HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-20 Board Packet 1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING BY TELECONFERENCE 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY September 2, 2020 3:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. PRESENTATION OF CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFIC-ERS’ AWARD OF DISTINCTION FOR MOST INNOVATIVE COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE HYDRO STATION PARTNERSHIP (OTERO) 5. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS FOR THE 2020 “WATER IS LIFE” STUDENT POSTER CONTEST (GRADES K-12) [SALMERON] 6. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 3, 2020 AND SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF JULY 22, 2020 7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURIS-DICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA In lieu of in-person attendance, members of the public may submit their comments on agendized and non-agendized items via email at boardsecretary@otaywater.gov. Public comments submitted will be read into the record at the Board Meeting and the public may continue to watch and listen to meetings. The information on how to watch and listen to the District’s live streaming can be found at this link: https://otay-water.gov/board-of-directors/agenda-and-minutes/board-agenda/ 2 CONSENT CALENDAR 8. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICU-LAR ITEM: a) APPROVE THE ISSUANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO DELLEMC IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $140,241.61 FOR NEW ENTERPISE DATA STORAGE, BUSINESS SERVER HARDWARE, AND SERVICES TO REPLACE EXISTING LEGACY EQUIPMENT b) AWARD A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT TO MURRAYSMITH, INC. FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT OF THE VISTA DIEGO HYDROPNEUMATIC PUMP STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $331,794 c) AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO UNIFIED FIELD SERVICE CORPORATION FOR THE RECYCLED WATER TANK COATING PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $506,252 d) AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO CAPITAL INDUSTRIAL COATINGS, LLC, FOR THE 850-1 & 1200-1 RESERVOIRS INTERIOR/EXTERIOR COATINGS & UPGRADES PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $1,443,000 e) AWARD A PROFESSIONAL AS-NEEDED UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES AGREEMENT TO CALBURTON, INC., IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $600,000 FOR A PERIOD OF THREE (3) FISCAL YEARS (FY), FY 2021 THROUGH FY 2023 (ENDING JUNE 30, 2023) ACTION ITEMS 9. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION a) APPROVE A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION WITH TEAMAN, RAMIREZ, AND SMITH, INC., FOR AUDIT SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 (FAKHOURI) 10. BOARD a) AUTHORIZE THE BOARD PRESIDENT TO RESPOND NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 18, 2020, TO THE SAN DIEGO LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION’S INVITATION FOR ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES AND RE-LATED STAKEHOLDERS TO REVIEW AND SUBMIT COMMENTS TO THE PROPOSALS FROM FALLBROOK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND RAINBOW MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT TO ANNEX TO EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR WHOLESALE WATER SERVICE WITH CONCURRENT DETACHMENT FROM SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY b) DISCUSS THE 2020 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR 3 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 11. FOURTH QUARTER OF FISCAL YEAR 2020 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT (LONG) REPORTS 12. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT a) UPDATE ON DISTRICT’S RESPONSE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC 13. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE 14. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS 15. PRESIDENT’S REPORT/REQUESTS RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 16. CLOSED SESSION a) DISCUSSION RELATING TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) AND PUBLIC SER-VICES [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957] b) LIABILITY CLAIMS [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.95] CLAIMANT: LUIS ESPINOZA DAVALOS AGENCY CLAIMED AGAINST: OTAY WATER DISTRICT c) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS pursuant to California Government Code section 54956.8 Property: SALT CREEK GOLF COURSE 525 HUNTE PARKWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 Agency negotiator: General Counsel Under negotiation: Disposition of Property d) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERN-MENT CODE §54956.9] KESSNER, ET AL. vs. CITY OF SANTA CLARA, ET AL.; CASE NO. 20CV364054, SANTA CLARA COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 4 e) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERN-MENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 17. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION. OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 18. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS 19. ADJOURNMENT All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the District’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available through the District Secretary by contacting her at (619) 670-2280. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to partici-pate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at (619) 670-2280 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on August 28, 2020 I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regular meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 72 hours in advance of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on August 28, 2020. /s/ Susan Cruz, District Secretary 1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS OF THE OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY June 3, 2020 1.The meeting was called to order by General Manager Martinez at 3:30 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present: Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Staff Present: General Manager Jose Martinez, General Counsel Dan Shinoff, General Counsel Jeanne Blumenfeld, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Administration Adolfo Segura, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Asst. Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Director Smith, and seconded by President Croucher and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the agenda. 5.APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETINGS OF MARCH 11, 2020 AND APRIL 1, 2020; AND THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETINGS OF JANUARY 16, 2020 AND MARCH 18, 2020 A motion was made by Director Robak, and seconded by Director Gastelum andcarried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None Agenda Item 6 2 to approve the minutes of the regular board meetings of March 11, 2020 and April 1, 2020; and the special board meetings of January 16, 2020 and March 18, 2020. 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. CONSENT CALENDAR 7. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICULAR ITEM: A motion was made by Director Thompson, and seconded by Director Robak and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve the following consent calendar item: a) APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 TO THE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH PACIFIC HYDROTECH CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,567.00 FOR THE 870-2 PUMP STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT b) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4379 TO CONTINUE WATER AND SEWER AVAILABILITY CHARGES FOR DISTRICT CUSTOMERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 TO BE COLLECTED THROUGH PROPERTY TAX BILLS c) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4380 TO ESTABLISH A REDUCED TAX RATE FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 27 AT $0.0035 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 d) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4383 AMENDING THE DISTRICT’S RESERVE POLICY, POLICY NO. 25, OF THE DISTRICT’S CODE OF ORDINANCES ESTABLISHING A SEWER RATE STABILIZATION FUND; AND APPROVE THE TRANSFER OF $175,000 FROM THE SEWER GENERAL FUND TO THE SEWER RATE STABILIZATION FUND ACTION ITEMS 8. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 3 a)ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4381 CONSENTING THE DISTRICT TO ENTER THE JOINT PROTECTION PROGRAMS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES/JOINT POWERS INSURANCEAUTHORITY (ACWA-JPIA) AND ELECT TO JOIN THE LIABILITY,PROPERTY, AND WORKERS’ COMPENSATION PROGRAMSSPONSORED BY ACWA-JPIA; ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4382 AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR A CERTIFICATE OFCONSENT TO SELF-INSURE WORKERS’ COMPENSATION LIABILITIES;APPROVE MODIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT’S PURCHASING MANUALSECTION 7.2.8, BOARD AUTHORIZED PURCHASES EXCEEDING THE GENERAL MANAGER’S AUTHORITY, TO INCLUDE INSURANCE SERVICES PROVIDED BY ACWA-JPIA; AUTHORIZE THE GENERALMANAGER TO SIGN CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS AS NEEDED FORINSURANCE PROGRAM SERVICES ON BEHALF OF THE DISTRICTWITH THE ACWA-JPIA; AND APPOINT A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ACWA-JPIA BOARD AND AN ALTERNATE Finance Manager Eid Fakhouri indicated that staff is requesting that the Board adopt Resolution No. 4381 consenting for the District to enter the joint protection programs of the Association of the California Water Agencies/Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA-JPIA) and electing to join the liability, property, and workers’ compensation programs sponsored by the Authority. He additionally requested that the Board adopt Resolution No. 4382 authorizing application to the Director of Industrial Relations, State of California for certificate of consent to self-insure workers’ compensation liabilities and approve the modification to Section 7.2.8, “Board Authorized Purchases Exceeding the General Manager’s Authority,” of the District’s Purchasing Manual to include insurance services provided by ACWA-JPIA. Ms. Karen Thesing, Director of Insurance Services for ACWA-JPIA, who assisted the District in the application process with ACWA-JPIA provided a presentation on the insurance services that would be provided by ACWA-JPIA. Please reference Attachment A (Committee Action) to the staff report for the details of Mr. Fakhouri and Ms. Thesing’s presentations. Staff and Ms. Thesing responded to questions and comments from the board. A motion was made by Director Smith, and seconded by Director Thompson and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to approve staffs’ recommendation and appoint Director Thompson as the primary representative to the JPIA-ACWA board and Director Gastelum as the alternate representative: 4 9. BOARD a) DISCUSS OF 2020 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR There was discussion because the COVID-19 situation has stabilized, the District could move from convening monthly special board meetings to returning to meeting monthly on the board’s regularly scheduled meeting day (first Wednesday of each month). Additionally, the COVID-19 updates would continue to be included at the regular monthly board meetings. There was further discussion that the District also has the option to convene an emergency or special board meeting whenever necessary. A motion was made by President Croucher, and seconded by Director Gastelum and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None to cancel the special board meetings for COVID-19 updates and include the updates at the District’s regular board meetings held on the first Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 10. THIRD QUARTER OF FISCAL YEAR 2020 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) REPORT The board waived presentation of the CIP update and concurred to receive and file the report. WORKSHOP 11. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 4384 TO APPROVE THE FY 2020-2021 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET WITH A ZERO PERCENT (0%) RATE INCREASE FOR WATER AND SEWER; APPROVE FUND TRANSFERS FOR POTABLE, RECYCLED, AND SEWER; ADOPT THE SALARY SCHEDULE; AND DIRECT STAFF TO DRAFT AND MAIL SEWER PROPOSITION 218 HEARING NOTICES TO CUSTOMERS OPTIONALLY, ADOPT RESOLUTION NO 4384 TO APPROVE THE FY 2020-2021 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET WITH A HALF (2.9%) OR FULL (5.8%) RATE INCREASE FOR WATER AND A HALF (2.8%) OR FULL (5.6%) RATE INCREASE FOR SEWER WITH THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL ACTIONS: ADOPT THE HALF RATE INCREASE OR FULL RATE INCREASE ALTERNATIVE TRANSFER SCHEDULE; ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 577 AMENDING APPENDIX 5 A WITH THE APPROVED WATER RATE CHANGE, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2021; DIRECT STAFF TO DRAFT AND MAIL WATER RATE INCREASE NOTICES; AND DIRECT STAFF TO DRAFT AND MAIL SEWER PROPOSITION 218 HEARING NOTICES WITH THE PROPOSED FULL-RATE INCREASE ALTERNATIVE OR THE HALF-RATE INCREASE ALTERNATIVE TO CUSTOMERS Chief Financial Officer Beachem indicated that this is the third budget workshop. Staff will cover the operating budget, staffing highlights, materials and maintenance costs, and administrative costs. He reviewed the objectives of the workshop which included: • Presentation of a $97.5 million Operating Budget and $8.5 million CIP Budget for approval • Request approval of the annual fund transfers • Request adoption of the Salary Schedule • Request approval of a 0% water rate increase and 0% sewer rate increase for FY 2021; or alternately approve a full-rate increase and/or half-rate increase • Direct staff to draft and mail sewer Proposition 218 hearing notices Presentations were then provided by staff that included the proposed potable and recycled budget, the sewer budget, PERS and OPEB funding, and each of the Department Chiefs reviewed their department budgets for FY 2021 which was comprised of the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) budget for FY 2021, the CIP plan for the next six (6) years and the details of the operating budget. During the presentations there were questions asked by members of the board and responses were provided by staff. It was discussed due to the unknown financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, staff reviewed all expenses when developing the FY 2021 budget and identified those that could be reduced throughout the District (please reference page 5 of the staff report reviewing the $5.9 million in savings achieved by this review). Staff is proposing a 0% increase for both water and sewer rates and will continue to monitor the District’s budget. If necessary, staff may return to the board in September or October proposing additional savings initiatives and rate modifications. It was noted that had staff proposed rate increases consistent with the District’s historical practice, 100% of the half and full increases would be attributable to water supplier rate increases. The board discussed and supported a half water and sewer rate increase of 2.9% and 2.8% respectively. Director Gastelum stated that he could not justify a rate increase this year when the nation currently has a 30% unemployment rate. President Croucher noted that by implementing a halt rate increase, the District would not need to spike rates next year. A spike in rates is much more difficult for customers to bear financially. Assistant Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen requested that the board: 6 • Adopt Resolution No. 4384 to approve the FY 2020-2021 Operating and Capital Budget with a half rate increase of 2.9% and 2.8% for water and sewer respectively • Approve fund transfers for potable, recycled, and sewer • Adopt Ordinance No. 577 to amend the Code of Ordinances, including Appendix A, with the proposed water and sewer rate increases effective January 1, 2021 • Adopt the Salary Schedule pursuant to CA Code of Regulations 570.5 (CalPERS enforced) • Direct staff to draft and mail water rate increase notices • Direct staff to draft and mail sewer Proposition 218 notices A motion was made by Director Smith, and seconded by Director Thompson and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Robak, Smith and Thompson Noes: Director Gastelum Abstain: None Absent: None to approve staffs’ recommendations. President Croucher left the meeting at 5:19 p.m. due to another commitment. REPORTS 12. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT General Manager Martinez presented information from his report that included an update on the District’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, potable and recycled water purchases, the annual fuel island inspection and recertification, collections and bad debt exposure due to COVID-19, customer calls related to COVID-19, the temporary lower Otay pump station redundancy, the Chula Vista Fire Department conducting training at the Salt Creek property, and the Consumer Confidence Report. Staff responded to comments from Director Smith. 13. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE Director Smith reported that CWA provided an update during their May meeting on their mid-year budget development. He noted that CWA’s water sales were down approximately 12% and staff identified $44.5 million in permanent and temporary savings Due to the rate increases from MWD and CWA seeking to maintain its reserves levels, along with the reduced water sales, CWA’s rate increase was set at 6.3%, which is down from the original estimated 20% increase. He also shared with regard to Fallbrook PUD and Rainbow MWD’s proposal to detach from CWA, the CWA board took a position that LAFCO consider in their review the financial impacts on property tax revenues, the reliance on the Bay Delta, and voting rights at 7 MWD, etc. He lasted reported with regard to water storage that CWA has determined that it would sell 30,000 AF of excess stored water (excess above the three years of stored emergency water supply) before purchasing water which will provide additional cost savings. 14. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS Directors Smith, Thompson, Gastelum and Robak reported that they have submitted their written reports to District Secretary Cruz and that their reports will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. 15. PRESIDENT’S REPORT District Secretary Cruz reported that President Croucher had provided her his report as well and it will be attached to the minutes for today’s meeting. 16. CLOSED SESSION The board recessed to closed session at 5:39 p.m. to discuss the following matters: a) DISCUSSION RELATING TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) AND PUBLIC SERVICES [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957] b) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS pursuant to California Government Code section 54956.8 Property: SALT CREEK GOLF COURSE 525 HUNTE PARKWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 Agency negotiator: General Counsel Under negotiation: Disposition of Property c) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. RAINBOW MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT; CASE NO. 37-2020-00001510-CU-WM-CTL d) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERNMENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. FALLBROOK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; CASE NO. 37-2017-00019348-CU-WM-CTL 17. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION 8 The board reconvened from closed session at 6:17 p.m. and General Counsel Dan Shinoff reported that the board took no reportable actions in closed session. OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 18. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS There were no items scheduled for discussion for the Otay Water District Financing Authority board. 19. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, Vice President Robak adjourned the meeting at 6:18 p.m. ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary 9 Board of Directors Meetings Attended Form Director Name: Gary Croucher Period Covered: From: 5/1/20 To: 5/31/20 Item No. Date Meeting Attended Description 1. 5/1/20 Meeting with GM & Counsel Discuss City of San Diego Recycled Contract 5/1/20 Board Agenda Briefing Met with General Manager Martinez and General Counsels Shinoff and Blumenfeld to review the May Board Meeting Agenda 2. 5/5/20 Meeting with GM & Employee Assoc. Met with General Managers Martinez and the Employee Association representatives 3. 5/6/20 OWD Board Meeting OWD Regular Board Meeting 4. 5/7/20 Meeting with GM & Counsel Discussed a HR matter 5. 5/14/20 Committee Agenda Briefing Met w/ General Manager Martinez to review items that will be presented at the May committee meetings 6. 5/19/20 EO&WR Committee Reviewed and made recommendation on items that will be presented at the June board meeting. 7. 5/20/20 Special Board Meeting Update on impacts of COVID-19 to District operations 8. 5/26/20 CWA Matters Mtg Met with Dir Smith and GM Martinez to discuss CWA matters 9. 5/27/20 Board Agenda Briefing Met with General Manager Martinez and General Counsels Shinoff and Blumenfeld to review the June Board Meeting Agenda Board of Directors Meetings Attended Form Director Name: Tim Smith Period Covered: From: 5/1/20 To: 5/31/20 Item No. Date Meeting Attended Description 1. 5/6/20 OWD Regular Board Meeting Monthly Board Meeting (video conf.) 2. 5/19/20 EO&WR Committee Reviewed items that will be presented at the June Board Meeting (video conf.) 3. 5/20/20 OWD Special Board Meeting Special Board Meeting – COVID-19 Update (video conf.) 4. 5/22/20 Quarterly Meeting Reviewed Quarterly Update with GM (video conf.) 5. 5/26/20 CWA Matters Meeting Discuss CWA Matters (video conf.) 6. 5/27/20 East County Caucus Meeting Discuss East County issues with agencies and CWA (video conf.) 7. 8. 9. 10. -Instructions on Reverse - Board of Directors Meetings Attended Form Director Name:Mitchell Thompson Period Covered: From: 5/1/20 To: 5/31/20 Item No. Date Meeting Attended Description 1.5/6/20 OWD Regular Board Mtg See agenda 2.5/5/20 SCEDC Board Meeting Represent OWD at SCEDC Monthly Board Meeting 3.5/28/20 SD County Water Authority Meeting SDCWA Agenda to discuss budget, rate increases 4.5/18/20 F&A committee meeting Agenda 5.5/20/20 Special Board Meeting Updates on covid-19 6.5/1/20 Bd Presiddnt, GM, Counsel City of SD Recycled Water contract 7.5/20/20 SCEDC Binational Committee Meeting Represent OWD at Meeting 8.5/21/20 CSDA Zoom Mtg Update on regional water issues. Gave an update of Otay’s covid-related issues and heard what other agencies were also doing. 9.5/27/20 CV Chamber Utility subcommittee mtg Represent OWD 10. EXHIBIT B (Director’s Signature) GM Approval: Date: FOR OFFICE USE: TOTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: $ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM Pay To: Hector Gastelum Period Covered: Employee Number: 1860 From: 5/1/2020 To: 5/31/2020 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES DISCUSSED MILEAGE HOME to OWD OWD to HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 5/6 OWD BOARD MEETING 2 5/8 MEETING W-GARY CROUCHER & GM Masks 3 5/14 Quarterly meeting with GM 4 5/20 Emergency Teleconference Meeting of the Board of Directors 5 5/21 CSDA QUARTERLY MEETING Update on regional water issues & received an update fr other agencies on their resp to COVID-19. 6 5/22 Webinar: Integrated Resources Plan- Stakeholder Workshop MWD 7 5/27 Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce monthly meeting 8 5/28 Webinar: Discountinuing Water Service during COVID-19 CSDA 9 10 11 12 13 Total Meeting Per Diem: $1,216 ($152 per meeting) Total Mileage Claimed: miles Mark Robak 7014 From:5/1/2020 5/31/2020 ITEM DATE MEETING PURPOSE / ISSUES MILEAGE HOME TO OWD OWD TO HOME MILEAGE OTHER LOCATIONS 1 5/5/2020 East County Chamber of Commerce Government Afffairs & Infrstraucture Committee 0 0 2 5/6/2020 OWD Board Meeting OWD Monthly Board Meeting 0 0 3 5/7/2020 SD Chamber Sustainability & Industry Committee Monthly meeting 0 0 4 5/18/2020 Finance & Administration Committee Discussed District finance and administration items 0 0 5 5/20/2020 OWD Board Meeting Special Board Meeting to Discuss Coronavirus response 0 0 6 5/21/2020 CSDA Quarterly Meeting Meeting with collegues from other agencies 0 0 7 5/20/2020 MWD IRP Plan Plan for potential water supply reliability challenges and opportunities through 2045 0 0 8 5/28/2020 SDCWA Board Meeting Monthly Meeting 0 0 0 0 $ 1,216 0 Miles GM Receipt: Date: ___________________ Pay To:Period Covered Employee Number Total Mileage Claimed: Director Signature ($152 PER MEETING) Total Meeting Per Diem: OTAY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS PER-DIEM AND MILEAGE CLAIM FORM 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OTAY WATER DISTRICT July 22, 2020 1.The meeting was called to order by General Manager Martinez at 3:00 p.m. 2.ROLL CALL Directors Present:Croucher, Gastelum, Robak (arrived at 3:08 p.m.) Smith and Thompson Directors Absent: None Staff Present: General Manager Jose Martinez, Attorneys Dan Shinoff and Jeanne Blumenfeld, Chief Financial Officer Joe Beachem, Chief of Operations Pedro Porras, Chief of Engineering Rod Posada, Chief of Administrative Services Adolfo Segura, Assistant Chief of Finance Kevin Koeppen, District Secretary Susan Cruz and others per attached list. 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Manager Martinez indicated that he would like to amend the agenda to remove item 5 as a closed session discussion concerning the Salt Creekproperty will not be required. A motion was made by President Croucher, seconded by Director Smith and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Robak to approve the agenda as amended. 5.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURISDICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA No one wished to be heard. 6.APPROVE THE JULY 3, 2020 PURCHASE AGREEEMENT FOR $222,500 FOR THE BUENA VISTA AVENUE PROPERTY IN SPRING VALLEY ANDAUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO OPEN ESCROW TO COMPLETETHE SALE OF THE PROPERTY AGENDA ITEM 6 2 Engineering Manager Bob Kennedy stated that staff is requesting that the Board approve the July 3, 2020 Purchase Agreement offering $222,500 for the Buena Vista Avenue property in Spring Valley. He presented information in the staff report that included the appraisal report prepared by Hendrickson Appraisal Company, Inc. appraising the Buena Vista Ave property at $200,000 and the Purchase Agreement (offering $222,500 for the land). A motion was made by President Croucher, seconded by Director Thompson and carried with the following vote: Ayes: Directors Croucher, Gastelum, Smith and Thompson Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: Director Robak to approve staffs’ recommendation. 7. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Board, President Croucher adjourned the meeting at 3:09 p.m. ___________________________________ President ATTEST: District Secretary STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 2, 2020 PROJECT: P2571 DIV. NO.: ALL SUBMITTED BY: Michael Kerr, Information Technology Manager APPROVED BY: Adolfo Segura, Chief, Administrative Services Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: REPLACEMENT OF ENTERPRISE DATA STORAGE AND BUSINESS SERVER EQUIPMENT GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the issuance of a purchase order to DellEMC in an amount not-to-exceed $140,241.61 for new enterprise data storage and business server hardware and services to replace existing legacy equipment. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see “Attachment A”. PURPOSE: To authorize the purchase of data storage and business server hardware and deployment services necessary to support essential District enterprise business applications. ANALYSIS: The District’s existing enterprise data storage and business server computing hardware is over six (6) years old and has reached the end of its manufactured useful life. This hardware combination is essential to District enterprise computing operations as they are the platform for applications and services, including Eden financial and customer information system, Laserfiche document management system, Cityworks work order system, geographic information system (GIS), SQL databases, video and data archives, AGENDA ITEM 8a data recovery, and day-to-day user network connectivity. Industry best practices recommend storage and server hardware upgrade or replacement every three to five (3-5) years. Although third-party support does exist, it is limited, and annual costs will be higher and replacement parts are not guaranteed to be readily available. Also, given the lifecycle stage of our hardware, the risk or likelihood of hardware failure tends to increase. Replacement of this hardware will continue to support and improve essential enterprise application performance, reliability, sustain data growth needs, and leverage the District’s current technology landscape. In addition, the current data storage hardware lacks mainstream functionalities and features that would make the system more efficient and reliable. Operational and functional improvements of the proposed data storage hardware include performance monitoring and reporting; administration features; server operating system and virtualization interoperability; data cloning, mirroring, and snapshot features. The latter mentioned feature allows for point- in-time recovery in the event of a ransomware attack. Other features include instant backup and recovery; ability to quickly create virtual operating server environments to test, validate, and minimize potential issues prior to go-live or production state; preservation lifecycle or retention cycle policies; real-time mirroring from storage-to-storage device; and cloud storage services for additional disaster recovery redundancies. Finally, the new data storage and server computing hardware will be centrally managed from one console instead of the classic two consoles, which is another key efficiency feature to be gained. The requested data storage and server computing hardware will be operated and maintained by District staff. The 2019 – 2022 Strategic Plan identified the need to “Maintain a reliable, scalable, secure, and high-performing technology infrastructure to support current and future service needs”; to achieve this objective, staff conducted an extensive analysis of current and future storage requirements and developed a list of specifications. In addition, staff evaluated similar technologies from other vendors including Cisco, HP, and VMware. However, DellEMC offered the best fit, unified features, and lowest cost of ownership. As a CIP-budgeted planned purchase, staff solicited quotes from three (3) vendors for the required hardware and services. Based on functional and network requirements, demonstrations, research, and cost, staff recommends selecting DellEMC as the overall best fit and value for the District’s enterprise storage and server replacement. Vendor Item Product Specification/ Description Total Price DellEMC Direct Hyper- Converged Infrastructure (HCI) DELL EMC PowerEdge 740XD (4) $140,241.61 vCore Technology Partners Direct Hyper- Converged Infrastructure (HCI) DELL EMC PowerEdge 740XD (4) $165,120.02 SIDEPATH, Inc. Direct Hyper- Converged Infrastructure (HCI) DELL EMC PowerEdge 740XD (4) $177,917.19 FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Projected purchase is $140,241.61, which will be charged against the Data Center Network Data Storage and Infrastructure Enhancements project, CIP P2571. The Project Manager anticipates, based on financial analysis, that the budget will be sufficient to support this project. The Finance department has determined that 100 percent of the funding is available from the Replacement Fund. STRATEGIC GOAL: These items are in support of the District’s required services and Strategic Plan, which specifically improve the overall operating cost. LEGAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Committee Action Report ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: REPLACEMENT OF ENTERPRISE DATA STORAGE AND BUSINESS SERVER EQUIPMENT COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on August 18, 2020 and the following comments were made: • Staff is requesting that the Board approve the issuance of a purchase order to DellEMC in an amount not-to-exceed $140,241.61 for new enterprise data storage and business server hardware and services to replace existing legacy equipment. • Information was presented from the staff report. • The current design of the District’s server and storage hardware was presented showing the data storage and server as two separate consoles. The proposed new hardware would integrate both the data storage and server into one console (hyper-converged infrastructure) which will be operated and maintained by District staff. • Staff also noted that the District’s current hardware system has a lifespan of four (4) to six (6) years and the new technology (hyper-converged) will have a lifespan of 10 to 12 years. The new technology is also software based and the console would allow for the addition or changing out of any piece of hardware. • A redundant hyper-converged console would also be staged at the District’s co-location facility. The co-location facility provides for backup services in the event the main system at the District’s site goes down due to an emergency/disaster. • In response to an inquiry from the Committee, staff indicated that if this project were delayed a year, the District would risk the existing system going down or not functioning properly. Additionally, the maintenance cost would be higher at approximately $40,000 per year. The new technology would include maintenance for the first three (3) years and in the fourth (4th) year, the annual maintenance cost would be approximately $13,000. The 3- years savings on maintenance would be approximately $120,000 ($40,000 x 3) and, thereafter, the annual savings would be $27,000 ($40,000 - $13,000). Upon completion of the discussion, the Committee supported presentation to the full board on the consent calendar. STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 2, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Jeff Marchioro Senior Civil Engineer PROJECT: P2639-001102 DIV. NO. 5 APPROVED BY: Bob Kennedy, Engineering Manager Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of a Professional Engineering Services Agreement for design and construction support of the Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement Project to Murraysmith, Inc. GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award a professional engineering services agreement to Murraysmith, Inc. (Murraysmith) and authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with Murraysmith for design and construction support of the Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station (Vista Diego HPS) Replacement Project in an amount not- to-exceed $331,794.00 (see Exhibit A for project locations). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a professional engineering services agreement with Murraysmith for design and construction support of the Vista Diego HPS Replacement Project in an amount not-to-exceed $331,794.00. AGENDA ITEM 8b 2 ANALYSIS: The Vista Diego HPS Replacement Project (Project) includes a new pump station to replace the District’s existing hydropneumatic pump station. The entire existing Vista Diego HPS is nearing the end of its useful life. The original 1966 era pump station was retrofitted with a fire pump in the late 1980's, at which time all electrical gear was replaced and a generator was installed. The 1966 era steel hydropneumatic tank interior requires replacement due to corrosion. The existing pump station has an ongoing water quality (entrained air) issue. The existing Vista Diego HPS serves the 1530 Pressure Zone comprised of 6-inch and 8-inch asbestos concrete (ACP) Class 150 piping and approximately thirty-eight (38) small (3/4” to 1”) residential meters and four (4) fire hydrants. The pressure created by the existing Vista Diego HPS exceeds the pressure class of some of the existing distribution system piping, which will be addressed with a future CIP project. The District requires a consulting firm to provide a range of professional services, including architectural, landscaping, hydraulic and surge modeling, potholing, survey, demolition, grading & drainage, structural, mechanical, HVAC, electrical, instrumentation & control, cathodic protection, coatings, and constructability reviews associated with the Project. In accordance with the Board of Directors Policy Number 21, a Request for Proposal (RFP) was advertised on May 13, 2020 using BidSync, the District’s online bid solicitation website, and the Otay Water District’s website. The advertisements attracted Letters of Interest and Statements of Qualifications from nine (9) consulting firms. A Pre-Proposal Meeting was held on June 3, 2020 via Zoom video online conference, which was attended by eight (8) consultants. On July 1, 2020, proposals were received from the following six (6) consulting firms: 1. Richard Brady & Associates, Inc. (San Diego, CA) 2. Gannett Fleming, Inc. (San Marcos, CA) 3. Lee + Ro, Inc. (City of Industry, CA) 4. Murraysmith, Inc. (San Diego, CA) 5. NV5, Inc. (San Diego, CA) 6. Wood Rodgers, Inc. (San Diego, CA) 3 The following firms submitted letters of interest, but did not submit a proposal: Carollo Engineers (San Diego, CA), Psomas (San Diego, CA), and Weston Solutions (Carlsbad, CA). After the proposals were evaluated and ranked by a five-member review panel consisting of Engineering, Operations, and Finance staff, it was determined that four (4) proposals ranked sufficiently close to warrant being invited to make an oral presentation and respond to questions from the panel. After conducting the interviews on July 29, 2020 via Zoom video online conferences, the panel completed the consultant ranking process. The scores for Total Fee were added last and the sum of the scores concluded that Murraysmith had the best approach to the project and provided the best overall value to the District. A summary of the Proposal Ranking is shown in Exhibit B. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budget for CIP P2639, as approved in the FY 2021 budget, is $2,800,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast, are $2,799,794. See Attachment B for the budget detail. Based on a review of the financial budget, the Project Manager anticipates that the budget for CIP P2639 is sufficient to support the Project. The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate model, 100% of the funding is available from the Replacement Fund. GRANTS/LOANS: Engineering staff researched and explored grants and loans and found none available for this Project, but will continue to pursue alternative funding for this project. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." 4 LEGAL IMPACT: None. JM/BK:jf Https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engcip/Shared Documents/P2639 Vista Diego HPS Repl/Staff Reports/09-02-20 Staff Report Consultant Selection for Vista Diego HPS.