to Sacramento and Washington DC in an effort to push this shared storage idea forward in a positive direction and that he will be traveling to Washington, DC with CWA representatives. They will be meeting with the Bureau of Reclamation and the Army Corp of Engineers to review the plans for water storage for both Los Angeles and San Diego Counties. He also commented on MWD’s budget and their rebate program. He lastly shared that he, along with other officers of CWA, attended the ACWA conference in May and CWA won the Clair A. Hill Water Agency Award of Excellence for their Desalination Project. Along with this award, a $5000 scholarship with be awarded to a qualified undergraduate student in San Diego that can be applied to his/her tuition and fees for the upcoming academic year. 12. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS Director Smith reported that he attended the District’s regular board meeting, Engineering Operations and Water Resources Committee meeting, Budget Workshop/Special Board meeting, Ad Hoc City of San Diego Matters Committee and the Desalination Project Committee meeting in May. He stated the Desalination Project Committee reviewed an analysis of the project’s viability based on different assumptions that were input into a spreadsheet. The assumptions could be changed in the spreadsheet to see how they impact the projects feasibility. He noted that a contract still needs to be negotiated, but the spreadsheet allows the District to determine the range that would make the project viable. Director Gastelum indicated that he attended the ACWA Conference in May and the Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) made a presentation that seemed to provide a “win win” situation for the agency, employees and its ratepayers. He stated that he would like to have the JPIA contact the District to share the information. 13. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Robak reported on meetings he attended during the month of May 2017 (his report is attached). He shared that he met with the lease owners of the Salt Creek Golf Course and the District’s committee will be meeting to discuss the status of negotiations with the lease owners. He also shared that General Manager Watton and he met with San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob 9 regarding potential opportunities to share efforts on sewer services and the County indicated that they had no interest at this time. 14. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 7:23 p.m. to discuss the following matters: a) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT v. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL The board reconvened at 7:46 p.m. and General Counsel Shinoff reported that the board met in closed session and took no reportable actions. 15. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Robak adjourned the meeting at 7:46 p.m. ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary 10 President’s Report Mark Robak June 6, 2017 Board Meeting # Date Meeting Purpose 1 2-May Water Conservation Garden Ad Hoc Governence Committee 2 3-May OWD Regular Board Meeting Monthly board meeting 3 4-May Metro JPA Meeting Monthly commission meeting 4 4-5 May P3 Water Summit Discussion of Private Public Partnerships 5 12-May Meeting with Salt Creek Golf Course ownership Discuss ownership concerns 6 15-May Committee Agenda Briefing Met with General Manager Watton to review items that will be presented at the May committee meetings. 7 17-May Finance, Administration and Communications Committee Reviewed items that will be presented at the June board meeting. 8 18-May 12th Annual Kiwanis Safety Officer Appreciation Scholarship Dinner Represent District at the Event 9 22-May Water Conservation Garden Ad Hoc Governence Committee 10 23-May Desalination Project Committee Reviewed items that will be presented at the June board meeting. 11 25-May San Diego County Taxpayers Association Golden Watchdog & Fleece Annual Dinner 11 12 24-May OWD Special Board Meeting/Budget Workshop Discussed proposed budget for FY 2018 13 26-May Interview on KUSI TV Discuss Desalination Project/Presidential Permit 14 30-May Interview with La Prensa reporter Discuss Desalination Project/Presidential Permit 15 31-May Interview with Newsweek reporter Discuss Desalination Project/Presidential Permit 16 31-May Interview with Union Tribune Reporter Discuss City of San Diego lawsuit 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OTAY WATER DISTRICT May 24, 2017 1. The meeting was called to order by President Robak at 3:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Directors Absent: Croucher (due to a personal commitment) Staff Present: General Manager Mark Watton, Attorney Jeanne Blumenfeld, Asst. GM German Alvarez, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Chief of Administration and Information Technology Adolfo Segura, Asst. Chief of Operations Jose Martinez, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Smith, seconded by Director Gastelum and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors GasteIum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Directors Croucher to approve the agenda. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. WORKSHOP 2 6. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4336 TO APPROVE THE FY 2017-2018 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET; APPROVE FUND TRANSFERS FOR POTABLE, RECYCLED, AND SEWER; ADOPT THE SALARY SCHEDULE; APPROVE THE SEWER RATES; ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 564 AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES APPENDIX A WITH THE PROPOSED SEWER RATE CHANGES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2018; DIRECT STAFF TO DRAFT AND MAIL SEWER RATE INCREASE NOTICES TO SEWER CUSTOMERS; AND DIRECT STAFF TO DRAFT AND MAIL PROPOSITION 218 NOTICES FOR POTABLE AND RECYCLED WATER CUSTOMERS Chief Financial Officer Beachem reviewed the objectives of the workshop which included:  Review of the FY 2017 - 2018 Strategic Plan  Presentation of a $98.2 million Operating Budget and $20 million CIP Budget for approval  Request approval of the annual fund transfers  Request adoption of the Salary Schedule  Request approval of average rate increases of 7.5% for sewer rate increase effective January 1, 2018  Adopt Ordinance 564 amending Appendix A with the proposed sewer rate changes to be effective January 1, 2018  Direct staff to draft and mail sewer rate increase notices  Direct staff to draft and mail the Proposition 218 notices for recommended water rate structure changes Mr. Gary London of the London Group provided an overview of the economic outlook for San Diego County for 2017 and beyond. He provided projections for population growth, the unemployment rate, job growth and for residential construction through 2023. He noted that Otay WD’s growth continues to outpace the County with 13.8% estimated growth from 2010 to 2017 versus 8.2% for the County. He noted that developers are building mainly multi-family units (92% of new construction in 2016 was multi-family) and in 2017-2018 he projects that 70% of residential construction will be multi-family developments. He stated that this translates into smaller households and lots, which will reduce water use. Presentations were provided by each of the Department Chiefs reviewing their department budgets for FY 2018 which included the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) budget for FY 2018 and the CIP plan for the next six (6) years and the details of the operating budget. During the presentations there were questions asked by members of the board and responses were provided by staff. Director Thompson requested that a binder with a hardcopy of the budget workshop documents be provided to board members for future budget workshops. He stated because of the amount of information, it would be easier to review. 3 Staff requested that the board:  Adopt Resolution No. 4336 to approve the FY 2017-2018 Operating and Capital Budget  Approve fund transfers for potable, recycled, and sewer  Approve the sewer rate changes and adopt Ordinance No. 564 to amend Appendix A with the proposed 7.5% sewer rate increase on all billings that begin in calendaring year 2018  Adopt the Salary Schedule pursuant to CA Code of Regulations 570.5 (CalPERS enforced)  Provide direction to draft and mail sewer rate increase notices  Provide direction to draft and mail Proposition 218 hearing notices for recommended water rate structure changes A motion was made by Director Gastelum, seconded by Director Smith and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Gastelum, Robak, and Smith Noes: None Abstain: Director Thompson Absent: Director Croucher To approve staffs’ recommendations. 7. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 5:36 p.m. to discuss the following matter: a) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: 1 CASE The board reconvened at 6:30 p.m. and Attorney Blumenfeld reported that the board met in closed session and a motion was made by Director Smith, seconded by Director Thompson to initiate litigation against the City of San Diego. The motion carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors GasteIum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Directors Croucher 8. ADJOURNMENT 4 With no further business to come before the Board, President Lopez adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 6, 2017 SUBMITTED BY: Dan Martin Engineering Manager PROJECT: S2045-001103 DIV. NO.: 5 APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of a Construction Contract to Ortiz Corporation for the Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Project GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award a construction contract to Ortiz Corporation (Ortiz) and to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Ortiz for the Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Project (CIP S2045) in an amount not-to-exceed $147,650.00 (see Exhibit A for Project location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a construction contract with Ortiz in an amount not-to-exceed $147,650.00 for the Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Project (CIP S2045). 2 ANALYSIS: The District provides sanitary sewer collection service in the Jamacha drainage basin located in the northern area of the District. The County of San Diego has designated a section of Fuerte Drive west of Calavo Drive at the intersection of Fuerte Drive and Alzeda Drive for road realignment for safety issues, prompting the sewer relocation to be performed in conjunction with the relocation of other utilities in the right-of-way. The relocation will also resolve some deficiencies in the sewer system that were observed and documented by closed-circuit television inspection and condition assessment. The scope of work generally consists of construction of approximately 255 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary gravity sewer, including manholes, appurtenances, traffic control, and all testing and inspection as required by the Contract Documents. The Project was advertised for bid on June 29, 2017 using BidSync, an online bid solicitation website. The Project was also advertised in the Daily Transcript. BidSync provided electronic distribution of the Bid Documents, including specifications, plans, and addenda. One (1) addendum was sent out to all bidders and plan houses to distribute the County of San Diego Permits and address questions and clarifications to the contract documents during the bidding period. Bids were publicly opened on July 26, 2017, with the following results: CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID AMOUNT 1 Ortiz Corporation (National City, CA) $147,650.00 2 Burtech Pipeline Incorporated (Encinitas, CA) $193,690.00 3 El Cajon Grading and Engineering Co., Inc. (Lakeside, CA) $229,991.00 4 Bali Construction, Inc. (South El Monte, CA) $332,005.00 The Engineer’s Estimate is $150,000. A review of the bids was performed by District staff for conformance with the contract requirements and determined that Ortiz was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Ortiz holds a Class A, General Engineering, Contractor’s License in the State of California, which meets the contract document’s requirements, and is valid through September 30, 2018. The reference checks indicated a very good to excellent performance record on similar projects. An internet background search of the company was performed and revealed no outstanding issues with this company. Ortiz has previously worked for the District on the construction of the 30-Inch Recycled Water Pipeline project and their performance was excellent. 3 Staff verified that the bid bond provided by Ortiz is valid. Staff will also verify that Ortiz’s Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond are valid prior to execution of the contract. The Capital Improvement Program budget approved by the Board on May 24, 2017 for the S2045 Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Project is $200,000. Approximately $65,300 has been expended to date on the planning and design phases of the Project as shown in Attachment B of this staff report. This Project required extensive coordination with the County of San Diego and other utility agencies. These other utilities which include SDG&E and the Helix Water District were also asked to relocate their facilities by the County of San Diego. With the award of the construction contract, staff has estimated that a Project budget of $250,000 is required to complete the Project. Under the authority provided in the Otay Water District Board of Directors Policy No. 6, “Annual Capital Improvement Program Development,” the General Manager provided authorization to exceed the budget for Project S2045 by $50,000. The new authorized Project budget of $250,000 will support the completion of the Project. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budget for CIP S2045, as approved in the FY 2017 budget, and as increased under the authority provided by Policy No. 6 is $250,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast including this contract, are $242,448.00. See Attachment B for budget detail. Based on a review of the financial budget, the Project Manager anticipates that the budget for CIP S2045 is sufficient to support the Project. The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate model, 100% of the funding is available from the Replacement Fund. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide high value water and wastewater services to the customers of the Otay Water District in a professional, effective, and efficient manner” and the District’s Vision, “A District that is at the forefront in innovations to provide water services at affordable rates, with a reputation for outstanding customer service.” 4 LEGAL IMPACT: None. DM:jf P:\WORKING\CIP S2045 Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation\Staff Reports\BD 09-06-17\BD 09-06-17 Staff Report Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Award Construction Project.Docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Budget Detail Exhibit A – Location Map ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: S2045-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to Ortiz Corporation for the Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Project COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee reviewed this item at a meeting held on August 22, 2017, and the following comments were made:  Staff recommended that the Board award a construction contract to Ortiz Corporation (Ortiz) and to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Ortiz for the Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Project (CIP S2045) in an amount not-to-exceed $147,650.00.  