HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-18 Board Packet 1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING DISTRICT BOARDROOM 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY June 6, 2018 3:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 7, 2018 AND SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 6, 2018 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURIS- DICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR 6. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICU- LAR ITEM: a) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4346 TO CONTINUE WATER AND SEWER AVAILA- BILITY CHARGES FOR DISTRICT CUSTOMERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 TO BE COLLECTED THROUGH PROPERTY TAX BILLS b) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4347 TO ESTABLISH THE TAX RATE FOR IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 27 AT $0.004 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 c) ACCEPT AN OFFER FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO PURCHASE 0.331 ACRES OF LAND, LOCATED ALONG THE FUTURE ALIGNMENT OF STATE ROUTE 11 IN OTAY MESA, FOR $90,000.00; AND ENTER INTO A CONSENT TO COMMON USE AGREE- MENT WITH GRANT OF EASEMENT THAT SECURES THE OTAY WATER DIS- TRICT’S PRIOR PROPERTY RIGHTS 2 d) AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO M-RAE ENGINEERING, INC. FOR THE INTERCONNECT AIRVAC VALVE REPLACEMENT PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $83,000.12 e) AWARD TWO (2) PROFESSIONAL AS-NEEDED COATING INSPECTION SER- VICES CONTRACTS; ONE WITH COATING SPECIALISTS AND INSPECTION SERVICES, INC. AND THE OTHER WITH RF YEAGER ENGINEERING, INC. EACH IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $175,000. THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE TWO (2) CONTRACTS WILL NOT EXCEED $175,000 DURING FISCAL YEARS 2019, 2020, AND 2021 (ENDING JUNE 30, 2021) f) AWARD TWO (2) PROFESSIONAL AS-NEEDED LAND SURVEYING SERVICES CONTRACTS; ONE WITH HUNSAKER AND ASSOCIATES AND THE OTHER WITH PSOMAS, EACH IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $250,000. THE TO- TAL AMOUNT OF THE TWO CONTRACTS WILL NOT EXCEED $250,000 DUR- ING FISCAL YEARS 2019, 2020, 2021 (ENDING JUNE 30, 2021) ACTION ITEMS 7. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES a) APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 4349 AS REQUIRED BY CALPERS TO WAIVE THE 180-DAY WAITING PERIOD FOR HIRING A RETIRED ANNUITANT DUE TO SPECIAL NEEDED SKILLS (WILLIAMSON) 8. BOARD a) DISCUSSION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICY 8, DIRECTORS COMPEN- SATION, REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES AND GROUP INSURANCE BENE- FITS b) DISCUSS THE 2018 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 9. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE PROVIDED TO THE BOARD FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS: a) INFORMATIONAL UPDATE ON THE RALPH W. CHAPMAN WATER RECY- CLING FACILITY 14-INCH FORCE MAIN CONDITION ASSESSMENT, RE- PAIRS, AND IMPROVEMENTS (MARCHIORO) b) THIRD QUARTER OF FISCAL YEAR 2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRO- GRAM REPORT (MARTIN) c) RECEIVE AN UPDATE ON THE DISTRICT’S ASSET MANAGEMENT PRO- GRAM AND RELATED SUPPORT PRACTICES (SEGURA) 3 REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 11. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE 12. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS 13. PRESIDENT’S REPORT/REQUESTS 14. ADJOURNMENT All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliber- ated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the District’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available through the District Secretary by contacting her at (619) 670-2280. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to partici- pate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at (619) 670-2280 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on June 1, 2018, I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 72 hours in advance of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on June 1, 2018. /s/ Susan Cruz, District Secretary 1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT March 7, 2018 1. The meeting was called to order by President Smith at 3:31 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Staff Present: General Manager Mark Watton, General Counsel Daniel Shinoff, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Asst. Chief of Operations Jose Martinez, Assistant Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Thompson, and seconded by Director Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the agenda as amended above. 5. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING ON DECEMBER 11, 2017 A motion was made by Director Robak, and seconded by Director Gastelum and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the minutes of the special board meeting of December 11, 2017. 2 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No wished to be heard. CONSENT CALENDAR 7. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the following consent calendar items: a) APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH ADP, LLC, FOR SOFTWARE SERVICES RELATED TO PAYROLL AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $18,675 FOR IMPLEMENTATION COSTS AND AN ANNUAL SERVICE FEE OF $58,009 b) APPROVE A PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $129,248 TO SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC FOR NEW ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR THE 870-2 PUMP STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT c) APPROVE AN INCREASE TO THE CIP S2045 BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,000 AND AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO BURTECH PIPELINE INCORPORATED FOR THE FUERTE DRIVE SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $193,690 d) REJECT ALL BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STEELE BRIDGE SEWAGE PUMP STATION WET WELL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (R2118) e) REJECT ALL BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE 520 RESERVOIRS CHEMICAL FEED IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (P2557) 3 ACTION ITEMS 8. GENERAL MANAGER a) APPROVE DONATION TO ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES (ACWA) FOR WATER EDUCATION (OTERO) Communications Officer Tenille Otero indicated that staff is requesting that the board approve a contribution of $10,000 to the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) for an educational campaign related to the tax on drinking water (SB 623, Monning). She reviewed information in the staff report (attached as agenda item 7a). She noted that since finalizing the staff report, ACWA has completed additional work. They have reviewed four proposals from Sacramento firms and selected Runyon Saltzman, Inc. to work on a strategic plan and a campaign to assist ACWA and its member agencies to educate stakeholders and ratepayers about the proposed tax on drinking water. She indicated that the $10,000 contribution is not included in the District’s FY 2018 budget and will be covered through areas in the budget that are anticipated to not be fully expended by fiscal year end. General Manager Watton added that the District’s neighboring agencies are all considering contributing and some have already contributed. He noted that most are being requested to contribute at the same level as the District, $10,000. In response to an inquiry from Director Croucher, staff indicated that the District’s membership fee for this fiscal year was approximately $24,000. Director Croucher indicated that the purpose of the campaign is to educate the public on the proposed water tax with the goal of defeating the bill and the implementation of a tax on water, and thus, saving the ratepayers money. It was discussed that it was not clear if the contribution would be legal and it has been confirmed in the last couple days that the District’s contribution would be legal as it is for the purpose of educating the public. Director Robak indicated that he has just returned from ACWA’s legislative conference held in Washington, D.C. and he was disappointed in the conference and wished to separate that disappointment from this endeavor. A motion was made by Director Thompson, and seconded by Director Gastelum and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4 to approve the contribution of $10,000 to ACWA for an educational campaign related to the tax on drinking water (SB 623). 9. BOARD a) DISCUSSION OF 2017 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR Director Thompson indicated that he will not be able to attend the July 2018 board meeting. There were no changes to the board meeting calendar. INFORMATIONAL ITEM 10. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE PROVIDED TO THE BOARD FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS: a) PRESENT RESULTS OF THE CURRENT SEWER COST OF SERVICE STUDY PREPARED BY HDR ENGINEERING, INC. Assistant Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen provided the board an update on the current sewer cost of service study prepared by the District’s consultant, Mr. Tom Gould of HDR Engineering, Inc. Please reference the Committee Action notes (Attachment A) attached to the staff report for the details of Messrs. Koeppen and Gould’s reports. Director Thompson noted that it was discussed in the District’s Finance & Administration Committee that there are two items which will impact sewer rates: 1. Metro Commission rates are increasing 2. Debt will be issued for sewer system enhancements Staff will analyze the impact and smooth sewer rate increases as much as possible. General Manager Watton explained why the Metro Commission rates are increasing. He stated the City of San Diego must either have a waiver or a permit for their Point Loma Treatment Plant for their “Pure Water Program” or for a “Secondary Upgrade”. He indicated that both are tremendously expensive. Thus, the cost is increasing to treat the sewage and comply with Federal and State mandates. The City is currently pursuing the Pure Water Program alternative and the District is working with the City to assure that the cost apportionment for the Metro Commission members is in compliance with Proposition 218. Director Thompson noted that the City of Chula Vista Interagency Water Task Force discussed the same issue at their last meeting with the interest in protecting its ratepayers as well. 5 b) SECOND QUARTER OF FISCAL YEAR 2018 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Engineering Manager Dan Martin provided an update on the 2nd quarter of the District’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Please reference the Committee Action notes (Attachment A) attached to the staff report for the details of Mr. Martin’s report. In response to an inquiry from Director Robak, Mr. Martin indicated that the construction he observed on Campo Road was the District’s Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project. The large rig near the east bound State Route 94 is boring 20 feet deep and 150 feet across the road for the installation of new sewer lines. Mr. Martin indicated that he did not believe that the 850-2 reservoir was damaged during the fire. He stated that the District did have some facilities damaged in the fire and that the District did receive insurance monies for the damages. President Smith indicated that the Engineering, Operations and Water Resources Committee had discussed advancing some CIP projects to allow the District to meet its target percentage for CIP budget expenditures at fiscal year-end. c) FISCAL YEAR 2018 MID-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE Chief of Administrative Services Adolfo Segura presented the Strategic Plan mid- year report. Please reference the Committee Action notes (Attachment A) attached to the staff report for the details of Mr. Segura’s report. Director Croucher suggested that once the new Strategic Plan has been finalized that the metrics not be changed during the three (3) to five (5) year period of the plan. This would allow the District to track the progress of the goals year-to-year. REPORTS The board waived presentation of the following reports: 11. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT General Manager Watton presented information from his report which included an update on the mutual aid agreement with CWA member agencies, the Vista Vereda and Hidden Mesa Water pipeline replacement project, trails at the Habitat Management Area, enrollment in SDG&E’s EcoChoice Program, the treatment plant permit violation, and potable and recycled water purchases. He also noted that there are several handouts on the dias for each member of the board. He highlighted information from two of the handouts: 1) an article wherein Consolidated Water provides an update on the Rosarito Desalination Project, and 2) an article on the proposed Bay Delta Tunnels. The board had comments 6 and questions concerning a few items in the General Manager’s report and the handouts. Staff responded to the questions and comments. 12. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE Director Croucher reported that the recent storms have brought snow and it has been decided to wait until after the storms have passed to measure the snowpack. He stated that CWA has scheduled additional MWD outreach meetings to work to reach common grounds in both day-to-day operations and the lawsuit. He shared that Ms. Yen Tu, the longest serving City of San Diego representative, has retired from CWA’s board. He noted that there is a chance she may return to her seat if she can resolve some conflict issues. Director Croucher also indicated that CWA has moved the General Counsel’s review, which will now be performed at the same time as the General Manager’s review. He shared with regard to the proposed twin tunnels project in the Bay Delta, a group of California cities have filed a lawsuit asserting that there were meetings held on several occasions behind closed doors which violated the Brown Act. He noted that he attended, along with Director Robak, the ACWA Annual Washington D.C. Conference. President Smith additionally reported that CWA reviewed the lawsuit with MWD in detail with the members of their board. They presented how much each member agency would receive from the lawsuit related to the water stewardship rate. He indicated that Otay WD would receive $3.1 million for the years 2011 to 2014. The lawsuit is in the appeal process and it is not certain when the monies would be received. The monies awarded by the lawsuit is earning 10% interest while it is in the appeal process and the interest would drop to 7% once the appellate court remands it back to the district court. He also shared that CWA presented a legislative update recently and their projections for water use. They felt that the water use projections were too high as their water sales and revenues were down 8%. He stated that CWA indicated that the lower revenue is not a problem as their cost is 12% lower because they are buying less expensive water. 13. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS Director Thompson reported that he will be attending the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Binational Trip to Mexico City in April. Director Gastelum reported that he participated in the MWD Hoover Dam/ Colorado River Aqueduct and State Water Project tours. He also indicated that he attended the CSDA Special District Leadership Academy. He stated that his attendance earns credits that reduce the cost of the District’s liability insurance premiums. 7 Director Robak indicated that he attended the ACWA Annual Washington D.C. Conference. He indicated that he had communicated to the President of ACWA that he was disappointed that he and Director Croucher were not made aware of the changes in the legislator meeting schedule and, thus, were not able to attend any of the meetings with the legislators. ACWA’s president apologized and explained that the schedule had changed due to Reverend Billy Graham lying in honor in the Capitol Rotunda. Director Robak noted that Director Croucher and he were able to visit the Capitol Rotunda to pay their respect to Reverend Graham. He also shared that he attended MWD’s State Water Project/Bay Delta tour which included a visit to the Orville Dam and that he was happy that the District is live streaming its board meetings as it is something he has wanted to do for some time. 14. PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Smith reported on the meetings he attended during the month of February 2018 (his report is attached). He noted that he attended, on Director Robak’s and Croucher’s behalf, the Metro Commission meeting scheduled on March 1 as both Directors Robak and Croucher were attending the ACWA Annual Washington D.C. Conference. It was discussed at the Commission meeting that the design phase of the City of San Diego’s Pure Water Project is almost complete and the City will start issuing contracts for the construction of the project worth $1.1 to 1.2 billion. He noted the construction management firm for the project has already been hired, CH2M Hill, for $45 million. He also reported that he will become the main representative to the Metro Commission and Director Robak will become the alternate representative. He lastly shared that the quarterly meetings for each of the Directors to meet with General Manager Watton have been scheduled and Directors have attended their first quarterly meetings with the General Manager. 15. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 5:28 p.m. to discuss the following matters: a) CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957.6] AGENCY DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES: MARK ROBAK AND TIM SMITH EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION: OTAY WATER DISTRICT EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION AND 8 ALL REPRESENTED AND UNREPRESENTED PERSONNEL INCLUDING MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES b) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.8] PROPERTY: SALT CREEK GOLF COURSE 525 HUNTE PARKWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 AGENCY NEGOTIATOR: MARK WATTON, GENERAL MANAGER NEGOTIATING PARTIES: BILL McWETHY, PACIFIC HOSPITALITY GROUP UNDER NEGOTIATIONS: INSTRUCT NEGOTIATOR CONCERNING PRICE, TERMS OF PAYMENT, OR BOTH, FOR THE PURCHASE, SALE AND/OR LEASE OF THE PROPERTY. c) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT v. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL 16. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4343 TO APPROVE A ONE (1) YEAR EXTENSION (JULY 1, 2018 THORUGH JUNE 30, 2019) TO THE CURRENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) BETWEEN THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT EMPLOYEE’S ASSOCIATION, TO INCLUDE A COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT UNDER THE SAME TERMS AS REFERENCED IN THE MOU FOR YEARS 2015 THROUGH 2017 FOR REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES, AND APPROVE THE SAME PROVISIONS FOR MANAGEMENT, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXECUTIVE EMPLOYEES The board reconvened from closed session at 5:55 p.m. General Counsel Shinoff presented Resolution No. 4343 for the board’s adoption. A motion was made by Director Croucher, and seconded by Director Thompson and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None 9 to adopt Resolution No. 4343 to approve a one (1) year extension (July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019) to the current Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Otay Water District and the Otay Water District Employee’s Association, to include a cost-of-living adjustment under the same terms as referenced in the MOU for years 2015 through 2017 for represented employees, and approve the same provisions for management, confidential and executive employees. 17. REPORT ON ANY OTHER ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION General Counsel Shinoff indicated that the board took no reportable actions in closed session. 18. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Smith adjourned the meeting at 5:57 p.m. ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary 10 President’s Report Tim Smith March 7, 2018 Board Meeting # Date Meeting Purpose 1 2-Feb Board Agenda Briefing Met with General Manager Watton and General Counsel Shinoff to review items that will be presented at the February Board Meeting. 2 7-Feb OWD Regular Board Meeting Monthly board meeting 3 14-Feb Quarterly Meeting with OWD GM Met with GM to receive an update on projects or items impacting Division 1 4 15-Feb Committee Agenda Briefing with General Manager Watton Met with General Manager Watton to review items that will be presented at the February committee meetings. 5 16-Feb Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce 91st Annual Installation Event Represented the District at the community event. 6 20-Feb Engineering Operations and Water Resources Committee Meeting Reviewed items that will be presented at the March board meeting. 7 21-Feb East County Caucus Discussed Otay's key issues with East County water agencies and CWA. 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OTAY WATER DISTRICT March 6, 2018 1. The meeting was called to order by President Smith at 2:07 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Gastelum, Smith and Thompson Directors Absent: Croucher and Robak Staff Present: General Manager Mark Watton, Attorney Jeanne Blumenfeld, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Assistant Chief of Operations Jose Martinez, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Thompson, seconded by Director Gastelum and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Gastelum, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Directors Croucher and Robak to approve the agenda. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. 6. DISCUSSION AND TOUR OF THE 870 PUMP STATION The board and staff left the boardroom to travel to the 870 Pump Station/Roll Reservoir at 2:09 p.m. Mr. Doug Cook, Project Construction Manager from Michael Baker International, lead the tour. The tour started in the modular trailer that serves as the office at the 870 2 Pump Station and Roll Reservoir site. It was indicated that Roll Reservoir was placed in service in the late 1950’s and in 1967 it was named after Mr. Fritz Roll who was an Otay WD board member from 1956 to 1967. It was indicated that the construction project will replace the existing 870 high-head and low-head pump stations with a new pump station which will include new recirculating pumps with chlorination injection capabilities. The project will also remove and replace the Roll Reservoir liner and cover. The group viewed the construction of the new 30-inch recirculation outlet structure and the new 66-inch pump station inlet structure for the Roll reservoir and the reservoir itself. They also viewed the existing pump station and the location where the new pump station will be built. Staff and Mr. Cook responded to inquiries and the board and staff returned to the District’s office at 4:26 p.m. 7. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Smith adjourned the meeting at 4:26 p.m. ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Andrea Carey, Customer Service Manager PROJECT: DIV. NO. All APPROVED BY: Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Adopt Resolution No. 4346 to Continue Water and Sewer Availability Charges for District Customers for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 to be Collected through Property Tax Bills GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt Resolution No. 4346 to continue water and sewer availability charges for District customers for fiscal year 2018-2019 to be collected through property tax bills. COMMITTEE ACTION: See Attachment A. PURPOSE: That the Board consider the adoption of Resolution No. 4346 to continue water and sewer availability charges for District customers for fiscal year 2018-2019 to be collected through property tax bills. ANALYSIS: The District levies availability charges each year on property in both developed and undeveloped areas. State Water Code Section 71630-71637 authorizes the District to access such availability charges. In order to place these charges on the tax roll, the County of San Diego requires the District to provide a resolution 2 authorizing the charges. Each year, the District provides a resolution along with the listing of charges by parcel. Current legislation provides that any amount up to $10 per parcel (one acre or less) is for general use and any amount over $10 per parcel ($30 per acre for parcels over one acre) is restricted, to be expended in and for that Improvement District. The District uses amounts over $10 per parcel to develop water and sewer systems within the Improvement Districts where the funds are collected. In accordance with legislation, the District places amounts up to $10 per parcel in the General Fund. FISCAL IMPACT: Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The availability charges, as budgeted, will generate approximately $1.2 million in revenue. STRATEGIC GOAL: This revenue source will help the District meet its fiscal responsibility to its ratepayers. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachments: A) Committee Action B) Resolution No. 4346 ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: Adopt Resolution No. 4346 to Continue Water and Sewer Availability Charges for District Customers for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 to be Collected through Property Tax Bills COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on May 23, 2018 and the following comments were made:  Staff is requesting that the board adopt Resolution No. 4346 to continue water and sewer availability charges for District customers for fiscal year 2018-2019 to be collected through property tax bills.  Staff reviewed information in the staff report.  It was indicated that the availability charges will generate approximately $1.2 in revenue. Upon completion of the discussion, the committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board on the consent calendar. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 4346 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT CONTINUING PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED WATER AND SEWER AVAILABILITY CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019; REQUESTING THE COUNTY TO COLLECT SUCH AVAILABILITY CHARGES ON THE 2018-2019 SECURED TAX ROLL AND TAKING OTHER RELATED ACTIONS WHEREAS, the Otay Water District (herein "District") is a member of the San Diego County Water Authority and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and, as a member, the District is entitled to purchase water for distribution within the District and water so purchased is available to property in the District that is also within the San Diego County Water Authority and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, without further need for annexation to any agency; and WHEREAS, Improvement District No. 18 has been formed within the Otay Water District (herein "District") and sanitary sewers have been constructed and sewer service is available to land within the said District; and WHEREAS, in consideration of the benefit that water availability confers upon property within the District, and in further consideration of the need for revenue to pay the cost of water storage and transmission facilities which directly and specifically benefit property within the District, the District has previously determined that water availability charges be fixed and established under applicable provisions of law; and WHEREAS, in consideration of the benefit which sewer availability confers upon property within Improvement District No. 18, and in further consideration of the need to pay the cost of Attachment B 2 sanitary sewers which directly and specifically benefit those properties, the District has previously determined that sewer availability charges be fixed and established for Improvement District No. 18 as provided under applicable provisions of law; and WHEREAS, the District desires to continue the collection of such water and sewer availability charges without increases or revisions in methodology or application. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District resolves, determines and orders as follows: 1. SCHEDULE OF WATER CHARGES (A) The water availability charges previously fixed and established are hereby continued for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 at the existing rates, as follows: (1) In Improvement District No. 22 the charge shall be $30.00 per acre of land and $10.00 per parcel of land less than one acre. (2) For land located outside an improvement district and within one mile of a District water line, the charge shall be $10.00 per acre of land and $10.00 for each parcel less than one acre. (3) For land located outside an improvement district and greater than one mile from District facilities, the charge shall be $3.00 per acre of land and $3.00 for each parcel less than one acre. (B) Modifications The charges provided for in subparagraphs (1) through (3) in (A) above shall be modified upon petition by the 3 property owner where the property does not receive water from the District as follows: (1) where a parcel of land or a portion thereof is within an open space easement approved by San Diego County, the charge for such parcel or portion thereof shall be fifty percent (50%) of the charge determined pursuant to paragraph (A), provided the owner files with the District proof, satisfactory to the District, that said parcel of land or portion thereof is within such a designated permanent open space area; (2) where a parcel of land or portion thereof is in an agricultural reserve under a Land Conservation Contract with the County of San Diego, pursuant to the Land Conservation Act of 1965 as amended, the charge for such parcel shall be $3.00 per acre, provided the owner files with the District proof, satisfactory to the District, that said parcel of land or portion thereof is within such an agricultural preserve; (3) where a parcel of land or a portion thereof is within an area designated as a floodplain by the County of San Diego, the charge for such a parcel or portion thereof shall be $3.00 per acre, provided the owner files with the District proof, satisfactory to the District, that said parcel of land or portion thereof is within such designated floodplain; and 4 (4) where a parcel of land or portion thereof exceeds a 30% slope, and where such is not within a legal subdivision, lot-split or planned residential development, the charge for the slope portion shall be $3.00 per acre, or if such a parcel is less than one acre and more than one-half of the area exceeds 30% slope, $3.00 for the parcel, provided the owner files with the District proof, satisfactory to the District, that said parcel of land or portion thereof meets or exceeds the slope. (C) Exceptions The charges provided for in (A) and (B) above shall not apply, upon petition by the property owner, to the following: (1) land located within an area designated as a floodway by the County of San Diego; (2) land designated as a vernal pool area by a govern- mental agency authorized to make such a designation and which designation prohibits use of such area for any purpose; (3) land owned by non-profit, tax-exempt conservation organizations specializing in identifying and protecting the natural habitat of rare species; or (4) land that is located within the boundaries of the Otay Water District but not within the boundaries of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the San Diego County Water Authority. 5 2. SCHEDULE OF SEWER CHARGES (A) Sewer standby assessment or availability charges are hereby fixed and established for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 as follows: (1) In Improvement District No. 18 the charges shall be $30.00 per acre of land and $10.00 per parcel of land less than one acre. The preceding charges shall not apply, upon petition by the property owner, to the following: (a) any portion of a parcel which is undeveloped and maintained in its natural state within an Open Space Area as a requirement under the San Diego County General Plan, provided the owner of such parcel files proof, satisfactory to the District, of such designed Open Space Area; (b) any portion of a parcel located within an area designated by the County of San Diego as a floodway or floodplain; or (c) any portion of a parcel of land which exceeds a slope of 30% and which is not within a legal subdivision, lot split or planned lot split or planned residential development. 