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Budget Detail Exhibit A – Location Map Exhibit B – Summary of Proposal Rankings ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2639-001102 Award of a Professional Engineering Services Agreement for design and construction support of the Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement Project to Murraysmith, Inc. COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on August 19, 2020 and the following comments were made: • Staff recommended that the Board award a professional engineering services agreement to Murraysmith, Inc. (Murraysmith) for design and construction support of the Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station (Vista Diego HPS) Replacement Project in an amount not-to-exceed $331,794.00. The Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation of this item to the full board on the Consent Calendar. ATTACHMENT B – Budget Detail SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2639-001102 Award of a Professional Engineering Services Agreement for design and construction support of the Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement Project to Murraysmith, Inc. 7/29/2020 Budget 2,800,000 Planning Standard Salaries 40,000 28,967 11,033 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Future As-Needed Environmental Consultant Total Planning 50,000 28,967 21,033 50,000 Design 001102 Standard Salaries 100,000 2,751 97,249 100,000 289,368 289,368 289,368 Murraysmith 20,000 20,000 20,000 Future As-Needed Geotech Consultant 10,000 10,000 10,000 Future Agency Fees2,000 2,000 2,000 Future Reprographics Total Design 409,368 2,751 406,617 409,368 Construction 42,426 42,426 42,426 Murraysmith 1,900,000 1,900,000 1,900,000 Future Construction Contract 76,000 76,000 76,000 Future CM @4% 95,000 95,000 95,000 Future Inspection @5%95,000 95,000 95,000 Future Staff Time @5% 10,000 10,000 10,000 Future Agency Fees 15,000 15,000 15,000 Future Security System 95,000 95,000 95,000 Future Contingency @5% Total Construction 2,328,426 - 2,328,426 2,328,426 Grand Total 2,799,794 31,718 2,768,076 2,799,794 Vendor/Comments Otay Water District p2639-Vista Diego Hydro Pump Station Repl Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost OTAY WATER DISTRICTVista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station ReplacementLocation Map EXHIBIT A CIP P2639F C:\OneDrive\Otay Water District\ENG CIP - Documents\P2639 Vista Diego HPS Repl\Graphics\Exhibits-Figures\Exhibit A-Staff Report !\ VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE NTSDIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ?ò Aä%&s ?p ?Ë F 0 200100 Feet SR-94 CAMPO RD VISTA DIEGO RD PROJECT SITE Qualifications of Team Responsiveness and Project Understanding Technical and Management Approach INDIVIDUAL SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN AVERAGE SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN Cost Proposal*Consultant's Commitment to DBE TOTAL - WRITTEN Additional Creativity and Insight Strength of Project Manager Presentation and Communication Skills Responses to Questions INDIVIDUAL TOTAL - ORAL AVERAGE TOTAL ORAL SCORE WITHOUT FEE TOTAL SCORE 30 25 30 85 85 15 Y/N 100 15 15 10 10 50 50 135 150 Poor/Good/ Excellent Charles Mederos 21 22 24 67 Brandon DiPietro 23 20 23 66 Marissa Dychitan 23 22 22 67 Steve Beppler 21 20 20 61 Jeff Marchioro 21 19 21 61 Charles Mederos 23 23 24 70 Brandon DiPietro 23 22 24 69 Marissa Dychitan 24 23 24 71 Steve Beppler 23 19 23 65 Jeff Marchioro 22 20 23 65 Charles Mederos 26 22 24 72 886830 Brandon DiPietro 25 23 24 72 997732 Marissa Dychitan 26 24 25 75 10 12 7 7 36 Steve Beppler 25 22 25 72 995629 Jeff Marchioro 27 22 24 73 887730 Charles Mederos 25 24 26 75 10 12 8 9 39 Brandon DiPietro 26 23 25 74 13 13 9 8 43 Marissa Dychitan 27 23 25 75 14 13 9 9 45 Steve Beppler 24 21 25 70 12 13 9 8 42 Jeff Marchioro 25 22 24 71 12 13 10 10 45 Charles Mederos 27 25 26 78 11 9 9 10 39 Brandon DiPietro 28 24 27 79 15 13 9 9 46 Marissa Dychitan 28 24 28 80 14 14 9 9 46 Steve Beppler 28 22 26 76 12 12 8 7 39 Jeff Marchioro 28 21 25 74 13 12 8 8 41 Charles Mederos 27 24 25 76 11 10 8 7 36 Brandon DiPietro 27 22 26 75 12 13 7 8 40 Marissa Dychitan 26 23 27 76 11 13 8 8 40 Steve Beppler 24 22 25 71 11 11 8 8 38 Jeff Marchioro 26 21 24 71 13 13 9 8 43 Consultant Proposed Rates Score Brady $390,784 6 Gannett Fleming $380,013 6 * Review Panel does not see or consider cost proposals when scoring other categories. The cost proposals are scored by District staff who is not on Review Panel. Lee & Ro $225,300 15 Murraysmith $331,794 9 NV5 $431,666 3 Wood Rodgers $474,358 1 EXHIBIT BSUMMARY OF PROPOSAL RANKINGS Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement WRITTEN ORAL 74 MAXIMUM POINTS 6Brady REFERENCES COST PROPOSAL SCORING CHART 1 Y 75 YGannett Fleming 68 73 9 NV5 Murraysmith Y Lee & Ro 73 Y Y Wood Rodgers 74 6 64 Y 70 70 74 82 42 88 43 114 77 3 Excellent 15 80 122 119 125 FIRM NOT INTERVIEWED FIRM NOT INTERVIEWED 31 39 64 68 104 116 119 113 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 2, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Kevin Cameron Senior Civil Engineer PROJECTS: R2120-001103 DIV. NO. 3 APPROVED BY: Bob Kennedy, Engineering Manager Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of a Construction Contract to Unified Field Service Corporation for the Recycled Water Storage Tank Coating Project GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award a construction contract to Unified Field Service Corporation (UFSC) and authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with UFSC for the Recycled Water Tank Coating Project in an amount not-to- exceed $506,252.00 (see Exhibit A for Project location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a construction contract with UFSC for the Recycled Water Tank Coating Project in an amount not-to-exceed $506,252.00. AGENDA ITEM 8c 2 ANALYSIS: The Recycled Water Storage Tank is a 430,000-gallon steel tank and located at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility (RWCWRF). The tank has a concrete floor, welded steel shell, and a floating cover. The tank, built in 1979, has had only coating spot repairs performed over the years, most recently in March of 2015. The District’s corrosion consultant maintains a Corrosion Control Program (CCP) that addresses the installation, maintenance, and monitoring of corrosion protection systems for the District’s steel reservoirs and buried metallic piping. The Recycled Water Storage Tank was evaluated in 2015 by HDR. Spot repairs were performed at that time, but as noted in the report, these were a temporary solution until a more extensive coating rehabilitation could be performed. HDR recommended complete removal and replacement of the internal and external coatings. Structural upgrades were also recommended for the overflow and drain pipe. The Project was advertised on June 24, 2020 using BidSync, the District’s online bid solicitation website, on the Otay Water District’s website, and in the Daily Transcript. A Pre-Bid Meeting was held on July 9, 2020, which was attended by five (5) contractors and vendors via an online Zoom meeting. Two (2) addenda were sent out to all bidders and plan houses to address questions and clarifications to the contract documents during the bidding period. Bids were publicly opened online via a Zoom meeting on July 28, 2020, with the following results: CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID AMOUNT 1 Unified Field Services Corporation Bakersfield, CA $506,252.00 2 Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. Los Alamitos, CA $510,150.00 3 Capital Industrial Services, LLC Huntington Beach, CA $543,975.00 4 Abhe & Svoboda, Inc. Alpine, CA $549,280.00 5 Paso Robles Tank, Inc. Hemet, CA $602,750.00 The Engineer's Estimate is $499,000. This Project was bid last year along with the 850-1 Reservoir. Staff recommended to reject all bids because only two (2) bids were received and the low bid was significantly higher than the Engineer’s 3 Estimate. The bid last year was $566,700, which included an additional $49,000 for temporary storage tanks. The tanks will not be needed for this Project since the Chapman Facility will be offline during the Recycled Forcemain AirVac Replacement Project, which is scheduled to start at the end of the year. Staff verified that the bid bond provided by UFSC is valid. Staff will also verify that UFSC’s Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond are valid prior to execution of the contract. A review of the bids was performed by District staff for conformance with the contract requirements and determined that UFSC was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. UFSC holds a Class A, General Engineering, Contractor’s License in the State of California, which meets the contract document’s requirements, and is valid through December 31, 2021. The reference checks indicated a good overall performance record on similar projects. UFSC submitted the Company Background and Company Safety Questionnaires, as required by the Contract Documents. UFSC received two (2) citations and paid a fine for one incident in 2018. The citations were a result of an employee fall from scaffolding. As a result, UFSC updated their Safety Plan and implemented additional training. Staff also confirmed that UFSC is registered with the Department of Industrial Relations, as required by Senate Bill SB 854. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budget for CIP R2120, as approved in the FY 2021 budget, is $700,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast, are $694,532. See Attachment B-1 for the budget detail. Based on a review of financial budget, the Project Manager anticipates the Project will be completed within the budgeted amount. The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate model, 100% of the funding is available from the Replacement Fund. GRANTS/LOANS: Engineering staff researched and explored grants and loans and found none available for this Project. 4 STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." LEGAL IMPACT: None. KC/BK:mlw Https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engcip/Shared Documents/R2120 RWCWRF Filtered Water Storage Tank Improvements/Staff Reports/09-02-2020, Staff Report Recycled Water Tank Coating-KC-BK .docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Budget Detail Exhibit A – Project Location ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: R2120-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to Unified Field Service Corporation for the Recycled Water Storage Tank Coating Project COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on August 19, 2020 and the following comments were made: • Staff recommended that the Board award a construction contract to Unified Field Service Corporation (UFSC) for the Recycled Water Tank Coating Project in an amount not-to-exceed $506,252.00. • In response to a question from the Committee, staff stated that the recycled water tank will be offline for approximately ninety (90) days. • The Committee inquired if staff evaluated the District’s Sewage Flow to Metro versus its Planned Capacity limit agreement with the City of San Diego since the Chapman Facility will be offline for ninety (90) days. Staff indicated that this Project will not impact the District’s sewage capacity limit as the City’s agreement allows the District to exceed its Planned Capacity by 0.38 MGD by 10% for three (3) years. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation of this item to the full board on the Consent Calendar. ATTACHMENT B – Budget Detail CIP R2120 SUBJECT/PROJECT: R2120-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to Unified Field Service Corporation for the Recycled Water Storage Tank Coating Project 7/30/2020 Budget 700,000 Planning Standard Salaries 1,500 968 532 1,500 Regulatory Agency Fees 50 50 - 50 PETTY CASH CUSTODIAN Total Planning 1,550 1,018 532 1,550 Design Standard Salaries 42,000 40,042 1,958 42,000 Service Contracts 11,371 11,371 - 11,371 PSOMAS 46 46 - 46 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION Total Design 53,417 51,459 1,958 53,417 Construction Standard Salaries 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 Construcion Contract 506,252 - 506,252 506,252 CAPITAL INDUSTRIAL COATINGS Service Contracts 15,000 - 15,000 15,000 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 20,000 - 20,000 20,000 COATING INSPECTION 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 WELDING INSPECTION 15,000 - 15,000 15,000 WATCHLIGHT 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 MAYER REPROGRAPHICS 1,500 - 1,500 1,500 CLARKSON LABORATORY Standard Materials 500 - 500 500 STANDARD MATERIALS Project Closeout 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 CLOSEOUT Project Contingency 25,313 - 25,313 25,313 5% CONTINGENCY Total Construction 639,565 - 639,565 639,565 Grand Total 694,532 52,477 642,055 694,532 Vendor/Comments Otay Water District R2120 - RWCWRF Filtered Water Storage Tank Improvements Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost OTAY WATER DISTRICTRALPH W. CHAPMAN WATER RECLAMATION FACILITYRECYCLED WATER STORAGE TANK COATINGLOCATION MAP EXHIBIT A CIP R2120F C:\OneDrive\Otay Water District\ENG OPERATING - Documents\Technician\GIS\Exhibit A - Staff Report.mxd !\ VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE DIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ÃÅ54 ÃÅ125 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ905 §¨¦805 F NTS RECYCLED WATERSTORAGE TANK 0 500250 Feet RALPH W. CHAPMANWATER RECLAMATIONFACILITY CAMPO RD/SR-94 C A M P O R D / S R - 9 4 SIN G E R LN STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 2, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Kevin Cameron Senior Civil Engineer PROJECTS: P2533-001103 P2543-001103 DIV. NO. 3&5 APPROVED BY: Bob Kennedy, Engineering Manager Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of a Construction Contract to Capital Industrial Coatings, LLC for the 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/ Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award a construction contract to Capital Industrial Coatings, LLC (CIC) and Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with CIC for the 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project in an amount not-to-exceed $1,443,000.00 (see Exhibit A for Project location). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a construction contract with CIC for the 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project in an amount not-to- exceed $1,443,000.00. AGENDA ITEM 8d 2 ANALYSIS: The 850-1 Reservoir is a 1.15-million-gallon potable water storage facility that serves portions of Spring Valley. It is one of four (4) steel tanks in the 850 Pressure Zone. The 850-1 Reservoir was originally constructed in 1959 and was last recoated on the interior in 2003 and the exterior in 1995. The 1200-1 Reservoir is a 1.0-million-gallon potable water storage facility that serves portions of Rancho San Diego. The 1200-1 Reservoir was originally constructed in 1994, and it has never been recoated. It is the only storage facility in the 1200 Pressure Zone. Service in the 1200 Pressure Zone will be maintained by the new Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Pump Trailer. The trailer will be located at the 1200-1 Pump Station site and perform as a hydropnuematic pump station to maintain water pressure in the system. The District’s corrosion consultant maintains a Corrosion Control Program (CCP) that addresses the installation, maintenance, and monitoring of corrosion protection systems for the District’s steel reservoirs and buried metallic piping. The CCP included a reservoir maintenance schedule that showed the 850-1 and the 1200-1 Reservoirs are due to be recoated on both the interior and exterior surfaces. An in-service internal and external inspection was performed by Dive/Corr, Inc., which illustrated the interior roof coating was in fair to poor condition with areas of blistering on the shell and floor beneath the waterline. Although the blistering paint is still protecting the steel, blisters in the paint are the beginning signs of failure. The external inspections showed some of the coating in poor to fair condition and had exceeded its useful life. In addition to replacing the coatings and structural upgrades, safety items will be installed to comply with current safety and health requirements. During construction, service in the 850 Pressure Zone will be provided by the 850-2, 850-3, and 850-4 Reservoirs, and as previously described, service in the 1200 Pressure Zone will be maintained by the VFD Pump Trailer. In addition to the interior and exterior coating removal/replacement, the recommended structural upgrades are as follows: replace the existing level indicator, install new fall prevention devices on the exterior ladder, modify anode access ports, replace all cathodic anodes, replace the roof vent, install new safety cable lanyards for roof access, and add multiple tank penetrations for chlorination and sampling. These upgrades will ensure compliance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standards for both Federal (OSHA) and State (Cal-OSHA) as well as upgrade antiquated equipment on the tank. 3 The Project was advertised on June 16, 2020 using BidSync, the District’s online bid solicitation website, on the Otay Water District’s website, and in the Daily Transcript. A Pre-Bid Meeting was held on June 30, 2020, which was attended by ten (10) contractors and vendors via an online Zoom meeting. Three (3) addenda were sent out to all bidders and plan houses to address questions and clarifications to the contract documents during the bidding period. Bids were publicly opened online via a Zoom meeting on July 9, 2020, with the following results: CONTRACTOR TOTAL BID AMOUNT CORRECTED BID AMOUNT 1 Capital Industrial Coatings, LLC Huntington Beach, CA $1,443,000.00 2 Unified Field Services Corporation Bakersfield, CA $1,507,289.00 $1,507,069.00 3 Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. Los Alamitos, CA $1,550,830.00 4 Spiess Construction Co., Inc. Santa Maria, CA $1,753,785.00 5 Paso Robles Tank, Inc. Hemet, CA $1,769,149.00 6 Abhe & Svoboda, Inc. Alpine, CA $2,455,200.00 The Engineer's Estimate is $1,551,000. A review of the bids was performed by District staff for conformance with the contract requirements. During the review of the bids, staff noted that the number 2 bidder, Unified Field Services Corporation (UFSC), had a calculation error on Bid Item 3.2. The corrected bid price is shown above. The lowest bidder, CIC, holds a Class C-33 contractor’s license as required by the contract documents. The reference checks indicated a very good to excellent performance record on similar projects. An internet background search of the company was performed and revealed no outstanding issues with this company. On July 10, 2020, the District received a Bid Protest from Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. (AIS), which stated that both CIC and Unified Field Services Corporation should be considered non- responsive (Exhibit B). AIS’ Bid Protest alleged that neither firm had “the 5 years practical experience and successful history in the application of specified products to surfaces of steel structures and tanks as required in bid specifications, section 09905-1.7A1.” The Specification 09905, Reservoir Coatings, Paragraph 1.7.A.1 provides: 4 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS 1. The CONTRACTOR shall be a California licensed Painting and Decorating Contractor (C-33 Classification) or better and shall have a minimum of five (5) years practical experience and successful history in the application of specified products to surfaces of steel structures and tanks. As part of the Bid Protest evaluation process, staff forwarded AIS’ Bid Protest to CIC and UFSC requesting a formal response. CIC responded on July 16, 2020 (Exhibit C), and UFSC responded on July 30, 2020 (Exhibit D). Staff reviewed both responses and completed an evaluation of the Bid Protests submitted by AIS. Staff determined that the submitted Bid Protest is without merit and the low bidder, CIC, has the experience and expertise to complete the Project. In addition, CIC is currently completing a steel water tank coating for Vallecitos Water District (Vallecitos). The District has had discussions with Vallecitos’ Project Manager (PM) who stated CIC has done a good job so far with only one minor change order. The PM also stated that Vallecitos uses a third-party coating inspector who oversees the execution of the work and ensures that the contractor follows the specifications as well as meets the strict coating requirements. As a reminder, the District also uses a third-party coating inspector. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The total budget for CIP P2543, as approved in the FY 2021 budget, is $1,270,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast, are $1,079,354. See Attachment B-1 for the budget detail. The total budget for CIP P2533, as approved in the FY 2021 budget, is $1,275,000. Total expenditures, plus outstanding commitments and forecast, are $1,039,833. See Attachment B-2 for the budget detail. Based on a review of both financial budgets, the Project Manager anticipates the Project will be completed within the budgeted amounts. The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate model, 100% of the funding is available from the Replacement Fund. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency 5 by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." LEGAL IMPACT: Addendum No. 2 to the Contract Documents for the 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Project, dated June 30, 2020, specifies the procedure for bid protests (see Exhibit E). Section 3.3 states how a bid controversy for this Project must be resolved. It gives the Board the right to consider the merits of any timely protests, either accept or reject the protest, and award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. The Board is also entitled to reject all bids. An unsuccessful bidder may seek a writ of mandate from a state court to prevent an award to other than the lowest responsible bidder. (Civ. Proc. Code, § 1085) Section 3.3 provides as follows: RESOLUTION OF A BID CONTROVERSY The District shall review all timely protests prior to awarding a bid. The District shall not be required to hold an administrative hearing to consider a timely protest, but may do so at its option. At the time of the consideration of the award of the bid, the District shall also consider the merits of any timely protests. The District may either accept the protest and award the bid to the next lowest responsible bidder or reject the protest and award to the lowest responsible bidder. Nothing in this policy shall be construed as a waiver of the District’s right to reject all bids. KC/BK:mlw C:\OneDrive\Otay Water District\ENG CIP - Documents\P2533 & P2543 - 1200-1 & 850-1 Reservoir Int-Ext Coating\Staff Reports\BD 09-02-2020 Staff Report 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoir Coating.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B-1 – Budget Detail – CIP P2543 Attachment B-2 – Budget Detail – CIP P2533 Exhibit A – Project Location for 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Exhibit B - Bid Protest from Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. Exhibit C – CIC’s response to Bid Protest Exhibit D - UFSC’s response to Bid Protest Exhibit E - Addendum No. 2 to the Contract Documents ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2533-001103 P2543-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to Capital Industrial Coatings, LLC for the 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/ Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on August 19, 2020 and the following comments were made: • Staff recommended that the Board award a construction contract to Capital Industrial Coatings, LLC (CIC) for the 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project in an amount not-to-exceed $1,443,000.00. • In response to a question from the Committee, staff stated that the Bid Protest received from Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. (AIS) was reviewed by the District’s Legal Counsel. It was determined that the Bid Protest is without merit and the low bidder, CIC, has the experience and expertise to complete the project. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation of this item to the full board on the Consent Calendar. ATTACHMENT B-1 – Budget Detail CIP P2543 SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2533-001103 P2543-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to Capital Industrial Coatings, LLC for the 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/ Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project 7/22/2020 Budget 1,270,000 Planning Standard Salaries 9,571 9,571 - 9,571 Service Contracts 1,850 1,850 - 1,850 HDR ENGINEERING INC 4,275 4,275 - 4,275 WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC 50 50 - 50 PETTY CASH CUSTODIAN Total Planning 15,746 15,746 - 15,746 Design Standard Salaries 40,000 35,695 4,305 40,000 Service Contracts 46 46 - 46 DAILY JOURNAL CORP 2,090 2,090 - 2,090 WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC Total Design 42,136 37,831 4,305 42,136 Construction Standard Salaries 120,000 357 119,643 120,000 Construcion Contract 746,640 - 746,640 746,640 CAPITAL INDUSTRIAL COATINGS Service Contracts 35,000 - 35,000 35,000 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 COATING INSPECTION 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 WELDING INSPECTION 20,000 - 20,000 20,000 WATCHLIGHT 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 MAYER REPROGRAPHICS 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 CLARKSON LABORATORY Equipment Charge 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 EQUIPMENT CHARGE Standard Materials 500 - 500 500 STANDARD MATERIALS Project Closeout 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 CLOSEOUT Project Contingency 37,332 - 37,332 37,332 5% CONTINGENCY Total Construction 1,021,472 357 1,021,115 1,021,472 Grand Total 1,079,354 53,934 1,025,420 1,079,354 Vendor/Comments Otay Water District P2543 - 850-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost ATTACHMENT B-2 – Budget Detail CIP P2533 SUBJECT/PROJECT: P2533-001103 P2543-001103 Award of a Construction Contract to Capital Industrial Coatings, LLC for the 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/ Exterior Coatings & Upgrades Project 7/22/2020 Budget 1,275,000 Planning Standard Salaries 20,000 19,038 962 20,000 Service Contracts 1,850 1,850 - 1,850 HDR ENGINEERING INC 19,255 19,255 - 19,255 HAZEN AND SAWYER DPC 50 50 - 50 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Total Planning 41,155 40,193 962 41,155 Design Standard Salaries 30,000 7,563 22,437 30,000 Service Contracts - - - - Total Design 30,000 7,563 22,437 30,000 Construction Standard Salaries 120,000 - 120,000 120,000 Construcion Contract 696,360 - 696,360 696,360 CAPITAL INDUSTRIAL COATINGS Service Contracts 35,000 - 35,000 35,000 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 COATING INSPECTION 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 WELDING INSPECTION 20,000 - 20,000 20,000 WATCHLIGHT 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 MAYER REPROGRAPHICS 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 CLARKSON LABORATORY Equipment Charge 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 EQUIPMENT CHARGE Standard Materials 500 - 500 500 STANDARD MATERIALS Project Closeout 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 CLOSEOUT Project Contingency 34,818 - 34,818 34,818 5% CONTINGENCY Total Construction 968,678 - 968,678 968,678 Grand Total 1,039,833 47,756 992,077 1,039,833 Vendor/Comments Otay Water District P2533 - 1200-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Committed Expenditures Outstanding Commitment & Forecast Projected Final Cost OTAY WATER DISTRICT850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/Exterior Coating & UpgradesLocation Map EXHIBIT A CIP P2543 F C:\OneDrive\Otay Water District\ENG CIP - Documents\P2533 & P2543 - 1200-1 & 850-1 Reservoir Int-Ext Coating\Graphics\Exhibits-Figures\Exhibit A -Staff Report.mxd ÃÅ94 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ94 0 2,7001,350 Feet V I S T A HILLSDALE RD J A M A C H A !\ VICINITY MAP 1200-1 RES DIV 5 DIV 1 DIV 2 DIV 4 DIV 3 ÃÅ54 850-1 RES !\ ÃÅ125 ÃÅ94 ÃÅ905 §¨¦805 FNTS SR-94 / CAMPO RD 850-1 Reservoir 1200-1 Reservoir JAMACHA RD GRANDE RD BLVD CIP P2533 Capital Industrial Coatings, LLC. 312.508.5085 Main 141 East 141st Street 312.508.5087 Fax Hammond, Indiana 46327 REFERENCES Nick Kristobak Tom Burns Matrix Services Phillips 66 (714)348-3274 (909)262-4439 nkristobak@matrixservice.com Tom.burns@contractor.p66.com Mike Lemmon Graham Wendt Calpine Corporation McDermott/CBI (707)431-6991 (425)249-5719 mlemmon@calpine.com Graham.wendt@mcdermott.com Mark Dawson John French Arvin-Edison Water District Orange County Sanitation District (661)854-5573 (714)861-2637 mdawson@aewsd.org jfrench@ocsd.com Joel Steinberg Matt Moss Jones Lang LaSalle FH Paschen (312) 228-3923 (773) 444-3474 Joel.Steinberg@am.jll.com mmoss@fhpaschen.com Atul Sumra Michael Grant Matrix NAC Pepper Construction (419)392-6242 (847) 343-2974 Atul.sumra@matrixnac.com mgrant@pepperconstruction.com Thomas Chakos Golf Construction LLC (219) 933-3420 tomchakos@golfconstruction.net Customer Location Job Name Approximate Value Duration Enbridge Various Locations Tank Coatings $2,000,000 2020 Vallecitos Water District SanMarocs, CA North Twin Oaks Tank No. 1 Refurbishment $446,000 2020 Marathon Logistics Wilmington/Carson, CA Tank Coatings $200,000 2020 Arvin-Edison Water District Arvin, CA 4 Standpipe Tanks $59,000 2020 Orange County Sanitation District Huntington Beach, CA Pipelines Coating Repairs $72,000 2020 Jones Lang LaSalle Chicago, IL Old Post Office Lead Abatement - Phase 2 $12,648,000 2018-2020 Phillips 66 Los Angeles, CA Tank Painting $1,532,000 2018-2020 Pepper Construction Chicago, IL Wrigley Field Renovations Lead Abatement & Painting $10,290,000 2017-2019 IDOT Chicago, IL Various Bridge Projects $2,369,000 2019 Skyway Concession Company Chicago, IL Stony Island Ramps Cleaning & Painting $2,186,000 2019 F.H. Paschen Chicago, IL Various Bridge Projects $1,807,000 2019 Chicago Department of Transportation Chicago, IL Various Bridge Projects $1,025,000 2019 Enbridge Griffith, IN/Manhattan, IL Griffith Tank 72 & Manhattan Tank 2 $965,000 2019 Seaworld of Texas San Antonio, TX Orca Pool Refurbishment $840,000 2018-2019 Matrix Service Tacoma, WA US Oil Tank 80015 & 80020 $466,000 2018-2019 BP Whiting Refinery Whiting, IN Tanks 3611, 3614 & 3919 $510,000 2019 Calpine Middletown, CA Geysers Units $329,000 2019 Colfax Corporation Chicago, IL Old Post Office Lead Abatement $3,011,000 2017-2018 Mack Construction Chicago, IL Various IDOT and CDOT Cleaning & Painting Projects $715,000 2018 Golf Construction Chicago, IL Amtrak Parking Garage-Blasting & Painting/Other Coatings $590,000 2017-2018 CA Department of Transportation Wilmington, CA Bridge Painting $12,228,000 2015-2017 IL Department of Transportation Various Locations Bridge Painting $5,379,000 2015-2017 Shawn Claypool Project List 2015-2020 Customer Location Job Name Approximate Value Duration Shawn Claypool Project List 2015-2020 Walt Disney World Orlando, FL Living Seas Water Tanks and Pool Coatings Projects $2,259,000 2015-2017 Phillips 66 Wilmington, CA /Torrence, CA Tank Painting $1,973,000 2015-2017 AES Los Alamitos, CA/Huntington Beach, CA/Redondo Beach, CA Maintenance Painting and Condensor Cleaning $1,711,000 2015-2017 Calpine Middletown, CA Maintenance Painting $787,000 2015-2017 Sea World San Diego, CA Pool Painting $523,000 2015-2017 Plains All American Pipeline Various Locations Tank and Maintenance Painting $515,252 2015-2017 Kinder Morgan Las Vegas, NV Tank LV554 $305,000 2015-2017 Matrix SME Various Locations Coatings Projects for Enbridge, P66, Olin, Chevron &Kinder Morgan $8,174,000 2015-2016 Southern CA Edison Mountainview, CA Maintenance Painting $433,000 2015-2016 CBI Services Martinez, CA/Honolulu, HI Shell Refinety Tank Painting and Hawaii WWTF Digester $1,873,000 2016 Ivey's Construction Kennedy Space Center, FL VAB Fire Supression Water Supply System Tank $695,000 2016 CW Roen Construction Yorba Linda, CA MWD Diemer East Filter Rehab Project $424,000 2016 NRG California Etiwanda, CA Maintenance Paitning $242,000 2016 MECCON Industries Chicago, IL Areo Chicago O'Hare NE Fuel Tank $230,000 2016 JF Shea Construction LaVerne, CA Weymouth WTP Filter Rehab Upgrades $100,000 2016 F.H. Paschen Various Locations Various Bridge Project for the CTA $3,448,000 2015 Illinois State Toll Highway Authority Various Locations Bridge Painting $3,172,000 2015 BP U.S. Pipelines & Logistics Various Locations Tank Painting and Linings $2,129,000 2015 KOA Constructikon Rancho Palos Vendes, CA McCarroll Canyon Pipe $497,000 2015 Irwin Industries Carson, CA Tesoro Tank Painting $166,000 2015 Curtin Maritime Long Beach, CA Long Beach Harbor Barge Water Tanks $141,000 2015 Customer Location Project Value Year P66 Wilmington TK 170 $145,000 2019 P66 Wilmington TK 28 $255,000 2019 P66 Wilmington 2 Tanks $110,000 2019 P66 Wilmington TK 328 $350,000 2019 P66 Wilmington TK 303 $61,000 2018 P66 Wilmington TK446 $55,000 2018 Enbridge Griffith Tank #79 $1,130,000 2018 Plains LA Basin Various TKS $475,000 2018 Valero Wilmington TK 9009 $684,000 2018 Valero Wilmington TK 9003 $280,000 2018 Marathon El Paso TK 513 $110,000 2018 Marathon El Paso TK 190 $254,000 2018 P66 Carson Waterborne Crude Tk $1,258,000 2017 CBI/ McDermott Honolulu WTP Egg Shaped Digester 1 $1,754,000 2017 CBI/ McDermott Shell Martinez WB Crude Tk - 17597 $584,000 2017 Edison Mountainview GS 2 TKS $480,000 2017 Chevron Huntington Beach TK471 $124,000 2017 Valero Wilmington TK 80001 $480,000 2017 Marathon El Paso TK 803 $480,000 2017 Enbridge Stockbridge Tank #81 $25,000 2017 Enbridge Griffith Tank #71 $750,000 2017 Enbridge Hartsdale Tank #1609 $23,000 2017 Enbridge Cushing Tanks #2231 & 2233 $2,400,000 2017 Enbridge Manhattan Tank #1 $670,000 2017 CBI/ McDermott Honolulu WTP Egg Shaped Digester 2 $1,340,000 2016 CBI/ McDermott Shell Martinez WB Crude Tk - 17596 $584,000 2016 Shell Martinez TK 537 $145,000 2016 Enbridge Patoka Tank #5350 $594,000 2016 Enbridge Cushing Tank #5351 $549,000 2016 Enbridge Griffith Tank #77 $884,000 2016 Matrix SME Flanagan Tank # 19 $1,234,000 2016 Enbridge Cushing Tank # 1453 $550,000 2016 Matrix SME Stockbridge Tanks # 84,85,& 86 $3,450,000 2016 CBI/ McDermott Shell Martinez WB Crude Tk - 17595 $584,000 2015 Shell Martinez TK 1128 $227,000 2015 Matrix Portland 5 TKS $850,000 2015 Chevron Huntington Beach TK476 $85,000 2015 Matrix SME Flanagan Tanks # 12,13,&18 $3,100,000 2015 Enbridge Flanagan 2015 Maintenance $480,000 2015 Matrix SME Flanagan Pipe Manifolds $135,000 2015 Enbridge Cushing Tank # 3334 $330,000 2015 Matrix SME Flanagan Tanks # 10,13,&16 $2,800,000 2014 Enbridge Flanagan 2014 Maintenance $420,000 2014 Matrix SME Flanagan Tanks # 11,14,&17 $2,600,000 2013 Enbridge Flanagan 2013 Maintenance $1,000,000 2013 Enbridge Superior Tank # 1 $450,000 2013 Enbridge Cushing Tank # 3013 $300,000 2012 Enbridge Cushing Tank # 3331 $240,000 2012 Enbridge Patoka Tank # 5347 $500,000 2012 Enbridge Flanagan Tank # 2 $35,000 2012 Enbridge Cushing Tanks # 1030 & 3356 $280,000 2010 Enbridge El Dorado Tank # 4155 $35,000 2010 Enbridge Cushing Tank # 2223 $160,000 2010 Enbridge Flanagan Tank # 1405 $500,000 2008 Enbridge Patoka 2 Tanks $460,000 2007 Enbridge Flanagan Tank # 1402 $650,000 2007 Tank Work Experience Carboline Date: July 16, 2020 To: Shawn Claypool Vice President Capital Industrial Coatings (CIC) Subject: Capital Qualified Applicator for Carboline Materials – Otay Water Reservoir Project 850-1 and 1200-1 Upgrades Shawn, This letter is to confirm that Capital Industrial Coatings (CIC) is an applicator in good standing and extensive experience with the application and installation of Carboline High Performance Coating Systems. This includes application of our Plasite, Phenoline and Semstone Series Products as well as 100% Solids Plural Applied Products, 100% Solids Urethane Systems such as our Reactamine and Polyclad lines, Carboline Potable Water Systems including Carboguard 891VOC and Phenoline Tank Shield as well as both our Pyrocrete Cementitious and the Thermo-lag intumescent Fireproofing Systems. The current primary paint crew for Capital is the core crew that came from Industrial Coatings and Fireproofing (ICF). This application crew has averaged 5 to 10 industrial lining applications with Carboline systems per year for almost 10 years and has extensive knowledge and experience with industrial coating applications. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me, Sincerely, Kyle J Smith | Sr. Technical Sales NACE Certified Coatings Inspector Level III #15655 Carboline | Coatings Linings and Fireproofing 5533 Brooks St | Montclair, CA 91763 Cell: 310-944-5078 | Fax: 310-693-2630 Customer Service: 800-848-4645 Ksmith@carboline.com Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Office 661-858-8223 Class “A”, “B”, “C-33” & “C-10” Licensed Contractor CA License # 1009928 CA DIR # 1000042614 NV License # 0083382 AZ License # 318827 RE: Protest of Award of the 850-1 and 1200-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Project (CIP P2543 & P2533). Unified Experience. Response to AIS Letter stating that Unified does not meet the requirements listed in Section 09905 – 1.7 A 1 QUALITY ASSURACNE of the Bid Specifications: The CONTRACTOR….. shall have a minimum of five (5) years practical experience and successful history in the application of specified products to surfaces of steel structures and tanks. 1. Chad Johnson RME has the C-33 Classification. Please see attached license. Meets 1.7 A1 2. Please see attached work history showing five plus years of practical experience and successful history in the application of specified products to surfaces of steel structures and tanks. References included. Meets 1.7 A1 3. Please also summary of employees and principals for additional information. Meets 1.7 A1 4. Total continuous practical experience and successful history in the application of specified products to surfaces of steel structures and tanks of the company principal and General A license holder Wesley Furrh Jr. exceeds ten (10) years. Meets 1.7 A1 5. Total continuous practical experience and successful history in the application of specified products to surfaces of steel structures and tanks of the companies C-33 License holder Chadwick Johnson exceeds twenty (20) years. Meets 1.7 A1 Unified Field Services Background Wesley Furrh Jr. – Unified Field Services Corporation President Wesley Furrh Jr. was previously the principal owner of NTS Inc. a non-union General Contractor. Mr. Furrh Jr. ceased operation of NTS Inc. in 2016 to form a union labor company Unified Field Services Corporation. • Class A License 1009928 Unified Field Services Corporation. C-33 License. C-10 License. • Class A License 818364 NTS Inc. Issued 3/26/2003. NTS Inc. performed C-33 work and carried that license. • Unified Field Services Corporation – 2015 to present. Relevant project list and references attached. • NTS Inc. 2003-2016. Relevant project list and references attached. Chad Johnson – Division Manager (Resume Attached) Shawn Davisson – Health Environmental Safety Manager (Resume Attached) Juan Cruz – QA/QC Manager – General Foreman (Resume Attached) Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Office 661-858-8223 Class “A”, “B”, “C-33” & “C-10” Licensed Contractor CA License # 1009928 CA DIR # 1000042614 NV License # 0083382 AZ License # 318827 Jeff Jones -Superintendent (Resume Attached) Antonio Castaneda – Foreman (Former AIS Employee 2005 to 2018) Unified Practical Experience Supervisor and performed industrial coating work on the following projects detailed on the Unified project summary among others: • Pebble Beach Community Service District • Las Vegas Valley Water District • Placer County Water Authority, Loomis • Placer County Water Authority, Rocklin • Sacramento County Elk Grove, CA • Fisher Tank, Stockton CA Previous Practical Experience AIS employee from 2005 to 2019. Foreman and Supervisor 2009 – 2019. Performed industrial blasting and coating on interior and exterior steel tanks for multiple water districts including Cal Water, West Kern Water, Antelope Valley, El Dorado and many others. Blasting and coating tanks, vessels, pipes, elevated tanks, valves, concrete containments etc. Worked on PAALP, Kinder Morgan, BP Arco, Chevron Refineries, Aera Energy, Chevron Oil, CRC, Occidental Petroleum, Conoco North Slope Alaska, BP North Slope Alaska. Potable Water tanks, agricultural tanks, oil and gas tanks and vessels, structural steel, fuel storage tanks. Elevated Tank Practical Experience Worked on 2 elevated tank projects in Chico, CA in 2009. 