It was noted that with the award of the construction contract, staff estimated that a Project budget of $250,000 is required to complete the Project. Staff indicated that under the authority provided in the Otay Water District Board of Directors Policy No. 6, “Annual Capital Improvement Program Development,” the General Manager provided authorization to exceed the Board approve budget of $200,000 for Project S2045 by $50,000. This results in a new authorized Project budget of $250,000 that will support the completion of the Project.  Staff stated that this project is being coordinated with Helix Water District, SDG&E, and the County of San Diego (COSD). Work is scheduled to begin this winter.  In response to several questions from the Committee, staff stated that the COSD has jurisdictional authority for Fuerte Drive, has senior rights, and provides permits to the District for authorization to access the public right of way. Staff indicated that approximately 98% of the District’s pipeline facilities are located within the public right of way where they are subject to requests from jurisdictions with senior rights to relocate facilities.  In response to another question from the Committee, staff stated that only four (4) contractors responded to the District’s bid solicitation as they were able to meet the required project work windows and extensive coordination with the COSD and other utility agencies for the Project. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board as a consent item. ATTACHMENT B – Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: S2045-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to Ortiz Corporation for the Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Project Bud 8/1/2017 Budget 250,000 Planning Standard Salaries 21,751 21,751 - 21,751 Total Planning 21,751 21,751 - 21,751 Design 001102 Consultant Contracts 1,206 1,206 - 1,206 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES 6,633 6,633 - 6,633 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 12,780 12,780 - 12,780 AIRX UTILITY SURVEYORS INC Standard Salaries 22,928 22,928 - 22,928 Total Design 43,547 43,547 - 43,547 Construction Consultant Contracts 7,000 - 7,000 7,000 Construction Management Construction Contract 147,650 - 147,650 147,650 ORTIZ CORPORATION Standard Salaries 15,000 - 15,000 15,000 Project Contingency 7,500 - 7,500 7,500 5% of Construction Contract Total Construction 177,150 - 177,150 177,150 Grand Total 242,448 65,298 177,150 242,448 Vendor/Comments Otay Water District S2045 - Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost OTAY WATER DISTRICTFUERTE DR SEWER RELOCATIONLOCATION MAPEXHIBIT A CIP S2045F P:\WORKING\CIP S2045 Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation\Graphics\Exhibits-Figures\Exhibit A, Fuerte Dr Sewer Relocation, Aug 2017.mxd AVOCADO BLVD FUERTE DR ALTA RICA DR CALAVO DR ALZEDA DR CRESTLAND DR PROJECT SITE VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE NTS DIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ?ò Aä%&s ?p ?Ë !\F 0 500250 Feet - STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 6, 2017 SUBMITTED BY: Dan Martin Engineering Manager PROJECT: P2573-001103 S2048-001103 DIV. NO.: 5 APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of a Construction Contract to T.C. Construction Company, Inc. for the Hillsdale Road 12-Inch Waterline Replacement (CIP P2573) and Sewer Repairs (CIP S2048) Project GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award a construction contract to T.C. Construction Company, Inc. (T.C. Construction) and to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with T.C. Construction for the Hillsdale Road 12-Inch Waterline Replacement (CIP P2573) and Sewer Repairs (CIP S2048) Project in an amount not-to-exceed $2,396,060.00 (see Exhibit A for Project location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a construction contract with T.C. Construction in an amount not-to- exceed $2,396,060.00 for the Hillsdale Road 12-Inch Waterline Replacement (CIP P2573) and Sewer Repairs (CIP S2048) Project (Project). 2 ANALYSIS: The District provides water distribution service and sanitary sewer collection service in the Jamacha drainage basin located in the northern area of the District. The existing 12-inch Cement Mortar Lined and Coated (CML&C) Steel pipe that serves as the distribution main for Hillsdale Road was constructed in 1959. Several water main breaks have occurred in the area along Hillside Road that have led to a determination that the pipeline has reached the end of its useful life and should be replaced. The County of San Diego has also designated Hillsdale Road for road resurfacing as soon as the District completes utility work in this area, prompting the sewer repairs to be included in the Project. Deficiencies in the existing 8-inch sewer system were observed and documented by closed-circuit television inspection and condition assessment at two locations within Hillsdale Road. The Project also includes the repairs of the sewer at the two locations which are: east of Jalisco Road; and west of Vista Grande Road. The scope of work generally consists of construction of approximately 4,050 linear feet of 12-inch Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water line along Hillsdale Road between Jamacha Road and Vista Grande Road, about 760 linear feet of 8-inch PVC sewer replacement, including manholes, appurtenances, traffic control, and all testing and inspection as required by the Contract Documents. The Project was advertised for bid on June 27, 2017 using BidSync, an online bid solicitation website. The Project was also advertised in the Daily Transcript. BidSync provided electronic distribution of the Bid Documents, including specifications, plans, and addendums. A Pre-Bid Meeting was held on July 11, 2017, which was attended by seven (7) general contractors and subconsultants, followed by a site visit. Two (2) addenda were sent out to all bidders and plan houses to distribute the County of San Diego Excavation Permit and address questions and clarifications to the contract documents during the bidding period. Bids were publicly opened on July 25, 2017. The corrected bid results are as follows: CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID AMOUNT 1 T.C. Construction Company Inc. (Santee CA) $2,396,060.00 2 Ortiz Corporation (National City CA) $2,403,760.11* 3 CCL Contracting Inc. (Escondido CA) $2,508,409.00 4 El Cajon Grading & Engineering Co. Inc. (Lakeside CA) $2,772,430.00 5 Burtech Pipeline Inc. (Encinitas CA) $2,978,500.00* 6 GRFCO Inc. (Brea CA) $3,038,900.00 7 Bali Construction Inc. (South El Monte CA) $3,262,000.00 8 Mladen Buntich Construction Company Inc. (Upland CA) $3,793,820.00 3 * Bid Items corrected to reflect unit prices per Section 00400 “Bid List Requirements and Understanding” The Engineer’s Estimate is $2,540,000. A review of the bids was performed by District staff for conformance with the contract requirements and determined that T.C. Construction was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. T.C. Construction holds a Class A, General Engineering, Contractor’s License in the State of California, which meets the contract document’s requirements, and is valid through April 30, 2019. The reference checks indicated a very good to excellent performance record on similar projects. An internet background search of the company was performed and revealed no outstanding issues with this company. T.C. Construction has previously worked for the District most recently on the SR 11/SR 125 Connector Ramps Blow Off Relocation project. Staff verified that the bid bond provided by T.C. Construction is valid. Staff will also verify that T.C. Construction’s Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond are valid prior to execution of the contract. On July 31, 2017, the District received a Bid Protest from Ortiz Corporation (Ortiz) indicating that T.C. Construction should be considered non-responsive (Exhibit B). Ortiz’s Bid Protest stated that T.C. Construction did not list a subcontractor for the geotechnical testing work required by the contract. Ortiz asserted that T.C Construction did not fulfill the requirements provided under Section 00100 paragraph 17 “Naming of Subcontractors” of the contract documents. This section states: “The Bidder shall submit the proposal with the names and business addresses of each subcontractor or subconsultant who will perform work under this contract in excess of one- half (0.5) of one (1) percent of the amount of the total Bid, and shall list the portion of the work which will be done by such subcontractor. If the Bidder fails to specifically identify any such subcontractor for any portion of the work to be performed under the contract in excess of one-half 0.5 of one (1) percent, the Bidder agrees to perform that portion of the work. No listed subcontractor shall be substituted without prior District approval in accordance with Public Contract Code section 4107. Any proposed subcontractors must be properly and currently licensed as required by the subletting and subcontracting Fair Practice Act, commencing with Section 4100 of the Public Contract Code.” 4 Ortiz stated that neither T.C. Construction nor their listed subcontractors are qualified to provide the contract geotechnical work. In addition, Ortiz has asserted that T.C. Construction failed to list a subcontractor qualified to perform this work. As part of the Bid Protest evaluation process, staff forwarded the Bid Protest to T.C. Construction and requested a formal response. T.C. Construction responded on August 2, 2017 (Exhibit C). T.C. Construction responded and stated they complied with the requirements of Section 00100 and listed all subcontractors that will perform work in excess of one-half (0.5) of one (1) percent of the amount of the total Bid and noted that work performed by any other subcontractor or subconsultant on the Project will not exceed one-half (0.5) of one (1) perfect of the total bid. Staff has completed an evaluation of the Bid Protest as submitted by Ortiz and in conjunction with the District’s General Counsel and has determined that the submitted Bid Protest is without merit. Staff is, therefore, recommending that the construction contract be awarded to T.C. Construction. The District’s Construction Manager does monitor the use of subcontractors on the District’s construction contracts to assure compliance with the contract documents. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budget for CIP P2573, as approved in the FY 2018 budget, is $2,450,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast including this contract, are $2,421,001. See Attachment B1 for budget detail. The total budget for CIP S2048, as approved in the FY 2018 budget, is $720,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast including this contract, are $647,638. See Attachment B2 for budget detail. Based on a review of the financial budgets, the Project Manager anticipates that the budgets for CIP P2573 and CIP S2048 are sufficient to support the Project. The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate model, 100% of the funding for CIP P2573 and CIP 2048 is available from the Replacement Fund. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide high value water and wastewater services to the customers of the Otay Water District in a professional, effective, and efficient manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, “A District that is at the 5 forefront in innovations to provide water services at affordable rates, with a reputation for outstanding customer service.” LEGAL IMPACT: None. DM:jf P:\WORKING\CIP P2573 12-Inch PL Replacement, 803 Zone, Hillsdale Road\Staff Reports\BD 09-06-17\BD 09- 06-17 Staff Report Hillsdale Road Waterline Replacement And Sewer Repair Award Construction Project.Docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B1 – P2573 Budget Detail Attachment B2 - S2048 Budget Detail Exhibit A - Project Location Map Exhibit B - Ortiz Corporation Bid Protest Letter Exhibit C – T.C. Construction Bid Protest Response ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2573-001103 S2048-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to T.C. Construction Company, Inc. for the Hillsdale Road 12-Inch Waterline Replacement (CIP P2573) and Sewer Repairs (CIP S2048) Project COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee reviewed this item at a meeting held on August 22, 2017, and the following comments were made:  Staff recommended that the Board award a construction contract to T.C. Construction Company, Inc. (T.C. Construction) and to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with T.C. Construction for the Hillsdale Road 12-Inch Waterline Replacement (CIP P2573) and Sewer Repairs (CIP S2048) Project in an amount not-to-exceed $2,396,060.00.  Staff reviewed the staff report with the Committee and indicated that several water main leaks have occurred in the area along Hillsdale Road that have led to a determination that the pipeline has reached the end of its useful life and should be replaced.  Staff noted that the County of San Diego has also designated Hillsdale Road for road resurfacing as soon as the District completes utility work in this area, prompting the sewer repairs to be included in the Project.  Staff discussed the selection and bid results, which are detailed on Page 2 of the staff report.  Staff indicated that on July 31, 2017, the District received a Bid Protest from Ortiz Corporation (Ortiz) indicating that T.C. Construction should be considered non-responsive. Staff referred to Exhibit B of the staff report for details. Staff stated that the District completed a review of the Bid Protest including T.C. Construction’s response and has concluded that T.C. Construction’s bid is responsive to the District’s requirements and the Bid Protest as presented is without merit. Staff noted that Ortiz Corporation has been notified of this determination.  The Committee inquired about the percentage and amount for geotechnical subcontractors listed for all other bidders. Staff stated that there were only three (3) prime contractors who listed geotechnical subcontractors: o Ortiz Corporation (59%, approximately $67,000) o El Cajon Grading & Engineering Co., Inc. (2%, approximately $23,000) o Bali Construction, Inc. (1.8%, but did not indicate the associated bid items for the geotechnical subcontractor, and therefore staff could not provide amount)  The Committee discussed Ortiz Corporation’s Bid Protest and inquired about T.C. Construction’s response. Staff stated that T.C. Construction provided a response letter (Exhibit C) indicating that its bid did list all subcontractors or sub- consultants values, which were in excess of one-half of one percent. In addition, staff took a further step to inquire about T.C. Construction’s qualifications to perform the geotechnical work required by the contract. T.C. Construction stated that their selected subcontractor is qualified to perform geotechnical work and that the amount for geotechnical subcontractor would be approximately $11,500.  In response to a question from the Committee with regards to timing, staff stated that additional outreach will occur after the bid award which is currently scheduled for the September 6, 2017 Board meeting.. Currently, outreach to Vahalla High School is taking place as the District has worked with High School representatives to acquire an easement for use by the Project. Once the District obtains a solid timeline of the Project construction from the contractor, staff will conduct additional outreach to the community with Project information.  