3. DEFERRALS (A) Deferral of Charge, Purpose Situations may arise when an owner of a parcel of land does not use and has no present intention of using water and/or sewer provided by the District on a parcel of land, as defined in Section 4. The purpose of this section is to permit an evaluation by the District, on a case-by-case basis, of 6 the circumstances which pertain to such situations to determine whether a deferral of charges should be approved according to the terms and conditions herein provided. Any owner of a parcel of land who believes that the amount of the water and/or sewer availability charges fixed against such parcel should be deferred may file an application with the District for deferral of the charge, as follows: (a) Application The application shall include a statement describing the circumstances and factual elements which support the request for deferral. (b) The General Manager shall consider the request within sixty (60) days after the filing of a completed application. If the application for deferral meets the established criteria, the General Manager may decide whether to approve the request and order the charge deferred accordingly. If the request is denied, the applicant shall be notified in writing stating the reasons for the denial. (B) Appeal to Board of Directors If the General Manager denies a request, the owner may file an appeal with the Board of Directors within sixty (60) days after such denial. No new application for deferral need be considered by the General Manager until expiration of twelve (12) months from the date of a denial, unless differently directed by the Board of Directors. (C) Deferred Charges on Restricted Parcels, Criteria The levy of the charge may be deferred annually as to any parcel of land which meets each of the following criteria: 7 (a) The owner of such parcel makes a timely application requesting deferral of the charge. (b) The parcel, which is the subject of the request, will become subject to enforceable restrictions which prohibits the connection to the District sewer system or use of water on the parcel, except by means of natural precipitation or runoff; provided, however, if considered appropriate by the General Manager, local water may be used for limited domestic stock watering and irrigation uses. (c) The owner executed a recordable agreement which includes provisions that: (1) set forth the enforceable restrictions pertinent to the subject parcel; (2) the agreement may be terminated upon written request by the owner and payment of all deferred water and/or sewer availability charges, plus interest thereon, compounded annually, and accruing at the legal rate from the date such charges would have been otherwise due and payable; (3) no water and/or sewer service from the District shall be provided to such parcel for a period of ten (10) years after the total amount due for the charges deferred, plus annually compounded interest, is paid in full to the District, unless a surcharge penalty as 8 described below is paid to the District prior to connection of any water and/or sewer service; (4) if the surcharge is not paid, during the ten (10) year period, while water and/or sewer service is not available to the subject land, the owner shall pay all annual water or availability charges as fixed; and (5) contains such other provisions considered by the General Manager to be appropriate. (D) Surcharge Upon termination of the deferral agreement, an owner may elect to receive water and/or sewer service prior to the expiration of the ten (10) year penalty period upon payment of a surcharge. The surcharge shall be equal to the amount of the annual water and/or sewer availability charges fixed for the parcel(s) of land in the year of election to receive water and/or sewer service multiplied by the number of years remaining of the ten (10) year penalty period. This surcharge shall also apply if a property owner develops a parcel that is subject to a deferral agreement without termination of said agreement. (E) Enforcement Procedures In order to insure that terms and conditions of the recordable agreement are being met, the General Manager shall: (1) Maintain a record of all parcels approved for deferral of the water assessments or availability charges. 9 (2) Report to the Board of Directors any instances where the terms of the agreement are being violated. (3) Take such other actions or procedures considered appropriate. 4. DEFINITION OF PARCEL The term "parcel" as used herein shall mean a parcel of land as shown on the assessment rolls of the County Assessor of San Diego County as of March, 2018. 5. NOTICE AND REQUEST TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND AUDITOR As provided in Sections 71634 to 71637, on or before the third Monday in August, 2018, the Secretary of this District shall furnish, in writing to the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County and to the County Auditor, a description of the land within the District upon which availability charges are to be levied and collected for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 together with the amount of the assessments or charges. At the time and in the manner required by law for the levying of taxes for county purposes, the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County shall levy, in addition to taxes it levies, water and/or sewer availability charges in the amounts fixed by this Resolution for the respective parcels of land described in Section 1 of this Resolution. All County officers charged with the duty of collecting taxes shall collect the charges with the regular property tax payments in the same form and manner as County taxes are collected. Such availability charges are a lien on the property with respect to which they are fixed. Collection of the charges may be enforced by the same means as provided for the enforcement of liens for state and county taxes. 10 6. CERTIFICATION TO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The District certifies that this Resolution complies with the provisions of Article XIIID of the California Constitution in that the availability charges are existing charges first set by the Board of Directors of the District prior to November 6, 1996. At the time the availability charges were initially established, the District followed the applicable provisions of law then in effect, and the District has continued to comply with such provisions, including any requirements for notices or hearings, as from time to time in effect. Therefore, pursuant to Section 71632 and Section 71638 of the California Water Code, as currently in effect, the District may continue the availability charges in successive years at the same rate. The District further certifies that the charge is not increased hereby and the methodology for the rate is the same as in previous years. The charge is imposed exclusively to finance the capital costs, maintenance and operating expenses of the water or sewer system of the District, as applicable. 7. CERTIFIED COPIES The Secretary of this District shall deliver certified copies of this Resolution to the Board of Supervisors and to the Auditor of San Diego County with the list of charges described in Section 4 above. 8. CORRECTIONS; OTHER ACTIONS The General Manager of the District is hereby authorized to correct any clerical error made in any assessment or charge pursuant to this Resolution and to make an appropriate adjustment in any assessment or charge made in error. Furthermore, the General Manager and the Secretary of this District are hereby directed to take any further actions and deliver such 11 documents and certificates as necessary to carry out the purpose of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District at a regular meeting duly held this 6th day of June, 2018. Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: President ATTEST: Secretary 12 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. 4346 was duly adopted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the OTAY WATER DISTRICT at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of June, 2018 by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Jeanette Ziomek, Senior Accountant Kevin Koeppen, Assistant Finance Chief PROJECT: DIV. NO. All APPROVED BY: Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Adopt Resolution No. 4347 to Establish the Tax Rate for Improvement District No. 27 (ID 27) for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopt Resolution No. 4347 to establish the tax rate for Improvement District No. 27 (ID 27) at $0.004 for fiscal year 2018-2019. COMMITTEE ACTION: See Attachment A. PURPOSE: Improvement District No. 27 (ID 27) has outstanding general obligation bonds which mature in fiscal year 2023 and is the only improvement district with general obligation debt service. As of July 1, 2019, the outstanding debt will be $3.4 million with interest rates from 3% to 4%. The bonds are non-callable. At the beginning of each fiscal year staff must provide the County of San Diego, Property Tax Services, with the tax rate to be charged upon all property within ID 27 to ensure the amount of tax 2 collections will support the annual debt service requirement. Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 4347 to establish the tax rate for ID 27 at $0.004 for fiscal year 2018-2019. BACKGROUND: In December 1992, the District sold $11,500,000 of general obligation bonds in ID 27 for the construction of the 30mg reservoir. At the time of the formation of ID 27, the District intended to have a maximum tax rate of $0.10 per $100 of assessed valuation. The tax rate has remained well below the intended maximum rate. The District refinanced the bonds in fiscal year 1998 and again in fiscal year 2010 which resulted in a reduction in the annual debt schedule. Property valuations peaked in fiscal year 2008 at $12.5 billion, dropped below $10 billion in fiscal year 2011, and is now valued at more than $11 billion. The combination of the reduced debt service requirement and the increased assessed values resulted in the District’s reserve levels exceeding the target. From fiscal year 2009 to fiscal year 2015, the tax rate was $0.005 and from fiscal year 2016 to fiscal year 2018, the tax rate was $0.004. During all of these years the District has covered any tax collection shortfalls from the ID 27 reserves. For fiscal year 2018-2019, staff proposes to maintain the tax rate at $0.004 and continue to cover the tax collection shortfall from the ID 27 reserves. Staff projects that a $0.004 tax rate will wind down reserve levels until the expiration of the debt. Upon expiration of the debt the reserve will be fully depleted. FISCAL IMPACT: Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The tax proceeds are legally restricted for the sole purpose of the repayment of this debt. These proceeds will be collected until the debt obligation is fully paid, at which time the fund will have a zero balance. The $0.004 tax rate is projected to generate $653,776 in revenue in fiscal year 2019. The projected revenue, given the recommended tax rate combined with the current fund balance, will meet the annual ID 27 debt service payment of $749,433. 3 STRATEGIC GOAL: Through well-established financial policies and wise management of funds, the District will continue to guarantee fiscal responsibility to its ratepayers and the community at large. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachments: A) Committee Action B) Resolution No. 4347 C) ID 27 Tables ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: Adopt Resolution No. 4347 to Establish the Tax Rate for Improvement District No. 27 (ID 27) for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on May 23, 2018 and the following comments were made:  Staff is requesting that the board adopt Resolution No. 4347 to establish the tax rate for Improvement District No. 27 (ID 27) at $0.004 for fiscal year 2018-2019.  Staff reviewed information in the staff report.  It was indicated that ID 27 was the last improvement district with outstanding general obligation bond debt. The $0.004 tax rate is projected to generate $653,776 in revenue for fiscal year 2019. The debt service payment for fiscal year 2019 is $749,433. The shortfall of $95,657 will be paid from the ID 27 reserve fund which will leave a reserve balance of approximately $370,000.  Staff projects that the reserve level will remain above target through fiscal year 2019 and is on target to have a zero balance at the maturity of the debt. Upon completion of the discussion, the committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board on the consent calendar. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 4347 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OTAY WATER DISTRICT FIXING TAX RATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 FOR PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS (GF 1600) WHEREAS, California Water Code Section 72091 authorizes the Otay Water District, as a municipal water district, to levy an ad valorem property tax which is equal to the amount required to make annual payments for principal and interest on general obligation bonds approved by the voters prior to July 1, 1978. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District resolves, determines and orders as follows: 1. Findings. It is necessary that this Board of Directors cause taxes to be levied in fiscal year 2018-2019 for Improvement District No. 27 of the Otay Water District to pay the amount of the principal and interest on the bonded debt of such improvement district. 2. Amounts to be Raised by Taxes. The amount required to be raised by taxation during fiscal year 2018-2019 for the principal and interest on the bonded debt of Improvement District No. 27 is as follows: Improvement District No. 27 $653,776  3. Tax Rates. The tax rates per one hundred dollars ($100) of the full value of all taxable property within said improvement district necessary to pay the aforesaid amounts of principal and interest on the bonded debt of said improvement district for fiscal year 2018-2019 is hereby determined and fixed as follows: Improvement District No. 27 $0.004 Attachment B 2 4. Certification of Tax Rates. Pursuant to Water Code Section 72094, this Board of Directors hereby certifies to the Board of Supervisors and the County Auditor of the County of San Diego the tax rates hereinbefore fixed, and said County Auditor shall, pursuant to Section 72095 of said Code, compute and enter in the County assessment roll the respective sums to be paid as tax on the property in Improvement District No. 27, using the rate of levy hereinabove fixed for such improvement district and the full value as found on the assessment roll for the property therein, and the Secretary of this Board of Directors is hereby authorized and directed to transmit certified copies of this resolution, Attachment B, and made a part hereof, to said Board of Supervisors and said Auditor. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District at a regular meeting held this 6th day of June, 2018. Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: President ATTEST: Secretary 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. 4347 was duly adopted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the OTAY WATER DISTRICT at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of June, 2018 by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Abstain: Absent: District Secretary ATTACHMENT C IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 27 History 1989 Improvement District 27 was formed with $100,000,000 bonding authorized. 1992 District issued $11,500,000 in General Obligation Bonds primarily for the constructionof a 30 million gallon storage reservoir. 1998 District refinanced outstanding debt of $10,900,000. 2009 District refinanced again outstanding debt of $7,780,000. TAXES DEBT TAX ASSESSED COLLECTED SERVICE NET RATE VALUATION INC% FY03 $725,085 $848,600 ($123,515) $0.01500 $3,837,693,353 37% FY04 $829,036 $848,700 ($19,664) $0.01400 $5,047,625,296 32% FY05 $994,501 $840,800 $153,701 $0.01200 $6,454,909,846 28% FY06 $1,081,991 $840,385 $241,606 $0.01000 $8,579,576,581 33% FY 07 $862,795 $837,936 $24,859 $0.00700 $10,348,663,242 21% FY 08 $917,168 $835,017 $82,151 $0.00600 $12,518,643,676 21% FY 09 $747,175 $830,823 ($83,648) $0.00500 $12,308,043,285 -2% FY 10 $605,405 $934,674 ($329,269) $0.00500 $10,378,404,507 -16% FY 11 $606,966 $781,144 ($174,178) $0.00500 $10,131,397,697 -2.4% FY 12 $597,799 $752,976 ($155,177) $0.00500 $9,941,622,812 -1.9% FY 13 $650,587 $773,863 ($123,276) $0.00500 $9,869,377,173 -0.7% FY 14 $658,147 $750,088 ($91,940) $0.00500 $10,226,148,004 3.6% FY 15 $706,025 $748,663 ($42,638) $0.00500 $11,157,255,925 9.1% FY 16 $612,980 $751,663 ($138,683) $0.00400 $11,904,159,221 6.7% FY 17 $640,241 $747,969 ($107,728) $0.00400 $12,738,454,702 7.0% FY 18 $653,467 $744,633 ($91,166) $0.00400 $13,574,290,102 6.6% FY 19 (1)$653,776 $749,433 ($95,657) $0.00400 $13,845,775,904 2.0% (1) Due to timing of the report, taxes collected is an estimate. TAXES DEBT TAX ASSESSEDCOLLECTED SERVICE NET RATE VALUATION INC% Est Fund Balance 6/30/18 $463,098 FY19 $653,776 $749,433 ($95,657) $0.00400 $13,845,775,904 2.0% Interest $1,574 Est Fund Balance 6/30/19 $369,014 Historical Data Change in Fund Balance $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 Bi l l i o n s ASSESSED VALUATION 10 Year History STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Dan Martin Engineering Manager PROJECT: P2453- 006102 DIV. NO. 2 APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Sale of 0.331 Acres of Otay Water District (District) Property Located Along the Future Alignment of State Route 11 (SR-11) on Otay Mesa GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) authorize the General Manager to accept an offer from the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to purchase 0.331 acres of the land for $90,000.00 (Exhibit B), and enter into a Consent to Common Use Agreement (Exhibit C) with Grant of Easement that secures the Otay Water District’s prior property rights (Exhibit D) (see Exhibit A for location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain approval from the Board to authorize the General Manager to accept an offer from Caltrans to purchase 0.331 acres of the land for $90,000.00 and enter into a Consent to Common Use Agreement with Grant of Easement that secures the Otay Water District’s prior property rights. 2 ANALYSIS: The District owns a thirty (30) foot wide parcel (APN 648-070-18-00) on Otay Mesa that is located within the proposed future alignment of Alta Road on Otay Mesa and extends southerly to approximately 340 feet north of the International Border (see Exhibit A). The parcel supports the District’s 24-inch water distribution main that supplies emergency water to Mexico. Caltrans is in the process of moving forward with the development of SR-11 east of Enrico Fermi Drive to the planned Otay Mesa East Port of Entry from Mexico. The work by Caltrans includes acquisition of right-of-way for the SR-11 project. The District has been approached by Caltrans to acquire a portion of the thirty (30) foot wide parcel for the SR-11 project. Caltrans has provided the District with an appraisal for the portion of District property needed for the SR-11 project. The District’s appraisal for the proposed acquisition has been reconciled with the appraisal performed by Caltrans. The highest appraisal value is being used for the purchase of the District’s property. Caltrans will also be completing a State funded relocation of the District’s facilities as part of the SR-11 project. The sale of the property by the District to Caltrans will avoid the State’s legal condemnation process. In March 2018, the District completed the sale of portions of the District’s property located immediately north and south of the proposed Caltrans acquisition. The Otay Crossings Commerce Park acquired portions of the District’s property for the construction of Alta Road between Otay Mesa Road and Airway Road. The County of San Diego conditioned the Otay Crossings Commerce Park to construct Alta Road, which will be part of the County of San Diego’s public right-of- way when the development is completed. The District’s prior property rights were secured as part of the sale of that property. A Right-of-Way Contract for the Caltrans purchase of the property has been developed (Exhibit B), which includes the Grant Deed and legal description. A Consent to Common Use Agreement (Exhibit C) and Grant of Easement (Exhibit D) have also been developed to secure the District prior rights. Staff is recommending that these documents be executed in substantially the same form as shown. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer This land sale will result in a one-time revenue to the District of $90,000.00. 3 STRATEGIC GOAL: The expansion of the distribution system through the construction developer projects supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide high value water and wastewater services to the customers of the Otay Water District, in a professional, effective, and efficient manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "A District that is at the forefront in innovations to provide water services at affordable rates, with a reputation for outstanding customer service." LEGAL IMPACT: None. DM/RP:jf P:\Public-s\STAFF REPORTS\2018\BD 06-06-18\BD 06-06-18 Sale of 0.33 Acres of Excess Property along Future SR-11 Alignment to Caltrans, Staff Report (DM_RP).docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Exhibit A – Location Map Exhibit B – Right of Way Contract and Grant Deed Exhibit C – Consent to Common Use Agreement Exhibit D – Grant of Easement ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2453-006102 Sale of 0.331 Acres of Otay Water District (District) Property Located Along the Future Alignment of State Route 11 (SR-11) on Otay Mesa COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on May 23, 2018 and the following comments were made:  Staff is requesting that the board authorize the acceptance of an offer from the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to purchase 0.331 acres of land for $90,000 and enter into a Consent to Common Use Agreement with Grant of Easement that secures the Otay Water District’s prior property rights.  Staff reviewed information in the staff report.  The Committee noted that this transaction was very positive for the District as the land would not have been saleable otherwise. Upon completion of the discussion, the committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board on the consent calendar. OTAY WATER DISTRICTAPN 648-070-18LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT A P2453P:\DRAFTING DEPARTMENT\Info for Others\OWD\Dan Martin\APN 648-070-18\Revised Exhibit A, 05-02-2018, APN 648-070-18.mxd Otay CrossingsCommerce Park?ÜFUTURE Otay Water District APN 648-070-18Portion 1 FUTURE ?Ü FUTURE PORTOF ENTRY ME XICO U.S.A. Alta Rd Otay Mesa Rd Enrico Fermi Dr CA-11 E A v en id a I n t e rn ac i on al O ta y Airway Rd Marconi Dr Donovan State Prison Rd Paseo de la Fuente Calzada de la Fuente Siempre Viva Rd Via de la Amistad Access Rd Kuebler Ranch Rd VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE NTSDIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ?ò Aä%&s ?p ?Ë !\ F 0 1,400700 Feet F Legend APN 648-070-18, Portion 1 24 IN WATER PIPELINE 24 IN WATER PIPELINE 16 IN WATER PIPELINE 12 IN WATER PIPELINE POTABLE WATER PIPELINE STATE OF CALIFORNIA  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT B RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT - STATE HIGHWAY RW 8-3 (Rev. 6/95) R/W 34812-1 Otay Municipal Water District Page 1 of 5 , California DISTRICT COUNTY ROUTE KILO POST R/W E.A PID , 2018 11 SD 11 2.00 056339 1100020520 Otay Municipal Water District Grantor-- RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT--STATE HIGHWAY This RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT--STATE HIGHWAY (the “Agreement”), is entered into and made effective on this ____ day of _____________, 2018, by and between the Otay Municipal Water District, a municipal water district organized and operated pursuant to the Water Code Section 71000, et seq. (“Otay”) and the State of California, Department of Transportation (“State”), collectively referred to as the “Parties”, with reference to the facts set forth in the Recitals below. RECITALS A. Otay is the owner of that certain length of land from Otay Mesa Road to Via de la Amistad along the alignment of Alta Road in the County of San Diego, State of California and more particularly described in Document No. 34812-1, a Grant Deed, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference (the "Property"). B. The State desires to acquire the Property to construct and maintain a public highway on the Property, a public use for which the State has the authority to exercise the power of eminent domain. C. The Parties recognize the expense, time, effort, and risk to both of them in determining the compensation for the property by eminent domain litigation. The Parties wish to avoid such litigation. STATE OF CALIFORNIA  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT B RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT - STATE HIGHWAY RW 8-3 (Rev. 6/95) R/W 34812-1 Otay Municipal Water District Page 2 of 5 AGREEMENT For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor and Grantee agree as follows: 1. Otay shall execute Document No. 34812-1 in the form of a Grant Deed conveying the Property to the Grantee in fee before, or contemporaneously with, the execution of this Agreement and promptly thereafter deliver it to Alma Villanueva, Right of Way Agent for the State of California. 2. The State shall pay compensation to Otay in compromise and settlement and in lieu of eminent domain litigation, the sum of $90,000.00 for the Property or interest conveyed by the abovementioned Document when title to said property vests in the State free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, assessments, easements and leases (recorded and/or unrecorded), and taxes, except: a. Taxes for the tax year in which this escrow closes shall be cleared and paid in the manner required by Section 5086 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, if unpaid at the close of escrow. b. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and reservations of record, or contained in the above referenced document. c. Easements or right of way over said land for public or quasi-public utility or public street purposes. d. Future Annexation Community Facilities District No. 8 Sweetwater Union High School District, recorded August 6, 1992 as instrument No. 1992-0492321 of Official Records. e. Notice of Special Tax Lien [a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (CFD)] to San Diego Rural Fire Protection District Community Facilities District No. 09-1 (East Otay Mesa), recorded January 11, 2010 as instrument No. 2010-0012252 of Official Records. f. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not disclosed by the public records. 3. The conveyance of the Property will be handled through an escrow with Chicago Title Company in Riverside, CA. STATE OF CALIFORNIA  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT B RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT - STATE HIGHWAY RW 8-3 (Rev. 6/95) R/W 34812-1 Otay Municipal Water District Page 3 of 5 4. The State shall pay all escrow and recording fees incurred in the conveyance of the Property and, if title insurance is desired by the State, the premium charged therefore. Said escrow and recording charges shall not include documentary transfer tax. 5. The State shall have the authority to deduct and pay from the amount shown in Paragraph 2 above, any amount necessary to satisfy any bond demands and delinquent taxes due in any year prior to the year in which this escrow closes, together with penalties and interest thereon, and/or delinquent and unpaid non-delinquent assessments which have become a lien at the close of escrow. 6. The State, in acquiring title subject to unpaid assessments as set forth herein, is not assuming responsibility for payment or subsequent cancellation of such assessments. The assessments remain the obligation of Otay; and, as between the State and Otay, no contractual obligation has been made requiring their payment. 7. Otay agrees and consents to the dismissal of any eminent domain action in the Superior Court wherein the Property is included and also waives any and all claims to any money that may now be on deposit in said action. 8. Otay warrants that there are no oral or written leases on all or any portion of the Property exceeding a period of one month, and Otay further agrees to hold the State harmless and reimburse the State for any and all of its losses and expenses occasioned by reason of any lease of the Property held by any tenant of Otay for a period exceeding one month. 9. It is agreed and confirmed by the parties hereto that notwithstanding other provisions in this contract, the right of possession and use of the subject Property from the date the funds specified in Paragraph 2 herein are deposited into the escrow controlling this transaction, or the Grant Deed is recorded by the County Recorder, whichever is the later. 10. Otay shall retain its rights within the Property to provide water for public purposes and to enable the United States to fulfill its water sharing obligations to Mexico when the need arises. Otay’s rights for these purposes are superior to the State’s and these said rights shall be referenced in a Grant of Easement of Right-of-Way to enable Otay to exercise those rights. In addition, Otay’s facilities for said purposes shall remain on the Property. Upon completion of SR-11 construction, a Consent to Common Use Agreement shall be executed by the parties to perpetuate Otay’s Grant of Easement rights within the State’s Right-of-Way. 11. Should the property be materially destroyed by fire, earthquake, or other calamity without the fault of either party, and prior to close of escrow, this contract may be rescinded by the State; in such an event, the State may reappraise the property and make an offer thereon. 12. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT B RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT - STATE HIGHWAY RW 8-3 (Rev. 6/95) R/W 34812-1 Otay Municipal Water District Page 4 of 5 13. All exhibits and attachments attached to this Agreement and all Recitals above are incorporated and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. 14. Terms and conditions of this Agreement which by their sense and context survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement, will so survive. 15. If any term or condition of this Agreement is found unenforceable, the remaining terms and conditions shall remain binding upon the Parties as though said unenforceable provision were not contained herein. However, if the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision materially affects this Agreement then the Agreement may be terminated by either party on ten (10) days prior written notice to the other party hereto. 16. Waiver of any provision or term of this Agreement, or of any breach or default hereunder, shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, breach or default, or of a subsequent applicability of a term or condition, or a waiver of a subsequent breach or default, nor shall it constitute an amendment to the term, condition or provision that is waived. 17. This Agreement contains all agreements, promises and understandings between Otay and the State and no verbal or oral agreements, promises or understandings shall or will be binding upon either Otay or the State and any addition, variation or modification to this Agreement shall be in effect unless made in writing and signed by the Parties. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] STATE OF CALIFORNIA  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT B RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT - STATE HIGHWAY RW 8-3 (Rev. 6/95) R/W 34812-1 Otay Municipal Water District Page 5 of 5 In Witness whereof, the parties have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. OTAY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT By____________________________ Mark Watton General Manager Approved as to form ______________________________ General Counsel RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By____________________________ Alma Villanueva STATE OF CALIFORNIA Associate Right of Way Agent Department of Transportation By____________________________ By _______________________________ Steve Aragon, Amy Lamott Vargas, Senior Right of Way Agent Deputy District Director Right of Way STATË OF CALIFORNIA HIGIII'VAY USAGE STATE BUSINËSS FREE GOVT CODE 27383 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAÏION DISTRICT f I Recording Requested By and Mail To: State of Califomia Department of Transportatlon 4050 Taylor Street M.S. 310 GRANT DEED RM/ MAP: 10005.'1. 100t)4.1 & 10005 APN: 64-9-079-J8{0 E.A.: 05633 Otay Municipal Water District, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, hereinafter called GRANTOR, hereby grants to the State of California, Department of Transportation, hereinafter called STATE, all that real property in the County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: sEE EXHIB|T *A", ATTACHED. District Countv Route Postm¡lo I Number 11 SD 11 PM 2.00 RM/ 34812-1 Number Rll^/ 34812-1 EXHIB¡T "A'' Parcel 34812-1 That portion of the Easterly 30 feet of the Easterly Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 18 $outh, Range 1 Ëast, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, County of San Diego, State of Callfornia, lying between the following described Line "4" and Line "8": LINE "4": COMMENCING at the North Quarter Corner of said Section 31 marked with a 3 inch brass disc stamped 'S.D.CO.ENGR. 1990', as shown on Record of Survey No. 18717, filed April 1, 2005 as File No. 2005-0265751, in the office of the San Diego County Recorder, State of California; said monument bears N.00"16'27'W, 2,656.31 feet from a 2'r iron pipe with tag stamped "LS 3145', accepted as the center of said Section 31 as shown on Record of Survey No. 6945, filed April 8, 1968 as File No. 58386, in the office of said County Recorder; thence along the North-South centerline of said Section 31, S.00"16'27'Ê.-, 1,123.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence (1) leaving said centerline, N.83"47'39'W., 105.21feet to the POINT OF TERMINUS. LINE "8": COMMENCING at the North Quarter Corner of said Section 31 marked with a 3 inch brass disc stamped "S.D.CO.ENGR. 1990', as shown on Record of Survey No. 18717, filed April 1, 2005 as File No. 2005-0265751, in the office of said County Recorder; said monument bears N.00'16'27"W., 2,656.31 feet from a 2" iron pipe with tag stamped "LS 3145", accepted as the center of said Section 3l as shown on Record of Survey No. 6945, filed April 8, 1968 as File No. 58386, in the office of said County Recorder; thence along the North-South centerline of said Section 31, S.00"16'27"8.,1,604.69 feet to the POINT OF BFGINNING; thence (2) leaving said centerline, N.83"19'17'W., 113.57 feet to the POINT OF TERM¡NUS. This conveyance is made for the purpose of a freeway and the GRANTOR hereby releases and relinquishes to the GRANTEE any and all abutter's rights, including access rights appurtenant to GRANTOR'S remaining property, in and to said freeway. The bearings and distances used in the above descriptions are based on the California Coordinate System of 1983, Zone 6, HPGN Epoch 1991.35, Divide all distances by 1.0000206 to obtain ground level distances. This real property description has been prepared by me, or under my direction, in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyors'Act. Signature Date AU SNÐ L.S. 9567 Ëxp. 06/50/2019 CK PJP Number Rlw 34812-1 The GRANTOR further understands that the present intention of the STATE is to construct and maintain a public highway on the lands hereby conveyed in fee and the GRANTOR, for itself and its successors and assigns, hereby waives any and all claims for damages to GRANTOR's remaining property contiguous to the property hereby conveyed by reason of the location, construction, landscaping or maintenance of the highway. Dated: Otay MunicipalWater District [Name of Grantor] [Title] [Name of Grantor] lTitlel This is to certify that the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Ïransportation (according to Section 27281 of the Government Code), accepts for public purposes the real property described in this deed and consents to its recordation. Ðated MALCOLM DOUGHERTY Director of Transportation By AMY LAMOTTVARGAS Deputy District Director Right of Way Division EXHIBIT C RW 13-2 (Rev. 8/2014) EA 056331/PID 1100020520 Page 1 of 3 ADA Notice – For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For alternate format information, contact the Forms Management Unit at (916)445-1233, TTY 711, or write to Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814. STATE OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY USAGE STATE BUSINESS FREE GOVT. CODE 6103 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION When recorded mail to: Utilities Relocation Branch Chief State of California Department of Transportation 4050 Taylor Street, MS-310 San Diego, CA 92110 STATE OF CALIFORNIA • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Space above this line for Recorder's Use CONSENT TO COMMON USE AGREEMENT 11 SD 11 2.0 Dist Co Rte Post Document No. 33718-1 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , 2018, by and between OTAY WATER DISTRICT, hereinafter called "Owner", and the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter called "State". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Owner is in possession of certain rights of way and easements, hereinafter referred to as "Owner's easement", and described as follows: An Easement Deed to Otay Municipal Water District recorded February 8, 1967, as Document 1967-17469, of official records in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, in the County of San Diego, State of California, and An Easement Deed to Otay Water District recorded ______________, as Document _____________, of official records in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, in the County of San Diego, State of California, and WHEREAS, State has acquired certain lands for highway purposes in the vicinity of San Diego, County of San Diego on State Route 11, hereinafter referred to as "highway right of way", which said highway right of way is subject to Owner’s easement; and WHEREAS, the highway right of way occupies a portion of Owner's easement and is subject to said easement which said portion is hereinafter referred to as "area of common use", and is described as follows: The area of common use as shown on Consent to Common Use Agreement Map No. 33718-1, sheets 1-2, copies of which are attached to and made a part of this agreement. CONSENT TO COMMON USE AGREEMENT EA 056331/PID 1100020520 RW 13-2 (Rev. 8/2014) Page 2 of 3 C.C.U.A. NO. 33718-1 NOW, THEREFORE, Owner and State hereby mutually agree as follows: 1. Owner hereby consents to the construction, reconstruction, maintenance or use by State of a highway over, along and upon Owner's easement in the area of common use upon and subject to the terms and conditions herein contained. 2. State acknowledges Owner's title to Owner's easement in said area of common use and the priority of Owner's title over the title of State therein. Owner has and reserves the right and easement to use, in common with the public's use of said highway, said area of common use for all of the purposes for which Owner's easement was acquired including, but not limited to, its rights to provide water for public purposes and to enable the United States to fulfill its water sharing obligations to Mexico when the need arises without need for any further permit or permission from State. Except in emergencies, Owner shall give reasonable notice to State before performing any work on Owner's facilities in said area of common use where such work will be performed in, on or over the traveled way or improved shoulders of said highway or will obstruct traffic. In all cases, Owner shall make adequate provision for the protection of the traveling public as required by the State’s Encroachment Permit office. 3. Owner’s facilities in the new location are located entirely outside the freeway fence. 4. In the event that the future use of said highway shall at any time or times necessitate a rearrangement, relocation, reconstruction or removal of any of Owner's facilities then existing in said area of common use the State shall notify Owner in writing of such necessity and agree to reimburse Owner on demand for its costs incurred in complying with such notice. Owner will provide State with plans of its proposed rearrangement and an estimate of the cost thereof and, upon approval of such plans by State, Owner will promptly proceed to effect such rearrangement, relocation, reconstruction or removal. Owner shall make adequate provisions for the protection of the traveling public as required by the State’s Encroachment Permit office. No further permit or permission from State for such rearrangement shall be required and if such rearrangement shall require the relocation of any of Owner's facilities outside of said area of common use, State will (1) enter into the standard form of Joint Use Agreement covering the new location of Owner's easement within the highway right of way, (2) provide executed document(s) granting to Owner good and sufficient easement outside of the highway right of way if necessary to replace Owner's easement or any part thereof, and (3) reimburse Owner for any costs it may be required to expend to rearrange its facilities including, but not limited to, costs expended to acquire such easement, provided it is mutually agreed in writing that Owner shall acquire such easement. 5. Except as expressly set forth herein, this Agreement shall not in any way alter, modify or terminate any provision of Owner's easement. Both State and Owner shall use said new location in such a manner as not to interfere unreasonably with the rights of the other. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a release or waiver of any claim for compensation or damages which Owner or State may now have or may hereafter acquire resulting from the construction of additional facilities or the alteration of existing facilities by either State or Owner in such a manner as to cause an unreasonable interference with the use of said new location by the other party. 6. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of both parties. CONSENT TO COMMON USE AGREEMENT EA 056331/PID 1100020520 RW 13-2 (Rev. 8/2014) Page 3 of 3 C.C.U.A. NO. 33718-1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by their respective officials thereunto duly authorized. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: OWNER: OTAY WATER DISTRICT ____________________________________ By _________________________________ GREG GUTIERREZ, Chief Name: Utility Relocation Branch Title: Right of Way Division By _________________________________ Name: Title: Approved as to form: ____________________________________ General Counsel STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Director of Transportation By _________________________________ AMY LAMOTT VARGAS Deputy District Director Right of Way Division Attorney in Fact STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA STATE TRANSPORTATION AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA STATE TRANSPORTATION AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT D AS7 Law San Diego/004344/000002/K/S0398605.DOCX RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND AFTER RECORDATION MAIL TO: For Recorder's Use OTAY WATER DISTRICT 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CA 91978-2004 APN: 648-070-18 Documentary Transfer Tax: None (Exempt under Rev & Tax Code Section 11922) GRANT OF EASEMENT OF RIGHT-OF-WAY TO OTAY WATER DISTRICT For good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned State of California, acting by and through its Director of Transportation, as Grantor hereby GRANT(S) to OTAY WATER DISTRICT, a municipal water district formed under the Municipal Water District Law of 1911, as amended, situated in the County of San Diego, State of California, as Grantee, a permanent easement of right- of-way for the purpose of laying underground water pipelines and sewer pipelines and laterals, trunk lines, collection lines and laterals, sewer manholes and other underground and surface structures appurtenant to said water pipelines or sewer lines, including but not limited to power lines for transmission and communication purposes, pumps, regulators, valves and access roads or areas within said easement, hereinafter referred to as "said facilities," to provide water for public purposes and to enable the United States to fulfil its water sharing obligations to Mexico when the need arises, together with the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair and replace said facilities, and the right of ingress and egress for such purposes. Said easement is described and/or depicted as follows: (See Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof) Grantor reserves the right to use said land at Grantor's own risk for any and all purposes not conflicting, interfering or inconsistent with Grantee's use of, and access to, said facilities. Grantor waives any right under Civil Code section 845, and any right to compel Grantee to grade, surface or otherwise improve or maintain said easement area as a roadway. Grantor shall not increase or decrease or permit to be increased or decreased the ground elevations of said easement existing at the time this document is executed, nor construct or permit to be constructed any permanent building, structures, improvements or other encroachment upon said easement which will cause damage to or threaten the safety of any of said facilities of Grantee placed within the easement without Grantee’s prior written consent. EXHIBIT D AS7 Law San Diego/004344/000002/K/S0398605.DOCX Grantee may remove from the easement any building, structure, improvement or other encroachments thereon conflicting, interfering or inconsistent with its use for the purposes hereby granted. Grantee shall have the right to install its own gates and locks in all fences, which now cross or may hereafter cross said easement. Grantee agrees on its own behalf and on behalf of its successors in interest that it will indemnify and hold harmless Grantor for any damages to the property, which result from Grantee’s negligence or willful misconduct in connection with its use of the easement and maintenance and repair operations within the easement. Grantor may use said land to construct and maintain a public highway on the property and to the extent of such use may surface or pave the area, subject to the restrictions as to changes in existing ground elevations and indemnifications set forth above. Grantee may, at Grantor's expense, and subject to Grantee’s prior written consent, relocate the above mentioned facilities in the event such conflict with future development of said property, provided that Grantor does not cause discontinuance of service to any area, and provided, further, that Grantee receives, without expenses to Grantee, an easement comparable to this easement for said relocated facilities. Except as otherwise provided herein, Grantee shall never be required to relocate or alter in any way the facilities installed pursuant to this grant of easement, or to bear any cost in connection therewith as a result of changes in the location of any said facilities. Grantee shall have the right to transfer and assign all or a portion of this easement to its successor in interest, or to any other political subdivision or public utility for use of the above stated purpose. EXHIBIT D AS7 Law San Diego/004344/000002/K/S0398605.DOCX This conveyance is executed pursuant to the authority vested in the Director of Transportation by law and, in particular, by the Streets and Highways Code. Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION APPROVED AS TO FORM AND PROCEDURE LAURIE BERMAN ATTORNEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Director of Transportation By Attorney in Fact AMY LAMOTT VARGAS Deputy District Director Right of Way Division This Space Reserved for California Transportation Commission Certification EXHIBIT D AS7 Law San Diego/004344/000002/K/S0398605.DOCX [Each signature of Grantor must be acknowledged in the form attached hereto] DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the Grant of Easement of Right of Way to Otay Water District dated , 2018 from the State of California, to OTAY WATER DISTRICT, a municipal water district, is hereby accepted by order of the Board of Directors pursuant to the authority conferred by Resolution No. 1829, adopted on February 23, 1981, and the Grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: By: Susan Cruz, District Secretary Otay Water District EXHIBIT D AS7 Law San Diego/004344/000002/K/S0398605.DOCX CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT GRANTOR’S SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of California ) ) ss County of ) On before me, DATE NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER - E.G., "JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC" personally appeared NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature of Notary Public (Notary Seal) A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document towhich this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness,accuracy, or validity of that document. EXHIBIT “A” Parcel DE34812-1 That portion of the Easterly 30 feet of the Easterly Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 18 South, Range 1 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, County of San Diego, State of California, lying between the following described Line “A” and Line “B”: LINE “A”: COMMENCING at the North Quarter Corner of said Section 31 marked with a 3 inch brass disc stamped “S.D.CO.ENGR. 1990”, as shown on Record of Survey No. 18717, filed April 1, 2005 as File No. 2005-0265751, in the office of the San Diego County Recorder, State of California; said monument bears N.00°16'27"W., 2,656.31 feet from a 2” iron pipe with tag stamped “LS 3145”, accepted as the center of said Section 31 as shown on Record of Survey No. 6945, filed April 8, 1968 as File No. 58386, in the office of said County Recorder; thence along the North-South centerline of said Section 31, S.00°16'27”E., 1,123.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence (1) leaving said centerline, N.83°47'39"W., 105.21 feet to the POINT OF TERMINUS. LINE “B”: COMMENCING at the North Quarter Corner of said Section 31 marked with a 3 inch brass disc stamped “S.D.CO.ENGR. 1990”, as shown on Record of Survey No. 18717, filed April 1, 2005 as File No. 2005-0265751, in the office of said County Recorder; said monument bears N.00°16'27"W., 2,656.31 feet from a 2” iron pipe with tag stamped “LS 3145”, accepted as the center of said Section 31 as shown on Record of Survey No. 6945, filed April 8, 1968 as File No. 58386, in the office of said County Recorder; thence along the North-South centerline of said Section 31, S.00°16'27”E., 1,604.69 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence (2) leaving said centerline, N.83°19'17"W., 113.57 feet to the POINT OF TERMINUS. The bearings and distances used in the above descriptions are based on the California Coordinate System of 1983, Zone 6, HPGN Epoch 1991.35. Divide all distances by 1.0000206 to obtain ground level distances. This real property description has been prepared by me, or under my direction, in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyors' Act. Signature Date March 13, 2018 AU SND CK MAH STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Dan Martin Engineering Manager PROJECT: P2623-001103 DIV. NO. 2 APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of a Construction Contract to M-Rae Engineering, Inc. for the Interconnect Airvac Valve Replacement Project GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award a construction contract to M-Rae Engineering, Inc. (M-Rae Engineering) and to authorize the General Manager to execute a construction contract with M-Rae Engineering for the Interconnect Airvac Valve Replacement Project in an amount not-to-exceed $83,000.12 (see Exhibit A for Project location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a construction contract with M-Rae Engineering for the Interconnect Airvac Valve Replacement Project (Project) in an amount not-to-exceed $83,000.12. 2 ANALYSIS: In 2013, the District entered into an agreement with Carollo Engineers (Carollo) for preliminary and final design and construction support of the 870-2 Pump Station Project. In 2016, Carollo’s surge subconsultant (GEI) recommended that existing combination air-vac valves along existing 30-inch transmission mains between the 624-3 (aka Eastlake or 30 MG) Reservoir and the Upper Reservoir be replaced with slow closing surge style combination air-vac valves to minimize risk of surge. The existing combination air-vac valves are older (2000 era). A few of the valves have already been replaced. New slow closing surge style combination air-vac valves were pre- purchased because of the long lead time (20 weeks) and District staff’s desire to replace existing valves as soon as possible to coincide with the 870-2 Pump Station construction, start-up, and commissioning. New enclosures were also pre-purchased since some existing enclosures are corroded and others are too short for the taller replacement valves. The pre-purchased valves and enclosures were delivered to the District late March 2018. District staff attempted to informally bid installation of the pre- purchased valves and materials under California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCAA); however, only one (1) bid was received on March 14, 2018. The single bid was over the General Manager’s signature authority. Staff prepared the contract documents in-house. On April 5, 2018, the Project was formally advertised for bid using BidSync, an online bid solicitation website. The Project was also advertised in the Daily Transcript. BidSync provided electronic distribution of the Bid Documents, including specifications, plans, and addendums. A Pre-Bid Meeting was held on April 11, 2018, which was attended by a single general contractor. Two (2) addenda were sent out to all bidders and plan houses to address questions and clarifications to the contract documents during the bidding period. Bids were publicly opened on April 24, 2018, with the following results: 3 CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID AMOUNT 1 M-Rae Engineering, Inc (Descanso, CA) $83,000.12 2 Fordyce Construction, Inc (Santee, CA) $86,466.00 3 Charles King Company (Signal Hill, CA) $114,725.00 4 Falcon Construction Company (San Diego, CA) $121,750.00 The Engineer’s Estimate is $80,000. A review of the bids was performed by District staff for conformance with the contract requirements and determined that M-Rae Engineering was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. M-Rae Engineering holds a Class A, General Engineering, Contractor’s License in the State of California, which meets the contract document’s requirements, and is valid through April 30, 2020. The reference checks indicated a very good to excellent performance record on similar projects. An internet background search of the company was performed and revealed no outstanding issues with this company. Staff verified that the bid bond provided by M-Rae Engineering is valid. Staff will also verify that M-Rae Engineering’s Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond are valid prior to execution of the contract. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budget for CIP P2623, as approved in the FY 2018 budget, is $270,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast including this contract, are $224,177. See Attachment B for budget detail. Based on a review of the financial budgets, the Project Manager anticipates that the budget for CIP P2623 is sufficient to support the Project. The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate model, 100% of the funding will be available from the Replacement Fund. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide high value water and wastewater services to the customers of the Otay Water District, in a professional, effective and efficient manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "A District that is at the forefront in innovations to provide water services at affordable rates, with a reputation for outstanding customer service." 4 LEGAL IMPACT: None. DM/RP:mlc P:\WORKING\CIP P2623 Interconnect AirVac Valve Repl\Staff Reports\BD 06-06-18 Staff Report Interconnect AirVac Repl Award Construction Project.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Budget Detail Exhibit A – Location Map ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2623-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to M-Rae Engineering, Inc. for the Interconnect Airvac Valve Replacement Project COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on May 22, 2018, and the following comments were made:  Staff reviewed the staff report with the Committee and recommended that the Board award a construction contract to M- Rae Engineering, Inc. (M-Rae Engineering) and to authorize the General Manager to execute a construction contract with M-Rae Engineering for the Interconnect Airvac Valve Replacement Project in an amount not-to-exceed $83,000.12.  It was noted that staff checked the references provided with M- Rae Engineering’s bid that indicated a very good performance record on similar past projects. References included worked performed for the City of Poway, the Rainbow Municipal Water District, and the San Dieguito Water District.  In response to a question from the Committee, staff believes that Bid-Sync is probably the main portal where over 1,000 companies (i.e. E-Commerce) and government agencies including the San Diego County Water Authority solicit bids.  The Committee noted that the budget for this project was $270,000. However, total expenditures were approximately $45,000 less which included this contract. See attachment B for budget details. Upon completion of the discussion, the Committee accepted staffs’ report and supported presentation to the full board as a consent item. ATTACHMENT B – Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2623-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to M-Rae Engineering, Inc. for the Interconnect Airvac Valve Replacement Project 4/24/2018 Budget 270,000 Planning Consultant Contracts 1,080 1,080 - 1,080 HELIX ENVIRONMNTL PLANNING INC Regulatory Agency Fees 50 50 - 50 PETTY CASH CUSTODIAN Standard Salaries 24,161 24,161 - 24,161 Total Planning 25,291 25,291 - 25,291 Design 001102 Consultant Contracts 2,412 2,412 - 2,412 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES Service Contracts 500 500 - 500 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY Standard Salaries 14,944 14,944 3,000 17,944 Total Design 17,856 17,856 3,000 20,856 Construction Supplier Contracts 13,480 13,480 - 13,480 PIPELINE PRODUCTS INC 40,904 40,904 - 40,904 CRUMP & CO INC 646 646 - 646 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #1083 83,000 - 83,000 83,000 M-Rae Engineering Construction Contract 10,000 10,000 Construction Manager 10,000 10,000 Inspection 10,000 10,000 Staff Time 10,000 10,000 Contingency @ 12% of Const Contract Total Construction 138,030 55,030 123,000 178,030 Grand Total 181,177 98,177 126,000 224,177 Vendor/Comments Otay Water District p2623-CArea OMesa PL Comb Air/Vac Valve Repl Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost OTAY WATER DISTRICT INTERCONNECT PIPELINE AIR VAC VALVE REPLACEMENTLOCATION MAP EXHIBIT A CIP P2623F P:\WORKING\CIP P2623 Interconnect AirVac Valve Repl\Graphics\Exhibits-Figures\B&W Exhibit A-Staff Report.mxd P K W Y O T A Y LOWEROTAY RESERVOIR INTERCONNECTIONPIPELINES !\ VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE DIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ÃÅ125 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ905 §¨¦805 F S A N D I EGOSAN D I EGOCOUNTYCOUNTY O TAY O T AY WA T ERWATERDISTRICTDISTRICT C I T Y OF C I T Y OF S A N D I EGOSAN D I EGO L A K E S R D O LY M PIC ALTA RD S R - 1 2 5 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Kevin Cameron Associate Civil Engineer Bob Kennedy Engineering Manager PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. All APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of Two (2) As-Needed Coating Inspection Services Contracts for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award two (2) professional As-Needed Coating Inspection Services contracts and to authorize the General Manager to execute two (2) agreements with Coating Specialists and Inspection Services, Inc. (CSI) and RF Yeager Engineering, Inc. (RF Yeager), each in an amount not-to-exceed $175,000. The total amount of the two (2) contracts will not exceed $175,000 during Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 (ending June 30, 2021). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into two (2) professional As-Needed Coating Inspection Services contracts with CSI and RF Yeager, with each contract in an amount not-to-exceed $175,000 for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The total amount of the two (2) contracts will not exceed $175,000 during Fiscal Years 2019 through 2021. 2 ANALYSIS: The District will require the services of a professional coating inspection consultant in support of the District’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP), and more specifically, the Corrosion Control Program for steel reservoirs, for the next three (3) fiscal years. Due to the strict requirements for the surface preparation and coating application on water storage tanks, the District uses a third party coating inspector to monitor, document, and verify coatings are applied per the coating manufacturer’s specifications. The District requires the coating inspector be certified by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) as a Level III Coating Inspector. The Coating Inspector’s tasks include, but are not limited to, submitting daily reports detailing the contractors activities, periodic testing, and overall quality control for the recoating procedures. It is more efficient and cost effective to issue an as-needed contract for coating inspection services, which will provide the District with the ability to obtain consulting services in a timely and efficient manner. This concept has also been used in the past for other disciplines such as design engineering, construction management, geotechnical, and environmental services. The District staff will identify tasks and request cost proposals from the two (2) consultants during the contract period. Each consultant will prepare a detailed scope of work, schedule, and fee for each task order, with the District evaluating the proposals based upon qualifications and cost. The District will enter into negotiations with the consultants, selecting the proposal that has the best value for the District. Upon written task order authorization from the District, the selected consultant shall then proceed with the project as described in the scope of work. The CIP projects that will require coating inspection services for the duration of this contract are listed below: CIP DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST P2543 850-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades $25,000 P2565 803-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades $30,000 P2566 520-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades $40,000 P2533 1200-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades $30,000 P2534 978-1 Reservoir 2-year Warranty Inspection & Repairs $5,000 P2544 850-2 Reservoir 2-year Warranty Inspection & Repairs $10,000 P2545 980-2 Reservoir 2-year Warranty Inspection & Repairs $10,000 TOTAL: $150,000 3 The coating inspection scopes of work for the above CIP projects are estimated from preliminary information and past CIP projects. Therefore, staff believes that a $175,000 cap on the As-Needed Coating Inspection Services contract is adequate, while still providing additional capacity for unforeseen support needs by the District. This As-Needed Coating Inspection Services contract does not commit the District to any expenditure until a task order is approved to perform work on a CIP project. The District does not guarantee work to the consultant, nor does the District guarantee that it will expend all of the funds authorized by the contract on professional services. The District solicited for coating inspection services by placing an advertisement on the Otay Water District’s website and using BidSync, the District’s online bid solicitation website on March 7, 2018. Eight (8) firms submitted a letter of interest and a statement of qualifications. The Request for Proposal (RFP) for As-Needed Coating Inspection Services was sent to all eight (8) firms resulting in three (3) proposals received on April 27, 2018. The firms are listed below:  Corrpro, an Aegion Corporation, Santa Fe Springs, CA  CSI, Santa Clarita, CA  RF Yeager, Lakeside, CA Five firms, HDR (Claremont, CA), MCS Inspection Group (Paso Robles, CA), Penspen (Houston, TX), Pond and Company (Peachtree Corners, GA), West Coast Coating Consultants (Berkeley, CA) elected not to submit a proposal. In accordance with the District’s Policy 21, staff evaluated and scored all written proposals. Both firms received the highest overall score for their services based on their experience, understanding of the scope of work, proposed method to accomplish the work, and their composite hourly rate. Both firms were the most qualified consultants with the best overall rating or ranking. A summary of the complete evaluation is shown in Attachment B. Both firms submitted the Company Background Questionnaire, as required by the RFP, and staff did not find any significant issues. In addition, staff checked their references and performed an internet search on the company. Staff found the references to be excellent and did not find any outstanding issues with the internet search. 4 FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The funds for these contracts will be expended on a variety of projects, as previously noted above. These contracts are for as- needed professional services based on the District's need and schedule, and expenditures will not be made until a task order is approved by the District for the consultant's services on a specific CIP project. The Project Manager anticipates that the FY 2019, FY 2020, and FY 2021 budgets, if approved, will be sufficient to support the future professional As-Needed Coating Inspection Services required. Finance has determined that, with approval of the future budgets, funding will be available from the Replacement fund, as outlined in the individual CIP project budgets described above. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide high value water and wastewater services to the customers of the Otay Water District, in a professional, effective and efficient manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "A District that is at the forefront in innovations to provide water services at affordable rates, with a reputation for outstanding customer service." LEGAL IMPACT: None. KC/BK:jf P:\WORKING\As Needed Services\Coating Inspection\FY 2019-2021\Staff Report\BD_06-06-18_Staff Report_Award of As-Needed Coating Inspection Services (KC-BK).docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Summary of Proposal Rankings ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: Various Award of Two (2) As-Needed Coating Inspection Services Contracts for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on May 22, 2018, and the following comments were made:  Staff reviewed the staff report with the Committee and recommended that the Board award two (2) professional As-Needed Coating Inspection Services contracts and to authorize the General Manager to execute two (2) agreements with Coating Specialists and Inspection Services, Inc. (CSI) and RF Yeager Engineering, Inc. (RF Yeager), each in an amount not-to-exceed $175,000. The total amount of the two (2) contracts will not exceed $175,000 during Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 (ending June 30, 2021).  As noted in the staff report, the As-Needed Coating Inspection Services contract will provide the District with the ability to obtain consulting services in a timely and efficient manner on an as-needed basis. Staff stated that a list of the proposed CIP projects is included on page 2 of the staff report and that $25,000 is included in the contract amount for future unanticipated work.  In response to a question and comments from the Committee, staff stated that the intent of having two (2) professional As-Needed Coating Inspection Services contractors is to identify tasks and request cost proposals from both contractors during the contract period. The District will evaluate the proposals based upon qualifications and costs, then enter into negotiations with the contractors, and select the proposal that has the best value for the District. Staff will analyze this process to determine its effectiveness. Upon completion of the discussion, the committee received staffs’ report and supported presentation to the full board as a consent item. Qualifications of Team Responsiveness and Project Understanding Technical and Management Approach INDIVIDUAL SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN AVERAGE SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN Proposed Rates* Consultant's Commitment to DBE TOTAL SCORE 30 25 30 85 85 15 Y/N 100 Poor/Good/ Excellent Dan Martin 27 23 26 76 Jeff Marchioro 27 23 26 76 Kevin Cameron 27 23 25 75 Jon Chambers 27 23 25 75 Jake Vaclavek 25 18 25 68 Dan Martin 24 20 26 70 Jeff Marchioro 25 20 25 70 Kevin Cameron 25 21 25 71 Jon Chambers 22 20 23 65 Jake Vaclavek 26 21 25 72 Dan Martin 29 23 28 80 Jeff Marchioro 29 24 29 82 Kevin Cameron 29 25 29 83 Jon Chambers 28 23 26 77 Jake Vaclavek 27 23 26 76 Firm Corrpro CSI Yeager Fee $41,480 $30,864 $40,000 Score 1 15 3 *Note: Review Panel does not see or consider proposed fee when scoring other categories. The proposed fee is scored by the PM, who is not on the Review Panel. R F Yeager 80 3 83 CSI Services Corrpro 74 1 75 MAXIMUM POINTS RATES SCORING CHART ATTACHMENT BSUMMARY OF PROPOSAL RANKINGS As-Needed Coating Inspection Services FY 2019-2021 WRITTEN REFERENCES 70 15 85 Y:\Board\CurBdPkg\ENGRPLAN\2018\BD 06-06-2018\Award of Two As-Needed Coating Inspection Services Contracts\Attachment B-Summary of Proposal Rankings.xls STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Michael O’Donnell Supervising Land Surveyor Brandon DiPietro Field Services Manager Dan Martin Engineering Manager PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. All APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of Two (2) As-Needed Land Surveying Services Contracts for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award two (2) professional As-Needed Land Surveying Services contracts and to authorize the General Manager to execute two agreements with Hunsaker & Associates (Hunsaker) and Psomas, each in an amount not-to-exceed $250,000. The total amount of the two contracts will not exceed $250,000 during Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 (ending June 30, 2021). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into two (2) professional As-Needed Land Surveying Services contracts with Hunsaker and Psomas, with each contract in an amount not-to-exceed $250,000 for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The total amount of the two contracts will not exceed $250,000 during Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021. 2 ANALYSIS: The District will require the services of two professional land surveying consultants on an as-needed basis for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 to support the following:  District’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP)  Cadastral Base Mapping Program  Right-of-Way Management Program  USA Mark-Out Program The District staff will identify tasks and request cost proposals from the two consultants during the contract period. Each consultant will prepare a detailed scope of work, schedule, and fee for each task order, with the District evaluating the proposals based upon qualifications and cost. The District will enter into negotiations with the consultants, selecting the proposal that has the best value for the District. Upon written task order authorization from the District, the selected consultant shall then proceed with the project as described in the scope of work. The District has used an as-needed contract for land surveying services over the previous four (4) fiscal years to augment existing staff and for tasks that require specialty services. The annual effort of the As-Needed Land Surveying Services, used to support the District’s CIP, Cadastral Base Mapping, Right-of-Way Management, and USA Mark-Out programs from October 2013 through October 2017, averaged hours that equated to less than a full-time employee (FTE) at a rate of 0.15 FTE per year. An analysis of land surveying workload for FY 2019 through FY 2021 indicates an increasing level of effort from prior years will be needed with averaged hours that equate at a rate of 0.40 FTE per year. The District’s experience has demonstrated that it is efficient and cost effective to issue an as-needed contract for land surveying services, which will provide the District with the ability to obtain consulting services in a timely and cost efficient manner. In addition to land surveying services, this concept has also been used in the past for other disciplines, such as engineering design, construction management, electrical, and environmental services. The As-Needed Land Surveying Services contracts do not commit the District to any expenditure until a task order is approved to perform work on a project. The District does not guarantee work to the consultants, nor does the District guarantee that it will expend all of the funds authorized by the contract on professional services. 3 The District solicited for land surveying services by placing an advertisement on the District’s website on February 15, 2018 and with various other publications including the San Diego Daily Transcript. Eight (8) firms submitted a Letter of Interest and a Statement of Qualifications. The Request for Proposal (RFP) for As-Needed Land Surveying Services was sent to the eight (8) firms resulting in seven (7) proposals received by March 20, 2018. They are as follows:  BWE,Inc. (San Diego, CA)  Dokken Engineering (San Diego, CA)  Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc. (San Diego, CA)  NV5 (San Diego, CA)  Psomas (San Diego, CA)  SDE (San Diego, CA)  Towill (San Diego, CA) The one (1) firm that chose not to propose was Rick Engineering (San Diego, CA). In accordance with the District’s Policy 21, staff evaluated and scored all written proposals and interviewed the top four (4) firms on April 27, 2018. Hunsaker and Psomas received the highest scores based on their experience, understanding of the scope of work, proposed method to accomplish the work, and their composite hourly rate. Hunsaker and Psomas were the most qualified consultants with the best overall proposal. Both consultants provide similar services to other local agencies and are readily available to provide the services required. A summary of the complete evaluation is shown in Attachment B. Hunsaker and Psomas submitted the Company Background Questionnaire, as required by the RFP, and staff did not find any significant issues. In addition, staff checked their references and performed an internet search on the company. Staff found the references to be excellent and did not find any outstanding issues with the internet search. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The funds for these contracts will be expended from the Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 budgets for various projects or programs. These contracts are for professional As-Needed Land Surveying Consulting Services based on the District's need and schedule, and expenditures will not be made until a task order is approved by the District for the consultant's services on a specific project or program. Based on a review of the financial budgets, the Project Manager anticipates that the budgets will be sufficient to support the professional as-needed land surveying consulting services required for various projects and the programs noted above. 4 The Finance Department has determined that under the current rate model, the funds to cover these contracts will be available as budgeted for these projects or programs. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide high value water and wastewater services to the customers of the Otay Water District in a professional, effective, and efficient manner” and the District’s Vision, “A District that is at the forefront in innovations to provide water services at affordable rates, with a reputation for outstanding customer service.” LEGAL IMPACT: None. MO/BD/DM:mlc P:\WORKING\As Needed Services\Land Surveying\FY 2019-2021\Staff Report\BD_06-06-18_Staff Report_Award of As-Needed Land Surveying Services (MO-BD).Docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Summary of Proposal Rankings ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: Various Award of Two (2) As-Needed Land Surveying Services Contracts for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee reviewed this item at a meeting held on May 22, 2018, and the following comments were made:  Staff reviewed the staff report with the Committee and recommended that the Board award two (2) professional As- Needed Land Surveying Services contracts and to authorize the General Manager to execute two agreements with Hunsaker & Associates (Hunsaker) and Psomas, each in an amount not-to- exceed $250,000. The total amount of the two contracts will not exceed $250,000 during Fiscal Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 (ending June 30, 2021).  Staff stated that both Hunsaker and Psomas will supplement the District’s existing full-time Land Surveyor and help with tasks that require specialty services (i.e. USA Mark-Out, Cadastral Base Mapping, and the Right-of-Way Management Program). Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation of this item to the full board on the consent calendar. Qualifications of Team Responsiveness and Project Understanding Technical and Management Approach INDIVIDUAL SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN AVERAGE SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN Proposed Rates* Consultant's Commitment to DBE TOTAL - WRITTEN Additional Creativity and Insight Strength of Project Manager Presentation and Communication Skills Responses to Questions INDIVIDUAL TOTAL - ORAL AVERAGE TOTAL ORAL TOTAL SCORE 30 25 30 85 85 15 Y/N 100 15 15 10 10 50 50 150 Poor/Good/ Excellent Juan Tamayo 25 24 25 74 Kevin Cameron 24 21 24 69 Lisa Coburn-Boyd 25 22 24 71 Michael O'Donnell 27 23 24 74 Mike Plaster 27 23 26 76 Juan Tamayo 27 23 26 76 Kevin Cameron 27 21 24 72 Lisa Coburn-Boyd 27 21 23 71 Michael O'Donnell 28 21 24 73 Mike Plaster 27 22 26 75 Juan Tamayo 29 24 27 80 12 12 8 8 40 Kevin Cameron 28 23 28 79 14 13 8 9 44 Lisa Coburn-Boyd 28 24 27 79 13 13 8 8 42 Michael O'Donnell 29 24 27 80 12 13 9 8 42 Mike Plaster 29 24 28 81 13 12 8 8 41 Juan Tamayo 28 24 26 78 10 10 5 5 30 Kevin Cameron 28 23 27 78 10 10 5 7 32 Lisa Coburn-Boyd 28 23 26 77 10 10 6 7 33 Michael O'Donnell 29 23 28 80 10 10 5 7 32 Mike Plaster 27 25 27 79 9 7 7 6 29 Juan Tamayo 29 24 26 79 11 11 8 8 38 Kevin Cameron 27 23 27 77 12 12 7 8 39 Lisa Coburn-Boyd 27 23 27 77 13 12 7 7 39 Michael O'Donnell 29 24 28 81 11 13 8 8 40 Mike Plaster 29 24 28 81 11 12 8 8 39 Juan Tamayo 25 20 24 69 Kevin Cameron 24 20 24 68 Lisa Coburn-Boyd 24 20 24 68 Michael O'Donnell 26 23 24 73 Mike Plaster 24 21 24 69 Juan Tamayo 29 23 25 77 13 12 9 9 43 Kevin Cameron 27 23 28 78 13 14 8 8 43 Lisa Coburn-Boyd 28 24 27 79 13 14 8 8 43 Michael O'Donnell 28 23 28 79 14 14 7 8 43 Mike Plaster 28 23 26 77 13 13 9 8 43 Consultant Fee Score *The fees were evaluated by comparing rates for seven positions. The sum of these rates are noted on the table to the left. BWE $1,520 5 Note: Review Panel does not see or consider rates when scoring other categories. Dokken $1,577 3 Hunsaker $1,206 15 NV5 $1,345 11 Psomas $1,388 9 SDE $1,640 1 Towill $1,576 3 73 69 Psomas RATES SCORING CHART 1 Y 3 15 Y3 ATTACHMENT B SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL RANKINGS As-Needed Land Surveying - Fiscal Years 2019 to 2021 WRITTEN ORAL Hunsaker & Associates Dokken Engineering Y 73 Y 78 MAXIMUM POINTS 5BWE, Inc.78 Towill 81 43 REFERENCES 80 Y 95 76 76 NV5 78 Y 78 11 Y 137 SDE 124 79 9 Excellent 120 127 70 Excellent39 FIRM NOT INTERVIEWED FIRM NOT INTERVIEWED FIRM NOT INTERVIEWED 88 42 89 31 70 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. ALL SUBMITTED BY: Kelli Williamson Human Resources Manager APPROVED BY: Adolfo Segura, Chief, Administrative Services Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION #4349 FOR EXCEPTION TO CALPERS' 180-DAY WAITING PERIOD FOR HIRING A RETIRED ANNUITANT DUE TO SPECIAL NEEDED SKILLS GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve Resolution #4349 as required by CalPERS to waive the 180-day waiting period for hiring a retired annuitant due to special needed skills. PURPOSE: To request Board approval for Resolution #4349 as required by CalPERS to waive the 180-day waiting period for hiring a retired annuitant due to special needed skills. ANALYSIS: The District is currently involved in two lawsuits. The first is a suit the District has against the City of San Diego regarding their recycled water rates. The second case is where the District is being sued over its water rate structure. For both of these cases, Rita Walmer was the Finance Manager that oversaw the rate setting and contractual payments to the City of San Diego for recycled water purchases. However, Mrs. Walmer is retiring on June 9, 2018, and based on her expertise and background, it is necessary for her to serve as an expert witness and to assist the District’s attorneys in the preparation of these two lawsuits. Mrs. Walmer will not be performing any of her prior duties as a Finance Manager as the employee hired to replace her will be performing these duties. Mrs. Walmer’s work will conclude upon the resolution of these two lawsuits. The California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) imposed new limitations and restrictions on post-retirement employment of public employees, including a 180-day waiting period for re- employment (Government Code § 7522.56). The law includes an exception to the waiting period for extra help annuitants, either during an emergency to prevent stoppage of public business or because the retired person has specialized skills required to fill a critically needed position for a limited duration before 180 days have passed. Before Mrs. Walmer can begin work following her retirement, the District’s governing body must approve the nature of the employment and that the appointment is necessary to fill a critically needed position sooner than 180 days at a public meeting. The approval cannot be placed on the consent calendar (Government Code § 7522.56 subd.(f)(1)). The District’s General Counsel and attorneys of record in the two referenced lawsuits, plan to retain Mrs. Walmer as an expert consultant for the duration of the litigation. However, in order to avoid jeopardizing Mrs. Walmer’s retirement benefits, CalPERS has advised that the District request an independent contract review of said consultant agreement, and that it could take three months to receive a determination. Accordingly, the appointment of Mrs. Walmer to perform specialized part-time work related to the two referenced lawsuits, for a limited time period, and on an hourly basis, is critically necessary at the present time and for either the duration of the lawsuits mentioned or until she is retained as an expert consultant by the District’s counsel. No other District employee has the required skill or experience pertaining to the lawsuits, which the District is litigating. Resolution #4349 establishes the certifications and terms and conditions of employment required by applicable law (see Attachment A). The resolution must be submitted to the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) in order to be in compliance. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The costs associated with this position are included in the budget for legal costs for the City of San Diego lawsuit. LEGAL IMPACT: Any retiree employment found to be in violation of the retirement laws and regulations is unlawful employment. This will result in Mrs. Walmer’s mandatory reinstatement from retirement, retroactive to the date the unlawful employment began. If Mrs. Walmer is reinstated, her retirement allowance (pension payments) will stop and she will be required to reimburse CalPERS the amount of retirement allowance she received during the period of unlawful employment. In addition, she will pay the District (her employer) the member contributions plus interest owed retroactive to her reinstatement date. The employer who unlawfully employed Mrs. Walmer will submit her member contributions and pay employer contributions plus interest owed retroactive to her reinstatement date. In addition, when Mrs. Walmer re-retires, her new retirement may not include the same benefits she had with her previous retirement. A retiree, such as Mrs. Walmer, can work for a private industry employer not associated with any CalPERS employer without restrictions and continue to receive her CalPERS retirement allowance. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Resolution 4349 2-8 RESOLUTION NO. 4349 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OTAY WATER DISTRICT APPOINTING A RETIRED ANNUITANT PURSUANT TO THE EXCEPTION TO THE 180-DAY WAIT PERIOD UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 7522.56 AND 21224. WHEREAS, in compliance with Government Code Section 7522.56 the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District (District) must provide CalPERS this certification resolution when hiring a retiree before 180 days has passed since his or her retirement date; and WHEREAS, Rita K. Walmer, CalPERS ID 7150444031, will retire from her employment as Finance Manager with the Otay Water District, effective June 9, 2018; and WHEREAS, Government Code section 7522.56 requires that post-retirement employment commence no earlier than 180 days after the retirement date, which is December 6, 2018; and WHEREAS, Government Code section 7522.56 also provides for an exception to the 180- day wait period for extra help annuitants to serve either during an emergency to prevent stoppage of public business or because the retired person has specialized skills required to fill a critically needed position before 180 days have passed. WHEREAS, Government Code section 7522.56 provides that this exception to the 180- day wait period shall not apply if the retiree accepts any retirement-related incentive; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors, the District, and Rita K. Walmer certify that Rita K. Walmer has not received, and will not receive, a Golden Handshake or any other retirement related incentive; and WHEREAS, the District is currently actively engaged in litigating two lawsuits, titled Coziahr v. Otay Water District (Case No.: 37-2015-00400000-CU-MC-CTL) and Otay Water District v. City of San Diego (Case No.: RIC1804278); and WHEREAS Rita K. Walmer has specialized skills and experience as a Finance Manager, which are needed to assist the District’s counsel in prosecuting and/or defending the aforementioned lawsuits before 180 days have passed because said litigation is ongoing; and WHEREAS, no other District employee has the required skill or experience pertaining to the issues, which the District is litigating; and WHEREAS the District Board of Directors desires to immediately retain Rita K. Walmer as an extra help retired annuitant to assist the District’s counsel in prosecuting and/or defending the aforementioned lawsuits pursuant to Government Code section 21224, and (Government Code § 7522.56 subd.(f)(1); and WHEREAS, Rita K. Walmer shall not work as an extra help retired annuitant for more than 960 hours per fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the compensation paid to as an extra help retired annuitant cannot be less than 2-8 the minimum nor exceed the maximum monthly base salary paid to other employees performing comparable duties, divided by 173.333 to equal the hourly rate; and WHEREAS, the maximum base salary for this position is $12,549.28 for work performed on or before to June 30, 2018 and $12,900.66 for work performed on or after July 1, 2018 and the hourly equivalent is $72.3997 for work performed on or before June 30, 2018 and $74.4269 for work performed on or after July 1, 2018, and the minimum base salary for this position is $10,039.47 for work performed on or before June 30, 2018 and $10,320.58 for work performed on or after July 1, 2018 and the hourly equivalent is $57.9200 for work performed on or before June 30, 2018 and $59.5418 for work performed on or after July 1, 2018, if needed for a longer duration, in accordance with the maximum salary as set in the District publicly available pay schedule; and WHEREAS, the hourly rate paid to Rita K. Walmer will be $72.3997 for work performed on or before June 30, 2018 and $74.4269 for work performed on or after July 1, 2018; and WHEREAS, Rita K. Walmer has not and will not receive any other benefit, incentive, compensation in lieu of benefit or other form of compensation in addition to this hourly pay rate; and WHEREAS, this matter shall not be placed on a consent calendar; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Otay Water District that the above stated recitals are incorporated herein by reference; and IT IS RESOLVED FURTHER that the District is currently actively engaged in litigating two lawsuits, titled Coziahr v. Otay Water District (Case No.: 37-2015-00400000-CU-MC-CTL) and Otay Water District v. City of San Diego (Case No.: RIC1804278) and Rita K. Walmer’s specialized skills and experience as a Finance Manager are needed to assist the District’s counsel in prosecuting and/or defending the aforementioned lawsuits before 180 days have passed; and IT IS RESOLVED FURTHER that the need for Rita K. Walmer’s assistance is critical because said litigation is ongoing; and IT IS RESOLVED FURTHER that the General Manager is authorized to employ Rita K. Walmer as a Finance Manager on the following terms and conditions: 1. The compensation for the employment is fixed at $72.3997 per hour for work performed on or before June 30, 2018 and $74.4269 for work performed on or after July 1, 2018 , if needed for a longer duration, in accordance with the maximum salary as set in the District publicly available pay schedule; and 2. The employment shall not exceed 960 hours per fiscal year; and 3. Rita K. Walmer will not receive any other benefit, incentive, and/or compensation in lieu of benefit, or any other form of compensation in addition to the hourly rate specified in subparagraph 1 above. However, Rita K. Walmer will receive reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the course and scope of employment in accordance with the policies of the Otay Water District and applicable law; and 4. The employment shall terminate upon the resolution of these aforementioned two lawsuits. 5. The employment is at-will, pursuant to the Recruitment Selection, and Employment 2-8 Board Policy #24. IT IS RESOLVED FURTHER that the General Manager is directed to cause a true and correct copy of this resolution to be filed with CalPERS. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED as a regular action item and not as part of the consent calendar at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of OTAY WATER DISTRICT held the 6th day of June, 2018, by the following vote, to wit; AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ___________________________ President ATTEST: __________________________ District Secretary OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICY Subject Policy Number Date Adopted Date Revised DIRECTORS COMPENSATION, REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES AND GROUP INSURANCE BENEFITS 08 2/20/91 7/2/14 Page 1 of 7 Purpose To provide guidelines for payment of compensation and reimbursement of expenses to Directors in connection with their attendance at meetings or the performance of other authorized business, and for group insurance benefits for Directors. Background Members of the Board of Directors (“Directors”) attend regular, adjourned or special meetings of the Board of Directors (“Board”). In addition, Directors attend other District meetings, committee meetings, association meetings, and educational seminars on behalf of the District. These meetings and seminars are related to District business, water and water related issues, and California special districts. State statutes authorize District payments for meetings, reimbursements of expenses. State law also authorizes the District to provide health and welfare benefits for active Directors and, in limited circumstances, retired Directors if they served 12 years and were first elected prior to January 1, 1995. The District is also authorized to offer health and welfare benefits for retired Directors who commenced office on or after January 1, 1995, if the recipient participates on a self-pay basis. Policy The District will compensate Directors on a per diem basis for attendance at authorized meetings or functions and will reimburse Directors for reasonable expenses incurred while traveling on District business to include, lodging, dining, transportation and related incidentals. A. Directors Per Diem As provided in Section 1.01 C. of the District Code of Ordinances, each Director shall receive a per diem in the amount of $100 for each day of attendance at meetings of the Board or for each day of service rendered as a Director by request or authorization of the Board, not to exceed a total of ten (10) days in any calendar month. Attendance at any meeting shown on Exhibit A to this Policy shall be deemed a meeting requested or authorized by the Board. Attendance of meetings shall be in accordance with Exhibit A. The President of the Board or the Board may authorize a Director to attend meetings not listed in Exhibit A when the President or the Board determine that it is in the interest of the District that a Director attend, and that such attendance be compensated and expenses reimbursed. Director’s claims for per diem amounts shall be made on a “Board of Directors Per Diem and Mileage Claim Form” (Exhibit B). The President of the Board or the Board may approve reimbursement of OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICY Subject Policy Number Date Adopted Date Revised DIRECTORS COMPENSATION, REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES AND GROUP INSURANCE BENEFITS 08 2/20/91 7/2/14 Page 2 of 7 expenses outside the per diem limit for a Director, if the Director submits receipts for all of the related District business expenses. Attendance at a meeting that is not authorized by this policy (pre-approved meetings) or pre-approved by the President may be approved by the Board for per diem. Director’s seeking per diem amounts for these meetings shall request that the item be presented to the Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting for consideration. The decision of the Board shall be final. When travel arrangements require a day earlier arrival or a day later departure, Directors will not be eligible for the $100 per diem, however, reasonable expenses associated with the extended stay will be reimbursed as specified below. B. Pre-payment of Otherwise Reimbursable Expenses The Director may request pre-payment of registration, transportation, and lodging, using the “Board of Directors Travel Request Form” (Exhibit C). Pre-payments shall be limited to the Director’s expenses only. No advances shall be made on travel expenses. C. Reimbursement of Expenses Each Director shall be reimbursed for travel expenses to and from the meetings described in Exhibit A or for any other authorized District business as follows: 1. Authorization Travel associated with the attendance of meetings or functions for Directors shall be approved in advance by the Otay Water District Board President. To request approval of travel, the Director should complete a “Board of Directors Travel Request Form” (Exhibit B) in order to be eligible for compensation and/or reimbursement. Travel requests will be reviewed and approved by the Board President or the Board. 2. Transportation a. Air Transportation The District will endeavor to purchase airline tickets in advance taking advantage of discounts and low airfares. b. Automobile 1. Personal Auto: Directors may use their personal vehicle. The District will reimburse Directors at the current rate/mile as established by the OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICY Subject Policy Number Date Adopted Date Revised DIRECTORS COMPENSATION, REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES AND GROUP INSURANCE BENEFITS 08 2/20/91 7/2/14 Page 3 of 7 IRS, plus tolls, parking, etc., provided, however, if air transportation is available, the total amount of expense paid shall be limited to the cost of coach air travel between points traveled by personal vehicle. Gasoline, collision and liability insurance, and maintenance will be provided by the Director and is deemed covered in the rate/mileage reimbursement. Directors using personal vehicles on District business must maintain a valid California driver’s license and the automobile insurance coverage required by the State of California, or make arrangements for a driver who meets the above requirements. The General Manager’s Staff will verify that Directors have a valid driver’s license. Directors will also be required to maintain automobile insurance coverage. Proof of such insurance will be submitted two times per year, in January and July, and is required to be eligible for mileage reimbursement. 2. Rental Cars: The District will provide a rental car when needed. Such rental car shall be a compact or mid-size class, unless upgrades are offered at no additional cost to the District. c. Miscellaneous Transportation Whenever practicable, bus, taxi, rail, shuttle, etc. transportation may be used in lieu of, or in conjunction with, modes above. 3. Meals and Lodging a. Meals and Beverages Whenever travel requires meals, the meals, excluding gratuity, shall be reimbursable, provided the Director presents a receipt along with the “Board of Directors Expense Claim Form” (Exhibit D) for all meals. Reimbursements for expense items where a receipt has been lost will not be paid until the President or the Board has reviewed and approved the expense item. Meals are reimbursable based on the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) as updated by the U.S. General Services Administration: 1. Full Day Reimbursement When a Director is traveling for a full day and no meals are provided for by other sources, such OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICY Subject Policy Number Date Adopted Date Revised DIRECTORS COMPENSATION, REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES AND GROUP INSURANCE BENEFITS 08 2/20/91 7/2/14 Page 4 of 7 as pre-paid registration, the Director may be reimbursed for meal expenses at the rate provided by the M&IE per day. This amount is exclusive of any gratuities. 2. Single Meal Reimbursement When a Director requires reimbursement for a single meal while traveling, the maximum meal reimbursement amount shall be at a rate provided by the M&IEfor Breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner, or amounts determined by the President or the Board to be reasonable for the occasion or circumstances. These amounts and any amount approved by the President or Board shall exclude gratuities. 3. Partial Day Reimbursement When a director will be traveling for a partial day or where a single meal is provided for by other sources such as pre-paid registration, the maximum reimbursement amount shall be at the rate provided by the M&IE per meal, or such other amounts as may be determined by the President or the Board to be reasonable for the occasion or circumstances. In any event all amounts to be reimbursed shall exclude any gratuities. 4. Taxes The maximum meal reimbursement amounts are inclusive of and assume expenses for taxes. The maximum meal reimbursements shall exclude any and all gratuities. b. Lodging The District will reimburse Directors or pre-pay accommodations in single rooms at conference facilities or in close proximity when applicable. Or, in the absence of conference accommodations, normal single-room business, government or commercial class accommodation may be obtained. Under normal circumstances, lodging will not be reimbursed for the night before a conference starts and the night after it ends. However, in situations where available travel schedules would require the Director to leave home before 6:00 AM or return to home after 12:00 AM, lodging for the night before or the night after will be reimbursable. OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICY Subject Policy Number Date Adopted Date Revised DIRECTORS COMPENSATION, REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES AND GROUP INSURANCE BENEFITS 08 2/20/91 7/2/14 Page 5 of 7 4. Entertainment The District shall not cover any expenses incurred for recreation or entertainment. 5. Incidental Expenses Unavoidable, necessary and reasonable authorized expenses will be fully reimbursed by the District. Some examples of allowable expenses are: a. Telephone Calls (Business): Calls placed by the Director, to the District office, or for the purpose of conducting District business. Business related calls should be itemized on the Director’s “Board of Directors Expense Claim Form” (Exhibit D). b. Telephone Calls (Personal): One (1) brief personal call each day away from home, up to a $10 maximum per day. c. Telephone Calls (Local): Charges for local calls, for meal or transportation reservations, or for area information related to travel. d. Reasonable transportation to local restaurants and to optional functions that are a part of conference events. e. Parking fees. f. The following expenses are not reimbursable: 1. Alcoholic beverages 2. Parking or traffic violations 3. In-room movies or laundry services 6. Director's Responsibility a. Directors must submit a detailed “Board of Directors Expense Claim Form” for reimbursement. Claim forms should be supported by vouchers and itemized receipts of expenditures for which reimbursement is being requested. Receipts must be attached for all expenses. If a receipt is lost, the lost receipt must be noted on the “Board of Directors Expense Claim Form” (Exhibit D) and approved by the President or the Board before any payment can be made. Claim forms shall be submitted within 45 calendar days after the expense was incurred. Expense claims requiring reimbursement to the District, which are not reconciled within 45 calendar days, shall be deducted OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICY Subject Policy Number Date Adopted Date Revised DIRECTORS COMPENSATION, REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES AND GROUP INSURANCE BENEFITS 08 2/20/91 7/2/14 Page 6 of 7 from the next month’s reimbursement. b. Expenses will not be reimbursed for meetings that have been pre-paid and not attended. The President or the Board may excuse an absence for a meeting. The absent Director shall provide a verbal or written report at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting stating the reason for the absence and, if appropriate, request that it be excused. Directors will be required to reimburse the district for any pre-paid expenses for any unexcused absence. This reimbursement will be made by deduction from future expenditures. c. When two (2) or more Directors combine an expense on one receipt, the Director requesting reimbursement should indicate, on or attached to the Director’s “Board of Directors Expense Claim Form” the identity of the other persons sharing expenses. This will facilitate appropriate allocation of expenses to each participant. d. Except where the District sponsors a table at an event, expenses incurred by spouses, family members, or guests are the responsibility of the Director. e. The District shall, at least annually, provide a report to disclose any reimbursement paid by the district within the immediately preceding fiscal year of at least $100 for each individual charge for services or product received. “Individual charge” (as defined in California Government Code Section 53065.5) includes, but is not limited to, one meal, lodging for one day, transportation, or a registration fee. D. District Group Insurance Benefits 1. Each Director, while serving as a member of the Board of Directors, shall be entitled to the health and welfare and life insurance benefits set forth in the Schedule of Benefits in the District Group Insurance Plan Booklet, which benefits are furnished by the District at District cost, with applicable contributions, for active District employees and Directors. Each active Director shall also be entitled to a $65,000 term life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance policy (subject to policy requirements and any standard age reduction schedule), a $50,000 travel accidental death and dismemberment policy. In addition to the foregoing, the District will pay premiums for additional individual life insurance coverage in an amount of up to $250,000 for a 20 year term for those OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICY Subject Policy Number Date Adopted Date Revised DIRECTORS COMPENSATION, REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES AND GROUP INSURANCE BENEFITS 08 2/20/91 7/2/14 Page 7 of 7 active Directors who apply for such coverage with the District’s provider and meet the provider’s standard underwriting guidelines and policy requirements. If coverage at higher amounts or for a longer term is made available by the provider, each Director may purchase such additional coverage on a self-pay basis. 