1 elevated tank in Sacramento in 2010. 2 x elevated tanks at Aera Energy, Dehy Twenty 2008-2010. Qualification/Certifications • NACE CIP Level II coating inspector • CA Lead Worker • Scaffold User • Aerial Lift • Fall Protection • Confined Space Supervisor • First Aid/CPR Albert Gomez – Foreman Unified Practical Experience Supervisor and performed industrial coating work on the following projects detailed on the Unified project summary among others: • City of Livermore Potable Water Tank • City of Livingston • City of Delano • Georgetown Divide Public Utility District Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Office 661-858-8223 Class “A”, “B”, “C-33” & “C-10” Licensed Contractor CA License # 1009928 CA DIR # 1000042614 NV License # 0083382 AZ License # 318827 • Placer County Water Authority, Loomis • Placer County Water Authority, Rocklin • Fisher Tank, Stockton CA Previous Practical Experience • TRB Foreman 2016-2018. Worked as Foreman and industrial coater including a project - 3 x elevated tank projects at Nellis Air Force Base. • NTS Inc. Industrial blaster/painter and Foreman 2012-2016. Qualification/Certifications • Lead C5 • CA Lead Worker • Scaffold User • Aerial Lift • Fall Protection • Confined Space Supervisor • OSHA 30 • First Aid/CPR Alfonso Reyes Barajas – Journeyman Coater (Former AIS Employee 2008 to 2018) Unified Practical Experience Performed industrial coating work on the following projects detailed on the Unified project summary among others. • Pebble Beach Community Service District • Las Vegas Valley Water District • DWR Devil Canyon Penstock Qualification/Certifications • CA Lead Worker • Scaffold User • Aerial Lift • Fall Protection • Confined Space Entrant and Attendant Noe Valadez – Journeyman Coater (Former AIS Employee 2008 to 2018) Unified Practical Experience Performed industrial coating work on the following projects detailed on the Unified project summary among others. • Pebble Beach Community Service District • Las Vegas Valley Water District • DWR Devil Canyon Penstock Qualification/Certifications Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Office 661-858-8223 Class “A”, “B”, “C-33” & “C-10” Licensed Contractor CA License # 1009928 CA DIR # 1000042614 NV License # 0083382 AZ License # 318827 • CA Lead Worker • Scaffold User • Aerial Lift • Fall Protection • Confined Space Entrant and Attendant California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company __ _ Project Owner: Pebble Beach Community Service District 3101 Forest Lake Road. Pebble Beach, California 93953 Project Contact: Nick Becker nbecker@pbcsd.org Contact Phone Number: 530.680.1618. Project Description: 2.5MG - 115’D X 32’H Potable Water Tank Full Interior and Exterior Coating. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Full Interior Coating System Applied: Primer Coat of Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646PW applied @ 3-4 mils DFT. Topcoat of Sherwin Williams Sherplate PW applied @ 25-30 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Exterior Surface Preparation – Pressure Wash @ 5,000 P.S.I., SSPC SP3 and SP11. Full Exterior Coating System Applied: Spot Prime Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646, Full Intermediate Coat of Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646PW applied @ 5-10 mils DFT and Full Topcoat Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Project Value: $950,000.00 Project Completion: May 2020. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company __________________ Project Owner: Las Vegas Valley Water District 1001 S. Valley View Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada 89153 Project Contact: Chris Helda Chris.Helda@lvvwd.com Contact Phone Number: 702.218.9213. Project Description: 1MG - 104’D X 32’H Potable Water Tank Interior Floor and Lower 3’ of Shell Re-Coating. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Shell/Floor – Sherwin Williams Poly-Cote 115 applied @ 225-250 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Project Value: $95,500.00 Project Completion: May 2020. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company Project Owner: Las Vegas Valley Water District 1001 S. Valley View Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada 89153 Project Contact: Keith Cooper Keith.Cooper@lvvwd.com Contact Phone Number: 702.271.9012. Project Description: 2MG - 104’D X 32’H Potable Water Tank Full Interior Re-Coating. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Ceiling/1’ on to Shell – 2 Coats of Tank Clad HS applied @ 16-20 mils DFT. Shell/Floor – Sherwin Williams Sherplate PW applied @ 25-30 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Project Value: $397,505.00 Project Completion: April 2020. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company __ _ Project Owner: Department of Water Resources 1416 9th Street Sacramento, California 95814 Project Contact: Rob Reis Rob.Reis@water.ca.gov Contact Phone Number: 916.257.1810. Project Description: Phase I Penstock #1 Full Interior Coating. Project consisted of Interior Abrasive Blasting and Coating of 2500’LF of 9.5’D Penstock on 50% Slope with access every 1000’LF. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Two Coats of Sherwin Williams Sherglass FF applied @ 25-30 mils DFT. Project Value: $3,000,000.00 Project Completion: March 2020. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company __ _ Project Owner: Department of Water Resources 1416 9th Street Sacramento, California 95814 Project Contact: Moranda Dahl Moranda.Dahl@water.ca.gov Contact Phone Number: 916.696.1327. Project Description: Santa Ana Pipeline MP 419.00 Pipeline Repairs. Scope of Work: Install 2 each WEKO Seals and Sack and Patch Interior Deteriorated Areas of Pre-Stressed Concrete Pipeline. Project Value: $51,563.00 Project Completion: January 2020. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company __ _ Project Owner: Department of Water Resources 1416 9th Street Sacramento, California 95814 Project Contact: James Albertoni James.Albertoni@water.ca.gov Contact Phone Number: 916.661.2572. Project Description: Las Perillas Pumping Plant Unit #4 Lead Abatement. Scope of Work: Erect Containment and Lead Abate Unit #4 Pump Interior/Exterior, Stairs and Support Structure. Project Value: $106,475.00 Project Completion: December 2019. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company __ _ Project Owner: City of Livingston 1416 “C” Street Livingston, California 95334 Project Contact: Noe Martinez nmartinez@gouveiaengineering.com Contact Phone Number: 209.648.0415. Project Description: 1MG - 70’D X 30’H Potable Water Tank Full Interior and Exterior Coating. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Ceiling/1’ on to Shell – 2 Coats of Tank Clad HS applied @ 16-20 mils DFT. Shell/Floor – Sherwin Williams Sherplate PW applied @ 25-30 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Exterior Surface Preparation – Pressure Wash @ 5,000 P.S.I., SSPC SP3 and SP11. Exterior Coating System Applied – Spot Prime Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 and Full Topcoat Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Project Value: $445,000.00 Project Completion: May 2019. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company __________________ Project Owner: City of Delano 1015 Eleventh Ave. Delano, California 93215 Project Contact: Pedro Nunez pnunez@cityofdelano.org Contact Phone Number: 661.720.2256. Project Description: 1.6MG - 110’D X 22’H Potable Water Tank Full Interior and Exterior Coating. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Ceiling/1’ on to Shell – 2 Coats of Tank Clad HS applied @ 16-20 mils DFT. Shell/Floor – Sherwin Williams Sherplate PW applied @ 25-30 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Exterior Roof Surface Preparation – Abrasive Blast to an SSPC SP-10 “Near White Metal Blast Cleaning” Exterior Roof Coating System Applied – Prime Coat of Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 applied @ 5-10 mils DFT and Full Topcoat Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Exterior Shell Surface Preparation – Pressure Wash @ 5,000 P.S.I., SSPC SP3 and SP11. Exterior Coating System Applied – Spot Prime Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 applied @ 5-10 mils DFT and Full Topcoat Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Project Value: $950,000.00 Project Completion: July 2018. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company __ _ Project Owner: Georgetown Divide Public Utility District 6425 Main Street P.O. Box 4240 Georgetown, California 95634 Project Contact: Darrell Creeks dacreeks@gd-pud.org Contact Phone Number: 661.333.3456. Project Description: .3MG - 40’D X 32’H Potable Water Tank Full Interior and Exterior Coating. Scope of Work: Remove and Reinstall Clearwell Baffles. Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Ceiling/1’ on to Shell – 2 Coats of Tank Clad HS applied @ 16-20 mils DFT. Shell/Floor – Sherwin Williams Sherplate PW applied @ 25-30 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Exterior Surface Preparation – Pressure Wash @ 5,000 P.S.I., SSPC SP3 and SP11. Exterior Coating System Applied – Spot Prime Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 and Full Topcoat Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Project Value: $172,000.00 Project Completion: July 2018. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company Project General Contractor: Paso Robles Tank 825 26th Street Paso Robles, California 93446 Project Contact: Desiree Brumley dbrumley@pasoroblestank.com Contact Phone Number: 805.423.9398. Project Description: Tahoe Utility District – Tahoe City CA. 110’D X 22’H 1.2MG - Potable Water Tank Full Interior and Exterior Coating. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Ceiling/1’ on to Shell – 2 Coats of Tank Clad HS applied @ 16-20 mils DFT. Shell/Floor/Columns/Roof Support Structure – Sherwin Williams Sherplate PW applied @ 25-30 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Exterior Surface Preparation – Abrasive Blast to an SSPC SP10 “Near White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Exterior Coating System Applied – Full Prime with Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 @ 5-10 mils DFT and Full Topcoat with Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Project Value: $300,000.00 Project Completion: August 2018. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company Project General Contractor: Paso Robles Tank 825 26th Street Paso Robles, California 93446 Project Contact: Desiree Brumley dbrumley@pasoroblestank.com Contact Phone Number: 805.423.9398. Project Description: Tuolumne Utility District – Jamestown CA. 75’D X 32’H 1MG - Potable Water Tank Full Interior and Exterior Coating. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Ceiling/1’ on to Shell – 2 Coats of Tank Clad HS applied @ 16-20 mils DFT. Shell/Floor – Sherwin Williams Sherplate PW applied @ 25-30 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Exterior Surface Preparation – Abrasive Blast to an SSPC SP10 “Near White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Exterior Coating System Applied – Full Prime with Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 @ 5-10 mils DFT and Full Topcoat with Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Project Value: $275,000.00 Project Completion: October 2018. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company Project General Contractor: Paso Robles Tank 825 26th Street Paso Robles, California 93446 Project Contact: Desiree Brumley dbrumley@pasoroblestank.com Contact Phone Number: 805.423.9398. Project Description: Las Valley Water District – Las Vegas NV. 60’D .5MG - Potable Water Tank Full Interior and Lower Exterior Ring Coating. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: 3’ of Shell 100% of Floor – Sherwin Williams Sherplate PW applied @ 25-30 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Exterior Surface Preparation – Abrasive Blast to an SSPC SP10 “Near White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Exterior Coating System Applied – Spot Prime Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 and Full Topcoat Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Project Value: $60,000.00 Project Completion: May 2018. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company Project General Contractor: Paso Robles Tank 825 26th Street Paso Robles, California 93446 Project Contact: Greg Taylor gtaylor@pasoroblestank.com Contact Phone Number: 805.835.5735. Project Description: Metropolitan Water District – La Verne CA. 48’D X 78’H 1MG - Potable Water Tank Full Interior and Exterior Coating. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Full Interior – Carboline Polyclad 767 applied @ 80-100 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Exterior Surface Preparation – Abrasive Blast to an SSPC SP10 “Near White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Exterior Coating System Applied – Full Prime TNEMEC 94H20 Zinc @ 2-4 mils DFT, Full Intermediate Coat of TNEMEC L140 @ 5-10 mils DFT and Full Topcoat TNEMEC 740 @ 2-4 mils DFT. Project Value: $650,000.00 Project Completion: August 2019. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company Project General Contractor: Paso Robles Tank 825 26th Street Paso Robles, California 93446 Project Contact: Desiree Brumley dbrumley@pasoroblestank.com Contact Phone Number: 805.423.9398. Project Description: City of Livermore – Livermore CA. 155’D X 32’H 4.5MG - Potable Water Tank Full Interior and Exterior Coating. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Ceiling/1’ on to Shell – 2 Coats of Tank Clad HS applied @ 16-20 mils DFT. Shell/Floor/Columns/Roof Support Structure – Sherwin Williams Sherplate PW applied @ 25-30 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Exterior Surface Preparation – Abrasive Blast to an SSPC SP10 “Near White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Exterior Coating System Applied – Full Prime with Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 @ 5-10 mils DFT and Full Topcoat with Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Project Value: $450,000.00 Project Completion: April 2020. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company Project General Contractor: Paso Robles Tank 825 26th Street Paso Robles, California 93446 Project Contact: Desiree Brumley dbrumley@pasoroblestank.com Contact Phone Number: 805.423.9398. Project Description: County of Los Angeles – Asuza CA. 2 each 20’D X 16’H - Potable Water Tanks Full Interior and Exterior Coating. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Ceiling/1’ on to Shell – 2 Coats of Tank Clad HS applied @ 16-20 mils DFT. Shell/Floor/Columns/Roof Support Structure – Sherwin Williams Sherplate PW applied @ 25-30 mils DFT (Plural Component Application). Exterior Surface Preparation – Abrasive Blast to an SSPC SP10 “Near White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Exterior Coating System Applied – Full Prime with Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 @ 5-10 mils DFT and Full Topcoat with Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Project Value: $47,817.00 Project Completion: November 2018. Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor License # 1009928 SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company Previous Project Experience and References Project Owner: Helena Chemical 7576 N. Ingram Ave. #101 Fresno, California 93711 Project Contact: Gareth Davis DavisG@HelenaAgri.com Contact Phone Number: 559.285.3472. Project’s Description: • 6 each 35’D X 16’H Tanks. Full Interior and Exterior Coatings @ Calipatria CA. • 2 each 85’D X 24’H Tanks. Full Interior and Exterior Coatings @ Calipatria CA. • 2 each 35’D X 16’H Tanks. Interior Floor and 1’ of Shell Coatings @ Calipatria CA. • 16 each 12’D X 24’H Tanks. Full Exterior Coatings @ Shafter CA. • 1 each 63.5’D X 24’H Tanks. Full Exterior Coatings @ Hanford CA. • 1 each 89’D X 24’H Tanks. Full Exterior Coatings @ Hanford CA. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Apply 2 Coats of Sherwin Williams Phenicon FF applied @ 16-20 mils DFT. Full Exterior Coating System Applied: Apply Full Prime Coat of Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646PW applied @ 5-10 mils DFT and Full Topcoat Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Project’s Value: >$2,000,000.00 Projects Completed: 2010-2015. Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor License # 1009928 SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company Project Owner: California Resources Company 28590 Highway 119 Tupman, California 93276-1001 Project Contacts: Gerardo Parra Gerardo.Parra@CRC.com Phone – 661.695.1051. Ken Tack Ken.Tack@CRC.com Phone – 661.333.9691. John Goldman John.Goldman@CRC.com Phone – 661.332.0386. Project’s Description: • 18 each 60’D X 32’H Tanks. Full Exterior Coatings @ 18G Taft CA. • 6 each 60’D X 32’H Tanks. Full Interior Coatings @ 18G Taft CA. • 2 each 30’L X 12’D NutShell Filter Vessels. Full Interior Coatings @ 18G Taft CA. • 1 each 200’D X 40’H Tank. Full Interior and Exterior Coating @ 23S Taft CA. • 4 each 60’D X 24’H Tank. Full Interior and Exterior Coatings @ 23Z McKittrick CA. • NTS Inc. has completed many Vessel, Tank and Pipeline Coating application for CRC throughout the years. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Various Coatings Applied all of which are Plural Component Applied. Full Exterior Coating System Applied: Apply Full Prime Coat of Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646PW applied @ 5-10 mils DFT and Full Topcoat Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. Project’s Value: >$10,000,000.00 Projects Completed: 2010-2015. California License # 1009928 California DIR # 1000042614 Nevada License # 0083382 Arizona License # 318827 Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class A, B, C-33 and C-10 Licensed Contractor SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company Project Owner: California Resources Company 28590 Highway 119 Tupman, California 93276-1001 Project Contact: Gerardo Parra Gerardo.Parra@CRC.com Phone – 661.695.1051. Ken Tack Ken.Tack@CRC.com Phone – 661.333.9691. John Goldman John.Goldman@CRC.com Phone – 661.332.0386. Project’s Description: • 4 each 60’D X 32’H Tanks. Full Interior Coatings @ 18G Taft CA. • 3 each 12’D X 80’L FWKO Vessels. Full Interior Coatings @ 18G Taft CA. • 3 each 60’D X 24’H Tanks. Full Interior Coatings @ MT. Poso CA. • 1 each 60’D X 24’H Tank. Full Interior Coating @ North Antelope CA. • 3 each 60’D X 24’H Tank. Full Interior Coatings @ Mt. Poso CA. • EPC roof and rafter replacement on 18G T5-1. Taft CA. • EPC of the Mt Poso 40’D x 32’H welded tank. MT. Poso CA. Scope of Work: Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied: Various Coatings Applied all of which are Plural Component Applied. Full Exterior Coating System Applied: Apply Full Prime Coat of Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646PW applied @ 5-10 mils DFT and Full Topcoat Sherwin & Williams Sherloxane 800 applied @ 6-8 mils DFT. EPC roof and rafter replacement on 18G T5-1. UFSC provided the engineering services, demolition of existing, procurement, fabrication and installation for the 60 ft. diameter roof & rafter replacement safely and on time. EPC of the Mt Poso 40ft. x 32ft. welded tank. This includes the engineering, procurement, fabrication and install of the above-mentioned tank. UFSC was responsible for the grading and foundation installation for this project as well. All projects were completed safely and on time. Project’s Value: >$5,000,000.00 Projects Completed: 2016-Current. Unified Field Services Corporation 6906 Downing Avenue Bakersfield CA. 93308 Class “A”, “C-33” and C-10 Licensed Contractor License # 1009928 SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 Certified Company Project Owner: Anderson Burton Project Contact: Greg McMahon Contact Phone Number: 805.422.1057 Project’s Description: 4 each elevated Tanks – 125’D x 32’H – 150’ elevation. Full Interior and Exterior Coatings @ Nellis Air Force Base, NV. Scope of Work: Lead Abatement Interior Surface Preparation – SSPC SP 5 “White Metal Blast Cleaning”. Interior Coating System Applied. Full Exterior Coating System Applied. Project’s Value: > 2million Projects Completed: 2015-2017 Material Supplier (Paint) – Manhattan Beach Elevated Tank Vendor Tnemec 417 Weber Ave. Compton, CA 90222 Contact Tony Hobbs Contact Information 310.804.2326 310.637.2363 thobbs@tnemec.com Chad J. Chadwick 7109 BANDOLERO WAY, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 (661) 805-8516 CHAD_JOHNSON@UFSC.US Over 26 years of progressive experience in Field Operations, Shop Operations, Project Management, Regional Management, Division Management and Sales. Demonstrated ability to effectively and safely estimate, plan, coordinate, and meet deadlines of multiple projects. Detail oriented with strong organizational skills. A talent for working well individually and in a team environment, with the proven ability to achieve goals and contribute to overall company objectives. Experience 2017 - CURRENT Division Manager/RME – Unified Field Services Corporation Bakersfield CA. ▪ Manage the Industrial Coating Division for Unified Field Services Corporation. ▪ RME – Responsible Managing Employee. ▪ Holds California Contractors License with C-33 Classification. ▪ Responsible for purchasing all Safety Equipment. ▪ Responsible for keeping employee Safety Training current. ▪ Estimate all projects for Division. ▪ Responsible for invoicing of projects. ▪ Responsible for cost tracking for projects. ▪ Manage over 50 employees. ▪ Schedule all employees and projects. 2015-2016 Secretary/Division Manager – TRB Coating & Construction Bakersfield, CA. ▪ Started the Industrial Coating Company for TRB Oilfield Services. ▪ RMO – Responsible Managing Officer. ▪ Holds California Contractors License with C-33 Classification. ▪ Responsible for purchasing all Safety Equipment. ▪ Responsible for keeping employee Safety Training current. ▪ Estimate all projects for Division. ▪ Responsible for invoicing of projects. ▪ Responsible for cost tracking for projects. ▪ Manage over 20 employees. ▪ Schedule all employees and projects. ▪ Coordinate all materials and equipment ordering and scheduling. 2010-2015 Division Manager – NTS Inc. Bakersfield CA. ▪ Manage the Industrial Coating Division for Unified Field Services Corporation. ▪ Responsible for purchasing all Safety Equipment. ▪ Responsible for keeping employee Safety Training current. 2 ▪ Estimate all projects for Division. ▪ Responsible for invoicing of projects. ▪ Responsible for cost tracking for projects. ▪ Manage 50-100 employees. ▪ Schedule all employees and projects 2007-2010 California Regional Manager – Dunkin and Bush Inc. Redmond Washington. ▪ Assisting customers with project job walks, estimation, and execution plans. ▪ Managing project schedules, manpower distribution, and material/equipment allocation. ▪ Assigning project binders which include: Safe Work Plans, Fall Protection Plans, Budgets, Scope of Work, Product Data/MSDS, and Employee Training Records. ▪ Utilizing Microsoft Project for streamlining of project execution. ▪ Performing estimation, managerial duties, scheduling and invoicing for all projects within California. ▪ Performing safety meetings and site visits with Project Engineers/Coordinators. ▪ Performing non-routine coating inspection services on an as needed basis. ▪ Managing an Abrasive Blasting, Coating and Lining shop and field operations. 2002-2007 Superintendent – Dunkin and Bush Inc. Redmond Washington. ▪ Mobilization of equipment, materials and job specific site set up. ▪ Supervised all day-to-day operations and project execution for 20+ personnel working on multiple projects. ▪ Responsible for overseeing Safety Measures, Budgets, Scheduling, and Materials. ▪ Supervision of field crews in industries including but not limited to Pulp-Paper Mills, Refineries, Oil Fields, Food Processing and Utilities. 2000-2002 Foreman – Dunkin and Bush Inc. Redmond Washington. ▪ Supervised 2-20-person crews to ensure execution of Safety, Quality and Production. ▪ Daily Time & Materials Sheets, Daily Control Reporting and Quality Assurance. ▪ Application of exotic, plural component and conventional linings and coatings including sprayed in place polyurethane foam insulation / roofing. 1995-2002 Laborer/Blaster/Painter – Dunkin and Bush Inc. Redmond Washington. ▪ Performed abrasive blasting and applied linings / coatings for various projects. ▪ Mobilized supplies for shop and field projects. ▪ Equipment repair and maintenance in shop and field Skills ▪ Project Management ▪ Estimating ▪ Sales & Customer Relations ▪ Strong Verbal & Written Communication ▪ Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills ▪ Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and Project 3 Certifications CURRENT NACE – National Association of Corrosion Engineers Member. SSPC – Society for Protective Coatings Member. ▪ NACE CIP Level 1 and 2 Certified Coating Inspector NACE #15647. ▪ SSPC Certified QSC (Quality Control Supervisor). ▪ SSPC C-3/C5 Competent Person Training for Deleading of Industrial Structures. ▪ DOT Operator Qualification (O.Q.) and Abnormal Operating Conditions (AOC). Industries Served ▪ Oil Production – Tank and Pipeline Coatings. ▪ Refining – Tank, Pipe and Systems Coatings. ▪ Hydro Electric – Dam Spillway and Penstock Coatings. ▪ Transportation – Bridge Coatings. ▪ Water (Potable/Non-Potable) – Ground Storage/Elevated Tanks and Pipeline Coatings. ▪ Food Processing – Tanks, Floor and Machinery Coatings. ▪ Pulp and Paper – Tanks, Pipe, Floor and Machinery Coatings. Client References ▪ James Albertoni – Department of Water Resources – 916.661.2572. – 1416 9th Street, Sacramento, California 95814. ▪ Moranda Dahl – Department of Water Resources – 916.696.1327. – 1416 9th Street, Sacramento, California 95814. ▪ Rob Reis – Department of Water Resources – 916.257.4740. – 1416 9th Street, Sacramento, California 95814. ▪ Richard Horn – Site Constructors Inc. – 530.518.3684. – 55 Independence Circle, Chico, California 95973. ▪ Gerardo Parra – California Resources Corporation – 661.695.1051. – 28590 Highway 119 Tupman, California 93276-1001. ▪ Ken Tack – California Resources Corporation – 661.333.9691. – 28590 Highway 119 Tupman, California 93276-1001. Jeffrey T. Jones 40231 92nd Street West Leona Valley, Ca, 93551 (661) 267-2728 Jeff_Jones@UFSC.US Over 26 years of experience in Field Operations, Shop Operations, and Project Management in abrasive blasting and coatings in the storage tank industry. Demonstrate the ability to ensure the execution of Safety, Quality, and Production and meet deadlines of multiple projects. Experience 2018 - CURRENT Project Manager/Superintendent – Unified Field Services Corporation Bakersfield CA. ▪ Project management/Field Operations on multiple projects (Water and Oil) ▪ Responsible for coordinating Materials and equipment ▪ Responsible for keeping employee Safety Training current. ▪ Responsible for scheduling employees and projects. ▪ Perform Job walks for future work, Planning, Estimating Projects ▪ Perform site visits and Audits 2015-2017 Project Manager – Blastco Inc. Downey, Ca. ▪ Project management on multiple Water Tank Projects ▪ Responsible for keeping employee Safety Training current. ▪ Manage over 20 field employees. ▪ Schedule employees and projects. ▪ Coordinate all materials and equipment ordering and scheduling. ▪ Perform site visits and Job Safety Audits 2003-2015 Superintendent – CB&I San Luis Obispo, Ca. ▪ Assisting customers with project job walks, estimation, and execution plans. ▪ Managing project schedules, manpower distribution, and material/equipment allocation. ▪ Assigning project binders which include: Safe Work Plans, Fall Protection Plans, Budgets, Scope of Work, Product Data/MSDS, and Employee Training Records. ▪ Performing safety meetings and site visits ▪ Mobilization of equipment, materials and job specific site set up. ▪ Supervised all day-to-day operations and project execution for 20+ personnel working on multiple projects. ▪ Responsible for overseeing Safety Measures, Budgets, Scheduling, and Materials. ▪ Supervision of field crews in industries including but not limited to Potable Water Tanks, Refineries, Oil Fields. ▪ Work performed in Ca, Az, Nv, HI, Wash, Or, Mont, Wy, Nm 2 1995-2003 Foreman – CB&I San Luis Obispo, Ca. ▪ Supervised a 4 to 10-person crew for the sand blasting and coatings on Potable/Non Potable Water Tanks, TES Tanks, Fuel, Gas, & Liquid Nitrogen Tanks, and Spheres ranging from 20,000Gal. to 18Mg Gals. and as tall as 140’HT. ▪ Scheduling of Fuel, Paint, Sand & other necessary supplies. ▪ Daily Time & Materials Sheets, Daily Control Reporting and Quality Assurance. ▪ Application of plural component and conventional linings and coatings ▪ Communicate with 3rd party inspectors and clients 1993-1994 Laborer/Blaster/Painter – Trusco Tank/CB&I ▪ Performed abrasive blasting and applied linings / coatings for various projects. ▪ Mobilized supplies for shop and field projects. ▪ Equipment repair and maintenance in shop and field Skills ▪ Project Management/Field Operations ▪ Customer Relations ▪ Strong Verbal & Written Communication ▪ Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills Certifications CURRENT ▪ NACE CIP Level 1Certified Coating Inspector. ▪ SSPC Certified QSC (Quality Control Supervisor). ▪ SSPC C-3/C5 Competent Person Training for Deleading of Industrial Structures. ▪ First Aid/CPR ▪ Trained operator for Forklifts, Man Lifts, Scissor Lifts, Bobcat ▪ Safety Training-OSHA 10, Fall Protection, Confined Space, Respiratory Protection, Scaffolding competent person, Slings & Rigging, Bloodborne Pathogens, Workplace Harassment Industries Served ▪ Oil Production – Tanks, Vessels, and Pipeline Coatings. ▪ Refining – Tank, Pipe & Sphere Coatings. ▪ Water (Potable/Non-Potable) – Ground Storage/Elevated Tanks and Pipeline Coatings. SHAWN DAVISSON Cell (661) 331-1915 s.davisson@outlook.com _____________________________________________Career Focus_______________________________________________ Driven individual with a diverse skill set, strong work ethic and results driven mentality. Strong ability to work within teams and multi-task projects under strict deadlines while exceeding team and company goals. ____________________________________________Accomplishments______________________________________ • OQSG and MEA OQ Evaluator and Administrator • Competent Person for Scaffold Erection, Dismantle and Inspection • SSPC C-5 Supervisor/Competent person refresher training for deleading of industrial structures • OSHA 510 • OSHA 30 Construction Industry • First Aid/CPR • B-Best observer of the month 07/2011 - KSI • Package Handler of the month 07/2008 – Fed-Ex _________________________________________________Education________________________________________________ Workers’ Compensation Law Certificate, 2019 California State University, Bakersfield – Bakersfield, CA Safety and Risk Management Certificate, 2014 California State University, Bakersfield – Bakersfield, CA Bachelor of Arts: Criminal Justice, 2012 California State University, Chico – Chico, CA Associates of Arts Degree: Liberal Arts, 2010 Taft College – Taft, CA ________________________________________Professional Experience_______________________________________ Health Environment and Safety Manager June 2016 - Current Unified Field Services Corporation – Bakersfield, CA • Develop, implement and enforcement of safety program from office to field. • Oversee safety aspects of small and large bore pipelines, facility constructions, large civil projects, confined space entries plus many more projects. • Develop project specific job safety plans. • Coach, mentor and intervene as required when at risk situations arise. • Manage OQ program. • OQSG and MEA OQ evaluator. • Extensive experience in incident and near-miss investigations and implementing corrective measures as needed. • Conduct weekly safety meetings and daily tailgate meetings. • Perform daily jobsite audits to ensure compliance with OSHA standards and company policies. • Conduct company and client orientation for all employees. • Investigate all incidents, near miss and stop work authorities as needed. Safety Lead and Rescue Specialist, Blaster and Painter, March 2016 to June 2016 TRB Oilfield Services – Bakersfield, CA • Inspected above and underground pipelines, vessels, valves and tanks for physical damage and corrosion. • Surface prepped and coated tanks, elevated tanks, vessels and piping. • Confirm weather conditions were in line with the product data sheets prior coating. • Inspect and set up sand blasting and coating equipment. • Ensure the breathing box is calibrated and in good working condition. • Participated in the BBS Program. • Worked on elevated water tanks at Nellis AFB Safety Representative, May 2012 to March 2016 NTS Inc. – Taft, CA • Implementation and enforcement of safety program from office to field. • Oversee safety aspects of small and large bore pipelines, facility constructions, large civil projects, confined space entries plus many more projects. • Build and develop safety program and culture during its successful growth from 200 employees to 900 employees. • Helped develop and implement a new excavation process, which has been viewed as the best in the industry. • Extensive experience in incident and near-miss investigations, and implementing corrective measures as needed. • Managed the H2S and Quad Monitor program including scheduling, logistics and calibration of monitors. • Instructor of written and hands on training for reach lifts, backhoes, aerial lifts, side booms, confined space and fall protection. • Performed daily jobsite audits to ensure compliance with OSHA regulations and company policies. • Gave weekly safety meetings and daily tailgate meetings. • Trained employees in proper use of PPE. • Coached employees how to identify at-risk behaviors through the Behavioral Based Safety Program. • Managed the USA Program. Marked out lines and communicated with line finders from different utilities. https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engcip/Shared Documents/P2533 & P2543 - 1200-1 & 850-1 Reservoir Int-Ext Coating/Design/Bid Phase/Addendum/Addendum No2/Addendum No 2.doc 1 ADDENDUM NO. 2 TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR THE 850-1 & 1200-1 RESERVOIR INTERIOR/EXTERIOR COATING & UPGRADES(CIP P2543 & P2533) June 30, 2020 TO: ALL PLANHOLDERS FROM: OTAY WATER DISTRICT, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The following modifications, additions and/or deletions are made a part of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for the construction of the 850-1 & 1200-1 RESERVOIRS INTERIOR/ EXTERIOR COATING &UPGRADES (CIP P2543 & P2533) project issued fully and completely as if same were set forth therein: 1.The meeting minutes, presentation, and screenshot of attendees from the non-mandatory pre-bid meeting held on June 30, 2020 are attached hereto. 2.PART 1 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS, SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONSTO BIDDERS a. Add the following paragraphs: 32.FILING A BID PROTEST Bidding procedures, bidder selection, and subsequent bidder protest or appeals will beconducted in accordance with applicable local, state and federal procurementregulations and protest procedures established by the District. Within ten (10) calendar days after the opening of proposals, the District will issue a“Notice of Apparent Low Bidder” to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder inaccordance with the Contract Documents. Any protest of the proposed award of the bidto the bidder deemed the lowest responsible bidder must be submitted in writing to theDistrict at 2554 Sweetwater Springs Blvd., Spring Valley, CA 91978 no later than ten(10)days from the posting of the “Notice of Apparent Low Bidder”. The initial protest must contain a complete statement of the basis for the protest. The protest must state the facts and refer to the specific portion of the document or the specific statute that forms the basis for the protest. The protest must include the name, address and telephone number of the person representing the protesting party. A subcontractor of a party filing bid on this project may not submit a bid protest. A party may rely on the bid protest submitted by another bidder but must timely pursue its own protest. The procedure and time limits set forth in this policy are mandatory and are the bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a bid protest. The bidder’s failure to fully comply with these procedures shall constitute a waiver of any right to further pursue a bid protest. EXHIBIT E https://otaywater365.sharepoint.com/sites/engcip/Shared Documents/P2533 & P2543 - 1200-1 & 850-1 Reservoir Int-Ext Coating/Design/Bid Phase/Addendum/Addendum No2/Addendum No 2.doc 2 33. RESOLUTION OF A BID CONTROVERSY The District shall review all timely protests prior to awarding a bid. The District shall not be required to hold an administrative hearing to consider a timely protest but may do so at its option. At the time of the consideration of the award of the bid, the District shall also consider the merits of any timely protests. The District may either accept the protest and award the bid to the next lowest responsible bidder or reject the protest and award to the lowest responsible bidder. Nothing in this policy shall be construed as a waiver of the District’s right to reject all bids. 3. PART 5, APPENDIX, ADD 1200-1 RESERVOIR DIVE REPORT by DIVE/CORR Dated March 27, 2017 attached hereto. Each Bidder shall acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this addendum by inserting the addendum number in the space provided in Part 2, CONTRACT FORMS, SECTION 00400, BID PROPOSAL (FORM A), ADDENDA, Page 00400-2. Sincerely, OTAY WATER DISTRICT By: ____________________________________ Kevin Cameron, P.E. Senior Civil Engineer Date: June 30, 2020 1 OTAY WATER DISTRICT PRE-BID MEETING SUMMARY 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoir Interior/ Exterior Coating & Upgrades CIP: P2543 & P2533 Date: June 30, 2020 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom Attendees: See attached attendee list These minutes summarize the substantive items discussed or issues resolved at the meeting to the best of the writer’s memory. If the recipients understand differently, please notify the writer as soon as possible so corrections can be made. Minutes Prepared by: B. Separa 1. Introductions by Kevin Cameron of Otay Water District 2. Project Description  850-1 (1MG) Reservoir  Steel Reservoir built in 1959. ○ Diameter = 70 feet. ○ Height = 40 feet to the bottom of the knuckle.  Exterior Coating ○ Last coated in 2003 ○ Complete Coating Removal and Replacement; Roof & Shell.  Interior Coating ○ Last Coated in 2003 ○ Complete Coating Removal and Replacement; Roof, Shell, & Floor.  New Cathodic Sacrificial Anodes and Reference Cells ○ District will connect after coating warranty expires (2 years)  Structural Upgrades ○ Roof Vent, D-rings, Lanyard Cables, Tank Penetrations, Water Level Indicator, Interior Roof Rafters, Outer Rafter and Shell Connection, Safety Climb Cable, and Tension Bar Replacement. 2  1200-1 (1MG) Reservoir  Steel Reservoir built in 1994. ○ Diameter = 73 feet. ○ Height = 32 feet to the bottom of the knuckle.  