HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-01-21 Board Agenda OTAY WATER DISTRICT AND OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING BY TELECONFERENCE 2554 SWEETWATER SPRINGS BOULEVARD SPRING VALLEY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY September 1, 2021 3:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 4, 2021 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – OPPORTUNITY FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK TO THE BOARD ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER WITHIN THE BOARD'S JURIS- DICTION BUT NOT AN ITEM ON TODAY'S AGENDA This meeting is being held via teleconference. Members of the public may submit their comments on agendized and non-agendized items by either of the following two meth- ods: a) No later than a half hour before the start of the meeting, complete and submit a Request to Speak Form. Your request to speak will be acknowledged during the “Public Participation” portion of the meeting when the board will hear your public comment. When called to speak, please state your Name and the City in which you reside. You will be provided three minutes to speak. OR b) No later than a half hour before the start of the meeting, email your comment to BoardSecretary@otaywater.gov and it will be read aloud during the “Public Partici- pation” portion of the meeting. Please provide your Name and the City in which you reside, with your comment. Your comment must not take more than three minutes to read. The District’s meeting is live streamed. Information on how to watch and listen to the Dis- trict’s meeting can be found at this link: https://otaywater.gov/board-of-directors/agenda- and-minutes/board-agenda/ CONSENT CALENDAR 6. ITEMS TO BE ACTED UPON WITHOUT DISCUSSION, UNLESS A REQUEST IS MADE BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OR THE PUBLIC TO DISCUSS A PARTICU- LAR ITEM: a) AWARD A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT TO HAZEN & SAWYER, INC. FOR THE 2022 WATER FACILITIES MASTER PLAN AND PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT UPDATE IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $569,785.00 ACTION ITEMS 7. FINANCE a) APPROVE THE REINSTATEMENT TO DISCONNECT WATER SERVICE FOR NON-PAYMENT WHEN EXECUTIVE ORDER N-42-20 EXPIRES, OR WHEN ANY NEW POTENTIAL EXECUTIVE ORDER EXTENDING THE CURRENT BAN ON DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE EXPIRES (CAREY) 8. BOARD a) DISCUSS THE 2021 BOARD MEETING CALENDAR (RAMOS-KROGMAN) INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 9. THE FOLLOWING ITEM IS PROVIDED TO THE BOARD FOR INFORMATIONAL PUR- POSES ONLY. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEM: a) FOURTH QUARTER OF FISCAL YEAR 2021 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRO- GRAM REPORT (LONG) REPORTS 10. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT a) UPDATE ON DISTRICT’S RESPONSE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC 11. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY UPDATE 12. DIRECTORS' REPORTS/REQUESTS 13. PRESIDENT’S REPORT/REQUESTS RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 14. CLOSED SESSION a) DISCUSSION RELATING TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) AND PUBLIC SER- VICES [GOVERNMENT CODE §54957] b) CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS pursuant to California Government Code section 54956.8 Property: SALT CREEK GOLF COURSE 525 HUNTE PARKWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 Agency negotiator: General Counsel Under negotiation: Disposition of Property c) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERN- MENT CODE §54956.9] OTAY WATER DISTRICT vs. CITY OF SAN DIEGO; CASE NO. 37-2017- 00019348-CU-WM-CTL d) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION [GOVERN- MENT CODE §54956.9] MARK COZIAHR, ET AL. vs. OTAY WATER DISTRICT, CASE NO. 37-2015- 00400000-CU-MC-CTL RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 15. REPORT ON ANY ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. THE BOARD MAY ALSO TAKE ACTION ON ANY ITEMS POSTED IN CLOSED SESSION. OTAY WATER DISTRICT FINANCING AUTHORITY 16. NO MATTERS TO DISCUSS 17. ADJOURNMENT All items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliber- ated and may be subject to action by the Board. The Agenda, and any attachments containing written information, are available at the District’s website at www.otaywater.gov. Written changes to any items to be considered at the open meeting, or to any attachments, will be posted on the District’s website. Copies of the Agenda and all attachments are also available by contacting the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253. If you have any disability which would require accommodation in order to enable you to partici- pate in this meeting, please call the District Secretary at (619) 670-2253 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Certification of Posting I certify that on August 27, 2021, I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda near the regu- lar meeting place of the Board of Directors of Otay Water District, said time being at least 72 hours in advance of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors (Government Code Section §54954.2). Executed at Spring Valley, California on August 27, 2021. /s/ Tita Ramos-Krogman, District Secretary