2. Each former member of the Board of Directors, who served in office after January 1, 1981, who was elected to a term of office that began before January 1, 1995, who is at least 60 years of age, and whose total service at the time of termination is not less than 12 years, shall be entitled to the health and welfare and life insurance benefits set forth in the District Group Insurance Plan Booklet, which benefits are furnished by the District, at District cost, for retired Directors. E.Miscellaneous Cell Phone expenses are not considered a reimbuseable expense Attachments Exhibit A: Approved Function List Exhibit B: “Board of Directors Per Diem and Mileage Claim Form” Exhibit C: “Board of Directors Travel Request Form” Exhibit D: “Board of Directors Expense Claim Form” EXHIBIT A Approved Functions List Board Policy for payment of per diems and expenses for Director attendance at District meetings: The Board reviews its authorization and policy for payment of per diems (pre-approved meetings) annually, in January following reorganization of the Board and election of a new President. Below is the current Board policy: 1. The following meetings are pre-approved for all Directors to attend and receive a per diem and expense reimbursement: • Otay Water District Regular and Special Board Meetings • Otay committee meetings for committee members only • Otay business meetings called by the General Manager and authorized by the President of the Board where individual Directors are requested to attend • Except as otherwise specifically excluded in this policy, official District functions that take place during normal business hours where Directors are requested to attend by either the Board President or the Board • Semi-annual conference of the Association of California Water Agencies • Regular quarterly meetings of the Water Agencies Association of San Diego County • Regularly monthly meeting of Council of Water Utilities • Business meetings and conferences of the California Special District Association held in San Diego County All other meetings not listed here require pre- approval by the President or Board. 2. The following meetings are pre-approved for designated Otay Director representatives or designated alternate. The District Secretary will maintain an updated list of designated Director representatives. Any other Director who wishes to attend these meetings and receive a per diem must have approval from the President or Board prior to the event or be designated by the President or Board, as an alternate. The pre-approval shall include the attendance of the Director at the commission, committee, board or meeting and any committee, subcommittee or other official or posted meeting of the agencies, commissions, committees or boards listed below: EXHIBIT A • Planning Group and City Commission meetings that fall within the boundaries of each directors district (when issues impacting OWD are discussed) • Inter-Agency Committee Meeting • METRO (TAC/AFFORD) Commission • ACWA or CSDA meetings/conferences • Water Conservation Garden 3. The Board President or his designee is pre-authorized to attend District business meetings with cities and other agencies to represent Otay Water District, and may claim a per diem and expenses. Any other Director desiring to attend the same meeting of this nature would require approval to attend from the President or the Board in order to receive a per diem and expense reimbursement. 4. When the President or the Board appoints a director(s) to a committee, the meeting(s) shall be considered pre- approved for per diem and expense reimbursement. 5. The following meetings are not eligible for pre-approved per diem claims: a) Attending other Districts’ Board meetings b) Otay employee appreciation breakfast, luncheons or dinners c) Retirement receptions d) Otay picnics or dinner-dances or other purely social events e) CWA meeting attendance (by Otay Water District appointed CWA Board Member(s)) f) Chamber of Commerce events g) First Friday Breakfasts unless presenting Otay official business to the assembly h) Any political campaign event or function 6. In order to submit a per diem/travel reimbursement the member must attend at least 50% of the meeting (per day) and the reimbursement request must be submitted within 45 days of the occurrence, otherwise it may be considered attended without per diem. The President of the Board will make the final determination. 7. All other meetings/conferences/tours/seminars/ workshops/functions not listed in this policy must be pre- approved by the Board President or the Board. EXHIBIT B (Director’s Signature) GM Receipt: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Period Covered: Employee Number: From: To: ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS Total Meeting Per Diem: $ ($100 per meeting) Total Mileage Claimed: miles EXHIBIT B INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE EXHIBIT B INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER DIEM CLAIM FORM 1. Record the date, and name or purpose/issues discussed of meeting attended on behalf of the District. Note: The District will pay Director's per-diem for one meeting/ function per day and the maximum of 10 meetings/functions per month. If a Director attends more than 10 meetings/functions (10 days), the District will reimburse for the mileage and any reimbursable out-of- pocket expenses incurred for these additional meetings. 2. Record number of miles (round trip) driven to attend meeting/ function. The use of personal vehicles in the conduct of official District business shall be reimbursed at the current Internal Revenue Service rate. The Director's expense claim should indicate the nature of the trip. If a trip begins at home, the District will reimburse the mileage from home to destination and return mileage. District insurance does not cover personal vehicles while they are being driven on District business. The reimbursement rate is inclusive of an allowance for insurance costs. The District will reimburse Directors for the deductible under their personal insurance policy should they be involved in an accident while on District business. To be eligible for reimbursement, each Director shall maintain a current California driver’s license and at least the minimum vehicle liability insurance required by State law or shall arrange for a driver who meets said standards. The District will not reimburse the cost of travel of a personal nature taken in conjunction with travel on official business. Claim forms shall be submitted within 45 calendar days after the meeting date. Expense claims requiring reimbursement to the District which are not reconciled within 45 calendar days, shall be deducted from the next month’s reimbursement. No information on the Per Diem Claim Form may be designated as confidential in nature. All expenses must be fully disclosed on the form. EXHIBIT C OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS TRAVEL REQUEST FORM Director: Date of Request: Name and Location of Function: Date(s) function to be held: - Sponsoring Organization: Request for Prepayment of Fees Related to the Function: Expense Type Not Needed Pre-Payment Requested Registration Airline Auto Rental Mileage N/A Taxi/Shuttle N/A Lodging Meals N/A Other Expenses – Explain Below Lodging Preference: Explanation of Other Expenses: Signature of Director Date of Request For Office Use Only Below This Line Date of Board Approval: Expense Type Description Amount Pre- Paid Registration Airline Auto Rental Mileage N/A Taxi/Shuttle N/A Lodging Meals N/A Other Expenses District Secretary Date Processed EXHIBIT D OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXPENSE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Period Covered: Employee Number: From: To: ITEMIZED REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMED Date Type of Reimbursement Amount TOTAL Reimbursement Claimed: $ Director Signature: Date: GM Receipt: Date: INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE EXHIBIT D INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXPENSE CLAIM FORM The necessary expenses incurred while traveling on District business including common carrier fares (economy class), automobile rental charges, District business telephone calls, one personal telephone call home each day ($10 maximum per day), lodging, baggage handling, parking fees, meals, etc. will be reimbursed when documented on the Director's Per Diem and Expense Claim Forms. Receipts must be attached for all meal expenses. If a receipt is lost, the lost receipt should be noted next to the expense and submitted to the President before any reimbursement can be made. Receipts are required for the reimbursement of all expenses. All receipts must have the nature of the expense and the business purpose noted on the receipt. The District will not reimburse the cost of travel of a personal nature taken in conjunction with travel on official business. Meals shall be reimbursed up to $46 per day, or an amount determined by the President of the Board of Directors to be reasonable for occasion or circumstances, exclusive of any gratuities. Partial days shall be reimbursable at a rate of $8 for breakfast, $13, for lunch and $25 for dinner, or amounts determined by the President of the Board of Directors to be reasonable for the occasion or circumstances, excluding any gratuities. The above amounts may be combined if travel status requires two (2) or more meals. The meal reimbursement amounts are inclusive of and assume expenses for taxes only. Gratuities are not reimbursable and are excluded. Where pre-paid registration includes meals, only meals that are not included in the registration will be reimbursable. Any receipts that include costs of personal travel (e.g., hotel receipt for employee and spouse) should identify what the cost would have been without personal travel (e.g., single room rate as opposed to double room rate). Claim forms shall be submitted within 45 calendar days after the expense was incurred. Expense claims requiring reimbursement to the District which are not reconciled within 45 calendar days, shall be deducted from the next month’s reimbursement. No information on the Expense Claim Form may be designated as confidential in nature. All expenses must be fully disclosed on the form. The following expenses are not reimbursable: a. Alcoholic Beverages d. Laundry service b. Parking or traffic violations e. Entertainment or recreation c. In-room movies f. Expenses incurred by spouses, family members, or guests. ND: 4840-9653-1715, v. 2 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board Meeting MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Mark Watton, General Manager W.O./G.F. NO: DIV. NO. APPROVED BY: Susan Cruz, District Secretary Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Board of Directors 2018 Calendar of Meetings GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: At the request of the Board, the attached Board of Director’s meeting calendar for 2018 is being presented for discussion. PURPOSE: This staff report is being presented to provide the Board the opportunity to review the 2018 Board of Director’s meeting calendar and amend the schedule as needed. COMMITTEE ACTION: N/A ANALYSIS: The Board requested that this item be presented at each meeting so they may have an opportunity to review the Board meeting calendar schedule and amend it as needed. STRATEGIC GOAL: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: None. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachment: Calendar of Meetings for 2018 G:\UserData\DistSec\WINWORD\STAFRPTS\Board Meeting Calendar 6-6-18.doc Board of Directors, Workshops and Committee Meetings 2018 Regular Board Meetings: Special Board or Committee Meetings (3rd Wednesday of Each Month or as Noted) January 3, 2018 February 7, 2018 March 7, 2018 April 4, 2018 May 2, 2018 June 6, 2018 July 11, 2018 August 1, 2018 September 5, 2018 October 3, 2018 November 7, 2018 December 5, 2018 January 17, 2018 March 21, 2018 March 21, 2018 April 18, 2018 May 23, 2018 June 20, 2018 July 18, 2018 August 15, 2018 September 19, 2018 October 17, 2018 November 21, 2018 December 19, 2018 SPECIAL BOARD MEETINGS: BOARD WORKSHOPS: STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Jeff Marchioro Senior Civil Engineer Bob Kennedy Engineering Manager PROJECT: R2116-001101 DIV. NO. 3 APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Informational Update on the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility 14-Inch Force Main Condition Assessment, Repairs, and Improvements GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To update the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) on the progress of the recent project associated with the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF) 14-Inch Force Main. 2 ANALYSIS: The District owns and operates the RWCWRF 14-inch cement mortar lined, coal-tar epoxy coated steel force main. The 1980 era, 3.1- mile long steel force main, which has pressures up to 400 psi, conveys reclaimed water from the RWCWRF to a hydraulic structure (Junction Box) north of the former Salt Creek Golf Course. At the Junction Box, the force main transitions to a gravity main and the pipe material transitions from steel to asbestos-cement pipe. The entire force main traverses an environmentally sensitive area designated as an environmental preserve. The preserve contains an active river (Sweetwater River), which drains to the Sweetwater Reservoir through very rough/steep terrain. In October 2014, the District entered into a professional services agreement with Pipeline Inspection & Condition Analysis Corporation (PICA) to perform inspection and condition assessment of the force main using PICA’s SeeSnake tool, which employs "Remote Field Technology" (RFT, also known as "Remote Field Eddy Current"). The technology was selected to pinpoint the location and size of existing defects to facilitate development of effective action plans for repairs. PICA, teamed with Charles King, as PICA’s subcontractor, inspected the force main in two phases completed in January 2015 and December 2016. PICA identified approximately forty (40) localized defects in their report. Based on severity, District staff, PICA, and PICA’s civil engineering sub consultant (Brown & Caldwell) selected nine (9) of the forty (40) spots for verification (excavation and dissection) of the pipe. The verifications and corresponding spot repairs were completed by District staff and Charles King over a two year period. In each of the nine (9) verifications, PICA’s predictions were found accurate based on an analysis of the steel removed from the force main. In all locations, the steel immediately adjacent to the localized defects visually appeared in perfectly good condition. The spots were localized defects rather than global degradation of the force main. Brown & Caldwell concluded that there is no evidence that the pipeline cannot provide the desired level of service through at least 2055, at which time the pipe will be 75 years old. 3 In addition to spot repairs, Charles King replaced fifteen (15) blow offs, constructed a new flow metering vault, and completed cathodic protection improvements to preserve the remaining useful life of the facility and avoid total replacement. District staff also replaced a high pressure in-line isolation valve at the treatment plant. CIP expenditures to date were $2,111,363. Total replacement of the 3-mile long pipeline is estimated at roughly $10 million, but total replacement may not be feasible given the sensitivity of its location in a federal wildlife preserve. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer No fiscal impact as this is an informational item only. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide high value water and wastewater services to the customers of the Otay Water District, in a professional, effective and efficient manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "A District that is at the forefront in innovations to provide water services at affordable rates, with a reputation for outstanding customer service." LEGAL IMPACT: None. JM/BK:jf P:\WORKING\CIP R2116 - 14-Inch FM Assessment and Repair\Staff Reports\2018 06 06 Informational Update\BD 06-06-16 Staff Report - Informational Update.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Budget Detail Exhibit A – Location Map Exhibit B – Fact Sheet Exhibit C – PowerPoint Presentation ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: R2116-01101 Informational Update on the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility 14-Inch Force Main Condition Assessment, Repairs, and Improvements COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on May 22, 2018, and the following comments were made:  Staff provided the staff report and a PowerPoint Presentation to the Committee with an informational update on the progress of the recent project associated with the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF) 14-Inch Force Main.  Staff stated that the District hired a company based in Canada called Pipeline Inspection and Condition Assessment (PICA) to inspect and perform condition assessment using their SeeSnake tool.  Four (4) steel pipe samples, that were replaced and had a significant amount of localized wall loss, were displayed at the committee meeting.  It was indicated that PICA reported approximately forty (40) localized defects in the 3-mile long 14-inch diameter steel pipeline. Staff noted that based on severity, nine (9) of the forty defects were selected for spot repairs.  In response to a question from the Committee, staff stated that the District hired PICA to inspect and perform a condition assessment of the steel pipeline after two leaks occurred in 2014. At that time, staff was interested in understanding if the entire force main was in need of replacement or if the 2014 repairs were localized. PICA’s results proved that there were localized defects rather than global degradation of the force main.  The Committee inquired about the cost to inspect and perform condition assessment using the SeeSnake tool. Staff indicated that it cost approximately $300,000, which included the cost to remove and re-install the in-line butterfly valves.  In response to a question from the Committee, staff discussed the spot repair process of the steel pipe which included a short piece of pipe, two (2) butt straps with hand holes at each end, interior mortar repair, and exterior coating repair.  The Committee encouraged staff to explore the City of Oceanside’s pipe inspection rehabilitation program. The City is currently looking into several draft proposal inspection options for its smaller sewer pipelines. Upon completion of the discussion, the Committee accepted staffs’ report and supported presentation to the full board as an informational item. ATTACHMENT B – Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: R2116-01101 Informational Update on the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility 14-Inch Force Main Condition Assessment, Repairs, and Improvements 5/2/2018 Budget 2,500,000 Planning Consultant Contracts 134,820 134,820 - 134,820 ICF JONES & STOKES INC 280,927 280,927 - 280,927 PICA PIPELINE INSPECTION AND For Ops Only - Contracted Services 1,956 1,956 - 1,956 RICK POST WELD & WET TAPPING Professional Legal Fees 680 680 - 680 STUTZ ARTIANO SHINOFF Regulatory Agency Fees 200 200 - 200 CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER 50 50 - 50 PETTY CASH CUSTODIAN Service Contracts 525 525 - 525 DECISIVE TESTING Standard Salaries 151,650 146,650 5,000 151,650 Total Planning 570,807 565,807 5,000 570,807 Design 001102 Consultant Contracts 3,768 3,768 - 3,768 HDR ENGINEERING INC 7,968 7,968 - 7,968 AIRX UTILITY SURVEYORS INC 2,040 2,040 - 2,040 ATKINS NORTH AMERICA INC 3,570 3,570 - 3,570 BSE ENGINEERING INC Service Contracts 377 377 - 377 THE SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE 9,200 9,200 - 9,200 INLAND AERIAL SURVEYS INC 152 152 - 152 SAN DIEGO DAILY TRANSCRIPT 2,689 2,689 - 2,689 MAYER REPROGRAPHICS INC Standard Salaries 169,592 169,592 - 169,592 Supplier Contracts 16,558 16,558 - 16,558 SOUTHWEST VALVE & EQUIPMENT Total Design 215,914 215,914 - 215,914 Construction Construction Contracts 924,175 924,175 - 924,175 CHARLES KING COMPANY Consultant Contracts 54,430 54,430 - 54,430 ALYSON CONSULTING 2,770 2,770 - 2,770 RFYEAGER ENGINEERING LLC Equipment Rental 90 90 - 90 TREBOR SHORING RENTALS For Ops Only - Contracted Services 235 235 - 235 PENHALL COMPANY 300 300 - 300 RW LITTLE CO INC 680 680 - 680 TC WELDING & ENGINEERIN INFRASTRUCTURE EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS 395 395 - 395 IN *AMERICAN HYDRAULIC CO 99 99 - 99 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #1083 743 743 - 743 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #1086 11,205 11,205 - 11,205 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 141 141 - 141 HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS 1,686 1,686 - 1,686 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY 32 32 - 32 PB/DIXIELINE #12 65 65 - 65 PB/DIXIELINE #15 2,575 2,575 - 2,575 RICK POST WELD & WET TAPPING 219 219 - 219 THE TANK SOURCE 570 570 - 570 SUPERIOR READY MIX LP Standard Salaries 309,832 304,832 5,000 309,832 Supplier Contracts 10,898 10,898 - 10,898 SOUTHLAND PIPE CORP 13,500 13,500 - 13,500 J&R CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC 30,000 - 30,000 30,000 Additional Spot Repair at RWCWRF Total Construction 1,364,641 1,329,641 35,000 1,364,641 Grand Total 2,151,363 2,111,363 40,000 2,151,363 Vendor/Comments Otay Water District r2116-RecPL - 14-Inch, 927 Zone, Forcemain Imp Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost OTAY WATER DISTRICTINSPECTION AND CONDITION ASSESSMENTOF THE RWCWRF 14-INCH FORCE MAIN EXHIBIT A CIP R2116F P:\WORKING\CIP R2116 - 14-Inch FM Assessment and Repair\Graphics\Exhibits-Figures\Exhibit A, Location Map.mxd C A M P O R D JAMACHA SALTCREEKGOLFCOURSE JUNCTION BOX 14-INCH FORCE MAIN 12-INCH GRAVITY MAIN RALPH W. CHAPMANWATERRECYCLINGFACILITY " BLVD !\ ?Ë ?Ë J A M A C H A R D JAMACHA BLVD SWEETWATERRESERVOIR SWEETWATER RI V E R OTAY WATERDISTRICT SWEETWATERAUTHORITY VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE NTSDIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ?ò Aä%&s ?p ?Ë!\ F 0 0.50.25 Miles Putting public resources to work. 14-INCH FORCE MAIN IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Using Innovative Technology and Minimizing Costs for Ratepayers 14-Inch Force Main Improvements Project includes condition assessment, replacement blow offs, cathodic protection improvements, and several spot repairs to preserve the remaining useful life of the existing three-mile long pipeline facility. PROJECT BACKGROUND The Otay Water District provides recycled water service primarily to the eastern portion of the City of Chula Vista, in the District’s central service area. The District regularly invests in Capital Improvement Projects to assure efficient operations, comply with regulations, and replace aging infrastructure. The District’s Capital Improvement Projects are funded through customer rates and capacity charges. PROJECT OVERVIEW The District’s 14-Inch Force Main Improvements Project is located in the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge, just north of the former Salt Creek Golf Course property, in the County of San Diego. After the force main’s 37 years of service and a recent leak, District staff was concerned that the high chlorine residual of the recycled water may have taken a toll on the pipe’s life expectancy. However, using advanced technologies and sophisticated analysis software, the District discovered that the pipeline is still in excellent condition and could provide reliable service for decades to come with proactive maintenance and repair measures. The District performed a condition assessment using Pipeline Inspection Condition Analysis (PICA) Corporation’s Remote Field Eddy Current See Snake tool to look for corrosion losses in the force main. During the assessment, PICA identified a very small, slow leak that the District repaired before it could cause damage to the environmental preserve, Sweetwater watershed, and/or the District’s facilities. Subsequently, District contractors installed 15 blow offs, conducted cathodic protection improvements, and performed several spot repairs to preserve the remaining useful life of the facility and avoid total replacement. The District estimated that total replacement of the three-mile long pipeline would be roughly $10 million. Because of the sensitivity of the main’s location in a federal life preserve, District staff realized that total replacement may not be feasible. PROJECT COST AND SAVINGS The District’s expenditures for the 14-Inch Force Main Improvements Project cost approximately $2.1 million. The District saved ratepayers potentially nearly $8 million by performing proactive maintenance and maximizing the service life of the force main. otaywater.gov • 619-670-2222 otaywater.gov • 619-670-2222 94 94 125 54 Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility 14-Inch Force Main Junction Box 12-Inch Gravity Main Jamach a R o a d Jamach a B l v d . Jamacha Blvd. SWEETWATER AUTHORITY OTAY WATER DISTRICT OTAY WATER DISTRICT SWEETWATER RESERVOIR Map is not to scale. Sw e e t w a t e r R i v e r CORONADO IMPERIAL BEACH TIJUANA, MEXICO MISSIONBAY TIJUANAESTUARY S A N D I E G O B A Y CHULA VISTA LOWER OTAYRESERVOIR SWEETWATERRESERVOIR LA MESA PACIFIC OCEAN DIV. 5 DIV. 4 DIV. 1 DIV. 2 DIV. 3 52163 125 125 125 905 94 54 6752 94 155 5 805 805 The Otay Water District is a public agency distributing water to a population of approximately 224,000 within roughly 125 square miles of southeastern San Diego County, including the communities of Otay Mesa, Chula Vista, Jamul, Spring Valley, Rancho San Diego, and unincorporated areas of El Cajon and La Mesa. The District also provides sewer collection for 15,000 customers in the Jamacha Basin, and treats and recycles wastewater for use in irrigation and industrial applications. To learn more about the District, visit otaywater.gov. ENVIRONMENT To avoid impact to sensitive environmental resources around the pipeline, the District used biological, cultural, and tribal monitors during construction. Additionally, the majority of construction was limited to October 1 through January 15, a period when sensitive species were less likely to be in the vicinity of any construction taking place. PROJECT SCHEDULE The project is complete. PICA completed the first and second phases of the condition assessment in January 2015 and December 2016, respectively. Charles King, the District’s contractor, replaced 15 blow offs in December 2016 and improved the cathodic protection system in December 2017. The District and its contractor completed nine spot repairs in three phases in February 2015, December 2016, and November 2017. 14-Inch Force Main Condition Assessment, Repair & Improvements June 6, 2018 Informational Update for: EXHIBIT C Facility: •1980 era, 16,000 feet long, 14-inch diameter steel force main •Recycled water with high chlorine residuals •Pressure up to 400 psi •San Diego National Wildlife Refuge, Sweetwater Authority watershed Facility: •2008 –In-line valves and air/vac valves replaced •2013/2014 –Two Spot Repairs •2015 –PICA Assessment Phase A •2015 –Spot Repairs •2016 –Blow offs replaced, new flow meter, spot repair •2016 –PICA Assessment Phase B •2017 –Cathodic Protection Improvements •2017 –Spot Repairs PICA SeeSnake: •Remote field eddy current •Relative pipe wall thickness and stress @ 1/4” intervals •Size of existing defects with rough accuracy of 2 inches along the length of the pipeline and ½ hour clock position •Propulsion: ~“tethered” ~“free swimming” PICA SeeSnake: ~Tethered method PICA SeeSnake: ~Tethered method Excavation: Verification Station 139+47 (PICA predicted 90-100% wall loss; possible through-hole): Verification Station 146+06 (PICA predicted 85-95% wall loss): Verification/Spot Repairs: 51+43 39+93 39+13 23+60 153+73 146+06 140+23 139+47 124+42 Questions ? STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Dan Martin Engineering Manager PROJECT: VARIOUS DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: Informational Item – Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Capital Improvement Program Report GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To update the Board about the status of all CIP project expenditures and to highlight significant issues, progress, and milestones on major projects. ANALYSIS: To keep up with growth and to meet our ratepayers' expectations to adequately deliver safe, reliable, cost-effective, and quality water, each year the District staff prepares a Six-Year CIP Plan that identifies the District’s infrastructure needs. The CIP is comprised of four categories consisting of backbone capital facilities, replacement/renewal projects, capital purchases, and developer's reimbursement projects. The Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 update is intended to provide a detailed analysis of progress in completing these projects within the allotted time and budget of $20.3 million. Expenditures through the Third Quarter totaled approximately $13.9 million. Approximately 68% of the Fiscal Year 2018 expenditure budget was spent (see Attachment B). FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer No fiscal impact as this is an informational item only. STRATEGIC GOAL: The Capital Improvement Program supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide high value water and wastewater services to the customers of the Otay Water District in a professional, effective, and efficient manner” and the District’s Vision, “A District that is at the forefront in innovations to provide water services at affordable rates, with a reputation for outstanding customer service.” LEGAL IMPACT: None. DM/RP:jf P:\Forms\D-Construction\CIP Quarterly Reports\CIP Qtr Reports\FY 2018\Q3\Staff Report\BD 06-06-18 Staff Report Third Quarter FY 2018 CIP Report (DM-RP).docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B - Fiscal Year 2018 Third Quarter CIP Expenditure Report Attachment C – Presentation ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: VARIOUS Informational Item – Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Capital Improvement Program Report COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a Committee Meeting held on May 22, 2018, and the following comments were made:  Staff reviewed the PowerPoint presentation with the Committee and indicated that the expenditures through the third quarter of FY 2018 totaled $13.9 million, which is about 68% of the District’s fiscal year budget.  Staff indicated that the District’s FY 2018 CIP budget consists of 87 projects that total $20.3 million and is divided into four categories: o Capital Facilities= $1.5 million o Replacement/Renewal= $18.4 million o Capital Purchases= $0.4 million o Developer Reimbursement= $45.0 thousand  The PowerPoint presentation included the following: o Total Life-to-Date Expenditures o CIP Budget Forecast vs. Expenditures o Major CIP Projects o CIP Projects in Construction o Construction Contract Status of projects, contract amount with allowances, net change orders, and percent of project completion o Consultant Contract Status of contract amounts, approve payments to date, change orders, dates when contracts were signed and the end date of contracts  Staff stated that during the second quarter of FY 2018 the rate for Change Orders without Allowance Credit equaled to 1.6%.  The Committee inquired about the Construction Contract Status for Simpson Sandblasting and Special Coating, Inc., where the change order with allowance credit was at twenty percent (20%). Staff stated that the board approved a change order at its April 4th board meeting, which staff advanced to cover the extent of the required repairs for the 980-2 Reservoir roof structural support members which included the replacement of rafters and girders. This action increased the scope of work and cost for the 980-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating and Upgrades project.  The Committee commended staff for bringing forward projects to help meet the CIP Budget Expenditure goal for Fiscal Year 2018; the goal is to reach 95%-100%. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board as an informational item. FISCAL YEAR 2018 3RD QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 3/31/2018) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2018 03/31/18 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2018 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments CAPITAL FACILITY PROJECTS - P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir 0.5 MG Cameron 20$ 20$ -$ 100%3,400$ 521$ 2,879$ 15% Project is in the early Planning stage. Construction is scheduled for FY 2022. P2267 36-Inch Main Pumpouts and Air/Vacuum Ventilation Installations Marchioro 10 5 5 50%700 697 3 100% Construction completed in FY 2017 Q4. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete in FY 2018 Q4. P2382 Safety and Security Improvements Payne 200 187 13 94%3,251 2,994 257 92%To be completed and closed in FY 2019. P2405 PL - 624/340 PRS, Paseo Ranchero and Otay Valley Road Cameron 5 - 5 0%650 - 650 0% This project is tied to P2553 and is driven by the City of Chula Vista. Construction is scheduled for FY 2022. P2451 Otay Mesa Desalination Conveyance and Disinfection System Kennedy 50 53 (3) 106%4,300 3,818 482 89% EIR/EIS complete and Presidential Permit issued. Continue meetings with DDW and AdR. P2453 SR-11 Utility Relocations Marchioro 50 116 (66) 232%4,000 1,737 2,263 43% Project accelerated to meet Caltrans' current schedule. Completion of Design phase scheduled June 2018. Completion of construction dependent on Caltrans' contractor and anticipated for FY 2021. P2460 I.D. 7 Trestle and Pipeline Demolition Beppler 5 - 5 0%600 5 595 1% Demolition scheduled for FY 2020; environmental work to be performed in FY 2019. P2485 SCADA - Infrastructure and Communications Replacement Kerr 181 181 - 100%2,328 1,955 373 84%Expenses on target for remainder of fiscal year. P2494 Multiple Species Conservation Plan Coburn-Boyd 30 2 28 7%950 910 40 96% Project on schedule, but no additional expenses this fiscal year. P2500 Padre Dam - Otay Interconnection Dehesa Valley Marchioro 60 - 60 0%140 - 140 0% Project is driven by Padre Dam pipeline extension to District boundary. P2504 Regulatory Site Access Road and Pipeline Relocation Cameron 20 - 20 0%462 331 131 72%Project is driven by County Fire. P2516 PL - 12-Inch, 640 Zone, Jamacha Road - Darby/Osage Marchioro - - - 0%900 - 900 0% No project expenditures anticipated in FY 2018. Construction scheduled for FY 2021. P2520 Motorola Mobile Radio Upgrade Martinez 30 - 30 0%120 82 38 68% Project complete. A charge of $10,181 should be coming through in Q4 FY 2018. P2521 Large Meter Vault Upgrade Program Carey 25 38 (13) 152%620 300 320 48% 2nd meter raise from Crossroads carried over from FY 2017 to FY 2018. No other work planned for FY 2018. Expenditures within overall project budget. P2547 District Administration Vehicle Charging Stations Cameron 20 39 (19) 195%125 72 53 58% Construction completed in FY 2018 Q2. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete in FY 2019 Q2. Expenditures originally anticipated for FY 2017 Q4 occurred in FY 2018. Expenditures within overall project budget. P2553 Heritage Road Bridge Replacement and Utility Relocation Cameron 50 5 45 10%1,430 20 1,410 1% Project is in the Planning stage. Project is driven by the City of Chula Vista's schedule for replacement. P2568 Technology Business Processes Improvement - Enterprise Content Management System Kerr 36 64 (28) 178%245 210 35 86% Purchases from FY 2017 were expensed in Q1 FY 2018. Budget of $36K on target to be expensed in FY 2018. Expenditures within overall project budget. This CIP will be closed at the end of FY 2018. P2571 Datacenter Network- Data, Storage, and Infrastructure Enhancements Kerr - - - 0%200 - 200 0%Project on schedule for FY 2019. P2572 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Replacement Kerr - - - 0%500 - 500 0%Project on schedule for FY 2021. P2584 Res - 657-1 and 657-2 Reservoir Demolitions Marchioro - - - 0%35 - 35 0% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2018. These reservoirs are scheduled to be removed at the end of their useful life. P2608 PL - 8-inch, 850 Zone, Coronado Ave, Chestnut/Apple Cameron 10 - 10 0%350 - 350 0% Project is in the early Planning stage. Considering grouping this with other pipeline replacement projects. P2611 Quarry Road Bridge Replacement and Utility Relocation Cameron 5 1 4 20%1,000 1 999 0% Project is in the early Planning stage. Project is driven by County's schedule for replacement. P2612 PL - 12-inch, 711 Zone, Pas de Luz/Telegraph Canyon Rd Cameron 5 1 4 20%500 1 499 0% Project is in the early Planning stage and on schedule. P2613 PL - 12-inch, 520 Zone, Rancho San Diego Towne Center Loop Cameron 10 2 8 20%150 2 148 1%This project is not needed and will be closed. P2614 485-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron - - - 0%895 - 895 0%No project expenditures in FY 2018. P2617 Lobby Security Enhancements Payne 75 1 74 1%75 1 74 1%Security barriers to be installed in FY 2019. P2619 PS - Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station Redundancy Marchioro 20 14 6 70%635 14 621 2% Project on track. District engineering staff commenced concept development/alternatives analysis in-house. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2020. P2620 Radio and Emergency Communication System Kerr 20 - 20 0%20 1 19 5%Expenses on target for remainder of fiscal year. FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 03/31/18 LIFE-TO-DATE, 03/31/18 Y:\Board\CurBdPkg\ENGRPLAN\2018\BD 06-06-2018\Q3 FY 2018 Update\FY18 3rd qtr expFinal.xlsx Page 1 of 5 5/3/2018 FISCAL YEAR 2018 3RD QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 3/31/2018) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2018 03/31/18 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2018 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 03/31/18 LIFE-TO-DATE, 03/31/18 P2623 Central Area to Otay Mesa Interconnection Pipelines Combination Air/Vacuum Valve Replacements Marchioro 20 52 (32) 260%270 53 217 20% Project accelerated. Design phase completed April 2018. Construction contract award scheduled for June 2018. R2077 RecPL - 24-Inch, 860 Zone, Alta Road - Alta Gate/Airway Beppler 20 - 20 0%2,920 2,920 - 100% Construction and reimbursement completed in FY 2017 Q4. Project complete. R2079 RecPL - 6-Inch, 450 Zone, Otay Valley Road - Otay Valley/Entertainment Beppler 10 - 10 0%150 - 150 0% Project is driven by City of Chula Vista's schedule for replacement of the Heritage Road Bridge. Project cost/benefit to be reviewed prior to proceeding with design. R2110 RecPS - 944-1 Optimization and Pressure Zone Modifications Marchioro 20 6 14 30%200 136 64 68% Project on track. Pressure reducing station work will be completed FY 2018. R2116 RecPL - 14-Inch, 927 Zone, Force Main Improvements Marchioro 200 241 (41) 121%2,500 2,111 389 84% Construction completed Q3 FY 2018. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete in Q3 FY 2019. R2118 Steele Canyon Sewer PS Large Solids Handling Improvements Beppler 50 11 39 22%75 34 41 45% Project will be packaged with RWCWRF Headworks Improvement project (S2051) and be bid FY 2019 Q1. Budget increased for FY 2019 to reflect current bidding environment. R2120 RWCWRF Filtered Water Storage Tank Improvements Beppler 25 - 25 0%500 29 471 6%Construction is scheduled for FY 2020. R2123 Repurpose Otay Mesa Recycled Water Lines Beppler 5 - 5 0%350 - 350 0% Initiate study this fiscal year with potential construction scheduled for FY 2021. R2125 RecPRS - 927/680 PRS Improvements, Otay Lakes Road Marchioro 50 3 47 6%200 3 197 2%Construction scheduled for FY 2020. S2012 San Diego County Sanitation District Outfall and RSD Outfall Replacement Beppler 20 - 20 0%2,540 1,111 1,429 44% This CIP reimburses the County for work on transportation pipeline rehabilitation. On track. S2027 Rancho San Diego Pump Station Rehabilitation Beppler 5 4 1 80%3,500 3,046 454 87% County invoiced in FY 2017. Construction to be completed in FY 2019 Q1. Final budget adjustment with County to be done in FY 2019. S2033 Sewer System Rehabilitation Beppler 10 3 7 30%3,000 2,993 7 100% Construction complete in FY 2017 Q4. Project one year warranty to complete in FY 2018 Q4. S2043 RWCWRF Sludge Handling System Beppler 30 - 30 0%76 40 36 53% Budget was set for outside consultant to reassess the project feasibility based on updated Metro costs. Adequate long-term Metro costs are now not anticipated to be available this fiscal year, so this report will be delayed. S2047 Asset Management - Info Master Sewer Implementation Zhao 30 - 30 0%58 - 58 0% Item purchased and will be expensed in Q4 FY 2018 (approx. $45K). Expenditures within overall project budget. S2061 RWCWRF Aeration Controls Consolidation & Optimization Upgrades (S)Beppler 30 - 30 0%190 - 190 0% Construction is scheduled for FY 2020, after replacement aeration process is confirmed. Total Capital Facility Projects Total:1,462 1,049 413 72%45,110 26,148 18,962 58% REPLACEMENT/RENEWAL PROJECTS P2083 PS - 870-2 Pump Station Replacement Marchioro 4,000 2,344 1,656 59%18,750 4,688 14,062 25% Construction on track for completion in Q2 FY 2020. P2174 PS - 1090-1 Pump Station Replacement (400 gpm)Marchioro 1 - 1 0%2,500 4 2,496 0%Planning phase scheduled for FY 2019. P2400 PL - 20-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 711 Zone, Otay Lakes Road - at Santa Paula Marchioro - - - 0%2,280 - 2,280 0%Planning phase scheduled for FY 2020. P2493 624-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 35 37 (2) 106%1,610 1,605 5 100% Warranty work complete. Project has been completed. Expenditures within overall project budget. P2507 East Palomar Street Utility Relocation Cameron 5 2 3 40%735 725 10 99% Waiting for reimbursement and As-Builts from Caltrans. P2508 Pipeline Cathodic Protection Replacement Program Marchioro 100 255 (155) 255%725 708 17 98% First phase construction project completed Q3 FY 2018. P2508 budget increased to account for second phase construction project that is scheduled to be awarded in July 2018. This blanket CIP has been split into five (5) CIPs for FY 2019. P2518 803-3 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 5 - 5 0%685 661 24 96%Expenditures anticipated in Q4 FY 2018. P2529 711-2 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 5 - 5 0%820 803 17 98% Construction completed FY 2017 Q2. Project is in the 2 year warranty period. P2530 711-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 5 - 5 0%980 954 26 97% Construction completed FY 2017 Q2. Project is in the 2 year warranty period. P2531 944-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 5 - 5 0%345 319 26 92% Construction contract completed FY 2016 Q4. Currently in two year warranty period. P2532 944-2 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 5 - 5 0%960 937 23 98% Construction contract completed FY 2016 Q4. Currently in two year warranty period. P2533 1200-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 10 - 10 0%810 7 803 1%Project is in the Planning stage. Y:\Board\CurBdPkg\ENGRPLAN\2018\BD 06-06-2018\Q3 FY 2018 Update\FY18 3rd qtr expFinal.xlsx Page 2 of 5 5/3/2018 FISCAL YEAR 2018 3RD QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 3/31/2018) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2018 03/31/18 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2018 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 03/31/18 LIFE-TO-DATE, 03/31/18 P2534 978-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 10 94 (84) 940%650 591 59 91% Project associated with P2544. Reservoir was returned to service in Q1 FY 2018. Expenditures originally anticipated for Q4 FY 2017 occurred in FY 2018 due to contractor delays and punch list items. Expenditures within overall project budget. P2535 458-2 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron 5 - 5 0%810 778 32 96% Construction contract completed FY 2016 Q4. Currently in two year warranty period. P2539 South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Utility Relocations Cameron 5 12 (7) 240%1,090 900 190 83% Project is driven by SANDAG. More construction work was completed than anticipated. Expenditures within overall project budget. P2542 850-3 Reservoir Interior Coating Cameron 5 1 4 20%540 528 12 98% Construction contract completed FY 2016 Q2. Warranty assessment complete. P2543 850-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 5 - 5 0%875 5 870 1%No expenditures until Q4 FY 2018. P2544 850-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 700 706 (6) 101%980 793 187 81% Project associated with P2534. Reservoir was returned to service in Q3 FY 2018. Expenditures originally anticipated for Q4 FY 2017 occurred in FY 2018 due to contractor delays and punch list items. Expenditures within overall project budget. P2545 980-1 Reservoir Interior Exterior Coating Cameron 5 - 5 0%1,190 1,188 2 100% Construction completed FY 2017 Q2. Project is in the two year warranty period. P2546 980-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 1,100 307 793 28%1,450 307 1,143 21% Construction began in Q2 FY 2018. Project budget was increased from $1,450,000 to $1,690,000 for structural repairs at the April 2018 Board Meeting. Expenditures are within the new overall budget. P2555 Administration and Operations Parking Lot Improvements Cameron 265 427 (162) 161%775 547 228 71% Construction of Phase 1 improvements complete in FY 2018 Q2. Expenditures originally anticipated for FY 2017 Q4 occurred in FY 2018. Expenditures within overall project budget. Some Phase II expenditures may occur at the end of Q4 FY 2018. P2557 520 Res Recirculation Pipeline Chemical Supply and Analyzer Feed Replacement Project Beppler 35 11 24 31%100 44 56 44% Project is being completed by District staff. Materials were ordered in Q3 and construction will begin in Q4. Work will be completed as schedules allow; could extend into FY 2019. P2559 Pressure Vessel Repair and Replacement Program Marchioro 30 66 (36) 220%650 316 334 49% RWCWRF surge tank and piping completed in FY 2017 Q3. CIP P2559 will be closed and split into several new site specific CIP projects for FY 2019. Expenditures within overall project budget. P2561 Res - 711-3 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 1 9 (8) 900%1,800 17 1,783 1% Project accelerated. Design phase completed May 2018. Construction contract award scheduled for July 2018. P2562 Res - 571-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 2,700 2,375 325 88%2,900 2,421 479 83% On track. Construction began in Q2 FY 2018. Reservoir scheduled to be placed back into service April 2018. P2563 Res - 870-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 1 - 1 0%1,000 3 997 0% Replacement scheduled for FY 2022 to coincide with completion of new 870-2 Pump Station. Existing cover/liner materials analyzed by laboratory in FY 2017 suggested sufficient remaining life. P2565 803-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%940 - 940 0%No expenditures for FY 2018. P2566 520-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%1,500 - 1,500 0%No expenditures for FY 2018. P2567 1004-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%905 - 905 0%No expenditures for FY 2018. P2573 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 Zone, Hillsdale Road Beppler 1,600 1,551 49 97%2,450 1,789 661 73% Majority of construction completed in Q3. Water main tie-ins to be completed in Q4. P2574 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 978 Zone, Vista Vereda Beppler 450 163 287 36%2,500 242 2,258 10% Project design at 60% submitted and reviewed during Q3. Potholing of existing utilities also performed in Q3 as well as community outreach including a meeting with residents. The 90% design is in progress and will be completed and reviewed in Q4. P2578 PS - 711-2 (PS 711-1 Replacement and Expansion) - 14,000 gpm Marchioro - - - 0%10,000 - 10,000 0% Replacement scheduled for FY 2023-2024 to coincide with development of Villages 4, 8, 9, & 3. P2593 458-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%840 - 840 0%No expenditures for FY 2018. P2594 Large Meter Replacement Carey 150 14 136 9%485 266 219 55%Work scheduled for Q4 FY 2018. P2604 AMR Change Out Carey 1,510 925 585 61%9,605 2,191 7,414 23% Put a hold on change outs pending financial data from Master Meter regarding warranty liabilities. Planning to resume in Q4 FY 2018. Y:\Board\CurBdPkg\ENGRPLAN\2018\BD 06-06-2018\Q3 FY 2018 Update\FY18 3rd qtr expFinal.xlsx Page 3 of 5 5/3/2018 FISCAL YEAR 2018 3RD QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 3/31/2018) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2018 03/31/18 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2018 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 03/31/18 LIFE-TO-DATE, 03/31/18 P2605 458/340 PRS Replacement, 1571 Melrose Ave Marchioro 1 3 (2) 300%250 3 247 1% Design scheduled for FY 2019. Advanced planning work performed in FY 2018. Expenditures within overall project budget. P2606 803-2 Reservoir Repair/Replacement of Caulking and Tree Removal Marchioro 1 - 1 0%75 - 75 0%Design scheduled for FY 2019. P2607 Douglas Ave SWA and OWD Interconnection Upgrade Beppler 10 - 10 0%50 - 50 0% Project is driven by Sweetwater Authority, no activity in Q3. P2609 PL - 8-inch, 1004 Zone, Eucalyptus St, Coronado/Date/La Mesa Cameron - - - 0%400 - 400 0% No expenditures for FY 2018. Construction scheduled for FY 2021. P2610 Valve Replacement Program - Phase 1 Cameron 30 4 26 13%150 4 146 3% Phase I design to be completed in Q4 FY 2018. Construction to begin in FY 2019. P2615 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 PZ, Vista Grande Beppler - - - 0%1,200 - 1,200 0% No expenditures for FY 2018. Planning will be performed with P2516 in Q4 for combining into one design package. Construction is currently scheduled for FY 2021. P2616 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 978 Zone, Pence Dr/Vista Sierra Dr Marchioro 20 5 15 25%2,500 5 2,495 0% On track. District engineering staff commenced concept development/alternatives analysis in- house. Construction scheduled for 2020. P2625 PL - 12-inch, 978 Zone, Hidden Mesa Road Beppler 90 9 81 10%1,500 10 1,490 1% Project design at 60% submitted and reviewed during Q3. Potholing of existing utilities also performed in Q3 as well as community outreach to residents. The 90% design is in progress and will be completed and reviewed in Q4. R2121 Res - 944-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 1 - 1 0%1,400 19 1,381 1% Replacement scheduled for FY 2021 since dive inspection completed FY 2016 suggested five years remaining life. R2139 RWCWRF - Filter Troughs Replacement Beppler 30 - 30 0%30 - 30 0%Replacement to be performed in Q4 FY 2018. R2143 AMR Change Out Carey 350 62 288 18%525 105 420 20% Put a hold on change outs pending financial data from Master Meter regarding warranty liabilities. Planning to resume in Q4 FY 2018. S2024 Campo Road Sewer Main Replacement Beppler 4,250 2,939 1,311 69%10,100 4,506 5,594 45%Construction on track to complete in FY 2019 Q4. S2044 Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Beppler 75 372 (297) 496%550 476 74 87% Construction contract completed in FY 2018 Q1. In one year warranty period. Expenditures originally anticipated for FY 2017 Q4 occurred in FY 2018. Expenditures within overall project budget. S2045 Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Beppler 160 14 146 9%310 74 236 24% Project start date delayed to FY 2018 Q4 by County of San Diego. Original construction contractor requested termination of contract due to delayed start. Second low bidder was awarded contract in Q3. Budget revised to $370K to reflect these changes. S2046 RWCWRF - Aeration Panels Replacement Beppler 50 10 40 20%450 88 362 20% Discussions with the existing aeration panels manufacturer occurred in Q3. New panels and placement of the order is expected in Q4. Construction is expected in Q2 FY 2019. S2048 Hillsdale Road Sewer Repairs Beppler 400 14 386 4%720 71 649 10% Construction on track for completion in FY 2018 Q4. S2049 Calavo Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Beppler 19 6 13 32%1,000 7 993 1% Planning began in FY 2018 Q3 and will continue into FY 2019 with easement issues to be vetted before starting Design. S2050 Rancho San Diego Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Beppler - - - 0%1,250 - 1,250 0% Planning to start in FY 2020; construction anticipated in FY 2022. S2051 RWCWRF - Headworks Improvements Beppler 50 28 22 56%150 28 122 19% Design began in Q3 with 90% Design to be submitted in Q4. Design to be completed in Q1 FY 2019 with construction to be completed in FY 2019. Budget adjusted to $250K to reflect revised scope of work. S2053 RWCWRF - Sedimentation Basins Weirs Replacement Beppler 60 - 60 0%60 - 60 0%Replacement to be performed FY 2018 Q4. S2054 Calavo Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 3 Beppler - - - 0%1,290 - 1,290 0% Planning to start in FY 2021; construction anticipated in FY 2023. Total Replacement/Renewal Projects Total:18,350 12,765 5,585 70%99,195 29,733 69,462 30% CAPITAL PURCHASE PROJECTS P2282 Vehicle Capital Purchases Rahders 363 29 334 8%5,175 3,893 1,282 75% Seven vehicles on order expected to be received by the end of April totaling $251,137. There will be additional outfitting expenses once the vehicles are received, but should not exceed $20,000. Total $271,137. Y:\Board\CurBdPkg\ENGRPLAN\2018\BD 06-06-2018\Q3 FY 2018 Update\FY18 3rd qtr expFinal.xlsx Page 4 of 5 5/3/2018 FISCAL YEAR 2018 3RD QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 3/31/2018) ($000) ATTACHMENT B 2018 03/31/18 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2018 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 03/31/18 LIFE-TO-DATE, 03/31/18 P2286 Field Equipment Capital Purchases Rahders 72 29 43 40%1,746 1,433 313 82% P2286, CP#10 to ship May 5, $14,650. CP11 came in under budget, about an additional $1,000 expense at the most. CP #12 in progress, anticipate an additional $12,000 at end of May FY 2018. Total $27,650. Total Capital Purchase Projects Total:435 58 377 13%6,921 5,326 1,595 77% DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT PROJECTS p2430 PL - 20-inch, 980 Zone, Proctor Valley Road – Village 14 Phase 1 Cameron 5 - 5 0%35 - 35 0%Developer driven project. P2595 PL - 16-inch, 624 Zone, Village 3N - Heritage Road, Main St/Energy Way Beppler - - - 0%150 - 150 0%Construction anticipated to begin in FY 2018 Q4. R2084 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Village 2 - Heritage/La Media Beppler 40 - 40 0%365 1 364 0%Under construction in FY 2018. Total Developer Reimbursement Projects Total:45 - 45 0%550 1 549 0% GRAND TOTAL 20,292$ 13,872$ 6,420$ 68%151,776$ 61,208$ 90,568$ 40% Y:\Board\CurBdPkg\ENGRPLAN\2018\BD 06-06-2018\Q3 FY 2018 Update\FY18 3rd qtr expFinal.xlsx Page 5 of 5 5/3/2018 Otay Water District Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2018 Third Quarter (through March 31, 2018) ATTACHMENT C 571-1 Reservoir –Installation of Reservoir Floating Cover and Liner 3/26/2018 Background The approved CIP Budget for Fiscal Year 2018 consists of 87 projects that total $20.3 million. These projects are broken down into four categories. 1.Capital Facilities $ 1.5 million 2.Replacement/Renewal $18.4 million 3.Capital Purchases $ 0.4 million 4.Developer Reimbursement $ 45.0 thousand Overall expenditures through the Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2018 totaled $13.9 million, which is approximately 68% of the Fiscal Year budget. 2 Fiscal Year 2018 Third Quarter Update ($000) CIP CAT Description FY 2018 Budget FY 2018 Expenditures % FY 2018 Budget Spent Total Life-to-Date Budget Total Life-to-Date Expenditures % Life-to-Date Budget Spent 1 Capital Facilities $1,462 $1,049 72%$45,110 $26,148 58% 2 Replacement/ Renewal $18,350 $12,765 70%$99,195 $29,733 30% 3 Capital Purchases $435 $58 13%$6,921 $5,326 77% 4 Developer Reimbursement $45 $0 0%$550 $1 0% Total: $20,292 $13,872 68%$151,776 $61,208 40% 3 Fiscal Year 2018 Third Quarter CIP Budget Forecast vs. Expenditures 4 $20,292,000 $- $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FISCAL YEAR PERIOD IN MONTHS Budget Forecast Total Expenditures $13,872,000 5 CIP Projects in Construction 870-2 Pump Station Replacement Project (P2083/P2562) Replacement of existing 870 High Head and Low Head Pump Stations. Remove and Replace the existing 571-1 Reservoir liner and cover. $21.65M Budget Start: July 2017 Completion: October 2019 6 870-2 Pump Station –Installation of Pump Station Yard Piping Division No. 2 Location: North East corner of Otay Mesa. Existing 571-1 Reservoir and High Head/Low Head Pump Station site. 3/26/18 870-2 Pump Station and 571-1 Reservoir Project (3/26/2018) CIP Projects in Construction 980-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Project (P2546) Remove and replace existing interior and exterior coatings. Construct structural upgrades to increase the service life. $1.45M Budget Start: November 2017 Estimated Completion: August 2018 8 980-2 (5.0 MG) –Structural Work in Progress Division No. 5 Location: 980-2 is located at the north end of Hunte Parkway. 3/06/2018 CIP Projects in Construction Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project (S2024) Replace existing 10- inch sewer with 7,420 linear feet of new 15- inch sewer. Reconnection of sewer laterals. Night Work. $10.10M Budget Start: July 2017 Estimated Completion: May 2019 9 Installation of West Bore Receiving Pit along EB SR 94 Division No. 5 Location: Campo Road (SR 94) between Rancho San Diego Village Shopping Center and Rancho Towne Center. 3/06/2018 CIP Projects in Construction Hillsdale Road Waterline Replacement and Sewer Repairs (P2573/S2048) Replacement of 4,050 linear feet of 12-inch waterline. Replacement of 760 liner feet of 8-inch sewer. $3.17M Budget Start: October 2017 Estimated Completion: June 2018 10 Hillsdale Road Service Lateral Installation Division No. 5 Location: Hillsdale Road between Jamacha Road and Vista Grande Road. 3/20/2018 Construction Contract Status 11 PROJECT TOTAL % S2044 Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Insituform Technologies, LLC $353,954 $373,954 ($24,120)-6.8%$333,467 $333,467 -10.8%100.0%August 2017 P2555 P2547 OWD Administration & Operations Parking Lot Improvements Ph. 1 - Lighting and Vehicle Charging Station Ace Electric, Inc.$344,495 $369,495 $34,408 10.0%$378,903 $378,903 2.5%100.0%October 2017 P2534 P2544 978-1 & 850-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Blastco Inc.$963,280 $1,106,200 $16,208 1.7%$1,106,158 $722,125 0.0%65.3%January 2018 P2508 R2116 14-Inch Force Main Rehabilitation Project Charles King Company Inc.$1,045,100 $1,101,250 $112,228 10.7%$1,166,476 $1,166,475 5.9%100.0%January 2018 S2045 Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Burtech Pipeline, Inc.$169,490 $193,690 $0 0.0%$169,490 $0 -12.5%0.0%July 2018 P2573 S2048 Hillsdale Road 12- inch Waterline Replacement and Sewer Repairs TC Construction Company, Inc.$2,245,060 $2,396,060 $44,696 2.0%$2,289,756 $1,365,986 -4.4%59.7%June 2018 P2546 980-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Simpson Sandblasting & Special Coating, Inc. $998,502 $1,146,377 $229,152 22.9%$1,375,529 $216,168 20.0%15.7%August 2018 S2024 Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project Wier Construction Corporation $7,623,281 $7,816,781 $74,266 1.0%$7,739,547 $2,571,284 -1.0%33.2%May 2019 P2083 P2562 870-2 Pump Station Replacement/ 571-1 Reservoir Liner and Cover Replacement Pacific Hydrotech Corporation $16,500,900 $16,925,900 $0 0.0%$16,500,900 $4,181,961 -2.5%25.3%October 2019 TOTALS:$30,244,062 $31,429,707 $486,837 1.6%$31,060,225 $10,936,369 -1.2% **THIS CHANGE ORDER RATE INCLUDES THE CREDIT FOR UNUSED ALLOWANCES *NET CHANGE ORDERS DO NOT INCLUDE ALLOWANCE ITEM CREDITS. IT'S A TRUE CHANGE ORDER PERCENTAGE FOR THE PROJECT CIP NO.PROJECT TITLE CONTRACTOR BASE BID AMOUNT CONTRACT AMOUNT W/ ALLOWANCES % CHANGE ORDERS W/ ALLOWANCE CREDIT** % COMPLETE EST. COMP. DATE NET CHANGE ORDERS LTD* FY 2018 CIP CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT TOTAL EARNED TO DATE Consultant Contract Status 12 Consultant Contract Status 13 Consultant Contract Status 14 QUESTIONS? 15 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 PROJECT: DIV. NO.: ALL SUBMITTED BY: Adolfo Segura, Chief of Administrative Services APPROVED BY: Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM UPDATE GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see “Attachment A”. PURPOSE: This is an informational item regarding the District’s Asset Management (AM) Program and related support practices. ANALYSIS: For nearly two decades, the District has employed and adopted a series of programmatic best practices to maintain reliable water and wastewater services, while minimizing the lifecycle cost of asset ownership. Prior to 2001, AM data was housed in a number of stand-alone systems and paper records. Commencing in 2001, the District made significant investments in technology and process improvements. A holistic approach was adopted using Esri’s enterprise water model. The model would link the functions of inventory, collection, storage, and asset publication. The summary of these efforts became the District’s technology foundation of today’s AM Program. The District’s Geographical Information System (GIS), IT, Engineering, and Operations teams worked on a series of project deliverables including conversion of paper records; system population; validation of asset inventory, field data collection points, and condition and maintenance history; and GPS location accuracy to survey grade detail of sub 12” to name a few of the key tasks. Following, are some of the key details of the District’s AM Program. AM Program Practices: The AM Program is supported by every department at the District: Administrative Services is responsible for all technology and application support; Operations is responsible for the maintenance, operation, first-line condition assessment of distribution, and field assets; Engineering is responsible for the planning, design, construction, rehabilitation, replacement, CIP projects and budget, and scheduling; Finance is responsible for financial analysis and overall budget support; and the General Manager’s office is responsible for review and direction. With a series of scheduled meetings throughout the year, these departments work in concert to review, prepare, report, and advance AM Program initiatives to management and the Board. Inventory of Assets/Asset Registry: The District’s enterprise GIS database is the platform and living repository of water, sewer, and recycled assets. At the core is a structured asset registry containing standardized reporting components such as standard naming convention, identification, classification, equipment class, and equipment type to name a few. Incorporated into the database are sources of data including as-built drawings, maintenance/condition documents, design drawings, photos, and videos. To date, the District’s enterprise GIS database contains an asset registry with over 500,000 asset data records (horizontal and vertical). Following are key inventory assets:  730 miles of potable mains  104 miles of recycle mains  88 miles of sewer mains  5,972 fire hydrants  20,746 potable valves  1,497 recycle valves  40 potable reservoirs/218 million gallon storage capacity  4 recycle reservoirs/43 million gallon storage capacity  856 potable cathodic test stations  189 recycled cathodic test stations  1 wastewater treatment plant AM Maintenance Practices: The District’s AM maintenance practice consists of three working workflows: developer projects, CIP projects, and field operation and replacement schedule. From inception and throughout the lifecycle schedule, all asset activity is incorporated into the District’s enterprise GIS database and GIS-centric work order management system, Cityworks. Cityworks contains over 300 maintenance templates, or work order types, that are used daily by staff. Predefined reports also provide staff and management with work order and performance trends. The District’s maintenance practices were developed using Water Agency Standards (WAS), American Water Works Association (AWWA), and National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) standards, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory mandates, manufacturer recommendations, condition assessment, and shared operation experiences with other agencies. AM Condition Assessment Practices: Condition assessment practices are incorporated into the District’s Operations and Engineering departments. The bulk of the day-to-day condition assessment of assets and the associated data collection is part of Operations’ normal course of work. Condition assessment data is collected with a number of tools and assistance from predefined rating templates that are built-in to the technology solutions. Once field work is complete, the information is synchronized to the appropriate data table in the District’s enterprise GIS database. As a standard practice, the Operations and Engineering departments meet regularly to review asset work order and performance trends, inspection reports including video and contractor information, and asset condition data including service risk factors. Through this practice, asset repair, rehabilitation, and replacement decisions are determined, to include CIP forecasting. AM Level Of Service (LOS): In order to meet customer expectations, and to maintain a reliable potable, recycled, and sewer distribution system, the District performs a vast number of maintenance tasks. Staff reviews, tracks, and reports over 20 key performance and maintenance functions, which are reported on a quarterly schedule in the form of strategic performance metrics. Along with the production of an Annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), the Annual Drinking Water Report to the State and others, these performance metrics are presented to the Board in the semi-annual Strategic Plan update. In support of District opinion of its asset operation and management as it relates to customer expectations, the 2015 Otay Water Customer Awareness and Opinion Survey Report, indicated that 74% of customers surveyed, rated the Otay Water District’s services as “Very Good”, if not “Excellent”. Following are a number of key LOS measures that affect customer service expectations:  Answer Rate  Billing Accuracy  Scheduled Service interruptions  Communications, out-dial campaigns & website & social media information  Technical Quality Complaint  Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)  Sewer Rate Ranking  Water Rate Ranking AM Future Program Initiatives: Over the course of the upcoming FY2019 – FY2022 Strategic Plan, the District will be deploying a number of decision-making and predictive analysis tools to help predict pipe failure, mitigation analysis and corrective planning, improved long-term replacement cost forecasting, and progression towards a condition assessment methodology. The District has also commenced the use of drones and will continue to evaluate its AM application potential. Lastly, the District will also be evaluating a number of formal AM frameworks with the goal of enhancing efficiencies in day-to-day operating activities, system reliability, and reduction of risk-related costs. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer None. This is an informational item only. STRATEGIC GOAL: - “Optimize Asset Management Program”: Maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of important business processes. LEGAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Committee Action Report Attachment B – “Asset Management” PowerPoint Presentation ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM UPDATE COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on May 23, 2018 and the following comments were made:  Staff provided an update on the District’s asset management program.  Staff reviewed information in the staff report.  Slides were presented that showed the data held within the Asset Management System (AMS) that included customer information, District asset information, maintenance/work accomplished on each asset, maps, as-builts, videos taken of sewer mains, pipeline condition assessment report from the District’s consultant, security information, etc.  It was discussed concerning the pipeline condition assessment that a tool is used to measure the thickness of steel pipes which then identifies areas of the pipe where there is a lot of wear and requires either repair or replacement.  It was discussed that through the District’s active management of its assets (pipelines, reservoirs, pump stations, etc.), it allows for the scheduling of needed repairs prior to breaks or large leaks occurring. This is the objective of the AMS.  The Committee inquired if the District’s buildings are input into the AMS. It was indicated that the AMS predicts maintenance expenses of a capital nature and the District also has a six-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Through the two programs, the District has a view of what is coming up for maintenance, replacement or what new capital projects are to be built. Staff further explained that in the CIP, staff indicates when carpets, air conditioning units, etc. will be replaced with an estimate of the cost. The same information is entered for pump stations (when the pump, the engine, the instrumentation, etc. will be replaced), reservoirs, etc.  The Committee inquired how the District enters the pipeline asset information. Staff indicated that the angle points of pipes are defined as nodes. For the District’s 100’s of miles of pipeline, there are 45,000 nodes and the lengths between each node is entered as an “asset”.  The committee suggested that when this item is presented to the board, if staff could provide a demonstration from the actual POSM sewer inspection videos. Upon completion of the discussion, the committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation to the full board as an informational item. Asset Management (AM) OTAY WATER DISTRICT What is Asset Management? A systematic approach of managing assets to ensure long-term sustainability,and the ability to make appropriate decisions regarding repair, rehabilitation,replacement,and funding strategy 2 GIS-Based Asset Management Platform 3 Asset Management Maintenance Practices •Industry Best Practices:American Water Works Association (AWWA), California Water Environment Association (CWEA),Pressure Vessel (API 510),National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO),etc. •Regulatory:State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB),Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB),Air Pollution Control District (APCD), California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP),API 510,EPA,etc. •Manufacturer’s Recommendations:O&M Manuals,equipment training, refresher training,etc. •Experience &Lessons Learned:Information sharing with external agencies to include WAS,AMI,SDCWA,and surrounding water agencies. 4 AM -Condition Assessment Practices Utility Maintenance: •Valve Exercise –Distribution valves,hydrants,air vacs and blow-offs •Vault Inspections –Pipelines,valves,pumps,and flow meters •CCTV –Pipelines and manholes •Recycled Force Main Inspection –Valves,pipelines,blow-offs,air vacs •As-needed pipeline internal visual inspections •Easement Inspections –General facilities,properties and parcels Water Systems: Acoustic Leak Detection –Pipelines,valves,meters,air vacs,blow offs, Pump Station Inspections –Pumps,motors,engines,generators,MCCs,VFDs,meters, instrumentation,SCADA/PLCs,valves,fuel storage,air compressors,surge/hydro tanks, disinfection system Reservoir Inspections –Tanks,vents,cathodic protection Mock Shutdowns -Valves 5 AM -Condition Assessment Practices (cont.) Pump/Electric: Vibration Testing –Motors,pumps,instrumentation Pump Efficiency Testing –Motors,pumps,meters,engines,instrumentation Altitude Valve Testing –Valves,instrumentation Pressure Reducing Station Testing –Valves,instrumentation Resistance Checks –Motors,Motor Control Centers (MCCs),electrical supply Thermal Imaging –To evaluate MCCs Pressure Vessel Inspections –Surge/hydro tanks,instruments,air compressors ATS Testing –Automatic transfer switches,instrumentation 6 AM -Condition Assessment Practices (cont.) Fleet Maintenance: •BIT Inspections –Vehicles,trailers,field equipment •Monthly Pump Station Checks -Pumps,motors,engines,generators,MCCs,VFDs, meters,instrumentation,SCADA/PLCs,valves,fuel storage,air compressors,surge/hydro tanks •Generator Testing -Pumps,motors,engines,generators,MCCs,VFDs,meters, instrumentation,SCADA/PLCs,valves,fuel storage,air compressors,surge/hydro tanks •Oil Analysis –Engines,generators 7 AM -Condition Assessment Practices (cont.) Lab: Water Quality Testing –Sample stations and disinfection systemTreatment Plant Process Control Testing –Instrumentation,aeration system,mixers and chlorine system SCADA: Calibrations –Meters,instruments,and SCADA/PLCs Treatment Plant: Megger and Amperage Checks –Mixers,pumps,and motorsFlow Readings –Meters and instrumentationDaily Morning Rounds –Pumps,motors,facilities,valves,basins,tanks,blowers,chlorine system, meters,SCADA/PLCs,engine,surge tank,air compressors,piping,MCC,ATS,generator,fuel storage,and instrumentsLift Station Inspections (2x per week)Exercise Pumps –Pumps,motors,instrumentation,facility, and parcelStorm Water BMPS Monthly -Facilities 8 GIS-Centric Asset Management Tools Cityworks –CMMS: •An enterprise work order system that captures labor,equipment,material and contractor costs spent on various assets,and creates a performance history that’s applicable to the asset lifecycle Pipeline Observation System Management (POSM): •Records the CCTV video and condition assessment scores for the collection system pipelines •NASSCO-certified iWater: •Captures specific conditions (turns,torque,visual)for specific assets (valves,vaults, reservoirs,etc.) InfoMaster 9 GIS-Centric Asset Management Tools (cont.) 10 InfoWater: •A fully GIS-integrated water distribution modeling and management software InfoSewer: •An ArcGIS-based software for planning and design as well as expansion of sanitary, storm,and combined sewer collection system InfraMap: •A fully disconnected ArcGIS mobile solution for multiple field operations,such as valve exercise and redline Operation Dashboard: •A web-based GIS application with interactive maps for the District’s asset and related information such as as-builds,easements,pressure zones,and other GIS information (flood zone,earthquake zoning,wildland fire zone,etc.) GIS-Centric Asset Management Tools (cont.) Dig-Smart: •A GIS-based dig-alert software to manage the alert tickets from the County using geographic information system Cathodic Test Station (CTS) Mobile Application: •An ArcGIS, online-based mobile solution for smart phones. The app is used for annual cathodic test station surveys. E-Facility Book: •An ArcGIS application that handles the permits and plan checks for the Engineering department’s front counter HACH WIMS –Treatment Plant and Lab: •Water testing data documentation 11 Questions ? 12 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: June 6, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Mark Watton General Manager W.O./G.F. NO: N/A DIV. NO. N/A APPROVED BY: Mark Watton, General Manager SUBJECT: General Manager’s Report ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: GIS:  Orthophoto Image for District-wide Web Application - Staff processed and integrated the newly acquired orthophoto into GIS web applications such as Operation Dashboard, Meter Tool, and Cityworks. The new orthophoto provides more accurate reflection of the terrain and District assets.  Reports and Maps for the Free Chlorine Transition Plan – GIS staff produced reports and maps on end caps and blow offs as part of the District’s Temporary Free Chlorine Transition Plan. The reports include the number of dead ends and blow offs in the District’s distribution system that may be used if needed for flushing purposes during the temporary transition to free chlorine, and then the return to chloramine as the primary disinfectant in the distribution system. The reason for this temporary transition is to improve water quality on the water purchased and then distributed in the District’s Potable distribution system. This temporary transition of disinfectant is being coordinated by CWA for all member agencies to consider. Human Resources:  Standing Workstation Pilot Program - The District conducted a pilot program with 19 employees over the last three months. The pilot program included standing workstations, ergonomic chairs, keyboards and related items. An Ergonomic Specialist assisted in assessing appropriate ergonomic equipment to use for each individual 2 participant and provided tips and training on proper use of the equipment. HR reached out to the participants for feedback and overall, the feedback has been tremendously positive. Employees appreciate the District offering this program. Some positive comments include: “I love it, I have more energy moving around”; “Work standing up releases pressure on the lower back and tailbone”; “The standing work station increased body movement, increased attention span and increased energy level”; “The standing work station with the new chair was a game changer for me”; “I would say that I am more productive as far as my work is concerned”; and, “Thank you for considering and making this available for us to use”. Staff will be working to fully implement the program over the next few months.  Recruitments/New Hires/Promotions: o The Accounting Technician position was filled in May. o The District is recruiting for: Utility Worker I or II, Construction Inspector I or II, and a Recycled Water Specialist. These vacancies are related to retirements or transfers to other departments and are critical to District operations. IT Operations:  Mobile Device Management (MDM) - Staff is currently evaluating a mobile device management (MDM) solution, MaaS360. Staff will evaluate the new solution for increased mobile device security and manageability of District issued devices, both iPhones and iPads. Additional features of the MDM solution include centralized mobile application management and remote management. The evaluation is scheduled for several weeks. Purchasing & Facilities:  Update on Rapid Water Bottle Filling Stations – Facilities staff has installed Elkay EZH2O™ bottle filling stations in the public lobby of the District’s Administration building, Training Room and Warehouse. Additional locations identified to receive filling stations include Operations’ public lobby and crew room. Bottle filling stations minimize plastic bottle waste, fill three times faster than standard drinking fountains, and provide one-handed operation with an electronic sensor for touchless, sanitary operation.  BidSync Solicitations – One (1) solicitation that was advertised on the District’s solicitation web portal, BidSync, recently closed: o “Reservoir 711-3 Floating Cover and Liner Replacement” – For the construction of floating cover and liner replacement for the 3 711-3 Reservoir and all other work and appurtenances in accordance with the contract documents at an engineer’s estimate of $1,750,000. Safety & Security:  Regulatory Training – Staff completed the following training: o Annual Fire Extinguisher (FE) Use and type of FE’s in use at the District. o Two-year recertification for First Aid, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), and Automated External Defibrillators.  All-Hands Meeting – Updated staff on the District’s Employee Safety Committee, the 12 member Emergency Response and Confined Space Rescue Team (HAZWOP), the District’s injuries and illness over the last 5 years, and active shooter tips on what to do and how staff can help support the District’s campaign of “See something, Say Something”.  Monthly WebEOC Exercise – Staff completed the May monthly WebEOC exercise, which consisted of: “Create an emergency condition road closure notification with map on the Status Board. Include “test” in the title and submit to Status Board”. This exercise was completed successfully. FINANCE:  Positive Pay Upgrade – Staff has been working with Union Bank to increase controls over our cash disbursements by adding the vendor name to the positive pay control. Currently, the bank only validates the check number and amount. With the assistance of IT and Union Bank, staff is currently testing files to accommodate the use of special characters. The targeted implementation is late June.  Water Rate Notices and Sewer 218 Notices – Staff is drafting the water rate increase notices and sewer 218 notices, which are scheduled to be mailed in the July/August timeframe.  Salt Creek – Staff is working with Salt Creek on their exit from the property. The last of their personal goods are scheduled to be removed on June 6th.  Water and Sewer Debt – Staff is moving forward with engaging the financing team for the issuance of $30 million of water debt and is performing an evaluation of issuing all, or a portion, of the $5 million sewer debt in FY 2019 versus the proposed timing to issue the debt in FY 2020. 4  Chula Vista Sewer Rate Increase - Chula Vista will be increasing their sewer rate by approximately 4.3% on July 1st. Otay customers with a Chula Vista sewer service will begin seeing the rate change on their July bills. The City of Chula Vista bills the residential properties based on winter average usage which is also updated in July.  Financial Reporting: o For the ten months ending April 30, 2018, there are total revenues of $86,392,503 and total expenses of $82,564,018. The revenues exceeded expenses by $3,828,485. o The market value shown in the Portfolio Summary and in the Investment Portfolio Details as of April 30, 2018 total $87,696,099 with an average yield to maturity of 1.460%. The total earnings year-to-date are $840,865. ENGINEERING AND WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS: ENGINEERING:  870-2 Pump Station Replacement: This project consists of a new pump station to replace the existing Low Head 571-1 and High Head 870-1 Pump Stations. The project also includes the replacement of the existing liner and cover for the 571-1 Reservoir (36.7 MG). On April 30, 2018, all testing for the 571-1 Reservoir was completed and the reservoir was placed back into service. During the month of May 2018, Pacific Hydrotech completed the excavation for the 870-2 Pump Station pump galley and foundation. Work to set the reinforcing bar and place concrete for the pump galley was completed. Cathodic protection improvement work also began during May 2018. The project is within budget and scheduled to complete in October 2019. (P2083 & P2562)  SR-11 Utility Relocations: This project consists of relocating several District potable water pipelines located in Otay Mesa Road, Sanyo Avenue, Enrico Fermi Drive, Alta Road, and within District easements. The first two rounds of relocations (Caltrans Utility Agreement Numbers 33592 and 33622) were completed in FY 2016. The District’s water main relocation consultant (NV5) submitted 95% drawings for the relocations in Enrico Fermi Drive and Alta Road in April 2018. Caltrans has scheduled completion of the design in May 2018 and the start of construction in fall of 2019. Utility agreements corresponding to the final design will be presented to the District’s Committee and Board in the June/July 2019 timeframe. As part of the SR-11 project, Caltrans will need to acquire a portion of the District’s fee-owned right-of-way that is located in the Alta Road alignment south of Otay Mesa Road. Caltrans has 5 submitted an appraisal of the District’s property they intend to acquire. A recommendation to sell the property to Caltrans is scheduled for the June 2018 meeting of the Board of Directors. (P2453)  978-1 & 850-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coatings & Upgrades: This project consists of removing and replacing the interior and exterior coatings of the 978-1 (0.5 MG) Reservoir and the 850-2 (3.1 MG) Reservoir along with providing structural upgrades to ensure the tanks comply with both state and federal OSHA standards, as well as the American Water Works Association and the County Health Department standards. The 978-1 Reservoir was placed back in service in July 2017. The 850-2 Reservoir was placed back in service on January 12, 2018. Contract acceptance by the District was completed in May 2018. Project delivery by the contractor was behind schedule due to contractor coordination. As a result, the District has assessed liquidated damages for late delivery of the project starting in September 2017 through substantial completion, which occurred when the 850-2 Reservoir was placed back in service on January 12, 2018. The contractor has sent claims correspondence to the District disputing the assessment of liquidated damages. The District’s construction manager for the project has issued the Engineer’s Entitlement Decision denying the claims. The contractor has failed to respond within the contractual timelines. The project is within budget. (P2534 & P2544)  Campo Road Sewer Replacement: The existing sanitary sewer from Avocado Road to Singer Lane is undersized and located in environmentally sensitive areas that are difficult to access. The Campo Road Sewer Replacement project will install approximately 7,420 linear feet of new 15-inch gravity sewer pipe and includes abandonment of the existing sewer main. In May 2018, work continued at the Rancho San Diego Village shopping center. Work at the shopping center included potholing to identify existing utilities, removal of trees in conflict with the planned work, and installation of the new sewer main. This work is occurring at night to minimize impacts to the shopping center. During May 2018, a walk-through of the restoration work completed at the Rancho San Diego Towne Center was performed with the shopping center’s Property Manager. Punch list items were identified. It is anticipated that the contractor will complete the punch list items prior to June 2018. The project is within budget and the overall project is scheduled for completion in May 2019. (S2024)  Hillsdale Road Potable Water and Sewer Replacement: The existing water line in Hillsdale Road between Jamacha Road and Vista Grande Road has experienced several leaks and is nearing the end of its useful life. This project consists of replacing approximately 4,050 linear feet of steel water line with a 12-inch Polyvinyl 6 Chloride (PVC) water line. The project also includes the replacement of approximately 760 linear feet of 8-inch PVC sewer within Hillsdale Road. During May 2018, TC Construction Company, Inc., the District’s contractor, completed all tie-in work for the new Hillsdale 12-inch water line between Jamacha Road and Vista Grande Road. The contractor also started the sewer replacement work. The project is within budget and on schedule to complete in June 2018. (P2573 & S2048)  Vista Vereda and Hidden Mesa Water Pipelines Replacement: The existing 1950’s steel water line along Vista Vereda between Vista Grande Road and Hidden Mesa Trail in the Hillsdale area has experienced leaks and is nearing the end of its useful life. The existing water main is located primarily within easements, many of which have had significant improvements performed over the years since the water line was constructed. Through the District’s As- Needed Engineering Design contract, a Task Order was issued on May 2, 2017 to Rick Engineering to design the project. A preliminary design report has been completed, with the final report submitted to the District on January 10, 2018. The changing of the Vista Vereda water line from a transmission main to local distribution only, and upgrading the water lines in Hidden Mesa Road to become a transmission main, is recommended based upon assessment of the challenges of reconstructing a transmission main along the same current alignment. A task order change was executed to revise the scope of work to reflect this. A community meeting was held on February 10, 2018. Staff continues to discuss the project with property owners who have requested additional information with a letter to be distributed updating them on the alignment changes at the 60% design and a follow up letter to be sent after the 90% design with more detailed impacts to individual properties. In March, the 60% design was reviewed and potholing of existing utilities performed to verify proposed water line alignments. The 90% design is in process with submission to the District planned for the end of May, at which time the County permits applications will be prepared and submitted. The project is on schedule for completion of the design in July 2018 (the community outreach efforts delayed this a month from the original schedule). (P2574 & P2625)  Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Project: The County of San Diego has designated a section of Fuerte Drive west of Calavo Drive at the intersection of Fuerte Drive and Alzeda Drive for road realignment for safety issues, prompting the relocation of approximately 255 linear feet of 8-inch sewer. The Board approved a construction contract with Burtech Pipeline, Inc. at the March 2018 Board Meeting. During May 2018, the County of San Diego notified the District that the Helix Water District water main relocation work was completed and that the District may proceed with the planned 7 sewer relocation. The District’s sewer work is scheduled to begin on May 29, 2018. The project is within budget and scheduled to complete in July 2018. (S2045)  OWD Administration and Operations Parking Lot Improvements, Phase II – Pavement Restoration: Phase I of this project, completed in October 2017, upgraded the parking lot light fixtures in both the Administration and Operations lots. Phase II consists of repairing the asphalt concrete paving, slurry sealing, and restriping both asphalt concrete parking lots. In addition to the pavement improvements, a carport will be installed to protect the larger fleet vehicles, and gates will be installed to better secure the Operations parking lot. On May 14, 2018, the District issued a Notice to Proceed to Frank and Son Paving, Inc. for the OWD Administration & Operations Parking Lot Improvements, PH. II – Pavement Restoration project. The project is within budget and scheduled to complete in July 2018. (P2555)  980-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating and Upgrades: This project consists of removing and replacing the interior and exterior coatings of the 980-2 (5.0 MG) Reservoir, along with providing structural upgrades, to ensure the tank complies with both state and federal OSHA standards as well as the American Water Works Association and the County Health Department standards. During the month of May 2018, the contractor completed replacement of the structural rafters and girders that are included in Change Order No. 1, which was approved by the Board at the April 2018 meeting of the Board of Directors. The structural work on the interior of the reservoir was performed at night, while blasting of exterior coating was performed during the day. During May 2018, the contractor began blasting the interior of the reservoir. Blasting of the reservoir ceiling and application of the ceiling prime coat was completed. The project is scheduled to complete in August 2018. (P2546)  Rancho San Diego Pump Station Rehabilitation: On April 30, 2014, the District and the San Diego County Sanitation District (Sanitation District) executed a reimbursement agreement for the improvements to the Rancho San Diego Pump Station. The Sanitation District awarded a construction contract to TC Construction Company, Inc. on September 14, 2016. The County has extended the construction completion date to July 2018 in response to several change orders with the contractor. Testing of the pumps began in April 2018 and continued through May as one of the pumps had a failure during on-site testing and had to be returned to the manufacturer for repairs. (S2027)  Valve Replacement Program – Phase 1: This project consists of replacing non-functioning valves on the potable water system. The 8 valves selected to be included in this project require large shutdowns and work will need to be completed within small work windows in order to return customers back to service. Phase 1 is the pilot program of the project to work out the coordination and provide “lessons learned” for subsequent phases, which will include larger quantities of critical valve replacements. Phase 1 was advertised on May 3, 2018, and bids were opened on May 24, 2018. The project is on schedule. (P2610)  Salt Creek and Roll Reservoir Trails: Staff is working with the County Parks and Recreation Department and other stakeholders (CDFW, USFWS, City of San Diego, City of Chula Vista, Border Patrol, BLM) on the Otay Regional Trail Implementation Study. Two trails being considered have segments that cross Otay Water District’s (OWD) parcels: one at Salt Creek, adjacent to the HMA, and one that goes around the west side of the 571-1 (Roll) Reservoir. If these trails are determined to be viable after the study is complete, staff would ask the Board to approve the trail segments. An agreement between OWD and the County would need to be entered into, with the County assuming all liability for the trails, their maintenance, and any other conditions deemed necessary by staff and the Board. Staff will be representing OWD at a Public Workshop for the Trails Study that will be held on June 20, 2018 at Arroyo Vista Charter School in Chula Vista.  Pure Water Update: The Pure Water Project would construct facilities that have the ability to produce an annual average daily flow of 30 MGD in 2021, which in turn would reduce total suspended solids discharged to the ocean. The project will expand the existing North City Water Reclamation Plant and construct an adjacent North City Pure Water Facility. The Metro Wastewater Joint Powers Authority (Metro JPA) submitted comments on November 21, 2017, to be included in the final document considered by the decision-making authorities. On April 10, 2018, the City of San Diego (City) approved the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project. The City responded, in the Final EIR, to Metro JPA’s concern that the City failed to address the project’s ability to achieve Secondary Equivalency at the Point Loma WWTP that this is an issue related to the design of the project and not the adequacy of the environmental analysis. Other concerns expressed by the Metro JPA were dismissed as well. The final EIR can be found at: https://www.sandiego.gov/water/purewater/purewatersd/reports Metro JPA negotiated a tolling agreement with the City to give Metro JPA and the City more time to negotiate changes to the project to address Metro JPA’s concerns. To date, one lawsuit has been filed against the project by San Diego environmental attorney Cory Briggs on behalf of a neighborhood that could be impacted by this project. On May 14, 2018, a draft of the “Amended and Restated Regional Wastewater Disposal Agreement Between the City of San Diego and the 9 Participating Agencies in the Metropolitan Sewerage System” was distributed to the agencies for comment. This doesn’t give Metro JPA much time since the first construction package is expected to be presented to Metro JPA for consideration early this summer.  For the month of April 2018, the District sold 102 meters (269.5 EDUs), generating $1,786,446 in revenue. Projection for this period was 23.6 meters (30.8 EDUs), with a budgeted revenue of $270,083. Total revenue for Fiscal Year 2018 is $7,563,033 against the annual budget of $3,241,000. WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS (reporting for April):  As part of the District’s ongoing poly service replacement work, Utility Maintenance staff coordinated with the City of Chula Vista on March 19 to proactively replace twenty nine (29) poly service laterals on Yale Street prior to the City’s street paving project which is scheduled for later this summer. All District work, including patch paving, is on schedule to be completed by the end of June. Coordinating and completing this work proactively reduces the risk of the District having a leaking or ruptured lateral causing damage to newly paved roads.  In the month of April, Collection Systems Maintenance crews discovered debris in a sewer line and suspected a nearby car wash and oil change business was contributing to the debris. Staff recorded the conditions and contacted the City of San Diego (City) and the County to investigate. Upon their investigation, the City and County found the business lacking required manifest records and not properly maintaining their sewer clarifier. They were cited for the manifest record keeping and required to apply for a permit that would include regular inspections of the site by the City. The County is preparing to enforce the citations with fines if the violations are not corrected.  On April 10, staff performed a planned shutdown on Diamond Head Court in Spring Valley to replace an 8-inch gate valve found by the leak detection company Utility Services Associates. There were 25 residential meters affected from 8:00am to 2:30pm. Two water trailers were on site for all affected customers.  On April 16, staff assisted the Inspection Department to perform a shutdown for a CIP project at the intersection of Hillsdale Road and Chase to tie-in the new main line to the existing main. There were no customers affected. The shutdown extended to April 17.  On April 19, staff performed a planned shutdown at 1441 Canoe Creek Way in Chula Vista to replace a leaking corporation stop. There were 10 21 residential meters affected from 8:00am to 11:45am. Water trailers were on site for all affected customers.  On April 24, staff assisted the Inspection Department to perform an approved shutdown plan for the CIP main-line replacement project on Hillsdale Lane and La Valhalla to tie into the new main. Thirty residential meters were affected from 7:30am to 7:15pm. Two water trailers were on site for all affected customers.  On April 26, staff assisted the Inspection Department with a shutdown for the Hillsdale CIP project to tie-in the new main line to the existing line in the intersection of Hillsdale Rd and Vista Grande. Initially, five (5) residential homes were tagged for out of water from 7:30am to 6:30pm; but water services were restored at 3:00pm. A water trailer was on site for all affected customers.  On April 30, staff assisted the Inspection Department with another shutdown for the Hillsdale CIP project on Hillsdale Road and Windriver to tie-in the new main with the existing 10-inch ACP. No customers were affected. Purchases and Change Orders:  The following table summarizes purchases and Change Orders issued during the period of April 17, 2018 through May 15, 2018 that were within staff signatory authority: Date Action Amount Contractor/ Consultant Project 04/17/18 P.O. $327.00 BusinessSolver.com Inc. ACA Services 05/01/18 P.O. $35,672.81 Watchlight Corporation 1296 Tank Security Equipment Installation 05/01/18 P.O. $20,783.00 Southcoast Heating and Air Conditioning HVAC Replacement 05/02/18 P.O. $9,285.90 Advanced Infrastructure Technologies, Inc. Radio Detection Locator Receiver (Various) 05/15/18 P.O. $8,148.00 Technowsion, Inc. SCADA Consulting Services 05/15/18 P.O. $2,870.00 Timmons Group, Inc. Work Order Management System 11 Water Conservation and Sales:  Water Conservation – April 2018 usage was 9% lower than April 2013. Since April 2017, customers have saved an average of 7% over 2013 levels.  The April potable water purchases were 2,444.8 acre-feet which is 19.1% above the budget of 2,052.8 acre-feet. The cumulative purchases through April were 24,396.1 acre-feet which is 11.9% above the cumulative budget of 21,807.8 acre-feet. 12  The April recycled water purchases and production were 353.1 acre- feet which is 36.0% above the budget of 259.7 acre-feet. The cumulative production and purchases through April were 3,484.0 acre- feet which is 17.8% above the cumulative budget of 2,956.9 acre-feet. Potable, Recycled, and Sewer (Reporting up to the month of April):  Total number of potable water meters: 50,108.  Recycled water consumption for the month of April: o Total consumption: 271.3 acre-feet or 88,363,484 gallons. o Average daily consumption: 2,945,449 gallons per day. o Total cumulative recycled water consumption since July 1, 2017: 3,379.3 acre-feet. o Total number of recycled water meters: 726.  Wastewater flows for the month of April: o Total basin flow: 1,568,697 gallons per day. This is a decrease of 2.3% from April 2017. o Spring Valley Sanitation District Flow to Metro: 523,421 gallons per day. 13 o Total Otay flow: 1,045,167 gallons per day. o Flow Processed at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility: 942,800 gallons per day. o Flow to Metro from Otay Water District: 102,730 gallons per day.  By the end of April there were 6,694* wastewater EDUs. * In March 2018, the District and San Diego County completed a review of the entire combined service area and reconciled calculations of EDUs between the two agencies. The revised EDU count reflects the agreed upon criteria and will be used henceforth. The change in percentage of flow between the agencies for the overall sewer shed was less than half a percent. Check Total 7,675.87 3,640.09 6,675.09 3,010.50 26,622.00 16,000.00 CM201812 04/13/18 MGMT/INSP (2/1/18-3/31/18)7,040.00 CM201811 04/13/18 MGMT/INSP (2/1/18-3/31/18)1,440.00 7,250.00 7,250.00 2050250 05/09/18 14462 ALYSON CONSULTING CM201810 04/13/18 MGMT/INSP (2/1/18-3/31/18)7,520.