Exterior Coating ○ Complete Coating Removal and Replacement; Roof & Shell.  Interior Coating ○ Complete Coating Removal and Replacement; Roof, Shell, & Floor.  New Cathodic Sacrificial Anodes and Reference Cells ○ District will connect after coating warranty expires (2 years)  Structural Upgrades ○ Roof Vent, D-Rings and Lanyard Cables, Tank Penetrations, Water Level Indicator, Rafter and Shell Connection, Tension Bar Replacement, Safety Climb Cable, and all other work. 3. Items of Concern  Coordination with District • Draining: Performed by OWD Operations Staff. ○ Coating procedures at one tank at a time ○ Contractor will be responsible for removing up to the last 2 feet of water and silt debris. • Inspection ○ General Inspection: OWD Inspection Staff ○ Coating Inspection: Third party coating inspections - Surface Preparation & Coating Inspection Full-time.  Cellular & Telemetry Equipment • Equipment will removed and replaced by the District.  Noise & Dust Control • Noise levels cannot exceed 65db at 100 ft. away, Residents are in close proximity to both Tanks. • Complete containment.  Proper disposal of all materials.  Contract Duration: 240 Calendar Days. NTP Planned for November 2, 2020.  Both Tanks are within gated communities  Site visits can be scheduled  Contact Kevin Cameron at kcameron@otaywater.gov  Limit one person per visit 3  Both locations will need access for District Staff. 4. District Standards • Project specifications and the bid packet are available as part of the Contract Documents. • OWD considers the empty tank a Full Permit Confined Space. • The District follows the San Diego Water Agencies’ Standards. The Standard Specifications and Design Guidelines can be found on their website at www.sdwas.com. • Plans & Plan Holder’s List available at www.bidsync.com 5. Bid Requirements • The Contractor shall complete Forms A-H per the Bidders Checklist on 00300-1. o Bid Proposal (Form A) o Bid Bond or other Security (Form B) o Noncollusion Affidavit (Form C) o Contractors License Affidavit (Form D) o List of Subcontractors\Subconsultants (Form E) o List of References (Form F) o Company Background Questionnaire (Form G) o Company Safety Questionnaire (Form H) • The Contractor shall have a minimum of 5 years experience in coating steel tanks o Valid Class A or C-33 License Required o Valid SSPC-QP1 Certificate Required with Bid • All Consultants, Sub-Consultants and Sub-Contractors shall be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations per Senate Bill SB854. The District cannot accept proposals if the Contractor or their Sub’s are not registered. Requests for Information will be accepted up to Monday, July 6, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. Bid Opening: July 9, 2020 @ 4:00 pm. Questions, Answers, and Comments: 1. Question: When is the last day for RFIs? Answer: Monday, July 6th by 12:00p.m. 2. Question: What are the working hours? Answer: 7am-4pm. Hours may have to be adjusted if complaints are received from nearby residents, which would change the start time to 8 am. 3. Question: What are the liquidated damages? Answer: Liquidated damages are $2,000 per calendar day. 4 4. Question: Is there power and water available on site? Answer: Power is not available at either site. The contractor will need to provide their own power. Water will be available through a “Class D” temporary meter off the nearest fire hydrant. Refer to Section 01510 Temporary Construction Facilities. The contractor will be responsible for paying the construction meter deposit, which will be refunded after the meter is returned to the District. Fees for installation and removal will be deducted from the contractor’s deposit. Currently, the meter deposit is $2,046 and the installation/removal $150. 5. Question: Our bonding company is out of Illinois and are qualified to bond in CA. Does the attorney in fact for the surety need to be a resident agent of CA? Answer: The attorney in fact does not have to be a resident agent of CA. The requirement relating to California is that the bonding company must be licensed to bond in California. 6. Question: Can the contractor install a door sheet? Answer: A door sheet will be allowed if the following criteria is met: - Provide a Full Submittal stamped by a Civil or Structural Engineer licensed in California. Submittals shall include details for stiffening, removal, and replacement. - Once the door sheet has been reinstalled, 100% of welds shall be radiographed per API-650. If defects are found, the weld shall be repaired, and the repair weld shall be 100% radiographed. Radiograph shall be paid for by the contractor, and the results shall be submitted to the District. - OSHA has determined that even with a door sheet, if a hazardous environment exists, ie. welding, blasting, painting, or oxygen deficient atmosphere, the tank is considered a confined space. Air monitors shall be required at all times. 7. Question: Is there a plan holder’s list? Answer: The vendor viewed list is available on Bidsync and on the Otay Water District’s website. 8. Question: Is there a separate bid item for dehumidification? Answer: No, dehumidification is part of the Coating Removal and Coating Application bid item. Refer to Section 09865 Surface Preparation and Section 09905 Reservoir Coating. cc: Attendees C:\OneDrive\Otay Water District\ENG CIP - Documents\P2533 & P2543 - 1200-1 & 850-1 Reservoir Int-Ext Coating\Design\Bid Phase\Pre-Bid Meeting\Pre-Bid Mtg Minutes 06-30-20.doc June 30, 2020 9:00 am Project Manager: Kevin Cameron, P.E. 619-670-2248 kcameron@otaywater.gov Burris Dr Aerial View: 850-1 Site 850-1 Res Pointe Hydro-PS Aerial View: 1200-1 1200-1 Project Description 850-1 850-1 Reservoir (1.15 MG) built in 1959 Dimensions: Height = 40’, Diameter = 70’ Complete Interior and Exterior Removal and Recoating New Cathodic Sacrificial Anodes & Reference Cells ○District will connect after coating warranty expires (2 years) Structural Upgrades ○Roof Vent, D-Rings and Lanyard Cables, Tank Penetrations, Water Level Indicator, Interior Roof Rafters, Outer Rafter and Shell Connection, Tension Bar Replacement, Safety Climb Cable, and all other work. Project Description 1200-1 Reservoir (1.0 MG) built in 1994 Dimensions: Height = 32’, Diameter = 73’ Complete Interior and Exterior Removal and Recoating New Cathodic Sacrificial Anodes & Reference Cells ○District will connect after coating warranty expires (2 years) Structural Upgrades ○Roof Vent, D-Rings and Lanyard Cables, Tank Penetrations, Water Level Indicator, Rafter and Shell Connection, Tension Bar Replacement, Safety Climb Cable, and all other work. Major Items/Concerns Coordination with District Draining: OWD Operations Staff Contractor will be responsible for removing up to the last 2 feet of water and silt debris. Tanks: Coating procedures at one tank at a time Cellular equipment to be removed & replaced by others Inspection ○OWD –General Inspection ○Third Party Coating Inspection Full-Time Noise & Dust Control Complete Containment Noise Levels Cannot Exceed 65db at 100 ft away, Residents are in close proximity to both Tanks. Major Items/Concerns Contract Duration: 240 Calendar Days Planned NTP on November 2, 2020 Proper Disposal of all Materials. Contractor to provide test for interior and exterior paint. Both Tanks are within gated communities Site visits can be scheduled Contact Kevin Cameron at kcameron@otaywater.gov Limit one person per visit Both Locations will need access for Staff during construction District Standards Project Specifications Water Agencies’ Standards www.sdwas.com BidSync www.bidsync.com Specifications Bid Requirements Complete Forms A-H (per Bidders Checklist (00300-1) Bid Proposal (Form A) Bid Bond or other Security (Form B) Noncollusion Affidavit (Form C) Contractors License Affidavit (Form D) List of Subcontractors/Subconsultants (Form E) List of References (Form F) Company Background Questionnaire (Form G) Company Safety Questionnaire (Form H) The Contractor shall have a minimum of 5 years experience in coating steel tanks License: Valid Class A or C-33 SSPC-QP1 Certificate Required with Bid Bid Requirements –Cont. All Consultants, Sub-Consultants and Sub-Contractors shall be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations per Senate Bill SB854. The District cannot accept proposals if the Contractor or their Sub’s are not registered. Electronic Bids Due: July 9th @ 4 PM On Bidsync Website Questions? Questions will be accepted up to Monday, July 6, 12:00 p.m. DIVE ICORR lNc.t {) (l t) lndustrial Photography & lnspection Seruices P, O. BOX 30427 . IONG BEACH, CA 90853 . OFFTCE (5ó2) 439-8287 . FAX (5ó2) 438-7t5t OTAY WATER DISTRICT MARCH 27. 2077 RESERVOIR L¿OO-I INSPECTOR. DAN GROSS SUPERVISOR. MR. KEVIN CAMERON DIVE ICORR lNc.I/l lndustrial Photography & lnspection Seruices P. O. BOX 30427 . LONG BEACH, CA 90853 . OFFTCE (5ó2) 439-8287 . FAX (5ó2) 43E-7151 TAIIK INSPECTTON REPORT BRÏEF AGENCY Otay Water Dist,rict SUPERVTSOR Mr. Kevin Cameron STZE 1.00 MG DTVER Dan Gross LADDER Yes / fnt. -Yes -Ext General Survey FABRICATOR CONTRACT # YEAR BUTLT HEIGHT STATED VüÏDTH STZF' DATE TNSPEcTED ol /zt /tt TANK NAME _L200-LHATCH South DATE BUILT_L959 TENDER F Echandi CP Sacrificial LAST ]NSPECTED NA RESERVOTR #L200-1 THE NTIMBERS SHOWN BEIJOW REFLECT THE REPORT WHEN VIEWED IN CEIiTTERFOLD MODE. A COLOR VIDEO AIJSO ACCOMPA}TIES THTS REPORT. 13-l-6)Reservoir 1200-1 - This is an above ground steel reservoir three plate courses plus a knuckle course taIl. The lowest course is referred to as course #f. This is the only t,ank on the sit,e. 17-r_B)Tank stamp - the nameplate is above the round manway shown in photograph (#19). TRUSCO TANK 770 ]-994 33.5 | 73.0' 1.0 MG Le-s0)The exterior wall coating is in good to fair condition. Coating chalking is heavy. Some corrosion is noted along t.he floor plat.e extension (#47) . The overflow is external and exits through course #g(#2L). The drain is adjacent to the overflow and exits through the floor. The inlet/outlet enters through the f1oor. DIVE ICORR lNc.t This tank has two round manways (#t9,43) . The exterior target (#¡f ) is connected. Vüater level was 27 | It appears to be working properly. Both of the guide wires are det.ached at the roof . The access gate, vandal guard and roof access hatch were found securely locked. No major physical site damage orother evidence of vandalism was seen. The tank retaining ring is concrete and no gross problems were seen. There are no anchor bo1ts. s1-eo)The exterior roof coating is in fair condition. Coatingchalking is heavy. The vent hood (#51) is secure and the screening is in good condition. This tank has steel- ports capped with plastic ends. The port exterj-ors and interiors are in poor condition (#SS- 66) . The roof access hatch (#89) was found securely locked. For the purposes of t,his report, Lhe hatch is referred to as being on the South side. Handrail is present e1-1-00)The above water portion of the interior access ladder isin good condition. The f loat is connected to the t.raveling wire. Both of t,heguide wire springs have broken from the roof (#gl-L00) . 1-01-110) The overflow coating is in good condition. No notable defects were sighted. Close examinat.ion of photograph (#fOf) shows the cap of t,he anode is cracked. There this tank (#rfg,L33). are three such anodes in DIVE ICORR lNc.t l-l-l- - 134 ) There are three plate courses total . At the time of inspection the top 6t were exposed. The above water walls are in good condition. No notable defects were sighted. Beams are welded to knuckle braces at the top and bolted to welded shell clips at the bottom. There are two fasteners per beam. Fasteners are in good condition. 1-35 - 182 )The roof plates show a coating in good condit.ion with some exceptions. Exceptions are primarily seen along roof beam flanges (#f¡Z-I40) and mosL anode port holes (#167). Scale formation is also seen at beam ends in the tankcenter (#reg-180) . All wiring for the sacrificial anode Cathodic Protection System appears to be intact. One of the anodes has a capwith a slight gap below the cap (#265). The center and only column appears stable. The coating is in good condit.ion. l-83-196) The underwater portion of the internal access ladder appears securely attached and in good condition. Coating peeling and coating blisters are noted along t,he lowest waII brace (#193). Corrosion is noted at the top connection of the safet,y cable. Caution is recommended to all personnel. 197-200) Bot,h guide wires are properly connected at the floor. The wires are disconnected at the top. 20L-2r2)The inlet and outlet enter/exit through the f1oor. Sediment amounts here are minimal. Several small pieces of plywood were found on the floor and removed at the endof the inspection. There are additional pieces of woodj-n the pipe eIbow. DIVE ICORR lNc.I 2r3-258)An estimated twent.y-five percent. of the floor coating isblistered. Many of the blister caps are broken (#215). Where rust tubercles are seen corrosion activity is not suspected. Pitting is typically l/1-6" deep and less. Most of the blister patches are within 20' Blister number is dense and typical size diameter. of the wal1. is %-]-" in The drain exits through the floor (#ZSS-258). The opening is clear. Grating is in good condition. The majority of the floor is bare. Measurable sediment deposits were not found. No foreign debris from vandalism was sighted. Slough piles below the anodes vary in height from 1rr-8rr (#221,,239 / tne yel1ow ruler shown in all photographs in this report is 6tt long by 1" wide) . 259-268)The round manway plates both show coating blisters along the pIat.e edges and at hardware connections. White deposits are seen where steel is exposed. Corrosj-on activity is not suspected. 269-274) Both handles for the vafves are Lotally corroded. These were removed at the end of the inspection. 275-280) Sample taps are c1ear. 28r-328)There are three plate courses plus a knuckle course total. The top 6t were above water at the time of inspection and have been previously described as being in good condition. Most of the underwater surfaces show a coating in good condition as wel1. Examples of coating blisters are seen in the lowest 2t of course #1 (#Zef), but rarely on the remainder of the wal1s (#295). Coat,ing delamination as seen in photographs (#gOZ-310) is seen in one case only. DIVE I CORR,lNc.,l White deposits are seen where steel is exposed. Corrosion act,ivit,y is not suspected. The underwater portion of the overflow pipe is in good condj-t,íon (#¡zr -328) . 329-344) The column coating is in good condition. Rust tubercles are rare and small where found. No indications of movement were sighted. 345*354) Anode material Loss ranges from moderate. Upper portions are in (#3s3). 5Z-202. Pitting is near new condition ) ) DIVE I CORR,lNc. EXTERIOR WALLS EXTERÏOR ROOF VENT Screening HATCH Safety Handrail ÏNTERIOR ROOF ABOVE WALLS BELOW WALLS FLOOR SEDTMENT FLOAT GUTDE VüIRES TARGET ST'MI,TARY rz00-r nnssRvorR Good to fair - some corrosion seen along the floor plate extensj-on - Coating chalking is heavy. Good to fair - no gross corrosion. Securely attached Good condition Securely locked - South side Good - coating is in good condit.ion. Overall good - some rust and scale format.ion along beam edges and at beam ends in t,he tank center. Gross met.al loss is not. suspected at this time. Top 6t - Good Good overall - some coating blistering in the lowest 2t of course #f. One patch of coating delamination mid course #2. White deposits are seen where steel is exposed. Corrosion activity is not suspected. Many patches of coating blisters are seen estimated 25e" of the floor coating bl-ist,ered. Pitting is typically 1-/16'r deep and less. NuII - No forej-gn debris from vandalism Good* connected to the traveling wire. Detached from the roof Yes An is DIVE ICORR lNc.t OVERFLOW MANWAY 1. MANVüAY 2 COLUMNS CATHODTC SYST Rectifier Anodes Reference Cel1 Hand Hole Covers LADDER Internal ExternaL ÏNLET OUTLET Good Round - Plate is blistered along the edges. No corrosion act.ivity is suspected. Round - Plat,e is blistered along the edges. No corrosion act,ivity is suspected. Good None Good - material loss from 5-202 None Ports - coat,ing on both the inside and ouÈside is in poor condition. Good Good Some plywood at the base of the elbow Clear DIVE ICORR lNc.t 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) RECO¡O4ENDATIONS The exterior shel1 and roof coatings are in good to fair condition. Touch up corrosion along the floor plate extension as soon as possible. The port,s used to access the Cat,hodic Protection System are poorly coated on the interior portions. Scale formation is present,. As these ports are very difficult to coat and capproperly, consider removing the ports and adding hand hole covers with grommets as a tight seal. Corrosion appears to have been abated on all typically submerged surfaces underwater. As the roof underside and upper wall coaÈ.ings are stil1 in good condition, continue to use CP to arrest corrosion and re-inspect in three years. The anodes are 16' above the floor. A notable port,ion of therod is most likely always above water. Consider lowering the anodes to get full usage or purchase shorter anodes. This is referred to engineering for review. If the tank is draÍned for maintenance, check the connections below the anode cap. .l't ; ",,"U': :l' \:. :, , ;4a .l I I / \ 3Ë E a f r !r\ '.ir''' i" rt¿ l.'.a tl t^ ,-J' Þ + ) I L \, T \ ã. r_ _ j __ L - \ i ï. F IjIk-* ¡ij . } ç ' - I -. L - - - , \ iv .- ' i \ tÍ I l i\¡\ /\ i I I 1 \ tit Â\ Nt,ru .4' '1'. ì,*.7 v/-F_<a .f- -Ê. .i\ i -_ 1 \' * t qIi\ Õ, ¡v r. tt This page is intentionally blank. STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 2, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Michael O’Donnell Supervising Land Surveyor Brandon DiPietro Field Services Manager Michael Long Engineering Manager PROJECT: VARIOUS DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Award of As-Needed Utility Locating Services Agreement to CalBurton, Inc. for Fiscal Years 2021 through 2023 GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Otay Water District (District) Board of Directors (Board) award a professional As-Needed Utility Locating Services agreement to CalBurton, Inc. (CalBurton) and to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with CalBurton in an amount not-to-exceed $600,000 for a period of three (3) Fiscal Years (FY), FY 2021 through FY 2023 (ending June 30, 2023). COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to enter into a professional As-Needed Utility Locating Services agreement with CalBurton in an amount not-to-exceed $600,000 for FY 2021 through FY 2023 (ending June 30, 2023). AGENDA ITEM 8e 2 ANALYSIS: California Government Code 4216 requires operators of subsurface installations (including water and sewer facilities) to be a member of the Dig Alert Regional Notification Center which includes the District’s Underground Service Alert (USA) of Southern California program. As a member, operators are required to locate and field mark their subsurface installations within two (2) days of receiving timely notification. To meet this legal requirement and support the District’s USA program, the District will require the services of a professional utility locating services consultant for three (3) fiscal years, FY 2021 through FY 2023 (ending June 30, 2023). It is more efficient and cost effective to augment District staff by issuing an as-needed contract for utility locating services, which will provide the District with the ability to obtain consulting services in a timely and efficient manner. This concept has also been used in the past with other disciplines such as engineering design, construction management, electrical, and environmental services. The District has used an as-needed contract for utility locating services over the previous eight (8) fiscal years. An analysis of the USA workload for FY 2021 through FY 2023 indicates a steadily increasing level of effort from prior years will be needed for utility locating services. The District will issue task orders to the consultant for specific projects during the contract period based on a detailed scope of work. The consultant will then prepare a schedule and fee estimate for each task order assigned under the contract. Upon written task order authorization from the District, the consultant shall then proceed with the project, as described in the scope of work. This As-Needed Utility Locating Services contract does not commit the District to any expenditure until a task order is approved to perform work on a USA project. The District does not guarantee work to the consultant, nor does the District guarantee that it will expend all of the funds authorized by the contract for professional services. The District solicited for utility locating services by placing an advertisement on the Otay Water District’s website on April 7, 2020 and with various other publications including the San Diego Daily Transcript. Fourteen (14) firms submitted a Letter of Interest and a Statement of Qualifications. The Request for Proposal (RFP) for As-Needed Utility Locating Services was sent to the fourteen (14) firms resulting in nine (9) proposals received by May 4, 2020. 3 • AIRX Utility Surveyors, Inc. – Escondido, Ca • ALTA Land Surveying – La Mesa, Ca • CalBurton, Inc. – Fresno, Ca • CBelow – Chino, Ca • Cable Pipe and Leak Detection – El Cajon, Ca • Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, LLC - San Diego, CA • Kana Subsurface Engineering – Riverside, Ca • PSOMAS – San Diego, Ca • Underground Solutions Inc. – Escondido, Ca The five (5) firms that chose not to propose are Digital Mapping Inc., Huntington Beach, CA, RMA Group, Inc., San Diego, Ca, Sitescan, Concord, Ca, Spec Services, Inc., Fountain Valley, Ca, and T2 Utility Engineers, Huntington Beach, Ca. In accordance with the District’s Policy 21, staff evaluated and scored all written proposals and interviewed the top three (3) firms on May 28, 2020. CalBurton received the highest score for their services based on their experience, understanding of the scopes of work, proposed method to accomplish the work, and their composite hourly rate. CalBurton was the most qualified consultant with the best overall rating or ranking scores. A summary of the complete evaluation is shown in Attachment B. CalBurton submitted the Company Background Questionnaire as required by the RFP and staff did not find any outstanding issues. In addition, staff checked their references and performed an internet search on the company. Staff found the references to be excellent and did not find any outstanding issues with the internet search. AIRX Utility Surveyors, Inc. is currently providing these services to the District under the District’s current As-Needed Utility Locating Services contract, which expires on June 30, 2021. FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer The funds for this contract will be expended from the Fiscal Years 2021, 2022, and 2023 budgets for various CIP and developer projects or programs. This contract is for professional As-Needed Utility Locating Services based on the District's need and schedule, and expenditures will not be made until a task order is approved by the District for the consultant's services. Based on a review of the financial budgets, the Project Manager anticipates that the budgets will be sufficient to support the 4 professional as-needed consulting services required for the projects or programs. The Finance Department has determined that, under the current rate model, the funds to cover this contract will be available as budgeted for these projects or programs. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." LEGAL IMPACT: None. MO/BD/ML:jf P:\WORKING\As Needed Services\Utility Locating\FY2021- 2023\Staff Report\Staff Report As-Needed Utility Locating Services_mdo rev2.docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B – Summary of Proposal Rankings ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: VARIOUS Award of As-Needed Utility Locating Services Contract to CalBurton, Inc. for Fiscal Years 2021 through 2023 COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on August 19, 2020 and the following comments were made: • Staff recommended that the Board award a professional As- Needed Utility Locating Services agreement to CalBurton, Inc. (CalBurton) in an amount not-to-exceed $600,000 for a period of three (3) Fiscal Years (FY), FY 2021 through FY 2023 (ending June 30, 2023). • Staff provided a background of the As-Needed utility Locating Services and indicated that the current amount under the existing contract is 80% committed. Page 2 of the staff report provides details of the background. • In response to a question from the Committee, staff stated that although Calburton’s headquarter is in Fresno, the company has staff located in San Diego. Following the discussion, the Committee supported staffs’ recommendation and presentation of this item to the full board on the Consent Calendar. Qualifications of Staff Understanding of Scope, Schedule and Resources Soundness and Viability of Proposed Project Plan INDIVIDUAL SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN AVERAGE SUBTOTAL - WRITTEN Proposed Rates* Consultant's Commitment to DBE AVERAGE TOTAL WRITTEN Additional Creativity and Insight Strength of Project Manager Presentation, Communication Skills Quality of Response to Questions INDIVIDUAL TOTAL - ORAL AVERAGE TOTAL ORAL TOTAL SCORE WITHOUT FEE TOTAL SCORE REFERENCES 30 25 30 85 85 15 Y/N 100 15 15 10 10 50 50 135 150 Poor/Good/ Excellent Brandon DiPietro 28 24 28 80 12 13 8 8 41 Hector Licon 28 25 28 81 12 12 8 8 40 Kevin Cameron 27 24 28 79 14 13 7 8 42 Michael Long 27 23 27 77 12 12 8 8 40 Michael O'Donnell 28 25 29 82 13 13 7 8 41 Brandon DiPietro 22 20 23 65 Hector Licon 20 20 20 60 Kevin Cameron 22 20 23 65 Michael Long 21 20 22 63 Michael O'Donnell 20 20 20 60 Brandon DiPietro 28 23 27 78 13 13 9 7 42 Hector Licon 28 25 28 81 15 14 8 7 44 Kevin Cameron 28 24 28 80 12 12 8 7 39 Michael Long 27 24 28 79 13 13 9 8 43 Michael O'Donnell 28 25 29 82 12 13 9 7 41 Brandon DiPietro 25 23 23 71 Hector Licon 25 23 25 73 Kevin Cameron 25 20 25 70 Michael Long 26 24 25 75 Michael O'Donnell 25 22 25 72 Brandon DiPietro 26 21 24 71 Hector Licon 25 23 24 72 Kevin Cameron 25 21 26 72 Michael Long 23 21 24 68 Michael O'Donnell 25 22 26 73 Brandon DiPietro 22 20 20 62 Hector Licon 20 20 20 60 Kevin Cameron 22 18 23 63 Michael Long 21 18 18 57 Michael O'Donnell 21 21 20 62 Brandon DiPietro 25 23 25 73 Hector Licon 24 23 27 74 Kevin Cameron 27 22 27 76 Michael Long 25 22 25 72 Michael O'Donnell 25 24 25 74 Brandon DiPietro 24 20 23 67 Hector Licon 23 24 24 71 Kevin Cameron 25 21 24 70 Michael Long 23 22 23 68 Michael O'Donnell 25 21 22 68 Brandon DiPietro 27 24 27 78 13 14 8 9 44 Hector Licon 27 24 27 78 14 15 8 8 45 Kevin Cameron 26 23 26 75 12 13 8 7 40 Michael Long 26 24 27 77 13 14 9 8 44 Michael O'Donnell 27 24 27 78 13 13 8 9 43 Consultant Rate Score AIRX $550 13 ALTA $945 11 CALBURTON $320 15 CBELOW $1,280 9 CPL $1,120 10 GPRS $2,400 1 KSE $2,403 1 PSOMAS $15,770 N/A *The fees were evaluated by comparing rates for four catagories. The sum of these 4 rates are noted on the table to the left. USI $1,090 10 120 FIRM NOT INTERVIEWED FIRM NOT INTERVIEWED FIRM NOT INTERVIEWED FIRM NOT INTERVIEWED FIRM NOT INTERVIEWED FIRM NOT INTERVIEWED 11 Y 80 WRITTEN 121 122 Excellent RATES SCORING CHART AIRX Utility Surveyors, Inc. Y Alta Land Surveying, Inc. 63 137 CBELOW 41 MAXIMUM POINTS CALBURTON Y15 13 80 81 42 81 ATTACHMENT B 95 93 134 7474 ORAL SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL RANKINGS As-Needed Utility Locating Services CPL 71 10 Y 81 81 GPRS 61 1 Y 62 72 9 Y KSE 74 1 Y 75 75 N/A Y 69 69 62 130 PSOMAS USI 77 10 Y 87 43 69 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board Meeting MEETING DATE: September 2, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Eid Fakhouri Finance Manager PROJECT: DIV. NO. All APPROVED BY: Kevin Koeppen, Assistant Chief of Finance Joseph R. Beachem, Chief Financial Officer Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: To Obtain Approval for a One-Year Extension of Audit Services for Fiscal Year 2021 with Teaman, Ramirez and Smith, Inc. GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve a one-year extension for audit services for Fiscal Year 2021 with Teaman, Ramirez and Smith, Inc. COMMITTEE ACTION: See Attachment A. PURPOSE: To request the Board approve a one-year extension for audit services for Fiscal Year 2021 with Teaman, Ramirez and Smith, Inc. ANALYSIS: The District is required to retain the services of an independent auditing firm each fiscal year to perform an audit of the District’s financial statements. The District has had the long standing practice of rotating audit firms every five years. This practice ensures a fresh perspective and yet allows for the benefits of a fair amount of continuity. It AGENDA ITEM 9a 2 is common practice in the public sector to retain auditors for a minimum of a five-year period. This practice is a long standing recommendation of the Governmental Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Audit Procurement Best Practice Guide. “Governmental entities should enter into multi-year agreements of at least five years in duration when obtaining the services of independent auditors. Such agreements allow for greater continuity and help to minimize the potential for disruption in connection with the independent audit. Multi-year agreements can also help to reduce audit costs by allowing auditors to recover certain "startup" costs over several years, rather than over a single year.” The District’s current auditors, Teaman, Ramirez & Smith, Inc.(TRS), reached the end of the five-year term in 2018. On November 7, 2018, the Board of Directors discussed the benefits of issuing an RFP versus extending the audit services contract with TRS. The Board weighed the benefit of greater continuity more heavily and extended the contract with TRS for one (1) year with an option to extend the contract for one (1) additional year. Retaining TRS in 2018 eliminated the level of effort needed to ramp up and transition to a new audit firm and kept audit fees stable. A condition of the extension was that TRS rotate their audit team in order to bring a certain level of fresh perspective to the audit. In response to the District’s request, TRS rotated the audit partner, manager, and audit staff. Ordinarily, staff would be issuing an RFP this year for audit services to cover the upcoming five-year period from Fiscal Year 2021 to Fiscal Year 2025. However, due to the extraordinary impact of COVID-19, staff is recommending a one (1) year additional extension with TRS for the Fiscal Year 2021 audit. COVID-19 During this year’s audit, the work performed by TRS and the District was executed remotely and without face to face contact. Meetings and interviews were held on-line and documents were submitted through a secured web-portal while staff avoided unnecessary contact as directed by state and federal guidelines. Due to the unknown duration of the pandemic, it’s impact on human interaction, and the inefficient nature of switching auditors during a pandemic, staff is recommending that the audit contract be extended for one (1) additional year. 3 When transitioning to new auditors, there is an increase level of effort to ensure a smooth transition of knowledge and information to the new auditors. Staff usually spend an additional week assisting the new auditors with understanding the internal controls, business processes, contracts, financial systems, and the chart of accounts. The duration of the pandemic is still unknown and transitioning auditors during the pandemic would be less efficient and more costly. Estimating the cost savings between extending the current contract with TRS versus issuing an RFP for new auditors is difficult. However, when we compared the 2014 audit RFP responses, TRS’s current bid remains 28% less than the District’s 2013 audit fees and 9.2% less than the second lowest bid received for the 2014 audit. Therefore, staff is recommending the District retain TRS for one (1) additional year to provide audit services. FISCAL IMPACT: TRS proposed a fee quote of $30,250 (attachment A)for Fiscal Year 2021 audit services. This fee is a 2.54% increase from the $29,500 fee for Fiscal Year 2020. STRATEGIC GOAL: The District ensures its continued financial health through long-term financial planning and debt planning. LEGAL IMPACT: Compliance with the laws governing the District. Attachments: A) Committee Action B) TRS Audit Cost Proposal ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: To Obtain Approval for a One-Year Extension of Audit Services for Fiscal Year 2021 with Teaman, Ramirez and Smith, Inc. COMMITTEE ACTION: The Finance and Administration Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a meeting held on August 18, 2020 and the following comments were made: • Staff is requesting that the Board approve a one-year extension for audit services for Fiscal Year 2021 with Teaman, Ramirez and Smith, Inc. (TRS). • Information was presented from the staff report. • The Committee commented that the Fraud Questionnaire the board completes annually for the audit has been the same every year and asked if the auditor could rotate the questions. Staff indicated that this is not unusual as the vast majority of the questions need to be very similar as the auditors must get to the same points in relation to different timeframes. Staff also shared that there is a Statement of Auditing Standards which requires those particular types of questions. It was noted that where the auditors do take a fresh perspective is when they audit the District’s business processes. The sampling of those processes has been consistently different. • Because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Committee indicated that they understood and supported staff’s recommendation to extend the audit services contract with TRS for an additional year. • The Committee additionally commented that they have been happy with TRS’ services. Upon completion of the discussion, the Committee supported presentation to the full board as an action item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±QRZ DQGLQWKHIXWXUH±LQDGHGLFDWHGDQGUHVSRQVLYHPDQQHU  7KHIROORZLQJDOOLQFOXVLYHPD[LPXPIHHVLQFOXGHWKHDXGLWRIWKH'LVWULFW¶VILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV SUHSDUDWLRQRIWKH'LVWULFW¶V6WDWH&RQWUROOHU¶V5HSRUWDVVLVWDQFHZLWKSUHSDUDWLRQRIWKH'LVWULFW¶V &$)5DQG$JUHHGXSRQ3URFHGXUHVRQWKH'LVWULFW¶V,QYHVWPHQWV  6HUYLFH $XGLWRI'LVWULFW¶VILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV 6WDWH&RQWUROOHU¶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ichard A. Teaman, CPA David M. Ramirez, CPA Javier H. Carrillo, CPA Bryan W͘Daugherty, CPA Joshua :͘Calhoun, CPA 4201 Brockton AveŶƵĞ Suite 100Riverside CA 92501 951.274.9500d> 951.274.7828 FAX www.trscpas.com 7KDQN\RXIRUSURYLGLQJXVWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRSUHVHQWRXUSURSRVDOIRUDXGLWVHUYLFHVDVZHZRXOG OLNHYHU\PXFKWREHFRPHWKH'LVWULFW VDXGLWRUV:HFHUWLI\WKDW-RVKXD&DOKRXQLVHQWLWOHGWR UHSUHVHQWWKHILUPHPSRZHUHGWRVXEPLWWKLVELGDQGDXWKRUL]HGWRVLJQDFRQWUDFWZLWKWKH2WD\ :DWHU 'LVWULFW 6KRXOG \RX KDYH DQ\ TXHVWLRQV UHJDUGLQJ RXU SURSRVDO RU GHVLUH DGGLWLRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFDOO-RVKXD&DOKRXQ3DUWQHUDW       5HVSHFWIXOO\3UHVHQWHG   7($0$15$0,5(= 60,7+,1&      -RVKXD-&DOKRXQ  &HUWLILHG3XEOLF$FFRXQWDQW   September XX, 2020 Chair Dianne Jacob San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission 9335 Hazard Way, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92123 Re: Fallbrook PUD and Rainbow MWD Proposals to Detach from CWA and Annex to Eastern MWD Dear Chair Jacob: As one of 22 member agencies of the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA), the Otay Water District will be greatly affected by LAFCO’s determination concerning the unprecedented proposals submitted by Fallbrook Public Utility District (Fallbrook) and Rainbow Municipal Water District (Rainbow) to annex to Eastern Municipal Water District (Eastern) for Wholesale Water Service with concurrent Detachment from the CWA. We support the Resolution adopted by the CWA's Board of Directors on May 28, 2020 and, we too request that LAFCO conduct a comprehensive evaluation of all the impacts of Fallbrook and Rainbow’s proposals including financial, water supply reliability, governmental, and environmental impacts, and ensure that the public and all affected agencies have a meaningful and balanced opportunity to engage in the evaluation process. We also request that the LAFCO evaluate and determine the following: 1.That the proposed detachments will not adversely affect the Otay Water District, other CWA member agencies, and San Diego County as a region financially or environmentally; and 2.That Fallbrook and Rainbow’s customers, including their agricultural ratepayers, will not be adversely impacted by relying on MWD’s lower water supply reliability; and 3.That the proposed detachments from CWA and annexations into Eastern will not increase reliance on the Bay-Delta; and 4.That the proposed detachments will not result in a diminution of the CWA’s voting power at MWD to represent the interests of all San Diego county repairs and property owners. The Otay Water District appreciates both Rainbow and Fallbrook’s desire to secure the most advantageous rate for the water they provide to their customers, but we oppose their proposals to the extent that either Agenda Item 10a Chair Dianne Jacob San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission September XX, 2020 Page 2 of 2 the Otay Water District, CWA and its member agencies, and/or the San Diego region are adversely affected in the above-described areas by their detachment from CWA and/or annexation to Eastern. Sincerely, Gary Croucher, President, Board of Directors Otay Water District cc: Director Mark Robak, Otay Water District Director Tim Smith, Otay Water District Director Mitch Thompson, Otay Water District Director Hector Gastelum, Otay Water District Jose Martinez, General Manager Otay Water District Jeanne Blumenfeld, Esq. Dan Shinoff, Esq. Keene Simonds, LAFCO Executive Officer Sandy Kerl, General Manager, San Diego County Water Authority Mark Hattam, General Counsel, San Diego County Water Authority Administration Keene Simonds, Executive Officer County Operations Center 9335 Hazard Way, Suite 200 San Diego, California 92123 T 858.614.7755 F 858.614.7766 www.sdlafco.org Jim Desmond County of San Diego Chair Dianne Jacob County of San Diego Greg Cox, Alternate County of San Diego San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission Regional Service Planning | Subdivision of the State of California Jo MacKenzie Vista Irrigation Barry Willis Alpine Fire Protection Erin Lump, Alternate Rincon del Diablo MWD Water Mary Casillas Salas City of Chula Vista Bill Wells City of El Cajon Paul McNamara, Alternate City of Escondido Mark Kersey City of San Diego Chris Cate, Alternate City of San Diego Vice Chair Andy Vanderlaan General Public Harry Mathis, Alternate General Public NOTICE OF PROPOSAL PRELIMINARY STAFF REPORT Title of Proposal: “Fallbrook Public Utility District – Eastern Municipal Water District Wholesale Water Reorganization” | Proposed Annexation to Eastern Municipal Water District for Wholesale Water Service with concurrent Detachment from San Diego County Water Authority Reference No.: RO20-05 Affected APNs: Multiple, District-wide Date Received: March 24, 2020 Applicant: Fallbrook Public Utility District, by Resolution Subject Agencies: Fallbrook Public Utility District, Eastern Municipal Water District, San Diego County Water Authority Sphere Amendment: Yes Project Manager: Robert Barry | robert.barry@sdcounty.ca.gov I.Proposal Request The San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) has received a resolution of application from Fallbrook