The Committee inquired about traffic control for the Project. Staff stated that the bid documents included traffic control plans and County of San Diego traffic permits that restrict traffic control in the vicinity of the schools during times of student drop off and pickup. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board as a consent item. ATTACHMENT B1 – P2573 Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2573-001103 S2048-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to T.C. Construction Company, Inc. for the Hillsdale Road 12-Inch Waterline Replacement (CIP P2573) and Sewer Repairs (CIP S2048) Project 8/3/2017 Budget 2,450,000 Planning Regulatory Fees 50 50 - 50 Petty Cash Custodian Standard Salaries 5,894 5,894 - 5,894 Total Planning 5,944 5,944 - 5,944 Design 001102 Consultant Contracts 131,789 131,789 - 131,789 PSOMAS 2,278 2,278 - 2,278 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES 25,658 25,658 - 25,658 NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL AND Regulatory Agency Fees 1,345 1,345 - 1,345 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Service Contracts 51 51 - 51 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION 750 750 - 750 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY Standard Salaries 77,639 77,639 - 77,639 Total Design 239,510 239,510 - 239,510 Construction Construction Contract 1,927,716 1,927,716 1,927,716 TC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC. Consultant Contracts 60,000 - 60,000 60,000 Construction Manager 20,000 - 20,000 20,000 Construction Design Support Regulatory Fees 20,000 - 20,000 20,000 County of San Diego Permit Inspection - - - - Standard Salaries 90,000 194 89,806 90,000 Project Contingency 57,831 - 57,831 57,831 3% of Construction Contract Total Construction 2,175,547 194 2,175,353 2,175,547 Grand Total 2,421,001 245,648 2,175,353 2,421,001 Vendor/Comments Otay Water District P2573 -PL-12" PL Repl 803Z Hillsdale Road Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost ATTACHMENT B2 – S2048 Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2573-001103 S2048-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to T.C. Construction Company, Inc. for the Hillsdale Road 12-Inch Waterline Replacement (CIP P2573) and Sewer Repairs (CIP S2048) Project Bud 8/3/2017 Budget 720,000 Planning Total Planning - - - - Design 001102 Consultant Contracts 6,415 6,415 - 6,415 NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL 33,214 33,214 - 33,214 PSOMAS - - - - Standard Salaries 20,614 20,614 - 20,614 Total Design 60,243 60,243 - 60,243 Construction Construction Contract 468,344 - 468,344 468,344 TC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC. Consultant Contracts 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 Construction Manager 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 Construction Design Support Regulatory Fees 20,000 - 30,000 30,000 County of San Diego Permit Inspection - - - - Standard Salaries 40,000 194 39,806 40,000 Project Contingency 14,050 - 14,050 14,050 3% of Construction Contract Total Construction 577,394 194 587,200 587,394 Grand Total 637,638 60,437 587,200 647,638 Vendor/Comments Otay Water District S2048 - Hillsdale Road Sewer Repairs Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost OTAY WATER DISTRICTHILLSDALE RD 12-INCH WATER PIPELINE REPLACEMENT & SEWER REPAIRSLOCATION MAPEXHIBIT A CIP P2573CIP S2048 F P:\WORKING\CIP P2573 12-Inch PL Replacement, 803 Zone, Hillsdale Road\Graphics\Exhibits-Figures\Exhibit A, Water Main and Sewer Main Replacement on Hillsdale Road, Location Map, Aug 2017.mxd JAMACHA RD C H A S E A V VISTA HILLSDALE RD D O N A H U E D R G R A N D E R D 12" Water PipelineReplacement Sewer Repair Sewer Repair JALISCO RD WIND RIVER RD VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE NTS DIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ?ò Aä%&s ?p ?Ë F 0 500250 Feet !\Legend 12-Inch Waterline Replacement Sewer Main Repairs (Two Sites) August 2, 2017 Dan Martin Engineering Manager Otay Water District 2554 Sweetwater Springs Boulevard Spring Valley, California 91978 Re: Ortiz Corporation Bid Protest – Hillsdale Road 12-Inch Waterline Replacement Dear Mr. Martin: This letter serves as TC Construction Company, Inc.’s (“TC”) response to the Bid Protest submitted by Ortiz Corporation (“Ortiz”) on the Hillsdale Road 12-Inch Waterline Replacement project. Ortiz contends that TC’s bid was non-responsive because TC did not comply with paragraph 17 of section 00100 Instructions to Bidders. This paragraph provides, in pertinent part, as follows: The Bidder shall submit the proposal with the names and business addresses of each subcontractor or subconsultant who will perform work under this contract in excess of one-half (0.5) of one (1) percent of the amount of the total Bid, and shall list the portion of the work which will be done by such subcontractor. Ortiz asserts TC failed to comply with this requirement because TC did not list a subcontractor or subconsultant qualified to provide the geotechnical testing specified in section 02223 Trenching, Excavating, Backfilling and Compaction, paragraph 1.04 Geotechnical Testing, and included in the Contractors scope in section 01010 Summary of Work paragraphs F, R & V. Ortiz is incorrect. TC complied with the instructions and listed all subcontractors or subconsultants who will perform work under the contract in excess of one-half (0.5) of one (1) percent of the amount of the total bid. The only subcontractors or subconsultants that will perform work under the contract in excess of one-half (0.5) of one (1) percent are those listed in TC’s bid – Oldcastle Precast and Ayala Boring. Work performed by any other subcontractor or subconsultant will not exceed one-half (0.5) of one (1) perfect of the total bid. With this additional information, it is respectfully requested that you reject Ortiz’s bid protest and award the project contract to TC. Please let me know if you require any additional information. Sincerely, Carlos Perea Estimator STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board Meeting MEETING DATE: September 6, 2017 SUBMITTED BY: Mark Watton, General Manager W.O./G.F. NO: DIV. NO. APPROVED BY: Susan Cruz, District Secretary Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Board of Directors 2017 Calendar of Meetings GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: At the request of the Board, the attached Board of Director’s meeting calendar for 2017 is being presented for discussion. PURPOSE: This staff report is being presented to provide the Board the opportunity to review the 2017 Board of Director’s meeting calendar and amend the schedule as needed. COMMITTEE ACTION: N/A ANALYSIS: The Board requested that this item be presented at each meeting so they may have an opportunity to review the Board meeting calendar schedule and amend it as needed. STRATEGIC GOAL: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: None. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachment: Calendar of Meetings for 2017 G:\UserData\DistSec\WINWORD\STAFRPTS\Board Meeting Calendar 9-6-17.doc Board of Directors, Workshops and Committee Meetings 2017 Regular Board Meetings: Special Board or Committee Meetings (3rd Wednesday of Each Month or as Noted) January 4, 2017 February 1, 2017 March 1, 2017 April 5, 2017 May 3, 2017 June 7, 2017 July 5, 2017 August 2, 2017 September 6, 2017 October 4, 2017 November 1, 2017 December 6, 2017 January 18, 2017 February 15, 2017 March 15, 2017 April 19, 2017 May 17, 2017 June 21, 2017 July 19, 2017 August 16, 2017 September 20, 2017 October 18, 2017 November 15, 2017 December 20, 2017 SPECIAL BOARD MEETINGS: BOARD WORKSHOPS: STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 6, 2017 SUBMITTED BY: Dan Martin Engineering Manager PROJECT: VARIOUS DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief of Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Informational Item – Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2017 Capital Improvement Program Report GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To update the Otay Water District Board (Board) about the status of all CIP project expenditures and to highlight significant issues, progress, and milestones on major projects. ANALYSIS: To keep up with growth and to meet our ratepayers' expectations to adequately deliver safe, reliable, cost-effective, and quality water, each year the District staff prepares a Six-Year CIP Plan that identifies the District’s infrastructure needs. The CIP is comprised of four categories consisting of backbone capital facilities, replacement/renewal projects, capital purchases, and developer's reimbursement projects. The Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2017 update is intended to provide a detailed analysis of progress in completing these projects within the allotted time and budget of $11.9 million. Expenditures through the Fourth Quarter totaled approximately $13.0 million. Approximately 109% of the Fiscal Year 2017 expenditure budget was spent (see Attachment B). This expenditure rate is largely due to an invoice received on April 14, 2017 from the County of San Diego for work completed on the Rancho San Diego Pump Station Rehabilitation project (S2027). FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer No fiscal impact as this is an informational item only. STRATEGIC GOAL: The Capital Improvement Program supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide high value water and wastewater services to the to the customers of the Otay Water District, in a professional, effective, and efficient manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, “A District that is at the forefront in innovations to provide water services at affordable rates, with a reputation for outstanding customer service.” LEGAL IMPACT: None. DM/RP:jf P:\Forms\D-Construction\CIP Quarterly Reports\CIP Qtr Reports\FY 2017\Q4\Staff Report\BD 09-06-17 Staff Report Fourth Quarter FY 2017 CIP Report (DM-RP).docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B - Fiscal Year 2017 Fourth Quarter CIP Expenditure Report Attachment C – Presentation ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: VARIOUS Informational Item – Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2017 Capital Improvement Program Report COMMITTEE ACTION: This item was presented to the Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee at a meeting held on August 22, 2017. The following comments were made:  Staff indicated that the District’s FY 2017 CIP budget consists of 90 projects that total $11.9 million and is divided into four categories: o Capital Facilities= $3.8 million o Replacement/Renewal= $7.0 million o Capital Purchases= $1.1 million o Developer Reimbursement= $14.0 thousand  Staff reviewed the PowerPoint presentation with the Committee and indicated that the expenditures through the fourth quarter of FY 2017 totaled $13.0 million, which is approximately 109% of the District’s fiscal year budget. Staff stated that the total fiscal year expenditures exceeded the 95% target largely due to an invoice from the County of San Diego.  The PowerPoint presentation included the following: o Total Life-to-Date Expenditures o CIP Budget Forecast vs. Expenditures o Annual CIP Expenditures vs. Budget o Major CIP Projects that have been completed, are in design or are in construction o A review of CIP Projects in Construction o Construction Contract Status of projects, contract amount with allowances, net change orders, and percent of project completion o Consultant Contract Status of contract amounts, approved payments to date, change orders, dates when contracts were signed and the end date of contracts  Staff stated that during the fourth quarter of FY 2017 the rate for Change Orders without Allowance Credit equaled to 1.5%.  Staff indicated that the 978-1 and 850-2 Reservoirs Interior/Exterior Coating and Upgrades Project is behind schedule due to contractor delays. It was noted that the 978-1 Reservoir is in service at this point and that the contractor completed structural repairs for the 850-2 Reservoir and is currently performing blasting on the interior of the Reservoir. It is expected that the Project will be completed in October 2017. Staff has discussed liquidated damages with the contractor for the late delivery of the project.  Staff noted that there were three (3) projects that were included in the Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2017 CIP Report, but recently began construction. They are as follows: o Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation (S2044) o OWD Administration and Operations Parking Lot Improvements Phase 1 – Lighting and Vehicle Charging Station (P2555 & P2547) o Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project (S2024)  The Committee directed staff to explore the feasibility of providing a fiscal year graph showing a connection between total CIP project completion status vs. total CIP expenditures. It was explained by the Committee that the purpose of this request is to show efficiency by comparing the amount of funds being spent on the CIP to forecasted completion status of the CIP projects. In reviewing the feasibility of the requested graph, staff is noting that there are some challenges with how to represent the different project phases for multi-year projects within a fiscal year.  Staff discussed the County of San Diego’s invoice that affected the District’s Fiscal Year 2017 Capital Improvement Program Budget. Following the discussion, the committee supported presentation to the full board as an informational item. FISCAL YEAR 2017 4th QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 06/30/2017) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2017 06/30/17 CIP No. Description Project Manager FY 2017 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget % Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget % Comments CAPITAL FACILITY PROJECTS - P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir 0.5 MG Cameron 20$ 17$ 3$ 85% 3,400$ 502$ 2,898$ 15% Project is in the planning stages and currently reviewing effort previously performed in 1999. Construction scheduled for 2020. P2267 36-Inch Main Pumpouts and Air/Vacuum Ventilation Installations Marchioro 220 233 (13) 106% 735 693 42 94% Construction completed in FY 2017 Q4. Project one year warranty began June 28, 2017. P2382 Safety and Security Improvements Payne 250 233 17 93% 2,811 2,807 4 100%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2405 PL - 624/340 PRS, Paseo Ranchero and Otay Valley Road Cameron 5 - 5 0% 570 - 570 0% In design with construction scheduled for 2022. Tied to CIP P2553. P2451 Otay Mesa Desalination Conveyance and Disinfection System Kennedy 50 196 (146) 392% 3,875 3,765 110 97% EIR/EIS complete. Presidential Permit received from DOS. Meetings with DDW and AdR ongoing. Source water testing ongoing. P2453 SR-11 Utility Relocations Marchioro 250 22 228 9% 4,000 1,620 2,380 41% Sequence/Segment 1 construction completed one year warranty period in FY 17 Q4. Design for Segment 2 (Enrico Fermi to border crossing); not anticipated to begin until Q2 of FY 2018. P2460 I.D. 7 Trestle and Pipeline Demolition Beppler 50 1 49 2% 600 5 595 1% Environmental work was postponed until FY 2019, a year prior to potential trestle demolition. P2466 Regional Training Facility Coburn-Boyd 6 - 6 0% 300 288 12 96%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2485 SCADA Communication System and Software Replacement Kerr 185 107 78 58% 2,314 1,774 540 77% Work was originally scheduled for May 2017 (UPS installation/Data Center for $72K); however, installation was delayed until August 2017. P2486 Asset Management - Info Master Water Implementation Zhao 25 - 25 0% 957 879 78 92%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2494 Multiple Species Conservation Plan Coburn-Boyd 48 54 (6) 113% 950 908 42 96% Project will be completed in FY 2018. Pace was picked up in latter part of FY 2017, which caused a slight overage of the budget for the fiscal year. P2496 Otay Lakes Road Utility Relocations Martin 5 - 5 0% 325 283 42 87%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2504 Regulatory Site Access Road and Pipeline Relocation Cameron 20 1 19 5% 900 331 569 37%Project is driven by County Fire/Cal Fire. P2516 PL - 12-Inch, 640 Zone, Jamacha Road - Darby/Osage Marchioro - - - 0% 800 - 800 0%Preliminary work planned for FY 2020. P2520 Motorola Mobile Radio Upgrade Martinez 30 4 26 13% 120 82 38 68% Supplier was changed in third quarter FY 2017 due to slow performance. Therefore, the remaining 8 radios will be purchased in FY 2018. The project will be completed and the CIP will be closed at that time. P2521 Large Meter Vault Upgrade Program Carey 100 43 57 43% 400 262 138 66% Was able to raise one meter above ground, however, second meter will not be raised until FY 2018. In addition, new vault lids were ordered, but not received. P2537 Operations Yard Property Acquisition Improvements Beppler 10 3 7 30% 775 731 44 94% Warranty period completed in FY 2017 Q4. No significant issues encountered. Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2541 624 Pressure Zone PRSs Marchioro 10 (1) 11 -10% 760 741 19 98%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2547 District Administration Vehicle Charging Stations Cameron 85 13 72 15% 125 33 92 26%Construction to complete in FY 2018 Q1. P2550 Fuel Island Upgrade Payne 112 113 (1) 101% 112 113 (1) 101%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2551 Blossom Lane Helix WD and Otay WD Interconnection Beppler 20 7 13 35% 210 176 34 84%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2552 South Barcelona Helix WD and Otay WD Interconnection Beppler 20 7 13 35% 210 172 38 82% Project completed and closed in FY 2017. In one year warranty period. P2553 Heritage Road Bridge Replacement and Utility Relocation Cameron 100 10 90 10% 1,430 15 1,415 1% City of Chula Vista driven project. The City is finalizing their environmental documents. Design to begin Summer/Fall 2017. P2564 Administration Carpet Replacement Program Payne 5 189 (184) 3780% 215 189 26 88%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2568 Technology Business Processes Improvement Kerr 180 121 59 67% 215 146 69 68% Work was originally scheduled for June 2017 ($49K); however, P2569 Metro Ethernet Implementation/ District Facilities - Pilot Kerr 45 52 (7) 116% 145 158 (13) 109%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2570 SCADA Equipment & Infrastructure Enhancement Kerr - - - 0% - - - 0%No expenditures planned in FY 2017. P2571 Datacenter Network Enhancement & Replacement of Infrastructure Componets Kerr - - - 0% 200 - 200 0%No expenditures planned in FY 2017. P2572 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Replacement Kerr - - - 0% 500 - 500 0%No expenditures planned in FY 2017. P2584 Res - 657-1 and 657-2 Reservoir Demolitions Marchioro - - - 0% 720 - 720 0%Project scheduled for FY 2023. R2077 RecPL - 24-Inch, 860 Zone, Alta Road - Alta Gate/Airway Beppler 20 109 (89) 545% 2,920 2,920 - 100% Construction and reimbursement completed in FY 2017. R2079 RecPL - 6-Inch, 450 Zone, Otay Valley Road - Otay Valley/Entertainment Beppler 10 - 10 0% 150 - 150 0%No work to begin until FY 2021. R2109 Sweetwater River Wooden Trestle Improvement for the Recycled Water Forcemain Beppler 10 1 9 10% 375 354 21 94%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. R2110 RecPS - 944-1 Optimization and Pressure Zone Modifications Marchioro 5 - 5 0% 200 130 70 65%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. R2116 RecPL - 14-Inch, 927 Zone, Force Main Improvements Marchioro 1,000 1,214 (214) 121% 2,500 1,870 630 75% Completion of work impacted by heavy rains in FY 2017 Q3. Remaining work scheduled for FY 2018 Q2 per environmental window. R2117 RWCWRF Disinfection System Improvements Beppler 10 2 8 20% 1,520 113 1,407 7% Awaiting final results of force main assessment to complete cost-benefit analysis to determine scope of improvements. FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/17 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/17 Y:\Board\CurBdPkg\ENGRPLAN\2018\BD 09-06-17\CIP FY 2017 Q4 Update (DanM)\Copy of FY17 4th qtr exp-FINAL.xlsx Page 1 of 4 8/17/2017 FISCAL YEAR 2017 4th QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 06/30/2017) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2017 06/30/17 CIP No. Description Project Manager FY 2017 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget % Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget % Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/17 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/17 R2118 Steele Canyon Sewer PS Large Solids Handling Improvements Beppler 68 17 51 25% 75 22 53 29% Design is completed. Will need to coordinate construction with a shutdown of RWCWRF. R2119 RWCWRF Automation & Security Upgrades Beppler 95 116 (21) 122% 300 150 150 50% Implementation of safety improvements identified in RWCWRF Master Plan completed in FY 2017 Q4. R2120 RWCWRF Filtered Water Storage Tank Improvements Beppler 250 29 221 12% 500 29 471 6% During budget process, decision to delay tank improvements until FY 2020 was made. Current design effort will be phased over the next two fiscal years. R2122 Emergency Recycled Water Fire Hydrant Installations Cameron 15 1 14 7% 75 34 41 45%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. R2123 Repurpose Otay Mesa Recycled Water Lines Beppler 35 - 35 0% 350 - 350 0% Permanent Moratorium approved at May 3, 2017 Board Meeting. No activity on this project during FY 2017. R2124 RecPS - 927-1 Pump 5 Replacement Anderson 55 39 16 71% 55 39 16 71% Pump installed. This project was completed and closed in FY 2017. S2012 San Diego County Sanitation District Outfall and RSD Outfall Replacement Beppler 150 91 59 61% 2,420 1,111 1,309 46%$91,185 invoice received 4/17/2017. S2027 Rancho San Diego Pump Station Rehabilitation Beppler 50 2,743 (2,693) 5486% 3,500 3,043 457 87%$2.7 M invoice received on 4/17/2017. S2033 Sewer System Rehabilitation Beppler 200 990 (790) 495% 3,000 2,990 10 100% Construction contract accepted in FY 17 Q4. One year warranty period started in Q4. S2043 RWCWRF Sludge Handling System Beppler 1 - 1 0% 47 40 7 85% No expenses this fiscal year. Water Reclamation Design As-Needed consultant will review and update report in FY 2018. S2047 Asset Management - Info Master Sewer Implementation Zhao - - - 0% 58 - 58 0%No budget in FY 2017. Total Capital Facility Projects Total: 3,825 6,777 (2,952) 177%46,719 29,518 17,201 63% REPLACEMENT/RENEWAL PROJECTS P2083 PS - 870-2 Pump Station Replacement Marchioro 390$ 679 (289) 174% 17,000$ 2,343 14,657 14% Construction contract bids opened in FY 2017 Q4. Project award and Notice to Proceed scheduled for July 2017. P2174 PS - 1090-1 Pump Station Replacement (400 gpm) Marchioro 1 - 1 0% 1,500 4 1,496 0%Preliminary work planned for FY 2019. P2400 PL - 20-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 711 Zone, Otay Lakes Road - at Santa Paula Marchioro - - - 0% 2,000 - 2,000 0%Preliminary work planned for FY 2020. P2493 624-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 60 26 34 43% 1,675 1,569 106 94% Warranty repairs to the interior coating began in FY 2017 Q4. P2507 East Palomar Street Utility Relocation Cameron 70 6 64 9% 890 723 167 81% 2 of 3 Invoices sent to Caltrans. Working with Caltrans on 3rd Invoice which requires costs from Caltrans Construction Dept. Invoices to be finalized in FY 2018 Q1. P2508 Pipeline Cathodic Protection Replacement Program Marchioro 300 204 96 68% 725 453 272 62% Completion of work impacted by heavy rains in FY 2017 Q3. Remaining work scheduled for FY 2018 Q2 per environmental window. P2518 803-3 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 40 16 24 40% 700 661 39 94%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2519 832-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 65 23 42 35% 750 692 58 92%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2529 711-2 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 360 443 (83) 123% 840 803 37 96% Construction completed FY 2017 Q2. Project is in the 2 year warranty period. P2530 711-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 90 49 41 54% 1,040 954 86 92% Construction completed FY 2017 Q2. Project is in the 2 year warranty period. P2531 944-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 20 8 12 40% 380 318 62 84% Construction contract completed FY 2016 Q4. Currently in two year warranty period. P2532 944-2 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 20 - 20 0% 1,020 937 83 92% Construction contract completed FY 2016 Q4. Currently in two year warranty period. P2533 1200-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 10 7 3 70% 810 7 803 1% Project is in the Planning Phase. Construction to begin in FY 2019. P2534 978-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 615 497 118 81% 715 497 218 70% Project behind schedule due to unsatisfactory progress by contractor. Reservoir scheduled to be completed and placed into service in FY 2018 Q1. P2535 458-2 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron 20 4 16 20% 855 777 78 91% Construction contract completed FY 2016 Q4. Currently in two year warranty period. P2538 Administration and Operations Building Fire Sprinkler Replacement Program Cameron 10 7 3 70% 110 96 14 87%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2539 South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Utility Relocations Cameron 100 9 91 9% 1,090 888 202 81% SANDAG driven project. SANDAG has delayed the schedule for this project. P2542 850-3 Reservoir Interior Coating Cameron 50 - 50 0% 630 527 103 84% Construction contract completed FY 2016 Q2. Currently in two year warranty period. P2543 850-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 10 6 4 60% 875 6 869 1% Project is in the Planning Phase. Construction to begin in FY 2019. P2544 850-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 835 87 748 10% 1,070 87 983 8% Project behind schedule due to unsatisfactory progress by contractor. Reservoir scheduled to be completed and placed into service in FY 2018 Q2. Y:\Board\CurBdPkg\ENGRPLAN\2018\BD 09-06-17\CIP FY 2017 Q4 Update (DanM)\Copy of FY17 4th qtr exp-FINAL.xlsx Page 2 of 4 8/17/2017 FISCAL YEAR 2017 4th QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 06/30/2017) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2017 06/30/17 CIP No. Description Project Manager FY 2017 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget % Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget % Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/17 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/17 P2545 980-1 Reservoir Interior Exterior Coating Cameron 290 191 99 66% 1,455 1,188 267 82% Construction completed FY 2017 Q2. Project is in the 2 year warranty period. P2546 980-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron - - - 0% 1,450 - 1,450 0% Design and construction contract advertisement scheduled for FY 2018 Q1. P2555 Administration and Operations Parking Lot Improvements Cameron 275 71 204 26% 500 119 381 24%Construction to complete in FY 2018 Q1. P2557 520 Res Recirculation Pipeline Chemical Supply and Analyzer Feed Replacement Project Beppler 50 23 27 46% 100 33 67 33% Design at 90%; construction anticipated to occur in FY 2018 Q2. P2559 Pressure Vessel Repair and Replacement Program Marchioro 65 204 (139) 314% 650 250 400 38% RWCWRF surge tank and piping completed in FY 2017 Q3. Currently in one year warranty period. P2561 Res - 711-3 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 1 6 (5) 600% 1,800 7 1,793 0%Project scheduled for FY 2021. P2562 Res - 571-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 90 46 44 51% 2,600 46 2,554 2% Construction contract bids opened in FY 2017 Q4. Project award and Notice to Proceed scheduled for July 2017. P2563 Res - 870-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 1 3 (2) 300% 1,000 3 997 0%Project scheduled for FY 2022. P2565 803-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0% 940 - 940 0%Project scheduled for FY 2020. P2566 520-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0% 1,500 - 1,500 0%Project scheduled for FY 2021. P2567 1004-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0% 905 - 905 0%Project scheduled for FY 2022. P2573 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 Zone, Hillsdale Road Beppler 160 238 (78) 149% 1,750 238 1,512 14% Design completed and advertised for bids in Q4. Award of contract in FY2018 Q1. P2574 PL - 12-Inch and 14-inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 and 978 Zone, Vista Grande, Pence Drive Beppler 50 78 (28) 156% 2,750 78 2,672 3% Design started in FY 2017 Q4 including surveying and utility location services. P2578 PS - 711-2 (PS 711-1 Replacement and Expansion) - 14,000 gpm Marchioro - - - 0% 6,600 - 6,600 0%Preliminary work planned for FY 2021. P2579 Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station Improvements Beppler 140 1 139 1% 140 1 139 1%Project completed and closed in FY 2017.P2592 East H Street Bike Lane Utility Coordination Beppler 50 - 50 0% 50 - 50 0%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2593 458-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0% 840 - 840 0%Project scheduled for FY 2022. P2594 Large Meter Replacement Carey 240 253 (13) 105% 485 253 232 52%On budget. P2604 AMR Change Out Carey 1,300 1,266 34 97% 1,300 1,267 33 97%On budget. R2111 RWCWRF - RAS Pump Replacement Beppler 10 - 10 0% 570 555 15 97%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. R2112 450-1 Disinfection Facility Rehabilitation Cameron 25 6 19 24% 265 219 46 83%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. R2121 Res - 944-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 1 - 1 0% 1,400 19 1,381 1%Project scheduled for FY 2021. R2143 AMR Change Out Carey 50 43 7 86% 50 43 7 86% Project is on track; labor costs were lower than anticipated which resulted in lower expenses than budgeted. S2024 Campo Road Sewer Main Replacement Beppler 50 453 (403) 906% 8,500 1,568 6,932 18% Construction project awarded in FY 2017 Q4. Notice to Proceed scheduled for FY 2018 Q1. FY 2017 budget exceeded largely due to easement acquisition costs. S2044 Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Beppler 500 104 396 21% 550 104 446 19% Construction started in FY 2017 Q4; contractor delayed much of his work into FY 2018 Q1. S2045 Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Beppler 190 60 130 32% 200 60 140 30% Completion of design and bidding of project occurred in FY 2017 Q4. Award of contract to occur in FY 2018 Q1. S2046 RWCWRF - Aeration Panels Replacement Beppler 250 78 172 31% 450 78 372 17% Selection of consultant to prepare PDR for system replacement to occur in FY 2018 Q1. S2048 Hillsdale Road Sewer Repairs Beppler 100 57 43 57% 500 57 443 11% Design completed and advertised for bids in FY 2017 Q4. Award of contract in FY 2018 Q1. S2049 Calavo Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Beppler 20 1 19 5% 1,000 1 999 0%Project scheduled for FY 2019. S2050 Rancho San Diego Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Beppler - - - 0% 300 - 300 0%Project scheduled for FY 2021. S2051 RWCWRF - Headworks Improvements Beppler - - - 0% 750 - 750 0%Preliminary work scheduled for FY 2018. S2052 RWCWRF - Access Roads Repaving Cameron - - - 0% 750 - 750 0%Project rescheduled for FY 2023. S2053 RWCWRF - Sedimentation Basins Refurbishment Beppler - - - 0% 600 - 600 0%Project scheduled for FY 2018. S2054 Calavo Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 3 Beppler - - - 0% 300 - 300 0%Project scheduled for FY 2022. Total Replacement/Renewal Projects Total: 6,974 5,253 1,721 75%77,675 18,529 59,146 24% CAPITAL PURCHASE PROJECTS P2282 Vehicle Capital Purchases Rahders 197$ 228 (31) 116% 5,049$ 3,863 1,186 77% Budgeted vehicles received May and June of FY 2017. Additional $33.8K advanced from FY 2018 to FY 2017. P2285 Office Equipment and Furniture Capital Purchases Payne 15 2 13 13% 589 554 35 94%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2286 Field Equipment Capital Purchases Rahders 38 45 (7) 118% 1,634 1,403 231 86% Reason for overage is the failure and replacement of the LOPS pump engine. Lower Otay Pump Station and Gen replacement/3" waste backwash pump for Treatment Plant Genset order will be delivered in August 2018. P2366 APCD Engine Replacements and Retrofits Rahders 820 659 161 80% 3,371 3,210 161 95%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. - Total Capital Purchase Projects Total: 1,070 934 136 87%10,643 9,030 1,613 85% Y:\Board\CurBdPkg\ENGRPLAN\2018\BD 09-06-17\CIP FY 2017 Q4 Update (DanM)\Copy of FY17 4th qtr exp-FINAL.xlsx Page 3 of 4 8/17/2017 FISCAL YEAR 2017 4th QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 06/30/2017) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2017 06/30/17 CIP No. Description Project Manager FY 2017 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget % Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget % Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/17 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/17 DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT PROJECTS P2325 PL-10" to 12" Oversize, 1296 Zone, PB Road-Rolling Hills Hydro PS/PB Bndy Beppler 3$ - 3 0% 22$ 19 3 86%Project completed and closed in FY 2017. P2403 PL - 12-inch, 624 Zone, Heritage Road - Olympic/Otay Valley Beppler - - - 0% 550 - 550 0% CIP updated to reflect changes in Village 3 SAMP and Water Facilities Master Plan. P2556 HWY 94 Upsized Utility Relocations at Melody Lane Beppler 1 - 1 0% 100 - 100 0%Project closed in FY 2017. R2084 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Village 2 - Heritage/La Media Beppler 10 - 10 0% 365 1 364 0% Under construction in FY 2017. Request for reimbursement anticipated in FY 2018. Total Developer Reimbursement Projects Total: 14 - 14 0%1,037 20 1,017 2% 109 11,883$ 12,964$ (1,081)$ 109% 136,074$ 57,097$ 78,977$ 42% Y:\Board\CurBdPkg\ENGRPLAN\2018\BD 09-06-17\CIP FY 2017 Q4 Update (DanM)\Copy of FY17 4th qtr exp-FINAL.xlsx Page 4 of 4 8/17/2017 Otay Water District Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2017 Fourth Quarter (through June 30, 2017) Attachment C 978-1 (0.5 MG) –Application of Finish Coat to Ceiling 4/20/2017 Background The approved CIP Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 consists of 90 projects that total $11.9 million. These projects are broken down into four categories. 1.Capital Facilities $ 3.8 million 2.Replacement/Renewal $ 7.0 million 3.Capital Purchases $ 1.1 million 4.Developer Reimbursement $ 14.0 thousand Overall expenditures through the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2017 totaled $13.0 million, which is approximately 109% of the Fiscal Year budget. 2 Fiscal Year 2017 Fourth Quarter Update ($000) CIP CAT Description FY 2017 Budget FY 2017 Expenditures % FY 2017 Budget Spent Total Life-to-Date Budget Total Life-to-Date Expenditures % Life-to-Date Budget Spent 1 Capital Facilities $3,825 $6,777 177% $46,719 $29,518 63% 2 Replacement/ Renewal $6,974 $5,253 75% $77,675 $17,262 22% 3 Capital Purchases $1,070 $934 87% $10,643 $9,030 85% 4 Developer Reimbursement $14 $0 0% $1,037 $20 2% Total: $11,883 $12,964 109% $136,074 $55,830 41% 3 Fiscal Year 2017 Fourth Quarter CIP Budget Forecast vs. Expenditures 4 $11,883,000 $12,964,000 $- $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FISCAL YEAR PERIOD IN MONTHS Budget Forecast Total Expenditures Annual CIP Expenditures vs. Budget 5 76% 61% 78% 64%61% 92%90% 109%  ‐  20  40  60  80  100  120 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Pe r c e n t  Co m p l e t e Fiscal Year 6 CIP Projects in Construction 36-Inch La Presa Air- Vac Valve Relocations (P2267) Relocation of 6 existing potable water air-vacuum/air-release (AVAR) valves to above ground locations outside the road surface. $0.70M Budget Start: November 2016 Completed: May 2017 7 AVAR No. 2 – Completed Installation Division Nos. 3 and 5 Locations: 2 locations along Jamacha Blvd. north of Trace Road. 4 locations along SR 94/Campo Road east of Jamacha Blvd. 6/16/2017 CIP Projects in Construction 978-1 & 850-2 Reservoirs Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Project (P2534/P2544) Remove and replace existing interior and exterior coatings. Construct structural upgrades to increase the service life. $1.79M Budget Start: November 2016 Completion: October 2017 8 978-1 (0.5 MG) – Exterior Surface Preparation Progress Division Nos. 3 and 5 Locations: 978-1 is located on Pence Drive. 850-2 is located on Ledgeside Street. 5/18/2017 Construction Contract Status 9 PROJECT TOTAL % P2529 P2530 711-1 &711-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Advanced Industrial Services, Inc.$1,103,715 $1,195,695 $14,271 1.3% $1,209,966 $1,209,966 1.2% 100.0% Completed September 2016 P2545 980-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Advanced Industrial Services, Inc.$769,000 $876,500 $8,115 1.1% $884,615 $884,615 0.9% 100.0% Completed August 2016 S2033 Rancho San Diego Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 1 Transtar $951,470 $970,970 $143,211 15.1% $1,114,181 $1,104,181 14.7% 99.1% Completed November 2016 P2267 36-Inch La Presa Air-Vac Valve Relocations Underground Pipeline Solutions Inc.$148,815 $157,315 ($318) -0.2% $151,247 $151,247 -3.9% 100.0% Completed May 2017 P2534 P2544 978-1 & 850-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Blastco Inc. $963,280 $1,106,200 $0 0.0% $967,130 $352,389 -12.6% 36.4% October 2017 P2559 RWCWRF Replacement Surge Tank Foundation Fordyce Construction Inc.$22,591 $32,591 $0 0.0% $22,591 $22,591 -30.7% 100.0% Completed January 2017 S2044 Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Insituform Technologies, LLC $353,954 $373,954 $0 0.0% $353,954 $0 -5.3% 0.0% August 2017 P2555 P2547 OWD Administration & Operations Parking Lot Improvements Ph. 1 - Lighting and Vehicle Charging Station Ace Electric, Inc. $344,495 $369,495 $1,090 0.3% $345,585 $0 -6.5% 0.0% September 2017 S2024 Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project Wier Construction Corporation $7,623,281 $7,816,781 $0 0.0% $7,623,281 $0 -2.5% 0.0%April 2019 P2508 R2116 14-Inch Force Main Rehabilitation Project Charles King Company Inc.$1,045,100 $1,101,250 $36,285 3.5% $1,085,385 $841,150 -1.4% 77.5% December 2017 TOTALS: $13,325,701 $14,000,751 $202,653 1.5%$13,757,934 $4,566,138 -1.7% **THIS CHANGE ORDER RATE INCLUDES THE CREDIT FOR UNUSED ALLOWANCES *NET CHANGE ORDERS DO NOT INCLUDE ALLOWANCE ITEM CREDITS. IT'S A TRUE CHANGE ORDER PERCENTAGE FOR THE PROJECT CIP NO. PROJECT TITLE CONTRACTOR BASE BID AMOUNT CONTRACT AMOUNT W/ ALLOWANCES % CHANGE ORDERS W/ ALLOWANCE CREDIT** % COMPLETE EST. COMP. DATE NET CHANGE ORDERS LTD* FY 2017 CIP CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT TOTAL EARNED TO DATE Consultant Contract Status Consultant Contract Status Consultant Contract Status 12 QUESTIONS?QUESTIONS? 13 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 6, 2017 SUBMITTED BY: Mark Watton General Manager W.O./G.F. NO: N/A DIV. NO. N/A APPROVED BY: Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: General Manager’s Report ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Human Resources:  Employee Picnic – The Employee Picnic was held at Rohr Park on August 12th. Employees, retirees, and their family members enjoyed the activities and festivities including pony rides, petting zoo, games, face painting and a party jump. The employees appreciated the event and it was a fun time for all.  Employee Recognition Luncheon - Mark your calendars to attend the District’s Recognition Luncheon/BBQ scheduled for Thursday, October 12th, at 11:30 a.m. at the Operations Center.  Health Plan Renewal – SDRMA continues to do an excellent job of maintaining low rate increases for our health insurance plans. The District recently received the renewal for 2018 and the rates include a minimal increase of 4.3% for the PPO plan, 2.4% increase for the HMO plan, and 0.8% decrease for the EPO plan. Based on a weighted average, the overall increase will be approximately 1.3% as opposed to the industry trend, which is at approximately 6-7%.  Recruitments/New Hires - The District is recruiting for a Laboratory Analyst. This position is critical to District operations. 2 GIS:  Sewer Billing Improvements – Staff completed the analysis for sewer billing improvements. The analysis led to the development of a spatial analysis solution to identify parcels requiring sewer billing verification. The solution has and will save many hours of investigative work when verifying service to parcels.  AutoCAD System Upgrade and Training – Staff completed the AutoCAD system upgrade from 2014 to 2018. A series of trainings were conducted for Engineering and IT/GIS staff. IT Operations:  Enterprise Cloud Phone System – Staff kicked-off the replacement phone system project. The new phone system, 8X8, is a cloud-based solution that provides automatic and seamless call distribution, telephony integration, and an out-dial campaign management system necessary for customer engagement. Prior to the deployment, staff will conduct end-user training of the new system. Deployment of the new system is targeted to go-live at the end of September. The new system offers enhanced redundancies and is projected to save the District approximately $25,000 per year in hardware and maintenance costs.  LaserFiche Training - Staff commenced the training of the District’s new enterprise document and records management system. The training will cover integrated advanced capture features, processing, and workflow automation. Laserfiche is now fully deployed to all staff for searching, viewing, and document management.  Data Center Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) - Staff completed the replacement of the new UPS. The new unit offers a lifespan of 15 years and up to 4 hours of stand-by time in the event of loss of power in the District’s administrative building. The new UPS provides alternative power to the District’s computing environment and other technology hardware located in the Data Center. Purchasing & Facilities:  Metro-E and Entré Alarm and Access Controls - With the deployment of Metro-E (Cox Metro Ethernet) to the majority of the District’s facilities, staff is now able to fine-tune access privileges for staff, vendors, and contractors through Entré, the District’s alarm and access management system. Predefined profiles determines day, time and location privileges for landscapers, janitorial, elevator maintenance, consultants, contractors, lab services, and community groups, among many others. 3  Bidsync Solicitations – Recent District solicitations publicized on BidSync include: o “As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering Services”: For the services of geotechnical engineering consulting firm(s) to provide professional services in support of the District’s Capital Improvement Program for a period of three fiscal years (FY 2018 - 2020) on an as-needed basis, for a not-to-exceed amount of $175,000. o “Sewer Cost of Service Study”: For firms to submit statements of qualifications and fee proposals to perform a sewer cost of service study. Staff received proposals ranging from $48,000 to $75,000. o “980-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coatings & Upgrades (CIP P2546)”: The general scope of work includes the removal and replacement of the interior and exterior coatings on the 980-2 potable water welded steel tank. The estimated cost is $1,192,000.00. Safety & Security:  Update on Cal/OSHA Inspection of Treatment Plant – As a follow-up to the inspection on May 25, 2017, the District received a request for documentation (copies of procedures, training, and certification records, among others). Staff is gathering the paperwork and preparing a response package for submission to Cal/OSHA by or before August 31, 2017. The inspector will review documentation and visit the Treatment Plant to verify the process management information submitted.  Monthly WebEOC Exercise – Emergency Response Staff completed the August 2017 exercise which consisted of: “Assume a 6.8 earthquake has struck the Rose Canyon fault. Fill out a Situation Status Report – Water form, include exercise in the title, and post both to OWD agency events log and the Water Hub”. (The District participates in these monthly exercises to assist in keeping emergency response skills keen, refresh training, and lead to a more efficient and effective emergency response when the need to respond to an emergency arises). FINANCE:  ADP – Staff has submitted the initial informational items requested by ADP for configuration of the ADP system.  Low-income Water Assistance Program – Staff has drafted comments in response to the State’s low-income water assistance program. ADP will be the outsource contractor for the District payroll. 4  Miscellaneous Fees Review – In March 2017, various fees within the Code of Ordinances were updated. In accordance with the scheduled review period, staff will evaluate these fees again in early 2019. (See Attachment A to GM Report).  