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMB (5/8/18-5/11/18)938.60 938.60 2050249 05/09/18 14256 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC 657121 04/03/18 INSURANCE CONSULTING (2ND QTR 2018) 2050287 05/16/18 06261 ALCANTARA, CYNTHIA 050818051118 05/14/18 UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES (3/20/18-3/30/18)14,332.00 103312018 04/19/18 UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES (3/1/18-3/20/18)12,290.00 2050248 05/09/18 15024 AIRX UTILITY SURVEYORS INC 2703312018 04/19/18 1,973.50 131539470 04/23/18 AQUA AMMONIA 843.50 131539472 04/23/18 AQUA AMMONIA 193.50 DEVELOPER PLAN REVIEW (3/3/18-4/27/18)1,522.50 1,522.50 2050247 05/09/18 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 131539471 04/23/18 AQUA AMMONIA 2050328 05/23/18 11462 AEGIS ENGINEERING MGMT INC 1429 05/07/18 1,072.20 2050203 05/02/18 11462 AEGIS ENGINEERING MGMT INC 1428 04/06/18 DEVELOPER PLAN REVIEW (2/3/18-3/2/18)3,100.00 3,100.00 1,072.20 1,072.20 2050327 05/23/18 18122 ACC BUSINESS 181053859 04/27/18 INTERNET CIRCUITS (3/11/18-4/10/18)1,072.20 SHAREPOINT SERVICES (APR 2018)3,075.00 3,075.00 2050150 04/25/18 18122 ACC BUSINESS 180743519 03/27/18 INTERNET CIRCUITS (2/11/18-3/10/18) 1023994 04/26/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 576.27 2050326 05/23/18 08488 ABLEFORCE INC 7932 05/21/18 1024372 05/03/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 864.40 1023995 04/26/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 720.33 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 2,401.11 1023996 04/26/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 2,112.98 1022762 04/04/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 384.18 2050325 05/23/18 01910 ABCANA INDUSTRIES INC 1024373 05/03/18 1022455 03/28/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 864.40 1022492 03/29/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 494.63 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 960.45 1022828 04/05/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 936.43 1023214 04/12/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 576.27 2050149 04/25/18 01910 ABCANA INDUSTRIES INC 1022493 03/29/18 1023634 04/20/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 936.43 1023215 04/12/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 864.40 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 2,897.66 1023216 04/12/18 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 2,401.11 2050246 05/09/18 01910 ABCANA INDUSTRIES INC 1023635 04/20/18 5,903.63 2050324 05/23/18 18088 8X8 INC 2164456 05/01/18 TELECOM SYSTEM 5,912.71 5,912.71 Amount 2050148 04/25/18 18088 8X8 INC 2150340 04/01/18 TELECOM SYSTEM 5,903.63 CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 4/19/2018 - 5/23/2018 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Page 1 of 11 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 4/19/2018 - 5/23/2018 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 6,807.44 1,466.00 95804 04/30/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (4/6/18-4/8/18)487.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (4/9/18-4/10/18)1,286.00 95689 04/30/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (4/18/18-4/21/18)760.00 95335 03/31/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (3/15/18)178.00 2050334 05/23/18 04119 CLARKSON LAB & SUPPLY INC 95806 04/30/18 848.00 95334 03/31/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (3/13/18)234.00 95333 03/31/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (3/8/18)206.00 UB Refund Cst #0000198108 42.17 42.17 2050155 04/25/18 04119 CLARKSON LAB & SUPPLY INC 95336 03/31/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (3/26/18-3/28/18) 2050207 05/02/18 18741 CITIMORTGAGE Ref002504074 04/30/18 175.00 2050253 05/09/18 06252 CHULA VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AR048615 04/11/18 GARDEN TOUR (4/11/18)366.23 366.23 165.00 165.00 2050206 05/02/18 01719 CHULA VISTA CHAMBER OF 16720 03/28/18 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL (2018)175.00 UB Refund Cst #0000223448 14.97 14.97 2050205 05/02/18 04349 CHAMBERS, JONATHAN 43018JC 04/30/18 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 2050292 05/16/18 17218 CARRINGTON REAL ESTATE Ref002506834 05/14/18 45.00 2050252 05/09/18 15177 CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC 0166401 04/16/18 CONSTRUCTION 870-2 PS (3/1/18-3/31/18)19,288.50 19,288.50 4,705.79 4,705.79 2050291 05/16/18 04071 CAPITOL WEBWORKS LLC 29120 04/30/18 OUTSIDE SERVICES (1/1/18-3/31/18)45.00 POTHOLING SERVICE 11,433.00 11,433.00 2050251 05/09/18 08490 CALIFORNIA BANK & TRUST 603312018 04/12/18 RET/TC CONST A#7003 (ENDING 3/31/18) 2050204 05/02/18 18617 C BELOW INC 19284 03/31/18 5,453.52 2050290 05/16/18 18779 BURTON LIVINGSTON Ref002506827 05/14/18 UB Refund Cst #0000033712 14.22 14.22 1,467.38 1,467.38 2050289 05/16/18 08156 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER 718566 04/30/18 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY (THRU 3/31/18)5,453.52 LEGAL/CONSULTING SERVICES (MAR 2018)784.88 784.88 2050333 05/23/18 18599 ATKINSON ANDELSON LOYA RUUD 544432 04/30/18 LEGAL/CONSULTING SERVICES (APR 2018) 2050154 04/25/18 18599 ATKINSON ANDELSON LOYA RUUD 542695 03/31/18 4,861.90 2050332 05/23/18 07785 AT&T 000011204775 04/12/18 TELEPHONE SERVICES (3/12/18-4/11/18)4,563.74 4,563.74 53,292.80 53,292.80 2050153 04/25/18 07785 AT&T 000011050503 04/18/18 TELEPHONE SERVICES (2/12/18-3/11/18)4,861.90 LEGAL SERVICES (THRU 4/30/18)42,731.28 42,731.28 2050152 04/25/18 17264 ARTIANO SHINOFF 300516 04/16/18 LEGAL SERVICES (THRU 3/31/18) 0069120IN 04/05/18 SENSUS METERS 2,492.07 2050331 05/23/18 17264 ARTIANO SHINOFF 300698 05/16/18 4,089.79 2050151 04/25/18 03492 AQUA-METRIC SALES COMPANY 0069041IN 04/02/18 SENSUS METERS 4,315.37 71.14 71.14 2050330 05/23/18 03492 AQUA-METRIC SALES COMPANY 0069392IN 05/03/18 3" OMNI C2 METER 4,089.79 MGMT/INSP (3/1/18-4/26/18)1,563.66 1,563.66 2050288 05/16/18 18782 ANGELIQUE KELLEY Ref002506830 05/14/18 UB Refund Cst #0000172159 2050329 05/23/18 14462 ALYSON CONSULTING CM201813 04/26/18 Page 2 of 11 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 4/19/2018 - 5/23/2018 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 3,579.00 40,463.22 1,020.00 8,491.02 UB Refund Cst #0000241649 110.36 110.36 2050160 04/25/18 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 CM050775 CREDIT MEMO -7,734.30 2050298 05/16/18 18791 EDWARD CHUA Ref002506840 05/14/18 10.00 2050297 05/16/18 18780 EDUARDO BUSTAMANTE Ref002506828 05/14/18 UB Refund Cst #0000059099 8.82 8.82 25.31 25.31 2050340 05/23/18 00009 DMV RENEWAL 8205042618 04/26/18 PERMANENT TRAILER RENEWAL 10.00 UB Refund Cst #0000241774 21.52 21.52 2050209 05/02/18 18742 DESIREE GORDON Ref002504075 04/30/18 UB Refund Cst #0000214173 I20180364 04/02/18 GAS MONITOR PARTS 3,639.24 2050296 05/16/18 18792 DELIA OPPERMAN Ref002506841 05/14/18 1,507.74 2050295 05/16/18 11797 D&H WATER SYSTEMS INC I20180392 04/10/18 V10 CHLORINATOR 4,851.78 10,780.00 10,780.00 2050256 05/09/18 06415 CUMMINS PACIFIC LLC 00369233 04/18/18 REPLACEMENT GENSET 1,507.74 BUSINESS MEETING 60.00 60.00 2050159 04/25/18 04443 CSI SERVICES INC 7913 04/09/18 COATING INSPECTION (12/26/17-1/12/18) 2050294 05/16/18 00693 CSDA, SAN DIEGO CHAPTER 051718 05/14/18 134.47 2050158 04/25/18 17198 CRUMP & CO INC 9885 04/04/18 AIR-VAC VALVES 40,904.06 40,904.06 9,348.87 9,348.87 2050339 05/23/18 17770 COX BUSINESS 0301042818 04/28/18 TELECOM SVCS / METRO-E (4/28/18-5/27/18)134.47 O & M CAPITAL REPLACEMENT (FY 2016-2017)287,109.00 287,109.00 2050255 05/09/18 17770 COX BUSINESS 6702042418 04/24/18 TELECOM SVCS / METRO-E (4/24/18-5/23/18) 2050338 05/23/18 08479 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO FY1617OWD 05/15/18 PERMIT FEES # 04745 (MAY 2018-MAY 2019)510.00 045442002RI2018 03/02/18 PERMIT FEES # 04544 (MAY 2018-MAY 2019)510.00 2050157 04/25/18 02122 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 047452002RI2018 03/02/18 11,259.30 2050156 04/25/18 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 2139031718 03/17/18 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (05/31/18-05/31/19)547.00 547.00 10,599.00 10,599.00 2050337 05/23/18 00099 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DPWAROTAYMWD041805/10/18 EXCAVATION PERMITS (APR 2018)11,259.30 INVENTORY 6,684.81 6,684.81 2050208 05/02/18 00099 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DPWAROTAYMWD031804/09/18 EXCAVATION PERMITS (MAR 2018) I325535 04/17/18 3G MOBILE RECEIVER DMMR/ANTENNA 8,127.44 2050336 05/23/18 18331 CORE & MAIN LP I824302 05/07/18 10,845.46 10,845.46 2050254 05/09/18 18331 CORE & MAIN LP I472066 04/23/18 INVENTORY 32,335.78 UB Refund Cst #0000204904 109.13 109.13 2050335 05/23/18 03709 COMMUNICATIONS USA INC 199479 04/12/18 RADIOS-PORTABLE SUITCASE 2050293 05/16/18 18785 CODY LUND Ref002506833 05/14/18 95810 04/30/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (4/26/18)178.00 95809 04/30/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING 28.00 95808 04/30/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (4/24/18)206.00 95805 04/30/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (4/9/18)178.00 95807 04/30/18 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (4/11/18-4/15/18)456.00 Page 3 of 11 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 4/19/2018 - 5/23/2018 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 3,883.78 14,234.21 338.77 4,481.92 143.88 2050260 05/09/18 17855 GASTELUM, HECTOR 040418042918 05/08/18 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (4/4/08-4/29/18)101.92 101.92 31.38 31.38 2050214 05/02/18 17855 GASTELUM, HECTOR 030218032918 05/01/18 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (3/2/18-3/29/18)143.88 PRINTING 1,336.09 1,336.09 2050213 05/02/18 18738 GARY BRAXTON Ref002504071 04/30/18 UB Refund Cst #0000018941 33047 04/11/18 PRINTING 1,339.93 2050164 04/25/18 03094 FULLCOURT PRESS 32894 03/06/18 3,141.99 3,141.99 2050259 05/09/18 03094 FULLCOURT PRESS 33073 04/16/18 PRINTING 3,141.99 GARDEN TOURS (4/17/18-4/26/18)5,320.00 5,320.00 2050212 05/02/18 03094 FULLCOURT PRESS 32880 03/02/18 PRINTING 2050344 05/23/18 13563 FRIENDS OF THE WATER 447 05/07/18 481.00 2050211 05/02/18 18727 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2504143 05/03/18 BI WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 481.00 481.00 125.00 125.00 2050301 05/16/18 18727 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2506893 05/17/18 BI WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 481.00 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 125.00 125.00 2050210 05/02/18 18600 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2504141 05/03/18 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 04/06/18 FLEET VEHICLE WASHING 93.02 93.02 2050300 05/16/18 18600 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2506891 05/17/18 194.40 x1299761 04/20/18 FLEET VEHICLE WASHING 144.37 2050163 04/25/18 11962 FLEETWASH INC x1290108 FLEET VEHICLE WASHING 194.40 194.40 2050258 05/09/18 11962 FLEETWASH INC x1295658 04/13/18 FLEET VEHICLE WASHING 2050343 05/23/18 11962 FLEETWASH INC x1305498 04/27/18 775.19 2050299 05/16/18 02591 FITNESS TECH 10875 04/01/18 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE (APR 2018)135.00 135.00 99.00 99.00 2050162 04/25/18 16469 FIRST CHOICE SERVICES 100774 03/29/18 COFFEE SERVICES 775.19 ONLINE DOCUMENTS 99.00 99.00 2050342 05/23/18 17888 FIRST AMERICAN DATA TREE LLC 9003400418 04/30/18 ONLINE DOCUMENTS 2050161 04/25/18 17888 FIRST AMERICAN DATA TREE LLC 9003400318 03/31/18 7,079.18 0631025 04/18/18 INVENTORY 6,715.63 06270361 04/25/18 INVENTORY 439.40 INVENTORY 834.85 834.85 2050341 05/23/18 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0631310 05/04/18 8 X 4 WYE STEEL FITTING 2050257 05/09/18 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0630984 04/20/18 06062061 03/13/18 BUTTERFLY VALVES 538.75 0627037 03/16/18 INVENTORY 403.90 0628869 03/29/18 INVENTORY 1,486.30 0627747 03/21/18 INVENTORY 764.42 0627036 03/19/18 INVENTORY 5,209.73 0628980 04/04/18 INVENTORY 3,214.98 2050160 04/25/18 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 CM050775 CREDIT MEMO -7,734.30 Page 4 of 11 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 4/19/2018 - 5/23/2018 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 2,882.50 54,851.85 704.58 2050170 04/25/18 08969 INFOSEND INC 134862 03/30/18 BILL PROCESSING SVCS (MAR 2018)12,602.73 704.58 704.58 2050169 04/25/18 17816 INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORP 2085344 03/31/18 GAS DETECTION PROGRAM (MAR 2018)704.58 CUSTOMER REFUND 7,766.90 7,766.90 2050348 05/23/18 17816 INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORP 2093449 04/30/18 GAS DETECTION PROGRAM (APR 2018) 2050219 05/02/18 18737 IMELDA MENDOZA 4004043018 04/30/18 54,063.50 0129352 04/18/18 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (2/24/18-3/31/18)480.00 0129356 04/18/18 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (2/24/18-3/31/18)308.35 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (2/24/18-3/31/18)6,296.16 6,296.16 2050267 05/09/18 15622 ICF JONES & STOKES INC 0129359 03/21/18 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (2/24/18-3/31/18) 2050347 05/23/18 15622 ICF JONES & STOKES INC 0129387 04/26/18 1,642.58 2050266 05/09/18 13349 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES 2018030072 04/16/18 LAND SURVEYING (2/24/18-3/30/18)2,479.00 2,479.00 1,710.86 1,710.86 2050218 05/02/18 18753 HOMEFED VILLAGE III LLC Ref002504087 04/30/18 UB Refund Cst #0000242048 1,642.58 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (3/1/18-3/31/18)21,577.90 21,577.90 2050217 05/02/18 18749 HENSEL PHELPS Ref002504082 04/30/18 UB Refund Cst #0000238829 2050265 05/09/18 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMNTL PLANNING INC 65522 04/13/18 8,644.43 2050168 04/25/18 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMNTL PLANNING INC 65134 04/02/18 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (ENDING 3/25/18)5,844.16 5,844.16 6,564.13 6,564.13 2050167 04/25/18 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMNTL PLANNING INC 64515 02/12/18 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (1/1/18-1/31/18)8,644.43 SEWER RATE STUDY (3/4/18-3/31/18)2,671.75 2,671.75 2050346 05/23/18 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMNTL PLANNING INC 65627 04/25/18 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (ENDING 3/25/18) 2050264 05/09/18 10973 HDR INC 12100114563 04/13/18 192.44 2050166 04/25/18 18436 HAZEN AND SAWYER DPC 200940002 04/04/18 HYDRAULIC MODELING (3/1/18-3/31/18)4,142.50 4,142.50 1,050.00 1,050.00 2050304 05/16/18 18788 HAZARD CONSTRUCTION CO Ref002506837 05/14/18 UB Refund Cst #0000240000 192.44 UB Refund Cst #0000240466 1,458.72 1,458.72 2050303 05/16/18 18778 HARRELL'S LLC DM050818 05/08/18 SALT CREEK SITE ASSESSMENT (4/6/18) 05/01/18 MONOCHLORAMINE ANALYZER SUPPLIES 3,484.49 3,484.49 2050216 05/02/18 18751 HAMANN CONSTRUCTION Ref002504085 04/30/18 1,441.25 10906610 04/04/18 HACH REPAIR 1,441.25 2050345 05/23/18 00174 HACH COMPANY 10941445 AMMONIA & NITRATE SENSOR 13,395.17 13,395.17 2050165 04/25/18 00174 HACH COMPANY 10906609 04/04/18 HACH REPAIR 2050263 05/09/18 00174 HACH COMPANY 10921153 04/16/18 8,909.50 2050262 05/09/18 18235 GROUPWARE TECHNOLOGY INC 65479 04/09/18 DATA CENTER EQUIPMENT 3,237.17 3,237.17 8,909.50 8,909.50 2050215 05/02/18 12907 GREENRIDGE LANDSCAPE INC 16722 03/28/18 LANDSCAPING SERVICES (MAR 2018)8,909.50 UB Refund Cst #0000199364 1,877.91 1,877.91 2050261 05/09/18 12907 GREENRIDGE LANDSCAPE INC 16763 04/17/18 LANDSCAPING SERVICES (APR 2018) 2050302 05/16/18 18784 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO Ref002506832 05/14/18 2050260 05/09/18 17855 GASTELUM, HECTOR 040418042918 05/08/18 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (4/4/08-4/29/18)101.92 101.92 Page 5 of 11 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 4/19/2018 - 5/23/2018 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 21,080.07 17,653.41 15,021.12 15,021.12 CABLE RAMPS 5,651.85 5,651.85 2050224 05/02/18 16255 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT Ben2504131 05/03/18 BI-WEEKLY DEFERRED COMP PLAN 2050176 04/25/18 17679 MOTION INDUSTRIES INC CA05935422 03/28/18 345.00 2050223 05/02/18 16613 MISSION RESOURCE CONSERVATION 388 05/01/18 WATERSMART SERVICES (APR 2018)62.50 62.50 229,072.50 229,072.50 2050271 05/09/18 14038 MILLER SPATIAL SERVICES LLC 1484 04/18/18 GIS DATA INTEGRITY 345.00 870-2 PS INSPECTION SVCS (ENDING 10/1/17)12,917.50 12,917.50 2050352 05/23/18 16608 MICHAEL BAKER INT'L INC 1012711 05/04/18 870-2 PS INSPECTION SVCS (10/2/17-4/29/18) 2050175 04/25/18 16608 MICHAEL BAKER INT'L INC 992282A 03/29/18 83.58 2050222 05/02/18 18744 MERCEDESCELINA PALLARES ACEVES Ref002504077 04/30/18 UB Refund Cst #0000231406 75.00 75.00 70.37 70.37 2050308 05/16/18 18781 MARIA VALDEZ Ref002506829 05/14/18 UB Refund Cst #0000083525 83.58 UB Refund Cst #0000192979 26.96 26.96 2050307 05/16/18 18786 LUZ DIAZDELEON Ref002506835 05/14/18 UB Refund Cst #0000225252 2050221 05/02/18 18740 LILI HURTADO Ref002504073 04/30/18 33,729.75 2050306 05/16/18 15947 LIFESAVER 2385 04/28/18 CPR/FIRST AID/AED REFRESHER TRAINING 3,050.00 3,050.00 57.13 57.13 2050351 05/23/18 15615 LAYFIELD USA CORPORATION E07683 05/01/18 RESERVOIR COVER MAINT (4/11/18-4/25/18)33,729.75 GARDEN TOUR (3/14/18-3/15/18)590.00 590.00 2050305 05/16/18 18783 LARRY MADRIGAL Ref002506831 05/14/18 UB Refund Cst #0000195148 2050270 05/09/18 02063 LA MESA - SPRING VALLEY 4234 05/03/18 1,352.63 2050350 05/23/18 05840 KIRK PAVING INC 6787 05/04/18 PAVING SERVICES 17,007.00 17,007.00 282.00 282.00 2050269 05/09/18 17987 KEH & ASSOCIATES INC OWD111701 04/10/18 WATER RECLAMATION (2/15/18-3/21/18)1,352.63 UB Refund Cst #0000242506 2,046.00 2,046.00 2050174 04/25/18 05217 JONES, DANIEL 041318 04/19/18 PRESCRIPTION GLASSES 2050173 04/25/18 18735 JOHN CANTON Ref002503963 04/17/18 1,837.80 2050172 04/25/18 10563 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 751605 03/27/18 CHLORINE GAS 1,837.80 1,837.80 1,673.00 1,673.00 2050268 05/09/18 10563 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 753697 04/18/18 CHLORINE GAS 1,837.80 SOFTWARE LICENSE 45,900.00 45,900.00 2050220 05/02/18 17106 IWG TOWERS ASSETS II LLC 442418 05/01/18 ANTENNA SUBLEASE (MAY 2018) 136385 05/02/18 BILL PROCESSING SVCS (APR 2018)2,236.45 2050171 04/25/18 18678 INNOVYZE INC USIN012636 04/09/18 BILL PROCESSING SVCS (APR 2018)10,710.89 136155 04/30/18 BILL PROCESSING SVCS (APR 2018)4,706.07 2050349 05/23/18 08969 INFOSEND INC 136156 04/30/18 135143 04/05/18 BILL PROCESSING SVCS (3/6/18)350.00 135144 04/05/18 BILL PROCESSING SVCS (4/5/18)350.00 134861 03/30/18 BILL PROCESSING SVCS (MAR 2018)5,533.02 135084 04/03/18 BILL PROCESSING SVCS (MAR 2018)2,244.32 2050170 04/25/18 08969 INFOSEND INC 134862 03/30/18 BILL PROCESSING SVCS (MAR 2018)12,602.73 Page 6 of 11 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 4/19/2018 - 5/23/2018 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 739.66 11,070.75 COMP & BENEFITS STUDY (DEC 2017)8,000.00205018504/25/18 14776 RALPH ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES INV01103 01/08/18 713.31 2050230 05/02/18 18747 PULICE CONSTRUCTION INC Ref002504080 04/30/18 UB Refund Cst #0000233344 1,400.90 1,400.90 94,069.63 94,069.63 2050229 05/02/18 18697 PULICE CONSTRUCTION INC Ref002504084 04/30/18 UB Refund Cst #0000239869 713.31 DESIGN SERVICES (2/2/18-3/1/18)6,060.25 6,060.25 2050184 04/25/18 00078 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RET SYSTEM Ben2503980 04/19/18 BI-WEEKLY PERS CONTRIBUTION 05/10/18 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUM (ANNUAL)858.09 858.09 2050183 04/25/18 03613 PSOMAS 139317 03/26/18 9,170.75 23134625b 04/25/18 FLOOR COVERING RPLMNT 1,900.00 2050358 05/23/18 07860 PROTECTIVE LIFE INSURANCE CO 2788051018 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMB (4/22/18-4/25/18 1,964.92 1,964.92 2050357 05/23/18 17992 PROSPECTRA CONTRACT FLOORING 23134625R 04/25/18 FLOOR COVERING RPLMNT 2050228 05/02/18 07161 POULIN, WILLIAM 042218042518 04/26/18 425.00 2050356 05/23/18 16029 POTABLE DIVERS INC 18023 04/25/18 RESERVOIR DIVE INSPECTIONS 4,500.00 4,500.00 85.00 85.00 2050355 05/23/18 15081 PINOMAKI DESIGN 5702 05/01/18 GRAPHIC DESIGN 425.00 VEEAM BACKUP & REPLICATION ENT 7,950.00 7,950.00 2050182 04/25/18 15081 PINOMAKI DESIGN 5687 04/02/18 GRAPHIC DESIGN 2050274 05/09/18 13122 PINNACLE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 38305 04/16/18 150.00 2050273 05/09/18 00137 PETTY CASH CUSTODIAN 050818 05/08/18 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 1,039.29 1,039.29 76,010.49 76,010.49 2050227 05/02/18 17680 PERRY, BRANDON 04102018 04/26/18 SAFETY BOOTS 150.00 INVENTORY 977.72 977.72 2050181 04/25/18 18562 PACIFIC WESTERN BANK 403312018 04/09/18 RET/PACIFIC HYDRO A#7533 (ENDING 3/31/18) 04/09/18 870-2 PS REPLACEMENT (ENDING 3/31/18)1,444,199.17 1,444,199.17 2050180 04/25/18 01002 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY INC 321304 03/29/18 380.85 010118051718 05/22/18 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMB (1/1/18-5/17/18)358.81 2050179 04/25/18 06646 PACIFIC HYDROTECH CORPORATION 403312018 ENGINEERING DESIGN (2/1/18-2/28/18)39,492.50 39,492.50 2050354 05/23/18 17527 OTERO, TENILLE 031418 05/22/18 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMB (3/14/18) 2050178 04/25/18 18332 NV5 INC 85779 03/30/18 1,268.00 2050177 04/25/18 07447 NTU TECHNOLOGIES INC 10204 03/28/18 POLYMER 929 TOTE 3,288.53 3,288.53 605.00 605.00 2050272 05/09/18 00761 NINYO & MOORE GEOTECHNICAL 216884 04/17/18 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES (1/27/18-2/23/18)1,268.00 CONDUIT INSTALL AT STEELE CANYON 3,750.00 3,750.00 2050226 05/02/18 18172 NIGHTCODERS 135 04/27/18 WEB CONSULTING 2050353 05/23/18 13690 NEAL ELECTRIC CORP 69049 02/27/18 15,021.12 2050225 05/02/18 18750 NAWFAL ELIAS Ref002504083 04/30/18 UB Refund Cst #0000239740 36.74 36.74 15,021.12 15,021.12 2050309 05/16/18 16255 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT Ben2506881 05/17/18 BI-WEEKLY DEFERRED COMP PLAN 15,021.12 2050224 05/02/18 16255 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT Ben2504131 05/03/18 BI-WEEKLY DEFERRED COMP PLAN Page 7 of 11 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 4/19/2018 - 5/23/2018 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 20,900.00 25,805.20 98,558.87 135,196.67 6,297.32 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)26,837.87 050118 05/01/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)446.95 2050234 05/02/18 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 043018 04/30/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)3,989.86 042518a 04/25/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)1,860.51 050118a 05/01/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)10,408.39 2050280 05/09/18 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 042618 04/26/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)99,577.31 042518c 04/25/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)25,210.97 2050311 05/16/18 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 042518b 04/25/18 042418 04/24/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)28,432.51 051618 05/16/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)31.16 125.00 125.00 2050361 05/23/18 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 050218 05/02/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)70,095.20 ASSESSOR DATA (MAR 2018)125.00 125.00 2050279 05/09/18 02586 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR 201800425 05/04/18 ASSESSOR DATA (APR 2018) 2050189 04/25/18 02586 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR 201800315 04/05/18 136.63 2050233 05/02/18 12470 SAN DIEGO BUSINESS JOURNAL SDBJ2018 03/28/18 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 119.00 119.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2050278 05/09/18 17714 SALMERON, EILEEN 031918042818 05/03/18 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMB (3/19/18-4/28/18)136.63 UB Refund Cst #0000159796 72.79 72.79 2050277 05/09/18 18033 SAFETY-R-US LLC 20180423172 04/23/18 SAFETY TRAINING 2050232 05/02/18 18739 ROBERT PEREZ Ref002504072 04/30/18 LOPS ENGINE REBUILD 16,485.68 064932 04/30/18 LOPS ENGINE REBUILD 9,319.52 2050276 05/09/18 05984 RICK'S MACHINE SHOP 064931 04/30/18 1,592.63 2050310 05/16/18 00521 RICK POST WELD & WET TAPPING 11760 02/08/18 FLOW METER WELDING 1,503.19 1,503.19 17,139.73 17,139.73 2050188 04/25/18 00521 RICK POST WELD & WET TAPPING 11833 04/05/18 WELDING ON C LINE 1,592.63 CAMPO RD SUPP SVCS (1/27/18-2/23/18)527.50 527.50 2050275 05/09/18 08972 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 0060466 04/10/18 CAMPO RD SUPP SVCS (2/24/18-3/30/18) 2050187 04/25/18 08972 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 0060321 03/30/18 12,650.00 2050360 05/23/18 08972 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 17829D9 04/25/18 DESIGN SERVICES (1/27/18-3/30/18)52,025.50 52,025.50 16,870.00 16,870.00 2050359 05/23/18 15647 RFYEAGER ENGINEERING LLC 18078 05/01/18 CORROSION SERVICES (4/1/18-4/30/18)12,650.00 UB Refund Cst #0000231894 36.65 36.65 2050186 04/25/18 15647 RFYEAGER ENGINEERING LLC 18065 04/03/18 CORROSION SERVICES (3/1/18-3/30/18) INV01247 04/06/18 COMP & BENEFITS STUDY (MAR 2018)1,900.00 2050231 05/02/18 18745 RAUL MARTINEZ Ref002504078 04/30/18 INV01045 12/01/17 COMP & BENEFITS STUDY (NOV 2017)4,000.00 INV00993 11/02/17 COMP & BENEFITS STUDY (OCT 2017)2,500.00 INV01135 02/12/18 COMP & BENEFITS STUDY (JAN 2018)4,500.00 Page 8 of 11 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 4/19/2018 - 5/23/2018 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 51,980.31 17,375.57 18,690.17 117.15 117.15 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (THRU 3/31/18)2,870.00 2,870.00 2050316 05/16/18 18789 TJRF ASSOCIATE LLC Ref002506838 05/14/18 UB Refund Cst #0000241525 2050315 05/16/18 15398 TIMMONS GROUP INC 204491 04/09/18 121.51 2050314 05/16/18 18790 TIERRA DATA INC Ref002506839 05/14/18 UB Refund Cst #0000241608 541.07 541.07 801.30 801.30 2050238 05/02/18 18752 THREE ARCH CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Ref002504086 04/30/18 UB Refund Cst #0000241690 121.51 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (APR 2018)46.87 46.87 2050313 05/16/18 14177 THOMPSON, MITCHELL 020118043018 05/15/18 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT (2/1/18-4/30/18) 2050367 05/23/18 14177 THOMPSON, MITCHELL 040118043018 05/14/18 89,409.98 2050366 05/23/18 02376 TECHKNOWSION INC 2812 05/01/18 SCADA CONSULTING SERVICES 8,148.00 8,148.00 4,780.00 4,780.00 2050283 05/09/18 01834 TC CONSTRUCTION CO INC 603312018 04/12/18 HILLSDALE RD PROJECTS (ENDING 3/31/18)89,409.98 COMMUNICATION CONSULTANT (APR 2018)2,500.00 2,500.00 2050282 05/09/18 17704 T&T JANITORIAL INC 20184582 03/31/18 JANITORIAL SERVICES (MAR 2018) 2050365 05/23/18 18376 SVPR COMMUNICATIONS 1213 04/30/18 UNLEADED FUEL 12,001.49 450827 04/26/18 DIESEL FUEL 6,688.68 2050364 05/23/18 10339 SUPREME OIL COMPANY 450826 04/26/18 80.00 2050195 04/25/18 15974 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL 816642318 04/23/18 LIFE INSURANCE AND AD&D 8,731.45 8,731.45 1,400.00 1,400.00 2050363 05/23/18 05755 STATE WATER RESOURCES 0923052118 05/21/18 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL 80.00 SPONSORSHIP 500.00 500.00 2050237 05/02/18 01460 STATE WATER RESOURCES SW0151757 04/26/18 ANNUAL PERMIT FEE (4/1/18-3/31/19) 2050312 05/16/18 04843 SPRING VALLEY KIWANIS 051018 05/10/18 1,582.58 2050194 04/25/18 03516 SPECIAL DISTRICT RISK 62544 04/06/18 PROP & LIAB PROG/PRORATED 1,512.57 1,512.57 26.16 26.16 2050236 05/02/18 18743 SOUTHWESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Ref002504076 04/30/18 UB Refund Cst #0000223579 1,582.58 FLOATING MIXER REPAIRS 1,528.37 1,528.37 2050281 05/09/18 16229 SMITH, TIMOTHY 040118043018 05/08/18 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (APR 2018) 2050193 04/25/18 00258 SLOAN ELECTRIC COMPANY 8103301 03/30/18 21.21 2050192 04/25/18 18396 SIMPSON SANDBLASTING & SPECIAL 303312018 04/03/18 RESRVR COATING/UPGRADES (ENDING 3/31/18)141,262.59 141,262.59 2,990.00 2,990.00 2050235 05/02/18 18748 SHANE GREEN Ref002504081 04/30/18 UB Refund Cst #0000233674 21.21 CAL-ARP PROGRAM UPDATE (MAR 2018)2,990.00 2,990.00 2050362 05/23/18 12421 SCS ENGINEERS 0324289 04/30/18 CAL-ARP PROGRAM UPDATE (APR 2018) 2050191 04/25/18 12421 SCS ENGINEERS 0322680 03/31/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)17,329.07 041618 04/16/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)46.50 2050190 04/25/18 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 032518a 03/25/18 042518 04/25/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)800.85 042318 04/23/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)635.65 041918 04/19/18 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)23,705.94 Page 9 of 11 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 4/19/2018 - 5/23/2018 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 578.01 578.01 20,629.00 2,187.64 2050372 05/23/18 18796 VICTOR FLORES 052218 05/22/18 CLAIM SETTLEMENT 602.00 602.00 1,479.27 1,479.27 2050243 05/02/18 06414 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS Ben2504139 05/03/18 BI-WEEKLY 401A PLAN 2,187.64 BI-WEEKLY DEFERRED COMP PLAN 14,891.76 14,891.76 2050320 05/16/18 06414 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS Ben2506889 05/17/18 BI-WEEKLY 401A PLAN 05/03/18 BI-WEEKLY DEFERRED COMP PLAN 14,917.81 14,917.81 2050319 05/16/18 01095 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS Ben2506887 05/17/18 20,519.00 SD23606 04/01/18 MGMT/INSP (3/1/18-3/31/18)110.00 2050242 05/02/18 01095 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AGENTS Ben2504137 UB Refund Cst #0000233213 31.18 31.18 2050198 04/25/18 08028 VALLEY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SD177610 04/01/18 MGMT/INSP (3/1/18-3/31/18) 2050241 05/02/18 18746 VALENTIN HERNANDEZ Ref002504079 04/30/18 21,865.41 2050371 05/23/18 18517 UTILITY SERVICES ASSOC LLC 125695 04/16/18 2018 LEAK DETECTION SVCS (4/2/18-4/5/18)2,252.16 2,252.16 110.00 110.00 2050197 04/25/18 18517 UTILITY SERVICES ASSOC LLC 125680 04/03/18 2018 LEAK DETECTION SVCS (MAR 2018)21,865.41 PREPAID POSTAGE MACHINE 5,000.00 5,000.00 2050318 05/16/18 06829 US SECURITY ASSOCIATES INC 2150786 04/26/18 PATROLLING SERVICES (APR 2018) 1146600754 04/11/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (4/10/18-5/7/18)79.96 2050370 05/23/18 00350 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 3951052118 05/21/18 1146600733 04/11/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (4/10/18-5/7/18)79.96 1146600745 04/11/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (4/10/18-5/7/18)79.96 1146600720 04/11/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (4/10/18-5/7/18)79.96 1146600726 04/11/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (4/10/18-5/7/18)79.96 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (4/10/18-5/7/18)98.20 1146600737 04/11/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (4/10/18-5/7/18)80.01 2050240 05/02/18 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 1146600750 04/11/18 1146725471 05/08/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (5/8/18-6/4/18)79.96 1146725468 05/08/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (5/8/18-6/4/18)79.96 1146725487 05/08/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (5/8/18-6/4/18)79.96 1146725480 05/08/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (5/8/18-6/4/18)79.96 1146725473 05/08/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (5/8/18-6/4/18)80.01 1146725465 05/08/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (5/8/18-6/4/18)79.96 835.00 835.00 2050369 05/23/18 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 1146725485 05/08/18 PORT. TOILET RENTAL (5/8/18-6/4/18)98.20 UNDERGROUND ALERTS 881.20 881.20 2050196 04/25/18 00427 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 320180498 04/01/18 UNDERGROUND ALERTS 2050368 05/23/18 00427 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 420180488 05/01/18 97.09 2050239 05/02/18 02641 TRANE US INC 38941066 04/09/18 BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEM 12,528.00 12,528.00 117.15 117.15 2050317 05/16/18 18787 TOMAS ALBERTO HERRERA Ref002506836 05/14/18 UB Refund Cst #0000232646 97.09 2050316 05/16/18 18789 TJRF ASSOCIATE LLC Ref002506838 05/14/18 UB Refund Cst #0000241525 Page 10 of 11 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 4/19/2018 - 5/23/2018 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 375.00 375.00 4,233.93 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMB (5/8/18-5/11/18)131.91 131.91 Amount Pd Total:4,387,874.76 Check Grand Total:4,387,874.76 2018020024566 02/01/18 COLOCATION SERVICES (FEB 2018)2,053.21 2050323 05/16/18 03151 ZHAO, MING 050818051118 05/14/18 2,181.19 2050377 05/23/18 18215 ZAYO GROUP LLC 2018050024566 05/01/18 COLOCATION SERVICES (MAY 2018)2,180.72 787.50 787.50 2050202 04/25/18 18215 ZAYO GROUP LLC 2018040024566 04/01/18 COLOCATION SERVICES (APR 2018)2,181.19 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (MAR 2018)787.50 787.50 2050376 05/23/18 08023 WORKTERRA 0087987IN 04/30/18 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (APR 2018) 2050322 05/16/18 08023 WORKTERRA 0087535IN 03/31/18 20,191.20 2050201 04/25/18 18101 WIER CONSTRUCTION CORP 903312018 04/05/18 SEWER REPLACEMENT (3/1/18-3/31/18)383,632.80 383,632.80 7,623.31 7,623.31 2050200 04/25/18 18173 WESTERN ALLIANCE BANK 903312018 04/05/18 RET/WEIR CONST A#2222 (3/1/18-3/31/18)20,191.20 DESKTOP COMPUTERS 9,209.20 9,209.20 2050286 05/09/18 15596 WEBB INFORMATION SYSTEMS 7954 04/18/18 DESKTOP COMPUTERS 12638 04/19/18 BEE REMOVAL 125.00 2050321 05/16/18 15596 WEBB INFORMATION SYSTEMS 7927 04/11/18 BEE REMOVAL 125.00 12616 04/16/18 BEE REMOVAL 125.00 2050285 05/09/18 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 12572 04/10/18 13292 05/02/18 BEE REMOVAL 125.00 13297 05/02/18 BEE REMOVAL 125.00 154.24 154.24 2050375 05/23/18 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 13256 04/26/18 BEE REMOVAL 125.00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (4/3/18-4/27/18)139.52 139.52 2050245 05/02/18 03781 WATTON, MARK 020218032818 04/30/18 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (2/2/18-3/28/18) 2050284 05/09/18 03781 WATTON, MARK 040318042718 05/08/18 1,946.92 2050374 05/23/18 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 568170 03/21/18 ALARM INSTALLATION 33,922.05 33,922.05 35,672.80 35,672.80 2050199 04/25/18 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 570917 04/15/18 ALARM MONITORING (MAY 2018)1,946.92 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,312.50 1,312.50 2050244 05/02/18 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 563523 02/14/18 1296 TANKS SECURITY EQUIP INSTALL 2050373 05/23/18 15597 VILLARREAL, LEONARD H 042718 04/27/18 Page 11 of 11