Public Utility District (PUD) requesting initiation of proceedings to reorganize the MWD’s wholesale imported water provider from the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) to the Eastern MWD of Riverside County. The affected territory includes all of the present Fallbrook PUD’s authorized service area within the unincorporated community of Fallbrook in north San Diego County, generally located south of Riverside County, west of Interstate 15, north of SR-76, and east of Camp Pendleton. A copy of the key proposal materials is attached. II.Proposal Purpose Fallbrook PUD states the purpose of the proposed reorganization is to replace the PUD’s present wholesale imported water supplier – the San Diego County Water Authority – with the Eastern MWD of Riverside County because of closer proximity to Eastern MWD wholesale water supply infrastructure and expected cost-savings to ratepayers. The proposed reorganization involves annexation of the Fallbrook PUD’s existing retail water service area within San Diego County to the Eastern MWD for wholesale water service, with a concurrent detachment of the affected territory from the San Diego CWA’s wholesale water service area. Establishment of a coterminous sphere of influence for Eastern MWD with a conforming change to the CWA sphere to exclude the affected territory would also be required. No changes are proposed for Fallbrook PUD’s existing authorized retail water service area or adopted sphere of influence. As the proposed reorganization would not San Diego LAFCO June 16, 2020 “Fallbrook PUD – Eastern MWD Wholesale Water Reorganization” (RO20-05) 2 | P a g e change the area where existing services are presently authorized and provided, the proposal is expected to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15320. III.LAFCO Considerations An initial review of the proposal identifies the following pertinent item(s) germane to LAFCO staff’s review and ahead of the Commission’s deliberations: Reorganization Merit- The merit of the proposed reorganization serves the primary focus of the analysis given the affected territory presently lies within the San Diego CWA’s wholesale water service boundary and adopted sphere of influence. The LAFCO analysis is prefaced on addressing the proposal review factors required for consideration of proposed changes of organization or reorganization as enumerated under Government Code 56668. The majority of the prescribed review factors for the proposed reorganization will focus on the service and financial capacities of the annexing agency, Eastern MWD. The reorganization proposal’s review will also evaluate any potential service or financial effects on the detaching agency, San Diego CWA. The merits of conforming sphere of influence changes will also be considered, including establishment of an Eastern MWD wholesale water service sphere coterminous with the Fallbrook PUD’s existing retail water service area, and exclusion of the affected territory from the CWA wholesale water service sphere. IV.Proposal Referrals This proposal notice and preliminary staff report is being provided to all of the following agencies: •County of San Diego | County Service Area No. 81 (Fallbrook Parks); County Service Area No. 135 (Regional Communications); Department of Planning and Development Services; Auditor/PTS; Assessor/Mapping; San Diego County Flood Control District; San Diego County Street Lighting District; Fallbrook Community Planning Group; District 5, Office of Supervisor Desmond •Fire Protection | North County Fire Protection District, San Diego County Fire Authority •Water District | Rainbow Municipal Water District; San Diego County Water Authority; Eastern Municipal Water District; Metropolitan Water District of Southern California •Other Agencies | City of Oceanside; Fallbrook Union Elementary School District; Fallbrook Union High School District; Palomar Community College District; Fallbrook Regional Healthcare District; Mission Resource Conservation District V.Review and Comment All interested agencies and related stakeholders are invited to review and submit comments on the proposal – including any requested terms – by Friday, July 10, 2020. Comments should be directed to LAFCO Chief Analyst Robert Barry at robert.barry@sdcounty.ca.gov. Attachments: 1)Proposal Vicinity Map 2)Proposal Materials – Fallbrook PUD Resolution of Application OCEANSIDE LAKE O'NEILL BECK RESERVOIR MORRO RESERVOIR MI S S I O N PAL A A GIR D RO B L A R D LILAC B A S I L O N E STAGE C O A C H RECHE DAILY WI L T I-15 S B FA L L B R O O K M A C S TE N A J A T R U C K LYNDA HA R R I S DOU G L A S B SA N T A M A R G A R I T A H ASP E N DEN T R O D E L O M A S SEQ U O I A PRIV A T E Ä76 §¨¦15 0 1.5 30.75 Miles o Fallbrook PUD Sphere of Influence Fallbrook PUDSphere of Influence Riverside County PacificOcean §¨¦5 §¨¦15 }78 CHULA VISTA SANDIEGO ESCONDIDO §¨¦8 SAN DIEGO COUNTY Proposal Area:Fallbrook PUD 20-05: Fallbrook PUD Vicinity Map20-05: Fallbrook PUD Vicinity Map “Fallbrook Public Utility District – Eastern Mun icipal Water District Wholesale Water Reorgan ization ” | Proposed An n exation to Eastern Mun icipal Water District for Wholesale Water Service w ith con curren t Detachmen t from San Diego Coun ty Water Authority (RO20-05) G:\GIS\Vicinity_Maps\agendamaps2020\20-05 Fallbrook PUD Vicinity.mxd Created by Dieu Ngu -- 6/11/2020 This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including butnot limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.Copyright LAFCO and SanGIS. All Rights Reserved.This product may contain informationfrom the SANDAG Regional Information System which cannot be reproduced withoutthe written permission of SANDAG. This map has been prepared for descriptive purposesonly and is considered accurate according to SanGIS and LAFCO data. Blank for Photocopying Administration Keene Simonds, Executive Officer County Operations Center 9335 Hazard Way, Suite 200 San Diego, California 92123 T 858.614.7755 F 858.614.7766 www.sdlafco.org Jim Desmond County of San Diego Chair Dianne Jacob County of San Diego Greg Cox, Alternate County of San Diego San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission Regional Service Planning | Subdivision of the State of California Jo MacKenzie Vista Irrigation Barry Willis Alpine Fire Protection Erin Lump, Alternate Rincon del Diablo MWD Water Mary Casillas Salas City of Chula Vista Bill Wells City of El Cajon Paul McNamara, Alternate City of Escondido Mark Kersey City of San Diego Chris Cate, Alternate City of San Diego Vice Chair Andy Vanderlaan General Public Harry Mathis, Alternate General Public NOTICE OF PROPOSAL PRELIMINARY STAFF REPORT Title of Proposal: “Rainbow Municipal Water District – Eastern Municipal Water District Wholesale Water Reorganization” | Proposed Annexation to Eastern Municipal Water District for Wholesale Water Service with concurrent Detachment from San Diego County Water Authority Reference No.: RO20-04 Affected APNs: Multiple, District-wide Date Received: March 18, 2020 Applicant: Rainbow Municipal Water District, by Resolution Subject Agencies: Rainbow Municipal Water District, Eastern Municipal Water District, San Diego County Water Authority Sphere Amendment: Yes Project Manager: Robert Barry | robert.barry@sdcounty.ca.gov I. Proposal Request The San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) has received a resolution of application from Rainbow Municipal Water District (MWD) requesting initiation of proceedings to reorganize the MWD’s wholesale imported water provider from the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) to the Eastern MWD of Riverside County. The affected territory includes all of the present Rainbow MWD’s authorized service area within the unincorporated area of north San Diego County, generally located south of Riverside County, west of SR-79, north of SR-78, and east of Camp Pendleton. A copy of the key proposal materials is attached. II. Proposal Purpose Rainbow MWD states the purpose of the proposed reorganization is to replace Rainbow MWD’s present wholesale imported water supplier – the San Diego County Water Authority – with the Eastern MWD of Riverside County because of closer proximity to Eastern MWD wholesale water supply infrastructure and expected cost-savings to ratepayers. The proposed reorganization involves annexation of the Rainbow MWD’s existing retail water service area within San Diego County to the Eastern MWD for wholesale water service, with a concurrent detachment of the affected territory from the San Diego County Water Authority’s wholesale water service area. Establishment of a coterminous sphere of influence for Eastern MWD with a conforming change to the CWA sphere to exclude the affected territory would also be required. No changes are proposed for Rainbow MWD’s existing authorized retail water service area or adopted sphere of influence. As the proposed reorganization would not change the area where existing services are presently authorized and San Diego LAFCO June 16, 2020 “Rainbow MWD – Eastern MWD Wholesale Water Reorganization” (RO20-04) 2 | P a g e provided, the proposal is expected to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15320. III. LAFCO Considerations An initial review of the proposal identifies the following pertinent item(s) germane to LAFCO staff’s review and ahead of the Commission’s deliberations: Reorganization Merit- The merit of the proposed reorganization serves the primary focus of the analysis given the affected territory presently lies within the San Diego CWA’s wholesale water service boundary and adopted sphere of influence. The LAFCO analysis is prefaced on addressing the factors of review required for consideration when jurisdictional changes are proposed and enumerated under Government Code 56668. The majority of the prescribed review factors for the proposed reorganization will focus on the service and financial capacities of the annexing agency, Eastern MWD. The proposal’s review will also evaluate any potential service or financial effects on the detaching agency, San Diego CWA. The merits of conforming sphere of influence changes will also be considered, including establishment of an Eastern MWD wholesale water service sphere coterminous with the Fallbrook PUD’s existing retail water service area, and exclusion of the affected territory from the CWA wholesale water service sphere. IV. Proposal Referrals This proposal notice and preliminary staff report is being provided to all of the following agencies: • County of San Diego | County Service Area No. 81 (Fallbrook Parks); County Service Area No. 135 (Regional Communications); Department of Planning and Development Services; Auditor/PTS; Assessor/Mapping; San Diego County Flood Control District; San Diego County Street Lighting District; Bonsall, Fallbrook, Pala-Pauma, & Rainbow Community Planning/Sponsor Groups; District 5, Office of Supervisor Desmond • Fire Protection | North County Fire Protection District, Deer Springs Fire Protection District; San Diego County Fire Authority • Water District | Rainbow Municipal Water District; San Diego County Water Authority; Eastern Municipal Water District; Metropolitan Water District of Southern California • Other Agencies | City of Oceanside; Bonsall Unified School District; Fallbrook Union Elementary School District; Valley Center-Pauma Unified School District; Vallecitos General Elementary School District; Oceanside School District; Fallbrook Union High School District; Palomar Community College District; Fallbrook Regional Healthcare District; Palomar Health Healthcare District; Tri-City Healthcare District; Mission Resource Conservation District; Upper San Luis Rey Resource Conservation District; Valley Center Cemetery District V. Review and Comment All interested agencies and related stakeholders are invited to review and submit comments on the proposal – including any requested terms – by Friday, July 10, 2020. Comments should be directed to LAFCO Chief Analyst Robert Barry at robert.barry@sdcounty.ca.gov. Attachments: 1) Proposed Reorganization Area Vicinity Map 2) Proposal Materials – Rainbow MWD Resolution of Application VISTA OCEANSIDE ESCONDIDO Ä76 Ä76 §¨¦15 §¨¦15 TURNER LAKE PALA GIRD VISTA STAGE COACH R E C H E M C N A L L Y SANTA FE D E L UZ R IC E C A N Y O N OLIVE PALA TEMECULA SR-76 MILLER C H A M P A G N E WILKES GOPHER CANYON C O U S E R C A N Y O N OLD RIVER COVEY SANDIA CREEK SAL WILSHIRE HILL RAINBOW GLEN MESA VERDE HILLDALE MORRO HILLS M A C A D A MIA ACACIA CHARLAN BOBRITT 0 2 41Miles o Rainbow MWD Sphere of Influence Rainbow MWDSphere of Influence Riverside County PacificOcean §¨¦5 §¨¦15 }78 CHULA VISTA SANDIEGO ESCONDIDO §¨¦8 SAN DIEGO COUNTY Proposal Area:Rainbow MWD RO20-04: Rainbow MWD Vicinity MapRO20-04: Rainbow MWD Vicinity Map “Rainbow Municipal Water District – Eastern Municipal Water District Wholesale Water Reorganization” | Proposed Annexation to Eastern Municipal Water District for Wholesale Water Service with concurrentDetachment from San Diego County Water Authority(RO20-04) G:\GIS\Vicinity_Maps\agendamaps2020\20-04 Rainbow MWD Vicinity.mxd Created by Dieu Ngu -- 6/11/2020 This map is provided without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including butnot limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.Copyright LAFCO and SanGIS. All Rights Reserved.This product may contain informationfrom the SANDAG Regional Information System which cannot be reproduced withoutthe written permission of SANDAG. This map has been prepared for descriptive purposesonly and is considered accurate according to SanGIS and LAFCO data. Blank for Photocopying Administration Keene Simonds, Executive Officer County Operations Center 9335 Hazard Way, Suite 200 San Diego, California 92123 T 858.614.7755 F 858.614.7766 www.sdlafco.org Jim Desmond County of San Diego Chair Dianne Jacob County of San Diego Greg Cox, Alternate County of San Diego San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission Regional Service Planning | Subdivision of the State of California Jo MacKenzie Vista Irrigation Barry Willis Alpine Fire Protection Erin Lump, Alternate Rincon del Diablo MWD Mary Casillas Salas City of Chula Vista Bill Wells City of El Cajon Paul McNamara, Alternate City of Escondido Mark Kersey City of San Diego Chris Cate, Alternate City of San Diego Vice Chair Andy Vanderlaan General Public Harry Mathis, Alternate General Public June 17, 2020 TO: Subject and Affected Agencies and Interested Parties FROM: Executive Officer San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission SUBJECT: Fallbrook Public Utility District – Eastern Municipal Water District Wholesale Water Reorganization” | Proposed Annexation to Eastern Municipal Water District for Wholesale Water Service with concurrent Detachment from San Diego County Water Authority (Ref. No.:RO20-05) The above-referenced proposal has been submitted to the San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for review and recommendation. This notice is a supplement to the proposal’s Preliminary Staff Report distribution to the subject and affected agencies by email on June 16, 2020. Please note the following clarifications to the Preliminary Staff Report: 1. The review and comment period for the proposal will extend 90 days from the date of notice. All comments should be received by Friday, September 18, 2020. 2. LAFCO’s evaluation and consideration of the proposal will focus on both impacts to the proposed receiving entity in Eastern Municipal Water District as well as the proposed conveying entity in San Diego County Water Authority. 3. All comments received on the proposal – including proposed terms or modifications – will be incorporated into the LAFCO Staff analysis and with the assistance of a 10- member advisory committee established by the Commission. Please comment on any aspects or possible effects of this proposal that you may feel are relevant. Subject agencies are also requested to submit any recommended terms and conditions to LAFCO as soon as possible. If you have any further questions, please contact the project manager indicated below. KEENE SIMONDS Executive Officer By: Robert Barry Chief Analyst Administration Keene Simonds, Executive Officer County Operations Center 9335 Hazard Way, Suite 200 San Diego, California 92123 T 858.614.7755 F 858.614.7766 www.sdlafco.org Jim Desmond County of San Diego Chair Dianne Jacob County of San Diego Greg Cox, Alternate County of San Diego San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission Regional Service Planning | Subdivision of the State of California Jo MacKenzie Vista Irrigation Barry Willis Alpine Fire Protection Erin Lump, Alternate Rincon del Diablo MWD Mary Casillas Salas City of Chula Vista Bill Wells City of El Cajon Paul McNamara, Alternate City of Escondido Mark Kersey City of San Diego Chris Cate, Alternate City of San Diego Vice Chair Andy Vanderlaan General Public Harry Mathis, Alternate General Public June 17, 2020 TO: Subject and Affected Agencies and Interested Parties FROM: Executive Officer San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission SUBJECT: Rainbow Municipal Water District – Eastern Municipal Water District Wholesale Water Reorganization” | Proposed Annexation to Eastern Municipal Water District for Wholesale Water Service with concurrent Detachment from San Diego County Water Authority (Ref. No.:RO20-04) The above-referenced proposal has been submitted to the San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for review and recommendation. This notice is a supplement to the proposal’s Preliminary Staff Report distribution to the subject and affected agencies by email on June 16, 2020. Please note the following clarifications to the Preliminary Staff Report: 1. The review and comment period for the proposal will extend 90 days from the date of notice. All comments should be received by Friday, September 18, 2020. 2. LAFCO’s evaluation and consideration of the proposal will focus on both impacts to the proposed receiving entity in Eastern Municipal Water District as well as the proposed conveying entity in San Diego County Water Authority. 3. All comments received on the proposal – including proposed terms or modifications – will be incorporated into the LAFCO Staff analysis and with the assistance of a 10- member advisory committee established by the Commission. Please comment on any aspects or possible effects of this proposal that you may feel are relevant. Subject agencies are also requested to submit any recommended terms and conditions to LAFCO as soon as possible. If you have any further questions, please contact the project manager indicated below. KEENE SIMONDS Executive Officer By: Robert Barry Chief Analyst STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board Meeting MEETING DATE: September 2, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Jose Martinez, General Manager W.O./G.F. NO:DIV. NO. APPROVED BY: Susan Cruz, District Secretary Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Board of Directors 2020 Calendar of Meetings GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: At the request of the Board, the attached Board of Director’s meeting calendar for 2020 is being presented for discussion. PURPOSE: This staff report is being presented to provide the Board the opportunity to review the 2020 Board of Director’s meeting calendar and amend the schedules as needed. COMMITTEE ACTION: N/A ANALYSIS: The Board requested that this item be presented at each meeting so they may have an opportunity to review the Board meeting calendar schedule and amend it as needed. STRATEGIC GOAL: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: None. LEGAL IMPACT: None. Attachment: Calendar of Meeting for 2020 G:\UserData\DistSec\WINWORD\STAFRPTS\Board Meeting Calendar 09-02-20.doc AGENDA ITEM 10b Board of Directors, Workshops and Committee Meetings (Via Teleconference) 2020 Regular Board Meetings: Special Board or Committee Meetings (3rd Wednesday of Each Month or as Noted) January 8, 2020 February 5, 2020 March 11, 2020 April 1, 2020 May 6, 2020 June 3, 2020 July 1, 2020 August 5, 2020 September 2, 2020 October 7, 2020 November 4, 2020 December 2, 2020 January 22, 2020 February 19, 2020 March 18, 2020 April 22, 2020 May 20, 2020 June 17, 2020 July 22, 2020 August 19, 2020 September 23, 2020 October 21, 2020 November 18, 2020 December 16, 2020 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 2, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Michael J. Long Engineering Manager PROJECT: Various DIV. NO. ALL APPROVED BY: Rod Posada, Chief, Engineering Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: Informational Item – Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Improvement Program Report GENERAL MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation. This is an informational item only. COMMITTEE ACTION: Please see Attachment A. PURPOSE: To update the Board about the status of all CIP project expenditures and to highlight significant issues, progress, and milestones on major projects. ANALYSIS: To keep up with growth and to meet our ratepayers' expectations to adequately deliver safe, reliable, cost-effective, and quality water, each year the District staff prepares a Six-Year CIP Plan that identifies the District’s infrastructure needs. The CIP is comprised of four categories consisting of backbone capital facilities, replacement/renewal projects, capital purchases, and developer's reimbursement projects. The Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2020 update is intended to provide a detailed analysis of progress in completing these projects within the allotted time and budget of $17.22 million. Expenditures through the AGENDA ITEM 11 2 Fourth Quarter totaled approximately $15.03 million. Approximately 87% of the Fiscal Year 2020 expenditure budget was spent (see Attachment B). FISCAL IMPACT: Joe Beachem, Chief Financial Officer No fiscal impact as this is an informational item only. STRATEGIC GOAL: This Project supports the District’s Mission statement, “To provide exceptional water and wastewater service to its customers, and to manage District resources in a transparent and fiscally responsible manner” and the General Manager’s Vision, "To be a model water agency by providing stellar service, achieving measurable results, and continuously improving operational practices." LEGAL IMPACT: None. MJL/RP:jf P:\Forms\D-Construction\CIP Quarterly Reports\CIP Qtr Reports\FY 2020\Q4\Staff Report\BD 09-02-20 Staff Report Fourth Quarter FY 2020 CIP Report (ML-RP).docx Attachments: Attachment A – Committee Action Attachment B - Fiscal Year 2020 Fourth Quarter CIP Expenditure Report Attachment C – Presentation ATTACHMENT A SUBJECT/PROJECT: VARIOUS Informational Item – Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Improvement Program Report COMMITTEE ACTION: The Engineering, Operations, and Water Resources Committee (Committee) reviewed this item at a Committee Meeting held on August 19, 2020 and the following comments were made: • Staff indicated that the District’s FY 2020 CIP budget consists of 113 projects that total $17.2 million and is divided into four categories: o Capital Facilities= $5.2 million o Replacement/Renewal= $11.3 million o Capital Purchases= $.7 million o Developer Reimbursement= $2.0 thousand • Staff reviewed the PowerPoint presentation with the Committee and indicated that the expenditures through the fourth quarter of FY 2020 totaled $15.03 million, which is approximately 87% of the District’s fiscal year budget. • The PowerPoint presentation included the following: o Total Life-to-Date Expenditures o CIP Budget Forecast vs. Expenditures o Major CIP Projects that have been completed, are in design or are in construction o CIP Projects in Construction o Construction Contract Status of projects, contract amount with allowances, net change orders, and percent of project completion o Consultant Contract Status of contract amounts, approved payments to date, change orders, dates when contracts were signed and the end date of contracts • Staff stated that the overall Life-to-Date change order rate for all of FY 2020 projects was 5.6%; the change order rate including allowance credits was 3.6%. • Staff noted that the annual CIP Strategic Plan expenditure goal is typically 95% of the budget. However, this past year the District’s annual goal was forecasted at the end of Quarter 3 to be reduced by approximately 15% to an 80% or a $13.7M expenditure for the entire fiscal year. The reduced goal was due to a combination of the following: o FY 2020 budgeted expenditures spent in prior FY 2019 ($1.2M or 7%) o Delays for rebidding of four (4) projects that initially had higher than anticipated bids ($1.6M or 9%) o Reprioritizing projects ($275K or 1.6%) o Accelerating projects such as Dictionary Hill (($0.4M or 2.3%) Staff stated that the actual year end expenditures of $15.03M or 87% indicate that the Quarter 3 forecast reduced goal was exceeded and that COVID did not impact the District’s ability to implement the FY 2020 CIP program of projects. Following the discussion, the committee supported presentation to the full board as an informational item. FISCAL YEAR 2020 4TH QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 6/30/2020)($000) ATTACHMENT B 2020 06/30/20 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2020 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Q4 Comments CAPITAL FACILITY PROJECTS - P2040 Res - 1655-1 Reservoir 0.5 MG Cameron 30$ 45$ (15)$ 150%4,500$ 642$ 3,858$ 14% Environmental work is complete. Legal review in progress. Consultant selection process for design will begin in FY 2021. P2405 PL - 624/340 PRS, Paseo Ranchero and Otay Valley Road Cameron 5 - 5 0%1,500 - 1,500 0% This project is tied to P2553 and is driven by the City of Chula Vista. Construction is scheduled for FY 2022. P2451 Otay Mesa Desalination Conveyance and Disinfection System Kennedy 10 - 10 0%3,975 3,823 152 96% EIR/EIS complete and Presidential permit issued. Continue meetings with DDW and AdR. P2453 SR-11 Utility Relocations Marchioro 270 80 190 30%3,000 1,945 1,055 65% Schedule driven by Caltrans. Caltrans issued construction contract notice to proceed Q1 FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated for Q2 FY 2022. P2460 I.D. 7 Trestle and Pipeline Demolition Beppler 80 33 47 41%600 17 583 3% Environmental surveys started in Q4, to be completed in FY 2021 Q1. Budget had expected completed surveys in FY 2020. Demolition work is expected to occur in FY 2023. P2485 SCADA - Infrastructure and Communications Replacement Kerr 60 95 (35) 158%2,428 2,227 201 92% Worked with SCADA group to identify new FY expenses. Going into new Fiscal Year, new purchases are required, additional PLC's, and Infrastructure enhancements, etc. P2494 Multiple Species Conservation Plan Coburn-Boyd 30 4 26 13%1,000 931 69 93% Regulatory Agency review of documents has delayed spending of budget in FY 2020. Anticipate spending remainder of budget in FY 2021. P2516 PL - 12-Inch, 640 Zone, Jamacha Road - Darby/Osage Marchioro - - - 0%1,000 - 1,000 0% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2026. P2521 Large Meter Vault Upgrade Program Carey 100 44 56 44%620 335 285 54%Due to COVID-19, work moved to FY 2021. P2553 Heritage Road Bridge Replacement and Utility Relocation Cameron 40 34 6 85%3,500 50 3,450 1% Project is driven by the City of Chula Vista's schedule for replacement; the City has delayed the design. The City provided design parameters to the District in June 2020. NV5 has begun design. P2584 Res - 657-1 and 657-2 Reservoir Demolitions Marchioro - - - 0%51 - 51 0% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2020. These Reservoirs are scheduled to be removed at the end of their useful life. P2608 PL - 8-inch, 850 Zone, Coronado Ave, Chestnut/Apple Cameron 50 216 (166) 432%820 63 757 8% Project is in construction, and the contractor is progressing faster than expected. P2611 Quarry Road Bridge Replacement and Utility Relocation Cameron 75 74 1 99%1,300 105 1,195 8% This is a County of San Diego driven project. The County has put this project of hold. Project is currently 50% designed. P2612 PL - 12-inch, 711 Zone, Paso de Luz/Telegraph Canyon Rd Cameron 50 70 (20) 140%500 106 394 21% Project is in planning stage; expected to start design in FY 2021. P2614 485-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron - - - 0%895 - 895 0%No expenditures in FY 2020. P2617 Lobby Security Enhancements Payne 150 122 28 81%225 150 75 67% Completed Public Services conference room expansion, Public Services desk upgrade, and public entrance door rebuild and safety enhancements. Specification for Board Room Security pending COVID-19 resolution and/or incorporation of mitigating design elements in FY 2021 Q2-3. P2619 PS - Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station Redundancy Marchioro 2,000 1,477 523 74%3,200 1,387 1,813 43% Redundant trailer delivered Q3 FY 2020. Construction completion delayed due to pipe fabrication delays associated with COVID-19. Construction completion anticipated Q2 FY 2021. P2623 Central Area to Otay Mesa Interconnection Pipelines Combination Air/Vacuum Valve Replacements Marchioro 50 4 46 8%500 214 286 43% Easement offer sent to property owner Q4 FY 2019. Design phase for valve relocations commenced Q4 FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2022. P2626 803-4 Reservoir Water Quality Improvements – PAX System Purchase Coburn-Boyd 150 260 (110) 173%325 11 314 3% Construction was substantially complete for the project, which is why the budget was exceeded for FY 2020. P2630 624-3 Reservoir Automation of Chemical Feed System Cameron 5 - 5 0%505 - 505 0%Planning to begin in FY 2021 P2638 Buildings and Grounds Refurbishments Payne 89 27 62 30%114 16 98 14% Due to COVID related delays, the grounds consultant solicitation was moved to FY 2021 Q1- 2. Installation scheduled in FY 2021 Q3-4. P2639 Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement Marchioro 25 23 2 92%2,800 11 2,789 0%Advance planning work commenced Q3 FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2024. P2640 Portable Trailer Mounted VFD Pumps Marchioro 458 347 111 76%550 65 485 12% Portable Trailer Mounted Pumps delivered Q4 FY 2020 with defects. Trailer defects will be completed Q1 FY 2021. This project has experienced delays associated COVID-19. FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/20 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/20 Page 1 of 5 8/13/2020 FISCAL YEAR 2020 4TH QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 6/30/2020)($000) ATTACHMENT B 2020 06/30/20 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2020 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Q4 Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/20 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/20 P2642 Rancho Jamul Pump Station Replacement Marchioro 5 1 4 20%2,500 - 2,500 0% Project will be coordinated with P2040, 1655-1 Reservoir. Completion of construction currently scheduled for FY 2026. P2646 North District Area Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro - - - 0%1,200 - 1,200 0% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2025. P2647 Central Area Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro - - - 0%1,300 - 1,300 0% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2024. P2648 Otay Mesa Area Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro 100 150 (50) 150%430 150 280 35%Design phase completed FY Q4 2020. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2021. P2649 HVAC Equipment Purchase Payne 44 1 43 2%130 10 120 8% Operation's RTU was solicited and scheduled for installation. Installation will be completed in FY 2021 Q1. P2652 520 to 640 Pressure Zone Conversion Cameron 20 32 (12) 160%250 17 233 7% PDR complete. Outreach to customers will begin in FY 2021. P2654 Heritage Road Interconnection Improvements Marchioro 65 29 36 45%200 18 182 9% Project scope will change, pending City preference. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2023. P2658 832-1 Pump Station Modifications Cameron 15 10 5 67%600 7 593 1% PDR complete. Outreach to customers will begin in FY 2021. P2659 District Boardroom Improvements Kerr 180 174 6 97%200 99 101 50% Project is near completion; however, for FY 2021, project budget was increased to include other Boardroom and lobby enhancements. P2660 Camino Elevado Drive OWD and SWA Interconnection Upgrade Beppler 3 10 (7) 333%250 10 240 4% Upon project investigation, this project does not meet the cost to benefit requirements and will not be implemented. Fiscal year budget exceeded with recognizing the potential for project elimination. P2663 Potable Water Pressure Vessel Program Marchioro 50 21 29 42%1,500 6 1,494 0% Advanced planning work for Rancho Jamul Hydropneumatic Station began in Q3 FY 2020. Completion of construction scheduled for Q4 FY 2021. P2664 Otay Mesa Dual Piping Modification Program Beppler 10 21 (11) 210%350 4 346 1% Draft figures provided to Operations for confirmation of the existing system and comments on proposed changes. Design advanced in excess of FY 2020 budget with delays to other projects. R2116 RecPL - 14-Inch, 927 Zone, Force Main Improvements Marchioro 25 53 (28) 212%2,250 2,222 28 99% Post construction mitigation work completed Q4 FY 2020. CIP closed end of FY 2020. R2118 Steele Canyon Sewer PS Large Solids Handling Improvements Beppler 5 - 5 0%175 174 1 99% Warranty period concluded in Q3 FY 2020. Close out of project at end of fiscal year. R2120 RWCWRF Filtered Water Storage Tank Improvements Cameron 390 19 371 5%575 48 527 8% The construction for this project was delayed until FY 2021 Q2. R2125 RecPRS - 927/680 PRS Improvements, Otay Lakes Road Marchioro 45 48 (3) 107%225 50 175 22% Project scope reduced. Construction completed Q4 FY 2020. CIP closed end of FY 2020. R2146 Recycled Pipeline Cathodic Protection Improvements Marchioro 40 21 19 53%700 1 699 0% Advanced planning work commenced Q3 FY 2020. Completion of construction anticipated FY 2025. R2150 RWCWRF - Secondary Chlorine Analyzer and Feed System Beppler 1 - 1 0%55 53 2 96% Warranty period concluded in Q3 FY 2020. Close out of project at end of fiscal year. S2012 San Diego County Sanitation District Outfall and RSD Outfall Replacement Beppler 50 - 50 0%1,800 1,111 689 62% Annual County invoicing covers this project, they had no charges this fiscal year. No District involvement in design and construction. S2027 Rancho San Diego Pump Station Rehabilitation Beppler 5 - 5 0%3,060 3,050 10 100% Close out of project at end of fiscal year; County billing complete. S2043 RWCWRF Sludge Handling System Beppler 100 75 25 75%390 120 270 31% No activity this quarter, overall spending under projected cost due to report costing less than anticipated. Report recommended no solids handling at RWCWRF; but CIP to remain open for potential future reassessment. S2047 Asset Management - Info Master Sewer Implementation Zhao 5 - 5 0%58 38 20 66%No expenditures in FY 2020. S2061 RWCWRF Aeration Controls Consolidation & Optimization Upgrades (S)Beppler 30 4 26 13%220 6 214 3% Selection of consultant for implementing the project put on hold until alternative consultants confirmed and pandemic effects lessen. S2067 RWCWRF Roofing Replacement and Natural Light Enhancement Payne 145 - 145 0%165 16 149 10% Roofing consultant was contracted to supply bid documents for solicitation during FY 2021 Q1. S2071 San Diego Metro Wastewater Capital Improvements Kennedy 132 133 (1) 101%1,546 99 1,447 6% Annual City of S.D. invoicing covers this project. No District involvement in design and construction. Total Capital Facility Projects Total:5,192 3,757 1,435 72%54,037 19,407 34,630 36% REPLACEMENT/RENEWAL PROJECTS Page 2 of 5 8/13/2020 FISCAL YEAR 2020 4TH QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 6/30/2020)($000) ATTACHMENT B 2020 06/30/20 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2020 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Q4 Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/20 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/20 P2083 PS - 870-2 Pump Station Replacement Marchioro 4,700 4,660 40 99%19,550 18,268 1,282 93% Completion of construction anticipated Q1 FY 2021. P2174 PS - 1090-1 Pump Station Upgrade Beppler 350 127 223 36%2,000 70 1,930 4% Design in progress, at 90% milestone at end of quarter. Project to be bid in Q1 FY 2021. Delays in electrical engineer selection and pandemic impacts resulted in the project not starting construction in FY 2020 as planned. P2507 East Palomar Street Utility Relocation Cameron 4 4 - 100%735 733 2 100%Budget is for staff time to collect final reimbursement. P2508 Pipeline Cathodic Protection Replacement Program Marchioro 50 35 15 70%1,250 1,240 10 99% Construction completed Q1 FY 2020. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete Q1 FY 2021. P2533 1200-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 25 21 4 84%895 33 862 4% Design is complete; construction to begin in FY 2021 Q2. P2534 978-1 Reservoir Interior & Exterior Coating Cameron 5 20 (15) 400%650 614 36 94%Warranty work complete. Project will be closed. P2539 South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Utility Relocations Cameron 20 48 (28) 240%1,090 990 100 91% Project is driven by SANDAG. Expenditures within overall project budget. P2543 850-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 810 43 767 5%940 42 898 4% The construction for this project was delayed until FY 2021 Q2. P2544 850-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 5 99 (94) 1980%980 929 51 95%Warranty work complete. Project will be closed. P2546 980-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating Cameron 5 - 5 0%1,705 1,686 19 99% Project accepted in November 2018, and is in the 2 year warranty period. P2555 Administration and Operations Parking Lot Improvements Cameron 30 43 (13) 143%935 905 30 97%Project will be closed. P2561 Res - 711-3 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 50 351 (301) 702%2,450 2,435 15 99% Construction completed Q3 FY 2020. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete Q2 FY 2021. P2562 Res - 571-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 20 - 20 0%2,900 2,707 193 93% As part of the larger 870-2 Pump Station project, the 571-1 Reservoir was placed back into service April 2018. P2563 Res - 870-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 5 7 (2) 140%1,250 7 1,243 1% Existing cover/liner material tested to provide better understanding of remaining useful life Q4 FY 2020. Cover/liner replacement construction scheduled for FY 2023. P2565 803-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron 125 307 (182) 246%1,200 986 214 82% More work was completed in FY 2020 than anticipated. Project completed and in the 2 year warranty period. P2567 1004-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%965 - 965 0%No expenditures in FY 2020. P2573 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 Zone, Hillsdale Road Beppler 5 - 5 0%2,580 2,572 8 100%Warranty period concluded in Q1 FY 2020. Close out of project at end of fiscal year. P2574 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 978 Zone, Vista Vereda Beppler 230 696 (466) 303%1,785 1,706 79 96% Final acceptance occurred in Q4 FY 2020; start of one year warranty. P2578 PS - 711-2 (PS 711-1 Replacement and Expansion) - 14,000 gpm Marchioro - - - 0%13,000 - 13,000 0% No expenditures anticipated in FY 2020. Replacement scheduled for FY 2023-2025 to coincide with development of Villages 4, 8, 9, & 3. P2593 458-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%1,050 - 1,050 0%No expenditures in FY 2020. P2594 Large Meter Replacement Carey 60 20 40 33%650 467 183 72%Due to COVID-19, some large meter testing delayed so change-outs delayed until FY 2021. P2604 AMR Change-Out Carey 1,300 1,340 (40) 103%6,290 5,696 594 91%On target. P2605 458/340 PRS Replacement, 1571 Melrose Ave Beppler 295 52 243 18%475 97 378 20% Project design completed in Q2 FY 2020, with bidding performed and rejected. Project to be rebid in FY 2021 with next pipeline project. This delay resulted in budget underspent. P2607 Douglas Ave SWA and OWD Interconnection Upgrade Beppler 20 1 19 5%50 4 46 8% Project being designed by SWA; final design delayed due to pandemic, now expected before the end of FY 2021 and constructed during FY 2022. P2609 PL - 8-inch, 1004 Zone, Eucalyptus St, Coronado/Date/La Mesa Cameron 225 164 61 73%800 128 672 16% Project was bid with P2608. Construction began Q4 FY 2020. Contractor elected to start P2608 before P2609, which resulted in more expenditures for P2608. P2610 Valve Replacement Program - Phase 1 Cameron 50 - 50 0%275 22 253 8%Operations is taking the lead on this project. P2615 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 803 PZ, Vista Grande Beppler 25 15 10 60%2,200 34 2,166 2%PDR completed, further design needs to wait until FY 2022 for paving restriction to elapse. P2616 PL - 12-Inch Pipeline Replacement, 978 Zone, Pence Dr/Vista Sierra Dr Beppler 170 98 72 58%3,300 144 3,156 4% Revisiting alignment alternatives due to additional considerations during Q4, selection expected in Q1 FY 2021 with final design to begin in Q2. Delay in moving design forward resulted in budget underspending. P2625 PL - 12-inch, 978 Zone, Hidden Mesa Road Beppler 200 142 58 71%2,210 2,197 13 99% Final acceptance occurred in Q4 FY 2020; start of one year warranty. Page 3 of 5 8/13/2020 FISCAL YEAR 2020 4TH QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 6/30/2020)($000) ATTACHMENT B 2020 06/30/20 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2020 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Q4 Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/20 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/20 P2627 458/340 PRS Replacement, 1505 Oleander Ave Beppler 300 59 241 20%475 125 350 26% Project design completed in Q2 FY 2020, with bidding performed and rejected. Project to be rebid in FY 2021 with next pipeline project. This delay resulted in budget underspent. P2631 1485-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%1,055 - 1,055 0%No expenditures in FY 2020. P2653 1200 Pressure Zone Improvements Marchioro 200 225 (25) 113%325 55 270 17% Construction of Phase 1 completed Q4 FY 2020. Completion of Phase 2 construction scheduled for FY 2021. P2655 La Presa Pipeline Improvements Cameron 15 188 (173) 1253%1,750 33 1,717 2% A portion of this project was expedited to meet the County's storm drain replacement. P2656 Regulatory Site Desilting Basin Improvements Beppler 40 7 33 18%150 7 143 5% Implementation of first alternative delayed due to pandemic; Operations staff to revisit in Q1 FY 2021. P2657 1485-1 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Cameron - - - 0%30 - 30 0%No expenditures in FY 2020. P2661 Replacement of Backflow Prevention Devices on Pipeline Interconnections on Otay Mesa Beppler 10 5 5 50%375 5 370 1% Engineering staff to coordinate with Operations staff as issues arise. P2662 Potable Water Meter Change Out Carey - - - 0%1,950 - 1,950 0%No expenditures in FY 2020. R2121 Res - 944-1 Reservoir Cover/Liner Replacement Marchioro 60 6 54 10%1,800 25 1,775 1% Replacement scheduled for FY 2025 since existing cover/liner testing completed in FY 2020 suggested four to six years remaining life. R2139 RWCWRF - Filter Troughs Replacement Beppler 1 - 1 0%40 34 6 85% Warranty period concluded in Q3 FY 2020. Close out of project at end of fiscal year. R2143 AMR Change-Out Carey 130 84 46 65%525 333 192 63%Due to COVID-19, work moved to FY 2021. R2145 RWCWRF - Filter Media and Nozzles Replacement Beppler 1 - 1 0%130 117 13 90%Warranty period concluded in Q3 FY 2020. Close out of project at end of fiscal year. R2147 RWCWRF Fuel Lines Replacement Marchioro 10 36 (26) 360%225 222 3 99%Construction completed Q1 FY 2020. Project one year warranty scheduled to complete Q1 FY 2021. R2148 Large Meter Replacement - Recycled Carey 12 15 (3) 125%58 15 43 26% Additional irrigation meter measuring elements needed in FY 2020; will not affect overall budget. R2151 RWCWRF - Bulk Chlorine Vapor Scrubber System Refurbishment Lintner 1 - 1 0%40 39 1 98%This project is complete and will be closed at the end of the fiscal year. R2152 Recycled Water Meter Change-Out Carey - - - 0%70 - 70 0%No expenditures in FY 2020. R2153 Recycled Water Pressure Vessel Program Marchioro 1 - 1 0%50 - 50 0%No expenditures anticipated in FY 2020. S2024 Campo Road Sewer Main Replacement Beppler 1,500 1,350 150 90%10,980 10,978 2 100% Final acceptance occurred in Q4 FY 2020; start of one year warranty. S2045 Fuerte Drive Sewer Relocation Beppler 20 - 20 0%370 278 92 75%Warranty period concluded in Q1 FY 2020. Close out of project at end of fiscal year. S2046 RWCWRF - Aeration Panels Replacement Beppler 5 - 5 0%250 250 - 100% Warranty period concluded in Q3 FY 2020. Close out of project at end of fiscal year. S2048 Hillsdale Road Sewer Repairs Beppler 5 - 5 0%720 692 28 96%Warranty period concluded in Q1 FY 2020. Close out of project at end of fiscal year. S2049 Calavo Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Beppler 40 26 14 65%1,000 64 936 6% Design services started in FY 2020. Final design delayed, expected to be completed in FY 2022. S2050 Rancho San Diego Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 2 Beppler 5 - 5 0%820 7 813 1% No work performed, planning services to be performed during FY 2021 as time allows. S2051 RWCWRF - Headworks Improvements Beppler 5 - 5 0%250 246 4 98% Warranty period concluded in Q3 FY 2020. Close out of project at end of fiscal year. S2053 RWCWRF - Sedimentation Basins Weirs Replacement Beppler 1 - 1 0%60 53 7 88% Warranty period concluded in Q3 FY 2020. Close out of project at end of fiscal year. S2054 Calavo Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 3 Beppler - - - 0%10 - 10 0%No work planned for FY 2020.S2060 Steele Canyon Pump Station Replacement Beppler - - - 0%200 - 200 0%No work planned for FY 2020. S2066 Rancho San Diego Basin Sewer Rehabilitation - Phase 3 Beppler - - - 0%10 - 10 0%No work planned for FY 2020. S2069 Cottonwood Sewer Pump Station Renovation Beppler 10 20 (10) 200%1,800 20 1,780 1% Property acquisition and design consultant delayed due to pandemic impacts on property owner. Expect to move ahead in early FY 2021. Planning advanced to enable property acquisition discussions. S2070 Hidden Mountain Sewer Pump Station Wet Well Renovation Beppler 130 207 (77) 159%215 45 170 21% Construction substantially completed in Q4 FY 2020; warranty period to begin in Q1 FY 2021. Total Replacement/Renewal Projects Total:11,286 10,521 765 93%99,893 58,355 41,538 58% CAPITAL PURCHASE PROJECTS P2282 Vehicle Capital Purchases Rahders 439 511 (72) 116%6,000 4,640 1,360 77% Budget overage of $72K due to Kearny Person late delivery of FY 19 CP Items #5 & #6. Budgeted in FY19, received FY20. P2286 Field Equipment Capital Purchases Rahders 203 209 (6) 103%2,250 2,026 224 90% $6K overage due to unbudgeted labor charged to CIP for SCAD project. P2571 Data Center Network Data Storage and Infrastructure Enhancements Kerr 100 34 66 34%200 125 75 63% Project paused because of requested budget going into Fiscal Year 2021. Project funding was increased and staff will be moving forward with project. Page 4 of 5 8/13/2020 FISCAL YEAR 2020 4TH QUARTER REPORT (Expenditures through 6/30/2020)($000) ATTACHMENT B 2020 06/30/20 CIP No.Description Project Manager FY 2020 Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Budget Expenses Balance Expense to Budget %Q4 Comments FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE, 06/30/20 LIFE-TO-DATE, 06/30/20 P2572 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Replacement Kerr - - - 0%130 - 130 0%Project to commence October 2021. Total Capital Purchase Projects Total:742 754 (12) 102%8,580 6,791 1,789 79% DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT PROJECTS P2595 PL - 16-inch, 624 Zone, Village 3N - Heritage Road, Main St/Energy Way Beppler 1 - 1 0%150 - 150 0%Project under construction; awaiting developer submission for reimbursement. R2084 RecPL - 20-Inch, 680 Zone, Village 2 - Heritage/La Media Beppler 1 - 1 0%365 1 364 0% Project under construction; awaiting developer submission for reimbursement. Total Developer Reimbursement Projects Total:2 - 2 0%515 1 514 0% 113 GRAND TOTAL 17,222$ 15,032$ 2,190$ 87%163,025$ 84,554$ 78,471$ 52% Page 5 of 5 8/13/2020 Otay Water District Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2020 Fourth Quarter (through June 30, 2020) ATTACHMENT C 870-2 Pump Station and 711-3 Reservoir 04/02/2020 Background The approved CIP Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 consists of 113 projects that total $17.2 million. These projects are broken down into four categories. 1.Capital Facilities $ 5.2 million 2.Replacement/Renewal $11.3 million 3.Capital Purchases $ 0.7 million 4.Developer Reimbursement $ 2.0 thousand Overall expenditures through the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 totaled $15.03 million, which is approximately 87% of the Fiscal Year budget. 2 Fiscal Year 2020 Fourth Quarter Update ($000) CIP CAT Description FY 2020 Budget FY 2020 Expenditures % FY 2020 Budget Spent Total Life-to-Date Budget TotalLife-to-Date Expenditures % Life-to-Date Budget Spent 1 Capital Facilities $5,192 $3,757 72%$54,037 $19,407 36% 2 Replacement/Renewal $11,286 $10,521 93%$99,743 $58,355 58% 3 Capital Purchases $742 $754 102%$8,580 $6,791 79% 4 Developer Reimbursement $2 $0 0%$515 $1 0% Total: $17,222 $15,032 87%$163,025 $84,554 52% 3 Fiscal Year 2020 Fourth Quarter CIP Budget Forecast vs. Expenditures 4 $13,700,000 5 CIP Projects in Construction 870-2 Pump Station Replacement Project (P2083/P2562) Replacement of existing 870 High Head and Low Head Pump Stations. Remove and Replace the existing 571-1 Reservoir liner and cover. $21.65M Budget Start: July 2017 Estimated Completion: August 2020 870-2 Pump Station and 711-3 Reservoir Division No. 2 Location: North East corner of Otay Mesa. Existing 571-1 Reservoir and High Head/Low Head Pump Station site. 6 04/02/2020 CIP Projects in Construction 870-2 Pump Station and Fuel Storage Facing South 7 870-2 Pump Station Facing North 05/28/2020 05/28/2020 CIP Projects in Construction Dictionary Hill Waterline Replacement (P2608, P2609, and P2655) Project includes replacement of waterlines in Coronado Avenue, Date Street, Birch Street, and Kempton Street. $1.34M Budget Start: April 2020 Estimated Completion: October 2020 Coronado Avenue –Trench Shoring Division No. 3 Location: Spring Valley 8 05/27/2020 Construction Contract Status 9 FY 2020 CIP CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS PROJECT TOTAL % P2508 Pipeline CP Improvements - Phase II M-Rae Engineering Inc.$329,500 $347,000 $16,267 4.9%$349,386 $349,386 0.7%100.0%October 2019 P2561 Reservoir 711-3 Floating Cover and Liner Replacement Layfield USA Corporation $1,947,000 $1,997,000 $115,215 5.9%$2,102,535 $2,102,535 5.3%100.0%May 2020 P2565 803-2 Reservoir Interior/Exterior Coating & Upgrades Advanced Industrial Services Inc.$737,690 $951,690 ($117,080)-15.9%$690,360 $690,360 -27.5%100.0%October 2019 P2574/ P2625 Vista Vereda and Hidden Mesa Road Water Line Replacement Cass-Arrieta Construction $2,718,239 $2,848,364 $283,856 10.4%$3,013,206 $3,013,206 5.8%100.0%June 2020 R2147 RWCWRF Fuel System Improvements Jauregui & Culver, Inc.$153,092 $158,092 $1,781 1.2%$154,873 $154,873 -2.0%100.0%September 2019 S2024 Campo Road Sewer Replacement Project Wier Construction Corporation $7,623,146 $7,816,646 $666,334 8.7%$8,482,980 $8,482,980 8.5%100.0%June 2020 % COMPLETE EST. COMP. DATE NET CHANGE ORDERS LTD* CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT TOTAL EARNED TO DATECIP NO.PROJECT TITLE CONTRACTOR BASE BID AMOUNT CONTRACT AMOUNT W/ ALLOWANCES % CHANGE ORDERS W/ ALLOWANCE CREDIT** Construction Contract Status 10 FY 2020 CIP CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS CIP NO.PROJECT TITLE CONTRACTOR BASE BID AMOUNT CONTRACT AMOUNT W/ ALLOWANCES NET CHANGE ORDERS LTD* CURRENT CONTRACT AMOUNT TOTAL EARNED TO DATE % CHANGE ORDERS W/ ALLOWANCE CREDIT** % COMPLETE EST. COMP. DATEPROJECT TOTAL % P2619 P1320***Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station Redundancy Tharsos, Inc.$1,600,500 $1,647,000 $99,832 6.2%$1,704,133 $629,997 3.5%37.0%September 2020 P2608 P2609 P2655 Dictionary Hill Waterline Replacement -2019 LB Civil Construction, Inc.$1,125,315 $1,345,315 $0 0.0%$1,125,315 $316,325 -16.4%28.1%October 2020 P2653 1200 Pressure Zone Improvements -Phase 1 Piperin Corporation $145,990 $151,990 ($2,467)-1.7%$149,523 $149,523 -1.6%100.0%July 2020 S2070 Hidden Mountain Sewer Pump Station Wet Well Renovation Kay Construction $132,930 $142,940 $0 0.0%$132,930 $132,367 -7.0%99.6%August 2020 P2083 P2562 870-2 Pump Station Replacement/ 571-1 Reservoir Liner and Cover Replacement Pacific Hydrotech Corporation $16,500,900 $16,925,900 $787,165 4.8%$17,672,697 $17,265,345 4.4%97.7%August 2020 TOTALS:$33,014,302 $34,331,937 $1,850,904 5.6%$35,577,938 $33,286,896 3.6% *NET CHANGE ORDERS DO NOT INCLUDE ALLOWANCE ITEM CREDITS. IT'S A TRUE CHANGE ORDER PERCENTAGE FOR THE PROJECT **THIS CHANGE ORDER RATE INCLUDES THE CREDIT FOR UNUSED ALLOWANCES ***ADDITIONAL SCOPE WAS ADDED TO THIS CONTRACT VIA CHANGE ORDER TO PERFORM FUEL LEAK REMEDIATION AT THE 1485 PUMP STATION Consultant Contract Status 11 Consultant Contract Status 12 Consultant Contract Status 13 QUESTIONS? 14 STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: Regular Board MEETING DATE: September 2, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Jose Martinez General Manager W.O./G.F. NO: N/A DIV. NO. N/A APPROVED BY: Jose Martinez, General Manager SUBJECT: General Manager’s Report GENERAL MANAGER •District’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic – As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic emergency declarations and the social distancing orders resulting in a portion of the District’s staff telecommuting, the District has had no impacts to its water supply and has maintained a continuity of operations and services during the challenging and dynamic environment. Staff continues to monitor and provide updates as needed relating to responding to this pandemic, including but not limited to: water and wastewater services, supplies, operations, finances, and communication. The District is continuing to hold Board of Directors meetings via teleconference services which provides public access to the meetings. Staff continues to pursue temporary and permanent modifications to the boardroom and other facilities. The District remains committed to the safety of the public and the employees who continue to provide them with our essential services. A Safe Reopening Plan and a Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol have been developed in accordance with county health guidelines. Staff will continue to monitor and comply with all Federal, State and Local orders and guidelines that apply or affect the District. •Potable Water Purchases – The July potable water purchases were 3,086 acre-feet which is 14.4% above the budget of 2,697 acre-feet. The FY 2021 potable water sales budget was cut by 12% from the projected FY 2021 actuals as a response to COVID- 19 and the expected economic impacts. It is too early to say AGENDA ITEM 12 2 if the expected reductions will or will not happen the rest of the year. •Recycled Water Purchases – The July recycled water purchases from the City of San Diego and production at the District’s treatment facility were 530 acre-feet which is 15.5% above the budget of 459 acre-feet. Currently, staff is unable to decisively determine to what extent COVID-19 will impact recycled water sales volumes. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: GIS: •Production of Hard Copy Facility Book - The facility book is a paper copy of the District’s asset atlas and its attribute information. The paper product was replaced with GIS mobile apps in 2013. As a disaster recovery resource, staff was tasked to reproduce, verify, and update over 200,000 inventory assets and cartographic representations into an updated facility book. The new 2020 facility book is now in production and ready for District staff use, should it be needed. Human Resources: •Recruitments/New Hires/Promotions: o The incumbent for the Reclamation Plant Operator started this month. o The District is currently in the selection process for the Utility Services Manager. o In anticipation of the potential Spring 2021 retirement of the Chief of Operations, the District is preparing the recruitment announcement for this critical position. IT Operations: •Board Room Audio/Video (AV) Technology Enhancements - Staff completed the final phase of the project. The last remaining item, lectern for public speaking, was installed and tested with the new technology. The newly installed lectern complies with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal and state statutes, guidelines, and regulations to make public participation accessible. 3 Purchasing & Facilities: •Facility LED Lighting Upgrades – The pipe vault at the 30-Million Reservoir and the pump room at 680-1 Recycled Reservoir, and 944 Recycled Pump Station on Greensview Drive, are in-ground windowless concrete structures originally outfitted with high-pressure sodium (HPS) light fixtures. The 5-10-minute warm-up and orange tint monochromatic lighting are less than ideal for indoor work and many of the fixtures are in locations that make regular maintenance difficult and costly. Staff contracted with OT Electric to upgrade both locations to full spectrum LED lighting for improved working conditions and to take advantage of LED’s low maintenance 50,000- 100,000-hour lifespan and energy savings. LED utilizes approximately 1/3 of typical energy consumption. 30-Million Pipe Vault 4 Safety & Security: •COVID-19 – Staff continues to monitor the County’s activated Emergency Operations Center (for local water agencies and latest water information), Cal/OSHA, County, State, and CDC for updates. •Monthly WebEOC Exercise – Staff successfully completed the monthly exercise for August 2020, which consisted of: “Under Regional Tools/WebLinks/Health-Outbreak-Biological, navigate to the Center for Disease Control website. Identify current outbreaks and post them to the Water Hub. Include ‘August test’ in the title.” These monthly exercises continue to be successfully completed with no staff presence until such time as it is safe to do so. •Commercial Drivers – The new DOT requirement to conduct commercial driver license (CDL) queries using the 2020 enacted Clearinghouse process has been completed. No issues were found with District CDL holders. •Update on America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA 2018) Staff continues to work on part 2 of 2 of the AWIA, Risk Assessment and Emergency Response Plan. The project is on target to meet the certification deadline of September 30, 2020. 680-1 Recycled Reservoir 944 Recycled Pump Station 5 Outside Drone Flight Policy Completed – The policy for vendor, agency, or public request for drone flights over District service areas, and the associated authorization form has been finalized and was turned over to the Engineering department for their use. Finance: •Collections and Bad Debt Exposure: Below is information that shows lockable accounts and differentiates Owner accounts from Tenant accounts. While the District collects a portion of these balances, it is less likely to collect the tenant account balances that have become lockable. This balance is being monitored on a weekly basis to assess the potential bad debt exposure. Collections and Bad Debt Exposure # of Accounts $'s March 2020 (31 Days) July 2020 (31 Days) August 2020 (24 Days) March 2020 (31 Days) July 2020 (31 Days) August 2020 (24 Days) Lockable Accounts Owner 129 469 513 $25,715 $198,605 $207,891 Tenant 147 405 420 $22,785 $130,590 $149,719 Total 276 874 933 $48,500 $329,195 $357,610 Typical Monthly Values 200 1000 1150 Budgeted Sales $39,187,700 $46,172,474 Percent Increase 38% -13%-19% Percent of Bad Debt Exposure 0.84% 0.77% FY2021 Lockable $'s From Recycled Accounts Waived Penalties $105,718 $3,837 $- There are no recycled accounts that are lockable. •Sewer 218 Hearing Notices & Water Rate Increase Notices – The mailing of sewer 218 hearing notices and water rate increase notices was completed on August 18th. The changes to sewer rates and charges are subject to a 218 hearing which is scheduled for October 7, 2020. Subject to the results of the 218 hearing, the changes to sewer rates and rate structures would be effective January 1, 2021. The changes to water rates are not subject to a 218 hearing and will be effective January 1, 2021. As of August 20th, the District has received five calls from customers regarding the water notices. Three callers requested clarification and two calls were critical of the water rate increase. No disputes or inquiries have been received regarding the sewer 218 hearing notices. 6 •FY 2021 Budget Book – Staff is preparing the FY 2021 Budget book for submission to the CSMFO and GFOA award programs. Staff plans to have the book completed by September 30, 2020. •Capacity Fee Study – Staff is working towards coordinating meetings with the development community and other interested parties to present the results of the Capacity Fee Study completed in March 2020. The proposed timing for the meetings is September with staff returning to the Board in October or November to present the results of the study and input received from developers and interested parties. •COVID-19 Impacts – Staff is examining the ongoing financial and operational impacts of the pandemic. With the recent changing environment of the pandemic associated with the loosening and tightening of restrictions, and now the potential loosening again, there is limited consistent data to assess the impacts of the pandemic on FY 2021 and beyond. Staff is continuing to evaluate the ongoing impacts of the pandemic and, if necessary, will return to the Board with an update as more data becomes available. •2020 Water Loss Audit Schedule - The water loss audit for FY 2020 was due for submittal to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) by October 1, 2020; however, due to COVID-19 the date was extended by DWR to January 1, 2021. Finance engaged Cavanaugh Solutions to validate the FY 2020 AWWA Water Loss Audit. The District began submitting data to Cavanaugh Solutions so they can begin their review. Based on the recommendation from Cavanaugh Solutions, staff will continue with the original filing date unless a situation arises that prevents us from meeting the original deadline. •Property and Liability Insurance Update – Insurance coverage with ACWA-JPIA has officially started as of July 1st. As of July, we have received one new claim that is being brought to closed session. We had three open claims on-file with SDRMA as of July 1st, however one claim was settled leaving two claims, both of which result in reimbursements to the District. •FY 2020 Audit - Staff is continuing work on closing FY 2020 and preparing a draft trial balance for review by the auditors. Account reconciliations are on-going and includes Debt Schedules, Fixed Asset Accounts, Investment and Bank Balances, Accounts Payable, Customer Billings, etc. The timing of the audit is on track with a final presentation to the Board in November. •Developer Projects Review – As part of an ongoing review of developer deposits, staff created an aging report that is now used 7 to manage developer deposit balances. This report has enabled Public Service and Finance to identify and resolve accounts in arrears more effectively. Finance is working with Public Services to further improve the process and reduce exposure to work performed by the District on developer projects. •Year-End CIP Review and Capitalization – Staff completed the annual review of capital project expenditures and has recorded these projects in the Fixed Asset Accounting System. •Cuyamaca College Vault Upgrade - Meter Services, Engineering, and Utility Maintenance worked together to install a new vault lid on a vault that houses one of the 10-inch meters for Cuyamaca College. This new lid replaces an old, extremely heavy metal lid. The new lid has two light aluminum doors with spring loaded lifts. The large door is 5’x5’ and the smaller door is 3’x3’. This new lid greatly enhances the safety for field staff who need to enter the vault for maintenance. The cost of this project was funded through the Large Meter Vault Upgrade CIP. Financial Reporting: •The financial reporting for July 31, 2020 is as follows: o For the first month ending July 31, 2020, there are total revenues of $10,487,811 and total expenses of $9,655,639. The revenues exceeded expenses by $832,172. •The financial reporting for investments for July 31, 2020 is as follows: o The market value shown in the Portfolio Summary and in the Investment Portfolio Details as of July 31, 2020 total $74,247,065 with an average yield to maturity of 1.033%. The total earnings year-to-date are $62,986. ENGINEERING AND WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS: Engineering: •870-2 Pump Station Replacement: This project consists of a new Pump Station to replace the existing Low Head 571-1 and High Head 870-1 Pump Stations. The project also includes the replacement of the existing liner and cover for the 571-1 Reservoir (36.7 MG). In June and July 2020, the Station’s contractor Pacific Hydrotech worked on initiating the Station’s seven-day operational testing. Currently, the Pump Station construction is substantially complete, and it remains in the testing phase while in full operation under SCADA control. The Station has experienced some operational issues that are being worked through to finalize the 7-day testing. The 7-day 8 test is scheduled to be complete during the month of August 2020. A final change order is anticipated in the amount of approximately $60K. The project is within budget. (P2083 & P2562) •Campo Road Sewer Replacement: The existing sanitary sewer from Avocado Road to Singer Lane was undersized and located in environmentally sensitive areas that are difficult to access. The Campo Road Sewer Replacement project installed approximately 7,420 linear feet of new 15-inch gravity sewer pipe and includes abandonment of the existing sewer main. The project is within budget. The contract has been accepted, the Notice of Completion has been recorded, and the retention was paid. (S2024) •Vista Vereda and Hidden Mesa Water Pipelines Replacement: The existing 1950’s steel water line along Vista Vereda between Vista Grande Road and Hidden Mesa Trail in the Hillsdale area has experienced leaks and is nearing the end of its useful life. The existing water main is located primarily within easements, many of which have had significant improvements performed over the years since the water line was constructed. This project replaced the existing water lines with new ones in both Vista Vereda and Hidden Mesa Road. This project is within budget. The contract has been accepted, the Notice of Completion has been recorded, and the retention paid. (P2574 & P2625) •Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station Redundancy: This project will add a second pump to the District’s existing Temporary Lower Otay Pump Station (TLOPS) to provide redundancy. The District’s contractor, Tharsos, moved the District’s pre-purchased trailer, which had been stored in the Operations employee parking lot, to the project site on May 18, 2020. Tharsos set the trailer and installed staircases and platforms around the trailer in preparation for steel piping delivery scheduled for September 2020. Tharsos’s construction contract also includes mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation & control. Project completion is expected in October 2020. The project is within budget. COVID-19 IMPACTS: The project has experienced delays associated with pipe fabrication. (P2619) •Portable Trailer Mounted VFD Pumps: This project consists of procurement of a portable trailer mounted hydropneumatic pump station designed for deployment at up to seven (7) existing sites including four (4) hydropneumatic pump stations and three (3) small pressure zones each fed by a single gravity reservoir. The trailer vendor (Cortech Engineering) and subcontractor (PremierFlow) delivered the trailer to the District’s headquarters on June 27, 2020. District staff is working with Cortech and PremierFlow to resolve manufacturing issues. This project is within budget. COVID-19 IMPACTS: The project has experienced delays associated with pump skid and trailer fabrication. (P2640) 9 •Dictionary Hill Water Line Replacement - 2019: This project consists of constructing 1,250 linear feet of 8-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water line and 60 linear feet of 12 PVC water line, including appurtenances, rehabilitation of services, and surface restoration. Outreach notifications were sent out to the neighboring residents prior to construction and during highline transfers. The contractor, LB Civil Construction (LB Civil), has completed the Kempton St. waterline installation and customers have been taken off the highline. On Birch Street, the pipeline installation is complete, and line stops were installed to tie-in the waterline and avoid a 1-day shutdown for approximately 45 residents. LB Civil continues to complete the waterline installation on Coronado Avenue and Date Street. The project is scheduled to be completed in mid-October; however, the project is tracking to finish a couple weeks earlier. COVID-19 IMPACTS: This project has experienced delays to address customer concerns regarding tie-in impacts. Additional costs, that included the installation of two temporary lines to mitigate service impacts to customers, was approved under Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $24,066.62. The District will seek FEMA reimbursement associated with these additional costs. (P2608, P2609, P2655) •Hidden Mountain Sewage Pump Station Wet Well Renovation: This project will resolve septic conditions that exist at the Pump Station by eliminating dead storage areas below the pump operating level. The work will also add a sewer manhole to a segment of gravity sewer that is inaccessible to CCTV equipment. The scope of work consists of installing concrete fill with channel in two (2) of the station wet wells, construction of a replacement sewer line between wet wells, new sewer manhole, appurtenances, and surface restoration. Kay Construction was awarded the contract at the March 11, 2020 Board Meeting. Notice to Proceed was issued on May 26, 2020, and substantial completion was achieved on July 28, 2020. This project is within budget, the contract has been accepted, and the Notice of Completion has been processed for recordation by the County. (S2070) •Otay Mesa Pipeline Cathodic Protection Improvements: This project includes repairs to existing cathodic protection systems, such as anode replacement and cathodic test station repairs located in the Otay Mesa Area. The project was publicly advertised for construction bid in May and the construction contract was awarded at the August Board Meeting. This project is within budget. (P2648) •14-Inch Force Main Air-Vac Replacements Project: This project includes replacement of nineteen (19) existing combination air- vacuum valve assemblies previously replaced in 2006-2008, which are reaching the end of their useful life. The project was publicly 10 advertised for construction bid in May and the construction contract was awarded at the August Board Meeting. This project is within budget. (R2156) • Vista Diego Hydropneumatic Pump Station Replacement: This project includes replacement of the existing Pump Station, which serves the small 1530 Pressure Zone, containing approximately thirty-seven (37) potable water meters and four (4) hydrants. Award of a professional engineering services agreement was presented at the September Board Meeting. This project is within budget. (P2639) • 1090-1 Pump Station Renovation: This project includes renovation of the existing Pump Station, including pump replacement and addition of a third pump, which serves the small 1090 Pressure Zone, containing approximately thirty-three (33) potable water meters and seven (7) hydrants. Project design was prepared using as-needed electrical design services and in-house engineering and drafting personnel. The project design is complete and has been advertised for construction bids in August 2020 with award of the contract anticipated at the November 2020 Board meeting. This project is within budget. (P2174) • 850-1 & 1200-1 Reservoirs Interior/Exterior Coating and Upgrades: This project consists of removing and replacing the interior and exterior coatings of the 850-1 (1.15 MG) and the 1200-1 (1.0 MG) Reservoirs, along with providing structural upgrades, to ensure the tanks comply with both state and federal OSHA standards, as well as, the American Water Works Association and the County Health Department standards. This project was advertised on June 16, 2020, and bids were opened on July 9, 2020 via live video feed. Six (6) bids were received and Capital Industrial Coatings submitted the lowest bid. The 850-1 Reservoir was bid last year along with the Recycled Water Tank. At that time, the District received only two (2) bids, and staff thought the bid prices were extremely high. Staff recommended rejecting all bids and rebiding the project the following year. The bid price for the 850-1 Reservoir last year was $820,200, compared to this year’s Capital Industrial Coatings bid price of $695,440 or $124,760 less. Staff received a bid protest from the third lowest bidder, Advanced Industrial Services, claiming the two lowest bids did not have the required experience. Staff determined that the protest was without merit, and the firms had the appropriate experience and qualifications to perform the work. This item was presented at the September Board Meeting to award a construction contract, and construction is expected to begin in November 2020. (P2543 & P2533) • Recycled Water Storage Tank Coating: This project consists of removing and replacing the interior and exterior coatings of the Recycled Water Storage Tank (0.43 MG) and minor structural repairs. 11 The tank was built in 1979 and is located at the R.W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility. This project was advertised on June 24, 2020, and bids were opened on July 28, 2020 via live video feed. Four (4) bids were received and United Field Services Company submitted the lowest bid. Staff called references for United Field Services Company, which showed an overall good performance on similar projects. This item was presented at the September Board Meeting to award a construction contract, and construction is expected to begin in November 2020. (R2120) •FY 2021 Sewage Flows to Metro vs Planned Capacity: •Summary of Budgeted and Sold Meters and EDUs for Fiscal Year 2021 up to 7/31/2020: Date Meters (Budgeted) Meters Sold (Actual) EDUs (Budgeted) EDUs Sold (Actual) Total $ Collected (Budgeted) Total $ Collected (Actual) July 2020 23.8 17 37.9 39 $10,250 $248,566 7/1/2020 thru 7/31/2020 23.8 17 37.9 39 $10,250 $248,566 Totals FY 2021 285.6 17 454.8 39 $3,077,496 $248,566 12 Water System Operations (reporting for July): •The following events occurred on Wednesday, July 1st: o Staff performed an approved shutdown on Ledgeside Street and Ledge Avenue in Spring Valley to replace two line valves, one 14-inch and one 12-inch, and two fire hydrant valves that had excessive leaks. The shutdown affected 42 residential customers from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and water trailers were available for those affected. o A BAC-T sample was collected from 803-4 Reservoir after the mixer was dropped in on Tuesday, June 30th. The BAC-T passed on Thursday, July 2nd and the reservoir was back in service per State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and Permit Amendment (PA) requirements. •On Friday, July 3rd, all potable supplementation ended and the recycled system was put on pumping mode. The potable supply from the 980 Reservoir to recycled reservoirs (944 Reservoir was 248.85 MG and 927 Reservoir was 22.86 MG) totaled 271.71 MG from February 21, 2020. •On Thursday, July 9th, Operations staff submitted the Sanitary Survey responses and documents for the Otay Water District to the California Water Board Department of Drinking Water (DDW) for the upcoming field inspection. •On Friday, July 10th, DDW Engineer, Aaron Kent, contacted Operations staff and expressed that he was very impressed with the information provided in the Sanitary Survey Report and made special mention on how well the report was formatted. •On Thursday, July 16th, the DDW field inspections were completed and went well. Overall, Aaron Kent seemed very impressed with everything and staff is waiting for the final report. •On Tuesday, July 21st, Operations Department was notified by SDCWA that Mexico requested the delayed July 2020 deliveries (217.1 AF, about 6.73 MGD or 4680 GPM) to be included in August’s delivery amount; effectively doubling the August deliveries request to 434.2 AF. Staff confirmed there was sufficient system capacity to meet the request that began on Monday, August 3rd at 9:00 AM and ended on Monday, August 24th at about 9:00 AM. •On Wednesday, July 22nd, Sr. Utility Worker/Equipment Operator, Brandon Perry, was heading back to the main yard in the District’s dump truck when he witnessed an accident involving two vehicles on Jamacha Boulevard in Spring Valley. One of the cars involved in the 13 accident had flipped over with kids in the car. Brandon, along with another witness, stopped and helped the kids and driver get out of the car and ensured their safety. Brandon’s quick response, action, and selflessness were acknowledged and appreciated. He was recognized with the District’s High Five award. •On Thursday, July 23rd, staff assisted the Inspections Department with mock shutdowns on Sweetwater Springs Boulevard and Austin Drive in Spring Valley to cut and cap the potable lines that are used to feed the former Sweetwater Village Shopping Center. This will now become a master meter community. •On Wednesday, August 19, 2020, District staff responded to a sewer spill a little after 1:00 p.m. at 4320 Calavo Drive. The spill was coming from a private sewer cleanout. The customer with the private cleanout indicated that the issue began around 9:30 a.m. and believed it was their issue and had called a plumber. The plumber found the issue was beyond the customer’s lateral. Staff cleared the blockage in the District’s manhole at 1:45 p.m., which was identified as a root ball located just before a manhole. The sewer line’s rate of drop is steep in this area due to the topography. The amount spilled was approximately 17,100 gallons and staff confirmed that the spill, or any portion of it, did not reach any body of water. Staff immediately notified all pertinent agencies (Cal-OES, Sweetwater Authority and the County of San Diego) about the sewer spill. It was noted that the customer with the private cleanout spill might pursue a claim. Staff provided contact information for filing claims with the District. On Monday, August 24, 2020, District staff electronically reported, as required, a draft Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) report to the California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS). Staff will certify the report in the coming days. Purchases and Change Orders: •The following table summarizes purchases and Change Orders issued during the period from July 14 through August 13, 2020, that were within staff’s signatory authority: Date Action Amount Contractor/ Consultant Project 07/14/2020 C.O.