Financial Reporting: o For the first month ending July 31, 2017, there are total revenues of $9,709,674 and total expenses of $8,549,022. The revenues exceeded expenses by $1,160,652. o The market value shown in the Portfolio Summary and in the Investment Portfolio Details as of July 31, 2017 total $80,421,441 with an average yield to maturity of 1.154%. The total earnings year-to-date are $79,157. ENGINEERING AND WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS: Engineering:  870-2 Pump Station Replacement: This project consists of a new pump station to replace the existing Low Head 571-1 and High Head 870-1 Pump Stations. A Notice to Procced was issued to Pacific Hydrotech on July 26, 2017. A pre-construction meeting was held in August and project submittals are in progress. The project is scheduled to begin on-site construction in October 2017 and complete in October 2019. Staff is working with the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to attain the project’s final environmental permit. A mitigation requirement that includes a proposal to develop wetlands at the District’s Habitat Management Area (HMA) for project impacts to wetlands at the site has been presented to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. (P2083)  SR-11 Utility Relocations: This project consists of relocating several District potable water pipelines located in Otay Mesa Road, Sanyo Avenue, Enrico Fermi Drive, Alta Road, and within District easements. The first two rounds of relocations (Caltrans Utility Agreement Numbers 33592 and 33622) were completed in FY 2016. Staff held meetings with Caltrans in January 2017 to discuss the relocations from Enrico Fermi Drive to the future Mexico/USA international border crossing. As part of the SR-11 project, Caltrans will need to acquire a portion of the District’s fee-owned right-of-way that is located in the Alta Road alignment south of Otay Mesa Road. Caltrans will submit an appraisal of the District’s property they intend to acquire. Caltrans has communicated to the District that their project is scheduled to start construction in December 2018. (P2453)  978-1 & 850-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coatings & Upgrades: This project consists of removing and replacing the interior and exterior 5 coatings of the 978-1 0.5 MG Reservoir and the 850-2 3.1 MG Reservoir, along with providing structural upgrades, to ensure the tanks comply with both state and federal OSHA standards as well as the American Water Works Association and the County Health Department standards. During the month of August, Blastco, Inc., the District’s contractor, completed all structural work at the 850- 2 Reservoir. The structural work included replacement of the reservoir roof rafters and earthquake restraints. The contractor also began the removal of the reservoir’s interior coating in August 2017. The contractor is currently behind schedule due to sub- contractor coordination. The contractor has been notified that liquidated damages will be assessed for late delivery of the project. The project is within budget. It is estimated that work on the 850-2 Reservoir will complete in November 2017. (P2534 & P2544)  Campo Road Sewer Replacement: The existing sanitary sewer from Avocado Road to Singer Drive is undersized and located in environmentally sensitive areas that are difficult to access. The Campo Road Sewer Replacement project will install approximately 7,420 linear feet of new 15-inch gravity sewer and include abandonment of the existing sewer main. Work in August 2017 included processing construction submittals, mobilization to the project, and beginning excavation for the new sewer main in the Rancho San Diego Towne Center near the intersection of Campo Road (SR 94) and Jamacha Road (SR 54). It is anticipated that construction of the new sewer main within Campo Road will start in September 2017. The work in Campo Road within the Caltrans right- of-way will be performed at night. Activities near environmentally sensitive areas will be halted during the breeding season of endangered species, between February and September. The overall project is scheduled for completion in April 2019. (S2024)  Hillsdale Road Water and Sewer Replacement: The existing water line in Hillsdale Road between Jamacha Road and Vista Grande Road has experienced several leaks and found to be in need of replacement. This project consists of replacing approximately 4,050 linear feet of 12-inch Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water line. The project also includes the replacement of approximately 760 linear feet of 8-inch PVC sewer within Hillsdale Road. The project was publically advertised for construction bids on June 27, 2017. A public bid opening was held on July 25, 2017. Award of the construction contract is scheduled for the September 6, 2017 Board Meeting. The project is within budget and on schedule to complete in spring 2018. (P2573 & S2048)  Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation: The County of San Diego is realigning Fuerte Drive as part of a safety improvement project. The County has requested that the District relocate the existing 6 sewer within the County’s project. The District’s sewer project consists of relocating approximately 255 linear feet of 8-inch PVC sewer. The project was publically advertised for construction bids on June 29, 2017. A public bid opening was held on July 26, 2017. Award of the construction contract is scheduled for the September 6, 2017 Board Meeting. The project is within budget and on schedule to complete in winter 2017/2018. (S2045)  Vista Vereda Water Replacement: The existing 1950’s steel water line along Vista Vereda between Vista Grande Road and Hidden Mesa Trail in the Hillsdale area has experienced several leaks and found to be in need of replacement. The existing water main is located primarily within easements, many of which have significant improvements performed over the years since the water line was constructed. Through the District’s As-Needed Engineering Design contract, a Task Order was issued on May 2, 2017 to Rick Engineering to design the project. A preliminary design report (PDR) is in progress, with surveying and subsurface utility investigation performed in June 2017. Several alternatives for the replacement will be evaluated in the PDR for consideration, with the draft report due in September 2017. A site walk of the project with the General Manager, Legal Counsel, and key personnel from Operations and Engineering took place on August 22, 2017 to understand the existing conditions within the water main easement. The project is within budget and on schedule for completion of the design in June 2018. (P2574)  Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation: The District issued a construction contract to complete sewer repairs for 60 locations within the Calavo and Rancho San Diego Basins using trenchless technologies. During the month of August 2017, the contractor substantially completed the contract work which includes the installation of “T- Style” lateral repairs and the cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) lining of 8-inch sewer pipe included in the project. The project is within budget. (S2044)  OWD Administration and Operations Parking Lot Improvements, Phase I – Lighting and Vehicle Charging Station: This project consists of replacing the existing parking lot light fixtures in both the Administration and Operations lots with high efficiency LED fixtures. The project also includes constructing an electric vehicle charging station in the employee Administration parking lot. During the month of August 2017, the contractor installed light pole foundations and underground conduits within the Administration parking lot for the new lighting. In September 2017, it is anticipated the contractor will complete installation of the lighting and electrical vehicle charging station. The next phase of improvements will include repairs to the AC paving, slurry sealing 7 of the parking lots, and repainting of parking spaces and curbs. The lighting project is within budget. (P2555 & P2547)  624-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coatings & Upgrades: This project consists of removing and replacing the interior and exterior coatings of the 624-2 8.0 MG Reservoir. The construction contract was awarded to Advanced Industrial Services (AIS). They completed the project in 2014, however, a warranty dive inspection in 2016 found the coating near the center roof vent was cracking and blistering. The reservoir was taken out of service to allow for a closer inspection by AIS and the District’s Coating Inspector. District staff has directed AIS to do the repairs now. The interior roof coating has been removed, and AIS is in the process of applying the new coating. Once the roof repairs are complete, AIS will address the other minor corrective repairs. Under authority provided in the Otay Water District Board of Directors Policy No. 6, “Annual Capital Improvement Program Development,” the General Manager provided authorization to exceed the budget for P2493 by $30,000. The new authorized Project budget of $1,610,000 will support the completion of the Project scheduled to be complete in mid-September 2017. (P2493)  980-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating and Upgrades: This project consists of removing and replacing the interior and exterior coatings of the 980-2 5.0 MG Reservoir, along with providing structural upgrades, to ensure the tank complies with both state and federal OSHA standards as well as the American Water Works Association and the County Health Department standards. The project was advertised on August 2, 2017, and a pre-bid meeting was held on August 15, 2017. Ten (10) contractors and vendors attended the pre- bid meeting. The bids are scheduled to be opened on August 24, 2017, and this item will be presented at the September Committee and October 2017 Board Meetings. The project is on schedule. (P2546)  Rancho San Diego Pump Station Rehabilitation: On April 30, 2014, the District and the San Diego County Sanitation District (Sanitation District) executed a reimbursement agreement for the improvements to the Rancho San Diego Pump Station that were expected to be completed on or about March 2016. The Sanitation District awarded a construction contract to TC Construction Company Inc. on September 14, 2016. To date, staff has received 88 submittals from the contractor and the Sanitation District. Start-up and testing of the pump station is scheduled to begin in April of 2018. (S2027)  For the month of July 2017, the District sold 12 meters (24 EDUs), generating $202,351 in revenue. Projection for this period was 23.6 meters (30.8 EDUs), with budgeted revenue of $270,083. Total revenue for Fiscal Year 2018 is $202,351 against the annual budget of $3,241,000. 8 Water System Operations (reporting for July):  Out of 61 K-12 schools in the District, 45 requested to be tested; 44 have a sampling plan completed; 41 have collected samples and; 29 have received results. The District, however, cannot provide test results to the public for 60 days after receiving the laboratory results. Staff time for the school lead sampling is being tracked. It takes staff approximately 12 hours to complete lead testing from the initial contact from the school up until the reviewing of the Lab reports and discussing the results with the school.  On July 6, Water Systems Supervisor, Charles Mederos contacted SDCWA about high nitrite values at Flow Control Facility (FCF) 12. SDCWA is doing corrective action and flushing 35 CFS at the SR-13 Connection.  On July 11, Operations staff performed an emergency shutdown at 696 Rocking Horse Dr. in Chula Vista to replace a defective two-inch corporation stop for an air release valve. The shutdown affected four residential meters for 3 hours. A water trailer was on site for affected customers.  On July 13, SDCWA requested to cut all flows on FCF 14 and transfer to FCF 11 to perform testing at the San Vicente Pump Station.  On July 19, staff assisted the Inspection Department with a planned shutdown on Bob Fletcher Parkway as part of the Millenia developer project. The shutdown was to connect a new section of 12-inch PVC main. Two domestic meters were affected from 8:00am to 5:00pm. A water trailer was on site for the affected customers.  On July 19, Environmental Compliance Specialist, Lisa Coburn-Boyd informed staff that the County of San Diego intended to conduct an Hazardous Material Business Plan (HMBP), Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC), CalARP inspection on July 25 at the Treatment Plant.  On July 24, Operations performed an unplanned shutdown for three hours at 814 Concepcion Ave. in Spring Valley to make a repair on a 6-inch ACP main line that was leaking due to a direct tap/no saddle. Twenty-four residential meters were affected, water trailers were available during the duration of the shutdown. 9  On July 25, the County inspected District programs HMBP/SPCC/CalARP at the Treatment Plant. One Class II violation (a no fine violation) was noted and has since been corrected.  On July 25, Sweetwater Authority (SWA) requested to have the Douglas Emergency Interconnect open as they were doing tank maintenance and possibly needed to take water. The interconnect was closed on January 27 with no usage from SWA. Purchases and Change Orders:  The following table summarizes purchases and Change Orders issued during the period of July 18, 2017 through August 15, 2017 that were within staff signatory authority: Date Action Amount Contractor/ Consultant Project 7/18/17 P.O. $10,000 WEB CONSULTING NIGHTCODERS, LLC 7/19/17 P.O. $4,993 MAINTENANCE UPS SYST COMPUTER PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY 7/20/17 P.O. $13,200 SOFTWARE LICENSE TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 7/24/17 C.O. $20,000.00 CLARKSON LABORATORY AND SUPPLY, INC. VARIOUS PROJECTS 7/26/17 P.O. $6,665 INTERNET CIRCUITS COGENT COMMUNICATIONS, INC 7/27/17 P.O. $2,500 PATROLLING SERVICES US SECURITY ASSOCIATES, INC 7/31/17 P.O. $3,270.05 MAYER REPROGRAPHICS CAMPO ROAD SEWER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (S2024) 8/8/17 P.O. $2,400 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TRACE3, LLC 8/8/17 P.O. $5,631 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 8/15/17 P.O. $4,625 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GROUPWARE TECHNOLOGY, INC 10 Water Conservation and Sales:  Water Conservation - July 2017 usage was 12% lower than July 2013 usage. Since July 2016, customers have saved an average of 15% over 2013 levels.  The July potable water purchases were 2,935.2 acre-feet which is 6.6% above the budget of 2,753.7 acre-feet. 11  The June recycled water purchases and production were 484.8 acre- feet which is 1.3% above the budget of 478.6 acre-feet. Potable, Recycled, and Sewer (Reporting up to the month of July):  Total number of potable water meters: 49,682.  Recycled water consumption for the month of July: o Total consumption: 510.1 acre-feet or 166,144,264 gallons. o Average daily consumption: 5,359,492 gallons per day. o Total cumulative recycled water consumption since July 1, 2017: 510.0 acre-feet. o Total number of recycled water meters: 720.  Wastewater flows for the month of July: o Total basin flow: 1,539,097 gallons per day. This is an increase of .42% from July 2016. o Spring Valley Sanitation District Flow to Metro: 508,644 gallons per day. 12 o Total Otay flow: 1,030,484 gallons per day. o Flow Processed at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility: 748,871 gallons per day. The Treatment Plant July 2017 flows were lower because there was scheduled maintenance in the aeration basins thus reducing plant treatment capacity. There are only 2 of the 3 aeration basins online. Staff is waiting for replacement equipment before all 3 aeration basins can be placed back in service. The equipment has an 8-10 week lead time from Germany as of 8/24/2017. o Flow to Metro from Otay Water District: 281,613 gallons per day.  