$24,066.62 LB CIVIL CONSTRUCTION DICTIONARY HILL WATERLINE REPLACEMENT 07/16/2020 P.O. $10,374.00 EAST VIEW GEOSPATIAL ANNUAL TOM TOM MAP GEODATABASE LICENSE RENEWAL 14 Water Conservation and Sales: •Water Conservation – July 2020 usage was 7% lower than July 2013 usage. Since July 2019, customers have saved an average of 11% over 2013 levels. 07/27/2020 P.O. $33,414.00 ARCHIVE DATA SOLUTIONS, LLC ANNUAL CISCO SMARTNET NETWORKING EQUIPMENT SUPPORT 07/28/2020 P.O. $7,000.00 SOUTHWESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE OTAY SPONSORSHIP FOR LOCAL/MINORITY/DIS ADVANTAGE VENDOR OUTREACH 07/30/2020 P.O. $8,744.00 NINTEX USA, LLC ANNUAL WORKFLOW AND FORMS SOFTWARE LICENSE 08/06/2020 P.O. $1,500.00 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR ANNUAL ASSESSOR DATA 08/12/2020 P.O. $35,668.48 MODERN CUSTOM FABRICATION, INC. RANCHO JAMUL HYDROPNEUMATIC PUMP STATION PRESSURE VESSEL (P2663) 08/13/2020 P.O. $10,000.00 WORKTERRA EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 15 •The July potable water purchases were 3,086 acre-feet which is 14.4% above the budget of 2,697 acre-feet. •The July recycled water purchases and production were 530 acre-feet which is 15.5% above the budget of 459 acre-feet. 16 Potable, Recycled, and Sewer (Reporting up to the month of July): •Total number of potable water meters: 51,149. •Total number of sewer connections: 4,740. •Recycled water consumption for the month of July: o Total consumption: 468.4 acre-feet or 152,559,088 gallons. o Average daily consumption: 4,921,261 gallons per day. o Total cumulative recycled water consumption since July 1, 2019: 468 acre-feet. o Total number of recycled water meters: 738. •Wastewater flows for the month of July: o Total basin flow: 1,639,774 gallons per day. ▪This is an increase of 4.33 percent from July 2019. o Spring Valley Sanitation District flow to Metro: 543,995 gallons per day. o Total Otay flow: 1,095,806 gallons per day. o Flow processed at the Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility: 887,129 gallons per day. o Flow to Metro from Otay Water District: 208,645 gallons per day. o By the end of July there were 6,752 wastewater EDUs. Exhibit A Annual YTDBudget Actual Budget Variance Var % REVENUES: 4110 Potable Water Sales 46,419,000$ 5,851,153$ 5,106,000$ 745,153$14.6% 31-4118 Recycled Water Sales 8,411,000 1,368,618 1,227,100 141,518 11.5%4140 Potable Energy Charges 2,034,000 253,177 217,500 35,677 16.4%4120 Potable System Charges 16,805,000 1,383,694 1,386,000 (2,306) (0.2%)4150 Potable MWD & CWA Fixed Charges 12,869,000 1,045,494 1,046,000 (506) (0.0%) 4310 Potable Penalties and Other Fees 622,000 2,434 - 2,434 Total Water Sales 87,160,000 9,904,570 8,982,600 921,970 10.3% 4210 Sewer Charges 2,870,000 227,841 226,900 941 0.4% 4133 Meter Fees 123,000 10,839 10,200 639 6.3%4136 Capacity Fee Revenues 1,869,000 145,000 155,800 (10,800) (6.9%)4414 Non-Operating Revenues 2,177,000 132,652 141,800 (9,148) (6.5%) 4621 Tax Revenues 4,155,000 47,409 40,500 6,909 17.1% 4512 Interest 179,000 19,500 13,800 5,700 41.3% Total Revenues 98,533,000$ 10,487,811$ 9,571,600$ 916,211$9.6% EXPENSES: 5511 Potable Water Purchases 33,631,000$ 4,175,735$ 3,606,300$ (569,435)$ (15.8%)5515 Recycled Water Purchases 4,058,000 630,100 630,100 - 0.0%5523 CWA-Infrastructure Access Charge 2,839,000 219,333 219,300 (33) (0.0%) 5521 CWA-Customer Service Charge 1,703,000 141,832 141,900 68 0.0% 5524 CWA-Reliability Charge 2,711,000 220,208 220,200 (8) (0.0%) 5522 CWA-Emergency Storage Charge 4,608,000 391,437 391,400 (37) (0.0%) 5531 MWD-Capacity Res Charge 628,000 48,881 48,900 19 0.0%5532 MWD-Readiness to Serve Charge 720,000 59,670 59,994 324 0.5% Subtotal Water Purchases 50,898,000 5,887,196 5,318,094 (569,102) (10.7%)5411 Power Charges 2,898,000 321,619 296,200 (25,419) (8.6%) Payroll & Related Costs 21,860,000 1,713,544 1,741,300 27,756 1.6%Material & Maintenance 3,720,000 265,891 279,700 13,809 4.9%Administrative Expenses 6,280,000 405,189 446,502 41,313 9.3% 5251 Legal Fees 707,000 48,000 58,900 10,900 18.5% Expansion Reserve 150,000 12,500 12,500 - 0.0% Replacement Reserve 9,676,000 806,300 806,300 - 0.0% OPEB Trust 1,100,000 91,700 91,700 - 0.0% General Fund Reserve 259,000 21,600 21,600 - 0.0% Total Expenses 98,533,000$ 9,655,639$ 9,154,896$ (500,743)$ (5.5%) EXCESS REVENUES(EXPENSE)-$ 832,172$ 416,704$ 415,468$ OTAY WATER DISTRICT COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARY FOR THE ONE MONTH ENDED JULY 31, 2020 F:/MORPT/FS2021-0720 8/25/2020 10:25 AM COMPARATIVE BUDGET SUMMARYNET REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR THE ONE MONTH ENDED JULY 31, 2020 ‐$1,200,000 ‐$1,000,000 ‐$800,000 ‐$600,000 ‐$400,000 ‐$200,000 $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000  JUL  AUG  SEP  OCT  NOV  DEC  JAN  FEB  MAR  APR  MAY  JUN YTD Actual Net Revenues YTD Budget Net Revenues YTD Variance in Net Revenues The year-to-date actual net revenues through July show a positive variance of $415,468. OTAY WATER DISTRICT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO REVIEW July 31, 2020 INVESTMENT OVERVIEW & MARKET STATUS: At the Federal Reserve Board’s regular scheduled meeting on March 15, 2020, the Committee lowered the target range for the federal funds rate from 1.50-1.750% to 0-0.25% in light of the effects of the coronavirus which harmed communities and disrupted economic activity in many countries, including the United States. There have been no further changes made to the federal funds rate at the most recent meeting which was held on July 29, 2020. The Committee anticipates maintaining the target range of 0-0.25% until it is confident that the economy has weathered recent events and is on track to achieve its maximum employment and price stability goals. The Committee will continue to oversee the effects of incoming information for the economic outlook, including information related to public health, global developments, and muted inflation pressures, and will use its tools and act as appropriate to support the economy. In determining the timing and size of future adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, they went on to say: “the Committee will assess realized and expected economic conditions relative to its maximum employment objective and its symmetric 2 percent inflation objective. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial and international developments.” The District’s effective rate of return for the month of July 2020 was .95%, which was twenty-four basis points lower than the previous month. LAIF return on deposits was thirty basis points lower than the previous month, reaching an average effective yield of .92% for the month of June 2020. Based on our success at maintaining a competitive rate of return on our portfolio during this extended period of low interest rates, no changes in investment strategy regarding returns on investment are being considered at this time. In accordance with the District’s Investment Policy, all District funds continue to be managed based on the objectives, in priority order, of safety, liquidity, and return on investment. PORTFOLIO COMPLIANCE: July 31, 2020 Investment State Limit Otay Limit Otay Actual 8.01: Treasury Securities 100% 100% 0 8.02: Local Agency Investment Fund (Operations) $75 Million $65 Million $53.22 Million 8.02: Local Agency Investment Fund (Bonds) 100% 100% $ 4.68 Million 8.03: Federal Agency Issues 100% 100% $ 3.69 Million 8.04: Certificates of Deposit 30% 15% 0 8.05: Short-Term Commercial Notes 25% 10% 0 8.06: Medium-Term Commercial Debt 30% 10% 0 8.07: Money Market Mutual Funds 20% 10% 0 8.08: San Diego County Pool 100% 100% 14.22% 12.0: Maximum Single Financial Institution 100% 50% 2.29% July FY20 Aug FY20 Sep FY20 1st Qtr FY20 Oct FY20 Nov FY20 Dec FY20 2nd Qtr FY20 Jan FY20 Feb FY20 Mar FY20 3rd Qtr FY20 Apr FY20 May FY20 Jun FY20 4th Qtr FY20 Jul FY21 LAIF 2.38 2.34 2.28 2.33 2.19 2.10 2.04 2.11 1.97 1.91 1.79 1.89 1.65 1.36 1.22 1.41 0.92 Otay 1.91 1.90 1.93 1.92 1.94 1.97 1.92 1.95 1.90 1.86 1.71 1.83 1.51 1.31 1.19 1.34 0.95 Difference -0.47 -0.44 -0.35 -0.42 -0.25 -0.13 -0.12 -0.16 -0.07 -0.05 -0.08 -0.06 -0.14 -0.05 -0.03 -0.07 0.03 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 Re t u r n o n I n v e s t m e n t s Month Performance Measure FY-21 Return on Investment LAIF Otay Difference Target: Meet or Exceed 100% of LAIF $1,685,984 2.29% $68,386,532 92.72% $3,685,776 4.99% Otay Water District Investment Portfolio: 07/31/2020 Banks (Passbook/Checking/CD)Pools (LAIF & County)Agencies & Corporate Notes Total Cash and Investments: $73,758,292 (Book Value) 8/19/2020 YTM360 Page 1 Par Value Book Value MaturityDateStatedRateMarket Value July 31, 2020 Portfolio Details - Investments AverageBalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days toMaturityS&PCUSIPInvestment #PurchaseDate Federal Agency Issues - Coupon 1.454Federal Home Loan Bank2384 1,005,000.00 1,014,850.65 09/10/20212.37509/05/2019 1,029,552.15 AA313378JP7 405 1.454Federal Home Loan Bank2385 2,645,000.00 2,670,925.34 09/10/20212.37509/05/2019 2,709,617.35 AA313378JP7 405 3,685,775.993,739,169.503,650,000.003,687,034.18Subtotal and Average 1.454 405 BOND PROCEEDS (LAIF) 0.907STATE OF CALIFORNIA9015 4,677,862.71 4,677,862.71 0.9204,700,844.09LAIF 2018 1 4,677,862.714,700,844.094,677,862.714,724,561.43Subtotal and Average 0.907 1 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) 0.907STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 53,218,615.21 53,218,615.21 0.92053,480,067.36LAIF 1 53,218,615.2153,480,067.3653,218,615.2158,754,467.92Subtotal and Average 0.907 1 San Diego County Pool 1.483San Diego County9007 10,490,054.01 10,490,054.01 1.50410,641,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 1 10,490,054.0110,641,000.0010,490,054.015,785,972.25Subtotal and Average 1.483 1 77,880,336.17 72,036,531.93 1.019 2272,561,080.95 72,072,307.92Total and Average Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 08/18/2020 17:19 Run Date: 08/18/2020 - 17:20 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 YTM360 Page 2 Par Value Book Value StatedRateMarket Value July 31, 2020 Portfolio Details - Cash AverageBalanceIssuer Portfolio Management Month End Days toMaturityS&PCUSIPInvestment #PurchaseDate Union Bank 0.010STATE OF CALIFORNIA9002 500,007.28 500,007.28 0.010500,007.28UNION MONEY 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9003 2,950.00 2,950.002,950.00PETTY CASH 1 0.444STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 629,362.13 629,362.13 0.450629,362.13UNION OPERATING 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9005 430,149.77 430,149.7707/01/2020 430,149.77PAYROLL 1 0.108STATE OF CALIFORNIA9010 24,454.33 24,454.33 0.11007/01/2020 24,454.33RESERVE-10 COPS 1 0.108STATE OF CALIFORNIA9011 59,153.40 59,153.40 0.11007/01/2020 59,153.40RESERVE-10 BABS 1 0.000STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 39,907.19 39,907.1907/01/2020 39,907.19UBNA-FLEX ACCT 1 0.00 77,880,336.17 73,722,516.03 1.019 22 1Average Balance 74,247,065.05 73,758,292.02Total Cash and Investments Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 08/18/2020 17:19 Run Date: 08/18/2020 - 17:20 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Month End Activity Report Sorted By Issuer July 1, 2020 - July 31, 2020 Current Rate Transaction Date BalanceBeginning Balance Ending Par Value Percent of Portfolio Par Value CUSIP Investment # Issuer Purchases orDeposits Redemptions orWithdrawals Issuer: STATE OF CALIFORNIA BOND PROCEEDS (LAIF) STATE OF CALIFORNIA9015 21,309.980.920 873,000.00LAIF 2018 873,000.005,529,552.73 4,677,862.71Subtotal and Balance 21,309.98 Union Bank STATE OF CALIFORNIA9002 7.280.010 500,008.87UNION MONEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA9004 2,321,109.650.450 3,259,158.00UNION OPERATING STATE OF CALIFORNIA9005 430,149.77 0.00PAYROLL STATE OF CALIFORNIA9010 24,454.330.110 0.00RESERVE-10 COPS STATE OF CALIFORNIA9011 59,153.400.110 0.00RESERVE-10 BABS STATE OF CALIFORNIA9014 49,879.92 9,972.73UBNA-FLEX ACCT 3,769,139.602,570,369.35 1,685,984.10Subtotal and Balance 2,884,754.35 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) STATE OF CALIFORNIA9001 4,620,611.860.920 11,300,000.00LAIF 11,300,000.0059,898,003.35 53,218,615.21Subtotal and Balance 4,620,611.86 7,526,676.19 15,942,139.6067,997,925.43 59,582,462.0280.820%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Agency Issues - Coupon 3,650,000.00 3,650,000.00Subtotal and Balance 0.00 0.003,650,000.00 3,650,000.004.951%Issuer Subtotal Issuer: San Diego County San Diego County Pool San Diego County9007 5,401,396.551.504 0.00SD COUNTY POOL 0.005,088,657.46 10,490,054.01Subtotal and Balance 5,401,396.55 5,401,396.55 0.005,088,657.46 10,490,054.0114.229%Issuer Subtotal Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 08/18/2020 17:19 Run Date: 08/18/2020 - 17:20 DA (PRF_DA) 7.2.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 Current Rate Transaction Date BalanceBeginning Balance Ending Par Value Page 2 Percent of Portfolio Par Value July 1, 2020 - July 31, 2020 Activity Report Month End CUSIP Investment # Issuer Purchases orDeposits Redemptions orWithdrawals 76,736,582.89 73,722,516.03Total15,942,139.6012,928,072.74100.000% Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 08/18/2020 17:19 Run Date: 08/18/2020 - 17:20 DA (PRF_DA) 7.2.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 Month End Duration Report Sorted by Investment Type - Investment Type Through 07/31/2020 Investment #Security ID Issuer Investment Class Book Value Par Value Market Value Current Rate YTM Current Yield Maturity/ Call Date DurationModified360Fund Federal Home Loan Bank238499 1,005,000.00 1,029,552.15313378JP7 0.168 09/10/2021 1.0901,014,850.65 1.454Fair2.375000 Federal Home Loan Bank238599 2,645,000.00 2,709,617.35313378JP7 0.168 09/10/2021 1.0902,670,925.34 1.454Fair2.375000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA901599 4,677,862.71 4,700,844.09LAIF 2018 0.920 0.0004,677,862.71 0.907Fair.9200000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA900199 53,218,615.21 53,480,067.36LAIF 0.920 0.00053,218,615.21 0.907Fair.9200000 San Diego County900799 10,490,054.01 10,641,000.00SD COUNTY 1.504 0.00010,490,054.01 1.483Fair1.504000 0.967 0.05672,072,307.92 72,036,531.93 72,561,080.95Report Total Portfolio OTAY NL! APPage 1Data Updated: SET_ME8: 08/18/2020 17:19 Run Date: 08/18/2020 - 17:20 DU (PRF_DU) 7.1.1 Report Ver. 7.3.5 Month End GASB 31 Compliance Detail Sorted by Fund - Fund July 1, 2020 - July 31, 2020 Investment #Maturity Date BeginningInvested Value Purchaseof Principal InvestmentClassFundCUSIP Adjustment in Value EndingInvested ValueAdditionto Principal Redemptionof Principal AmortizationAdjustment Change inMarket Value Fund: Treasury Fund 2384 1,029,924.00Fair Value 09/10/2021 -371.8599 1,029,552.15313378JP70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2385 2,710,596.00Fair Value 09/10/2021 -978.6599 2,709,617.35313378JP70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9002 1,000,008.87Amortized 0.0099 500,007.28UNION MONEY 0.00 7.28 500,008.87 0.00 9003 2,950.00Amortized 0.0099 2,950.00PETTY CASH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9015 5,556,718.29Fair Value -4,184.1899 4,700,844.09LAIF 2018 0.00 21,309.98 873,000.00 0.00 9004 1,567,410.48Amortized 0.0099 629,362.13UNION OPERATING 0.00 2,321,109.65 3,259,158.00 0.00 9001 60,192,269.96Fair Value -32,814.4699 53,480,067.36LAIF0.00 4,620,611.86 11,300,000.00 0.00 9010 0.00Amortized 0.0099 24,454.33RESERVE-10 COPS 24,452.30 2.03 0.00 0.00 9011 0.00Amortized 0.0099 59,153.40RESERVE-10 BABS 59,148.41 4.99 0.00 0.00 9014 0.00Amortized 0.0099 39,907.19UBNA-FLEX ACCT 49,879.92 0.00 9,972.73 0.00 9005 0.00Amortized 0.0099 430,149.77PAYROLL157,815.01 272,334.76 0.00 0.00 9007 5,155,000.00Fair Value 84,603.4599 10,641,000.00SD COUNTY POOL 0.00 5,401,396.55 0.00 0.00 77,214,877.60Subtotal 46,254.31 74,247,065.05291,295.64 12,636,777.10 15,942,139.60 0.00 77,214,877.60Total 74,247,065.0546,254.31291,295.64 12,636,777.10 15,942,139.60 0.00 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 08/18/2020 17:19 Run Date: 08/18/2020 - 17:20 GD (PRF_GD) 7.1.1 Report Ver. 7.3.5 Month End Interest Earnings Sorted by Fund - Fund July 1, 2020 - July 31, 2020 Yield on Beginning Book Value Maturity Date Current Rate Ending Par Value EndingSecurityTypeFundBook ValueBeginningBook Value Adjusted Interest Earnings AccretionAmortization/EarningsAdjusted InterestAnnualized YieldCUSIPInvestment #Interest Earned Fund: Treasury Fund 1,014,850.6523841,005,000.00 2.375FAC09/10/2021 1,989.06 -740.65 1,248.411.447991,015,591.30313378JP7 2,670,925.3423852,645,000.00 2.375FAC09/10/2021 5,234.90 -1,949.28 3,285.621.447992,672,874.62313378JP7 500,007.289002500,007.28 0.010PA1 7.20 0.00 7.200.008991,000,008.87UNION MONEY 4,677,862.7190154,677,862.71 0.920LA2 3,691.63 0.00 3,691.630.786995,529,552.73LAIF 2018 629,362.139004629,362.13 0.450PA1 1,445.55 0.00 1,445.551.086991,567,410.48UNION OPERATING 53,218,615.21900153,218,615.21 0.920LA1 45,908.97 0.00 45,908.970.9029959,898,003.35LAIF 24,454.33901024,454.33 0.110PA1 2.28 0.00 2.280.110990.00RESERVE-10 COPS 59,153.40901159,153.40 0.110PA1 5.53 0.00 5.530.110990.00RESERVE-10 BABS 10,490,054.01900710,490,054.01 1.504LA3 7,390.83 0.00 7,390.831.710995,088,657.46SD COUNTY POOL 73,249,509.07Subtotal 73,285,285.06 0.965 62,986.02-2,689.9365,675.9576,772,098.81 73,249,509.07Total 73,285,285.06 0.965 62,986.02-2,689.9365,675.9576,772,098.81 Portfolio OTAY NL! APData Updated: SET_ME8: 08/18/2020 17:19 Run Date: 08/18/2020 - 17:20 IE (PRF_IE) 7.2.0 Report Ver. 7.3.5 SUMMARY FOR PERIOD 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 NET DEMANDS $)&$,4     70*%$)&$,4    505"-$)&$,4    8*3&50 $"-1&3405)&31045&.1-0:.&/5#&/&'*54 .0/5)-:   $"-1&3405)&31045&.1-0:.&/5#&/&'*54 .0/5)-:   $*5:0'$)6-"7*45"#*.0/5)-:4&8&3$)"3(&4 .":+6/&    05":8"5&3%*453*$5#*8&&,-:1":30--%&%6$5*0/  05":8"5&3%*453*$5#*8&&,-:1":30--%&%6$5*0/  05":8"5&3%*453*$5#*8&&,-:1":30--%&%6$5*0/  13&'&33&%#&/&'*5*/463"/$&%&/5"-$0#3"$-"*.4   16#-*$&.1-0:&&43&54:45&.#*8&&,-:1&34$0/53*#65*0/   16#-*$&.1-0:&&43&54:45&.#*8&&,-:1&34$0/53*#65*0/   4"/%*&(0$06/5:8"5&3"65)8"5&3%&-*7&3*&4$)"3(&4 .":    41&$*"-%*453*$53*4,&.1-0:&&.&%*$"-#&/&'*54   41&$*"-%*453*$53*4,&.1-0:&&.&%*$"-#&/&'*54   6/*0/#"/,#*8&&,-:1":30--5"9&4   6/*0/#"/,#*8&&,-:1":30--5"9&4   64#"/,$"-$"3%&91&/4&4 .0/5)-:   70:"'*/"/$*"-#*8&&,-:"1-"/  70:"'*/"/$*"-#*8&&,-:"1-"/  TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS $ 12,466,347.28 RECOMMENDED ACTION: 5IBUUIF#PBSESFDFJWFEUIFBUUBDIFEMJTUPGEFNBOET +C"UUBDINFOU PURPOSE: "UUBDIFEJTUIFMJTUPGEFNBOETGPSUIF#PBSEhTJOGPSNBUJPO FISCAL IMPACT: STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: SUBJECT: 3FHVMBS#PBSE &JE'BLIPVSJ 'JOBODF.BOBHFS 5SFBTVSZ"DDPVOUJOH4FSWJDFT +PTFQI#FBDIFN $IJFG'JOBODJBM0GGJDFS +PTF.BSUJOF[ (FOFSBM.BOBHFS "DDPVOUT1BZBCMF%FNBOE-JTU MEETING DATE: W.O./G.F. NO:DIV. NO. "VHVTU  Check Total 2,877.50 5,345.99 8,606.70 180.46 35,123.40 35,123.40 2054456 06/24/20 19498 ASHLEY LUNN Ref002548146 04/15/19 UB Refund Cst #0000161192 180.46 HARDWARE & PARTS FOR VAULTS 773.61 773.61 2054562 07/08/20 17264 ARTIANO SHINOFF ABED 303763 06/11/20 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (THRU MAY 2020) 2054599 07/15/20 01971 ARMORCAST PRODUCTS COMPANY 0207819 06/30/20 951.13 2054455 06/24/20 20248 ANTONIO RODRIGUES Ref002596297 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000048571 21.06 21.06 1,600.32 1,600.32 2054561 07/08/20 08967 ANTHEM EAP 78967 07/01/20 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 951.13 UB Refund Cst #0000252911 5.07 5.07 2054598 07/15/20 06165 ANITA FIRE HOSE COMPANY ETC 40744 06/25/20 ANNUAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION 2054454 06/24/20 20260 ANDREA ESKELSON Ref002596309 06/22/20 140.17 2054627 07/22/20 20249 ANA MARIA ALVAREZ Ref002600988 07/20/20 UB Refund Cst #0000066888 120.00 120.00 34.43 34.43 2054453 06/24/20 20249 ANA MARIA ALVAREZ Ref002596298 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000066888 140.17 UB Refund Cst #0000232241 149.30 149.30 2054628 07/22/20 20296 AMALIA SEIFERT Ref002600994 07/20/20 UB Refund Cst #0000259486 2054452 06/24/20 18534 ALYSSA CRUZ Ref002495594 01/02/18 CM202018 06/08/20 CMIS (MAY 2020)3,200.00 CM202017 06/08/20 CMIS (MAY 2020)2,080.00 1,125.00 2054505 07/01/20 14462 ALYSON CONSULTING CM202016 06/08/20 CMIS (MAY 2020)3,326.70 223.78 223.78 2054597 07/15/20 14462 ALYSON CONSULTING CM202027 06/08/20 CMIS (JUNE 2020)1,125.00 UTILITY LOCATING (MAY 2020)7,800.00 7,800.00 2054451 06/24/20 20247 ALLEN ANDREWS Ref002596296 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000039865 2054504 07/01/20 15024 AIRX UTILITY SURVEYORS INC 2805312020 06/05/20 131657049 06/24/20 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 913.50 131657051 06/24/20 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 871.00 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 2,581.50 131657658 06/29/20 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 979.99 131654535 06/03/20 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 168.50 2054596 07/15/20 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 131657050 06/24/20 675.00 2054503 07/01/20 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 131654577 06/03/20 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 2,709.00 1,013.64 1,013.64 2054595 07/15/20 17989 ADS CORP 22446.22-0620 06/26/20 ADS FLOW MONITORING 675.00 SHAREPOINT & INTRANET SUPPORT SVCS 300.00 300.00 2054560 07/08/20 18122 ACC BUSINESS 201651489 06/27/20 INTERNET CIRCUIT SERVICES FY20-22 2054594 07/15/20 08488 ABLEFORCE INC 9410 06/30/20 1,054.44 2054559 07/08/20 20277 A M ORTEGA CONSTRUCTION Ref002596485 07/06/20 UB Refund Cst #0000260631 1,738.23 1,738.23 Amount 2054593 07/15/20 14617 A GLASCO INC 1193 06/18/20 GLASS BARRIER SYSTEMS 1,054.44 CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Page 1 of 12 Check TotalAmount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 181,962.00 66.95 753.11 16622 05/31/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/18/20)188.00 16627 05/31/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/28/20)206.00 16619 05/31/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/6/20)188.00 16623 05/31/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/19/20-5/20/20)376.00 16625 05/31/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/26/20-5/27/20)376.00 16618 05/31/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/4/20-5/5/20)376.00 16620 05/31/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/11/20-5/12/20)376.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/2/20-6/3/20)527.00 16621 05/31/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/12/20-5/13/20)452.00 AR051879 06/29/20 CONSERVATION-BUS TRANSPORTATION 318.61 2054461 06/24/20 04119 CLARKSON LAB & SUPPLY INC 16626 05/31/20 725.00 725.00 2054512 07/01/20 02026 CHULA VISTA ELEM SCHOOL DIST AR051872 06/29/20 CONSERVATION-BUS TRANSPORTATION 434.50 CLAIM REIMBURSEMENT 243.55 243.55 2054511 07/01/20 15800 CHAN, SIU MAN POLLY PC062220 06/25/20 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 2054460 06/24/20 20264 CESAR ROXAS 2216062220 06/22/20 77.03 2054510 07/01/20 15177 CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC 0183356 06/11/20 DESIGN/CONSTRUCT 870-2 (12/1/19-4/30/20)3,173.00 3,173.00 3,444.00 3,444.00 2054459 06/24/20 20263 BUILD TO SUIT LTD LP Ref002596312 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000260173 77.03 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY CONSULT SERV 4,374.19 4,374.19 2054632 07/22/20 08156 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER 806704 07/07/20 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY CONSULT SERV 2054563 07/08/20 08156 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER 806188 06/30/20 61.29 2054458 06/24/20 19360 BLANCA SOTELO Ref002537441 02/04/19 UB Refund Cst #0000168977 25.66 25.66 14.21 14.21 2054509 07/01/20 19929 BETTY DEATHERAGE Ref002573733 12/09/19 UB Refund Cst #0000257699 61.29 REFUND W/O D0909 383.43 383.43 2054457 06/24/20 20255 BERNARDITO MALICSI Ref002596304 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000243387 20086 06/30/20 BACKGROUND CHECK 21.00 2054508 07/01/20 12684 BALDWIN & SONS LLC WOD0909 01/15/19 60,000.00 60,000.00 2054631 07/22/20 08024 BACKGROUND PROFILES INC 19982 05/31/20 BACKGROUND CHECK 45.95 TELEPHONE SERVICES (5/12/20 - 6/11/20)4,177.75 4,177.75 2054507 07/01/20 18124 AZTECA SYSTEMS LLC 2444 06/08/20 CITYWORKS LICENSES & SUPPORT RENEWAL 2054630 07/22/20 07785 AT&T 000014874735 06/12/20 LIABILITY INSURANCE 178,988.00 O0000006861 06/29/20 PREMIUM FOR FIDUCIARY COVERAGE 7/1/2020 - 6/30/20212,974.00 2054629 07/22/20 20199 ASSOC OF CA WATER AGENCIES LIABILITY 70120 07/01/20 180.46 2054506 07/01/20 20199 ASSOC OF CA WATER AGENCIES EXCESS CRIME 06/18/20 ACWA-JPIA EXCESS CRIME ANNUAL PREMIUM 1,223.00 1,223.00 2054456 06/24/20 19498 ASHLEY LUNN Ref002548146 04/15/19 UB Refund Cst #0000161192 180.46 Page 2 of 12 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 3,253.00 12,866.22 100.00 1,719.37 1,530.00 2,558.35 143,405.43 11,187.00 11,187.00 UB Refund Cst #0000171911 127.39 127.39 2054605 07/15/20 15084 DLT SOLUTIONS LLC SI482985 06/29/20 AUTODESK SOFTWARE LIC SUBSCRIPTION 2054463 06/24/20 19277 DIANA OLMOS Ref002534857 12/20/18 75.00 2054517 07/01/20 19655 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST Ref002556376 07/08/19 UB Refund Cst #0000251389 140.88 140.88 20,293.31 20,293.31 2054565 07/08/20 20273 DESTINY TAYLOR Ref002596480 07/06/20 UB Refund Cst #0000251108 75.00 UB Refund Cst #0000258450 29.23 29.23 2054637 07/22/20 02603 DELL MARKETING LP 10401509516 06/20/20 VEEAM SERVER UPGRADE 2054636 07/22/20 20295 DANNY GORGES Ref002600993 07/20/20 I 2020-0642 06/12/20 ENCORE 700 PARTS 4,534.16 I 2020-0563 06/01/20 CL2 PM KITS 2,424.97 60,079.24 60,079.24 2054516 07/01/20 11797 D&H WATER SYSTEMS INC I20200539 05/22/20 RCS EQUIPMENT & INSTALLATION 136,446.30 SHUT DOWN TEST (5/28/20)80.60 80.60 2054604 07/15/20 03086 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO LC20-28 07/13/20 OTHER AGENCY FEE 2054515 07/01/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO E631920520 06/04/20 DEVELOPER PROJECT INSPECTION (2/29/20)2,481.85 E632470520 06/04/20 DEVELOPER PROJECT INSPECTION (5/18/20)76.50 2054462 06/24/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO E631910520 06/04/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK 765.00 E632820720 07/09/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK 765.00 07/07/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK 807.50 807.50 2054635 07/22/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO E632810720 07/09/20 911.87 E63268070220 07/02/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK 807.50 2054603 07/15/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO E63269070720 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION 50.00 50.00 2054602 07/15/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEH200161OHP 07/07/20 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE SERV (7/1/19 - 6/30/20) 2054514 07/01/20 00134 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 062520 06/25/20 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION 50.00 p2654072020 07/20/20 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION 50.00 2054634 07/22/20 00134 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO P2663072020 07/20/20 328,760.44 2054513 07/01/20 00099 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DPWMWD0520 06/08/20 EXCAVATION PERMIT (MAY 2020)4,823.30 4,823.30 545.00 545.00 2054633 07/22/20 19675 CORTECH ENGINEERING 51478403 06/26/20 PORTABLE VFD PUMP 328,760.44 METER BODIES 20,982.16 20,982.16 2054601 07/15/20 05622 CORRPRO COMPANIES INC 607932 06/26/20 CORROSION SERVICES (4/30/20-6/30/20) M628992 07/07/20 INVENTORY 77.58 2054600 07/15/20 18331 CORE & MAIN LP M300337 06/23/20 INVENTORY 9,895.55 M572997 06/26/20 INVENTORY 2,893.09 2054564 07/08/20 18331 CORE & MAIN LP M570533 06/26/20 16624 05/31/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (5/20/20)188.00 Page 3 of 12 Check TotalAmount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 587.66 272.78 65,132.96 9,120.00 2054469 06/24/20 19593 GABRIAL VILLASENIOR Ref002552217 06/10/19 UB Refund Cst #0000241184 75.00 75.00 166.49 166.49 2054644 07/22/20 13563 FRIENDS OF THE WATER ED 2225 06/30/20 WATER CONSERVATION GARDEN TOURS 9,120.00 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 117.03 117.03 2054468 06/24/20 20216 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2596357 06/25/20 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 2054568 07/08/20 19768 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2596590 07/09/20 75.00 2054467 06/24/20 19768 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2596355 06/25/20 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 125.00 125.00 75.00 75.00 2054643 07/22/20 19640 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2601029 07/23/20 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 75.00 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 75.00 75.00 2054466 06/24/20 19640 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2596353 06/25/20 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 2054567 07/08/20 19640 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2596588 07/09/20 FORD F-550 & F-150 TRUCKS 32,566.48 200124 04/21/20 FORD F-550 & F-150 TRUCKS 32,566.48 1910510 06/12/20 FLEET WASH SERVICES 77.94 2054566 07/08/20 19868 FORD OF CHULA VISTA 200134 04/21/20 FLEET WASH SERVICES 116.90 19216242 06/26/20 FLEET WASH SERVICES 77.94 2054606 07/15/20 11962 FLEETWASH INC 1914931 06/19/20 1883731 05/08/20 FLEET WASH SERVICES 96.67 1893792 05/22/20 FLEET WASH SERVICES 93.52 1888756 05/15/20 FLEET WASH SERVICES 132.49 1898132 05/29/20 FLEET WASH SERVICES 101.32 266.58 2054465 06/24/20 11962 FLEETWASH INC 1881373 05/01/20 FLEET WASH SERVICES 163.66 560.16 560.16 2054519 07/01/20 11962 FLEETWASH INC 1907356 06/05/20 FLEET WASH SERVICES 266.58 INVENTORY 4,654.80 4,654.80 2054464 06/24/20 20254 FJ WILLERT CONT CO INC Ref002596303 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000241398 2054518 07/01/20 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0720669 06/22/20 200.00 2054642 07/22/20 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0721262 06/25/20 INVENTORY 1,018.24 1,018.24 20.62 20.62 2054641 07/22/20 20293 ENRIQUE OCAMPO Ref002600991 07/20/20 UB Refund Cst #0000240244 200.00 UB Refund Cst #0000259703 1,683.97 1,683.97 2054500 07/01/20 19831 EMILY PAREDES Ref002567754 10/14/19 UB Refund Cst #0000252227 2054640 07/22/20 20299 DRI MAPLE MILLENIA LLC Ref002600997 07/20/20 1,542.88 2054639 07/22/20 20298 DRI MAPLE MILLENIA LLC Ref002600996 07/20/20 UB Refund Cst #0000259699 1,096.08 1,096.08 11,187.00 11,187.00 2054638 07/22/20 20297 DRI MAPLE MILLENIA LLC Ref002600995 07/20/20 UB Refund Cst #0000259698 1,542.88 2054605 07/15/20 15084 DLT SOLUTIONS LLC SI482985 06/29/20 AUTODESK SOFTWARE LIC SUBSCRIPTION Page 4 of 12 Check TotalAmount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 29,456.68 8,643.64 7,024.58 3,833.4767672603/19/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 67.73 676727 03/19/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 682.79 687036 05/26/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 570.27 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,310.96 676728 03/19/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,201.72 2054572 07/08/20 19978 HASA INC.675858 03/12/20 687580 05/28/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 688.26 687579 05/28/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 655.48 687577 05/28/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,092.47 687581 05/28/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,092.47 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 2,075.69 688189 06/01/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,420.21 690382 06/11/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 122.36 2054472 06/24/20 19978 HASA INC.687037 05/26/20 690383 06/11/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,037.85 688705 06/04/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 600.86 689022 06/04/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,201.72 690381 06/11/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,037.85 1,747.95 690991 06/15/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,638.71 690990 06/15/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 1,256.34 UB Refund Cst #0000252793 1,422.70 1,422.70 2054521 07/01/20 19978 HASA INC.689548 06/08/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 19592 06/30/20 LANDSCAPE REHABILITATION (CIP)47.50 2054645 07/22/20 20294 HAMANN CONSTRUCTION Ref002600992 07/20/20 19509 06/15/20 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 9,542.50 19402 05/18/20 LANDSCAPING SERVICES 9,542.50 2,077.95 2054571 07/08/20 12907 GREENRIDGE LANDSCAPE INC 19408 05/18/20 LANDSCAPE REHABILITATION (CIP)10,324.18 4,016.80 4,016.80 2054520 07/01/20 19980 GRACE BUILDERS INC.061020 06/10/20 LOBBY SECURITY ENHANCEMENTS 2,077.95 UB Refund Cst #0000243122 45.09 45.09 2054608 07/15/20 03537 GHA TECHNOLOGIES INC 101057260 06/25/20 VERITAS DATA BACKUP LICENSE & SUPPORT 2054471 06/24/20 19367 GESANT GARCIA Ref002537449 02/04/19 1,297.89 2054570 07/08/20 20272 GEORGE WILKINSON Ref002596479 07/06/20 UB Refund Cst #0000187301 56.95 56.95 125.57 125.57 2054569 07/08/20 20274 GEO PACIFIC SERVICES INC Ref002596481 07/06/20 UB Refund Cst #0000251541 1,297.89 SCADA SOFTWARE LICENSE RENEWAL 19,785.92 19,785.92 2054470 06/24/20 20253 GENESIS NEW HOMES LLC Ref002596302 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000225125 2054607 07/15/20 02776 GE DIGITAL LLC 17001100019311 06/22/20 Page 5 of 12 Check TotalAmount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 5,688.50 5,400.00 1,198.75 100.96 19,415.87 2,881.27 10.16 2054526 07/01/20 20266 JOCELYN ESTEBAN 033106302020 06/30/20 CUSTOMER REFUND 92.03 92.03 87.38 87.38 2054646 07/22/20 20292 JEFF JIMENEZ Ref002600990 07/20/20 UB Refund Cst #0000230604 10.16 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE & SUPPORT 28,329.25 28,329.25 2054557 07/08/20 11896 JAMES WALDVOGEL Ref002596477 07/06/20 UB Refund Cst #0000119270 2054525 07/01/20 18678 INNOVYZE INC Q-56547 06/30/20 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES 2,525.27 173198 06/04/20 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES 356.00 0147649 06/18/20 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (4/25/20-5/29/20)1,337.50 2054524 07/01/20 08969 INFOSEND INC 173149 06/02/20 9,785.84 0147648 06/18/20 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (4/25/20-5/29/20)4,876.28 0147696 06/18/20 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (4/25/20-5/29/20)3,416.25 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (4/25/20-5/29/20)937.50 937.50 2054611 07/15/20 15622 ICF JONES & STOKES INC 0147650 06/18/20 SAN MIGUEL HMA (4/25/20-5/29/20) 07/04/20 WEB HOSTING (JULY 2020-JUNE 2021)112.50 112.50 2054523 07/01/20 15622 ICF JONES & STOKES INC 0147471 06/11/20 50.48 542836920 06/09/20 WATER USAGE (4/8/20-6/4/20)50.48 2054574 07/08/20 00062 HELIX WATER DISTRICT 070420 UB Refund Cst #0000243491 17.92 17.92 2054475 06/24/20 00062 HELIX WATER DISTRICT 433006920 06/09/20 WATER USAGE (4/8/20-6/4/20) 2054474 06/24/20 19051 HECTOR BARRERAS Ref002517371 09/04/18 SEWER COST OF SERVICE STUDY UPDATE 780.00 1200273716 06/05/20 CAPACITY FEE STUDY 418.75 05/26/20 ASSET MANAGEMENT SVCS (APR 2020)4,175.74 4,175.74 2054522 07/01/20 19825 HDR ENGINEERING INC 1200273717 06/05/20 3,477.50 200940037 06/24/20 ASSET MANAGEMENT SVCS (MAY 2020)1,922.50 2054473 06/24/20 18436 HAZEN AND SAWYER DPC 200940036 UB Refund Cst #0000257184 1,705.75 1,705.75 2054610 07/15/20 18436 HAZEN AND SAWYER DPC 2009400211 06/22/20 POTABLE PIPE REPLACEMENT (3/1/20-5/31/20) 693829 06/29/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 333.20 2054573 07/08/20 20276 HAZARD CONSTRUCTION INC Ref002596484 07/06/20 693291 06/25/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 436.99 691560 06/17/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 420.60 691770 06/18/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 663.13 693294 06/25/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 546.24 691771 06/18/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 808.43 693293 06/25/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 688.26 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 912.21 693292 06/25/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 879.44 2054609 07/15/20 19978 HASA INC.692505 06/22/20 Page 6 of 12 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 19.57 19.57 UB Refund Cst #0000240611 20.60 20.60 2054535 07/01/20 19953 MELISSA PEREZ Ref002577473 12/23/19 UB Refund Cst #0000231412 2054450 06/24/20 19411 MEGAN IGO Ref002540979 03/04/19 42.24 2054449 06/24/20 19628 MATTHEW MILBERT Ref002556173 06/24/19 UB Refund Cst #0000249207 20.07 20.07 19.39 19.39 2054482 06/24/20 18833 MATTHEW MCCUTCHEON Ref002507012 05/24/18 UB Refund Cst #0000242349 42.24 UB Refund Cst #0000252784 58.93 58.93 2054481 06/24/20 20252 MARK RILEY Ref002596301 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000223987 2054534 07/01/20 19707 MARIA NOWAK Ref002559500 06/16/20 448.56 2054480 06/24/20 10512 MAIL MANAGEMENT GROUP INC OWD-12017 05/18/20 PRINTING SERVICES 431.08 431.08 52.71 52.71 2054579 07/08/20 10512 MAIL MANAGEMENT GROUP INC OWD-12037 06/11/20 PRINTING SERVICES 448.56 SAFETY TRAINING 4,090.00 4,090.00 2054479 06/24/20 19352 LORENA PAILLES Ref002537332 01/17/19 UB Refund Cst #0000240619 2054478 06/24/20 19823 LIZARDI TRAINING CENTER LLC 104 06/18/20 45.46 2054578 07/08/20 20270 LISA LABRECQUE Ref002596476 07/06/20 UB Refund Cst #0000089629 38.07 38.07 24.87 24.87 2054477 06/24/20 19308 LIGHT HOUSE BUILDERS INC Ref002534945 01/07/19 UB Refund Cst #0000242491 45.46 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 875.00 875.00 2054533 07/01/20 19749 LEPRO ONE LLC Ref002562368 08/30/19 UB Refund Cst #0000229598 2054647 07/22/20 15597 LEONARD H VILLARREAL 061720 06/17/20 67,770.00 2054532 07/01/20 14513 LB CIVIL CONSTRUCTION INC 105152020 06/09/20 DICTIONARY HILL WATER LINE REPLACEMENT 28,500.00 28,500.00 15.16 15.16 2054531 07/01/20 15615 LAYFIELD USA CORPORATION E09122 06/11/20 RESERVOIR FLOATING COVER MAINTENANCE 67,770.00 UB Refund Cst #0000184952 210.40 210.40 2054530 07/01/20 19698 KOUMBE DIOP Ref002559491 06/16/20 UB Refund Cst #0000195377 2054577 07/08/20 20271 KIM EDGCOMB Ref002596478 07/06/20 125,749.09 2054529 07/01/20 19686 KELLEY MCLAIN Ref002559057 06/16/20 UB Refund Cst #0000249049 43.54 43.54 40.09 40.09 2054612 07/15/20 20075 KAY CONSTRUCTION CO 106302020 07/07/20 HIDDEN MTN WET WELL PROJ (ENDING 6/30/20)125,749.09 UB Refund Cst #0000233876 40.32 40.32 2054528 07/01/20 19861 KALENA FONSECA Ref002571132 10/28/19 UB Refund Cst #0000253253 2054527 07/01/20 19908 JUDITH KUYKENDALL Ref002573598 11/25/19 8.92 2054576 07/08/20 20279 JOSEPH AND JUDY BOHLEN Ref002596487 07/06/20 UB Refund Cst #0000263472 1,502.85 1,502.85 39.88 39.88 2054575 07/08/20 20275 JORGE VARGAS Ref002596483 07/06/20 UB Refund Cst #0000256315 8.92 UB Refund Cst #0000252828 16.09 16.09 2054476 06/24/20 20259 JORGE ALONSO Ref002596308 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000252894 2054558 07/08/20 20223 JOHN CERDA Ref002596482 07/06/20 Page 7 of 12 Check TotalAmount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 143.72 2054488 06/24/20 20258 SABAH KAREEM Ref002596307 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000251699 67.96 67.96 750.00 750.00 2054649 07/22/20 20290 ROBERT DEGUIRE Ref002600987 07/20/20 UB Refund Cst #0000040400 143.72 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERV (3/28/20-4/24/20)1,171.42 1,171.42 2054648 07/22/20 00521 RICK POST WELD & WET TAPPING 12599 06/19/20 RICK POST WELDING SERVICES 2054544 07/01/20 08972 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 0075038 05/29/20 50.81 2054487 06/24/20 20257 REBECCA JOHNSON Ref002596306 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000249949 17.57 17.57 1,441.17 1,441.17 2054486 