By the end of July there were 6,106 wastewater EDUs. Attachment A: Updated Fee Schedule, Code of Ordinances Appendix A Check Total 12,844.99 13,421.27 3,564.50 125.14 CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/20/2017 - 8/23/2017 Check #Date Vendor#Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount 2048757 08/16/17 15876 1903 SOLUTIONS LLC OWD170721BD 07/31/17 ANTI-VIRUS PROTECTION 12,288.00 12,288.00 2048631 07/26/17 01910 ABCANA INDUSTRIES INC 1009046 07/03/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,748.01 1,748.01 2048673 08/02/17 01910 ABCANA INDUSTRIES INC 1010061 07/17/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 2,913.99 1009540 07/10/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,901.68 1009774 07/13/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,704.79 1009194 07/06/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,610.67 1009775 07/13/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,548.24 1009195 07/06/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,249.54 1009776 07/13/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,044.96 1009199 07/06/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 871.12 2048758 08/16/17 01910 ABCANA INDUSTRIES INC 1010576 07/24/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 2,009.25 1010993 07/31/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,975.64 1010862 07/27/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,541.51 1010371 07/21/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,380.16 1010734 07/26/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,180.39 1010231 07/19/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,144.85 1010863 07/27/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,134.29 1010732 07/26/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 985.42 1010994 07/31/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 696.32 1010885 07/27/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 652.14 1010322 07/20/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 404.35 1010320 07/20/17 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 316.95 2048759 08/16/17 17989 ADS CORP 22234220717 07/22/17 ADS FLOW METER 16,305.74 16,305.74 2048674 08/02/17 12174 AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC 51 07/06/17 DISINFECTION SYSTEM (ENDING 6/30/17)185.00 185.00 2048760 08/16/17 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 131498712 07/18/17 AQUA AMMONIA 2,101.50 131498711 07/18/17 AQUA AMMONIA 1,149.50 131498713 07/18/17 AQUA AMMONIA 313.50 2048675 08/02/17 15024 AIRX UTILITY SURVEYORS INC 1806302017 07/05/17 UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES (6/1/17-6/30/17)12,805.00 12,805.00 2048632 07/26/17 18178 ALBERTO RAMIREZ Ref002486313 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000147663 32.23 32.23 2048761 08/16/17 14256 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC 657118 07/07/17 INSURANCE CONSULTING (JULY-SEPT 2017)7,250.00 7,250.00 2048711 08/09/17 18224 ANGELICA CORDOVA Ref002487584 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000225925 74.19 Ref002487583 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000225925 50.95 2048712 08/09/17 18218 ANGELINA DANIELS Ref002487576 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000140962 52.69 52.69 Page 1 of 10 Check Total CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/20/2017 - 8/23/2017 Check #Date Vendor#Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount 3,536.64 3,929.60 1,500.00 2,254.00 2048633 07/26/17 08967 ANTHEM EAP 56120 06/29/17 EAP AGREEMENT (JULY-SEPT 2017)923.22 923.22 2048676 08/02/17 17264 ARTIANO SHINOFF 215989 07/13/17 LEGAL SERVICES (JUNE 2017)53,501.63 53,501.63 2048634 07/26/17 18181 ARTURO MONTANO Ref002486316 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000203280 16.06 16.06 2048762 08/16/17 17922 ASTON CARTER INC TS00186217 07/27/17 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT (7/10/17-7/14/17)1,964.80 TS00184885 07/20/17 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT (7/3/17-7/7/17)1,571.84 2048677 08/02/17 17922 ASTON CARTER INC TS00182207 07/06/17 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT (6/19/17-6/23/17)1,964.80 TS00183549 07/13/17 TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT (6/26/17-6/30/17)1,964.80 2048678 08/02/17 07785 AT&T 000009902270 07/02/17 TELEPHONE SERVICES (6/2/17-7/1/17)8.20 8.20 2048763 08/16/17 07785 AT&T 000009942839 07/12/17 TELEPHONE SERVICES (6/12/17-7/11/17)9,282.72 9,282.72 2048713 08/09/17 18124 AZTECA SYSTEMS LLC 13228 06/05/17 CITYWORKS LICENSE AGREEMENT 90,000.00 90,000.00 2048635 07/26/17 12577 BLASTCO INC 806302017 06/30/17 978-1 & 850-2 RESERVOIRS (ENDING 6/30/17)53,780.45 53,780.45 2048714 08/09/17 18228 BRANDON STARKEY Ref002487588 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000232201 13.70 13.70 2048715 08/09/17 08156 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER 684580 07/13/17 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY (THROUGH 6/30/17)5,865.00 5,865.00 2048679 08/02/17 14112 BSE ENGINEERING INC 75400507 07/11/17 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (ENDING 6/30/17)70.00 70.00 2048793 08/23/17 14112 BSE ENGINEERING INC 75400415 07/31/17 ELECTRICAL DESIGN (7/1/17-7/31/17)1,059.00 1,059.00 2048716 08/09/17 02989 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL 17072712 07/27/17 DEBT STATEMENT (ENDING 6/30/17)525.00 525.00 2048717 08/09/17 04071 CAPITOL WEBWORKS LLC 28663 07/31/17 ELECTRONIC FILING FEE (QUARTERLY)45.00 45.00 2048718 08/09/17 17022 CASTLE ACCESS INC 0223094561 08/01/17 COLOCATION SERVICES (JULY 2017)2,083.25 2,083.25 2048719 08/09/17 13132 CHARLES LA FLAIR Ref002487575 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000069679 35.82 35.82 2048720 08/09/17 18221 CHERI GALVEZ Ref002487579 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000182402 98.82 98.82 2048764 08/16/17 01828 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY 737170080091 07/27/17 TITLE REPORT 500.00 737170080101 07/27/17 TITLE REPORT 500.00 Invoice 737170080111 07/27/17 TITLE REPORT 500.00 2048721 08/09/17 18216 CHRIS BOYD Ref002487573 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000004019 264.79 264.79 2048636 07/26/17 15256 CIGNA GROUP INSURANCE / LINA 9267071017 07/10/17 AD&D & SUPP LIFE INS (JULY 2017)4,152.73 4,152.73 2048794 08/23/17 15256 CIGNA GROUP INSURANCE / LINA 9267081017 08/10/17 AD&D & SUPP LIFE INS (AUG 2017)4,332.36 4,332.36 2048722 08/09/17 12674 CITY OF CHULA VISTA 071060PU0040617 07/31/17 UTILITY PERMITS (1/1/17-6/30/17)13,710.00 13,710.00 2048765 08/16/17 00234 CITY TREASURER 1000198815 06/05/17 LABORATORY ANALYSIS (MAY 2017)1,255.00 1000201227 07/05/17 LABORATORY ANALYSIS (JUNE 2017)999.00 Page 2 of 10 Check Total CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/20/2017 - 8/23/2017 Check #Date Vendor#Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount 4,388.00 5,386.00 28,694.00 2048795 08/23/17 18256 CLARENCE LLOREN Ref002487763 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000231804 26.03 26.03 2048796 08/23/17 18244 CLARENCE SMITH Ref002487751 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000067296 80.53 80.53 2048766 08/16/17 04119 CLARKSON LAB & SUPPLY INC 91785 07/31/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (7/10-11-17)870.00 91790 07/31/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (7/19/17 & 7/24/17)838.00 91789 07/31/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (7/17/17-7/18/17)832.00 91791 07/31/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (7/27/17-7/30/17)676.00 91788 07/31/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (7/17/17)452.00 91786 07/31/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (7/13/17-7/15/17)344.00 91612 07/31/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (7/24/17)188.00 91787 07/31/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (7/17/17)188.00 2048637 07/26/17 04119 CLARKSON LAB & SUPPLY INC 91356 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/13/17-6/14/17)680.00 91362 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/22/17)585.00 91364 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/27/17)585.00 91359 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/19/17-6/20/17)556.00 91360 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/20/17-6/21/17)480.00 91355 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/12/17-6/13/17)452.00 91358 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/19/17-6/20/17)452.00 91363 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/26/17)339.00 90732 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/3/17)264.00 91361 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/20/17)253.00 91331 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/30/17)178.00 91353 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/1/17)178.00 91354 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/12/17)178.00 91357 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/19/17)178.00 91352 06/30/17 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING 28.00 2048638 07/26/17 18120 CLEVER PROMOTIONS 9823 06/23/17 COMPRESSED SPONGES 985.54 985.54 2048680 08/02/17 15616 COGENT COMMUNICATIONS INC 0002070117 07/01/17 INTERNET CIRCUITS (JULY 2017)1,333.00 1,333.00 2048767 08/16/17 15616 COGENT COMMUNICATIONS INC 0002080117 08/01/17 INTERNET CIRCUITS (JUNE & AUG 2017)2,666.00 2,666.00 2048681 08/02/17 03288 COMPUTER PROTECTION 202572PMA 07/11/17 MAINTENANCE UPS SYST (7/1/17-6/30/18)4,993.00 4,993.00 2048682 08/02/17 05622 CORRPRO COMPANIES INC 434953 07/17/17 COATING INSPECTION (4/1/17-4/30/17)14,820.00 434958 07/17/17 COATING INSPECTION (5/1/17-5/31/17)13,874.00 2048768 08/16/17 02612 COUNCIL OF WATER UTILITIES 8152017 08/01/17 BUSINESS MEETING - COWU 25.00 25.00 2048683 08/02/17 00099 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DPWAROTAYMWD061707/10/17 EXCAVATION PERMITS (JUNE 2017)3,942.40 3,942.40 2048684 08/02/17 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEH170136OHP 07/10/17 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE (7/1/16-12/31/16)589.21 589.21Page 3 of 10 Check Total CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/20/2017 - 8/23/2017 Check #Date Vendor#Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount 2,020.00 374.46 5,846.11 10,722.56 2048684 08/02/17 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEH170136OHP 07/10/17 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE (7/1/16-12/31/16)589.21 589.21 2048797 08/23/17 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 3584081717 08/17/17 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (8/31/17-8/31/18)1,473.00 2137081717 08/17/17 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (8/31/17-8/31/18)547.00 2048769 08/16/17 03086 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO LC1729 07/01/17 OTHER AGENCY FEE - LAFCO 57,731.98 57,731.98 2048639 07/26/17 17770 COX BUSINESS 6801071317 07/13/17 TELECOM SVCS / METRO-E (7/12/17-8/11/17)240.72 6701071517 07/15/17 TELECOM SVCS / METRO-E (7/14/17-8/13/17)133.74 2048723 08/09/17 17770 COX BUSINESS 6702072517 07/25/17 TELECOM SVCS / METRO-E (7/24/17-8/23/17)5,712.37 9601072617 07/26/17 TELECOM SVCS / METRO-E (7/25/17-8/24/17)133.74 2048770 08/16/17 17770 COX BUSINESS 0301072917 07/29/17 TELECOM SVCS / METRO-E (7/28/17-8/27/17)133.74 133.74 2048771 08/16/17 00693 CSDA, SAN DIEGO CHAPTER 8172017 08/01/17 BUSINESS MEETING - CSDA 60.00 60.00 2048640 07/26/17 18190 DANIEL GILSTRAP Ref002486325 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000233596 28.61 28.61 2048724 08/09/17 18226 DAVID LUCAS Ref002487586 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000230946 19.84 19.84 2048798 08/23/17 18248 DENNIS DIAZ Ref002487755 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000203196 21.70 21.70 2048799 08/23/17 18253 DIGNA BORRERO Ref002487760 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000225798 12.16 12.16 2048641 07/26/17 18182 DIII HERITAGE LLC Ref002486317 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000213971 1,930.77 1,930.77 2048685 08/02/17 15084 DLT SOLUTIONS LLC SI363400 07/13/17 SOFTWARE AND SUPPORT (7/9/17-7/8/18)15,400.00 15,400.00 2048725 08/09/17 18032 DMS M015894 07/14/17 WINDOW CLEANING 1,950.00 1,950.00 2048642 07/26/17 18184 DONALD PITTMAN Ref002486319 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000216516 7.35 7.35 2048643 07/26/17 05134 DYCHITAN, MARISSA 07192017MD 07/19/17 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 145.00 145.00 2048686 08/02/17 17612 ECS IMAGING INC 11872 10/31/16 LASERFICHE IMPLEMENTATION 14,400.00 14,400.00 2048772 08/16/17 17612 ECS IMAGING INC 12424 08/02/17 LASERFICHE IMPLEMENTATION 49,990.00 49,990.00 2048800 08/23/17 18250 ELIZABETH ODALY Ref002487757 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000214169 20.41 20.41 2048726 08/09/17 18219 ELSA VALAY-PAZ Ref002487577 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000146490 73.14 73.14 2048644 07/26/17 18176 ENRIQUE DELACRUZ Ref002486311 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000091344 68.59 68.59 2048773 08/16/17 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0602470 07/24/17 INVENTORY 5,767.42 0602440 07/24/17 2,916.68INVENTORY 06024401 07/26/17 INVENTORY 2,038.46 2048687 08/02/17 17792 FIREHOSEDIRECT 62784 07/18/17 HI-LINE FIRE HOSE 5,142.50 5,142.50 2048774 08/16/17 17888 FIRST AMERICAN DATA TREE LLC 9003400717 07/31/17 ONLINE DOCUMENTS 142.78 142.78 2048688 08/02/17 16469 FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 084839 07/12/17 COFFEE SERVICES 994.05 994.05Page 4 of 10 Check Total CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/20/2017 - 8/23/2017 Check #Date Vendor#Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount 6,136.02 18,108.58 2048688 08/02/17 16469 FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 084839 07/12/17 COFFEE SERVICES 994.05 994.05 2048801 08/23/17 02591 FITNESS TECH 10494 06/05/17 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE (JUNE 2017)135.00 135.00 2048802 08/23/17 18251 FLATIRON WEST INC.Ref002487758 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000223023 1,943.47 1,943.47 2048645 07/26/17 01612 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2486389 07/27/17 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 100.00 100.00 2048727 08/09/17 01612 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2487643 08/10/17 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 100.00 100.00 2048803 08/23/17 01612 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2487778 08/24/17 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 100.00 100.00 2048646 07/26/17 02344 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2486391 07/27/17 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 100.00 100.00 2048728 08/09/17 02344 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2487645 08/10/17 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 100.00 100.00 2048804 08/23/17 02344 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2487780 08/24/17 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 100.00 100.00 2048647 07/26/17 18186 GABRIEL OREA Ref002486321 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000221475 51.73 51.73 2048648 07/26/17 17855 GASTELUM, HECTOR 060317063017 07/25/17 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (JUNE 2017)159.97 159.97 2048775 08/16/17 03537 GHA TECHNOLOGIES INC 9960724 07/25/17 DESKTOP COMPUTERS 7,597.67 7,597.67 2048776 08/16/17 06640 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD H303975 07/18/17 3/4" REGISTERS 7,430.88 7,430.88 2048805 08/23/17 10973 HDR ENGINEERING INC 1200067744 08/15/17 CAPACITY FEE STUDY (7/2/17-8/5/17)119.00 119.00 2048689 08/02/17 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMNTL PLANNING INC 61461 07/05/17 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (5/22/17-6/30/17)10,323.35 10,323.35 2048690 08/02/17 04209 HIDDEN VALLEY PUMP 000337340000 06/29/17 PUMP RECONDITION 24,987.61 24,987.61 2048806 08/23/17 18252 HOAN TRUONG Ref002487759 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000225460 35.55 35.55 2048691 08/02/17 15622 ICF JONES & STOKES INC 0123317 07/10/17 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (5/27/17-6/30/17)5,452.50 0123316 07/10/17 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (5/27/17-6/30/17)683.52 2048777 08/16/17 17816 INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORP 2015410 07/31/17 GAS DETECTION PROGRAM (JULY 2017)704.58 704.58 2048649 07/26/17 08969 INFOSEND INC 122903 06/30/17 BILL PRINTING SERVICES (JUNE 2017)12,374.09 122902 06/30/17 BILL PRINTING SERVICES (JUNE 2017)3,554.58 123101 07/03/17 BILL PRINTING SERVICES (JUNE 2017)2,179.91 2048729 08/09/17 04053 INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE Ref002487580 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000185773 10.00 10.00 2048650 07/26/17 18174 IVONNE ALBA Ref002486308 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000075264 27.04 27.04 2048778 08/16/17 17106 IWG TOWERS ASSETS II LLC 408803 08/01/17 ANTENNA SUBLEASE (AUG 2017)1,673.00 1,673.00 2048651 07/26/17 18177 JANE YOUNG Ref002486312 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000147049 56.86 56.86 2048807 08/23/17 18246 JANET RILEY Ref002487753 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000175852 18.21 18.21 2048779 08/16/17 10563 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 728344 07/24/17 CHLORINE GAS 1,837.80 1,837.80 Page 5 of 10 Check Total CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/20/2017 - 8/23/2017 Check #Date Vendor#Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount 2048779 08/16/17 10563 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 728344 07/24/17 CHLORINE GAS 1,837.80 1,837.80 2048692 08/02/17 01010 JOBS AVAILABLE INC 1714023 07/05/17 JOB ADVERTISEMENT 507.00 507.00 2048808 08/23/17 18245 JOHN MARTIN Ref002487752 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000095623 68.03 68.03 2048652 07/26/17 18188 JOHN MIMNAUGH Ref002486323 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000231000 33.01 33.01 2048653 07/26/17 18179 JORGE GONZALEZ Ref002486314 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000160750 24.19 24.19 2048654 07/26/17 18105 JORGE LUIS ROJAS Ref002486310 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000090643 75.90 75.90 2048655 07/26/17 18185 JOSE JEMMOTT Ref002486320 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000217269 37.54 37.54 2048656 07/26/17 18183 JOSHUA CHUNG Ref002486318 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000214597 46.49 46.49 2048657 07/26/17 18192 JULIE GREGG 6835072417 07/24/17 CUSTOMER REFUND 251.91 251.91 2048658 07/26/17 18189 KERSHAW CONSTRUCTION Ref002486324 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000232700 135.45 135.45 2048809 08/23/17 14808 KOEPPEN, KEVIN 073117 08/18/17 AICPA MEMBERSHIP REIMB 265.00 265.00 2048810 08/23/17 12276 KONECRANES INC SDG00062243 08/15/17 CRANE INSPECTIONS (AUG 2017)575.00 575.00 2048811 08/23/17 18241 LANE V PECK TRUST 081817 08/18/17 1958 SEWER BOND SERIES A 1,000.00 1,000.00 2048730 08/09/17 18217 LARRY SUHL Ref002487574 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000015147 44.40 44.40 2048659 07/26/17 18187 LAURA PROVENCIO Ref002486322 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000229820 44.93 44.93 2048812 08/23/17 18243 LINDA STEELE Ref002487750 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000036175 5.29 5.29 2048731 08/09/17 17969 LONDON MOEDER ADVISORS 1389 07/31/17 OUTSIDE SERVICES 4,400.00 4,400.00 2048732 08/09/17 18220 LORNA AMARILLAS Ref002487578 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000154077 39.22 39.22 2048694 08/02/17 16608 MICHAEL BAKER INT'L INC 984204 07/13/17 870-2 PS INSPECTION SERVICES (ENDING 7/2/17)3,591.00 3,591.00 2048733 08/09/17 16613 MISSION RESOURCE CONSERVATION 379 08/02/17 HOME WATER USE EVAL (JULY 2017)31.25 31.25 2048734 08/09/17 15620 MY LITTLE PONY RIDES 541355a 04/17/17 EMPLOYEE PROGRAM 937.50 937.50 2048813 08/23/17 18255 NATHANIEL GRAHAM Ref002487762 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000226372 41.87 41.87 2048660 07/26/17 16255 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT Ben2486379 07/27/17 BI-WEEKLY DEFERRED COMP PLAN 10,162.20 10,162.20 2048735 08/09/17 16255 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT Ben2487633 08/10/17 BI-WEEKLY DEFERRED COMP PLAN 10,162.20 10,162.20 2048814 08/23/17 16255 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT Ben2487768 08/24/17 BI-WEEKLY DEFERRED COMP PLAN 10,162.20 10,162.20 2048815 08/23/17 18064 NYHART 0132317 07/31/17 ACTUARIAL SERVICES (5/1/17-7/31/17)5,018.00 5,018.00 2048780 08/16/17 03215 O'DONNELL, MICHAEL 08032017MO 08/15/17 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 315.00 315.00 2048695 08/02/17 06856 ORPAK USA INC 49843 06/01/17 GPS TRACKING SYSTEM 233.35 233.35 Page 6 of 10 Check Total CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/20/2017 - 8/23/2017 Check #Date Vendor#Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount 38,951.27 123,599.84 06856 ORPAK USA INC 49843 GPS TRACKING SYSTEM 2048736 08/09/17 06856 ORPAK USA INC 49698 04/10/17 GPS TRACKING SYSTEM 13,107.13 13,107.13 2048781 08/16/17 01002 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY INC 315232 07/21/17 INVENTORY 2,923.80 2,923.80 2048661 07/26/17 18191 PATTI MCKELVY Ref002486326 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000236966 27.87 27.87 2048782 08/16/17 00137 PETTY CASH CUSTODIAN 081517 08/15/17 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 1,432.22 1,432.22 2048816 08/23/17 15948 PICA PIPELINE INSPECTION AND 174 06/12/17 INSPECTION ASSESSMENT (3/1/17-6/12/17)61,227.00 61,227.00 2048696 08/02/17 13122 PINNACLE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 37827 07/12/17 VEEAM RENEWAL 4,238.00 4,238.00 2048737 08/09/17 15081 PINOMAKI DESIGN 5570 08/01/17 OUTSIDE SERVICES 212.50 212.50 2048817 08/23/17 01715 PORRAS, PEDRO 091017091317a 08/21/17 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMB (9/10/17-9/13/17)929.96 929.96 2048783 08/16/17 01715 PORRAS, PEDRO 091017-091317 08/16/17 MEAL ADVANCEMENT (9/10/17-9/13/17)161.00 161.00 2048697 08/02/17 03613 PSOMAS 131435 07/06/17 DESIGN SERVICES (ENDING 6/30/17)12,725.82 12,725.82 2048738 08/09/17 16558 RAPID TATTS PHOTO &081217RT 08/12/17 EMPLOYEE PROGRAM 525.00 525.00 2048739 08/09/17 18225 RAYMOND THOMAS Ref002487585 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000230373 64.37 64.37 2048784 08/16/17 01196 REGIONAL TRAINING CENTER 14482 07/21/17 CONSORTIUM TRAINING FEE (2017-2018)1,779.00 1,779.00 2048740 08/09/17 18234 RENO CONTRACTING INC Ref002487594 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000234118 1,819.55 1,819.55 2048698 08/02/17 08972 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 17829D2 07/10/17 DESIGN SERVICES (5/27/17-6/30/17)47,399.51 47,399.51 2048699 08/02/17 00521 RICK POST WELD & WET TAPPING 11551 07/07/17 WELDING SERVICES (6/29/17)562.50 562.50 2048741 08/09/17 04542 ROBAK, MARK 070117073117 08/03/17 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (7/1/17-7/31/17)3.75 3.75 2048742 08/09/17 18223 ROBERT LAVIN Ref002487582 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000213564 126.90 126.90 2048818 08/23/17 18242 ROBERTO MADRIGAL 7009082117 08/21/17 CUSTOMER REFUND 900.00 900.00 2048662 07/26/17 02586 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR 201700352 07/03/17 ASSESSOR DATA (JUNE 2017)125.00 125.00 2048700 08/02/17 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 072617 07/26/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)17,309.41 072517 07/25/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)12,085.61 072017 07/31/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)9,492.01 072417 07/24/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)64.24 2048663 07/26/17 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 071917 07/19/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)34,118.36 34,118.36 2048743 08/09/17 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 072717 07/27/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)63,332.36 080217 08/02/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)29,025.64 072617a 07/26/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)26,956.28 072417a 07/24/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)4,285.56 Page 7 of 10 Check Total CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/20/2017 - 8/23/2017 Check #Date Vendor#Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount 94,610.26 12,875.95 2048785 08/16/17 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 080317 08/03/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)72,840.33 072517a 07/25/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)21,769.93 2048819 08/23/17 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 081617 08/16/17 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)842.24 842.24 2048744 08/09/17 18231 SANDY MILLER AND ASSOCIATES Ref002487591 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000232513 214.92 214.92 2048745 08/09/17 18227 SARA MCINTOSH Ref002487587 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000231633 12.29 12.29 2048746 08/09/17 18233 SEA WORLD Ref002487593 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000233691 1,960.95 1,960.95 2048786 08/16/17 15000 SEGURA, ADOLFO 080617080917 08/10/17 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMB (8/6/17-8/9/17)171.71 171.71 2048701 08/02/17 15000 SEGURA, ADOLFO AS073117 07/31/17 MEAL ADVANCEMENT (8/6/17 - 8/9/17)177.00 177.00 2048702 08/02/17 18194 SOKHA CHOUTH 7903072617 07/27/17 CUSTOMER REFUND 876.00 876.00 2048703 08/02/17 14984 SOLARWINDS INC IN333479 07/12/17 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 7,640.00 7,640.00 2048747 08/09/17 15176 SOUTHCOAST HEATING &988252 05/15/17 ENGINEERING HVAC REPL (THROUGH 5/15/17)26,629.00 26,629.00 2048820 08/23/17 18254 SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE Ref002487761 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000225934 1,929.06 1,929.06 2048821 08/23/17 18247 STAN CLEMMENSEN Ref002487754 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000184525 54.80 54.80 2048787 08/16/17 00274 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 6974081017 08/10/17 CERTIFICATE RENEWAL 115.00 115.00 2048664 07/26/17 01460 STATE WATER RESOURCES 072417 07/24/17 APPLICATION FEE 813.00 813.00 2048704 08/02/17 01460 STATE WATER RESOURCES 30425073117 07/31/17 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL 60.00 60.00 2048822 08/23/17 18257 STEPHAN FARIS Ref002487764 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000232694 118.26 118.26 2048748 08/09/17 18229 STEPHANIE RAYBORN Ref002487589 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000232289 75.00 75.00 2048823 08/23/17 18193 SUMMIT EROSION CONTROL 20177167 08/10/17 MOWING SERVICES 14,600.00 14,600.00 2048824 08/23/17 15974 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL Ben2487766 08/24/17 MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION TO LTD 5,115.13 5,115.13 2048665 07/26/17 15974 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL Ben2486377 07/27/17 MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION TO LTD 5,065.91 5,065.91 2048788 08/16/17 10339 SUPREME OIL COMPANY 439762 07/19/17 UNLEADED FUEL 9,207.02 439763 07/19/17 DIESEL FUEL 3,668.93 2048705 08/02/17 17704 T&T JANITORIAL INC 20113973 06/30/17 JANITORIAL SERVICES (JUNE 2017)4,780.00 4,780.00 2048825 08/23/17 18249 TANYA LEE Ref002487756 08/21/17 UB Refund Cst #0000213204 75.00 75.00 2048826 08/23/17 15926 TEXAS CHILD SUPPORT UNIT Ben2487782 08/24/17 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 184.61 184.61 2048749 08/09/17 15926 TEXAS CHILD SUPPORT UNIT Ben2487647 08/10/17 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 184.61 184.61 2048666 07/26/17 15926 TEXAS CHILD SUPPORT UNIT Ben2486393 07/27/17 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 184.61 184.61 Page 8 of 10 Check Total CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/20/2017 - 8/23/2017 Check #Date Vendor#Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount 7,885.00 572.45 139,963.48 2048667 07/26/17 07446 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 2522036101 07/12/17 ADM FEES 1996 COPS (7/1/17-6/30/18)3,097.50 3,097.50 2048668 07/26/17 18175 THOMAS H BORGERDING Ref002486309 07/24/17 UB Refund Cst #0000088674 34.53 34.53 2048706 08/02/17 14177 THOMPSON, MITCHELL 060117063017 07/28/17 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (JUNE 2017)107.00 107.00 2048789 08/16/17 14177 THOMPSON, MITCHELL 070117073117 08/09/17 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (JULY 2017)19.26 19.26 2048750 08/09/17 18232 TONY BOTTERILL Ref002487592 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000232706 75.00 75.00 2048827 08/23/17 17000 TRANSTAR PIPELINE INC 00016791 08/17/17 RETAINAGE RELEASE 55,709.08 55,709.08 2048751 08/09/17 13047 UNION BANK NA 1050932 07/23/17 ADM FEES 2010 BOND (7/1/17-6/30/18)3,330.00 1050871 07/23/17 ADM FEES FOR 2013 BOND (7/1/17-6/30/18)2,013.00 1050913 07/23/17 ADM FEES FOR COPS 2007 (7/1/17-6/30/18)1,907.00 1050802 07/23/17 ADM FEES FOR ID 27 (7/1/17-6/30/18)635.00 2048707 08/02/17 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 35023 07/04/17 PORT TOILET RENTAL (7/4/17-7/31/17)97.37 35018 07/04/17 PORT TOILET RENTAL (7/4/17-7/31/17)79.18 35022 07/04/17 PORT TOILET RENTAL (7/4/17-7/31/17)79.18 35019 07/04/17 PORT TOILET RENTAL (7/4/17-7/31/17)79.18 35020 07/04/17 PORT TOILET RENTAL (7/4/17-7/31/17)79.18 35021 07/04/17 PORT TOILET RENTAL (7/4/17-7/31/17)79.18 CAL CARD EXPENSES (MONTHLY)139,963.48 35024 07/04/17 PORT TOILET RENTAL (7/4/17-7/31/17)79.18 2048709 08/02/17 07674 US BANK CC20170724127 07/24/17 2048790 08/16/17 06829 US SECURITY ASSOCIATES INC 1817923 07/31/17 PATROLLING SERVICES (JULY 2017)110.00 110.00 2048669 07/26/17 06829 US SECURITY ASSOCIATES INC 1783890 06/29/17 PATROLLING SERVICES (JUNE 2017)110.00 110.00 2048752 08/09/17 18230 VALUE T SALES INC Ref002487590 08/07/17 UB Refund Cst #0000232466 33.45 33.45 2048670 07/26/17 01095 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS Ben2486385 07/27/17 BI-WEEKLY DEFERRED COMP PLAN 14,731.16 14,731.16 2048753 08/09/17 01095 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS Ben2487639 08/10/17 BI-WEEKLY DEFERRED COMP PLAN 14,763.57 14,763.57 2048828 08/23/17 01095 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS Ben2487774 08/24/17 BI-WEEKLY DEFERRED COMP PLAN 14,670.46 14,670.46 2048671 07/26/17 06414 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS Ben2486387 07/27/17 BI-WEEKLY 401A PLAN 779.27 779.27 2048754 08/09/17 06414 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS Ben2487641 08/10/17 BI-WEEKLY 401A PLAN 779.27 779.27 2048829 08/23/17 06414 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS Ben2487776 08/24/17 BI-WEEKLY 401A PLAN 879.27 879.27 2048693 08/02/17 15597 VILLARREAL, LEONARD H 071017 07/10/17 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,325.00 3,325.00 2048791 08/16/17 10340 WAGEWORKS INC INV236496 07/24/17 FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCT 386.00 386.00 2048830 08/23/17 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 532336 07/11/17 ADMIN DIGITAL GATE UPGRADES 2,290.49 2,290.49 Page 9 of 10 Check Total CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/20/2017 - 8/23/2017 Check #Date Vendor#Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Amount 8,046.79 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 532336 ADMIN DIGITAL GATE UPGRADES 2048710 08/02/17 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 529211 07/06/17 SECURITY SERVICES (6/19/17-6/22/17)5,641.85 532031 07/15/17 ALARM MONITORING (AUG 2017)1,830.92 532341 07/11/17 GATE ACCESS UPGRADES (6/28/17)574.02 2048755 08/09/17 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 529208 07/06/17 980-1 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION 8,677.65 8,677.65 2048792 08/16/17 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 532339 06/30/17 GATE ACCESS UPGRADES 3,249.81 3,249.81 2048831 08/23/17 15726 WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC 2655 07/31/17 HYDRAULIC MODELING (ENDING 7/31/17)3,005.00 2048756 08/09/17 18222 YVETTE DAVIDS Ref002487581 08/07/17 07/26/17 18180 YVONNE GAUL Ref002486315 07/24/17 3,005.00 UB Refund Cst #0000193783 7.99 7.99 UB Refund Cst #0000199354 30.97 30.97 Amount Pd Total:1,491,784.38 Check Grand Total:1,491,784.38 2048672 Page 10 of 10