06/24/20 20261 RAY CRUZ Ref002596310 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000257387 50.81 PAYMENT OF CLAIM #19-5374779 5,724.31 5,724.31 2054543 07/01/20 17616 RAMIREZ, LARRY LR062220 06/22/20 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 2054582 07/08/20 20268 PROGRESSIVE WEST INSUR CO 195374779 04/15/20 1,628.74 2054542 07/01/20 06419 PLANT SOUP INC 1311 06/29/20 PROFESSIONAL WRITING SERVICES 1,137.50 1,137.50 1,595.00 1,595.00 2054617 07/15/20 00137 PETTY CASH CUSTODIAN 071420 07/14/20 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT (JULY 2020)1,628.74 UB Refund Cst #0000251986 51.77 51.77 2054485 06/24/20 00137 PETTY CASH CUSTODIAN 061820 06/18/20 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT (JUNE 2020) 2054501 07/01/20 19880 PATRICIA GARCIA Ref002571568 11/08/19 4,791.59 2054616 07/15/20 19310 PALM LAUNDRY INC OWD017 06/30/20 TOWEL LAUNDRY SERVICE 136.50 136.50 1,056.16 1,056.16 2054541 07/01/20 18562 PACIFIC WESTERN BANK 3006032020 06/04/20 RET/PACIFIC HYDRO A#5733 (ENDING 6/3/20)4,791.59 INVENTORY 1,524.67 1,524.67 2054540 07/01/20 01002 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY INC S100416757.001 06/22/20 INVENTORY 2054581 07/08/20 01002 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY INC S100416904.001 06/25/20 559.10 2054539 07/01/20 06646 PACIFIC HYDROTECH CORPORATION 3006032020 06/04/20 870-2 PS REPLACEMENT (ENDING 6/03/20)91,040.06 91,040.06 908.50 908.50 2054538 07/01/20 17527 OTERO, TENILLE 070119063020 06/30/20 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 559.10 UB Refund Cst #0000249764 42.26 42.26 2054537 07/01/20 19636 OT ELECTRIC 10074 06/11/20 POWER TO FLEET SPLIT UNIT 2054484 06/24/20 20256 ONEEKA HAMILTON Ref002596305 06/22/20 7,552.50 2054536 07/01/20 20101 OLDCASTLE INFRASTRUCTURE INC 070253575 06/05/20 METER VAULT REPLACEMENT TOP 14,314.61 14,314.61 57.09 57.09 2054615 07/15/20 18332 NV5 INC 165607 06/21/20 ENGINEERING DESIGN (APRIL 2020)7,552.50 PLAN CHECK SERVICES (ENDING 5/31/20)8,809.00 8,809.00 2054580 07/08/20 20269 NICOLE DEMAKIS Ref002596475 07/06/20 UB Refund Cst #0000047932 2054614 07/15/20 19824 MURRAYSMITH INC 192656005 06/26/20 80.71 2054613 07/15/20 16608 MICHAEL BAKER INT'L INC 1087678 06/26/20 ENGINEERING DESIGN (11/26/19-3/31/20)7,175.00 7,175.00 2054483 06/24/20 20251 MERCY SALICE Ref002596300 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000208967 80.71 Page 8 of 12 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 68,645.39 39,935.96 163,659.79 35,156.72 110.00 110.00 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL 60.00 60.00 2054548 07/01/20 05755 STATE WATER RESOURCES 33636120PP 06/01/20 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL 8321070220 06/17/20 PROPERTY LIABILITY DEDUCTIBLE 2,676.58 2054650 07/22/20 05755 STATE WATER RESOURCES 304249120CT 07/16/20 50,000.00 50,000.00 2054587 07/08/20 03516 SPECIAL DISTRICT RISK 803907022020 05/20/20 PROPERTY LIABILITY DEDUCTIBLE 32,480.14 PROPERTY/LIABILITY PROGRAM/ADDED ITEMS 1,742.10 1,742.10 2054547 07/01/20 03516 SPECIAL DISTRICT RISK 8166122419 03/23/20 PROPERTY LIABILITY DEDUCTIBLE 2054622 07/15/20 03516 SPECIAL DISTRICT RISK 68906 06/30/20 2,586.00 2054546 07/01/20 04831 SOUTHWESTERN COMM COLLEGE WOD0243 10/30/18 WORK ORDER REFUND D0243-090249 157.18 157.18 55,864.17 55,864.17 2054621 07/15/20 11618 SOUTH COAST COPY SYSTEMS 2231-05585 06/17/20 UNIFLOW SMB IRC2225 AND IRC3530 2,586.00 UB Refund Cst #0000249265 38.11 38.11 2054586 07/08/20 17643 SOFTWARE ONE INC US-SCO-759040 07/01/20 MS SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 2054493 06/24/20 19470 SKII FLEETON Ref002545756 03/29/19 115.50 2054585 07/08/20 20278 SHEA HOMES LP Ref002596486 07/06/20 UB Refund Cst #0000260758 1,389.93 1,389.93 9,999.00 9,999.00 2054492 06/24/20 19359 SHANON STEDNITZ Ref002537440 02/04/19 UB Refund Cst #0000092358 115.50 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 715.44 715.44 2054620 07/15/20 18869 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SYSTEMS INC 42520361-003 07/08/20 CIRCUIT BREAKER TESTING 2054619 07/15/20 16744 SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE 486355221 07/09/20 106,084.45 062620A 06/26/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)55,273.29 062620B 06/26/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)2,302.05 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)240.48 240.48 2054618 07/15/20 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 070620 07/06/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY) 070220 07/02/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)547.73 2054491 06/24/20 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 061920 06/19/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)23,239.68 062920A 06/29/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)16,148.55 2054584 07/08/20 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 062920 06/29/20 062620 06/26/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)1,361.64 062420 06/24/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)1,137.13 062320 06/23/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)25,519.78 6157061920 06/19/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)13,262.62 15.00 2054545 07/01/20 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 062520 06/25/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)27,364.22 22,374.07 22,374.07 2054490 06/24/20 03231 SAN DIEGO EAST COUNTY 194864 06/18/20 SUPPLIES 15.00 INVEST ADVISOR SVCS - DEFERRED COMP 5,750.00 5,750.00 2054583 07/08/20 19633 SAMSARA NETWORKS INC.S-234597 07/01/20 GPS FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2054489 06/24/20 19377 SAGEVIEW ADVISORY GROUP LLC 202010698 06/15/20 Page 9 of 12 Check TotalAmount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 5,177.25 11,457.70 738.93 549.92 6,600.00 89.45 89.45 2054555 07/01/20 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 669418 04/21/20 ALARM EQUIP INSTALL - TREATMENT PLANT 6,942.39 CMIS (MAY 2020)1,639.00 1,639.00 2054498 06/24/20 19511 VICTORIA KRIVOGORSKY Ref002548301 04/29/19 UB Refund Cst #0000081607 2054554 07/01/20 08028 VALLEY CONSTRUCT MANAGEMENT SD199003 06/03/20 2,200.00 3666 03/31/20 SCAFFOLDING RENTAL 2,200.00 3667 03/31/20 SCAFFOLDING RENTAL 2,200.00 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 98.91 98.91 2054553 07/01/20 15392 UP N DOWN SCAFFOLD CO INC 3665 03/31/20 SCAFFOLDING RENTAL 2054497 06/24/20 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 114-10456395 06/09/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 439.85 114-10456398 06/09/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 110.07 2054552 07/01/20 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 114-10456531 06/09/20 114-10580352 06/30/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 98.91 114-10563311 06/30/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 90.10 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 439.85 114-10580355 06/30/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 110.07 2054653 07/22/20 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 114-10580495 06/30/20 72.13 2054624 07/15/20 03261 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-303612 06/01/20 FINANCIAL MGMT ERP SFTWR MAINT & SUPP 135,583.56 135,583.56 17.31 17.31 2054496 06/24/20 20250 TOM SANTOS Ref002596299 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000125112 72.13 UB Refund Cst #0000258369 135.63 135.63 2054502 07/01/20 18729 THOMAS ENGELHORN Ref002571557 11/08/19 UB Refund Cst #0000046967 2054495 06/24/20 20262 THERESA BURNS Ref002596311 06/22/20 9.26 2054551 07/01/20 19272 THARSOS INC 505312020 06/04/20 TLOPS REDUNDANCY PROJ (ENDING 5/31/20)93,645.06 93,645.06 190.00 190.00 2054494 06/24/20 20246 TAMRA APPLEMAN Ref002596295 06/22/20 UB Refund Cst #0000035311 9.26 RED DYED DIESEL FUEL TREATMENT PLANT 5,845.86 5,845.86 2054550 07/01/20 18922 TAMAYO, JUAN 062520 06/25/20 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 2054623 07/15/20 10339 SUPREME OIL COMPANY 485235 06/18/20 06/10/20 UNLEADED FUEL 8,014.13 484788 06/10/20 DIESEL 3,443.57 2,803.23 101225528-002 06/22/20 PORTABLE AC RENTAL & SERVICES 2,374.02 2054589 07/08/20 10339 SUPREME OIL COMPANY 484787 CUSTOMER REFUND 1,871.31 1,871.31 2054652 07/22/20 12223 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 101225528-001 05/25/20 PORTABLE AC RENTAL & SERVICES 2054549 07/01/20 20267 SUHALE MATTI 542006302020 06/30/20 60.00 2054651 07/22/20 20291 STEPHEN LEPPER Ref002600989 07/20/20 UB Refund Cst #0000207160 143.10 143.10 110.00 110.00 2054588 07/08/20 05755 STATE WATER RESOURCES 30425070220RP 07/02/20 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL 60.00 2054548 07/01/20 05755 STATE WATER RESOURCES 33636120PP 06/01/20 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL Page 10 of 12 Check TotalAmount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 13,836.91 673160 05/14/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 858.97 669614 04/27/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 861.94 669704 04/29/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 861.94 673147 05/14/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 938.61 673148 05/14/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 861.94 669626 04/27/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 969.99 669608 04/27/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV -BATTERY UPGRADE 969.94 669615 04/27/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 977.99 669623 04/27/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 975.20 677001 06/10/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,010.50 673153 05/14/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,006.83 677010 06/10/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,043.29 669709 04/29/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,039.42 673145 05/14/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,074.97 673152 05/14/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,074.97 669710 04/29/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,122.17 669412 04/21/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,114.83 677004 06/10/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,200.84 677003 06/10/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,124.01 666286 04/09/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,262.61 673738 06/01/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,227.05 669492 04/23/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,306.28 673155 05/14/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,298.79 669799 05/01/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,350.23 669229 04/15/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,341.90 666037 04/01/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,577.04 669706 04/29/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,493.29 666035 04/01/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,939.74 677009 06/10/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 1,610.74 0.00 2054591 07/08/20 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 669801 05/01/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 2,236.07 669233 04/15/20 ALARM EQUIP INSTALL - TREATMENT PLANT 432.00 2054590 07/08/20 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 0.00 666297 04/09/20 SECURITY EQUIP MAINTENANCE 3,929.60 675671 06/15/20 SECURITY ALARM MONITORING 2,532.92 2054555 07/01/20 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 669418 04/21/20 ALARM EQUIP INSTALL - TREATMENT PLANT 6,942.39 Page 11 of 12 Check TotalAmount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 6/18/2020 - 7/22/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 48,892.29 3,929.94 500.00 178.98 Amount Pd Total:2,372,146.84 Check Grand Total:2,372,146.84 780.00 780.00 2054499 06/24/20 19036 YOLANDA ARAIZA Ref002517356 09/04/18 UB Refund Cst #0000176855 178.98 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SVCS 125.00 125.00 2054626 07/15/20 08023 WORKTERRA 0097330 06/30/20 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 2054625 07/15/20 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 34012 06/18/20 250.00 33870 06/05/20 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SVCS 125.00 32987 05/08/20 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SVCS 125.00 GARDEN FUNDING CONTRIBUTION 20,691.00 20,691.00 2054556 07/01/20 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 33821 06/02/20 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL SVCS 669410 04/21/20 ALARM & ACCESS MAINTENANCE 108.00 2054592 07/08/20 14879 WATER CONSERVATION GARDEN JPA 9502 07/01/20 673735 06/01/20 ALARM & ACCESS MAINTENANCE 858.97 669588 04/27/20 ALARM & ACCESS MAINTENANCE 225.00 ALARM & ACCESS MAINTENANCE 1,511.47 666290 04/09/20 ALARM & ACCESS MAINTENANCE 1,226.50 2054654 07/22/20 15807 WATCHLIGHT CORPORATION 673739 06/01/20 669230 04/15/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 597.17 673804 06/03/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 442.24 669796 05/01/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 705.17 669713 04/29/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 623.27 669797 05/01/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 774.10 669493 04/23/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 748.00 669420 04/21/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 817.71 673811 06/03/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 780.59 673802 06/03/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 856.00 673737 06/01/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 823.95 669617 04/27/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 856.00 673807 06/03/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 856.00 669413 04/21/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 856.00 669414 04/21/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 856.00 673157 05/14/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 856.00 669711 04/29/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 856.00 673159 05/14/20 SUNSET-LTE CONV - BATTERY UPGRADE 856.00 Page 12 of 12 SUMMARY FOR PERIOD 7/23/2020 - 8/19/2020 NET DEMANDS $)&$,4     70*%$)&$,4   505"-$)&$,4    8*3&50 05":8"5&3%*453*$5#*8&&,-:1":30--%&%6$5*0/  05":8"5&3%*453*$5#*8&&,-:1":30--%&%6$5*0/  13&'&33&%#&/&'*5*/463"/$&%&/5"-$0#3"$-"*.4 +6-:   16#-*$&.1-0:&&43&54:45&."//6"-6"-13&1":.&/5015*0/   16#-*$&.1-0:&&43&54:45&.#*8&&,-:1&34$0/53*#65*0/   16#-*$&.1-0:&&43&54:45&.#*8&&,-:1&34$0/53*#65*0/   4"/%*&(0$06/5:8"5&3"65)$"1"$*5:'&&4$0--&$5&%    4"/%*&(0$06/5:8"5&3"65)8"5&3%&-*7&3*&4$)"3(&4 +6/    45"5&0'$"-*'03/*"$"-*'03/*"4"-&45"9 /%253   6/*0/#"/,#*8&&,-:1":30--5"9&4   6/*0/#"/,#*8&&,-:1":30--5"9&4   64#"/,$"-$"3%&91&/4&4 .0/5)-:   70:"'*/"/$*"-#*8&&,-:"1-"/  70:"'*/"/$*"-#*8&&,-:"1-"/  TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS $ 9,957,630.94 RECOMMENDED ACTION: 5IBUUIF#PBSESFDFJWFEUIFBUUBDIFEMJTUPGEFNBOET +C"UUBDINFOU PURPOSE: "UUBDIFEJTUIFMJTUPGEFNBOETGPSUIF#PBSEhTJOGPSNBUJPO FISCAL IMPACT: STAFF REPORT TYPE MEETING: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: SUBJECT: 3FHVMBS#PBSE &JE'BLIPVSJ 'JOBODF.BOBHFS 5SFBTVSZ"DDPVOUJOH4FSWJDFT +PTFQI#FBDIFN $IJFG'JOBODJBM0GGJDFS +PTF.BSUJOF[ (FOFSBM.BOBHFS "DDPVOUT1BZBCMF%FNBOE-JTU MEETING DATE: W.O./G.F. NO:DIV. NO. 4FQUFNCFS  Check Total 2,515.50 25,382.00 56,604.51 45.00 2054661 07/29/20 15177 CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC 0188509 07/07/20 DESIGN/CONSTRUCT 870-2 PS (JUNE 2020)7,556.75 7,556.75 2,116.63 2,116.63 2054714 08/05/20 04071 CAPITOL WEBWORKS LLC 30445 07/31/20 OUTSIDE SERVICES 45.00 UB Refund Cst #0000249683 225.00 225.00 2054747 08/12/20 08156 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER 810354 08/06/20 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY CONSULTING SERV 2054775 08/19/20 20330 BIG BRANDS WAREHOUSE SALES Ref002603374 08/17/20 52.85 2054713 08/05/20 16290 BIDSYNC SI-6403 06/02/20 ONLINE SOLICITATION SOFTWARE LICENSE 8,240.00 8,240.00 4,324.91 4,324.91 2054774 08/19/20 20333 BECKER EDWARD J TRUST Ref002603377 08/17/20 UB Refund Cst #0000260867 52.85 PROPERTY INSURANCE 331,811.00 331,811.00 2054746 08/12/20 07785 AT&T 000015017165 07/12/20 TELEPHONE SERVICES (6/12/20-7/11/20) 303682 05/20/20 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (FEB 2020)4,011.00 2054712 08/05/20 20199 ASSOC OF CA WATER AGENCIES 0007446 07/14/20 303683 05/20/20 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (MAR 2020)5,482.00 303681 05/20/20 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (JAN 2020)4,423.00 33,414.00 2054745 08/12/20 17264 ARTIANO SHINOFF ABED 303843 07/13/20 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (JUNE 2020)42,688.51 6,673.53 6,673.53 2054660 07/29/20 18195 ARCHIVE DATA SOLUTIONS LLC 54046 07/27/20 CISCO SMARTNET NETWORK EQUIP SUPP 33,414.00 REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT 13,000.00 13,000.00 2054744 08/12/20 03492 AQUA-METRIC SALES COMPANY 0078448 07/22/20 INVENTORY CM202026 07/08/20 CMIS (JUNE 2020)500.00 2054659 07/29/20 20300 ANDREW AND STACY DEVERCELLY DEVERCELLY 07/24/20 CM202022 07/06/20 CMIS (JUNE 2020)2,880.00 CM202025 07/08/20 CMIS (JUNE 2020)1,375.00 13,627.00 CM202020 07/07/20 CMIS (JUNE 2020)3,800.00 CM202023 07/07/20 CMIS (JUNE 2020)3,200.00 UTILITY LOCATING (JUNE 2020)12,760.00 12,760.00 2054658 07/29/20 14462 ALYSON CONSULTING CM202021 07/07/20 CMIS (JUNE 2020) 2054657 07/29/20 15024 AIRX UTILITY SURVEYORS INC 2906302020 07/02/20 131661938 07/24/20 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 774.00 131662055 07/24/20 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 387.00 1,013.64 1,013.64 2054743 08/12/20 07732 AIRGAS SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 131662054 07/24/20 AS-NEEDED AQUA AMMONIA 1,354.50 FLOORING SERVICES 764.00 764.00 2054742 08/12/20 18122 ACC BUSINESS 201951623 07/27/20 INTERNET CIRCUIT SERVICES FY20-22 2054656 07/29/20 20176 ABOVE THE REST COMMERCIAL 0000766 05/19/20 13,824.00 2054773 08/19/20 08488 ABLEFORCE INC 9473 08/10/20 SHAREPOINT & INTRANET SUPPORT SVCS 975.00 975.00 Amount 2054655 07/29/20 15876 1903 SOLUTIONS LLC OWD26BD3YR 07/13/20 CYBER & ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE RENEWAL 13,824.00 CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/23/2020 - 8/19/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description Page 1 of 8 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/23/2020 - 8/19/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 3,481.00 3,825.00 2,149.00 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (AUG 2020)765.00205475008/12/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 193E632960820 08/05/20 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (8/31/20-8/31/21)1,503.00 2137061720 06/17/20 UPFP PERMIT RENEWAL (8/31/20-8/31/21)646.00 2054749 08/12/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 3584061720 06/17/20 193E632930720 07/24/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)765.00 193E632940720 07/28/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)765.00 193E632920720 07/24/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)765.00 193E632910720 07/23/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)765.00 50.00 2054717 08/05/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 3E632900720 07/24/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)765.00 6,533.20 6,533.20 2054716 08/05/20 00134 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO R2144072920 07/29/20 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION 50.00 FLOATING COVER & LINER TESTING SERVICES 4,722.00 4,722.00 2054664 07/29/20 00099 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DPWMWD0620 07/09/20 EXCAVATION PERMIT (JUNE 2020) 2054663 07/29/20 20037 CONTERRA INC 1090 07/08/20 16830 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/17/20)103.00 16831 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/17/20)103.00 16821 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/2/20)103.00 16828 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/16/20)103.00 16823 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/9/20)113.00 16824 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/9/20)113.00 16832 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/18/20)178.00 16837 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/30/20)178.00 16825 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/11/20)178.00 16829 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/17/20)178.00 16826 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/15/20)188.00 16820 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/1/20)178.00 16833 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/19/20-6/20/20)278.00 16835 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/24/20)206.00 16834 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/23/20-6/24/20)452.00 16827 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/15/20-6/16/20)377.00 41.16 2054662 07/29/20 04119 CLARKSON LAB & SUPPLY INC 16822 06/30/20 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING (6/8/20-6/9/20)452.00 1,165.56 1,165.56 2054715 08/05/20 20309 CHRIS ROSE Ref002601113 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000257775 41.16 RETAINAGE RELEASE 150,660.33 150,660.33 2054776 08/19/20 20245 CB PACIFIC INC.IP20121341 06/30/20 SOFTWARE SUPPORT RENEWAL 2054748 08/12/20 00848 CASS CONSTRUCTION INC 00018371 04/07/20 15177 CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC 0188509 DESIGN/CONSTRUCT 870-2 PS (JUNE 2020) Page 2 of 8 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/23/2020 - 8/19/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 1,530.00 1,176.40 4,265.30 17.25 11,914.53 UB Refund Cst #0000239650 32.94 32.94 0724505 07/20/20 INVENTORY 1,248.20 2054719 08/05/20 20306 FERNANDO ANCHONDO Ref002601110 08/03/20 0724514 07/24/20 INVENTORY 3,587.59 0724510 07/16/20 INVENTORY 2,715.30 77.85 77.85 2054754 08/12/20 03546 FERGUSON WATERWORKS # 1083 0724056 07/16/20 INVENTORY 4,363.44 ESRI SOFTWARE LICENSE & SUPPORT 50,000.00 50,000.00 2054718 08/05/20 20304 ERICA SAENZ Ref002601108 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000196947 2054753 08/12/20 03725 ENVIRO SYSTEMS RESEARCH 93861793 07/15/20 250.00 2054669 07/29/20 05134 DYCHITAN, MARISSA 073120 07/31/20 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 250.00 250.00 33,100.00 33,100.00 2054752 08/12/20 03341 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS7185080620 08/06/20 CPA RENEWAL 250.00 CRANE MAINTENANCE 420.00 420.00 2054668 07/29/20 11797 D&H WATER SYSTEMS INC I20200710 06/29/20 RCS EQUIPMENT & INSTALLATION 08/17/20 UB Refund Cst #0000223255 200.00 200.00 2054667 07/29/20 04497 D & R CRANE INC 15881 07/13/20 10.35 070120073120 07/31/20 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (JULY 2020)6.90 2054778 08/19/20 20329 CYNTHIA SOTO Ref002603373 PERMIT FEES # 05668 (JULY 2020-JULY 2021)460.00 460.00 2054751 08/12/20 03098 CROUCHER, GARY D 052220063020 06/30/20 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (JUNE 2020) 193E632660620 07/04/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (6/26/20)42.50 2054666 07/29/20 02122 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 56682005RI2020 06/29/20 193E602090620 07/04/20 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/4/20)76.50 193E631910620 07/06/20 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (6/15/20)76.50 193E632650620 07/04/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (6/8/20-6/11/20)306.00 193E602120620 07/04/20 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/4/20)76.50 193E632860720 07/17/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)765.00 193E632670620 07/04/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (6/29/20)581.40 DEVELOPER INSPECTION (6/3/20-6/4/20-6/9/20)1,377.00 193E608290620 07/04/20 SHUT DOWN TEST (6/9/20-6/12/20-6/30/20)963.90 2054665 07/29/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 193E631920620 07/04/20 193E632910720 08/04/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)42.50 193E632900720 08/04/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)42.50 193E632930720 08/04/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)42.50 193E632920720 08/04/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)42.50 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)963.90 193E632940720 08/04/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (JULY 2020)42.50 2054777 08/19/20 00184 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 193E632660720 08/04/20 193E632970820 08/05/20 DEVELOPER PLAN CHECK (AUG 2020)765.00 Page 3 of 8 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/23/2020 - 8/19/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 12,602.83 7,805.34 13,048.65 698989 07/22/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 372.82 697757 07/16/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 283.79 698990 07/22/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 559.78 699336 07/23/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 445.16 697773 07/16/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 845.80 699337 07/23/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 667.73 699338 07/23/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 1,224.18 697759 07/16/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 1,023.86 699082 07/23/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 1,819.58 697758 07/16/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 1,743.90 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 2,225.78 698284 07/20/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 1,836.27 694621 07/02/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 185.72 2054757 08/12/20 19978 HASA INC.699957 07/27/20 695199 07/06/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 382.36 694619 07/02/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 262.19 696256 07/09/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 923.70 694620 07/02/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 682.79 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 3,338.67 696818 07/13/20 AS-NEEDED SODIUM HYPOCLORITE FY21 2,029.91 12047133 07/22/20 HACH SL1000 PORTABLE ANALYZER 4,383.53 2054673 07/29/20 19978 HASA INC.696192 07/09/20 516.00 516.00 2054756 08/12/20 00174 HACH COMPANY 12048386 07/23/20 HACH SL1000 PORTABLE ANALYZER 8,219.30 UB Refund Cst #0000259083 15.69 15.69 2054672 07/29/20 18235 GROUPWARE TECHNOLOGY INC 77879 06/30/20 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2054722 08/05/20 20313 GRACIELA SANTANA GARZON Ref002601117 08/03/20 75.00 2054780 08/19/20 19640 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2603416 08/20/20 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 75.00 75.00 62,291.00 62,291.00 2054721 08/05/20 19640 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben2601155 08/06/20 BI-WEEKLY PAYROLL DEDUCTION 75.00 FLEET WASH SERVICES FY21 93.52 93.52 2054671 07/29/20 19868 FORD OF CHULA VISTA 200175 06/30/20 FORD F-550 & F-150 TRUCKS 2054779 08/19/20 11962 FLEETWASH INC 1946792 07/24/20 168.47 2054755 08/12/20 11962 FLEETWASH INC 1940348 07/17/20 FLEET WASH SERVICES FY21 116.90 116.90 99.00 99.00 2054720 08/05/20 11962 FLEETWASH INC 1935760 07/10/20 FLEET WASH SERVICES FY21 168.47 UB Refund Cst #0000239650 32.94 32.94 2054670 07/29/20 17888 FIRST AMERICAN DATA TREE LLC 9003400620 06/30/20 DOCUMENT SERVICE (MONTHLY) 2054719 08/05/20 20306 FERNANDO ANCHONDO Ref002601110 08/03/20 Page 4 of 8 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/23/2020 - 8/19/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 4,931.76 9,249.83 25,080.81 18,382.69 105,126.80 2,046.00 2,046.00 2054761 08/12/20 15615 LAYFIELD USA CORPORATION 00018261 04/10/20 RETAINAGE RELEASE 105,126.80 UB Refund Cst #0000039358 126.68 126.68 2054783 08/19/20 20327 LAYFIELD CONSTRUCTION 2100081720 08/17/20 CUSTOMER REFUND 2054728 08/05/20 20301 LARRY NATWICK Ref002601105 08/03/20 7,209.25 2054679 07/29/20 05840 KIRK PAVING INC 7556 06/30/20 AS-NEEDED PAVING SERVICE FY20 8,644.00 8,644.00 2,046.00 2,046.00 2054760 08/12/20 05840 KIRK PAVING INC 7561 07/02/20 AS-NEEDED PAVING SERVICE FY21 7,209.25 UB Refund Cst #0000231279 15.92 15.92 2054727 08/05/20 20316 KAY CONSTRUCTION CO Ref002601120 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000264136 2054726 08/05/20 20305 JULIE OLESON Ref002601109 08/03/20 119.32 2054759 08/12/20 10563 JCI JONES CHEMICALS INC 826725 07/15/20 AS-NEEDED CHLORINE GAS 2,454.31 2,454.31 1,938.00 1,938.00 2054725 08/05/20 20303 JAMAI HODGES Ref002601107 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000134000 119.32 ANTENNA SUBLEASE 1,938.00 1,938.00 2054678 07/29/20 17106 IWG TOWERS ASSETS II LLC 555756 07/01/20 ANTENNA SUBLEASE 2054724 08/05/20 17106 IWG TOWERS ASSETS II LLC 559876 08/03/20 11,942.49 174328 06/30/20 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES 3,898.79 174717 07/02/20 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES 2,541.41 GAS DETECTION PROGRAM 316.93 316.93 2054677 07/29/20 08969 INFOSEND INC 174329 06/30/20 BILL PROCESSING SERVICES 0148154 07/08/20 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (5/30/20-6/30/20)870.00 2054782 08/19/20 17816 INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORP 2337721 07/12/20 0148093 07/06/20 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (5/30/20-6/30/20)1,337.50 0148125 07/07/20 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (5/30/20-6/30/20)1,183.60 0148153 07/08/20 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (5/30/20-6/30/20)4,858.22 0148129 07/07/20 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (5/30/20-6/30/20)4,004.79 54.82 54.82 2054676 07/29/20 15622 ICF JONES & STOKES INC 0148094 07/06/20 SAN MIGUEL HMA (5/30/20-6/30/20)12,826.70 ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS (ENDING 6/30/20)3,347.47 3,347.47 2054723 08/05/20 20310 HOPE ROBBINS Ref002601114 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000257995 1200259417 04/08/20 SEWER COST OF SERVICE STUDY UPDATE 1,070.00 2054675 07/29/20 02008 HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL 102607 07/09/20 03/12/20 SEWER COST OF SERVICE STUDY UPDATE 5,759.83 1200259409 04/08/20 CAPACITY FEE STUDY 2,420.00 3,273.75 200940038 07/02/20 ASSET MANAGEMENT SVCS (JUNE 2020)1,658.01 2054758 08/12/20 19825 HDR ENGINEERING INC 1200253576 UB Refund Cst #0000257468 1,534.94 1,534.94 2054674 07/29/20 18436 HAZEN AND SAWYER DPC 2009400212 07/09/20 POTABLE PIPELINE REPLACE (JUNE 2020) 2054781 08/19/20 20332 HAZARD CONSTRUCTION Ref002603376 08/17/20 Page 5 of 8 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/23/2020 - 8/19/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description UB Refund Cst #0000034317 182.71 182.71205478508/19/20 20328 ROGELIO DOTIMAS Ref002603372 08/17/20 425.00 2054735 08/05/20 20307 RIE TAMAYO Ref002601111 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000243221 97.65 97.65 36.86 36.86 2054691 07/29/20 08972 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 17829D21 04/22/20 DESIGN SERVICES (2/29/20-3/27/20)425.00 CORROSION SERVICES (JUNE 2020)3,138.00 3,138.00 2054734 08/05/20 20315 RICHARD TREMAINE Ref002601119 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000264113 2054690 07/29/20 15647 RFYEAGER ENGINEERING LLC 20235 07/06/20 288.00 2054689 07/29/20 01196 REGIONAL TRAINING CENTER 15706 07/06/20 CONSORTIUM TRAINING FEE (FY 2020 - 2021)1,680.00 1,680.00 113,356.85 113,356.85 2054688 07/29/20 03613 PSOMAS 164191 07/08/20 LAND SURVEYING SERVICES (5/29/20-6/30/20)288.00 SOFTWARE LICENSES 7,582.00 7,582.00 2054687 07/29/20 19896 PIPERIN CORPORATION 306302020 07/06/20 1200 PRESS IMPROVE PROJ (4/1/20-6/30/20) 2054766 08/12/20 13122 PINNACLE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 39681 03/30/20 1,502.86 2054733 08/05/20 20317 PAM FLEMING Ref002601121 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000264476 1,706.33 1,706.33 5,706.44 5,706.44 2054686 07/29/20 18562 PACIFIC WESTERN BANK 3206302020 07/08/20 RET/PACIFIC HYDRO A#7533 (ENDING 6/30/20)1,502.86 870-2 PS REPLACE A#7533 (ENDING 6/30/20)58,611.45 58,611.45 2054765 08/12/20 01002 PACIFIC PIPELINE SUPPLY INC S100417676.001 07/22/20 INVENTORY 2054685 07/29/20 06646 PACIFIC HYDROTECH CORPORATION 3206302020 07/08/20 4,575.00 2054684 07/29/20 18332 NV5 INC 169754 07/08/20 ENGINEERING DESIGN (5/1/20-6/30/20)5,167.50 5,167.50 1,734.00 1,734.00 2054764 08/12/20 02027 NTH GENERATION COMPUTING INC 36935H 07/20/20 SECUREAUTH IDP VIRTUAL APPLIANCE 4,575.00 UB Refund Cst #0000050148 34.42 34.42 2054683 07/29/20 18172 NIGHTCODERS 222 07/15/20 WEBSITE SUPPORT SERVICES 2054732 08/05/20 20302 NEAL SACHS Ref002601106 08/03/20 15,013.50 2054731 08/05/20 20308 MYKEYO MOORE-JONES Ref002601112 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000256272 171.72 171.72 25,250.00 25,250.00 2054682 07/29/20 19824 MURRAYSMITH INC 192656006 07/09/20 PLAN CHECK SERVICES (ENDING 6/30/20)15,013.50 OUTSIDE SERVICES 87.00 87.00 2054681 07/29/20 19765 MORAES/PHAM & ASSOCIATES 201054 06/30/20 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER SVC (ENDING 6/30/20) 2054784 08/19/20 16613 MISSION RESOURCE CONSERVATION 414 08/03/20 1,281.03 2054730 08/05/20 20314 MICHAEL LAKIN Ref002601118 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000260587 2,046.00 2,046.00 5,192.31 5,192.31 2054763 08/12/20 17325 MALLORY SAFETY & SUPPLY LLC 4879407 07/16/20 SPILL KITS FOR 870-2 PUMP STATION 1,281.03 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 120.55 120.55 2054729 08/05/20 10512 MAIL MANAGEMENT GROUP INC OWD-12045 06/24/20 PRINTING 2054762 08/12/20 09880 LEIGH, ROBERT RL080620 08/06/20 105,126.80 2054680 07/29/20 14513 LB CIVIL CONSTRUCTION INC 206302020 07/06/20 DICTIONARY HILL WTR LINE REPLACE (6/30/20)272,008.75 272,008.75 2054761 08/12/20 15615 LAYFIELD USA CORPORATION 00018261 04/10/20 RETAINAGE RELEASE 105,126.80 Page 6 of 8 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/23/2020 - 8/19/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 26,209.20 128,512.00 140,815.74 19,637.00 2,500.00 13,226.08 13,226.08 2054701 07/29/20 18376 SVPR COMMUNICATIONS 1363 06/30/20 COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTING SERVICES 2,500.00 PORTABLE AC RENTALS 2,374.02 2,374.02 2054700 07/29/20 10339 SUPREME OIL COMPANY 486031 07/09/20 UNLEADED FUEL & DIESEL 2054771 08/12/20 12223 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 101225528-0003 07/20/20 LIFE INSURANCE AND STD/LTD (JULY 2020)9,832.50 38166060120 06/01/20 LIFE INSURANCE AND STD/LTD (JUNE 2020)9,804.50 2054739 08/05/20 15974 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL 38166070120 07/01/20 70.00 2054738 08/05/20 20312 STEVE SCOTT Ref002601116 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000258750 60.95 60.95 120.00 120.00 2054770 08/12/20 05755 STATE WATER RESOURCES 3038210120VB 08/06/20 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL 70.00 UB Refund Cst #0000250565 229.84 229.84 2054787 08/19/20 05755 STATE WATER RESOURCES 40193081320 08/13/20 CERTIFICATION RENEWAL 2054786 08/19/20 20331 SRM CONTRACTING & PAVING Ref002603375 08/17/20 8,583.00 2054699 07/29/20 07728 SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE OWD2020 05/04/20 SDCOC/PTAC PARTNERSHIP 7,000.00 7,000.00 8,215.94 8,215.94 2054698 07/29/20 19401 SOUTHWEST MILLWORKS INC 5815 07/14/20 PUBLIC SERVICE DESK 8,583.00 CUSTOMER SERVICE COPIER REPLACEMENT 4,945.73 4,945.73 2054697 07/29/20 15176 SOUTHCOAST HEATING & AIR 1172810 06/15/20 SPLIT-SYSTEM HEAT PUMP FLEET SHOP 2054696 07/29/20 11618 SOUTH COAST COPY SYSTEMS 062920 06/30/20 1,693.15 2054769 08/12/20 16229 SMITH, TIMOTHY 070120073120 07/31/20 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT (JULY 2020)14.95 14.95 160.00 160.00 2054737 08/05/20 20311 SHEA HOMES INC Ref002601115 08/03/20 UB Refund Cst #0000258726 1,693.15 RED CARB DIESEL 6,242.08 6,242.08 2054695 07/29/20 07442 SCHULTZ, ALEXANDER 071720 07/17/20 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 073120 07/31/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)1,131.99 2054694 07/29/20 14708 SC FUELS 4336055 06/23/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)103,790.18 6157072820 07/28/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)35,893.57 072420A 07/24/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)20.00 2054768 08/12/20 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 080520 08/05/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)80,651.88 072720 07/27/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)47,840.12 072420 07/24/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)1,220.89 2054736 08/05/20 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 072920 07/29/20 125.00 2054693 07/29/20 00121 SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC 072120 07/21/20 UTILITY EXPENSES (MONTHLY)24,988.31 125.00 125.00 2054767 08/12/20 02586 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ASSESSOR 20200565 08/06/20 ASSESSOR DATA (MONTHLY)125.00 UB Refund Cst #0000034317 182.71 182.71 2054692 07/29/20 17714 SALMERON, EILEEN 071620 07/16/20 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 2054785 08/19/20 20328 ROGELIO DOTIMAS Ref002603372 08/17/20 Page 7 of 8 Check Total Amount CHECK REGISTER Otay Water District Date Range: 7/23/2020 - 8/19/2020 Check #Date Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Inv. Date Description 1,235.10 5,788.00 578.33 738.93 375.00 787.50 Amount Pd Total:2,210,667.98 Check Grand Total:2,210,667.98 850.00 850.00 2054790 08/19/20 08023 WORKTERRA 0097572 07/31/20 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 787.50 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL 125.00 125.00 2054711 07/29/20 18101 WIER CONSTRUCTION CORP 3400071320 07/13/20 CUSTOMER REFUND 34152 07/01/20 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL 125.00 2054772 08/12/20 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 34976 07/22/20 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL 125.00 34781 07/02/20 AS-NEEDED BEE REMOVAL 125.00 2054710 07/29/20 01343 WE GOT YA PEST CONTROL INC 34851 07/09/20 4,321.00 2054709 07/29/20 15726 WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC 4794 06/30/20 HYDRAULIC MODELING (ENDING 6/30/20)3,128.75 3,128.75 168.11 168.11 2054708 07/29/20 08028 VALLEY CONSTRUCTION MGMT SD199004 07/07/20 CMIS (JUNE 2020)4,321.00 POSTAGE 84.66 84.66 2054707 07/29/20 08402 US POSTMASTER OWD-12077P 07/24/20 POSTAGE 2054741 08/05/20 08402 US POSTMASTER OWD-12085P 07/30/20 114-10714703 07/29/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 98.91 114-10706345 07/25/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 90.10 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 439.85 114-10714705 07/29/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 110.07 114-10155678 04/09/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 87.50 2054789 08/19/20 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 114-10714768 07/29/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 392.58 114-10155681 04/09/20 PORT. TOILET RENTAL 98.25 1221843 07/23/20 ADM FEES FOR ID 27 (7/1/20-6/30/21)635.00 2054706 07/29/20 15675 UNITED SITE SERVICES INC 114-10155848 04/09/20 ADM FEES FOR 2010 BOND (7/1/20-6/30/21)3,140.00 1221872 07/23/20 ADM FEES FOR 2013 BOND (7/1/20-6/30/21)2,013.00 dsb20193545 07/01/20 DIG SAFE BOARD FEES (MONTHLY)477.65 2054740 08/05/20 13047 UNION BANK NA 1221875 07/23/20 176,499.22 2054705 07/29/20 00427 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 620200504 07/01/20 UNDERGROUND ALERTS (MONTHLY)757.45 14,262.00 14,262.00 2054704 07/29/20 19272 THARSOS INC 606302020 07/02/20 TLOPS REDUNDANCY PROJ (ENDING 6/30/20)176,499.22 AUDIT SERVICES FOR FY20 10,000.00 10,000.00 2054703 07/29/20 02376 TECHKNOWSION INC 2977 07/10/20 SCADA SYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES 2054788 08/19/20 03770 TEAMAN RAMIREZ & SMITH INC 97893 08/04/20 2054702 07/29/20 17704 T&T JANITORIAL INC 2018-6236 06/30/20 JANITORIAL SERVICES 4,780.00 4,780.00 Page 8 of 8